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Janet J.

Knodel, Extension Entomologist

Department of Entomology,
School of Natural Resource Sciences
Kasia Kinzer, Plant Diagnostician
Department of Plant Pathology
Ron Smith, Extension Horticulturist
Department of Plant Sciences
PP-744 (revised)
Proper Care
and Management
of Pest Problems
December 2009
Houseplant problems often arise when
a new plant is brought into a home that
previously was free of any problems.
We Americans enjoy giving houseplants
as gifts or we want to sustain one that
was given to us by a beloved relative
who recently passed on. Upon acquiring
any new plants, whether its one you
purchased, a gift or one passed on from
a relative, isolate that plant from others in
the house for at least 30 days. During that
time, inspect the plant carefully for insect or
disease problems. If minor, take corrective
action that is suggested in this publication
and be sure the problem is under control
or eliminated before placing it anywhere
near your present healthy plant collection. If
the problem is too far along, you really are
better off discarding the plant.
Growing houseplants is a challenging and
rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by
everyone and need not be difcult. Give
plants what they need and theyll do well for
you. Give them just about what they need
and they hold their own. Deny too many of
their needs and plants fail.
Take time to learn the cultural needs of
a particular plant when you purchase it
and keep a watchful eye out for possible
disease and insect problems. If a plant has
poor color or distorted leaves or owers,
or if the plant tends to droop, something is
wrong. These distress signals tell you the
plant is having problems and you need to
take corrective steps.
The leading causes of houseplant failure
are overwatering and/or too little light for
the species. Check these conditions rst
before suspecting anything else.
Plant roots must have air, nutrients and water. Potting soil
must be porous enough to allow drainage of excess water
and admit the oxygen (soil aeration) the roots need.
Garden soil may appear ideal for potting indoor plants,
but it actually causes problems. This soil may be
wonderful for outdoor gardening under natural conditions,
but after a few months, garden soil becomes hard and
almost rocklike in a plant pot. Plants in garden soil grow
satisfactorily for a month or two, but soon the lower
leaves turn yellow and the plants become weak. This
problem is the result of poor drainage and the lack of
soil aeration due to improper soil structure. Most garden
soils become compacted with time and houseplants grow
poorly in rm soil.
A proper soil mixture is of utmost importance to a
houseplant because the roots are restricted by the pot. A
good potting soil should have the capacity to retain some
air and moisture and yet drain well and hold nutrients.
Sand or perlite added to the soil will improve aeration and
drainage. Clay or organic matter will help retain water.
Organic matter plus commercial fertilizers will maintain
adequate nutrient levels. Some soilless potting media do
contain soil, so the addition of fertilizer may be required
to provide all essential plant nutrients.
For general use, a good soil mix includes approximately
equal parts of good garden loam, organic matter
(preferably peat moss, although well-rotted manure
or leaf mold will do) and sharp sand or perlite (Figure
1). When sandy soil is used in the mixture, reduce the
amount of sand or perlite.
Always use pasteurized soil when repotting at home.
This can be purchased at a local store or soil can be
pasteurized at home.
Figure 1
Methods for Pasteurizing
Small Amounts of Soil With Heat
Conventional Oven
Place moist soil in a deep baking pan or roaster
(aluminum, glass or iron). The soil should be level and
not more than 4 inches deep. Bury a small potato (1
inches in diameter) in the center. Then tightly cover the
container with aluminum foil. Punch a small hole in the
center of the soil but away from the potato and insert
the bulb end of a meat or candy thermometer into the
soil. Place the container in an oven on low heat (180 to
200 degrees Fahrenheit). Keep the soil in the oven for
30 minutes after the soil temperature has reached 180
F. Remove and cool the soil. The potato should be well-
cooked, indicating sufcient heat penetration throughout
the soil. Do not overcook the soil.
Microwave Oven
Place approximately 2 pounds of moist soil in a
polypropylene bag. Leave the top open and place
the bag in the center of a microwave oven. Heat it for
2 minutes on full power - about 650 watts. After the
heating is completed, close the top of the bag and allow
the soil to cool before removing it.
Always use thoroughly cleaned potting containers with
proper drainage holes. Before reusing any pots, they
should be scrubbed clean and thoroughly rinsed in a
solution of one part household bleach to nine parts
water to kill disease organisms present.
Cover the drainage holes in the pot with pieces of
broken clay pots or coarse gravel. Next add enough
potting soil to bring the soil level of the nished planting
to about inch below the rim of the pot. This top space
serves as a reservoir for watering.
Symptoms of plants needing repotting include the
following: wilting within a day or two after watering,
very little or no new growth and a general lack of vigor,
foliar discoloration, and water ushing out of the bottom
of the pot as it is being watered. To conrm whether it
needs repotting, hold the plant and soil ball with one
hand, invert it and lightly tap the edge of the pot on a
hard surface such as a table or countertop. If the soil
mass is completely surrounded by a mass of roots, the
plant needs to be repotted.
To begin the process of repotting, be sure the plant
is watered thoroughly a day or two ahead of time and
water again just before removing it from the pot. If the
plant can be picked up, knock the pot against a table
edge or other hard surface.
If the plant is too large to pick up, a couple of tactics
have proven successful. Tip the pot and knock the high
side with a rubber mallet or the heel of your hand. Roll
the pot and repeat this process at least three more
times in a different area of the pot. This should help
loosen and break the adhesive character of the side of
the pot. Then carefully grab the base of the plant and
pull it loose.
On very large plants such as palms and g trees,
sit on the oor in front of the plant and place a foot
on opposite sides of the pot, then tug the plant out.
Another tactic if this doesnt seem to work (never
damage the plant in trying to extract it from the
container) is to strike or break the bottom of the
container and push the plant out from the bottom. As
you may have guessed, this could be a two-person job.
Now you need to make a choice: cut the roots or slice
off four slabs of root mass. Slicing 1-inch-thick slabs
with a sharp knife from the sides of the root mass is
easier, so the result is a cube that easily can slip back
into the same pot or, if desired, a slightly larger one.
Using fresh, sterile or pasteurized potting soil and a
piece of broken crockery, rst cover the drain hole(s)
with the crockery, then cover the bottom of the pot with
about 1 inch of the soil. Adjust the thickness so that the
plant will be at the same depth it grew in its previous
container. Fill in the space between the edge of the
roots and the sides of the container with potting soil,
using ngers, a slender trowel or even a knife to get the
soil in place.
Close observation and good judgment are essential
for proper houseplant watering. Growing conditions
vary from home to home and room to room due to
variations in light, temperature (day and night) and
humidity. Plants with roots in shallow containers may
need daily watering, while plants in large tubs may go
several weeks between waterings. Succulents such as
aloe, jade plants and other dry-soil plants require less
watering than moist-soil plants such as African violets
and ferns.
Proper watering keeps the soil moist enough to supply
the plants needs without drowning the roots. Saturated
soil drives out air, and roots can die from lack of oxygen.
Proper pot drainage is critical. All the soil in a pot should
be wetted thoroughly each time the plant is watered.
Always empty the drainage water from the catch basin
beneath your plant container after each watering. This
will reduce the possibility of water-logged soil and
prevent the dissolved salts in the water from being
drawn back into the soil. Soil should dry to the point that
the plant approaches moisture stress between watering
Do not use water that is unusually high in salts or has
been run through a water softener to water plants. Rain
or melted snow are good alternate sources of water for
houseplants. Some plants are sensitive to the chlorine
in city water systems. Letting a container of tap water
sit overnight before use will allow most of the gas to
Many brands of fertilizers are designed for houseplants.
Follow the manufacturers directions and do not assume
that twice the recommended amount is better than the
recommended amount; overfeeding may damage your
Plant injury can be reduced by leaching or rinsing
out part of the dissolved fertilizer with clear water if
overfertilization occurs. Use a container with holes in
the bottom to allow thorough drainage. Place the pot in
a sink and water liberally three to four times at half-hour
intervals, allowing the water to ush out the dissolved
fertilizer and other accumulated salts.
A white, aky material on the soil surface of potted
plants often is observed one to several months after
potting. These are mineral salts that accumulate in
the soil. Well water in North Dakota contains varying
amounts of dissolved salts, as does the fertilizer you
apply. With continuous watering, these dissolved salts
accumulate in the soil and appear on the soil surface.
The salts can be ushed out of the soil from time to
time to prevent salt injury to your plants. Leaching
(rinsing) the soil of most houseplants every three to six
months is a good cultural practice and will reduce the
accumulation of salts in the soil. Clay pots that have
accumulated salts should be soaked in hot water for 24
hours before reuse.
Fertilizer will not cure all ills. It will not help a plant that is
suffering from poor drainage, insect infestation, disease
or overwatering. Fertilize only when new growth is
Interstate Transportation
of Plants
If plants are to be transported across state lines,
determine the regulations of the states en route to
avoid possible transportation of harmful plant
pests to areas not previously infested. For
more information on interstate transportation
of plants, contact the North Dakota
Department of Agriculture, 600 E. Boulevard
Ave., Dept. 602, Bismarck, ND 58505-
0020; Toll-free: (800) 242-7535;
E-mail: [email protected];
Web site:
Houseplant Trouble Signs
Wilting or partial wilting often will be the result of
improper watering. If sudden wilting is diagnosed, check
the roots, pot or soil for the trouble. Some common
causes are a lack of water, excess water, root rot, too
much fertilizer and/or a salt buildup. Check the cause by
pressing your nger, up to the rst knuckle, into the soil.
If the soil is dry to this depth, the plant needs water. If
the soil is wet, too much water in the root area may be
the problem. The roots may be saturated or rotting and
incapable of absorbing water from the soil and supplying
it to the leaves. Overwatered plants should be repotted
into fresh soil. (Refer to the section on yellowing and
death of all leaves and poor growth for more information
on root rot.)
Sudden loss of leaves is frequently caused by a rapid
temperature change. It also may be caused by such
factors as prolonged hot or cold drafts, dry air, exposure
to gas or furnace fumes or by changing the plant from
a sunny to a dark location. Ficus benjamina, commonly
called weeping g, frequently has sudden leaf drop
when moved to a location with lower light intensity.
Yellowing or death of leaves may indicate a nutrient
deciency, usually nitrogen or iron. First apply a nitrogen
fertilizer. If the foliage does not appear greener after
three to four days, do not add additional nitrogen.
Instead apply a chelated iron product. Iron is essential
to healthy, green leaves and may be present in the soil
but in a form that the plant cannot use. Chelated iron is
in a form that is readily available to the plant roots.
The yellowing and death of lower leaves may occur if
plants become pot bound because of extensive root
development. Rubber plant, Dracena, Diffenbachia and
other woody plants are especially prone to this problem.
When the lower leaves rst start to yellow, apply extra
nitrogen fertilizer or consider repotting. Occasional lower
leaf drop may be normal. The length of time a plant will
hold its leaves varies from species to species.
Yellowing of all leaves and poor growth may be due
to excessive soil moisture and/or root rot. If the drainage
hole in the pot or plant box is plugged or if the plants
constantly stand in water, the soil will be waterlogged
and lack sufcient oxygen.
If a root rot problem is suspected, remove the rootball
and check the roots. Healthy roots and root tips will be
white or cream-colored. Rotted roots are brown-black
and may appear slimy. Severely rotted roots may be
hollow and
easily broken
between the
thumb and
index ngers.
of the roots by soil-borne
fungi and nematodes
may cause a yellowing of the entire plant.
Severe infestations of mites, aphids and scale
insects, fertilizer burn, improper light and
temperature, or improper pH all may cause plant
yellowing. Soil pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of a
soil measured on a scale of one to 14, with seven being
neutral. Anything below seven is acidic and anything
above seven is alkaline.
Some plants such as the Norfolk Island pine and
Boston fern require an acidic soil medium. This can be
achieved by using a potting mixture high in peat and
an acidic fertilizer. Acidic fertilizers help reduce the pH
of the soil. Most North Dakota well and river water is
alkaline, so regular use of an acidifying fertilizer would
be advantageous to plant growth.
Finely specked leaves with a faint mottled, lighter color
indicate a spider mite infestation. When the mites are
plentiful, the upper and sometimes the lower surfaces
of the leaves may appear dusty due to their webbing.
To check plants for spider mites, shake several suspect
leaves or branches over a sheet of white paper. Look
closely at the specks that have fallen on the paper. If
they are moving, they are spider mites. More information
on mites and their control is given in the chart on pages
9 and 12.
Bronzed or abnormally reddened leaves indicate cold
temperature damage or a deciency of phosphorus
or potassium. Check the recommended temperature
range for the plant. If a nutrient deciency is suspected,
fertilize with a complete fertilizer or repot in new soil.
Unnaturally small, pale leaves and spindly plants are
most generally the result of insufcient light. This is
especially common during the winter or when outdoor
or greenhouse-grown plants are brought into the home.
Small leaves also might indicate a need for fertilizer.
Brown leaf tips and margins can be caused by
exposure to hot dry air, improper watering, insect
feeding, salt accumulations (Figure 2), or objects
rubbing against the leaves. Water that is chlorinated
or contains added or natural amounts of uoride can
harm sensitive plants. Perlite (the white material in many
potting mixes) and fertilizer products containing uoride
may release enough uoride to harm sensitive plants.
Spider plants, especially the variegated variety, are very
sensitive to uoride and often are seen with leaf-tip
burn. Occasionally ushing the soil should help reduce a
uoride salt buildup.
Bleached or faded spots on leaves sometimes are
caused by direct sunlight burning plants that require
shade or are not yet accustomed to extended periods of
direct sunlight. Chemicals and plant-cleaning pro ducts
also can injure leaves.
Other leaf spots, varying in appearance, may be
caused by aerosol products, hot grease in the kit-
chen area, cold water (especially on African violets
and gloxinias) or the sun shining on wet leaves. In
rare cases, a pathogen may be involved. For more in-
formation on plant pathogens, see the table on pages
Plant distortion (leaf thickening, curling, leaf and ower
drop) accompanied by leaf yellowing and browning
may be due to gas fumes or pesticides that are toxic
to the plant. Plants are very sensitive to gases and
will show symptoms before the gas concentration is
at a level detectable to humans. Garden soil that is
contaminated with agricultural chemicals and used for
potting houseplants can result in chemical injury to
White substances on the soil surface may indicate
two things. If crusty or crystalline, its probably an
accumulation of salts. The crusty surface layer of soil
can be removed and replaced with fresh soil be tween
repottings. Refer to the previous section on Feeding for
more information.
A white or light yellow moldlike growth may in dicate the
presence of a saprophytic soil fungus, a fungus that
lives on dead or decaying matter. The fungus will not
harm the plant but may indicate contaminated potting
medium or an overwatered plant.
Light brown corky scablike lesions, usually occurring
on the underside of leaves and along stems, are the
result of excess water (Figure 3). This condition is
known as oedema. Careful watering and good drainage
will minimize this problem.
Figure 2. Soluable salt injury on fern.
Courtesy of R.W. Stack
Figure 3. Oedema on geranium leaf.
Courtesy of H.A. Lamey
Common Insects and Arthropod Pests
of Houseplants
Here are some of the most common insect and arthropod pests of houseplants, their damage/symptoms and pest
management strategies. See also Table 1 for specic insecticides available to homeowners and pests controlled.
Arthropod Pest Pest Description and Damage Pest Management Strategy
Order Hemiptera
Aphids commonly are called plant lice and
are minute (1/8 inch), soft-bodied insects
with a pear-shaped body, long antennae and
two short cornicles (tubes) at the posterior
end of the body. Most species are green;
however, some are brown, reddish or black.
Adults may be winged or wingless. Aphids
cluster on the undersides of leaves, buds
and other tender plant parts. Damage is
caused by piercing-sucking mouthparts.
Aphids feed on plant sap and may transmit
plant viruses in the process of feeding. Injury
symptoms include reduced plant vigor,
curled and distorted leaves and owers.
Aphids secrete honeydew (sugary waste
product), which facilitates the growth of black
sooty mold.
Dip or spray plant with insecticides. Also
may use systemic insecticides applied
as a granular or liquid to soil. Washing
with warm, soapy water can help reduce
pest infestations of aphids. For soapy
water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of
water. Do not use laundry detergent or
automatic dishwashing detergent.
Fungus gnats
Order Diptera
Adults (1/8 inch) often are seen running over
the soil or ying around the pots, especially
after watering. Adults do not cause damage
but can be a nuisance. Adults are attracted
to light and swarm around windows. Larvae
(maggots) are white with a shiny, black-
headed capsule and feed on organic matter.
Under certain conditions, some species feed
on root hairs or roots of seedlings, causing
reduced plant growth and vigor.
Use a foliar spray for adults. Soil should
be drenched with an insecticide for
larval control.
Order Hemiptera
Soft-bodied, scalelike insects (3/16 inch)
covered by a white, cottony wax layer and
with long, waxy laments extending from the
posterior end of the body. Damage is caused
by sucking plant sap and injecting toxins into
the plant, which causes yellowing, stunting
and eventually plant death. Like aphids,
mealybugs secrete honeydew
on which sooty mold may
Dip or spray plants. To ensure wetting
of mealybugs, add mild household
detergent at a rate of teaspoon per
gallon of water with solution. Also may
use systemic insecticides applied as a
granular or liquid to soil. Washing with
warm, soapy water can help reduce pest
infestations of mealybugs. For soapy
water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of
water. Do not use laundry detergent or
automatic dishwashing detergent.
Order Collembola
Very minute (1/16 to 3/16 inch), generally
whitish, elongated or globular body shape
and wingless. Springtails can jump with the
aid of a forked furcula (taillike structure)
when disturbed. Most often seen after
watering because this forces them to the
surface. Attracted to moist high-organic soils
and feed mainly on decaying organic matter.
Some species may feed on the root system,
causing wilting.
Drench soil with insecticide. On sensitive
plants, water soil to bring insects to
surface and then use a foliar spray to kill
Order Thysanoptera
Adults are very small (1/16 to 1/8 inch
in length), cream to dark brown insects
with narrow, long-fringed wings. Immature
forms are wingless. If disturbed, adults
y readily and jump. Thrips feed on plant
sap and also are known to vector plant
viruses. Feeding damage results in the leaf
surfaces becoming whitened or silvery and
speckled. Leaf tips wither, curl up and die.
Buds will fail to open
Similar control as for aphids.
Dip or spray plant with insecticides. Also
may use systemic insecticides applied
as a granular or liquid to soil. Washing
with warm, soapy water can help reduce
pest infestations of thrips. For soapy
water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of
water. Do not use laundry detergent
or automatic dishwashing detergent.
Several Phytoseiid mites are known
predators of thrips and commercially
Scale insects
Order Hemiptera
Adult scale insects are 1/8 to 1/3 inch long
black, gray, white or brown; and protected
by a soft or armored covering. Scales are on
leaves, stems, leaf axils or roots. Immature
scales (crawlers) emerge from eggs
deposited under the females protective
scale. Once crawlers establish a feeding
site, they begin to secrete the protective
covering over their body. Scale damage is
caused by sucking plant sap,
which greatly reduces growth
and vigor and even causes
leaf drop as populations
build. Scale insects secrete
honeydew on which black
sooty mold may develop.
Similar control as for mealybugs.
Dip or spray plants; repeat applications
at two- to three-week interval as
necessary. Target dip or spray control
measures at the crawler stage before
protective covering is formed. Also may
use systemic insecticides applied as a
granular or liquid to soil. Washing with
warm, soapy water can help reduce pest
infestations of scale insects. For soapy
water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of
water. Do not use laundry detergent or
automatic dishwashing detergent.
Common insects and arthropod pests of houseplants (continued)
Arthropod Pest Pest Description and Damage Pest Management Strategy
Order Hemiptera
Adults (1/16 inch) are snow-white with four
wedge-shaped wings that are held rooike
over their body at rest. Whiteies resemble
small moths and swarm plants when
disturbed. Nymphs (immature) are difcult
to see and are pale green, at and oval-
shaped. Both adults and nymphs cause
damage by sucking sap from the foliage
and vectoring plant viruses. Infested plants
are stunted and leaves turn yellow and
may drop off. Whiteies
secrete honeydew on
which sooty mold may
Similar control as for aphids.
Dip or spray plant with insecticides. Also
may use systemic insecticides applied
as a granular or liquid to soil. Washing
with warm, soapy water can help reduce
pest infestations of whiteies. For soapy
water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of
water. Do not use laundry detergent
or automatic dishwashing detergent.
Several Phytoseiid mites are known
predators of whiteies and commercially
Spider mites
Order Acari
Very minute spider-like mites that barely
can be seen with the naked eye. A common
pest is the two-spotted spider mite, which
can be recognized by two dark spots on
the back. Warm and dry environmental
conditions favor spider mite outbreaks.
One of the injury symptoms of spider
mite infestation is silky webbing on the
underside of a leaf. Adult and nymph spider
mites remove plant sap within plant cells,
usually on the undersides of
leaves. Feeding injury shows up
rst as pale, yellowish blotches
on leaves which causes foliage
to have a speckled appearance.
Heavy infestations will cause
leaf distortion, wilting, stunting of
plants and even leaf drop.
Similar control as for aphids.
Dip or spray plant with insecticides.
Also may use systemic insecticides
applied as a granular or liquid to soil.
Washing with warm, soapy water can
help reduce pest infestations of mites.
For soapy water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons
of a mild dishwashing liquid soap per
gallon of water. Do not use laundry
detergent or automatic dishwashing
detergent. Several Phytoseiid mites are
known predators of spider mites and
commercially available.
Cyclamen mites
Order Acari
Cyclamen mites are primary pests of
cyclamen, but also damage other plants
such as African violets and ivy. Adult
mites are too small to be seen with the
naked eye. Adults are amber or tan and
semitransparent, while the immature stages
are white. Cyclamen mites are found mostly
in protected places on young, tender
leaves, buds or owers. Damage, caused
by removal of plant sap, causes leaves to
become twisted, curled and brittle. Buds
may become deformed, fail to open and
have a streaked and blotchy appearance.
Blackening of injured leaves, buds and
owers is common.
Trim off badly injured leaves, stems and
buds where practical. Lightly infested
houseplants can be immersed pot and
all for 15 minutes in water at 110 F.
Similar control as for spider mites. Dip
or spray plant with insecticides. Also
may use systemic insecticides applied
as a granular or liquid to soil, or soapy
water. Several Phytoseiid mites are
known predators of Cyclamen mites and
commercially available.
Common insects and arthropod pests of houseplants (continued)
Arthropod Pest Pest Description and Damage Pest Management Strategy
Pest Management Strategies for Control
of Insect and Arthropod Pests of Houseplants
Mechanical Control
Mechanical control is feasible when few plants have low
pest infestation levels. However, mechanical methods
are time consuming for the homeowner and require a
continued effort during a period of time.
Washing and spraying Washing with warm, soapy
water can help reduce pest infestations of aphids,
mealybugs, scale insects, mites, thrips and whiteies.
For soapy water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of a mild
dishwashing liquid soap per gallon of water. Do not use
laundry detergent or automatic dishwashing detergent.
Routinely wash plants twice per year or every seven to
14 days during a heavy pest infestation. Spraying plants
with a forceful stream of water also can be effective
in removing and drowning insects, such as aphids,
mealybugs, crawlers (scale insects) and spider mites.
Focusing the stream of water on the undersides of
leaves where most insect pests are found is important.
This tactic may not be 100 percent effective in killing
pests and some may crawl back onto plants.
Wiping Washing or cleaning foliage and stems with
a moist cotton ball or soft cloth with soapy water or an
alcohol solution (one-half water and one-half rubbing
alcohol) will remove most pests. The alcohol solution
may burn sensitive plants, so try this on a small area
of the plant rst. This is an easy way to control a light
infestation of aphids, mealybugs, crawlers (scale
insects) and mites. This method should be repeated
several times.
Hand Removal If the pest infestation is light, insects
such as aphids, mealybugs and scale insects may be
controlled by removing them with a toothpick
or tweezers. Hand removal generally is not
effective against very small insects and mites.
This method should be repeated several
Plant trimming If the pest
infestation is severe, the
injured parts of the plants
can be removed to permit
Early detection is important for proper pest
management of insect and arthropod pest problems
in houseplants. If an insect is detected before it has
an opportunity to build or spread, pest management
strategies generally can be applied in a timely and
satisfactory manner.
Cultural Practices
Cultural practices often are effective in managing
insect and arthropod pest problems in houseplants,
especially when infestation levels are light or moderate.
Some common cultural practices that are easy for the
homeowner to use are:
Exclusion New plants should be inspected closely for
pests before purchase. Buy only pest-free plants. Any
infested plant should be separated immediately from
other plants. Keeping new plants isolated for three to
four weeks is a good idea to prevent the spread of pests
and allow time for eggs to develop if present at the time
of purchase. Houseplants that are taken outside during
warm weather can become infested with insects and
should be examined closely before being brought back
into the home in the fall. If a plant is heavily infested and
damaged, simply disposing of it may be best.
Sanitation Potting soil should be pasteurized to
prevent soil-borne diseases and insect pests. Always
use clean pots and potting materials. See section on soil
Avoid overwatering Allowing the soil to dry can
reduce infestation by fungus gnats and springtails that
require moist soil condition to survive. Overwatering also
can increase the incidence of fungal diseases
that cause root rots. Proper
pot drainage is important
in preventing wet soil
regrowth and recovery. This method works best
when followed by repeated washing or chemical control.
Plant disposal If the pest infestation is severe, the
plant is heavily infested, disposing of it may be the best
Chemical Control
Chemical control is used as the last resort for pest
management. Pest identication is important when
selecting a pesticide because some products are
effective in controlling only certain pests. Using the
wrong chemical is ineffective and a waste of time
and money. Some pesticides are labeled for control
of household insect pests, such as cockroaches and
ants; however, these products may contain oils or other
ingredients that can be phytotoxic (burn foliage) when
applied to houseplants. Use products that are labeled
for application on houseplants.
All insecticides are poisons and should be handled
with care. Always read and follow the manufacturers
directions before using the product and always use
the labeled rates. Treating plants outside or away from
people, pets, sh, birds and other animals always is a
good idea. Wear personal protective clothing, such as
rubber gloves, dust mask, long-sleeved
shirt, pants and shoes, to prevent
pesticide poisoning. Keep pesticides
in a separate storage area that is locked
and labeled Pesticides and keep safe from
children. After spraying, thoroughly
wash yourself and triple rinse all
spray equipment.
Insecticides are available in
concentrated or ready-to-use spray
formulations (aerosol, hand misters, hand
atomizers). When spraying plants, covering
all plant parts thoroughly is important,
especially where insect pests are
concentrated, such as the undersides
of leaves or leaf axils.
To dip plants, make sure your container is
large enough for the insecticide-water mixture
and the whole plant to be submerged for a few
seconds. Use a cardboard disk to t around the
plant stem to prevent the soil and plant from
spilling when you turn the plant over. After
dipping, hold the plant over the container
to allow any excess pesticide mixture to
drip off of the foliage.
Do not dispose of excess insecticide mixture in the sink
or other drains that empty into the sewage system. It is
best to dispose excess mixture on ground where runoff
or other contamination is unlikely.
Dusting plants is effective in controlling common insect
and arthropod pests but dust is not used commonly on
houseplants because it is messy and difcult to apply
efciently. A thin visible coating of dust is all that is
necessary to kill pests. Do not apply a heavy coat of
dust on the foliage. If possible, dust plants outside.
Many trade names (or brand names) of insecticides
are available for the homeowner. Brand or trade
names, such as Ortho Rose & Flower Insect Killer, do
not identify the insecticide in the container. The active
ingredient that is listed on the label identies the specic
insecticide. In Table 1, some common insecticides that
are available to homeowners for control of common
insect and arthropod pests of houseplants
are listed.







Table 1. Some insecticides available to homeowners for control
of insect and arthropod pests of houseplants
Active Ingredient
Insecticide Class Trade Name(s)
Azadirachta indica Dyna-Gro Neem Oil, Bon Neem Insecticidal X X X X X
Botanical insecticide from Soap (Neem often is combined with
neem tree grown in India insecticidal soap to enhance its efcacy.)
Bacillus thuringiensis Gnatrol X
subspecies israelensis
Microbial insecticide
Bifenthrin Ortho Rose & Flower Insect Killer X X X X X X X
Capsaicin Bonide Hot Pepper Wax Concentrate X X X
Insect repellent
Botanical insecticide
Horticultural oil Bonide All Season Horticultural & X X X X X
Petroleum or parafn Dormant Spray Oil, Sunspray Ultrane
based oil Horticultural Oil
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced Garden 2-in-1 Insect X X X X X
Neonicotinoid Control Plus Fertilizer Plant Spikes,
All-In-One Rose & Flower Care Concentrate
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced Garden 3-in-1 Disease X X X X X X X X
Neonicotinoid & Mite Control Ready-to-Use /Concentrate
Imidacloprid and Bayer Advanced Dual-Action Rose & X X X X X X
beta-cyuthrin Flower Insect Killer Ready-to-Use
Neonicotinoid and
Insecticidal soap Concern Insecticidal Soap, X X X X X X X X X
Made of potassium salts Safers Houseplant Insecticidal Soap,
of fatty acids Schultz Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap
Malathion** Malathion X X X X X
Permethrin Bonide Eight Garden & Home Insect Control, X X X X X X X
Pyrethriod Spectracide Bug Stop Multipurpose Insect
Control Concentrate
Pyrethrin Schultz Expert Gardener Houseplant & X X X X X X X
Made of extracts of Garden Insect Spray, Schultz Garden Safe
chrysanthemum owers Houseplant & Garden Insect Spray,
Spectracide Houseplant & Garden Insect Spray
Note: Mention of any trade names does not imply endorsement of one product over another nor discrimination against any product
by the North Dakota State University Extension Service o r the authors.
**Potentially sensitive plants: Boston, Maidenhair and Pteris ferns, Crassula, Gloxinia, Saintpaulia (African violets),
Begonias, Dieffenbachia (dumb cane), Schefera
Diseases of Houseplants
Houseplants rarely suffer from infectious plant diseases
because the indoor environment is typically too dry
for plant diseases to develop. Cultural, environmental
or insect problems are more common than disease
problems in houseplants, and some symptoms that
are caused by disease are similar to those caused
by noninfectious disorders or insect injury. Disease
problems can be prevented or minimized by purchasing
healthy, vigorous, disease-free plants; using pasteurized
potting soil or media when repotting; using clean pots
sanitized in a 10 percent bleach solution; and avoiding
Diseases of indoor houseplants are caused by plant
pathogens, which are microscopic living organisms
such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses. Plant
pathogens can cause disease on indoor plants only
if three conditions are met: 1) if the plant pathogen is
present, 2) if the plant is susceptible to infection by a
particular plant pathogen and 3) if the environment
is favorable for disease development. Since indoor
environments are typically too dry, diseases on
houseplants rarely develop.
Root and Crown Rot Diseases
Symptoms of root rot or crown rot diseases are usually
noticeable rst on the foliage. Wilting of foliage, typically
followed by yellowing or browning of the leaves, may
indicate that a root or crown rot disease is present.
These diseases are caused by various fungi, including
species of Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora,
Verticillium, Sclerotium and Pythium.
Overwatering can lead to the development of root rot
diseases, which can be worsened by heavy potting
soils or poorly draining pots. Since several factors can
cause wilitng in houseplants, examine roots by carefully
removing the plant from the pot while keeping the plant,
roots and soil intact as much as possible. Healthy roots
appear white to cream colored and are vigorous, while
roots suffering from a root rot disease are typically
discolored brown to dark brown. Many root rot diseases
cause the roots or crown to become water-soaked,
brown and mushy, and the outer sheath of the root may
slip off the central root cortex easily in severe cases.
If the entire root system is brown and mushy, the
plant cannot be saved, but propagating a new plant
from cuttings may be possible for some species
of houseplants (see publication H-1257, Home
Propagation Techniques). If some of the roots are still
white and vigorous, the plant possibly may be saved if
the brown roots are cut out with a sharp, clean knife.
The plant should be repotted in a new pot with clean,
pasteurized potting medium.
Foliar Diseases
Diseases of the leaves of houseplants are rarer than
root rots. However, if the foliage of an indoor plant is
subjected to high humidity or frequent misting, disease
problems on the foliage can occur. Symptoms of
common foliar diseases can include leaf spots, lesions,
blights or dieback, with or without water-soaking,
yellowing, browning or defoliation of leaves. If detected
early and diagnosed correctly, cultural practices of
removing and destroying infected material often can
lead to satisfactory management of the disease.
Fungicides are available for some foliar diseases.
Leaf spots and lesions on indoor plants more often are
caused by environmental factors, insect or arthropod
injury, phytotoxic aerosols or other factors. They rarely
are caused by pathogens in the indoor home
environment. Table 2 summarizes a few foliar
diseases that may be encountered in
houseplants, along with their causes,
symptoms, plants affected and corresponding
management strategies.
Table 2. Common foliar diseases of houseplants and management strategies
Disease Pathogen Symptoms and Plants Affected Management Strategies
leaf spot
Fungi; species of
Symptoms of anthracnose vary from one host
to another. On some hosts, circular lesions are
tan to dark brown, sometimes in the shape
of a bulls-eye; these lesions can coalesce
to form larger areas of dead tissue on some
hosts; on other hosts, lesions are angular and
restricted to areas between leaf veins. Under
wet conditions, a pinkish ooze might be visible
in the lesions.
Nearly all foliage plants are susceptible
to infection by a fungus that causes an
anthracnose disease
Remove and discard diseased
leaves. Reduce frequency of
misting of leaves. Do not mist
leaves when symptoms are present.
Increase ventilation around plants.
Chlorothalonil is reportedly an
effective fungicide that can protect
leaves from infection by anthracnose-
causing fungi.
leaf spots:
- Alternaria leaf spot
- Cercospora
- Fusarium
- Ascochyta blight
- Bipolaris leaf spot
- many others
Various fungi Lesions vary by pathogen and host. Remove and discard diseased
leaves. Reduce frequency of misting
of leaves. Do not mist leaves when
symptoms are present. Increase
ventilation around plants. Fungicides
are available.
Powdery Mildew Oidium species White to grayish dusty growth that initially
can rub off leaf surfaces is visible. Stems and
buds also can be affected. Severe infections
can cause shoot deformation. Indoor plants
affected by this genus are primarily African
violet and grape ivy.
Remove and discard diseased leaves
in an enclosed plastic bag to minimize
spread of the pathogen. Reduce
frequency of misting of leaves. Do
not mist leaves when symptoms
are present. Increase ventilation
and reduce relative humidity around
plants. Fungicides are available.
Grey Mold,
Botrytis Blight
Botrytis cinerea
Lesions are initially small and water-soaked,
and they expand to cover large areas that later
darken from light brown to nearly black. Under
high humidity, characteristic fuzzy grayish-tan
dusty growth of the fungus becomes apparent
on the dead and dying plant tissue.
Plants affected include Lipstick vine, grape
ivy, Dracaena, ferns, English ivy, Peperomia
species, African violet, many other foliage and
owering plants
Since this disease develops only
under high-moisture conditions, it
typically is not observed in most
indoor home environments. Prevention
includes keeping foliage dry. Under
favorable environmental conditions,
fungicides are available to protect
foliage from infection. Infected foliage
should be removed and discarded
immediately in an enclosed plastic
bag to minimize the spread of the
Leaf Spots
Bacteria, such as
Erwinia carotovora
and Xanthomonas
Symptoms vary by pathogen and host. Pin-
point, water-soaked, irregularly shaped
angular lesions that may or may not have a
yellow margin can expand into larger blotches
of rotting tissue.
Remove and discard diseased
material. If infection is systemic, plant
should be discarded. Keep foliage
dry and avoid causing wounds. No
chemical treatments are available for
bacterial diseases of houseplants.
Streptomycin usually does not offer
satisfactory control for most bacterial
diseases on houseplants, and
phytoxicity, when using streptomycin
sulfate at 200 parts per million, has
been reported on some hosts.
Table 2. Common foliar diseases of houseplants and management strategies (continued)
Disease Pathogen Symptoms and Plants Affected Management Strategies
diseases of roots
Microscopic plant
parasitic nematodes
Stunted, unthrifty appearance of foliage;
wilting; discoloration resembling nutrient
Examine roots for small lesions or
galls. Discard infected material. For
some plant hosts, new plants free
from root-infecting nematodes can be
started from cuttings.
Virus diseases Few viruses are
serious problems
in an indoor plant,
if present, they
are incurable and
sometimes fatal
Symptoms are variable, depending on the
virus, and they include ringspot, mosaic,
stunting, leaf crinkling and color breaking.
These diseases are rare on indoor
houseplants. Some viruses, such as Tobacco
Mosaic Virus (TMV), can be mechanically
transmitted by contaminated hands and tools.
Other viruses require an insect or arthropod
vector to spread from one plant to another.
Purchase disease-free plant material.
Virus diseases in plants cannot be
cured, but they seldom cause serious
harm on houseplants. To prevent
potential spread, consider discarding
symptomatic plants or quarantining
them to see if the plant recovers. To
prevent mechanical spread of certain
viruses, wash hands and tools
frequently and refrain from smoking
when handling plants. Manage insect
and arthropod pests.
Photo credits for Insects and Arthropod Pests
Aphids (Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Adult fungus gnat (Johny N. Dell,
Mealybugs (U.S. National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA ARS,
Close up of longtailed mealybug (David Cappaert, Michigan State University,
Scale insects (U.S. National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA ARS,
Armored scale insects (U.S. National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA ARS,
Springtails (Susan Ellis,
Adult and nymph - western ower thrips (Jack T. Reed, Mississippi State University,
Close up of western ower thrips thrips (Jack T. Reed, Mississippi State University,
Whiteies (Clemson University USDA Cooperative Extension Slider Series,
Close up of adult greenhouse whitey (David Cappaert, Michigan State University,
Twospotted spider mites (David Cappaert, Michigan State University,
Close up of twospotted spider mite (David Cappaert, Michigan State University,
Stippling injury to leaves caused by spider mites (Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Using Fungicides to Manage Plant
Diseases Caused by Fungi
Several effective fungicides are available for managing
diseases on indoor plants, but they differ in how they
are used, where they can be used, on what plants they
can be used safely and for which diseases they control.
Most often, the cost of purchasing a fungicide is greater
than replacing the plant itself. If choosing a fungicide,
be sure it is labeled for the intended use and be sure to
read, understand and follow the instructions on the label
to avoid causing harm to the plant, the environment or
Compounds such as chlorothalonil (Fungonil),
tebuconazole (for example, Bayer 3-in-1 Insect, Disease
and Mite Control), neem oil (Triact 70), thiophanate
methyl (Clearys 3336), potassium bicarbonate
(GreenCure) and fungicidal soap are available for use
as fungicides on indoor houseplants.
Always read
and follow the
before using
the product
and always
use the labeled
rates. Mention
of any trade
names does
not imply
of one
product over
another nor
against any
by North
Dakota State
Service or the
This publication may be copied for noncommercial, educational purposes in its entirety with no changes.
Requests to use any portion of the document (including text, graphics or photos) should be sent to
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For more information on this and other topics, see:
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on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, status as a U.S. veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, or public
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