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KJF Nyelvvizsgakzpont

Use of English
Reading & Writing
Exam papers Maximum score Required
Time allowed Dictionary
1. Use of English 1 no
. Reading 1. 1!
"# $in%tes not allo&ed
'. Reading . 1
(. Writing () 1! *) $in%tes allo&ed
Total score 80 165 $in%tes
Kodol+nyi J+nos F,iskola
1. Use of English
Read the text below. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the correct answer from
the options (A, B, C or D) for each gap (11!) in the text. "ar# $o%r answers with an & in the
table on Answer Sheet 1. An example (') has been gi(en for $o%.
Don't Worry, Be Happy!
The Surprising Benefits of Optimism
How (0)___(B)___ you view the difficult events that 1!"""""" in your life, or happen in the
world around you? I was very depressed during my university years, and #!"""""" before
that it often seemed that lifes events were unfair. Yet something has happened to me over the
last few years, perhaps as a result of finding my right place in the world. $!"""""" I've
become an incurable optimist.
Living in e!ico "where I married a handsome e!ican man# for several years played a big
%!"""""" in this. Its a very optimistic place, despite the hardships faced by so many. I
constantly heard the phrase from my husband$ )por algo pasan las cosas* % &everything
happens for a reason'. (hey see all life events as divinely ordained, no &!"""""" how
difficult or painful '!"""""".
I recently read an interview "on www.e+toda$.com, unfortunately it (!"""""" seems to be
available# with the father of positive psychology, artin )eligman, which made me
)!"""""" very happy about *oining the optimists. +hen )eligman was as,ed to pic, the one
piece of information that every person should ,now, this is what he said$
&If you are a pessimist, you are eight times as li,ely to *!"""""" depressed, you are less
li,ely to succeed at wor,, your personal relationships are more li,ely to brea, up, and you are
li,ely to have a shorter and more illness-filled life.'
(his would be awful news if there 1+!"""""" no way out of being pessimistic, but )eligman
himself claims that hes a &born pessimist'. 11!""""" of his wor, focuses on learned
.essimists thin, that they are responsible for the bad things 1#!"""""" happen to them. (hey
thin, that one bad thing happening means that more bad things are on the way. /ptimists, in
contrast, see negative events as isolated negative incidents that have nothing to do with other
aspects of their lives. You can decide which attitude "the pessimist or the optimist# to have -
who would you 1$!"""""" be?
(oday, I thoroughly en*oy living with the attitude that &things will always wor, out'.
+henever something challenging comes along, thats what I say. 0nd if I forget, my e!ican
husband reminds me. I may feel sorry for myself for 1%!"""""", but eventually I pull up my
soc,s and start to loo, for the positive things. I do what I need 1&!"""""" the situation, but I
strongly believe that things will be o,ay. 0nd they always are, in some way.

'. A. are B. do C. ha(e D. were
1. 0. show up 2. set up 3. grow up 4. bring up
5. 0. either 2. even 3. neither 4. as well as
6. 0. (his is the way 2. +hichever 3. However 4. )omehow
7. 0. reason 2. purpose 3. cause 4. role
8. 0. trouble 2. matter 3. problem 4. 9uestion
:. 0. may they appear 2. they should appear 3. they may appear 4. should they appear
;. 0. never again 2. any more 3. any longer 4. no longer
<. 0. to feel 2. feel 3. feeling 4. to be felt
=. 0. have 2. get 3. be made 4. fall
1>. 0. would be 2. were 3. is 4. should be
11. 0. uch 2. ?uite few 3. @reat deal 4. Avery
15. 0. -- 2. what 3. that 4. , which
16. 0. prefer 2. li,e 3. better 4. rather
17. 0. sometimes 2. a while 3. a few times 4. while
18. 0. to put down 2. to deal with 3. to carry on 4. to ta,e off
#. ,ea-ing 1.
Read the text below and then read the gapped s%mmar$ that follows. ,o%r tas# is to fill the
gaps (1-) according to what the text sa$s with one word per line. Short forms li#e )isn.t* or
)don.t* co%nt as two words. /rite $o%r answers on the lines on Answer Sheet 1.
Full text:
.anguage /ests in /e0 1ealan-
(he most serious sign of a languages imminent
death is when it is not used by children.
+hen there is no common language between the generations and when the elders die, their
language dies with them.
In Bew Cealand the 5>
century saw a drastic and seemingly irreversible decline in fluent
aori spea,ers. Drom an estimated fifty thousand in the mid-1=;>s, the number fell to around
ten thousand in 1==8. (here was almost no language transmission from aori parents to their
children during the 1=:>s and 1=;>s. 2ut since the first Language Best % a nationwide
networ, of early childhood centers that help to develop ,nowledge of the aori language
among children % was founded in 1=<5, this downward spiral has been stopped.
Language nests provide a fun environment for children under the age of five, where they are
intensively e!posed to the aori language. (he paid staff are a mi! of elderly aori spea,ers,
usually grandparents, and younger teachers. (here are now over <>> language nests across the
country, which have introduced more than 1>>,>>> aori children to their native tongue.
certain to happen very soon
aori was made an official language of Bew Cealand, alongside Anglish, in 1=<;. )ome
aori leaders are now petitioning
the government to restore the countrys original aori
name, 0oteaora, meaning Land of the Long +hite 3loud. (oday, almost :>E of all Bew
Cealand schoolchildren % aori and non-aori ali,e % study the language to some e!tent. 2ut
an even surer sign of aoris renewed strength is the fact that Bew Cealand Anglish is dotted
with aori words and e!pressions. (he most common, #ia ora, an all-purpose greeting, is
increasingly used instead of &hello' both in general conversation and when answering the
telephone. &Language is absolutely important for the culture not to disappear,' says (imoti
Faretu, :>, head of the aori Language 3ommission. &(he more aori is used to pepper
Bew Cealand speech, the more it becomes a uni9ue language to Bew Cealand.'
It is easy to see that uni9ueness before each match played by Bew Cealands national rugby
team, the 0ll 2lac,s. (he ha#a, a fierce traditional aori dance, is intended to threaten the
opposition. .layers line up on the field and ma,e a series of aggressive gestures with their
hands and feet while beginning to chant )0a mate1 0a mate1 0a ora1 0a ora1' (he 0a "ate
ha#a tells the story of the great aori warrior (e Gauparahas brave escape from his enemies.
It translates roughly as$ &2t is death1 2t is life1 ... 3ne last %pward step, then step forth into the
s%n that shines1'
Dor many of the worlds endangered languages, a very thin line separates the new dawn of
language revival from the blac, hole of e!tinction. (he aoris seem to be on the sunny side
of this line.
Gapped summary:
Languages die when not many children spea, them any more. In the middle of the 1=;>s, the
number of aori spea,ers was about five times as many as in the mid-1==>s. (herefore,
1!""""""""" """"""""" were founded so that this negative process should be stopped. (his
is a successful networ, at the moment, because since its #!"""""""""", the aori language
has been taught to more than 1>>,>>> aori children.
(here are $!"""""""""" official languages in Bew Cealand today. (he fact that aori words
%!"""""""""" the Bew Cealand Anglish proves that aori is becoming stronger. .eople in
Bew Cealand &!""""""""" each other with a aori e!pression "H,ia ora#. Durthermore, the
national rugby team also uses the aori language while '! """""""""" to ma,e the rival
team feel (! """""""""" .
(he future of a language is important because it also means the )! """"""""of the group of
people who spea, it as their mother tongue.
to as, someone in authority to do something
$. ,ea-ing #.
Read the text below. After the text $o% will find six +%estions or %nfinished statements abo%t
the text, each with three s%ggested answers or wa$s of finishing. ,o% m%st choose the one
which $o% thin# fits best according to the text. "ar# $o%r answers with an & in the table on
Answer Sheet 1.
2onster Stereos
+hen Gitchie +arren plays his car stereo at a level he regards as une!ceptional, the bass
booms and waves of sound envelope everyone in their path. +arren views the e!perience as
something that encourages optimism about life$ &If you thin, of e!plosions, thunder,
volcanoes, they all release irritating sound. (hese sounds increase the adrenaline. It is a tribal
and a cultural thing. 2ass is li,e the voice of @od.' 2ut for millions in towns and cities
throughout 2ritain and for lots of other drivers as well, the seemingly limitless power of in-
car music systems is closer to a curse.
/fficials have begun discussing how they might ta,e steps to control the antisocial use of
monster-stereos. (hey are considering punishing owners with tic,ets or restriction orders. (he
police in London say they are willing to lobby for a change in the law to impose restrictions.
/ther authorities are e!perimenting with their own solutions. In +ales, officials have been
targeting hotspots, hoping to change the behaviour of those who cooperate and
fine those who will not. In )cotland police can ta,e away offending vehicles.
4iscussions in London are being led by Ialerie )hawcross, a member of the London
0ssembly. &It is high time we changed this sort of behaviour,' she said.
&Bo one ob*ects to someone playing a bit of music as they drive, but these stereos ta,e us into
an entirely different situation. .eople who live alongside ma*or roads suffer endless noise.'
Jenny Jones, a @reen .arty member said$ &(his is noise pollution. (he police could give on-
the-spot fines and warnings, but most of all I would li,e them to ma,e these drivers turn the
noise down.' arie aguire, 75, lives in a second-storey flat above a crossroads in south
London. )he says the noise from cars stopped at the traffic lights is intolerable. &)ome of
them sha,e the house. (he windows rattle. +atching television is almost impossible. It is *ust
getting worse.' (he problem is far from straightforward. (here is the practical difficulty of
catching a moving vehicle and demonstrating that the noise, for the short time it is heard in
one place, means an offence in law. /ne possibility is that police are given the power to ma,e
a personal H*udgment of offence. (hey might then ta,e action after getting the owner's details
through the computer system.
(he prospect was a hot topic of conversation at the ma*or car modifications industry event
"ax 5ower 6i(e, billed as the &fastest, loudest car show ever', which is held in London and
throughout the world. (a,ing pride of place at the event was +arren's 4odge 3hallenger, its
giant e!terior spea,ers lifted up by hydraulics. Knsurprisingly he has no time for those who
want a 9uiet life, especially those in London. &It is a noisy city anyway,' the 6<-year-old said.
&In the suburbs there are not a lot of ways for people to move themselves up the social ladder,
or to stand out from the crowd. )o they boost up their cars with massive sound systems.'
1. Ritchie /arren 7
a# admits that his stereo music is too loud.
b# thin,s that a booming sound is a positive thing.
c# believes that listening to loud music is li,e a prayer.
8. 4he lo%d noise from car stereos 7
a# is widespread in 2ritain.
b# is something that residents of London can tolerate.
c# disturbs other motorists only.
9. According to the article, 7
a# the users of loud car stereos might face some punishment in the future.
b# officials in +ales should change their negative attitude to loud car stereos.
c# the police might en*oy the world's loudest systems as well.
:. Stopping lo%d car stereos 7
a# is a comple! issue.
b# is the responsibility of the residents.
c# will not ever be possible.
!. /hat does the text sa$ abo%t "ax 5ower 6i(e;
a# .eople were not tal,ing about the problem of loud car stereos there.
b# Gitchie +arrens car did not participate in it.
c# It happens worldwide.
<. Ritchie /arren 7
a# thin,s car stereos ma,e the owners feel special.
b# fully understands people who disli,e loud car stereos.
c# has a hydraulic spea,er system inside his car.
3/4A BK2AG
3ns0er Sheet 1.
1. Use of English Don4t Worry, Be Happy!
3 B 5 D 3 B 5 D
+ )
1 *
# 1+
$ 11
% 1#
& 1$
' 1%
( 1&
#. ,ea-ing 1. .anguage /ests in /e0 1ealan-!
1. """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""
#. """"""""""""""""
$. """"""""""""""""
%. """"""""""""""""
&. """"""""""""""""
'. """"""""""""""""
(. """"""""""""""""
). """"""""""""""""
$. ,ea-ing #. 2onster Stereos!
3 B 5
6or the assessors!
Tas7 18 2a9imum S:ore8 1& ; $ < 1# 3:hie=e- S:ore8 > $ <
,e?uire- 2inimum8
Tas7 #8 2a9imum S:ore8 ) 9 # < 1' 3:hie=e- S:ore8 9 # <
,e?uire- 2inimum8
1# points
Tas7 $8 2a9imum S:ore8 ' 9 # < 1# 3:hie=e- S:ore8 9 # <
%. Writing
,o% will ha(e to write 3=> of the letters below.
,o% will ha(e to incl%de in $o%r letter all the content points that are gi(en. ,o% ma$ cite from
the text in the box. /rite 8''8!' words.
,o% ma$ %se a dictionar$. D3 =34 ?S> ,3?R 3/= =A"> A=D ADDR>SS.
/rite the final (ersion of $o%r letter on Answer Sheet 8.
@. Aou ha=e rea- the follo0ing in a magaBine8
&0 survey *ust published by the 0ssociation of @raduate Gecruiters invited 2ritish employers
to rate the different abilities, 9ualities and s,ills they loo,ed for in prospective employees.
0lmost all the employers who had been as,ed said that competence in a foreign language was
4he 2ndependent
+rite a D/G0L LA((AG (/ (HA A4I(/G of the magaLine in which you
1. write about the possiCle ans0ers of Hungarian employers in terms of spea,ing
foreign languagesM
#. discuss the a-=antages of learning foreign languagesM
$. discuss the -iffi:ulties of learning foreign languagesM
%. clearly state 0hy you thin, spea7ing foreign languages is or is not! important.
@@. Aou ha=e rea- the follo0ing in a magaBine8
&4o you want to be H(he Ioice of the Year? 4o you have the undefinable Hsomething that
ma,es for star 9uality? (hen sign up for the new series of 4he & factor, the television music
competition that aims to find the hottest new singing talents. (he show is the biggest
television talent competition in Aurope and is hugely popular.'
+rite a D/G0L LA((AG to the editor of the magaLine in which you
1. react to the article by 0riting aCout tele=ision talent :ompetitions in HungaryM
#. discuss 0hy people :hoose to enter television talent competitionsM
$. discuss the -isa-=antages of ta7ing part in television talent competitionsM
%. clearly state 0hether or not you 0oul- e=er enter a tele=ision talent :ompetition
an- 0hy.
@@@. Aou ha=e rea- the follo0ing in a magaBine8
&)ingle people are having a good life. Its so good that two thirds of 0merican people choose
their single status. (hey have a satisfying life on their own. +hat is their secret?'
4he @%ardian
+rite a D/G0L LA((AG to the editor of the magaLine in which you
1. write about ho0 0i-esprea- it is to Ce single in HungaryM
#. discuss the a-=antages of being singleM
$. discuss the -isa-=antages of being singleM
%. clearly state your opinion on this issue.
3/4A BK2AG
3ns0er Sheet #.
%. Writing
6or the assessors!
2a9imum s:ore8 %+ 3:hie=e- s:ore8 ,e?uire- minimum8 1'
1. Use of English Don4t Worry, Be Happy!!
3 B 5 D 3 B 5 D
+ E ) N
1 N * N
# N 1+ N
$ N 11 N
% N 1# N
& N 1$ N
' N 1% N
( N 1& N
#. ,ea-ing 1. .anguage /ests in /e0 1ealan-!
1. language nests
5. foundationOestablishment
6. two
7. enteredOdottedOpepper
8. greetOsalute
:. dancingOgesturingOchanting
;. threatenedOfrightenedOafraid
<. survival
$. ,ea-ing #. 2onster Stereos!
3 B 5
1 E
# E
$ E
% E
& E
' E

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