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1. Write sentences to describe people in box A using the information in box B.

a. A thief is a person who steals things.

b. A butcher is a person who sells meat
c. A musician is a person plays musical instruments
d. A patient is a person who is ill in hospital
e. A photographer is a person who takes photographs
f. a dentist is a person who looks after your teeth
g. a fool is a person who is very stupid
h. a genius is a person who is very intelligent
i. a liar is a person who doesnt tell the truth
2. Join the sentences to write a longer one.
a. A man phoned. He didnt say his name. The man who phoned didnt say his name.
b. A woman opened the door. She was wearing a yellow dress. The woman who opened the door
was wearing a yellow dress.
c. Some people live next door to us. They are very nice. The people who lives next door , are very
d. A policeman stopped our car. He wasnt very friendly. The policeman who stopped our car ,
wasnt very friendly
e. A boy broke the window. He ran away. The boy who brokes the window , ran away

3. Write who/that/which in the blank
a. I met a woman who can speak six languages.
b. Whats the name of the man __that__ lives next door?
c. Whats the name of the river __which__ goes through the town?
d. Everybody __who___ went to the party enjoyed it very much.
e. Do you know anybody __who__ wants to buy a car?
f. Where is the picture __that__ was on the wall?
g. She always asks me questions ___that__ are difficult to answer.
h. I have a friend __who___ is very good at repairing cars.
i. A coffee-maker is a machine ___that___ makes coffee.
j. I dont like people ___who___ never stop talking.
k. Have you seen the money ___that__ was on the table?
l. Why does he always wear clothes ___that___ are too small for him?

4. Join the sentences to write a single sentence.
a. Ann took some photographs. Have you seen them? Have you seen the photographs Ann took?
b. You lost a key. Did you find it? Did you find the keys that you lost_?
c. Jill is wearing a jacket. I like it. I like the jacket that Jill is wearing_
d. I gave you some money. Where is it? Where is the money that I gave you_?
e. She told us a story. I didnt believe it. I_didnt believe the story that she told us_.
f. You bought some oranges. How much were they? How much were the oranges that you

5. Complete the sentences with the information in brackets.
a. (we met some people) The people we met were very nice.
b. (Im wearing shoes) The shoes _-Im wearing__ are not very comfortable.
c. (youre reading a book) Whats the name of the book youre reading __?
d. (I wrote a letter to her) She didnt get the _letter that I wrote to her_.
e. (you gave me an umbrella) Ive lost the umbrella you gave me__.
f. (they invited some people to dinner) The people _the inviter to dinner__ didnt come.

6. Complete the sentences with the information in the box.

a. Whats the name of the hotel you stayed at?
b. Whats the name of the woman you spoke with__?
c. The house __they live__ is too small for them.
d. Did you enjoy the party you went __?
e. The chair __I was sit__ wasnt very comfortable.
f. The map __we looked ____ wasnt very clear.
g. Did you find the book yoy were looking for___?
h. Who is the man _who Linda is dancing with__?
7. Complete the sentences with where and the information in the box
a. Whats the name of the hotel where we stayed?
b. Whats the name of the restaurant_we had dinner___?
c. Have you ever been to the village the live__?
d. The factory _where jhon works_ is the biggest in town.

8. Join the sentences using who or which.
a. We chose the hotel. It seemed to be the nicest. We chose the hotel which seemed to be the
b. She spoke to the man. He was standing next to her.
She spoke the man who was standing next to her
c. I read the letters. They came in the morning postI read the letters that came in the morning post
d. He likes the other people. They work in his office.
He likes the other people that work in this office
e. Shes that singer. She was on television last night.
Shes the singer who was on tv last night
f. Next week there is a festival. It happens in the village every summer.
Next week there is a festival which happens in the village every summer
g. I paid the bills. They came yesterday.
I paid the bills that came yesterday

9. Complete the conversation by putting who or which into the gaps.
Carol: Did you watch that programme last night?
David: Which one?
Carol: The programme which I mentioned a couple of days ago. Its a new series __which___
started last night.
David: No, I didnt see it. Was it good?
Carol: Yes. It was about a group of friends __who__ were at school together. Well, Rupert ...
David: Who was Rupert?
Carol: He was an old student of the school __who__ had become a doctor. He went to a party
__that___ his old teachers organised. He met a lot of people __who___ had been at school with
him many years before. They talked about the things ___that___ they did when they were at
school. Then suddenly, Rupert saw an old girl-friend ___who__ was dancing with John ...
David: Dont tell me any more. Its getting too complicated!

10. Join these sentences using who, which or that, as in the example.
a. She chose the books. She wanted to buy them. She chose the books that she wanted to buy.
b. We ate the sandwiches. Jack made them. We ate thw sandwiches that Jack make.
c. Im doing some work. I have to finish it today. Im doing some work that I have to finish today.
d. Shes an old woman. I often see her when I go to the shop. She is an old women who I often see
when I go to the shop
e. Hes an actor. A lot of people like him. Hes an actor that a lot of people likes
f. Its a magazine. I read it sometimes. Its a magazine that I read sometimes
g. She was wearing a red dress. She wears it for parties. She was wearing a red dress that she
wears for parties
11. Now join these sentences using who or which, as in the example.
a. The person phoned. He didnt leave a message. The person who phoned didnt leave a message.
b. The bus goes to the airport. It leaves every 20 minutes.
The bus that goes to the airport leaves every 20 minutes
c. The picture was hanging near the door. It was horrible.
The picture that was hanging near the door was horrible
d. The instructor taught me how to drive. He was very patient.
The instructor who taught me how to drive was very patient.
e. The girl was sitting next to me. She started talking to me.
The girl that was sitting next to me started talking to me.

12. Complete the sentences using the information in brackets and who or which.
a. (I went to see a doctor. She had helped my mother.) I went to see the doctor who had helped
my mother.
b. (A dog bit me. It belonged to Mrs Jones.) The dog which bites me belonged to Mrs
c. (A woman wrote to me. She wanted my advice.) The woman who wrote to me wanted my
d. (A bus crashed. It was 23 years old.) The bus that crashed was 23 years old.
e. (Ann talked to a man. He had won a lot of money.) Ann talked to a man who had won a lot of
f. (Mary was staying with her friend. He has a big house in Scotland.) Mary was staying with a
friend who has a big house in Scotland
g. (Hes an architect. He designed the new city library.) Hes the architect who designed the new
city library

13. Complete the sentences using the information in brackets and that.
a. (Jack made a table. Its not very strong.) The table that Jack made is not very strong.
b. (I read about a new computer. I had seen it on TV.) I read about the new computer that I had
seen on tv
c. (Jane made a cake. Nobody liked it.) Nobody liked the cake that Jane made
d. (Mary sent me a letter. It was very funny.) The letter that mary sent me was very funny.
e. (My sister wrote an article. The newspaper is going to publish it.) The newspaper is going to
publish the article that my sister wrote__.
f. (I met an old lady. She was 103 years old.) The old lady that I met was 103 years old.
g. (I saw a house. My brother wants to buy it.) I saw the house that my brother wants to buy

14. Complete the sentences with one of the phrases in the box and who or whose.
a. The parents thanked the woman who had saved their son.
b. The couple whose divorce was in the papers have got married again.
c. It is very interesting to meet somebody who has visited so many different countries
d. The person who interviewed me__ asked me some very difficult questions.
e. In my office the are two men whose wives have just had babies
f. Whats the name of that writer whose booke won a prize last week___?
g. I dont like people who complain all the time__
h. We helped the woman whose car had broken down

15. Put in who or that ONLY IF NECESSARY.
a. The match ----- we saw was boring.
b. Did I tell you about the people who live next door?
c. The horse that won the race belongs to an Irish woman.
d. I love the ice-cream they sell in that shop.
e. The book Im reading is about jazz.
f. The woman _who_ came to see us was selling magazines.
g. Well go to a restaurant _that__ has a childrens menu.
h. The factory that_ closed last week had been there for 70 years.
i. Have you read about the schoolgirl _who_ started her own business and is now a millionaire?
j. Jane says that the house __that__ Tom has bought has a beautiful garden.

16. Make one sentence from the two that are given. Use who or which with the underlined
a. Mont Blanc is between France and Italy. It is the highest mountain in the Alps.
Mont Blanc, which is between France and Italy, is the highest mountain in the Alps.
b. Alfred Hitchcock was born in Britain. He worked for many years in Hollywood.
__ Alfred Hitchcock who was born in Britain worked for many years in Hollywood.
c. The sun is really a star. It is 93 million miles from the earth
__ The sun that is really a star is 93 million miles from the earth___
d. John F Kennedy died in 1963. He was a very famous American President.
_ John F Kennedy who died in 1963 was a very famous American President. _
e. Charlie Chaplin was from a poor family. He became a very rich man.
e. Charlie Chaplin who was from a poor family became a very rich man._
f. The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona. It is the north-east of Spain.
The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona that is the north-east of Spain.
g. We went to see the Crown Jewels. They are kept in the Tower of London
. We went to see the Crown Jewels which are kept in the Tower of London.

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