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(Copies of CSIR OMs/Letters)

CSIR O .M. No. 1(50)/84-O&M Dated: 13.1.1999
Sub:-Adoption of Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Associations)
Rules 1993 & Establishment of JCM.

CSIR had been following Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service
Associations) Rules 1959 and some of the Service Associations formed in CSIR were
also accorded recognition under the said rules. As a result of a judgement given by the
Supreme Court, sometime in 1965, the said Rules were rendered inoperative and the
Govt. of India had advised that pending framing of the revised Rules, concerned
Deptts./Organisations may deal with the Service Associations without insisting upon
formal recognition provided the Associations which were formed fulfilled the major
features of the said Rules. In order to look into the matters of common interest of its
employees and to take steps to the extent practicably feasible, CSIR, accordingly started
dealing with CSIR Scientific, Workers Association and Federation of CSIR employees
and Workers Unions, even though these were operating as Trade Unions distinct from
Service Associations, in addition to dealing with Service Associations formed in a few
Labs. By its employees which had been accorded recognition under the 1959 Rules ibid.

In the wake of promulgation of revised Central Civil Services (Recognition of
Service Associations) Rules 1993 by the Govt. of India, the matter of adoption of these
Rules and establishment of Joint Consultative Machinery as formulated by the Govt. of
India for employees of Central Government had been under consideration of CSIR for
sometime. With a view to promote harmonious relations and secure maximum amount of
co-operation from the Council employees to maximum amount of co-operation from the
council employees to attain the R&D goals of CSIR with greater efficiency, the
Governing Body considered the matter in its 145
meeting held on 27.7.1998 and
accorded its approval to the adoption of CCA (RSA) Rules 1993 and introduction of Joint
Consultative Machinery with necessary changes as are required in relation to CSIR
system. The CCA (RSA) Rules 1993 have been approved by the Governing Body with
the following modifications :-

Reference to the Government : In these Rules except Rules, 5,8,9 & 10 shall be
construed as reference to CSIR Society.

Reference to the Government in Rules 5,8,9 & 10 of these Rules should be construed
as reference to Vice President, CSIR.

Reference to the Government Servant in these Rules shall be construed as reference
to CSIR employees.

2. (I) As per Rule 4 of CCA (RSA) Rules, 1993, the Service Associations which had
been accorded recognition under Rules 1959 such as NCL, Ministerial (Non-Gazetted
Staff Association), CSIR Ministerial Staff Association etc. will continue to be recognised
for a period of one year from the date of issue of this notification or till the date on which
such recognition is withdrawn whichever is earlier.

(2)CSIR Hqrs. & CSIR Labs/Instts. henceforth will not be able to deal with Service
Associations which are not accorded recognition under these Rules.

3. Recognition will be accorded by the Vice-President, CSIR to an Association on
fulfilling the conditions prescribed in Rule 5 (d) (I) of these Rules in respect of the central
associations as well as local Associations in the labs./instts. The Associations which
would be recognised centrally can have their subordinate formulations ijn CSIR

4. In the detailed procedure regarding verification of membership for the purpose of
recognition under these Rules and recovery of subscription for the Associations from the
pay rolls and other matters on the subject shall be governed by the provisions in the said
Rules and the Govt. of Indias Orders issued from time to time thereunder shall be
followed by CSIR to the extent possible.

5. The Joint Consultative Machinery for joint consultation and arbitration of
unresolved problems of CSIR employees will supplement and not replace the facilities
provided to the Council employees to make individual representations or to
Associations/Unions to make individual representations on matters concerning their
respective constituents Services, Grades etc. The machinery envisages the formation of a
Joint Council at the central level and Lab./Instts. Councils at the Lab/Instt. level The
Joint Council shall consist of representatives from official side nominated by the Vice-
President, CSIR and representatives from staff side nominated by the recognised Central
Associations. The Labs/Instts. Councils shall consist of representatives from the official
side nominated by the Vice President, CSIR and representatives from the staff side
nominated by the recognised Local Associations/Branches of Centrally Associations.
The detailed scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery is being notified separately.

6. A copy of the CCS (RSA) Rules 1993* is enclosed which may be provided to all
existing Associations/Federations as also given wide publicity amongst the staff

A circular calling for applications from the Associations for seeking recognition
under these Rules and regarding conduct of verification of membership of Associations is
being issued simultaneously.

Receipt of this O.M. may kindly be acknowledged.

*[Notification No2/10//80-JCA (Vol. IV dated 5.11.93 from Ministry of Personnel, Public
& Pension (Department of Personnel and Trg) is printed as Annexure to DOPT
O.M.No.20/10/80-JCA dated 9.11.93 appearing at order No.67 Swamys
Annual, 1993]

Copy of CSIR circular letter No.1(50)/84-O&M dated 3.2.1999
Sub-(i) Adoption of Central Civil Services(Recognition of Service Association)
Rules, 1993 &(ii) Establishment of JCM

I am directed to invite your kind attention to the CSIR O.M. of even No.dated 13.1.99
on the above cited subject and to enclose a copy of the detailed Scheme of Joint
Consultative Machinery and Arbitration as approved by the Governing Body ,CSIR
in its meeting held on 27.7.98.

A copy of the scheme may kindly be provided to all existing local
Associations/Unions in the Labs/Instts. Wide and instant publicity may kindly be given
to the scheme amongst the staff members.
In order to promote harmonious relations and securing the maximum amount of co-
operation to attain the R&D objectives of CSIR with greater efficiency CSIR establishes
a Joint Consultative Machinery for its employees with immediate effect for joint
consultative and arbitration of unresolved problems.
The Scheme will cover all the regular Council employees of CSIR Hqrs. and its
constituents National Labs./Instts. upto the level of Scientist E-I, Grade IV (3) and
equivalent in the S&T category and upto the level of Under Secretary and equivalent in
the Administrative category.
The machinery will supplement and not replace the facilities provided to employees to
make individual representations or to recognized Associations/Unions to make
representations on matters concerning their respective constituent service, grades, etc.
There will be a Joint Council at the CSIR Central level and Local Councils at the
Lab./Instt. levels.
The Council will consist of (I) official side and (ii) staff side. The official side will
consist of upto 10 members who will be nominated by the Vice-President, CSIR which
will include Directors of the Labs/Instts., Joint Secretary (Admn.),CSIR, Financial
Adviser, CSIR, Legal Adviser CSIR, and such other senior Officers from the CSIR Hqrs.
The staff side will consist of upto 20 members who will be nominated by the recognised
Unions/Associations. DGCSIR will be the Chairman of the Joint Council and staff side
will elect its own leader. Each side may appoint its own Secretary. The Joint Council will
deal with the matters affecting Council employees generally which can be settled only at
the CSIR level and those which remain unresolved at the Labs/Instts. level.

The CSIR will address the recognised Associations participating in the Joint Council to
send nominations/re-nominations of their staff side members of the Joint Council within a
stipulated period of one month.
The meetings of the Council shall be held as often as necessary and not less than twice in
a year for which a notice shall be sent to all members at least fifteen days in advance of
the date of such meeting. A special meeting of the Council may be convened by the
Chairman on his own or on a request from either the official side or from the leader of the
staff side by giving a minimum of 10 days notice for such meetings. The quorum shall be
one third of the strength of the official and staff side.
An item proposed to be included in the agenda should have to be sent by a member with
explanatory memorandum to the Secretary, Joint Council at least eight weeks in advance
of the meeting. The proposal from staff side will come through the Secretary staff side.
The Secretary will include the same in the draft agenda for approval of the Chairman.
The member whose item is not included in the agenda will be intimated of the facts and
reasons therefor by the Secretary, Joint Council. The agenda of the ordinary meeting shall
be circulated thirty days before such meeting and for the special meeting it shall be
circulated simultaneously with the notice of such meeting. Any item not on the agenda
will be taken up only with the permission of the Chairman under whose direction the
minutes of the meeting will be drafted and circulated to the members after getting them
approved by the Joint Council. Only those statements issued under the authority of the
Council shall be notified.
The Local Council will be constituted at each Laboratory. The Official side will be
nominated by the Vice-President, CSIR, will consist of 5-10 members and the Director of
the Lab/Instt. will be the Chairman of the Local Council. The staff side will consist of 5-
10 Members, depending upon the strength of the lab./Instt. to be nominated by the
recognized Associations/Unions. The Lab./Institute will deal with only those matters
which can be resolved at the Lab./Instt. level. The periodicity of the meeting and the
conduct of the business will be similar to those of the joint council except that a special
meeting of the council may be convened by giving the minimum notice of 7 days and that
the agenda for an ordinary meeting shall be circulated to all the Members not less than 3
weeks before such meeting.
The jurisdiction of the Joint Consultative Machinery includes all matters relating to the
conditions of service and work, welfare of the employees and improvement of efficiency
and standards of work provided that :
In regard to recruitment, promotion, assessment and discipline consultation will be
limited to the matters of general principles; and
Individual cases will not be considered.

When the matters cannot be settled by negotiations in the joint council/Lab./Instts. The
arbitration will be provided in respect of the following :-
Pay & Allowances;

Weekly hours of work; and
Leave of a class or grade of employees.
For other items, which are not arbitrable action will be taken by the CSIR according to its
own judgement in case of dis-agreement, the staff side if they so desire can place their
view point before Sub-Committee of the GB constituted by the Vice-President, CSIR.
If no agreement is reached on arbitrable issues, the matter may be transmitted to a
Committee at a Joint Council for further examination and report. Before a final
disagreement is recorded, CSIR will obtain the approval of the GB for the same. The
procedure for recording the disagreement should be completed within 5 months from the
date it is decided to record a disagreement. If final disagreement is recorded, the matter
will be referred to arbitration if so desired by either side provided the matter relates to
pay & allowances or weekly hours of work or leave. The Joint Council may appoint
Committee to study and report on any matters falling within its jurisdiction. The
agreement reached between the two sides of the council will become operative subject to
final approval of the Governing Body of CSIR.
Procedure to be followed in the Lab./Instt. Councils before signing disagreements:
When there is a dispute in the lab./Instt., Council on any issue which can be resolved at
the local level, the matter may be referred by the either side, official or staff side to the
CSIR to be processed in the Joint Council.
Compulsory arbitration is permissible only in respect of (I) Pay & Allowances;
(ii)Weekly hours of work; and (iii) Leave of a Class or Grade of employees. Individual
cases will not be referred to arbitration. Before signing the disagreement, if there is any
dispute regarding the arbitrability of an issue it will be referred to Department of
Personnel & Training for advice. If it feels that the issue is not arbitrable, the matter will
be further referred to the Sub-Committee of the GB to whom each side of the JCM will
present its views in writing and the opinion of the Sub-Committee will be binding on
both the parties. Approval of the Governing Body will be obtained for recording the
disagreement in the joint council as & when the issue is decided to be an arbitrable one.
The CSIR shall finalise the terms of reference and within a period of four weeks appoint
a Board of Arbitration. The Board will consist of three members one drawn from a
penal of 5 names submitted by the official side, one from the similar panel submitted by
the staff side and a Chairman who will be an independent person. The Members and
Chairman of the Board will be selected by the Vice-President CSIR. The Board of
arbitration will decide the disputes after examining the merits of the case and taking into
account all other relevant factors. The Award delivered by the Board shall be binding on
both official and staff sides subject to the authority of the Governing Body to modify or
reject an award on grounds of financial constraints or social justice.
Procedure for processing the cases where disagreement is recorded on non-arbitrable
items of JCM/Compulsory Arbitration :

In respect of non-arbitrable items, the staff side, if they so desire can place their view
points before the Sub-Committee of the Governing Body for recommendations. The
Recommendations of the Sub-Committee will be placed before the Governing Body,
CSIR. Which will take action according to its own judgement.

Excepting/Rejecting an Award : Before excepting/rejecting an Award the case would be
placed before the Sub-Committee of the Governing Body and its recommendations
placed before the Governing Body, CSIR for acceptance/rejection of the Award.

Date of effect of implementation of the Award :

Where no date is indicated in the Award itself by the Board of Arbitration :

The date of issue of the order will be the date of giving effect to the Award;

Ordinarily, the CSIR will take a decision on the Award within five months.

The staff side will be intimated immediately after a decision is taken to reject or modify
the Award.

Copy of CSIR letter No. 17/67/20./95-PPS-445 dated 29.7.1999 addressed to Dr. S.N.
Sharma, Scientist IIP Dehradun and copy endorsed to Directors of all the national

I am directed to state that the several communications by the so-called CSIR
Scientific Workers Associations are being received in CSIR on various matters of
service conditions of CSIR employees. It has not been possible to take cognizance of
such communications on account of the following :

(i) CSIR has adopted CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993, with effect from 13.1.1999, as
notified vide OM No. 1(50)/84-O*M dated 13.1.1999.
(ii) With the coming into force of the CCS (RSA), Rules, 1993, CSIR can deal only
with those Associations formed by its employees which are accorded recognition
under the said rules. The position has been amply made clear in the CSIR circular
letter dated 13.1.1999 which inter-alia stipulates as under -

CSIR hqrs. & CSIR Labs./Instts. henceforth will not be able to deal with the
Service Associations which are not accorded recognition under these Rules.

CSIR will be happy to deal with the service associations which are formed by its
employees in accordance with the norms set out in CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993
including the so-called CSIR Scientific Workers Association in case it is able to
convert itself into a Service Association, like the five Service Associations that
have been already formed with the approval of Vice-President, CSIR under the
said Rules. A few more are already under processing. It may also be mentioned
that the ultimate forum proposed to be given to the employees in the form of a
Joint Consultative Machinery for redressal of collective grievance will have
representatives only from the recognized service associations. You would,

therefore, appreciate that the question of having any dialogue or dealing with the
Unions or Associations which have not been formed and recognized under the
CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 does not arise.

CSIR will again like to re-iterate its commitment to all the Members of
CSIR family of being a model employer by way of continued dialouge
/discussions with the employees in the individual capacity. Towards this end, the
Directors of the Labs./Instts. and the concerned Officers in the CSIR Hqrs will
continue to meet employees in their individual capacities for any their individual
problems /grievances etc.

Copy of CSIR letter No.1(50)/84-O & M dated 9.5.2000

Sub: Meetings /Conferences by Associations which are not recognised by
VP, CSIR under the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993, as adopted by CSIR vide
OM of even number dated 13.1.99.

In continuation of the CSIR Circulars letter of even number dated 5.7.99,
31.8.99 and 18.2.2000, I am directed to state that the matters regarding
Associations, are governed strictly by the provisions of the CCS (RSA) Rules,
1993, as adopted by CSIR vide CSIR OM of even number dated 13.1.1999. In
terms of the said provisions, any Association which is not recognized by the VP,
CSIR, has no right to represent on staff matters or undertake any activity on their
behalf. CSIR or its labs. can not provide any facility to any such Association
including meetings and conferences.
Xxx xxx xxx

I am writing this letter specially to request you to widely publicize the
aforesaid position that NAL is not providing the facilities, as permission or
facilities to such conference by an Association not recognized by the VP, CSIR
would be a contravention of the aforesaid Rules.

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