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Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)


(Revised-w.e.f. 01 April 2012)


To provide guidelines and properly regulate rules for all types of Leave of absence
applicable to the employees.


Employees of all grades.

Types of Leave

1. Casual Leave
2. Earned Leave
3. Maternity and Allied Leave
4. Extra Ordinary Leave
5. Short Leave

The following general principles shall govern the grant of leave to the employees:-

a) Leave is earned by duty or services. It cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

b) In case of exigencies of work, it will be opened to the competent authority, to
refuse, postpone, revoke, or reduce leave of any description.

c) During the period of leave, an employee shall not take up or accept any
employment or work outside SFPL either on remuneration or without

d) During the period of suspension, an employee shall not be granted any leave.
However, during the pendency of disciplinary proceedings, the competent
authority may grant leave to the concerned employee.

e) Before proceeding on leave, an employee shall intimate to the competent
authority his address, contact numbers (both land line and mobile) including
Postal/e-mail address while he is on leave and shall keep the said authority
informed of the changes in these details, if any.

f) Before leaving headquarters, every employee will have to obtain from the
competent authority permission to leave the headquarters.

g) If an employee, after proceeding on leave, desires an extension thereof, he/she
shall make an application in writing to the competent authority with reasons.
Such application shall contain full postal and e-mail address and shall be made
in sufficient time to enable the office to process the application and
communicate the decision to him/her.

Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)

h) No leave or extension of leave shall be deemed to have been granted unless an
order to that effect is posted and communicated to the employee concerned.

i) Over-stayal beyond the sanctioned leave shall be treated as leave on loss of
pay unless the concerned employee has got the extension of leave sanctioned
(by the competent Authority) before the expiry of the leave already sanctioned.
However, before treating such unauthorized absence as leave on loss of pay,
the competent authority shall satisfy itself that there were no extenuating
circumstances which prevented the employee from obtaining prior sanction for

j) An employee on leave on medical grounds may not return to duly without
producing a medical certificate of fitness.

k) The competent authority may require an employee who has availed of leave, of
any kind, for reasons of health, to produce a medical certificate of fitness, even
though such leave was not granted on medical grounds.

l) The competent authority may, at its discretion, secure a second medical opinion
either for grand of leave or for satisfying that the employee is fit to resume duty,
from a medical examiner of its choice. The cost of such second medical
examination will be borne by the company. An employee not submitting
himself/herself for medical examination will be liable for appropriate disciplinary

m) Any type of leave availed by the employee during a particular year of service
shall, however, be treated as period of service for calculating eligibility for
Earned Leave.

n) Earned Leave can be granted for half day. EL can be availed in any number of
times within entitled limits.

o) EL & CL can be combined as per the present entitlements.

p) The maximum leave accumulation limit provided is of 120 days.

q) An employee is provided a flexible facility to get the leave en-cashed over and
above 30 days on the basis of gross salary w.e.f. 01


a) Every confirmed and permanent employee will be entitled for 10 Days
Casual Leave, during a calendar year. Employees on probation will be
entitled for Causal Leave on pro-rata basis from the date of their joining.

b) Sundays and/or holidays as may be declared by the company may be
prefixed and/or suffixed to Casual Leave. In case the CL is both prefixed
and suffixed to holidays / Sundays, the intervening Sundays and holidays,
will be counted as a part of Casual Leave.

Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)

c) Casual Leave will be considered for a minimum period of half day and
maximum upto the entitlement.

d) Casual Leave not availed in a respective calendar year will lapse and will
not be encashable.

e) In case of cessation of employment due to resignation, retirement or any
other reason, if the casual leaves availed by an employee exceeds his
entitlement, the excess leave will be adjusted against his earned leave, if
any or against his salary / dues payable.

f) All applications for Casual Leave will be recommended by the Reporting
Officer and will be approved by his Functional Head. If a person is
working with a Functional Head then the Functional Head will approve the

g) Leave shall be availed of only after it is sanctioned by the competent
authority, but one days casual leave may be availed of without prior
sanction in case of unforeseen circumstances, provided, the competent
authority to sanction leave is promptly informed by phone or otherwise of
the circumstances under which prior sanction could not be obtained.


a) The leave earned by an employee is the period which he has earned
according to companys rules and he will be entitled to leave only after it
has been earned.

b) Every confirmed and permanent employee of the company will be entitled
to Earned leave. In case of workers, staff and managers, one Earned
Leave will be granted for every 20 days of working, whereas an E grade
employee is entitled to one Earned Leave for every 16 days of working,
during a Calendar Year.

c) Earned Leave will not be granted to probationers. However, the period of
probation will be taken into account for calculation of Earned Leave after

d) Managing Director / Directors /CEOs may, however, allow employees to
avail advance earned leave during their probation on pro-rata basis in the
following circumstances:-
i) For his own marriage or marriage of direct or immediate relations.
ii) Own sickness and sickness of first degree cognate*
iii) Death of first degree cognate.

*First degree cognate means:-
a) Mothers and Fathers natural parents.
b) Siblings of Mother and Father.

It does not include first cousins etc.

Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)

e) Public holiday and weekly holidays within the period of Earned Leave will
not be counted a part of leave.

f) Application for Earned Leave shall be made 7 days in advance through
ERP. However, in case of serious exigencies the CEOs/Directors
incharge may approve such Leave without a prior application keeping in
view the seriousness and circumstances of such exigencies.

g) Earned Leave can be carried forward and accumulated upto a maximum
of 30 days. Leave accumulated can either be encashed in the month of
January or at the time of employee leaving the services at the option of
the employee. However, in the first case the employee should have a
minimum of 15 days Earned Leave to his credit after encashment.

h) Salary for the purpose of Leave encashment will be basic salary +
Dearness Allowance.

i) For accounting purposes. Entitled Leave will be credited to the account of
the employee at the end of each calendar year.

3. Maternity and Allied Leaves.

a) Female employees are entitled to 12 weeks / 84 days maternity leave on
completion of one year of confirmed service with the company, for two (2)
children only.

i. Salary will be paid during the leave period by the company or ESI.

ii. The employee must intimate ESI or /and company about the due date well
in advance for the purpose of payment of salary during her maternity

b) In addition to the above, lady employees may avail of the following Leaves:-

i) Leave for Miscarriage
An employee shall be entitled to 6 weeks of paid leave immediately
following the day of her miscarriage.

ii) Complications in Pregnancy/ Delivery etc.
A lady employee suffering from illness arising out of pregnancy / delivery /
premature birth of the child or miscarriage shall be entitled for one
months leave with maternity benefits. This one month is in addition to her
normal entitlement in case of miscarriage / delivery etc.

Note: The proof of the miscarriage illness due to delivery must be produced to
become entitled for the said leave.

Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)


a) Extra Ordinary Leave up to a maximum of 30 days may be granted at
the discretion of the competent authority when no other leave is due to
an employee. If the employee does not rejoin on expiry of this leave,
he shall be deemed to have abandoned the employment of the
company of his own accord.

b) No employee shall be granted Leave Without Pay if Casual Leave,
Earned Leave or any other kind of leave is due to him.

c) Financial Affect
i. For E, M & S level employee i.e. the employees who do not get OT
and other emoluments on Basic pay, no Basic pay shall be
admissible during their period of extra ordinary leave.

ii. For other personnel who are paid OT etc. on gross pay, no pay and
allowances shall be admissible during the period of extra ordinary

iii. The period spent on such leave shall not be counted for calculating
the eligibility of Earned Leave and entitlement of Gratuity, LTA,
CEA, Bonus, Medical, Increments, etc.

Note: i) Leave Without Pay shall not be granted more than once in a year
and not more than 6 times in the complete career of an employee
in SFPL.

ii) All other absence shall be considered an Act of Indiscipline and
appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken even the leave is later
regularized; it will be treated as leave with loss of pay.


a) This provision is only for Staff and Managers i.e. S0 and above.

b) Employees can avail of 2 hrs. Short Leave at a time for not more
than twice a month.

c) Short Leave is to be approved by the HOD on a Gate Pass. In case
prior permission has not been obtained, a Gate Pass shall be
submitted to the Security Incharge within 16 minutes of reporting to
work. Failing which the absence will be treated as unauthorized

d) SFPL will be within its right to intimate disciplinary action against
the defaulter.

Sheela Foam/HR-Corporate/Leave Policy/(Revision-2012)


LTA up to one months basic salary is authorized to all confirmed
employees (S1 and above) once in 3 years i.e. after completion of every 3
years from the date of joining. The period spent on probation will be taken
into account for the purpose of working out the entitlement of LTA.

LTA Payments:

An individual shall be paid LTA as and when it falls due. The individual
will have to submit an application to claim the amount.

Col. S.C. Upreti
Head Corporate HR

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