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INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Preventive machinery:

These are the machinery for handling industrial conflicts so that industrial disputes do not occur. But if
preventive machinery fails ,then the industrial dispute settlement machinery should be activated by the
government because non settlement of disputes will prove to be very costly to the workers
,management and the society as a whole.
Preventive machinery The preventive machinery has been set up with a view to
creating harmonious relations between labour and management so that dispute do not arise. It
comprises the following measures Schemes of workers participation Collective bargaining Grievance
procedure Tripartite bodies Code of discipline Standing orders
1.Schemes of workers participation : Schemes of workers participation It is a method where by the
workers are allowed to be consulted and to have a say in the management of the unit. The important
schemes of workers participation are :work committee, joint management council (JMC),shop council
and joint council
2.Collective bargaining : Collective bargaining According to Dale Yoder, collective bargaining is the term
used to describe a situation in which essential conditions of employment are determined by a bargaining
process under taken by representatives of a group of workers on the one hand and of one or more
employees on the other. Collective bargaining not only includes negotiation, administration and
enforcement of the written contracts between the employees and the employers ,but also includes the
process of resolving labour management conflicts.
3.Grievance procedure : Grievance procedure Grievance are symptoms of conflicts in the enterprises .so
they should be handled very promptly and efficiently Coping with grievances forms an important part of
a managers job.
4.Tripartite bodies:
Tripartite bodies Industrial relations in India have been shaped largely by principles and policies evolved
through tripartite consultative machinery at industry and national levels. The aim of the consultative
machinery is to bring the parties together for mutual settlement of differences in a spirit of cooperation
and goodwill Indian Labour Conference (ILC) and Standing Labour Committee(SLC) have been
constituted to suggest ways and means to prevent disputes.
5.Code of discipline:
Code of discipline Code of Discipline is a set of self imposed mutually agreed voluntary principles of
discipline and good relations between the management and the workers in industry, In India, Code of
Discipline was approved by the 16 th Indian LabourConference held in 1958.
6.Standing orders :
Standing orders To prevent the emergency of industrial strife over the condition of employment ,one
important measure is the standing orders. The standing orders regulate the condition of employment
from the stage of entry to the organization to the stage of exit from the organization. It also act as a
code of conduct for the employees during their working life within the organization.

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