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Asyari, Muhamad Kholil. ( The Reflection of Englands

Social Condition in 18
Century in William Blakes Introduction to Song
of Experience and Introduction to Song of Innocence. Thesis. English
Study Programe of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University
of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: (1) Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, (II) Suci
Suryani, S.S, M.Pd.

Introduction to Song of Experience and Introduction to Song of
Innocence by William Blake are the poems that contain the social and religious
meaning. The poems describe the social condition of England in 18
Thus this study discusses the reflection of Englands social condition in 18

century in those poems. The aims of this study are to answer: (1) How do the
poems Introduction to Song of Experience and Introduction to Song of
Innocence reflect the social condition of England in 18
Century?; (2) What do
the similarities of the two poems Introduction to Song of Experience and
Introduction to Song of Innocence reflect the social condition of England in
Sociology of literature theory that focuses on sociology of work is used to
analyze social condition of England in 18
Century reflected in both poems. The
lines of those poems that reflect to the social condition are as the data in this
study. In line with the features of qualitative research, the data collection is done
simultaneously with the data analysis. There are three related processes in the data
analysis that is done together; reducing data, displaying data and making
In this study both poems reflect Englands social condition in 18
from Urban Labor Class point of view who is as lower class. The poem
Introduction to Song of Experience reflects lower class with symbols that is
from an adult life. For the poem Introduction to Song of Innocence reflects
lower class with symbols that is from children life. Thus, the similarities of both
poems describes that lower class get suffering from segregation. The suffering
brings lower class to emphasize to religious belief. All of those aspects are impact
of the industrial revolution in England at the time.

Keyword: William Blakes Poems, Sociology of Work, Englands Social
Condition, Urban Labor, Industrial Revolution.

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