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Question Bank

Introduction to Pharmacology:
Basic Principles
1) Which of the following is NOT part of the etymology of the word pharmacology?
a) Medicine
b) Drug
c) Herb
d) oison
e) !tudy
"#1) Which of the following describes an agonist?
a) $ny substance that brings about a change in biologic function through its
chemical action
b) $ specific regulatory molecule in the biologic system where a drug interacts
c) $ drug that binds to a receptor and stimulates cellular acti%ity
d) $ drug that binds to a receptor and inhibits or opposes cellular acti%ity
e) $ drug directed at parasites infecting the patient
"#") &enobiotics are considered'
a) (ndogenous
b) ()ogenous
c) *norganic poisons
d) To)ins
e) +igands
"#,) Which of the following would be a to)in -poison of biological origin)?
a) b
b) $s
c) Hg
d) $tropine
"#.) The %ast ma/ority of drugs ha%e molecular weights -MW) between 100 and 11000#
+arge drugs1 such as alteplase -t2$)1 must be administered'
a) *nto the compartment where they ha%e their effect
b) Orally so they do not absorb too 3uic4ly
c) 5ectally to pre%ent irritation to the stomach lining and %essels
d) 6ia the intraosseous -*O) route
e) Titrated with buffering agents to pre%ents cell lysis
"#7) Which of the following occurs with drugs that are e)tremely small1 such as +ithium?
a) 5eceptor mediated endocytosis
b) Minor drug mo%ement within the body
c) 6asodilation when in/ected intra%enously -*6)
d) !pecific receptor binding
e) Nonspecific binding
"#8) Drugs fit receptors using the loc4 and 4ey model# 9o%alent bonds are the :::: and
the :::: specific#
a) !trongest; Most
b) !trongest; +east
c) Wea4est; Most
d) Wea4est; +east
"#<) Warfarin -9oumadin) is gi%en as a racemic mi)ture with the ! enantiomer being four
times more acti%e than the 5 enantiomer# *f the mi)ture of Warfarin gi%en is 70= ! and

70= 51 what is the potency compared with a 100= 5 enantiomer solution?
a) . > 5 ? 1 > ! @ 1
b) . > 5 ? 1 > ! @ 1#7
c) . > 5 ? 1 > ! @ "
d) . > 5 ? 1 > ! @ "#7
e) . > 5 ? 1 > ! @ .
"#A) What determines the degree of mo%ement of a drug between body compartments?
a) artition constant
b) Degree of ioniBation
c) pH
d) !iBe
e) $ll of the abo%e
,#1) Which of the following is NOT a protein target for drug binding?
a) !ide of action -transport)
b) (nBymes
c) 9arrier molecules
d) 5eceptors
e) *on channels
,#") Which of the following is an e)ample of a drug acting directly through receptors?
a) rotamine binds stoichiometrically to heparin anticoagulants
b) $drenergic beta bloc4ers for thyroid hormone2induced tachycardia
c) (pinephrine for increasing heart rate and blood pressure
d) 9ancer chemotherapeutic agents
e) Mannitol for subarachnoid hemmorhage
.#1) What is added with drug subclassification1 such as an antitubercular drug %ersus an
antibacterial drug?
a) 9ost
b) !iBe
c) *oniBation
d) recision
e) !peed
.#") What type of drug is propranolol -*nderal)?
a) $nticon%ulsi%e
b) $ntihypertensi%e
c) $ntinauseant
d) $ntihistamine
e) $ntipyretic
7#1) Which of the following is considered the brand name?
a) ropranolol
b) *nderal
c) $drenergic C2bloc4er
d) Doff labelE use
e) Floc4s C2receptors in heart myocardium
7#") Which of the following is considered the class?
a) ropranolol
b) *nderal
c) $drenergic C2bloc4er
d) Doff labelE use
e) Floc4s C2receptors in heart myocardium
7#,) Which of the following cases would be contraindicated for propranolol -*nderal)?
a) Hypertension
b) (ssential tremor
c) $ngina

d) Tachycardia
e) $sthma
7#.) Which of the following ad%erse effects -side2effects) is NOT commonly seen with
cholinergic antagonists?
a) Flurred %ision
b) 9onfusion
c) Miosis
d) 9onstipation
e) Grinary retention
8#1) The drug chloramphenicol -9hloromycetin) is ris4y for which of the following?
a) Neonates
b) Heriatric patients
c) $dult males
d) Obese patients
e) 9ongesti%e heart failure patients
8#") How does the glomerular filtration rate -HI5) change after the age of .0?
a) *ncrease 1= each year
b) *ncreases "= each year
c) Decreases 1= each year
d) Decreases "= each year
e) Does not depend on age
8#,) $ decrease in renal and li%er function1 as seen in the elderly1 would prolong drug
half2life1 :::: plasma protein binding1 and :::: %olume of distribution#
a) *ncrease; *ncrease
b) Decrease; Decrease
c) *ncrease; Decrease
d) Decrease; *ncrease
8#.) When prescribing isoniaBid -5imifon)1 pharmacogenetics must be considered as
JK0= of $sians and certain other groups are :::: acetylators1 and thus ha%e a ::::
blood concentration of a gi%en dose and a decreased ris4 of to)icity#
a) !low; *ncreased
b) !low; Decreased
c) Iast; *ncreased
d) Iast; Decrease
8#7) Which of the following are the two modifying factors that contribute to why women
ha%e higher blood pea4 concentrations of alcohol than men when consuming e3ui%alent
a) +ower blood %olume L increased hormones
b) +ower fat content L more gastric alcohol dehydrogenase -$DH)
c) Higher fat content L more gastric alcohol dehydrogenase -$DH)
d) +ower fat content L less gastric alcohol dehydrogenase -$DH)
e) Higher fat content L less gastric alcohol dehydrogenase -$DH)

Pharmacokinetic Principles:
Drug Movement
1) harmaco4inetics is the effect of the :::: and pharmacodynamics is the effect of the
a) Drug on a drug; Fody on the drug
b) Fody on the drug; Drug on a drug
c) Drug on the body; Fody on the drug
d) Fody on the drug; Drug on the body
e) Drug on a drug; Drug on a drug
"#1) Which of the following is NOT an action of the body on a drug?
a) $bsorption
b) Distribution
c) Metabolism
d) ()cretion
e) !ide effects
,) *f a drug is A0= bound to blood elements or plasma proteins1 what part is considered
the free form?
a) "0=
b) .0=
c) 70=
d) A0=
e) 100=
.#1) Which of the following describes minimal effecti%e concentration -M(9)?
a) The minimal drug plasma concentration that can be detected
b) The minimal drug plasma concentration to enter tissues
c) The minimal drug plasma concentration to interact with receptors
d) The minimal drug plasma concentration to produce effect
e) The minimal drug plasma concentration to reach therapeutic le%els
.#") *f a patient misses three doses of their daily drug1 which of the following -in general)
is the best solution?
a) Ta4e a .) dose at the ne)t dose time
b) Wait , more days -wee4 total) then return to normal regimen
c) Do nothing and continue normal regimen
d) !etup an appointment to ha%e the patient e%aluated
e) rescribe a higher dosage pill so missed doses will ha%e less effect
.#,) Flood le%els of a drug correlate to the effecti%eness of that drug1 such as with
pentaBocine -Talwin) or phenobarbitol -+uminal)#
a) True
b) Ialse
7#1) Which of the following drug permeation mechanisms in%ol%es polar substances too
large to enter cells by other means1 such as iron or %itamin F1"?
a) $3ueous diffusion
b) +ipid diffusion
c) 9arrier molecules
d) (ndocytosis and e)ocytosis
7#") Which of the following drug permeation mechanisms occurs across epithelial tight
/unctions and is dri%en by a concentration gradient?
a) $3ueous diffusion

b) +ipid diffusion
c) 9arrier molecules
d) (ndocytosis and e)ocytosis
7#,) Which of the following drug permeation mechanisms uses the Henderson2
Hasselbalch e3uation for the ratio of solubility for the wea4 acid or wea4 base?
a) $3ueous diffusion
b) +ipid diffusion
c) 9arrier molecules
d) (ndocytosis and e)ocytosis
7#.) Which of the following drug permeation mechanisms is used for peptides1 amino
acids1 glucose1 and other large or insoluble molecules?
a) $3ueous diffusion
b) +ipid diffusion
c) 9arrier molecules
d) (ndocytosis and e)ocytosis
7#7) Which of the following drug permeation mechanisms uses ca%eolae?
a) $3ueous diffusion
b) +ipid diffusion
c) 9arrier molecules
d) (ndocytosis and e)ocytosis
8#1) Gsing the Iic4 +aw of Diffusion1 how will flu) change if membrane thic4ness is
a) *t will double
b) *t will 3uadruple
c) *t will hal%e
d) *t will 3uarter
e) *t will not change
8#") Gsing the Iic4 +aw of Diffusion1 how will flu) change if the permeability
coefficient is 3uadrupled?
a) *t will double
b) *t will 3uadruple
c) *t will hal%e
d) *t will 3uarter
e) *t will not change
<#1) Which of the following is the amount of a drug absorbed per the amount
a) Fioa%ailability
b) Fioe3ui%alence
c) Drug absorption
d) Fioine3ui%alence
e) Dosage
<#") Which of the following is NOT needed for drug bioe3ui%alence?
a) !ame acti%e ingredients
b) !ame strength or concentration
c) !ame dosage form
d) !ame route of administration
e) !ame side effects
<#,) Ior intra%enous -*6) dosages1 what is the bioa%ailability assumed to be?
a) 0=
b) "7=
c) 70=
d) <7=
e) 100=

<#.) $lthough morphine -$%inBa1 Oramorph !51 M! 9ontin) is well2absorbed when
administered orally -O)1 how much of the drug is metaboliBed on its first pass through
the li%er?
a) K0=
b) <0=
c) 70=
d) ,0=
e) 10=
<#7) Ior a generic drug to be bioe3ui%alent to an inno%ator drug -per ID$)1 it must be
measured in :::: of sub/ects to fall within :::: of the mean of the test population
a) 70; 70
b) A0; "0
c) "0; A0
d) K7; 7
e) 7; K7
<#8) Gsing the ID$ bioe3ui%alence rule1 how much %ariation could a generic drug
potentially ha%e from an inno%ator and still be considered e3ui%alent?
a) 100=
b) "0=
c) .0=
d) 80=
e) A0=
A#1) Which of the following is NOT a pharmaco4inetic process?
a) $lteration of the drug by li%er enBymes
b) Drug metabolites are remo%ed in the urine
c) Mo%ement of drug from the gut into general circulation
d) The drug causes dilation of coronary %essels
e) The drug is readily deposited in fat tissue
A#") Which of the following can produce a therapeutic response? $ drug that is'
a) Found to plasma albumin
b) 9oncentrated in the bile
c) 9oncentrated in the urine
d) Not absorbed from the H* tract
e) Gnbound to plasma proteins
A#,) Which of the following most correctly describes steroid hormones with respect to
their ability to gain access to intracellular binding sites?
a) They cross the cell membrane %ia a3ueous pores
b) They ha%e a high permeability coefficient
c) They are passi%ely transported %ia membrane carriers
d) They re3uire %esicular transport
e) Their transport re3uires the hydrolysis of $T

Pharmacokinetic Principles: pH and Drug Movement
1) Most drugs are either :::: acids or :::: bases#
a) !trong; !trong
b) !trong; Wea4
c) Wea4; Wea4
d) Wea4; !trong
"#1) $spirin readily donates a proton in a3ueous solutions and pyrimethamine readily
accepts a proton in a3ueous solution# Thus1 aspirin is a-b) :::: and pyrimethamine is
a-n) ::::#
a) $cid; Fase
b) Fase; $cid
c) $cid; $cid
d) Fase; Fase
"#") Hi%en the e3uilibrium H$ M@J $2 ? H? -acid) and FH? M@J F ? H? -base)1 in an
acid en%ironment -low pH) the acid reaction will mo%e to the :::: and the base reaction
will mo%e to the ::::#
a) 5ight; +eft
b) 5ight; 5ight
c) +eft; 5ight
d) +eft; +eft
,#1) What form of a drug is more lipid2soluble1 and thus would remain trapped within a
compartment where the pH does not fa%or the lipid2soluble form?
a) !trong acid -$2)
b) Wea4 acid -$2)
c) Neutral -$H and F)
d) Wea4 base -FH?)
e) !trong base -FH?)
,#") The lipid2soluble form of a base is :::: and the lipid2soluble form of an acid is
a) rotonated; rotonated
b) rotonated; Gnprotonated
c) Gnprotonated; Gnprotonated
d) Gnprotonated; rotonated
.#1) *f the pNa of $spirin -acetylsalicylic acid) is ,#7 and the pH of the stomach is "#71
how much $spirin is in the protonated species in the stomach and is this the amount
a%ailable for absorption?
a) K1=; Oes
b) K1=; No
c) K=; Oes
d) K=; No
.#") What percentage of $spirin would be ioniBed in the blood compartment -pH @ <#.)
assuming pH is <#7 and $spirin pNa is ,#7?
a) -101000 2 1) P 1 @ KK#KK=
b) -100 2 1) P 1 @ KK=
c) None
d) 1 P -100 2 1) @ 0#K=
e) 1 P -101000 2 1) @ 0#00K=

.#,) *f the pH 2 pNa @ 211 what percentage of wea4 base is nonioniBed?
a) KK
b) K0
c) 70
d) 10
e) 1
.#.) *f the pH 2 p4a @ "1 what percentage of wea4 acid is nonioniBed?
a) KK
b) K0
c) 70
d) 10
e) 1
.#7) *f pH J pNa1 the drug is :::: and if pH M pNa1 the drug is ::::# $n unprotonated
acid is :::: and a protonated base is ::::#
a) rotonated; Gnprotonated; 9harged; 9harged
b) rotonated; Gnprotonated; Neutral; Neutral
c) Gnprotonated; rotonated; 9harged; 9harged
d) Gnprotonated; rotonated; Neutral; 9harged
e) Gnprotonated; rotonated; 9harged; Neutral
7#1) Wea4 acids are e)creted faster in :::: urine and wea4 bases are e)creted faster in
:::: urine#
a) $cidic; $l4aline
b) $l4aline; $cidic
c) $cidic; Neutral
d) Neutral; $l4aline
e) $l4aline; Neutral
7#") $ patient presents with an o%erdose of acidic $spirin# The drug :::: can be gi%en to
:::: the pH of the urine and trap the $spirin1 pre%enting further metabolism#
a) NaH9O,; *ncrease
b) NaH9O,; Decrease
c) NH.9l; *ncrease
d) NH.9l; Decrease
7#,) $ patient presents with an o%erdose of al4aline 9odeine# The drug :::: can be gi%en
to :::: the pH of the urine and trap the 9odeine1 pre%enting further metabolism#
a) NaH9O,; *ncrease
b) NaH9O,; Decrease
c) NH.9l; *ncrease
d) NH.9l; Decrease
8#1) The principle of drug manipulation for e)cretion of a drug out of the renal tubule can
be accomplished by'
a) $cidifying the urinary pH
b) $d/usting the urinary pH to protonate wea4ly acidic drugs
c) $d/usting the urinary pH to unprotonate wea4ly basic drugs
d) $d/usting the urinary pH to ioniBe the drug
e) Fy neutraliBing the urinary pH
8#") $spirin is a wea4 organic acid with a pNa of ,#7# What percentage of a gi%en dose
will be in the lipid2soluble form at a stomach pH of 1#7?
a) $bout 1=
b) $bout 10=
c) $bout 70=
d) $bout K0=
e) $bout KK=
8#,) Ior which of the following drugs is e)cretion most significantly accelerated by

acidification of the urine?
a) Wea4 acid with pNa of 7#7
b) Wea4 acid with pNa of ,#7
c) Wea4 base with pNa of <#7
d) Wea4 base with pNa of <#1
8#.) $ patient diagnosed with type " diabetes is administered an oral dose of 0#1 mg
chloropropamide1 an insulin secretagogue and wea4 acid with a pNa of 7#0# What is the
amount of this drug that could be absorbed from the stomach at pH "#0?
a) KK#K Qg
b) K0 Qg
c) 70 Qg
d) 0#07 mg
e) 0#01 mg

Pharmacokinetic Principles: Absorption
1) Fioa%ailability -I) is the fraction or percentage of administered drug that reaches the
systemic circulation %ia a gi%en route as compared to what route?
a) Oral
b) *6 -intra%enous)
c) *O -intraosseous)
d) 9!I -cerebrospinal fluid)
e) Whate%er route attains the target drug concentration in plasma -9T)
") What organ is responsible for metabolism in the Dfirst pass effectE?
a) Frain
b) Heart
c) Nidney
d) +i%er
e) !pleen
,#1) $ patient is in the hospital and is stable on digo)in 0#1<7 mg *6 3d -daily)# How
much digo)in in mg# would you need to gi%e your patient orally1 gi%en that the
bioa%ailability for oral digo)in tablets is 0#<?
a) -0#1<7 > 0#<) P -1#0) @ 0#1""7 mg
b) -0#1<7 > 1) P -0#<) @ 0#"7 mg
c) -0#1<7 ? 0#<) P -1#0) @ 0#A<7 mg
d) -0#1<7 ? 1) P -0#<) @ 1#8< mg
e) No change is necessary
,#") Hi%en a graph of plasma drug concentration %ersus time1 what part of the graph
would be used to calculate bioa%ailability for a O -oral) drug administration?
a) Ma)imum concentration
b) !teady concentration
c) Deri%ati%e of the cur%e -slope)
d) *ntegral of the cur%e -area underneath)
e) The cur%e is not used to calculate bioa%ailability
.#1) Which of the following routes of administration has a bioa%ailability of about A02
100=1 is usually %ery slow absorbing1 and has prolonged duration of action?
a) *6 -intra%enous)
b) *M -intramuscular)
c) !R -subcutaneous)
d) 5ectal
e) Transdermal
.#") Which of the following routers of administration is the most con%enient1 although
may ha%e a bioa%ailability anywhere from 72100=?
a) O -oral)
b) *6 -intra%enous)
c) *M -intramuscular)
d) !R -subcutaneous)
e) Transdermal
.#,) Which of the following enteral administration routes has the largest first2pass effect?
a) !+ -sublingual)
b) Fuccal
c) 5ectal
d) Oral
.#.) (pithelial cells are connected by ::::1 which are tough to cross and materials often
must pass through the cells# (ndothelial cells of blood %essels are connected by ::::1
which proteins cannot cross but smaller drugs -MW "002700) can#
a) Macular gap /unctions; Tight /unctions

b) Tight /unctions; Macular gap /unctions
c) $dherens /unctions; Tight /unctions
d) Tight /unctions; $dherens /unctions
e) Macular gap /unctions; $dherens /unctions
.#7) Which of the following administration routes is not often used1 is painful1 and has a
ris4 of infection and adhesion?
a) (* -epidural)
b) *$ -intraarterial)
c) * -intraperitoneal)
d) *6 -intra%enous)
e) *O -intraosseous)
.#8) Which of the following is NOT an ad%antage of prolonged release medications?
a) +ess fre3uent administration
b) Therapeutic effect o%ernight
c) +ower incidence of side effects
d) atient compliance
e) More fluctuation in plasma concentration
.#<) What is the common location for the scopolamine motion sic4ness transdermal
a) !ide of the hip
b) 9hest
c) O%er the deltoid muscle
d) Fehind the ear
e) On the bac4 of the nec4

Pharmacokinetic Distribution:
1#1) Which of the following would recei%e drug slowly?
a) +i%er
b) Frain
c) Iat
d) Muscle
e) Nidney
1#") Which of the following is the least important for passage through capillary walls but
the most important for passage through the cell wall?
a) Molecular siBe
b) +ipid solubility
c) Diffusion constant
d) pH
e) pNa
1#,) Which of the following is the most important for mo%ement through capillary walls?
a) Molecular siBe
b) +ipid solubility
c) Diffusion constant
d) pH
e) pNa
1#.) Which of the following locations would most trap a lipid soluble drug?
a) Flood
b) *ntestines
c) Frain
d) !tomach
1#7) What type of drugs can cross the blood2brain barrier -FFF)?
a) +arge and lipid2soluble
b) +arge and lipid2insoluble
c) !mall and lipid2soluble
d) !mall and lipid2insoluble
"#1) $cidic drugs1 such as phenytoin1 bind primarily to which of the following plasma
a) -$I)
b) H9 Hlobulin
c) $lbumin
d) glycoprotein -$$H)
e) Transcortin
"#") Fasic drugs1 such as lidocaine1 bind primarily to which of the following plasma
a) -$I)
b) Hc2Hlobulin -HcH)
c) $lbumin
d) glycoprotein -$$H)
e) Transcortin
,#1) $ decrease in drug2protein binding will lead to which of the following?
a) Decrease in the unbound drug concentration
b) *ncrease in free drug

c) *ncrease in rate of drug elimination
d) Decrease in %olume of distribution
,#") $ patient presents with acute2onset cirrhosis of the li%er# They are found to ha%e
hypoalbuminemia# *n se%ere cirrhosis it is e)pected that $$H will be decreased1 but the
patient presents with increased $$H due to the inflammatory response# Which of the
following is the most li4ely?
a) *ncreased acidic drug binding and increased basic drug binding
b) *ncreased acidic drug binding and decreased basic drug binding
c) Decreased acidic drug binding and increased basic drug binding
d) Decreased acidic drug binding and decreased basic drug binding
,#,) Which of the following is NOT a site of loss -where drug is not used)?
a) Iat
b) H* tract
c) Muscle
d) !ite lac4ing receptors
.#1) Which of the following locations can accumulate lipid2soluble drugs1 has little or no
receptors1 and can hold distributed drugs li4e barbiturates?
a) +i%er
b) Nidney
c) Frain
d) Iat
e) Ietus
.#") Which of the following locations has high blood flow and is a site of e)cretion?
a) +i%er
b) Nidney
c) Frain
d) Iat
e) Ietus
.#,) $nything affecting renal perfusion will affect drug deli%ery to the 4idney1 drug
e)cretion1 and drug le%els in the blood#
a) True
b) Ialse
.#.) Which of the following can be treated with drugs due to a lea4y area in the blood2
brain barrier near the medulla?
a) !eiBures
b) !hi%ers
c) Diarrhea
d) Nausea
e) 6omitting
.#7) What is the appro)imate lag time for e3uilibration between maternal blood and fetal
a) "0 mins
b) .0 mins
c) 1 hour
d) " hours
e) 8 hours
Match the body compartment ith the volume! assuming a "#kg male patient:
7#1) Total bodya) .
7#") lasmab) 10
7#,) *nterstitialc) 1.
7#.) ()tracellulard) "A
7#7) *ntracellulare) ."
7#8) *f protein plasma binding is decreased1 how will %olume of distribution be affected?

a) *ncreased
b) Decreased
c) Not changed
7#<) .00 mg of a drug is administered to a patient and the drug is later measured in
plasma to be 1 QgPml# What is the apparent %olume of distribution -6d)?
a) 0#0. +
b) 0#. +
c) . +
d) .0 +
e) .00 +
7#A) (lderly patients often ha%e :::: muscle mass and thus a-n) :::: 6d#
a) More; *ncreased
b) More; Decreased
c) +ess; *ncreased
d) +ess; Decreased
7#K) atients with ascites or edema would ha%e :::: 6d for hydrophilic drugs1 such as
a) *ncreased
b) Decreased
c) Gnchanged

Drug Metabolism
1#1) Which of the following locations is the most li4ely for finding a free1 unaltered drug?
a) Grine
b) Ieces
c) Freast mil4
d) Iat
e) !weat
1#") Most drugs are acti%e in their :::: form and inacti%e in their :::: form#
a) Non2polar; olar
b) olar; Non2polar
c) Water2soluble; +ipid2soluble
d) +ipid2insoluble; Water2insoluble
e) Neutral; Neutral
"#1) Drug biotransformation phase * ma4es drugs :::: polar for metabolism and phase **
ma4es drugs :::: polar for e)cretion#
a) More; More
b) More; +ess
c) +ess; More
d) +ess; +ess
"#") Which of the following is NOT a phase ** substrate?
a) Hlucuronic acid
b) !ulfuric acid
c) $cetic acid
d) $mino acids
e) $lcohol
,) Which of the following reactions is phase ** and NOT phase *?
a) O)idations
b) 5eductions
c) 9on/ugations
d) Deaminations
e) Hydrolyses
.) Which of the following metabolically acti%e tissues is the principle organ for drug
a) !4in
b) Nidneys
c) +ungs
d) +i%er
e) H* Tract
7#1) Damage at which of the following locations would most affect the goals of phase **
a) !4in
b) Nidneys
c) +ungs
d) +i%er
e) H* Tract

$ Pharmacokinetics: Principles o% &liminations
1#1) One liter contains 11000 mg of a drug# $fter one hour1 K00 mg of the drug remains#
What is the clearance?
a) 100 m+
b) 100 m+Phr
c) 1 mgPml
d) 100 mg
e) 1 mgPsec
1#") To maintain a drug concentration at steady state1 the dosing rate should e3ual the
elimination rate# Which of the following is true? -9+ @ Drug 9learance)
a) Dosing rate @ 9+ ? target concentration
b) Dosing rate @ 9+ 2 target concentration
c) Dosing rate @ 9+ > target concentration
d) Dosing rate @ 9+ P target concentration
1#,) Which of the following is most useful in determining the rate of elimination of a
drug1 in general?
a) Drug concentration in urine -renal elimination)
b) Drug concentration in stool -bilary elimination)
c) Drug concentration in blood
d) Drug concentration in brain
e) Drug o)idation rate
"#1) Ior first2order drug elimination1 half2life t-1P") is :::: at two places on the cur%e
and a constant :::: is lost per unit time#
a) (3ual; $mount
b) (3ual; ercentage
c) Not e3ual; $mount
d) Not e3ual; ercentage
"#") Ior first2order drug elimination1 gi%en the half2life e3uation of t-1P") @ -0#8K, > 6d)
P 9+1 how many half2li%es would be necessary to reach steady state -SK7=) without a
loading dose?
a) 1 to "
b) " to ,
c) , to .
d) . to 7
e) 7 to 8
"#,) Which of the following is NOT a drug e)hibiting Bero2order elimination 4inetics?
a) $spirin
b) Morphine
c) henytoin
d) (TOH

"#.) Ior Bero2order drug elimination1 half2life t-1P") is :::: at two places on the cur%e
and a constant :::: is lost per unit time#
a) (3ual; $mount
b) (3ual; ercentage
c) Not e3ual; $mount
d) Not e3ual; ercentage
"#7) *f a drug with a "2hour half life is gi%en with an initial dose of A mcgPml1 assuming
first2order 4inetics1 how much drug will be left at 8 hours?
a) A mcgPml
b) . mcgPml
c) " mcgPml
d) 1 mcgPml
e) 0#7 mcgPml
,#1) What are the units for steady2state concentration -9ss)1 or infusion rate o%er
a) mgPmin
b) mlPmin
c) mgPml
d) mlPmg
e) minPmg
,#") What percentage of the steady2state drug concentration is achie%ed at ,#, > t-1P")?
a) 10=
b) "7=
c) 70=
d) <7=
e) K0=
.#1) *ncreasing the rate of infusion changes the time necessary to reach the steady2state
a) True
b) Ialse
.#") $n in/ection of two units of a drug once2daily -3d) will yield the same steady2state
concentration as an in/ection of one unit of a drug twice2daily -bid)#
a) True
b) Ialse
7#1) Which of the following drugs would most li4ely need a loading dose to help reach
therapeutic le%els?
a) $cetaminophen1 t-1P") @ " h
b) $spirin1 t-1P") @ 17 m
c) Tetracycline1 t-1P") @ 11 h
d) Digito)in1 t-1P") @ 181 h
e) $denosine1 t-1P") @ 10 s

7#") $ target concentration of <#7 mgP+ of theophylline is re3uired for a 80 4g patient#
What is the loading dose1 gi%en the following' 6d @ 0#7 +P4g1 9l @ 0#0. +P4gPhr1 t-1P") @
K#, hr?
a) 0#7 +P4g > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ ""7 mgPh1 infusion
b) 0#7 +P4g > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ ""7 mg1 bolus
c) 0#0. +P4gPhr > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ 1A mgPh1 infusion
d) 0#0. +P4gPhr > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ 1A mg1 bolus
7#,) $ target concentration of <#7 mgP+ of theophylline is re3uired for a 80 4g patient#
What is the steady state maintenance dose1 gi%en the following' 6d @ 0#7 +P4g1 9l @ 0#0.
+P4gPhr1 t-1P") @ K#, hr?
a) 0#7 +P4g > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ ""7 mgPh1 infusion
b) 0#7 +P4g > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ ""7 mg1 bolus
c) 0#0. +P4gPhr > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ 1A mgPh1 infusion
d) 0#0. +P4gPhr > 80 4g > <#7 mgP+ @ 1A mg1 bolus
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