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Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy

under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
Exterior Lighting for Energy
Savings, Security, and Safety

EE Richman

November 2009


Exterior Lighting for Energy
Savings, Security, and Safety

EE Richman

November 2009

Prepared for
the U.S. Department of Energy
under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, Washington 99352

The potential for energy savings with exterior lighting is large both from a technology efficiency and
controls perspective. However, exterior environments can present security and safety challenges that hold
lighting as a primary component which can hinder maximum energy savings.
The public or private perception and the effective treatment of exterior environment for safe and
secure function do not necessarily coincide. More lighting has often been associated with safer
environments but the generally accepted authority on lighting (IESNA) does not support this. Instead, the
collective wisdom denotes a combination of good design elements that include appropriate lighting levels
as well as other design features. This combination provides a complete package that supports safety and
security elements such as visual identification capability and effective lighting for security cameras.
Exterior areas that have security issues unusual enough to warrant additional specific lighting design
elements or increased light levels are uncommon but addressed with additional guidance from IESNA.
A critical issue with many business entities is the litigation climate surrounding exterior environments
and safety/security concerns. A review of case law shows that environments that have a specified flaw in
design or negligence of conditions have some traction in litigation. However, no cases show any
successful legal actions when spaces incorporate reasonable lighting design practice including light levels
based on appropriate design references (i.e. IESNA).
Energy savings opportunities exist for all major exterior elements including parking lots, streets and
roadways, and other building mounted lighting. The universal basic approach to achieving maximum
savings includes design to appropriate levels and incorporation of controls that reduce lighting when not
used but provide for activation when needed in security identified locations.

Summary ........................................................................................................................................... iii
1.0 Security and Safety Concerns ..................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Effective Exterior Lighting for Safety and Security ................................................................... 2
3.0 Applicable Litigation Issues with Exterior Lighting .................................................................. 4
4.0 Exterior Area Lighting Evaluation and Retrofit Recommendations .......................................... 5
4.1 Parking Lot Lighting .......................................................................................................... 5
4.1.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Wallpack Lighting .............................................................................................................. 6
4.2.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Street Lighting .................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 8

1.0 Security and Safety Concerns
Security in parking areas, walkways, and other areas around buildings and their grounds is commonly
raised as an issue with many public, private, and federal facilities. Some facilities (e.g., military) may be
considered potential terrorist targets and therefore have special security needs because of specific
functions (secure communications, ammunition, weapons research, etc.). Some commercial businesses
may also have a need or at least increased interest in enhanced security because of their function
(i.e., banks) or because of a concern for neighboring crime issues. The site management and/or security
personnel of other facilities may claim special security needs because:
The facility is in the vicinity of surroundings that may be considered to have security or crime issues
There is general concern related to potential litigation from accidents or crime related events
Safety for patrons and employees is also a concern for facility operators and appropriate lighting
should be provided to ensure this capability. These security and safety concerns can cause the application
of lighting levels above accepted standard practice or actual needs. This is not unexpected given the
potential for litigation in todays society as well as the common business interest in customer satisfaction
and comfort. However, this increased lighting can then in turn inhibit effective energy savings but will
not necessarily improve conditions for safety or security.
In reality, the majority of buildings and associated exterior areas typically have no special safety or
security issues or requirements. However, safety and security are issues that have potentially strong
implications that are not easy easily argued against and this leads to lost energy savings opportunities.
The information in this document and associated references may be useful in convincing those concerned
that the existing industry recommendations from the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) are the
appropriate standards for facility exterior areas in the absence of specific security issues requiring
enhanced lighting.

2.0 Effective Exterior Lighting for Safety and Security
The IES 9
Edition Lighting Handbook (2001) along with other IES documents (RP-33, RP-20, RP-8,
and DG-5) provide an industry accepted set of recommended practice for common exterior applications.
The IES is considered the lighting authority throughout North America and design professionals and
those looking for standards of care for illumination look to this organization for the appropriate values
and principles. Site conditions requiring enhanced lighting beyond these basic recommendations have
also been evaluated by the IES and found to be specific to unusual surroundings or special property
function. Guidance on when and how to provide appropriate enhanced lighting in these cases is outlined
in Guideline for Security Lighting for People, Property, and Public Spaces (IES G-1). Guideline G-1
explains that effective lighting for safety and security should consider:
Horizontal Illuminance
This is the standard for assessing effective lighting primarily because many tasks are horizontal and
the measurements are easy to make. However, this is less critical for security than other metrics such
as vertical illuminance and uniformity.
Vertical Illuminance
This is critical because one of the main security issues is identifying persons and vehicles and their
movement which is best done by viewing their vertical surfaces.
This is important primarily to avoid dark areas where persons or objects may be hidden. Uniformity
has also been found to be useful in enhancing video camera effectiveness.
Lighting aimed in the wrong direction can cause glare that can adversely affect the ability of
occupants and security personnel to identify persons and/or objects
Numerous case studies and related research further show that simply increasing light levels or
maintaining high lighting levels does not necessarily promote or maintain enhanced safety or security. It
is primarily other factors associated with the placement and quality characteristics of exterior lighting that
tends to enhance security. The need for enhanced lighting for security and the methods of achieving this
capability need to be specifically evaluated for each application.
The guideline notes that in the 1960s many municipalities across the nation improved their street
lighting partially to address crime. However, a review of the studies performed to evaluate the changes
showed that there was no statistical evidence that improved lighting influenced the level of crime. There
was evidence in the studies that the improved lighting tended to decrease the anticipation or fear of crime
among residents. Additional studies throughout the 80s and 90s primarily in England showed mixed
results. Summaries of US and overseas studies looking at lighting related to crime also offer only mixed
results with one statistical study in the UK indicating that internal and external lighting had little or no
influence on crime rates. At least one study indicated that increased lighting can support increased crime
opportunities by identifying targets for criminals.

Section 4.0 of the guideline document discusses when security would typically be considered an issue
and therefore different lighting should be considered above or beyond standard IES recommendations. A
summary of the basic exterior characteristics and applications where advanced lighting for security
reasons should be considered include:
Persons or property are a desirable criminal target
The property has a history of crime
Crime in surrounding areas is notably high compared to other areas
Surrounding neighborhood includes: high crime profile facilities/activities such as night clubs,
gambling, gang gatherings, convenience stores, night depositories, restricted access facilities, and
rail yards
The results of a physical security survey or analysis indicate a problem
Obvious physical signs of antisocial behavior are present near or on the property such as graffiti,
vagrants, and poorly maintained facilities.
Recurring, reasonable customer complaints regarding crime exist.
Section 4.0 also provides suggestions on where to start to address possible site security issues through
building objectives, plans, and methods. These suggestions are offered in the form of a series of
questions as follows:
Are the security mission or objective and associated policies and procedures in place including
additional personnel where needed?
Have occupants and tenants been advised of potential threat levels?
Have law enforcement agencies been notified of conditions? Did this include a call for additional
patrols or assistance?
Has a security audit been performed?
Do existing illumination levels, uniformity, glare control, and maintenance plans meet recommended
standards and requirements?
The discussion makes it clear that normal operation of typical facilities and tasks does not constitute a
security issue. Special circumstances need to exist.

3.0 Applicable Litigation Issues with Exterior Lighting
It is important to consider potential legal risks during facility design to address potential lawsuit
situations. However, a lack of understanding of actual litigation experience related to exterior lighting
can drive corporate policy to promote excessive light levels or other low efficiency elements as part of
facility design. The same limited understanding of the drivers for litigation can also inhibit effective
energy saving lighting retrofits. Therefore, an examination of what situations can trigger and eventually
be successful in exterior lighting related litigation may help in avoiding roadblocks to effective energy
savings applications.
A review of US case law summaries related to exterior lighting shows that the critical issues
prompting possible litigation were:
Minimum Illumination levels below the accepted industry standard for the specific application [the
summary references illumination recommendations provided by IES as the source of an appropriate
standard for lighting].
Illuminance insufficient for operation of security cameras [the summary generally relates this to non-
uniform illumination].
Lighting fixtures insufficiently safeguarded from vandalism.
Lamps not inspected and sufficiently cleaned in high dirt accumulation conditions.
Lamps not replaced before they burn out thereby creating non-uniform lighting conditions.
Lack of notice by signage of any specific safety or security risk.
A summary conclusion from this representation of litigation issues is that all issues are based on
negligence in meeting typical industry standards of care related to exterior lighting. The case law also
general notes IES as providing this standard of care. The IES Handbook and associated related
documents provide the recommended design practice that forms this collective standard. Lighting design
that exceeds these recommendations is not shown to provide any specific additional protection from
potential litigation.

4.0 Exterior Area Lighting Evaluation and
Retrofit Recommendations
The following exterior lighting evaluation and retrofit suggestions can help identify areas where
lighting for safety and/or security may be in need of attention or where lighting retrofit opportunities exist
and recommended actions.
In each case, perform detailed audits of selected areas that represent the application. Ensure that
areas that appear to be under lighted are part of the evaluation. Characterize by measured light levels any
under lighted or over lighted areas according to IES light level recommendations (currently based on the
edition Lighting Handbook and related IES documents). Also note other characteristics such as glare,
color, and shadows that may be issues with effective lighting of the space. Any locations with
substandard lighting according to industry standards (IES) should be considered for correction. Areas
with over lighted conditions present an opportunity for energy savings.
4.1 Parking Lot Lighting
Full-output lighting for most parking facilities (see section on security and safety concerns) is only
needed during business or occupied hours and only needed for traversing and parking vehicles safely and
pedestrian traffic. For most commercial facilities this will involve only part of the evening (dark) hours.
The minimum horizontal illuminance on typical asphalt parking surfaces according to general IES
guidelines is 0.2 footcandles (fc) at any given point (not the average).
4.1.1 Recommendations
Ensure that all parking lot lighting is controlled with a photocell or similar control to eliminate
daytime operation (for uncovered parking) in addition to any other time switch or occupancy controls.
When lot lighting is scheduled for replacement or when economic analysis supports immediate
replacement, consider lower wattage lamp and ballast replacements in overlighted areas. Consider light
emitting diode (LED) technology as an effective replacement option. LEDs provide potentially more
uniform distribution, whiter light for better contrast and identification of objects, dimmability and
instant on capability, and potentially longer useful life.
Evaluate the use of parking areas and categorize as either:
Defined operating hours use (office, retail, maintenance/storage, etc.)
Potential intermittent 24/7 use (i.e., barracks, security)
In defined hours of use facilities with known shift hours, apply time switching that will turn off most
parking lot lighting after expected use of the parking area. This could be accomplished by time switching
all but a few night-lite fixtures in the lot. It could also be accomplished by dimming the lot lighting
after expected use hours (LEDs can be dimmed successfully).

For expected intermittent use lighting, consider the use of lighting controlled by occupancy sensors.
This would require a change to instant on technology such as LED or fluorescent. The sensors would
activate part or all of the lot (depending on size) when occupants or vehicles approach or enter the area.
This could be applied in place of dimming or switching in lots with defined use hours for after hours use.
4.2 Wallpack Lighting
The use of wallpacks is a typical design application intended to provide perceived security lighting as
well as after dark door access lighting but is commonly over applied. Wallpacks on blank walls are
commonly perceived as security lighting but in many cases are not directly tied to any expected security
issue. In other cases wallpack lighting serves as faade lighting that is applied to give the facility a sense
of spatial or corporate identity. However, the general need for this type of identity for many standard
facilities is minimal. In some cases, existing parking or street lighting provides sufficient lighting for
spatial identity. The wall lighting over doors is typically needed only for after dark access to the building
and a small amount of lighting is reasonable to maintain door location identification. For roll-up doors,
additional lighting that may be needed for loading and similar activities will only be needed for that
specific activity. Note that doors serving as points of exit discharge (egress) have special code
requirements and restrictions in terms of output and control.
4.2.1 Recommendations
1. Wattage
When appropriate (at burnout, on scheduled replacement, or based on economic payback), replace
existing high pressure sodium (HPS) and metal halide (MH) over door wallpacks with lower wattage
sources. Personnel doors require only small sources such as a residential style entry door light.
Lighting at roll-up doors for area loading functions may require more. Also see the recommendations
under wallpack lighting (controls). Consider LED products due to their more even distribution,
whiter light for better contrast and visual distinction, and potentially longer life than HPS and MH.
Re-evaluate the need for wallpack lighting on blank walls at all facilities and identify those that truly
have a security or safety concern. In some cases fewer lights can be retained and lower wattages can
be incorporated.
2. Controls
Ensure that all exterior lighting on buildings is controlled with a photocell or similar control to
eliminate daytime use. Consider manual-on timed control for any additional lighting associated
with loading or similar activities outside of roll-up doors. This would either require a separate fixture
for the additional wattage or a multiple source fixture. This could be accomplished with a small
residential type door location light that is automatically controlled by photosensor, plus a separate
higher wattage HPS or MH wallpack that is operated manually with a 1-hour timed override switch.
This would require that users manually turn on the lighting when needed and would need to
re-energize if needed for more than one hour. Locations that have scheduled after hour use of these
areas could be provided with longer time settings. This could be similarly done with LED lighting in
the form of separate fixtures or a combination fixture (similar to a standard incandescent 3-way

4.3 Street Lighting
Locations that are higher than IES recommendations may provide some opportunities for retrofits.
Current recommendations for average horizontal illuminance on typical asphalt road surfaces include:
local road in area of low pedestrian conflict (typically residential) = 0.4 fc
local road in area of high pedestrian conflict (typically commercial) = 0.9 fc
collector road in area of low pedestrian conflict (typically residential) = 0.6 fc
collector road in area of high pedestrian conflict (typically commercial) = 1.2 fc.
4.3.1 Recommendations
Lower wattage HPS or MH lamps and ballasts could be retrofitted where appropriate to bring light
levels to the appropriate level and increase the efficacy of the lamp and ballast combinations. LED
technology should be considered as a long term retrofit strategy because of its potential for better
uniformity, whiter color, and expected long life.

5.0 Bibliography
edition Handbook, 2001, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York
IES RP-33, Lighting for Exterior Environments, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York, 1999
IES RP-20, Lighting for Parking Facilities, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York, 1998
IES RP-8, Roadway Lighting, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York, 2005
IES G-1-03, Guideline for Security Lighting for People, Property, and Public Spaces, Illuminating
Engineering Society, New York, 2003
Welsh, B., Farrington, D., September 2008, Effects of Improved Street Lighting on Crime, Campbell
Systematic Reviews 2008:13, DOI: 10.4073/csr.2008.13, (
Overview of Light and Crime Studies, (, accessed
September 2009.
Westlaw online legal database, Thomas Reuters, 2009

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