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AMORES, Petitioner,
J. VILLANUEVA,Respondents.
Via this petition for certiorari, Milagros E. Amores (petitioner) challenges the
Decision of May 1, !""# and Resol$tion %o. "#&1'" of A$g$st (, !""# of the )o$se
of Representatives Electoral *ri+$nal (p$+lic respondent), ,hich respectively
dismissed petitioner-s Petition for .$o /arranto 0$estioning the legality of the
ass$mption of o1ce of Emman$el 2oel 2. Villan$eva (private respondent) as
representative of the party&list organi3ation 4iti3ens- 5attle Against 4orr$ption
(465A4) in the )o$se of Representatives, and denied petitioner-s Motion for
6n her Petition for .$o /arranto
see7ing the o$ster of private respondent,
petitioner alleged that, among other things, private respondent ass$med o1ce
,itho$t a formal proclamation iss$ed +y the 4ommission on Elections (48ME9E4):
he ,as dis0$ali;ed to +e a nominee of the yo$th sector of 465A4 since, at the time
of the ;ling of his certi;cates of nomination and acceptance, he ,as already '1
years old or +eyond the age limit of '" p$rs$ant to <ection # of Rep$+lic Act (RA)
%o. =#1, other,ise 7no,n as the Party&9ist <ystem Act: and his change of
a1liation from 465A4-s yo$th sector to its overseas >ilipino ,or7ers and their
families sector ,as not e?ected at least si@ months prior to the May 1, !""=
elections so as to +e 0$ali;ed to represent the ne, sector $nder <ection 1A of RA
%o. =#1.
%ot having ;led his Ans,er despite d$e notice, private respondent ,as deemed to
have entered a general denial p$rs$ant to p$+lic respondent-s R$les.
As earlier reBected, p$+lic respondent, +y Decision of May 1, !""#,
petitioner-s Petition for .$o /arranto, ;nding that 465A4 ,as among the party&list
organi3ations ,hich the 48ME9E4 had partially proclaimed as entitled to at least
one seat in the )o$se of Representatives thro$gh %ational 5oard of 4anvassers
(%54) Resol$tion %o. "=&(" dated 2$ly #, !""=. 6t also fo$nd the petition ,hich ,as
;led on 8cto+er 1=, !""= to +e o$t of time, the reglementary period +eing 1" days
from private respondent-s proclamation.
Respecting the age 0$ali;cation for yo$th sectoral nominees $nder <ection # of RA
%o. =#1, p$+lic respondent held that it applied only to those nominated as s$ch
d$ring the ;rst three congressional terms after the rati;cation of the 4onstit$tion or
$ntil 1##C, $nless a sectoral party is thereafter registered e@cl$sively as
representing the yo$th sector, ,hich 465A4, a m$lti&sectoral organi3ation, is not.
6n the matter of private respondent-s shift of a1liation from 465A4-s yo$th sector to
its overseas >ilipino ,or7ers and their families sector, p$+lic respondent held that
<ection 1A of RA %o. =#1 did not apply as there ,as no res$ltant change in party&
list a1liation.
)er Motion for Reconsideration having +een denied +y Resol$tion %o. "#&1'" dated
A$g$st (, !""#,

petitioner ;led the present Petition for 4ertiorari.

Petitioner contends that, among other things, p$+lic respondent created distinctions
in the application of <ections # and 1A of RA %o. =#1 that are not fo$nd in the
s$+Dect provisions, fostering interpretations at ,ar ,ith e0$al protection of the la,s:
and %54 Resol$tion %o. "=&(", ,hich ,as a partial proclamation of ,inning party&list
organi3ations, ,as not eno$gh +asis for private respondent to ass$me o1ce on 2$ly
1", !""=, especially considering that he admitted receiving his o,n 4erti;cate of
Proclamation only on Decem+er 1', !""=.
6n his 4omment,
private respondent avers in the main that petitioner has not
s$+stantiated her claims of grave a+$se of discretion against p$+lic respondent:
and that he +ecame a mem+er of the overseas >ilipinos and their families sector
years +efore the !""= elections.
6t +ears noting that the term of o1ce of party&list representatives elected in the
May, !""= elections ,ill e@pire on 2$ne '", !"1". /hile the petition has, th$s,
+ecome moot and academic, rendering of a decision on the merits in this case
,o$ld still +e of practical val$e.
*he 4o$rt adopts the iss$es framed +y p$+lic respondent, to ,itE (1) ,hether
petitioner-s Petition for .$o /arranto ,as dismissi+le for having +een ;led
$nseasona+ly: and (!) ,hether <ections # and 1A of RA %o. =#1 apply to private
8n the ;rst iss$e, the 4o$rt ;nds that p$+lic respondent committed grave a+$se of
discretion in considering petitioner-s Petition for .$o /arranto ;led o$t of time. 6ts
co$nting of the 1"&day reglementary period provided in its R$les
from the iss$ance
of %54 Resol$tion %o. "=&(" on 2$ly #, !""= is erroneo$s.
*o +e s$re, ,hile %54 Resol$tion %o. "=&(" partially proclaimed 465A4 as a ,inner in
the May, !""= elections, along ,ith other party&list organi3ations,
it ,as +y no
meas$re a proclamation of private respondent himself as re0$ired +y <ection 1' of
RA %o. =#1.
<ection 1'. How Party-List Representatives are Chosen. Party&list representatives
shall +e proclaimed +y the 48ME9E4 +ased on the list of names s$+mitted +y the
respective parties, organi3ations, or coalitions to the 48ME9E4 according to their
ran7ing in said list.
A* A99 EVE%*<, this 4o$rt set aside %54 Resol$tion %o. "=&(" in 5arangay
Association for %ational Advancement and *ransparency v. 48ME9E4
revisiting the form$la for allocation of additional seats to party&list organi3ations.
4onsidering, ho,ever, that the records do not disclose the e@act date of private
respondent-s proclamation, the 4o$rt overloo7s the technicality of timeliness and
r$les on the merits. Alternatively, since petitioner-s challenge goes into private
respondent-s 0$ali;cations, it may +e ;led at anytime d$ring his term.
.$ali;cations for p$+lic o1ce are contin$ing re0$irements and m$st +e possessed
not only at the time of appointment or election or ass$mption of o1ce +$t d$ring
the o1cerFs entire ten$re. 8nce any of the re0$ired 0$ali;cations is lost, his title
may +e seasona+ly challenged.
8n the second and more s$+stantial iss$e, the 4o$rt shall ;rst disc$ss the age
re0$irement for yo$th sector nominees $nder <ection # of RA %o. =#1 readingE
<ection #. Qualifcations of Party-List Nominees. %o person shall +e nominated as
party&list representative $nless he is a nat$ral&+orn citi3en of the Philippines, a
registered voter, a resident of the Philippines for a period of not less than one
(1)year immediately preceding the day of the election, a+le to read and ,rite, a
+ona ;de mem+er of the party or organi3ation ,hich he see7s to represent for at
least ninety (#") days preceding the day of the election, and is at least t,enty&;ve
(!A) years of age on the day of the election.
6n case of a nominee of the yo$th sector, he m$st at least +e t,enty&;ve (!A)
+$t not more than thirty ('") years of age on the day of the election. Any yo$th
sectoral representative ,ho attains the age of thirty ('") d$ring his term shall +e
allo,ed to contin$e in o1ce $ntil the e@piration of his term. (Emphasis and
$nderscoring s$pplied.)
*he 4o$rt ;nds no te@t$al s$pport for p$+lic respondent-s interpretation that
<ection # applied only to those nominated d$ring the ;rst three congressional terms
after the rati;cation of the 4onstit$tion or $ntil 1##C, $nless a sectoral party is
thereafter registered e@cl$sively as representing the yo$th sector.
A cardinal r$le in stat$tory constr$ction is that ,hen the la, is clear and free from
any do$+t or am+ig$ity, there is no room for constr$ction or interpretation. *here is
only room for application.
As the la, states in $ne0$ivocal terms that a nominee of the yo$th sector m$st at
least +e t,enty&;ve (!A) +$t not more than thirty ('") years of age on the day of
the election, so it m$st +e that a candidate ,ho is more than '" on election day is
not 0$ali;ed to +e a yo$th sector nominee. <ince this mandate is contained in RA
%o. =#1, the Party&9ist <ystem Act, it covers A99 yo$th sector nominees vying for
party&list representative seats.
As petitioner points o$t, RA %o. =#1 ,as enacted only in March, 1##A. *here is th$s
no reason to apply <ection # thereof only to yo$th sector nominees nominated
d$ring the ;rst three congressional terms after the rati;cation of the 4onstit$tion in
1#C=. Gnder this interpretation, the last elections ,here <ection # applied ,ere held
in May, 1##A or t,o months after the la, ,as enacted. *his is certainly not so$nd
legislative intent, and co$ld not have +een the o+Dective of RA %o. =#1.
*here is li7e,ise no rhyme or reason in p$+lic respondent-s ratiocination that after
the third congressional term from the rati;cation of the 4onstit$tion, ,hich e@pired
in 1##C, <ection # of RA %o. =#1 ,o$ld apply only to sectoral parties registered
e@cl$sively as representing the yo$th sector. *his distinction is no,here fo$nd in the
la,. G+i le@ non disting$it nec nos disting$ire de+em$s. /hen the la, does not
disting$ish, ,e m$st not disting$ish.
Respecting <ection 1A of RA %o. =#1, the 4o$rt fails to ;nd even an iota of te@t$al
s$pport for p$+lic respondent-s ratiocination that the provision did not apply to
private respondent-s shift of a1liation from 465A4-s yo$th sector to its overseas
>ilipino ,or7ers and their families sector as there ,as no res$ltant change in party&
list a1liation. <ection 1A readsE
<ection 1A. Change of Aliation! "#ect. Any elected party&list representative ,ho
changes his political party or sectoral a1liation d$ring his term of o1ce shall forfeit
his seatE Provided, *hat if he changes his political party orsectoral a1liation ,ithin
si@ (() months +efore an election, he shall not +e eligi+le for nomination as party&list
representative $nder his ne, party or organi3ation. (emphasis and $nderscoring
/hat is clear is that the ,ording of <ection 1A covers changes in +oth political party
and sectoral a1liation. And the latter may occ$r ,ithin the same party since m$lti&
sectoral party&list organi3ations are 0$ali;ed to participate in the Philippine party&
list system. )ence, a nominee ,ho changes his sectoral a1liation ,ithin the same
party ,ill only +e eligi+le for nomination $nder the ne, sectoral a1liation if the
change has +een e?ected at least si@ months +efore the elections. Again, since the
stat$te is clear and free from am+ig$ity, it m$st +e given its literal meaning and
applied ,itho$t attempted interpretation. *his is the plain meaning r$le or ver+a
legis, as e@pressed in the ma@im inde@ animi sermo or speech is the inde@ of
6t is, therefore, +eyond cavil that <ections # and 1A of RA %o. =#1 apply to private
*he 4o$rt ;nds that private respondent ,as not 0$ali;ed to +e a nominee of either
the yo$th sector or the overseas >ilipino ,or7ers and their families sector in the
May, !""= elections.
*he records disclose that private respondent ,as already more than '" years of age
in May, !""=, it +eing stip$lated that he ,as +orn in A$g$st, 1#=A.
Moreover, he
did not change his sectoral a1liation at least si@ months +efore May, !""=, p$+lic
respondent itself having fo$nd that he shifted to 465A4-s overseas >ilipino ,or7ers
and their families sector only on March 1=, !""=.
*hat private respondent is the ;rst nominee of 465A4, ,hose victory ,as later
$pheld, is of no moment. A party&list organi3ation-s ran7ing of its nominees is a
mere indication of preference, their 0$ali;cations according to la, are a di?erent
6t not +eing contested, ho,ever, that private respondent ,as event$ally proclaimed
as a party&list representative of 465A4 and rendered services as s$ch, he is entitled
to 7eep the compensation and emol$ments provided +y la, for the position $ntil he
is properly declared ineligi+le to hold the same.
/)ERE>8RE, the petition is HRA%*ED. *he Decision dated May 1, !""# and
Resol$tion %o. "#&1'" dated A$g$st (, !""# of the )o$se of Representatives
Electoral *ri+$nal are <E* A<6DE. Emman$el 2oel 2. Villan$eva is declared ineligi+le
to hold o1ce as a mem+er of the )o$se of Representatives representing the party&
list organi3ation 465A4.
CREDIT UNION, INC., petitioner&appellant,
MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY, respondent appellee.
6n this mandam$s petition dismissed +y the lo,er co$rt, petitioner&appellant ,o$ld
see7 a reversal of s$ch decision relying on ,hat it considered to +e a right granted
+y <ection (! of the Rep$+lic Act %o. !"!', more speci;cally the ;rst t,o
paragraphs thereofE J... (1) A mem+er of a cooperative may, not,ithstanding the
provisions of e@isting la,s, e@ec$te an agreement in favor of the co&operative
a$thori3ing his employer to ded$ct from the salary or ,ages paya+le to him +y the
employer s$ch amo$nt as may +e speci;ed in the agreement and to pay the
amo$nt so ded$cted to the co&operative in satisfaction of any de+t or other demand
o,ing from the mem+er to the co&operative. (!) Gpon the e@emption of s$ch
agreement the employer shall if so re0$ired +y the co&operative +y a re0$est in
,riting and so long as s$ch de+t or other demand or any part of it remains $npaid,
ma7e the claimant and remit forth ,ith the amo$nt so ded$cted to the co&
*o sho, that s$ch is f$tile, the appealed decision, as 0$oted in the +rief for
petitioner&appellant, stated the follo,ingE J*hen petitioner contends that $nder the
a+ove provisions of Rep. Act !"!', the loans granted +y credit $nion to its mem+ers
enDoy ;rst priority in the payroll collection from the respondentFs employeesF ,ages
and salaries. As can +e clearly seen, there is nothing in the provision of Rep. Act
!"!' hereina+ove 0$oted ,hich provides that o+ligation of la+orers and employees
paya+le to credit $nions shall enDoy ;rst priority in the ded$ction from the
employeesF ,ages and salaries. %he only e#ect of Rep. Act &'&( is to compel the
employer to )e)uct from the salaries or wages paya*le to mem*ers of the
employees+ cooperative cre)it unions the employees+ )e*ts to the union an) to pay
the same to the cre)it union. 6n other ,ords, if Rep. Act !"!' had +een enacted, the
employer co$ld not +e compelled to act as the collecting agent of the employeesF
credit $nion for the employeesF de+t to his credit $nion +$t to contend that the de+t
of a mem+er of the employees cooperative credit $nion as having ;rst priority in the
matter of ded$ction, is to ,rite something into the la, ,hich does not appear. ,n
other wor)s- the man)atory character of Rep. Act &'&( is only to compel the
employer to ma7e the ded$ction of the employeesF de+t from the latterFs salary and
t$rn this over to the employeesF credit $nion +$t this mandatory character does not
convert the credit $nionFs credit into a ;rst priority credit. 6f the legislative intent in
enacting pars. 1 and ! of <ec. (! of Rep. Act !"!' ,ere to give ;rst priority in the
matter of payments to the o+ligations of employees in favor of their credit $nions,
then, the la, ,o$ld have so e@pressly declared. *h$s, the e@press provisions of the
%e, 4ivil 4ode, Arts. !!1, !!! and !! sho, the legislative intent on preference
of credits.
<$ch an interpretation, as co$ld +e e@pected, fo$nd favor ,ith the respondent&
appellee, ,hich, in its +rief, s$ccinctly pointed o$t Jthat there is nothing in said
provision from ,hich it co$ld +e implied that it gives top priority to o+ligations of
the nat$re of that paya+le to petitioner, and that, therefore, respondent company,
in iss$ing the doc$ments 7no,n as E@hi+it J'J and E@hi+it JPJ, ,hich esta+lish the
order of priority of payment o$t of the salaries of the employees of respondent&
appellee, did not violate the a+ove&0$oted <ection (! of Rep$+lic Act !"!'. 6n
prom$lgating E@hi+it J'J, KandL E@hi+it JPJ respondent, in e?ect, implemented the
said provision of la,.

*his petition +eing one for mandam$s and the provision of la, relied $pon +eing
clear on its face, it ,o$ld appear that no favora+le action can +e ta7en on this
appeal. /e a1rm.
1. *he applica+le provision of Rep$+lic Act %o. !"!' 0$oted earlier, spea7s for itself.
*here is no am+ig$ity. As th$s ,orded, it ,as so applied. Petitioner&appellant cannot
therefore raise any valid o+Dection. >or the lo,er co$rt to vie, it other,ise ,o$ld
have +een to alter the la,. *hat cannot +e done +y the D$diciary. *hat is a f$nction
that properly appertains to the legislative +ranch. As ,as pointed o$t in .on/aga v.
Court of AppealsE
J6t has +een repeated time and time again that ,here the
stat$tory norm spea7s $ne0$ivocally, there is nothing for the co$rts to do e@cept to
apply it. *he la,, leaving no do$+t as to the scope of its operation, m$st +e o+eyed.
8$r decisions have consistently +orn to that e?ect.
!. 4learly, then, mandam$s does not lie. Petitioner&appellant ,as $na+le to sho, a
clear legal right. *he very la, on ,hich he ,o$ld +ase his action fails to s$pply any
+asis for this petition. A more rigoro$s analysis ,o$ld have prevented him from
instit$ting a a s$it of this character. 6n 0.R.1. 2usiness Corporation v. 3ontesa,
4o$rt held. JMan&dam$s is the proper remedy if it co$ld +e sho,n that there ,as
neglect on the part of a tri+$nal in the performance of an act, ,hich speci;cally the
la, enDoins as a d$ty or an $nla,f$l e@cl$sion of a party from the $se and
enDoyment of a right to ,hich he is entitled.
*he opinion contin$ed in this
,iseEJAccording to former 4hief 2$stice Moran,J only speci;c legal rights may +e
enforced +y mandam$s if they are clear and certain. 6f the legal rights are of the
petitioner are not ,ell de;ned, clear, and certain, the petition m$st +e dismissed. 6n
s$pport of the a+ove vie,, 4iu)a e Hi5os )e Crispulo 6amora v. 7right ,as cited. As
,as there categorically statedE J*his co$rt has held that it is f$ndamental that the
d$ties to +e enforced +y mandam$s m$st +e those ,hich are clear and enDoined +y
la, or +y reason of o1cial station, and that petitioner m$st have a clear, legal right
to the thing and that it m$st +e the legal d$ty of the defendant to perform the
re0$ired act.F As e@pressed +y the then 2$stice Recto in a s$+se0$ent opinionE J6t is
,ell esta+lish that only speci;c legal rights are enforcea+le +y mandam$s, that the
right so$ght to +e enforced m$st +e certain and clear, and that the ,rit not iss$e in
cases ,here the right is do$+tf$l.J *o the same e?ect is the form$lation of s$ch
doctrine +y former 2$stice 5arreraE J<tated other,ise, the ,rit never iss$es in
do$+tf$l cases. 6t neither confers po,ers nor imposes d$ties. 6t is simply a
command to e@ercise a po,er already possessed and to perform a d$ty already
<o it has +een since then.
*he latest reported case, Province. of
Pangasinan v. Reparations Commission,
this co$rt spea7ing thro$gh 2$stice
4oncepcion 2r., reiterated s$ch a ,ell&settled doctrineE J6t has also +een held that it
is essential to the iss$ance of the ,rit of mandam$s that the plainti? sho$ld have a
clear legal right to the thing demanded, and it m$st +e the imperative d$ty of the
defendant to perform the act re0$ired. 6t never iss$es in do$+tf$l cases.
/)ERE>8RE, the appealed decision is a1rmed.

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