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Language is an important role in human life. Acquired language of children started from birth,
when first cry. At the time children age 3 to 4 months, children begin to produce sounds. Start
babbling at age 5 and 6 months, then the babbling was gradually increasing until the child is able
to produce the first word. Language acquisition is a process of development of human language.
Childhood from birth has been given the ability to acquire language. Language acquisition is
influenced by social interaction and cognitive development of children.
The process of language acquisition in children certainly is not the case in the short term, but
long-pass process, i.e with increasing age of the children. During the process of language
acquisition, Chomsky gives two processes that occur the competencies and performance process.
Competence process is a process associated with the mastery of grammar that takes place
unconsciously. The process is a requirement for the competence of the process further
performance consists of two processes, namely the process of understanding and issuing
sentences. The process of understanding involves the ability to perceive the sentences were heard.
While publishing involves the ability to remove or publish their own sentences (Chaer 2003:167).
According to Juszyk and Hone (quoted by Papalia et al, 2009:243) suggests that a child does not
need to memorize and mimic the patterns of sentences to be able to master the language.
Language acquisition device is reinforced by several factors, namely: (1). Child language
acquisition following the same stages; (2). There is no relationship between children language
acquisition and intelligence; (3). Language acquisition is not affected by emotion and motivation;
and (4). At the time of children's acquisition of grammar is the same around the world.
The purpose of this study is to investigate language acquisition of 2,9 years old children in
Phonological field. The problem in this study is how language acquisition of 2,9 years old
children in Phonological field?

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1. Language acquisition
Language acquisition is the process that lasted in the brains of children when he gained
his first language or mother tongue. Language acquisition usually distinguished by
learning the language. Related to language learning processes that occur at the time the
children learn a second language when she earned her first language. Thus, language
acquisition with respect to the first language, while language learning with respect to the
second language (Simanjuntak, 1986).

Schutz (2006:12) cites that defines Krashen language acquisition as "the product of a
subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire
their first language. Other words, language acquisition is the process of how one can
speak or process children generally acquiring a first language. Language acquisition on
children aged two to three years to occur naturally. Language acquisition usually by
natural means of language acquisition that occurs naturally without realizing that a
middle child acquire language, but just be aware of the fact that he was using language to
communicate. Schutz added the results of language acquisition competence is naturally
derived. Children generally acquire language naturally from the environment without
formal learning process in school. Natural language acquisition is not strictly related, but
language acquisition is obtained in accordance with the physical development of the brain
and the children selves.

Language acquisition usually lasted in the target language community and the informal
nature and refers to the communication demands. In contrast to language learning that
takes place in formal and artificial, and refers to the learning demands (Schutz, 2006:12),
and language acquisition can be divided into first language acquisition and second
language acquisition. First language acquisition occurs when children have never learned
any language, and acquire language. This acquisition can be a language or monolingual
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FLA (First Language Acquisition), can also be two languages simultaneously or
sequentially (bilingual FLA). It can even be more than two languages (multilingual FLA).
While second language acquisition occurs when a person obtains a language after the first
language or mastering a process of developing one's skills in a second language or a
foreign language.

According to Vygotsky, first language acquisition is obtained from the interaction of the
children with the environment, even if the children already has a potential base or the
language acquisition device by Chomsky called a language acquisition device (LAD), the
potential for it to grow to its full potential after a stimulus from the environment.

According to Chomsky in Schutz (2006:1) seems to agree with the basic nature of
language problems. In the analysis of language acquisition, it is argued that the act of
learning the mystery comes from two main facts about the use of language, the language
of the consistent and creative. Further Chomsky, speakers who know their constituents
and grammatical patterns can inform although not heard, as well as the observer cant
hope to make a list of constituents and grammatical patterns that have the possibility of
combinations is infinite.

According to Bloomfield, grammar is the description of the corresponding analog with a
language, and learning is a set of discovery procedures in a way that a children form
analogies. Language acquisition to proceed without the competence of language rules,
but more attention to the message or meaning that is understood. In contrast to language
learning requires language competency as a capital for the use of the language being

During the first language acquisition, Chomsky states there are two processes that occur
when children acquire their first language. The process in question is the competence and
performance process. These processes are two different processes. Competence is the
mastery of grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics) naturally. This
competency is carried by every child from birth. Although inborn, competence
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development requires that children have a performance in the language. Performance is
the ability of children to use language to communicate. The performance consists of two
processes, namely the process of understanding and the process of issuing sentences. The
process of understanding involves the ability to observe or perceive the sentences were
heard, while the publishing process involves the ability to generate their own sentences
(Simanjuntak, 1986).

2. Phonology
Phonology is the study of sounds and speech patterns in language. The root "phone" in
phonology relates to sounds and originates from the Greek word phoneme which
means sound. Phonology seeks to discern the sounds made in all human languages. The
identification of universal and non-universal qualities of sounds is a crucial component in
phonology as all languages use syllables and forms of vowels and consonants.
Syllables are involved in the timing of spoken language since speaking each word takes a
portion of time. Syllables are units of measurement in language. Vowels allow air to
escape from the mouth and nose unblocked, while consonants create more covering of the
vocal tract by the tongue. The heard friction that is a consonant is made from the air that
cannot escape as the mouth utters the consonant.

Phonemes are units of sound in a language that convey meaning. For example, changing
a syllable in a word will change its meaning, such as changing the a in mad to an o
to produce mod. A phoneme can also achieve no meaning by creating non-existent
words such as by changing the m in mad or mod to a j to produce jad or jod.
Phonemes differ from morphemes and graphemes. A morpheme refers to main grammar
units, while a grapheme is the main unit of written language.
a. Vowels
A vowel is a speech sound made by allowing breath to flow out of the mouth, without
closing any part of the mouth or throat (although the lips may move to create the
correct sound, as in creating the sound o). Letters of the English/ Indonesian
alphabet that represent vowels: a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y.
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b. Consonants
A consonant is a speech sound made by partially or completely blocking the flow of
air through the mouth (using the lips, teeth, tongue, and palate). Letters of the
English/ Indonesian alphabet that represent consonants include all the letters that are
not vowels. Examples: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, and z.

3. Language acquisition in Phonological field
In language acquisition, the input is a very important factor and very decisive. Humans
will not be able to master the language if there is no comprehensive input. Mentalistic
outlook stating that the child has been provided with a provision of nature at birth. In
addition, there is also the concept of a universal language so that children are mentally
already know that universal natures. Chomsky (Dardjowidjojo, 2005:244), likens the
child as an entity whose entire body has been mounted switch and electrical wiring:
where are squeezed, that will cause a particular light bulb lit. So, where the language and
its form as it is determined by the input from the surrounding.

By the time of birth, the children only has about 20% of the adult brain. This is different
with animals already have about 70%. Because of this difference it animals have been
able to do a lot of things as soon as after they born, whereas humans can only cry and
wiggled their body. At 6 weeks of age, the children began to issue sounds similar to the
sound of a consonants or vowels. These sounds could not be ascertained because the form
of sound didnt clear. While the age of 6 months, children begin to blend consonants with
vowels to form in English called babbling (Dardjowodjojo 2000:63). Chatter begins with
a consonant and followed by a vowel. The first exit is Bilabial consonant and Nasal
consonant. Vowel is / a /.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate language acquisition of 3 years old children in
Phonological field. According to those research goals, this study is eager to answer the
major research questions how language acquisition of 3 years old children in
Phonological field? Therefore, in order to correspond with the research goals and
research questions, this chapter included four major parts: subjects, instruments,
procedures, data analysis and results.

The subject of research in this study is a 2,9 years old children named Fazila Al Masah.
Fazila is the second children of two sisters. She was born on July 15th, 2011. Her father
is a civil servant named Faisal Ambun and her mother is a teacher named Marlina Irawati.
The location of this research is in Kp. Cirewed No. 24, RT 01/03 Sukadamai Cikupa.

Recording and interview were used in this study. The researcher asked some background
questions. After that, the researcher used the tape-recording at home to record the
conversation between the researcher and the object. When recording those conversations,
the researcher controlled the conversation as naturally as possible. Avoid some unnatural
talk happened during conversations.

At the beginning, the researcher used interview to investigate the background of every
subject to control the variables, such as ask the subjects name, Fathers name, Mothers
name, etc. Then the researcher started to recode the conversations between the researcher
and the object. This study lasted for 3 weeks. The researcher would record and then
transcribed the recordings. Finally, after the data collection, the researcher analyzed the
data and described the findings. Then from the analyzing consequences the researcher
could infer the conclusion and even the suggestions.
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This study used qualitative approach to investigate language acquisition of 3 years old
children on Phonological field. To collects data about language acquisition of 3 years old
children in Phonological field. Techniques of data collection in this study used to obtain
the datas necessary. Techniques of data collection in this study used method of refer-free
conversation. This method is carried out to obtain data by listening and recording the data.

Fazila able to walk and vivacious children. And if Fazila plays still poking damage or
items eg torn paper. She likes to try and explore about the items she met and wanted to
find out whether or usefulness of such items can be used according to her imagination. In
interaction she had started somewhat fluent in speaking the clarity of vocals isnt clearly
but her vocabulary has been increasing.

From the first week until the third week, there are no different in Phonological field that
pronounced by Fazila. Fazila pronounced vowels and consonants appropriate with her
skills and her age. Because on children age 2,9 years old cant be produce some
consonants, Fazila can produce some of consonants only. But when Fazila grow up,
Fazila can produce with quickly.

The first week

The researcher : Dede namanya siapa?
The subject : Pajila (Fazila)
The researcher : Papahnya siapa?
The subject : Paical Ambun (Faisal Ambun)
The researcher : Mamanya siapa?
The subject : Malina Ilawati (Marlina Irawati)
The researcher : Dede cantik apa ganteng?
The subject : Tantik (Cantik)
The researcher : Kalo papah cantik apa ganteng?
The subject : danteng (Ganteng)
The researcher : mamah cantik apa ganteng?
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The subject : tantik (Cantik)
The researcher : Emang ini mamahnya siapa?
The subject : mamah atu (Mamah aku)
The researcher : Ini mamah teh nurul
The subject : nda, ini mamah dede

Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Fazila Pajila /f/ dan /z/ /p/ dan /j/
Faisal Paical /f/ dan /s/ /p/ dan /c/
Marlina Irawati Malina Ilawati /r/ /l/
Cantik Tantik /c/ /t/
Ganteng Danteng /g/ /d/

Atu /k/ /t/

The second week
The researcher : Dede
The subject : Teh nulul beli cepatu dong (Teh Nurul beli sepatu dong)
The researcher : Sepatunya gambar apa?
The subject : Miti mos (Mickey mouse)
The researcher : Bagus ya, beli dimana de?
The subject : dijauh
The researcher : belinya sama siapa?
The subject : Tama mamah tama papah (sama mamah sama papah)
The researcher : mbah ikut gak?
The subject : nda, mba nca itut (mba nesa ikut)
The researcher : Kok teh nurul ga diajak sih?
The subject : Teh nulul nda kelumah atu (The nurul gak kerumah aku)
The researcher : Kan teh nurul mau ikut dede
The subject : ih tan teh nulul nda ada (Ih kan teh Nurul gak ada)
The researcher : Besok kalo teh nurul main dede gak diajak ah
The subject : ih tan teh nulul nda ada (Ih kan teh Nurul gak ada)
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Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Teh Nurul Teh Nulul /r/ /l/
Sepatu Cepatu /s/ /c/
Mickey Mouse Miti mos /c/, /k/ /e/,
/y/, /u/
Sama Tama /s/ /t/
Nesa Nca /e/, /s/ /c/
Ikut Itut /k/ /t/
Rumah Lumah /r/ /l/
Kan Tan /k/ /t/
Gak Nda /g/, /a/, /k/ /n/, /d/, /a/

The third week

The researcher : De, mamah kemana?
The subject : dilumah (dirumah)
The researcher : Dede kesini sama siapa?
The subject : Tama mbah, Teh Nulul ada hp nda? (sama mbah, teh Nurul ada
hp gak?)
The researcher : Mau ngapain dede?
The subject : Main Pou
The researcher : Nih
The subject : Udah main pou nya, dede nda mau main pou
The researcher : Mau main apa, Teh Nurul gak ada mainan
The subject : Penen jajan (pengen jajan)
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The researcher : Jajan apa?
The subject : Yupi, beli 2
The subject : Penen te mamah, Teh Nulul penen te mamah (pengen ke mamah,
teh Nurul pengen ke mamah)
The researcher : Nanti ya tunggu mbah, dede disini dulu tungguin mbah.

Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Dirumah Dilumah /r/ /l/
Sama Tama /s/ /t/
Pengen Penen /g/ -
Ke Te /k/ /t/

The sounds uttered by Fazila at age 2.9 year, Fazila has a lot of gain and produce a
variety of phonemes that can differentiate the meaning of words that can be spoken.
Vowel phonemes that have mastered are a, i, u, e, o, and y. And consonants which has
been dominated by Fazila at the age of 2.9 years are b, c, d, j, l, m, n, p, and t. There are
some consonants that cant say if the consonant stretcher was in the beginning, middle
and end. Fazila will eliminate the consonant if the consonant /g/ in the middle, eg /
pengen / is pronounced / penen /. For the consonant / k /, Fazila replace it with consonant
/ t /, eg / kan / is pronounced / tan /. For consonants / c / Fazila replace with consonant / t
/, eg / cantik / is pronounced / tantik /. For consonants / f / Fazila replace consonant / p /,
eg / Fazila / is pronounced / pajila /. For the consonant / z / Fazila replace it with
consonant / j /, eg / Fazila / is pronounced / pajila /. For consonants / s / Fazila replace it
with a consonant / c /, eg / faisal / is pronounced / paical /.

11 | P s y c h o l i n g u i s t i c s


The purpose of this study is to investigate language acquisition of 3 years old children in
Phonological field. The researcher used qualitative approach. Language acquisition of
2,9 years old children in Phonological field named Fazila, Fazila can produce vowel
phonemes that have mastered are a, i, u, e, o, and y. And consonants which has been
dominated by Fazila at the age of 2.9 years are b, c, d, j, l, m, n, p, and t. There are some
consonants that cant say if the consonant stretcher was in the beginning, middle and end.
Fazila will eliminate the consonant if the consonant /g/ in the middle, eg / pengen / is
pronounced / penen /. For the consonant / k /, Fazila replace it with consonant / t /, eg /
kan / is pronounced / tan /. For consonants / c / Fazila replace with consonant / t /, eg /
cantik / is pronounced / tantik /. For consonants / f / Fazila replace consonant / p /, eg /
Fazila / is pronounced / pajila /. For the consonant / z / Fazila replace it with consonant / j
/, eg / Fazila / is pronounced / pajila /. For consonants / s / Fazila replace it with a
consonant / c /, eg / faisal / is pronounced / paical /.

12 | P s y c h o l i n g u i s t i c s

Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono. 2010. Psikolinguistik Pengantar Pemahaman Bahasa Manusia.
Jakarta: Unika Atma Jaya.
Schutz, Ricardo. Stephen Krashnis Theory of Second language Acquisition Online. 30 de janero
de 2006) p.12, (
Sigel and Cocking, R. Cognitive Development from Childhood to Adolescence: A Construc/ivist
Perspective. (2000), p. 5. (http:// papers/ gp002. html)

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Transcript of data

The first week

The researcher : Dede namanya siapa?
The subject : Pajila (Fazila)
The researcher : Papahnya siapa?
The subject : Paical Ambun (Faisal Ambun)
The researcher : Mamanya siapa?
The subject : Malina Ilawati (Marlina Irawati)
The researcher : Dede cantik apa ganteng?
The subject : Tantik (Cantik)
The researcher : Kalo papah cantik apa ganteng?
The subject : danteng (Ganteng)
The researcher : mamah cantik apa ganteng?
The subject : tantik (Cantik)
The researcher : Emang ini mamahnya siapa?
The subject : mamah atu (Mamah aku)
The researcher : Ini mamah teh nurul
The subject : nda, ini mamah dede

Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Fazila Pajila /f/ dan /z/ /p/ dan /j/
Faisal Paical /f/ dan /s/ /p/ dan /c/
Marlina Irawati Malina Ilawati /r/ /l/
Cantik Tantik /c/ /t/
Ganteng Danteng /g/ /d/
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Atu /k/ /t/

The second week
The researcher : Dede
The subject : Teh nulul beli cepatu dong (Teh Nurul beli sepatu dong)
The researcher : Sepatunya gambar apa?
The subject : Miti mos (Mickey mouse)
The researcher : Bagus ya, beli dimana de?
The subject : dijauh
The researcher : belinya sama siapa?
The subject : Tama mamah tama papah (sama mamah sama papah)
The researcher : mbah ikut gak?
The subject : nda, mba nca itut (mba nesa ikut)
The researcher : Kok teh nurul ga diajak sih?
The subject : Teh nulul nda kelumah atu (The nurul gak kerumah aku)
The researcher : Kan teh nurul mau ikut dede
The subject : ih tan teh nulul nda ada (Ih kan teh Nurul gak ada)
The researcher : Besok kalo teh nurul main dede gak diajak ah
The subject : ih tan teh nulul nda ada (Ih kan teh Nurul gak ada)

Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Teh Nurul Teh Nulul /r/ /l/
Sepatu Cepatu /s/ /c/
Mickey Mouse Miti mos /c/, /k/ /e/,
/y/, /u/
Sama Tama /s/ /t/
Nesa Nca /e/, /s/ /c/
Ikut Itut /k/ /t/
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Rumah Lumah /r/ /l/
Kan Tan /k/ /t/
Gak Nda /g/, /a/, /k/ /n/, /d/, /a/

The third week

The researcher : De, mamah kemana?
The subject : dilumah (dirumah)
The researcher : Dede kesini sama siapa?
The subject : Tama mbah, Teh Nulul ada hp nda? (sama mbah, teh Nurul ada
hp gak?)
The researcher : Mau ngapain dede?
The subject : Main Pou
The researcher : Nih
The subject : Udah main pou nya, dede nda mau main pou
The researcher : Mau main apa, Teh Nurul gak ada mainan
The subject : Penen jajan (pengen jajan)
The researcher : Jajan apa?
The subject : Yupi, beli 2
The subject : Penen te mamah, Teh Nulul penen te mamah (pengen ke mamah,
teh Nurul pengen ke mamah)
The researcher : Nanti ya tunggu mbah, dede disini dulu tungguin mbah.

Real word Fazila Phoneme
units that
Dirumah Dilumah /r/ /l/
Sama Tama /s/ /t/
Pengen Penen /g/ -
Ke Te /k/ /t/

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