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Remote Terminal Unit

ABB Utilities GmbH
Doc. -No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1 1
Data Sheet
Environmental Data
The RTU560 telecontrol equipment family has been
designed to meet the requirements for environmen-
tal conditions and performance of network control
and process industries.
The telecontrol system RTU560 itself and its prod-
ucts manufactured by ABB or others are type tested
or evaluated that they fulfil the requirements speci-
fied and described.
The RTU560 meets and achieves the requirements
listed in Table 1 to Table 6.
The requirements can be put in categories:
V Environmental conditions
(IEC 60870-2-2; Edition 1996)
D Temperature and humidity
D Mechanical influences
(IEC 60870-2-1; Edition 1987)
V Electrical Interfaces
(IEC 60870-2-1; Edition 1995)
D Power supply and isolation
D Electromagnetic compatibility
- Immunity tests
- Emission tests
V Performance requirements
(IEC 60870-4; Edition 1990)
D Reliability, Availability, Maintenance
D Time quality for process signals
Table 1: Power Supply and Isolation
Performance characteristic Required data / value Class Test specification
Mains voltage (Power supply):
AC voltage tolerances
- 20 % ... + 15 % AC3 IEC 60870-2-1
Frequency tolerances
5 % FC3 IEC 60870-2-1
DC voltage tolerances - 20 % ... + 15 % DC3 IEC 60870-2-1
Insulation withstand voltages (IEC 60664-1):
Binary signals 2.5 kV; 50 Hz; 1 minute VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Analog input signals 2.5 kV; 50 Hz; 1 minute VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Analog output signals 2.5 kV; 50 Hz; 1 minute VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Power supply 2.5 kV; 50 Hz; 1 minute VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Impulse voltage withstand test (IEC 60664-1)
Power supply 5 kV Impulse test voltage VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Analog input signals 4 kV Impulse test voltage VW2 IEC 60870-2-1
Analog output signals 5 kV Impulse test voltage VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Binary signals 5 kV Impulse test voltage VW3 IEC 60870-2-1
Classes are valid for AC DC Mains Adapter 23VGXX.
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. -No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
Table 2: Environmental Conditions
Performance characteristic Required data / value Class Test specification
Air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure:
Temperature range -10 ...+ 55
C C1 IEC 60870-2-2
Relative humidity 5 ... 95 % (non condensing) C1 IEC 60870-2-2
Maximum rate of change 0,5
C/min C1 IEC 60870-2-2
Atmospheric pressure 70 to 108 kPa C1 IEC 60870-2-2
Altitude (operation) up to 3000 m IEC 60870-2-2
Vibration and shock:
- Low frequency vibration:
Frequency range 2..150 Hz; sinus VL3 IEC 60870-2-1;
Amplitude 5 ... 9 Hz = 1.5 mm constant Edition 1987
9 ... 150 Hz = 0.5 g constant
Rate of change 1 octave / min
Test cycles 5 cycles in x, y, z direction
- - High frequency vibration:
Frequency range 10 ... 3000 Hz; sinus VH3 IEC 60870-2-1;
Amplitude 10 ... 60 Hz = 0.075 mm constant Edition 1987
60 ... 3000 Hz = 1 g constant
Rate of change 1 octave / min
Test cycles 5 cycles in x, y, z direction
- Shock (non- -operational):
Shock form half sine wave SH2 IEC 60870-2-1;
Acceleration 70 m/s
Edition 1987
Shock duration 50 ms
Test cycles 4 shocks each in x, y, z in positive
and negative direction
Shock form half sine wave SH4 IEC 60870-2-1;
Acceleration 250 m/s
Edition 1987
Shock duration 10 ms
Test cycles 4 shocks each in x and z in positive
and negative direction
The tests were made with a typical RTU560 telecon-
trol station in a standard cubicle (IP 55 / DIN40050).
The functionality was during and after tests perma-
nently verified with typical 60 % active input signals.
The shock values express the shock strains which
may occur during transportation. The results of the
vibration and shock tests are mainly influenced by
the used cubicle and mounting methods. The tests
are valid for the RTU560 standard cubicles and
mounting methods.
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
Table 3: RTU560 EMC Immunity Tests
IEC 60870-2-1 Requirements RTU560
Test results
RTU Unit / Port
Test Immunity test
(IEC 61000-4-1)
T C D A Standard Test Value Level Unit / Port
A.2.2 1,2/50 -- 8/20 s
x x x IEC 61000--4--5 2 kV Differential
2 kV Common
3 C and D
A.2.3 Fast transient bursts x x x x IEC 61000--4--4 PS = 2 kV
I/O = 2 kV
T, C and D
A.2.5 Damped oscillatory
x x x x IEC 61000--4--12 1 kV Differential
2,5 kV Common
3 T, C and D
A.2.7 Conducted RF distur-
150 kHz to 80 MHz
IEC 61000--4--6 10 V 3 C and D
A.3.1 Electrostatic dis-
x IEC 61000--4--2 8 / 15 kV 4 T, C and D
A.5.1 Radiated,
electromagnetic field
80--1000 MHz
x IEC 61000--4--3 10 V/m 3 T, C and D
RTU Unit / Port:
T = Telecommunication lines
C = Control and signal lines
D = DC Power supply
A = AC Power supply x = Requested by IEC 60870--2--1
AC power supply is not needed in the RTU 560 (only additional AC/DC Mains Adapter)
Table 4: RTU560 Emission Tests
IEC 60870--2--1 Requirements RTU560
Test results
RTU Unit / Port
Test Immunity test T C D A Standard Test Value Level
1 RF disturbance voltages
x x EN 55022 0,15 to 30 MHz A and B
2 RF radiated fields
x EN 55022 30 to 1000 MHz A
RTU Unit / Port:
T = Telecommunication lines
C = Control and signal lines
D = DC Power supply
A = AC Power supply
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. -No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
The immunity and emission tests were made ac-
cording to the requested IEC standards. The list of
tests needed for the RTU560 is taken from table 9
and table 10 of the IEC 60870-2-1 standard.
RTU 560 fulfils the requested levels specified in
IEC 60870-2-1.
It has tobe regarded that these tests were made with
a RTU560 mounted in an ABBstandard cabinet. The
rules for cable routing and grounding have strictly to
be fulfilled to reach the requested levels. This has to
be taken into consideration for commissioning and
Table 5: RTU560 Performance Classes (IEC 60870-4)
Performance characteristic Required data / value Class Test specification
Reliability MTBF 8760 h R3 IEC 60870-4
Availability A 99.95 % A3 IEC 60870-4
Maintainability MTTR 12 h M3 IEC 60870-4
Depends on maintenance strategy
Mean Repair Time MRT 1 h RT4 IEC 60870-4
Data Integrity classes IE 10
- -10
I2 IEC 60870-4
(protocols with telegram format
FT 1.2 IEC 60870-5-1)
Time separating capability 10 ms (between stations) SP2 IEC 60870-4
5 ms (within a station) SP3 IEC 60870-4
Time resolution 1 ms TR4 IEC 60870-4
Analog overall accuracy Error 0.5 % A4 IEC 60870-4
The reliability of a RTU560 telecontrol station is cal-
culated onthe basis of a typical RTU560 station. The
size is the experience of several hundred supplied
V 48 Analog measured values
V 100 Single indication messages
V 64 Double indication messages
V 8 Impulse counter
V 80 Double commands
V 1 Command supervision (1 out of n check)
V 3 Subracks with power supplies
V 1 FSK modem
The typical reliability for such a station is approx.
41600 h. The reliability is defined by a serial struc-
ture, that means a failure of one of the boards/units
is a system failure. The calculation is shown in Table
6, which also allows to calculate every other RTU560
station configuration.
The MRT of a RTU560 telecontrol stationwill betypi-
cally 1 h. The RTU560 concept has several supervi-
sion and diagnostic capabilities which assist the de-
bugging and maintenance activities when needed.
V Table Permanent online diagnostic of all I/O
V LEDs on all boards indicating internal / ex-
ternal errors
V None or only few configuration settings on
board necessary
V PC- -based diagnostic tools
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
The main telecontrol transmission protocols are
based on format class FT1.2 ( IEC 60870-5.1). In
addition the transmission protocol allows for com-
mands the Select and execute command strategy
which essentially decreases the residual informa-
tion error probability in command direction.
The performance of time separating is given by the
time synchronization quality of the network control
system. The RTU560 has the capability to be syn-
chronized via communication line from the Network
Control Centre (NCC) central systemor by a DCF 77
or GPS. The scan cycle for binary input signals is
1 ms executed by the microcontroller on each input
board. The boards are synchronized by the commu-
nication unit of the RTU560, that allows a time reso-
lution within a station of 1 ms for binary signals.
The overall accuracy for analog signals is given by
the total error of the 23AE21 analog input board. For
the real overall error of the Analog Input board, see
the hardware data sheet.
Ext. Subrack
Ext. Subrack
Pict. 1 Typical RTU560 Telecontrolstation
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. -No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
Table 6: RTU560 Reliability Values
23AA20 1126 888000 1 1126 888000 0 0 0 1 1126 888000
23AE21 383 2608000 1 383 2608000 6 2301 434667 10 3834 260800
23BA20 336 2980000 1 336 2980000 10 3356 298000 6 2013 496667
23BA22 689 1452000 1 689 1452000 1 689 1452000 2 1377 726000
23BA30 294 3402000 1 294 3402000 0 0 0 4 1176 850500
23BE21 686 1458000 1 686 1458000 15 10288 97200 50 34294 29160
23BE30 171 5846000 1 171 5846000 0 0 0 5 855 1169200
560BCU01 316 3162000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 316 3162000
560BCU02 157 6356000 1 157 6356000 1 157 6356000 0 0 0
560BCU03 157 6356000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
560CSR01 239 4190000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 239 4190000
23ET23 254 3932000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23NG24 8772 114000 1 8772 114000 3 26316 38000 3 26316 38000
560PSU01 8772 114000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 17544 57000
23OK22 306 3272000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
560RTC01 425 2352000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23TP21 283 3534000 1 283 3534000 3 849 1178000 3 849 1178000
23WT21 217 4606000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23WT22 251 3984000 1 251 3984000 1 251 3984000 5 1255 796800
560SLI01 1312 762000 1 1312 762000 1 1312 762000 2 2625 381000
560SLI02 1131 884000 1 1131 884000 1 1131 884000 2 2462 442000
560ETH01 1344 744000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2688 372000
560ETH02 1028 973000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2056 48650
560ETH03 9524 1050000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 19048 525000
13 15591 64145 42 46650 21436 103 120073 8328
MTBF-Jahre= 7,9 MTBF-Jahre= 2,5 MTBF-Jahre= 1,2
A = 99,983 % A = 99,945 % A = 99,884 %
RTU560 with Typical RTU560 Large station with
MTBF / Unit 1 Unit each station 4 satellite lines
[Fit] [h] [Fit] [h] [Fit] [h] [Fit] [h]
= Failure Rate (FR) [Fit] ( 1 Fit = 10-
failure/h )
basis = GB 40 =
Mechanical environment Ground Benign and aver-
age temperature of 40
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure [h]
MTBF = 1 / FR [h]
A = Availability [%]
A=MTBF/ (MTBF+MTTR) [%] ( withMTTR=12 h)
The above indicated reliability values regards the field failure rates are smaler than the forcasted rates and the
units will be inproved in future.
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
ABB Utilities GmbH
RTU560 Data Sheet Environmental Data
Doc. -No.: 1KGT 150 400 V001 1
ABB Utilities GmbH
68309 Mannheim (Germany)
Telephone +49 (0) 621 381-7592
Telefax +49 (0) 621 381-7622 06/2002 Subject to alteration

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