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Project Management Plan

<Project Name>
Document ID:
Release Date:
Copyright Simplilearn
This document is the property of Simplilearn, and its contents are confidential to Simplilearn Reproduction of the materials contained herein, in part or full
in any form by anyone, without the permission of Simplilearn is prohibited.
Project Management Plan
Document Information
Revision istor!
Date Version "ection #hange$ #hange Description Author
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page " of "#
Project Management Plan
&a'le of #ontents
( Purpose))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*
+ "cope)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*
, Au$ience )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-
. References)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-
* /lossar! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-
$. %cronyms...................................................................................................................&
- Process))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-
0 1pen Issues 2 3hile 3riting Document 1nl!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
4 Project Intro$uction))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
'. Project ()er)iew........................................................................................................#
'." Project *escription, Scope + (bjecti)es...................................................................'
'., Project -n)ironment...................................................................................................
'./ Target 0mplementation -n)ironment..........................................................................
'.$ Project *eli)erables.................................................................................................!
'.& Client Contact *etails..............................................................................................!
'.# Reference Material..................................................................................................
'.' Project Terminology, %cronyms and *efinitions......................................................
'.. Referred Project *atabase + 1ibrary......................................................................
5 Project 1rgani6ation)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(+
.. (rgani2ational Structure ........................................................................................."
.." (rgani2ational Structure........................................................................................."
.., Problems faced in the Current System ...................................................................,
(7 Project #ontrol))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(,
!. Project Management 3oals...................................................................................,
!." %ssumptions, *ependencies + Constraints .........................................................,
!., 0nformation 3athering + Project reporting............................................................./
!./ -4ternal Communication and Communication Protocol........................................&
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page , of "#
Project Management Plan
!.$ 5pdate of Project Plan...........................................................................................&
!.& Ris6 Management Plan.........................................................................................&
!.# Configuration Management...................................................................................#
!.' Change Management Procedure...........................................................................
!.. Configuration Status reporting..............................................................................."!
!.! Project %udit Schedule........................................................................................"!
(( Resource Plan)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))++
. Person Power........................................................................................................""
." Training..................................................................................................................""
., 7ardware...............................................................................................................""
./ Software.................................................................................................................",
.$ (ther resources.....................................................................................................",
.& 8udget....................................................................................................................",
(+ "implilearn 1'ligations))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+,
". Simplilearn %cti)ities..............................................................................................",
"." Simplilearn Supplied product handling.................................................................."/
(, Verification 8 Vali$ation))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+.
,. Re)iew Plan..........................................................................................................."/
,." Software 9uality %ssurance Plan.........................................................................."$
,., Test Strategy ()er)iew........................................................................................."&
(. 9ualit! Recor$ing an$ling))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+-
/. Re)iew Record storage + 7andling......................................................................"&
(* Document reviews an$ approvals))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+-
$. *ocument Re)iewers............................................................................................."&
$." %dditional recipients of the document .................................................................."#
$., *ocument %ppro)ers............................................................................................."#
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page / of "#
Project Management Plan
( Purpose
<IMP1R&AN&: &he comments in 1RAN/: colour an$ in I&A;I#" are meant for author<s
attention) Please $elete all the comments= inclu$ing this= 'efore releasing the $ocument)>
:hat purpose does the document ser)e;
:hy is the document useful to people who will read it;
*escribe in this section the aims the author had in writing the document
%re there any objecti)es specific to the project < document that need to be made clear to facilitate
the success of the project;
0t may be beneficial to ta6e a loo6 at the list below and add < delete objecti)es, as appropriate=
e.g. The objecti)e of this document are to establish and identify>
% complete plan for managing the project
all tas6s re?uired to successfully complete the project
project reporting mechanisms
etc etc
Prior to obtaining the appro)al of this document a formal re)iew should ta6e place to ensure the
completeness and correctness of the plan.
0f, following appro)al of this document and the base@lining of re?uirements, amendments to the plan
are deemed necessary, changes may be introduced )ia the change management process.
%n updated )ersion of the document must be created to reflect the changes introduced.
7ow will this document be used;
:ho uses it and how;
e.g. The document will be used for the following purposes>
The Project Manager will use it in the plan, control and monitor later phases of the project
The Simplilearn Project Manager will use it to identify his responsibilities
The Simplilearn 5sers will use it to identify their in)ol)ement and responsibilities
Simplilearn board will use it to understand the scope of the project and to monitor progress
against the plans
The Project (ffice will use it to create a project plan
+ "cope
:hat is the scope of the document;
%re there any reasons to belie)e that not specifying something may cause confusion, or lead to
claims that it was Aso ob)iousB that it need not be stated;
7a)e there been any problems with the client, or areas of contention or confusion, that mean a
clear statement on the e4clusions from the project or re?uirements should also be stated here;
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page $ of "#
Project Management Plan
%mbiguities can be a)oided by stating the scope hereC
%re there any similar re?uirements that are not part of this project, but which the user might thin6
e.g. The scope of this document is the o)erall scope of the project Project Name= Project #o$e
, Au$ience
0nclude the li6ely audience of the Re?uirements Dadd to or delete from the following list, as
The intended audience of this document is>
Simplilearn Program Manager
Simplilearn C-(
Simplilearn Project Manager
Project (ffice
. References
E ReferencesF
* /lossar!
*)( Acron!ms
Acron!m Description
*)()( Definitions
&erm Definition
- Process
:hat is the agreed process for de)eloping this document and obtaining its appro)al;
:hat are the steps if change is re?uired;
.The Project Manager drafts this document.
".*raft )ersions Gnumbered incrementally from )ersion !.H will be written for informal re)iew and
circulated to participants in the re?uirements analysis phase.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page & of "#
Project Management Plan
,.% formal re)iew will be made of )ersion .!* of the document. A*B will indicate that it is the first
draft of the final )ersion. 0f amendments are made before appro)al, then the number must
incremented for )ersion control purposes.
/.:hen all parties agree that all necessary and rele)ant information is recorded in the document,
)ersion .! will be distributed for appro)al by the Simplilearn Program Manager, Project
Manager. This )ersion will represent the baseline project plan.
$.Changes to plan will result in the document being updated, gi)en an incremental )ersion number
Ge.g. )ersion .H and appro)ed once again. Changes to the document must be clearly mar6ed
in the margin and summari2ed in the document history.
&.The document, once appro)ed, will be stored in an appropriately named project folder.
%ll contributors are wor6ing towards the success of the project
0 1pen Issues 2 3hile 3riting Document 1nl!
This is an author aid whilst writing the document
%re there any points that still need to be cleared up;
0s there any information that is outstanding, which needs to be pro)ided;
% more complete open issue log with status, due completion date, name of person assigned to
resol)e the issue may be 6ept elsewhere, if deemed appropriate.
The following open issues must be clarified prior to the re?uirements being deemed complete>
4 Project Intro$uction
4)( Project 1verview
Iill in the table below, so that the gaps Gthe white bo4esH are completed
-nter an A4B into the rele)ant AProject TypeB and ACommercial TermsB bo4es
*o not lea)e blan6s
The table below pro)ides an o)er)iew of the project>
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page # of "#
I"">: ID RAI":D ?@ DA&: D:"#RIP&I1N 1A 1P:N I"">:
Project Management Plan
PR1B:#& ID
PR1B:#& NAM:
#;I:N& #1N&A#& DNAM: 8 ADDR:""E
PR1B:#& &@P: D J Iull *e)elopment
D J Part *e)elopment
D J Migration
D J -nhancement
D J Maintenance< Support
D:)/)= IND>"&R@ AND A>N#&I1NA; AR:A"E
P;A&A1RMF &:#N1;1/@ D:"#RIP&I1N
D1P:RA&IN/ "@"&:M= DA&A?A":= ;AN/>A/:=
AR1N&G:ND= :&#)E
#1MM:R#IA; &:RM" D J Time + Material
D J Turn Ley
D J 0nternally sponsored
"&AR& DA&:
:ND DA&:
&1&A; :"&IMA&:D #A;:NDAR
H VARIAN#: &R:"1;D
&1&A; :"&IMA&:D "IC: H VARIAN#: &R:"1;D
&1&A; :"&IMA&:D :AA1R& H VARIAN#: &R:"1;D
&1&A; ?>D/:& H VARIAN#: &R:"1;D
-4plicit correcti)e actions will be identified and trac6ed once the thresholds are crossed.
4)+ Project Description= "cope 8 1'jectives
8riefly describe the project and what it is, in terms of type of project Ge.g. full de)elopment or
:hat is the nature of the wor6 being underta6en;
Pro)ide a reference to the proposal and contract
:hat are the objecti)es of the project;
:hat are the characteristics of the project;
:hat is the scope of the project;
:hat is e4cluded from scope;
:here can further details be found;
This section pro)ides a summary o)er of the project in te4t>
4)+)( Project Description
%dd te4t here=.
e.g. This project is a full de)elopment project to de)elop a set of processes and guidelines for
software de)elopment by Simplilearn.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page ' of "#
Project Management Plan
4)+)+ Project "cope
%dd te4t here=.
e.g. The scope of this project to de)elop the processes and support documentation that will be used
by Simplilearn when de)eloping software.
The scope does not include documentation for any of the potential software de)elopment
methodologies other than the waterfall method.
The proposal and contract for this project may be referred to for additional detail Gsee abo)e,
Reference *ocumentsH.
The ser)ice le)els being wor6ed to in this project are described in the document MNO.
4)+), Project 1'jectives
%dd te4t here=.
e.g. This objecti)e of this project is to deli)er a fully documented set of processes for the de)elopment
lifecycle, plus support documentation, in a clearly comprehensible format and style.
4), Project :nvironment
*escribe the de)elopment en)ironment Gin terms of hardware configuration, operating systems
and other software systemsH
*escribe the maintenance en)ironment Gin terms of hardware configuration, operating systems
and other software systemsH
This section describes the en)ironment, in terms of combination of hardware, software and operating
4),)( Development :nvironment
%dd te4t here=.
e.g. The 4 system will be running on a 4 hardware with an 4 ).! operating system.
4),)+ Maintenance :nvironment
%dd te4t here=.
e.g. The 4 system will be running on a 4 hardware with an 4 ).! operating system
4). &arget Implementation :nvironment
*escribe the en)ironment where the system will be finally installed and operated
:hich hardware will be used;
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page . of "#
Project Management Plan
:hich (perating System Gwith )ersion numbersH;
:hich other software systems will be run concurrently;
%dd a diagram of the en)ironment if it is li6ely to add )alue and clarity
%dd te4t < diagrams here=
e.g. The software to be de)eloped will be implemented in an en)ironment running on 4 hardware with
an 4 ).! operating system, and will be running concurrently with 4.
4)* Project Delivera'les
5nder deli)erable specify the items to be deli)ered as part of the project Gtypical deli)erables are
Re?uirements %nalysis document, 7igh@1e)el *esign document, Source@code, 5ser and
(perations Manual, etc.H. %ll artifacts to be deli)ered in the project must be listed here.
7ow and to where will they be deli)ered; GMedia and 1ocationH
7ow many will be deli)ered;
:hen will they be deli)ered; Gsee committed dateH
The following table shows a complete list of deli)erable to deli)ered as part of this project>

I D:;IV:RA?;: M:DIA 8 ;1#A&I1N 9&@ P;AN
4)- #lient #ontact Details
Pro)ide the>
Client name
contact persons for this project and their roles
the address, phone, fa4 and e@mails to contact them
The client for this project is EClient PameF.
The 6ey single point of contact for this project at EClientF is>
&:;:P1N: N>M?:R
M1?I;: &:;:P1N: N>M?:R
0f the Simplilearn SP(C cannot be reached the contact person is>
D:P>&@ PR1B:#& MANA/:R
&:;:P1N: N>M?:R
M1?I;: &:;:P1N: N>M?:R
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page ! of "#
Project Management Plan
4)0 Reference Material
1ist all documents and other information sources referenced in this plan Gstate )ersion number
and locationH
-4amples of documents referred to areQ Project CM Plan, Re?uirements %nalysis document,
5ser and (perations Manual, Contract, Proposals, ProjectRs *efined Process.
:hat is the title;
:here is it located;
:ho is the author;
0s it just for information;
0f it is referenced later in the document what reference 0* will it ha)e;
-nter them into the table below.
The table below references all information sources used in establishing this Project Management
4)4 Project &erminolog!= Acron!ms an$ Definitions
:hat terms ha)e you used in writing this document that may not be immediately understandable
to all of the intended readers;
7a)e you used technical terms that may need to be e4plained GdefinedH to other people;
%re there any acronyms that need to be written in full, to ensure they are understood;
0t is easier to include any terms that you feel may need to be e4plained pro@acti)ely than to wait
for somebody to as6 S or worseQ to ha)e the project fail because there was a misunderstanding
o)er the terms usedC
%dd all such terms in the table below
The following table includes all acronyms and terminology to be used in the project, along with an
e4planation in non@technical terms>
4)5 Referre$ Project Data'ase 8 ;i'rar!
1ist the documents and data used from the Project *atabase and 1ibrary.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page of "#
R:AKID &I&;: A>&1R ;1#A&I1N
The Title %8* Iolder
PM Project Manager
SP(C Single Point of Contact
Project Management Plan
Iill out the table below
The following table includes all items referenced from the project database and library, along with a
description of how it was used>
I PR1B:#& AND D1#>M:N& R:A:R:N#:D AR1M &:
PR1B:#& DA&A?A": AND ;I?RAR@
13 &: D1#>M:N& 3A" >":A>; IN
5 Project 1rgani6ation
5)( 1rgani6ational "tructure
This section outlines the organi2ation of the project.
*escribe the project organi2ation structure
*escribe the internal management structure
:hat are the organi2ational boundaries;
:hat are the communication interfaces
*escribe < show reporting relationships
*efine indi)idual responsibilities for the )arious project elements
0f the project has a maintenance component, also specify the maintenance team composition and
organi2ation for the maintenance acti)ities.
*escribes the roles and responsibilities for each team member
%dd a org@diagram for clarity, if possible
%dd te4t here=eg>
The organi2ational structure of the project is=
The internal management structure is=
Simplilearn team members will report only to the Simplilearn Project Manager. EClientF team
members will report only to the EClientF Project Manager.
The single point of contact between Simplilearn and EClientF is o)er the Project Managers.
5)+ 1rgani6ational "tructure
0dentify the person fulfilling a particular role.
Typical roles are project manager, analysts< designers, programmers, configuration controller,
P9-, etc.
The following table identifies all the roles re?uired for the project and the indi)iduals who are
responsible for the role and acti)ities.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page " of "#
Project Management Plan
R1;: R:"P1N"I?;: P:R"1N ?A#LG>P P:R"1N
5), Pro'lems face$ in the #urrent "!stem
*escribe the administrati)e and managerial boundaries between the project and e4ternal entities.
-4amples of e4ternal entities are client, the 9uality 3roup, 8usiness *e)elopment 3roup, etc.;
Iill out the table below
The table below describes the administrati)e and managerial boundaries between the project and
e4ternal entities>
:J&:RNA; :N&I&@ R:;A&I1N"IPF R:"P1N"I?I;I&I:" A1R PR1B:#&
(7 Project #ontrol
(7)( Project Management /oals
*escribe the goals and relati)e priorities among ?uality, schedules, re?uirements, and budget for
the project
Typical goals are completion within time and cost, and meeting re?uired ?uality.
%dd te4t=
e.g. The project must be completed in time and cost, while meeting the re?uired ?uality.
The ?uality of the project will be measured by 4.
(7)+ Assumptions= Depen$encies 8 #onstraints
State the assumptions on which the project is based
State the e4ternal e)ents the project is dependent on Ge.g. specify major e)ents li6e ac?uisition of
re?uired software< hardware, recruitment etc., which are critical to the success of the project H
State the constraints under which the project is to be e4ecuted.
(7)+)( Assumptions
The project is based on the following assumptions>
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page , of "#
Project Management Plan
I D:"#RIP&I1N 1A A"">MP&I1N VA;IDA&I1N PA": IMPA#& 1A P1""I?;:
(7)+)+ Depen$encies
The project has the following dependencies>

Item to 'e
D:P:ND:N#@ ID D:"#RIP&I1N 1A D:P:ND:N#@
(7)+), #onstraints
The following constraints e4ist>
I D:"#RIP&I1N 1A #1N"&RAIN& VA;IDA&I1N PA": IMPA#& 1A P1""I?;:
(7), Information /athering 8 Project reporting
0dentify the implications on security of the re?uired changes
(utline and describe the re?uired le)el of security
0f appropriate, describe any specific tools that need to be present in order to achie)e the desired
le)el of security. These can include firewalls, pro4y ser)ers, or monitoring de)ices
:hat would be the potential impact of a security brea6down;
:hat are e4amples of typical misuse;
%dd te4t here=
(7),)( Reporting Mechanisms
*escribe the reporting mechanism and report formats for the Project Manager to gather
information from project team members.
*efine the reporting to be done by the Project Manager to the 3roup Manager and the client.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page / of "#
Project Management Plan
0nclude< refer to reporting to be done for configuration management and ?uality assurance
Ior each reporting re?uirement define>
:ho has to generate the report
The recipients of the report
Iormat and contents of the report
Ire?uency of the reporting
Mode of reporting Gon@line< hardcopyH.
*efine how the Project Manager shall use the information to update the project status S this may
be on a 3antt chart< spreadsheet, or table or using a project management software pac6age, etc
*escribe how the Project Manager will use the updated project information to understand the
current status and re@plan the project.
%dd te4t here=
The following reports will be created during the course of the project>
R:P1R& &@P: /:N:RA&:D
/IV:N &1 A1RMA& 8
M:&1D AR:9>:N#@
Status Report
PM EClientF Predefined PPT
Pe4t Steps
(nline :ee6ly
(7),)+ Monitoring 8 &racMing
0nclude the reporting re?uired for monitoring and trac6ing maintenance acti)ities.
This can include meetings and the use of client call reports, change re?uest status and time
sheets as input.
(7),), Meetings
*efine the meetings that shall be held as part of project management. Ior each meeting, define>
Typical topics to be discussed
The following regular meetings will be held as part of the project>
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page $ of "#
Project Management Plan
A&&:ND::" #1G
&1PI#" &1
AR:9>:N#@ ;1#A&I1N
PM Progress
Pe4t Steps
:ee6ly Simplilearn
(7). :%ternal #ommunication an$ #ommunication Protocol
1ist all Communication between Simplilearn and EClientF, plus the responsible people
The following table lists all agreed communication between Simplilearn and EClientF and the
responsible people>
&@P: 1A #1MM>NI#A&I1N "IMP;I;:ARN P:R"1N
<#;I:N&> P:R"1N R:"P1N"I?;:
Regular project status
Technical clarifications
5ser re?uirements clarifications
Commercial issues
-scalated issues
(7)* >p$ate of Project Plan
*efine the process to be used to re)iew the updated plan, and any authori2ation for a new plan.
Ior cases where the changed plan in)ol)es a slippage in cost or schedule, define the process
used to obtain management appro)al and document it.
-.g. The process to re)iew an update of the project plan is as follows>
. M
". N
,. O
The authori2ation process of a new )ersion of the project plan is as follows>
. M
". N
,. O
0f slippage to the project timeline or cost escalation is in)ol)ed due to a change in the plan then this
must be reported to M and N in the form of M + N, stating the reasons why and why it is una)oidable.
(7)- RisM Management Plan
0dentify and assess ris6 factors Gsuch as contractual ris6, technological ris6, ris6 due to si2e and
comple4ity of the project, ris6 in recruitment, training and ris6s in achie)ing client acceptance of
the projectH
Ior all the ris6s that are identified and being planned for tabulate the ris6s, their probability,
se)erity, possible actions to mitigate the ris6, the priority, etc.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page & of "#
Project Management Plan
*efine the fre?uency for monitoring the ris6s and performing fresh ris6 analysis. *efine the
threshold for initiating contingency action, and for escalation to senior management and client
Create a lin6 to the Ris6 Management Plan spreadsheet
The following ris6s ha)e been identified and logged, along with contingency plans>
(7)0 #onfiguration Management
(7)0)( Project #onfiguration Items an$ "#M "che$ule
1ist by phase the items that will be produced in the project
5nder 8aseline state the )ersion number that will be ta6en as the baseline
5nder Configuration items list all items to be produced as critical to the project success
Phase S list the project phase wherein the item is produced
5nder acceptance criteria list what needs to be done to accept the item Ge.g. re)iew, re)iew and
5nder appro)al authority list who appro)es
5nder planned and actual date, list the dates the items are planned and then produced
The following items are re?uired to be produced in this project>
?A":;IN: #1NAI/RA&I1N
PA": A##:P&AN#:
#>"&1M:R ">PP;I:D I&:M"
V.! 8usiness 5ser
Planning Re)iew PM
PR1B:#& "P:#IAI# I&:M"
V.! Iunctional design
Pre@Project %ppro)al
GPot for 11*

Code Planning Iully Tested
V.! Iunctional design
*esign %ppro)al
GPot for 11*

Code *e)elopmen
Iully Tested
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page # of "#
Project Management Plan
?A":;IN: #1NAI/RA&I1N
PA": A##:P&AN#:
V.! S0T Test Plan
ST Test Plan
%cceptance Test
V.! 7ando)er
V.! Project Closure
(7)0)+ Naming #onventions
Specify the naming con)entions to be applied for all documents in the project
Specify the naming con)ention to be applied for all technical items to be produced in the project
The following naming con)entions ha)e been adopted>
(7)0), Version Num'er "cheme
Specify the numbering con)entions to be applied for all documents in the project
Specify the numbering con)entions to be applied for all technical items to be produced in the
The following numbering con)entions for configuration items ha)e been adopted>
Version Pumber of configured items will start from .!
-ach change to a component of a C0 increases Version Pumber by !T, i.e. !.
:hen Version Pumber of the component e4ceeds !.. then the )ersion increases to ne4t higher,
i.e. ".!
:ithin each C0 if the components change by o)er $!T then the C0 Version Pumber changes by
:or6 in progress )ersion is !..
(7)0). #ontrolle$ "oftware li'raries
Specify the software libraries re?uired for project success
To identify the purpose of each of the libraries
To define the location of each of the libraries
To specify the restrictions Gi.e. Create, Read, 5pdate, *eleteH of each of the libraries
The following numbering con)entions for configuration items ha)e been adopted>
I Name &!pe Purpose ;ocation Access
() *ynamic *ynamic code, items
UU Promon
Read<:rite for
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page ' of "#
Project Management Plan
". Control Controlled 0tem 5nder
UU Promon
Read %ll, :rite
,. Static Static Iinal Product UU Promon
Read %ll,
(7)0)* ;i'rar! 'acMup strateg!
Specify 1ibrary and how it will be bac6ed up Gunder 8ac6@up PatureH
State the Ire?uency of the 8ac6@up
State the 8ac6@up media
State the location of the 8ac6ed@up media
State how long it will be retained Gunder retention periodH
The following library bac6@up con)entions ha)e been defined>
;I?RAR@ ?A#L>P
?A#L>P ;1#A&I1N R:&:N&I1N P:RI1D
UUssb@66j@)seg>U Complete
*aily Tape $ days
*etails of actual bac6ups ta6en for the project will be recorded in the 8ac6up Register.
(7)0)- Proce$ure for the storage of $ocuments an$ magnetic me$ia
:hat magnetic media will be used;
:hy will they be used Ge.g., what will be stored on them;H
7ow will storage ta6e place;
:here will they be stored;
The following storage of documents and magnetic media has been identified as being necessary>
(7)0)0 Proce$ure for retrieval an$ repro$uction of controlle$ items from the li'rar!
:ho has access to the libraries;
:hat needs to be done to ta6e a document out of the library; Glist the steps in)ol)edH
The following process has been identified for the retrie)al and reproduction of items from the library>
(7)4 #hange Management Proce$ure
:hat is the Change Management Procedure;
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Project Management Plan
:hat steps are in)ol)ed in getting a change through from a re?uest to rejection or
:hat categories of change re?uest e4ist;
The process for assessing and implementing changes to the baselined plan is as follows>
. The desired change must be entered into P8P as a AChange Re?uestB
". The Simplilearn PM will allocate the change re?uest to a project team member for
,. The change re?uest plus impact analysis will be presented to the Simplilearn PM, CC8
/. % decision will be ta6en as to whether the change can be accepted or not.
$. The project scope will be amended as appropriate and the changes trac6ed in this document.
The following Change Re?uest categories e4ist>
Pice to 7a)e Gthe lowest priority categoryH
Vital Gthe highest priority categoryH
The response time to assessing change is as follows>
#A&:/1R@ 1A #AN/: R:"P1N": &IM:
Pice to 7a)e F ' hours
Medium F / hours E ' hours
Vital E / hours
(7)5 #onfiguration "tatus reporting
1ist the Configuration Reports that will be produced
1ist who will pro)ide them under AIromB
1ist who will recei)e them under AToB
7ow fre?uently are they produced;
0n what format are they produced;
:hat procedure will they be produced in;
The Configuration Status Reporting for the Project is as follows>
R:P1R& AR1M &1 AR:9>:N#@ A1RMA& PR1#:D>R:
Configuration Status Report SCM PSM<SPM Monthly
Configuration %udit Report 9M PSM Monthly
(7)(7 Project Au$it "che$ule
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Project Management Plan
:hen will the project be audited;
-nter how many audits are planned in the first column
The internal audit schedule for the project is as follows>
I P;ANN:D DA&: A#&>A; DA&: N1 1A N1NG#1NA1RMAN#:D"E
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Project Management Plan
(( Resource Plan
(()( Person Power
Specify the number of and type of personnel re?uired for project e4ecution
Specify acti)ity, start date, duration of needs, and the methods for obtaining, retaining and phasing
out of personnel
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules
The following personnel are re?uired to e4ecute the project>
Phase Perio$ Planne$ Actual
P"M &; &M &otal P"M &; &M &otal
Planning 'V ". ,. 'V ". ,.
*esign 'V ". ,. 'V ". ,.
*e)elopment 'V ". ,. 'V ". ,.
Project Close
(()+ &raining
*escribe the training re?uirements
:hat is the training schedule for the project specific training
The 7R 3roup will need to be in)ol)ed for this part of the plan
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
The following training re?uirements ha)e been identified>
NAM: "LI;;"
((), ar$ware
Specify the hardware platform and the ?uantities to be used for de)elopment and for final installation.
Specify the source for the hardware S this could be purchase, client supplied hardware, hardware
from other projects, etc.
0dentify the critical hardware resources Gif anyH.
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page "" of "#
Project Management Plan
The following hardware re?uirements ha)e been identified>
%dd te4t here=
((). "oftware
Specify the software platform and the ?uantities to be used for de)elopment and for final installation.
GThis should include compilers, operating systems, editors, utilities, R*8MS, project management
tools, configuration management tools, project ?uality assurance tools, testing tools, coding standards
chec6ers, etc.H
Specify the source for the softwareS this could be purchase, client supplied software, a)ailable
software from other projects, etc.
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
0dentify the critical software resources Gif anyH.
The following software resource re?uirements ha)e been identified>
%dd te4t here=
(()* 1ther resources
Specify other resources that will be re?uired for the project GThese could include e4pert consultants,
boo6s, maga2ines, cell@phones, pagers, manuals, etc.H
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
The following resource re?uirements ha)e been identified>
%dd te4t here=
(()- ?u$get
Specify the itemi2ed budget for the project in money terms
0n addition to the manpower effort, training, hardware and software, include the cost related to items
li6e tra)el, communication, etc
Specify the budget by phase of the project
The following monetary resource re?uirements ha)e been identified>
%dd te4t here=
(+ "implilearn 1'ligations
(+)( "implilearn Activities
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page ", of "#
Project Management Plan
Specify the acti)ities that the client is obliged to perform as per the contract or later agreements, the
basis for identifying such action, the manner of monitoring these and the way of coordinating with the
client to ensure these.
Specify how a delay by the client will be handled Gdue escalation to 3roup Manager and e?ui)alent
le)els from the client organi2ation, etc.H, especially where a delay by the client impacts the cost<
schedule< ?uality.
Specify the responsibility for managing the acti)ities related to coordinating client obligations, follow@
up and record@6eeping, escalation, etc.
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
The following actions are re?uired from EClientF for the successful e4ecution of the project>
(+)+ "implilearn "upplie$ pro$uct han$ling
Pro)ide the list of client supplied artifacts and in)ol)ements in the project, and how it will be ensured
The artifacts are a)ailable as per schedule
The artifacts recei)ed are of the re?uired ?uality and perform the intended function, and if not, the
client is informed and suitable correcti)e action ta6en
The artifacts are maintained separately and are traceable
The artifacts are handled as per contractual re?uirement at the end of the project.
Specify the )ersion control mechanism to be used, and the specific responsibility for these products.
-nsure that these are included in the :or6@brea6down, -stimates and Schedules.
The following artifacts ha)e been identified as re?uiring EClientF action>....
%dd te4t here
(, Verification 8 Vali$ation
(,)( Review Plan
(,)()( Artifact Review "trateg!
0dentify the artifacts needing to be re)iewed
0dentify the re)iew type re?uired Gformal, informalH
:hen and how will the re)iew ta6e place
:ho will be in)ol)ed in the re)iew;
The following re)iews of artifacts ha)e been identified during the course of the project>
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Project Management Plan
R:VI:3 DA&:
A#&>A; R:VI:3
(,)()+ Artifact Approval "trateg!
0dentify the artifacts needing to be appro)ed
0dentify the appro)al type re?uired Ge.g. sign@offH
:hen and how will the re)iew ta6e place
:ho will be in)ol)ed in the re)iew;
The following appro)al of artifacts ha)e been identified during the course of the project>
(,)(), Artifact Approval #riteria
0dentify the artifacts the will be appro)ed
0dentify the factors by which their acceptability can be measured, under appro)al criteria
The following appro)al criteria ha)e been identified for each of the artifacts>
(,)+ "oftware 9ualit! Assurance Plan
(,)+)( &est Approval "trateg!
0dentify the Test Phases in the project
0dentify the Critical Success Iactors
:hen should the Test Phase come to an end
:hen did it come to an end;
:ho appro)es the test phase as complete;
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Project Management Plan
The following test strategy will be in place for the project>
&:"& PA": NAM: #RI&I#A; ">##:""
(,), &est "trateg! 1verview
0nclude the strategy for )arious types of testing Gsuch as unit, integration, system and acceptanceH.
%lso specify how different aspects li6e load, stress, usability, maintainability will be tested.
:ho will perform the testing
:hen will the testing ta6e place
Refer to the Test Plan for additional details.
(. 9ualit! Recor$ing an$ling
(.)( Review Recor$ storage 8 an$ling
Specify how the re)iew records generated during the re)iews will be stored and retrie)ed
7ow will the data be analy2ed for feedbac6 to the project;
Specify the fre?uency of re)iew record analysis
:ho is Gthe personGsHH responsible for it;
:hat tools and techni?ues to be used;
Specify how the feedbac6 obtained by such analysis will be used bac6 within the project and the
responsibility for this.
(* Document reviews an$ approvals
(*)( Document Reviewers
:ho has recei)ed a copy of the document for re)iew and why;
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page "& of "#
Project Management Plan
(*)+ A$$itional recipients of the $ocument
%part from the re)iewers, who has recei)ed a copy of the document and why;
(*), Document Approvers
:ho has recei)ed a copy of the document for appro)al; *id they re)iew it first;
Signing@off the document appro)es the Project Management Plan as being complete and accurate.
8y signing below 0 ac6nowledge that 0 ha)e read the entire contents of this document and accept the
document in this form as reasonably representing all issues, goals, and tas6s intended for the scope of
this project. (ptionally 0 may attach modifications to the document and only apply my initials to indicate
that this document needs re)isions before it will represent final deli)ery.
Strictly Confidential Version .! Page "# of "#
NAM: R1;: DA&: R:A"1N
Lrishna Lumar Program
Re)iew for accuracy + completeness with a )iew to
Project Manager
EClientF Project
NAM: R1;: DA&: R:A"1N
NAM: R1;: DA&: "I/NA&>R: 1A APPR1VA;

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