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G.R. No.

L-29300 June 21, 1978

e%ea&e Pe'o Ga((ano&a )e*n+ &u)&#*#u#e ), $*& (e+a( $e*'&, na-e(, $*& a)o.e-na-e
/*o/ an $*& %$*('en, ISIDRO GALLANOSA an LED0 GALLANOSA, an +'an%$*('en
(a#e SI4A"5NA GALLANOSA, &on o3 Pe'o D.H. GALLONOSA, petitioners,
HON. 52ALDO 0. ARCANGEL, Ju+e o3 2'an%$ I o3 #$e Cou'# o3 !*'&# In&#an%e o3 So'&o+on
HI"OSIS, -*no'& ANGEL R. HI"OSIS an RODOL!O R. HI"OSIS, 'e8'e&en#e ), #$e*' (e+a(
'e8'e&en#e ), #$e*' (e+a( +ua'*an an 3a#$e' ERNES"O 2ANEGA, !ELICI"AS HI"OSIS-
6DA. DE GANOLA an LEONA HI"OSIS-GA2I"O GA12A, respondents.
Haile Frivaldo for petitioners.
Joaquin R Mitosis for private respondents.

A75INO, J.:
In this special civil action of certiorari, filed on July 29, 1968, the petitioners seek to annul the orders
of respondent Judge dated May 3 trial June 1, 1968, !herein he reconsidered his order of January
1", 1968, dis#issing, on the ground of prescription, the co#plaint in $ivil $ase %o. 2233 of the
$ourt of &irst Instance of 'orsogon.
(he case involves the si)ty*one parcels of land in 'orsogon left +y &lorentino ,itosis, !ith
an esti#ated value of -.",""", trial clai#s for da#ages e)ceeding one #illion pesos. (he
undisputed facts are as follo!s/
1. &lorentino ,itosis e)ecuted a !ill in the 0icol dialect on June 19, 1938 !hen he !as eighty years
old. ,e died on May 26, 1939 at Irosin, 'orsogon. 1 childless !ido!er, he as survived +y his
+rother, 2eon ,itosis. ,is other +rothers, na#ed Juan, (ito 3Juancito4, 2eoncio 31loncio4 trial
1polonio and only sister, (eodora, !ere all dead.
2. 5n June 26, 1939 a petition for the pro+ate of his !ill !as filed in the $ourt of &irst Instance of
'orsogon 3'pecial -roceeding %o. 3114. The notice of hearing was duly published. In that !ill,
&lorentino +e7ueathed his one*half share in the con8ugal estate to his second !ife, (ecla 9ollentas,
and, should (ecla predecease hi#, as !as the case, his one*half share !ould +e assigned to the
spouses -edro :allanosa and $ora;on :recia, the reason +eing that -edro, (ecla<s son +y her first
#arriage, gre! up under the care of &lorentino= he had treated -edro as his foster child, and -edro
has rendered services to &lorentino and (ecla. &lorentino like!ise +e7ueathed his separate
properties consisting of three parcels of a+aca land and parcel of riceland to his protege
3sasacuyang ataman4, 1dolfo &orta8ada, a #inor.
3. 5pposition to the pro+ate of the !ill !as registered +y the testator<s legal heirs, na#ely, his
surviving +rother, 2eon, trial his nephe!s trial nieces. 1fter a hearing, !herein the oppositors did not
present any evidence in support of their opposition, Judge -a+lo '. >ivera, in his decision of
5cto+er 2, 1939, ad#itted the !ill to pro+ate and appointed :allanosa as e)ecutor. Judge >ivera
specifically found that the testator e)ecuted his last !ill ?go;ando de +uena salud y facultades
#entales y no o+rando en virtud de a#ena;a, fraude o influencia inde+ida.?
6. 5n 5cto+er 26, 1961, the testa#entary heirs, the :allanosa spouses trial 1dolfo &orta8ada,
su+#itted a pro8ect of partition covering si)ty*one parcels of land located in various parts of
'orsogon, large cattle trial several pieces of personal property !hich !ere distri+uted in accordance
!ith &lorentino<s !ill. (he heirs assu#ed the o+ligations of the estate a#ounting to -,129.2 in the
portion of -2,36.62 for 1dolfo &orta8ada and -6,.2.8. for the :allanosa spouses. (he pro8ect of
partition !as approved +y Judge 9oroteo 1#ador in his order of March 13, 1963, thus confir#ing
the heirs< possession of their respective shares. (he testator<s legal heirs did not appeal fro# the
decree of pro+ate trial fro# the order of partition trial distri+ution.
.. 5n &e+ruary 2", 19.2, 2eon ,itosis trial the heirs of &lorentino<s deceased +rothers trial sisters
instituted an action in the $ourt of &irst Instance of 'orsogon against -edro :allanosa for the
recovery of the said si)ty*one parcels of land. (hey alleged that they, +y the#selves or through their
predecessors*in*interest, had +een in continuous possession of those lands en concepto de
dueo trial that :allanosa entered those lands in 19.1 trial asserted o!nership over the lands. (hey
prayed that they +e declared the o!ners of the lands trial that they +e restored to the possession
thereof. (hey also clai#ed da#ages 3$ivil $ase %o. 6964.
6. :allanosa #oved to dis#iss the a+ove co#plaint for lack of cause of action trial on the ground of
+ar +y the prior 8udg#ent in the pro+ate proceeding. Judge 1natolio $. Ma@alac dis#iss the
co#plaint on the ground of res udicata in his order of 1ugust 16, 19.2 !herein he said/
It also appears that the plaintiffs andAor their predecessors*in*interest had intervened
in the testate proceedings in $ivil $ase %o. 311 of this $ourt for* the purpose of
contesting the pro+ate of the !ill of 3the4 late &lorentino ,itosis= trial had their
opposition prospered trial the !ill denied of pro+ate, the proceedings !ould have
+een converted into one of intestacy 31rt. 96" $ivil $ode4 and the settle#ent of the
estate of the said deceased !ould have +een #ade in accordance !ith the
provisions of la! governing legal or intestate succession ... , in !hich case the said
plaintiffs, as the nearest of kin or legal heirs of said &lorentino Mitosis, !ould have
succeeded to the o!nership and possession of the 61 parcels of land in 7uestion
for#ing part of his estate 3art. 1""3, $ivil $ode4.
,o!ever, the derision of the $ourt !as adverse to the#, !hen it their opposition trial
ordered the pro+ate of his !ill. &ro# this decision 31nne) B4 legali;ing the said !ill,
the oppositors did not file any appeal !ithin the period fi)ed +y la!, despite the fact
that they !ere duly notified thereof, so that the said decision had +eco#e final trial it
no! constitutes a +ar to any action that the plaintiffs #ay institute for the purpose of
a redeter#ination of their rights to inherit the properties of the late &lorentino ,itosis.
In other !ords, the said decision of this $ourt in $ivil $ase special 4 %o. 311, in
!hich the herein plaintiffs or their predecessors*in*interest had intervened as parties
oppositors, constitutes a final 8udicial deter#ination of the issue that the said
plaintiffs, as ordinary heirs, have no legal rights to succeed to any of the properties of
the late &lorentino ,itosis= conse7uently, their present clai# to the o!nership trial
possession of the 61 parcels of land in 7uestion is !ithout any legal #erit or +asis.
. (he plaintiffs did not appeal fro# that order of dis#issal !hich should have set the #atter at rest.
0ut the sa#e plaintiffs or oppositors to the pro+ate of the !ill, trial their heirs, !ith a persistence
+efitting a #ore #eritorious case, filed on 'epte#+er 21, 196, or fifteen years after the dis#issal of
$ivil $ase %o. 696 trial t!enty*eight years after the pro+ate of the !ill another action in the sa#e
court against the :allanosa spouses trial 1dolfo &orta8ada for the ?annul#ent? of the !ill of
&lorentino ,itosis trial and for the recovery of the sa#e si)ty*one parcels of land. (hey prayed for the
appoint#ent of a receiver.
8. 1s +asis of their co#plaint, they alleged that the :allanosa spouses, through fraud trial deceit,
caused the e)ecution trial si#ulation of the docu#ent purporting to +e the last !ill trial testa#ent of
&lorentino ,itosis. Chile in their 19.2 co#plaint the ga#e plaintiffs alleged that they !ere in
possession of the lands in 7uestion, in their 196 co#plaint they ad#itted that since 1939, or fro#
the death of &lorentino ,itosis, the defendants 3no! the petitioners4 have +een in possession of the
disputed lands 3-ar. DIE of the co#plaint, p. ", >ollo in $ivil $ase %o. ..., :u+at 0ranch, !hich
!as transferred to 0ranch I in 'orsogon to!n !here 'pecial -roceeding %o. 311 trial $ivil $ase
%o. 696 !ere decided trial !hich !as re*docketed as $ivil $ase %o. 22334.
9. 1s already stated, that 196 co#plaint, upon #otion of the defendants, no! the petitioners, !as
dis#issed +y respondent Judge. (he plaintiffs filed a #otion for reconsideration >espondent Judge.
granted it trial set aside the order of dis#issal. ,e denied defendants< #otion for the reconsideration
of his order setting aside that dis#issal order.
(he petitioners or the defendants +elo! contend in this certiorari case that the lo!er court has no
8urisdiction to set aside the 1939 decree of pro+ate trial the 19.2 order of dis#issal in $ivil $ase %o.
696 trial that it acted !ith grave a+use of discretion in not dis#issing private respondents< 196
(he issue is !hether, under the facts set forth a+ove, the private respondents have a cause of action
the ?annul#ent? of the !ill of &lorentino ,itosis trial for the recovery of the si)ty*one parcels of land
ad8udicated under that !ill to the petitioners.
Ce hold that the lo!er court co##itted a grave a+use of discretion in reconsideration its order of
dis#issal trial in ignoring the 1939 testa#entary case trial the 19.2 $ivil $ase %o. 696 !hich is the
sa#e as the instant 196 case.
1 rudi#entary kno!ledge of su+stantive la! trial procedure is sufficient for an ordinary la!yer to
conclude upon a causal perusal of the 196 co#plaint that it is +aseless trial un!arranted.
Chat the plaintiffs seek is the ?annul#ent? of a last !ill trial testa#ent duly pro+ated in 1939 +y the
lo!er court itself. (he proceeding is coupled !ith an action to recover the lands ad8udicated to the
defendants +y the sa#e court in 1963 +y virtue of the pro+ated !ill, !hich action is a resuscitation of
(he co#plaint of the sa#e parties that the sa#e court dis#issed in 19.2.
It is evident fro# the allegations of the co#plaint trial fro# defendants< #otion to dis#iss that
plaintiffs< 196 action is +arred +y res udicata, a dou+le*+arrelled defense, trial +y prescription,
ac7uisitive trial e)tinctive, or +y !hat are kno!n in the us civile trial the us
gentium as usucapio, longi temporis possesio and praescriptio 3'ee >a#os vs. >a#os, 2*1982,
9ece#+er 3, 196, 61 '$>1 2864.
5ur procedural la! does not sanction an action for the ?annul#ent? of a !ill. In order that a !ill #ay
take effect, it has to +e pro+ated, legali;ed or allo!ed in the proper testa#entary proceeding. (he
pro+ate of the !ill is #andatory 31rt. 838, $ivil $ode= sec. 1, >ule ., for#erly sec. 1, >ule 6, >ules
of $ourt= :uevara vs. :uevara, 6 -hil. 69= :uevara vs. :uevara, 98 -hil. 2694.
(he testa#entary proceeding is a special proceeding for the settle#ent of the testator<s estate. 1
special proceeding is distinct trial different fro# an ordinary action 3'ecs. 1 trial 2, >ule 2 trial sec. 1,
>ule 2, >ules of $ourt4.
Ce say that the defense of res udicata, as a ground for the dis#issal of plaintiffs< 196 co#plaint, is
a t!o*pronged defense +ecause 314 the 1939 trial 1963 decrees of pro+ate trial distri+ution in
'pecial -roceeding %o. 311 trial 324 the 19.2 order of dis#issal in $ivil $ase %o. 696 of the lo!er
court constitute +ars +y for#er 8udg#ent, >ule 39 of the >ules of $ourt provides/
'F$. 69. !ffect of udgments. G (he effect of a 8udg#ent or final order rendered +y
a court or 8udge of the -hilippines, having 8urisdiction to pronounce the 8udg#ent or
order, #ay +e as follo!s/
3a4 In case of a 8udg#ent or order against a specific thing, or in respect to the
pro+ate of a !ill or the ad#inistration of the estate of a deceased person, or in
respect to the personal, political, or legal condition or status of a particular person or
his relationship to another, the 8udg#ent or order is conclusive upon the title to the
thing the !ill or ad#inistration, or the condition, status or relationship of the person=
ho!ever, the pro+ate of a !ill or granting of letters of ad#inistration shall only +e
pri#a facie evidence of the death of the testator or intestate=
3+4 In other cases the 8udg#ent or order is, !ith respect to the #atter directly
ad8udged or as to any other #atter that could have +een raised in relation thereto,
conclusive +et!een the parties trial their successors in interest +y title su+se7uent to
the co##ence#ent of the action or special proceeding, litigating of the sa#e thing
trial under the sa#e title trial in the sa#e capacity=
3c4 In any other litigation +et!een the sa#e parties or their successors in interest,
that only is dee#ed to have +een ad8udged in a for#er 8udg#ent !hich appears
upon its face to have +een so ad8udged, or !hich !as actually trial necessarily
included therein or necessary thereto.
(he 1939 decree of pro+ate is conclusive as to the due e)ecution or for#al validity of the !ill 3'ec.
62., 1ct 19", sec. 1, >ule 6, no! sec. 1, >ule ., >ules of $ourt= 2ast par. of art. 838, $ivil $ode4.
(hat #eans that the testator !as of sound trial disposing #ind at the ti#e !hen he e)ecuted the !ill
and !as not acting under duress, #enace, fraud, or undue influence= that the !ill !as signed +y hi#
in the presence of the re7uired nu#+er of !itnesses, and that the !ill is genuine trial is not a forgery.
1ccordingly, these facts cannot again +e 7uestioned in a su+se7uent proceeding, not even in a
cri#inal action for the forgery of the !ill. 33 Moran<s $o##ents on the >ules of $ourt, 19" Fdition,
p. 39.= Manahan vs. Manahan, .8 -hil. 6684.
1fter the finality of the allo!ance of a !ill, the issue as to the voluntariness of its e)ecution cannot +e
raised any#ore 3'antos vs. 9e 0uenaventura, 2*229, 'epte#+er 22, 1966, 18 '$>1 64.
In "ustria vs. #entenilla, 21 -hil. 18", a ?petition for annul#ent of a !ill? !as not entertained after the
decree of pro+ate had +eco#e final. (hat case is su##ari;ed as follo!s/
$ills% &robate% "lledged Fraudulent $ill% "ppeal.G E. died. ,is !ill !as ad#itted to
pro+ate !ithout o+8ection. %o appeal !as taken fro# said order. It !as ad#itted that
due trial legal notice had +een given to all parties. &ifteen #onths after the date of
said order, a #otion !as presented in the lo!er court to have said !ill declared null
and void, for the reason that fraud had +een practised upon the deceased in the
#aking of his !ill.
,eld/ (hat under section 62. of 1ct %o. 19", the only ti#e given parties !ho are
displeased !ith the order ad#itting to pro+ate a !ill, for an appeal is the ti#e given
for appeals in ordinary actions= +ut !ithout deciding !hether or not an order
ad#itting a !ill to pro+ate !ill +e opened for fraud, after the ti#e allo!ed for an
appeal has e)pired, !hen no appeal is taken fro# an order pro+ating a !ill, the heirs
can not, in su+se7uent litigation in the sa#e proceedings, raise 7uestions relating to
its due e)ecution. (he pro+ate of a !ill is conclusive as to its due e)ecution trial as to
the testa#entary capacity of (he testator. 3'ee 1ustria vs. ,eirs of Eentenilla. 99
-hil. 1"694.
5n the other hand, the 1963 decree of ad8udication rendered +y the trial court in the testate
proceeding for the settle#ent of the estate of &lorentino ,itosis, having +een rendered in a
proceeding in rem' is under the a+ove7uoted section 693a4, +inding upon the !hole !orld 3Manalo
vs. -aredes, 6 -hil. 938= (n re Fstate of Johnson, 39 -hil. 1.6= 9e la $erna vs. -otot, 12" -hil.
1361, 1366= McMaster vs. ,entry >eiss#ann H $o., 68 -hil. 1624.
It is not only the 1939 pro+ate proceeding that can +e interposed as res udicata !ith respect to
private respondents< co#plaint, (he 19.2 order of dis#issal rendered +y Judge Ma@alac in $ivil
$ase %o. 696, a 8udg#ent in persona# !as an ad8udication on the #erits 3'ec. 6, >ule 3", old
>ules of $ourt4. It constitutes a +ar +y for#er 8udg#ent under the afore7uoted section 693+4
31ntica#ara vs. 5ng, 2*29689. 1pril 16, 1984.
(he plaintiffs or private respondents did not even +other to ask for the annul#ent of the
testa#entary proceeding trial the proceeding in $ivil $ase %o. 696. 5+viously, they reali;ed that the
final ad8udications in those cases have the +inding force of res udicata and that there is no ground,
nor is it ti#ely, to ask for the nullification of the final orders trial 8udg#ents in those t!o cases.
It is a funda#ental concept in the organi;ation of every 8ural syste#, a principle of pu+lic policy, that,
at the risk of occasional errors, 8udg#ents of courts should +eco#e final at so#e definite date fi)ed
+y la!. (nterest rei publicae ut finis sit litum. ?(he very o+8ect for !hich the courts !ere constituted
!as to put an end to controversies.? 39y $ay vs. $rossfield and 5<0rien, 38 -hil. .21/ -e@alosa vs.
(uason, 22 -hil, 3"3= 9e la $erna vs. -otot, supra4.
1fter the period for seeking relief fro# a final order or 8udg#ent under >ule 38 of the >ules of $ourt
has e)pired, a final 8udg#ent or order can +e set aside only on the grounds of 3a4 lack of 8urisdiction
or lack of due process of la! or 3+4 that the 8udg#ent !as o+tained +y #eans of e)trinsic or
collateral fraud. In the latter case, the period for annulling the 8udg#ent is four years fro# the
discovery of the fraud 32 Moran<s $o##ents on the >ules of $ourt, 19" Fdition, pp. 26.*266=
Mauricio vs. Eillanueva, 1"6 -hil. 11.94.
(o hurdle over the o+stacle of prescription, the trial court, naively adopting the theory of plaintiffs<
counsel, held that the action for the recovery of the lands had not prescri+ed +ecause the rule in
article 161" of the $ivil $ode, that ?the action or defense for the declaration of the ine)istence of
a contract does not prescri+e?, applies to wills.
(hat ruling is a glaring error. 1rticle 161" cannot possi+ly apply to last !ills trial testa#ents. (he trial
court trial plaintiffs< counsel relied upon the case of 9ingle vs. :uiller#o, 68 ". :. 661", allegedly
decided +y this $ourt, !hich cited the ruling in (ipton vs. Eelasco, 6 -hil. 6, that #ere lapse of ti#e
cannot give efficacy to voidcontracts, a ruling elevated to the category of a codal provision in article
161". (he )ingle case !as decided +y the $ourt of 1ppeals. Fven the trial court did not take pains
to verify the #isrepresentation of plaintiffs< counsel that the )ingle case !as decided +y this $ourt.
1n ele#entary kno!ledge of civil la! could have alerted the trial court to the egregious error of
plaintiffs< counsel in arguing that article 161" applies to !ills.
C,F>F&5>F, the lo!er court<s orders of May 3 trial June 1, 1968 are reversed trial set aside trial
its order of dis#issal dated January 1", 1968 is affir#ed. $osts against the private respondents.
'5 5>9F>F9.

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