MP 2 9900 03 Aug 07

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Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate

Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive.


Throughout this specification the term

1.1 RDSO: Research Designs and Standards Organization, Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226011
is hereafter referred to as RDSO.

1.2 IR: Indian Railways is hereafter referred to as IR.

1.3 IC: Internal combustion is hereafter referred to as IC

1.4 IS: Indian Standard is hereafter referred to as IS.

1.5 Purchaser means Railway Board on behalf of The President of Republic of India.

1.6 Supplier means the person, firm or company from whom the Purchaser may obtain the


2.1 This specification covers the minimum criteria for product approval of Cooling Water
Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive and covers the guidelines & tests for
such approval. The basic requirement is that the product shall inhibit any kind of
corrosion to engine system and also the product offered shall be environment friendly.

2.2 This specification and all the related reference drawing issued by any authority of Indian
Railway has been prepared by Indian Railway. All rights conferred by the law of
copyright and by virtue of International copyright convention are reserved to Indian
Railway, irrespective of the fact whether the same has been mentioned on any of such
documents or otherwise. Reproduction in whole or in part requires the prior written
consent of Indian Railway. As the drawing/document incorporates confidential
information, its disclosure to third parties also requires Indian Railway prior written


2.1 Any vendor desires to seek approval must have his own manufacturing facility for the
product and a countywide distribution and service network manned by qualified technical
staff to provide technical services to various diesel sheds.

2.2 The company must have ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 accreditation for the manufacturing
plant and shall posses adequate R & D and investigative capabilities. The company
should have adequate in-house testing and quality control facilities at the manufacturing
plant and should have substantial market presence.

2.3 The company shall submit their proposal as per the proforma placed at Annexure I for
seeking approval.

Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate

2.4 Company should submit the technical details of the product including the MSDS
(material safety data sheet) of the product offered and the initial proposal shall contain
complete information about the product including the test data as per para 6 of the
specification and documents to support the claims. The proposal shall also declare the
grade and source of chemicals used for formulating the product. Once the proposal
meets the general requirements of the product and other details given in Annex-I, lab
testing would be taken up by RDSO.


3.1 The coolant/corrosion inhibitor concentrate shall be a homogeneous liquid/solid
consisting of additives such as corrosion inhibitors, foam suppressors and a dye
required to provide corrosion protection to engine cooling system and its components. It
shall be free from dirt, suspended matter and solids.

3.2 The function of the corrosion inhibitor is to prevent all metals in the cooling system
(copper, brass, steel, cast iron, aluminum and solder etc) from corrosion and oxidization
deposits while ensuring efficient heat transfer.

3.3 The coolant / corrosion inhibitor concentrate shall not form more than 0.5% v/v of
precipitate when diluted at the recommended dosage of the vendor with water of
hardness 700-ppm max within 48 hrs of preparation of corrosion inhibitor in hard water
solution The hard water is prepared by dissolving 1.204 g Calcium Sulphate
O) per liter of demineralized water. Distilled water may still contain
contamination as distillation only removes the microbiological contamination, which
would lead to misleading results. Therefore it is recommended that on Demineralised
water should be used. The total hardness shall be determined as per IS: 1448 (P98)
1981 Appendix A.

3.4 The water used for preparing engine coolant should not contain excessive solids,
hardness salts, sulphates and chlorides. Water containing above salts should be
softened before use or demineralized water may be used.

3.5 The coolant / corrosion inhibitor concentrate shall follow instruction / guidelines of
material safety data sheet (MSDS) while handling the chemicals either in original state or
in form of formulation i.e. coolant / corrosion inhibitor concentrate.

3.6 The concentrate coolant / corrosion inhibitor should not constitute of amine, silicates,
borates, phosphates, chromates or any other chemical considered hazardous to
environment and human/ animal health as identified by CPCB (Central pollution control
board) guidelines or various state pollution control board guidelines as a part of the
chemicals of corrosion inhibitor package. The coolant / corrosion inhibitor concentrate
should confirm to environmental safety concerns. It should be nontoxic, environment
friendly and is easily biodegradable.

3.7 Product should be cost competitive with the existing corrosion inhibitors approved for IR
diesel locomotives. It should leave tell tale marks of leakage on metallic surfaces, be
non-foaming and should be easily detectable on leakage into engine oil.

3.8 The offered product should have been in use successfully on large sized diesel engines
(above 1500 GHP). Experience with the product on railroad engines is preferable.
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate

4.1 The concentration of coolant / corrosion inhibitor (v/v or w/v) for all testing and final use
during trial or otherwise shall be according to the concentration recommended by the

4.2 The shelf life of the product offered shall be minimum of two-years from the date of
manufacture. The lowest/ highest range of concentration of the product should be
marked on the container. The material when stored in sealed container under ambient
temperature in shade shall conform to all requirements contained in Annexure-II.

4.2 To maintain the coolant / corrosion inhibitor concentration in the proscribed range, the
supplement dose of coolant / corrosion inhibitor shall be added during the maintenance
schedule of the locomotive to ensure optimum protection to engine cooling system. The
supplement dose of coolant / corrosion inhibitor shall be defined/ instructed by the
coolant / corrosion inhibitor supplier.

4.3 Grade and source of chemicals used for formulating the product have to be mentioned.
The procedure and test kit, if any, for testing the concentration of the product base shall
be supplied along with the offered product.


5.1 The Vendor shall formulate Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) detailing the methodology
proposed to be followed to ensure quality product. QAP shall cover quality assurance
procedures to be followed during all stages of design, planning, procurement,
manufacture and testing of offered product. A comprehensive document of QAP shall be
submitted along with the offer.

5.2 The Vendor seeking approval shall be required to submit a detailed "Quality Assurance
Manual by giving details of how the quality of specific product is proposed to be
assured. Details of Inspection and test schedules shall be mutually agreed between the
purchaser and supplier.


6.1 A sample of the concentrate corrosion inhibitor without any dilution as per quantity and
packings advised by RDSO shall be submitted to RDSO for the purpose of testing and
reference. This sample shall be supplied free of cost by the vendor. The composition of
the inhibitor would be frozen at this stage. A part of this sample would be used for
conducting infra red fingerprinting and spectrographic analysis for future reference.
Another part of the sample would be used for conducting the lab/rig tests.

6.2 Lab evaluation shall be done with the vendors recommended dose for use in the
locomotive cooling water. RDSO shall carry out rig test and other application specific test
at its own lab as well as at external reputed independent lab. The Vendor seeking
approval shall pay charges for such testing at RDSO and outside to RDSO in advance.

6.3 The pH of the corrosion inhibitor at twice the dose of recommended dosage in
demineralized water shall not exceed 10 under any circumstances. Exceeding the pH of
10 increases the risk of corrosion and risk of failure of non-ferrous components of the
water system.
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate

6.4 Corrosion inhibitor should be checked at the recommended dosage of the vendor as per
ASTM D-1384/ JIS K 2408 (Corrosion test for engine coolants in glassware) and prevent
all metals in the cooling system (copper, brass, steel, cast iron, aluminum and solder)
from corrosion and deposits while maintaining efficient heat transfer and wear of the
metal coupon should be within the limit as prescribed in the ASTM 1384/ JIS K 2408

6.5 Corrosion inhibitor should be checked at the recommended dosage of the vendor as per
ASTM D-2570/ JIS K 2408 (simulated service corrosion testing of engine coolants) and
prevent all metals in the cooling system (copper, brass, steel, cast iron, aluminum and
solder) from corrosion and deposits while maintaining efficient heat transfer and wear of
the metal coupon should be within the limit as prescribed in the ASTM D-2570/ JIS K
2408 method.

6.6 Elastomer used on locomotive cooling water system should be checked at the
recommended dosage of the vendor as per EMD MI 1748 (Elastomer Immersion Test)
and it should not be injurious to Elastomer.

6.7 Discharge of corrosion inhibitor i.e. effluent should follow all the norms as per Pollution
Control Board Environment (Protection) Rules1986. Product shall be tested NABL
accredited / reputed lab for the parameters enclosed in annexure-III.

6.8 On successful completion of these tests, the offered product would be given a Worthy
of full scale trial (WOFST) status and field trials would be carried out.


7.1 The vendor should provide a complete application manual of the product at this stage.

7.2 The vendor shall supply, free of cost, corrosion inhibitor required for such tests. This
supply should be chemically the same as the sample drawn in para 6.1. This would be
verified by conducting the tests mentioned in para 6.1. Limited field trial as per trial
scheme of RDSO will be conducted for a period of 24 months on not less than 5
locomotives. These would be referenced against a similar number of control locomotives
with a known approved corrosion inhibitor.

7.3 Alternatively, formulation that are approved by renowned international locomotive
builders having similar engines like the General Electric Transportation Systems,
U.S.A. and the Electro Motive Division of the General Motors Corporation, U.S.A, would
be considered for summarized field trials of six months duration on 3 trial and 2 control

7.4 Field trial involves a considerable investment by RDSO in terms of, manpower for
extensive monitoring and analysis of data. The vendor, seeking approval, should pay the
total cost of the trial charges to RDSO in advance. In case the development is
considered extremely beneficial for the Railways, Executive Director Standards (MP),
RDSO is empowered to waive off the charges.

Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate
7.5 The vendor shall provide technical support and special equipments for monitoring the
condition of their product in service through periodical sampling and analysis. Metal
coupons and its accessories are to be supplied by the vendor free of cost to the
nominated diesel shed.

7.6 The nominated diesel shed has to submit full scale detailed report on the outcome of the
metal test coupon as in their weight loss, condition of coupons along with other
parameters such as observations of rubber components, top up details, abnormal
leakages, condition of the copper radiators, engine liners etc. for evaluation and
completion of the trial report.


8.1 The coolant water shall be changed when coolant is found contaminated with lube oil,
fuel oil or suspended matter etc.
8.2 The coolant water shall be changed (in case of demineralised water) when following
limits are arrived at :

Total hardness 200 ppm Max. as CaCo

Chlorides 50 ppm Max. as NaCl
pH < 7.0

9. WIDER APPLICATION Extended Application Trial

a. On successful completion of above field trial, Indian Railways would purchase the
required quantity of the corrosion inhibitor and subject it to extended application trial on
large number of locomotives on limited zonal railways as nominated by RDSO.

b. The wider application is required to ascertain if the corrosion inhibitor has any other
effect (-ve or +ve) when exposed to a larger amount of locomotives and under different
conditions. Usually field trials involve the vendors representative to ensure proper
workability of the product. However in wider application trial, the vendor is not involved
and the product is subjected to the actual working environment of the IR under different

c. The nature of monitoring of the trial would not be as extensive as the field trial but the
effect on the locomotive components would be monitored at a macro level for a period of
at least one year. After the completion of the wider application, the shed has to submit
complete details on the consumption pattern of the corrosion inhibitor, top up,
experience in terms of user exposure effect on skin, leakage identification, number of
leakages, observation of rubber components and failures if any.


10.1. On successful completion of above field trial and satisfactory performance of wider
application trial, the product will be approved. The product so qualified by the above
procedure should be identified not only by the brand name but also by the various
physico-chemical properties.
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive
Annexure - I



1. Name of the firm

2.1 Postal address
i) Head office
II) Works/Factory

2.2 Telephone and fax no (with STD Code)
I) Head office
II) Works/Factory

2.3 E-mail address
I) Head office
II) Works/Factory

3. Description of Factory/Works
I) Total land area (m2)
II) Total covered area
III) Different sub-units

4. Hours of working

5. In the event that you have got more than one units in the same name or any other
name, give names with postal address.


1. Products offered:

Application Brand name Likely unit cost

Motive Power Directorate
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive



1. Organisational structure Chart to be enclosed and functions of various departments
to be explained.

2. Personnel
i) Total number of employees
ii) Management employees
iii) Unionised category

3. Full list of Machinery & Plant giving make, model and capacity of each.

4. The following information may be given plantwise / productwise
i) Location
ii) Capacity
iii) Present capacity utilisation

5. The following information may be given overall for all plants.
i) Capacity
ii) Present capacity utilisation
iii) How the incremental supply for the railways would be met?


1. Give details of R&D and investigative capabilities.


1. Marketing and service set up
i) Number of offices in India (offices of dealers not to be included. Annex list with
addresses and telephone /Fax nos).
ii) Number of executives for sales/technical services should be furnished location

2. Loading facilities in the plant and up country distribution centres /depots.
i) Bulk loading facilities in tank lorries.


1. Market presence:
i) Total coolant sales in the last 3 years.
ii) Sales in the last 3 years of the product offered.
iii) List of the entire product range
iv) List of major customers with brands and quantities supplied in the last 3 years.

Motive Power Directorate
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive


1. Details of quality assurance organisation with names of key personnel (attach
organisation chart).

2. Is ISO 9000 accerdition is available for the milling/mixing plant? If yes, please
attach a copy of the certificate.

3. List of testing facilities and laboratory equipment for quality assurance and for
complying with the specifications.

4. Give list of external sources for bought out items.

5. Give the detailed quality assurance plan for each product offered.

6. Confirm if documentation of all process parameters is rigidly maintained.


1. Attach copies of following documents:

i) Factory licence/SSI certificate or NSI certificate or industrial licence are also by the
ii) Latest balance sheet.
iii) Documents for allotment of power connection and copy of latest electricity bill by
the firm.
iv) Documents for ownership of the factory site and if the factory site is on rental
basis, proper documents for the same.


Name & Designation


Stamp of the firm applying for approval


1. If the space provided against any item is insufficient, the information should be
furnished on a separate sheet of paper, which should be appended to this proforma.

2. Do not attach copies of any contractual agreements with parties, along with the

Motive Power Directorate
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Motive Power Directorate
Annexure II
Items Quality
PH value (lowest using concentration) 7.0 to 10.0
Metal Corrosiveness in Glassware
(Lowest using concentration blending aqueous solution)
@ 88 + 2
C, 336 + 2 hours,.
-Wt. Change to metal specimen in mg/cm
Cast Iron
Cast Aluminium

+ 0.30
+ 0.60
+ 0.30
+ 0.30
+ 0.60
+ 0.60
To be free from corrosion except the
contacting parts of test piece and spacers.
However, discoloration in just able.
Foaming during test No flooding out from the cooler.
Change of pH value +/- 1.0
Liquid phase No remarkable change phase. State of liquid after test
Precipitate amount vol% Within 0.5
Metal Corrosion property in Circulating Corrosiveness
(Lowest using concentration blending aqueous solution)
@ 88 + 2
C, 1000 + 2 hours
-Wt. Change to metal specimen in mg/cm
Cast Iron
Cast Aluminium

+ 0.30
+ 0.60
+ 0.30
+ 0.30
+ 0.30
+ 0.90
Elastomer Immersion Test -% Volume change
Armoured Gasket
Cylinder liner O ring
Water jumper hose
Silicon O ring

0 to +/- 10
Elastomer Immersion Test -% Durohardness change
Armoured Gasket
Cylinder liner O ring
Water jumper hose
Silicon O ring

10 Max.
Elastomer Immersion Test -% Compression set
Armoured Gasket
Cylinder liner O ring
Water jumper hose
Silicon O ring

20 Max.
Hard Water Stability Test in water of 700 ppm hardness
(one week)
No precipitation or sedimentation
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07
Specification for Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor for ALCO Diesel Locomotive

Test Parameter
Annexure - III

Sl.No Parameters
1 Colour and odour
2 Temperature
C, Max.
3 Conductivity
4 Suspended Solids
5 Particle size of suspended solids
6 Dissolved solids (inorganic) mg/a, max.
7 pH value
8 Oil and Grease mg/l, Max.
9 Total residual chlorine, mg. l, Max.
10 Ammonical nitrogen(as N), Mg/l, Max.
11 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as N), mg/l, Max.
Free ammonia (as NH3),mg/l, Max.
13 Biochemical oxygen demand (5 days at 20
C) Max.
14 Chemical oxygen demand, mg/l., Max.
15 Barium
16 Arsenic (as As), mg/l.,Max.
17 Mercury(as Hg), mg/l.,Max.
18 Lead (as Pb), mg/l.,Max.
19 Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l.,Max.
20 Hexavelent chromium (as Cr+6), mg/l., Max.
21 Total chromium (as Cr),Mg/l, max.
22 Copper (as Cu),mg/l, Max.
23 Zinc (as Zn),mg/l, Max.
24 Selenium (as Sc),mg/l, Max.
25 Nickel (as Ni),mg/l, Max.
26 Boron (as B),mg/l, Max.
27 Percent sodium, Max.
28 Residual sodium carbonate, mg/l, Max.
29 Cyanide (as CN),mg/l, Max.
30 Chloride (as Cl),mg/l, Max.
31 Fluoride (as F),mg/l, Max.
32 Dissolved Phosphates (as P),mg/l, Max.
33 Sulphates (as SO
),mg/l, Max.
34 Sulphide (as S),mg/l, Max.
35 Total Solids
36 Pesticides
37 Phenolic compounds (as C
38 Radioactive materials
39 Bio assembly test
40 Iron
41 Manganese
42 Nitrate Nitrogen
43 Vanadium (as V)

Motive Power Directorate
Specification No. MP. (Rev.00) Aug07

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