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Electric Feedthroughs and Insulating Parts

Helmut Mayer, FRIATEC AG, Mannheim

This paper reports on aluminia - metal joints, which are used in the electrotechnical field as
feedthroughs, pin - type insulators and insulating tubes. The user will receive some
references to the choice of suitable materials and to special features concerning the
construction of such parts. Some examples demonstrate their variety with regards to widely
differing requirements.

1. Introduction

Electrical feedthroughs and insulating parts are an important condition for the operating
function of a variety of technical tools and plants. Many varieties of insulating materials are
available for the breadth of applications of such construction parts. Figure 1 illustrates the fact
that oxide ceramic materials represent only a relatively small segment of this spectrum. They
will usually be applied only when there is a demand for properties which are not provided by
other, cheaper materials. One example is the need for a high level of electric resistance and
mechanical strength for temperatures above 500C with a simultaneous resistance to quick
changes in temperature. In such cases, alumina is usually the only suitable insulating
material. Apart from very few exceptions, it is vital for the use of products that the ceramic is
joined flush and vacuum tight with metal parts. There are various joining techniques today to
achieve this and these are introduced below.

Figure 1: Insulating materials
2. Joining Techniques

Figure 2 shows an overview of standard joining techniques used today for ceramic - metal
and ceramic - ceramic joints. The MoMn procedure which is mostly used for flush and
vacuum tight joints of these materials is based on research which goes back to the first half of
the last century (2, 3, 4). Active brazing has recently become more possible due to the
availability of suitable brazes but is used in a comparatively limited way.
Both joining techniques are summarized in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Joining techniques

Figure 3: Joining techniques for conventional and active brazing of Al
ceramic to metal
Brazing MoMn-metallized Ceramic

The MoMn-procedure is based on a suspension of the pulverized inorganic components in an
organic ink system. This suspension is applied to the surface of the ceramic and a metallizing
layer is created by a firing process which clings tightly to the surface (5, 6).
As the majority of the standard vacuum brazes does not wet the metallization it is plated by 2
5 m thick Nickel using galvanic or chemical procedures. The ceramic, once it has been
prepared in this way, is then bazed to the appropriate metal parts in a reducing atmosphere or
in a sufficiently high vacuum. Silver copper eutectic alloy is used as standard material.
Figure 5 shows a cross-section of the joined area of the compound 99.7%Al

Figure 4: Cross section of metallized and brazed Al

Figure 5: Cross-section of active brazed ZrO
This combination of materials achieves strength values of more than 200 MPa during tensile
tests according to (8) at room temperature.
With increased demands on application temperature, corrosion features and where metals
are used which are not wetted by this braze, brazes with increased melting properties are
used. Table 1 gives an overview (7).

Table 1: Vacuum brazes selection

Braze Material Interval (C)
Ag Cu 28 780
Ag Cu 26,6 Pd 5 807 810
Ag Cu 21 Pd 25 910 950
Au Ni 18 950
Cu Ge 10 900 1000
Au Cu 65 1000 - 1020

Direct Brazing

This procedure is based on the use of brazes with a low metal content, e.g. Ti, Zr, Hf. They
wet Al
which means that there is no need for prior metallization. The strength values of
active brazed Al
-ceramic/Ni42-compounds achieve values of brazed and metallized
compounds (9, 10). Figure 4b gives a further example of the joining area of a ZrO
and steel joint brazed by AgCu26, 5Ti3.
However, while active brazing is an attractive option for technical and economic reasons, it
has to be said that when it is used especially on feedthroughs, the braze does not flow into
the braze gap but remains in the braze depot. If this peculiarity is considered in certain
constructions there are ways around this restriction.

3. Choice of Materials and Construction

According to (11) approx 70% of variable manufacturing costs arise during construction. This
value originates from the automobile industry and may be transferred to electric feedthroughs
and insulating parts only with certain provisos; however it proves that responsibility to provide
the customer with a product which is meeting his or her expectations lies in the construction
process, while at the same time making sure the product is manufactured at a competitive
price. This means:
a) Realization of the required features using simple solutions and standardized starting
b) construction adapted to ceramics
c) streamlined construction.
The choice of suitable ceramic and metal materials initially requires thorough knowledge of
application conditions. Table 2 gives an overview over central requirements in the three
joining areas ceramic, joining area and metal.
Designing the joining construction takes place in line with the geometric indications by the
user and the thermal suitability of the chosen materials (Figure 5).

Table 2: Central requirements

Focus on:
Breakdown voltage
Sparkover voltage
Creepage path
Dielectric constants


Magnetic +
Temperature during application
Definition of temperature shock




Size tolerance
Surface roughness


Leak rate: Helium +

Figure 6: Thermal expansion of metals compared with Al
Figure 7 shows some basic types of joint constructions which are frequently used for
feedthroughs and insulating parts.
Where possible the ceramic metal joint is created in such a way that the metal part, once
brazed, exerts compression strain onto the ceramic as ceramic achieves the highest strength
values under this type of load.

Figure 7: Basic types of joints constructions

The construction type I comes close to the specified target.
In the case of outside circumferential brazing specially adapted metal composite materials
(Ni42, NiCo 2918) or metals whose WAK is higher than that of ceramic are the preferred
working materials. The adapted composite materials are also suited for inside circumferential
brazing, however the thermal expansion coefficient (WAK) of other metals should generally
be below that of ceramic. An exception are metals such as copper which can also be used for
inside and outside circumferential brazing in spite of their high WAK, as these materials are
able to reduce crack inducing tensions in the joining zone due to their ductility.
Not only does radial compression strain occur with outside circumferential brazing but, due to
the varying axial shrinking process of ceramic and metal during the cooling process, shearing
stress and tensile stress at the outer junction between ceramic and metal. These stresses are
generally negligible when adapted composites or ductile metals are used for wall thicknesses
of less than 1mm. In order to be able to work even with few ductile metals such as austenistic
steel, the wall thickness of metal parts in the brazed area is often reduced to few tenth
millimetres. This allows the mechanic elasticity of the metal part to be increased. This
measure allows brazing of metal parts with a brazing diameter of around 10mm without
damaging the ceramic.
Greater diameters require the introduction of moveable moulded parts. Where these may be
magnetic, brazing e.g. a Ni42 flange of type lc and consecutive welding on of the steel part is
If outside or inside circumferential brazing is intended at both ends of a pipe, it is usual
practice to cut a groove into the ceramic (type 1b). Such a groove causes additional notch
effect, but this may be controlled by the appliance of sufficiently great radii in the area of the
grooves especially when using adapted alloys or ductile metals.
The benefit of this construction may be found in the fact that brazing fixtures will be kept to a
minimum and it allows for simple installation of individual parts to be brazed. However,
additional effort is required for processing ceramic and this may compensate this cost benefit
with the increasing size of ceramic construction parts and/or low number of items.
Applicability of construction type I is often limited to brazed diameters smaller than 50 mm
when using non adapted metals, as the differences in WAK of ceramic and metal at brazing
temperature may result in brazing gaps which may be filled with sufficient braze only at
increased cost. For example the brazing gap of two Al
- Ceramic and copper pipes in axial
symmetric alignment already amounts to 0.4 mm with 100 mm brazing diameter and 800C
after the WAK. In such cases construction type II is often used. The same applies for brazing
larger metal parts made from austenitic steel via a ductile intermediate copper layer, as this
type of construction allows for great mobility of the metal parts on the front area of the
ceramic. Figure 7 shows such a construction as an example. This type of construction makes
increased demands of the strength properties of the ceramic, as generally only tensile stress
occurs in the joining zone. With a view to manufacturing costs, brazing fixtures need to be
more elaborate than for type 1 to meet narrow size tolerances. It seems obvious to design the
metal parts in such a way that they are centred on the ceramic without further devices but the
expense would be prohibitive except for large quantities.

Figure 8: Al
ceramic brazed with austenitic steel with copper layer according to Type II

The construction types I and II are not always appropriate as some applications have space
restrictions which require a compact construction part. With such requirements flat soldering
according to Type III is used. With this construction type the ceramic is stressed mainly with
regards to shearing and tension. Especially with this type the joining zone must stand up to
maximum loads as the joining area typically lies above that of Type II: such constructions are
manufactured using only adapted metal alloys or ductile metals.
Increasing mechanical safety of such a joint is achieved through a construction according to
Type IIIb using a ceramic ring which is welded on. This ring forces the metal part to shrink
during the cooling process radially and symmetrically and results in reducing the stress in the
joining zone.

Figure 10 shows a selection of feed-throughs and insulating parts mostly with several
construction types realized in one construction part.

Figure 9: Examples for feedthroughs and insulating parts
4. Application Examples

Electric feed-throughs and insulating parts are used e.g. in the following areas:

Measuring technique and control engineering
- High ohmic feed-throughs for counter tubes, vacuum measuring devices, flame
- Cable end seals for thermoelements and heating conductors
- Pressure tight feed-throughs for flow measurement and filing level indication
- Insulating pipes for plasma coating plants

Plant construction and equipment components
- Insulating pipes and UHV sealing elements for vacuum devices
- High current feedthroughs for furnace construction

Electro technology / electronics
- X-ray tubes and bases for X-ray apparatus
- High current feedthroughs and housing for controlled current supplies
- Multiple feedthroughs for sensors
- Insulating pipes for service transmission tubes and vacuum switches

- UHV tight insulating tubes for accelerating plants

Areas of application for more recent developments are:
- Housing for electronic construction elements in the automobile construction industry
controlled by production data
- Heating devices for gases and liquids in dentistry
- Housing for X-ray picture amplifiers in medical diagnostics.
5. Literature

(1) Lugscheider, E., Krappitz, H., Boretius, M.: Fgen von Hochleistungskeramik
untereinander und mit Metall. Technische Mitteilungen 80 (1987), 231 237
(2) Pulfrich, H.: Ceramic-to-Metal Seal. US Pat.No. 2,163,407 (1939)
(3) Meyer, A.: Zum Haftmechanismus von Molybdn/Mangan-Metallisierungsschichten auf
Korundkeramik. Ber. DKG 42 (1965), 405 444 und 452 454
(4) Nolte, H.J., Spurck, R.F.: Metal-Ceramic Sealing with Manganese. Television Eng. 1
(1950), 14 18
(5) Helgesson, C.J.: Ceramic-to-Metal Bonding. Technical Publishers Inc. Cambridge,
Mass. (1968)
(6) Twentyman, M.E.: High-Temperature Metallizing, Parts 1-3. J. Mater. Sci: 10 (1975),
765 798
(7) Fa. Demetron GmbH: Firmenschrift Vakuumhartlote
(8) DVS-Merkblatt 3101: Bestimmung der Haftfestigkeit von hartltfhig metallisierter
Keramik durch Zugprfung
(9) Turwitt, M.: Bending Test for Active Brazed Metal/Ceramic Joints A Round Robin.
CFI. Ber. DKG 71 (1994), 406- 410
(10) Boretius, M.:Aktivlten von Hochleistungskeramiken und Vergleich mit konventionellen
Ltverfahren. Technisch-wissenschaftliche Berichte der RWTH Aachen Nr. 33.
29.11.90 1991, 186 S.
(11) Witte, K.-W.: Montagegerechte Produktgestaltung Gemeinsame Aufgabe fr
Konstruktion und Arbeitsvorbereitung. Praxishandbuch fr den Betriebsleiter, Band 1,
Teil 4/2.1 (1989), 1-4.

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