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grade 9 weeks
Theme Content Obe!t"#es
El Secreto de la Llama (The
Llamas Secret) A legend from
Culture of Per (geography cuisine fol!lore)
"any #er$s taught through gesture
%asic indirect o$&ect pronouns (le dice)
%asic ad&ecti#es
"usic' El C(ndor Pasa $y )aniel Alom*a
,dentify family #oca$ulary discuss
and descri$e family
Listen to read and understand
stories told in Spanish
Ans-er .uestions a$out a te/t
story or con#ersation
)iscuss -here people are from
+etell a story in Spanish
0se cognates to 1gure out meaning
of ne- -ords and e/pressions
Listen to understand and respond
to simple commands and re.uests
2ame the capital of a Spanish3
spea!ing country
List a fact a$out food in a Spanish3
spea!ing country (Peru)
El Ratn Bilingue (The
%ilingual "ouse) A legend from
Culture of Cu$a (geography food fol!lore)
E/pressions -ith tener
,dentify family #oca$ulary discuss
and descri$e family
Ans-er .uestions a$out a te/t
story or con#ersation
Listen to read and understand
stories told in Spanish
)iscuss -here people are from
0se cognates to 1gure out meaning
of ne- -ords and phrases
2ame the capital of a Spanish3
spea!ing country
List a fact a$out the food in a
Spanish 5spea!ing country (Cu$a)

La Llorona (The 6eeping

A legend from "e/ico
%asic Present Progressi#e
7uiere 8 in1niti#e
Culture of "e/ico (geography fol!lore
history of the story)
Colors 9 Culture through Art (La Llorona
painting $y Pa$lo Picasso)
"usic' Llorona $y Cha#ela :argas
,dentify family #oca$ulary discuss
and descri$e family
Ans-er .uestions a$out a te/t
story or con#ersation
Listen to read and understand
stories told in Spanish
,dentify colors in a painting
El Regalo de la Diosa Luna
(The "oon ;oddess ;ift) A
;uaran* legend from Paraguay4
<istory (guaran* indians)
Culture of Southern Cone in S4 America
(0ruguay Paraguay Argentina)
,mportance of =er$a "ate in S4 America
,dentify countries and capitals in
southern South America4
Ans-er .uestions a$out a te/t
story or con#ersation
Listen to read and understand
stories told in Spanish
Other topics
,nterspersed throughout >
-ee!s? $efore after and in
$et-een legends
Short stories focusing on high3fre.uency
Classroom #oca$ulary
,nterrogati#es (7uestion 6ords)
Ad&ecti#es and Ad#er$s
%asic parts of the $ody
Classroom commands
<olidays occurring -ithin the > -ee!s'
o )*a de los "uertos Tres +eyes Cinco de
Count to @A
Say hello good$ye yes no
As! some$ody ho- they are doing
and tell them ho- , am doing
Sing el alfa$eto
+etell short stories in Spanish
Ans-er $asic .uestions a$out a
te/t story or con#ersation
,dentify things in the classroom
2ame a popular holiday in a
Spanish3spea!ing country
,dentify $ody parts

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