Internal Controls

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Internal Controls

for Small Business

Susan Campbell CPA and Judy Hartcher
Internal Controls for Small Business
Introduction 3
What is an internal control? 4
Why have internal controls? 5
Types of internal controls 6
Setting up internal controls 8
Limitations of internal controls 11
Why internal controls don't always work 12
Consequences of poor internal controls 13
Positive consequences of good internal controls 14
Responsibility for internal controls 15
Summary 15
Case studies 16
Internal Controls for Small Business
Internal Controls for Small Business
This guide will help small business owners look critically
at their business and examine whether their procedures
adequately minimise risks and promote best practice
within the firm. A small business has limited resources,
and the owner you, must be active and vigilant to
protect those resources. Good internal controls help you
manage resources and make sure operations are efficient
and effective.
It may seem harsh but it has been stated that, when it
comes to small business, all fraud starts with the owner. It
happens if you have been too trustful or too distracted
either chasing more business or enjoying success.
Compared to large businesses, you have fewer staff to
check the effectiveness of procedures and systems in your
business and usually there are no auditors to do internal
controls checks for you.
Small businesses are known for having weak internal
controls and this guide aims to focus owners' attention on
what to look for when reviewing the business.
Owners/managers hold the key to the fight against
internal control failures and must be attentive to
the concept and issues of internal controls to maximise
the business potential and minimise the risk of fraud, error
and loss.
Internal Controls for Small Business
Internal controls are methods or procedures adopted
in a business to:
Safeguard its assets
Ensure financial information is accurate
and reliable
Ensure compliance with all financial and operational
And generally assist in achieving the
businesses' objectives
The business culture
Your overall attitude to internal controls and their
importance in the business create an environment or
culture within your business. People are made aware of
the environment through words and actions.
This often starts with the vision and values of the
business and the actions of the owners.
Some business environments discourage poor reporting,
carelessness and fraud while others are ripe for mistakes
and dishonesty. Lack of attention to internal matters, no
code of ethics, little respect for employees, few audit
trails, lavish expenditure and general sloppiness in a
business are all likely to create an environment that can
be easily manipulated for gain.
What is your assessment of the culture within your
business? Ask your staff what they think about
the culture with regard to internal controls. It may
give you an insight in to the areas of weakness.
Do they think controls are important? Are they
aware of important controls? Do they always
follow procedures?
Certain companies are recognised for having an
inadequate control culture. One Tel was a highly visible
company that fell over partly due to a lack of controls in
all areas of the company. No one had a job title. No one
had any accountability in his or her roles.
Information systems
Information systems are the methods and records you use
to identify, assemble, analyse, calculate, classify, record
and report transactions and other events that affect a
business and to maintain accountability for assets,
liabilities, revenue and expenditures. These systems are
not just the computer systems but other associated
systems including performance reviews, distribution
systems and manufacturing systems.
It is important that your systems be able to identify
leakages of funds or assets from your business.
List the systems in your business. Some of your
systems may be hard to identify as they are
often very informal.
Control procedures
Control procedures are the policies and procedures that
have been put in place to ensure that owners and
managers can take the correct action to ensure business
achieves its objectives.
Procedures explain the how, why, what, where and when
of any set of actions.
Some small business owners may think procedures are
unnecessary, however written procedures help train new
staff by explaining why they need to do what is asked of
them. Written procedures reduce errors and help staff
understand the business quickly. It reduces the time taken
to train new staff.
Review procedures in your business. Do the
procedures explain why and when you need them
and who is responsible?
Many procedures are very detailed but forget to tell the
reader why they are needed. Remember internal controls
are a process, a means to an end, not the end in itself.
What is an Internal Control?
Internal Controls for Small Business
Each internal control procedure is designed to fulfil at
least one of these eight criteria:
that all records and transactions are included in the
reports of business
the right amounts are recorded in correct accounts
the correct levels of authorisation, which cover such
things as approval, payments, entry, computer access
that the invoice is for work performed and the
business has properly incurred the liability.
of assets and liabilities. Has a purchase been recorded
for goods or services that have not been yet received?
Error handling
that errors in the system have identified and processed
Segregation of duties
to ensure certain functions are kept separate.
For example the person taking cash receipts does not
also do the banking
Presentation and disclosure
timely preparation of financial reports in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles.
All internal controls, whether administrative or
accounting, are linked to a financial consequence. For
example, keeping records for long service leave
entitlements is an administrative control but it does
ultimately have a financial consequence.
Internal controls filter through the whole business to:
Help align objectives of the business
To ensure thorough reporting procedures and that the
activities carried out by the business are in line with
the business's objectives
Safeguard assets
Ensuring the business's physical and monetary assets
are protected from fraud, theft and errors
Prevent and detect fraud and error
Ensuring the systems quickly identify errors and fraud
if and when they occur
Encourage good management
Allowing the manager to receive timely and relevant
information on performance against targets
Allow action to be taken against undesirable
Authorising a formal method of dealing with fraud or
dishonesty if detected
Reduce exposure to risks
Minimising the chance of unexpected events
Ensuring proper financial reporting
Maintaining accurate and complete reports required by
legislation and management and minimising time lost
correcting errors and ensuring resources are correctly
and efficiently allocated.
Why Have Internal Controls?
Internal Controls for Small Business
The financial staying power of a business depends on
reliable and timely reporting of both good and bad news.
Types of controls used to ensure accurate and reliable
financial information include:
Number documents such as cheques sequentially
to avoid duplication
Regular reconciliation of accounts
Automated controls such as valid date ranges or dollar
value limits
Comparisons between budgeted and actual figures
Segregation of duties
Procedures for authorisation of payments
Independent check
Validation checks
Exception reports
Approved authority levels.
Very small businesses may question the need for internal
controls, or consider they are only useful in larger
businesses, however many controls can be modified for
small businesses. Even sole operators can regularly
reconcile bank statements and cheque books or check
budgets against actuals. Personal observation and routine
checks can detect errors before they have an effect in
another part of the business.
Controls to ensure compliance with
financial and operational requirements
Businesses have many compliance obligations and need
to ensure these are met. Some examples of controls used
to ensure compliance include:
Assigning responsibility for compliance with particular
requirements such as 'safety officer,
fire warden'
Physical controls to prevent accidents
Processing customer complaints
Staff feedback processes
Procedures well documented
Conduct of audits.
Different types of controls are used to meet different
objectives. We look at the types of controls used under
the four elements of the definition:
Controls to safeguard assets
These controls aim to protect physical and
non-physical assets and minimise losses from both
internal and external events. Physical assets include cash,
stock and equipment while non-physical assets could
include debtors, intellectual property or customer lists.
Types of control techniques used
to protect assets include:
Physical security such as locking premises,
using security cameras, safes etc
Restricting access to access codes
Changing computer passwords regularly
Avoiding giving one employee total
control over a process
Making sure there is an independent check
on processes and procedures
Having firewalls and protective devises
on computer systems
Having clear guidelines on personal use of assets
Ensuring proper management supervision.
Controls to ensure financial Information
is accurate and reliable
Internal controls support the collection of correct
information for management and financial reports. Many
decisions are based on the information in these reports so
accurate information is crucial.
When financial reports are prepared and presented, users
including regulators assume:
All assets and liabilities actually exist
The records cover the whole story and are complete
All liabilities, rights and obligations are included
All entries have been allocated to the correct accounts
All relevant information has been disclosed
Types of Internal Controls
Internal Controls for Small Business
Controls to assist in achieving the
businesses objectives
Without accurate financial information, decision-making
becomes impossible and the business will suffer. Internal
controls ensure financial information is accurate so that
managers and owners can take the correct action to meet
the business's objectives. Other internal controls also
ensure the business meets its goals.
Some examples of types of controls used include:
Undertaking reference checks on new staff to ensure
they do have essential qualifications
Ensuring correct training for staff has
been provided
Appropriate supervision of staff.
The following list provides examples of techniques often
used in small businesses to control procedures.
Go through the list and see if you can identify one
example of a control in your business that
illustrates the listed technique. If not, consider
whether using this particular technique would
improve the accuracy or reliability of
the information in your business or help to
safeguard your assets:
Document control
sequential numbering of documents, cheques
Batch totalling or reconciliation
total added and cross checked
Independent check
recheck totals, review spreadsheets
Automated controls
limit inputs in system, check dates
Validation checks
check amounts on invoices signed off
Segregation of duties
receipting separate from banking cash
Exception routines
spot checks
Physical controls
limited access to equipment, petty cash
Rotation of duties
petty cash, receipting
Approval Authority levels
purchasing authority levels for staff
Assignment of responsibility
clear lines of responsibility
Management supervision,
monitoring & review
regular checks, review of personnel
Employee knowledge & skills
staff must be fully trained in their job
Depending on the importance of a control,
a business may use a number of control processes in
combination. For example, if the business had a large
cash take every day, it might combine segregation of
duties combined with physical controls on access
to the cash.
Internal Controls for Small Business
The types of controls you need will vary with the different
flows of goods and funds within your business. Some
areas of the business are more at risk of loss or fraud and
require more stringent controls. Go through each aspect
of your business and review whether you have controls in
place. The following checklists will help you to identify
what controls you should have in place.
Accurate sales figures are important to correctly estimate
stock and revenue. You also want quick and reliable
feedback of sales trends so you can take action quickly to
changing circumstances for example you may need to
purchase additional stock or discount old stock that is not
selling. Ensure you have written procedures for cash,
cheque and credit sales. Never ship goods out of your
business without an accompanying invoice.
Make sure your staff know how to handle returns and
deal with customer complaints.
Check sales figures from their individual source such
as invoices
If sales staff work on commission ensure that their
sales figures are valid and commissions are not paid
until funds are received
Reconcile sales register with takings and credit
card receipts
Make sure that goods are sent COD or with a tax
invoice and obtain evidence of delivery.
Accounts receivable
Accounts receivable are an important asset of the
business. Delays or failure to collect due accounts can
result in cash flow shortages and profit erosion.
Ensure credit and collection policies are in writing
Conduct credit checks on new credit customers
Regularly age accounts and have an independent
review of the report
Ensure credit purchases are recorded as
soon as the transaction occurs
Separate the accounts receivable function
and cash receipting
Have transactions such as noncash credits and write-
off of bad debts cross-checked
Have a well documented and strict policy for the
follow up of overdue accounts
Review credit balances on a regular basis
Have numerical or batch-processing controls over billing
Ensure cross checking of early payment
discounts and penalties on overdue accounts
Ensure mailing of accounts cannot be tapered with
Prepare trial balance of individual accounts receivable
Reconcile trial balances with general ledger
control accounts.
Cash and bank accounts
Heavy cash businesses often fall victim to fraud or loss
since cash is easy to misappropriate, especially in a small
business because controls are often weak.
Never leave cheque books or blank cheques
lying around
Owners should review the cheques, cheque register,
cash register totals and bank statements regularly but
not at predictable intervals
(for example not every Monday morning)
Keep a tight rein on all cash, and balance tills daily or
more regularly in businesses handling lots of cash
(such as clubs, newsagencies or hotels)
Have employees balance cash at the end of
each shift if they are handing over to
another employee
Reconcile bank accounts regularly
Where possible, separate mail-opening from the
writing of deposit slips, and banking from bank
statement reconciliation
Separate responsibility for cash disbursement
and purchases from the approval process
Ensure the accountant does not forewarn staff before
coming on the premises to conduct an audit
Don't reimburse petty cash or credit card receipts, ask
for tax invoices only.
Setting up Internal Controls
Internal Controls for Small Business
Purchases and accounts payable
Many small businesses have found mistakes made in their
purchasing and accounts payable can be very costly to
the business. This is an area that deserves careful
attention. There should be many internal controls within
the billing and invoice payments. Make sure that you
have a clear and simple list of written procedures for
purchases and accounts payable to ensure all staff know
the process they are expected to follow.
Some important but simple checks to consider when
reviewing payments are:
Document purchasing and accounts
payable procedures
Ensure payments are on original invoices
only not copies or faxes otherwise they may be
paid more than once
After payment is made, stamp or perforate the original
invoice to prevent reuse
Develop an exception report so payables over a certain
amount are bought to your attention, and where
practical set authorisation levels where the owner is
the only one who can sign or commit the firm to
certain amounts (such as those over $1,000)
Put in place controls to check for
identical payments
Ensure refund cheques from suppliers are handled
by someone other than the person processing
the invoices
Check invoices with only a post-office box address
Check invoices with company names consisting only
of initials
Check unfamiliar vendors are in the phone book or
check their ABN on the internet
Ensure the person who approves new vendors is
different from the person responsible for the
payment process
Check rapidly increasing purchases from
one vendor
Check vendors billings more than once a month
Check vendor address that match employee addresses
Look out for large billings broken into multiple smaller
invoices each of which is for an amount that would
not attract attention
Once a month select a type of vendor (such as all
tradespersons) and review each line total and number
of invoices for each vendor
Check out the competitors' prices if you rely heavily on
one supplier
Investigate invoices for poorly defined services
Internal Controls for Small Business
Non current assets
Physical assets are as easy to misplace and lose, if
not kept secure. Assets can be taken from within
the business by the staff or from external visitors to the
business or from someone passing off the street. Consider
all possibilities when setting up your environment.
Laptop computers and data projectors are popular
targets for theft so lock them to a desk
If your office entrance is located near the street or a
staircase ensure hand bags and petty cash are well
locked up at all times
Once any asset is purchased it should be recorded on
an asset register with all relevant details (this helps
with the accounting as well)
Allocate a staff member to be responsible for any
expensive items, ensure staff know the location of the
asset and lock it away when not in use
Review your physical assets regularly against your asset
register and investigate any missing items. Make sure
this is done irregularly not just on 30 June
Ensure the same person is not responsible for ordering,
recording and paying for purchases
If you run a retail business with a high shrinkage make
sure your staff discount is high enough to ensure staff
purchase your goods and do not just take them
Many payrolls, even small ones, are now automated, so
it is easier to commit fraud or make mistakes if the
internal controls are not tight and procedures are not
set or followed.
If an electronic payroll is used ensure supervisors
change their password often
Ensure passwords are not handed to other staff
members when the person is on holiday or sick
Ensure any payroll summaries are in the same type
face as the systems printer to avoid possible fraud
Review bank account deposits to ensure that each pay
goes to a different bank account
Where possible, segregate payroll preparation,
disbursement and distribution functions
Beware of budget variations in payroll expense and
Maintain complete payroll records for holiday and
sick leave
Use direct deposits for pays although not foolproof,
this can cut down on payroll chicanery by eliminating
paper paycheques and the possibility of alteration,
forgery and most theft;
Ensure that more than one person can
process the payroll
Find out more about your employees
In a small business you are very reliant on your
employees. They are your representatives with customers,
suppliers and competitors. Take the time to hire the right
person for the job and your style of management, as the
costs of hiring and training is equivalent to three months
wages. This is not an easy process.
Unfortunately some people do falsify their employment
records to get a good job it is more common than
you think.
When taking on a new employee, always take the
time to check out their employment record, ring the
referees and don't just rely on written references
Check out any education credentials that are essential
to the operation of the business
Undertake performance reviews with staff
Ensure adequate training is provided
Clearly outline responsibilities and expectations
Keep lines of communication open with employees
Employee resentment increases, when the owner
enjoys success without passing it on to employees
Be sensitive of employees hopes and expectations
Don't misplace trust one person in a small business
usually bears an inordinate amount of financial
responsibility. Review your office staff.
Staff feedback
Finally develop a process for staff to report breaches in
internal controls and report suspicious behaviour. Ensure
that staff know your door is always open and concerns
are welcome, not a nuisance. Most fraud is detected by
staff tipping off the auditors, owners or accountants.
Reward staff for innovative ideas, perhaps a gift voucher
for every useable suggestion.
Internal Controls for Small Business
No system is perfect. A business owner has to be aware
of potential breakdowns at all times and be prepared to
review all systems.
Example A
A data entry person input the date (15 February 2000)
into the amount field of an account by error when
entering a receipt resulting in an amount of
$1.522 million.
What internal control was missing?
Could something like this happen in your
Example B
An invoice being paid twice is a very common problem in
many businesses.
How would you pick this up in your business?
What internal control systems would help this
Limitations of Internal Controls
Internal Controls for Small Business
Judgment error
Owners must constantly use their judgment in their
business whether recruiting staff, dealing with customers
or checking accounts.
Certain situations can even lead normally honest people to
commit fraud because the opportunity is so irresistible.
All businesses rely on a number of processes and honesty.
Consider the consequences of 5% of people not being
honest. Owners must be thorough in checking procedures
for new staff. Scrutinise potential employees' employment
records and if possible ring and speak to previous employers
personally. Financial stress, addiction and dissatisfaction can
cause people to attempt to pervert the rules.
Unexpected transactions
Not all activities will be covered in the procedures manual.
If the procedures manual properly explains the reason
behind the activities it is describing, it is usually easier to
handle an unexpected event. As an owner you can't
oversee all transactions at all times, however the right
control framework and environment will help to ensure
your staff seek guidance when unexpected events occur.
Reinforce to your staff that they should not let themselves
be overridden or bullied into exceeding their authority or
acting against your rules.
This usually occurs when two or more people come
together in an attempt to defraud. Collusion is hard to
defeat in a small business. In this case the owner's
presence and fear of being caught are deterrents.
Form over substance
You must not let the process become the point of the
exercise. If the process does not fulfill an objective, then
change or remove the process.
Management override
Management and staff can at times view internal controls
as red tape, unnecessary and a waste of time. In a small
business staff are often under tight budgets and will be
tempted to cut the corners. Research shows that people
who override internal controls are often doing so for their
own benefit and may be attempting to defraud the
business. Don't let people change your procedures
without first discussing it with you.
Weak internal controls
A survey by KPMG found that 60% of fraud was
committed because a business had weak internal
controls. Common fraud includes double payment of
invoices sent twice and payments being made for work
that has never been performed. These mistakes are a
signal to the outside world that the internal controls are
weak and the firm is a target for further abuse.
Why Internal Controls Dont Always Work
Internal Controls for Small Business
Consequences of Poor Internal Controls
Some of the results of poor internal controls include:
Millions of dollars are lost every day in all business
environments due to fraud. Fraud can be committed by
an individual, a number of staff and/or external parties.
But fraud doesn't happen in a vacuum, fraud occurs due
to a perception that it is possible to avoid being caught.
Bad decisions for the business
Not reconciling bank accounts regularly may result in over
spending, and sudden cash shortfalls which can even lead
to bankruptcy or insolvency.
Wrong decisions are made by people ill
equipped to deal with a situation
People without permission may authorise payment of
petty cash without following procedures and end up
disbursing cash for non-business expenses or not having
appropriate receipts for tax purposes.
Not taking appropriate action in time to
correct errors
Such as failure to take action to collect the funds when
an invoice is paid twice.
Not allocating resources of the business
correctly or most efficiently
Time is spent fixing problems that could have been
avoided. If you think your internal controls are fine,
consider how many mistakes are made in your business.
Most could usually be avoided if the procedures were
clearer or more thorough.
Can you think of examples of ineffective controls
within your business?
When internal controls are breached, changing personnel
is a waste of time if:
defective internal control policies remain the same;
management shies away from its responsibilities;
tough decisions are pushed further out into the future.
When internal controls break down what action
should or could be taken in your business?
Internal Controls for Small Business
There are very positive consequences that flow
from good internal controls. When reviewing your
procedures, keep these positive benefits in your mind and
explain them to staff. Internal controls should be used as
a carrot as well as a stick.
Good communication
Well-written documentation not only gets your message
across, but also builds a picture of the culture and
processes that have been established to ensure the
firm meets its aims.
The existence of internal controls help new employees
learn the right way to do their job and the correct
procedures needed to fulfil a task.
Error reduction
Good and clear internal controls procedures minimise
errors and save time and money. It helps ensure business
information is correct and that staff are accountable for
their actions. For example, staff should know how to
check their own work to ensure it is accurate.
Protection and authorisation
Internal controls give comfort to staff that they have
protection if they have acted in the way prescribed by the
internal controls and within their authorisation limits. The
business cannot blame you if you have acted in good
faith and within the guidelines specified.
(Whistleblowers Act)
Perceptions of detection
The existence of internal controls act as a deterrent for
those considering fraud increasing the risk they will be
detected (see case study).
Positive Consequences of Good
Internal Controls
Internal Controls for Small Business
Many small business people don't think of internal
controls as something they are responsible for, but rather
a function of an auditor or an accountant. However, to
be effective, someone in the business must take
responsibility for introducing and monitoring
internal controls.
Where do you see the responsibility for internal
controls lying in your business?
It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure internal
controls are operating properly. It takes time to explain
the importance of internal controls to your but it will be
time well spent as it will help staff understand and
appreciate why things are done in
a certain way.
Any breach in internal controls should be reported to you
immediately. With good communication established with
your employees, they should feel able to talk to you
about these issues.
As the owner, you have ultimate responsibility and
accountability for the working and effectiveness of
internal controls.
Responsibility for Internal Controls
Internal controls
Are needed to promote the efficient use of assets;
Encompass the total business culture, structure
and methods;
Encourage positive behaviour;
Protect staff and resources;
Help promote the efficient use of the
business's resources
Communicate and educate
Valid internal controls have a positive and necessary place
within a business and are the responsibility
of everyone.
Internal Controls for Small Business
Pams parable
After graduating from high school, Pam got a job at a car
wash station in the parking lot at a small mall. After two
weeks of sitting alone in her small booth it occurred to
Pam that no one was watching her. Since she was a little
short of money she took $10. The next day she took $20.
Several weeks went by and Pam continued to filch small
amounts of money.
Then one day the firm's part-time accountant showed up
at the booth unannounced. By counting her cash, the
accountant quickly found Pam had stolen more that
$500. When he confronted her, she confessed she had
borrowed the money without authorisation. The
accountant asked whether Pam knew someone would
check her work. "No" she replied "until you walked in
here I didn't even know what an audit was.
This case highlights two important concepts. Pam really
didn't have an opportunity to commit and conceal her
theft, she only thought she did because the owners
didn't tell her they were planning to conduct a surprise
audit. So managers must point out to staff the controls
and the risks of fraud. This will also deter people who
have the opportunity to commit fraud.
Payment twice
How often do you overpay a supplier or pay an
invoice twice?
Office Supplies Pty. Ltd is a fast growing new business.
The owner Bob signs all cheques and keeps a tight reign
on all parts of the business. He believes nothing could get
past him!
Anita is the accounts payable person, receptionist and
office manager all rolled into one. There are also several
sales staff, but they are usually on the road doing
the deals.
One week a number of suppliers started ringing up
wanting their money as their accounts were overdue and
Bob told Anita to stall them, as there wasn't enough cash
in the bank.
After another week went by and three important
suppliers were getting insistent so Anita tried to get their
invoices processed and give them to Bob to sign. But she
could not find them anywhere. So she asked them to fax
in another copy. They faxed in statements of outstanding.
Bob finally agreed to sign them as some cash had arrived
in the bank account. Then at the end of the following
week Bob turned up with a file of invoices that he had
been sitting on. Anita madly processed then to get them
out by the end of the month.
Anita ended up double paying the suppliers. The amounts
didn't match because the statements were larger than
the invoice accounts so a simple check on similar
amounts didn't match up.
Did the suppliers return the difference?
And if they did, did reliable Anita bank the cheques into
the business's bank amount or did she get them
endorsed over to her account?
And what would stop Anita adding in another invoice?
She could take a copy of an invoice for a small amount of
money and send it through the system twice and pocket
the refund when sent back from the supplier.
Anita has an inordinate amount of responsibility in the
business. She is under great pressure to handle all her
duties and consequently is not as thorough as she might
think she is or would like to be.
Case Studies
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