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2,9 Objective & lmplication
3.0 Policy Development
& Review
office Hour' Holidays
and Leave means the provisions
as the part
emproyee benefits issued
and rnanaged or
by Super Star Group.
2.0 Obiective
& tmpljcation:
This Policy
applies to all permanent
of super star Group other than emproyees appointed
on contract
except to this extent these are expressly
made applicable
to any of them by the terms of their employment
3.0 Policy Developnrent
& Review
Board Members/Top
of super Star Group will have reserved the right or the sole authority for
this poricy
as weil as review the poricy
subject to the necessity.
4.0 Recipient
Subject to the recommendation
of concern Line Manager along with the approval of HoD (Head
of Department),
the HR & Admin Department
is responsibre
to ensure the approvarof
the reave.
5.0 Policy Section:
5.L Office Hours
standard worl<ing
hours of ssG shall be from 09:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. from saturdaytcl Thursday,
and lunch breal<' However,
worl<ing hours for regional
offices (lf any) and showrooms
will be
time to time depending
on the requirements
of the business.
For ssG corporate,
15 minutes is l<ept as cushion time for arrivar but chronological practice
shall not
be allowed'
That means if any employee enters the office after 09:45 a.m., s/he will be counted as
three days late after 09:45 a.m. will be considered
as a disciplinary
issue & will be
with 01 annual leave. Moreover, lf any person
enter office after 10:00 a.m. three times in a
month' willalso be considererj
as a riisciplinary
issue & adjusted with 01 annual leave.
All employees
will observe working
hours strictly, no employee
shall leave the premises
during the
hours without prior permission
of his/her immediate
and mal<e a eniail to
all members
of Head office, fairing
which resurts disciprining procedure.
g pl
5.5 Policy Development
& Review
\:Ti"itrffiFt ffiT&[+
Prepared &
Approved By
Office Hours in the month of Ramadan
During the month of Ramadan, SSG offices willfollow working hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with
30 minutes breal< for prayer.
5,2 Holidays
A Holiday list for the company is prepared in conformity with the Holiday list published
by the
Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and lndustry.
At the beginning of the year, HR will prepare the list and circulates to alloffices of Super Star Group.
Weel<ly Holiday will be in each Friday . Only 3'd Saturday will be off for Head Office officials only.
Field sales/Distribution
& Factories will remain open as usual.
5.3 Leave
5.3.1 Annual Leave:
All permanent
employees will be entitled to enjoy Annual Leave of 20 working days in a calendar
upon completion of 1 (one) year service with the super star Group.
All employees
shall prepare
their Leave Roster at the beginning of the year
and submit to their
respective Functional Heads. The Functional Heads will finalize the Leave Roster of his/her
and send a copy to HR.
For calculating annual leave period, only working days will be considered. There will be no restriction
in terms of prefixing
and suffixing weel<ends and adding leaves to national and festival holidays.
There shall be no restriction of availing maximum days of annual leave to an employee on any single
occasion and can be tar<en up to the avairabre leave barance.
5.3.2 Casual Leave
[very employee shall be entitled to 10 days casual leave with full pay in a calendar year and such
leave shall not be accumulated and carried forward to the succeeding year. Casual leave can be taken
to meet emergencies or in case of unforeseen events but not more than three (3) consecutive days
at a time.
lf justification
for casual Ieave is found unsatisfactory by the management, days of leave availed will
be deducted from the employee's annuar reave entitrement.
5.3.3 Sick Leave
All permanent
employees shall be entitled to avail 14 (Fourteen)
days sick leave in a calendar year
with full pay and benefits.
sicl< Ieave for 3 days or more need to be supported by medical documents/certificate
registered medical professional (s).
Employee must inform his/her supervisor about the sicl<ness on the day he/she becomes sicl<. lf the
sickness continues beyond three days, employees are requirecl to keep their immediate
informed of the medical status every weel<. lf the company is not satisfied with the
reason stated for illness, the days of absence will be adjusted against Annual Leave entitlement of
the employee.
must submit Leave Application Form on the day of returning to duties.
ln the event of prolonged
illness, the Management may allow special leave on recommendation
registered medical practitioner
with or without pay or such special leave may be adjusted against
Privilege leave, if any.
ng Director
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Applicable For
annroveo ry
Quarantine Leave
' Quarantine leave is the leave of absence from duty due to temporarV disability as well as infectious
diseases (e.g. Chickenpox, Jaunciice& Hepatitis).
Permanent employees of SSG may be considered with pay for a maximum of one (01) months
Quarantine leave after all other leaves of a Calendar Year are exhausted. To avail this leave the
employee concerned has to submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner
his/her return to worl<place.
lf employee(s) requires further reave beyond the regurar three(03) months
euarantine Ieave his/her
leave may be extended to a nraximum period of anotherthree (03) months as leave without pay.
ln case of any
Quarantine leave, Managing Director and Director will bear the sole authority to grant
required leave to employee(s).
5.3.5 Maternity Leave
A permanent
female employee shall be entitled to six (6) months maternity leave covering pre and
post delivery period. one month leave without pay can be taken if needed.
Employee shall not be entitled to such maternity benefit unless she has worl<ed under the employer,
for a period of not less than six months immediately preceding
the day of her delivery.
A permanent
female employee is entitled to avail this leave for 2 times in her entire service period.
However, employee who has more than two children shall not be eligible for maternity benefit.
Any employee suffering from illness arising out of pregnancy,
delivery, premature
birth of child
of pregnancy or tubectomy operatlon) is entitled to 4 weel<s leave
with pay in addition to the maternity benefit.
After confirming pregnancy
to the proper authority with a valid document provided by the certified
medical practitioner,
she shall not be dismissed within the time bar of law.
lf sufficient grounds
are existed for such employee then due course of Iaw should be followed to
dissolve this issue.
The female employee must proriuce advance notice of pregnancy
and application for maternity leave
to office.
Applications for maternity leave should include personal
details, a medical certificate detailing the
expected date of delivery or birth, proposed
date and duration of leave and to be
forwarded to HR. HR will issue a leave approval letter to the respective employee mentioning her
leave period (Appendix).
Maternity leave shall be recotnmended by the HoD and will be approved by HoHR (Appendix).
within seven days of delivery of the child, the employee must submit a certificate from her attending
Maternity Hospital/qualified
Gynecologist confirming that she has given
birth to a child Her post-
natal leave will be calculated according to this certificate.
lf the female employee dies at the time of delivery or riuring the post,natal period of three (3)
months, and if the newly born chilci of her survives, SSG shall pay her due amount of maternity
benefit to the person nominated by her or to her regar representative.
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I !rypa1ed
i-A.pplicable For
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Approved By
5.3.6 Paternity Leave
male employee shall be entitled for 03 worl<ing days paternity leave. Employee shall use this leave
to look after his family and home during the time of his child's birth.
A maxlmum of two paternity leaves can be availed by an employee during his entire period of service
with the company.
Paternity leave is applicable only to those who have completed six months service with SSG.
No other benefits will be provicJed to the employee(s) in addition to Paternity Leave with full pay.
This leave may be availed withln the two weel<s before or after the birth of the child.
Employee's leave application must be accompanied by the birth certificate/ other appropriate
evidence of the baby.
5.3.7 Compassionate Leave
Employee(s) are entitled for 3 working days compassionate leave in case of death of their parents,
spouse or children to cope up with the shock.
5.3.8 Hajj Leave
Employee(s)will be entitled with a leave of 25 calendar days with pay for Hajj purpose provided
the employee has completed two years of service with SSG.
Such leave will be allowed for once in his/her service tenure with the company.
Similar leave may be granted for employees other than Muslims, if the occasion is once in a life time
Holy event significant to the believers.
5.3.9 Study Leave
A permanent
employee may avail study leave to undertal<e higher education approved by the
Management of the SSG.
A permanent
employee of SSG will be entitled to a Study leave of nraximum two (2) years without
pay and allowances.
An employee who has completed three (3) years'service
with the company will be eligible to
applying for study leave.
Those who would retire within 5 years of the date on which he/she is likely to return from leave will
not be entitled to it.
An employee will be entitled to avail Study Leave once in his entire service period with SSG.
HoD will accommodate the staff after returning from study leave and informed accordingly.
Study leave period shall not be counted of an employees'length of service with SSG and all end
service benefit to be stopped and will resume after returning from study leave.
Study leave shall be recommended by respective HoD and HoHR and approved by MD (Managing
Director) or Do(Director operation). Any exception of study leave need to be approved by the Board
of Directors.
5.3.10 Leave without
The Company may grant an employee, at its cliscretion, leave without pay for important personal
grounds where no other leaves are admissible no matter whether there remains any leave balance or
not in the credit of the employee.
ln case of Leave without
no salary anri allowances will be paid.
Leave without Pay period will not exceed three (03) months.
Version: SSGHRP-OOs
HoHR can approve
upto one (01)
months LWop by upon recommendation
from HOD
More than one (01)
months LWOp to be approved by MD/DO
The period
under Leave without Pay will not be counted as a part of service of an employee.
An employee(s)
of ssG other than Contractual
and lntern (s)
will be entitled to a compensatory
Leave provided
has to worl< on a weel<ly holiday or during festival
The compensatory
reave date wiil be decided by the supervisor
of the emproyee(s).
5.3.12 Accidental
A permanent
of SSG will be eligible for accidental
leave as a result of on duty accident
office hour).
leave period
on accidental ground
would be 3 months with full pay.
This leave can be
by HoD, recommended
by HoHR and approved
by MD and/orDirectors.
Any discretion
upto next 3 months with pay may be approved by MD and Directors.
leave must be supportecl
by medical documents
signed by the registered
5.3.13 Leave
shall not normally entitle for any leave rJuring
Leave may be granted
to probationary
only on
of the ma nagement
on case_to_case
Any leave taken prior
to completion
of six (6) months will be adjusted
against the casual leave atter
of service.
5.3.14 Accumulation
of Leave
Any leave other than annual leave shall not
may be accumulated
up to maximum
45 days
Leave Encashment
medical grounds
or at the sole discretion
be allowed to carry forward.
annual Leave
during the departure of the employee.
Annual leave encashment
may be allowed
to an employee
for a maximum of 45 days at the
time of his/her leaving from the company,
which will be calcurated
on last drawn basic salary of the
No deduction,
other than fOr lncome
Tax and other statutory
shall be
made from the amount payable
on account of encashment
of leave.
5.3.17 Procedure
of Leave
Leave is to be applied for in writing
to the immediate
superior in the prescribed
leave form. No employee
sharr remain
absent nerore nis/her reave is approved
by the supervisor.
The immediate
will approve/disapprove
for such disapprovar)
the application
and send it to his HoD' The HoD willthen forwarJl,,o,r,,"
HR for record.
must submit
their Annual Leave application
form and get approval
from the supervisor
3 worl<ing
days before the commencement
of such leave.
when the Annual Leave applied for will be more than three (3)
days, the employee
who will be going
on leave must prepare
a handover
note stating
the detail of the person
who will be acting
as his/her back up' The handover
note must be signed by both the persons
by Line
and be submitted
aJong with the leave application.
In exceptional
cases to the above, the employee
will send the leave application
at the earliest to his/her immediate
who wiil have the discretion
to justify
such exception.
{_$pffiffi ffix&ffi
Effective Date
trr0proyges\ol srsg
HR Policy No Version: SSGHRP-OOS/
Proposed bv
dar+ h-
ffi"*t"- DI%io,
Application for sick leave has to be.submitted
to the immediate
superior" along with doctor-,s
as well any extension of medical leave has to be recommended
by the doctor,
failing which, leave so availed will be treated as
Leave or Leave without
In case approved leave is not availed for sorne reasons, staff will notify HR in writing tiiat hrs/her
leave has been canceled.
A copy of such communication
will be forwarded
to the supervisor
leave will be adjusted accordingly.
absence from worl< or non-compliance
of leave policy shall be dealt with in accordance
to the disciplinary
action procedure
of the company.
During leave period,
the employee will be entitled to full salary for approved leave except leave
without pay.
All leave applications
willbe checked
by HRDand ensure compliance of leave policy.
5.4 Exceptions
of leave policy:
employee will enjoy the leave as per the contract between the both parties,
of this leave policy
on approval shall be deemed by the sole discretion of MD,s &
Boa rd.
5.5 Policy Development
& Review
This Policy will be subject to a periodic
review in every two years
interval and modification if needed
may be carried out by HRD in consultation
with the respeCtive
unit,s HOB (Head of Business),
Review Committee if any as appropriate.
6'0 conclusion:
The objective
of this poticy is to meet the employees'
& personal
of time,
which will satisfy the individuals
& refresh them for better productivity.
once the policy
has been approved
after that inrlividuals
have the right to avail these provisions
of reave as per approvaI of respective
HoD and
of pre-confirmation
activities by HR & Admin department.

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