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September 2012

Eligible Population Key Components

ADAPT: Create an environment that builds trust
and rapport with adolescent population
SUPPORT: Identify developmentally appropriate
referrals and resources for at-risk patients in your
SCREEN: Use a developmentally appropriate
screening tool to identify risk in your adolescent
patient. This tool should address the domains of
risk identified by the CDC as the leading causes of
adolescent morbidity and mortality.
Existing tools that include assessment of all
domains :
Adolescent Health Review (AHR)
, Bright Futures
(pre-visit and supplemental questionnaires),
Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services
, and Rapid Assessment for Adolescent
Preventive Services (RAAPS)
Patients at risk ENGAGE: Identify evidence based interventions to
reduce risk
Parents, guardians or
other trusted adults
MQIC.ORG Approved by MQIC Medical Directors September 2012
Nearly 75% of adolescent morbidity and mortality is related to their risky behaviors. The following guideline recommends best practices for assessing adolescent health risk behaviors utilizing evidence-based risk
assessments and counseling strategies.
Adolescent males and
females 11-20 years of
age, accessing
healthcare in a variety
of settings: Primary
Care Clinics, School-
Based Health Centers,
STI Clinics, Mental
Health Clinics,
Emergency Centers
Adol esc ent Heal t h Ri sk Behavi or Assessment
Mi c hi gan Qual i t y I mpr ovement Consor t i um Gui del i ne
Ask questions in a way that establishes trust through dialogue and body language.
Explain confidentiality to youth and parent before assessment is completed.
Ensure separate and private space for survey completion and during visit.
Train health professionals in effective counseling strategies such as motivational interviewing.
Ensure sensitivity to cultural and religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity with every patient.
At least annually, use a brief, validated risk screening tool in all health care settings in which adolescents present for care, addressing the following
1. Unintentional injuries/violence - weapons, helmet and seat belt use, driving when distracted, bullying, abuse
2. Mental Health - depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal ideation/behaviors
3. Tobacco Use - cigarettes, other forms of tobacco
4. Alcohol and other drugs - alcohol, marijuana, prescription/non-prescription drug use, inhalants, other drugs, use prior to sex, driving
under influence
5. Sexual behaviors contributing to unintended pregnancy, STIs and HIV - sexual activity/involvement, sexual orientation, past pregnancy
and STI, contraception use, and safer sex practices
6. Dietary behaviors - soda intake, fruits/vegetables, dieting behaviors, fast/junk food intake
7. Physical Activity - exercise 60 minutes 3 or more days/week, screen time <2 hours/day
8. Protective factors - supportive adult, future goals, school/community connectedness, peer influence
Identify national, state, and local resources (eg. Local 211 and compile a list of community resources for use with families and
Identify school support (eg. school mental health providers).
Assess and discuss:
Patient's risks; adapt counseling techniques based on patient readiness to make behavior changes
Patient's strengths; elicit strengths through discussion
Elicit implications, consequences, and adverse outcomes associated with risk in relationship to life goals
Assist patients in reducing their risk(s) by:
Developing a risk reduction and/or safety plan based on patient's goals & readiness to make behavior changes
Encouraging safer choices and behaviors and discussing multiple options to reduce risky behaviors (eg. How can we work together to keep you
safe and healthy?)
Offering prescriptions and developmentally appropriate information and resources when needed
Arrange follow-up testing, counseling, or referrals. Frequency of follow up is based upon risk behaviors identified and risk reduction plans created.
Minors may access confidential services without parental consent.
Ensure follow up that protects the patient's privacy and confidentiality. Obtain a safe and confidential phone number or other contact information
Discuss and determine resources for social and emotional support.
Refer to a primary care provider, family planning clinic, local health department, dietitian, mental health provider, or substance abuse treatment
center when needed.
Converse with patient and parent in a way that models being the patient's advocate for making healthy decisions:
It is good that you are both here. It can be very helpful to have an adult to talk with about these important decisions.
I see that taking care of your health is important to you.
Making decisions to take care of yourself are not always easy.
I amglad that you have support for making healthy decisions.
Levels of Evidence for the most significant recommendations: A =randomized controlled trials; B =controlled trials, no randomization; C =observational studies; D =opinion of expert panel
This guideline lists core management steps. It is based on several sources including U.S. Department of Health &Human Services: Agencyfor Healthcare Research and Quality. Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2010-2011; American Medical Association.
Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) Recommendations Monograph, 1997; and Committee on Adolescence. Achieving QualityHealth Services for Adolescents. Pediatrics 2008;121 (6):1263-1270. Individual patient considerations and advances in
medical science maysupersede or modifythese recommendations.
Adolescent Health Review(AHR):
Bright Futures Guidelines for Health Supervision for Infants, Children, and Adolescents
Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) Younger adolescent: Middle/Older adolescents:
Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services (RAAPS):

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