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Jamie Bowerman

Brand Identity
Robert Bau-Serv 724
Brand Identity: Band-Aid
Where I Come From?
Johnson and Johnson
What I Do, How I Do it
Self adhesive bandages
Who I Do it For
Anyone thats need me
How I Help Them
I allow you to bandage your
wounds without a nurse
How I Am
I am like Superman I came
to your aid in dangerous
situations to save you
What I Believe in
Convenience, comfort, and
Why I Exist
To help make people safe
What I ultimately want to achieve
Continued growth and innovation in
wound treatement
Brand Identity: Band-Aid
Brand Heritage: Band-Aid
I was invented in 1920 by Earle Dickson, an employee of Johnson &
Johnson. My wife Josephine Dickson frequently cut and burned herself
while cooking. I was the prototype product that allowed her to dress
her wounds without assistance.
Brand Offering: Band-Aid
I dress wounds without nursing assistance.
I offer multiple bandage sizes
I can be carried in your back pocket
Brand Audience: Band-Aid
I make bandages for children
I make bandages for parents
I make bandages for anyone, all ages

Brand Benefts: Band-Aid
I dress wounds without having to go to the hospital.
I can ft in your back pocket.

I can stick anywhere
Brand Personality: Band-Aid
I am strong enough to stick to anything
I can go anywhere

I protect you if your hurt
I am like Superman
Brand Beliefs/ Values: Band-Aid
I believe in keep you safe and protected
You can carry me with you anywhere.
I do not require instructions
Brand Mission on Earth: Band-Aid
I keep you safe if you get injured anywhere you go
Brand Vision: Band-Aid
To further the aid of wounded people
To provide protection for all kinds of wounds
To further the aid of wounded people
To provide protection for all kinds of wounds
Brand Positioning: Band-Aid
I am the only bandage that sticks to you anywhere to protect
your wounds in an era of boo-boos big and small.
Fun fact: The products long running commercial jingle Im
Stuck on Band-Aid was written by singer Barry Manilow.
Positioning Map: Band-Aid
High Quality
More fun
High Quality
Personal Refections: Band-Aid
Because Band-Aid was the frst adhesive bandage on the
market, Band-Aid has become what is refered to as a ge-
neric brand, meaning that the name is so recognizable it is
instantly tied to the brand.
Because ot this there is very little Band-Aid has to do other
then focus on new technologies in wound dressing and
changes of the appearance of the bandage such as new
characters or pop culture references.
Innovation Opportunities: Ben and Jerrys
How can Band-Aid offer greater wound protection?
Are there any characters or imagery to place on the
bandage to gain greater wallet share?
Is there other markets or uses for Band-Aids outside
of wound dressing?
Brand Identity: TOMS
Where I Come From?
Blake Mycoskie
What I Do, How I Do it
Shoe for Tomorrow, Buy
one, Give one.
Who I Do it For
My customers and kids who
need shoes
How I Help Them
Every time someone buys a
shoe I give a pair of shoes to
the needy
How I Am
I am like a young,
enterprneurial Santa Clause
What I Believe in
Giving shoes to the needy
and making a proft
Why I Exist
To help put shoes of kids
feet and make a proft
What I ultimately want to achieve
TOMS glasses, raise more awareness to
global poverty
Brand Identity: TOMS
Brand Heritage: TOMS shoes
I was created by Blake Mycoskie. On a trip to Argentina, Blake
saw children with no shoes unable to go to school. Realizing how
important shoes were Blake decided to start a shoe company.
TOMS donates a pair of shoes to children in need for every shoe
sold. This allows kids to attend school and perform lots of other
functions simply by having shoes on their feet.
Brand Offering: TOMS shoes
For every pair of shoes I sell, I give a pair to someone who needs
I am derived from the word tomorrow, and evolved from the
original concept, Shoes for Tomorrow Project.
I sell Argentine Alpargata style shoes in a wide array of retail
locations in 20 countries.
I am using a similar model of one for one with eye glasses.
Brand Audience: TOMS shoes
I give shoes to children (especially impoverished)
I am for people who like the style
I am for people who like the back story
I am for americans who feel guilty about capitalism
Brand Benefts: TOMS shoes
I create awareness on global issues.
I use the BOGO model-buy one shoe and well give one
I sell fashionable Argentine style Alpargata shoes
Brand Personality: TOMS shoes
Donating makes me feel good.
My style is casual, but I am in tune
with the lastest fashion trends.

I like to make a difference in the world.
Brand Beliefs/ Values: TOMS shoes
I raise awareness to global issues, particularly children
without shoes.
I make people feel good at point of purchase.
I believe in giving one of something for every product I
sell (BOGO model).
Brand Mission on Earth: TOMS shoes
I help people to be informed about world issues.
I give goods to people who need them.
I raise awareness while making a proft.
Brand Vision: TOMS shoes
I want to raise more awareness into global poverty
I want to expand my one for one model into other products/ services
I want to make a proft
I am the only shoe maker who gives a pair of shoes for
every pair I sell to a child in need so they can go to school
in an era of severe illiteracy and poverty
Brand Positioning: TOMS shoes
Positioning Map: TOMS
Not Socially
Socially Consious
Socially Consious
Personal Refections: TOMS
While Blake started with good intentions, the story of what
he does gets lost a bit when TOMS has become a feel
good product for celebrities.
TOMS also only offers one style and I question how much
room for growth there is with a BOGO model. Im not sure
there is any room for growth with this business model and
while its makes people feel good to donate great, TOMS
raises the give a man a fsh, teach a man to fsh argu-
ment, which seems to make it highly controversial.
Innovation Opportunities: TOMS
How can we market to non-celebrity consumers who share
TOMS brand ideals?
How can we tell our story to better support consumer loyality
and brand growth.
Is there a way to revise our BOGO Model to other products or
Is the BOGO model effective for growth? If not can we alter
the model while maintaining a similar brand offering?
Brand Identity: Ben and Jerrys
Where I Come From?
Ben Cohen and
Jerry Greenfeld
What I Do, How I Do it
Sell Ice Cream at various
Who I Do it For
People all ages.
How I Help Them
I give fun favors some times
with a socially conscious
How I Am
A smart hippy, who likes to
have fun
What I Believe in
Fun Flavors and Social
Why I Exist
To make exciting, social
conscience ice cream
What I ultimately want to achieve
Make a proft with being a leader in
social and ethical business practices
Brand Identity: Ben and Jerrys
Brand Heritage: Ben and Jerrys
I started in 1977 when lifelong friends Ben Cohen and Jerry
Greenfeld completed a correspondence course on ice cream
making from the Pennsylvania State Universitys Creamery.
On May 5, 1978, with a $12,000 investment I opened an ice
cream parlor in a renovated gas station in downtown Burling-
ton, Vermont.
I was purchased by Unilever 2002.
Brand Offering: Ben and Jerrys
I make, distribute and sell the fnest quality
natural ice cream
I operate the company in way that actively recog-
nizes the central role business plays in society.
I operate the company on a model of sustainable
fnancial growth, expanding opportunity, and career
Brand Audience: Ben and Jerrys
I make ice cream for anyone who likes all natural and
innovative favors.
I make ice cream for people with a sense of humor.
I am for anyone who wants to support
good causes in the world.
Brand Benefts: Ben and Jerrys
I provide unique and original favors
I create clever ice cream titles with a sense of humor

I provide unique services such as the :Cowmoblie, Childrens
Defense Fund, and International Free Ice Cream day
I raise awareness to social issues
Brand Personality: Ben and Jerrys
I am ECO-friend and intelligent
I am clever and witty
I am not afraid to be different
I am very colorful
I am socially conscious
Brand Beliefs/ Values: Ben and Jerrys
I believe in a progressive values system
I believe in ethical and proftable business practices
I believe if its not fun, why do it
I adhere to ten sustainability principles.
Brand Mission on Earth: Ben and Jerrys
I exist to have fun.
I exist to make great new favors with all natural ingredients.
I exist to address social and environmental challenges.
I exist to be a pioneer in how business can be a force for good and
address inequalities inherent in global business.
Brand Vision: Ben and Jerrys
I promise all ingredients will be Fairtrade certifed by the
end of 2013.
I believe people and companies should be able to know
where their food is coming from
I believe in fun,new ice cream favors
I believe in raising awareness to social and global issues
I am the only ice cream maker that uses innovative favors to
raise awareness to everyone all over the world about how a
business can be a force for good in an era of global inequality.
Brand Positioning: Ben and Jerrys
Positioning Map: Ben and Jerrys
Not Socially
Socially Consious
High Quality
Low Quality
Socially Consious
Personal Refections: Ben and Jerrys
Ben and Jerrys is positioned to attract young, informed consum-
ers. Which works because it attracts young professionals and new
families, as well as children and hippy types
They sell a quality product at premium price, which is great for
people who want that service but not helpful for consumers who
are strictly bargain or low price point shoppers.
Hagen-Dazs is thier only real competition in terms of quality but
not brand image. Hagan Daz sells quality, sophistication, and el-
egance. Ben and Jerrys sells quality, youthful, and educated.
Innovation Opportunities: Ben and Jerrys
How can we market to lower price point consumers
without diluting brand culture or perception?
What marketing channels are targeted at lower
price point or bargain shoppers
Is there a way to revise our offering to increase
wallet share?
Thank You

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