Julius Caesar Perspectives

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Elizabethan Context and

- Julius Caesar was first performed at
the Globe theatre in 1599
- In the Late Elizabethan period
Queen Elizabeth I had been in power
for almost 40 year
- At this stage, she was an elderly
monarch with no heirs to the throne.
Hence there were concerns regarding
who would ascend the throne after
her death. This anxiety was increased
by the Queens refusal to name an
heir to the throne
- Many feared that her death would
plunge England into a civil war akin to
that of the War of the Roses in the

- Arguably, Shakespeare was using the
story of Julius Caesar to comment on
the political situation of his time
- Queen Elizabeth, like Julius Caesar
had progressively enlarged her power
at the expense of the aristocracy and
the House of Commons. This caused
conflict not dissimilar to the tension
that existed amongst Roman Senators
concerning leadership and political
structure in Rome that led to civil war
- Therefore, given the trend toward
consolidated monarchical power
throughout the Elizabethan period
and Shakespeares tendency to depict
monarchical power favourably in his
plays, it is evident that Shakespeares
representation of the conflict in
Roman society between
republicanism and imperial rule
privileges the case for imperial rule
- To dramatise the dangers of disputed
succession and the horrors of civil war
- To show that it is the actions of
leaders that determines the course of
- Order
- Stability
- Unity
- Loyalty
- Absolute rule
The Case against Julius Caesar
- The play opens with Caesar, victorious
having defeated Pompey in civil war,
parading through the streets of Rome
- Flavius and Marullus are the
characters who initially draw our
attention to the republican cause
this is furthered by Cassius

Shakespeares Representation
of the Conspirators

Flavius: Hence! Home, you idle creatures, get
you home!
Marullus: You blocks, you stones, you worse
than senseless things! O you hard hearts, you
cruel men of Rome, knew you not Pompey?
- Shakespeare encourages us to
question the republican cause from
the beginning
- Flavius and Marullus are shown to
disrespect the Roman people using
insulting language (pejorative), use of
imperative, exclamation and
rhetorical questioning
- Whilst Flavius and Marullus make an
important point regarding Caesars
triumph over Pompey and the fickle
nature of the plebians, they appear
cruel and dictatorial making it
difficult for the audience to accept
their perspective
Cobbler: A trade I hope I may use with a
safe conscience, which is a mender of bad
I thou be out, sir, I can mend you
- This representation is set against the
carpenter and cobbler who are cast in
a comparatively more sympathetic
- Shakespeare uses them as the first
voice against the conspiracy: consider
the cobblers pun on the term soles
perhaps Shakespeare is suggestin
Flavius and Marullus souls require
mending; hence their perspective also
needs mending?
Flavius: Let no images be hung with Caesars
trophies. Ill about and drive away the vulgar
from the streets. So do you too where you
perceive them thick. These growing feathers,
plucked from Caesars wing will make him fly
an ordinary pitch
- Moreover, the disrobing of Caesars
statues by Flavius and Marullus is
represented as a distasteful, petty
and envious act: Shakespeare stages it
on the feast of Lupercal a pastoral
festival observed to avert evil spirits,
ensure fertility and purify the city.
- Flavius justifies the act, saying It will
make Caesar fly at an ordinary pitch
the metaphor betrays a tone of envy
allowing Shakespeare to establish
from the very beginning that the
conspiracy against Caesar was
founded largely on jealousy of him

Cassius: For once upon a raw and gusty day,
The troubled Tiber chafing with her shores,
Caesar said to me, Darest thou, Cassius, now
Leap in with me into this angry flood
And swim to yonder point? Upon the word,
Accoutred as I was, I plungd in
And bade him follow. So indeed he did.
The torrent roared, and we did buffet it
With lusty sinews, throwing it aside
And stemming it with hearts of controversy.
But ere we could arrive the point proposed,
Caesar cried, Help me, Cassius, or I sink!
I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor,
Did from the flames of Troy upon his shoulder
The old Anchises bear, so from the waves of
Did I the tired Caesar. And this man
Is now become a god, and Cassius is
A wretched creature and must bend his body
If Caesar carelessly but nod on him.
- The representation of the
conspirators as envious is furthered
by Cassius speech to Brutus
- Cassius claims that the subject of his
story is honour, however any
message of honour is undermined
through Shakespeares representation
of Cassius as a jealous manipulator.

- Duologue Cassius and Brutus are
alone together on stage heightens
the secretive and conspiratorial
capture of their exchange Cassius
appears to be getting into Brutus
- Offstage their conversation is
interrupted by the several shouts
from the crows this emphasises
Caesars popularity and contrasts with
Cassius depiction of Caesar as a sick
girl intensifies Cassius envy
Language Devices
- Bitter, envious tone
- Childhood anecdote casting Caesar as
- Analogy comparing himself with
- These techniques convey the plot to
assassinate Caesar as a personal plot;
a case of tearing down as a personal
plot; as a case of tearing down a
fellow Roman who might be changed
by power and may do danger to
Rome if given the crown
Casca: I saw Mark Antony offer him a crown
(yet twas not a crown neither, twas one of
these coronets) and, as I told you, he put it by
oncebut, for all that, to my thinking, he
would fain have had it. Then he offered it to
him again, then he put it by againbut, to my
thinking, he was very loath to lay his fingers
off it. And then he offered it the third time. He
put it the third time by. And still, as he refused
it, the rabblement hooted and clapped their
chapped hands and threw up their sweaty
night-caps and uttered such a deal of stinking
breath because Caesar refused the crown that
it had almost choked Caesarfor he swooned
and fell down at it. And for mine own part, I
durst not laugh for fear of opening my lips and
receiving the bad air.
- To further undermine the
conspirators cause, Shakespeare
presents Casca as a relentless gossip;
all too eager to cast Caesar as
ambitious in desiring the crown, but
politically savvy enough to refuse it
- Consider the effect of staging at this
point the audience hears the crown
shouting in support of Caesar, but we
do not see the manner in which he
refused the crown
- We have only Cascas recount of the
- theatrical rendition
- the eagerness and relish with which
he passes his opinion of Caesar
- his contempt for the plebeians
- his scorn at Caesars epileptic fit
- this effectively positions us to
question the reliability of his recount
Shakespeares Representation
of Antony and his Defence of
- funeral orations staging
- Brutus exits after his speech, but not
before he has encouraged the citizens
to stay and grace bothh Caesars
corpse and Mark Antonys speech
- Antony has several advantages over
Brutus: his duplicity, the opportunity
afforded him to expend 137 lines of
blank verse unimpeded by the
conspirators and his position as the
final speaker, thus giving him the final
- Use of props: Antony has two
important props at his disposal:
Caesars body and Caesars final will
and testament. This, in particular is
used for great dramatic effect as
Antony delats his reading of it to the
crowd, successfully building
- Antony, unlike Brutus, descends from
the pulpit and places himself amongst
the citizens. This helps his foster a
sense of shared grief and portrays
Antony as respectful and
compassionate toward the citizens;
qualities that contrast the
conspirators treatment of the
Concluding Points
- Given his representation of the
situation in Rome, the event of
Caesars assassination and the
subsequent civil war and the
presentation of key personalities:
- Julius Caesar
- Brutus
- Antony
- Cassius
Shakespeare positions us to
accept the following:
- The plot to assassinate Caesar was
fundamentally dishonourable
- The assassination of Caesar was
- That Caesar, despite his fallibility, was
a great man
- Brutus although acting out of a sense
of honour, was ultimately misguided
- That Mark Antony, through his loyalty
and commitment to Caesar, proved
far more honourable that Brutus with
his patriotic ideals
As a result, Shakespeare successfully
conveys his values of unified power,
loyalty, order and stability

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