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McCartney/Mills divorce case: Full text of judgment.

(Read more on The Linden Row)

Mr Justice Bennett:

1. This final hearing concerns the application by Ms Heather Mills/Lady McCartney ("the
wife") for financial provision against Sir Paul McCartney ("the husband").

2. The hearing took place over six days between 11 and 18 February 2008. The wife
represented herself assisted, with my permission, by three Mckenzie Friends, namely her
sister, Fiona Mills, Mr David Rosen, a solicitor-advocate, and Mr Michael Shilub, an
American attorney. The husband was represented by Mr Nicholas Mostyn QC and Mr
Timothy Bishop, instructed by Payne Hicks Beach.

3. The battle lines are set out in the open offer made by each party prior to the start of the
final hearing. In her letter of 31 January 2008 the wife computes her reasonable needs for
herself and Beatrice at 3,250,000 p.a. which amounts on a Duxbury capitalised basis to
99,480,000. She seeks a property adjustment order in respect of a property in Beverley
Hills called "Heather House" and of a property in New York State, 11 Pintail. She seeks
between 8m and 12.5m for a home in London, 3m to purchase a property in New York,
500,000 to 750,000 to purchase an office in Brighton, a transfer to her of a mortgage in
favour of the husband over her sister's (Fiona) Hove property, transfer of property order
re a Southampton property owned by the husband in which Sonya Mills lives, and relief
in respect of chattels. Further, the wife asks the court "to place a significant monetary
value on compensation for loss of earnings, contribution and conduct". She would retain
her own properties at Pean's Wood in Robertsbridge, Sussex and at Angel's Rest in Hove.
Overall her claim amounts to about 125m. She also seeks an order for costs.

4. By letter of 6 February 2008 Messrs Payne Hicks Beach set out the husband's position.
Overall the wife should exit the proceedings with total assets of 15m (after a deduction
for conduct) made up as follows. Sonya Mills' home and the mortgage on Fiona's home
should be transferred to the wife at a combined value of 683,000; Angel's Rest (which
has now been valued at 2m); the net value of Pean's Wood; the value of funds that either
the wife has or should have; and a balancing lump sum provided certain art is returned to
the husband. Further, the husband would meet the reasonable cost of security for the wife
and for their child, Beatrice, for 2 years not exceeding 150,000 p.a. For Beatrice, the
husband would pay periodical payments at 35,000 p.a. and for a nanny not to exceed
25,000 p.a. Both these figures would be index-linked. The periodical payments would
continue until Beatrice is 17 years old or completes secondary education, whichever is
the later. Further, he will discharge the school fees, uniform and reasonable extras, and
health insurance premiums.

Proposals were made as to chattels. There would be no order as to costs.

5.Both parties made it clear that each wants a clean break both under the Matrimonial
Causes Act 1973 (as amended) and under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and
Defendants) Act 1975.

6.The barest outline of the background would be that the wife and the husband met in the
spring of 1999, became engaged on 22 July 2001, married on 11 June 2002, separated on
29 April 2006 and ever since have been engaged in protracted matrimonial litigation.
They have one child, Beatrice born on 28 October 2003 who is therefore now 4 years old.

7.No decree nisi has yet been pronounced, for the following reasons. On 17 July 2006 the
husband filed a petition for divorce on the grounds of the wife's unreasonable behaviour.
On 13 October 2006 the wife filed an Answer denying the husband's allegation of
unreasonable behaviour and cross-praying for divorce on the grounds of the husband's
unreasonable behaviour. On 28 February 2007 the suit, the ancillary relief proceedings
and an application by the wife for maintenance pending suit came before me. I shall
return to this hearing later in the judgment. Suffice it to say for the moment that at my
prompting the parties agreed to stay their divorce proceedings and on or after 1 May
2008, by which time would have been separated for 2 years, to one party presenting a
fresh petition for divorce based on the 2 years separation and to the other consenting to a
divorce. So, at a hearing arranged for 12 May I hope to be able to pronounce a decree nisi
of divorce.

8.The husband's case on financial provision for the wife is summarised at paragraph 9 of
the opening note of Mr Mostyn QC as follows:

"We submit that fundamentally this is a straightforward case. Because of H's enormous
pre-marital wealth and because of the brief duration of this marriage W's claim should be
determined by reference to the principle of need alone. This is not a case where the
principle of sharing of the "marital acquest" is engaged at all. Nor is it a case where the
principle of compensation will arise. W's needs fall to be fairly assessed, not
predominantly by reference to the standard of living during the marriage. W's award
should be reduced to reflect her post-separation misconduct. That misconduct is based on
three distinct episodes as explained in our Conduct Note."

9.The wife's case cannot be so succinctly summarised. By the time of the parties' first
meeting in May of 1999 the wife says that she was wealthy and independent with, as she
told me in evidence, properties and cash totalling between 2m and 3m. She earned her
living as a TV presenter, a model and public speaker. She began to cohabit with the
husband from March 2000 which led seamlessly into marriage and thus the relationship
lasted 6 years. This is denied by the husband. The wife says that the husband's attitude
towards her career was one of constriction such that the opportunities for the
development of her career fell away during their relationship. He dictated what she could
or could not do. She thus seeks compensation for the loss of her career opportunity in that
during their cohabitation and subsequent marriage she forewent a lucrative and successful
career. She seeks an award commensurate with being the wife of, and the mother of the
child of, an icon. She places great weight on the contributions she says she has made to
counselling the husband's children by his former marriage and to the husband's
professional career. She asserts that his assets are worth in excess of 800m and that she is
entitled to share in the "marital acquest". Finally, she asserts that throughout their
marriage and after their separation the husband behaved in such a way that it would be
inequitable to disregard and that his conduct should be reflected in the award.

10.During the course of this judgment I shall have to determine certain matters of fact.

11.The major factual issues as to the history of their relationship that I must determine are
these. First, at the time the parties met, was the wife a wealthy and independent person?
This is linked to the third issue. Second, did the parties cohabit from March 2000 or from
the date of the marriage? The relevance of this issue is to the length of their relationship
and to the further issue of "marital acquest". Third, did the husband constrict the wife's
career after cohabitation (whether at March 2000 or June 2002)? This is relevant to the
issue of "compensation" for an allegedly lost or restricted career of the wife.

12.I shall also have to determine issues of fact concerning the husband's and the wife's
assets, the wife's proposed income needs, the wife's expenditure between October 2006
and December 2007, and the wife's earning capacity.

13.Many of the issues of fact involve a head on conflict between the evidence of the wife
and the husband, in which I shall also have to examine the relevant and important
documents. It is therefore appropriate that I should briefly say something at this stage
about the evidence of each of the parties.

14.The wife is a strong willed and determined personality. She has shown great fortitude
in the face of, and overcoming, her disability. I refer to the loss of her left leg below the
knee. As I shall show she is a kindly person and is devoted to her charitable causes. She
has conducted her own case before me with a steely, yet courteous, determination.

15.The husband's evidence was, in my judgment, balanced. He expressed himself

moderately though at times with justifiable irritation, if not anger. He was consistent,
accurate and honest.

16.But I regret to have to say I cannot say the same about the wife's evidence. Having
watched and listened to her give evidence, having studied the documents, and having
given in her favour every allowance for the enormous strain she must have been under
(and in conducting her own case) I am driven to the conclusion that much of her
evidence, both written and oral, was not just inconsistent and inaccurate but also less than
candid. Overall she was a less than impressive witness.

17.The husband's background needs little exposition. He is, and has been for many years,
a world famous musician, composer and singer. He is an icon to millions of people. He
married Linda, who had a daughter from her first marriage, whom the husband
subsequently adopted. He and Linda had 3 children, Mary, Stella and James. In 1998
Linda died of cancer. I have no doubt that he was deeply upset by her death. He is now
65 years old.

18.The wife, who is now 40 years old, spent much of her childhood in Northumberland.
She seems to have had a rather troubled childhood. When she was 14 years old she had to
move to live with her mother in London. She left her mother's home aged 15. She took a
number of jobs.

19.When she was 17 years old she started modelling. After a modelling competition she
got a job presenting a TV series. More modelling jobs followed. When she was 20 years
old (1988) she went to live and work in Paris.

20.In 1989 she married. The union was childless. She and her former husband ultimately
divorced. She learned to ski and became an instructor. She learned to ski in Slovenia.

21.During the crisis that affected the old Yugoslavia the wife became appalled by the
fighting and the terrible injuries suffered particularly by the civilian population. She
became heavily involved in charitable works joining convoys of trucks taking food and
clothing to Croatia. She became very conscious of the terrible injuries inflicted by
landmines. She saw a number of people who had lost limbs, particularly legs.

22.In 1993 her trips to Croatia diminished as her modelling career in the UK began to
prosper. At paragraph 26 of her affidavit of 30 January 2008 she says:

"In early 1993 my trips to Croatia became less and less frequent, as my modelling career
in the UK began to take off. I got work modelling all over the world including in the
Bahamas, Malaysia, America and the Middle East. I won lucrative contracts with Marks
and Spencers, River Island and Slix, the swimwear company ....

I believe I was earning at that time in the region of 200,000 per annum. I do not have my
tax returns although I did request the same from the Inland Revenue who informed me by
letter that they are not available...."

23.On 8 August 1993 she was on a zebra crossing in London and was unfortunately hit
by a police motorcyclist. Her left foot was severed above the ankle. She suffered head
injuries, cracked ribs, a punctured long and multiple fractures of the pelvis. Her left leg
was amputated 6 inches below the knee. In October 1993 she underwent another
operation which shortened her leg still further but still below the knee.

24.The wife says that, following media enquiries, she gave interviews and earned about
180,000 in 10 days. She wrote a book "Out on a limb", the proceeds of which were
donated to transport artificial limbs to Croatia. She says that thereafter she did much
public speaking and her earnings were in the range of 300,000 per annum.

25.She became involved in fundraising for a number of charities - see in particular her
description at paragraph 32 of her affidavit. She continued to do an enormous amount of
charitable work in particular being involved in transporting artificial limbs to Croatia.
She was by now, she says, an established public speaker.

26.At paragraph 45-47 of her affidavit she says:

"After my accident in 1993, I raised money through public speaking in aid of charities. I
became one of the top 10 female speakers in Europe. Between 1993 and 1999 when I met
Paul my income spiralled for example in 1997 I had a modelling contract for 750,000; I
wrote, with a ghost writer, a best selling autobiography called Out on a Limb and in the
year prior to marrying Paul I earned $1,000,000 for 14 days work. In order to support
myself and to help with my charity work, I did a lot of television presenting, for example,
Good Morning with Anne & Nick, Keanu Reeves interview, BBC TVAM, Chill Out
With Heather series (where I interviewed a number of well known people), The Holiday
programme, Wish You Were Here, Travelogue, First Say (after Panorama show), radio
hosting, The General hospital, Richard and Judy, etc etc the list is endless. I also
continued modelling. I would contribute a lot of my earnings to charity....

Before I met Paul in 1999, examples of my work included:

a.That's Esther Show with Esther Ranzten - I was a co-presenter, making and presenting
reports. I did approximately 25 programmes focusing on the struggles of amputees, and
the quality of services available to them, as well as other issues such as chip pan fires,
police sirens, male nannies, safe children's playgrounds, waste pickers in Cambodia;

b.Panorama - I worked as a senior producer making programmes called 'First Say'

concerning issues such as Clinton's impeachment, European working time directive and
Prince Charles 50th birthday; This was the flagship's commission for the digital channel
'Choice' on the BBC. My role involved producing, researching scripting, directing and

c.Travel programmes - I was a presenter on Summer Holiday, Wish You Were Here and

d.The General - I was a presenter on this programme based in Southampton General

Hospital which was broadcast live five days a week;

e.Pebblemill - Chill Out with Heather series and Croatian documentary

As mentioned previously, before I met Paul, I was speaking all over Europe and was
considered one of the top ten female public speakers in Europe. I would speak on the
same bill with eminent individuals such as Mark McCormack, Neil Armstrong and
others. I commanded a fee ranging from 10,000 to 25,000 for a one hour speech ...."

27.She thus asserted at paragraph 48:

"The assets I held at the time that I met Paul included the following:
a.A penthouse flat in Piccadilly worth approximately 500,000;

b.A property on Cross Street in Brighton, worth 250,000.

c.I rented a 5 bedroom barn in Hampshire, at a cost of 750.00 per month. I had
maintained a London apartment and a country property since 1992. An example of this is

d.I also owned a Green Mercedes, a Saab, and then a Rover as, I was sponsored by Saab
and Rover. I also had my own driver, Trevor, and a free Saab limousine ....

e.I often lent money to friends, as I could afford to do so. An example of such loans is
shown in my Form E.

I was wealthy and financially independent in my own right prior to our marriage."

28. I have to say I cannot accept the wife's case that she was wealthy and independent by
the time she met the husband in the middle of 1999. Her problem stems from the lack of
any documentary evidence to support her case as to the level of her earnings. I do not
doubt her commitment to charitable causes. She is passionate about them, particularly
those that involve working for, and with, amputees. The DVDs shown to me in court
amply bear that out. I do not doubt that she modelled successfully and was a public
speaker. But the investigation in this case of her assets and earnings as at 1999 when the
parties met do not bear out her case.

29.The penthouse flat in Denman Street was not worth 500,000 in 1999. She sold it on 20
March 2001 for 385,000 after the London property market had risen substantially since
1999. She did not in 1999 own the property in Cross Street in Brighton. That was not
bought until March 2000 when she gave up her property near King's Somborne in

30.During her cross-examination she asserted for the first time that in addition to property
assets she had 2m-3m in the bank. No mention of such assets was made in her affidavit.
There is no documentary evidence to support that assertion. During the hearing she was
asked repeatedly to produce bank statements, which she said she thought she had in
Brighton, to verify this claim. No bank statements were ever produced.

31.The first tax return that the wife has been able to produce is for the year ending 5
April 1999. The Revenue has not been able to supply any prior tax return. However her
tax returns for the years ending 5 April 1999 and thereafter to 2006 are in the papers.

Her gross turnover and net profit declared for "acting, modelling and public speaking" for
the tax years 1999 to 2002 are, respectively (to the nearest 500) 62,000 and 11,500;
42,000 and 6000; 112,000 and 58,000; and 78,000 and 49,500. Thus her tax returns for
1999 and 2000 do not support the wife's case of very significant earnings as set out in her
32.The wife's riposte is that much of her earnings, which are not included in the tax
returns, were sent direct to charities of her nomination. In her evidence she told me that
as much as 80% or 90% of her earnings went direct to charities. However, the wife had to
accept in her cross-examination that there was no documentary evidence, for example
letters from the relevant charities, that her fees were sent direct to charities. In her
Answers to a Questionnaire of 6 February 2007 the wife, having been asked to set out in
a schedule the income earned by her and sent direct to charities for the years 1997 and
2000 inclusive, replied that she did not have the records requested to enable her to
complete a schedule. Furthermore, her assertion that she gave away to charity 80% to
90% of her earned income is inconsistent with having 2m-3m in the bank in 1999.

33.The wife accepted that had she had 2m to 3m in the bank in 1999 she is most likely to
have put such a sum into an account earning interest. But the tax returns do not disclose
any bank interest earned or only very small sums which are not consistent with holding
2m-3m in a bank or banks. Moreover her tax returns disclose no charitable giving at all.

34.In March 2000 the wife bought a property in Cross Street in Brighton for about
250,000, using 200,000 paid to her as compensation for the injuries arising out of her
accident in 1993. There was no need therefore for her to touch the 2m-3m in her bank
account if such existed. However in May 2001 the wife purchased in her own name 7,
Western Esplanade in Hove i.e. Angel's Rest for 750,000. On 18 May 2001 MPL
Household, the husband's company, and the wife entered into a formal legal charge
whereby it lent the wife 800,000, interest free, secured on Angel's Rest in order for the
wife to be able to buy it. The wife agreed to repay the loan at 1000 per month from 1 July
2001 for a period of 25 years. The excess of 50,000 was to be used to improve the
property. In September 2001 the husband advanced the wife another 150,000 to carry out
refurbishments. The inevitable question was asked of the wife - why the need for such a
loan and advances if she had 2m-3m in the bank? Even allowing for some depletion in
the bank balances over an 18 month period from mid 1999 to early 2001, if she was as
wealthy as she made out there would have been no need for this loan or for a loan of such

35.By May 2002 the loan was "discharged". She paid the monthly 1000, and sold Cross
Street and according to the husband paid off about 348,000 of the loan from a
combination of the net proceeds of sale of Cross Street and monies from a modelling

36.I find that the wife's case as to her wealth in 1999 to be wholly exaggerated. The
assertion that she was a wealthy person in 1999 is, of course, the first step in her overall
case that her career, which in 1999 she says was one producing rich financial rewards,
was thereafter blighted by the husband during their relationship. It is therefore connected
to the issue of "compensation".

37.The next matter to be decided is whether the wife and the husband began cohabitating
in March 2000 or, as the husband asserts, their committed relationship began upon
marriage. It is common ground they met in May 1999 at the Pride of Britain Awards. He
accepts he was immediately attracted to her. He later telephoned her and they began
meeting. He made a donation to her charity of 150,000 in July. It is at that point the wife
says they began dating. There is no dispute about that.

38.In August the husband took the wife to New York and showed her his holiday house
at 11, Pintail, on Long Island which he had purchased in December 1998. The wife says
that after that thereafter things started to get serious and they saw more and more of each
other. By September 1999 they were spending 5 nights a week together, at hotels and
thereafter at the husband's property called "The Forecastle" but usually referred to as
"Lizzie", in Rye, which is a 3 bedroom cottage. In November 1999 the wife met the
husband's children by Linda. Later he introduced her to his adopted daughter, who was
Linda's daughter from her first marriage.

39.In January 2000 he took her on holiday to the Turks and Caicos Islands. On their
return they continued to spend up to 5 nights a week at Lizzie.

40.In early March 2000 the wife gave up her property in Hampshire and moved to a
property in Cross Street, Brighton to be nearer the husband. "This was around the time
that Paul and I decided to move in together" (paragraph 20 of her affidavit of 7 February
2007 in relation to the parties' pre-marital relationship). It is said that the husband
suggested trying to live together. From that point on the husband and she were only apart
if one of them was abroad. They lived by then mostly in "Lizzie", a property of the
husband in Rye or in the husband's property at 7, Cavendish Avenue in London.

41.The Christmas of 2000 was spent at Lizzie. In January 2001 they went for a whole
month to India and whilst in Jaipur the husband "secretly" bought a sapphire and
diamond engagement ring for the wife.

42.During 2000 and 2001 the husband was making his album "Driving Rain" and much
of the recording was done in Los Angeles. The husband's travel agent, Mike Whalley
found a property to rent at 9536 Heather Road in Beverley Hills.

43.In March 2001 the husband purchased that property and transferred it into Mr
Whalley's name "temporarily for tax purposes, but that it would soon be transferred to
me" (paragraph 32). It was never transferred into her name.

44.In February 2001 the wife sold her flat in Denman Street and in May 2001 purchased
Angel's Rest. Cross Street was sold. But the wife says that she and the husband continued
to live in Lizzie and visited Angel's Rest "only on occasion (sic)" (paragraph 33).

45.On 22 July 2001 the parties became engaged. The wife was given the ring that the
husband had bought in India. In November 2001 the husband gave her a joint Coutts
credit card.
46.On 14 June 2002 they were married. Their living arrangements remained the same.
But in 2002 they began building "The Cabin" - a Norwegian style log cabin near the lake
on the husband's estate of about 1500 acres at Peasmarsh in East Sussex.

47.The husband's evidence is contained in his affidavit of 25 January 2007. His case,
broadly, is that they dated during 1999, 2000, 2001, became engaged in July 2001 and
married in June 2002, whereupon the nature of their relationship changed.

48.The husband says that the wife did not give up her Hampshire property to live with
him, because in March 2000, she bought Cross Street in Brighton. Furthermore having
purchased Angel's Rest in May 2001 she decorated, furnished and insured it. He asserts
that Angel's Rest was the wife's primary home.

49.After their engagement their relationship did "become more formal and settled, but the
living arrangements did not change very significantly". They did not live as husband and

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