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Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

Question Bank : Advanced Java Programming (9165)

Class : TYIF / TYCM / TYCO (IF/VI/C)
Chapter No. 01 Introduction to AWT

Answer the following questions:

(Note: Only one answer is correct).

1. AWT Means?
a) Abstract Windows Toolkit
b) Advanced Web Toolkit
c) Abstract Web Toolkit
d) Advanced Web Technology

2. Which is the immediate super class of Applet?

a) Container
b) Component
c) Frame
d) Panel

3. The setSize( ) method is defined by this class…

a) Applet
b) Component
c) Frame
d) Panel

4. Which class encapsulates a blank window upon which we can draw?

a) Applet
b) Canvas
c) Window
d) Frame

5. What are the variables defined in ‘Dimension’ class?

a) length and width
b) height and length
c) height and width
d) len and wid

6. If we want to hide the window, we can use this method…

a) setVisible( )
b) show( )
c) setHidden( )
d) view( )

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)
Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

7. Color class can create object of it using which of the following color
a) RGB
b) RYB
c) CMY
d) HSB

8. The setColor( ) is the method of which class?

a) Applet
b) Graphics
c) Color
d) Object

9. Which of the following style is not supported by Font class?

b) Font.ITALIC
c) Font.PLAIN
d) Font.BOLD

10. All the AWT controls are subclasses of which class?

a) Component
b) Container
c) AWTControl
d) Window

11. How you can remove all the controls from the applet?
a) Using remove( ) method.
b) Using removeAll( ) method.
c) Using removeAllControls( ) method.
d) It is not possible to remove all controls using single method.

12. Which of the following is passive AWT control?

a) Label
b) Button
c) Checkbox
d) TextField

13. Which alignment is not supported by Label?

a) Label.RIGHT
b) Label.LEFT
c) Label.CENTER

14. How can we create Radio buttons?

a) Using ButtonGroup class

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)
Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

b) Using CheckboxGroup class

c) Using RadioButton class
d) Using Button class

15. How to add the names in choice controls?

a) At the time of creation itself.
b) Using addName( ) method.
c) Using addItem( ) method.
d) Using add( ) method.

16. Multiple selections are allowed in…

a) Menu
b) CheckboxGroup
c) List
d) Choice

17. How can we copy the ‘List’s contents into ‘Choice’s contents
a) This is not possible.
b) Using copyInto( ) method of List
c) Directly assigning List object to Choice object.
d) Using copyFrom( ) method.

18. What is default block-increment of Scrollbar?

a) 10
b) 5
c) 1
d) We can not use block increment in scrollbars.

19. The immediate super class of TextArea is…

a) TextField
b) TextBox
c) TextComponent
d) Component

20. Is it possible to change display character of TextField? How?

a) Not possible.
b) Yes, by using setChar( ) method.
c) Yes, by using setEchoChar( ) method.
d) Yes, by using setDisplayChar( ) method.

21. Is it possible to center the text typed in TextField? How?

a) Not possible.
b) Yes, by using setAlignment( ) method.
c) Yes, by using setPosition( ) method.
d) Yes, by putting values in the constructor itself.

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)
Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

22. Which method is used to append the text at the end of TextArea?
a) append( )
b) add( )
c) appendAt( )
d) addAt( )

23. FlowLayout does not support this value of alignment…

a) FlowLayout.LEFT
b) FlowLayout.CENTER
c) FlowLayout.RIGHT
d) FlowLayout.BASELINE

24. The setLayout( ) is the method of which class?

a) Applet
b) Layout
c) FlowLayout
d) Graphics

25. BorderLayout does not support this value of alignment…

a) BorderLayout.WEST
b) BorderLayout.EAST
c) BorderLayout.NORTH
d) BorderLayout.MIDDLE

26. The correct constructor of Insets( ) which uses the values is…
a) Insets(int top, int left, int bottom, int right)
b) Insets(int bottom, int right, int top, int left)
c) Insets(int right, int top, int left, int bottom)
d) Insets(Dimesnion d1, Dimension d2)

27. Which statement is false?

a) An event is an object that describes a state change in a source.
b) An event can be generated as a consequence of a person interacting
with the elements in a graphical user interface.
c) An event can be disabled by Java Runtime Environment.
d) Entering a character via the keyboard generates an event.

28. How to remove the event listener?

a) Using removeListener( ) method.
b) Using removeTypeListener( ) method.
c) Using removeEvent( ) method.
d) It is not possible to remove the event listener.

29. At the root of Java event hierarchy, which class is located?

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)
Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

a) AWTEvent
b) Event
c) EventObject
d) Events

30. Action event is generated when…

a) Label is dragged
b) Button is pressed
c) Mouse is dragged
d) Window is opened

31. How to obtain the command name for invoking ActionEvent?

a) Using getActionCommand( ) method.
b) Using getCommand( ) method.
c) Using getAction( ) method.
d) Using obtainAction( ) method.

32. When slider of scrollbar was dragged, which event is generated?


33. FocusEvent is subclass of …

a) ContainerEvent
b) ComponentEvent
c) ItemEvent
d) KeyEvent

34. When the InputEvent is not generated?

a) Key is entered through keyboard
b) Mouse is dragged
c) Mouse wheel is moved
d) None of the above

35. TextEvent defines the integer constant…


36. Which of the following is not event source?

a) MenuItem
b) CheckboxGroup
c) Window

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)
Chapter 01 Introduction to AWT

d) Label

37. ItemListener event defines this method…

a) itemEventChanged( )
b) itemEventOcurred( )
c) itemValueChanged( )
d) itemStateChanged( )

38. KeyEvent is generated in following sequence…

a) Key typed, pressed, released
b) Key released, typed, pressed
c) Key pressed, typed, released
d) Key pressed, released, typed

39. Which method is not defined by MouseListener interface?

a) mouseDragged( )
b) mouseMoved( )
c) mouseEntered( )
d) mouseReleased( )

40. What is anonymous inner class?

a) An anonymous inner class is one that is not assigned a name.
b) An anonymous inner class is one that is not used for creating the
c) An anonymous inner class is one for which we can not create the
d) An anonymous inner class is one that which is declared but not used
anywhere in the program.

- Mr. Kute T. B.
(Subject Teacher)
Lecturer in Information Technology,
K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik.

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Objective Question Bank: Advanced Java Programming (9165)

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