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Climate change may have limited effect on global risk of

potato late blight

1 , 2
Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, 4024 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center, Manhattan, KS 66506,
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Ba~ nos, Laguna 4031, Philippines,
International Potato Center, 12
Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100081, China,
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California,
One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Weather affects the severity of many plant diseases, and climate change is likely to alter the patterns of crop disease
severity. Evaluating possible future patterns can help focus crop breeding and disease management research. We
examined the global effect of climate change on potato late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potato famine and
still is a common potato disease around the world. We used a metamodel and considered three global climate models
for the A2 greenhouse gas emission scenario for three 20-year time-slices: 20002019, 20402059 and 20802099. In
addition to global analyses, ve regions were evaluated where potato is an important crop: the Andean Highlands,
Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Highlands, Southeast Asian Highlands, Ethiopian Highlands, and Lake Kivu
Highlands in Sub-Saharan Africa. We found that the average global risk of potato late blight increases initially, when
compared with historic climate data, and then declines as planting dates shift to cooler seasons. Risk in the agro-eco-
systems analyzed, varied from a large increase in risk in the Lake Kivu Highlands in Rwanda to decreases in the
Southeast Asian Highlands of Indonesia.
Keywords: climate change, food security, Phytophthora infestans, plant disease management, plant pathology, potato late blight
Received 11 September 2013 and accepted 12 March 2014
The risk of production loss from crop diseases, referred
to hereafter as disease risk, can be strongly inuenced
by weather. Infectious plant disease occurs due to the
interaction of three main factors: a favorable environ-
ment, a susceptible host, and a competent pathogen
(Madden et al., 2007). Therefore, changes in weather
due to climate change are likely to affect disease risk
(Coakley et al., 1999; Anderson et al., 2004; Garrett et al.,
2006). There is growing interest in plant disease risk
under future scenarios (Pautasso et al., 2010; Chakr-
aborty & Newton, 2011; Juroszek & Von Tiedemann,
2011; Luck et al., 2011; Savary et al., 2011; Sutherst et al.,
2011) and how to adapt disease forecasting models to
new scales of application for scenario analysis (Seem
et al., 2000; Seem, 2004; Garrett et al., 2011; Shaw &
Osborne, 2011).
Potato late blight is caused by the oomycete Phytoph-
thora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Late blight is well
known for its role in the Irish potato famine of the
1840s and today it remains an important disease in glo-
bal potato production. Global potato yield loss from
diseases, pests, and weeds was estimated to be around
40% of attainable production, with diseases alone
accounting for 21% loss (Oerke, 2006), and potato late
blight is generally recognized as the most important
potato disease. While varieties with partial resistance to
late blight are available, most of the popular varieties
are susceptible (Forbes, 2012), so disease management
is often dependent on the use of fungicides.
Models to predict the effect of weather on potato late
blight have been evolving for almost a century (Van
Everdingen, 1926; Beaumont, 1947), generally drawing
on temperature and atmospheric humidity as the most
important predictors (Harrison, 1992). Fry et al. (1983)
developed the SimCast model, and Gr unwald et al.
(2002) further developed the SimCast model and dem-
onstrated that it also performed well in a tropical high-
land location. SimCast estimates the risk of damaging
levels of late blight, expressed as blight units, based
on the temperature during the consecutive hours in a
day when relative humidity is above 90%. SimCast thus
uses hourly weather data as input to calculate the need
for a fungicide application to control disease. To rescale
the SimCast model for use with larger time steps, from
hourly increments to monthly weather observation
data, and easier application to wider geographical
areas, we previously developed a metamodel of the
relationship between weather (temperature and relative
humidity) and late blight risk, based on SimCast output
Correspondence: AdamH. Sparks, tel. +63 2 580 5600, fax +63 2 580
5699, e-mail: [email protected]
1 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Global Change Biology (2014), doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
Global Change Biology
(Sparks et al., 2011). The metamodel, hereafter referred
to as SimCastMeta, uses monthly time-step temperature
and relative humidity data to evaluate disease risk
expressed as blight units.
Hijmans et al. (2000) evaluated contemporary sever-
ity of potato late blight indirectly using two tactical
decision models, Blitecast (Krause et al., 1975) and Sim-
Cast (Fry et al., 1983), to predict the need for a prophy-
lactic pesticide application to control late blight in
farmers elds. These models were then scaled up to
estimate the number of pesticide applications necessary
to manage late blight globally. Monthly climate data
and a weather generator were used to temporally
downscale the hourly weather data necessary for these
The impacts of climate change on potato late blight
have been studied in the Midwestern US (Baker et al.,
2005) and Finland (Kaukoranta, 1996; Hannukkala
et al., 2007), indicating the potential for increased risk.
Our goal was to provide the rst global analysis of
climate change effects on potato late blight. We used
SimCastMeta to evaluate the effects of climate change
emission scenarios dened by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2012) and the level of
disease resistance on the change in disease risk. Fur-
thermore, using the SimCastMeta metamodel to evalu-
ate risk illustrates the potential of metamodels for
rescaling short-term forecasting models for scenario
analysis. Results are discussed in the context of impor-
tant potato-producing regions.
Materials and methods
We used georeferenced, gridded historic climate data (for the
reference time period) and future predicted climate data as
input in the SimCastMeta model (Sparks et al., 2011) to evalu-
ate late blight risk. The EcoCrop crop model, as implemented
in the R package dismo (Hijmans et al., 2012; R Core Team,
2013), was used to estimate the three-month potato-growing
seasons for each grid cell for reference and future periods. The
SimCastMeta model estimates blight units, a measure of the
relative risk of damaging levels of potato late blight given an
input of monthly temperature and monthly relative humidity
(Sparks et al., 2011). Because late blight occurs so widely in
potato production systems and the driving factors are gener-
ally the weather conditions, temperature and relative humid-
ity, we assumed that inoculum is not a limiting factor in areas
where potato is grown.
We used CRU CL 2.0 grid mean monthly temperature,
mean monthly relative humidity and mean monthly precipi-
tation data from New et al. (2002) as our reference climate
data. These data are at a spatial resolution of 10 arcminutes
(344 km
) covering the time period from 1961 to 1990. Future
climate emission scenario data were downloaded from the
World Climate Research Programmes (WCRP) Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (CMIP3) multimodel
data (Meehl et al., 2007), that we statistically downscaled and
bias-corrected to 10 arcminute resolution using the delta
method (absolute difference for temperature, relative differ-
ence for precipitation) (Leemans & Solomon, 1993). Only data
for the global climate models (GCMs) that provided maxi-
mum temperature, minimum temperature, and specic
humidity were selected (Table 1), and relative humidity was
calculated from these data. Because our goal was to provide a
global evaluation of risk, we used an ensemble model
approach (Bates & Granger, 1969) to obtain results represen-
tative of the current state-of-the-art in climate modeling.
Ensemble model averages (Bates & Granger, 1969) of the
nonweighted means of the GCM outputs for each climate sce-
nario were created for mean monthly temperature and mean
monthly relative humidity.
The global daily average blight unit accumulation per
month was calculated from mean monthly temperature and
mean monthly relative humidity using the SimCastMeta meta-
model for the 19611990 reference climate normal (referenced
from here on by the mid-point year as the 1975 time-slice),
and three future 20-year time-slices, referenced hereafter by
the mid-point year of the time-slice: 20002019 (2010), 2040
2059 (2050), and 20802099 (2090). The relative risk of damag-
ing levels of late blight was then averaged using a three-
month moving window to provide the average daily blight
unit accumulation for 12 three-month time periods represent-
ing three-month potato-growing seasons.
Optimal potato planting dates were estimated using the
EcoCrop model using mean monthly minimum and maxi-
mum temperature, and precipitation data. The rst day of the
rst month of a three-month growing season in which plant-
ing would produce the highest potato yield for each grid cell
was calculated. Optimal planting dates were generated for the
reference climate normal and the ensemble GCM outputs for
each of the three respective future time-slices. These data were
used to estimate late blight risk for what would be a
Table 1 Global Climate Models (GCM) selected, which pro-
vided maximum and minimum temperature and relative
humidity data for the A2 scenario used in SimCastMeta,
where model outputs were averaged to create an ensemble
model output. Models are freely available for download from
the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercompari-
son (PCMDI) and the WCRP Working Group on Coupled
Modelling (WGCM) website,
GCM abbreviation GCM model name
BCCR BCM2.0 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Bergen Climate Model Version 2.0
CSIRO mk3.0 Commonwealth Scientic and
Industrial Research Organization
GCM mark 3
INMCM3.0 Institute for Numerical Mathematics
Version 3.0 Model
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
2 A. H. SPARKS et al.
geographic locations most productive potato-growing season
in the absence of pests and disease.
Total rainfed and irrigated potato production by country
(Portmann et al., 2010) was used to remove areas where potato
production is currently limited. Several countries were
selected for further analysis because they are representative of
highland or lowland tropical potato production, areas where
potato is an important crop for poverty alleviation and where
late blight is difcult to manage because of year-round potato
production (Garrett et al., 2009). These countries include
Colombia and Ecuador in the Andean Highlands; Ethiopia;
Rwanda in the Lake Kivu Highlands region; Nepal in the
Himalayan Highlands and Indo-Gangetic Plain; and Indonesia
in the South-East Asian highlands.
Initially global average late blight units increased for
the 2010 time-slice relative to the reference climate data
(Fig. 1). The predicted global average accumulation in
2050 was similar to the historic baseline and the projec-
tions for 2090 were below the historical baseline. The
average global temperature for potato-growing areas
during growing seasons indicates a sharp increase, fol-
lowed by a decline (Fig. 2). Relative humidity exhibited
little change (0.9%) throughout the time-slices analyzed
(Fig. 3). For a susceptible cultivar, the global average
blight units accumulated during 1 month of a
three-month growing season was 1.26 for the historical
average, and increased to 1.30 for the average of the
2050 time-slice.
Many of the areas where potato is grown exhibited
relatively little or no change (0.5 to 0.5 difference) in
daily mean blight units during the growing season
(Figs 4 and 5). However, these changes, while seem-
ingly small, are equal to the difference between using a
resistant or susceptible variety in the original SimCast
Fig. 1 Average global blight unit accumulation as predicted by
SimCastMeta during the growing season as predicted by Eco-
Crop for four time-slices: 19611990, 1975 time-slice (historic
normal); 20002020, 2010 time-slice (A2 scenario); 20402060,
2050 time-slice (A2 scenario); and 20802100, 2090 time-slice (A2
scenario). IPCC A2 emission scenario time-slices are repre-
sented here as ensemble model averages of three global climate
models. Blight units are a measure of the biological risk of dam-
aging levels of late blight of potato developing due to favorable
weather conditions and are derived from the SimCast model.
Fig. 2 Average global temperature during the growing season
appropriate for a given location as predicted by EcoCrop for
four time-slices: 19611990, 1975 time-slice (historic normal);
20002020, 2010 time-slice (A2 scenario); 20402060, 2050 time-
slice (A2 scenario); and 20802100, 2090 time-slice (A2 scenario).
IPCC A2 emission scenario time-slices are represented here as
ensemble model averages of three global climate models.
Fig. 3 Average relative humidity during the growing season
appropriate for a given location as predicted by EcoCrop for
four time-slices: 19611990, 1975 time-slice (historic normal);
20002020, 2010 time-slice (A2 scenario); 20402060, 2050 time-
slice (A2 scenario); and 20802100, 2090 time-slice (A2 scenario).
IPCC A2 emission scenario time-slices are represented here as
ensemble model averages of three global climate models.
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
model (Fry et al., 1983; Gr unwald et al., 2002). In the
original SimCast model, a change in blight unit accu-
mulation of 1 or 1 is equivalent to one fungicide
application less or more per month respectively for sus-
ceptible and moderately susceptible cultivars (Fry et al.,
1983; Gr unwald et al., 2002). Blight units increased in
parts of East-Central South America, China, Europe,
and Canada. The Andes and Himalayan Mountains
and Sub-Saharan Africa exhibited a mixture of increas-
ing and decreasing blight unit accumulation. Five of
the ten countries experiencing the greatest increases in
blight units are located in Africa (Table 2).
Most of the main potato-producing countries exhib-
ited a change in blight units of less than one blight unit
per day per growing season (Table 3), with three coun-
tries having a decreasing number of blight units. With
the minimal changes seen in the main potato producing
countries, the effects of host resistance are much less
pronounced (Table 3) than among the countries most
affected (Table 2). Resistant genotypes are effective in
reducing blight risk in all countries, such that no coun-
try experiences an accumulation of more than 0.79 aver-
age daily blight units during the growing season.
In the countries selected to represent specic agro-
ecosystems, for a susceptible cultivar late blight risk
increased in three of the ve regions: Andean High-
lands, Ethiopian Highlands, and Lake Kivu Highlands.
In the remaining two regions, Indo-Gangetic Plan and
Himalayan Highlands and South East Asian Highlands,
there was a slight decrease in the blight unit accumula-
tion (Table 4). However, shifts in the blight unit accu-
mulations within the growing areas for each country
could inuence potato production as some areas expe-
rience increased late blight severity while others experi-
ence decreased late blight severity.
Fig. 4 The change in global potato late blight relative risk as predicted by SimCastMeta model using historical climate normal, 1961
1990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a susceptible potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are
ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of biological risk based on weather and potato
genotypic resistance.
Table 2 Daily average blight unit accumulation and change
during the growing season for the ten potato-producing coun-
tries experiencing the greatest total increase in blight unit
accumulation as predicted by SimCastMeta model using his-
toric climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice), and 2040
2059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate for a susceptible variety. A2
scenario time-slices are ensemble model averages of three glo-
bal climate models. Blight units are a predictor of biological
risk based on weather and potato genotype resistance
Susceptible blight
units Resistant blight units
1975 2050 Change 1975 2050 Change
Rwanda 2.41 3.58 1.17 1.43 2.22 0.79
Burundi 2.53 3.13 0.60 1.54 1.93 0.39
Zimbabwe 1.99 2.43 0.44 1.18 1.44 0.26
Portugal 1.19 1.55 0.36 0.65 0.83 0.18
Mauritius 3.45 3.80 0.35 2.14 2.41 0.27
Uruguay 1.87 2.19 0.32 1.05 1.24 0.19
Estonia 2.39 2.68 0.29 1.38 1.59 0.21
Iraq 0.57 0.80 0.23 0.28 0.41 0.13
Greece 0.86 1.09 0.23 0.45 0.57 0.12
Zambia 2.47 2.70 0.23 1.44 1.55 0.11
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
4 A. H. SPARKS et al.
An examination of temperature and relative humid-
ity in these agro-ecosystems shows that Rwanda has
the highest increase in temperature (0.7 C) and relative
humidity (2.9%) (Table 5). Nepal shows a decrease in
temperature (1.6 C) and relative humidity (2.4%)
with a corresponding drop in blight unit accumulation.
In this paper, we focused on the higher emission A2
scenario 2050 time-slice because it is a marker scenario
used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (2000), it most closely matches current emission
levels and because the rst year of the time-slice, 2040,
is a realistic goal for long-term research prioritization.
In general, under the A2 scenario, global potato late
blight risk is likely to increase in the near future and
then begin to decrease after the middle of the 21st cen-
tury in areas where potato is currently grown. For most
potato production in the Northern Hemisphere, this
decrease is likely due to a shift in the predominant
growing season predicted by the EcoCrop model. The
peak season shifts from June to May planting with an
increase in other planting dates that occur during
cooler parts of the calendar year in the northern hemi-
sphere. Because of the higher temperatures by 2050 and
2090 during the historic growing seasons, optimal pro-
ductivity in the absence of disease would be achieved
by shifting to earlier planting to avoid higher tempera-
tures, and this change might also reduce disease risk.
However, the predicted effects of climate change
are not equal across geographic locations, regions or
countries. Not all areas experience an initial increase in
late blight risk. The later decrease in late blight risk is
because the temperatures move out of the optimal
range for P. infestans to infect. In the original SimCast
model, 1322 C is the optimal temperature range,
requiring the least amount of hours of RH > 90% to
accumulate one blight unit. The average temperature
observed in the 2090 time-slice is the lowest of all four
time-slices in this analysis. In our analysis, the A2 cli-
mate data had an increase and then sharp decrease in
average temperature across potato-growing regions for
the growing seasons, and correspondingly the blight
unit accumulations decrease with the increase in tem-
perature while relative humidity changes little (0.9%).
The SimCast model also treats temperature effects dif-
ferently below the 812 C range. At cooler hourly tem-
peratures, accumulation of blight units decreases with
lower temperatures. Thus, one would anticipate
increased late blight risk for the very coolest potato-
growing areas (e.g., the highest parts of the Andes).
These areas probably represent a small proportion of
total potato production in the countries where they
occur and may have simply counterbalanced warmer
areas, contributing to a small change in risk at the
country or regional level over time.
The effect of regional changes in temperature and rel-
ative humidity is notable in the ecosystems that we
compared. Rwanda had a temperature and relative
Fig. 5 The change in global potato late blight relative risk as predicted by SimCastMeta model using historic climate normal,
19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a resistant potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are
ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of biological risk based on weather and potato
genotypic resistance.
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
humidity prole that was already in the optimal range
for late blight development during the historic weather
data set. By 2050, the temperature increases by 0.7 C,
and relative humidity increases one percent. Contrast
this with Nepal or Indonesia, where temperature and
relative humidity proles during the predicted growing
seasons in both countries are suboptimal for disease
development and temperature decreases (Nepal) or
increases (Indonesia). Also note, the relatively nearby
Ethiopian Highlands are predicted to have a much
smaller increase in blight units because the temperature
increases and relative humidity remains fairly low for
disease development.
Where potato late blight risk increases, what are the
implications for management? Potato late blight is a
challenge to manage, particularly for resource-poor
farmers who may have limited access to appropriate
fungicides (Kromann et al., 2009; Blandon-Diaz et al.,
2011), and limited knowledge of late blight manage-
ment. New, effective fungicide compounds have been
released in markets in the industrialized countries but
these often do not make it to developing countries, or at
least not to the more remote areas. Host plant resis-
tance, shown in this analysis to be an effective way of
adapting to changing risk, would appear to be a better
strategy for developing country farmers than fungicide
Fig. 6 The change in potato late blight relative risk for the Andean Highlands of Colombia and Ecuador as predicted by SimCastMeta
model using historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a susceptible
potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of
biological risk based on weather and potato genotypic resistance.
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
6 A. H. SPARKS et al.
Fig. 7 The change in potato late blight relative risk for the Ethiopian Highlands as predicted by SimCastMeta model using historic cli-
mate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a susceptible potato genotype. IPCC
A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of biological risk based on
weather and potato genotypic resistance.
Fig. 8 The change in potato late blight relative risk for the Lake Kivu Highlands region and Rwanda as predicted by SimCastMeta
model using historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a susceptible
potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of bio-
logical risk based on weather and potato genotypic resistance.
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
use, but development and adoption of resistant culti-
vars have been slow for several reasons, including the
low multiplication rate of potato, lack of functional seed
systems in developing countries and the ephemeral
nature of resistance in most cultivars that have been
released (Forbes, 2012). Current levels of resistance pro-
vide some benets, and there is the potential for tech-
nological advances to increase the level and/or
durability of late blight resistance. There is also the
potential for advances in the quality and durability of
fungicides used for potato late blight management.
Other agronomic practices can also contribute to late
blight management, including adjusting planting dates
to avoid conditions that favor late blight (Devaux &
Haverkort, 1987), use of eld sanitation, and crop geno-
type mixtures in the eld (Pilet et al., 2006), though the
utility of these practices can also depend on environ-
mental conditions (Garrett et al., 2009).
Our study of global disease risk includes a number
of assumptions that merit discussion. First, our study
focused on risk of late blight in the future but did not
address the suitability of these areas for potato produc-
tion in the future. It is possible that along with a change
in risk of late blight, the suitability for potato produc-
tion in these areas also changes due to a changing
physical or social environment. Second, another aspect
of future scenarios that is not addressed by evaluations
of average conditions is the potential effect of weather
Fig. 9 The change in potato late blight relative risk for the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Highlands in Nepal as predicted by
SimCastMeta model using historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a
susceptible potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predic-
tor of biological risk based on weather and potato genotypic resistance.
Fig. 10 The change in potato late blight relative risk for the South-East Asian Highlands in Indonesia as predicted by SimCastMeta
model using historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario for a susceptible
potato genotype. IPCC A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of bio-
logical risk based on weather and potato genotypic resistance.
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
8 A. H. SPARKS et al.
extremes and weather variability (Rosenzweig et al.,
2001; Garrett et al., 2013). Climate data represent
weather means, but not the typical variation in
weather. The average effect of late blight across years
may be different than the late blight effect in an aver-
age year. Late blight risk will likely be affected differ-
ently across years as a result of changing weather
patterns not represented by climate means. Third, this
Table 3 Daily average blight unit accumulation and change during the growing season for the top ten potato-producing countries
by number of hectares planted to potato as predicted by SimCastMeta model using historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-
slice) and 20402059 (2050 time-slice) A2 climate scenario. A2 time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate
models. Blight units are a predictor of biological risk based on weather and potato genotype resistance
Hectares of
Susceptible genotype blight units Resistant genotype blight units
1975 2050 Change 1975 2050 Change
China 4401727 1.40 1.34 0.06 0.79 0.75 0.04
Russia 3229000 1.12 1.18 0.06 0.61 0.65 0.04
Ukraine 1600000 1.28 1.31 0.03 0.70 0.72 0.02
India 1410000 0.88 0.92 0.04 0.34 0.34 0.00
Poland 811979 2.17 2.21 0.04 1.24 1.27 0.03
Belarus 540000 2.02 1.79 0.23 1.15 1.01 0.14
United States 516590 0.89 0.91 0.02 0.48 0.49 0.01
Germany 284078 1.81 1.96 0.15 1.02 1.11 0.09
Peru 271185 1.45 1.36 0.09 0.71 0.62 0.09
Romania 270000 1.99 2.08 0.09 1.12 1.18 0.06
Table 4 Mean change in blight units from historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) to 20402059 (2050 time-slice) for
the A2 climate scenario for select highland or lowland tropical potato production areas where potato is an important crop for pov-
erty alleviation and where late blight is difcult to manage because of year-round potato production. A2 time-slices are ensemble
model averages of three global climate models. Blight units are a predictor of biological risk based on weather and potato genotypic
Agro-ecosystem Country
Susceptible genotype blight
Resistant genotype blight
1975 2050 Change 1975 2050 Change
Andean Highlands Colombia and Ecuador 2.25 2.20 0.05 1.03 1.04 0.01
Ethiopian Highlands Ethiopia 0.63 0.71 0.08 0.33 0.37 0.04
Lake Kivu Highlands Rwanda 2.41 3.58 1.17 1.43 2.22 0.79
Indo-Gangetic plain and
Himalayan Highlands
Nepal 1.49 1.46 0.02 0.85 0.81 0.04
South East Asian Highlands Indonesia 1.85 1.78 0.07 0.75 0.65 0.10
Table 5 Mean change in temperature and relative humidity from historic climate normal, 19611990 (1975 time-slice) to 20402059
(2050 time-slice) for the A2 climate scenario for select highland or lowland tropical potato production areas where potato is an
important crop for poverty alleviation and where late blight is difcult to manage because of year-round potato production. A2
time-slices are ensemble model averages of three global climate models
Agro-ecosystem Country
Temperature (C) Relative humidity (%)
1975 2050 Change 1975 2050 Change
Andean Highlands Colombia and Ecuador 22.3 22.8 0.5 83.6 84.7 1.1
Ethiopian Highlands Ethiopia 20.2 21.2 1.0 59.2 62.9 3.8
Lake Kivu Highlands Rwanda 18.4 19.1 0.7 78.7 81.6 2.9
Indo-Gangetic plain and
Himalayan Highlands
Nepal 15.1 13.5 1.6 73.2 70.8 2.4
South East Asian Highlands Indonesia 25.0 25.4 0.4 82.5 83.6 1.1
2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12587
model evaluates average daily risk during the three-
month growing season determined to be optimal for
potato yield in the absence of disease. The average risk
approach used here can be viewed as a conservative
estimate of differences in risk, while compound inter-
est (Vanderplank, 1963) pathogen reproduction across
the season may produce larger differences in disease
risk between time-slices and between areas. Fourth, we
assumed that inoculum was not limiting, an assump-
tion that is generally reasonable for potato late blight.
However, for more detailed regional analyses it might
be important to evaluate whether inoculum might be
limiting in particular locations, and how locations may
be linked to sources of inoculum (Sutrave et al., 2012).
Effects of regional inoculum load or risk neighbor-
hoods could be incorporated in more detailed analyses
(Skelsey et al., in review). All else being equal, a loca-
tion will experience higher late blight risk if its neigh-
bors have higher risk. Spatiotemporal models such as
those developed by Skelsey et al. (2009) can model
regional interactions of inoculum loads. At larger scales
in future scenario analyses, the level of condence in
estimates of ne-resolution weather events may not
warrant such detailed model evaluation. Finally, our
analyses do not include evolution in pathogen
responses to the primary driving factors, which in this
case are temperature and RH. As noted, the predicted
decrease in blight units after 2050 occurs because, at
higher temperatures, longer periods of RH are required
for infection to occur. Pathogen change at the popula-
tion level for temperature and RH responses has been
recorded in the past (Mizubuti & Fry, 1998) and even
resulted in the reparameterization of a simulation
model (Andrade-Piedra et al., 2005).
Synthesis of socio-economic models, crop yield mod-
els, and data such as generated by SimCastMeta could
provide a more integrated view on the effects of climate
change on potato yield in the future. Previous studies
have incorporated crop growth models with socio-eco-
nomic effects, but apparently have not simultaneously
included the effects of climate on plant disease (Wei
et al., 2009). Other types of more detailed socio-eco-
nomic models could incorporate farmers decision-
making about use of fungicides and resistant varieties,
where the regularity of disease impact may inuence
adoption (Lybbert & Bell, 2010). For example, the adop-
tion of resistant varieties could be surveyed or modeled
and then coupled with the outputs from a plant disease
severity model such as SimCastMeta for an estimate of
the potential impact of releasing a resistant crop geno-
type. Additionally, adoption of plant disease manage-
ment that reduces greenhouse gas emissions per unit
product can, itself, be considered a form of climate
change mitigation (Mahmuti et al., 2009).
We have discussed some of the areas for improve-
ment in biological and socio-economic models above.
Another area for improvement will be the development
of coordinated data sets for the global presence of dis-
ease (Jeger & Pautasso, 2008; Shaw & Osborne, 2011).
Even though potato late blight is one of the most inten-
sively studied plant diseases, extensive maps of
observed disease severity are not available. This is an
even greater problem for less-studied diseases. Without
such data sets, ground-truthing of model predictions is
limited. Future scenario analyses will also need to be
updated, as new information about environmental
requirements for pathogens becomes available. A dra-
matic example of a change in environmental tolerance
is the global spread of more heat tolerant and aggres-
sive populations of the wheat stripe rust pathogen (Mi-
lus et al., 2006; Hovmoller et al., 2011). There is the
potential for P. infestans to develop a different range of
temperature optima or greater tolerance for dry condi-
tions, a type of evolutionary change, which could mod-
ify risk for any of a number of foliar pathogens (Huber
& Gillespie, 1992; Caubel et al., 2012). Combining new
information about environmental requirements for
pathogen lineages, host resistance effects, and climate
scenarios will support prioritization in potato research
and breeding programs, development agency invest-
ment, and extension programs into the future.
We appreciate helpful input from E. De Wolf, D. Hartnett,
J.M.S. Hutchinson, H. Juarez, B. Natarajan, A. Nelson, R. Raym-
undo, P. Skelsey, J. Stack, and T. Todd. We acknowledge the
modeling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis
and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP Working Group
on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making avail-
able the WCRP CMIP3 multimodel dataset. Support of this data-
set is provided by the Ofce of Science, US Department of
Energy. We also appreciate support by the USAID through the
International Potato Center (CIP), by NSF grant EF-0525712 as
part of the joint NSF-NIH Ecology of Infectious Disease pro-
gram, by NSF Grant DEB-0516046, by the USAID for the SAN-
REM CRSP under terms of Cooperative Agreement Award No.
EPP-A-00-04-00013-00 to the OIRED at Virginia Tech, by the
CGIAR Research Programs Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB),
and Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS),
and by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (Contribu-
tion No. 14-318-J).
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