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Dhajagga Sutta

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Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera
For free distribution only
Thus have I heard:
On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at etavana
at the monastery of !natha"indi#a$ Then he addressed the mon#s
saying% &O mon#s$& '' &(enerable Sir%& said the mon#s by way of re"ly
to the Blessed One$ Thereu"on he s"o#e as follows:
&)on#s% I shall relate a former incident$ There arose a battle between
the Devas *gods+ and !suras$ Then Sa##a% the ,ord of the devas%
addressed the devas of the Tavatimsa heaven thus:
&-.a""y ones% if the devas who have gone to the battle should
e/"erience fear or terror or su0er from hair standing on end% let them
behold the crest of my own banner$ If you do so% any fear% terror or hair
standing on end arising in you will "ass away$
&-If you fail to loo# u" to the crest of my banner% loo# at the crest of the
banner of Paja"ati% 1ing of gods$ If you do so% any fear% terror or hair
standing on end arising in you will "ass away$
&-If you fail to loo# u" to the crest of Paja"ati% 1ing of the gods% loo# at
the crest of the banner of (aruna% 1ing of the gods$ If you do so% any
fear% terror or hair standing on end arising in you will "ass away$-
&)on#s% any fear% terror or hair standing on end arising in them who
loo# at the crest of the banner of Sa##a$$$ The ,ord of the gods% of
Paja"ati$$$ of (aruna$$$ of Isana% the 1ing of the gods% any fear terror or
hair standing on end% may "ass away% or may not "ass away$ 2hat is
the reason for this3
&Sa##a% the ,ord of gods% O mon#s% is not free from lust% not free from
hate% not free from delusion% and is therefore liable to fear% terror%
fright% and 4ight$ I also say unto you O mon#s '' if any fear% terror or
hair standing on end should arise in you when you have gone to the
forest or to the foot of a tree% or to an em"ty house *lonely "lace+% then
thin# only of me thus:
&-Such Indeed is the Blessed One% !rahant *5onsummate One+%
su"remely enlightened% endowed with #nowledge and virtue% welcome
being% #nower of worlds% the "eerless trainer of "ersons% teacher of
gods and men% the Buddha% the Blessed One$- )on#s% if you thin# of
me% any fear% terror% or standing of hair on end that may arise in you%
will "ass away$
&If you fail to thin# of me% then thin# of the Dhamma *the Doctrine+
thus: -2ell e/"ounded is the Dhamma by the Blessed One% a Dhamma
to be reali6ed by oneself and gives immediate results% a Dhamma
which invites investigation and leads u" to 7ibb8na% a Dhamma to be
understood by the wise each for himself$- )on#s% if you thin# of the
Dhamma% any fear% terror or hair standing on end that may arise in
you% will "ass away$
&If you fail to thin# of the Dhamma% then thin# of the Sangha *the
Order+ thus: -Of good conduct is the Order of Disci"les of the Blessed
One% of u"right conduct is the Order of Disci"les of the Blessed One% of
wise conduct is the Order of Disci"les of the Blessed One% of dutiful
conduct is the Order of Disci"les of the Blessed One$ This Order of
Disci"les of the Blessed One '' namely those four "airs of "ersons% 91:
the eight #inds of individuals 92: '' is worthy of o0erings% is worthy of
hos"itality% is worthy of gifts% is worthy of reverential salutations% is an
incom"arable ;eld of merit for the world$- )on#s% if you thin# of the
Sangha% any fear% terror or hair standing on end that may arise in you%
will "ass away$ 2hat is the reason for this3 The Tath8gata% O mon#s%
who is !rahant% su"remely enlightened% is free from lust% free from
hate% is free from delusion% and is not liable to fear% terror% fright or
So said the Blessed One$ .aving thus s"o#en% the teacher% the
&2elcome Being& (Sugata), further said:
2hether in forest or at foot of tree%
Or in some secluded s"ot% O mon#s%
Do call to mind that Buddha Su"reme<
Then will there be no fear to you at all$
If you thin# not of the Buddha% O mon#s%
That ,ord of the world and 5hief of men%
Then do thin#% O mon#s% of that Dhamma<
So well "reached and leading to 7ibb8na$
If you thin# not of the Dhamma% O mon#s
well "reached and leading to 7ibb8na<
then do thin#% O mon#s% of that Sangha%
That wonderful ;eld of merit to all$
To those recalling the Buddha su"reme%
to those recalling the Dhamma sublime%
!nd to those recalling the Sangha%
7o fear% no terror will ma#e them =uiver$
1. The four "airs of "ersons constitute the four #inds of !ryan disci"les
who have attained the four "aths and four fruits of sanctity (magga
and phala), namely% sotapatti &Stream >ntry&< sakadagami &Once'
?eturn&< anagami &7on'return& and arahattha. !rahantshi"% the fourth
and the last stage at which all fetters are severed and taints rooted
2. The above four "airs become eight when the Paths and Fruits are
regarded se"arately$

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