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Processing Manager

Compliance Department

** Clients with principal amounts of $1 Billion USD or more are encouraged to participate in the Sovereign
An Innovative Private Placement Trading Opportunity

Program Overview:

The Genesis Program is an extremely high-ranking Trade Program that operates at the
absolute pinnacle of this business. There is no Trade Group!

The Program is intended exclusively for savvy clients who are not willing to move their
cash funds or bank instruments, but who wish to steer clear of SWIFT MT 760s blocked
funds procedures. Recall that the blocked funds format a mainstay of conventional
trade programs causes the clients cash funds and bank instruments to be pledged as
collateral to secure credit lines in favor of anonymous third-parties. An altogether
unsatisfactory option for most clients!

With the Genesis Program, clients are not required to move their cash funds or bank
instruments. Their assets can remain on deposit in the clients bank and continue to earn
interest for the client, as normal. And there is no on-going contact with the clients bank.

More importantly, the clients cash funds and bank instruments are not blocked via SWIFT
MT 760. They do not serve as collateral; no credit lines are raised against them. Clients
merely instruct their bank to place their account on administrative hold for the term of the
Program. Trading then takes place against the administrative hold using a technique
pioneered by the Genesis Program. And we are the only ones on the planet able to trade
this way!

Capital Entry Requirements:

$100 Million USD - $1 Billion USD (or Euro equivalent)**. Cash funds or acceptable bank
instruments. We can also accept, in certain instances, gold bullion, sovereign bonds or
other superior-rated financial instruments - as well as assets that have been wrapped
with an acceptable insurance financial guarantee.

Note: Bank instruments must be fully cash-backed and lodged in the Issuing Bank, and
must have been properly purchased for value by the client.

Key Features of the Genesis Program:

High-Ranking Trading Opportunity. Clients are offered an unprecedented
opportunity to participate in a world-class trading platform that operates at the highest
echelons of this business; to ride on the coattails of an extraordinary trading
opportunity one intended, first and foremost, to benefit certain distinguished world
agencies that are committed to funding humanitarian and public interest
(infrastructure) projects in developing countries. There is no Trade Group!

Clients Needn't Transfer Their Cash Funds/Bank Instruments. Clients are not
required to move their cash funds or bank instruments. The assets can remain on
deposit in the clients bank and continue to earn interest for the client, as normal, over
the term of the Program.
Program - the Genesis Programs sister program available for large multi-billion dollar transactions.
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Genesis Program
An Innovative Private Placement Trading Opportunity

This information is provided for general reference only and is not to be considered legally binding. For terms
and conditions, refer to the Contract and General Agreement.
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Clients' Cash Funds/Bank Instruments Are Not Blocked . The clients cash funds
or bank instruments are not blocked via SWIFT MT 760. They do not serve as
collateral; no credit lines are raised against them. Clients merely instruct their bank to
place their account on administrative hold for the term of the Program. Its that
simple. And we are the only ones on the planet able to trade against cash funds and
bank instruments held this way!

No On-Going Contact with Clients Bank. Once the clients funds have been placed
under administrative hold, the job is done. We don't contact the client's bank at all.
There is no on-going verification, "pinging" of accounts, phone calls/faxes to the bank -
or anything like that.

Program Term. The Program runs for a period of one (1) year (forty trading weeks)
and is renewable yearly thereafter, for up to five (5) years maximum.

High-Yield Returns. For legal reasons, we are not permitted to quote Program
returns. Anticipated yield amounts will, of course, be discussed, in advance, with
approved applicants. Actual yields will depend on market conditions and applicable
rules and regulations, as well as other administrative factors.

Distribution of Program Earnings. Trading takes place five days a week, Monday
thru Friday. Payouts to clients are made weekly via SWIFT. All transfers of Program
earnings will be made with full governmental clearances and approvals.

No Project Obligations. The clients Program earnings represent free money to the
client, for the client to do with as he pleases. The Programs project financing
requirements which are substantial and onerous - will be satisfied, in full, by certain
internationally renowned world agencies designated by the Program.

Straightforward Proceedings. No Trade Group means that the client is not handed
off to others; nor is the transaction diverted elsewhere. The applicant works with the
Processing Manager only from application stage through to the commencement of

Prompt Closing. We can move promptly to close the transaction, subject, of course,
to scheduling considerations, and provided that we have the applicants undivided
attention and full cooperation.

On-Going Program Opportunity. The Program is not time-limited and is expected
to remain open indefinitely or, at least, for the foreseeable future. That said, given
the extraordinary nature of this private placement opportunity, applicants would be
well-advised not to unduly delay their participation in the Program.


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