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Column based:

EmpId Lastname Firstname Salary

10 Smith Joe 40000
12 Jones Mary 50000
11 Johnson Cathy 44000
22 Jones Bob 55000

Column-oriented systems[edit]
A column-oriented database serializes all of the values of a column together, then the values of the
next column, and so on. For our example table, the data would be stored in this fashion;

Advantages Of Columns Based:

Flow Of the Test
1. Install IQ:
IQs new builds come every day .. Every day check-ins are done. Hence b4 executing any Test
we have to install latest build of IQ . That build is stored in pregold area, which is only accessible
by programmers and QA Engineers/Testers
2. Copy Test Scripts into test Directory
Whenever a test is assigned to us for execution the machine/platform name on which it is to be
tested is always mentioned. SAP always makes sure that all the platforms are tested. Hence I
have to go on corresponding machine copy test scripts of the test to be executed on the
machine .
3. Each test has different requirements according different ENV variables are set. These ENV
variable value persist only till current session last
Set Environment Variables
setenv rmtsvr sunx8store_04k
setenv rmthost sunx12store
setenv rmtport 5204
setenv rmtuser bugmanr111
setenv rmtpwd bugman_pwd1
setenv rmt_db master
setenv ASE_ODBC /remote/ase/15.7/LinuxAMD64/DataAccess64/ODBC/lib
setenv aseodbc_dvrpath
setenv scripts `pwd`
setenv IOTMP16 `pwd`
setenv ODBCINI `pwd`/.odbc.ini
setenv PATH ${PATH} `pwd`

4. Modify Test Scripts
Test scripts may or may not need to be changed.
RAW Devices: In computing, specifically Unix-like operating systems, a raw device is a special
kind of block device file that allows accessing a storage device such as a hard disk drive directly,
bypassing the operating system's caches and buffers (although the hardware caches might still
be used). Applications like a database management system can use raw devices directly,
enabling them to manage how data is cached, rather than deferring this task to the operating
Some tests may need raw devices to be captured , hence b4 starting the test only these raw
devices are to be captured.
5. Start the server
MPX Server setup:
Some tests need this MPX setup to be done prehand b4 starting the test
Sybase IQ multiplex consist of
1. One or more servers, each running one or more Sybase IQ servers
2. A shared disk subsystem connected to all servers
3. One server is designed as the Coordinator Server
4. Other servers are designed as Writer and Reader Servers
This extends speed, flexibility and low cost of ownership of Sybase IQ to multi-server
Extends support to hundreds of simultaneous queries with high availability

Execute Test Scripts :
For dbtest :
Dbtest main.tst | tee main.ot
For quasr
$QUASR_DRIVER/bin/quasr setup -testset $QUASR_TESTS/testset -config config_sun10qa | tee
Sometimes performance / load tests need lot of time 24hrs to 90 hrs hence we have to put test
in the background.

7. PASSES->Generate the report
FAILS ->Analyse
Now our actual work starts
1. If particular test is failing we have to analyze if this failure is because of 1.Product is
Failing 2.Or test Script needs modification because of new feature added in the new
build 3.Or just environment issue
If Product is failing PF has to be raised
Now u cant give developer whole test script to execute and see this error is coming
We have to find minimum steps to be executed to see if error is coming and then pass
that PF to developer
IF TE is required then that TE has tobe fixed by us only . Modifications are needed tobe
done to the test scripts :
TE made by me
1. Elan product release needed permissions to be made b4 creating LOB ,CLOB tables or
dbspaces ;hence script was written that checks the permission b4 creating above .
2. Modifed Readme also
3. sometimes test data needs tobe changed according .inp files needs modification
4. IQ_SYSTEM_LOG associated with db server had some changes hence test had tobe
modified accordingly
8. Generate Report
After above thing is done a report is created and generated using Dashboard and sent to all the
team members and managers which is then reviewd by them.
9. Stop the servers
10. Clean up the directory is very important.

Tests Performed: read slides
To speak

Server Install Testing :
This is a Sanity test ,which is done before the product release just to check all the tools
associated with the product are working as expected or not.
This is checked with the server.
In case Of Sybase IQ tools tested are :
1. iqdsn
2. dsedit
3. isql
4. dbisql /dbisqlc
5. ssc agent
Client Install Testing :
Just Like Server Install Testing only checked with client.

Tests Written
1. Olin0001_FullTextSearch

Data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file is called structured data. This includes
data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets. Structured data is often managed
using Structured Query Language (SQL)
Unstructured data is all those things that can't be so readily classified and fit into a neat box:
photos and graphic images, videos, streaming instrument data, webpages, pdf files, PowerPoint
presentations, emails, blog entries, wikis and word processing documents.
Semi-structured data is a cross between the two. It is a type of structured data, but lacks the
strict data model structure. Emails have the sender, recipient, date, time and other fixed fields
added to the unstructured data of the email message content and any attachments. Photos or
other graphics can be tagged with keywords such as the creator, date, location and keywords,
making it possible to organize and locate graphics. XML and other markup languages are often
used to manage semi-structured data.

Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of
both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it's difficult to process using
traditional database andsoftware techniques. In most enterprise scenarios the data is too big or
it moves too fast or it exceeds current processing capacity. Big data has the potential to help
companies improve operations and make faster, more intelligent decisions.
Is Big Data a Volume or a Technology?
While the term may seem to reference the volume of data, that isn't always the case. The term
big data, especially when used by vendors, may refer to the technology (which includes tools
and processes) that an organization requires to handle the large amounts of data and storage
facilities. The term big data is believed to have originated with Web search companies who
needed to query very large distributed aggregations of loosely-structured data.

Half Auto:

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