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Volume I



Achieving a milestone for any organization all alone is extremely
difficult. However, there are milestones that come across the curvaceous
path like twinkling stars in the sky and make the task much easier. It
becomes our humble and foremost duty to acknowledge all of them.
State Planning Commission would like to gratefully and sincerely thank
the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shri Shivraj Singh
Chouhan for his invaluable guidance and motivation towards finalizing
Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17.
We express deep gratitude to the Hon'ble Planning Minister Shri Raghavji
for his overall guidance and encouragement during writing of this
document 'Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2013-14'.
Heartfelt thanks to Shri B.L. Jain, Vice Chairman, State Planning
Commission for extending his motivational support especially while
reviewing the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
We owe a hearty debt of profound gratitude and deep sense of regard to
our mentor Shri S.R. Mohanty, Member Secretary, State Planning
Commission for his constant encouragement, engrossing guidance and
painstaking efforts rendered to us during the course of drafting this
Deep sense of gratitude to all the government departments for providing
valuable inputs and data time to time. We thank all UN agencies
especially UNICEF for providing technical inputs in finalizing this
document. We also thank senior officials of State Planning Commission,
state consultants of PMPSU and GoI-UN Joint Convergence Program and
support staff for their efforts and inputs.
Still there are many more supporters who directly or indirectly rendered
us valuable help and moral support to complete this endeavour. We have
deep sense of reverence for all of them.

(Mangesh Tyagi)
State Planning Commission

INDEX Page No.
Chapter-I Introduction and Overview 1-26
Chapter-II Review of the 11th Five Year Plan 2007-12 27-46
Chapter-III Key Issues 47-62
Chapter-IV Approach & Salient Features of The Twelfth
Five Year Plan 2012-2017
Chapter-V Resource Mobilization 2012-17 89-98
Chapter-VI Decentralize Planning in Madhya Pradesh 99-106
Chapter-VII Agriculture & Allied Services 107-214
Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development
Food & Civil Supplies
Chapter-VIII Rural Development 193-214
Rural Development
Land Reforms

INDEX Page No.
Chapter-IX Irrigation and Flood Control 215-230
Water Resources Development Department
Narmada Valley Development
Chapter-X Power 231-270
Power (MPSEB)
UVN-Non-Conventional Sources of Energy & Ireep
Chapter-XI Industry and Minerals 271-302
Industries and Employment
Khadi and Village Industries
Chapter-XII Transport 303-306
Civil Aviation
Roads and Bridges (PWD)

INDEX Page No.
Chapter-XIII Scientific Services & Environment 307-312
Science & Technology
M.P. Pollution Control Board
Disaster Management Institute
Environmental Planning & Coordination
Organization (EPCO)
Bio-Diversity and Bio Technology
Information Technology
Chapter-XIV General Economic Services 341-364
State Planning Commission Madhya Pradesh
Economics & Statistics
Weights and Measures
Good Governance
Chapter-XV Social and Community Services 365-538
School Education
Higher Education
Technical Education

INDEX Page No.
Sports and Youth Welfare
Art and Culture
Swaraj Sansthan

Health Services
Medical Education
Indian System of Medicine And Homeopathy
Food and Drug Control
Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation (PHE)
Home (Police) Department
Urban Development (Town & Country Planning)
Urban Administration
State Capital Project
Information and Publicity
Welfare of Scheduled Castes
Welfare of Ghumakkar & Vimukta Jati
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes

INDEX Page No.
Welfare of Other Backward Classes
Labour Welfare
Skill Development
Social Justice
Women & Child Development and Nutrition
Legal Aid to Poor
Infrastructure Development for Justice
Chapter-XVI General Services 533-544
Welfare of Prisoners
Stationary & Printing
Public Works
Directorate of Institutional Finance
Commercial Tax
Chapter XVII Human Development 545-556
Chapter XVIII Women Empowerment 557-574
Chapter XIX Review of Corporate Governance 575-592

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Introduction and Overview

Historical Background:
On re-organisation of States, The state of Madhya Pradesh was formed on
November 1, 1956 as the result of reorganisation of states. The state was
bifurcated to form Chhatisgarh State as per the provisions of Madhya Pradesh
Reorganisation Act, 2000. Present state of Madhya Pradesh came into existence
on 1st November 2000, with 45 districts. Five more districts namely, Alirajpur,
Singrauli, Ashoknagar, Burhanpur and Anuppur, were created raising the
number of districts in the State to 50.

Administrative set-up:
The state now has 10 Commissioner Divisions, 50 Districts, 342 Sub districts
(272 Tehsils) and 313 Community Development Blocks, including 89 tribal
development blocks, 54903 villages and 476 towns. As compare to 2001 census,
5 districts, 83 sub-districts and 83 towns (26 statutory and 57 census towns)
have increased. The number of inhabited villages is 52117. The total number of
villages has been reduced by 490.

Under three-tier Panchayati Raj, the state, at present, has 50 Zila Panchayats,
313 Janpad Panchayats and 23,012 Village Panchayats 14 Municipal
Corporations, 97 Municipalities and 258 Nagar Panchayats (Parishads) covering
entire urban area of the state.

Demographic Scenario:
According to Census 2011, the state had a population of 725.98 lakh as compare
to 603.48 lakhs of 2001 registering decadal growth of 20.3% which is lower by
1 percentage point than that of All India. State Population is about 6 percent of
the country's total population. Madhya Pradesh with an area of 308 thousand sq.
kms is now the second largest State of the country, constituting 9.4 per cent of
the total geographical area. The relationship between the growth of population
and socio-economic development in the state is very complex. The social,
cultural and economic reasons, besides ignorance and lack of access to quality
health and other related services, are primary reasons responsible for high
population growth.The population density is 2

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36 persons per sq. km registering increase of 40 persons over population density
of 196 of census 2001. Population density is still lower than that of all India
average of 383 persons per sq. km. The state has an urban population of 200.60
lakhs and the rural population is 525.38 lakhs. The ratio of rural urban
population is 72.37 percent. Urban and rural population is distributed more or
less evenly in case of southern state, Maharashtra and Gujarat due to
opportunities available in urban areas. To bring similar change in state like
Madhya Pradesh, dependency on agriculture has to be reduced.
Out of total population, 376.13 lakhs are males and 349.85 lakhs, are females.

The sex ratio for the State is 930, which is low as compared to 940 at the
national level. However, the sex ratio in 0-6 age group is 912 as against national
average of 914. Overall sex ratio for the state has improved during the decade
but the sex ratio in 0-6 age group has declined at faster rate as compare to all
India. Census 2011 marks a considerable fall in child sex ratio in the age group
of 0-6 years and has reached an all time low of 914 since 1961. The fall has
been 13 points (927-914) for the country during 2001-2011. In Madhya Pradesh,
this fall in sex ratio is of 20 points (932 -912) during 2001-2011. Falling sex
ratio among age group of 0-6 years is major area of concern not only for the
state but for the nation also.

There is high concentration of tribal population in the state. As per 2001
Census, the Scheduled tribes and Scheduled Caste population is 122.33 lakhs
and 91.55 lakhs respectively. The Percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to
total population of the state is 20.27 as against 8.20 percent at all India Level.
Tribal population of the state accounts for 14.51% of the total tribal population
of the country. Of 122.33 lakh scheduled tribe population as per census 2001,
Bhil is most populous tribe constituting 37.75% of total tribal population of the
state. Gond is the second largest tribe accounting for 35.62%. Kol and Korku
are tribes having population in range of 5 to 10 lakh and both accounts for
12.38% of tribal population. Sahariya, Baiga and bharia, have been identified
as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups", are other three tribes numbering
935625in the descending order accounting for 8.65% of states tribal
population. Sour tribe is having 1.06% of tribal population. These eight tribes
put together account for 94.46% of tribal population. The population of
Pardhan, is 105692 and constitute merely 0.86 % and other 38 tribes have share
of 4.68% in tribal population. Among these there are twelve tribes having
population less than 1000 and five tribes have population of less than 500 each
are Nagesia etc., Parja, Birhul etc, Andh and Mina. Dhar, Badwanni, J habua,
(Alirajpur) Mandla and Dindori districts have more than 50 percent tribal
population. In Khargone, Chhindwara, Seoni, Sidhi (Singroli) and Shahdol
(Anuppur), Umaria, Betul, districts tribal population ranges between 30 to 50

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The percentage of Scheduled Caste population to the total population of the
state is 15.17, which is slightly lower than the all India average of 16.20. The
combined population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes is more than one
third (35.44 Percent) of the total population of State as per 2001 census.

The decadal growth rate of population in the State during the period 2001-11 is
20.3 percent, which is significantly higher than the all-India rate of 17.64 per
cent in the same period. In other words, state population has grown1.87% per
annum during 2001-11 against 1.64% per annum of nation. The demographic
scenario in the state is still characterized by a very high birth and death rates. In
the year 2010, the crude birth rate in the state was 27.3 as against the all India
average of 22.1 whereas the crude death rate in the state was 8.3 as against the
all India average of 7.2. State is ranked 33 in case of crude birth rate while it
ranked 34 in case of crude death rate among states and union territories of the
country. Thus natural growth rate of the state (19.0) was higher than the national
(14.9) i.e. around four more child births per 1000 population occurred in the
state in 2010 as per latest SRS bulletin. The Infant Mortality Rate at 62 is
significantly higher than the all India average of 47in 2010and is highest in the
country. It worth mentioning that drop in IMR by 5 points, as compare to that of
2009, is highest in the country. Life expectancy at birth in the state as per SRS
during 2006-07 is 62.5 years for males and 63.3 years for females as against
65.8 years and 68.1 years respectively at the national level.
The literacy rate in the State, as per 2011 census, is 70.6 percent as against 74.0
percent at the National level. The literacy rate among female and male is 60.0%
and 80.5% respectively and is lower than literacy rates of 65.5% among female
and 82.1% among male at all India level. The literacy rate in rural and urban
area of the state is 57.8% and 79.4% against 58.7% and 79.9% respectively at
the national level. Urban Rural gap in literacy is almost at par with national
level. Male Female gap in literacy in the state is 4.2 percentage points more
than that of country as whole.

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Comparative Literacy Rate of M.P and India: 2011

In providing educational facilities, the state has made impressive progress
resulting in tremendous expansion of elementary education. The progress is
contribution of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan and District Primary Education
Programme (DPEP). With this, the access to primary school within a kilometre
and upper primary school within three kilometres has been ensured. In Madhya
Pradesh there were 96797 primary schools during 2009-10, which include
83412 governments, 12533 private schools and 852 aided schools. Similarly,
there were 43662 middle schools comprising 28479 Government, 14773 private
and 410 government aided schools. Besides these, around a thousand of Ashram
Shalas (residential schools at elementary level) are functioning in tribal areas of
the state to serve the children of the area. There are 12121 high and higher
secondary schools being run by various agencies in the state.

In case of primary and upper primary school education, state is performing
better than the nation as a whole on the various indicators as released by DISE
2010. Percentage of girls' enrolment in the total enrolment is increasing
consistently during past three years and had risen from 48.3% to 49.20% during
2008-09 to 2010-11 in primary classes (class i-v) and in case of upper primary
classes (vi-viii) girls' enrolment has increased from 46.49% to 49.43% during
same period and hence increasing gender parity index (enrolment).

Dimensions of Poverty:
The incidence of poverty in Madhya Pradesh is one of the highest among the
states of the country. Thus the poverty is an area of great concern for the state.
As per Planning Commission estimates based on Report of the Expert Group to
Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty, November 2009 using 61

round of NSSO data. The State had fourth highest percentage of poor
households among 15 non-special category states in the year 2004-05, next only
to Orissa, Bihar and Chhatisgarh. The incidence of poverty in rural areas was
more than that of urban areas. In 2004-05 the percentage of population living
TotalLiteracyRate MaleLiteracyRate FemaleLiteracyRate
India M.P.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
below poverty line in rural areas was 53.6 as against 35.1 for urban areas. The
overall poverty in the state has increased from 44.6 % in 1993-94 to 48.6 % in
2004-05. Recent press release of Government of India on Poverty Estimates for
2009-10, based on 66
Round NSS(2009-10), reveals that All India HCR (Head
count Ratio) has declined by 7.3 percentage points from 37.2% in 2004-05 to
29.8% in 2009-10, with rural poverty declining by 8.0 percentage points from
41.8% to33.8% and urban poverty declined by 4.8 percentage points from25.7
to 20.9%. While in case of Madhya Pradesh, overall poverty has declined by
11.9 percentage points from 48.6% in 2004-05 to 36.7% in 2009-10, rural
poverty declining by 11.6 percentage points from 53.6% to42.0% and urban
poverty declined by 12.2 percentage points from35.1 to 22.9%. The rate of
decline in poverty in the state is higher than that of nation. The comparative
picture is depicted below in figure. Only astonishing fact is that monthly per
capita expenditure for the persons living below the poverty line in 2009-10 has
estimated lowered as compare to that of 2004-05 at current price. In other words
this means that same consumable basket for a person cost less 2009-10 as
compare to that in 2004-05 and this is not true. The cost of education and health
services has up moving trends during the period.

MPRural MPUrban MPAll IndiaRural IndiaUrban IndiaMPAll
199394 200405 200910

Despite high rates of growth, large sections of population still live below
poverty line. This is a major challenge as it is probably the most important
determinant of quality of life. The reduction in poverty over the years has
become an irrelevant as other factors such as access to various important
services such as education, health etc need to be incorporated in estimating
poverty instead of per capita monthly consumption expenditure.

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The analysis of 61
round of NSSO data, in light of Report of the Expert Group
to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty, November 2009, reveals
that in rural area of the state 80% of schedule tribe, 63% of schedule caste and
45% of other backward classes population was living below poverty line in
2004-05. In urban area 60% of schedule caste, 47% of other backward classes
and 43% of schedule tribe population was living below poverty line. In all 43.97
lakh rural and 10.40 lakh urban households were living below poverty line in
the state.

Table 1.1: Incidence of Poverty in Madhya Pradesh (HCR)

Social Classes Rural Urban All
Scheduled Tribe 80.02 42.60 77.02
Scheduled Caste 62.55 59.65 61.88
Other Backward Classes 44.68 46.95 45.26
General 22.89 14.56 18.79
All 53.59 35.06 48.59

Work Force, Employment and Unemployment:
According to the 2001 census, out of the State's total population of 603.48
lakhs, the number of total workers was 257.94 lakh, comprising of 161.95 lakh
males and 95.99 lakh females. Of the total workers, 209.00 lakhs were in rural
areas and 48.94 lakhs in urban areas. Of the total 257.94 lakh workers in the
State, 191.03 lakh were classified as main workers and 66.91 lakh as marginal
workers. Thus, of the total work force of the State, 74.05 percent are main
workers and 25.95 percent are marginal workers. The work participation rate in
the State is 42.74. Of the total workers in the State, 42.79 percent were
cultivators, 28.69 percent were agricultural labourers, and 4.01 percent were
engaged in household industry and rest 24.51 percent in other services.

The number of government employees as on 31
March 2007 was 7.33 lakh
which has increased to 7.99 lakh on 31
March 2011, thus registering the
growth of 2.29 % over the base year. During the period, the regular employees
of government departments, government public undertakings, semi-government
bodies, development boards and of universities have declined. While the
number of employees of urban and rural local bodies have increased as
activities have increased due to some of programmes for which funds are being
allocated directly to district functionaries and PRI. The decline of manpower in
universities is the matter of concern as much stress is being laid on higher

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The number of persons on the live registers of Employment Exchanges as on
J une 2010 was 19.54 lakh, of which, the number of educated job-seekers were
15.21 lakh. The number of persons on the live registers as on June 2011 was
20.02 lakh and the number of educated job-seekers was 15.66 lakh. Thus the
proportion of educated job seekers has increased from 77.8% in 2010 to 78.2%
in 2011.

Based on population projections by age reveals that available labour in age
group 15-59 years in March, 2007 was 39.21 million and will be 44.30 million,
48.96 million and will increased to 53.05 million in 2012, 2017 and 2022
respectively. Assuming age 20 to 59 is working age group, and then available
labour in March, 2007 was 31.85 million and will be 36.58 million in 2012,
41.22 million in 2017 and will increased to 45.32 million in 2022.

It is estimated that additional increase in labour force during XI plan and XII
plan periods will be 3.85 million and 3.33 million. Thus during XI plan period,
per annum 7, 70,000 job opportunity needs to be created of which 5, 22,600 for
males and 2, 47,600 for female. In XII plan period, the targets of job
opportunity to be created per annum are 6, 65,600 of which 5, 13,600 and 1,
52,000 for men and women respectively. The composition of additional labour
force reveals that persons with educational qualification of middle, secondary
and higher secondary will account for 46.15 % of total increased labour force in
XI plan period and 58.27 % in XII plan period.

Growth in State Economy and State Income Growth Targets for 11th Plan:
The Government of Madhya Pradesh has targeted an overall growth rate of 7.9
percent per annum during the 11
five year plan period at 1999-2000 prices.
Targets for agriculture, industry and service sector were set at 5, 10 and 8
percent respectively.

Growth in Gross State Domestic Product:
Since beginning of eleventh five year plan, state economy has registered a
moderate improvement. The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of the state,
as per 2004-05 series at current prices, has increased from Rs 124276 crore of
2005-06 to Rs. 216958 crore in the year 2009-10 as per quick estimates, thus
registering an increase of 74.58 percent while at constant prices(2004-05) the
Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of the state, has increased from Rs.
118919 crore of 2005-06 to Rs. 159075 crore in the year 2009-10 registering an
increase of 33.77 percent over the period of four years. The difference in GSDP
at current prices in 1999-00 and 2004-05 series is due to revision in light of
improvements in coverage, procedures of compilation and use of recent data
available from various surveys as per guidelines of CSO.

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The projected growth rate of GSDP expected to achieve during XI plan at 1999-
2000 prices is 8.8% while projected growth rate for primary sector is 4%,
secondary sector 11.6% and tertiary sector 9.6%. (See: Mid Term Appraisal of
Eleventh Five Year Plan, Madhya Pradesh) which is higher 6.86 % of growth
rate observed during Tenth plan period at 1999-2000 prices.

Directorate of Economic and Statistics (DES) of MP has made available 2004-
05 series of GSDP data for 2004-05 to 2009-10 with base year of 2004-05.
GSDP series with base year of 2004-05 has been revised in light of
improvements in coverage and procedures of compilation and use of recent data
available from various surveys as per guidelines of CSO.
Gross State Domestic Product at 2004-05 prices shows that annual growth rate
of 5.31 %, 9.23 %, 4.69 %, 12.37%, 9.55 % and 8.96% has been achieved by
the State during 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11
respectively. At current prices, growth rate observed are 10.05%, 16.34%,
11.69%, 21.72%,15.62% and 19.65% during 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-
09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively and same is presented in Figure2.

200001 200102 200203 200304 200405 200506 200607 200708 200809(P) 200910(A) 201011(Q)



CurrentPrices ConstantPrices(200405Prices)

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9
Table 1: Growth Rate of GSDP by Industry of origin at Constant Prices
(2004-05) and Current Prices (2004-05 Base)
Sector 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
2009-10 (Q) 2010-11(A)
Constant Prices (2004-05)
Primary 7.04 2.35 -1.49 10.20 10.45 7.17
Secondary 4.70 16.71 5.93 17.31 7.72 10.12
Tertiary 4.61 9.04 7.52 10.40 10.31 9.16
Total 5.31 9.23 4.69 12.37 9.55 8.96
Current Prices
Primary 10.47 11.05 5.40 22.14 20.95 22.07
Secondary 10.12 22.24 14.29 26.96 10.24 17.74
Tertiary 9.75 16.03 13.75 18.15 16.07 19.46
Total 10.05 16.34 11.69 21.72 15.62 19.65

Source: Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

Using 2004-05 series data, comparative growth since present Madhya Pradesh
came in existence, during X Plan period and XI plan period is presented below
in table 2.

Table 2 : Growth Rates of GSDP at Constant Prices (At 2004-05 Prices)
for different periods

Sector 1999-2000
X Plan Period During first
four years of
XI Plan
During XI Plan
Constant Prices (2004-05)
Primary 4.22 7.40 9.38 8.75
Secondary 7.30 8.04 11.25 11.11
Tertiary 5.99 5.30 9.99 10.08
Total 5.87 6.57 10.21 10.06

This table reveals that rate of growth in GSDP during 1999-2000 to 2010-11
periods is below 6% per annum. During first four years of XI Plan Period, State
GSDP has grown at faster rate as compare to that of X Plan Period in all the
sectors. Based on projections of GSDP, it is expected that growth rate of
10.06% per annum during XI plan will be achieved, while expected growth rate,
for primary, secondary and tertiary sector is 8.75%, 11.11% and 10.08%
respectively which are significantly higher than that of X Plan Period.

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Primary sector registered negative growth in 2000-01, 02-03, 04-05 and 07-08
during 1999-2000 to 2010-11. In long term primary sector has registered growth
of 4.22% during 1999-2000 to 2010-11 and 7.40 % during X plan period while
9.38% annual growth has been observed during first four years of XI plan
period on 2004-05 base at constant prices.

Gross product of both Secondary and Tertiary sector have grown at the rate of
7.30 % and 5.99 % at constant prices during 1999-00 to 2010-11 respectively on
2004-05 base. During 2002-03 to 2006-07, both the sectors have registered the
higher growth rate of 8.04% and 5.30 % respectively. During the period of
2007-08 and 2010-11 both the sectors have performed better in real terms with
growth of 11.25% and 9.99% per annum.

Figure 2: Growth rate in GSDP during different Periods: MADHYA

11.25 11.11
9.99 10.08
10.21 10.06
19992000to201011 XPlan Duringfirst fouryears
ofXIPlan Period
DuringXIPlan Period
Primary Secondary Tertiary Total

It is observed that growth rate on annual basis at current prices for all
sectors and as whole is very high as compare to that of constant prices.
Projected growth rate at current prices is as follow:

Table 3: Projected Growth Rates of GSDP at Current Prices

Sectors During XI Plan Period (Projected)
Primary 21.68
Secondary 17.31
Tertiary 17.86
Total 18.68

The trend of Sectoral composition of Gross State Domestic Product of Madhya
Pradesh as shown in table shows that a significant change has taken place
between 1999-2000 and 2010-11 in form of drop in share of primary sector in

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GSDP from 31.03% in 1999-00 to 24.51% in 2010-11 as per quick estimates.
Similar trend have been observed in 2000-01 and 2002-03 but could not
maintained in long run. The trends during 2004-05 to 2006-07 as shown are
seems to be range bound. Based on provisional estimate for 2008-09, quick
estimates for 2009-10 and advance estimates of 2010-11 shows shift in trend
which is similar to what has been observed in 2000-01 and 2002-03 are
prevailing for a longer spell of four years. This trend of sectoral composition
should be maintained or change in favour of secondary and tertiary sectors. It is
necessary because, primary sector which is mainly agriculture, depend upon
monsoon. The reducing share of primary or agriculture (including animal
husbandry) in gross domestic product indicates positive sign provided
dependence on agriculture is reducing, rural populations participation in non-
agriculture activities is increasing, rural habitats are being employed in private
and public services and employment in agriculture related industries such as
food processing etc in rural areas. This aspects need to be probed further.
Otherwise, declining share of primary sector in GSDP is sign of deteriorating
condition of rural economy in real sense.

Percentage contribution to Gross State Domestic Product: Sector wise
(2004-05 Base) at Constant (2004-05) Prices and Current Prices

/YEAR 99-00 00-01
02 02-03 03-04
05 05-06 06-07 07-08
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
31.03 25.07 28.80 24.65 29.74 27.66 28.12 26.35 24.79 24.31 24.51 24.11
28.00 21.60 25.03 20.95 26.36 24.39 25.01 23.53 22.08 21.53 21.79 21.37
26.23 27.90 26.36 27.43 26.02 27.15 26.99 28.84 29.18 30.47 29.96 30.28
42.73 47.03 44.84 47.93 44.24 45.19 44.89 44.81 46.02 45.22 45.53 45.61
GDSP 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
30.24 25.47 28.41 25.35 30.70 27.66 27.77 26.51 25.01 25.10 26.28 26.81
27.16 22.02 24.67 21.76 27.38 24.39 24.61 23.62 22.25 22.39 23.53 24.18
25.25 26.75 25.49 25.82 24.83 27.15 27.17 28.55 29.21 30.47 29.08 28.61
44.51 47.77 46.10 48.83 44.47 45.19 45.07 44.95 45.78 44.43 44.65 44.58

Inconsistence performance of Agriculture sector (including Animal Husbandry),
on which rural population depends, is due to more dependence on monsoon.
The sector has registered negative growth in 2000-01, 02-03, 04-05 and 07-08
during 1999-2000 to 2010-11. In long term sector has registered growth of

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
4.40% during 1999-2000 to 2010-11 and 8.49 % during X plan period while
9.28% annual growth has been observed during first four years of XI plan
period on 2004-05 base at constant prices. Corresponding growth rate at current
prices were 7.76%, 11.64% and 22.19% respectively. The difference in growth
rate at constant and current prices reveals that inflation has significantly
increased in first four years of XI plan period as compare to X plan period.

Growth rate in GSDP from Agriculture Sector (Including Animal Husbandry)
during different Periods: MADHYA PRADESH

19992000to201011 XPlan DuringfirstfouryearsofXI
ConstantPrices CurrentPrices

The per capita income of the state at constant prices has increased from Rs.
15442 in 2004-05 to Rs. 22460 in the year 2010-11, while at the national level,
it increased from Rs. 24143 to Rs. 35993 during the same period. Per capita
income at constant prices has grown at the rate of 6.64% and 6.82 % per annum
for Madhya Pradesh and All India level respectively during 2004-05 to 2010-11.
In 2004-05, per capita income in MP was 63.96% National per capita income
which has come down to 62.40 % in 2010-11. All India per capita income has
increased by Rs 11850 while MP's per capita income increased by Rs. 7018
during 2004-05 to 2010-11 at constant prices on 2004-05 base, which is around
59.22% of all India increase. Per capita income increased at current prices on
2004-05 bases for All India is 29188 against Rs 18464 of during 2004-05 to
2010-11. Increase in per capita income at current prices during 2004-05 to
2010-11 is around 63.26% of all India increase. The gap in per capita income in
absolute terms and in term of increase shows the disparity which may be term as
regional disparity and indicator of level of development as compare to nation,
which need to be addressed. Per capita income at Constant and current prices
are shown in Table 4.

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TABLE 4: Per Capita Income at Constant (NSDP) (2004-05 Prices) Base

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11(Q)
At constant Prices of 2004-05
Madhya Pradesh
Per Capita
Income 15442 15927 17073 17572 19442 20938 22460
Growth rate 3.14 7.20 2.92 10.64 7.69 7.27
Per Capita
Income 24,143 26,015 28,067 30,332 31,754 33,843 35993
Growth rate
7.75 7.89 8.07 4.69 6.58 6.35
At current prices
Madhya Pradesh
Per Capita
Income 15442 16631 19028 20935 25175 28631 33906
Growth rate 7.70 14.41 10.02 20.25 13.73 18.42
Per Capita
Income 24,143 27,131 31,206 35,825 40,775 46,117 53331
Growth rate 12.38 15.02 14.80 13.82 13.10 15.64

Source: Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh and
Press Information Bureau, Govt. of India, dated 31
January 2012.

Natural Resources

Land Use Pattern:
The state has a geographical area of 307.56 lakh hectares. Out of this 152.23
lakh hectares was the net area sown in 2010-11, 13.28 lakh hectares was under
permanent pastures, grazing lands and under miscellaneous tree crops. Another
10.72 lakh hectares was current and old fallow land. The cultivable waste land
was 10.88 lakh hectares. Area is not available for cultivation is 34.24 lakh
hectares, which is either barren or uncultivable land, or land put to non-
agricultural uses. The area under forest as per revenue record differs from area
under forest as reported by the forest department. The area under notified forests
is 86.21 lakh hectares. It should be noted that area under the forest is about
94.69 lakh hectare as per forest department.

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Land Use Classification 2010-11
Land Use Classification Area (in
to Total
Forest 86.21 28.03
Not available for cultivation 34.24 11.13
Other Uncultivable land excluding fallow
Land 13.28
Cultivable waste land 10.88 3.54
Fallow Land 10.72 3.49
Net area sown 152.23 49.50
Total 307.56 100

Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in the whole country. The forest
resource covers an area of 94.69 thousand square kilometers, which is
approximately 30.72 percent of the total geographical area and accounting for
12.31% of total forest area of the country. According to the Forest Department
estimate, the Reserved forest constitutes 65.4% of total forest area of the
state(61.89 lakh hectare) while Protected Forests accounts for 32.8% of forest
area with 31.10 lakh hectare of area and with 1.70 lakh hectare of Unclassified
Forest accounts for 1.8% of total forests.

Forest acts like ecological factories providing the country with numerous
tangible and intangible benefits. The forests are the main source of supply of
fodder and fuel for rural and tribal population residing in the interior and
underdeveloped areas of the state in addition these forests serves as a source of
income in form of minor forest produce and other plants of medicinal values
which are being collected by them. The forests have a host of economically
viable important species of vegetation amongst which Teak and Sal occupy
prime position. Increasing population and developmental needs have exerted a
steadily increasing pressure demand resulting in the shrinking of forests. Over-
exploitation of forests resulted in reduction of forest cover to some extent and
thus reducing the opportunities of livelihood for those who were solely
dependant on forest. The production of Timber, fuel wood and bamboo has
declined sharply as evident from the table presented below.

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The State Government has banned felling of trees in selected areas to facilitate
natural re-generation and curb exploitation to put check on the situation. This
has a tapering effect on the revenue receipts from forests. Efforts have also been
made to increase the forest cover. The Government is actively trying to
conserve the forests through joint forest management with active community

As efforts to conserve and regenerate forests for maintaining the ecological
balance and protecting the environment continue, it would cast a twin burden on
the State Government. On the one hand, it would have to forego substantial
amount of revenue which was forming a principal source of revenue as felling is
banned. Unscrupulous elements would be further tempted to escalate their
activities. To curb these activities, forest protection has to be strengthening
resulting in increased expenditure.

Statement of Forest Produce for the year 2001-02 to 20010-11:

Growth in production (in %) Year Timber

Fuel Wood
(Lakh ton)

ton in
Timber Fuel
2001-2002 4.62 1.73 0.89
2002-2003 3.92 1.66 1.32 -15.2 -4.0 48.3
2003-2004 4.14 4.11 1.32 5.6 147.6 0.0
2004-2005 2.64 2.7 1.06 -36.2 -34.3 -19.7
2005-2006 2.68 2.96 1.04 1.5 9.6 -1.9
2006-2007 2.08 2.19 2.66 -22.4 -26.0 155.8

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Growth in production (in %) Year Timber



ton in lakh)
Timber Fuel
X Plan
3.092 2.724 1.48 -- -- --
2007-08 2.45 3.02 1.17 17.8 37.9 -56.0
2008-09 2.15 1.73 1.01 -12.2 -42.7 -13.7
2009-10 2.58 2.11 0.78 20.0 22.0 -22.8
2010-11 2.78 2.2 0.64 7.8 4.3 -17.9
XI Plan
years Average)
1.992 1.812 0.72 -35.58 -33.48 -51.35

Water Resources:
The ten major rivers of the state, namely, Mahi, Narmada, Tapti, Chambal,
Betwa, Sone, Wainganga, Ken, Sindh and Pench. The estimated annual run-off
in the state from these rivers is about 81523 MCM of which about 56857 MCM
can be harnessed for irrigation purpose and it is possible to irrigate about 69.74
lakh hectares from surface water. Around 52 lakh hectares can be irrigated
through ground water. Thus the state has an ultimate irrigation potential of
about 112.9 lakh hectare. Exploitation of ground water has to be undertaken
cautiously. As on March 2009, around 61 blocks in semi-critical, 4 blocks in
critical and 24 blocks in over exploited category were there.

The net irrigated area in the State during 2007-08 was 64.18 lakh hectares,
which accounted for 43.4 percent of the net area sown. The gross cropped area
during 2007-08 was 205.19 lakh hectares of which 32% (65.67lakh hectare) was
irrigated. The major source of irrigation is Wells & Tube-wells accounting for
around two third of net irrigated area while canals(surface water) contributes for
19 percent of net irrigated area and remaining 15 percent is being contributed by
other sources. The State has developed an irrigation potential of about 24 lakh
hectares through Water Resources Department, against which the utilisation is
only about 50 per cent. Besides this, NVDA has developed a potential of 2.3
lakh ha. The Rural Development and Agriculture Departments are also
contributing to water harvesting and creation of irrigation potential.

In growth of national economy and industrial progress, Minerals play an
important role. It serves as major input in number of industries. The state is
richly endowed with vast reserves of various minerals. Diamonds, Coal,

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bauxite, manganese, lime stone, dolomite, laterite, rock phosphate, iron ore etc
are few important mineral found in the state. Diamonds are being presently
being mined only in the Panna district while few more areas have been
identified where diamonds are in existence.

The production of Diamonds, Bauxite and Manganese ore has grown at the rate
of 73.07%. 46.24% and 10.28% per annum while production of Fire Clay,
Dolomite and Copper Ore has declining trend as shown below. The CAGR of
Rate of various minerals shows that except in case of iron ore and Manganese
Ore rates have increased even after one discount for inflation while in case of
other minerals growth in rates is not significant and in of Bauxite it has inclined.


Production ('000 MT) Value (Rs. in lakh) at current prices Minerals
2006-07 2010-11
to 2010-
2006-07 2010-11
to 2010-
of Rate
to 2010-
Coal 59508 71104 4.55 571074 770079 7.76 3.07
Bauxite 190 869 46.24 379 1163 32.35 -9.50
Copper Ore 2270 2233 -0.41 5706 5800 0.41 0.82
Iron Ore 1148 1267 2.50 1050 5651 52.31 48.60
Manganese Ore 478 707 10.28 17490 46257 27.53 15.64
Dolomite 240 208 -3.51 261 255 -0.58 3.04
Fire Clay 40 31 -6.17 32 32 0.00 6.58
Lime Stone 26200 31156 4.43 28887 40510 8.82 4.21
Diamond (In
2180 19561 73.07 150 1660 82.39 5.38
(P) Provisional

The contribution of mining and quarrying sector in the Gross State Domestic
Product (2004-05 Base) is stagnant at 3.4 per cent in 1999-2000 and 2010-11at
current prices. The Gross Domestic Product from this sector has rose from Rs.
288450 lakhs in 1999-2000 to Rs. 926480 lakhs in 2010-11at current prices
which is 3.21 times of the contribution of sector in 1999-2000. While at
constant price of 2004-05, the Gross Domestic Product from this sector has rose
from Rs. 463221 lakhs in 1999-2000 to Rs. 802055 lakhs in 2010-11, which is
1.73 times of the base period of 1999-2000. The royalty rates of the most of the
major minerals are fixed by Government of India. These are not being revised
timely or adequately in light of prevailing prices, thus causing substantial loss of
revenues to the state.

Agriculture and allied activities occupy an important place in the state economy.
About 72.36 percent of its population lives in villages, this is directly or

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indirectly dependent on agriculture for its livelihood. The agriculture sector
including animal husbandry has registered negative growth in 2000-01, 02-03,
04-05 and 07-08 during 1999-2000 to 2010-11. In long term sector has
registered growth of 4.40% during 1999-2000 to 2010-11 and 8.49 % during X
plan period while 9.28% annual growth has been observed during first four
years of XI plan period on 2004-05 base at constant prices. The share of
agriculture including animal husbandry in Gross State Domestic Product
(GSDP) has declined from 27.16% in 1999-2000 to 24.18% in 2010-11 current
prices on 2004-05 base, though at constant prices it has declined from 28.00%
to21.37% during the same period. The reducing share of agriculture (including
animal husbandry) in gross domestic product indicates positive sign for the
economy if it resulted in reducing dependence on agriculture and increased
employment in agriculture related industries such as food processing etc in rural
areas. In absence of these, rural economy in real sense is deteriorating.
Average size of holding has declined from 2.22 hectare to 2.02 hectare between
two agricultural censuses of 2000-01 and 2005-06. Total number of holdings
has increased to 79.08 from 73.59 lakh while total area of holdings has
decreased to 159.94 from 163.72 lakh hectare during same period. Marginal and
small farmers account for more than two third (67.61%) and hold less than one
third (29.17%) percent of total area. The small size of holding is one of the
major constraints in increasing agricultural productivity.

The data, pertaining to net cultivated area and area sown more than once,
reveals that cropping intensity has been consistently increasing on tri-annum
basis, from 128.20 to 139.82 during tri-annum ending 2003-04 and 2009-10.
Fluctuations are observed in case of net cultivated area which has touched
highest figure of 150.67 lakh hectare in tri-annum ending 2005-06. Highest
gross cropped of 209.31 lakh hectare was observed during tri-annum ending
2009-10. Net cultivated area is almost constant and does not reflect any major
variation. The area sown more than once is showing consistent increase due to
increase in irrigated area.
During 2009-10, the net cropped area is about 150.75 lakh hect. Gross cropped
area of the State is 215.15 lakh hectares. The area sown more than once was
64.4 lakh hectares which account for 29.93% of gross cropped area and 42.73%
of net cropped area. The Kharif and Rabi crops contribute 55%and 45% of grass
sown area respectively. This fact reveals that available land for cultivation (net
area sown) is not being utilized fully during any of the season. In 2007-08,
Tube-wells accounted for around two third of net irrigated area while 19 percent
and 15 percent of net irrigated area was contributed by canals and other sources
respectively. Net irrigated area accounted for 43.4% of net area sown and gross
irrigated area accounted for 32% of gross area sown. The percentage of gross

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and net irrigated area varies in range of 102.13 to 103.63%, this shows that
cropping intensity in areas with irrigation is too low. Main constraint of
achieving targeted level of production is erratic and uneven distribution of
rainfall during.

The major kharif crops are Paddy, J owar, Maize, Bajra, Tur, Urad, Moong,
Soybean, Groundnut, Cotton and Major Rabi crops are Wheat, Gram, Peas,
Mustard, Linseed, lentil and Sugarcane. The production statistics shows that
there are wide fluctuations as state faces draught conditions from time to time.
Almost every alternate year shows dip in production of all major crops. Highest
production of paddy 17.50 lakh MT and wheat 86.87 lakh MT was recorded in
1999-2000. Year 2009-10 has witnessed record production of gram, pulses
soybean and oilseeds. The growth rate in long perspective is found to be
impressive in case of cotton, mustard, soybean and sugarcane while in case of
wheat, gram and pulses growth rate observed are in range of 2.35 to 3.35% per
annum. Trend in growth in area under mustard, sugarcane, cotton, soybean and
gram was found to be good in long term perspectives (1999-00 to 2009-10). The
impact of yield on production is found to be significant in case of soybean,
mustard, groundnut, cotton, wheat and paddy (rice). In case of other crops
impact of yield is insignificant.

The Madhya Pradesh has enormous potential for industrial development due to
abundance of natural resources. The industry sector absorbs proportionally less
work force in comparison to its contribution to GSDP which varies in the range
of 29% and 30% during 2007-08 to 2010-11. The growth in GSDP from
secondary sector, which is primarily industry sector, has been 10.47% per
annum during first four years of XI plan period as compare to 8.04% in X plan
period at constant prices of 2004-05. It is expected that during XI plan period,
growth rate of GSDP from secondary sector will be 11.11% per annum at
constant prices of 2004-05. Thus performance of the industrial sector in the state
can be termed as encouraging. The state has been able to keep pace with the rate
of growth at the national level. State could have done better if more investments
would have come to the state. This is primarily due lack of adequate economic
infrastructure and is the reason for the investments going to states which are

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Registered Factories:

The number of registered factories in the state is consistently increasing since
2005. The number of registered factories was 8,352 in 2005 which has increased
to 8539, 8730, 9204, 9460, 9710 in subsequent years and finally rose to 9998 in
2011(as on December 2011). During 2007 to 2011, number of factories have
observed growth rate of 3.3% per annum. The average daily employment in
factories during 2005 was 3.91 lakh and has increased to 4.74 lakh in 2011.
During 2007 to 2011, average daily employment in factories have observed
growth rate of 5.04 per annum.

Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Enterprises:
The number of agricultural and non-agricultural enterprises in the State between
two economic censuses (1998 & 2005) shows the declining trend. The number
of enterprises has dropped to 17.78 lakh in 2005 from 20.75 lakh in 1998. Thus
2.97 lakh of enterprises have been reduced over the period of seven years. Of
the total reduction in enterprises, rural enterprises accounted for 74.45% while
remaining 25.55% were urban enterprises. This is a matter of concern for the

Central Government Undertakings:
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and the National News Paper Mills (NEPA)
are two major industrial units, functioning as Central Government
Undertakings, located in the State. In addition, to this Security Press at Dewas
and Hoshangabad and Ordinance Factory at J abalpur are also functioning. This
number of industries of Central Government in the state is not proportionate to
its size and population. Thus Central government should initiate in this direction
to set up new industries and plants in the state.

Share of the Manufacturing Sector in Net State Domestic Product:
In 2006-2007, the contribution of manufacturing sub-sector (both registered and
unregistered) was 12.32 per cent of the Net State Domestic Product, which has
marginally reduced to 12.29% in the year 2009-10 at constant prices of 2004-
05. The registered manufacturing sector performance are more erratic as
compare to unregistered sector The net and gross domestic product from the
manufacturing sub-sector, in real terms, i.e., at constant prices of 2004-05, both
for the registered and unregistered sub-sector is presented in the table:

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Net and Gross State Domestic Product originating from Manufacturing Sub-
Sector at constant (2004-05) Prices

Rs. in Lakh
Percent Growth over
previous year
Rs. in Lakh
Percent Growth over
previous year

Registered Un-registered Registered Un-registered Registered Un-registered Registered Un-registered
2005-06 610918 452564 -- -- 831841 513766 -- --
2006-07 919066 493039 50.44 8.94 1166644 559692 40.25 8.94
2007-08 921633 533497 0.28 8.21 1201646 603009 3.00 7.74
2008-09 1197831 537167 29.97 0.69 1519393 613222 26.44 1.69
1277868 552160 6.68 2.79 1640979 634758 8.00 3.51
1322778 584640 3.51 5.88 1727438 673781 5.27 6.15

The analysis from the above table suggests that the income originating from the
manufacturing sub-sector has increased during the past four years and secondly,
the relative share of the registered sectors in NSDP/GSDP is not growing due to
its erratic performance.

According to the Annual Survey of Industries (2008-09), State has 3523
factories which accounts for 2.2% of the total 158877 factories in the country
while state houses 6 percent of total population of the country. This fact not
only shows the industrial backwardness of the state but also highlights the

To reduce the industrial backwardness, State has taken various measures in
recent past such as introduction of Progressive Industrial Policy, improving
infrastructure, improving human resource base, organizing investor meets etc.,
to accelerate the pace of industrialization so that state become at par with
industrially advanced states.

In addition to its rich natural resources, central location and peaceful industrial
climate are the number of advantages for the industrialist to set up their unit in
the state. State has a tremendous potential for faster industrial growth due to
investor friendly industrial policy under which a number of incentives and
facilities such as single window clearing system are being provided. In addition,

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state is creating infrastructure and has developed land bank for industries etc.
To make state as favourite destination for investment and to turn the state as
one of the industrialized state, Industry Policy 2004 is being revisited to make it
more investor friendly and transparent.
State Government is laying more thrust on developing industrial infrastructure,
which includes industrial areas, industrial growth centres and various industrial
parks. Petrochemicals, automobiles, electronics, telecommunications and food
processing units are few of the selected industries which can be set up in the
state. The industries in mineral and agriculture sector will be in advantageous
positions as availability of inputs are in abundance. New industrial areas have
been planned specially along the North South corridor to promote food
processing industries. Similarly, expansion of existing growth centres and IT
parks, stone parks, apparel parks and SEZ has been planned. The work of Delhi-
Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), a dedicated freight corridor between Delhi
and Mumbai, has been in progress. Two investment regions namely Ratlam-
Nagda and Peethampur-Dhar-Mhow and two industrial areas of Neemuch and
Shajapur have been included in the DMIC with a vision to create a strong
economic base. Automobile Testing Track, in additional to industrial parks,
SEZ and industrial areas etc. is expected to attract more investments in the
The mega projects, Bharat-Oman Refinery at Bina has started production
which has vast potential of downstream projects and will help in accelerating
industrial growth of Bundelkhand region of the state. State has intensified its
effort to get natural gas for industrial, commercial and domestic use from the
Hazira-Vijaypur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) pipe-line which passes through the state.
According to the Annual Survey of Industries (2008-09), the per capita net
value added in the factory sector in Madhya Pradesh was Rs. 2164 as against
Rs. 4573 for all India. The provisional results for 2009-10 revealed that the per
capita net value added in the factory sector has increased marginally by Rs. 12
in case of Madhya Pradesh while it has increased by Rs. 302 for country as
whole. To increase per capita net value added, the number of factories in the
state has to be increased.

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Development of agricultural and industrial sector depend on adequate
development of economic and social infrastructure like irrigation, power
generation, transport, communication, technology and human resources. Power
sector plays a crucial role in enhancing the growth of all social and economic
sectors of economy. State is treating Power Sector as one of the priority sector
to strengthen agriculture and industrial base of the state.

The installed capacity of Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company as on
31.3.2011 is 3724.7 MW comprising of 2807.5 MW Thermal and 917.2 MW
Hydel projects. Further, State has share of 2430.5 MW in the Central Sector
Projects. 2371.5 MW from hydel projects in joint venture. Apart from the
above, 216 MW from Private sector and 255 MW from other sectors are
obtained. Thus total installed capacity of 8998 MW is available with state as on
31.3.2011. From 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011, the net addition in installed capacity
of the state is 2578.9MW of which 734.25 MW (660MW from thermal and
74.25 from Hydel projects) is added by Madhya Pradesh Power Generation
Company. Share in Central Sector projects has increased by 659MW, 714.65
MW in J oint Venture Hydel project during same period. Balance increase of
471 MW in generation capacity is contributed by Private sector (216 MW) and
(255 MW) other sectors. During Eleventh Plan period, Capacity of 6,358 MW
from various sources was planned to be added. During 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011
period 40% of planned capacity could be added.

The percentage of villages electrified to total inhabited villages was 97.43
percent as on 31st March 2006 as old definition. The percentage of villages
electrified to total inhabited villages has increased from 65.20 percent in 2010 to
70.00 percent by March 2011 as per new definition of electrified village. In
spite of installing number of on year to year basis, ground situation has not
significantly changed. The number of tube wells and pump-sets in the state were
13.50 lakh in 2006-07 which has declined to 11.35 lakh in 2007-08 and then
progressively increased and reached to 13.20 lakh in 2010-11. The decline may
be contributed to drying up of the source of water and falling water table. This
fact is evident from that out of 313 blocks, 24 blocks in over exploited, 61
blocks in semi-critical and 4 blocks are in critical category as on March 2009.

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Road plays an important role in development especially industry and business.
The position in regard to availability of roads per thousand square kilometres or
per thousand populations is not satisfactory. As per available statistics for the
year 2008, the road density of state was 537.69 kms/ 1000 sq. kms against
national average of 965.73kms/ 1000 sq. Kms excluding roads constructed
under J RY and PMGSY. The situation in this regard for the states like
Arunachal Pradesh, J &K, J harkhand, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Sikkim is worse
than ours. All other states are far ahead and some of them have network of roads
more than 2 to 10 times than that of Madhya Pradesh. In case of urban road
density and rural road density, situation of the state is similar that of overall
road density. Compounded Annual Growth rate observed for the Madhya
Pradesh in case of road density per thousand kilometres during 2003-08 was
0.11 percent against national annual growth rate of 4.06 percent. Thus
performance of the sector is discouraging and strict measures need to be taken
to expand road network so that state can be industrialized. The road density is
not only an indicator of the backwardness of the state but also a major reason
for its backwardness.

As per Basic Road Statistics of India, the total road length of National
Highways, as on 31
March 2008, in the country was 66754km. Of which state
had 4670km of national highways accounting for 7 percent of total highways of
the country. The distribution of National Highways, as on 31
March 2008, in
the state shows that standard single lane accounts for 29.7 % of total highways,
standard double lane and standard multi- lane accounts for 57.9% and 5.3%
respectively. At the national level, standard single lane and standard multi- lane
accounts for 27.1% and 15.0% respectively are indicating the disparity. These
roads apart from having poor specifications in terms of width and crust are also
having poor geometrics and bridges. These need to be upgraded to the norms of
National Highways.

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Postal and Telephone Services:
There number of post offices in the State is declining. The numbers of post
offices were 8,335 in 2005-06 has reduced to 8310 post offices in 2010-11.
Thus population served per post office have increased from 7,951 in 2005-06 to
8713 in 2010-11. The number of telephone connections (including WLL and
Cellular) in the state has registered tremendous growth. It has increased from
1,878 thousand in 2005-06 to 4566 thousand during 2010-11 and has grown 2.4
times during this period. Penetration of telephone connections (including WLL
and Cellular) per thousand of population has increased from 28 in 2005-06 to 63
per in 2010-11.

Registered Vehicles:
The total number of vehicles registered was 46.09 lakh in 2005-06 and have
increased to 65.91 lakh in 2010-11 registering the growth of 7.42 percent per
annum during the period. Of the total registered vehicles, non-commercial
vehicles accounts for more than 90 percent. Motorcycles are the major
constituent of non-commercial vehicles population. The number of
commercial vehicles like taxi cabs and three wheelers, buses and trucks
increased from 4.99 lakhs in 2005-06 to 7.79 lakhs in 2009-10 registering the
growth of 11.78 percent per annum during the period of four years.

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To achieve the goal of Health for All, as per National Health Policy, the State
is working for development of the three-tier health infrastructure facilities. At
present, the State has 50 District Hospitals, 333 Community Health Centres,
1155 Primary Health Centres, 56 Urban Civil Hospitals, 96 Civil Dispensaries,
313 Rural and 96 Urban Family Welfare Centres, 7 T-B Hospitals and 8860
Sub-health Centres, along with facilities of Indian System of Medicine. The
present infrastructure is not enough to meet the requirement of its subjects.

The state has five Government Medical Colleges and one more Medical College
at Sagar is coming up. Besides these, 4 private sector Medical colleges and 12
Dental colleges are functioning in the state. In addition, state has facilities for
providing medical education in Indian, Homoeopathy and Unani system of
medicine. There are 7 Government Ayurvedic colleges and both Homoeopathic
and Unani stream has one college each. The services in these stream is being
provided by 28 Ayurvedic hospitals, 1429 Ayurvedic dispensaries, 4
Homoeopathic hospitals, 146 Homoeopathic dispensaries, 01 Unani Hospital
and 50 Unani dispensaries. The State has been effectively implementing
programmes of Reproductive and Child Health along with other national
programmes under National Rural Health Mission.
Performance of achieving targets related to health such as IMR, MMR, Total
fertility rates etc. is not satisfactory as per the expectations even after lot of
efforts have been done during the eleventh plan period. Major reasons are lack
of infrastructure, manpower both doctors and paramedical staff etc. State is
committed to improve the quality of service and manpower resources (both
Doctors and Para medical staff) and in addition involving public private
partnership to achieve MDG goals set by the state with special attention to rural
areas and the goal of Health for All.

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Review of the Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

The Eleventh Five Year Plan of Madhya Pradesh was formulated keeping in
view the national objectives advocated by the Planning Commission, Govt. of
India. The Plan aimed at the strategies to be adopted for the development of the
state particularly, in the primary, infrastructure and social sector.

The broad objectives set for the Eleventh Five Year Plan were as follows:-

To achieve an overall growth rate of 7.8%. This is envisaged to be
achieved through 5% growth in agriculture and allied sectors, 10%
growth in industry and 8% growth in service sector.
To reduce poverty levels from 38% to 25%
To achieve the literacy rate of 84% by the end of the Plan period and
reduce gender gap in literacy to 14%.
To achieve reduction in dropout rate from 46.8% in 2003-04 to 20% by
2011-12 and eliminate gender disparity in elementary education.
To bring down population growth rate to 1.62% by 2012.
To improve health parameters-reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
to 125, IMR to 40 and TFR to 2.4 so as to bring them near the all India
To improve the sex ratio (06 years) to 950 females per 1000 males.
To reduce malnutrition and anemia to 30%.
To provide sustainable access to safe potable drinking water to all
independent habitations.
To empower women through their socio-economic development and
increased participation in decision making on matters that directly affect
To strengthen social, economic and political empowerment of weaker
sections of the society through welfare of SCs/ STs, OBCs, minorities
and poor.
To expand present irrigation facilities at least by 10.61 lakh hectares
through conservation, efficient utilization and development of water
To develop strong infrastructure of power to provide adequate and
improved quality of power to all the villages and meet the peak demand.

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To provide a minimum single connectivity by all weather BT roads to all
villages with population over 1000 in general and 500 in tribal areas.
To encourage use of information and communication technologies to
bridge digital divide, generate employment, have e-governance and
prepare the state to be a knowledge economy.

The Approach to the eleventh five year plan envisaged an overall growth rate of
7.8% based on primary sector growth of 5%, secondary sector growth of 10%
and service sector growth of at 8% per annum.During Tenth plan period growth
rate of economy was 6.86 % at constant prices (1999-00 prices). During first
three years of eleventh five year plan, state economy has registered a moderate
improvement. Latest estimates of Gross State Domestic Product shows that
annual growth rate of 6.64 %, 8.67 % and 8.60% has been achieved in State's
economy during 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 at constant prices (1999-00
prices ) respectively.The projected growth rate of GSDP expected to achieve
during XI plan at 1999-2000 prices is 8.8% while projected growth rate for
primary sector is 4%, secondary sector 11.6% and tertiary sector 9.6% against
targeted overall growth of 7.8% per annum and primary sector growth of 5%,
secondary sector growth of 10% and service sector growth of at 8% per annum.
(See: Mid Term Appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan, Madhya Pradesh)

Gross State Domestic Product at 2004-05 prices shows that annual growth rate
of 9.23 %, 4.69 %, 12.37%, 9.55 % and 8.96% has been achieved by the State
during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively. Growth
Rate of GSDP by Industry of origin at Constant Prices (2004-05) and Current
Prices (2004-05 Base) has been presented in Table-1.
Growth Rate of GSDP by Industry of origin at Constant Prices (2004-05) and Current
Prices (2004-05 Base)
Sector 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Constant Prices (2004-05)
Primary 7.04 2.35 -1.49 10.20 10.45 7.17
Secondary 4.70 16.71 5.93 17.31 7.72 10.12
Tertiary 4.61 9.04 7.52 10.40 10.31 9.16
Total 5.31 9.23 4.96 12.37 9.55 8.96
Current Prices
Primary 10.47 11.05 5.40 22.14 20.95 22.07
Secondary 10.12 22.24 14.29 26.96 10.24 17.74
Tertiary 9.75 16.03 13.75 18.15 16.07 19.46
Total 10.05 16.34 11.69 21.72 15.62 19.65
Source: Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

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National Gross Domestic product at 2004-05 prices shows that annual growth
rate of 9.57%, 9.32 %, 6.72 %, 8.39%, and 8.39% has been achieved during
2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. In first four years of XI Plan
period growth rate of National Gross Domestic product stands at 7.89% per
annum while state has registered growth rate of 10.21% per annum, which is
2.32 percentage points higher than that of National growth rate.

The agriculture sector including animal husbandry has registered negative
growth in 2000-01, 02-03, 04-05 and 07-08 during 1999-2000 to 2010-11. In
long term sector has registered growth of 4.40% during 1999-2000 to 2010-11
and 8.49 % during X plan period while 9.28% annual growth has been observed
during first four years of XI plan period on 2004-05 base at constant prices.
Year wise growth rates observed are 2.77%, -1.77%, 9.57%, 10.89% and 6.87%
in 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively. At the
national level, the growth rate in the sector are 4.16%, 5.80%, .09%, 1.04% and
7.03% during respective years. Against annual growth rate of 9.28% of the
state during first four years of XI plan national growth is 2.51% annually in
agriculture sector including animal husbandry.

The share of agriculture including animal husbandry in Gross State Domestic
Product (GSDP) has declined from 27.16% in 1999-2000 to 24.18% in 2010-11
current prices on 2004-05 base, though at constant prices it has declined from
28.00% to 21.37% during the same period.

Increase in total number of holdings and decline in average size of holding is
matter of great concern. The marginal and small farmers account for more than
two third (67.61%) and hold less than one third (29.17%) of total area. The
small size of holding is one of the major constraints in increasing agricultural
productivity because diversification of crops is not taking place by small

Cropping intensity has been consistently increasing on tri-annum basis, from
128.20 to 139.82 during tri-annum ending 2003-04 and 2009-10. Fluctuations
are observed in case of net cultivated area which has touched highest figure of
150.67 lakh hectare in tri-annum ending 2005-06. Highest gross cropped of
209.31 lakh hectare was during tri-annum ending 2009-10. Net cultivated area is
almost constant and does not reflect any major variation. The area sown more
than once is showing consistent increase due to increase in irrigated area.
During 2009-10, the net cropped area is about 150.75 lakh hect. Gross cropped
area of the State is 215.15 lakh hectares. The area sown more than once was
64.4 lakh hectares which account for 29.93% of gross cropped area and 42.73%

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of net cropped area. The Kharif and Rabi crops contribute 55%and 45% of grass
sown area respectively. This fact reveals that available land for cultivation (net
area sown) is not being utilized fully during any of the season. The percentage
of gross and net irrigated area varies in range of 102.13 to 103.63%; this shows
that cropping intensity in areas with irrigation is too low.
The growth rate of production in long perspective is found to be impressive in
case of cotton, mustard, soybean and sugarcane while in case of wheat, gram
and pulses growth rate observed are in range of 2.35 to 3.35% per annum. Trend
in growth in area under mustard, sugarcane, cotton, soybean and gram was
found to be good in long term perspectives (1999-00 to 2009-10). The impact of
yield on production is found to be significant in case of soybean, mustard,
groundnut, cotton, wheat and paddy (rice). In case of other crops impact of yield
is insignificant.

Madhya Pradesh attained top position in total pulse and oilseed production with
25.28 and 25.17% share respectively in total national production during 2008-
09. With 39.47% share in Gram production and 59.06% share soybean
production, state was ranked number one. State attained fourth position in rape
& mustard production and fifth position in wheat and arhar production. In case
of cotton, state stand at seventh position in the country. .

The fiscal policy of the State, which is aimed at increasing capital expenditure
so as to ensure investment in social and physical infrastructure so that
productive base of the State's economy can be expanded. Apart from this, for
achieving inclusive growth, revenue expenditure in social sector is also required
to be increased. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to increase
revenue receipts and decrease of Non-Plan Revenue Expenditure (NPRE).
During Eleventh plan period, all fiscal indicators have been monitored strictly
resulting in significant improvement in state of public finance.

The Eleventh Five Year plan was approved for Rs. 70,239 crores at 2006-07
prices. The actual outlay approved has been Rs. 86,187 crores at current prices.
The increase has been possible The actual expenditure (including anticipated
expenditure for 2011-12) is Rs.82652.43 crores. Thus, the performance of the
Eleventh Plan in terms of utilisation of outlay is anticipated to be 117.67% of
the approved outlays.

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The distribution of outlays approved for Eleventh Plan and anticipated
expenditure is presented below:-

The Sectoral Percentage Distribution 11th Plan Outlays & Expenditure

(Rs. in Crore)

Major Sector
Amount % Share Amount % Share
1 Agriculture and Allied
3408.19 04.85 6057.10 07.33
2 Rural Development 7940.08 11.29 7339.14 08.88
3 Special Area Development 3132.04 04.45 3580.16 04.33
4 Irrigation and Flood
15102.61 21.47 13014.19 15.75
5 Energy 9491.78 13.50 8587.85 10.39
6 Industry & Mining 597.06 00.85 1145.66 01.39
7 Transport 8574.84 12.19 11336.26 13.72
8 Science, Technology &
189.88 00.27 308.25 00.37
9 General Economic
1529.90 02.18 1551.07 01.87
10 Social Services 20207.35 28.73 29131.00 35.24
11 General Services 155.27 00.22 601.75 00.73
Total 70329.00 100.00 82652.43 100.00

The growth in GSDP from secondary sector, which is primarily an industry
sector, has been 11.25% per annum during first four years of XI plan period as
compare to 8.04% in X plan period at constant prices of 2004-05. It is expected
that during XI plan period, growth rate of GSDP from secondary sector will be
11.11% per annum at constant prices of 2004-05. States performance, during
first four years of XI plan period, is better than that of national level in almost
all the components of Secondary sector as depicted in Table below:

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Rate of growth in Secondary sector by components at 2004-05 prices:
Sectors 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 During first
four years
of XI Plan
Madhya Pradesh
Mining and Quarrying 11.17 6.23 3.71 9.35 6.13
Manufacturing 4.54 18.17 8.93 7.75 11.26
- Registered 3.00 26.44 8.93 7.64 13.50
- Unregistered 7.74 1.69 8.93 8.03 6.44
Construction 20.29 22.87 7.10 15.36 14.12
Electricity, Gas and Water
Supply -31.85 13.83 11.54 3.44 9.71
Secondary Sector 5.93 17.31 7.72 10.12 11.25
Mining and Quarrying 3.69 2.14 6.29 4.99 4.64
Manufacturing 10.28 4.33 9.66 7.56 7.41
- Registered 10.06 5.87 11.73 7.76 8.75
- Unregistered 10.71 1.28 5.41 7.13 4.66
Construction 8.27 4.56 6.28 3.03 4.78
Electricity, Gas and Water
Supply 10.78 5.34 7.04 8.01 6.81
Secondary Sector 9.67 4.44 8.40 7.16 6.83

Source: Press note (Quick estimates of National Income, Consumption
Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation, 2010-11dated 31
J anuary 2012and
Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of MP.

Around 70 large and medium industries have commenced their production
during eleventh plan period with investment of Rs. 4735 crore with employment
potential of 14000 persons. 65 large and medium units with investment of Rs.
5886 crore are under different stages of implementation which will generate
employment for 14340 persons.
The number of micro and small enterprises established during XI plan period
(Till December 2011) is 93642 having investment of Rs. 1579 crore with
employment prospectus for 208191persons.
The meets of prospect job seeker and employers have been arranged through job
fairs in the state which have yielded good results in last few years. The set
targets of providing employment, for the years 2008-09 to 2011-12, were 51000
persons and employment was provided to 67900 persons till December 2011.

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Sex ratio:
The sex ratio of the state during 1901 census was 972 and it started declining
thereafter and lowest of 912 was in 1991 census. During last two censuses
increasing trend has been noticed. As per 2011 census, the overall sex ratio of
the state is 930 registering an increase of 11 female per 1000 male over 2001.
At the national level with increase of 7 female per 1000 male over 2001, sex
ratio in 2011 is 940. Sex ratio among 06 years age group is showing declining
trend. The sex ratio (06 years) was 941 and 932 in 1991 and 2001 in the state
which has fallen to 912 in 2011. The similar trend is observed at national level
also, it has came down from 945 in 1991 to 927 in 2001 and further dropped to
914 in 2011. This reducing sex ratio is the matter of concern for both the state
and central governments. Although various initiatives taken by state
government such as Ladli Laxmi, free education and discouraging killing of
female fetus etc., have not yielded desired results in improving sex ratio in 06
years age group. Thus the set the goal to bring sex ratio to 950 females per
1000 males during XI plan period could not meet. State Government has taken
fresh initiative in this direction by starting Beti Bachao Abhiyan and creating
awareness regarding importance of female child. Public is responding well to
these initiatives and it is expected that desired results will be achieved in long

Infant Mortality Rate
For XI plan period, state has planned to reduce IMR from 72 in 2007 to 40 by
2012. The data pertaining to IMR as per SRS Bulletins show that annual drop in
IMR has increased to 5 point during 2010 as compare to that of 2009, which is
highest among all the states. This is a positive sign of improvement but still
IMR is highest among the states of the country and is a matter of great concern.
Trend line fitted shows that by 2012 we may be able to reduce IMR to 58 and
45 in 2017 indicating goal is far away to achieve. In rural areas IMR may
reduce to 64 in 2012 and 51 in 2017. Much higher focus need to be emphasized
on delivery of health services in rural areas. Following table shows the trend of
IMR for past years.

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Infant Mortality Rate (Number of deaths per 1000 live births)
Year Rural Urban Total
1999 96 55 90
2000 93 54 87
2001 92 53 86
2002 89 56 85
2003 86 55 82
2004 84 56 79
2005 80 54 76
2006 79 52 74
2007 77 50 72
2008 75 48 70
2009 72 45 67
2010 67 42 62
2012 64 39 58
2017 51 30 45
2020 44 24 37
Source: SRS Bulletins of Various years, Registrar General, India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India.

Maternal Mortality Ratio
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in the state was 335 during 2004-06 against
national average of 254. Target to reduce MMR to 125 by the end of XI plan
has been fixed by the state. This increase in percentage in institutional delivery
during past few years will result in reducing MMR significantly. State
performance has been found to exceptionally good in case of institutional
delivery. This fact is revealed in Impact Assessment of Integrated Child
Development Services: Madhya Pradesh. It is found that during 2009-10,
overall stood at 80.7% for lactating mothers while in urban project area it was
88.6% followed by rural project areas with 86.2%. In Tribal projects
institutional delivery was 65.3 percent for this group. In case of mothers of
children in age group of 6 months to 3 years, institutional delivery observed was
70.5, 86.2, 74.0 and 56.8 percent in all project areas, urban project area, rural
project area and tribal project areas respectively showing significant change in
institutional delivery.
Trend line based on past data reveals that MMR will reduce to 241 in 2010-12
and 200 in 2013-15. The level of 116 will be achieved in 2019-21 which is close

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to the target fixed for eleventh plan. In other words the set targets of eleventh
plan are likely to be achieved at the end of thirteenth five year plan. Numerous
initiatives are being undertaken such as J anani Suraksha, strengthen of micro
birth planning with involvement of ASHA, J anani Express, adoption of
multipurpose strategy to address anemia in pregnant women, providing quality
service of ANC and PNC etc., To deliver the services efficiently, all these
programmes need to be strengthened both by capability and quality so that
MMR decline at faster rate.
Maternal Mortality Ratio (Number of women dying per 1,00,000 live
births) and projections

Source: Data till 2007-09 is from SRS Bulletins of Various years, Registrar
General, India, Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India.

Maternal Mortality Ratio (Number of women dying per 1,00,000 live
births) and projections
Year Total
1997-98 441
1999-2001 407
2001-03 379
2004-06 335
2007-09 269
2010-12 241
2013-15 200
2016-18 158
2019-21 117
2022-24 75

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Source: Data till 2007-09 is from SRS Bulletins of Various years, Registrar
General, India, Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India.

Total Fertility:
State has high total fertility rate of 3.5 in 2006 and aimed at reducing to 2.4
during current plan period. In urban areas TFR is 2.4 which are close to the
target but matter of worry is rural area where it is 3.9. The trend line shows that
by 2012 state may achieve TFR of 3.4 and 2.9 by 2015. The decadal growth rate
of population for the state is 20.3% against national rate of 17.64%, which is
2.66 percentage points more and is matter of concern. Government is improving
the access and quality of family planning services, promoting male sterilization
through NSVT, doing vigorous social marketing for enhancing the age of
marriage of girl child, and making all efforts to promote girls education up to
high school. State is planning to rope private sectors through Public Private
Partnership in health and allied sectors to deliver required services timely and

The status of malnutrition of children in the state is always an issue, which is
often talked about from time to time. The latest data available is of the NFHS 3.
It is noteworthy that the results relating to nutritional status of children are
based on last 2 births in the 3 year before the survey to ever married women and
are based on WHO standards. The recent study Impact Assessment of
Integrated Child Development Services: Madhya Pradesh, carried out by
Poverty Monitoring and Policy Support Unit of State Planning Commission,
covers all the children below 5 years of age in the selected sample households.
The results revealed that there is an improvement as percentage of malnourished
children, in age group less than 5 years, came down 60.0% in NFHS 3 (2006) to
48.1 percent in 2009 Similarly the percentage of severely malnourished children
has fallen from 27.4% to 22.8% during same period. The stunting which is
measure of low height for age and caused by long term insufficient nutrient
intake and frequent infections, the proportion of such children (less than 5 year
of age) has reduced from 49.3 % in 2006 to 38.7% in 2009 as per the study.
Similarly study also revealed that proportion of severely stunted children has
also reduced from 26.3% to 18.3% during the same period. The persistent of
malnutrition among children is irrespective of caste but the only degree of
persistent varies. It is higher among scheduled tribe followed by scheduled
caste, other backward classes and general. The most recent study (pertaining to
March August 2010) done by National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) revealed
that 52% of rural children below 5 years of age are under weight as compare to
62.7% in 2005-06 of NFHS III. Various initiatives are being undertaken and
these initiatives will result in reduction in cases of malnutrition over a period of

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The health related various indicators are not performing at desirable rates. State
has to put much more efforts in term of quality of service and manpower
resources (both doctors and para-medical staff) to achieve MDG goals set by the
state with special attention to rural areas.

During eleventh plan, it was targeted to achieve the literacy rate of 84% by 2012
and reduce gender gap in literacy to 14%. The state could not achieve the targets
but have moved ahead in narrowing the gap. Literacy rate in the state has
increased from 63.7 percent in 2001 to 70.6 percent in 2011 while national
literacy rate increased from 64.8 percent to 74.0 percent during the same period.
The literacy rate has registered increase of 9.2 percentage points during last
decade at national level while states literacy rate witnessed 6.9 percentage
points increase. Madhya Pradesh was positioned 24
among the state on
literacy rate in 2001 and has slipped to 28
position in 2011. Among 8 EAG
states, Madhya Pradesh is ahead of 4 states namely Uttar Pradesh, J harkhand,
Rajasthan and Bihar while states of Astrakhan, Orissa and Chattisgarh have
higher literacy rate than that of state. Gap in literacy Male female is 20.5
percentage points in 2011 as compare to 25.8 percentage points in 2001. The
reduction in gap in literacy Male female in the state is higher as compare to
country as whole. The lowest literacy rate of 37.2 percent is observed in district
of Alirajpur while the highest of 82.5% in Jabalpur district. Highest gap of
more than 33.3 percent in literacy Male female in the state is in Singrauli
district followed by Bhind, Neemuch and shivpuri. Lowest gap in male female
literacy is in District of Bhopal. The number of districts with literacy rate lower
than 50% were 5 in 2001have reduced to 2. There were 34 districts in 2001
having literacy rate between 50 to70%, the number of such districts has reduced
to 21in 2011. On the upper end, 11 districts had literacy rate more than 70 % in
last census; in 2011 census the number of such districts has increased to 27 of
which 3 districts have more than 80% of literacy. To improve the literacy rate
various initiatives have been taken in past and all the initiatives of state and
central government will be implemented more effectively and emphasizing on
quality of education.

In case of primary and upper primary school education, state is performing
better than nation on various indicators as released by DISE 2009-10.
Percentage of girls enrolment in total enrolment is increasing consistently
during past four years and had risen from 48.75% to 49.32% during 2006-07 to
2009-10 in primary (class i-iv) and in case of classes (vi-viii) girls enrolment
has increase from 45.03% to 48.48% during same period and hence improving
gender parity index (enrolment).

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The reducing percentage, of under age and old age children in class (i-iv),
shows the consistent improvement in enrolment of out of school children.
While proportion of under age and old age children in class (v-viii) shows an
increasing trend which means more children who have left the studies after
primary are back in stream.

Over all transition rate from primary to upper primary has improved from
67.95% in 2006-07 to 83.02 in 2008-09. Transition rate for boys and girls was
79.88 and 80.84% respectively during 2007-08. It has improved significantly for
both boys and girls to 82.23% and 83.83% respectively in year 2008-09 as per
DISE 2009-10. Average repetition rate in primary and upper primary classes is
decreasing. In case of primary classes, it has decreased from 13.58% during
2006-07 to 10.44% in 2007-08 and further dropped to 7.89% in 2008-09. For
upper primary classes it has reduced from 11.77% during 2006-07 to 6.97% in
2007-08 and dipped to 5.28% in 2008-09. The average dropout rate observed in
2006-07 was 8.57 which had dropped to 6.55 in 2007-08 and again increased to
8.20 in 2008-09. This type of trend has to be curbed and likely reasons are being
ascertained by the department. From above observations, state is able to reduce
dropout rate and gender disparity in elementary education considerably during
the plan period thus achieving the set goals of eleventh five year plan.

The performance of Educational Development Indicators is not satisfactory
and therefore more intervention has to be planned and implemented to improve
these indicators while on other aspects related to infrastructure, state is
performing well.. The situation of these indicators is presented below:

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Rank of Madhya Pradesh in Educational Development Indicators

Index 2008-09 2009-10 Remarks
Primary Level
Access 13 11 Improved
Infrastructure 19 26 Worsen
Teacher 32 31 No significant change
Outcome 18 23 Worsen
Composite EDI 25 27 Worsen
Upper Primary Level
Access 17 17 Consistent
Infrastructure 19 26 Worsen
Teacher 31 33 Worsen
Outcome 30 27 Improved
Composite EDI 26 28 Worsen
Composite Primary & Upper Primary Level
Composite EDI 25 30 Worsen
Source: Flash Statistics, DISE 2009-10, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New
Delhi, India.

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The target of providing irrigation facilities to 10.61 lakh hectares during XI Plan
period through water conservation, efficient utilization and development of
water resources was set. The same has been revised to 7.06 lakh hectares of
which 3.61 lakh hectares from major projects, 0.78 lakh hectares from medium
projects and balance of 2.67 lakh hectares from minor irrigation projects. It is
anticipated, that for 4.83 lakh hectares irrigation facilities will be created. Thus
68% of the set goal of 7.06 lakh hectares has been achieved. Physical target
achieved during XI plan period by type of irrigation projects are as under:

Project Target
(Lakh Hectare)
(Lakh Hectare)
% of target
Major 3.61 2.51 69.59
Medium 0.78 0.24 31.38
Minor 2.67 2.07 77.59
All Projects 7.06 4.83 68.39

Some of the projects planned for XI Plan period could not started and now
planned to be taken up during XII Plan period namely major projects Parbati-
Rinsi and Pawai Multipurpose, Dahanai and Halone (Tribal) under medium
irrigation projects. In addition, a number of minor projects are yet to be started.

Power :
To develop strong infrastructure of power to provide adequate and improved
quality of power to all the villages and meet the peak demand, during Eleventh
Plan period, Capacity of 6,358 MW from various sources was planned to be
added. During 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011 period 40% of planned capacity could be
added. The net addition in installed capacity of the state is 2578.9MW of which
734.25 MW (660MW from thermal and 74.25 from Hydel projects) is added by
Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company. Share in Central Sector projects
has increased by 659MW, 714.65 MW in J oint Venture Hydel project during
same period. Balance increase of 471 MW in generation capacity is contributed
by Private sector (216 MW) and (255 MW) other sectors during from 31.3.2006
to 31.3.2011.

Under SGSY, SGRY, DPAP, IWDP and now the NREGS, The state has been
providing employment /wage employment opportunity of large number of
beneficiaries. Thus in utilization of resources for poverty alleviation, State has
been a front-runner for the last couple of years.

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The state has achieved overall full coverage status for all the habitations by
providing 40 litres of safe drinking water per day per capita. At present, there
are 2917 rural habitations with affected water quality (2.29% of total
habitations). In around 59.8% of habitations (76042 habitations out of 127197
habitations), entire population is covered and in 5.7% of habitations population
coverage is less than 50%. These statistics reveals that still more efforts needs to
be put in the sector of drinking water. The biggest problem is of slippage of
habitations. The habitations once covered with drinking water supply slip back
to uncovered status due to various reasons such as sources going dry due to
depletion of the ground water table, seasonal shortage of water etc. and lack of
water recharging/ harvesting structures.
Merely 9289 of habitations (7.30 % of total habitations) covering 8.29% of rural
population are covered under Piped Water Supply System. Most of the Piped
Water Supply Systems are based on ground water sources. To supply piped
water to remaining rural population in each habitation, at the present cost of Rs.
4800 per person (as in year 2011) works out to be Rs. 23144 crore which is
almost equivalent to plan outlay of an annual plan. Thus centre should
reconsider to find out ways and means for providing basic necessity of people
residing in rural area. This investment will lead to saving of expenditure on
health and may impact many social indicators in positive manner.

Under PMGSY, state has received sanction of 10492 roads of 47065 km
covering 8299 habitations and costing Rs. 11317 crore in ten phases beginning
from 2000-01. Till April 2011, 8782 roads of 40357 km covering
7719habitations has been completed by spending Rs. 8956 crore. In addition,
with funding support of ADB for rural roads, 1757 roads of 8471 km covering
2288 habitations and costing Rs. 1996.88 crore has been sanctioned in five
batches of which work of 1238 roads of 6260.36 km covering 1614 habitation
has been completed till April 2011with expenditure of Rs. 1324.13 crore. 9073
PMGSYs roads and 1340 roads under ADB funding have been completed up to
31st December 2011. In implementation of PMGSY, State has been ranked first,
during 2008-09, in execution under different standards in comparison with other
states and during 2009-10, by constructing 10398 km of road length, state was
ranked first in the country.

Madhya Pradesh Public Works Department (MPPWD) is managing the road
network of 59601 km in the state excluding roads constructed under PMGSY.
This net work of roads consists of 4679 km of national highways, 10249 km of
state highways, 20819 km of major district roads and 23,854 km of other district
roads and rural roads in 2010.

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The state has been a pioneer in Public Private Partnership (PPP). At present,
most of the departments like agriculture, Bio-technology, Commerce, industry
and employment, energy, forest, health and family welfare, horticulture and
food processing, housing and environment, information technology, public
works department (roads), school education, sport and youth welfare, technical
education and urban administration and development have opted for public
private partnership mode for capital intensive works using different option of
PPP such as BOT, BOOT, BOT(T+A), DBFOT and OMT depending upon type
of project. Till date, projects worth Rs. 24526 crore are at various stages of
process and implementation. Road projects, costing over Rs.16229 crore,
accounts for more than two third of total projects. The state has also opted for
development of mini-hydel projects in PPP mode. The state has also been
among the first ones to submit proposals of road construction using the VGF.
The state prefers to utilize PPP approach for funding infrastructure development
in different sectors including service sectors wherever possible.
Some important physical targets proposed and anticipated achievements for the
Eleventh Plan are as under:-

S. No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Cereals lakh tonnes 159.12 158.60
2 Pulses lakh tonnes 45.19 47.57
3 Food Grains lakh tonnes 204.31 206.17
4 Oil Seeds Lakh tonnes 80.32 84.87
5 Fertiliser NPK Lakh tonnes 43.00 82.77


S. No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Implementation of
forest Working Plan

(a) Protection group Hectare 90000 90000
(b) Regeneration group Hectare 600000 600000
(c) Rehabilitation Group Hectare 800000 800000

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Irrigation: (Unit in '000 ha.)

S.No. Item Proposed
1 Major 368.50 251.88
2 Medium 70.50 23.81
3 Minor 267.00 207.13
SubTotal 706.00 482.82
4 NVDA 344.78 218.07
Grand Total 1050.78 700.89

Energy: Additional capacity generation (in MW)

S.No. Item Proposed Target Anticipated achievement
1 MPSEB 1710 730
2 NVDA 535 535
Total 2245 1245

Roads & Bridges

S.No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Road Construction Km 5975 6332
2 Construction of RoB No. 14 07
3 Construction of Major/Medium
No. 213 145
4 Road Upgradation Km 8811 8894

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Rural Water Supply

S.No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Coverage of uncovered
Number 34800 68076

Rural Development

S.No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Construction of
Houses under IAY
Number 444000 393603
2 Development of
water sheds

A DPAP( Land Treat.) Lakh Hect. 34.00 5.10
B I.W.D.P( Land Treat.) Lakh Hect. 16.60 104.90
3 NREGS Lakh man
17300.00 12680.00


S.No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Upgradation of PS to MS Number 16064 16064
2 Upgrdation of EGS to
Primary School
Number 26346 26346
3 Uniforms to Girls & Boys Number 29822252 29732485
4 Upgradation of HS Number 450 1185
5 Upgradation of HSS Number 130 425
6 Distribution of Bicycle Number 650000 963839

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Women & Child Development & Nutrition

S.No. Item Unit Proposed
1 Construction & repair
of Anganwadi centre
Number 22566 855
2 Nutrition No. of
es per year
(In Lakh)
83 74.70
3 Ladli Laxmi Number 305911

Scheduled Caste Development

S.No. Item Unit Propose
d target
1 Post Metric Scholarship Student in lakh 9.00 9.00
2 State Scholarship
Primary Level
Student in
35.00 35.00
3 Construction/Maintenan
ce of Ashram Schools
Number 150 150
4 State Scholarship to SC
Number in lakh 9.40 9.40
5 State Scholarship
Secondary Education
Number in lakh 17.20 43.00

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Scheduled Tribes Development

Item Unit Proposed
1 Post Metric
Number 55300 79246
2 State Scholarship
Class 1 to 10
Student in
76.09 143.81
3 Construction/
Maintenance of
Ashram Building
( State)
Number 100 188
4 Uniform to PVTG
Number in lakh 9.00 9.96

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Key Issues

1. Financial Resources:

The Government of Madhya Pradesh has targeted an overall growth rate of 7.9
percent per annum during the 11
five year plan period at 1999-2000 prices.
Targets for agriculture, industry and service sector were set at 5, 10 and 8
percent respectively. Gross State Domestic Product at 2004-05 prices shows that
annual growth rate of 5.31 %, 9.23 %, 4.69 %, 12.37%, 9.55 % and 8.96% has
been achieved by the State during 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-
10 and 2010-11 respectively.

It is expected that growth rate of 10.06% per annum during XI plan will be
achieved, while expected growth rate, for primary, secondary and tertiary sector
is 8.75%, 11.11% and 10.08% respectively.

Against the target growth rate of 9% for the nation during twelfth five year plan,
the state has set its target of 12% which is to be achieved through growth of 9%,
12.0% and 13.75% per annum in primary, secondary and tertiary sector
respectively at constant prices of 2004-05 and base of 2004-05. That is the
GSDP of the state has to be Rs. 1436152 crore at 2004-05 prices for entire XII
Plan period, Rs. 2300976 crore at 2011-12 prices and assuming difference in
constant and current price growth rate in 2011-12 as inflation factor will be
remain same then GSDP at current prices has to be Rs. 3002641 Crore.
To achieve the growth rate of 12% during XII Plan period assuming incremental
capital output ratio (ICOR) of 2.5 for primary sector and 4 for secondary and
tertiary sector than gross capital formation (capital fixed assets) of the tune of
Rs. 1310005 crore to be generated during the plan period. It will be around
43.63% of Gross State Domestic Product at current prices.

In creating such huge capital formation, assuming household sector and private
sector put together may contribute for 65.3% then remaining 34.7% has to be
planned by State and Central Governments. For which state may be requiring
more resources which may be four to five times the plan outlay of XI Plan to
achieve the desired socio-economic development objectives.

Mobilizing the resources to finance the plan through States own resources
depend on the structure and the potential of the economy of the State. Tax on
sale of goods has been the main source of states tax revenue. With the
introduction of VAT the resources have been reduced considerably. The process
of reducing and rationalizing the stamp duty rates has also impacted the

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resources. Though state is planning to explore the possibilities to generate
additional resources through tax instruments etc., but with present scenario of
global and national economy, the chances are not so bright. Thus, state has no
option except to reduce non-plan revenue expenditure through better fiscal
management which has been exhibited during XI plan period. Now, there is no
further scope for containing Non-Plan Revenue Expenditure. Thus central
government has to evolve the methodology to support the states like Madhya
Pradesh (which are backward on various fronts ranging from infrastructure and
social indicators) for additional requirements to bring the states at par with other
developed states to reduce the regional disparities.

2. Public Private Partnership:

The state has been among the first ones to adopt Public Private Partnership
(PPP) in road construction activities. The state has increased the ambit of PPP
in various sectors varying from road, providing of drinking water and other
services. It is observed that in spite of various concessions, private investment is
flowing more easily into developed regions of the nation which clearly shows
the hesitant of investors to invest in backward region and states. Thus uniform
twenty percent ceiling of VGF may not be enough to attract private enterprise to
backward regions. To attract private investment in the backward regions of the
country, the ceiling need to be raised and should vary from sector to sector
depending upon inadequacy of infrastructure in backward states/districts. There
are large areas besides infrastructure like technical training, health, education
etc. where PPP possibilities exist and VGF for social infrastructure projects
should also be granted as well.

3. Special package for backward regions:

Despite the likely achievement of growth rate of 10.06% per annum against
national growth rate of around 7.5% per annum during XI plan, the state is
termed as one of the backward state as compare to other states. The major
reason for the same is regional imbalance on various development indicators
such as low urbanisation, population density, highly populated with scheduled
tribe and caste population, highly dispersed population, high proportion of
forest land etc. The highly dispersed population calls for more infrastructure
need to serve the people with basic amenities such as education, health, drinking
water, communication etc and geographical conditions add further
complications in delivery of services. It has been recognised that forest of the
state serve as keeper of environmental balance of the nation but at the same time
these forest are becoming impediment in development activities of the state
specially in irrigation, mining and power sectors. Thus infrastructural

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bottlenecks are mainly because of forest land, the new investments forth coming
in the state is not in pace with the efforts being put in.
As the result, regional disparities with the state are increasing. The
backwardness of Bundelkhand region has been recognised by central
Government but other backward regions such as Mahakoshal and Baghelkhand
(Vindhya) regions need special attention on the behalf of Government of India.

The per capita income of the state at constant prices has increased from Rs.
15442 in 2004-05 to Rs. 22460 in the year 2010-11, while at the national level,
it increased from Rs. 24142 to Rs. 35917 during the same period. Per capita
income of Madhya Pradesh was 63.96% of National per capita income in 2004-
05, and this has reduced to 62.53% of National per capita income by 2010-11
this is despite marginal difference in growth rate of per capita income of the
state( 6.64 % per annum) and national average of 6.77 % per annum during
1999-2000 to 2008-09. All India per capita income has increased by Rs 11224
while MP's per capita income increased by Rs. 7018 during 2004-05 to 2010-11
at constant prices on 2004-05 base, which is around 60% of all India increase.
The gap in per capita income in absolute terms and in term of increase shows
the disparity which may be term as regional disparity and indicator of level of
development as compare to nation. This means that even after achieving higher
growth rate, the gap between the developed states and M.P will only grow

The policies, programmes and public investments by the State government have
only a limited bearing on the growth and development of the state. The macro
level policies and framework, as determined by the Union Government, play a
far more important role in impacting nature and quantum of growth. There is
thus a need for the Centre to address the issue of regional divides with greater
seriousness for faster and inclusive growth.

Although, provision like Backward Regions Grant Fund are welcome initiative,
the resources they provide to address infrastructural imbalances are woefully in-
adequate to address interstate infrastructural disparities. To redress major
infrastructure gaps in highways, rail network, airports etc. to break the vicious
circle of underdevelopment in states like Madhya Pradesh. Faster and inclusive
growth would call for a state-sponsored mega infrastructure initiative that
prioritizes poor infrastructure states and regions to enable them to get integrated
with rest of the nation and world markets. This would open up opportunities
offered by globalization and would attract private investments into these
regions. One of the possible ways to reduce disparities is to provide incentives
to Private Industrial and Social investment in Tribal other backward areas of the
state at par with the special category states. Central Government will take

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serious note of this aspect and it was stressed by state government at various
occasions in the past.

4. Agriculture Sector:

Inconsistence performance of Agriculture sector (including Animal Husbandry),
on which rural population depends, is due to its more dependence on monsoon.
In long term sector has registered growth of 4.40% during 1999-2000 to 2010-
11 and 8.49 % during X plan period while 9.28% annual growth has been
observed during first four years of XI plan period on 2004-05 base at constant
prices. The enhanced rate of growth in agriculture sector is necessary to reduce
rural distress and improve their living conditions of around 70% of state
population which is engaged in agriculture & allied activities. The growth in
the sector also serves development objectives of employment generation, higher
incomes, balanced regional development, sustained poverty alleviation and
improved quality of life. In addition, this serves as catalyst of growth for
Industrial and Service sector as large proportion of domestic demand for
industrial goods and services is generated by rural population because of its

The reducing share of primary or agriculture (including animal husbandry) in
gross domestic product indicates positive sign provided dependence on
agriculture is reduced, rural populations participation in non-agriculture
activities has increased, rural habitats being employed in private and public
services and employment in agriculture related industries such as food
processing etc in rural areas has increased. Otherwise, it is sign of deteriorating
condition of rural economy in real sense.

The yield of major food grain crops namely paddy and wheat is almost constant
during the last decade. Paddy is monsoon crop in this region with little
dependence on irrigation while wheat is winter crop which mainly dependent on
irrigation. Thus, for increasing production of wheat only alternative is to
increase area under the crop through more creation of more irrigation facilities.
So, greater central support is needed in the irrigation sector to increase food
grain production. It is necessary, to enhance the central assistance to the states
with lower proportion of irrigated area that national average. Madhya Pradesh is
major producer of oilseeds and pulses in the country which is only because of
higher acreage under crops. In absence of any significant technological
breakthrough in the major crops like pulses, oilseeds and minor millets
production cant be increased. Thus more emphasis has to be put on
development of improved and high yielding varieties of these crops keeping in
view agro-climatic condition of the state. Observing the agricultural situation in
the country, there is need to revisit the policies of the sector relating to

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Minimum support price, import/export, storage, inputs like fertilisers,
pesticides, seeds, finance and food processing etc., to make agriculture as a
profitable activity on which the livelihood of large proportion of rural
population depends.

Increasing inequalities in urban rural area and between people dependent on
agriculture and those dependent on industry and services can be overcome only
through creating non-farm employment opportunities in rural area, for which
skill development of rural youths has to be taken up in mission mode.

5. Irrigation Sector:

In XI plan period, through ABIP scheme an attempt was made to increase the
investment in irrigation sector. Though this effort is appreciable but due to the
design of scheme, level of investments could not be achieved to the expected
level. Major hurdle for developing and utilization surface water is the criteria of
eligibility according to which till one scheme is completed another scheme is
not entitled for sanction of central assistance under AIBP. Thus it is necessary
that during XII plan, design be modified so as to incentivise the efficiency of
water use.

In case of Major and Medium irrigation projects under ERM, the stern
conditionality of completion needs to be relaxed. Similarly provision of
strengthening and development of command area should be included in XII plan
as well.

In efficient and effective utilization of water resources, the role of PIM and
Water Users Association started showing good results in the state. Hence, water
user's associations and water user cooperatives should be entrusted with the
responsibility of maintenance of irrigation system and collection of water
charges. To meet the cost of capacity building of water users associations a
separate provision need to be made for each irrigation project.

A large proportion of irrigated area is being irrigated from ground water sources
such as tube wells and wells. To keep the water level intact, more stress need to
be put on water harvesting and on reduction in use of ground water by adopting
drip irrigation and micro irrigation systems etc for economic and efficient use of

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6. Energy:

Energy sector plays an important role in the development of agriculture,
industry and social sectors. Bulk of the state's budget outlay during XI Plan was
dominated by energy sector and at the same time there still exists a big gap
between generation and demand. State has made pronounced improvement in
generation, transmission, system capacity, system availability, strengthening of
sub-transmission & distribution network in XI plan period. All out efforts are
being made to implement the regulatory reforms besides dedicated effort to
separate the feeder distribution for different category of consumers such as user
for agricultural purposes, domestic and commercial at a very high cost. To
expedite the feeder separation works for development of agricultural and
industrial activities in the state, an enhanced central assistance is solicited. State
have taken various initiatives to reduce Aggregate Technical & Commercial
(ATC) losses and determined to reduce these losses to minimal during 12

To overcome the energy shortage in the state during XII plan, generation
capacity needs to be enhanced by around 13500 MW which would require
massive inflow of investment both from public and private participation. To
achieve the set target, issues pertaining to environmental clearances and R&R
policy are to be put on fast track for large thermal power plants and Hydel
projects so that gestation period can be reduced to the minimum.
In case of thermal power generation, to maintain optimum level of production,
the issues related to rationalization of coal supply and its movement, adequacy
of coal availability and making available the annual contracted quantity of coal
needs to be resolved at the earliest. e Constituted GoM for the purpose should
resolve these constraints relating to the establishment of Thermal Plants by
allocating pit head coal blocks in their proximity to reduce the cost of
7. Rural Housing

Bharat Nirman has proved to be engine for creating rural infrastructure. The
State has been benefited from PMGSY, Accelerated Water Supply Scheme etc.
However, because of incorrect interpretation of houseless which treats even
the Kuchha mud and thatch dwelling unit as a proper house in case of MP in
2001 census. The anomaly is clear from the fact that MP had only 2.08 lakh
houseless as against 2.61 lakh houseless in Kerala, which is not only a smaller
but relatively prosperous state. Due to this, state has suffered in the past. This
issue needs to be resolved appropriately and assistance under the Indira Awas

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Scheme should be provided accordingly so that past injustice done to the state
can be rectified.
8. Poverty and targeting of socially and economically backwards

State welcomes the initiative taken by the Central government to conduct a
fresh survey Socio-economic Census in Rural Areas 2011 to study the present
socio-economic status of all section of society. It is hoped that results of the
survey will help us in preparing a strategic plan for the up-liftment of people
especially most backward both economically and socially. The poverty
estimates should not only consider monthly per capita expenditure (inclusive of
expenditure on education, health etc.) but also basic requirements for leading
healthy life with optimum productivity and the deprivation from various
facilities and services should also be factored in. As basic unit of delivery of
services is a household, thus necessary parameters within a household should be
calculated on per capita basis to classify the household. Similarly the ownership
of land (irrigated/un-irrigated) should be related to productivity for
classification. Without this type of modifications in methodology, it is not
possible to justify the cause for which survey being undertaken. Thus
methodology for the analysis of Socio-economic Census in Rural Areas 2011
should be modified accordingly to ensure that the efforts for inclusive growth
reach the persons who are at extreme end of stage of underdevelopment.

9. School Education:

Madhya Pradesh, we have already achieved universal access at the level of
elementary education. ASER 2010 revealed that primary education learning
outcomes in the Hindi-belt (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar
Pradesh) states are well below the all-India average. Thus emphasis will be on
improving the quality of education and retention under the SSA during XII Plan
period. It is also revealed that till date the major proportion of allocation under
SSA has been utilised for primary schools infrastructure (i.e. building and
upgrading infrastructure) and least attention has been paid for teacher training
and quality education. It is necessary that during XII plan period much emphasis
should be put on teacher training and quality education by allocating 50 percent
of funds exclusively for this purpose. In addition, gaps in human resources
should be reduced to minimum. Recently enacted RTE Act, which guarantees
all children between the ages of six-14 compulsory elementary education (class
I-VIII), elaborate infrastructure requirements. It fails to specify minimum
learning outcomes and competencies children must attain at various stages of
primary schooling. It also absolves teachers of all accountability which is
undesired. It is right time that the level of learning outcomes and competencies
should be stressed more effectively so that opportunity of realising benefits of

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demographic dividend can be en-cashed. This has to be noted that without
strong foundation in term of learning outcome nation and state will not be able
to produce more productive manpower which is essential component for
economic growth and social development and serve as engine for inclusive

It is our endeavour to provide quality education in XII Plan through providing
well equipped schools, with necessary infrastructure, maintaining Pupil Teacher
Ratio both at Primary and Middle levels in the states. Providing right teachers
with required qualification lies will be top priority of the government and
selection of teachers should be treated as zero tolerance activity as teachers are
foundation of nation.
Right to Education has been launched in XI plan and has put tremendous burden
on the state governments. Consequently, states are facing financial burden to
implement this effectively. Funding pattern of 90: 10 for RTE should be
maintained during next plan period and similarly funding pattern of Rashtriya
Madhyamik should be maintained at present level. It is necessary for the centre
to assure that during XII plan sufficient finances be provided to the states to
meet enhanced recurring expenditure. Under RTE, centre has made provision
for paying fee for the wards of poor parents who will be able to get admission in
good private school. The provision for uniform, school bag and other necessary
education material should also be made for such students.
The ambit of RTE Act, which guarantees all children between the ages of six-14
compulsory elementary education (class I-VIII,), should cover education till
higher secondary and should incorporate this from first year of next plan.
10. Health and Nutrition:

Inadequacy of health infrastructure is the major problem in delivering timely
and efficient health services to people. To overcome these, an effort has been
made in XI plan through NRHM. It will take a long time to fill the gaps in
infrastructure on the basis of norms presently being used in NRHM.
Construction of Anganwadis, Sub-Health, Primary Health, Community Health
centers, Civil Hospital, District Health Centres should be given the status of
INFRASTRUCTURE PROJ ECTS by Government of India in XII plan and
should be entitled for VGF. This will encourage private investment in the
sector. To fill up the gap of qualified doctors/ nurses in rural areas, action needs
to be taken under NRHM. To meet the health services requirement in urban
area, Central Government should launch NATIONAL URBAN HEALTH

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Government of India should make special provision of enhanced support to the
states which have poor health indicators. Health expenditure as percent of gross
domestic product needs to be increased from present level of 0.9% to minimum
2% by end of twelfth plan by states and centre to improve coverage and quality
of health services.

Malnutrition is one of the major concerns at the national level. One of the
reasons for non delivery of quality service is lack of government buildings of
anganwadis, which affects dispensing quality services. However, under ICDS,
there is no provision of construction of anganwadis buildings. Although there is
provision in 13
Finance Commission for this purpose but that is not enough in
light of severity of the problem. A separate strategy should be devised for
construction of anganwadis buildings with an objective to fill the gap within
XII Plan period. For this purpose Government of India should start a new CSS
scheme on 50:50 basis during 12

High rate of inflation has impacted the calorie intake therefore the centre should
take into account the inflation while fixing norms for supplementary nutrition
and special intervention for severely underweight children, this revision shall be
included as an annual feature without jeopardizing the quantity and quality of
the nutrients.

11. Mineral Resources:

The states with rich mineral resources have comparatively large forest area and
tribal population and are backward. 90 percent of our total coal reserves, more
than 50 percent of most minerals and most prospective dam sites are in tribal
regions and inhabited by some of our most deprived people. For development
of mineral resources in these areas, land acquisition is contentious issue which
need to be handled through appropriate policy. There is also a need of evolving
a credible and fair system for exploitation of mineral resources without which
nation may have to face adverse situation on various fronts.
The states are rich in mineral resources do not receive adequate compensation
for their mineral resources. In approach paper, this fact has been admitted that
an important reason for low production in domestic production of coal is the
inadequate incentive with the States to increase coal production. An appropriate
policy need to be framed to provide adequate incentive to states having coal
reserves. State appreciate the Planning Commission for stressing the need to
resolve various issues related to constraints due to tighter environmental
regulations, problems in Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R), problems in
land acquisition and outcome of policy of Go No Go in which coal mining
was completely banned in No Go areas by the Ministry of Environment &
Forests due to which large coal bearing areas were suddenly declared No Go

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areas which would have severely limited the ability to expand domestic
production of coal. Further, Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index
(CEPI) norms which were introduced prohibit mining in areas with a high
pollution index, even if the pollution is due to other industrial sources. Coal
being location specific, there is clearly a need to review this approach. State is
of the opinion that mining companies should invest in development of
infrastructure in areas of their operation. For which central government should
evolve a suitable formula and process.

12. Forestry and Wild Life:

Madhya Pradesh is known for its rich forest wealth, wildlife and biodiversity.
With more than 30% of its area under forests, the state has distinction of having
largest forest area amongst all the States of the country. However, there is little
recognition of the huge opportunity cost of maintaining this wealth for the
environmental health of the country and, indeed, the global community. The
people of the country share the benefits but the state and its people often suffer
as a result of its rich forest wealth. In fact major developmental projects
pertaining to roads, irrigation, industry and electricity are hampered, delayed
and become very expensive for the state as a result of involvement of forest land
in these projects.

To achieve the measurable objectives of forest conservation and development
during 12
Five Year Plan, Madhya Pradesh Government suggests following
reforms in policy and processes which need immediate attention.

The roles of J oint Forest Management (J FM) in rehabilitation of degraded forest
have been encouraging during last 20 years. Centre should initiate 'Result Based
Reward' system, to strengthen the role of community in rehabilitation of
degraded forest based on Information Technology system through change
detection using satellite data. In this regard a new CSS was proposed by Forest
Department for rewarding the J oint Forest Management Committees based on
their performance. This would have ensured a faster, sustainable and inclusive
growth process and met the identified strategy challenge at a low cost and also
is in line with the proposal of performance based fund devolution. However,
this proposal does not find place in the schemes presently included in CSS for
Plan. In case, the recently constituted Green India Mission does not provide
space to the suggested new CSS then Government of India should initiate a new
scheme as proposed.

The lands being made available for compensatory afforestation in lieu of
diverted land, to reduce the fragmentation of forest area corporate /user agencies
should be encouraged to pay for relocation of those villages which are located in

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protected areas or deep inside the forest blocks. Area equivalent to relocation
can be easily made available for diversion for development projects. This effort
will ensure the consolidation of sensitive forest areas for better conservation, as
also free the area for development purposes.

It is necessary to encourage tree plantation on private lands to achieve the target
of 5% increase in tree cover of the country during 12
Five Year Plan. This will
not only make agriculture profitable by shifting low productivity land to forestry
but also reduce the pressure on natural forest. To encourage plantation on non-
forest lands it is necessary to introduce reforms in policy environment. There is
a need to start a new centrally sponsored scheme in 12
Five Year Plan to
provide financial support to the activity of tree planting on private lands.

State Government has taken a number of measures to modernize the Forest
Protection mechanism. However, the shortage of financial resources is a
limiting factor here also. The states with rich and large forest area need to be
provided with increased allocation from Government of India under Integrated
Forest Protection Scheme. There is also a need to rationalise the legal provisions
of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 in order to provide respite to the local
people who are mostly tribals. The Act prohibits people, living within the limits
of PA, to sell or purchase their private land; recent judicial pronouncement ban
even small development works on private land as well as revenue land
contained within the limits of the sanctuary. This has generated a lot of public
resentment against wildlife and protected areas, which doesnt augur well for
the conservation of wildlife. Suitable amendments in the Act need to be made
urgently else it will become increasingly difficult to contain leftwing activities
in these areas.

13. Improving National Highways:

The National highways in Madhya Pradesh are in extremely poor condition.
Ministry of Road Transport as well as National Highway Authority of India
(NHAI) has failed in keeping the national highway stretches motor able. The
Ministry of Road Transport took a decision to assign maintenance work to
NHAI in spite of state's protest. NHAI has thoroughly neglected the
maintenance of national highways for the last few years. State urges the
Ministry of Road Transport to ask NHAI to maintain these national highways
properly. In case, NHAI is not in position to do so, it is better to de-notify the
same. State can take up the programme for rehabilitation and reconstruction of
these national highways in case of de-notification takes place. The Central
Government has to take the decision at earliest so that condition of these
highways does not deteriorate further.

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As per Basic Road Statistics of India, the total road length of National
Highways, as on 31
March 2008, in the country was 66754km. Of which state
had 4670km of national highways accounting for 7 percent of total highways of
the country. The distribution of National Highways, as on 31
March 2008, in
the state shows that standard single lane accounts for 29.7 % of total highways,
standard double lane and standard multi- lane accounts for 57.9% and 5.3%
respectively. At the national level, standard single lane and standard multi- lane
accounts for 27.1% and 15.0% respectively are indicating the disparity. These
roads apart from having poor specifications in terms of width and crust are also
having poor geometrics and bridges. These need to be upgraded to the norms of
National Highways. The availability of road length per hundred square
kilometre of area or per lakh of population is the indicator of road connectivity;
in this regard Madhya Pradesh is far behind the nation. At all India level,
excluding roads constructed under J RY and PMGSY, 92.72km of road per
hundred square kilometre of area and 266.24 km per lakh of population was
available against which state had 53.77 km and 241.12 km respectively. Even
including roads constructed under J RY and PMGSY, availability of road length
per hundred square kilometres of area is 125.02km and per lakh of population is
359.00 km at the national level against which state had 59.95 km and 268.86 km
respectively. Thus to remove the disparity, more roads need to be constructed in
the state, it can be undertaken by relaxing the norms of PMGSY especially in
the case of tribal villages.

14. Tribal Welfare:

State has the highest proportion of Scheduled Tribe population there are around
46 schedule tribes in the state. Of which, Government of India has recognized
Baiga, Bharia and Saharia tribes of the state (only in identified pockets) as
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTG) and considered as most backward
tribes. For the development of Scheduled Tribe population, it is proposed that
the district, with more than 25% of tribal population, should be considered as
Special Area for Other Schemes and Sub Plans and these district needs to be
treated at par with states which are classified as special category States. This
will help in upliftment of this section of society and achieving the goal of
inclusive growth within limited time period for which allocation in Central
Budget under Article 275(1) should to be increased sufficiently.

Education can serve the engine for development and empowerment of tribals.
The statistics related to literacy, level of education and quality education are not
so encouraging. Even after building hostels, ashrams and schools of excellence
still there is a gap which is yet to be filled in. Providing of quality education is
other major problem, which is being faced by the state. In this regard, the
central support is inadequate and need to be enhanced. For promotion of

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education and technical skills among SCs and STs Centre should provide
greater support.

The influx of people migrating to urban areas, for seeking employment and
livelihood opportunities, has posed a serious challenge in terms of providing
basic facilities such as drinking water, health facilities and housing. This
migrating population, which is mainly Scheduled tribe and scheduled caste
population, is residing in congested colonies.

It is proposed that in municipal wards, urban slums where the Scheduled
tribe/caste population is more than 30%, the Centre should come forward with
specific project to improve the local area (Basti Vikas) for providing basic
amenities. Adequate provisions under the Article 275(1) could be made and
provided for.

15. Employment Generation:

Madhya Pradesh has been able to implement effectively the employment
guarantee scheme namely Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
The twin objective of income and employment generation of the scheme in rural
areas are being met by creating assets which are helpful in rural development
through improving farm productivity etc. may result in reducing the number of
unemployed youth. Under self employment and poverty alleviation
programmes, it should be prudent to provide training to targeted beneficiaries
for development of their skills. Thus development of skills should be made an
integral component of these programmes to meet the demand of skill personnel
for various activities in rural areas. The resources for infrastructure and skill
development in the identified clusters in the far flung remote rural areas should
be made available by the centre.

16. Higher Education:

Both economic and social development of nation depends upon infrastructure in
different sectors such as Road & Transport, housing both in rural and urban
area, industrial, agro-food processing, health and education etc. To build
required infrastructure, technically skilled and trained manpower is required for
each sector. For future planning of producing skilled manpower can be under
taken effectively, only if estimates of available manpower, required manpower,
by sectors and skill sets is available at nation and state level. This will serve the
basis for planning manpower and subsequently skill development in various
sectors. For the skill development of existing manpower employed in
unorganized sectors, Centre needs to tailor a special scheme and assist the state
governments in this direction.

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Madhya Pradesh Council for Vocational Education and Training (MPCVET)
has been set up under Chairmanship of Chief Minister, for training, certification
and facilitation of training in short duration courses, with an emphasis on
qualitative and quantitative up gradation of vocational training. MP is working
towards setting up Skill Development Centres in all 313 blocks, up gradation of
existing ITI's, establishment of new ITI's, both under PPP scheme as well as
with assistance of GOI to impart training to 4 lakh persons annually during 12th
Plan. In this regard, during XI plan period, centre has not taken much initiative.
During twelfth plan period, these aspects should be put on top priority so that
state and nation could reap the benefits of demographic dividend. There is
urgent need to set up skill development centre on the basis of cluster of villages
to meet the requirements of rural areas. Centre should take the initiative in this
regard at earliest possible.

In addition, strong co-ordination among producer (Trainer), users (industry) and
trainee need to be established. The scope for up grading skills by improving
educational qualifications needs to be incorporated in the system. Thus
necessary amendments are needed in admission in higher technical education.
The major emphasis should be to produce skilled employable manpower so that
full utilization of investment can be realized. In this regard state is planning to
take the initiatives.

In addition, others field of higher education should be given due importance
keeping in mind their role in development. Research and Development needs to
be strengthened and to be utilized in economizing of resources especially
natural resources.
The Approach paper had rightly identified the need for expansion, inclusion and
excellence in higher education system and the regional divide in the matter of
educational and R&D institutions. The GOI/UGC must come out with centrally
funded scheme to support new Colleges, Universities and centres of higher
learning in the backward states/districts.

17. Rural Roads:

MP's performance in utilization of PMGSY funds during XI Plan has been
widely appreciated but adequate funds were not provided on the pretext of
PMGSY guidelines. State has been able to provided road connectivity to all
villages as per the guidelines in short period as compare to other states. State
has not received any financial assistance under PMGSY during last two years.
Criteria for rural roads under PMGSY based on population under Bharat
Nirman have lead the state like MP with enormous task of providing road
connectivity as state have large number villages having less population which

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is due to its dispersed and tribal population. To meet the goal of providing
connectivity to all villages irrespective of population state needs huge resources
for which Centre should consider of lowering the population criterion for
providing connectivity to targeted villages under PMGSY during XII Plan, for
states like Madhya Pradesh which has lower population density (dispersed
population) and high proportion of tribal population.

18. Industries:

State is taking initiative to bring more industries in the state. For which state has
brought investor friendly industrial policy. At the same time, the major
industries of Central Government in the State are Bharat Heavy Electricals
Limited, National Newsprint and Paper Mill, Nepanagar and Security press.
This number of industries of Central Government in the state is not
proportionate to its size and population. Thus Central government should
initiate in this direction to set up new industries and plants in the state.

19. Centrally Sponsored Schemes:

Some of recommendations of the Report of the committee in Restructuring of
Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) are in right direction and met longstanding
demand of flexibility etc. There are some suggestions which need to be
incorporated to make it more meaningful and result oriented. The objectives,
outcomes, modalities of implementation and period within which set objectives
can be achieved should be finalized after detailed consultation with all state
governments before launching/starting of a centrally sponsored scheme. After
set period, it is necessary to review the performance of scheme to assess the
need of extension for limited period so that objectives can be achieved. No
scheme should be continued for more than 8 years inclusive of extended period.
In case, a scheme found to be not delivering the desired outcome same should
be stopped implementing with immediate effect. This process will be able to
limit the number of schemes. Each sector should not have more than 2 or 3

The guidelines of various ministries should spell the objectives and resources
available and state should be entrusted with responsibility of developing scheme
for their state to achieve the objectives and with due approval of same.
Implementation and delivering of outcome will be the responsibility of states.
The funding of all CSS (irrespective of existing and new) should be met cent
percent by central government.
The Norms of schemes such as MDM, ICDS, IAY etc, should be reviewed
every year in light of inflation/ prevailing market price otherwise evolve
formula to update the norms considering factors effecting the cost.

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Recommendation of creation of Flexi Fund is the right step in right direction. It
would be better to enhance the range of Flexi Fund in case of Flagship Schemes
to 20% instead of proposed 10% of budget; while in case of other CSS
suggested proportion is justified. Routing of funds through state governments is
welcomed step. There should not be any counterpart funding in new flagship
schemes thus proposed maximum limit of 25% should either be abolished or
reduce to maximum of 5%. This will no doubt have impact in the state resources
for plan expenditure but of less gravity as compare to that in case of counterpart
funding of 25% of budget. The suggested introduction of budget allocation on
the basis norms and incentives (Monitoring Devolution Index) basis will lead to
transparent allocation and better implementation of decentralized planning

The process for revision of physical and financial norms is most needed step
which have been taken care by the committee. The approval of revised norms
by committee at centre should be cleared /approved within 90 days of receipt of
proposal, otherwise stated/submitted norms should be deemed approved.

The number of instalments for release of CSS fund should be regularized for all
the departments to two or the maximum of three instalments and last instalment
should be released before December of ongoing financial year with fulfilling
necessary process.

The statements regarding Gross Budgetary support (GBS) show that the share of
the Central Plan in the Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) has been increasing
progressively from 36.02% in the first Plan to 75.98% by the end of 11th plan at
the expenses of the share of the state plan which has reduced from 63.52% in
the first plan to 24.02% during the same period. This trend needs to be reversed
to power the state with more flexibility in developing plan as per the need of

Regarding Evaluation of schemes, it is suggested that each state may be asked
to establish its Independent Set up to carry out monitoring, evaluation and
impact studies. To carry out sample surveys, it would be better to use same
sample design, estimation procedure and methodology across country and states
should be asked to carry out the studies. This will enable states to assess the
situation at district levels which might not be possible in case of All India

The recommendation of the committee after modification should be
implemented from first year of XII Plan.

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Approach and Salient features of the Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17
Planning for economic and social development has been an integral exercise
since first five year plan. We are doing this exercise for last six decades. The
outcome of plan exercises spanning a total of eleven five-year plans and a few
annual plans are the transition from a traditional and subsistence economy of the
fifties to a modern, industrial and knowledge economy. The priorities over the
periods have changed and social responsibilities are taking front position to
attain inclusive growth in present time. Planning is far more complex exercise
than a mere allocation of resources among competing uses. Planning prescribes
a direction towards which the economy and society is sought to be moved with
a view to attaining pre-determined goals and objectives. And at the same time
prescribes the way to achieve the same. The overall Goals and objectives for
given plan is set by the Union Government. The State government sets its own
goals keeping in view its own priorities and problems which are essential to be
addressed during plan period but also plan to achieve national goals. Given the
federal character of our polity, it is the combined effort of both Union and State
governments towards achieving plan objectives set at national and state level for
a given plan.
1. The Objectives of Twelfth Five Year Plan

From the overview of eleventh five year plan at national level is that the
economy has gained in strength in many dimensions and is in position to
achieve faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth. 9 percent growth for the
Twelfth Plan seems to be reasonable goal after having achieved 8.2 percent
growth during the Eleventh Plan despite facing global slowdown. Energy prices
are volatile and likely to remain high. To achieve rapid growth, the economy
will have to overcome constraints posed by limited energy supplies, increase in
water scarcity, shortages in infrastructure, problems of land acquisition for
industrial development and infrastructure, and the complex problem of
managing the urban transition associated with rapid growth. Greater efforts are
required to be made in agriculture, health and education to ensure inclusion of
the most excluded and sometimes invisible parts of our population. With all
these difficulties, 9 percent growth target for the next five years is no doubt an
ambitious target. It can be achieved, if nation have the political will to do what
is necessary. Economic reforms over the last two decades have resulted in high
expectations among all the citizens of India. The Twelfth Plan has to meet the
aspirations of millions of people of the country. This is not possible by
following a businessasusual approach. All sections of society government,
farmers, businesses, labour and concerned citizens have to adopt newer, more

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effective ways of pursuing their activities, so that we can collectively achieve
our big goals. At this juncture, it is necessary for the government to ensure
better delivery of services, justice and providing corruption free society to all its
subjects without any distinction of religion, caste and creed.

Keeping in view, geographical, demographic, social conditions and growth rate
and potential of economy of the state, State of Madhya Pradesh is targeting an
average growth rate of 12.0 percent per annum at 2004-05 price based on 2004-
05 base. This is higher than the national target of nine percent. Gross State
Domestic Product at 2004-05 prices shows that annual growth rate of 9.23 %,
4.69 %, 12.37%, 9.55 % and 8.96% has been achieved by the State during 2006-
07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively. It is expected that
during Eleventh five year plan state will have the growth of 10.06%. This
impressive growth rate has given the confidence for setting target of higher
growth rate as state has potential of achieving the same. To achieve this rate of
growth, special focused area of the state are agriculture and allied activities,
energy, industry and infrastructure, cashing all possible opportunities from
demographic dividend and stressing on skill development and quality education.
State is planning to improve upon its various socio-economic and vital statistics
substantially so that each person of the state should contribute in achieving
targeted growth.

To achieve faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth, state has to plan for
more equitable social and economic development of the state. In light of all
these aspects and keeping various constraints in mind the objectives for the
Twelfth Five Year Plan are as under:-

To achieve an overall growth rate of 12.0%. This is envisaged to be
achieved through 9% growth in agriculture and allied sectors, 12.0% growth in
industry and 13.75% growth in service sector.
To reduce poverty levels from 36.7% of 2009-10 to 15%
To achieve the literacy rate of 100% by the end of the Plan and reduce
gender gap in literacy to almost zero.
To achieve reduction in dropout rate to less than 5% by 2016-17 and
eliminate gender disparity in elementary education.
To bring down population growth rate to 1.62% by 2017.
To improve health parameters-reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
to 125, IMR to 35 and TFR to 2.1 so as to bring them closer to all India
level and bring the state in better position instead of being last in the
ranking. To improve the sex ratio (06 years) to 950 females per 1000
To reduce malnutrition to 20% and anemia to 25%.

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To provide sustainable access to safe potable drinking water to all
independent habitations.
To empower women through their socio-economic development and
increased participation in decision making on matters that directly affect
To strengthen social, economic and political empowerment of weaker
sections of the society through welfare of SCs/STs, OBCs, minorities and
To expand present irrigation facilities at least by 9.30 lakh hectares
through conservation, efficient utilization and development of water
To develop strong infrastructure of power to provide adequate and
improved quality of power for all purposes to all the villages and meet the
peak demand. Turning from power deficit state to power surplus state.
To provide a minimum single connectivity by all weather BT roads to all
villages irrespective of population.
To encourage use of information and communication technologies to
bridge digital divide, generate employment, have e-governance and
prepare the state to be a knowledge economy.

Above listed objectives does not reflect the order of priorities as all of them are
equally important, internally consistent and mutually reinforcing.

To finance the plan is one of the most crucial parts of planning exercise. To
mobilize the resource one has to explore various avenues of realizing funds may
in form of taxes, loans/borrowings, grants and dividends from state owned
public undertakings etc. Economic scenario of the state before the beginning of
Eleventh Five Year Plan was somewhat better as compare to earlier plans. At
present, economic scenario of the state are much better than before due to strict
financial discipline, realization of higher tax revenue, increased borrowing
capacity due to good growth in gross domestic product and containment of non-
plan expenditure through strict economy measures. With all these state of public
finance has improved significantly during the 11
Plan period. As against the
projected outlay of Rs. 70329 crore for the Eleventh Plan, the revised total
outlay at end of plan period has increased to Rs. 84246.36 crores which 19.79%
more than initial projected outlay.

The state has enacted the Fiscal Responsibility and Budgetary Management
(FRBM) Act, 2005. The Act requires the Government to fix rolling targets for
fiscal indicators including fiscal and revenue deficits. The proposed plan outlay
for eleventh plan has been determined keeping in view the rolling targets for
fiscal deficit to be achieved. Share in Central Taxes has been assumed to grow

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by 10%, States own tax revenues by 11%, Non-Tax Revenue by 8%, Non-Plan
Grants excluding 13
Finance Commission Plan Grants by 14%, State Plan
Grants under 13
Finance Commission by 14% and Non-Plan Expenditure by
9% annually. In addition, it is assumed that public Sector Enterprises (PSEs)
and local bodies will not be able to generate any revenue. A major proportion of
the non-tax revenues come from mining and forest and are dependent on
policies of Government of India. Coal royalty, which is the main source of
mining revenue continues to be fixed on tonnage basis and is not being revised
regularly by Government of India. Exploitation of forestry resources is also
severely constrained due to national policies.
The total size of the Twelfth Plan is Rs. 201862 crore at 2011-12 prices as
against the Eleventh Plan approved outlay of Rs. 84246.36 crore at current
prices. The size of the Twelfth Plan is 2.40 times compared to Eleventh Plan
while the Annual Plan 2012-13, of 28000 crore, is 1.22 times that of the
approved outlay of Annual Plan 2011-12 which was Rs. 23000 crore.
1. Sectoral distribution of Plan Outlay: The detailed sectoral outlays have
been decided keeping the above mentioned objectives in mind and are given in
the Annexure.

The Sectoral Percentage Distribution of Plan Outlays

Distribution of Outlay
(Rs. in Crore)
Eleventh Plan
Twelfth Plan
Major Sector
Percent Projected
Agriculture and Allied
3408.19 4.85 17475.39 8.66
Rural Development 7940.08 11.29 12976.80 6.43
Special Areas Programme 3132.04 4.45 8356.90 4.14
Irrigation and Flood
15102.61 21.47 27527.60 13.64
Energy 9491.78 13.50 20596.41 10.20
Industry & Mining 597.06 0.85 5664.70 2.81
Transport 8574.84 12.19 24610.90 12.19
Science, Technology &
189.88 0.27 594.00 0.29
General Economic Services 1529.90 2.18 3354.99 1.66
Social Services 20207.35 28.73 79839.22 39.55
General Services 155.27 0.22 865.09 0.43
Total 70329.00 100.00 201862.00 100.00

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Public investment in different sectors out of the state plan outlay is as above
which also includes the share of state for implementing centrally sponsored
schemes. However, above statement does not communicate the total public
investments in different sectors. It is because, centrally sponsored schemes
(CSS) are being implemented through central support with varying contribution.
For example, scheme like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (MNREGA) etc. in Rural Development Sector adds up to about
Rs. 5006.62 crores, which is more than 63% of state plan in Rural Development.
Similarly in education sector support to be received under Serva Sikhsa
Asbhiyan (SSA) and in health sector support under National Rural Health
Mission (NRHM) is also not reflected in the social services plan size. It is true
for most of the sectors.

The some of the activities undertaken under different programmes may be
overlapping in nature and contributing to other sectors. For example, a very
significant proportion of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (MNREGA), Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY),
Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP) and Drought Prone
Area Programme (DPAP) resources are deployed to conserve water and
enhance the irrigation potential but they are not being reflected in the sectoral
allocation for irrigation. Thus statement of outlays given above does not
communicate full picture of sectoral distribution. The reason being that outlay
has been worked out on the basis of programmes being implemented by major

Above sectoral allocations also do not reflect the private sector investment for
key public infrastructure which is being implemented in PPP mode like roads,
power and other social sectors. Thus total investment, which is pouring in
through PPP mode using VGF, is not getting reflected in the outlay only part of
VGF to be paid by the state has been provisioned for.

2. Underlying Approach: In a complete departure from the past practice of
designing the schemes in the four walls of Mantralaya, an entirely novel
approach was adopted to determine the priorities for different sectors and design
of schemes. The approach for the design of schemes and programmes across
different sectors was essentially to consult the most relevant stakeholders in
those sectors to identify the priorities and programmes for use of public
resources. Towards this end, a series of Panchayats of women, farmers,
Scheduled Tribe representatives, Forest Committee members etc. were
organized to consult them on their priorities and programmes for the eleventh
plan were designed accordingly.

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4. Agriculture and allied activities: They are the main stay of states
economy not only because they contribute about 26% of state domestic product
but more so because they employ about 71% of the total work force.
Improvement in agriculture growth is necessary for greater equity as also to
provide market for industry and services. To achieve 5% rate of growth through
this sector, the plan aims at increasing productivity through inputs like more
irrigation in rain fed areas, improved seeds with increased seed replacement
rate, increased and balanced use of fertilizers, encouraging organic farming
through use of organic and green manures, bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers,
creating protective irrigation and improving water harvesting through micro-
minor, improving ground water recharge through water conservation campaign,
construction of field ponds (Balram Talaab etc.) and extension reforms through
Agricultural Technology Management Agency(ATMA), institutional and
capacity building, using PPP model and strengthening and promoting
Agriculture Informatics and Communication through Agriculture Information
System Net Work (AGRISNET) and credit availability at lower rate of interest .
Special programme for participation of women in agriculture is being launched.
Horticulture is proposed to be given a boost through effective extension,
ensuring availability of quality planting material, promoting micro-irrigation
and doubling the area under horticultural crops with assistance from NHB,
NHM, CMPB, APEDA, NAFED and schemes being taken up with state
support. Similarly, veterinary and fisheries are being promoted through better
extension and development through bankable schemes. A total of Rs 6047.00
crores has been proposed for agriculture while Rs. 1705.00 crores has been
proposed for horticulture in the eleventh plan.
5. Forest: The approach of the MP Forest Department for the 12th Five
Year Plan- envisages working as per an overarching philosophy for faster,
sustainable and inclusive growth in the 12
Plan period as per the expectations
of the nation and as perceived by Planning Commission, Government of India.
Managing the environment and ecology is one of the 12 recognized strategy
challenges. Five specific components recognized under this challenge, which
are at least partly relevant for this Plan are Land, Mining and forest rights,
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change, Waste management &
pollution abatement, Degradation of forests & loss of biodiversity and Issues of
environment sustainability, will be taken care of in planned activities of the
department. Thus expectation of people in area of clean air, water and soil, right
to natural resources, sustainable livelihoods and healthy surroundings has been
synchronized in the XII Plan.
The efforts in areas generating livelihoods based on forests especially for
landless people, energy conservation measures, development of alternate

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sources of energy and development of fuel and fodder in forest areas near
habitations will be continued in 12
Plan. CAMPA funds would also be tapped
besides plan resources for the purpose.
The sustainable management of forest is the main goal of forest department. In
addition, state has set specific goals for 12
Five Year Plan period are increase
in forest density in more than 5 lakh hectares of forests, increase in tree and
Forest cover of the state by 5 lakh hectares, facilitate sustainable harvesting,
collection, processing, marketing and regeneration of NTFPs and providing
sustainable livelihoods to forest dependent communities by developing
enterprises in forest based livelihoods, including opportunities from ecotourism,
shellac, tussar, fodder and fuel wood.
With active people's involvement, conservation of forest can be achieved is the
vision of the department and for this key focus area such as multiple livelihood
opportunities, envisaging effective programmes and effective implementation
and monitoring of the programme where people participation will be sought to
maximum extent. The outlay proposed for the Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17
and for Annual Plan 2012-13 are Rs. 4286 crores and Rs. 540 crores
6. Rural Development :The basic objective of programs under rural
development is alleviation of poverty, employment generation, enhancing
means of livelihood and infrastructure development. Some of the salient
features of various schemes are discussed below:

To enrol more number of unskilled people under NREGS, the State has
intended to put 17300 lakhs man days during 12
Five Year Plan

To address the need of about 2.08 lakh homeless people of the State, the
State Government has continued the housing schemes in addition to
Indira Awas Yojana. While more than 30,000 homeless people were
benefited under Chief Minister Antyodaya Housing Schemes, the State
has planned to provide shelters to about 40,000 people under the same
scheme. Similarly, under Chief Minister Housing Mission more than 7.00
lakhs houses are to be constructed for rural homeless families.

Connectivity of rural areas has been the priority of the State Government.
In pursuance of this, more than 19,000 km roads are to be constructed
across 9109 villages.

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For poverty alleviation, District Poverty Initiative program has been
generating livelihood programs in rural areas of the State.

7. Industry: The Madhya Pradesh has enormous potential for industrial
development due to abundance of natural resources. State has taken various
measures in recent past such as introduction of Progressive Industrial Policy,
improving infrastructure, improving human resource base, organizing investor
meets etc., to accelerate the pace of industrialization so that state become at par
with industrially advanced states. State's top priority for 12
Plan period is to
complete all development works and ensure that all unit likely to come in these
SEZ and Parks become operational. The large and medium industries, with high
investment employment ratio, has spin off effects which help in coming up of
other establishments as service provider to industries but also to employees,
therefore leads to economic development. To facilitate large and medium units,
centre should initiate in framing a suitable policy in area of concessions and
labour laws enabling more investors to set up their industries in the states like
Madhya Pradesh which is having low density of industrial units despite it is
endowed with natural resources.

India would need Technical/ Vocational manpower of 1.2 crore people per
annum, considering CAGR of 8% GDP growth till 2022. On pro-rata basis for
Madhya Pradesh, the figure at 5% of the national population would be 6.0 lakhs/
annum. Using the findings of NSSO 55
round related to labour participation
rates, the estimated additional increase in labour force during XII plan periods is
3.33 million. Thus during XII plan period, per annum the target of job
opportunity to be created per annum are 6, 65,600 of which 5, 13,600 for men
and 1, 52,000 for women. The composition of additional labour force reveals
that persons with educational qualification of middle, secondary and higher
secondary will account for 58.27 % of total increased labour force in XII plan
period. The skill development of this major constituent of labour force is a
challenging task for State Skill Development Mission. To meet the goal,
required physical infrastructure and trained faculty is needed, in this area Centre
should extend full support in all aspects. State will ensure more effective
measures for convergence among the entire community of stakeholders such as
trainee, manpower producer (training imparting institutions), manpower User
(Employer/Industries), facilitator (Employment Exchanges) and certification
agencies to have good results.

8. Poverty reduction: Many economists say India will be one of biggest
economy of the world in near future. With impressive economic growth, we
are unable to reduce poverty still a large section of society live in poverty. The
benefit of growth is not reaching poors because of there are inequalities to en-

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cash the available opportunities thus poor people remain trapped in a vicious
cycle of poverty. This vicious cycle of poverty can be breached by identifying
those who are unable to en-cash opportunity and help them to get the benefits
from the programmes tailored for their welfare and betterment.

Poverty leads to enormous problems to an individual, family, society and nation
at large in form of food security, health, education, knowledge and many others.
To reduce the poverty, avenues of income needs to be expanded using available
resources. Thus efforts required in reduction of poverty will be multi-sectoral
interventions. In Rural areas opportunities of employment need to be created
both on farm and off-farm through value addition in agriculture, food
processing and forestry sector etc.

The departments of Rural Development and Urban Development specifically
implement programmes directly aimed at reducing poverty. Broad strategies
adopted by these departments include organization and development of SHGs
for micro-credit and micro-enterprises, facilitating credit, development of
capacities and forward and backward linkages for self employment, providing
wage employment during lean season, creation of productive assets on
community lands and on individual lands of poor farmers etc.

Thus to eradicate poverty, targeting approach and providing more avenues to
work will be used during the twelfth plan period.

13. Energy: The installed capacity of Madhya Pradesh Power Generation
Company as on 31.3.2011 is 3724.7 MW comprising of 2807.5 MW Thermal
and 917.2 MW Hydel projects. Further, State has share of 2430.5 MW in the
Central Sector Projects. 2371.5 MW from hydel projects in joint venture. Apart
from the above, 216 MW from Private sector and 255 MW from other sectors
are obtained. Thus total installed capacity of 8998 MW is available with state as
on 31.3.2011. From 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011, the net addition in installed
capacity of the state is 2578.9MW of which 734.25 MW (660 MW from thermal
and 74.25 from Hydel projects) is added by Madhya Pradesh Power Generation
Company. Share in Central Sector projects has increased by 659MW, 714.65
MW in J oint Venture Hydel project during same period. Balance increase of
471 MW in generation capacity is contributed by Private sector (216 MW) and
(255 MW) other sectors. During Eleventh Plan period, Capacity of 6,358 MW
from various sources was planned to be added. During 31.3.2006 to
31.3.2011 period 40% of planned capacity could be added.

Keeping in view future load growth and to overcome shortages, generation
capacity from State Sector, Central Sector and other sectors / IPPs has been

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planned and efforts will be made to increased generation capacity to the
required level.

On the basis of proposed generation capacity addition, Peak availability and
Peak requirement for the Plan period 2012-13 to 2016-17 have been worked out
and likely situation of shortages/surplus is as indicated below:

Expected Peak availability and Peak requirement during 12

(As per CEA Norms)
Year Peak requirement
in MW
Peak availability
in MW
Surplus MW
Surplus in
FY 12-13 10,629 8,446 -2,183 -20.54
FY 13-14 11,756 10,294 -1,462 -12.44
FY 14-15 12,602 12,108 -494 -3.92
FY 15-16 13,413 15,170 1,757 13.10
FY 16-17 14,269 17,295 3,026 21.21

For the year 2012-13, the peak availability has been assessed at 8,446 MW
against the estimated peak requirement of 10,629 MW resulting in peak
shortage of about 2,183 MW (20.54%) has been envisaged. The shortages will
continue till 2014-15 and surplus is expected to start from 2015-16, which is
possible, provided all projects under implementation and planned will be
completed as per scheduled.

Capacity Addition: During Twelfth Plan period, it is programmed to add 4620
MW installed generation capacity in the State Sector. It is programmed to
commission the projects, which have slipped from 11
Plan, at earliest possible.
These will add generation capacity to the tune of 1700 MW during first two
years of 12
Plan. Following are the projects planned for commissioning:

1. Malwa TPP (2x600) MW 1200 MW Febuary 2013 & September 2013
2. Sarni TPS Extension unit 500 MW September 2012 & January 2013
X and XIth (2x250 MW)

Total capacity addition 1700 MW (of XIth Plan)

Additional capacity of 2920 MW will available on commissioning of, Shree
Singaji Thermal Power Project Stage II (2X660 MW), Khandwa which is
expected to commission in March'2015 , Sept'2015 and Dada Dhuniwale
Khandwa Power Project (2 x 800MW), expected commissioning J uly2016,
December2016. Thus 660 MW in 2014-15, 660 MW in 2015-16 and 1600
MW in 2016-17 will be available to the state. The land acquisition for Bansagar

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Thermal Power Project (2 x 800MW), Tikuratola, Shadol is in progress and
likely to be commissioned in 2017-18. Further, it is proposed to initiate the
construction of two new Generation projects, namely, Amarkantak TPS Extn.
Unit (1x250 MW) & Sarni T.P.S. Extn. Unit (1 x 660 MW) (in place of 5x 62.5
MW Units). Both these projects will be commissioned in Thirteenth Five Year
Plan period.

Expansion /Strengthening of Transmission System, evacuation of power from
Generation Projects of the State, interconnection of State transmission system
with National Grid (i.e. PGCIL projects, etc.), to overcome low voltage problem
and to avoid overloading of EHV system and to meet out the future
requirement, considering Generation Capacity Addition Programme of the
state, generation capacity addition by upcoming Independent Power Producers
(IPPs), Category-wise Load Growth in the State, Expected requirement of new
industries as well as additional requirement of existing ones, any special /
contingent requirement of Discoms and Expected increase in Interconnection
with PGCIL System, are the objectives of the Madhya Pradesh Transmission
Company for 12
Five Year Plan.

In order to achieve the above objectives during 12
Plan period, system studies
have been conducted to identify the transmission requirements in the state up to
2016-17 for catering the load growth as stipulated in 18
EPS, overcoming the
deficiencies of the system created in past years and meeting the grid code
requirements specifically keeping the voltage variation within the prescribed

MP TRANSCO will undertake transmission work during the XII plan period. It
is proposed that Public Private Partnership (PPP) will also be involved in
execution of transmission work.
Transmission works during 12
Plan and proposed financing of works are:

(i) Evacuation of power from Shri Singaji TPP (2x600 MW) and
Satpura TPS Extn. (2x250 MW): PFC Financed works (New Scheme)
for A transmission scheme amounting to Rs. 1560 crore for power
evacuation from these thermal plants and some system strengthening
work has been approved by the PFC against which loan of Rs. 1123 crore
has been sanctioned in Feb2010. The works under this loan are proposed
to be completed by 2013-14.

(ii) Construction of new 220KV and 132KV Sub-stations: A transmission
scheme amounting to Rs. 1248.00 crore for system strengthening works
has been approved by the J ICA against which loan of Rs. 1038 crore has
been sanctioned. The scheme includes construction of 7 new 220KV Sub-

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stations and 26 new 132KV Sub-stations. The works under this loan are
proposed to be completed by 2014-15.

(iii) Un-funded Transmission works:

(a) Transmission works of priority nature: In this category,
transmission works of priority nature, for which funds have not yet
been tied-up, are included. The total investment on these transmission
works in 12
Plan is Rs. 309.69 crore. The above works are proposed
to be taken up from the funds provided by the State Government /
internal resources.

(b) Un-funded Transmission works: System studies have been
conducted for identification of transmission works for the Twelfth
Plan period and transmission works amounting to Rs. 4233.32 crore
have been identified for which funds are yet to be tied up. These
works are proposed to be taken up with the loan assistance from
External agencies such as ADB, J ICA, etc.

(iv) Public Private Partnership (PPP): The transmission works amounting
to Rs. 550.70 crore are proposed through PPP mode. This includes
construction of 400KV DCDS line from Satpura to Ashta (2 x 245 Ckm)
and 12 new 132KV Sub-stations.


The following major schemes are being implemented in Distribution sector:

Feeder Bifurcation Scheme: For the overall development of the State, better
quality and uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured in rural areas for all
purposes. With this objective, to provide commercially viable continuous power
supply to domestic consumers in rural areas and to provide eight hours a day
regulated power supply to Agricultural Sector, project of Feeder Bifurcation
was under taken. During 2009-10, State government provided Rs. 8 crore for
feeder bifurcation to all Discoms under Pilot Project. The funds were utilized in
bifurcating 531 feeders. The key results of these pilot projects were promising
and were resulted in reducing T&D losses by 8 to 9%, reducing monthly
interruption by more than 50%, improving voltage by 8 to 10% in the
system and reducing overloading on feeders on an average by 20 to 30%.

i) In order to take up all works of feeder bifurcation scheme, huge
investment of the order of approximately Rs. 4156 crore is required for
bifurcation of 5151 feeders. The Discoms have prepared schemes for feeder

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bifurcation and have approached REC & ADB for loan assistance. The State
Government has given in-principle approval to provide guarantee for this
project. The scheme is to be implemented in two phases. For Phase I project
REC has sanctioned a loan of Rs. 1721.0 crore for separation of 2414 feeders.
For Phase II project ADB has sanctioned a loan of Rs. 1950.0 crore against total
estimated cost of Rs. 2435.0 crore for separation of 2737 feeders. The balance
counter-part fund of Rs. 485.00 crore will be provided by the State Govt. for the
Phase II project. The IDC component for both the loans will be arranged by the
respective discom.

Only after feeder bifurcation programme a substantial reduction in commercial
and technical losses (AT&C losses) and reduction in failure of distribution
transformers is expected. However with implementation of project progressive
trend in reduction of losses can be observed.

ii) RAPDRP Scheme: The Government of India has launched an ambitious
scheme for the reduction of T&D losses under Restructured Accelerated Power
Development Reform Project (RAPDRP). The scheme has been launched for
towns with a population of 30000 or more (as per 2001 census). The funds for
the project will be provided by Government of India and the same can be
converted into grant based on the results of the project on completion. The PFC
has been made the Nodal Agency for the Project. The project is to be
implemented in two phases:

Part-A: Establishment of base line data and use of Information Technology for
energy audit to reduce the AT&C losses and development of system to fix the
responsibility on those responsible for high AT&C losses. The broad scopes
of the project are GIS based consumer indexing, Centralized billing
solution, AMR for feeders and DT meters for Data Logging (Energy
Audit), Establishment of Data Centre and Customer Care Centers and
Online payment facility. In some of the areas effort has been put and progress
of works is satisfactory to great extent.

Part-B: Loss Reduction Project: In order to convert the funds provided by the
Government of India into grant, the following norms have been set:
- Reduction in AT&C losses by 3% per year in the areas where AT&C
losses are more than 30%.
- Reduction in AT&C losses by 1.5% per year in the areas where AT&C
losses are less than 30%.
The three discoms have prepared schemes for 82 cities. State Discoms are one
of the first amongst the States in submitting their proposals to the Government
of India. Same has been approved. All the three Discoms have agreed to

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establish base data centre at J abalpur. The process for selection of agency for
infrastructure is in progress.

(iii) Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY): The
Government of India has launched an ambitious scheme Rajiv Gandhi Gramin
Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)of Rural Electrification. Electrification of all
villages and electrifying 100% BPL households are the main thrust area. The
scheme is being implemented through Rural Electrification Corporation (REC).
Under the scheme, the funds are being provided through REC as 90% grant
(directly to Discoms) and 10% loan (to State Government).

During Tenth Plan, schemes of 8 districts amounting to Rs. 513.61 crore were
sanctioned. Against this, amount of Rs. 427.71 crore has been received and
expenditure of Rs. 384.85 crore has been incurred up to 31.07.2011. It was
programmed to electrify 9768 villages and provide service connections to
311295 BPL consumers. Against this, 7560 villages have been electrified and
service connections have been provided to 231071 BPL consumers. During
Eleventh Plan, schemes of 24 districts amounting to Rs. 1254.78 crore were
sanctioned. Against this, amount of Rs. 736.46 crore has been received and
expenditure of Rs. 454.23 crore has been incurred up to 31.07.2011. It was
programmed to electrify 25120 villages and provide service connections to
1064947 BPL consumers. Against this, 5808 villages have been electrified and
service connections have been provided to 235131 BPL consumers.

Further, schemes of balance 21 districts amounting to Rs. 977.13 crore have
been submitted to REC and the approval is awaited. It has been intimated that
the balance schemes pending in REC for sanction would now be considered in
Twelfth Plan, as the funds meant for RGGVY during 11
Plan period have
already exhausted. Requirement under RGGVY of three Discoms during
Twelfth Plan period has been assessed as Rs. 1738.00 crore. This includes Rs.
1564.20 crore as 90% grant from REC and Rs. 173.80 crore as 10% loan to
State Government would be required from plan funds.

14. Education:

14.1 Elementary Education: To ensure the elementary education as a
fundamental right, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act, 2009 (Popularly known as Right to Education Act) has been enforced
which is being implemented in entire nation. To implement all the provision
under this Act, It has been decided that Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) will be
used as vehicle for the purpose. The responsibility of ensuring 100% enrolment,
retention and completion of elementary education of all children in the age

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group of 6-14 years under the provisions of this Act lies with the State

The population of children under the age group of 6-14 year is about 1.50 crores
in the state. The prime objective of the department is to get all these children
enrolled into the school, their attendance, retention and ensuring that all these
children achieved elementary quality education. By providing, Primary school
facility within a distance of one km. radius of each habitation and Upper
Primary schools within a reach of 3 Kms., the state has universalized access to
primary and upper primary education.
State has planned to attain Universal enrolment and ensuring no out of school
children in age group 6-14 years, reducing dropout rate to less than 5%.,
reducing Gender gap at upper primary level to less than 5% or to zero,
Enhancing achievement levels of children of Primary and Middle level and
abiding all the provisions of RTE act during the twelfth five year plan period.

Following major action proposed are as follow:
a. All the untrained teachers according to their qualification will be trained
by National Council for Teacher Education within next 5 years.
b. PTR will be maintained as per the norms and no schools will be left with
more than 10% of vacancies against requirement.
c. 100,000 teachers /head masters posts will be sanctioned and filled. In
addition to this another 5000 guest teachers posts will also be sanctioned
and filled.
c. Norms of PTR at Middle Level will be maintained and At least one
teacher per class and one teacher for Science and Mathematics, one
teacher for Social Science and one teacher for language will be made
d. Minimum 25% of reservation will be provided in Class1 or pre-school by
unaided private schools to children belonging to disadvantaged group and
weaker section and the reimbursement of their fee will be arranged by the
government as per the norms.
e. Infrastructure for all the school, both government and private will be
made available within 3 years.
f. Through a partnership with reputed NGOs and Private Schools free and
quality education will be provided to children of disadvantaged groups
and weaker sections of society. Necessary arrangements will be made
even in the remote areas for the same.

14.2 Secondary Education: Successful implementation of Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan (SSA) has resulted in increased enrolment and pass out rate at the
elementary level. It has created an urge in society to have secondary education
facilities near their habitation, thus there is a need to expand secondary

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education facilities. Besides expansion of educational facilities, more emphasis
will be on providing quality education at the secondary level.

There are 12121 high and higher secondary schools being run by various
agencies in the state. With effective implementation of SSA, it is expected that
in coming years, more number of children would like to pursue secondary
education thus present infrastructure may not be sufficient to meet the
requirement. To fulfil the demand, infrastructure facilities will have to be
expanded and new schools will need to be opened during XII plan period.
Private schools are mainly located in urban areas which meet the demand of
urban areas to some extent and opening new schools in rural areas lies with the
government. To meet state is planning to use Public Private Partnership mode to
develop education facilities in rural areas.

15. Public Health and Engineering: In 2011, out of 127197 habitations,
more than 50% habitations were fully covered under National Rural Drinking
Water Program. This coverage is based on the increased service level of 55 litre
per capita per day. The focus of the program is to ensure the supply of drinking
water facilities in the habitations having SC/ST dominant population as well.
The State will provide support Panchayati Raj institutions and local
communities to manage at least 60% of rural drinking water sources and
The State has prioritized to ensure the availability of safe drinking water
in schools, Anganwadi centers and all households.
The priority is to provide safe drinking water to all households and hence,
the State has resorted to various sources like piper water supply, public
taps and hand pumps wherever required.

16. Welfare of SC/ST : The State of Madhya Pradesh houses more than 35%
SC/ST of total population of the State. As SC/ST has been marginalized from
the mainstream of development, hence, it is meaningless to talk about the
development of the State until the development of SC/ST is overlooked. For
improvement and betterment of SC/ST several schemes have been implemented
by the State and some of them are discussed as below:
Economic empowerment schemes like construction of wells, pump irrigation etc
have widely benefited the people.

To ensure the improved literacy among females, under 12
Five Year Plan, 100
Kanya Shiksha parisar, 21 Pre-Matric hostels, 48 Ashrams and 4 Post- Matric
hostels have been proposed.

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Stipend has been increased from Rs. 725/- to Rs. 750/- per month so that the
proper nutrition can be ensured for the women residing in Ashrams created for
tribal females.

17. Women and Child Development: Health and Education are the prime
requirement for development of nation and states. It is unfortunate that even
after more than six decades of independence; we are still termed as most
backward nation on number of health and education indicators. The state
government accords high priority to socio-economic development of women so
that they become equal partners in development process. The Government has
introduced gender budgeting in 2007-08 to assess the allocation of resources
gender-wise and to see the impact of policies and programmes on gender. The
gender budgeting was limited to 13 departments initially and has been extended
to nearly 25 departments. To promote education among girls, government has
been providing free textbooks, uniforms, scholarships and free bicycles to girl
children entering classes VI and IX. Ladli Laxmi Yojana was also initiated to
promote educational and socio-economic status of the girl child. To help the
destitute, divorcees and widows, and girls from poor families CM Kanyadaan
Yojana was initiated under which group marriages are being organized. There
are number of other schemes for welfare and empowerment of women being
implemented. Through Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent
Girls (SABLA), Empowering of Adolescent Girls of 11 to 18 years is being
undertaken by improving their nutritional and health, up gradation of home
skills, life skills and vocational skills. ICPS has been started especially for the
children for their integrated welfare and rehabilitation who are in the difficult

To reduce Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality rate and Malnutrition
among children and women ICDS is being implemented through 453 projects
and 78929 Aganwadi Centers and 9820 Mini Anganwadi Centres. ICDS
delivers growth monitoring, supplementary nutrition (to all eligible beneficiaries
i.e. under 6 children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and selected
adolescent girls), immunization, pre-school education to children under 6, ante-
natal check up, health and nutrition education and referral services.

During the Twelfth plan period, the mission of the department is to deliver the
services of ICDS more effectively and efficiently through building better
coordination with community and result oriented. With active participation of
Health Department, WCD department will do its best to achieve the set targets
of reducing Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to 125, IMR to 35 and TFR to
2.1; improving the sex ratio (06 years) to 950 females per 1000 males and
reduce malnutrition to 20% and anemia to 25% during XII Plan period.

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State Government has been constituted Atal Bal Arogya and Poshan Mission
with the objective to provide an enabling mechanism for prevention and
reduction of malnutrition and under five mortality rates in the children of the
State through coordinated and concerted efforts by the key stakeholders. For
improving sex ratio in age group 0-6 years, Beti Bachao Abhiyan (Save the
Girl Child Campaign) is being implemented in the State since 5
October 2011.

18. Transport: The social, economic and poverty profile of M.P. is such that
the quality of infrastructure is a bottleneck for more rapid and equitable growth
in the state, and thereby growth in human development. Improving the rural
connectivity and quality of road network is thus a key priority of the state

The national highways in Madhya Pradesh are in extremely poor condition.
Ministry of Road Transport as well as National Highway Authority of India
(NHAI) has failed in keeping the national highway stretches motor able. State
government is ready to take up the programme for rehabilitation and
reconstruction of these national highways in case of de-notification takes place.
The Central Government has to take the decision at earliest so that condition of
these highways does not deteriorate further.

As per Basic Road Statistics of India, the total road length of National
Highways, as on 31
March 2008, state accounts for 7 percent of total highways
of the country in spite of having large proportion of geographical area and being
land locked state. The distribution of National Highways by different type
such as standard single lane, standard double lane and standard multi- lane
indicates that there is disparity and state is in disadvantageous position. The
availability of road length per hundred square kilometre of area or per lakh of
population is the indicator of road connectivity; in this regard Madhya Pradesh
is far behind the nation. At all India level, excluding roads constructed under
J RY and PMGSY, 92.72km of road per hundred square kilometre of area and
266.24 km per lakh of population was available against which state had 53.77
km and 241.12 km respectively. Even including roads constructed under J RY
and PMGSY, availability of road length per hundred square kilometres of area
is 125.02km and per lakh of population is 359.00 km at the national level
against which state had 59.95 km and 268.86 km respectively.

Thus to remove the disparity, more roads need to be constructed in the state in
the categories of National Highways, State highways, District Roads and other,
which require huge investment. To compliment the state effort, centre should
extend its full support.

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MP's performance in utilization of PMGSY funds during XI Plan has been
widely appreciated but adequate funds were not provided on the pretext of
PMGSY guidelines. State has been able to provided road connectivity to all
villages as per the guidelines in short period as compare to other states. State
has not received any financial assistance under PMGSY during last two years.
Criteria for rural roads under PMGSY based on population under Bharat
Nirman have lead the state like MP with enormous task of providing road
connectivity as state have large number villages having less population which
is due to its dispersed and tribal population. To meet the goal of providing
connectivity to all villages irrespective of population state needs huge resources
for which Centre should consider of lowering the population criterion for
providing connectivity to targeted villages under PMGSY during XII Plan, for
states like Madhya Pradesh which has lower population density (dispersed
population) and high proportion of tribal population.

Road sector is a priority sector of the state. Besides the public sector
investments, M.P. has been pioneer in Public Private Partnership mode of
constructing road infrastructure.

19. Tourism: Madhya Pradesh is known for its rich heritage of having
legendary pilgrim centers; breathtaking scenic beauty; and unparalleled wildlife.
There is large scope to expand tourism industry in the state and has significant
potential for employment generation. A dynamic mechanism is being put in
place to remove bottlenecks for the private sector participation in promoting
tourism and developing tourism infrastructure. The construction of road
network linking major tourist centers has been taken up for up-gradation.

20. Public Private Participation: The state has been a pioneer in Public
Private Partnership (PPP). At present, most of the departments like agriculture,
Bio-technology, Commerce, industry and employment, energy, forest, health
and family welfare, horticulture and food processing, housing and environment,
information technology, public works department (roads), school education,
sport and youth welfare, technical education and urban administration and
development have opted for public private partnership mode for capital
intensive works using different option of PPP such as BOT, BOOT, BOT(T+A),
DBFOT and OMT depending upon type of project. Till date, projects worth Rs.
24526 crore are at various stages of process and implementation. Road
projects, costing over Rs.16229 crore, accounts for more than two third of total
projects. The state has also opted for development of mini-hydel projects in PPP
mode. The state has also been among the first ones to submit proposals of road
construction using the VGF. The state prefers to utilize PPP approach for
funding infrastructure development in different sectors including service sectors
wherever possible. As per the data available on website,

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http://, there are 881 projects worth Rs 543045 crore, in
PPP mode are being implemented. Of these, Madhya Pradesh accounts for 10%
of projects and 2.94% of total value of the projects.

21. Rationalization of Schemes: An extensive exercise to rationalize the
schemes and programmes under the 12
Plan period has been taken up by State
Planning Commission. Impact of the scheme, objectives, targeted population
and nature of the scheme has been taken in account while rationalizing the
schemes. In the process, 561 schemes out of a total of 1458 schemes have been
either discontinued or clubbed together or moved to non-plan. A total of 195
new schemes have been proposed for Twelfth Five year Plan. The report of BK
Chaturvedi Committee on restructuring of Centrally Sponsored Schemes has
served as basis for the exercise. Hence, the total No. of schemes for 2012-13 is

22. Strengthening Public Expenditure Management: A Project entitled
"Strengthening Performance Management in Government" was implemented
during XI Plan period with assistance from Department for International
Development, U.K. Government (DFID). Project was envisaged by Directorate
of Institutional Finance and State Planning Commission, Government of MP
and DFID. The aims of the project were to strengthened links between policy,
planning and budgeting and to achieve more effective and efficient use of public
resources so as to bring about poverty reduction and human development in
Madhya Pradesh. The project also supported eight selected departments namely
School Education, Health, Public Works, Water Resources, Tribal Welfare,
Agriculture, Rural Development and Urban Administration Department on
various aspects.

The key components of the project were to develop Medium-Term Fiscal
framework (MTFF) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in line
departments through building capacity within state Government to strengthened
performance management, restructuring of Public Sector Enterprises (PSE),
Procurement and other activities relating to improvement in Public Expenditure
Management (PEM), Strengthen the pro-poor focus in resource planning and
allocation by building capacity in field of gender budgeting and setting up a
unit for Poverty Monitoring, Policy Support and Improvements in Monitoring &
Evaluation (M&E) Systems.

As a result of the project, State Government has taken several steps to improve
its fiscal situation. In addition, various efforts have been made to increase tax
collection, improve budget execution and reporting and to curtail unproductive
expenditure which have resulted in reducing state's revenue deficit accompanied
by a limited increase in social expenditure. State Government has introduced

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'outcome' budgets in key departments to achieve a performance orientation in
The project ceased to work with effect from 30
J une 2011. The second phase
of the project has been negotiated and has been approved by Ministry of
External Affair. The duration of the project is four years from date of

Poverty Monitoring, Policy Support, and Improvements in Monitoring
&Evaluation (M&E) Systems: PMPSU has been established as a registered
society under the administrative control of the MP State Planning Commission.
Administrative and financial decisions, including approving the Units work
plan, are being taken by the Governing Body, headed by the Vice-Chairman of
the Planning Commission and with representation from other departments, civil
society, academic / research organizations and Panchayati Raj Institutions. The
Unit (PMPSU) is headed by the Member-Secretary, Planning Commission, who
is being supported by Nodal Officer PMPSU, Team Leader and subject experts
in social development, M&E, and statistics and survey methods. The unit has
been assigned the work of analyzing data related to poverty in the state,
undertaking evaluation studies to provide specific support to incorporate mid-
course correction etc., undertaking monitoring and evaluation of the
departments, increase association with academic institutions, capacity building
of civil society organizations for monitoring of various programmes at
community level and providing technical support in decentralized planning
process in the state and to state planning commission on various issues.

During last four years, PMPSU have accomplished reports, based on 61
of NSSO data (State Sample), Socio-economic disparity in MP, and Report on
district wise poverty estimates for Madhya Pradesh has been published. Status
of Rural Electrification in Madhya Pradesh, Planning Atlas for Madhya
Pradesh, A perspective Strategy for Twelfth Plan Labour Force and Skill
Development in MP, Mid-term review of XI Five Year Plan, Discussion Paper
on Agriculture, Discussion Paper on Growth Perspectives and resource
mobilization for XII Plan has also been prepared and published by the unit. In
addition, for departments required inputs are being provided by the unit from
time to time. Following are the evaluation studies undertaken by the unit:
Assessment of Deen Dyal Antodaya Upchar Yojana, Impact Assessment of
Agricultural interventions on tribal areas of MP, Functioning of Check Dams in
MP, Assessment of school girl child enrolment and retention in rural areas of
MP, Impact Assessment of ICDS Scheme, Study on variance of Potential of
major and medium irrigation projects in the state and Impact assessment study
on NREGS. The necessity of Input, output and outcome/impact monitoring has
been realized and efforts are being put to strengthen the system accordingly.
Unit has supported the Directorate of Economic and Statistics in Estimation

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of district income from 1999-2000 till 2007-08 under the component of
'Strengthening of Directorate of economics and statistics'

In rolling out the decentralized planning process, unit has contributed
significantly in developing unique strategy based on the situation on the ground,
preparation of State Specific Operational manuals, field planning, input formats
to collect the information through people participation, training of district level
master trainers, technical support groups and facilitating the process of capacity
building of district level officials in the State. In collaborations with GoI- UN
J PC and UNICEF, unit has been contributing regularly in initiatives taken by
State Planning Commission on Convergence for decentralized district planning

PMPSU as a unit has come up as one of the important source of knowledge and
expertise in the field of monitoring and evaluation; the unit has also come up as
the best resource centre for the poverty related data support.

(Annexure - I)
Proposed Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
( Rs. in Lakh )
Name of the Department 2012-17 2012-13
1 Agriculture
a Agriculture Production 545250.00 104833.13
b Soil & Water Conservation 9000.00 1170.00
c Agriculture Research & Edu. 33500.00 5300.00
d Minor Irrigation 12400.00 838.98
e Micro-Minor Agri. 35000.00 3419.60
Sub Total 1 635150.00 115561.71
2 Horticulture & Food Processing
a Horticulture 169449.95 20519.02
b Food Processing 1050.00 235.90
c National Mission of Food Processing 0.05 0.01
Sub Total 2 170500.00 20754.93
3 Animal Husbandry & Dairy Dev. 132036.00 22851.35
4 Fisheries 23300.00 3113.29
5 Forest 428603.00 54503.00
6 Public Distribution System (PDS) 8800.00 1168.37
7 Cooperation 397600.00 47651.01
8 Rural Development
a SJGSY 43400.00 5435.25
b DPIP (EAP) 31850.00 13650.00
c MPRRDA Road Development/Renewal 140000.00 15000.00
d Rural Housing (IAY) 76000.00 9708.08
e DRDA Admn. (SS) 2500.00 400.00
f DPAP 341.17 341.17

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 8
(Annexure - I)
Proposed Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
( Rs. in Lakh )
Name of the Department 2012-17 2012-13
g NREGS 370000.00 46966.50
h M. P. Rural Rojgar Gaurantee Council 6000.00 850.00
i Mid Day Meal 200000.00 25464.57
j Community Development 90000.00 14500.00
k Grant to Walmi 2500.00 325.00
l MPRRDA Roads Development Authority 180000.00 22000.00
m State Rural Road Conneectivity 9000.00 1000.00
n CM Awas Yojna (Apna Ghar ) 23000.00 2902.06
o State SGSY 600.00 100.00
Total Sanitary Scheme ( TSC )
53000.00 6667.86
q Samanvit Ajivika Programme 1200.00 140.00
r State Water & Sanitation Mission 1000.00 110.00
s MDM Parishad 400.00 50.00
t RGM Parishad 308.83 25.00
Integrated watershed management
programme(IWMP) 28000.00 3500.00
v CM Rural Road 454190.00 90000.00
Rural Housing & Habitat Development
(CM Awas Mission) 81000.00 9664.51
x RRR of water bodies scheme 900.00 100.00
y Survey & Investigation of Rural
Development Work
4400.00 100.00
z Bundelkhand 3010.00 3010.00
Sub Total 8 1802600.00 272010.00
9 Land Reforms 45000.00 4905.20
10 Panchayat
a Panchayat 413270.00 67955.69
b B.R.G.F. 577030.00 73050.00
10 Sub Total 10 990300.00 141005.69
11 Irrigation And Flood Control
a Major Irrigation 138800.00 30797.80
b Medium Irrigation 437880.00 50664.17
c Minor Irrigation 240800.00 25438.00
d Flood Control 8000.00 1000.00
e Command Area Development 27520.00 3449.88
f Bundelkhand 21410.00 21410.00
i) Major Irrigation 547730.00 53723.15
ii) Medium Irrigation 60670.00 7584.00
iii) Minor Irrigation 300000.00 36600.00
Sub Total- g 908400.00 97907.15
Sub Total 11 1782810.00 230667.00

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(Annexure - I)
Proposed Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
( Rs. in Lakh )
Name of the Department 2012-17 2012-13
a Irrigation Portion
i) Irrigation 481510.00 41392.49
ii)AIBP 441040.00 60267.21
Sub Total Irrigation Portion 922550.00 101659.70
b Power Portion 12590.00 4247.11
Sub Total 12 935140.00 105906.81
13 Energy-MPSEB 2022351.00 264000.00
14 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 24700.00 6740.00
15 Industries
a L& M Industries 405870.00 50332.32
b SSI 77900.00 6056.20
Sub Total 15 483770.00 56388.52
16 Handloom 10850.00 1400.62
17 Khadi & Gramodhyog 11800.00 1548.91
18 Handicraft 10200.00 1344.81
19 Sericulture 39500.00 5207.38
20 Mining 9300.00 1200.00
21 Civil Aviation 7400.00 741.01
22 Road & Bridges (PWD) 1670500.00 232293.00
23 Scientific Research (Incl. S&T) 16900.00 2460.00
24 Pollution Control Board 6400.00 717.81
25 Disaster Management (DMI) 1450.00 192.00
26 Epcoo. 9250.00 1200.50
27 Biodiversity & Biotechnology 3700.00 475.00
28 Information Technology 21700.00 4431.68
29 Tourism 47200.00 8936.50
30 Survey & Statistics 254290.00 39527.55
31 State Planning Commission 28589.06 10589.06
32 GAD
a Const. of Auditorium & Admn. Build. 1370.00 200.00
b Const. of Rajya Soochna Ayog Build. 326.00 326.00
c Academy of Administration 2020.00 801.00
Sub Total 32 3716.00 1327.00
33 Lok Sewa Prabandhan
a School of E Governance 3420.00 450.00
Atal Bihari Bajpayee Lok Prashasan
Sansthan 1800.00 218.00
Sub Total 33 5220.00 668.00
34 Weights & Measures 200.00 20.00
35 School Education
a Elementary Education 1470800.00 210387.30

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 8
(Annexure - I)
Proposed Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
( Rs. in Lakh )
Name of the Department 2012-17 2012-13
b Secondary Education 343400.00 43863.81
Sub Total 35 1814200.00 254251.11
36 Higher Education 74850.00 11035.79
37 Technical Education 44000.00 5700.00
38 Sports & Youth Welfare 56800.00 7850.00
39 Culture 13000.00 1799.05
40 Archives / Archeology & Museum 16100.00 5713.70
41 Swaraj Sansthan 4150.00 610.00
42 Public Health
a Health Services 439600.00 66665.00
b National Rural Health Mission 86000.00 17200.00
Sub Total 42 525600.00 83865.00
43 Medical Education 64000.00 10500.00
44 Indian System of Medicines & Homeo. 40000.00 4785.00
45 Food & Drug Control 1820.00 245.60
46 Water Supply & Sanitation 311640.00 42546.67
47 Police
a Police Housing 20230.00 2500.00
b Police Administratation Works 25120.00 7000.00
Sub Total 47 45350.00 9500.00
48 Town & Country Planning 4230.00 731.01
49 State Capital Project 38900.00 5477.00
50 Urban Administration & development 833600.00 150107.47
51 Public Relation 4760.00 601.00
52 Welfare of SC
a SC - Development 154361.00 18962.14
b Elementary Education 56930.00 7586.08
c Secondary Education 320940.00 32971.02
d Electrification of SC Basti 12720.00 1675.75
e Pool Fund 10725.69 340.00
Sub Total 52 555676.69 61534.99
Ghumakkar and Vimukta J ati
a Development 7630.00 935.00
b Elementary Education 820.00 85.00
c Secondary Education 8350.00 883.00
Sub Total 53 16800.00 1903.00
54 Welfare of ST
a ST - Development 101585.00 13306.19
b Elementary Education 386075.00 45612.49
c Secondary Education 310685.00 30512.53
d Electrification 50000.00 4813.24
e Grant-in-Aid under Art 275(1) 134470.00 16950.00

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(Annexure - I)
Proposed Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
( Rs. in Lakh )
Name of the Department 2012-17 2012-13
f Special Central Assist. to TSP 124190.00 17525.00
g Pool Fund 1600.00 200.00
Sub Total 54 1108605.00 128919.45
55 Welfare of OBC 336000.00 42196.26
56 Labour Welfare 170.00 24.10
57 Craftsmen Training 90000.00 11867.00
58 Employment Services . 2730.00 359.00
59 Social J ustice
a Social J ustice 399390.00 52131.96
b NSAP 433210.00 60582.00
Sub Total 59 832600.00 112713.96
60 Women & Child Dev.
a Women & Child Dev. 802424.00 110678.04
b Nutrition 412577.00 55221.96
c Atal Bal Arogya Avam Poshan Mission 36619.00 5000.00
Sub Total 60 1251620.00 170900.00
61 Legal Aid to Poor 3040.00 570.00
62 Strengthening of J udicial Admn. 18000.00 2300.00
63 J ail 6260.00 2127.82
64 Others
a Director Institutional Finance 24350.00 4163.00
b Relief Comm. Disaster Relief Bhavan 75.70 75.70
c Director General EOW 227.45 187.45
d Commercial Tax Commisioner 4000.00 2392.00
e Commisioner Transport 1160.00 800.00
f IG Registration 700.00 79.16
Sub Total 64 30513.15 7697.31
65 Gas Rahat 200.00 40.00
66 Printing & Stationary 160.00 21.00
Grand Total 20186200.00 2800000.00

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Resource Mobilization 2012-17
The performance during XI Plan period is encouraging in all the sector of
economy. Even fiscal indicators, such as fiscal deficit as percentage of GSDP,
revenue deficit as percentage of GSDP, total revenue receipt as percentage of
GSDP, own tax revenue as percentage of GSDP and outstanding liabilities as
percentage of GSDP etc., are well within the limits. Some of these indicators
have performed better than national level performance. In view of performance
and to bring the state at par with developed states of the country, Madhya
Pradesh is aiming to achieve minimum growth rate of 12% at constant prices of
2004-05, in the XII Five Year Plan Period. Global business information
provider, Dun and Broad Street has mentioned in its report that Madhya Pradesh
is poised to emerge as a major economic force in the country due to sustained
efforts being made by the state. It is also mentioned that Madhya Pradesh will
be one of the eight states (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh) who would contribute 71
% of the total GDP in next 10 years as compare to 66 % in financial year 2009-
10. State government is confident to achieve set target of minimum 12% growth
rate in overall economy through maintaining the growth of agriculture sector at
9%, growth rate of secondary sector at 12.00 % and Tertiary sector by 13.75 %
percent per annum during the plan period. This means that the GSDP of the
state has to be Rs. 1436152 crore at 2004-05 prices for entire XII Plan period,
Rs. 2300976 crore at 2011-12 prices and GSDP at current prices has to be Rs.
3002641 Crore, assuming difference in constant and current price growth rate in
2011-12 as inflation factor which will be remain same during five years of XII

Estimation of Investment Required for XII Plan Period:
To achieve the set goal of 12.00 % annual growth in GSDP during XII Plan
period at 2004-05 prices. The Investment required, for achieving the targeted
growth of 12% per annum, will be 48% of the GSDP with an incremental
capital output ratio (ICOR) of 4. In other words Gross fixed capital formation as
percentage of GSDP should be 48%. The investment level can be lowered
through greater productivity and efficiency of capital in other words, lower
ICOR in the range of 2-3 than required growth rate can be attained by
investment at the level of 24% to 36% of GSDP.

Agriculture has a lower ICOR between 2 and 3 is one of the few sectors of the
economy. This sector has ability to provide maximum employment, more than
any other sector in the shortest time. Agriculture can put more purchasing
power in hands of millions of people provided it becomes dynamic and

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9
progressive. Enhancing Agriculture Production and Food Security are the major
concerns of state and nation. To ensure state has to increase its efforts and
investment in research and development, marketing and storage, processing and
preservation etc. In addition, conversion of the waste land to cultivable land
need to be emphasised as cultivable land is being shifted to non agriculture
uses and other developments activities.

Secondary Sector of which Manufacturing (Registered and unregistered),
mining, construction and electricity, gas and water supply are the constituents,
are capital intensive and having varied gestation period resulting in higher
ICOR than that of agriculture, in general it assumed at 4.

Service sector has immense potential of growth especially information
technology. For this sector also ICOR of 4 is assumed. The major challenge for
the state is of en-cash the opportunity of its having large number of younger
population (demographic dividend) and this can be achieved through
emphasizing more on service and manufacturing sector. For which state has to
lay more emphasis on quality education and improving the proficiency of its
manpower in speaking English so that working with national and international
companies become easier.

Investment Requirement:
To achieve the growth rate of 12 % at 2004-05 prices in GSDP during XII Plan
Period, it is assumed that primary sector will grow at 9%, secondary at 12%
and Tertiary at 13.75% per annum. Further it is assumed that present rate of
inflation may continue in next plan period than at current prices than primary
sector has to grow at 23.52%, secondary at 20.11 and Tertiary at 20.85% per
annum. Thus assuming ICOR of 2.5 for primary sector and 4 for secondary and
tertiary sector than investment required is as follow:

Projected GSDP at Current Prices
Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total
Current Prices (Rs. Crore)
GSDP 392524 476472 578446 702334 852865 3002641
AGRI 109511 135268 167083 206381 254922 873165
SECONDARY 110467 132683 159365 191413 229906 823835
TERITARY 172546 208521 251998 304540 368036 1305641

Thus to achieve set goals, Gross Fixed Capital Formation to be created in
primary sector during the plan period is of the tune of Rs. 196462 crore, in
secondary sector Rs. 395441 and in tertiary sector Rs. 718102 crore. In words,

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9
to achieve overall growth rate of 12% per annum, around 44% of gross state
domestic product should be invested in creating fixed capital formation.

Projected Investment (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) at Current Prices
(Rs. in Crore)
Sector ICOR Growth
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Plan
Current Prices (Rs. in Crore)
Primary 2.5 9 24640 30435 37594 46436 57357 196462
Secondary 4 12 53024 63688 76495 91878 110355 395441
Tertiary 4 13.75 94900 114687 138599 167497 202420 718102
Total 3.63 12.03 172564 208810 252688 305811 370132 1310005
Gross Fixed Capital
Formation required as % of
43.96 43.82 43.68 43.54 43.40 43.63

To create stipulated Gross Fixed Capital Formation, it is assumed that
household and private corporate sectors should contribute at the rate of 13.5%
and 15% of GDP. It is assumed that plan out lay will be more than 9% of
projected GSDP at current prices and fixed capital formation from the state plan
outlay is assumed at 60 percent i.e. of the total plan outlay; assets worth 60 % of
the outlay will be created. In case centre through CSS scheme should contribute
around 2.75 percent of states GSDP towards capital formation as shown in the
table below. Even then there exists a gap of 6.75% to 7.27% over the years, part
of which can be easily filled in by efficient and timely implementation. In
addition, efforts should be to plug the leakages if any.

Projected Gross Fixed Capital Formation (% of GSDP) by Sectors:
Sector 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total
Household Sectors 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50
Private corporate 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Public Sector- State 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.40 5.41
Public Sector-
Central 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75
Gross Fixed Capital
Formation required
as % of GSDP 36.69 36.67 36.66 36.65 36.65 36.66
Un-filled Gap 7.27 7.15 7.02 6.89 6.75 6.97

As per guidelines of Thirteen Finance Commission, growth of 11.55% per
annum on GSDP of 2010-11 is to be taken for the plan period to calculate

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resources for XII plan period. Thus the economy at constant prices is bound to
grow at much lesser rate than the assumed growth of 11.55 percent. State has
estimated GSDP at constant prices of 2004-05, 2011-12 prices and at current
prices for the plan period keeping in view that required resources may be
provided to the state so that set goals can be achieved.

Overview of State Finance:
As per the accounts, the revenue surplus for 2010-11 stood at Rs. 6842.60 crore
and fiscal deficit at Rs. 5272.02 crore. Based on revised estimates for the year
2011-12, the revenue surplus is Rs. 7791.15 crore and fiscal deficit is of Rs.
7930.95 crore. As per Budget estimates, revenue surplus of Rs. 6370.01 crore
and fiscal deficit of Rs. 10017.99 crore is expected for year 2012-13.

As per accounts for the year 2010-11, the revenue receipts were Rs. 51854.19
crore and are estimated to increase to Rs. 63535.25 crore in revised estimate of
the year 2011-12 registering an increase of 22.53 % over 2010-11. Revenue
receipts of Rs. 69913.51 crore are expected in the year 2012-13 as per budget
estimates. The non tax revenue has been increasing since 2010-11 and is
expected to increase further in future also.

The fiscal deficit as percentage of GSDP has been estimated at 1.94 percent of
GSDP (advance estimate) during the year 2010-11, thus outstanding loan is
under sustainable limits. As per revised Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Management Act, 2012, the limit on fiscal deficit as percentage of GSDP, has
been fixed at 3.00 percent for the year 2011-12. As per revised estimates for
year 2011-12 fiscal deficit is estimated to be 2.63 percent of GSDP. In year
2012-13 this is estimated to be 2.98 percent. The fiscal indicators are as follow:

Table 4.4: Fiscal Indicators and Targets

S.No. Fiscal
1 Revenue Surplus as
percentage of GSDP
2.52 2.58 1.89
2 Fiscal Deficit as
percentage of GSDP
1.94 2.63 2.98
3 Total Outstanding Debt
Liabilities as
percentage of GSDP
27.79 27.73 28.09

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9
For the year 2013-14 and onwards, targets will be adhered to as prescribed in
the Madhya Pradesh Rajkoshiya Uttardayitya Avam Budget Prabandhan
The balance between receipts and expenditure in general and revenue
receipts and revenue expenditure in particular:

In order to achieve the revenue deficit and fiscal deficit targets envisaged in
the Act, it is necessary for the receipts to grow at a faster rate than the total
expenditure in general and revenue expenditure in particular. The ratio of tax
revenue to GSDP is 13.64 percent as per the actual for the year 2010-11 and
is expected to be 14.81 percent for the year 2011-12 as per revised estimates.
According to revised estimates, the ratio of Own tax to GSDP is 8.58 percent
in year 2011-12. The State's share in Central tax devolutions as a proportion
of GSDP for the current year is 6.23 percent and is estimated to be 6.42
percent in the year 2012-13. In order to increase the non-tax revenue, user
charges would be reviewed from time to time with a view of making them

The interest burden as a proportion of total revenue receipts for 2011-12 was
8.92 percent as per revised estimates. The interest burden as a proportion of
total revenue receipts is 8.98 percent, as per budget estimates for 2012-13,
which is higher than previous year. Although it is significantly lower than
the limit of 15 percent targeted from the sustainability point of view.

The total outstanding debt liabilities of the state, at the end of 2010-11 are
Rs. 75504.31 crore and expected to reach the level of Rs. 83836.17 crore
and Rs. 94491.30 crore in March 2012 and 2013 respectively.

As per the revised estimate for 2011-12 the ratio of outstanding debt liability
to GSDP is estimated at 27.79 percent. This ratio is expected to be 28.09 % in
2012-13 and likely to increase to 28.37 percent by the year 2015-16.

Use of capital receipts including market borrowings for creating
productive assets:
The State has already achieved revenue surplus in the year 2004-05. All
capital receipts are being used for capital formation in irrigation, power,
roads and bridges as per the priorities of the Government since 2004-05.

The estimated yearly pension liabilities worked out for the next ten
For the better management and planning of resources, on the basis of trend
growth rates (i.e. average rate of growth of actual pension payments during

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the last five years for which data are available) pension liabilities have been
estimated till 2021-22.

Fiscal policy for the ensuing year:
The present fiscal policy is showing good and positive results. Therefore, the
Government would continue to pursue the same policy in coming financial

Tax Policy:
The Government endeavours to increase the revenue receipts. In order to
achieve this goal, many legislative and administrative measures have been
undertaken. The increased tax base of luxury tax, entertainment tax and
advertisement tax is a step in this direction and such efforts would be
continued. Use of Information Technology has increased the tax collection
efficiency and further improvement is envisaged in the ensuing year.

Expenditure Policy:
Effectiveness, accountability, propriety and timeliness are four basic
principles of public expenditure management. An integrated financial
information system will be in place soon to bring the finance Department and
treasury drawl system of other department under single network to strengthen
financial management of the state. The system of financial advisors as
practiced in Government of India is being considered in the state to ensure
basic principles of public expenditure management and will be followed by
all the Departments.

Other Important Initiatives

Outcome Budget:
The Outcome Budget are being prepared and presented before the Vidhan
Sabha since 2006-07. The Outcome Budget for the year 2012-13 is being
presented. This will enable to assess of Outcomes of the budget through
quantifiable deliverables.

Gender Budget:
The Government's commitment for enabling women in realizing their full
potential is evident by the preparation and presentation of gender budget.
Through the gender budget we are able to classify some major schemes that
benefit women and this will help in the better targeting of the schemes.
Gender Budget has been prepared since 2007-08. In continuation Gender
Budget for the year 2012-13 is being presented.

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Off Budget Estimates:
Transparency in government transaction is an essential condition in
strengthening the democratic set-up. In order to make the Budget more
transparent, State Government had decided to publish sources of funds for
ongoing projects in the state since the year 2008-09. This process has been
continued in the year 2012-13. In addition to this, monitoring of the amount
received by the various departments/agencies of the State under selected
central plan schemes is being done.

Agriculture Budget:
From the financial year 2012-13, all the major demand for grants (like
Narmada Valley Development Agency, Farmers' Welfare & Agriculture
Development, Animal Husbandry & Dairy, Fisheries, Horticulture & food
Preservation and Co-operation) relating to agriculture and also demand for
grants of the departments relating to agriculture development directly or
indirectly would be grouped together and be put in a separate volume.

In addition to the funds provided in the budget for the development and
welfare of the state, the annuity commitments for the infrastructure
development through Public Private Partnership would be provided in
Volume-5 of the budget documents from this year onwards.

Strategic priorities for the coming year:
Fiscal policy is mainly concerned with the government expenditure and
revenue mobilization. In the case of revenue mobilization, the main priority is
to widen the tax base and increase collection efficiency. The thrust of the
borrowing programme is to bring down the cost of borrowing. On both of
these aspects, government is working without impacting the development and
interest of common man.

On the expenditure front, agriculture sector would be a priority sector. For the
first time, Government is presenting a separate Budget for Agriculture. Rural
connectively is also another priority sector.

Energy sector would be other priority sector, wherein the financial base of the
distribution companies would be strengthened to make them financially self
sustainable in the long run.

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Financial Resources for XII five year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13:

Projections of state resources available to finance XII Five Year Plan and
corresponding annual plans assuming 11.5% growth in state domestic
product during the plan period at 2011-12 prices are presented below in Table
4.5. The State finance department has projected its financial resources
available for XII plan and corresponding annual plans on the basis of major
guidelines given by Planning Commission Government of India.

It may be observed that during XII plan period, state's own funds accounted
for 48.96% and State government's budgetary borrowing for 30.20% of
resources. Thus states own resources accounts for 79.16% of total resources.
It is expected that Public Sector Enterprises and local bodies will contribute
3.95% of total resources. Central assistance will constitute 16.89% of total

Projection of Resource Mobilization for the XII Five Year Plan 2012-17
(At 2011-12 prices)

Source XII Plan 2012-17
(Rs in Crore)
State Government
1 State's own funds 102898.96 48.96
2 State's Government Budgetary 63466.95 30.20
3 State's own Resources (1+2) 166365.91 79.16
4 Central Assistance 35496.09 16.89
5 Total State Government Resources 201862.00
6 Public Sector Enterprises (PSE's) 8291.00 3.95
7 Local Bodies ---
8 Aggregate Plan Resources (5+6) 210153.00 100.00
9 State Plan Outlay 201862.00 96.05

Thus State's XII five year plan outlay is 96.09 % of total aggregate plan
resources. Resources to be mobilized by different sources are depicted in

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9
Resource Mobilization for the XII Five Year Plan 2012-17 by sources
Res ourc es (Rs .C rore)
S tate'sownfunds
S tate'sGovernmentBudgetaryBorrowings
C entralAssistance
PublicS ectorE nterprises(PS E 's)

Annual Plan 2012-13:

The projections of states resources for the year 2012-13 are estimated at
29118.24 crore based on assumption that the state economy will grow at rate of
11.5 % at current prices. Thus for the present annual plan Rs. 28000 crore has
been earmarked.

It shows that of the resources required for plan outlay 2012-13, 40.77 percent of
the total resources will be raised through state own resources and 34.47%
through State's government budgetary borrowing. Thus states own resources
accounts for 75.24 % of total resources. Around 20.92 % of resources will come
in form of central assistance accounts. Public Sector Enterprises are expected to
contribute 3.84% to resources during the year. 96.16% of projected resources
have been utilized as annual plan outlay for the year 2012-13.

Resources to be mobilized by different sources for annual plan 2012-13 are
depicted in Table and Figure below. Table reveals that States Annual Plan
outlay for 2012-13 is 96.16 % of total aggregate plan resources for the year.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9

Projection of Resource Mobilization for Annual Plan 2012-13

(Rs. in crore)
Sources Annual Plan
share of
State Government
1. State's own funds 11872.78 40.77
1.a BCR 14578.96 ---
1.b MCR - 3562.00 ---
1.c State Plan Grant (TFC) 932.27 ---
1.d Adjustment of opening balance - 76.45 ---
2. State's Government Budgetary Borrowings 10036.15 34.47
3. State's Own Resources (1+2) 21908.93 75.24
4. Central Assistance 6091.07 20.92
5 Total State Government Resources (1+2+4) 28000.00 ---
6 Public Sector Enterprises (PSE's) 1118.24 3.84
7 Local Bodies -- ---
8 Aggregate Plan Resources (5+6) 29118.24 100.00
9 State Plan Outlay 28000.00 96.16

Resource Mobilization for the Annual Plan 2012-13 by sources

Res ourc es (Rs .C rore)
S tate's ownfunds
S tate's GovernmentBudgetaryBorrowings
C entralAssistance
PublicS ectorE nterprises(PS E 's)

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 9

Decentralized Planning In Madhya Pradesh
Governance through Grassroots Planning
"The Madhya Pradesh Model" - From Mobilization to Institutionalization
Prof. D. R. Gadgil former Vice Chairman of Planning Commission of India
once remarked, The present mood is to talk about village democracy but to
deny real power even to the states. Planning at the state level means official
compilation of the schemes which may prove acceptable to the Centre. Of
course, non-official workers, experts or productive enterprises, are nowhere in
the picture in their own region. I think this is one of the reason why planning
has not been able to meet the basic needs of the people.

During the last 60 years, planning process of the nation has undergone several
changes, Though the broad objectives have remained more or less same, the
strategy and techniques have varied from plan to plan to meet the needs of the
time. In spite of all these changes the basic system of centralized and
departmental planning remain old-fashioned, practically it has been in a top-
down manner, thereby losing significant amounts of local and sometimes expert

There has been a continuous struggle towards evolving a way of democratic
governance that can provide scope for citizens participation in the process. The
73rd and 74
constitutional amendments made it compulsory to constitute the
District Planning Committees in the State and State Finance Commission
together with the constitution of three-tier Panchayat system and constitution of
Urban Local Bodies. Similarly, Under Article 243 (z) (d) of the constitution, the
district planning committees have a mandatory function of formulation of
district plans, and monitoring at district level. Thus District Planning
Committees have a mandatory and critical function of formulation of district
plans, monitoring and evaluation at the district level.

In recent years, a lot of emphasis is laid on grass root level planning to
restructure the overall development and inclusive growth of Madhya Pradesh.
State government of Madhya Pradesh recognized District Planning as the
critical instrument to achieve the overarching goal of inclusive growth. Govt. of
Madhya Pradesh emphasizes that this optimum outcome in terms of balanced
development could be attained with convergence of resources and enforcement
of inter-sectoral priorities. In this context Decentralized district planning seeks

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to improve the planning process. State has been a pioneering in constituting
district planning committees. All the 50 districts today have duly constituted
DPCs. The State Government initiated decentralized planning process from the
financial year from 2001-02. Till Now the state has gone ahead with
decentralizing the planning even below the district level to Ward and Gram
Sabha level. Now some questions about the process quality, effect,
sustainability, equity, and long-term effects on the service delivery and overall
system will only be answered in twelfth five year plan period.

"The Planning Commission of India lauded the [MADHYA PRADESH] State Government for
rolling out a Decentralized planning process in all districts. The move, it said will help in
enhancing agriculture production and productivity and that of its allied sectors as also
traditional and small industries with a focus on creation of employment opportunities and
poverty alleviation".
The Hindu, 06 April 2011

The structures of grass rout institutions rural and urban both need to be
empowered to improve the development indices accelerate the rate of socio-
economic growth, and to ensure Inclusive Growth. The involvement of
Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies in development planning,
monitoring and evaluation is the major milestone to be achieved. The
preparation of Integrated District Plan in decentralized manner is the major
step in this direction. The presence of mature institutions of local self
governance in the state provides a unique opportunity to translate budgetary
outlays in to better outcomes.

The State has constituted a state Steering committee headed by the Honourable
Chief Minister to undertake the decentralized district planning in Madhya
Pradesh. This committee provides overall policy guidelines and direction for the
implementation. The operational details and overseeing of the implementation
would be done by the Working group headed by the Member secretary of the
State Planning Commission. The structure of the decentralized district planning
at the district level for Rural and urban area is as per the flow charts below.

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Flow chart Structure of Rural Decentralized Planning

Flow chart Structure of Urban Decentralized Planning

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Operational Framework:
Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission has issued detail guidelines for
preparation of decentralized district plan covering all critical processes and
activities. The main features of guidelines are as follows:-
State Planning Commission will provide support and direction for
preparation of District Plan and allocate plan ceiling of the districts.
DPC in consultation with subject matter Specialists, Government officials,
VOs and other stakeholder(s) will determine plan ceiling between rural &
urban segments and formulate strategy to prepare and integrate plan
proposals of local bodies.
Rural plans will be prepared by PRIs and urban plan proposals will be
prepared by local bodies with support from the Technical Support Group
(TSG) constituted for each of the Gram panchayat and Ward.
Local bodies are expected to come up with vision of development based on
local needs and specific strengths.
The plans prepared at gram panchayat wards/ urban wards are integrated and
consolidated at each subsequent level finally to be consolidated at the district
level by District Planning Committee. This is further submitted to the
District Planning Committee for approval and consolidation.
All the line departments will be grouped into key sectors. Further working
groups will be constituted for each sector for preparing proposals keeping in
view the needs and possible inter and intra sector convergences. Working
groups will also prepare positioning paper for the achievement of MDGs at
their levels.

Sector Specific Convergence among Selected Departments

Sector Concerned Department
Education School Education, Higher Education, Technical Education, Non-formal
Education, Vocational Education.
Health &
Public Health and Family Welfare, Public Health Engineering, Woman
and Child Development, Food & Civil Supplies.
Livelihood Agriculture, Horticulture, Forest, Panchayat, and Rural Development,
Veterinary and Dairy, Village Industries, Social J ustice, Water
Resource, Fisheries, Handloom, Cooperation, Sericulture, Welfare of
SC, ST and OBCs.
PWD, Rural Development, Rural Engineering Service, Water Resource,
Energy, Planning.
Energy, Rural Development, Forest, Planning.
Civil Right
Land Reform, Social J ustice, Women and Child Development, Revenue.

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TSG Technical Support Group, which was formed over 3-5 gram
Panchayats, and comprised of 5-6 grassroots level government functionaries
who supported the village development committee of the Gram Sabha in the
planning process. This TSG proved to be a good example of convergence of
govt. functionaries at the village level for planning purpose.

With the learning's of previous years, the following process in the preparation of
decentralized district plans has been rolled out in the state.

Preparation of Rural Plan
Each Gram Sabha followed a participatory process with the help of
Technical Support Group (Grassroots functionaries, Specialists &
Development workers) to come up with "Vision of Development" based on
local needs.
The Gram Sabha prepared their proposal for different sectors in consultation
with all the stakeholder(s) especially with poor villagers, SC, ST and
The proposal of each Gram Sabha was consolidated for preparing plan
proposal of Gram Panchayat. Similarly, J anpad Panchayat consolidated the
plan proposals of all concerning Gram panchayat including the interventions
of J anpad.
In addition to the district level interventions, plans prepared by J anpad were
the basis for consolidation of plan at Zila Panchayat level.

Preparation of Urban Plan
Urban local bodies formed Technical Support Group (working groups)
comprising urban local bodies functionaries, Ward Parshad, retired
government staff, individuals from ward to provide technical support to
Mohalla Samiti in the process of participatory urban planning.

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The plans prepared at the mohola and the ward level were consolidated at
the Urban Local body level with integration of interventions spreading
over more than one ward or sectors.

Role of District Planning Committee:
The DPC, after receiving the rural and urban plan, consolidated the plans at the
district level with the help of district level Technical support group. The
integrated plan finalized by DPC will also ensure clarity on the roles of various
departments and arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of the projects.
The plan will be submitted to State Planning Commission after due deliberation
in district planning Committee.

Status of Decentralized District Planning: From conceptualization to

Based on the experience of previous years of decentralized planning, The
Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission has scale up the process and rolled
out the decentralized district planning in all the 50 districts of the State in the
year 2010-11 onwards. The plans were prepared in bottom-up manner starting
from the grass root level i.e. village in the rural and ward in the urban areas with
participation of the community and facilitation by the government functionaries.
To support the consolidation at the higher tiers of rural and urban local bodies
customized software was also been developed.

The State Government institutionalized the decentralized planning process by
allocating about 38% of state resources to the districts, known as District
Plan. The total allocation for District Plans for the financial year 2012-13 is
about 36 % of total size of state plan.

Following were the highlight actions to undertake the decentralized district
planning in the entire state:

State level Steering Committee formed under the chairmanship of Honble
Chief Minister and Working Group headed by the Member Secretary of the
State Planning Commission. Steering committee has provided overall policy
guidance and direction for the effective implementation.
Drafted the state specific manual, Planning formats were developed for each
level (Village, Gram panchayat, J anpad, Urban wards etc.) keeping in view
the requirement of the software application.
Selection of state level Technical Support Institutes who are expert in the
area of decentralized planning process in various developmental activities.

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Total no. of 11 TSIs has been identified for training and capacity building
activities under Decentralized planning process.
Resource persons identified and training design finalized for the block level
master trainers.
District level workshops and TOT on decentralized planning conducted in
all 50 districts of the state with the technical support of Poverty Monitoring
and Policy support Unit, UN Agencies and Identified Technical Support
Financial assistance provided to all districts to undertake decentralized
district planning process.
Trainings imparted to the master trainers of the districts (rural and urban
A total of approximately 70,000 functionaries including TSGs have been
imparted training as part of this years roll out.
Planning software was developed to facilitate the data entry and analysis of
data at each level of planning.
I.T. support under Decentralized Planning Process: Offline and online
module has been developed for IT application to facilitate grass-root level
Planning, Implementation and Monitoring. The modular approach for
development of application software and deployment is proven very helpful
for effective implementation.
Series of trainings imparted to the data entry operators for feeding the data
from the survey formats in the planning software.
Improved Website launched which is
now facilitating further analysis, planning and monitoring in online mode.
This web based software enables in generating plans for district, J anpad,
Gram panchayat, urban local body level. The segregated plans for particular
sector, department, and schemes are also available through this software.
Planning process (details in the manual) was initiated; sector- wise data
analysis was done and activity- scheme linkages were made keeping
convergence in the centrality
Inclusion of the information generated through village/ward plans into
appropriate departmental plans.
Consolidation of the plans at the higher planning unit levels and finally the
approval from the District Planning Committees.
State level workshop on sharing the learning's of the decentralized district
planning process was inaugurated by the Honourable Finance Minister,
Government of Madhya Pradesh.
National Planning commission has also appreciated and suggested other
states to replicate the unique process of planning adopted by MP State
planning commission.

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The State envisages that once this planning process rolls out in all the 50
districts then the following outcomes, in addition to the inclusive
development, would be achieved:-

This will strengthen institutions of local self governance in the state as per
the provisions of the Constitution.
This will build the capacity of the institutions of local self governance in
implementation of the programs and delivery of essential public services.
The increased ownership of the works will ensure better operation and
This will also streamline the process of planning being undertaken under
centrally sponsored flagship programs like- NREGS, BRGF, SSA, TSC,
NRHM etc
The convergence between programs at the grass-root level will ensure better
allocation of resources and increased outcomes
The advance planning will improve the fund utilization capacity of the state

"This was the first time in 20 years of my service period that the state
government was preparing District Plan in such an extensive mode with
District Planning Officer, Datia, MP

We may, therefore, conclude that questions about quality, Effect, sustainability,
equity, and long-term effects on the service delivery and overall system will
only be answered in due course. On the basis of national and international
experience, we see a potential benefit for Decentralized Planning with optimum
level of participatory process that encourages demand push for service in
community. Strategies should, however, be designed to take into account best
practices and evidence, and they should promote equity and rigorous monitoring
and assessment should be built in and the initiatives should not be allowed to
simply charity.

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Agriculture and Allied Services
7.1 Agriculture

Agriculture and allied activities occupy an important place in the state economy.
About 72.36 percent of its population lives in villages, this is directly or
indirectly dependent on agriculture for its livelihood. The agriculture sector
including animal husbandry has registered negative growth in 2000-01, 02-03,
04-05 and 07-08 during 1999-2000 to 2010-11. In long term sector has
registered growth of 4.40% during 1999-2000 to 2010-11 and 8.49 % during X
plan period while 9.28% annual growth has been observed during first four
years of XI plan period on 2004-05 base at constant prices. The share of
agriculture including animal husbandry in Gross State Domestic Product
(GSDP) has declined from 27.16%in 1999-2000 to 24.18% in 2010-11 current
prices on 2004-05 base, though at constant prices it has declined from 28.00%
to21.37% during the same period. The reducing share of agriculture (including
animal husbandry) in gross domestic product indicates positive sign for the
economy if it resulted in reducing dependence on agriculture and increased
employment in agriculture related industries such as food processing etc in rural
areas. In absence of these, rural economy in real sense is deteriorating.

Average size of holding has declined from 2.22 hectare to 2.02 hectare between
two agricultural censuses of 2000-01 and 2005-06. Total number of holdings
has increased to 79.08 from 73.59 lakh while total area of holdings has
decreased to 159.94 from 163.72 lakh hectare during same period. Marginal and
small farmers account for more than two third (67.61%) and hold less than one
third (29.17%) percent of total area. The small size of holding is one of the
major constraints in increasing agricultural productivity. Details of holding
pattern prevailing during 2000-01 and 2005-06 as follows:-

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Number and Area of holding by Size Group

Agriculture Census 2000-01 Agriculture Census 2005-06 Size group
Share in
Share in
size of
Share in
Share in
size of
Marginal 38.56 8.54 0.49 40.45 9.93 0.50
Small 26.51 17.28 1.45 27.16 19.24 1.43
Semi medium 20.22 25.18 2.77 19.81 26.91 2.75
Medium 12.46 33.28 5.94 10.98 31.81 5.86
Large 2.26 15.73 15.50 1.60 12.12 15.29
All Classes 100.00 100.00 2.22 100.00 100.00 2.02

The data, pertaining to net cultivated area and area sown more than once,
reveals that cropping intensity has been consistently increasing on tri-annum
basis, from 128.20 to 139.82 during tri-annum ending 2003-04 and 2009-10.
Fluctuations are observed in case of net cultivated area which has touched
highest figure of 150.67 lakh hectare in tri-annum ending 2005-06. Highest
gross cropped of 209.31 lakh hectare was observed during tri-annum ending
2009-10. Net cultivated area is almost constant and does not reflect any major
variation. The area sown more than once is showing consistent increase due to
increase in irrigated area.

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Land use and Cropping Intensity on tri-annum Average

Net Cultivated
Area (lakh Ha)
Area Sown more
than once
(lakh Ha)
(lakh Ha)
intensity in %
2001-02 149.33 42.47 191.80 128.44
2002-03 147.83 36.51 184.34 124.70
2003-04 148.77 41.96 190.73 128.20
2004-05 149.16 45.44 194.59 130.46
2005-06 150.67 49.03 199.69 132.54
2006-07 149.97 50.81 200.78 133.88
2007-08 149.01 52.48 201.49 135.22
2008-09 148.91 56.08 204.98 137.66
2009-10 149.70 59.62 209.31 139.82

During 2009-10, the net cropped area is about 150.75 lakh hect. Gross cropped
area of the State is 215.15 lakh hectares. The area sown more than once was
64.4 lakh hectares which account for 29.93% of gross cropped area and 42.73%
of net cropped area. The Kharif and Rabi crops contribute 55%and 45% of grass
sown area respectively. This fact reveals that available land for cultivation (net
area sown) is not being utilized fully during any of the season. In 2007-08,
Tube-wells accounted for around two third of net irrigated area while 19 percent
and 15 percent of net irrigated area was contributed by canals and other sources
respectively. Net irrigated area accounted for 43.4% of net area sown and gross
irrigated area accounted for 32% of gross area sown. The percentage of gross
and net irrigated area varies in range of 102.13 to 103.63%, this shows that
cropping intensity in areas with irrigation is too low. Main constraint of
achieving targeted level of production is erratic and uneven distribution of
rainfall during.

The major kharif crops are Paddy, J owar, Maize, Bajra, Tur, Urad, Moong,
Soybean, Groundnut, Cotton and Major Rabi crops are Wheat, Gram, Peas,
Mustard, Linseed, lentil and Sugarcane. The production statistics shows that

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there are wide fluctuations as state faces draught conditions from time to time.
Almost every alternate year shows dip in production of all major crops. Highest
production of paddy 17.50 lakh MT and wheat 86.87 lakh MT was recorded in
1999-2000. Year 2009-10 has witnessed record production of gram, pulses
soybean and oilseeds. The growth rate in long perspective is found to be
impressive in case of cotton, mustard, soybean and sugarcane while in case of
wheat, gram and pulses growth rate observed are in range of 2.35 to 3.35% per
annum. Trend in growth in area under mustard, sugarcane, cotton, soybean and
gram was found to be good in long term perspectives (1999-00 to 2009-10). The
impact of yield on production is found to be significant in case of soybean,
mustard, groundnut, cotton, wheat and paddy (rice). In case of other crops
impact of yield is insignificant. As shown in table 6.3 below.

Growth Rates of Production Madhya Pradesh during 1999-2000 to 2009-10
Trend Growth Rate %
1999-00 to 2009-10

Production Area Yield
Rice 0.100 -1.029 1.141
Wheat 2.349 0.935 1.401
Maize -3.554 0.174 -3.721
Cereals 1.146 -0.410 1.562
Tur 0.719 0.707 0.012
Gram 3.316 2.322 0.971
Pulses 2.879 1.802 1.058
Food grain 1.563 0.379 1.180
Soybean 5.582 2.197 3.313
Ground nut 0.104 -1.191 1.310
Mustard 7.999 5.688 2.187
Oilseeds 5.127 1.919 3.148
Cotton 11.532 2.535 9.073
Sugarcane 5.895 5.124 0.733
Source: Based on data of Agriculture Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh

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Review of XI
Five Year Plan 2007-12
Targets And Achievements:

Crop Production

During the 11
five year plan period (2007-08 to 2010-11) weather and rainfall
conditions were not favorable and state was continuously affected by natural
calamities such as drought and frost.

39 districts were affected by drought in2007-08 which resulted as decline in
production of food grains. In case of Oilseeds, the production of soybean
during 2007-08 was 63.32 lakh tonnes which was 12.09% more than the
production of 2006-07, while the production of other oilseeds crops like
Groundnut, Rapeseed / Mustard , linseed etc declined in comparison of 2006-
07. Despite 41 districts during 2008-09 and 38 districts in 2009-10 were
affected by drought, production of all major crops has increased during 2008-
09, while during 2009-10 production has registered increase except in case of
paddy, maize, groundnut and cotton. The overall production of food grain and
oilseeds has increased. It might have happened due to judicious use of ground
water and surface water and effective implementation of different agriculture
programmes like dry land agriculture technology etc.

During 2010-11, 37 districts .were affected by drought but production of food
grains and oilseeds was highest as 166.46 lakh tones & 80.35 lakh tonnes
respectively, which was more than by 15.3% and 37.35% over the year 2006-
07 which was last year of Xth five year plan and ever highest production since
1999-2000. Even with this quantum of production, targets of Eleventh five year
Plan (2007-12) except oilseed and cotton could not achieved. In case of Gur,
target was achieved during 2007-08 but could not sustain in following years.

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Targets and Production of Agricultural commodities during XIth Five-year Plan
Achievements Crops Unit XI plan
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11(FFC)
Cereals (Lakh MT) 159.12 102.21 110.50 123.37 132.50
Pulses (Lakh MT) 45.19 26.74 37.10 41.34 33.96
Food grains (Lakh MT) 204.31 128.95 147.60 164.71 166.46
Oilseeds (Lakh MT) 80.32 63.32 71.34 76.98 80.35
Cotton (Lakh bales) 8.00 8.69 8.55 7.90 10.55
Sugarcane (Gur) (Lakh MT) 3.15 3.28 2.39 1.85 2.67

Madhya Pradesh attained top position in total pulse and oilseed production with
25.28 and 25.17% share respectively in total national production during 2008-
09. With 39.47% share in Gram production and 59.06% share soybean
production, state was ranked number one. State attained fourth position in rape
& mustard production and fifth position in wheat and Arhar production. In case
of cotton, state stand at seventh position in the country. .

Financial Achievements:

The proposed outlay for XI Plan was Rs. 188828.80 lakh against which over the
five years plan outlay of Rs. 299725.45 has been approved which is 59% higher
than the proposed. Analyzing the outlay by group of activities revealed that
outlay of crop husbandry registered the increase of 194.73% at the cost of Micro
Minor Irrigation, Minor Irrigation, Soil Conservation and Research &

Approved outlay during 11
five year plan (2007-12)
(Rs. in lakhs)
Approved outlay

Groups Approved
XI plan
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

over XI
1. Crop
89447.92 9916.43 53341.60 57224.11 75013.51 68137.90 263633.55 194.73
2. Research &
15754.25 2891.10 2991.64 2091.30 2755.89 4600.00 15329.93 -2.69

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3 Soil
4781.63 683.09 622.00 622.00 849.12 975.00 3751.21 -21.55
4. Minor
3550.00 355.02 482.23 426.36 540.17 626.75 2430.53 -31.53
5. Micro Minor
75295.00 3929.36 3287.17 1940.00 2530.70 2893.00 14580.23 -80.64
Total 188828.80 17775.00 60724.64 62303.77 81689.39 77232.65 299725.45 58.73

Against approved outlay of five years Rs. 299725.45 lakh an expenditure of Rs.
196125.73 lakh has been incurred till October 2011 accounting for 65.44% of
approved outlay. Expenditure by group of activities reveals that crop husbandry
sector able to use 63% of outlay, while for Soil Conservation could spend 96%,
Research & Education 81%, Minor Irrigation 79% and Micro Minor Irrigation
78% of outlay till October 2011.

Expenditure during years of 11
five year Plan
(Rs. in lakh)
Actual Expenditure S.
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 up
Total up to
% of
1. Crop
8507.95 24178.45 36484.45 77511.31 96815.28

166797.91 63.27
2. Research &
2891.10 3001.64 2090.28 2755.88 3465.00

12467.65 81.33
3. Soil
511.33 661.72 790.24 955.63 974.85

3593.24 95.79
4. Minor
285.19 451.93 400.16 463.30 626.75

1931.05 79.45
5. Micro Minor
3800.59 2565.58 2038.42 2135.76 2893.00

11335.88 77.75
Total 15996.16 30859.32 41803.55 83821.88 104774.88 196125.73 65.44

Tribal Sub Plan (T.S.P.)
Madhya Pradesh has more than 20% tribal population and more than 8% of
countrys tribal population. Out of the total 79.08 lakhs operational holdings as
per agricultural census 2005-06, 20.58% holdings are owned by tribals and
operating 20.22% of land with average holding size of 1.99 hectare which is less
average size of holding of the state. Of the total holdings merely 25.85% are
irrigated holdings among tribal and accounts for 15.37 % of the total area of

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holdings owned by tribal. While at state level, of the total holdings merely
45.64% are irrigated holdings and accounts for 34.43 % of the total area of
holdings. This indicates the quantum of disparity in availability of
irrigation facilities and irrigated area to tribal.
Tribal cultivators potential for contribution to agriculture production is sizable
because one fifth of state cultivated land is being operated by them. Specific
programme are formulated and implemented for these areas with the result
substantial production has increased during XI plan period. Details of outlay
and expenditure for XI Plan are presented in table No.6.8 and 6.9 respectively.

Approved outlay during 11
five year plan (2007-12)
(Rs. in lakh)
Approved outlay

Groups Approved
XI plan
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

over XI
23871.5 2791.71 10487.45 14356.2 14260.79 9904.89 51801.04 117.00
Research &
4094.44 813.45 868.6 629 654.97 1900 4866.02 18.84
706.23 100.89 101 101.2 79.1 125 507.19 -28.18
1623 162.34 216.65 201.48 255.79 308.59 1144.85 -29.46
Micro Minor
19873.03 769.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 769.61 -96.13
50114.20 4638.00 11673.70 15287.88 15250.65 12238.48 59088.71 17.91

The proposed outlay for during XI Plan for Tribal Sub Plan was Rs. 50114.2
lakh against which over the five years plan outlay of Rs. 59077.71 has been
approved which is 18% higher than the proposed and this increase is much
lower than in overall outlay. The outlay for Research and Education activities
has increased by 18.84% than outlay proposed at the beginning of plan.
Analyzing the outlay by group of activities revealed that outlay of crop
husbandry registered the increase of 117.00% at the cost of Micro Minor
Irrigation, Minor Irrigation and Soil Conservation.

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Expenditure during years of 11
five year plan
(Rs. in lakh)
Actual Expenditure S.
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
up to
Total up to
% of
re over
2119.12 4567.35 9448.96 13927.09 5488.38 35550.9 68.63
Research &
813.45 868.6 627.98 654.98 500 3465.01 71.21
74.38 86.27 100.58 117.79 84.12 463.14 91.31
123.5 196.88 186.99 221.74 78.72 807.83 70.56
Micro Minor
491.51 0 0 0 0 491.51 63.86
3621.96 5719.1 10364.51 14921.6 6151.22 40778.39 69.01

Against approved outlay for Tribal Sub Plan of five years Rs. 59088.71 lakh an
expenditure of Rs. 40778.39 lakh has been incurred till October 2011
accounting for 69.01% of approved outlay. Expenditure by group of activities
reveals that crop husbandry sector able to use 69% of outlay, while Soil
Conservation could spend 91%, Research & Education 71%, Minor Irrigation
71% and Micro Minor Irrigation 64% of outlay till October 2011.

Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (S.C.S .P.)
As per Agricultural census 2005-06 Scheduled caste cultivators account for
13.31% of total holding and own only 8.27% of thearea. The average holding
size among scheduled caste is 1.34 hectares which two third of state average
holding size of 2.02 hectares. Details of financial progress are shown in table
No. 9 & 10 respectively. Of the total holdings 43.97% are irrigated holdings
among scheduled caste and accounts for 33.76 % of the total area of holdings
owned by them. This is close to the overall pattern of the state in respect to
irrigated holding and percentage of irrigated area of the holdings. This indicates
that there is no disparity in availability of irrigation facilities and irrigated area
to scheduled caste but disparity does exist in average holding size.

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Approved outlay during 11
five year plan (2007-12)
(Rs. in lakh)
Approved outlay

Groups Approved
Outlay XI
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

% change
over XI
1. Crop
18483.58 2021.56 7016.09 9489.34 13215.62 11827.94 43570.55 135.73
2. Research &
3255.45 733.2 753.4 764.66 894.66 500 3645.92 11.99
3 Soil
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
4. Minor
1927 192.68 265.58 224.88 284.38 318.16 1285.68 -33.28
5. Micro Minor
15260.42 759.56 0 0 0 0 759.56 -95.02
Total 38926.45 3707 8035.07 10478.88 14394.66 12646.1 49261.71 26.55

Against approved outlay of Scheduled Caste Sub Plan for Rs. 38926.45 lakh
against which over the five years plan outlay of Rs. 49261.71 lakh has been
approved which is 27% higher than the proposed and this increase is much
lower than in overall outlay. There was no outlay has been provided for Soil
Conservation during the five year plan. Research and Education activities have
increased by 11.99% than outlay proposed at the beginning of plan. Analyzing
the outlay by group of activities revealed that outlay of crop husbandry
registered the increase of 135.73% at the cost of Micro Minor Irrigation and
Minor Irrigation and Soil Conservation.

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Expenditure during years of 11
five year plan
(Rs. in lakh)
Actual Expenditure S.
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 up
to Oct.2011
Total up to
% of
over outlay
1. Crop
1207.13 2764.19 5873.78 12892.73 3298.28 26036.11 59.76
2. Research &
733.2 753.4 764.66 894.66 183.75 3329.67 91.33
3. Soil
0 0 0 0 0 0
4. Minor
161.69 255.05 213.19 241.56 55.07 926.56 72.07
5. Micro Minor
559.19 0 0 0 0 559.19 73.62
Total 2661.21 3772.64 6851.63 14028.95 3537.1 30851.53 62.63

Against approved outlay for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan of five years Rs.
49261.71 lakh an expenditure of Rs. 30851.53 lakh has been incurred till
October 2011 accounting for 62.63% of approved outlay. Expenditure by group
of activities reveals that crop husbandry sector able to use 60% of outlay, while
Research & Education could spend 91%, Minor Irrigation 72% and Micro
Minor Irrigation 74% of outlay till October 2011.

Objectives of Twelfth Five Year Plan:
To achieve 6% annual growth in agricultural output by increasing
productivity by maximizing the seed replacement rate of all major crops,
encouraging use hybrid and improved seed varieties, implement
scientifically advanced technology, emphasizing balanced use of NPK
fertilizers, increasing cropping intensity, crop diversification and the
cultivation of cash crops, particularly sugarcane, oilseeds and pulses and
adopting appropriate technology for making rain fed farming an
economically viable proposition.
To enhance the level of income of those entire dependent on the
agriculture sector by promoting allied practices like dairying, poultry
farming, Horticulture, fisheries aquaculture, piggery and apiculture, etc,
to supplement their income and creating opportunities of gainful
employment for farm laborers round the year within the village itself.
To promote sustainable agricultural development through efficient
management of land and water resources and watershed development

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To provide farmers with appropriate technology, and necessary inputs,
services and incentives in the area of biotechnology, farm mechanization,
information technology and in minimizing the pre and post harvest losses.
To strengthen the cooperative infrastructure to provide easier access to
agricultural credit and inputs.
To refocus extension activities for creating awareness among farmers
about National & International market demand, developments in
agricultural practices and the transfer of appropriate technology.
To ensure the involvement of Panchayat Raj Institutions in the decision-
making process related to works for enhancement in agriculture.
To promote exports of those agricultural commodities in which the State
has a competitive edge by developing Agri Export Zones (AEZs),
processing and storage infrastructure and Research and Development
activities for this purpose.
To strengthen the Research and Education Infrastructure to bring at par
with international standards and supporting biotechnological research
with more emphasis on adaptive research.
Mitigate the losses of natural calamities through Risk Management by
encouraging farmers to get their crops insured under National Agriculture
Insurance Scheme and persuading Government of India to bring all crops
under the Insurance cover irrespective of area coverage and ensuring
Patwari Halka as estimation unit of crop yield for all crops.
To integrate the roles of the core sectors of power and irrigation and their
synergies to increase Agricultural Production;
Encouraging Public Private Partnership for betterment of agriculture
extension services.
To maintain the quality of inputs like fertilizer, seeds & Plant protection
materials quality control labs will be established
Use of Information technology for extension of new technologies,
programmes and solution of problems.
Soil testing will be encouraged to make farmers aware of nutritional
condition of soil and recommendation of use of fertilizers and nutrients
for the better production.
The State will promote agro-forestry and social forestry. The reclamation
of wastelands lands and degraded will be undertaken through community
participation ensuring satisfactory rights to the community through
suitable legislation will be enacted to achieve these ends.
To promote Organic Farming all necessary steps such as accreditation,
testing and certification facilities will be established for organically
grown crops. In addition, use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides shall be
encouraged to promote eco-friendly agriculture practices.

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To meet the objective of increasing the agriculture production and productivity
set for twelfth five years Plan and creating more employment opportunity and
convert present marginal employment in to full employment and helping small
and marginal and women farmers and increasing the availability of agriculture
credit following strategy for will be adopted:
a. Action plan has been prepared agro-climatic zone wise.
b. 5% increase in irrigated area by mean of developing Govt. and private
irrigation resources through coordination and convergence between
agriculture, rural development and water resources department.
c. Increasing in cropping intensity to the level of 170% in ten years from the
present level of 139%.
d. Increase in fertilizer consumption zone wise target have been fixed in
such so that state consumption of fertilizer per unit cropped area come
closer to that of national level.
e. Strengthening Agriculture Extension system of the state to make it more
effective and result oriented for which following activity will be taken up
on priority basis are educating farmwomen in agriculture practices,
farmers training and exposure visits of small and marginal farmers, use of
modern communication system, private participation in extension
activities and adherence to low cost technology.
f. State Govt. has been launched a programme for deep ploughing named "
HALDHAR YOJANA " and also started a new programme namely
"KRASHI SHAKTI YOJANA " from the year 2011-12 .

To achieve the objectives of Twelfth Five-year Plan, an outlay of Rs 635150.00
Lakh has been proposed of which Rs.115561.71 Lakh are proposed for Annual
Plan 2012-13. Proposed allocations by various activities under major groups are
as follow:

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Proposed Outlay for Twelfth Five-year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13
(Rs. in Lakh)
Groups Proposed outlay for
Twelfth Plan 2012-17
Proposed outlay for
Annual Plan 2012-13
1 Crop Husbandry 545250.00 104833.13
2 Research and Education 33500.00 53000.00
3 Minor Irrigation 12400.00 838.98
4 Micro Minor Irrigation 35000.00 3419.60
5 Soil Conservation 9000.00 1170.00
Total 635150.00 115561.71

Centrally Sponsored Schemes
1. Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds,Oilpalm and Maize (ISOPOM)
Initially, under ISOPOM there were three centrally sponsored schemes i.e.
Oilseeds Production Programme (OPP), National Pulses Development
Programme (NPDP) & Accelerated Maize Development Programme (AMDP)
jointly implemented by the GOI and State Govt. with the ratio of 75:25
respectively up to 2009-10. From 2010-11, National Pulses Development
Programme (NPDP) has become the part of NFSM, which is a cent percent
Centrally Sponsored scheme. State is planning to take full advantages of these
schemes in increasing the production Maize, Oilseed and Pluses to the extent
Oil Seeds Production Programme : The Centrally Sponsored scheme, with the
objectives of increasing production and productivity, is being implemented in
all the Districts of the State and covers Soybean, Groundnut, Sesamum, Niger,
Sunflower, Rapeseed, Mustard, Linseed, Safflower and Summer Groundnut.
The cost-sharing pattern by Government of India and state is in the ratio 75:25.
The main component of the scheme includes Production of Foundation seeds,
IPM demonstrations, Plant protection, distribution of certified seeds, minikits,

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improved Agricultural Implements and sprinkler sets and organizing training
programme etc.
Accelerated Maize Development Programme: The Centrally Sponsored
Scheme, with 75:25 sharing between centre and state, is under operation in the
state for increasing the production and productivity of Maize crop. Subsidy is
provided on the different components, such as Production of Foundation Seeds,
Distribution of certified seeds, Distribution of Minikits, Distribution of Plant
Protection Equipments, IPM Demonstrations, Distribution of Rhizobium
culture/ PSB, Distribution of sprinkler sets and training programme etc., of the
2. Support to State extension programme for extension reforms
(ATMA):Aims of the project are Radical overhaul of extension services,
Improvement in sophistication of dissemination of technology, Technology
development and Extension services to meet the special needs of farmers.
Ninety Percent of costs of major activities, which are being covered in the
project, are financed through Central finds. The major activities under the
ATMA project consist of State level activities and District level activities. The
State level activities are Support to State Institute of Agriculture Extension &
Training, Organization of State level Agriculture Extension and Monitoring &
Evaluation of the Schemes. While, District level activities are Farmers oriented
activities, Farm Information dissemination, Research Extension, Farmers
Linkage and managing administrative expenses.
Activity under public partnership (PPP): As per the guide line of Government of
India for Agriculture Extension Reform, State has exercised practices of
promotion of Public Private Partnership in Agriculture Extension services under
this programme. The innovative activities which are being carried out under
PPP are as follow:
a KISAN CALL CENTER (KCC) : A Kisan call center has been
established-PPP by the NGO partner ISAPP at Bhopal. Farmers can
access the latest information of Agriculture by using the toll free
number 18002334499.
b Community Radio Station (CRS) : A community radio station has
been established at the Sironj block of Vidisha district, under ATMA-
PP by the partner ISAP.
c ATMA Sandesh is published monthly and distributed to all the
field offices, Kisan Mitra and Kisan Didi in all 50 districts.
State Sector Schemes:

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1. Surajdhara Schemes: The Scheme is being implemented in whole state
since 1998 for the welfare of small and marginal farmers of SC/ST categories.
The main object of this scheme is to encourage the Scheduled caste/Scheduled
Tribe farmers to adopt cultivation of highly productive crops of oil seeds and
pulses instead of low productive millet crops. The components of the scheme
are Seed Exchange, Seed Reliance and Seed Production Programme.
2. Annpurna Schemes: The scheme is in operation in state since 1998 for the
welfare of small and marginal farmers of SC/ST categories. The main object of
this scheme is to encourage the scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe farmers to
adopt cultivation of high productive crops of cereal crops instead of low
productive millet crops. Major components of the scheme are Seed Exchange,
Seed Reliance and Seed Production Programme.
3. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme: The Scheme is under
implementation in state since 1999-2000 as per norms fixed by Government of
India. The scheme is implementing through "The Agriculture Insurance
Company of India Limited". The objectives of the scheme are to provide
insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in event of failure of
any of the notified crop as a result of natural calamities, pests and diseases; To
encourage the farmers to adopt high value in-puts, higher technology and other
progressive farming practices in Agriculture and to stabilize farm incomes
particularly in disaster years.
4. Strengthening of Machine Tractor Station: Directorate of Agriculture
Engineering is implementing this scheme. This is supportive scheme for
farmers of weaker sections under which tractors along with implements are
provided on reasonable charges for performing different agricultural practices.
This scheme frees economically weaker farmers from the monopoly of private
tractor operators charging exceptionally higher rates.
5. Information and communication support Agriculture Production
Programme; Under the scheme fares and exhibitions are organized to
disseminate the new agricultural technologies among farmers.
6. Staff Training for Agriculture Engineering Directorate: This scheme
meant for the staff of Agriculture Engineering Directorate. Training is imparted
regarding the innovations which improved the quality of execution and how to
bring transparency to work to the staff. Information Technology is also being
used in Agriculture engineering for fast and best quality implementation of the
7. Subsidy on Bullock Carts: During 11
five-year plan, on the initiatives of
Hon. Chief Minister's, a new scheme was launched namely Subsidy on Bullock

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Carts. Scheme was started in 2007-08. Under this scheme poor farmers, who
own bullocks, are the likely beneficiaries and avail the benefit of the scheme. A
beneficiary is entitled for subsidy of Rs.5000 /- for purchasing bullock cart
under the scheme. Scheme facilitates farmers in transportation of goods in the
interior of village and to nearby market.
8 State Institute of Agriculture Extension & Training (SIAET): State
department of Agriculture, has its own State Institute of Agriculture Extension
& Training (SIAET) at Bhopal. The SIAET is functioning as an Autonomous
body vide order No. B-6/2/06/14-2 dated 20.12.07 of the State Government.
This Institute has well equipped Administrative Block, Hostel, Press and other
amenities. It is spread over 7 acres of area. This institute is totally state funded.
Government of India has recently allocated small funds to the institute for
Agricultural Extension Reform Project like other institutions. A minimum of
Rs. one corers should be separately provided every year to the institute. The
main activities of training institute are to impart training to farmers and staff,
conducting Seminars and workshops etc. Presently this institute is executing
important schemes like Food Security Mission, ATMA, etc.
9. Information Technology in Agriculture: Keeping in view, increasing
quantum of work as well as the challenges and rapidly increasing needs of
farmers agriculture extension has also to be modernized and synchronized
according to changing environment to help farmers effectively. To modernize
agricultural extension, Government of India started a state sponsored scheme
named AGRISNET under which centre is providing grants for hardware,
Customized Application Software Development and Training of Stakeholders to
the state. To address the provisions of AGRISNET project relating to Operation
Management and Maintenance of Infrastructure to be created, State Government
has started a State Sector Scheme namely "Information Technology in
Agriculture from April 2008. The activities planned under the scheme are as
Human Resource Development (Farmers, Staff and other stake
holders): Creating awareness amongst farmers and regular training
include refreshers and training of new staff/other stake holders.
Maintenance of Farmer Information Center: Maintain the Farmer
Information Center at departmental offices established under AGRISNET
project and RKVY and ensure availability of electricity, water, computer
and stationary and other consumables for efficient working of Farmer
Information Center.

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Operation Management: Hiring of Expert Professional Services for
setting up a facility centre for Application management, Database
administration and network support services and other related technical
Up gradation and Development: Up gradation of software to cover
financial management, incorporating changing requirements of
department and change of technology from time to time.
Connectivity and Hosting: For internet connectivity up to block
level (will shift to SWAN/NIC when available).
Miscellaneous (Including Consultancy Services): Consultancy,
Insurance, Disaster management, security related audit and evaluation.

Central Sector Schemes
1. Seed Village Scheme: The objectives of the Scheme are to produce quality
seed and improvement in facilities for distribution. Those villages, where the
participant cultivators are 50 to 100 in number, will be covered under the
scheme. Seed will be made available to a cultivator on 50% subsidy for an area
of half acre through authorized agency. The scheme is being implemented
through Agriculture department, Agriculture university, Seed and Farm
Development Corporation and Seed certification agency Government of India is
providing100% assistance for the scheme.
2. National Food Security Mission: The National Development Council
(NDC) in its 53
meeting, held on 29
May 2007, adopted a resolution to
launch a Food Security Mission with objectives of Increasing production of
rice, wheat and pulses through area expansion and productivity enhancement in
a sustainable manner in the identified districts of the country, Restoring soil
fertility and productivity at the individual farm level, Creation of employment
opportunities and Enhancing farm level economy (i.e. farm profits) to restore
confidence among the farmers. Mission aimed to increase the production of rice
by 10 million tons, wheat by 8 million tones and pulses by 2 million tons by the
end of the Eleventh plan (2011-12). Accordingly, National Food Security
Mission" has been launched in 2007-08 as Central Sector Scheme. Under the
mission, identified districts of the state for area expansion and productivity
enhancement for Rice, Wheat and Pulses are as follow:
A. National Food Security Mission - Rice (NFSM-Rice): Nine
Districts of the state has been identified for rice, which are Damoh,
Panna, Rewa, Satna, Dindori, Katni, Mandla, Shahdol and Anuppur.
B. National Food Security Mission - Wheat (NFSM- Wheat):
Districts of Damoh, Panna, Rewa, Satna, Dindori, Katni, Mandla,

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Shahdol, Dewas, Guna J abalpur, Raisen, Shivpuri, Tikamgarh, Vidisha ,
Jhabua, Sagar, Rajgarh, Seoni, Chhatarpur, Ujjain, Betul, Bhind,
Khandwa, Harda, Indore, Sehore, Sidhi, Balaghat and Dhar has been
identified under the programme. Thus for wheat, 30 districts are being
covered under the mission.
C. National Food Security Mission Pulses (NFSM-Pulses): All the
50 Districts of the state are covered for expansion of area and
productivity of pluses.

3. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY): To achieve 4% annual growth
in the agriculture sector (1999-2000 prices) at National level during the XI plan
period, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was launched to ensure a holistic
development of Agriculture and Allied Sector. The main objectives of RKVY
1. To incentive the state so as to increase public investment in
Agriculture and Allied Sector.
2. To provide flexibility and autonomy to states in the process of
planning and executing Agriculture and Allied Sector schemes.
3. To ensure the preparation of agriculture plan for the districts and
state based on agro-climatic conditions, availability of technology
and natural resources.
4. To ensure that the local needs/crops/priorities are better reflected in
the agricultural plans of the states.
5. To achieve the goal of reducing the yield gaps in important crops
through focused interventions.
6. To maximize returns to the farmers in Agriculture and Allied
7. To bring about quantifiable changes in the production and
productivity of various components of Agriculture and Allied
Sector by addressing them in a holistic manner.

The new 9 schemes proposed after restructuring presents set of schemes
and requirement of the sector are:
1. National e-Governance in Agriculture.
2. Organic Farming in M.P.
3. New Fertilizer and Seed Quality Control lab.
4. Project on Agro- Climatic Zone of M.P.
5. Soil Health Card.
6. Strengthening and Infrastructure Development of Seed Sector.
7. Training Programme for Krishak Mitra

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8. Scheme for Promotion of Farm mechanization.
9. Interest and Compensation on Storage of Fertilizer.

Research and Education: The state has two Agriculture Universities, namely
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidhyalaya (JNKVV) Jabalpur and Vijaya Raje
Scindhiya Agriculture University Gwalior. A number of KVK and ICAR Research
institutes are providing support in the area of Research, Extension & Training for
enhancing the productivity of various crops. A New Agriculture College under JNKVV
has been proposed to open at Balaghat keeping in view the need of the area and state.
Soil and Water Conservation: The aim of the scheme is that soil and water
resources are to be used in a productive, sustainable and ecologically sound
manner. Thus the application of wise soil and water management practices that
will improve and safeguard the quality of land and water resources so that they
continue to meet the needs of agriculture, society and nature are to be adopted.
To conserve soil and water (moisture), extension of recommended production
technologies, easy scientific management and sustainable use of natural
resources is being undertaken. Labour oriented development activities for
employment generation through Agricultural enterprises is also being taken up
in this field.
Minor Irrigation: With a view to enhance productivity and production of
holdings owned by SC and ST families, the scheme for Boring of Tube Wells in
cultivators field has been continued. For efficient utilization of irrigation water,
sprinkler sets and drip units are also being subsidized under different centrally
sponsored schemes.
It is proposed to set up "State Micro Irrigation Mission to promote efficient use
of water in the state. Thus a New Scheme has been proposed.
Micro Minor Irrigation (Balram Tal Yojana) : Balram Tal being constructed
under Micro Minor Irrigation Programme. During the process of restructuring
the schemes of the department, some of the schemes which have been
completed or were merged with other schemes (implemented during XI Plan)
will be dropped in XII Plan. These schemes are Macro Management Plan(Agri),
Macro Management Plan(Agri. Engineering), National Pulse Development
Project, Comprehensive crop insurance scheme, Staff training programme
(Agri. Engineering), Provision for I.T., Establishment of Farmers training
centre at Ujjain, Construction of training Building and Hostel at Sagar,
Bundelkhand Package, Construction of small tanks, Khet Talab Yojana and
Training of SC/ST Farmers.

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7.2 Horticulture
Horticulture crops being labour intensive and high valued has opportunities to
generate employment and increased income. Due to perennial nature of these
crops also help in checking soil erosion and provide high density green cover to
the soil. Being tough, many of these crops can successfully be grown on waste
land which is generally not suitable for crop cultivation. Horticulture crops
being suitable for cultivation on small and marginal holdings can prove as
vehicle for increasing income of small and marginal farmers. At state and
national level, foreign exchange can be earned by exporting products of
aromatic and medicinal plants.
Of the 15 Agro-climatic zones, 11 are in Madhya Pradesh which is very helpful
for Horticulture crops. In the year 2001-02, area under horticulture crops was
403 thousand hectare which has increased to 823 thousand hectare registering
the increase of 104% in 2010-11. 3.2 percent of the Gross Cropped Area is
under horticulture crops during 2010-11 in the state. State has still tremendous
scope to expand horticulture in state as area under horticulture crop as
percentage of gross cropped area is very low and bringing cultivable waste land
and fallow land under horticultural crops which was 3.7% and 3.8% of
geographical area respectively during 2009-10.
Eleventh Plan: The approved outlay for the Eleventh Plan was Rs.
32100.00 Lakh.

The expenditure incurred during the first four years was Rs. 6010.60 lakh,
Rs. 9652.35 lakh, Rs.9841.62 lakhs, and Rs. 12743.81 lakh in 2007-08,
2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively.
The approved outlay for annual plan 2011-12 is Rs. 15014.54 against
which an expenditure Rs. 16320.07 lakh is anticipated.
Spice crops are dominating with 44.4 percent of total area under
horticulture crops, followed by vegetables crops 34.5 % and under fruits
crops is around 16 percent in 2010-11. As compare to 2001-02, shift has
taken place in favour of fruit crops.
The time series data reveals that the performance during first four year of
XI Plan period is quite good as compare to that of during X plan period.
In case of fruit crops, Year 2006-07 and 2007-08 were bad years in term
of production resulting in 30% annual rate of declining production in X
plan and 190% annual increase in production during first four year of XI
Plan. A comparative rate of growth in Area and Production of major
categories of horticulture crops is presented below.

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Per Annum Growth Rate of Area and Production of Horticulture Crops in MP
(In % per annum)
Area Production (in term of quantity) Crops/ Period
X Plan
XI Plan
2001-02 to
X Plan
XI Plan
Fruits 9.98 -0.06 45.88 10.98 -29.58 189.96
Vegetables 7.26 8.88 12.50 10.08 15.05 11.82
Spices 7.69 9.61 9.67 14.37 18.95 10.36
Flowers 18.22 7.20 56.35 21.41 7.19 69.59
Medicinal &
6.22 14.99 22.80 6.22 14.99 22.75
Total 7.97 6.89 15.32 12.02 6.94 34.56

Floriculture has become more popular as area has increased more than 5 times
production by around 7 times during 2001-02 to 2010-11. This growth in area
and production reveals increase in income from the sector during XI plan
The main fruits being grown in Madhya Pradesh are mango, guava, banana,
citrus fruits and melons. The production of mangoes and guava is high, and also
these fruits have large processing potential for tinned and pulp products.
Approximate area under fruit crops is 132 thousand hectare in Madhya Pradesh.
Banana and mango are the important fruit crops in Madhya Pradesh with
combined share of 41.1 percent in total area under fruit crops. The area under
fruits crops has become 2.86 time if area under fruit crops in 2001-02.
Among vegetables, potato, onion, tomato and green peas are the major crops in
terms of area. Vegetable cultivation is one of the fast growing activities in the
state due to higher demand in urban and peri-urban areas and also due to
diversity in number of crops. Some of the vegetable crops have distinct identity
like potato produced in Malwa region has gained a good reputation for
production of potato chips.

Close to two third of the area under vegetable cultivation in the State is
concentrated under the crops of potato (21.8%), onion (20.6%), tomato (9.8%),
green peas (8.1%) and cauliflower (4.3%) respectively. Compound annual
growth rate for different vegetable crops in Madhya Pradesh reported positive
growth indicating remunerative enterprises for small cultivators. Specifically
higher growth is noted in crops like green peas, onion, cauliflower, tomato and

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Out of the total area under horticultural crops, spice crops occupy the highest
share in Madhya Pradesh. Among the spice crops with respect to area, the
important ones are coriander (46.4%), chilli (18.7%), garlic (14.8%) and ginger
(2.5%). The growth trends in spice crops are similar to that of vegetables in
Madhya Pradesh, there is a positive annual growth rate reported over ten years
span. It may be noted that the cultivation of major spices like chilli, ginger,
garlic and coriander is growing much faster in Madhya Pradesh during recent
Large processing potential for tinned and pulp products need to be explored,
keeping high production of mangoes and guava in mind. There are other fruit
crops which can be processed. Similarly, to exploit the potential in Malwa
potato, greater marketing and industrial linkage support is needed. Peas have
also greater potential as dehydrated products or even fresh peas under
refrigeration. The state Government has decided to promote protected
cultivation of Horticultural Crops and to setup a Horticulture Hub consisting of
areas which are suitable for growing Horticulture Crops. For establishment of
Horticulture Hub all the steps will be taken as in case of development of special
Industrial Zones. In the Horticulture Hub common facilities will be developed
by involving private Investors under M.P. Agro

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13:

The objectives of the twelfth five year plan are:
I. Increase area under horticulture crops from 825 thou sand hectare in
2010-11 to 2000 thousand hectare by the end of 2016-17.
II. Strengthen the infrastructure for preservation and processing of
horticulture products.
III. Promote horticultural crops among small and marginal farmers

To achieve these objectives following activities will be undertaken:
Providing improved variety of vegetable seeds to the cultivators and
agricultural labour living below the poverty line.
To promote the farmers towards Horticulture crops, organize seminars,
workshops trainings, field visits and front line demonstrations.
To ensure easy accessibility of quality planting material by developing
model nurseries in public and private sector.

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Adopting cluster approach in selected villages for the development of
vegetable and horticulture produce.
To promote the food Processing infrastructure facilities and industries in
the state and encourage Public Private Partnership in the development of
To promote micro irrigation technologies for irrigation
To reduce the cost of cultivation by promoting the Organic Farming.
Use of Information Technology for promoting good governance
Encouraging farm forestry
Use the assistance provided by NHB, NHM, CMPB, APEDA, AFED &
other agencies more efficiently and effectively.
Proposed outlay for the Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan
2012-13 has been proposed for Rs. 170500.00 lakh and Rs.20754.93 lakh
The important physical targets of the Twelfth Plan 2012-17 & Annual
Plan 2012-13 are as follow:

Physical targets for Twelfth Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
Item/particulars Unit Twelfth Plan
Annual Plan
2012-13 Target
1 Intensive Fruit dev. Scheme Hect. 56250 9996.10
2 Area Expansion of Grape
Hect. 500 0.00
3 Area Expansion of
Hect. 25400 5423.60
4 Training to the Officers and
No. 2500 75
5 Kitchen Garden No. 3007500 257529
6 Area Expansion of Spices Hect 37980 6007.39
7 Farmers training Scheme No. 78350 10500
8 Minikit Demonstration No. 541975 207322

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Major Schemes:
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
1. National Horticulture Mission
State government is implementing National Horticulture Mission promoted by
Ministry of Agriculture since 2005-06. It aims at increasing productivity and
doubling the production of horticulture crops in 11
FYP period. The
programme is being implemented in 39 districts. Focused crops under the
scheme are fruit crops-mango, orange, guava, anola, ber, custard apple, grapes,
banana, and pomegranate, spices- garlic, coriander, and chillies and flower
crops including- cut flowers, bulb flowers as well as loose flowers. Various
activities undertaken under the scheme include:
Production of quality planting material in Government and private
Production and distribution of vegetable seeds
Establishment of new fruit orchards
Expansion of area under flower crops
Expansion of area under spice crops
Rejuvenation of old orchards
Protected farming like green house structure, plastic mulching, use of
shednet etc
Integrated Nutrition management and Integrated Paste Management
Practicing organic farming

Certification for organic farm produce
1. Vermi-Compost Unit
2. Creating individual and community water resource structures
3. Human resource development including, training for farmers and
exposure visits within, districts and state and outside the state. It also
covers 6 months garners training course for unemployed youths
4. Dissemination of techniques
5. Post-harvest management- packaging, refrigerated vans/containers, cold
storage, mobile processing unit, low cost onion storage structures
6. Basic infrastructure development of marketing of horticulture produce
like rural markets for fruits and vegetables and wholesale market

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Ongoing Schemes :-
1. SUBSIDY ON FRUIT PLANTATION: For the nutritional security of
people of the state, promotion of area expansion activities of fruit crops has
been taken under this scheme. Twenty five percent subsidies is being given in
the form of cash through Bank draft or through RTGS money transfer in bank
account of beneficiary as per norms fixed by NABARD.

Breeder seed of newly developed varieties are needed and have to be multiplied
on a large scale. Department has 7 vegetable seed multiplication farms where
Foundation and Certified vegetable seed is produced. These seeds are being
provided to the farmers at a reasonable cost under different schemes.

3. KITCHEN GARDEN (BAADI) SCHEME: This scheme has been
started from the year 2000-2001 Vegetable seed packets worth Rs.50/- each are
distributed free of cost to the small-marginal farmers and landless labourers
living below poverty line to fulfill their nutritional requirement and provide
additional income. Year wise distribution of vegetable seed packets is as
Year No. of Seed Packets
2001-2002 284000
2002-2003 579200
2003-2004 600852
2004-2005 577882
2005-2006 552925
2006-2007 312631
2007-2008 167640
2008-2009 284100
2009-2010 281430
2010-2011 347941
2011-2012 358880
2012-2013 257529

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1

4. EXHIBITION, FAIRS AND PUBLICITY: Exhibition and fairs will
be organized to provide knowledge through live models and excellent exhibits
to the farmers.

5. TRAINING PROGRAMME: For successful implementation of
schemes, fields staff should have technical knowledge and linkages with
farmers. To upgrade the knowledge of field staff, refresher courses conducted
by the department at training centers, Pachmarhi. Training for farmers is also
conducted at this centre.

1. National Horticulture Mission: This scheme is run in 39 districts in which
State share is 15% and Central share is 85%.

2. Micro Irrigation Scheme : This scheme is run in all 50 districts of the state in
which central share for big farmer is 40% & small marginal farmer is 50% and
state share for ST, SC, and all category of big farmer is 30% and small marginal
in general category is 20%. Rest amount/share is borne by farmer himself.

This Scheme is running in all districts of Madhya Pradesh, 100% funding from
the Government of India (Additional assistance under Stream-I). For the
expenditure provision is being made in State budget & reimbursement of
expenditure is through GOI under RKVY scheme.
Scheme Details:
1. AREA EXPANSION OF VEGETABLES: From the year 2012-13
Area Expansion of vegetables scheme is proposed for implementation in the
replacement of ongoing schemes integrated vegetable development programme,
Potato development and Mushroom training. State government has agreed to
sanction the new scheme in revised form of financial assistance. Budget
allocation has all ready approved as per new financial norms proposed.
Provision of financial assistance proposed under the scheme. Financial

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
assistance will be provided to the tune of 50 percent of the production cost of
the vegetable per hectare. For tuber crops the maximum assistance will be 50
percent of the production cost per hectare. A beneficiary can get financial
assistance maximum for two hectare only. Minimum requirement for financial
assistance is 0.25 hectare. Financial assistance will be provided through Bank
Draft or RTGS money transfer in bank account of beneficiary.

2. AREA EXPANSION OF SPICES: From the year 2012-13 Area
expansion of spices scheme is proposed for implementation in replacement of
ongoing scheme spice development and Hybrid Chilli production programme.
State government has agreed to sanction the new scheme in revised form of
financial assistance. Budget allocation has been already approved as per new
financial norms proposed.

Provision of financial Assistance proposed under the scheme: The financial
assistance will be provided to the tune of 50 percent of the production cost of
the spices per hectare. For Rhizomatic spices crops 50 percent cost of the
production per hectare. A beneficiary can get financial assistance for two
hectare maximum area and minimum area required for financial assistance is
0.25 hectare. Financial assistance will be provided through Bank Draft or RTGS
money transfer in bank account of beneficiary.

2012-13 Minikit demonstration programme will be implemented in the
replacement of floriculture demonstration, medicinal aromatic crop minikit
distribution Banana tissue culture demonstration State Government has agreed
to sanction the new programme in revised form of financial assistance. Budget
allocation has been already approved as per new financial norms proposed.

Provision of financial assistance proposed under the scheme: State Level
Committee will determine the district wise crop for demonstration, size of
demonstration and unit cost and input involved in the demonstration in the
beginning of year. This will continue for a minimum of three year. If required]
modifications be proposed by the State Level Committee. State government will
approve the package of demonstration proposed by State Level technical
Committee. Financial assistance for demonstration will be fully borne by the

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TRAINING CENTRE: To save the post harvest losses of fruit and vegetables
use of preservation techniques is essential in large scale. Preservation units may
be established at home or in small / medium scale industries scale medium or
big industries. Training of preservation techniques of Fruit and vegetables
require fully equipped training center in different locations. One training centre
is proposed for the year 2012-13.

LABORATORY : Crop production suffers from so many causes. Some time it
is very difficult to diagnose the actual cause of crop damage. Major causes of
crop damage are listed below.
1. Nutrient deficiency
(a) Major nutrient
(b) Minor and micro nutrient
2. Microbial (Pathological) damage Bacteria, Virus and Fungus.
3. Insect pest damage
4. Physiological disorder's
5. Water Stress or excess
6. Adverse weather conditions and natural calamity

Establishment of Multipurpose Labs are proposed where Soil testing, Leaf
tissue analysis, Pathological diagnosis lab, Disease forecasting Labs are
established at one place. Weather based forecasting to escape the crop from
natural calamity and adverse weather conditions. Establishment of Multipurpose
Clinical diagnosis labs are proposed for correct diagnosis of crop damage and
correct remedial measures to protect the crops.

Provision financial assistance made for Cold Storage (Cold Chain), Ripening
chamber, Controlled atmosphere storage unit, evaporative Zero energy cool
Sharing of Financial assistance:
75 percent cost of the project cost will be borne by state government though
the scheme budget provision.
25 percent cost of the project by the M.P. Mandi Board.

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Implementing agency: States Mandi Board of or private agency selected by the
Mandi Board.
Implementation: As per guide lines issued by the State Government from time
to time.

Components and financial assistance approved under the scheme:-
Unit Name of Equipment Financial
maximum per
1 Square
Green House Structure
A- Fan & Pad System
B- Tubular (Poly House) Naturally
Rs. 732.50

Rs. 300.00
2 Square
Shade Net House Tubular Rs. 300.00
3 Hectare Plastic Mulching Rs. 10000.00
4 Square
Plastic Tunnel Rs. 15.00
5 Square
Antihail / birdnet Rs. 10.00
6 Square
Planting Material for high value
Rs. 52.50
7 Square
Planting Material Cost of Floriculture Rs. 250.00

Component wise Annual target will be fixed according to approved budget
allocation. District horticulture officer will be implementing agency of scheme.

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Implementation: As per guide line issued by state government.
Provision made for financial assistance under the scheme: 50 percent of the
actual cost of Machine or unit with the limit of maximum up to Rs. 50.00 lakh
per unit . Implementation: As per guide line issued by state government.
1. Micro-irrigation scheme
This centrally-sponsored scheme is in implementation in the state since 2005-
06. Main objective of it is to increase the quality of production and productivity
through increased irrigation with minimum water use. Farmers benefiting from
this scheme are free to choose drip or sprinkler irrigation system. Since its
inception the scheme was able to assist 82658 beneficiaries and covered 1.55
lakh hectares and subsidy of Rs. 41.80 crores was disbursed.
2. Madhya Pradesh State Medicinal Plants Mission
In Madhya Pradesh, 29 districts have been identified under scheme in 2008-09
for implementation various activities like increasing area under medicinal
plants, establishing nurseries, organic certification and increasing conservation
capacities. 16 focus crops have been identified under scheme.
3. Horticulture schemes under RKVY
There are various horticulture related schemes being implemented in the state as
major components under RKVY. They are- storage of onions, vermi-compost,
nursery development, farmers visits, distribution of plastic crates, high-tech
Betel leaf farming, hybrid seed distribution in summer season for farming of
crops from cucurbit family, rejuvenation of old orchards, banana development
scheme, packaging and infrastructure in seed production areas.
State Sector Schemes
1. Expanding area under cultivation of horticultural crops
State Government is working on scheme for expanding area under horticulture
crops as spices, fruits, vegetables, flowers and aromatic and medicinal plants so
as to bring additional 5 lakh ha area in next three years.

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2. Fruit plantation
The State Government has tied up with NABARD for planting of fruits crops
like orange, mousambi, guava, pomegranate, anola, mango and lemon according
to its agro-climatic zone-wise suitability and thus, the respective districts too are
3. Top working
Indigenous varieties of mango, anola and ber are converted into improved
varieties by way of top-working methods. This work is done by imparting
training to unemployed youths and department staff.
4. Integrated vegetable development
The State Government is promoting hybrid as well as improved vegetable
farming in and around the district headquarters and industrial establishments
under the scheme by making available subsidized seed material.
5. Spices Mini kit scheme
In order to increase area and production of spices in Madhya Pradesh, State
Government is distributing minikits containing improved seeds of spices like
coriander, chillies, garlic, ginger and turmeric.
6. Hybrid Chilli production Programme
The scheme is implemented in order to provide self-employment opportunities
to scheduled caste farmers under BPL category for income generation as well as
increasing area under chilli crop and improving quality of its production and
7. Kitchen Garden
Small and marginal farmers and land less agricultural labourers are given
priority to undertake kitchen garden by providing vegetable seed kits.

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7.3 Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development

Madhya Pradesh accounts 11 % of total cattle population of the country and
8.67% of the buffalo as per Eighteenth Livestock Census 2007. The share in
cattle, buffalo, and goat and livestock in total respective population over 1997,
2003 and 2007 censuses has been increasing. The observation, based on Census
conducted on quinquennial basis during 1997, 2003 and 2007, is that in the state
population of cattle, buffalo and goat is increasing while the number of sheep
and pig and other animals is decreasing. During 2008-09, state share in total
cow, buffalo and goat milk production in the country was 6.10%, 6.41% and
10.17% respectively while the share in total population was 11%, 8.67% and
6.41% respectively. This shows that the productivity of milk in case of goats is
better than national average while in case of cows and buffalo productivity is
much lower and is 55% in case of cows and 74% in case of buffalos as compare
to all India. The poultry birds in the state accounts for 1.1% of total poultry
birds of the country in 2007 while in the production of eggs state share is 1.21%
during 2008-09. The productivity of eggs is 91eggs per bird per annum against
country average of 86 eggs. The highest productivity of 344 eggs is observed in
Punjab followed by 148 eggs in Andhra Pradesh which accounts for 32% of
total countrys production.

These sectors also play a significant role in supplementing family incomes and
generating gainful employment in the rural sector, particularly among the
landless labourers, small and marginal farmers and women, besides providing
cheap nutritional food to millions of people. Livestock are the best insurance
against the vagaries of nature like drought, famine and other natural calamities.
Animal Husbandry activities contribute significantly to GSDP and have
tremendous scope for further expansion to serve as sustainable source of income
for rural population.

Livestock Sector not only provides essential proteins and nutritious human diet
through milk, eggs, meat, etc. but also plays an important role in utilization of
non-edible agricultural by-products. Livestock also provides raw material by-
products such as hides and skins, blood, bone, fat, etc.

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The agro climatic conditions of the state are conducive to development of dairy
and poultry sector and also to rearing of sheep, goat and pig. The agro climatic
conditions are also favorable for cross bred and up-graded bovine and caprine as
well as exotic swines. Bullocks of Nimari, Kenkatha and Malvi breeds of
Madhya Pradesh are known for their superior draught power. As cross bred and
exotic breeds are not much popular among rural folks, the breeding policy of the
state recommends indigenous breeds of cows like Haryana, Gir, Tharparker,
Sahiwal etc to be taken up at large scale, especially in rural areas along with
crosses of J ersey as well as Holistein Friesian in urban or semi urban areas.
J amnapari and Barberi breeds of caprine and White York Shire breed of swine
have been introduced in different part of the state.

Rate of growth of the cattle and buffalo population between 17
and 18

Livestock Census is around 1.83% per annum. While in case of goat and sheep
the growth rate of 31% and 3.87% per annum has been observed during the
same period. The low productivity per animal especially in case of cows can
be overcome by improving indigenous cattle to cross bred and improving better
health care facilities. Per capita availability of the milk in MP is almost at par
with that of India.
Ensuring availability of disease free, low cost and nutritious animal
protein for state human population through better animal health care and
breed improvement.
Ensuring protection to human population from zoonotic diseases through
curative as well as prophylactic measures.
Increasing employment opportunities to weaker section of the society
through encouraging for adoption of animal husbandry as additional
source of income by strengthening extension services.

In order to achieve above goals, the department will stress on following aspects:
1. Animal Health care
2. Breed Improvement
3. Preservation and development of the superior indigenous germ plasma.
4. Employment generation through investment in Animal Husbandry sector.

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In addition, department will act upon suggested priority areas such as
Improvement of indigenous cattle, Goat Development, Dairy Development and
Backyard Poultry in the report of The Advisory Committee on Animal
Husbandry & Dairying constituted by the Planning Commission, Government
of India, J anuary 2010. Department, during XII plan period, will implement the
recommendations of Advisory Committee which are as follow:
1. The state should focus on genetic improvement of indigenous cattle and
buffalo through wellstructured breeding programmes. The coverage of
the breedable bovine population through AI at present is about 8 per cent.
Concerted efforts need to be made for bringing at least 50 per cent of the
breedable females under AI coverage during 11th Plan. Now effort would
be for bringing at least 75 per cent of the breedable females under AI
coverage during XII Plan Period.

2. A regionally differentiated approach should be pursued for promoting
appropriate region specific production system.

3. In Bundelkhand region of the state, small ruminant production holds
considerable potential as provider of livelihood opportunity to resource
poor farmers. Innovative approaches through promotion of SHGs, UGs
and CIGs and providing appropriate market linkages would give the
required boost to these sectors.

4. Based on the critical performance assessment of producer companies set
up in the poultry and dairy sectors, expansion of the same may be
considered in other parts of the state as alternate institutional mechanism
for promoting animal husbandry and dairy activities.

5. Rural backyard poultry using improved birds like Vanraja, Grampriya
and CARI Priya may be promoted for enhancing egg production over
indigenous birds.

6. Complete feed blocks and area specific mineral (P, zn and Mn)
supplementation may be promoted for 1015 per cent improvement in

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan
A plan outlay of Rs 32080.00 for Eleventh Plan was approved .The plan
outlay and anticipated expenditure during XI plan period is as under:-
( Rs. in Lakh)
Eleventh Plan Period Type of Plan
Approved Outlay Expenditure
Total Plan 32080.00 56510.40
Normal Plan 19725.00 38835.38
Tribal sub Plan 5040.00 9517.24
Special Component Plan 7315.00 8157.78

Proposed Physical Targets in Eleventh Plan 2007-12

Proposed Target 2007-2012 Anticipated Achievement S.
Name of
Normal TSP SCSP Total Normal TSP SCSP Total
16666 1000 3000 20666 3151 185 352 3688
Dairy cattle
K.V.B +
K.V.B +
of breeding
bulls on
7222 0 0 7222 1446 0 0 1446
of poultry
units under
0 25000 83333 108333 0 5521 9955 15476

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2007-2012 Anticipated Achievement S.
Name of
Normal TSP SCSP Total Normal TSP SCSP Total
Estt. of

200 42 35 277 8 5 0 13
of pig units/
pig trios on
0 1564

25157 25157 0 118 3031 3031
of Bullocks
on exchange
17261 10484 15824 43569 1900 2029 4127 8056
0 204 572 776 0 40 40 80
of breeding
bulls on
12857 3571 3008 19436 1176 385 269 1830
of D.I.Labs
18 3 1 22 1 1 0 2
of Veterinary
& equipments
367 100 33 500 33 10 0 43
of farms
6 0 0 6 1 0 0 1
of Divisional
& District
39 9 6 54 10 4 0 14

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2007-2012 Anticipated Achievement S.
Name of
Normal TSP SCSP Total Normal TSP SCSP Total
Mobile van
to Hospitals
130 25 20 175 20 5 0 25
of Goat(10+1)
units on
1507 1587 1602 4696 0 0 0 0
of Dairy (3/5
cross breed
Cows) units
on subsidy
1265 865 997 3127 0 0 0 0
of Dairy (3/5
units on
1292 1088 1224 3604 0 0 0 0
of Kadaknath
0 1250 0 1250 0 0 0 0
of new
67 0 0 67 0 0 0 0
of bullock
pair on
500 1111 1666 3277 100 83 83 266

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1

Production Targets and their Achievement during XI Plan Period
Item 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Milk (000 MT) 6644 6884 7110 7674
Egg (Million) 957.40 967.00 978.60 991.3 1005.2
Wool (lakh. Kg) 4.43 4.50 4.57 4.64
Meat (000 MT) 21.5 23.20 25.00 38.1
Milk (000 MT) 6572 6855 7167 7514 7840
Egg (Million) 974.7 671.3 707.5 757.7 789.2
Wool (lakh. Kg) 4.01 3.81 3.70 3.72 4.7
Meat (000 MT) 36 34 36 37.6 38.8
Realization of Targets
Milk 98.9 99.6 100.8 97.9 99.9
Egg 101.8 69.4 72.3 76.4 78.5
Wool 90.5 84.7 81.0 80.2 97.9
Meat 167.4 146.6 144.0 98.7 98.2
The target of milk production, which has been revised upward for the year
2010-11 and 2011-12, has been achieved. In case of production of eggs,
originally planned targets could not be achieved and accordingly for twelfth
plan it has been reduced drastically. The targets of Meat and wool production
have been achieved to the large extent.

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Strategies for Twelfth Five Year Plan
To achieve the growth of 12% as planned for the 12th Five Year Plan,
Animal husbandry sector can play a major role in achieving the same
through enhancing milk production. Milk as a product contributes almost
60-65% of the total product value produced by livestock thus by
enhancing milk production, income of rural folk engaged in rearing milch
animal can be increased. In addition, per capita availability of milk will
be improved.
To build participatory institutions of collective action for small-scale
farmers that allows them to get vertically integrated with livestock
processors and input suppliers.
To create an environment in which farmers will investment in the sector,
this will improve productivity in the livestock sector.
To promote effective regulatory institutions to deal with the threat of
environmental and health crisis stemming from livestock.

The Proposed Plan outlay for Twelfth Plan 2012-2017 and Annual Plan
2012-13 is as under:
( Rs. in Lakh)
Plan Outlay Twelfth Plan 2012-17
proposed outlay
Annual Plan 2012-13
proposed outlay
Total Plan 132036.00 22851.35
Normal Plan 88657.68 13993.32
Tribal Sub Plan 22302.11 4182.47
Scheduled Caste Sub Plan 21076.21 4675.56

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1

Proposed Physical Targets in Twelfth Plan 2012-17 and Annul
Plan 2012-13

Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Intensive
Pay &
Purchase of
Semen ,
Container ,
500 Old
ILD Centre
Pay &
of Ln2,
Semen ,
Pay &
of Ln2,
Semen ,
Pay &
of Ln2,
Semen ,
Container ,
500 ILD
Pay &
Semen ,
500 Old &
379 New
Pay &
of Ln2,
Semen ,
Pay &
of Ln2,
Semen ,
21 New
Pay &
Purchase of
Semen ,
Container ,
500 Old &
400 New
ILD Centre
2 Expansion
y Services
n of
26 New
on of
y, 8 New
ue &22
Unit on
6 New
ation of
40 New
s, 62
Unit on
n of
, 130 New
n of
, 40New
ue &22
Unit on
30 New
of dispensary
, 200 New
62 Mobile
Unit on
3 Supply of
Purchase of

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Strength

5 Dairy
6 Special
3081 673 647 4401 19033 4113 5067 28213
7 Induction
8 Induction

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 Informa
10 M.P.
11 Go





12 Extension
13 Infrastr
14 Strengthe
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
15 R.K.V.Y

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16 GoSewak
69 69 69 207 17874 4600 3450 25924
17 Embryo
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
18 Estimatio
19 Livestock
54000 6000 0 60000 270000 30000 0 300000

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 Systemati


21 State
0 0 Pay,
0 0 Pay,
22 Strengthe
225 0 0 225 225 0 0 225

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Proposed Target 2012-2013 12 th Plan Proposed Target 2012-2017 S
Name of
Normal Tsp Scp Total Normal Tsp Scp Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
23 Operation
24 Animal

Item 201213 201314 201415 201516 201617
Milk(000MT) 8204 8615 9046 9498 9373
Egg(Million) 819.5 852.3 886.4 921.8 958.7
Wool(lakh.Kg) 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.3
Meat(000MT) 40.66 42.29 43.98 45.74 47.57
The targets of egg production have been fixed keeping in view the present
situation of the Poultry sectors. State would like to achieve minimum 20 %
higher of the set targets and effort in this direction will be intensified

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7.4 Fisheries
With the development of Major and Minor irrigation system in the state, a
number of reservoirs have come up. These reservoirs are being used for
development of fisheries in the state. Presently, Inland fishery is an integral
component of rural development activities of the State. Fishery, due to its
potential for generation of employment and income, especially for socio-
economically weaker and backward communities of fishermen belonging to
scheduled tribes and scheduled castes which constitute the poorest section of the
society, is gaining more importance than before. The future development of the
sector depends on the adoption of new and innovative technologies in
production and management and full utilization of available water resources.

The inland fisheries resources of M.P. are vast and varied, may be one of the
richest in India. It includes great river system and extensive network of
irrigation canal, manmade reservoirs, ponds and tanks At present, water area, in
form of irrigation reservoirs, ponds of village panchayats and private ponds, is
3.45 lakh hectares which is 22 thousand hectare more than what was available at
the beginning of eleventh five year plan. Water area of the reservoirs is 2.84
lakh hectares and remaining 0.53 lakh hectare area is from village ponds and
tanks owned by panchayats and private individuals. 98.95 % of water area of
reservoirs and 91.38% of ponds and tanks has been brought under fish culture.
Thus 3.38 lakh of water area is under fish culture in Madhya Pradesh. Narmada
Valley Development Corporation is constructing a number of reservoirs for
major and medium irrigation projects which will be also available for
development of fish culture. Around eighty four thousand hectare of water area
from newly constructed reservoirs of NVDA will be available to the department
for development.

The State has net work of 17,088 kilometers of rivers system and its tributaries.
Fishing for self consumption is free from rivers. Due to unregulated fishing has
resulted in the decline of fish production and hence productivity.
For management of fisheries in the state there are two main agencies namely
Department of fisheries and M.P Fisheries federation. Department of fisheries
with F.F.D.A's caters the needs of fishermen in form of their co-operative
development, extension, management and development of fisheries activity in
small water bodies up to 1000 hectares. Due to lack of adequate financial
support, the leases are not able to obtain optimum production of these

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
M.P Fisheries federation perform the same activities as of the Department but in
those reservoirs having average water area of more than 1000 hectare. Fish
culture activity in the state is culture-cum-capture technique. It requires more
consideration on stocking of fish seed, technology transfer to the ground level
and assistance in creation of infrastructure for fishery developmental activities.
In line with Government policy the irrigation reservoir up to 1000 hectares are
leased out for fish culture through 3 tire Panchayat system. Water bodies with
water area up to 10 hectares are managed by Gram Panchayat, more than 10
and up to 100 hectares by J anpad Panchayat, more than 100 and up to 1000
hectares by Zila Panchayat and those with area more than 1000 hectares are
being managed by M.P. Matsya Mahasangh. Most of the reservoir up to 1000
hectares is presently being developed by primary fishermen cooperatives
societies. Department of Fisheries is using 44 reservoirs for breeders storage,
research & development and training activities. Inland water resources available
for fisheries in state are as under:
The Inland Water Resources for Fisheries in M.P
Available Resource in
pisciculture in Ha.
1 Village ponds 58109. 00 53555.00
2 Irrigation reservoir
2.1 Under 3 tire Panchayat 101684.00 99268.00
2.2 Under Department 13472.00 13472. 00
2.3 Under M.P.Fisheries
co-op. federation
171965.00 171965.00
Grand Total (1+2) 345230.00 338260.00
Fish production from village ponds is 1,512 Kg/ha/year as compared to the
national average of 2,180 Kg/ha/yr. Per hectare production from irrigation
reservoirs is 54 Kg / ha/year is slightly higher in comparison to the national fish
production of 49 Kg/ha/year. There is scope to enhance the production as a
large number of tanks have been constructed in last few years, only to
popularize among the farmers extension work need to be taken up by the

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12
Initially an outlay of Rs.6400.00 lakh was approved by the State Planning
Commission for the 11th five year plan against which year wise expenditure i.e.
2007-08 to 2011-12 are as follows:-
S.No. Financial
(in Rs. lakhs )
(in Rs. lakhs)
Utilisation of
1- 2007-08 800.00 666.52 83.32
2- 2008-09 1096.00 641.15 58.50
3- 2009-10 1920.00 1103.61 57.48
5- 2010-11 2359.00 2831.05 120.01
6- 2011-12 1882.12 1882.12
TOTAL 8057.12 7124.45 78.06

The main targets and achievements during 11th Five year plan till the end of plan
year 2010-11 are as follows:-
Item/activity Unit 11th Plan
till ending
in %age
Likely Achievem
till ending
Fish Production
74000 68465 92.52 85000
Fish seed producti
Lakh St.fry
6100 6127 100.44 7600

It is observed from the 78% of the approved outlay will be utilized by the end of
financial year 2011-12. It is based on the assumption that outlay for annual plan
2011-12 will be utilized fully. With lower utilization of funds, department

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 1
achieved 92% of fish production and targets of fish seed production targets by
March 2011 will be achieved cent percent. On the average annual production,
targets by the end of eleventh plan period are likely to achieve are 85000 ton of
fish production and 7600 lakh standard fry. (Fish seed production).

Objectives, Strategies and Priorities setup under 12th Five year plan:
For the sustainable development of fisheries in the State under the 12th Five
year plan following objectives has been set.
1. Increase water area under fish culture.
2. Attain self sufficiency in fish seed production
3. Promote fishermen welfare programmes
4. Train fishermen and fish farmers
5. Promote fishermen cooperatives and
6. Increase productivity of the pond and reservoirs by ensuring optimum
credit facilities and training etc.
To achieve the objectives following strategies are to be adopted:
1. All water bodies will be stocked with genetically improved seed. To
accelerate production of fish seed, village ponds will be use for seed
2. Genetically improved brood stock will be raised in addition; fish seed
production and fish production will be encouraged in private sector.
3. Pen and cage culture will be encouraged for raising fish fingerlings.
4. Aquarium fish breeding and raising of seed will be encouraged.
5. Prawn culture will be introduced in private sector.
6. All tanks and reservoirs of Forest Department, Local bodies and boards
will be developed by the Fisheries Department.
7. Welfare Schemes such as 100% insurance cover through National
Welfare Fund for Fishermen and Group accidental insurance scheme,
Housing and community facilities, financial assistance during close
season under CSS ''Saving-cum-Relief " to fishermen will be promoted
and women SHGYS would be encouraged.
8. Renovation of all seasonal ponds would be undertaken through NREG
Programme resulting in the availability of approximately 6,000 hectares;
additional water area would be available for pisciulcutre during 12th Five
Year Plan.

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9. Additional fish seed demand due to increase in water area in the 12th
Five year plan will be met by developing fish seed production and
required infra-structure in the vicinity of NVDA reservoirs.
10. Fish culture is a biological activity hence timely availability of inputs is
of critical important and directly impacts fish production. Accordingly
timely availability of credit at reasonable terms is of vital importance.
This gets accentuated owing to the fact that almost all fishermen are
socially and economically backward. One of the main reasons for their
economic backwardness is that they have to procure credit for critical
inputs like seed, nets etc. from the local money lender at prohibitive rate
of interest and even has to sell his fish harvest at distress price to the
money lender, with deleterious effect on the economical viability of
pisciculture. In order to emancipate him from the clutches of the money
lender it is imperative that this critical credit gap should be filled in by
making credit card available to him on lines similar to "Kisan Credit
To meet the objectives of 12th Five year plan, all the objectives will be
monitored especially increasing per hectare production from village ponds and
reservoirs, at par with or more than national average under the CSS fresh water
aquaculture. Optimum financing would be provided through regular review by
means of Video Conferencing and making this scheme a standing agenda item
for DLCC and BLCC. Allotting water bodies on long lease for fish culture on
priority basis is to taken up for providing employment to fisher communities.
Another priority is introduction of bio -technology in fish seed and fish

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Physical and Financial targets for 12th Five year plan:
Physical: Important physical targets setup for the 12th five year plan is as
S.No Item/Activity Unit Approved Target for
12th plan period.
Percentage increase
from 11th five year
1 Fish Production Ton 78000 to 95000 28.38%
2 Seed Production Lakh St.fry 6900 to 8300 36.06%

A Plan ceiling of Rs. 23300.00 lakhs is given for the development and
implementation of ongoing schemes and programmes during 12th five year
plan. Distribution of Plan ceiling for Tribal Sub Plan and Scheduled Caste Sub
Plan is as under:
Plan Provision for XII
( Rs. in Lakh)
Provision for 2012-13
Annual Plan ( Rs. in
Normal 17420.00 2562.95
Tribal Sub Plan 3605.00 363.04
Scheduled Caste Sub
2275.00 187.30
Total 23300.00 3113.29

Scheme Wise details under 12th five year plan & annual plan 2012-13
Direction and Administration (State sector): This state sector scheme mainly
aims to strengthen the departmental infrastructure at all levels so as to enhance
the capabilities and bring it at par with the other departmental modalities. It is
necessary to make publicity of the implemented schemes/programmes at district

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level. In this scheme, an allocation of Rs. 60.00 lakh have been approved for the
aforesaid purpose in which setting up of divisional offices, establishment of
offices in newly formed districts will also be done during the 12th Five year
plan period. In annual plan 2012-13, Rs. 10.00 lakh will be utilized for same
Fish Seed Production: District Sector and State Sector: Fish Seed is the
main input for the fisheries development. The total water area which will be
under culture by the end of 12th five year plan would be 4.00 lakh hectares
from the present status of 3.45 lakh hectares. This requires 8300 lakh of
Standard fry production against the present production level of 6100 lakh. This
envisages a growth rate of 36.06% per annum. At present, out of total 3.45 lakh
hectares of water area available, 3.38 lakh hectares is under culture. An
additional 0.77 lakh hectares area will be available due to renovation of rural
ponds, construction, of new ones and through the completion of Narmada
Valley Development projects.
To achieve this target, existing resources of the production are to be pooled up
and creation new facilities for production and rearing both in public and private
sector to be taken up. All the established technologies for enhancing production
and rearing of fish seed are to be implemented in the State, so as to make the
best use of infrastructure available with the Department and Fisheries and
Federation. Provision of vocational opportunities is made for educated
unemployed, private pisciculturists, fisherwomen groups and their
cooperatives/through fisheries federation, Government fish farms and self help
groups for seed production to accelerate the fish seed production.
The approved outlay for the implementation of this scheme Rs.1500.00 lakh
will be utilized in the plan period. In annual plan of 2012-13 under fish seed
production the target of 6900 lakh standard fry and development of 50 hectares
additional rearing space has been planned with an outlay of Rs.282.40 lakh. In
state sector, an outlay of Rs. 600.00 lakh for twelfth plan and Rs. 86.09 lakhfor
annual plan 2012-13 has been proposed.
Development of Reservoirs& Rivers (DS): This district sector scheme aims to
provide infrastructure facilities such as fish landing centers, storage cum-
handling sheds for proper storage, transport and marketing of fish from
reservoirs. The new concept of river ranching has been taken up for the very
first time in the 11th five year plan period. Under this scheme fish seed stocking

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will be taken up to replenish the fish seed stock which has declined due to
uncontrolled and over fishing in the rivers.
As per the State policy reservoirs up to 1000 hectares of average water area
have been transferred to Panchayati Raj bodies for leasing out to the local
fishermen Cooperatives. The management rights of 10 hectares of average
water bodies have been transferred to Gram Panchayat for implementation.
It is planned to stock large size fingerlings to increase fish productivity of 44
reservoirs managed by the department through development of rearing spaces in
the periphery of the reservoirs. In order to raise fish seed of adequate size
requisite proper care of available brood stock, boats watch man hut,
construction of Fisheries centers, attachment of sluice gates and net on the west
weir, cleaning of forest, planning of reservoirs etc. are indispensible. In addition
to this, stocking of large sized fingerlings in rivers are also planned for
enriching rivers in 12th Five year plan period. An approved outlay of Rs.
3000.00 lakh is earmarked for 12th Five year plan 2012-17. Out of this amount
Rs. 600.00 lakh will be utilized for the development of reservoirs and Rs.
2400.00 lakh will be used for the stocking of fish seed in the deep pools of the
rivers of the state.
In the annual plan 2012-13 of Rs. 315.94 lakh has been approved. Rs. 32.60
lakh will be used for development of reservoirs and rivers and Rs. 283.34 lakh
for stocking in deep pools of the rivers.
Fisheries Extension: (District Sector): Under this district sector scheme, a
programme of "Assistance to SC/ST fishermen " is being carried out which
aims at providing subsidy up to a maximum limit of Rs. 15,000/- to a
beneficiary during leased period. This assistance is given to a beneficiary who
does the fish culture in leased village pond or in Government tank.
In 12th Five year plan (2012-17)for implementing the scheme Rs. 235.00 lakh
have been approved for providing assistance to 5333 fishermen, while in annual
plan (2012-13) for providing assistance to 1066 fishermen, the amount of Rs.
31.44 lakh have been approved.
Education & Training (State & Centrally Sponsored Scheme): Under the
scheme a Training programme of 15 days duration is organized for imparting
training to the traditional fishermen members. During training fishermen are
acquainted with improved techniques of fish culture, fishing and net making. A

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unit cost of Rs. 1,250/- is sanctioned for this programme. A target of training of
18000 fishermen has been kept under the 12th five year plan and 3614
fishermen in the year 2012-13.
Construction of Training-cum-Information Center: Training programmes
are being organized regularly for fishermen throughout the state, but
infrastructure facilities such as training cum information centers and camping
facilities for the trainees have not been provided at all places. It is thus
approved to construct 10 training cum information centers during 12th five year
plan and 2 training centers in the Annual plan 2012-13.
Study tours of Fishermen: Under this state sector programme the progressive
fishermen/fish farmers are taken out of the state for study tour to acquaint them
with the development in the field of fisheries in other states. It is approved that
528 progressive fishermen should be taken for study tour during the 12th five
year plan and of which 105 fishermen in the annual plan 2012-13.
Training to Departmental personnel: State has only one departmental
fisheries training centre at Nowgong in district Chhatarpur. The centre has
recently started imparting refresher, orientation and reorientation courses for the
districts officers and Assistant Fisheries Officers of the state
Fishermen Cooperatives (District Sector): As per the policy of the
government, water bodies above 1000 hectares are to be leased out to
cooperatives. Thus more fishermen cooperatives are to be organized approved.
Financial assistance to fishermen cooperatives in the form of loan and subsidies
are provided under this District sector scheme. Traditional fishermen
cooperatives are being benefited under M.P. Fishermen Cooperatives societys
loan and subsidies Rule. SC/ST fishermen cooperative societies are provided
subsidy up to maximum Rs.1.50 lakh in ten years period. Registered
Cooperative societies are entitled to get water bodies on lease, they get subsidy
on primary requirement such as purchase of fish seed, nets and boats and also
for payment of leased amount.
During 12th five year plan (2012-17) for the implementation of the scheme Rs.
260.00 lakh have been approved to benefit 2384 societies. In the year (2012-13)
462 societies will be benefitted with the amount of Rs. 35.22.lakh.
Fish Farmers Development Agencies (Centrally sponsored): Fish Farmers
Development Agencies are functioning in 50 districts of M.P under the ongoing

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centrally sponsored scheme "Development of Fresh water Aquaculture. In
newly formed districts the developmental activities are governed by already
existing agencies of the districts by changing their jurisdiction of territories.
To raise the fish productivity of the rural ponds, financial and technical ,
assistance, training to fishermen, construction of ponds in selfs land,
installation of aerators are given under the scheme. This scheme is implemented
with the assistance of GOI (75% share of GoI and 25% share of state). In the
12th five year plan (2012-17) the amount of Rs. 620.00 lakh have been
approved for leasing additional 4000 hectares water bodies. During 2012-13,
1500 hectares water area is approved for leasing with financial provision of Rs.
82.84 lakh. This scheme is very popular among down trodden people of rural
areas as it provides the opportunities for employment to them.

Group accidental insurance for active fishermen (Centrally sponsored
50:50): Members of fishermen Cooperative societies are provided insurance
cover free of cost. The annual insurance premium is shared by GOI and state on
50:50 basis (The annual insurance premium is of Rs. 14.50) In case of
accidental death the nominee gets Rs. 1,00,000/- as insurance claim and in case
of permanent disability the victim gets Rs. 50,000/-.
In 12th five year plan (2012-17), it is approved to provide insurance cover to
10, 34,481 active fishermen and that of 1, 72,413 active fishermen during the
annual plan (2012-13) with an outlay of Rs. 150.00 lakh and Rs. 25.00 lakh
Development of Modal fishermen villages (Centrally sponsored scheme
50:50): Under ongoing centrally sponsored state sector scheme, it is proposed
to provide basic amenities to members of fishermen cooperative societies by
constructing 2500 houses during 12th Five year plan (2012-17) and 1000
houses during 2012-13 with the approved plan outlay of Rs. 2000 lakh and Rs.
266.26. lakh respectively. Under this scheme, fishermen houses are constructed
near the vicinity of major irrigation reservoirs free of cost.
Information Technology (State sector): Under this scheme data collection
regarding social and economical status of fishermen, inland fishery and
counting of fishing equipments are done. During 12th five year plan (2012-17)
Rs. 300.00 lakh have been approved for the implementation of scheme. Latest

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information is received and disseminated using information technology. For
Annual Plan 2012-13, Rs.60.00 lakh have been approved.
Saving cum-relief (Centrally sponsored 50:50): Under the M.P. Fisheries
Riverine rules 1972, a close season w.e.f. 16th June to 15th August is observed
during which fishing is prohibited. Fishermen remain out of work during this
period. Under centrally sponsored scheme, financial assistance of Rs. 1200+
interest to the members of fishermen cooperative societies is provided for
closed season. In 12th five year plan (2012-17) the amount of Rs.610.00 lakh
has been approved under this scheme, with the use of this amount 1,12,500
fishermen will get the benefit of this scheme in closed season. For (2012-13),
20,331 fishermen would be benefited with the approved amount of Rs. 81.35
lakh under this scheme.

Aquarium (State Sector): A Government Fish Aquarium is established in the
heart of the Capital city. It educates the people of the State and tourists about
the natural fish fauna and gives glimpses of the colourful and ornamental
aquatic life. During 12th five year plan (2012-17), for the maintenance of
Aquarium breeding of tropical fishes an amount Rs. 40.00 lakh is approved. For
the annual plan of 2012-13, Rs. 5.00 lakh have been approved.

Research (State Sector): The Research is the backbone of the Fisheries
Development. To get the sustainable development of fisheries it is necessary to
evolve scientific methods of understanding soil and water quality and hydro-
biological and physico chemical conditions of water. The state level research
unit is stationed at Bhopal where research is conducted for the development of
fisheries with latest available technology for the different geographical
conditions. For 12th five year plan (2012-17) Rs. 30.00 lakh have been
approved for implementing the scheme and for annual plan (2012-13) Rs. 4.00
lakh have been approved.
Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna: Under RKVY, works approved by SLSC and
works for rearing area development are to be taken up during the plan period.
An outlay of Rs. 9380.00 lakh proposed for 12th five year plan (2012-17) and
Rs. 1073.95 lakh for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

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Fishermen Credit Card (State Sector): It is proposed a plan ceiling of Rs.
125.00 lakh for easy assistance by Bankers to fishermen in the 12th five year
plan 2012-17 while a plan ceiling of Rs.125.00 lakh has been proposed for
Annual Plan 2012-13.

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7.5 Forest

Madhya Pradesh has around 31% of its geographical area under forest, which is
highest among the states of the country. For M.P forests are one of the most
precious natural resources and are vital to the physical and economic health of
the state. They are the source of livelihood for the rural poor, especially the

The vision of the States Forest Department is the rational, legal, planned and
inclusive forest management will lead to conservation and development of
forests, fulfilling environmental, ecological, economic, and social needs of the
State and ethno-cultural and livelihood needs of the forest dependent
communities. Enhancing the productivity of forests so that forest based
resources can meet partly the needs of forest dweller community for
employment and sustainable livelihoods.

The Planning for this purpose is more participative at grass root level. Micro
plans are prepared by individual J FMCs under the broad prescriptions of forest
working plan using PRA techniques.

Further efficient implementation of the working plans; its effective monitoring
technology application and effective planning & implementation have resulted
good results.

Review of the 11th Five Year Plan
The 11th plan document of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department had envisioned
that forests would be managed for conservation, development and sustainable
use by using ecological, economic, social and technical resources of the state in
such a way that apart from environment protection, ecological balance,
productivity of forests and groundwater conservation, needs of forest dependent
communities will be fulfilled and would be provided employment.
The major thrust in the 11th plan was on implementation of the prescriptions
under various working-plans and micro-plans as per the directives of Honble
Supreme Court of India. Thus, emphasis was laid on enhancing the capacities of
both the J FMCs and staff of the Forest Department. The use of computers,
networking, and satellite imageries, GPS, GIS and MIS in forestry sector was
the other significant part of the strategy.

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Achievements of the department during the 11th FYP are as under:
1. The working plans were properly implemented and forest protection was
improved. Plantations which had almost been stopped due to paucity of
funds were revived and with every passing year, higher number of plants
was planted. As a result, long-standing trend of decline in forest area and
forest cover was arrested. This is evident from the data provided by the
Forest Survey of India, Dehradun. Choukies were established.

2. During the Plan period, special efforts were initiated to revive Bamboo
Forests of the State and create of bamboo plantations outside the forests.
Other departments and organisations were also mobilised to chip-in, as a
result nearly 5 crore saplings of bamboo were planted in a single year
which is unparallel in the history of forestry anywhere in the world.

3. Monitoring process for the plantations has been made very transparent by
putting the site-wise information in public domain.

4. Generated 6.8 crore man-days of work in a year through activities of the
forest department and the autonomous organisations within the

5. Using forestry resources such as bamboo, fodder, shellac and tussar etc.,
More than one lakh sustainable livelihoods have been generated during
the plan period.

6. The annual fodder production and collection (excluding fodder consumed
directly by grazing) has increased to 20,000 MT, benefitting nearly 2500

7. Support of forest department has resulted in increasing area under Tussar
cocoon cultivation from 2000 hectares to 17500 hectares during 11
period. Similarly shellac production has also been increased.

8. The department consolidated its leadership position in IT enabled web
based applications not only amongst forest departments of different states
but also amongst departments of Madhya Pradesh state by developing
many IT enabled applications for more efficient implementation and
management of schemes.

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9. Bundelkhand package, as drought mitigation measure, in the region is
being successfully implemented.

10. The department responded by successful relocation of flagship species of
Tiger in Panna National Park as tiger population was almost wiped out of
the park. Now the Panna National Park has ten plus tigers.

11. The department gained expertise in translocation of big animals; not only
tiger, but Gaur, Barasingha, Black-buck and Cheetal were successfully
trans-located and reintroduced in their original habitats during 11

12. Buffer zones were notified as per the law in five out of six Project Tiger

13. A new scheme for managing wildlife out-side national parks and
sanctuaries has been introduced.

14. Activity for office buildings and housing for staff in remote areas has
been enhanced.

15. During 11
Plan period, many posts of frontline staff have been filled up.
It contributed in development and protection of forests and wildlife.

16. To upscale involvement of J FMCs in forest management, number of
initiatives have been taken up and have created infrastructure in forest
villages such as opening of ration shops, construction of hostels. Youth
were involved in sports activities which have resulted in a great spin-off
benefit in forest protection through their active involvement.

The details of yearly financial and physical achievements are given in the tables
Approved outlay for eleventh plan was Rs. 121,000.00 lakh. The anticipated
expenditure during the 11th plan is Rs. 143548.04 lakh .During the Annual Plan
2011-12 the approved outlay was Rs. 17,290.13 lakh against which an
expenditure of Rs. 36,312.07 lakh is anticipated.

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11th Plan (2007-12) Physical Target Actual Achievement 2007-08
to 2010-11
( 4 Year)
Major Head/Sub


Implementation of Working Plans
a. Protection Group
Ha. 42500 40000 7500 90000 31875 30000 5625 67500
b. Regeneration
Ha. 325000 225000 50000 600000 260000 180000 40000 480000
c. Rehabilitation
Ha. 330000 310000 160000 800000 264000 248000 128000 640000
Total Maint.
Ha. 2930000 286000
210000 6000000 2197500 2145000 157500 4500000
d. Construction of
Boundary Pillers
No. 200000 0 0 200000 140000 0 0 140000
e. Fire Protection
76177 0 0 76177 76177 0 0 76177
Preparation of Plants in Nurseries
a. Clonal Plant
500 300 0 800 375 2316 0 2691
b. Study tours and
No. 145 0 0 145 98 0 0 98
c. Plant Preparation
40 25 0 65 28 17.5 0 45.5
d. Study Tours
No. 80 0 0 80 56 0 0 56
e. Circle level Lok
Vaniki Meetings
No. 100 0 0 100 70 0 0 70
Forest Training
No. 17500 0 0 17500 12250 0 0 12250
Soil & Water
Ha. 1000 0 0 1000 700 0 0 700

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11th Plan (2007-12) Physical Target Actual Achievement 2007-08
to 2010-11
( 4 Year)
Major Head/Sub


Roads Buildings &
Forest Post
0 0 0
Communication and
No. 390 0 0 390 273 0 0 273
Estt. of Forest
Development check
0 0 0
Due to change in limit, the targets are being worked out.
1-Construction of
Fire Protection
No. 125 0 0 125 85 0 0 85
2-Construction of
Line quarters
No. 30 0 0 30 8 0 0 8

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
The approach of the MP Forest Department for the 12th Five Year Plan-
envisages working as per an overarching philosophy for faster, sustainable and
inclusive growth in the 12
Plan period as per the expectations of the nation and
as perceived by Planning Commission, Government of India. Managing the
environment and ecology is one of the 12 recognized strategy challenges. Five
specific components recognized under this challenge, which are at least partly
relevant for this Plan are Land, Mining and forest rights, Mitigation and
adaptation strategies for climate change, Waste management & pollution
abatement, Degradation of forests & loss of biodiversity and Issues of
environment sustainability, will be taken care of in planned activities of the

The ways suggested by Planning Commission, Government of India, to meet
expectations of people such as Clean air, Water and soil, Right to natural

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resources, Sustainable livelihoods and Healthy surroundings, the Madhya
Pradesh Forest Department is in agreement with the suggestions and XII Plan
has been prepared and is in sync with those suggestions.
A new CSS has been proposed by Forest Department of Government of
Madhya Pradesh for rewarding the J oint Forest Management Committees based
on their performance assessed through change detection using satellite data and
in line with the proposal of performance based fund devolution. However, this
proposal does not find place in the schemes presently included in CSS for 12

Plan. It is anticipated that the recently approved Green India Mission may
provide space to the proposed new CSS.
The target of 5% increase in the forest and tree cover for the nation during 12

Plan period set by the Planning Commission; Government of India is a huge and
daunting task. Assuming, the target is uniformly distributed to all the states,
than state has to create additional forest cover over 15.41 lakh hectares area
during the 12
Plan period. Madhya Pradesh has nearly 31% of its area under
forests 94.69 lakh hectares which includes forest cover over 77.70 lakh
hectares. The difference of forest area and forest cover is nearly 17 lakh
hectares. This difference accommodates 6.4 lakh hectare area of scrubland, area
diverted under the FCA1980, but having legal status of forest, riverbeds,
rivulets, rocky outcrops, grass-lands and natural blanks. Most of these areas are
either incapable of supporting forest cover or it is undesirable to bring them
under forest cover. Therefore, at best 1% forest cover may be added within
forest area of Madhya Pradesh.
Though, state has limited scope for adding to the forest cover, it can contribute
significantly to the improvement in quality of forest cover, which in itself is a
desirable goal. It is anticipated that besides the resources planned in this
document, additional resource mobilization from, and synergy with MNREGA,
the State CAMPA and the Green India Mission of the Ministry of Environment
and Forests which are likely to be routed through the communities and other
supporting institutions will go a long way in achieving this objective.
For increase in forest/tree cover in areas outside the forests has to be stress
upon. This requires not only a massive dose of financial inputs but also a
completely changed paradigm of facilitative processes to encourage and support
the change of existing land use to forest/tree cover. This will also call for an
enhanced research support, extension activities and large-scale nursery

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programmes. A new CSS was proposed to meet this objective which has not
been sanctioned so far. However, Green India Mission has also set a target for
increase in forest cover. After off-setting that target, this State Plan takes care of
rest of this need. State has 6.87 lakh hectare tree cover outside forests at present
with its own efforts.
B.K. Chaturvedi Committee for restructuring of Centrally Sponsored Schemes,
Central Sector Schemes and Additional Central Assistance has recommended
merger of many schemes to reduce the total number of schemes, which are yet
to be accepted by the line ministries, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department has
taken a conscious decision in consultation with the State Planning Commission
that department will restructure its central schemes accordingly. Chaturvedi
Committees recommendation on incentive grant for the States has been taken
into account while deciding the composition and projected fund flow for the
present Plan.
The working groups set-up by the Planning Commission, Government of India
for the Ministry of Environment and Forests has finalized their
recommendations. But, it is not certain of the level of budgetary support that the
Finance Ministry will agree upon. Therefore, for the continuing schemes a
reasonable level of annual enhancement has been assumed. The Greening India
Missions resources are likely to be 100% central funds outside the budget. A
reasonable share of resources has been assumed for Madhya Pradesh as per the
targets of the Mission. These resources and targets have been offset from the
State Plan demands for time being.
Other schemes from the Ministry of Environment and Forests have also been
factored-in. Resource provision in state schemes similar in nature to central
schemes has been planned in a manner so as to extract maximum benefits from
central schemes and provide for residual resources from the state plan. All CSS
and CS related to wildlife have also been merged into one scheme. The
monitoring task will be funded through each scheme that needs to be monitored
for which 2% budget has been planned in each scheme.
The Madhya Pradesh Forest Department is a leader in use of remote sensing
technology and has won many national and international awards. The capacity
to use this capability will be enhanced in the 12
Plan. Discussions are on with
the state finance department for creating a revolving fund to harness Madhya
Pradesh Forest Departments capability for other user departments too. A

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shortfall of about Rs. 4.5 crores per year has been assessed for procuring
satellite imageries. This is proposed to be met from CSS for Intensification of
Forest Management or from CAMPA funds. The State Planning Commission
will provide additional resources to Madhya Pradesh Forest Department for
procuring satellite imageries of area outside the forests.
The efforts in areas generating livelihoods based on forests especially for
landless people, energy conservation measures, development of alternate
sources of energy and development of fuel and fodder in forest areas near
habitations will be continued in 12
Plan. CAMPA funds would also be tapped
besides plan resources for the purpose.

The sustainable management of forest is the main goal of forest department. In
addition, state has set specific goals for 12
Five Year Plan period are increase
in forest density in more than 5 lakh hectares of forests, increase in tree and
Forest cover of the state by 5 lakh hectares, facilitate sustainable harvesting,
collection, processing, marketing and regeneration of NTFPs and providing
sustainable livelihoods to forest dependent communities by developing
enterprises in forest based livelihoods, including opportunities from ecotourism,
shellac, tussar, fodder and fuel wood.

The outlay proposed for the Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and for Annual
Plan 2012-13 are Rs. 428603.00 lakhs and Rs. 54503.00 lakhs respectively.

The schemes proposed to be implemented are:

Implementation of Working Plans: This district sector scheme covers the core
activities in forestry sector. The five major activities undertaken in the scheme
are implementation of Working Plan prescriptions for Regeneration,
Rehabilitation, Protection and Plantation Working Circles on annual basis and
fire protection. It includes plantation of native, climatically and socially
acceptable important species along with fuel and fodder species to promote
livelihood opportunities for local population. The scheme also supports
patrolling in forest choukies.

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The scheme is planned to be implemented through a decentralized process with
a consultative approach of planners, people and local institutions. The Forest
Department consults the J oint Forest Management Committees to initiate a
decentralized planning for implementation of this scheme, especially for the
rehabilitation of the degraded forests. The scheme addresses inclusive growth of
each component of the ecosystem through the conservation and development of
forests. An amount of about Rs. 2420 crore will be required to implement the
scheme during the 12
FYP and about Rs. 248.70 crore during the annual plan
Extension Forestry: The scheme Environmental Forestry implemented in the
FYP is renamed as Extension Forestry. The objective of the scheme is to
raise plantations outside forest area. The activities of afforestation in cities,
urban areas and tourist spots and special areas like Khuni Bhandara are
undertaken to improve the environmental quality. Good quality plants are
planted along the roadsides, institutions and parks to create urban lung areas.
The organizing of Van Mahotsav to encourage people to undertake plantations
will be also facilitated under the scheme. The scheme is restricted to the tasks
of site preparation, planting and maintenance of plantations. The planting stock
will not be prepared in this scheme. An amount of Rs. 150 crore will be required
to nourish the scheme with 10 crore during the Annual Plan 2012-13.
In State Sector twelve schemes being implemented are:
Employee Welfare: Brief interventions are made through the scheme
facilitating small basic amenities to the employees at their work place. About
half of the provision in the scheme serves to the organization of Circle, Zonal,
State and National level sports annually, which are important events addressing
the general maintenance of physique and sporting spirit desired in the job. An
amount of Rs. 2.50 crore for the Annual Plan 2012-13 will be required. The 12

FYP provision for this scheme will be to the tune of Rs. 20 crore.
Strengthening of Forest Infrastructure: The scheme operational in 11
as Roads, Buildings and Forest Chowkies is renamed as Strengthening of
Forest Infrastructure. There are about 25 thousand personnel employed in the
department. The residential buildings are to be provided to about 50 percent of
the staff. Besides maintaining, raising infrastructure for working places, offices,
forest stations and forest patrolling camps, staff quarters, family quarters and
forest rest houses and residential is also an important task of the department. A

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constant improvement of existing buildings and to accommodate the growing
requirements of the personnel construction of infrastructure is carried out under
the scheme. The older buildings have to be replaced constantly as some of them
are more than 100 years old. The provision includes the amount due for the new
building construction for the forest headquarters at Bhopal.

The scheme of solar energy from 11
Plan has been subsumed in this revamped
scheme. Thus, a variety of works are added in the scheme during the 12
e.g. towers for signals, solar lighting tools in the remote areas and network hubs.
Wherever needed communication towers, fire watch towers and checking
barriers would be erected.
The 12
FYP provision in this scheme is proposed to the tune of Rs. 394 crore
and the amount proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 45 crore.
1. Preparation of Plants in Nurseries: There are 156 nurseries located in
50 districts and supported by 11 Research and Extension centers of the
State. During the 11
FYP, the scheme included publicity activities like
organization of workshops and training sessions on Lok Vaniki in this
scheme and will be taken care of under new scheme during 12
Plan. The
scheme will cater to the maintenance of nurseries and preparation of
planting stock for all plantations undertaken from the 12
FYP. The out
of plan schemes where the nursery component is inbuilt within the project
will be excluded from this scheme.
As per the targets set by the Planning Commission, Government of India,
this scheme has been provided with enhanced resources to meet the
expectation of increasing tree and forest cover. To meet the extension
target, village level para-workers, Vandoot, would be used to facilitate
the extension of forestry activities outside forest area. A provision will be
made in the scheme for incentives to suitable person helping to encourage
people to take planting activity. An amount of Rs. 340 crore is proposed
for the scheme during the 12
FYP and an amount of Rs. 35 crore. is
earmarked during the Annual Plan 2012-13.

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2. Strengthening of Administration: This scheme is important for
strengthening of operational infrastructure in forest management. It is
presently implemented for activities including forest protection, working
plan formulation and development of information technology. During 12

Plan, Working Plan formulation will be supported under existing schemes
from non-plan budget. Support for this purpose will also be provided
from the 13
Finance Commission and the CAMPA funds. For
development of information technology separate dispensation is proposed
as per the current strategy of the State Planning Commission. Thus, the
present scheme will now mainly address strengthening of administration
for forest protection.

The patrolling of forests would be strengthened for better protection and
supervision. Forest Stations and line-quarters would be strengthened to
enable staff to protect forests efficiently in difficult areas. The
communication network will be strengthened both mobile and wireless.
The forest protection component includes human resource development,
arms and ammunitions.
For effective geo-physical monitoring of forestry operations, regular
procurement of satellite imageries is essential to get unbiased data.
An amount of Rs. 200 crore will be required under the scheme during the
12th Plan period. An outlay of Rs. 27.50 crore for the Annual Plan 2012-
13 is required for the scheme.
3. Studies and Research:The scheme sponsors study and research related
to contemporary forest management issues. Some specific management
problems emanating from implementation of prescribed forestry
operations are addressed by the research institutions. In addition to the
State Forest Research Institute, J abalpur and other institutions will also be
roped in to cater to departments demand. Demonstration plots on farmers
land will be taken up in this scheme to create awareness among farmers.
It will help promote plantation activities on farmlands. The Rare,
Endemic and Threatened species will also be conserved under this

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An amount of Rs. 20 crore will be needed during the 12th FYP and about
Rs. 3 crore is required to meet the demands during the Annual Plan
4. Grant to Ecotourism Board: The state is abounding with rich
opportunities of nature tourism. While providing opportunities to tourists,
the promotion of ecotourism in the state will also provide sizeable
livelihood opportunities to forest dwellers. It will also contribute
positively to felt need of forest conservation. The Board carries out
development of destinations and promotion of ecotourism in the state.
The destinations that are viable under PPP, department has earmarked a
fund of Rs. 0.5 crores for viability gap funding under the PPP Cell of the
State. Under this scheme the department provides grant to the Madhya
Pradesh Ecotourism Development Board for such projects which are not
viable under PPP. An amount of Rs. 1.5 crore is required for the scheme
during the Anual Plan 2012-13. An outlay of Rs. 10 crore will be required
for the 12

5. Compensation for Relocation and Acquisition of Rights in Protected
The task of relocation of villages from protected areas, as mandated by
the law, is undertaken in this scheme. It is to facilitate conservation of the
forest and provide a better opportunity to the people who are living in the
vicinity of forest and devoid of the basic amenities for their dignified
survival. The relocation to a suitable area also provides them appropriate
opportunities of livelihood. An amount of Rs. 300 crore is expected
during the 12
FYP and Rs. 30 crore will be required for the Annual Plan
2012-13. This will take care of all the critical villages that have been
identified for relocation from non-Project Tiger areas.

6. Compensation for Crop Damage by wild Animals:The payment of
compensation, in lieu of crop damaged by wild animals within an area of
5 km in the vicinity of protected areas, is being paid to the crop growers.
The scheme is demand driven and provides instant relief to the person
affected. It is covered under the Public Services Guarantee Act of
Government of Madhya Pradesh. An amount of Rs.3.00 crore will be
required for the 12th FYP and Rs. 0.50 crore for the Annual Plan 2012-13
for the year.

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7. Protection of Wildlife outside PAs: A sizeable number of wild animals
live outside Protected Areas and often move between the two areas. This
scheme facilitates development of suitable habitats outside PAs. It will
also support protection infrastructure and wildlife health monitoring. An
amount of Rs. 10 crore is required for the Annual Plan 2012-13 and about
Rs. 50 crore required for 12

8. Omkareshwar Fund: This state sector scheme is funded from a corpus
of Rs. 25 crore that was kept under a separate fund and is used to develop
forest catchment area of the Omkareshwar dam. The conservation and
development works in the catchment are taken-up in this scheme. The
scheme was operational in 11
FYP and will continue only for one year
in the 12
FYP. The amount allocated for the scheme during the Annual
Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 3 crores.

9. Finance Commission Grant: This scheme will cover grants from the
FC in first three years of 12
Plan and 14
FC in the last two years.
As there is no indication about the resources in the 14
FC, the scheme
has been provided with only the 13
FC resources. The forestry and
wildlife management component of the 13
FC grant is only 25% of the
Forest Grant for the last three years. Therefore, for the last three years for
the Forest Grant has been proposed in the 12
FYP. The actual use will
be governed by the approval of the high-power committee under the
Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh. The works proposed are viability grant
to Forest Development Corporation to raise plantations in refractory
areas, record room for SFRI, J abalpur, investment for assets in wildlife,
procurement of map cases for Working Plan units, digitization of old
records and procurement of imageries for IT, training tools for training
schools, extension and publication activities, procurement of fire tankers
for fighting forest fires, alternate energy for nurseries and offices. The
allocation for 12
FYP is Rs. 92 crores and Rs. 30.65 crores for Annual
Plan 2012-13.

10. Zoo-cum-Rescue and Breeding Center: Govindgarh/ Mukundpur
scheme was started in 2011-12 as the name does not clarify the purpose

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of the scheme, so scheme has been renamed as Zoo-cum-Rescue and
Breeding Center. The scheme will support White Tiger breeding center
and rescue center for wild animals. An amount of Rs. 30 crore is
allocated during the 12
FYP and Rs. 6 crore for the Annual Plan

The physical and financial targets for Central scheme are as follow:
MFP Federation Grant-in-Aid: This is a Central Sector scheme for MP Minor
Forest Produce (Trade & Development) Cooperative Federation Ltd. The
demands are raised by the Federation on the basis of which the allocation is
obtained and paid to the Federation by the Department. No allocations are
reflected as it is a 100% central demand driven amount depending upon the
requisition put up by Federation and sanctions accorded by NCDC.
Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat: This Centrally Sponsored
Scheme has been reoriented by merging all central sector schemes of Wildlife
as per the recommendation of Chaturvedi Committee set up by the Planning
Commission, Government of India. Actual operations in the scheme are
governed by the Annual Plan of Operation as sanctioned by Ministry of
Environment and Forests every year. It is proposed to include 9 different
activities to be carried out in 34 protected areas of the state. These activities
include wildlife protection works including fire control, wildlife habitat
improvement interventions, maintenance and communication by roads etc. The
scheme will also implement construction activities in PAs, conservation
education and awareness creation on wildlife and use of ICT. The attempt to
manage population of important wildlife through conservation breeding will be
undertaken in this scheme. The state share of Rs. 130 crore will be required
during the 12
FYP to cover the operations in the scheme. An amount of Rs.
16.65 crore will be required for the Annual Plan 2012-13.
Intensification of Forest Management: This Centrally Sponsored Scheme has
under gone many changes in its scope from time to time. At present it helps in
fire-protection, infrastructure development, mobility and boundary
consolidation. During the year 2010, 26% of forest area was classified as very
sensitive and 30% as sensitive in context of fire, thefts, encroachment, and
poaching. Therefore, priority during 12
FYP will be to strengthen forest
protection. The resources for this scheme are normally received in the 2

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quarter of the financial year. Therefore, fire protection works in first quarter will
be carried out from the State scheme, while for the fourth quarter it will be done
from central funds. For infrastructure, emphasis will be on providing housing,
Choukies and line-quarters for the frontline staff of Forest Guards and Foresters
to strengthen their presence in remote and sensitive areas to control forest
offences. Choukies will be strengthened with weapons, mobile phones, wireless
accessories and vehicles. The patrolling will be reinforced with more vehicles
and accessories. The staff will be equipped with better tools to monitor
protection activities. Vehicles will be purchased for Choukies and Range
Offices to provide quick and safe mobility. These vehicles will also be used for
transporting seized forest produce. It is targeted to cover the entire deficit in one
plan period. As a precaution against encroachments, the boundary features will
be cross-checked with maps and block-by-block pucca boundary pillars would
be constructed under this scheme to consolidate the forest boundaries. The
maintenance of boundaries as per the one-fifth demarcation each year will be
done from state resources. For state share an amount of Rs. 60 crore will be
needed during the 12
FYP and about Rs.6 crore is required to meet the
demands during the Annual Plan 2012-13.
Special Dispensation for Monitoring and Evaluation: The use of Information
and Communication Technology has become inevitable for the efficient
management of the forests and improving the quality of goods and services
delivered by the forest department to the society. The ICT initiatives are
planned to ensure a smooth integration of multiple technologies like remote
sensing, geographical information system, global positioning system, global
system for mobile communication, general packet radio service and mobile
computing etc. to the best advantage of the department.
The main objective of the ICT application in the department is to organize
planning, implementation and monitoring of forestry activities systematically by
collection, storage and retrieval of information including geospatial data
through a computer based communication network. The department aims to
build the capacity of ICT users in every cadre of forest department besides
procuring and updating software and hardware to run data centre for use of the
department. To ensure smooth running of ICT systems the department needs to
ensure reliable connectivity. For effective monitoring regular procurement of
satellite imageries are essential.

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The initiative taken by the MP Forest Department in ICT for designing web
based applications are one of its kind in forestry sector. It has set standards in
devising applications in every aspect of forestry including planning, capacity
building, administration, mapping and monitoring. The strong base of M-
governance and e-governance created during 11th plan will be reinforced during
the 12th FYP.
The activities to be undertaken annually to meet the organizational needs for
ICT are continuous up-gradation of technology and software tools and annual
procurement and replacement of hardware on a cyclic basis. The data center
management including business continuity plan and network management and
connectivity of other offices with capacity building of staff and procurement of
geomapers will be implemented.

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7.6 Food and Civil Supplies

The main functions of the Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection
Department are procurement of food grains at fixed support price and
distribution of rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene oil at reasonable rates as per
the directions of Government of India under Public Distribution System.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan
An outlay of Rs. 5,040.00 lakh has been approved for Eleventh five year plan
against which during 2007-08 expenditure of Rs. 840.00 lakh, 2008-09
Rs.140.54 lakh, 2009-10 Rs.853.00 lakh Rs. 7158.67 lakh in 2010-11 has
been incurred. It is anticipated that during 2011-12 expenditure of
Rs.7476.62 Lakh will be incurred. Thus during plan period 2007-12, total
expenditure incuured will be around Rs. 16468.83 Lakh. During the plan
period, department was assigned additional responsibility of creating
marketing and storage facility under Bundelkhand Drought Mitigation

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
For distribution kerosene, the modes of storage are drums and tanks, which
generally need to be replaced after every five years. Thus replacement of
drums is the regular feature of the department which will be continued in
Twelfth Five Year Plan.

The programme of distribution of Iodized salt in 89 tribal blocks at
subsidized rate involves the payment of subsidy by the the government. It is
also a regular programme of the department.

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The outlay proposed for Twelfth five year plan 2012-17 is Rs. 8800.00 lakh.
Of which Rs. 3750.00 lakh for tribal sub plan and Rs. 550.00 lakh for
scheduled caste sub plan is proposed. For Annual Plan 2012-13 Rs. 1168.37
lakh is proposed of which Rs. 493.79 lakh and Rs. 80.00 lakh has been
earmarked for tribal sub plan and scheduled caste sub plan respectively.

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7.7 Cooperation

The main aim of forming cooperatives is to provide institutional mechanism for
collective economic development and leadership building based on member's
participation on the principle of self- reliance and mutual aid. Economically
weaker and backward sections of the society are the people who faces crunch of
financial resources to carry out their livelihood activities. Thus for overall
development of economically weaker and backward people of the society,
Cooperative Societies are organized with defined aims, activities and goals.

Under the changing economic scenario, the cooperatives are facing tough
competition from private sector and other such organizations. Thus cooperatives
have to perform like a fully professional organization, well equipped with
modern techniques and system, to turn the organization as profit making viable

For a cooperative to attain economic viability and profitability, it is necessary to
have a strong share capital base for achieving maximum borrowing capacity and
thus enabling it to have larger turnover. Therefore, efforts will be made to raise
share capital from members as well as assistance from state Government will be
sought in form of share capital. Presently cooperatives are working in the area
of credit disbursement, marketing, housing, Consumer sectors etc.

For strengthening cooperative credit structure efforts will be made for
expansion and extension of credit disbursement facilities in the short term and
long term sectors. In addition credit facilities in other sectors like consumers,
rural development, animal husbandry, education, housing and health are
proposed to be provided through rural credit societies.

In the marketing sector it is proposed to provide marketing facilities to their
produce. In the housing sectors apart from providing loan at very low interest
rate, the process of providing housing loans to the members of the cooperative

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societies will be simplified. In Consumer Cooperative sectors efforts will be
made to establish self serviced departmental stores through Consumer
federation. For strengthening and extension of sugar cooperatives efforts will be
made to ensure that sick sugar factories in M.P. get benefited through the
schemes of rehabilitation of sugar factories as proposed by Government of India
Integrated cooperative development projects are being implemented in the state
with financial assistance from NCDC. It is a project, which is self-sufficient in
nature, for all the developmental activities such as creation of additional storage
(godowns) capacity, strengthening of public distribution system, increasing
irrigation facilities, improving agricultural production, development of dairy,
poultry farming, fisheries, sericulture and handloom and industries in the state.
Presently ICDP Projects are running in 15 districts. Now 12 more districts have
also been identified and are to be covered under ICDP project from 2012-13.
Efforts will be directed towards covering all remaining districts of the state
under ICDP at earliest possible

Madhya Pradesh has enacted a Parallel Act called Madhya Pradesh Swayatta
Sahkarita Adhiniyam 1999. Cooperatives which have not received any
government assistance in the form of share capital, loan or government
guarantee can be registered in it and a registered cooperative society under the
old Act can also be converted. Based on these criteria, more than 1,000
cooperatives have already been registered and about 25 converted. The Parallel
Act ensures that the cooperatives registered in it are fully member driven,
member controlled, autonomous and democratic in character while imbibing the
cooperative principles incorporated in the Act.

The rates of interest on crop loans which were earlier in range of 17% to 18%
for the ultimate borrowers have now been reduced to 7% owing to efforts made
in this direction. But the facts remains that in the prevailing circumstances, it
does not appear to be possible to reduce the rate of interest to the desired level
of 7% by the cooperative credit structure itself. Therefore Government is
required to step in with necessary assistance by way of interest subsidy.
Though, efforts will be made to keep lending rate of interest competitive as
compared to that of public sector banks through better management of the

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PACS/LAMPS. The banks will be required to reduce the cost of management
by controlling unproductive expenses and venturing into other business such as
insurance by tying up with Multinational / national Insurance companies
Likewise the societies may take up the work related with insurance, collection
of electricity and Government bills of various kinds also and thus add to their
The Major part of the cooperative credit activities in the State is being operated
mainly through M.P. State Cooperative Bank Ltd. and M.P. State Cooperative
Agricultures and Rural Development Bank of the distribution of short term and
Long term agriculture loan respectively.
Review of 11th five year plan: During the plan period Expenditure as
percentage of Budget allocation is quite impressive as shown below:

The financial status of 11th fiver plan (2007-08 to 2011-12)
( Rs. in Lakh)
Year Proposed Plan
2007-2008 13315.90 12686.78 10879.82
2008-2009 4500.00 4500.54 4102.94
2009-2010 6839.00 6839.00 6764.66
2010-2011 11080.00 20947.24 19786.27
2011-12 (up to 30.9.2011 ) 50980.00 50020.34 25371.21

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Strategy and Objectives of 12
Five Year Plan
Proposed Strategies are:
1. Increase the membership to bring maximum number of farmers within the
preview of cooperative credit sector to provide agriculture credit to the
maximum number of farmers through Cooperative societies
2. Maximizing the profitability and efficiency of the cooperative Societies
and distribution of dividend in the cooperative societies
3. Minimizing expenditures including management expenditure, reduction
in cost funds and collection of deposits at the cheapest rates
4. Increase Loan disbursement, loan recovery, deposits and ratio of profit
5. Consumer Federation has to increase ratio of gross profit to total turnover
and extension of cooperative self- service departmental stores
6. Participation of members in the activities of cooperative societies
7. To inspire common people for organizing Swayatt sahakaritayane

Objectives of 12
Five Year Plan
1. Strengthening the process of organizing women cooperatives and
cooperative societies for SC/ ST and weaker section of society.
2. Credit, Marketing Processing Consumer Housing and Cooperative
Education and training sectors are also proposed to be strengthened so
that they become financially viable to render efficient services fulfilling
their objectives.
3. Strengthening primary marketing cooperatives societies to arrange share
capital and loan for their activities.
4. Strengthening the primary marketing cooperative societies for giving
platform to farmers for yield maximum return of their crops.
5. To provide short term agriculture loan at the rate of 1% to the farmers of
the state.
6. Enhancement of storage capacity in the state to augment warehousing and
post harvest infrastructure by way of having network of godowns at grass
root level.
7. Enhancement of activities of seed federation.

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Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13:
To achieve the set objectives, an Outlay of Rs 397600.00 lakhs for the 12th five
year plan 2012-2017 has been proposed. Of which, Rs. 52040 lakh and Rs.
32235.00 lakh has been earmarked for TSP and SCSP respectively. For Annual
plan 2012-2013, an outlay of Rs. 47651.01 lakhs has been proposed. Details by
Plan outlay by its components is as follow:
Proposed Plan Outlay for Twelfth Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13:
(Rs. in lakh )
Plan Type Plan Outlay for 12th
five year plan
Plan Outlay for annual
plan 2012-13
Normal Plan 313325.00 38382.21
Tribal Sub Plan 52040.00 5780.50
Scheduled Caste Sub Plan 32235.00 3488.30
Total 397600.00 47651.01
Scheme of 12th five year plan (20012-17)
Interest subsidy to farmers through cooperative banks (CCB):
The state government has decided to provide short term loan to farmers at the
interest rate of 1 %. Thus state has to compensate the banks by an interest
margin of 5.5 %. Thus, it has been proposed to provide Rs. 35000.00 lakhs in
Annual plan 2012-13 and Rs 326214.95 lakh during 12th five year plan period.
Training of Departmental officers:
With the developing modern management techniques and administrative skill, it
is necessary to build the capacity of the staff and personnel of the department
from time to time. Periodical trainings of officers and staff will be organized at
Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, Pune, National
Productivity Council, New Delhi, National Rural Development Institute,
Hyderabad, Cooperative Training College Bhopal, Administration Academy,
Bhopal and India Institute of Management who conduct various training and
program in the sector. The Training institutes charge prescribed fees for

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training and program. For this purpose a provision of Rs. 5.00 lakh is proposed
in the annual plan 2012-2013 and Rs. 25.00 lakhs has been proposed for the
12th Five Year Plan.
Managerial subsidy to cadre fund to PACS/ lamps:
In the state, there are 4544 Primary Level Agriculture Credit Cooperatives
(PACS) including 820 Lamps. The pay and allowances of the managers of the
LAMPS and Samiti Sevaks of are met from the cadre fund maintained at the
level of the Central Cooperative Bank. Primary credit societies (including
LAMPS), district central cooperative bank and Apex cooperative bank are
contributing @ 2.5 %, 1.0 % and 0.30 % respectively of their outstanding loan
as on 31 December, to the cadre fund. In addition, state Government provides
managerial subsidy of Rs. 48,000 /- per LAMPS and Rs. 24000 per PACS.
During 12th five year plan outlay is of Rs. 6452.00 lakh and for annual plan
2012-13 plan outlay of Rs. 1290.00 lakh has been proposed.
Integrated Cooperative Development projects:
Presently ICDP Projects are running in 15 districts. Now 12 more districts i.e.
Shajapur, Balaghat, Rewa, Hoshangabad, Harda, Seoni, Bhopal, Dhar, Dewas,
Shivpuri, Gwalior and Chhatarpur have also been identified for covering under
ICDP project and its implementation will begin in 2012-13 Efforts will be
directed towards covering all remaining districts of the state under ICDP at
earliest possible. An outlay of Rs. 40000.00lakh has been proposed for 12
and Rs. 8112.00lakh for annual plan 2012-13.
Agricultural Credit Stabilization Fund:
The government of India has advised the state to initiate action for creating
Agricultural Credit Stabilization Fund in long term credit sector. This fund will
ensure uninterrupted flow of long term credit for agriculture occasionally
affected by natural calamities like flood, drought, hailstorm etc. Agriculture
Credit Stabilization Fund will be maintained at the level of Apex Land
Development Bank. In the state, Apex LDB has created an agricultural credit
stabilization fund with its contribution of 15% of its net profit annually. In case
of natural calamities, the state LDB provides rescheduling/ postponement
facilities to the District LDB which in turn provides the facilities to the affected
borrower members. The state LDB does not receive any corresponding facility
from NABARD for strengthening the fund. To strengthen the fund, it is

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essential that some assistance in form of grant may be sanctioned. During 12th
Plan, an outlay of Rs. 20.00 lakhs and for annual plan 2012-2013 plan outlay of
Rs. 4.00 lakhs is proposed.
Subsidy to State/District Co-operative Union:
Top executives, managers and employees of any institution needs to be well
aware of the objectives, aims, rules and regulations applicable to the institute
and should also be well equipped with specific knowledge of the field in which
the institution is functioning. It is necessary that capacity building of non
officials and government officials should be undertaken through imparting
education and training from time to time. To make common people aware of
benefits from cooperatives, publicity and propaganda activities are also need to
be strengthened. M.P. State Cooperative Union have 38 District level
Cooperative Unions affiliated to it and runs 4 J unior Cooperative Training
centers for the purpose. The objective of Cooperative Training centers is to train
official and non official personnel so that responsibility of the movement with
necessary vitality and vigor can be taken up by them.
The internal resources of the union are confined to the subscription and
contribution by the various cooperative institution annually, which is inadequate
to meet the expenses incurred on staff and other activities of the Union, As it is
serving as human resources development agency for cooperative sector, it is
necessary to provide financial assistance to the unions. The amount of
assistance will in form of loan and will be recovered in 8 equal yearly
installments after providing three years moratorium period. During 12th Plan,
an outlay of Rs. 330.00 lakhs and for annual plan 2012-2013 plan outlay of Rs.
55.00 lakhs is proposed.

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Information Technology:
Information management system of the cooperative department is very poor as
compare to other departments. To strengthen the MIS of the department, an
outlay of Rs. 1218.00 lakh for 12
Plan and Rs 100.00 lakh for annual plan
2012-13 is proposed.
Organization/Development of Primary Marketing Societies:
In the state, 245 marketing cooperatives societies are registered. The financial
condition of 99 societies is in poor shape and 114 societies are running in
marginal profits. As Sankalp 2010 envisages rehabilitation of these societies,
following activities are proposed:
- To enhance the storing capacity marketing societies may be allowed in
godown construction.
- To increase share capital or margin marketing societies may be allowed
to raise the resources through financial institutions and loan.
- Marketing societies may be allowed to undertake transportation business
by disbursing vehicle loan.
Allowing the marketing and cooperative banks to arrive at mutual
consensus for settlement of old bad loans:
Under the proposed scheme, depending upon future prospects and outlook of
the society, either in profits or in losses may be considered. Maximum amount
of Rs. 15 lakh can be made available to the considered society in form of Share
capital or Margin Money (40%), Loan (40%) and Societies own fund (20%). In
all 164 societies will be taken up under the programme. Year wise schedule and
amount required is as follow:

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Year No. of Societies Amount
(Rs. in crore )
Year 35 5.25
Year 35 5.25
Year 32 4.80
Year 32 4.80
Year 30 4.50
All 5 Years 164 24.60
Under this scheme, the total requirement of funds for five year will be Rs 24.60
crore for which government has to arrange for 40%as share capital and 40 % as
loan to marketing societies. The amount of assistance in share capital / margin
money will be recoverable in 8 equal yearly installments after providing one
year moratorium. The plan outlay of Rs 2460.00 lakh for 12
five year plan is
and Rs 525.00 lakh for annual plan 2012-13 is proposed.
Enhancement in storage capacity:
To augment warehousing and post harvest infrastructure by way of creating
network of godowns at grass root level, state has decided to avail financial
assistance from National Cooperative Development Corporation under Grameen
Bhandaran Yojana or alternatively under Restructured Central Sector Scheme.
Pattern of assistance in Restructured Central Sector Scheme will be in form of
50% term loan and 20% subsidy from NCDC and 30% subsidy has to be borne
by state government. With the assistance from NCDC, 300 godowns of 500MT
capacity each will be constructed during plan period by PACS/LAMPS in
phased manner. Rs. 5800.00 lakh budgetary provision for 12
Plan period has
been proposed. In the first phase 60 PACS with adequate land availability and
voluminous price support operation will be selected. For Annual Plan 2012-13,
an outlay of Rs. 1000.00 lakh has been proposed.
Share capital for seed federation:
The societies, involved in procurement of seed, could not procure 100 %
produced seed due non-availability of sufficient funds. The fund will be made
available, through share capital to seed federation, to the societies to ensure cent

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percent procurement of seeds and necessary help will be made available for the
marketing of the standard seed. Breeder seeds from various research centres will
be procured and will be made available to societies for further multiplication of
certified seeds. A plan outlay of Rs. 1000.00 lakh for 12
five year plan and Rs.
200.00 lakh for annual plan 2012-13 has been proposed.
Establishment and managerial subsidy for seed federation:
For proper monitoring and supervision of the activities of the societies and seed
producing farmers, required staff and offices are required by the seed federation.
It is therefore proposed to establish 20 regional offices. To meet the expenses of
salary and other expenses, managerial subsidy is required. For this purpose, plan
outlay of 1250.00 lakh for 12
plan and Rs. 250.00 lakh for annual plan 2012-
13 has been proposed.
Subsidy for godown and grading plant for seed federation:
Certification of seeds could not be carried out timely (as per schedule dates
fixed by the certification agency) by the societies due to the lack of storage
facility, seed processing and grading units. It is therefore, proposed that after the
completion of godown and processing units, it will be made available on cost
basis to the seed producing farmers. For construction of godowns and
installation of grading plants, subsidy component has to be provisioned in the
plan outlay. An outlay of 2100.00 lakh for 12
five year plan and Rs. 200.00
lakh for annual plan 2012-13 has been proposed.
Assistance in share capital for innovative cooperative societies:
To take up expansion of cooperative activities in the existing sectors and
identify possibilities in other sectors, it has decided that during 12
five year
plan some new schemes have to be launched in cooperative sector. An outlay of
500.00 lakh for 12
five year plan and Rs. 100.00 lakh for annual plan 2012-13
has been proposed.
Assistance for ineligible PACS:
PACS societies are serving as back bone of credit disbursement system in the
rural areas. The financial conditions of some PACS are very poor. To
strengthening PACS, department has decided to support weak PACS during
plan period. An outlay of 2230.00 lakh for 12
five year plan and Rs. 300.00
lakh for annual plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

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8.1 Rural Development
The basic objective of the various schemes under Rural Development
Programme are elimination of poverty, creation of employment in rural sector,
development of reliable and socially acceptable infrastructure and construction
of economic and social assets for the overall development of rural areas. The
schemes are essential for providing self employment to rural poor, marginal
farmers and land-less labourers so as to discourage their seasonal and permanent
migration to urban areas. In this regard Panchayati Raj Institutions have an
important role in ensuring diversification of the planning and development
process which will ultimately lead in delivering targeted benefits to the rural
Under the Rural Development Department, centrally sponsored schemes, central
regional schemes, foreign aided schemes and State Govt. schemes are being
implemented. Under the centrally sponsored schemes India Awas Yojna,
Swarna J ayani Gram-Swarojgar Yojna, National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme, Drought Prone Area Programme, Total Sanitation Campaign,
Integrated Wasteland Development Programme and District Rural Development
Administrative Scheme are being implemented. For implementation of these
schemes 75% of the cost is borne by Govt. of India and the rest is being borne
by the State Government. In NREGS Scheme, Govt. of India provides 90% of
the amount with the rest being arranged by the State Government. For the
Drought Prone Area Programme, the Govt. of India provides 91.67% share
while the remaining 8.33% is being borne by the State Govt.
The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, Backward Region Grant Fund and
Mid-day Meal schemes are 100% Central Govt. sponsored schemes. However,
the State Govt. has to bear the establishment cost, cost of DPR preparation and
consultancy charges for PMGSY.
The Govt. of India has launched a new scheme, Integrated Water Shed
Management Programme, for which the State will receive 75% of the amount
from the Central Government and has to arrange 25% required for
implementation of the scheme.

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The State of M.P. is executing MP Rural Livelihood Programme and Indira
Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojna through foreign aid, wherein grants being received
are used for establishment and implementation of the scheme. The State has to
also arrange for payment of establishment charges, salaries etc., for the staff
deployed at district level and state level for monitoring of the scheme being
implemented at State level. Under the schemes of Social Development
Programme. Block Development Offices, Mahatma Gandhi State Rural
Development Institution, Gram Sevak Training Centre. RES offices and Lab as
well as the required staff for DPAP are working. Apart from this Water & Land
Management Institute at Bhopal is also providing training for various
programmes. The State has to arrange for all the expenditure required for
establishment and other incidental charges for construction, operation and
The State Planning Commission has allocated a financial limit of Rs. 2690.00
crores for the Rural Development Department for the year 2012-2013, all the 25
schemes of Rural Development on the basis of actual assessment of requirement
include a general category Rs. 1670.55 crore, for TSP Rs. 576.09 crore and for
SCP Rs. 453.35 crore out of which Rs 974.86 crore were kept for the district
level scheme include General Rs. 419.30 crore, for TSP Rs. 310.84 crore, and
SCP Rs. 244.72 crore.
The State Planning Commission has allocated a 12
financial limit Year 2012-
17 of Rs. 18026.00 crores for the Rural Development Department all the
schemes of Rural Development on the basis of actual assessment of requirement
include a general category Rs. 10955.15 crore, for TSP Rs. 3799.90 crore and
for SCP Rs. 3270.95 crore out of which Rs 7657.71 crore were kept for the
district level scheme including for General Rs. 3292.06 crore, for TSP Rs.
2440.80 crore, and SCP Rs. 1924.85 crore.
Annual Plan 2010-11
Approved outlay of Rs. 231771.66 lakhs for Annual plan 2010-11 was available
against which expenditure of Rs. 233285.45 lakhs was made during the plan

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The Physical targets and achievement under major schemes of annual plan
2010-ll is given below:-
S.No. Name of Schemes Unit Target
(Annual Plan
(Annual Plan
1 SJ GSY NO. of SHG in lakhs 1.11 1.22
2 DPAP Treatment of land
micro watershed area
in lakh Hac.
1.20 1.27
3 DPIP Self H.Groups 12000
Indira Awas
No. of Houses
99000 78483
Grameen Ajivika
No. of Household in
lakh 55625 61999
6 MNREGS Mandays in lakh 3200 2946
7 Mid day meal Students in lakh 84.32 83.50
8 BRGF No. of Work 20282 16577
maintenance Kms. 25110 36950
10 TSC No. of IHHl 1064241 621743
No. of School Toilet 5000 16544
No. of AWC Toilet 2000 4204

No. of Comm.
Complex 470 164
11 IWDP Area in lakh Hect. 0.70 0.88
CM Awas
Yojana No. of House 1500 5557

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Annual Plan 2011-12
An outlay of Rs. 2612.54 Crore is proposed for Annual plan 2011-12 out of
which Rs, 625.75 Crore is for TSP and Rs. 542.55 Crore is proposed under

Physical Target Annual Plan
Scheme Proposed
outlay Annual
Plan 2011-12
(Rs. in lakhs)
Unit Target
(Till Oct.-
1 SGSY 5162.00 Self help groups 125000 48342
2 DPAP 357.90 Micro Water Shed
in lakhs hect.
0.67 0.15
3 IAY 8577.60 No. of House 100000 27050
4 IWDP 63.00 Micro Water Shed
in lakhs hect.
0.52 0.05
5 NREGS 49500.00 Lakhs mandays 2500 757.57
6 BRGF 73764.00 Construction
25109 1373
7 Mid day meal 19208.45 Student in lakhs 90.30 80.58
8 DPIP (EAP) 10000.00 Groups 10000 6625
9 Gramin Agivi.
Pari (EAP)
4822.00 Number 27000
10 MPRRDA 20000.00 K.M. 9350 1193
11 MPRRDA Road
500.00 K.M. 32114 720
12 TSC 5629.90 No. of works 2620616 511045
13 CM Rural
24058.20 K.M. 1635

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Physical Target Annual Plan
Scheme Proposed
outlay Annual
Plan 2011-12
(Rs. in lakhs)
Unit Target
(Till Oct.-
14 Infrastructure
Dev. in Rural
Habitat (New)
12420.35 Not fix Not fix

The Physical target and achievements for the year 2011-12 and the Proposed
plan ceiling 2012-13 under major schemes of Financial and Physical budgets are
proposed as given below:-
For the monitoring of the department's schemes at district level, 75 percentage
as central share and 25 percentages as state share are allocated for the salary,
allowances and other administrative expenses of the staff. During the year 2011-
12, State share of Rs. 15.04 crore was available against which an expenditure of
Rs. 9.37 crore was incurred upto Oct. 2011 as administrative expenditure which
is 62 percentages. This scheme has been diverted to Commissioner

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The main objective of this programme is to establish small industries in large
scale in rural areas for the benefit of selected below poverty line families to
uplift them above poverty line.
Under the scheme, under special new projects financial help by way of loans,
aid is being sanctioned to the families of poverty line so that they could
establish their own self employment opportunities.During the Year 2011-12
there was a provision of 51.62 crore was available as state share under this
scheme, against which an expenditure of RS. 25.44 crore was incurred upto
Oct.2011 which is 49 percent.
The target for the Year 2011-12 was 125000 groups fixed out of which 35600
for TSP & 26900 for SCP included out of the total target of 2065 women
beneficiaries, 48342 groups have been formed upto oct2011 which includes
12100 SC and 16276 ST are benefited out of which 19337 women groups are
Based on the allocation for the year 2011-12 an amount of Rs. 54.35 crore is
proposed as state share for the year 2012-13 out of which Rs. 13.28 crore for
TSP and Rs. 9.84 crore for SCP included which may be approved.The target for
the Year 2012-13 is proposed 1,31,000 self employee persons out of which
37,310 TSP & 28,190 SCP included in the total beneficiaries there is 52,400
women will be benefited.
The main objective of DPAP is to stop the regeneration of drought prone areas,
to minimize its wave, to increase the income of the member of the weaker
sections in the community, to mitigate imbalance of the environment, to
establish the earth's power and to increase the fertility of the earth.
Under the scheme during the year 2011-12, State share of Rs. 3.58 crore is
available against which an expenditure of Rs. 0.81 crore is incurred upto Dec.
2011 which is 22%. For the financial year 2011-12, 0.67 lakh hectare works has
fixed out of which 0.14 lakh hectare completed upto Oak. 2011 which is 21

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Based on the last year allocation, for the year 2012-13 an amount of Rs. 3.41
crore is proposed as plan ceiling which includes 1.21 crore for TSP and 0.44
crore for SCP which may be approved.
For the financial year 2012-13, the target of 0.67 lakh hectare is proposed out of
which includes 0.19 lakh hectare for TSP and 0.10 lakh hectare for SCP.
The main objective of Indira Awas Yojana is to provide Awas kutir to registered
beneficiaries below poverty line. This programme was started from the year

Under Indira awas yojana, during the year 2011-12 Rs. 85.78 crore is available
as state share. The expenditure of Rs. 41.32 crore is incurred upto Oct. 2011
which is 49.98 percentages.
The target fixed for the annual plan for the year 2011-12 is to build 1.00 lakh
houses which are included 32000 houses for ST & 27400 for SC families which
are at least 2573 womens beneficiaries. Out of total target of 27050 houses, are
being completed unto Oct.2011 which include 9134 for TSP and 8230 for SCP
families 16100 women are benefited.
For this purpose there is provision of Rs. 97.08 crore is proposed as state share
for the year 2012-13 out of which Rs. 28.93 crore for ST & Rs 28.96 crore for
SC included which may be approved.The proposed target fixed for the year
2012-13 for the construction of houses was 1,03,000 houses out of which
28,220 SC & 32,960 ST families would be benefited. In the proposed target
30,900 women are to be benefited.
IWDP programme was transferred from Agriculture Department to Rural
Development Department in J anuary 1996. This is an ongoing programme. The
main objective is development of Wasteland of rural areas, construct stop dam,
to increase water harvesting to make it useful for agriculture production and to
provide employment opportunities to improve life style of villages.

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Under the scheme during the year 2011-12, State share of Rs. 0.63 crore was
available against which an expenditure of Rs. 0.267 crore was incurred upto
Oct. 2011 which is 42 percentages.
For the financial year 1.6 lakh hectare were sanctioned against
which 0.0541 lakh hectare have completed upto Oct. 2011 which is 0.026%.
This scheme would be discontinued & merged in IWMP in the next financial
year 2012-13.
NREGS started from 2nd Feb 2006 in 18 district of the state. At present this
scheme is being implemented in the all districts of the state. The main objective
of this scheme is to provide 100 Days employment in a year to the adult persons
in the families of the rural areas.
Under the scheme during the year 2011-12, State share of Rs. 495 crore are
available. The expenditure of Rs. 226.0 crore has incurred upto Oct. 2011 which
is almost 46 percentage.
The target fixed for the Year 2011-12 is 2500 lakh mandays includes 550 lakh
for SC, 950 lakh for ST with a which collective target of 1920 lakh for women.
Actual achievement against proposed target is 757.57 lakh mandays
employment which includes 204.31 lakh for SC and 157.19 Lakh for ST out of
that 303 lakh women have been benifitted upto Oct. 2011.
Based on the last year allocation of Centre share for the year 2012-13 an amount
of Rs. 469.67 crore has been proposed as state share which includes 156.24
crore for TSP and 110.57 crore for SCP, which may be approved.
For the Year 2012-13, target of 3000 lakh mandays employment has been
proposed out of which includes 660 lakh for SC and 1140 lakh for ST which
also includes 900 lakh women.
As per the guideline of the ministry of Panchayati Raj Govt. of India to develop
backward areas of the state, Backward Region Grant Fund has been made in the
year 2006-07.During the Year 2011-12 there was a provision of 737.64 crore is
available as state budget under this scheme, Against which an expenditure of
Rs. 231.87 crore incurred upto Oct. 2011 which is 30 percentage.

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The target fixed for the annual plan 2011-12 is 25109 construction work out of
which 12805 for ST and 3265 for SC.Against which 1373 works have
completed upto Oct. 2011.
During the year 2012-13 this scheme would be transferred to Panchayatiraj
As per guidelines of the Govt. of India, the objective of the mid- day meal
programme is to provide cooked food to student of primary and secondary
schools of rural areas.During the Year 2011-12 (including urban area) provision
of 217.03 crore was available as state share which include Rs. 70.76 lakh for
TSP & Rs.67.29 crore for SCP component under this scheme. In 2011-12 Tribal
Department has transferred an amount of Rs. 30.95 crore under its budget head
Poshandahaar programme to the MDM programme. So that total ability of the
funds is 247.984 crore. Against which an expenditure of RS. 99.49 crore is
incurred upto Oct. 2011 for cooked food provided for primary and middle
school. Which is 40 percentage
The target for the Year 2011-12 is 90.30 lakh student out of which includes
16.25 lakh for ST and 19.87 lakh for SC. In which 76.83 lakh girls student are
to be benefitted. Against which 80.58 lakh students benefitted which includes
14.50 lakh for ST and 17.73 lakh for SC student. Which also includes 32.20
girls student upto Oct. 2011.The percentage of benefitted student is 89%.
Under the scheme for the year 2012-13 a provision of Rs. 254.65 crore has been
proposed as state share which includes Rs. 78.22 crore for TSP & Rs. 63.65
crore for SCP. It may be approved.
For the Year 2012-13 a target of food for 88.90 lakh students of primary and
middle school, which includes 16.00 lakh ST & 19.55 lakh SC student. In also
includes 35.36 lakh girls student.
As per the decision taken by the State Govt. this Scheme started from year
2007-08. The main objective to the scheme is to provide Awas to the homeless
families in rural areas.

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During the Year 2011-12 a provision of Rs. 6.74 crore is available as state share
under this scheme, against which an expenditure of Rs. 6.74 crore has been
incurred upto Oct. 2011 which is 100 percentage.
During the Year 2011-12 a target of construction of 1500 houses out of which
740 for ST and 760 for SC included. Against target 1735 houses are constructed
which includes, 726 for ST and 1009 for SC beneficiaries, 535 women.
Under the scheme an amount of Rs. 29.02 crore has been proposed for the year
2012-13, which include Rs. 14.40 crore for TSP and Rs. 14.62 crore for SCP
which may be approved.
Under the scheme during year 2012-13 a target of construction of 6450 houses
which includes 2960 for ST and 3032 for SC in the total beneficiaries which
includes 1935 women component.
As per the decision of the State Govt. this scheme was transferred from Public
Health Engineering department to Panchayat and Rural development
department since 2007-08. The main objective of this scheme is to provide total
sanitation by way of encouraging construction of toilets in schools, Public
places and aganwadies.
Under the scheme Rs. 56.30 crore is available as state share for the year 2011-
12. Which include Rs. 17.63 crore for ST & Rs. 15.46 crore for SC. Against this
state share an expenditure of Rs. 17.02 crore was incurred upto Oct. 2011 which
is 30 percentage.
For the Year 2011-12 a target of total 2620616 toilets fixed which include
706578 ST and 657898 SC. Out of which 255234 works has completed upto
Oct.2011 which include 68913 for ST and 6389 for SC toilets in schools, Public
places and aganwadies.
During the year 2012-13 an amount of Rs. 66.68 crore has been proposed as
state share which includes 18.56 crore for TSP and 16.64 crore for SCP which
may be approved.
Under this scheme to be constructed toilets for the year 2012-13 target of
2751650 beneficiaries is proposed out of which includes 880530 for TSP and

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753950 for SCSP. in the total beneficiaries which also includes 825480 women
The basic objectives of the rural development programmes has been elevation of
poverty and unemployment through creating basic social and economic
infrastructure, self employment of rural poor and to provide wage employment
to marginal farmers, landless labors so as to discourage seasonal and permanent
migration to urban areas.
Under the decentralized planning process, rural development programmes have
assumed greater significance as their planning and implementation has been
transferred to Panchayati Raj Institution (PRIS). Department of Rural
development is responsible for effective implementation of many Centrally
Sponsored Schemes (CSS) of Rural Development Ministry and state sector
schemes of similar and complementary nature. In all the centrally sponsored
Schemes, the district wise physical and financial targets are decided by the
Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
The development of rural areas and improvement in the quality of life of the
rural people has been the primary concern of the department. In order to correct
the development imbalance and to accord due priority to rural areas, a number
of initiatives have been taken by the department for the creation of social and
economic infrastructure in rural areas.
Adequate provision has been made for the state share in continuing centrally
Sponsored Schemes like Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) Swarna J ayanti Gram
Swarozgar Yojana (SAGSY), Integrated Waste Land Development Programme
(IWDP), Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Mid day Meal Scheme,
DRDA Administration and National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(NREGS), and Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana.
Besides these, World Bank aided DPIP project is being implemented in 14
districts for the last 6 years. Support for this will continue under the second
phase of the scheme in the eleventh plan. Similarly, M.P. Rural Livelihood
Programme (MPRLP) is being implemented with the help of Department of
International Development (DFID). Water and land Management Institute

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(WALMI), DRDA Administration Yojana State level, National Rural Rojgar
Guarantee Council, M.P.R.R.D., Gokul Gram and Godan Yojana and
community development programme, State Rural Road Connectivity Scheme,
C.M. Rural Housing Scheme, Working Plan for water Storage (Master Plan),
State SGSY scheme, Training IEC scheme and Sutradhar Scheme,
M.P.R.R.D.Road Maintenance are proposed to be continued into the 11
Besides these, the Gov. of Madhya Pradesh transferred to 2 new schemes
namely, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) from P.H.E.Deptt. To Rural
Development Department in 11
Backward Regional Grant Fund (BRGF) scheme will be implemented in 24
districts of Madhya Pradesh in 11
plan and transferred to Commissioner
ANNUAL PLAN 2012-13 & FIVE YEAR PLAN 2012-17
The proposed plan ceiling for 12th five year plan is Rs. 1082600.00 Lakhs and
for annual plan 2012-13 is Rs. 272010.00 Lakhs. Proposed scheme wise outlay
for annual plan 2012-13 and 12
five year plan 2012-17 is given as below :-

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five
Year Plan
1 Swarna J ayanti-Gram Swarojgar Yojna 5435.25 43400.00
2 DPAP 341.17 341.17
3 Indira Awas Yojana 9708.08 76000.00
4 National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (NREGS)
46966.50 370000.00
5 Mid-day Meal 25464.57 200000.00
6 CM Awas Yojna (Apna Ghar) 2902.06 23000.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five
Year Plan
7 Total Sanitation Campaign TSC 6667.86 53000.00
8 Direction & Administration State Level 400.00 2500.00
9 Other Rural Dev. Programme
(Community Development)
14500.00 90000.00
10 DPIP (EAP) 13650.00 31850.00
11 Grant to WALMI 325.00 2500.00
12 M.P. Rural Roads Development
22000.00 180000.00
13 State Rural Road Connectivity 1000.00 9000.00
14 State SGSY 100.00 600.00
15 MP Rural Rojgar Guarantee Council 850.00 6000.00
16 M.P.R.R.D.A. Road
15000.00 140000.00
17 Samanvit Ajivika Programme 140.00 1200.00
18 State Water & Sanitation Mission 110.00 1000.00
19 MDM Parishad 50.00 400.00
20 RGM Parishad 25.00 308.83
21 Integrated Watershed Management
Programme (IWMP)
3500.00 28000.00
22 CM Rural Roads & Infrastructure
90000.00 454190.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five
Year Plan
23 Rural Housing & Habitat Development
(CM Awas Mission)
9664.51 81000.00
24 RRR of water bodies scheme(90:10) 100.00 900.00
25 Survey & Investigation Rural
Development Work
100.00 4400.00
26 Bundelkhand 3010.00 3010.00
Total 272010.00 1802600.00

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8.2 Land Reforms
As the basis of all economic activity, land can serve as an essential asset for a
country to achieve economic growth and social equity. Survey and Settlement,
Land reforms and other related programmes of the Revenue Department are
implemented by Commissioner, Land Records and Settlement. Land reforms
can be implemented successfully only if land records are updated.
Government of India in Ministry of Rural Development has also placed special
emphasis on implementation of various land reforms programme. Some of these
programmes were covered under the strengthening of Revenue Administration
and updating of Land Records scheme.
Schemes of technical nature are being executed by this department such as
regular updation of Land Records, Collection and publication of Agricultural
statistics; scheme governed by Government of India, up gradation of Minor
Irrigation Planning, Collection of Publication of data of rain and
computerization of Land Records.
Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan Annual Plan 2011-12.
For Eleventh Five Year Plan, 2007-12 the total outlay of Rs.16617.10 lakh
was approved. Year wise outlay and expenditure incurred by the
department are as mentioned below :-
(Rs. in lakh)
Sno. Year Plan outlay Expenditure
1. 2007-08 3902.00 3870.77
2. 2008-09 3539.00 2623.81
3. 2009-10 5092.01 5087.43
4. 2010-11 5370.00 5099.48
5. 2011-12 5403.10 5383.10

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Review of 11th five year plan through graph (Amount in Lakh)

The approved outlay for Annual Plan, 2011-12 was Rs. 5403.10 lakh against
which an expenditure of Rs. 4288.64 lakh is expected.
Twelfth Five Year Plan2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13.
An outlay of Rs.45000.00 lakh has been proposed for 12
Five Year Plan of
which Rs.2320.00 lakh earmarked for Tribal Sub plan and Rs. 940.00lakh for
An outlay of Rs.4905.20 lakh is proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13. Rs.
255.40lakh and Rs12.40 lakh earmarked for TSP and SCSP respectively.
Physical Targets for 12
Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 2012-13 are
proposed as below :-
Schemes / Programmes Unit 12
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Annual Plan
1. Construction of office cum
residence buildings for
Nos. 362 47
2. Construction of residential
cum office accommodation
patwari &RI building
Nos. 1152 160
3. Land distribution to ST/SC
No. of
13,367 120
4 Construction of DCLR Number 2 2

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The Indian constitution, in its 73
amendment, has laid down the goal of
decentralization of power to the common people by using the three-tier
Panchayati Raj institutions. Panchayati Raj Institutions have also been entrusted
with the responsibilities of formulation and implementation of schemes related
to Rural Development and Social J ustice. To fulfill the aim of decentralization
of power, devolution of 3 Fs Fund, Fuction and Functionaries - has been
enacted under the goal of empowerment and enablement of 3 tier of Panchayats.
In M.P. under the enactment of devolution of 3 Fs, 29 works of 23 deptt. has
been entrusted to the Panchayats. The formulations of state plan of Panchayat
Raj in m.p. since 1994 envisaged such that the Panchayats are to be strengthen
and they could handle the task entrusted to them under various schemes of
various Deptt. Introduction of proposed and sanctioned schemes of Panchayat
Raj in financial year 2012-13 and 12
Five year Plan (2012-17) is given below :
1. State finance commission grant-in-aid for basic services in gram
Gram Panchayats are also supposed to carry out the following activities related
to the basic services in interior of the village:
a) Ensuring the availability of clean water in Grams.
b) Construction, extension and Repair of ponds.
c) Construction and Repair of primary and middle school buildings.
d) Construction and repair of public health centre and labour room.
e) Construction and repair of drains.
f) Construction and repair of gram Panchayat building/ plateform.
g) Construction of tank and drains near existing hand pump.
As per the recommendations of 3
State Finance Commission, Gram
Panchayats will get grand-in-aid for the basic services. This is 4% of the net
income of the state revenue in 3
SFCs recommendation. Net revenue
Income of the state in previous year will be used to calculate the grant-in-aid.
This scheme is provisioned under District Sector. In this scheme total
provision for 12
Year plan (2012-17) is Rs. 245470.00 lakh and Rs.
49096.00 lakhs is proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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2 . Direction and administration district level
This scheme is related to pay and allowances of employees of DRDA under
Central Sector Scheme. This Scheme is budgeted in the ratio of 75% of Central
share and 25% of State share. This scheme is transferred from Rural
Development Deptt. to Panchayat Raj in the state plan of 2012-13. This scheme
has been transferred from Rural Development.
3. Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF )
Backward Reason Grant Fund is also transferred from Rural Development
Deptt. to the Panchayat Raj in the state plan budget of year 2012-13.
This scheme is envisaged since Feb. 2007 to fill gap in Rural areas
infrastructural backwardness. Till date District is generally being adapted as a
unit for identifying backwardness. Funds allotted under various schemes should
be sectoral as well as untied. The ratio between sect oral and untied can be 70
and 30. This will not only ensure proper utilization of funds in specific sectors
but also give free hand to the implementing units if the infrastructural gaps
exists. In this scheme 29 distracts of M.P out of 50 districts, are covered. This
scheme has been transferred from Rural Development.
4. Strengthening of gram sabhas and social audit:
Gram sabha is an important body in the Panchayati Raj system as it facilitates
the decentralization of power in a democratic manner. Gram sabha functions in
an independent body. As per the Gram Swaraj Act, a monthly meeting of Gram
Sabha is mandatory, so as to ensure participation of the people in the decision
making process. It is proposed to strengthen the 52143 Gram Sabhas in M.P.
Following activities are proposed for this purpose:
a) Publicity through Radio and Doordarshan.
b) Establishment of Gram Dhara Govt. Kala Pathak and Non-Govt. Mandli
c) Gram Mitra.
d) Publicity using Posters, slogans and notice boards and hoardings.
e) Panchayat meetings at Block level.
f) Workshops for J anpad and Gram Sabhas at Block and district level.

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5. Constitution of Panchayati Raj directorate:
Government of India has established an independent Panchayati Raj Ministry at
Central Government. Government of India has expected the State Government
to establish a separate Panchayati Raj Directorate in accordance with the norms
of Central Government.
In this Scheme, no separate district offices will be created. Zila Panchayat office
will work as its district office. Similarly, J anpad Panchayat will be its office at
Block level. The Directorate will have full administrative and financial control
on the office and staff of Zila and J anpad Panchayats.
6. Establishment of National Panchayati Raj Institute, Pachmarhi:
There is no National Level Institute in the State to train elected representative of
Panchayati Raj Institution. Therefore, it is necessary to make Sanjay Gandhi
Avam Yuwa Netritva Prashikshan Sansthan, a national level panchayati raj
training institute.In the first stage, it is proposed to construct administrative
building, hostel and do some renovation work. In the second stage residential
houses, hospital and sports complex will be built. It is also proposed to increase
present 3 posts of readers and create five new posts of professors. Rs. 100.00
Lac for 2010-11 and Rs. 50 lakh in year 2011-12 has been allotted as budgetary

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7. Construction of Panchayat building:
This is a big task for the state government to build Panchayat Bhawan for all
23012 GP and 313 J P and 50 ZP. As Panchayat buildings are constructed in 29
BRGF Districts under BRGF scheme. The Panchayat raj Department of M.P.
Government has to construct Panchayat buildings in remaining 21 districts of
the state. Now Rs. 37.50 lac is allotted in the year 2010-11 and Rs. 200 lakh
sanctioned in this scheme.
8. RGSY - Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana:
Function of this scheme is depended on the grant of 75% of the Central
Government as well as 25% of the State government. Government of India has
sanctioned Rs. 39.00 lac approximately in the scheme in March 2009. The
scheme is implemented by SIRD, J abalpur. The state share of Rs. 1131.00 lac is
proposed in second supplementary of the state budget 2009-10.As Panchayat
Raj Department of M.P. Govt. has Planned to train all 400000 panchayat's
elected office bearer and employees within 1 year. This responsibility would be
carried through SIRD J abalpur in year 2010-11 and 2011-12. To meet out the
expenditure of this enormous training program Rs. 2757 lakh is to be obtained
by SIRD J abalpur from Central government. So, 25% matching share of State
government e.g. Rs. 595.00 lakh is proposed in the year 2010-11 and Rs. 600
lakh in the year 2011-12 for this scheme.
9. State Finance Commission Grant for Infrastructure Development:
As per the recommendation of 3rd State Finance Commission state government
has provided Rs. 11095.00 lakh grant per year for the period of 2010-15 for the
infrastructure development of the Gram Panchayats under the condition of
taxation by the Gram Panchayats according to the provision of Panchayat &
Gram Swaraj Adhiniyam 1993.

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This is also mentionable that GOI has proposed a New Scheme RGPSA (Rajiv
Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan) in 12
Five Year plan (2012-17).
This scheme is under consideration with planning commission and Finance
Department of India. If this Scheme is introduce then most of the Schemes
submitted in the proposal of 12
Five year Plan of Panchayat Raj will be
merged in RGPSA. Only 6 Schemes will be required after introducing RGPSA
Scheme. These are-
1. State Finance Commission Grant for basic Services in Gram Panchayat.
2. DRDA Administration.
3. BRGF.
4. Constitution of the Directorate of Panchayat Raj.
5. State Finance Commission Grant for infrastructure development in Gram

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The proposed plan ceiling for the 12th five plan is Rs. 990300.00 Lakhs and for
Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 141005.69 Lakhs. The Scheme wise detail are as
Below -
(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Plan 2012-
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Director, Panchayat
1 State Finance Commission Grant in aid
for Basic Service
49096.00 245470.00
2 Direction & Administration District
1584.69 12030.00
3 B.R.G.F. 73050.00 577030.00
4 Strengthening of Gram Sabha (Social
250.00 11500.00
5 Constitution of Directorate of Panchayat
Raj Salary
280.00 2130.00
6 Establishment of National Panchayat
Raj Training Inst.
50.00 380.00
7 Construction of Building at Zila
5000.00 53000.00
8 Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojna (RGSY) 600.00 4560.00
9 State Finance Commission Grant for
Infrastructure development
11095.00 84200.00
Total 141005.69 990300.00

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Irrigation and Flood Control
9.1 Water Resources Department


The 12
Five Year plan of Govt. of M.P. Water Resources Department has been
formulated as per directives of the Planning Commission. Emphasis has been
laid on completion of ongoing Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation projects &
making much more effective use of irrigation facilities, both from existing and
newly created schemes to restore and improve old irrigation works and create
additional employment opportunities for rural masses.

The 12
Five Year Plan document describes development of irrigation potential,
allocation of outlays during various five-year plan periods, details of outlays
under various heads and targets for creation of additional potential. Details are
also given for the Annual plan 2012-2013.

The state of Madhya Pradesh with a geographical area of about 308 thousand
sq. kms (307.44 lakh ha.) is one of the largest states of India and constitutes
9.35% of the total area of the country. The state has a net sown area of 147 lakh
ha. (Year 2007-08), which is about 47.73 percent of geographical area. The
State's population is 72.60 million out of which 15.17% populations are of
Scheduled caste and 20.27% populations is of Scheduled Tribes.

The state has developed an irrigation potential of about 24.64 lakh ha. By the
year 2007, from the sources of Water Resources Department. As against this,
the utilization is about 9.37 lakh ha.

The ultimate irrigation potential of the state from surface and ground water is
expected to be 60.9 Lakh Ha. and 52 lakh Ha. respectively. When the above
potential is harnessed, the percentage of irrigation to net sown area would be
76.80%. Assuming 40 percent irrigation by private sources and 60 percent by
Government sources, the irrigation potential to be created by Government
sources works out to be about 88.20 lakh ha. It is difficult to plan ultimate
potential at this stage due to many unforeseen circumstances, escalation, and
financial constraints State planning board has given directives for formulation

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of 12
five year plan, with the present available resources of funds, emphasis
has also been laid to obtain funds or loans from Nabard / AIBP/ External
funding agencies like World Bank during 12
Plan too.

The work of maintenance and management of irrigation has been entrusted to
the elected three-tier farmers organization. For 16.92 lakh hectare command
area, against 28.51 lakh ha. Total potential created up to march 2011. Under
completed irrigation schemes, 1687 water user associations (Wuas) have been
elected in Feb 2006 for a term of five years. The details of wuas are as under:-
S.No Classification No. Of
Command area under
Wuas in lakh ha.
1 Major project 542 8.94
2 Medium project 209 2.25
3 Minor project 936 5.73
Total 1687 16.92

Election of wua is scheduled in july 2011. Election is also scheduled for
formation of wuas in the new minor schehes completed in this period. There
after the work of maintenance and management of irrigation projects completed
besides 1687 wuas would also be entrusted to them.
Wuas are being given the maintenance grant @ Rs.80/- per hectare under
command of medium & minor schemes, while @ Rs.. 60/- per hectare under
command of major schemes an addition Rs.5000/- for annual administrative
expenses are also provided to the wuas.
Approval from world bank has been obtained for water sector restructuring
project for rs.1919 crores. It is proposed to have integrated development in the
command of 505 schemes constructed prior to the year 1986, spread over in 30
districts of five river basins (i.e. Betwa, Chambal, Sindh, Ken and Tons). The
project period is 6 years commencing from 2006.

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It is proposed to increase water rates for irrigation gradually every year so that
at the end of 5
year, the water rates are adequate to take care of maintenance of
canal system, as per guidelines issued by the 13
finance commission. The
formation of water regulatory authority is in progress as per recommendations.
Presently water rates for irrigation purpose in mp are enforced from 31
In view of the deficit of power, priority is being accorded to projects like
Bansagar (425 mw), Rajghat canal (13mw), sindh phase-ii (60mw) and they
have been included in accelerated irrigation benefit programme (AIBP) of
Government of India.
The proposal of ken-betwa interstate link project is under consideration with
other states. The m.o.u for preparation of DPR for Ken-Betwa project has
already been signed between M.P.& U.P. In august 2005 and discussions are
going on.
Continuous efforts are also being made to reduce the gap between potential
created and actual irrigation. Field officers have been directed to increase Rabi
irrigation and to encourage kharif irrigation also.
Irrigation tanks are being availed by the fisheries department and approximately
45,000 tones of fish are being produced annually.
The work of renovation and remodeling of old large dam to restore their
designed water storage capacity has been taken under drip in which 80% aid
will be provided by world bank and state will bear only 20%.
Govt. of India has provided SCA for the severely drought effected Bundelkhand
area. WRD is entrusted the work for improving irrigation facilities of 6 districts
of bundelkhand area eg. Datia, Tikangarh, Chhatarpur, Panna, Damoh and
Sagar. Work of construction of schemes is in full swing in these districts.
The targets of additional potential during 12
plan are as under: -
Major 2.101 lakh ha.
Medium 1.313 lakh ha.
Minor 2.250 lakh ha.
Total 5.664 lakh ha.

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The year wise Physical achievement during XIth plan is as below: -
( In Th.Ha.)
S.No Year Major Medium Minor Total
1 2007-08 99.800 1.400 22.678 122.878
2 2008-09 38.480 0.000 49.480 87.960
3 2009-10 18.970 6.570 28.707 54.247
4 2010-11 47.465 2.293 59.988 109.746
5 2011-12 (Anti.) 47.500 14.217 46.300 108.017
Total 251.215 24.480 207.153 482.848

Thus at the end of Eleventh plan the anticipated potential would be around
29.47 Lakh Ha. Apart from the above it is proposed realization 1.49 Lakh Ha.
Potential in existing system trough MPWSRP during 12

Planning Commission approved an outlay of Rs. 5864.35 crs. for Major,
Medium Projects, Rs 22.14 Crs. for Flood Control schemes and Rs. 3641.60 crs.
for Minor schemes ( M.P. Water Resources Department). The total outlay for
Eleventh plan along with the Physical targets are as below:-

( Crs./Area in Lakh Ha.)
S.No Category Approved outlay Physical Target
1 Major & Medium 5864.35 4.390
2 Minor 3656.95 2.670
3 Flood 22.14 0.000
4 CAD 70.00 0.000
Grand Total 9613.44 7.060
The abstract of physical targets and achievements during 11
plan are as below
(Based on year wise figures): -
(in Th.Ha.)
Particulars Physical Target Anticipated Achievement
Major 361.00 251.215
Medium 78.00 24.480
Minor 267.00 207.153
Total 706.00 482.848

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For Annual Plan 2011-12, an approved outlay is Rs. 210300.00 lakhs against
which the budget provision made is Rs. 238837.00 lakhs and anticipated
expenditure is Rs. 235174.76 lakhs.

Proposed Physical Targets for 2011-12 are as below: -

(In Th. Ha.)
Particulars Normal TSP S.C.S.P Total
Major 47.500 0.000 0.000 47.500
Medium 32.650 0.000 0.000 32.650
Minor 35.000 7.000 4.300 46.300
Total 115.15 7.000 4.300 126.45

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) & Annual Plan 2012-13

The proposed outlay for Annual plan 2012-13 and 12
Five year plan 2012-17
is given as below:-

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
1 Surface Water Schemes (Min.) 18143.00 210000.00
2 Investigation (Min.) 685.00 5920.00
3 AIBP Projects (Minor Irri. ) 36600.00 300000.00
4 Major Irrigation Commercial 3363.00 38000.00
5 National Hydrology Project EAP 427.00 683.00
6 Direction and Administration 1319.80 10560.00
7 Medium Irrigation Commercial 48429.00 420000.00
8 Direction and Administration (Med.) 2200.00 17600.00
9 Machinery and Equipment (Med.) 35.17 280.00
10 Survey and Investigation(Med.) 575.00 4600.00

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Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
11 Investigation (Min.) 450.00 3600.00
12 Other expenditure (Min.) 160.00 1280.00
13 Civil Work (Flood Control) 1000.00 8000.00
14 CAD Establishment 199.88 1600.00
15 Const. of F/C & W/C (CAD) 1500.00 11920.00
16 P.I.M. (CAD) 125.00 1000.00
17 Rajghat Canal 5.00 23.00
18 Visits and trainings of farmers (CAD) 125.00 1000.00
19 Water Sector Restructuring EAP 21150.00 59850.00
20 Correction of system deficiency (CAD) 1500.00 12000.00
21 AIBP & ERM projects 53723.15 547730.00
22 AIBP Projects (Medium) 7584.00 60670.00
23 DRIP (Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement
Project ) EAP
3958.00 25084.00
24 RRR 6000.00 20000.00
25 Bundelkhand 21410.00 21410.00
Total 230667.00 1782810.00

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The Narmada Basin Cover 27% area of the present state of M.P. The
development of Narmada Basin is the most ambitious segment of the state's
Plan in the irrigation and power sector. In J uly 1985 the State Govt. constituted
the Narmada Valley Development Authority (NVDA) for implementing major
irrigation & power projects in the Narmada Valley. An integrated master plan
has been prepared to enable full utilization of 18.25 MAF of allocated water
before the stipulated period of review by the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal
(NWDT) award. (i.e. in the year 2025). As against 18.25 MAF water allocated
to the state by Narmada Tribunal the present use 32 years after Narmada Award
of December 1979 is about 6.00 MAF only. It is therefore extremely important
for the state to assign high priority for the development of the Water Resource
of Narmada.
In pursuance of above the Narmada Valley Development Authority has
prepared a 'Reverse Calendar' and also embarked on preparation of Detailed
Project Reports (DPRs) of all the 16 remaining major projects along with
seeking necessary clearances. Earlier execution of medium and minor projects
in the Narmada Valley was assigned to Department of Water Resources.
However, with approximately 100 medium (out of a total of 135) and 2000
minor (out of a total of 3000) remaining to be implemented in a short span of 13
years, it has been decided to task NVDA as well to carry out this work in
addition to constructing major projects. Therefore NVDA has already
progressed survey and formulation of DPRs for medium and minor projects
down stream of Handia and up to M.P. border. This work is likely to be
completed by December 2012. From Amarkantak to Handia this work will be
taken up once major projects of this area (Upper Narmada, Halon, Upper
Burhner, Raghavpur, Rosra, Basania, Sher, Shakkar, Machharewa, Dudhi,
Chinki and Ataria) are under construction and farmers in the area realize the
benefits of their waters, power.
To finance and expedite the construction of medium and minor projects, the
NVDA has also incorporated, "Narmada Basin Projects Company Ltd."

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An outlay approved for the Eleventh plan was Rs. 526906.00 lakhs against
which year wise budget provision is given as below:-
( Rs. in lakh)
Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-2012
Gross Budget
(Rs. Lakhs)
96543.00 96025.00 124958.00 152639.00 140733.00

2.2 The Expenditure Incurred During The Eleventh Plan Is As Under:
(Rs. in lakh)
2011-12 Item 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
68302.90 80057.22 91514.81 106169.38 118716.24 118716.24
15241.11 14589.16 8820.03 32287.38 22289.62 22289.62

Present position of development of water Resources of the Narmada by Major
& Multipurpose projects. Out of 11.36 MAF water use to be developed by
Narmada Valley Development Department from major Irrigation and
multipurpose projects, the present position of development of water resources in
the Narmada is as under:

Project Irrigation
Water use MCM
Five major irrigation projects
completed by WRD (Tawa,
Barn, Sukta, Kolar and Matiari)
3,77,618 3,641.39/(2.95)

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Project Irrigation
Water use MCM
Eight major irrigation projects in
progress (Bargi LBC and RBC,
Indira Sagar, Omkareshwar,
Man, J obat, Upper Beda, Punasa
Lift & Lower Goi)
7,55,518 6652.36/(5.39)
Two major irrigation projects
whose scopes have been defined
(Upper Narmada Project &,
Halon Project) clearance
accorded by Planning
Commission and are in the
process of construction.
31,656 312.93/(0.25)
Total 15 Projects 11,64,792 10,606.68/(8.59)

Thus 15 major irrigation projects for a use of 8.59 MAF of Narmada Water have
been finalized; remaining major irrigation projects for a use of 2.77 MAF
(11.36-8.59) are under survey and investigation.
The broad strategy proposed for implementation of major projects is as under.
To give thrust on completion of ongoing projects and implementation of all the
remaining major projects. This will enable faster creation of additional irrigation
and power potential and obviate time and cost overruns to a great extent.
a. We anticipate to complete Man and J obat projects latest by 2012-13.
Similarly OSP/ISP is likely to be completed by 2014-15.
b. The two other Projects namely Omkareshwar (OSP) and Maheshwar
located between Indira Sagar Project (ISP) and Sardar Sarovar Project
(SSP) are also linked will the construction of Sardar Sarovar dam due to
their water spreads and the regulated release from Indira Sagar. It is
necessary to complete these two projects also simultaneously to realize
the power potential in the Lower Narmada.

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c. Bargi dam under the RABS project was completed in 1988-89. It is
necessary that the canals (LBC and the RBC) from the Bargi project are
completed quickly.LBC will provide irrigation facilities to the areas in
Jabalpur and Narsinghpur district. The RBC is named as Bargi Diversion
project which will provide irrigation facilities to the areas in J abalpur,
Katni, Santa and Rewa districts. This is delayed and is now likely to be
completed by 2014-15.
Upper Narmada, Raghavpur, Rosra, Basania, Halon, Punasa lift and
Lower Goi projects are located in tribal districts; Upper Narmada,
Halon, Raghavpur, Rosra and Basania are given priority and first two
are likely to be completed during Twelfth Plan.
NVDA is also undertaking works relating to resettlement and
rehabilitation (R&R) of project affected families (PAFs) and the
works for protection of environment such as catchments area
treatment, compensatory afforestation, protection of flora and fauna
etc. Highest priority is being given to the work of participatory R&R
of PAFs in the Twelfth Plan.
Completion of survey, investigation, preparation of project reports of
the new projects, and getting them approved from CWC, CEA,
Environment Ministry and the Planning Commission for the remaining
projects is proposed to be completed in the first year of the Twelfth

NARMADA BASIN:- This work has now been transferred to the Department
of New and Renewable Energy. However following three small Hydel power
projects were approved by NVDA and are being implemented with the
assistance of NABARD/State Plan.
a) Left Bank Canal head Power House
Under the RABS (BARGI) Project - Since
b) Canal head Power house under the - Since
completed Indira Sagar Project
c) Canal head Power house under the OSP - Tender floated

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An outlay of Rs 113372.00 lakh was approved for Annual Plan 2010-11.
Against which, budgeted outlay of Rs. 152639.00 lakh was granted. The
expenditure of Rs. 138276.32 lakh incurred during financial year 2010-11.
The works of Bargi Diversion Project, Indira Sagar Project, Rani Avanti Bai
Lodhi Sagar Project, Omkareshwar Project, Upper Narmada, Lower Goi, Halon,
Punasalift Irrigation, Projects were accelerated.
Resettlement of the project affected families (PAFs) and Environmental works,
such as afforestation, catchments area treatment, etc. have also been brought in
full swing and are being completed ahead of the engineering works.
ANNUAL PLAN 2011-12:-
Annual Plan of Rs. 96539.00 lakh has been proposed for 2011-12. Out of the
outlay Rs. 50634.62 lakh, Rs.39311.63 lakhs and Rs. 6592.75 lakh has been
proposed for Normal Plan, Tribal Sub Plan and Schedule Caste Sub Plan
respectively. An anticipated expenditure for the same period is Rs. 51943.73
lakhs. During current annual plan, emphasis has been laid on completion of
ongoing projects and also on those projects, which can be completed quickly in
order to realize the benefits form investment so far. Break up of total outlays
items of irrigation and energy is given below:-
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Areas Normal TSP SCSP Total
Irrigation 44962.05 39295.12 6587.75 90844.92
Energy 5672.57 16.51 5.00 5694.08
Total 50634.62 39311.63 6592.75 96539.00

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The Eleventh Five Year Plan allocation for irrigation and power sectors was Rs.
6108.98 crore. During the Eleventh five year plan, the works of Bargi Diversion
Project, Indira Sagar Project, Rani Avanti Bai Lodhi Sagar Project,
Omkareshwar Project, Upper Narmada Lower Goi, Halon, Punasalift Irrigation,
Projects were accelerated. Resettlement of the project affected families (PAF's)
and the Environmental Works such as a forestation, catchments area treatment,
etc. have also been brought in full swing and are being completed ahead of the
engineering works.
The proposed plan ceiling for 12th five year plan is Rs. 935140.00 Lakhs and
for annual plan 2012-13 is Rs. 105906.81 Lakhs. Proposed scheme wise outlay
for annual plan 2012-13 and 12
five year plan 2012-17 is given as below:-
(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
1 Indira Sagar Project (Irr.) 8909.79 67630.00
2 Omkareshwar Project (Irr.) 4644.50 35250.00
3 Surveys i/c H.Q. Estt. (Pow.) 2671.24 20270.00
4 Sardar Sarovar Project (M.P.)
220.00 1670.00
5 Survey, Afforestation R & R
Works of SSP
13734.92 104250.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
6 Indira Sagar Project 4800.43 36440.00
7 Omkareshwar Project 27.03 210.00
8 Man Project (Irr.) 226.92 1720.00
9 J obat Project (Irr.) 340.06 2580.00
10 Rani Avanti Bai Sagar Project
9767.37 74140.00
11 Bargi Diversion Project (Irr.) 16709.70 255450.00
12 Upper Narmada Project (Irr.) 767.70 5830.00
13 Upper Beda Project (Irr.) 803.66 6100.00
14 Lower Goi Project (Irr.) 716.95 5440.00
15 Halon Project (Irr.) 405.00 3070.00
16 Survey i/c H.Q. Estt.(Irri) 610.00 4630.00
17 (-) Deduction of Contribution (Irr.) -3657.14 -27760.00
18 (-) Deduction of Contribution
-18566.39 -140220.00
19 Punasa lift Irrigation (Irr.) 200.00 1520.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
20 Macro management /CAT (Irr.) 425.93 3230.00
21 Bargi Canal Bed Power House 184.50 1400.00
22 Canal Bed Power House of ISP 533.46 4050.00
23 Decretal 20.00 150.00
24 Special Police (Irr.) 689.80 5240.00
25 Decretal (Irr.) 25.00 190.00
26 SSP Sale of Power 700.00 5310.00
27 Fisheries (Irr.) 5.35 125.00
28 Garlanding (Irr.) 336.63 2560.00
29 Sher, Shakkar, Machrewa Project
(Irr.)(Last Yr.)
500.00 3800.00
30 Dudhi Project (Irr.) 100.00 760.00
31 Morand Ganjal Project (Irr.) 50.00 500.00
32 Canal bed power house of OSP 700.00 5320.00
33 Ataria Project (Irr.) 35.60 1175.00
34 AIBP 58107.21 441040.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
35 Upper Bhurner project (Irr.) 10.00 500.00
36 Narmda Control Board (NCB) 9.48 70.00
37 Survey and Research 95.98 1150.00
38 Information Technology 46.13 350.00
Total 105906.81 935140.00

The details of the 29 major Projects under Narmada Valley are given below. It
should be noted that medium and minor irrigation projects are under the
judiciary of Water Resources Department the State.
S.No. Name of Project
Irrigation Ha.
Generation M.W.
1. Upper Narmada 19000 --
2. Raghavpur -- 20
3. Rosra -- 25
4. Singarpur (Basania)
5. Upper Burdner 5000

6. Halone 13000
7. Dhabotoria -Matiyari (completed) 10000

8. Bargi (Dam completed)
(a) Rani Awanti Bai Sagar (RABS) 157000
(1)From river bed power house 90

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S.No. Name of Project
Irrigation Ha.
Generation M.W.
(2)From canal bed power house 10
(b) Bargi Diversion (BDP) 245000 --
9. Atariya 1950 --
10. Chinki 70000 25
11. Sher -- --
12. Machhareva 65000 --
13. Shakkar -- --
14. Sitarewa -- 15
15. Dudhi 51000 -
16. Barna (completed) 55000 1.9
17. Tawa (completed) 247000 13.50
18. Kolar (completed) 45000 2.00
19. Morand 52000 1.0
20. Ganjal --- --
21. Sukta (completed) 17000 --
22. Punasa Lift (Chhota Tawa) 35000 --
23. Indira Sagar 123200
(1)From river bed power house 1000
(2)From canal bed power house 15
24. Omkareshwar 146800

(1)From river bed power house 520
(2)From canal bed power house 5
25. Maheshwar --
26. Upper Beda 9900 --
27. Man 15000 --
28. Lower Goi 13760 --
29. Shahid Chandrashekhar Azad 9848 --
Sagar Project (J obat)
Total 1456458

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10.1 Power (MPSEB)

The installed capacity of Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company as on
31.3.2011 is 3724.7 MW comprising of 2807.5 MW Thermal and 917.2 MW
Hydel projects. Further, State has share of 2430.5 MW in the Central Sector
Projects. 2371.5 MW from hydel projects in joint venture. Apart from the
above, 216 MW from Private sector and 255 MW from other sectors are
obtained. Thus total installed capacity of 8998 MW is available with state as on
31.3.2011. From 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011, the net addition in installed capacity
of the state is 2578.9MW of which 734.25 MW (660MW from thermal and
74.25 from Hydel projects) is added by Madhya Pradesh Power Generation
Company. Share in Central Sector projects has increased by 659MW, 714.65
MW in J oint Venture Hydel project during same period. Balance increase of
471 MW in generation capacity is contributed by Private sector (216 MW) and
(255 MW) other sectors. During Eleventh Plan period, Capacity of 6,358 MW
from various sources was planned to be added. During 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2011
period 40% of planned capacity could be added.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
An outlay of Rs. 8640.66 crore was approved for Eleventh Five Year Plan of
MPSEB. Subsequently, the outlays of Rs. 427 crore provided for Tribal Sub
Plan and Special Component Plan were excluded and the revised plan size is
Rs. 4,792.5 crore against which Rs. 4,601.2 crores has been spent. During 2007-
08, 500 MW capacity additions have been made available through Sanjay
Gandhi T.P.S.Extn. II Birsingpur Unit 5 (1x500MW) which was planned for X
Plan. It was programmed to add 1710 MW generation capacity during Eleventh
Plan. Against this, 210 MW capacity additions were achieved in the first four
years (2007-2011) of Eleventh Plan. It has been achieved with commissioning

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
of Amarkantak T.P.S. Extn. Unit (1 x 210 MW) on 09th November 2009, it was
scheduled for commissioning J une 2007.The generation capacity of Malwa
T.P.P. has been revised to 2units of 600 MW each from 2units of 500MW each
at Purni, Khandwa, has slipped to Twelfth Plan and likely to commissioned in
Febuary 2013 and September 2013. The Commissioning, of Sarni S. T.P.S.
Extension Units Number 10 & 11 of 250 MW each has been rescheduled for
September 2012 and January 2013. Thus backlog of 1700 MW of Eleventh Plan
in generation capacity will be realised in Twelfth Plan Period.
The achievements of Eleventh Five Year Plan Targets of generation,
transmission, distribution and of Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidutikaran Yojna
are presented below:-
Physical Targets and Achievement for Eleventh Plan 2007-12
As on 17 th Septwmber 2011
UNIT Targets for
Plan 2007-
Likely date of
Schedule /
for Eleventh
Plan 2007-12
/ Target*
Date of Commiss-
ioning Schedule
1 Sanjay Gandhi
T.P.S.Extn. II
Birsingpur UNIT
5 (1x500MW)
J AN'07 18th J une
for X plan)
2 Amarkantak
Extn. Unit
MW 210 J UNE'07 210 100 09th
3 Malwa T.P.P.
(2x500MW) at
Purni, Distt. -
MW 1000
I : J ULY'
Revised to
4 Sarni S. T.P.S.
Extn. Unit 10 &
11 (2x250MW)
MW 500 X: 2009-10
XI: 2010-11

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Physical Targets and Achievement for Eleventh Plan 2007-12
As on 17 th Septwmber 2011
UNIT Targets for
Plan 2007-
Likely date of
Schedule /
for Eleventh
Plan 2007-12
/ Target*
Date of Commiss-
ioning Schedule
J anuary
1 Bansagar Tons
(2x15 MW)
AUG'02 &

2 Bansagar Tons
(Third unit of 20
3 Bansagar Tons
(PH-IV) (2x10
4 Marhikheda HEP
Distt. Shivpuri
(3x20 MW)
I : AUG'06
III : MAR'07
20MW on
18th August
for X plan)
Total Generation
MW 1710 210 12.3 Commissioned
during XI Plan
A. Transmission

1 400 kv Lines Circuit 962 29 3.0 Anticipated

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Physical Targets and Achievement for Eleventh Plan 2007-12
As on 17 th Septwmber 2011
UNIT Targets for
Plan 2007-
Likely date of
Schedule /
for Eleventh
Plan 2007-12
/ Target*
Date of Commiss-
ioning Schedule
2 220 kv Lines Circuit
5247 3488 66.5 Anticipated
3 132 kv Lines Circuit
6014 2754 45.8 Anticipated
12223 6271 51.3 Anticipated

4 400 kv Sub-
MVA 1260 630 50.0 Anticipated
5 220 kv Sub-
MVA 6300 5020 79.7 Anticipated
6 132 kv Sub-
MVA 3922 4764 121.5 Anticipated
Total EHV Sub
MVA 11482 10414 90.7 Anticipated
1 33 KV Lines KMS 10664 6901 64.7 Anticipated
2 11 KV Lines KMS 101143 37745 37.3 Anticipated
3 Power
(New +Addl)
NOS 800 1011 126.4 Anticipated
4 Distribution
NOS 150938 88436 58.6 Anticipated

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Physical Targets and Achievement for Eleventh Plan 2007-12
As on 17 th Septwmber 2011
UNIT Targets for
Plan 2007-
Likely date of
Schedule /
for Eleventh
Plan 2007-12
/ Target*
Date of Commiss-
ioning Schedule
1 33 KV Lines KMS 300
2 11 KV Lines KMS 16188
19609 121.1 Anticipated
3 LT Lines KMS 13487
10741 0.8 Anticipated
4 Distribution
NOS 24040
20750 86.3 Anticipated
The Power scenario observed during first four years of eleventh plan period
shows that shortage, i.e. difference between requirement and availability, has
increased from 13.30% during 2007-08 to 20.22% in 2010-11. In year 2009-10,
14.97 % of Maximum Unrestricted Demand could not met, which was highest
among four years under consideration and lowest of 4.88% was observed in
2010-11. Year wise position of unrestricted requirement and availability and
maximum unrestricted demand and demand met is as follow:

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2

Power Scenario during XI Plan Period
Year Unrestrict
nt (MU)
(In %)
(In %)
FY 08 41605.74 36072.84 13.30 6501 7132 8.85
FY 09 42624.56 35502.64 16.71 7019 7593 7.56
FY 10 43766.79 35562.72 18.74 6215 7309 14.97
FY 11 48571.01 38751.05 20.22 8331 8758 4.88
52765 41189 21.94

Aim and objective of 12
Five Year Plan:
(i) Remove power shortage in the State by setting up new generating power
projects to meet the ever increasing power demand and to generate power
at competitive rates as compare to other producers.
(ii) Expansion / Strengthening of Transmission System for evacuation of
power from Generation Projects of the State, interconnection of State
transmission system with National Grid (i.e. PGCIL projects, etc.), to
overcome low voltage problem and to avoid overloading of EHV system.
(iii) Strengthening and system improvement of Sub-Transmission and
Distribution system, Energy Audit, 100% meterisation, and prevention of
(iv) To bridge the Rural Urban gap by extending the electricity to all the
villages and their habitations and provide access to electricity to all rural
households under RGGVY scheme.
(v) Separation of rural feeders from agricultural feeders to ensure high
quality continuous power supply for non-agricultural use and adequate
supply for agricultural purposes.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
The aims and objectives of 12
Plan are more or less same as that of 11
This time state will stress on betterment of service delivery, reducing
transmission and distribution losses, prevention of theft and timely completion
of ongoing projects.
Keeping in view future load growth and to overcome shortages, generation
capacity from State Sector, Central Sector and other sectors / IPPs has been
planned and efforts will be made to increased generation capacity to the
required level. Year-wise capacity addition programme from various sectors for
2012-13 to 2016-17 is indicated as below:
Additional Generation Capacity Programme for Twelfth Five Year
(In MW)
Year MPPGCL State
FY 13 1100 0 173 606 200 2079
FY 14 600 0 78 1508 0 2186
FY 15 594 0 757 1729 0 3080
FY 16 594 1040 352 1691 0 3677
FY 17 0 1600 0 825 0 2425
Total 2888 2640 1360 6359 200 13447

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2

On the basis of proposed generation capacity addition, Peak availability and
Peak requirement for the Plan period 2012-13 to 2016-17 have been worked out
and likely situation of shortages/surplus is as indicated below:
Expected Peak availability and Peak requirement during 12
(As per CEA Norms)
Year Peak
in MW
in MW
Surplus in
FY 13 10,629 8,446 -2,183 -20.54
FY 14 11,756 10,294 -1,462 -12.44
FY 15 12,602 12,108 -494 -3.92
FY 16 13,413 15,170 1,757 13.10
FY 17 14,269 17,295 3,026 21.21

For the year 2012-13, the peak availability has been assessed at 8,446 MW
against the estimated peak requirement of 10,629 MW resulting in peak
shortage of about 2,183 MW (20.54%) has been envisaged. The shortages will
continue till 2014-15 and surplus is expected to start from 2015-16, which is
possible, provided all projects under implementation and planned will be
completed as per scheduled.
III. Proposals for Twelfth Plan (2012-17) and Annual Plan 2012-13
The total fund requirement for Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) of MPSEB/
Successor Companies has been worked out as Rs. 48416.28 crore. This includes
Rs. 28223.28 crore and balance amount of Rs. 20193 crore would be required
from plan funds. Accordingly, the state government has proposed an outlay of
Rs. 20193 Crore for Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) of MPSEB.
Similarly, the proposed outlay for Annual Plan (2012-13) of MPSEB is Rs.2640
crore. With loan from various Financial Institutions such as PFC, REC, J ICA,

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
HUDCO etc. and Central Government Schemes such as RAPDRP, J BIC,
RGGVY (Grant) Rs. 7321.17 crore, will be raised. Thus a total investment of
Rs. 10021.17 crore is envisaged during Annual Plan (2012-13) of MPSEB
against the estimated need based annual requirement of 11289 crore.
A. Capacity Addition: During Twelfth Plan period, it is programmed to add
4620 MW installed generation capacity in the State Sector. It is programmed to
commission the projects, which have slipped from 11
Plan, at earliest possible.
These will add generation capacity to the tune of 1700 MW during first two
years of 12
Plan. Following are the projects planned for commissioning:

Sno. Power Project Capacity Date of Commissioning
1. Malwa TPP (2x600) MW 1200 MW

Febuary 2013 &
September 2013
2. Sarni TPS Extension unit
X and XI (2x250 MW)
500 MW September 2012 &
J anuary 2013

Total capacity addition 1700 MW (of XI Plan)

Additional capacity of 2920MW will available on commissioning of, Shree
Singaji Thermal Power Project Stage II (2X660 MW), Khandwa which is
expected to commission in March'2015 , Sept'2015 and Dada Dhuniwale
Khandwa Power Project (2X800MW), expected commissioning July2016,
December2016. Thus 660 MW in 2014-15, 660 MW in 2015-16 and 1600
MW in 2016-17 will be available to the state. The land aquisition for Bansagar
Thermal Power Project (2X800MW), Tikuratola, Shadol is in progress and
likely to be commissioned in 2017-18. Further, it is proposed to initiate the
construction of two new Generation projects, namely, Amarkantak TPS Extn.
Unit (1x250 MW) & Sarni T.P.S. Extn. Unit (1x660 MW) (in place of 5x62.5
MW Units). Both these projects will be commissioned in Thirteenth Five Year
Plan period. The generation capacity addition programme of MPSEB during
Eleventh Plan (2007-12) is as follow:

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2

Eleventh Plan (2007-12

Name of Generating
Original Anti.
Twelfth Plan
A Tenth Plan Projects
1 Sanjay Gandhi T.P.S.
Extn.II Birsingpur UNIT
5 (1x500MW)

500 Comm. on
2 Marhikheda HEP
(Third Unit of 20 MW)
- 20 Comm. on
B. Eleventh Plan Projects
1 Amarkantak T.P.S. Extn.
210 210 - Comm.
2 Shri Singaji TPP
Malwa T.P.P.)
1000 0

1200 February
Sept '2013
3 Sarni S. T.P.S.
Extn. Unit 10 & 11
500 0 500 Sept '2012 ,
J anuary2013
C Twelfth Plan Projects
1 Shri Singaji Super
hermal Power Project
(Phase - II) (2x660 MW)
- - 1320 March'2015 ,
2 Dada Dhuni Wale TPP
(2x800 MW) Distt.
Khandwa (A joint
venture of MPPGCL &


1600 J uly2016,
Total (Generation) 1710 730 4620

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2


A.1 Shree Singaji TPP (2x600 MW), Purni, District Khandwa (Malwa):
The Administrative approval for installation of 2x500 MW Malwa Thermal
Power Project at Purni in Khandwa District has been accorded by GoMP in
May2001. Modified administrative approval has been accorded by GoMP vide
letter dated 02.01.2008 for installation of 2x600 MW and obtaining clearances /
linkages for 4x600 MW. The Malwa TPP has been renamed as Shri Singaji TPP
(2x600 MW) at Dongalia / Purni, District Khandwa (MP) vide Energy
Departments Official note no. 55 dated 20.02.2009.

The project is being implemented mainly in two separate single EPC packages,
namely Package-I, i.e., Main Power Block consisting of Boilers Turbine,
Generator, Control instrument & other along with civil works and Package-II,
i.e., all remaining balance of plant such as water system, CHP, AHP,
switchyard, etc. along with civil works, chimney, cooling towers, etc.

The project has been granted Mega Power Project status by Govt. of India. All
clearances for the project have been obtained.
The 2x600 MW units were rescheduled to be commissioned in March 2012 and
J uly2012 respectively with COD expected by J une2012 and October2012
respectively. However, BHEL has revised the commissioning schedule as
Unit-1 : February 2013
Unit-2 : Sept 2013

As such both the units will now be commissioned in 12
plan period.
Critical Issues related to project are Escrow cover for PFC and laying
Railway line between Surgaon Banjari to Bir and from Bir to Plant; final
approval is awaited from Rail Department for execution of work.
For commissioning of Unit, time line has been fixed for each activity so
that Unit Number 1 can be commission in February 2013 and second unit
at the interval of three months of commissioning of first unit.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Satpura TPS Extn Unit 10 & 11 (2x250 MW):
The Administrative approval for installation of 2x250 MW Extension units No.
10 & 11 at Satpura Thermal Power Station in Betul District has been accorded
by GoMP vide Energy Deptt. letter No. 4019/13/2006 Dt. 29.6.2006 and also by
BoD of MPPGCL on 26.08.2006.
The 2x250 MW units were scheduled to be commissioned in J an2012 and
March2012 respectively. However, in view of the decision of High Level
Committee meeting held on 16.07.2011 at New Delhi with BHEL, the revised
commissioning dates has been fixed, Now Unit-10 is scheduled to commission
by September 2012 and Unit-11 by J anuary 2013.
Details of Award of Contract
(i) Main Power Block: LOI has been issued on EPC basis to M/s
BHEL on 10.3.2008.
(ii) Boiler erection: LoI placed on M/s. Indwell Constructions Private
Limited, Vijaywada on 15.02.2010.
(iii) Balance of Plant Works: Order placed on M/s Macnally Bharat
Engineering (MBEL), Kolkata on 3.4.2010. The completion period
of BoP works of unit 10 & 11 are 24 & 28 months i.e. April2012 &
Aug.2012 respectively.

Critical Issues related to plants are Slow progress by BHEL, for unconditional
disbursement of loan by PFC escrow cover to be made available and STPS
land is also to be mortgaged and approval of ESP & DPR for Railway siding
from Central Railway. The department is working to resolve these issues so that
projects can commission as per schedule.
B.1 Dada Dhuniwale Khandwa Power Project (2x800MW) Dist.
Khandwa (MP):

This project is being implemented in J oint Venture between MPPGCL and
BHEL). Project proposed to be funded with a Debt: Equity ratio of 80:20. The
Project cost was initially estimated at Rs. 10100 crore,

Brief History of Project: MoU for formation of a J oint Venture Company
between MPPGCL & BHEL for implementation of the project signed on
17.11.09. J oint Venture Agreement between MPPGCL and BHEL was signed

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
on 28.01.10 and J VC (Dada Dhuniwale Khandwa Power Ltd.) incorporated on
Feasibility/EIA Study: Final Feasibility Report has been submitted by the
consultants on 30
May 2011. Terms of reference from MoE&F were received
on 9.09.10. Consultant has submitted Draft EIA Report on 03.02.11, which has
been commented. Revised draft incorporating details of feasibility report &
DDKPLs comments expected from consultants shortly, for submission to M. P
Pollution Control Board.
Land Acquisition:
For Main Plant, Ash Dyke, Approach Road & Water Corridor- Tentative land
requirement and its availability as identified for the project is as under:
For Main Plant, Ash
Approach Road & Water
Private 880.97 Acre 44.73 Acre
Revenue (non forest) 53.57 Acre 7.51 Acre
Forest 10.01 Acre 0.64 Acre
Total 944.55 Acre 52.88 Acre
Action under Section-5 Completed on 19,
20 & 21
Completed on 23
R&R Policy submitted to SDO and Land acquisition Officer, Khandwa.
As per directive of MoE&F in TOR, the land is to be optimized to 1000
Based on revised application for acquisition of 925.66 Acres of private
land (out of approx. 1000 Acres of land identified for the project), the
revenue authorities have raised a demand of Rs 35.54 crore on 23
2011 and the balance is expected to be raised shortly.
MPPGCLs second subscription of Rs 20 crore towards equity has been
handed over to DDKPL on 28.04.11. Similarly DDKPL has also
received Rs 20 Cr as BHELs second subscription towards equity. An
amount Rs 35.54 crore has been released in favor the revenue
authorities on 09.06.11.

Water Allocation: 1.55 TMC Water allocated vide NVDA letter no. C.B./RA.
Sta./193/31/2010/657 Dated. 6.10.10.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Coal Linkage: Application for linkage of coal to the tune of 7.9 mtpa is
submitted to Ministry of Coal, GoI on 27.01.10. The desired information sought
by CEA for pre-qualification submitted on 25.03.10.
Airport Authority of India Clearance: Application for clearance for construction
of 275 Meter chimney for the project, submitted with AAI Indore on 26
J uly
Power Purchase Agreement: Power Purchase agreement has been signed with
M.P Tradeco on 04.01.11 under which 65% power generated from the project
will be purchased by M.P Tradeco.
Project Cost & Financial Tie-up: Estimated cost of project is Rs. 10530 Cr. as
per draft Feasibility Report submitted on 14.12.10. Project proposed to be
funded with a Debt: Equity ratio of 80:20.
Equity Participation:
BHELs proposal dtd.3.06.10 for induction of a Strategic Investor with
48% equity as new partner, wherein the equity participation of
MPPGCL shall be reduced to 10%, BHEL remains with 26% equity and
balance 16% equity to be arranged from PSUs/PSU FIs/PSU Banks,
has been accepted by GoMP.
An EoI for selection of J oint Venture partner (the strategic investor) was
floated by MPPGCL. Two out of three bidders have qualified the RFQ
The issue regarding the final selection of Strategic partner was
discussed in the meeting of the Joint committee of MPPGCL & BHEL,
constituted for the purpose and was proposed that for the selection of
strategic partner, the sole criteria should be the premium offered by the
bidders on equity i.e. the bidder quoting the highest premium shall be
selected as the strategic partner for the J V.
Comments on the draft J V agreement to be signed between MPPGCL,
BHEL and the Strategic partner submitted by BHEL, have been
conveyed to BHEL on 20.05.11, after vetting by legal cell & CA. Final
draft, for discussion in the joint committee of BHEL &
MPPGCL/GoMP, to be submitted by BHEL shortly.
Expression of Interest for selection of PSUs/PSU Banks/PSU FIs to join
the J V as partner with 16% equity stake, issued to news papers for
publication on 14.07.11 with last date of submission of request as 16

Aug 2011. Since no response received till the due date, the same has
been extended till 06
Sept 2011.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
The mile stones to be achieved during Twelfth Plan for Dada Dhuniwale
Khandwa Power Ltd are as follow:

DDKPL: Physical Targets for FY 2011-12 to 2016-17
Year Targets
2011-12 Land Acquisition
Obtaining various clearance for the project
Award of contract for Project Consultant & Consultant for Rail
2012-13 Award of Contract for Site Development Works, BTG/BoP E&M
and Civil Works
2013-14 Progressive Civil works, Progressive Supplies and Start Of
Erection Works
2014-15 Progressive Civil works, Progressive Supplies and Progressive
Erection Works
2015-16 Progressive Civil works, Progressive Supplies and Progressive
Erection Works
2016-17 Synchronization/ Commissioning of the units and CoD

B.2 Shree Singaji TPP Stage-II (2x660MW), Distt. Khandwa (MP): The
administrative approval was accorded by GoMP in J anuary2008 for installation
of 2x500/600 MW extension unit and obtaining clearances/ linkages for 4x600
MW. Water and Land is available for the project. For environmental clearance,
requisite EIA study and public hearing already carried out with stage-I itself.
However, when application for coal linkage was submitted to the Ministry of
Coal, CEA advised for compliance of TOR as pre-requisite for coal linkage.
Accordingly, tender for appointment of Consultant for compliance of TOR and
preparation of DPR has been floated and price bids have been opened on
07.04.2010. Simultaneously matter referred to CEA for reconsideration for
early compliance on our application for coal linkage without linking with

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
precondition of TOR as rapid EIA and comprehensive EIA study already
conducted for all four units. It is gathered that CEA is considering our request
The two units of 660 MW each are programmed to be commissioned on March
2015 and Sept 2015.

B.3 Bansagar TPP (2x800MW), Tikuratola, Dist. Shahdol: The administrative
approval accorded by GoMP on 31.12.2008 for implementation of 2x800 MW
Bansagar Thermal Power Project at village Tikuratola in District Shahdol using
Super Critical Technology through Joint Venture with BHEL or by other
method. Earlier the project was proposed to be implemented through a Joint
Venture with BHEL. At the insistence of BHEL, the venue of J V has been
shifted to Dada Dhuniwale Khandwa Power limited. The total estimated cost of
the project is Rs 10100 crore.
Now Bansagar Project is proposed to be implemented through Tariff Based
Competitive Bidding Process under Case-2 by incorporating a Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV). Presently, funds are required for land acquisition. It was
decided in the meeting of the Project Review Committee under the
Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, GoMP that a provision of Rs. 50.00 crore may
be made for land acquisition works in the financial years 2011-12 and balance
amount required for land acquisition i.e. Rs. 70.00 crore may be provided in the
Financial Year 2012-13. This amount will be made available by GoMP as a loan
with 14% interest which will be recoverable from the selected developer. As
per programme the developer will be selected by the next year. However, an
outlay of Rs. 15.00 crore was provided in annual plan 2011-12. The plan funds
of Rs. 70.00 crore are required during 2012-13 for land acquisition. The 2x800
MW units are programmed to be commissioned in 2017-18.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2

C.1 1x250 MW Extn. Unit No.6 Amarkantak Thermal Power Station,
Chachai, Distt. Anuppur:
The extension Unit No.6 was proposed to be installed in the existing
Bathymetric survey for ascertaining the live capacity of Suthna reservoir has
been conducted and report has been submitted by the consultant.As per the
report, substantial desilting of the lake has to be done.
Addl. Sec; GoMP: Energy deptt vide No 7916/13/2008 Dtd 26.12.08 , has
requested Principal Secretary; GoMP: Water Resources Deptt. for allocation
of 0.0088 MAF of consumptive water from the Sone Basin for the Extn unit.
Recommendations of the District level water allocation committee along
with Index Map has been submitted to CE: WRD Ganga Kachhar Rewa for
further needful in the matter. The same is to be submitted for consideration
of the State level committee.
M/s Desein New Delhi have conducted feasibility study and have submitted
Draft Feasibility Report. The DFR along with MPPGCLs recommendations
have been sent to Energy Deptt. Clarifications sought by GoMP on
MPPGCLs proposal have been sent to Energy Deptt.
On preliminary study, it appeared that installation of unit in the available
space was not feasible from O&M point of view. In addition, for ensuring
availability of water and its storage, few works like Construction of Dam on
Baken river, Supply of water from dam to Suthna Lake, Distilling of Suthna
reservoir etc. will have to be done on which huge amount of time/money
shall have to be spent.
GoMP accordingly (vide ltr Dtd 08.02.10) has approved to keep the
implementation of ATPS Extn Unit 6 on hold, for the present.
A meeting was held in the chamber of CMD,MPPGCL on 11.01.11 where in
the CE (TH:Design) and RoC,MPREC were also present and it was decided
to explore the possibility for installation of new unit at the new location.
Accordingly the consultant was requested to prepare the Feasibility Report
considering new location. The Feasibility Report has been submitted by the
consultant in J uly-2011. The comments in respect of civil point of view have
already been forwarded to the consultant. The comments from Engineering
Deptt. are to be forwarded shortly after which the Final Feasibility Report
shall be submitted by the consultant.
The total estimated cost of the project is Rs. 1610.69 crore. During Twelfth
Plan period, funds to the tune of Rs. 653.00 will be required, which includes
Rs. 250.00 crore from Plan & Rs. 403.00 crore from Outside Plan. In case,

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Loan is not sanctioned, then the advance against the EPC/ Non-EPC
contracts shall have to be met from the equity of FY 2015-16.
The 250 MW extension unit is programmed to be commissioned by 2019-20.

C.2 1 x 660 MW, Super Critical Thermal Extn.Unit at STPS, Sarni
(By decommissioning of 5x62.5 MW units of PH I):
MoEF while according environmental clearance to the Satpura TPS Extn.
Unit No 10 & 11 Project, vide letter dated 27.02.2009, have put forth a
condition that 5x62.5 MW units of PH-I, STPS, shall be decommissioned
within 1 year of commissioning of Satpura TPS Extn. Units 10&11.
The CEA vide letter dated 24.05.2010 has also advised to phase out 5x62.5
MW units of Satpura PH-1 , starting retirement of units from 2011-12.
Secretary (Energy),GoMP, during his visit to Satpura TPS on 03.12.2010
advised to explore the possibility of installing 1x660 MW [in place of
existing Satpura PH-1 (5x62.5 MW)] unit, by getting a feasibility study
conducted on priority.
Accordingly, an LOI was issued to M/s Desein Private Ltd,Consulting
Engineers,New Delhi, vide No.07-01/STPS-NEW Unit/2682 dtd.24.12.2010,
for conducting Feasibility Study and preparation of Detailed Project Report
for 1x660 MW,Super Crtical Unit in place of existing Satpura TPS Power
House-I (5x62.5 MW). The firm vide its letter No.KV/SATURA EXTN./03
dtd.03.01.11 had submitted the Draft Feasibility Report. As per this DFR
either 2x250 MW Units or 1x660 MW unit were found to be Techno
Economically feasible for installation at STPS,Sarni.
The CEA & MoEF are emphasizing installation of Super Critical Units due
to improved efficiency and less emission of green house gases and are also
offering priority for grant of Coal linkage and MoEF clearance to Super
Critical Units. Hence it has been advised to the consultant to prepare
Feasibility Report for one unit of 660 MW in place of 5x62.5 MW units.
Accordingly Feasibility Report for 1x660 MW Extn.Unit at STPS,Sarni was
submitted by the consultant on 11.05.11.
Based on the evaluations and comments of MPPGCL, the consultants have
now prepared the Draft Detailed Project Report which is under examination.

Administrative Approval for setting up the project has been obtained from
the BoD of MPPGCL in the 55
meeting held on 12
August 2011 at
J abalpur.

Necessary Administrative Approval from the GoMP for setting up 1x660
MW, Super Critical Thermal Unit by MPPGCL in place of PH-I (5x62.5

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
MW),at Satpura Thermal Power Station, Sarni, Distt.Betul (MP) has been
sought vide letter No.07-01/SSTPP-II/4120/SPV/1884 dtd.23.08.11.

The total estimated cost of the project is Rs. 4035.61 crore. During Twelfth
Plan period, funds to the tune of Rs. 1600.00 crore will be required, which
includes Rs. 600.00 crore from Plan & Rs. 1000.00 crore from Outside Plan.
In case, Loan is not sanctioned, then the advance against the EPC / Non-EPC
contracts shall have to be met from the equity of FY 2015-16.
The 660 MW Super Critical extension unit is programmed to be
commissioned by 2019-20.

(D) R&M Works of TPS It is proposed to carry out R&M activities of
Satpura & SGTPS Thermal Power Stations during 12
plan period so as to
bring improvement in its life/performance. Funds to the tune of Rs. 1816.21
crore are required during 12
plan, which includes Rs. 706.40 crore from FIs /
PFC and Rs. 1109.81 crore from Plan funds. During 2012-13 funds to the tune
of Rs. 235.01 crore are required which includes Rs. 28.64 crore from FIs / PFC
and Rs. 206.37 crore from Plan funds. However, outlay of Rs. 40.00 crore only
is proposed under the restricted plan ceiling of Rs. 2700 crore for Annual Plan
2012-13. Major activities proposed to be undertaken during 12
Plan period are
as follows:

Satpura TPS: For implementation of comprehensive R&M/LE works of Units
(1 x 200 +3 x 210 MW) of PH-II & PH-III draft DPR has been submitted by
the Consultant, M/s. NTPC. It is proposed to include works of ESPs
augmentation also under this package. The tentative cost is Rs. 2000 crore. The
BoD of MPPGCL has resolved that for financing these R&M and LE works,
PPP option through LROT (Lease Rehabilitate Operate & Transfer) be
explored. Therefore, fund requirement from other sources is not envisaged at

Sanjay Gandhi TPS: The R&M of PH-I (2x210 MW) unit is proposed during
plan for which RLA and other tests shall be carried out as per the guidelines
of CEA in the year 2013 for assessing the quantum of work involved therein.
The requirement of funds given is tentative considering cost of R&M and LE
works @ Rs. 2.00 crore per MW (as per prevailing trend). The cost of
consultancy services is estimated to be Rs. 8.00 crore based on prevailing trend.

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PLF : PLF of Thermal Power Stations increased from 62.9 % in 2001-02 to
73.14 % in 2002-03 which is all time record. PLF of 70.21%, 72.09% and
68.02% were achieved during 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06 respectively. PLF
of 70.54% has been achieved during 2006-07. In 2007-08 PLF of 68.91 % and
in 2008-09 PLF of 67.21 % has been achieved. PLF of 62.86% during 2009-10
& 61.1% during 2010-11 has been achieved. Similarly, it is programmed to
achieve the PLF of 65% during 2011-12 against the original target of 76%.
Similarly, it is programmed to achieve the PLF of 74% during 2012-13 and 76%
during Twelfth Plan.

(E) S&I / Reconnaissance Studies for New Generation Projects: This is a
perpetual nature of work which is carried out for exploring the possibilities of
new power projects in the state. The Survey & Investigation works of Kanhan
Hydel Project (2x45 MW), Sone Hydel Project (5x20 MW), Chambal
Development Plan Phase-II (270 MW) and Gandhisagar HEP (PH-II 4 x40
MW) are in progress. Further, following new Thermal Power Projects are
proposed to be taken up in the 12
Plan period:
(1) Dada Dhuniwale Thermal Power Project, District Khandwa (2x800 MW)
(2) Shri Singaji Thermal Power Project (Phase-II), Distt. Khandwa (2x600 MW)
(3) Bansagar Thermal Power Project, Tikuratola District Shahdol (2x800 MW)
(4) Amarkantak TPS Extension Unit, Chachai, District Anooppur (1x250 MW)
(5) Sarni Super Critical Thermal Extn. Unit, District Betul (1x660 MW)
Aim and Objective of 11
& 12
Five Year Plans:
Expansion /Strengthening of Transmission System, evacuation of power from
Generation Projects of the State, interconnection of State transmission system
with National Grid (i.e. PGCIL projects, etc.), to overcome low voltage problem
and to avoid overloading of EHV system and to meet out the future
requirement, considering Generation Capacity Addition Programme of the
state, generation capacity addition by upcoming Independent Power Producers
(IPPs), Category-wise Load Growth in the State, Expected requirement of new
industries as well as additional requirement of existing ones, any special /
contingent requirement of Discoms and Expected increase in Interconnection
with PGCIL System, are the objectives of the Madhya Pradesh Transmission

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Company for 12
Five Year Plan. During XI Plan, objectives were the same and
state has strengthened its Transmission System considerably. The planning is
done after critical Load flow and System study considering following aspects:
Due to paucity of funds, the development of Transmission System suffered
badly during Ninth Plan Period. This has been compensated partially during 10

Plan period. The same is continuing in 11
Plan and would be continued during
Plan period also.
In order to achieve the above objectives during 12
Plan period, system studies
have been conducted to identify the transmission requirements in the state up to
2016-17 for catering the load growth as stipulated in 18
EPS, overcoming the
deficiencies of the system created in past years and meeting the grid code
requirements specifically keeping the voltage variation within the prescribed
The total need based fund requirement of MP TRANSCO during 12
period (2012-17) has been assessed as Rs. 7370.22 crore. Out of the total
investment of Rs. 7343.22 crore during Twelfth Plan, investment of Rs. 6819.52
crore is proposed to be made by MP Transco. Further, investment of Rs. 550.70
crore is proposed through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. Actual
execution would depend on the availability of funds.
The year-wise fund requirement during Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
period is as follow:
(Rs. in Crore)

Fund requirement for Transmission works

During Twelfth Plan Period (2012-13 to 2016-17)

By MP Transco PPP Mode Total
2012-13 1278.56 81.00 1359.56
2013-14 801.35 323.00 1124.35
2014-15 1589.47 146.70 1736.17
2015-16 1968.93 1968.93
2016-17 1181.21 1181.21
Total (12th Plan) 6819.52 550.70 7370.22

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Financing of Transmission works proposed for 12th Plan (2012-17):
Transmission works during 12
Plan and proposed financing of works is as
(i) Evacuation of power from Shri Singaji TPP (2x600 MW) and Satpura
TPS Extn (2x250 MW): PFC Financed works (New Scheme) for A
transmission scheme amounting to Rs. 1560 crore for power evacuation
from these thermal plants and some system strengthening work has been
approved by the PFC against which loan of Rs. 1123 crore has been
sanctioned in Feb2010. The works under this loan are proposed to be
completed by 2013-14.
(ii) Construction of new 220KV and 132KV Sub-stations: A transmission
scheme amounting to Rs. 1248.00 crore for system strengthening works
has been approved by the J ICA against which loan of Rs. 1038 crore has
been sanctioned. The scheme includes construction of 7 new 220KV Sub-
stations and 26 new 132KV Sub-stations. The works under this loan are
proposed to be completed by 2014-15.
(iii) Un-funded Transmission works:
(a) Transmission works of priority nature: In this category, transmission
works of priority nature, for which funds have not yet been tied-up, are
included. The total investment on these transmission works in 12
Plan is
Rs. 309.69 crore. The above works are proposed to be taken up from the
funds provided by the State Government / internal resources.
(b) Un-funded Transmission works: System studies have been conducted for
identification of transmission works for the Twelfth Plan period and
transmission works amounting to Rs. 4233.32 crore have been identified
for which funds are yet to be tied up. These works are proposed to be
taken up with the loan assistance from External agencies such as ADB,
J ICA, etc.
(iv) Public Private Partnership (PPP): The transmission works amounting to
Rs. 550.70 crore are proposed through PPP mode. This includes
construction of 400KV DCDS line from Satpura to Ashta (2 x 245 Ckm)
and 12 new 132KV Sub-stations.

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Total funds requirement for 12
plan works out to the tune of Rs. 7370.22 crore,
of which plan component is Rs. 5468.52 crore and Rs. 1901.70 crore will be
raised from other sources (outside plan component). The outlay of Rs. 5468.52
crore has been proposed for the five years of the plan.
The requirement for 2012-13 is Rs. 1359.56 crore with proposed financing of
Rs. 470.85 crore from plan outlay and Rs. 888.71 crore from other sources such
as loan, taking up works under PPP etc. In Annual Plan 2012-12, an outlay of
225.60 crore has been proposed and Rs. 907.71 crore will be raised by
Transmission Company through loans and involving private partnership in some
of the works. Thus total investment expected during 2012-13 is Rs. 1133.31
crore against anticipated requirement of Rs. 1359.56 crore. It should be noted
that during 12
Plan period, asked requirement from plan has been provisioned
for only year wise allocation has been adjusted so that other sectors does not get
Aim and Objectives of the distribution companies are
(i) Strengthening and system improvement of Sub-Transmission and
Distribution system, Energy Audit, 100% meterisation and prevention of
(ii) To bridge the Rural Urban gap by extending the electricity to all the
villages and their habitations of the State and provide access to electricity
to all rural households under RGGVY scheme.
(iii) Separation of rural feeders from agricultural feeders to ensure high
quality continuous power supply for non-agricultural use and adequate
power supply for agricultural use.

Recently the focus of reforms has shifted towards Distribution sector. In
distribution, new 33/11KV Sub-stations and HT lines have been constructed to
reduce the technical loss and to improve the quality of supply in low voltage
pockets. In order to reduce the commercial losses, energy audit has been started
to identify the high loss making areas. 100% metering has been provided up to
the 11KV feeders and regular energy audits have been commenced in each of
the three Discoms. For improving the metering at consumer ends more than 34
lac electronic meters have been installed so far.

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The total need based fund requirement of three Discoms during Twelfth Plan
period has been assessed is Rs. 13710.41crore. This includes Rs. 3059.97 crore
from various Financial Institutions such as PFC, REC, ADB, HUDCO, etc. and
Central Government Schemes such as RAPDRP, J BIC, RGGVY, etc. The
balance amount of Rs. 10650.44 crore would be required from plan funds. The
outlay of Rs. 10650.44 crore has been proposed for Twelfth Plan.
Similarly, total need based fund requirement of three Discoms during 2012-13
has been assessed is Rs. 4577.77 crore. This includes Rs. 2148.66 crore from
various Financial Institutions such as PFC, REC, ADB, HUDCO, etc. and
Central Government Schemes such as RAPDRP, J BIC, RGGVY, etc. The
balance amount of Rs. 2429.11 Crore would be required from plan funds.
However, an outlay of Rs. 2014.40 crore has been proposed for Annual Plan
2012-13. Thus total funds available to the discoms for carrying out their
development activities are Rs. 4163.06 crore during 2012-13.
The following major schemes are being implemented in Distribution sector:
Feeder Bifurcation Scheme: For the overall development of the State, better
quality and uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured in rural areas for all
purposes. With this objective, to provide commercially viable continuous power
supply to domestic consumers in rural areas and to provide eight hours a day
regulated power supply to Agricultural Sector, project of Feeder Bifurcation
was under taken. During 2009-10, State government provided Rs. 100 crore for
feeder bifurcation to all Discoms under Pilot Project. The funds were utilized in
bifurcating 531 feeders. The key results of these pilot projects were promising
and were resulted in reducing T&D losses by 8 to 9%, reducing monthly
interruption by more than 50%, improving voltage by 8 to 10% in the system
and reducing overloading on feeders on an average by 20 to 30%.
In order to take up all works of feeder bifurcation scheme, huge investment of
the order of approximately Rs. 4156 crore is required for bifurcation of 5151
feeders. The Discoms have prepared schemes for feeder bifurcation and have
approached REC & ADB for loan assistance. The State Government has given
in-principle approval to provide guarantee for this project. The scheme is to be
implemented in two phases. For Phase I project REC has sanctioned a loan of
Rs. 1721.0 crore for separation of 2414 feeders. For Phase II project ADB has
sanctioned a loan of Rs. 1950.0 crore against total estimated cost of Rs. 2435.0
crore for separation of 2737 feeders. The balance counter-part fund of Rs.

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485.00 crore will be provided by the State Govt. for the Phase II project. The
IDC component for both the loans will be arranged by the respective discom.
Only after feeder bifurcation programme a substantial reduction in commercial
and technical losses (AT&C losses) and reduction in failure of distribution
transformers is expected. However with implementation of project progressive
trend in reduction of losses can be observed.
ii) RAPDRP Scheme: The Government of India has launched an ambitious
scheme for the reduction of T&D losses under Restructured Accelerated Power
Development Reform Project (RAPDRP). The scheme has been launched for
towns with a population of 30000 or more (as per 2001 census). The funds for
the project will be provided by Government of India and the same can be
converted into grant based on the results of the project on completion. The PFC
has been made the Nodal Agency for the Project. The project is to be
implemented in two phases:
Part-A: Establishment of base line data and use of Information Technology for
energy audit to reduce the AT&C losses and development of system to fix the
responsibility on those responsible for high AT&C losses. The broad scopes of
the project are GIS based consumer indexing, Centralized billing solution, AMR
for feeders and DT meters for Data Logging (Energy Audit), Establishment of
Data Centre and Customer Care Centers and Online payment facility. In some
of the areas effort has been put and progress of works is satisfactory to great
Part-B: Loss Reduction Project: In order to convert the funds provided by the
Government of India into grant, the following norms have been set:
- Reduction in AT&C losses by 3% per year in the areas where AT&C
losses are more than 30%.
- Reduction in AT&C losses by 1.5% per year in the areas where AT&C
losses are less than 30%.
The three discoms have prepared schemes for 82 cities. State Discoms are one
of the first amongst the States in submitting their proposals to the Government
of India. Same has been approved. All the three Discoms have agreed to
establish base data centre at J abalpur. The process for selection of agency for
infrastructure is in progress. The progress of the scheme and the fund
requirement under RAPDRP schemes for three Discoms are as under:

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(Amount in Rs Crore)
Particulars West
Date of Sanction 7.2009 2.2009 2.2009,

No. of Towns covered 24 27 31 82
Project Cost (Part - A) 49.55 150.00 152.55 352.10
Expenditure Incurred up to 3/2011 0.07 15.01 8.10 23.18
Anticipated Expenditure During 2011-
27.00 101.61 82.95 211.56
Expenditure During 2012-13 22.48 33.38 33.13 88.99
Expenditure During 2013-14 0.00 0.00 23.40 23.40
Expected Date of Completion 2.2012 2.2012 12.2014
PART - B (Loss Reduction Project)
Date of Sanction 3.2010,
6.2010 &
6.2010 &
6.2010 &

No. of Towns covered 24 27 31 82
Project Cost (Part - B) 481.80 662.45 833.39 1977.64
Expenditure Incurred up to 3/2011 22.58 20.51 44.01 87.10
Anticipated Expenditure During 2011-
227.35 199.40 318.68 745.43
Expenditure During 2012-13 150.00 242.00 382.56 774.56
Expenditure During 2013-14 81.87 200.54 4.15 286.56
Expected Date of Completion 3.2013 10.2012 31.3.2013
Grand Total (A +B) 531.35 812.45 985.94 2329.74

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(iii) Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY): The Government
of India has launched an ambitious scheme Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran
Yojana (RGGVY)of Rural Electrification. Electrification of all villages and
electrifying 100% BPL households are the main thrust area. The scheme is
being implemented through Rural Electrification Corporation (REC). Under the
scheme, the funds are being provided through REC as 90% grant (directly to
Discoms) and 10% loan (to State Government).
During Tenth Plan, schemes of 8 districts amounting to Rs. 513.61 crore were
sanctioned. Against this, amount of Rs. 427.71 crore has been received and
expenditure of Rs. 384.85 crore has been incurred up to 31.07.2011. It was
programmed to electrify 9768 villages and provide service connections to
311295 BPL consumers. Against this, 7560 villages have been electrified and
service connections have been provided to 231071 BPL consumers.
During Eleventh Plan, schemes of 24 districts amounting to Rs. 1254.78 crore
were sanctioned. Against this, amount of Rs. 736.46 crore has been received
and expenditure of Rs. 454.23 crore has been incurred up to 31.07.2011. It was
programmed to electrify 25120 villages and provide service connections to
1064947 BPL consumers. Against this, 5808 villages have been electrified and
service connections have been provided to 235131 BPL consumers.
Further, schemes of balance 21 districts amounting to Rs. 977.13 crore have
been submitted to REC and the approval is awaited. It has been intimated that
the balance schemes pending in REC for sanction would now be considered in
Twelfth Plan, as the funds meant for RGGVY during 11
Plan period have
already exhausted.
The total need based fund requirement under RGGVY of three Discoms during
Twelfth Plan period has been assessed as Rs. 1362.76 crore. This includes Rs.
1226.47 crore as 90% grant from REC and Rs. 136.29 crore as 10% loan to
State Government would be required from plan funds.
Similarly, total need based fund requirement of three Discoms during 2012-13
has been assessed as Rs. 319.39 crore. This includes Rs. 287.45 crore as 90%
grant from REC and Rs. 31.94 crore as 10% loan to State Government would be
required from plan funds. A plan outlay of Rs. 22.78 crore for Annual Plan
2012-13 has been proposed. With this proposed plan outlay, Rs. 241.43 crore
(inclusive of grant of Rs. 218.65crore) will be available for RGGVY works.

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The fund requirement under RGGVY schemes for three Discoms is as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Particulars West
Loan (From REC TO GoMP)10%
Total Loan (10%) 72.65 107.18 102.03 281.86
Amount Recd. Up to 3/2011 20.59 56.83 37.22 114.64
Expenditure up to 3/2011 14.74 34.87 26.32 75.93
2011-12 14.94 10.00 10.00 34.94
2012-13 4.30 10.00 17.64 31.94
2013-14 10.74 16.00 20.97 47.71
2014-15 12.89 7.00 16.20 36.09
2015-16 10.74 7.35 0.00 18.09
2016-17 4.30 0.00 0.00 4.30
Total 72.65 99.83 102.03 269.62
Grant (From REC) 90%
Total Grant (90%) 653.80 964.59 918.27 2536.66
Amount Recd. Up to 3/2011 185.28 511.49 334.94 1031.71
Expenditure up to 3/2011 130.14 313.80 236.90 680.84
2011-12 137.15 90.00 90.00 317.15
2012-13 38.65 90.00 158.80 287.45
2013-14 96.64 144.00 188.77 429.41
2014-15 115.97 63.00 145.76 324.73
2015-16 96.60 66.10 0.00 162.70
2016-17 38.65 38.65
TOTAL 653.80 898.49 918.27 2429.10
Grand Total 726.45 998.32 1020.30 2698.72

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Position of utilization of funds (i.e. expenditure incurred against amount
received as loan and grant) is not satisfactory. Low utilization of funds has
resulted in non achievement of targets which is matter of concern.
Particulars West
Amount Recd. Up to Loan 3/2011 20.59 56.83 37.22 114.64
Expenditure up to 3/2011 14.74 34.87 26.32 75.93
Funds utilization (Loan) 71.59 61.36 70.71 66.23
Grant Amount Recd. Up to 3/2011 185.28 511.49 334.94 1031.71
Expenditure up to 3/2011 130.14 313.80 236.90 680.84
Funds utilization (Grant) 70.24 70.24 70.24 70.24
Funds utilization (Loan &Grant) 70.37 61.35 70.73 66.02
(iii) ADB Financed works: For Sub-Transmission & Distribution system
strengthening works in Madhya Pradesh, Asian Development Bank has
sanctioned loan amounting to Rs. 1620.18 crore against total project cost of Rs.
2098.65 crore. The counter funding of Rs. 478.40 crore for the above project is
being arranged by Discoms on their own. The works under ADB loans are
proposed to be completed by 2013-14. Expenditure of Rs. 472.61 crore has
been incurred up to March2011.
The fund requirement under ADB schemes of Discoms is as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Particulars West Discom East Discom Central
ADB Loan
2011-12 110.00 140.00 74.00 324.00
2012-13 149.00 206.81 248.80 604.61
2013-14 113.65 30.33 123.24 267.22
TOTAL (Loan) 372.65 377.14 446.04 1195.83
Counter funds
2011-12 15.00 37.78 34.32 87.10

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2012-13 34.45 35.00 94.22 163.67
2013-14 4.35 35.84 75.80 115.99
2014-15 30.70 14.69 45.39
TOTAL (CF) 53.80 139.32 210.93 412.15
TOTAL (ADB) 426.45 516.46 665.07 1607.98

The Plan outlay of Rs. 20223.51 crore has been proposed for Twelfth
Five Year Plan of which Rs.3493.60 crore has been earmarked for Tribal Sub
Plan (TSP) and Rs. 4110.90 crore for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP).
Similarly, for Annual Plan (2012-13) of MPSEB the proposed plan fund
requirement of Rs. 2640 crore includes Rs. 479.42 crore for TSP and Rs. 406.23
crore for SCSP.

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(Rs. in Lakh)
Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-17
DetailsofProposedoutlayfor201217 ForCentrallySponsoredScheme
Proposedoutlayfor201217StateComponent TOTAL Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP
C+S Amount Amount
1 ShriSingaji(Malwa)T.P.P.(2x600MW)
61373 61373 0 41558 8153 11662 0 0 0 0 0 281542
2 SarniS.T.P.S.Extn.Unit10&11
25332 25332 0 19732 3048 2552 120042
3 DadaDhuniwaleSuperT.P.P.
18210 18210 0 9380 4130 4700 1029090
4 ShriSingaji(Malwa)T.P.P.PHASEII)
126000 126000 0 73990 24008 28002 520000
5 AmarkantakTPSExtn.(1x250MW) 25000 0 25000 13210 5230 6560 40300
6 SarniTPSExtn.(1x660MW) 60000 0 60000 29250 13430 17320 100000
B. Renovation&Modernisationof
110981 17660 93321 110981 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70640

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(Rs. in Lakh)
Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-17
DetailsofProposedoutlayfor201217 ForCentrallySponsoredScheme
Proposedoutlayfor201217StateComponent TOTAL Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP
C+S Amount Amount
1 Survey&Investigation 192 0 192 192 0
TOTALGENERATION(A+B+C) 427088 248575 178513 298293 57999 70796 0 0 0 0 0 2161614
1 BansagarTPP(2x800MW),Distt.
7000 7000 0 6200 0 800 0
2 ADBFINANCEDPROJECT 887 0 887 887 887 300
TOTALMPTRADECO 7887 7000 887 7087 0 800 887 0 0 0 0 300
II. TRANSMISSION 546852 164000 382852 310742 106607 129503 449360 190170
699481 116349 583132 362948 151726 184807 87183 120412 187174

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
2 FEEDERSEPERATIONSCHEME 192071 192071 0 130159 31243 30669 169500 0 105198
114913 0 114913 114913 0 0 0 0
4 GrantforSimhasthaMela 4079 4079 0 4079 0 0 0 0
5 Renovationof33/11kvSubStations&
54500 0 54500 29300 11400 13800 54500 0 13625
SUBTOTAL(ST&D) 1065044 312499 752545 641399 194369 229276 311183 0 0 0 120412 305997
TOTALMPSEBSCHEMES 2046871 732074 1314797 1257521 358975 430375 761430 0 0 0 120412 2658081
VI. GRANTFROMDFID 400 400 0 400 400

GRANDTOTAL(MPSEBPROTCTS) 2047271 732474 1314797 1257921 358975 430375 761830 0 0 0 120412 2658081


1 WESTZONEDISCOM 4297 1290 3007 4297 42952 38655 4297 38655
2 EASTZONEDISCOM 4024 1200 2824 4024 40240 36216 4024 36216
3 CENTRALZONEDISCOM 5308 1600 3708 5308 53084 47776 5308 47776
OTAL(RE)(RGGVY) 13629 4090 9539 13629 0 0 0 136276 122647 13629 0 122647
GRANDTOTAL(MPSEB)(IncludingRGGVY) 2060900 736564 1324336 1271550 358975 430375 761830 136276 122647 13629 120412 2780728

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Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-13
Details of Proposed outlay for 2012-13 (2700.00 CRORE) ForCentrallySponsoredScheme Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP EAP C + S Amount Amount




1 ShriSingaji(Malwa)T.P.P.
20000 20000 0 9525 3813 6662 0 0 0 156800
2 SarniS.T.P.S.Extn.Unit10&11
10000 10000 0 6400 2048 1552


10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 2
Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-13
Details of Proposed outlay for 2012-13 (2700.00 CRORE) ForCentrallySponsoredScheme Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP EAP C + S Amount Amount

3 DadaDhuniwaleSuperT.P.P.
500 500 0 500

4 ShriSingaji(Malwa)T.P.P.PHASEII)
4500 4500 0 2790 1008 702

5 AmarkantakTPSExtn.(1x250MW) 0 0 0 0

6 SarniTPSExtn.(1x660MW) 0 0 0 0

B. Renovation&Modernisationof
4000 716 3284 4000 0 0 0 0

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Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-13
Details of Proposed outlay for 2012-13 (2700.00 CRORE) ForCentrallySponsoredScheme Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP EAP C + S Amount Amount

1 Survey&Investigation 22 0 22 22 0
TOTALGENERATION(A+B+C) 39022 35716 3306 23237 6869 8916 0 0 0 404593
1 BansagarTPP(2x800MW),Distt.
4000 0 4000 3200 800
2 ADBFINANCEDPROJECT 500 0 500 500 650 22
TOTALMPTRADECO 4500 0 4500 3700 0 800 650 0 0 22
TRANSMISSION 22560 15790 6770 12800 5407 4353 15100


89680 38241 51439 57432 18366 13882 60461

86355 109668

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Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-13
Details of Proposed outlay for 2012-13 (2700.00 CRORE) ForCentrallySponsoredScheme Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP EAP C + S Amount Amount

2 FEEDERSEPERATIONSCHEME 102560 102560 0 69448 18443 14669 99560

0 105198
9000 0 9000 9000 0 0

0 0
4 GrantforSimhasthaMela 200 200 0 200 0 0

0 0
5 Renovationof33/11kvSubStations&
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0
SUBTOTAL(ST&D) 201440 141001 60439 136080 36809 28551 160021 0 86355 214866
TOTALMPSEBSCHEMES 267522 192507 75015 175817 49085 42620 175771 0 86355 710252
VI. GRANTFROMDFID 200 200 0 200 200

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Details of Proposed Outlay for Annual Plan 2012-13
Details of Proposed outlay for 2012-13 (2700.00 CRORE) ForCentrallySponsoredScheme Central
S.No. SchemeName
Total Continue New Normal TSP SCSP EAP C + S Amount Amount

GRANDTOTAL(MPSEBPROTCTS) 267722 192707 75015 176017 49085 42620 175971 0 86355 710252

1 WESTZONEDISCOM 430 300 130 430 4295 430 3865 3865
2 EASTZONEDISCOM 935 655 280 935 9935 935 9000 9000
3 CENTRALZONEDISCOM 913 639 274 913 9913 913 9000 9000
SUBTOTAL(RE)(RGGVY) 2278 1594 684 2278 0 0 0 24143 2278

21865 0 21865
GRANDTOTAL(MPSEB)(IncludingRGGVY) 270000 194301 75699 178295 49085 42620 175971 24143 2278 21865 86355 732117

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10.2 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy (UVN)

Exploration of Non-Conventional Sources of Energy such as solar, wind, waste
biomass etc. is the need of the time. The cost of per unit of electricity generated
from these resources of energy is relatively high as compared to conventional
sources of energy. To popularize the use of Non-Conventional Sources of
Energy, government has been providing grant/ subsidy on various products such
as setting up of biogas plants, solar cookers and solar water heaters etc. The use
of Non-Conventional Sources of Energy has not penetrated to the desired

M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam is responsible for Promotion and popularization of use
of non-conventional energy sources, promotion of Research and Development
activities in the field of non-conventional energy sources, Implementation of
various non-conventional energy based projects in the State, Establishment of
various power projects based on the non-conventional energy sources in private
sector and Electrification of un-electrified villages through non-conventional
energy sources. In addition, the responsibility of co-ordination among the
Central, State Government and investors for setting up power plants based on
non-conventional energy sources, taking up Energy Audits in selected
industrial units and other institutions, offices etc, and to encourage energy
conservation lies with the department.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

During the Eleventh Five Year Plan all the ongoing programmes viz. IREP,
Biogas, Solar Energy, Energy conservation and management, rural
electrification, bio-mass and solar photovoltaic, bio-fuel and energy parks has
been taken up.

For the Eleventh Plan, an outlay of Rs.8698.00 lakhs was approved and an
expenditure of Rs. 6215.89 lakh is anticipated expenditure for the same period..

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
During the Twelfth Five Year Plan, activities related to establishment of solar
power plants, electrification of unelectrified villages and majra/tolas, providing
street light and home light, setting of solar water heating system and selling
solar cooker will be taken. The target are 12
Plan has been presented below.

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For the Twelfth Plan, an outlay of Rs.24700.00 lakhs and for Annual Plan
2012-13, an outlay of Rs.6740.00 lakh is proposed.

The targets for Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 are as
Proposed Target S. No. Particulars Unit
XII Plan Annual Plan
Solar Photovoltic

a) Street light No.
11500 2000

b) Domestic Light No.
3800 500
Solar Power Plant KW
12500 1250
Solar Thermal

Water Heater Sq.Meter
49000 7000

Solar Cooker No.
25000 5000
Rural Electrification

Villages No.
98 98

Majra/ Tolas No.
475 475

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Industry and Minerals
11.1 Industry and Employment

The Madhya Pradesh has enormous potential for industrial development due to
abundance of natural resources. The industry sector absorbs proportionally less
work force in comparison to its contribution to GSDP which varies in the range
of 29% and 30% during 2007-08 to 2010-11. The growth in GSDP from
secondary sector, which is primarily industry sector, has been 10.47% per
annum during first four years of XI plan period as compare to 8.04% in X plan
period at constant prices of 2004-05. It is expected that during XI plan period,
growth rate of GSDP from secondary sector will be 11.11% per annum at
constant prices of 2004-05. States performance in Secondary sector by
components, during first four years of XI plan period, is better than that of
national level except in case of Mining and quarrying and unregistered
manufacturing sector as depicted in Table below:
Rate of growth in Secondary sector by components at 2004-05 prices:
Sectors 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 During first
four years
of XI Plan
Madhya Pradesh
Mining and Quarrying 11.17 6.23 2.93 -2.12 2.35
Manufacturing 4.54 18.17 8.93 7.75 9.66
- Registered 3.00 26.44 8.00 5.27 12.37
- Unregistered 7.74 1.69 3.51 6.15 3.74
Construction 20.29 22.87 7.17 12.96 13.44
Electricity, Gas and Water
-31.85 13.83 27.63 15.59 19.71
Secondary Sector 5.93 17.31 7.70 7.60 10.47

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Mining and Quarrying 3.69 2.14 6.29 4.99 4.64
Manufacturing 10.28 4.33 9.66 7.56 7.41
- Registered 10.06 5.87 11.73 7.76 8.75
- Unregistered 10.71 1.28 5.41 7.13 4.66
Construction 8.27 4.56 6.28 3.03 4.78
Electricity, Gas and Water
Supply 10.78 5.34 7.04 8.01 6.81
Secondary Sector 9.67 4.44 8.40 7.16 6.83

Source: Press note (Quick estimates of National Income, Consumption
Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation, 2010-11dated 31
J anuary 2012and
Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of MP.

State has taken various measures in recent past such as introduction of
Progressive Industrial Policy, improving infrastructure, improving human
resource base, organizing investor meets etc., to accelerate the pace of
industrialization so that state become at par with industrially advanced states.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12
Progress of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project:
Development Plan of Pitampura-Dhar-Mhow Investment Region in MP has
been completed. Area to be developed in Phase-I has been finalized so that the
process of implementation could be initiated immediately. Pre-feasibility reports
in respect of studies for eight projects submitted and are approved by the State
Government. Final reports of EBPs namely Knowledge City, Economic
Corridor, Multi Modal Logistics Hub and water supply and waste water
management have been approved The progress of Early Bird Projects is as

In the Economic Corridor, it has been decided to keep Right of Way (ROW)
same as of Super Corridor i.e. 75 mtr instead of 60 mtr. State Government is
initiating the move to acquire land for ROW.
For Water Supply Project, the Consultant has completed the project structuring.
Request for Proposal (RFP) and Concession Agreement for approval and

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necessary changes are being made in the bid document accordingly by the State
For Multimodal Logistic Hub Project, land acquisition is in progress and
discussion with the Railway Authorities are being done to confirm the location
of the station and to obtain the in-principle approval for siding to Logistic Hub
For Knowledge City Project, land acquisition is in progress. Construction of
access road is being taken up by the State Public Works Department (PWD).
The State has nominated two agencies for implementing the Early Bird Projects
(EBPs) and the agencies have also been directed to acquire land on mission
mode for the EBPs. The State is working on the enactment of a special
legislation for the DMIC node and creation of Development Authority for the
implementation of DMIC projects in the region. It is expected that Development
Authority would be created shortly. Necessary instructions have been issued by
the State nodal agency to expedite the process of land acquisition for DMIC
projects and for building enabling infrastructure.

The Empowered Committee of the State has decided to approve the Draft
Development Plan with the inclusion of Betma cluster to be developed in Phase-
I. State level Implementation Committee (SLEC) is in process of approving for
implementation of the Early Bird Project - Water Supply project, in Public
Private Partnership (PPP) mode. State has initiated the land acquisition process
for the Pithampur Dhar Mhow Investment Region.
Power Projects: Power Projects have been taken up for development under the
DMIC Project. Inception Report for power project of Madhya Pradesh at Guna
has been submitted by the Consultant. Topography and contour surveys have
also been completed. Detailed Project Report and the Environmental Impact
Assessment Study at project site has been completed. The first stage approval
for the Terms of Reference (TOR) for all the power projects has been accorded
by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The key terms of Gas Supply
Agreement has been signed with M/s Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) for
sourcing and supply of gas for the power project and a Memorandum of Co-
operation has also been signed with M/s GAIL. For gas sourcing and supply,
discussions on draft gas supply agreement has been initiated.
During the Eleventh Plan state has progressed significantly towards completion
of development works of SEZs at Indore and Gwalior, IT park Indore, Bhopal,
Gwalior, Gems and J ewellery park part of Crystal Park at Indore, Power loom
park at Bhuranpur and Ujjain. Development works in Engineering and Auto
Clusters at Govindpura and Pithampur and project of Automobile testing track
near Indore but still much work is remaining which is yet to be completed.
So far 46 units have allotted land in SEZ Indore of which 28 units started
functioning, employing around 7500 people and done export business worth Rs.
1300 crore so far. Rest of the units is at different stages of construction.

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Around 70 large and medium industries have commenced their production
during eleventh plan period with investment of Rs. 4735 crore with employment
potential of 14000 persons. 65 large and medium units with investment of Rs.
5886 crore are under different stages of implementation which will generate
employment for 14340 persons.
The number of micro and small enterprises established during XI plan period
(Till December 2011) is 93642 having investment of Rs. 1579 crore with
employment prospectus for 208191persons. Though this is a big achievement
but set targets, for XI plan period, of investment could not achieve.
Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) filed during calendar years 2006
to 2010 are 1096 worth 502125 crore of investment for Madhya Pradesh.
During XI plan period (till August 2011), 944 IEM have been filed with
proposed investment of Rs. 538062 crore having potential of creating
employment opportunity for large number of persons in the state. Industrial
Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) implemented during calendar years 2006 to
2010 are 90 worth 13854 crore of investment (as per Annual Report of
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion). This means 8.21% of IEM filed
and 2.76% of investment could be implemented. The situation of
implementation of IEM in the state is not much different from national scenario
of 13.67% of IEM filed and 1.60% of investment could be implemented. This
fact shows that efforts need to be accelerated to encourage more IEM get
Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
State's top priority for 12
Plan period is to complete all development works and
ensure that all unit likely to come in these SEZ and Parks become operational.
The investment employment ratio in large and medium industries is around Rs.
33.8 lakh per unit of employment which is 44.59 times the investment
employment ratio in micro and small enterprises (Rs. 75844 per unit of
employment). Keeping these facts in mind, a suitable policy decision is needed
in area of concessions and labour laws enabling more investors to set up their
industries in the state. In this direction state will initiate during XII plan.
Sector wise Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) filed during calendar
years 2006 to 2010 shows that at all India level, metallurgical industry,
electrical equipments and cement & gypsum accounts for more than 81% of
total proposed investment. As state is rich in mineral resources and having
required human resources for these three prominent sectors, efforts to attract
more IEM in the state will be taken up in 12th Plan. In addition thrust will be on
agriculture and food processing industries including herbal processing. The
focus on emerging areas such as information technology, bio-technology, bio-
informatics etc. will be thrust upon in plan period.
An outlay of Rs.483770.00 lakh for large, medium and small industries is
proposed for Twelfth Five year plan and Rs.56388.52 lakh for 2012-13.

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Excluding Rs.2730.00 lakh and Rs.359.00 lakh respectively for Twelfth Five
year plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 for Employment Services.
Employment Services
The situation of availability of jobs in the market has changed in recent past.
The government used to be major employer but with the opening of economy
the scenario has changed in favour of private sector especially service sector.
Now there are numerous opportunities in large companies and private sector in
service and technical segment at the local, national and international level.
These sectors are looking after skilled manpower and to meet the upcoming
demand, National Skill Development Mission has been set up at all India level
and similarly at the state level.
India would need Technical/ Vocational manpower of 1.2 crore people per
annum, considering CAGR of 8% GDP growth till 2022. Scaling on pro-rata
basis for Madhya Pradesh, the figure at 5% of the national population would be
6 lakhs/ annum. Federation of MP Chambers of Commerce & Industry has
estimated jobs, meant for persons with minimum education level starting from
Vth to XII pass, 26, 75,613 manpower requirement by different sectors based on
growth rate of different sectors for the period of five years
The estimated additional increase in labour force during XII plan periods is 3.33
million. Thus during XII plan period, per annum the target of job opportunity to
be created per annum are 6, 65,600 of which 5, 13,600 for men and 1, 52,000
for women. The composition of additional labour force reveals that persons with
educational qualification of middle, secondary and higher secondary will
account for 58.27 % of total increased labour force in XII plan period. This
major constituent of labour force, with educational qualification of middle,
secondary and higher secondary, need to be equipped (lace) with specific skill.
For the purpose of planning development of skills, in various trades, need to be
estimated for a different sector of the state economy and state is planning to take
the initiative during XII plan period.
Keeping present capacity of ITI/ITCs and Polytechnics in mind, Madhya
Pradesh has to increase its Technical & Vocational infrastructure by 5 times in
overall terms. As per projected overall demand persons by various skills by
Federation of MP Chambers of Commerce & Industry, the present intake
capacity of ITI/ITC has to be increased to 20 times approximately. The demand
of other technical personnel can be easily met by present intake capacity of
engineering, technical and professional colleges during the plan. To fill the gap
of technical & vocational infrastructure state will abide by strategy of National
Skill Development Mission and in addition take necessary steps to ensure
required number of personnel trained in various sectors as per estimated need
during plan period.
More effective measures and convergence among the entire community of
stakeholders such as trainee, manpower producer (training imparting

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institutions), manpower User (Employer/Industries), facilitator (Employment
Exchanges) and certification agencies will be ensured and implemented.
During XI plan period, with computerization of employment exchanges, the
data of un-employed youths have been made available to the large companies of
national and international repute for recruitment purposes. Using information
technology, Employer and candidates have been bought on common platform.
In this direction, the meets of prospect jobseeker and employers have been
arranged through job fairs in the state which have yielded good results in last
few years. The set targets of providing employment, for the years 2008-09 to
2011-12, were 51000 persons and employment was provided to 67900 persons
till December 2011. To provide guidance to unemployed career counseling
scheme is also performing satisfactorily.
During XII plan period, the scheme of organizing job fairs and career
counseling scheme will be implemented with great zeal to benefit maximum
number of educated youth of the state. The measures planned such as
convergence among the entire community of stakeholders, i.e. producer, users
and jobseeker, will help in providing more employment opportunities.

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11.2 Handlooms

Department of Rural Industries has been established in 1990 with the aim to promote
handloom, power loom and small industrial co-operatives to provide employment to
the people. The strategy for development in the handloom sector comprises
expansion of handloom industry, training of weavers and non-weavers for skill up-
gradation, improving the quality and design of handloom cloth, providing
modernized handlooms and ensuring development of entrepreneurship in the weaver
community. Welfare schemes were also taken up to uplift the living standard of
To increase the productivity the weavers need a congenial environment and suitable
infrastructure. Considering the problems faced by weavers it is essential to take
necessary steps to provide better workplace and security.

Integrated handloom training programme, assistance to Cooperatives, SHG for
margin money, strengthening managerial base, rehabilitation, and marketing activity
are being taken up.

Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 : The outlay approved is Rs.3354.00 lakh for the
Eleventh plan. And expenditure incurred during four years of Eleventh plan is 2007-
08 Rs.634.24 Lakh, 2008-09 was Rs.939.56 Lakh 2009-10 was Rs.864.96 Lakh.

For Annual Plan 2011-12 the approved outlay is Rs.1236.43 Lakh which will be
fully utilized.

During the Tenth plan period under handloom sector Welfare package has given to
7500 beneficiaries, 4680 project package and training and tolls to 2200 weavers were
assisted. Under power loom sector Capital loan assistance was given to 157
beneficiaries along with assistance for infrastructure produced to 66 persons, Group
insurance to 2,432 weavers/ under industrial cooperatives 240 societies were
supported for management reorganization assistance, 72 societies were given
assistance for infrastructure production and assistance for working capital for 173

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
The main goal is to strengthen, improve and increase livelihood opportunities for the
weavers and craftsmen for increasing existing income levels.

To achieve the above objectives Institutional strengthening to support to weavers,
strengthen technical resource support for product development, and strengthen

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market support to weaver's improvement of physical environment of work cites,
improvement of social services like functional literacy basic health. Training and
documentation is being taken up.
The outlay proposed for the twelfth plan is Rs.10850.00 Lakh and for Annual Plan
2012-13 Rs.1400.62 Lakh.

In this light of approach paper developed by the Planning Commission, Govt of
India, and the state feels the need to adopt a Cluster Approach to encourage the
growth of SMEs. This approach shall be aimed at developing SMEs in clusters
(usually districts) based on the resource and skill base available in the clusters.
There is a need felt to encourage entrepreneurship in the both traditional and
nontraditional types of SMEs. In the 12
five year plan period, departments envision
the development of the following clusters of Small & Micro enterprises:-
Clusters based on Agro/Forest resource
S.No. District Product
1 Anuppur Lakh Industry
2 Badwani Cotton seed oil extraction
3 Burhanpur Banana fiber based handicrafts/handloom
4 Chindwara Orange food processing
5 Datia Block printing
6 Dindori Tussar yarn reeling
7 Gwalior Gazak, chikki (groundnut & til)
8 Balaghat Tussar yarn reeling
9 Indore Readymade garment industry(already exists)
10 Katni Marble based industry
11 Khargone Chili Processing
12 Mandsaur Garlic Processing
13 Narsinghpur Khandsari (J aggery based)
14 Raisen Furniture Wood
15 Rewa Mustard Oil extraction industry
16 Sagar Tomato food Processing
17 Seoni Custard Apple Processing
18 Shajapur Potato Processing
19 Sheopur Minor forest produce based industry
20 Shivpuri Minor forest produce based industry
21 Sidhi Minor forest produce based industry
22 Tikamgarh Ginger Processing
23 Umaria Minor forest produce based industry
24 Vidisha Masala/Gram flour industry

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Handloom based Clusters
S.No District Product
1 Balaghat (Waraseoni) Handloom
2 Khargoan (Maheshwar) Handloom
3 Ashok Nagar (Chanderi) Handloom
4 Sehore Handloom
5 Rajgarh (Sarangpur) Handloom
6 Mandsaur Handloom
7 Gwalior Carpet, handloom
8 Chhindwara (Saunsar) Handloom
9 Dindori Handloom
10 Tikamgarh (Prathvipur) Handloom
11 Sidhi Dari
12 J obat (Alirajpur) Dari
Handicraft based Cluster
S.No District Product
1 Balaghat Bamboo Craft, Seesal fiber
2 Betul Bell Metal
3 Bhopal Embroidery, Zarizardoji, Bamboo
4 Burhanpur Banana Fiber
5 Bagh (Dhar) Hand block printing
6 Budhni (Sehore) Lacqueware
7 Chhatarpur Copperware
8 Datia Block printing, Brass metal products
9 Gwalior Leather crafts, stone crafts
10 Dindori Wrought Iron, tribal paintings
11 Hoshangabad Wood craft
12 Harda Bamboo crafts
13 Indore Cone craft, hand block printing, leather craft ,
14 J abalpur Stone craft
15 J obat (Alirajpur) Tribal jewellery
16 Katni Stone craft
17 Mandla Wood craft
18 Mandsaur Thewa art, Artificial jewellery
19 Rewa Lacqueware
20 Sarangpur(Rajgarh) Hand block printing
21 Sheopurkala Lacqueware
22 Shajapur Paper Mache
23 Seoni Seesal, Bamboo craft
24 Tikkamgarh Bell metal
25 Tarapur (Neemuch) Hand block printing
26 Ujjain Batik printing
27 Dewas Leather craft
The above approach will provide sustainable employment opportunities to
people in rural areas since it aims at setting up of clusters based on the resources

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available in the cluster. Also, it aims at providing an identity to the product of
the cluster which shall help in proper marketing of the product.
For the development of an efficient marketing mechanism, the department shall
strive to identify sound marketing linkages in the private sector and also
encourage marketing of the products of the cluster under the unique brand
Vindhya valley created for marketing agri products of Madhya Pradesh.
Ensuring quality and high standards in the products of the SMEs shall be an
added challenge.
The department seeks to address this challenge by proper training of
entrepreneurs, ensuring high quality machines and equipments and maintenance
of all quality standards by regular inspections and facilitating quality
certification. At the end of the 12
plan period, the vision is to develop the
clusters up to a level from where the cluster identity shall provide the
necessary impetus for further growth of SMEs in the Cluster.

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11.3 Khadi & Village Industries

M.P. Khadi & Village Industries Board had been established to promote village
industries in the rural areas and to create new avenues of employment. Broadly
main objectives of the Board are as under:-
(i) To promote the growth of Khadi and village industries sector.
(ii) To render assistance for the marketing of the Khadi & Village Industries
(iii) To organize training for artisans
(iv) To assist in the supply of improved implements and raw materials.

Khadi and Village Industries provide various facilities to the artisans/
entrepreneurs for the development and promotion of village industries and to
bring qualitative improvement in the traditional crafts and providing facilities as

Subsidy to spinners, Subsidy on khadi production, Assistance to family-oriented
units, Marketing Assistance, Assistance for Raw material.

Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

For implementing the above schemes an outlay of Rs 4226.19 lakh was
approved for the 11th five year Plan. During the four years i.e. 2007-08 the
expenditure incurred is Rs. 777.51 lakh, Rs.993.72 lakh, Rs. 1020.82 lakh and
Rs. 1292.65 Lakh respectively.

The Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2011-12 is Rs.1421.02 Lakh and
anticipated expenditure reported of Rs. 1418.92 Lakh.

Some important physical achievements are rebate on Khadi production to 6000
against target of 25000, under assistants to individuals for F.O.R. 7000
beneficiary were assisted against target of 7,250. Similarly marketing assistant
given to 1000 persons against target of 2,000. Year wise employment
generation during the 11th five year plan is as mentioned below:

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Employment Generation
1 2007&08 654 10515 5040 633 16842
2 2008&09 1142 - 6122 780 8044
3 2009&10 1000 3400 3506 562 8468
4 2010&11 1024 4716 6496 562 12798
5 2011&12 (proposed) 2000 7940 8300 900 19140
Total 5820 26571 29464 3437 65292

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

All the ongoing activities of earlier plan will be continued viz. subsidy on
Khadi production, subsidy to spinners, publicity and exhibitions, training to
various staff, assistance for establishment of family oriented units, assistance of
raw material, marketing assistance, Promotion and documentations,
infrastructure etc. would be carried out.

The outlay proposed for 12th Five Year Plan is Rs11,800.00 lakh and
Rs.1,548.91 lakh for Annual Plan 2012-13.

Physical target for the Twelfth Five Year Plan

Scheme Name Target (No)
8059 Rebate on Khadi products
spinning Aid
Raw Materials
Training to Staff 977
Assistance to individuals for F.O.S. 14650
Research & Development infrastructure
Assistance to integrated cluster Development
Promotion and Recorded self help
Assistance to Industries and self asset Special Project

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Scheme Name Target (No)
Marketing Assistance 5700
Vindhya Valley Project 2648
Information Technology
Training to Artisans 7964

Brief detail of key schemes are:-
(i) Subsidy on Khadi Production: To promote the production of Khadi in
the State subsidy @ 10% of total annual production is given to Registered
Khadi Institutions (KVIC) & State Khadi Board production centers to
pass it on to the weavers.
(ii) Subsidy to spinners: To attract the spinners for spinning of Khadi Yarn
and increase its production, wages are paid as per the policy of KVIC,
along with subsidy @ 10% of the product value to the spinners.
(iii) Publicity & Exhibitions: As per modern marketing concept, publicity &
organization of fairs, exhibitions are essential, in order to market the
products & to create awareness amongst consumers about our products.
The board organizes such activities form the financial assistance received
from the State Government.
(iv) Establishment Grant: Board's main objective is to generate maximum
no. of employment opportunities not to earn profit. Hence, The Board is
engaged in executing developmental schemes and programme of the State
Government as well as Central Government. The establishment
expenditure is met form the financial assistance provider under this head
by Govt. M.P.
(iv) Training of Artisans/Entrepreneurs: The Board provides training
opportunities to the artisans working in various trades also about the use
of improved tools & equipment and modern techniques so that the
products quality is improved and the artisans may meet the demands of
the markets.

(vi) Training to Staff & Officers: Officers and employees of the Board are
given training in Accounts, Marketing, as well as study tours are also
conducted under this scheme.

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(vii) Assistance for establishment of Family-Oriented Units: The families,
who are living below poverty line are given grant amounting to Rs.
25,000/- or 50% of project cost whichever is less through the banks in
order to generate more employment opportunities in rural M.P.
(viii) Raw Material Assistance: Since the Khadi & Village Industries sector is
unable to compete with the organized sector, the State Government
provides raw material assistance in order to make the products
competitive and to provide additional employment to its artisans.
(ix) Marketing Assistance: As stated earlier the artisans, SHG members
mainly being illiterate, are unable to market their products. Hence, the
board provides marketing facilities avenues to them through fairs & its
own emporia.
(x) Infrastructure Development: Since the board is a non-profit, non-
commercial promotional agency. provision has been made for
maintenance up gradation of its production centers along with
introduction of new technology to the production of quality products.
(xi) Research & Development: Financial assistance is given for
improvement in the quality of products through research and new
designing packaging etc.
(xii) Integrated Cluster Development Programme: The main object of this
programme is to strengthen and provide her are infrastructure facilities in
the existing clusters and to develop new clusters.
(xiii) Assistance to Entrepreneurs, SHGs & NGOs: This grant is used to
conduct market survey and to provide know-how to its SHGs for product
(xiv) Special Project: Financial assistance is given for special projects as per
the demands of the markets of the day.
(xv) Promotion & Documentation: Assistance under this head is given for
diagnostic study as well documentation of developmental activities
through published dictionaries, brochure, pamphlets and electronic
(xvi) Vindhya Valley Special Project: Special Project Vindhya Valley is
being run under centrally sponsored scheme, which is providing help to
promote and marked the products of SHGs. Under this project 75% of the
project cost is borne by Central Government and 25% share is that of the
State Government.

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11.4 Handicrafts
Handicrafts sector has played a significant & important role in our country's
economy not only in providing employment to vast segment of craftsperson's in
rural & semi urban areas but also in terms of generating substantial foreign
exchange for the country besides preserving our cultural heritage. In state there
has been vast scope of craft development.

M.P. Hastshilp evam Hathkargha Vikas Nigam Ltd. is agency working to
conserve the heritage and to increase the employment and is playing important
role in economic expansion.

The state government has included Gramaudyog in its manifesto to enhance the
economic sector of the state. In 12th Five year plan Handicraft and Handloom
Clusters craftsmen/weaver basic amenities (Road, Water, Electricity, Health,
Pre-loom, Post loom facility etc) will be provided. The schemes provides
development of craft activities like basic training, and to provide design
development, tools on subsidy, sample development in coordination with buyers
thus helping to make the craftsmen economically viable.

Handicrafts are mostly defined as "Items made by hand, often with the use of
simple tools and are generally artistic and/or traditional in nature. They are also
objects of utility and objects of decoration, which include Gift & souvenir
articles, tableware, kitchenware, garden ware, toys, office-ware furniture and
furnishings, accessories, decorative items, wall decor floor covering and carpet,
interiors etc.

The development of craft activities and promotion of trade in crafts are also
important for providing substantial employment opportunities and income
particularly in the rural areas thereby alleviating poverty and stemming
migration to cities. Traditionally, crafts people are ideal vehicles for promoting
ecological friendly economic growth. Crafts have been contributing to fostering
tourism and to increasing foreign exchange inflows for the producing countries.

In this era of trade liberalization, globalization of trade and increased economic
relations worldwide, new markets are opening up, creating new opportunities as
well as increased competition.

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The M.P. Hast Shilp vikas Nigam Ltd. is implementing programmes with the
financial assistance of the state govt. and the various undertakings
Development-cum-Collection centers are run at regional level for providing
designs, technical help/guidance, raw material, job work training, marketing aid
etc. the Nigam is also organizing exhibitions at state and national levels.
Eleventh Five year Plan 2007-12

For the Eleventh Five Year Plan period the proposal outlay is Rs.4835.00

The Expenditure incurred during the various years for the tenth plan are:
20072-08 Rs 646.21 lakh, 2008-09 Rs 819.63 lakh, 2009-10 Rs 656.90 lakh,
2010-11 Rs. 933.37 lakh. The outlay approved for Annual Plan 2011-12 is
Rs.1121.01 lakh which will be fully utilized.

During XIth Plan period 14000 beneficiaries were benefited, Grant in aid for
Training to 53000 Handicraftsmen workers, Grant in aid to 3600
Handicraftsmen for tools and workshop, 230 exhibitions organized for
making of Handicraft products. Financial assistance to 4 societies will be
provided. In addition to these, 1500 Craftsmen would be benefited under
various schemes.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An Outlay of Rs. 10200.00 lakh for Twelfth Five Year Plan and Rs. 1344.81
lakh for Annual Plan 2012-13 are proposed for taking up various programmes.

The schemes proposed for implementation during the Eleventh Plan are as

1. Training to artisans
2. Tools subsidy to craftsmen/Subsidy for work shed.
3. State award for artistic creations.
4. Organization of workshop for technical and design guidance
5. Study tour (Craft clusters and Metro markets).
6. Sample production to train artisans in new designs.

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7. Job work/Procurement to help members of SC/ST community in
producing craft as per market demand.
8. Survey/Impact study.
9. Welfare schemes for artisans.
10. Maintenance of Building.
11. Marketing Promotion Scheme...
12.. Management of Development Centre Other Developmental/ Promotional
The Physical targets proposed are:-
Physical Target S.
Scheme Unit
2012-17 2012-13
1. Development Scheme Craftsmen 35,116 7,933
2. SME/SHG/NGO Subsidy to
250 45
3. Promotion and
Craftsmen 4 4
4. Special Project Craftsmen 10 2
5 Grant to Languishing Craft Craftsmen 16 4
6. Research and Development 132 5
7. Craft Museum 5 1
Handicraft cluster in state
The M.P. Hasthsilp evam Hathkargha Vikas Nigam have its own Administrative
setup. It has 29 development centers through which it enhances the development
of craft. The major Clusters of Handicraft and Handlooms in Madhya Pradesh

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S.No Cluster District/Place
1. Handloom cluster Waraseoni, Chanderi, Maheshwar,
saunsar, Rajgarh, Sidhi, Rewa, Gwlior,
and Indore
2. Wood carving cluster Hoshngabad, Mandla, Chhindwara,
Shahdol, Rewa and Bhopal
3. Bamboo cluster Bhopal, Chindwara, Balaghat, Khandwa
and Shahdol
4. Bellmetal Cluster Betul,Tikamgarh, Datia, Mandla
5. J ute/Sisal cluster Bhopal, Seoni, Chindwara, Vidisha,
Ragogarh, Sarangpur, Betul, Raisen
6. Hand Printing cluster Bagh, Ujjain, Indore, Tarapur, J obat
7. Leather Indore, Dewas, Gwalior
8 Lacquerware Budni, Sheopurkalan, Rewa, Panna
9. Zari zardoji/ Tailoring-
embroidery cluster
Indore, Bhopal, J abalpur, Sehore, Vidisha,
10. Thewa craft and white
Mandsaur, Ratlam
11. Rot iron Dindori (Mandla)
12 Stone craft Gwalior, J abalpur, Sarangpur, Shivpuri,
13 Bead work/ Artificial
jewellery cluster
J obat, Mandsaur, Neemuch, Gwalior
14. Handmade paper/Paper
Ujjain, Chindwara, Badwani, Gwalior,
15. Terracota Hoshngabad, Betul, Chattarpur, Mandla

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S.No Cluster District/Place
16. Carpet/Dari craft Raisen, Dewas, Rewa, Sidhi, J obat,
Vidisha, Gwalior, J abalpur, Shahdol,
17. Various crafts (Supari,
Dolls making, Painting)
J abhua, Rewa, Sarangpur, Mandla

A brief description of the programmes proposed for implementation and
financial expenditure thereon is given here under:-

1. Grant in aid for rebate on handicraft sales
To make the products more competitive 10% exemption will be provided to
consumers. As a result of it amount Rs. 208.80 lakhs sales will be more. For
12th Five year plan an amount of Rs. 130.00 lakhs has been proposed in Rebate
on Handicrafts. The craftsmen will get boost in their wages. For the year 2012-
13 amount Rs. 16.80 lakhs is proposed.
2. Vishwakarma state award scheme -
In this scheme the craftsmen will be given Rs. 1.00 lakhs as first prize, Rs.
50000/- as Second prize, Third prize 25000/- and consolation prize of Rs.
10000/- will be given to those craftsmen and weavers who will be winners of
the competition. An amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs will be required for the year 2012-
13. For 12th Five year plan amount Rs. 40.00 lakhs is proposed.
3. Welfare scheme package -
The scheme has been faulty included in Various Development Scheme No.
4748. It is proposed to revise the scheme and to be included as new scheme. In
this scheme the craftsmen/weavers will be insured under Rajiv Gandhi
Insurance Scheme. Central government will provide 497/- as premium 200/- to
general craftsmen, 100 to reserved categories as premium. Craftsmen premium
will be given by state government. Corporation will organize medical checkup
to the craftsmen. Nearly 6000 craftsmen will be benefitted. Year 2012-13 Rs.
30.00 lakhs will be required. Meanwhile for the 12th Five year plan Rs.
230.00lakhs is proposed.

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4. Grant in aid for infrastructure development
In this scheme corporation will establish new showrooms with the help of Grant
from Govt. of India. The grant from Govt. of India will have the share of State
Government. More over for computerization of centers/showrooms amount Rs.
60.00 lakhs also has been included in this budget for the year 2012-13. While
for the 12th Five year plan an amount of Rs. 460.00 lakhs have been proposed.
5. Integrated cluster development programme
In cluster development programme the main aim will be to develop new
clusters and to provide them with adequate infrastructure. Loom and accessories
will be provided to weavers. Craftsmen will be given basic training, design
development, job work, tools, subsidy and study tour cluster will be developed.
New design input, market sicos, designer input, to upgrade the cluster. An
amount of Rs. 360.00 lakhs is proposed in 2012-13. For the 12th Five year plan
amount of Rs. 2730.00 is being proposed.
6. Promotion and documentation scheme
Corporation showroom in and outside state has 20 emporiums. In this scheme
for the promotion of crafts in big-big cities hoardings will be installed. In the
year 2012-13 in 40-50 cities hoardings will be installed to help the craftsmen.
An amount of Rs. 66.00 lakhs has been proposed. Meanwhile for the 12th Five
year plan an amount of Rs. 500.00 lakhs is being proposed.
7. Grant in aid to sme/shg/cooperative society -
To make the craftsmen of state self reliable SHG will formed. Corporation will
provide financial assistance to the cooperative societies to run. An action plan
for one society to train minimum 20 craftsmen is being prepared. For the year
2012-13 amount of Rs. 40.00 lakh is proposed. Meanwhile for the 12th Five
year plan an amount of Rs. 300.00 lakhs is being proposed.
8. Grant in aid for special project 6795-
In this scheme to conduct project for the development of wood craft, with the
help of State level and International NGO's grant for 2012-13 amount Rs. 45.00
lakhs is proposed and for 12th five year plan amount of Rs. 340.00 is being

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9. Research and development 6897-
In the year 2011-12 with the target of rejuvenate all the crafts, marketing with
its base. For the development of craft new research will be taken. In this year
Sisal, Banana fiber, coconut fiber craft will be developed. Main thrust will
given to craftsmen to increase their sale. For the year 2012-13 amount Rs. 24.00
lakhs is proposed. In Five year plan amount of Rs. 180.00 lakhs is being
10. Grant in aid to building maintenance 8109-
In this scheme Corporation building and Showrooms Interior decoration
expenditure will be met out. In the year 2012-13 amount Rs. 75.00 lakhs is
proposed. Meanwhile for the five year plan amount Rs. 559.95 lakhs is
11. Establishment of development centres 8110-
For the implementation of the schemes in district level corporation has it
administrative set up in 29 districts of the state. It looks after the whole 52
districts of Madhya Pradesh. Those employees who are posted in development
centers and administrative expenditure will be met out. For the year 2012-13
amount Rs. 350.00 lakhs is proposed. For the five year is amount proposed is
Rs. 2660.00 lakhs.
12. Grant in aid to hhsvn for information and technology
This is the new scheme. All the centers and showroom will be included in the
networking. For the 2012-13 amount Rs. 40.00 lakhs will be required.
Meanwhile for the five year plan Amount Rs. 100.00 lakhs is proposed.
13. Grant in aid to corporation for establishment
For the implementation of the schemes in district, to develop craft,
administrative control of running centers, showrooms the grant for
establishment is required. An amount of Rs. 165.00 lakhs is proposed in this
scheme for the year 2012-13, for five year plan amount Rs. 1250.00 lakhs is
being proposed.

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14. Grant in aid to organize exhibition
In exhibition the products prepared by craftsmen will be given priority and it
will be base for sale of their products. Exhibitions will organize in the whole
year. In this exhibition will be organized in and outside the State. Expenditure
will be met on rent, hoarding, Advertisement, Publicity etc. Corporation will
not take the fees from craftsmen for participation in exhibitions. Craftsmen are
free to display and can sale their products. For the year 2012-13 amount Rs.
68.00 lakhs is proposed. Meanwhile for the five year plan Rs. 520.00 lakhs is
15. Carpet park -
This scheme will be developed in Gwalior district. Carpet craftsmen will be
benefitted from this project. For the 2012-13 amount of Rs. 0.01 lakhs is
proposed. For the five year plan amount Rs. 0.05 lakhs is being proposed.
Corporation has been playing vital role in the implementation of Gramaudyog
neeti. More over those craftsmen/women who are not getting regular
employment, corporation will help to generate regular employment to
craftsmen. Craftsmen will be more stable in financial front and will be able to
stand on their feet.
11th Plan Outlay was Rs.4835.00 Lakh against which anticipated
expenditure is 4177.11 lakh.
12th Plan Proposed Outlay is 10200.00 Lakh and Annual Plan 2012-13
Proposed Outlay is 1344.81 Lakh.

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11.5 Sericulture

Sericulture activities have their own historical importance it was well known to
common man since 126 B.C. further evidences are mythological literature e.g.
Ramayan, Mahabharat etc. Strengthen the Statement that our accestor used to
wear Silk made appeals and its diversified product.

Sericulture is a gainful land use activity with agro-forestry base, which generate
avenues of employment in rural areas. Its organizational set-up is industrial in
nature, leading to the promotion of many subsidiary cottage and village
industries which provide supplementary employment in the rural areas during
the lean agriculture period. The two activities under sericulture include forest
base tasar cocoon production from Saja & Arjuna trees and agro-based
mulbarry cocoons production.

Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

The approved outlay for Eleventh plan is Rs.7000.00 Lakh. Amount incurred
during 2007-08 an expenditure of Rs1517.08 lakh, 208-09 RS. 2752.12 lakh,
2009-10 Rs. 3238.78 lakh and 2010-11 Rs. 3397.13 lakh only.

Outlay approved for Annual Plan 2011-12 is Rs.4099.37 lakh which will be
fully utilized.

Physical and Financial achievement during XI Five Year Plan :

Mulberry Sector:-
Six thrust districts Hoshangabad, Mandlla, Balaghat, Betul, Harda and
Narsinghpur have been earmarked as per highly pooduetion of for
Mulberry Sericulture activities.
3242 acre mulberry plantation has been done in private land of marginal
and small farmers of 33 various district of Madhya Pradesh.
By planting high yielding mulberry variety and rearing improved variety
of silk worm races by adopting latest package of practices resulted in per
acre cocoon production 106 kg. per acre during the year 2007-08 to 166
kg. per acre. Per 100 Dfls in the year 2010-11 while per 100 DFLs
production was 26 kg. During the 2007-08 which boost up to 44 kg. per
100 Dfls during 2010-11.
During this tenure cluster approach methods have been exercised on the
other hand N.G.O. services have been utilized to implement the scheme.

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Sericulture employees and beneficiaries have been technically up dated.
To save time in leaf plucking shoot harvesting methods is being practiced
which has given expected output to the beneficiaries.
Tasar Sector:-
During XIth five year plan tasar schemes has been implemented into the
31 districts of M.P. viz Hoshangabad, Mandlla, Balaghat, Seoni, J habua,
Shidhi, Shahdol and Narsingpur. By adopting innovative package of
practices the production of tasar reared Cocoon boost up from 123 lakh
during the year 2007-08 to 193 lakh during the year 2010-11
To provide sustainable employment to the weaker sections of forest area
project will be implemented in the 31 district of M.P.
Tasar food plant, Plantation will be taken up in vicinity of forest land
where plant density is not as requirement with the help of forest joint
management committees.
Eri Sector:-
In lack of adequate irrigation potential and water scarcity due to low
water level keeping in view these objectives Ericulture development
project has been taken up in the year 2005-06. During the year 2011-12
caster food plantation has been done in 350 acre of land.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs.39500.00 lakh for Twelfth Five Year plan and Rs.5207.38
lakh for Annual 2012-13 are proposed.

Physical targets proposed are as follows :

Physical Target S.
Scheme Activity Unit
2012-13 2012-17
Tsar Sericulture Extn and
Development Programme
No. in lakh
No. of


Mulberry sericulture Extn.
and Development
in lakh kg.
No. of
In acre.




Eri Sericulture Extn. and
Development Programme
Eri plantation
In acre

No. of



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Activities run by Directorate of Sericulture are as follows:-
Training and Research:
1. Capacity building of beneficiaries and employees being taken up
under the scheme to cope up with the National Level technological up
gradation in mulberry and tasar sectors for achieving national
parameters of productivity.
2. Research and Development work including field trials of newly
evolved high yielding breeds of silkworm and food plants, to be
conducted to attain enhanced yield.

Special Projects:
Special projects for the beneficiaries of mulberry, tasar and Ericulture
would be prepared under the scheme to achieve the objective of Socio
Economic Development. These projects will be taken up in partnership
with National and International agencies on the basis of sharing of

Preparation and implementation of specific projects to achieve specific
object in the field of mulberry, tasar and eri silk production in
coordination and assistance with the help of National & International
agencies like DFID (Department of International Development), UNDP,
Central Silk Board etc.

Promotion and Documentation :
Promotion and Documentation of the work done in Sericulture is
important for good marketability and fulfillment of social responsibility
involved in these end to end solutions . Documentation is also important
for diagnostic studies and preparation of future plans.

Integrated Sericulture Development & Extension

A- Mulberry Sector
1. Usufruct ownership of mulberry plantations raised on Govt. land
being given to rural women @ 1 acre each. In addition, revolving
capital @ Rs. 6200/- per acre is being provided for cocoon production.
2. Silkworm seed are provided to these beneficiaries on subsidized rate.
3. Beneficiaries under usufruct ownership utilize Govt. owned
infrastructure such as rearing houses, equipment and irrigation
facilities. Annual maintenance as well as development of this
infrastructure is being done under the scheme.

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4. Small and marginal farmers are being motivated to cultivate mulberry
on their own land for production of silk cocoons. Such beneficiaries
are being provided 25% cost of required infrastructure as State share
under the scheme. The remaining portion of 25% and 50% comes
from the Central Silk Board and the beneficiaries respectively.
5. Beneficiaries are provided 100% purchase guarantee of their cocoon
at quality linked pricing support system.

B- Tasar Sector

1. Self help group of tasar readers are provided plantations raised in the
forest, for tasar cocoon production.
2. Silkworm seed are provided to these beneficiaries on subsidized rate.
3. All cocoon growers are provided 100% purchase guarantee.

C- Eri Sector
Ericulture, as a new activity is being taken up during 05 06, with the object of
utilizing degraded land in rain fed areas because it
* Does not require irrigation.
* Does not require much rainfall.
* Does not require electricity.
* Grows in low rainfall areas.
* Grows in degraded soils.
* Resistance to different temperature.
Public - Private partnership with involvement of NGOs / SMEs / SMFs / SHGs
in the programme is being envisaged under cluster mode for poverty alleviation
in rural areas, particularly in the tribal belt.

D- Cluster Work
The scheme emphasizes development of Sericulture from Soil to Silk as a co-
ordinate activity. Areas where mulberry, tasar or eri-culture is feasible would be
selected for assistance. Clusters of marginal and small farmers would be
facilitated on priority under the scheme for adopting sericulture.

E- Assistance to Entrepreneurs / SHGs / NGOs :
Public, Private Partnership (PPP) by involving SMEs (Small and Marginal
Entrepreneurs) / SMFs (Small and Marginal Farmers) / SHGs (Self Help
Groups) / NGOs (Non Government Organizations) for the development,
improvement in production and advancement in marketing activities.

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In industrial and economic development of the nation/state minerals resources
play an important role as these serve as inputs to many industries. Madhya
Pradesh is richly endowed with rich mineral reserves. In Mineral Production ,
the state ranks fourth after J harkand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Madhya Pradesh
is the only state of the country producing diamond in the country. Madhya
Pradesh stands first in production of Copper Ore and Pyrophyllite. It is second
largest producer of Rock phosphate, manganese ore, Diaspore, Slate and Ochre.
While stands third in producing the Limestone, Shale and Manganese Ore. The
state is also leading in production of Coal, dolomite, Laterite and Fire clay.
Around 23 major and minor minerals are being mined in the state. During 2010-
11, State contributed 13.49% of total value of mineral production in country
(excluding oil and natural gas). State share in total countrys coal production
was 13.33% in 2010-11. State is planning to raise its earnings from royalty of
minerals from Rs. 9000 crore (expected in XI five year plan) to Rs. 18000 crore
during XII plan period.

The first four years of XI Plan, the annual growth in the sector is more than that
of National average except during 2009-10. The overall growth rate in first four
year of XI plan for the state is 6.13% per annum against 4.64% for the nation as
whole in the sector.

Rate of growth in Mining and Quarrying sector by components at 2004-05
Sectors 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 During first
four years of
XI Plan
Madhya Pradesh
Mining and Quarrying 11.17 6.23 3.71 9.35 6.13
Mining and Quarrying 3.69 2.14 6.29 4.99 4.64

Source: Press note (Quick estimates of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital
Formation, 2010-11dated 31
J anuary 2012and Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Govt. of MP.

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The Directorate of Geology and Mining, under Mineral Resource Department,
has been entrusted with the responsibility of locating new mineral bearing areas
and evaluation of mineral wealth in state. In addition, quantum of reserve and
its grade for various available minerals is being estimated by the directorates
which are used for deciding various parameters for exploration.

Processing of applications for mineral concession, assessment and collection of
revenue from sanctioned leases, controlling of illegal mining and transportation
of mineral is also looked after by the department at district level through
Mining Officers. Activities of diamond exploitation in district of Panna are
being looked after by Diamond Officer.
Private Participation in Mineral exploration has been opened by the Central
Government through Reconnaissance Permits. Directorate processes the
application for Reconnaissance Permits and also monitors the progress of
findings received from permit holders. So far 74 Reconnaissance Permits have
been granted for exploration in area of 92000 square kilometers. This area
consist of districts of Chattarpur, Panna, Tikamgarh,Rewa, Shivpuri for
Diamond exploration, districts of Damoh, Tikamgarh, Sagar, Narsinghpur,
J abalpur, Katni, Panna, Satna, Shadol, Umaria,Betul, Shivpuri, Datia, Guna,
Gwalior and Balaghat for base metals and other poly metallic minerals.

Reconnaissance Permits have been granted to M/s Rio Tinto Exploration
Private Limited, M/s Geomysore Services India, M/s Adi Gold Mining Private
Limited, M/s NMDC, M/s Reliance Industries Limited, M/s Rungta Mines
Limited and MSP mines and Mineral Limited for exploration of diamond and
base metals. M/s Rio Tinto Exploration Private Limited has found good deposit
in Chattarpur while M/s Geomysore Services India has found positive anomaly
of gold, lead, copper and zinc in the district of Sidhi, Katni and Shadol. In
addition, three petroleum exploration licenses for Oil and Natural Gas and five
for Coal bed methane have been granted.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

Preparation of District Mineral Inventory of seven districts (namely Balaghat,
Panna, Sagar, Ratlam, Indore, Bhind, and Bhopal) was planned. Mineral
Inventory of three districts of Panna, Ratlam and Bhind is prepared during the
plan period.

Based on geological surveys and evaluations report under taken during the plan
period, the estimates of quantum of different minerals are as follow:
i. Reserve of 124.15 million tons of blast furnace grade Dolomite is
estimated in Udainagar-Bagli area of Dewas district and 21.12 million
ton in Chattarpur District.

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ii. Reserve of limestone (cement and blendable grade) of the tune of 70
million tons is estimated in Satna district.
iii. 1.16 million ton of low grade iron ore and 152.77 million ton of laterite
are inferred in districts of Neemuch and Mandsuar through
Reconnaissance Survey.
iv. Directorate has worked for production support exploration of coal in
districts of Shahdol and Anuppur.

In addition, Remote sensing work has been also taken up demarcation of
anomaly blocks for various minerals.

Initially an outlay of Rs. 2650.00 lakh approved for Eleventh Five Year Plan
against which budget allocation of Rs. 5447.05 Lakh was provided for the Plan
period. Till October 2011, an expenditure of 2868.60 lakh is reported. Table
given below presents the scheme wise plan outlay, budget allocation and
(Rs. in Lakh)
Scheme Approved
Allocation Expenditure % of
expenditure over
Survey & Mapping of Mineral
3445.14 3609.38 2663.64 73.80
Other Non-ferrous mining &
metallurgical (Training)
15.00 15.00 8.98 59.87
Information Technology
17.00 22.00 16.42 74.64
Construction of office
Buildings (Head and regional
110.00 0.67 0.00 0.00
Construction of office
Buildings (District offices)
200.00 1800.00 179.56 9.98
Total 3787.14 5447.05 2868.60 52.66

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Against set targets of XI plan period the achievement under different components is as
Activity/Components Unit Target Achievement % of target achieved
Geological Survey and
Mapping 60,000 45386.31 75.64
Trenching/Pitting Cu. Mt. 180 124.50 69.17
Drilling Meters 25,000 22756.10 91.02
Sampling No. of
22,500 24795 110.20

The physical targets of geological survey and trenching have not been achieved
while targets of sampling are achieved and that of drilling are expected to be

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

Mineral Inventory of districts of Balaghat, Sagar, Indore, and Bhopal will be
taken up. It is proposed to be taking up exploration programme to carry out
detailed estimation of limestone in districts of Rewa, Satna, Panna, Damoh,
Dhar and Neemuch. Potential area under Dolamite in the districts of Seoni and
Balaghat is proposed to be developed during the XII Five Year Plan period. The
work of Survey and demarcation of low grade iron ore will be carried out in
districts of Sidhi, Khargone, Chattarpur, Sagar and Mandsaur. In addition,
Delineation of deposits suitable for dimension stone will be taken up in Panna,
Tikamgarh, Chattarpur, and Sagar for granite, while for marble the work will be
taken up in districts of Katni, J abalpur and Narsinghpur.

The state is leading in production of Laterite. It is common, that Bauxite is
found in association with Laterite. Thus there is every possibility of locating
progressing area during the mineral survey for which review for investigation
for bauxite may be initiated.

It is planned to provide training to officials at Geological Survey of India and
Indian Bureau of Mines to update their knowledge in latest available technology
in the field of mining and its application.

A laboratory is planned to be established during the plan period to meet the
requirement of analyzing mineral samples.

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To curb illegal mining and transportation, department has planned to set up
Mining Barriers (check posts) at all those places where large quantity of
minerals are mined and transported.

Department will promote mineral based industries and open up new vistas of
employment to improve socio economic conditions especially of people
residing in mining area.

Other activities such as information technology and construction of office
buildings will be part of the activities during the plan period.

An outlay of Rs. 9300.00 lakh for Twelfth Five Year Plan and Rs. 1200.00 lakh
for Annual Plan 2012-13 are proposed.

Proposed Outlay for Twelfth Five Year and 2012-13 Annual Plan

(Rs. in Lakh)
S.No. Activity/Components Target for
Twelfth Five
Year Plan
for 2012-
1. Survey & Mapping of Mineral
8350.00 1100.00
2 Other non ferous mining and
matellurgical industries
40.00 5.00
3. Information Technology 40.00 5.00
4. Establishment of laboratory 135.00 20.00
5 Mining Barrier 135.00 20.00
6 Construction of Office Building 150.00 20.00
7 Construction of District Level Offices 450.00 30.00
Total 9300.00 1200.00

Physical targets under the scheme Geological Survey have been fixed for the
Plan Year 2012-17 and annual plan2012-13 and are presented in table on next

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Proposed Physical Targets for Twelfth Five Year and 2012-13 Annual Plan

Activity/Components Unit Target for
Five Year
for 2012-
1. Geological Survey and
Mapping 60,000 12,000
2 Trenching/Pitting Cu. Mt. As required As
3. Drilling Meters 25,000 5,000
4. Sampling No. of
22,500 4,500

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12.1 Civil Aviation
The Aviation department is entrusted with the tasks of providing facilities of
government-owned aircrafts to dignitaries of the state, operations &
maintenance of these aircrafts, development of air strips for extension of air
traffic services through own resources and providing scholarships to flight
trainees under reserved categories. Hence, this department has nothing to do
with direct public dealings.
Presently, the state fleet comprises an aircraft Superking B-200, three
helicopters Bell-430, Eurocopter EC155B1 and Bell-407. Out of 50 districts, 28
have airstrips to cater to the air travel requirements in the state while few
districts have two airstrips from where government flights are operated. Madhya
Pradesh has five airports which are maintained by Airport Authority of India. In
the North these airports are connected with Delhi and with Mumbai in the West.
However, the state has no direct flight connectivity with the Eastern and the
Southern parts of the country. Keeping in view, the industrial and tourism
requirements of the state, Pithampura at Indore; Malanpur at Gwalior;
Mandipdeep at Bhopal, and Maneri at J abalpur industrial towns are served by
these aerodromes.
Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
An outlay approved for the 11
Five Year Plan was Rs.12390.00 lakhs. The
targets of during 11
Five Year Plan were to construct 21 new air strips,
renovation and reconstruction of permanent air strips and purchase a helicopter.
The plan year wise outlay and expenditure are detailed below:
(Rs. in lakhs)
S No. Plan Year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 4080.00 394.62
2 2008-09 1820.00 1169.20
3 2009-10 700.00 560.60
4 2010-11 4400.00 3647.82
5 2011-12 3150.00 4062.00
Total 14150.00 9834.24

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Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)

Civil Aviation Department during 12
Five year Plan has main objective to
extent its purview of services by constructing more number of air strips
Proposed outlay

The proposed outlay for the twelfth five year plan is Rs. 7400.00 lakhs and for
the annual plan 2012-13 the proposed outlay is Rs. 741.01 lakhs. The major
chunk of resources would be used in the construction of 22 air strips and
renovation of existing airstrips while rest would be utilized in the purchasing of
new aircrafts and scholarships for trainees and land acquisition. Scheme wise
outlays proposed for the five year plan and annual plan 2012-13 are exhibited as
Total proposed outlay
(Rs. in lakh)
SN Scheme
2012-17 2012-13
1 Purchase of Helicopter/Aeroplane 9.95 1.00
2 Construction of Air strips 6940.00 650.00
3 Land acquisition for airports and maintenance
of other airports
0.05 0.01
4 Training of Air hostess and flight training
scholarships for OBC
150.00 30.00
5 Training of Air hostess and flight training
scholarships for SC/ST
300.00 60.00
Total 7400.00 741.01

New scheme
The department of Civil Aviation has proposed to start scholarship of flight
training for the trainees under OBC category as well unlike eleventh five year
plan, which had this scheme for trainees under SC/ST category. The proposed
outlay for 12
Five Year Plan is Rs. 150.00 lakhs while Rs. 30.00 lakhs has
been intended for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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12.2 Roads and Bridges (PWD)
Madhya Pradesh is situated in the heart of India and is surrounded by 5 States
viz. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharastra, Chhattisgarh & Uttar Pradesh. Its
geographical area is 308 thousand Sq.Km.

The Public Works Department maintains a road length of 58423 Kms. The
average road length per hundred works out to be 31.37 where as all
India average is 83 All the traffic from North to South and East to West
Crisscrosses the state. Thus it is very essential that Madhya Pradesh should
step up the road building activity to cope with ever increasing requirement .The
strong road network will undoubtedly help overall development of the state,
because roads play a vital role in the field of strategical, social, economical,
educational, Industrial and over all development of the area. Being surrounded
by 5 states and catering for the transport across the country, it is of utmost
importance that the state should have a strong and sustainable road network.
Public Works Department constructs the road and bridges and also constructs
the Government buildings of the other Departments of the state from the funds
made available by the respective departments.

PLAN 2007-2012


XIth Five Year Plan was prepared for Rs 7844.16 crores . An amount of Rs.
1953 Crores was kept for District sector and Rs 5821.16 Crores for the State
sector. For carry over works an amount of Rs. 979.40 Crores and for new works
an amount of Rs. 6794.76 Crores was provided. For Normal plan, TSP and SCP
the plan size was Rs. 5071.16 Crores. Rs. 1348 Crores and Rs. 1355 Crores

Annual plan 2011-2012
Annual plan for 2011-2012 is prepared for Rs. 2062.38 Crores . Out of this plan
proposed physical targets is to constrect 10 major / medium bridges and 1
railway over bridges. Besides this a road length of 3000 Kms of different
categories is to be constructed / Upgraded.

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XII PLAN 2012-2017

Public Works Department has proposed an outlay for Rs. 1670500.00 lakhs for
the coming Twelth Five Year Plan. The proposed physical targets are
construction of 455 No Major Bridges, 36 No ROBs, and construction and up-
gradation of road measuring 21955 Km.

ANNUAL PLAN 2012-2013
Annual plan for 2012-2013 has been prepared for Rs. 232293.00 lakhs. For
Normal plan, TSP and SCSP the plan size is Rs. 149814.47 lakhs. Rs. 53303.00
lakhs and Rs. 29175.53 lakhs respectively. Out of this plan 51 major / medium
bridges and 3 railway over bridges are to be constructed. Besides this, a road
length of 3195 Kms of different categories will also be constructed / upgraded.
The Scheme wise details are as below

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
1 Basic Minimum Services 105827.00 840000.00
2 Construction of Major/Medium Bridges 15000.00 125240.00
3 Construction of Railway Over/Under Bridges 3500.00 24290.00
4 Inter State Road of Economic Importance (EI) 1000.00 7590.00
5 Survey 400.00 12150.00
6 Development of Highway project LA and
utility Shifting
2000.00 32900.00
7 Construction of State Highway (MPRDC) 8000.00 242500.00
8 Central Road Fund (CRF) 17955.00 148330.00
9 Building of PWD 1000.00 10000.00
10 Development of MDR 10000.00 100000.00
11 Asian Development Bank Project Phase II
2000.00 2000.00
12 MP Road Development Project Phase III
64480.00 114700.00
13 Survey of BOT Roads 1031.00 10000.00
14 IT Support System 100.00 800.00
Total 232293.00 1670500.00

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Scientific Services and Environment
13.1 Science and Technology
The Department of Science & Technology was created by the Government of
M.P. in J une 1981. Subsequently, the MP Council of Science and Technology
was registered under the M.P. Registration of Societies Act, 1973 in October
1981. Its Governing Body is chaired by the Honble Chief Minister while
Ministers, Secretaries from various departments and representatives from Water
Resources, Health & Engineering, Public Works, Forest, Agriculture, Industry
and Technical education departments are the members of the Governing body.
The main objective of the Council is to identify the areas where applications of
Science & technology can be utilized to tackle the issues of unemployment,
backwardness and poverty in rural areas, especially among under-privileged and
marginalized sections of society. The Council has mandate to take any other
steps relevant to the application of science & technology to address the
problems of the state and to popularize science and technology across the state.
In addition, the Council advises the State Government about the policies and
measures to promote the usage of science and technology for enhancing the
progress of the state. It also establishes or assists in the establishment of
infrastructure equipped with science and technology to boost the development
efforts of the state.
Review of 11
Five Year Plan (2007-12)

Outlay and expenditure

The approved outlay for the Eleventh Five Year Plan is Rs. 6200.00 lakhs and
the anticipated expenditure for the same period is Rs.8806.54 lakhs. The year
wise outlay and expenditure during the Eleventh Five Year Plan is shown

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(Rs. in lakh)
SN Year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 1500.00 1507.87
2 2008-09 2075.00 1793.48
3 2009-10 1715.00 1792.55
4 2010-11 1810.00 1612.99
5 2011-12 2100.00 2099.65
Total 9200.00 8806.54

Major achievements during the Eleventh Five Year Plan

Construction of Rural Technology Application Center commenced

Establishment of Planetarium and Observatory commenced in Ujjain

Process commenced for the construction of Climate Change Research

Center and site identified

District Resource Atlas prepared for Tikamgarh, Sidhi and Jhabua

Under Mission Excellence of MP Human Resources scheme, a Vigyan
Manthan Yatra was planned and total beneficiaries at the end of five year
plan is expected to be more than 3000 students, 272 teachers and 94
scientists against the target of 2500 beneficiaries

Remote Sensing Center 100% achievement is expected against the target
of 13 training programs during the 11
Five Year Plan.

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Five Year Plan (2012-17)
During 12
Five Year Plan Science & Technology department has to focus on
resource study, resource estimation, science popularization, strengthening of
rural technology application and initiation of Astrophysics & Astronomy
investigation facilities.
Proposed outlay
An outlay proposed for the 12
Five Year Plan is Rs. 16900.00 lakhs while
proposed outlay for the Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 2460.00 lakhs. The scheme
wise proposed outlays for the 12
Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 are
shown in the table given below:
(Rs. in lakh)
Scheme 2012-17 2012-13
1 Research & Development activities 2050.00 270.00
2 Application of Science & Technology for
alleviation & improvement of quality of life
1000.00 100.00
3 Popularization of Science 2430.00 320.00
4 Remote Sensing 400.00 350.00
5 Patent Research & Innovation Facility 150.00 20.00
6 Advance Research & Instrumentation
Facility (Bio-Technology Application
760.00 100.00
7 Direction & Administration 1510.00 200.00
8 Mission excellence of M.P. Human
760.00 100.00
9 Construction work 760.00 100.00

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Scheme 2012-17 2012-13
10 Estt. of Planetarium, Observatory & Science
Park, Ujjain
4180.00 550.00
11 Rural Technology Application Center 1000.00 100.00
12 M.P. Resource Atlas Scheme 760.00 100.00
13 Estt. of Climate Change Research Center 1140.00 150.00
Total 16900.00 2460.00

Scheme wise details

Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing Application Center will provide
support to various departments in mapping, monitoring and management
of natural resources through remote sensing and GIS techniques. During
Five Year Plan center has targeted to conduct 30 training programs
and 6 programs are proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13.
Rural Technology Application Center (RuTAC): The main objective of
RuTAC is to promote entrepreneurship through development of rural
technology. This center has target to conduct total 200 training programs
during 12
Five Year Plan and 40 programs are proposed for the Annual
Plan 2012-13.
Research & Development Activities: During 12
Five Year Plan total 130
research projects are targeted to be undertaken while 25 new projects are
to be planned to undertake during Annual Plan 2012-13. Similarly, more
than 200 seminars and Congress are proposed to be organized during 12

Five Year Plan and out of which 43 programs are targeted to be organized
during the Annual Plan 2012-13.
Science for Socio-Economic Development: Under this scheme
applications of science and technology would be used for alleviation and

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improvement of quality of life. During 12
Five Year Plan total 45
income raising and other society based programs have been planned to be
initiated and out of which 9 such programs would be conducted during
Annual Plan 2012-13.
Popularization of Science: Under this program meritorious students and
teachers would be awarded and several activities would be conducted
with the co-operation of NGOs to popularize the Science subjects. About
500 such programs are proposed for 12
Five Year Plan and out of which
100 programs are proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13. To popularize
scientific activities MP Science Network has been established at the level
of Regional Extension Center, University and colleges at district.
Patent, Research & Innovation: Patent, research and awareness programs
would be conducted and about 150 programs during 12
Five Year Plan
and 30 such programs during Annual Plan Year 2012-13 are proposed.
Advance Research & Instrumentation Facilities: M.P. Council of Science
& Technology has advanced laboratories for quality assurance and
Biotechnology and it has been proposed to combine all these facilities by
creating a Central Facility for Advanced Research. Under this scheme
training, dissertation, seminars would be conducted and 200 programs are
proposed for 12
Five Year Plan while 40 such programs are proposed
during Annual Plan 2012-13.
Mission Excellence Program: This program educates and trains
meritorious students, artisans/craftsmen and science students of college
and university in the field of science and craftsmanship.
Resource Atlas Program: A comprehensive data module for all the
districts of Madhya Pradesh for district level atlases has been prepared
and analysis of data is underway.

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Planetarium & Observatory: National Council of Science & Museum
Kolkata and other organizations are involved to set up a planetarium in
Ujjain and an observatory is also to be established in Ujjain district.
Climate Research Center: Climate Change Research Center will produce
primary data on various elements essential for preparing models to
understand the climatic change behavior.

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13.2 M.P. Pollution Control Board (MPPCB)
M.P. Pollution Control Board is a statutory body constituted under the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974. The onus is on MPPCB to
implement the acts pertaining to water, air and environment protection. The
prime objective of MPPCB is to prevent and control the pollution and develop
preventive measures to curb the pollution. MPPCB, in this regard, has also
developed a Research Center in Bhopal to carry out research works in the field
of environment protection.
MPPCB has been entrusted with the following responsibilities in the field of
pollution control and environment protection:
to plan programs for the prevention & control of pollution in the state and
to ensure their implementation
to advise the State Government on any matter concerning the prevention
& control of pollution
to collect and disseminate information pertaining to pollution
to conduct or participate in the research activities relating to the issues of
pollution prevention & control
to organize training programs for people concerned with the prevention &
control of pollution and mass awareness programs
to evolve economic and reliable methods of sewage disposal & treatment
and its utilization
to inspect various sites including sewage and industrial premises to
review specifications
to perform such other functions as and when prescribed by the Central
Board or the State Government.

In order to perform the functions mentioned above MPPCB has the
responsibility of enforcing the following Acts & Rules mentioned below:
Water Act 1974 and Water Cess Act 1977,
Air Act 1981,
The Environment Protection Act 1986,
The hazardous waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2008
The Bio-Medical Waste Rules. 1998
The Batteries (Management & handling) Rules, 2001
Fly ash notification 1999
E-waste (Handling & Management) Rules, 2011
M.P. J aiv Anashya Apshisht(Niyantran) Adhiniyam 2004 & 2006
Public Liability Insurance Act 1991,
Work related to Emergency Response Center etc.

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Review of 11
Five Year Plan (2007-12)
During 11
Five Year Plan the main objective of MPPCB was to focus on
Research & Development with the continuous upgradation of the MPPCB.
Outlay & Expenditure
During 11
Five Year Plan the major share of budget outlay was for Research &
Development followed by Strengthening of organization. Total Plan outlay for
the 11
Five Year Plan was Rs.380.00 lakh and an anticipated expenditure
during 11
Five Year Plan is Rs. 694.92 lakhs. The year wise outlay and
expenditure is given as below:
SN Plan Year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 69.00 0.00
2 2008-09 64.00 46.45
3 2009-10 400.00 121.14
4 2010-11 425.00 424.31
5 2011-12 447.00 103.02
Total 1405.00 694.92
At the end of 11
Five Year Plan 20 projects are expected to be
undertaken and this would be 100% achievement against the target.
At the end of Plan year 2010-11, total 16 industries have been conferred
with annual award for excellent contribution in the field of environment
At the end of Plan year 2010-11, total 30 training and awareness
programs have been conducted and anticipated to achieve the target of 50
such programs at the end of 11
Five Year Plan.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)

The objectives of MPPCB for 12th Five Year Plan are to strengthen the
organization through automation and latest technology and to focus on Research
& Development activities.

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Proposed Outlay

Unlike 11
Five Year Plan, Twelfth Five Year Plan has proposed major chunk
of amount for strengthening of the organization. The proposed outlay for the
Five Year Plan is Rs. 6400.00 lakhs while Rs. 717.81 lakhs has been
proposed. The proposed outlays for 12
Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-
13 have been elucidated in table given below:
(Rs. in lakh)
SN Scheme 2012-17 2012-13
1 Research & Development 2110.00 279.81
2 Strengthening of Organization 4000.00 400.00
3 Environmental Annual Awards 60.00 8.00
4 Environmental upgradation through public
awareness (Workshops, Trainings, Public
230.00 30.00
Total 6400.00 717.81

Scheme wise details

A. Research & Development

Under this scheme, water, air, solid waste including sub-standard plastic and
noise level monitoring will be done after identification of the problematic areas.
The data generated through such monitoring would help departments like PHE,
WRD, UAD, Industries etc would formulate and execute the plans to curb the
air, water and noise population across the state. To reduce the increased danger
of pollution due to electronic gazettes, MPPCB has focused on scaling up of
e-waste inventorization. Other than monitoring, MPPCB will undertake research
and development projects. During 12
Five Year Plan the proposed outlay is Rs.
2110.00 lakhs while Rs. 279.81 lakhs is intended for Annual Plan 2012-13.
B. Strengthening of Organization:
MPPCB has proposed to install Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
stations in Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore & J abalpur, automation of Board offices,

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maintenance of data server, building construction of new regional offices in
Shahdol & Singrauli, strengthening of existing office structures, procurement of
monitoring vehicles and strengthening of laboratories of regional offices.

During 12
Five Year Plan Rs. 4000.00 lakhs is proposed to be spent on the
strengthening of the Organization while Rs. 400.00 lakhs is proposed for
Annual Plan 2012-13.

C. State Level Environmental Awards: It is conferred on different categories
of industries and mines each year for significant contributions for the protection
of environment. During 12
Five Year Plan, 4 industries are planned to be
accorded with annual awards for extraordinary efforts in prevention and control
of pollution.
Under this scheme, Rs. 60.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12
Five Year Plan
while Rs. 8.00 lakhs is proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13.

D. Environmental upgradation through Public Awareness: Environmental
education, workshops, trainings and seminars would be the main instruments for
raising awareness among officials and society. During this five year plan river
Narmada would be the focused areas to make aware the people about aspects of
domestic sewage and municipal solid wastes. During 12
Five Year Plan, 50
workshops/seminars are proposed to be organized which will sensitize more
than 5000 people.

Under sensitization and awareness programs Rs. 230.00 lakhs has been
proposed while Rs. 30.00 lakhs is proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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13.3 Disaster Management Institute (DMI)

The State of Madhya Pradesh has been prone to various disasters like flood,
drought, earth quake, fire, epidemics and industrial accidents. Whenever
disasters have occurred, they have created havoc in terms of mass casualty and
destroyed properties. In addition, disasters not only disrupt the economic pace
of the state and but also leave people to languish and witness the scars of
irreparable destruction for years. However, it has been felt time and again that
most of the disasters can be prevented or mitigated if proper planning and
disaster preparedness is in place. Instead of making plan and engaging entire
government machinery during disaster occurrence, a well-planned strategy in
advance can not only save many lives and avoid loss of property but also
provide effective assistance post-disaster. Considering the gravity of disaster
preparedness, the Government of Madhya Pradesh became the first state of the
country which promulgated the "State Policy on Mitigation and Management of
Disaster" in J une 2002. The bitter experience of Bhopal Gas tragedy prompted
the state government to establish the Disaster Management Institute in 1987
which shall act as a nodal agency to provide training regarding emergency
preparedness in the State. The prime objective of the institute is to build the
technical and managerial capacity of various stakeholders to prevent the natural
and man-made disasters and mitigate their ill-effects. The Institute is being
provided plan-support by the State Government since 1990. The main objectives
of the Institute are as follows:
Conduct training & public awareness programs on disaster management
& related subjects
Run postgraduate diploma & degree courses on disaster management and
industrial safety;
Carry out research oriented studies on the disaster management
Collect and disseminate information related to hazards and disasters;
Offer consultancy services to industries and others.
Awards, scholarships, Fellowships and prizes to motivate society.

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Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
The main objective of the institute during the eleventh Five Year Plan was
awareness generation, knowledge dissemination and training. The major
schemes of eleventh five year plan were training/organizing workshops, public
awareness programs, library & documentation.
Outlay of Eleventh Five Year Plan
The institute has been provided budgetary support of Rs. 500.00 lakhs during
eleventh five year plan. Of the approved outlay during the eleventh five year
plan a major share was allocated for establishment expenditure. The annual plan
wise outlay and expenditure is exhibited below:
(Rs. in lakh)
SN Plan year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 100.00 100.00
2 2008-09 145.00 145.00
3 2009-10 120.00 120.00
4 2010-11 125.00 125.00
5 2011-12 175.00 175.00
Total 665.00 665.00

Major achievements during Eleventh Five Year Plan
Against the physical target of organizing 175 training programs the
institute has conducted 140 trainings at the end of 2010-11 and expected
to achieve 100% at the end of five year plan.
Against 50 awareness programs planned for eleventh five year plan, 40
have been completed and anticipated to be achieved 100% at the end of
five year plan.
These programs have benefited more than 12000 participants from
government, industry and community.
DMI has provided consultancy to industries, various government
agencies on the issues pertaining to industrial safety and natural disaster
management and prepared several IEC materials for awareness

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Twelfth Five Year Plan (20012-17)

In accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2005, promulgated by the
Government of India and priority of the State Government, the main objective
of DMI during this five year plan would be the capacity building of all the
stakeholders to reduce the losses from natural and industrial disasters.

Proposed outlay for Twelfth Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 2012-13
According the priority to disaster management, the proposed outlay is more than
double the budgeted outlay of eleventh five year plan. The scheme wise details
of twelfth five year plan and annual plan 2012-13 is shown below:

(Rs. in lakh)
SN Scheme
2012-17 2012-13
1 Training courses/Seminars/Conferences on Disaster
170.00 22.00
2 Awareness program on Disaster Management 40.00 5.00
3 DMI establishment 860.00 115.00
4 Library & Documentation Center 40.00 5.00
5 Strengthening & up gradation 340.00 45.00
Total 1450.00 192.00
Scheme wise Details
All the schemes of last annual plan have been retained for the twelfth five year
plan and no new schemes have been introduced. In consonance with the
objective set for the next five year plan the schemes have been proposed as
discussed below:
Trainings/Seminars/Conferences: Officers from the state government
departments are trained so that the government machinery can effectively
respond to occurrences of disasters. DMI is regularly imparting training
to officers to manage and mitigate the chemical or industrial mishaps as

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During five year plan 2012-17, 200 training programs/seminars/workshops are
to be organized while 40 such events are proposed during annual plan 2012-13.

Awareness Programs on Disaster Management: Participation of people
can be a great help to government paraphernalia in mitigation efforts
against disasters. In this direction, DMI has been trying to make students,
communities living nearby industrial areas, villagers, women and Non-
Governmental Organizations aware through organizing awareness
Total 75 people awareness programs have been proposed for the five year
plan 2012-17 and outlay intended for these programs is Rs. 40.00 lakhs
while the target for the annual plan 2012-13 is to conduct 15 awareness
programs and outlay intended for the same is Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
DMI Establishment: This is basically to meet out the operational
expenditure of the institute. For the five year plan 2012-17, the proposed
outlay for establishment expenditure is Rs. 860.00 lakhs while Rs. 115.00
lakhs for annual plan 2012-13
Library and Documentation Center: Library of DMI can boast of having
more than 3000 books and journals of national and International standard
which are used during capacity building programs in the institute. To
enrich the library with new journals and latest books, institute has
proposed Rs. 40.00 lakhs for the five year plan 2012-17 while Rs. 5.00
lakhs is proposed for annual plan 2012-13.
Strengthening and Upgradation: In order to develop DMI as a center of
excellence physical infrastructure equipped with latest research facilities
is of paramount importance. In this direction, institute not only needs to
develop its training modules on various pertinent subjects but also the
strengthening of information technology systems by installation of
Autocad and GIS software.

For strengthening and upgradation, the institute has proposed outlay for twelfth
five year plan is Rs. 340.00 lakhs while it is Rs. 45.00 lakhs for annual plan

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13.4 Environmental Planning & Coordination Organization (EPCO)
Madhya Pradesh is one of the few states in the country which recognized early
the imperative need for environment conservation and management. A separate
Department of Environment was created in 1973, with the aim to identify
various problems and to co-ordinate development activities in such a manner
that the ecological balance is restored and maintained.
The Environmental Planning and Coordination Organization (EPCO) was
established by the Housing and Environment Deptt. Over the years EPCO has
steadily grown to become the State's premier organization for environment
related matters. It has worked closely with the State Govt. on various projects;
yet it has established its own identity as an autonomous organization. It is a
think-tank for environment matters, and is also project oriented organization.
This organization was created with the fallowing aims:
To create public awareness with regard to Environment in the State.
To assist and advise the Government of M.P. in the formulation and
implementation of environmental policies for the State.
To identify major environmental problems and assist in solving these
through research studies.
To organize educational and training programmes for professionals,
managers, administrator and people in general.
To coordinate the activities of Government and Semi-Government
agencies in these efforts.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 and Annual Plan 2011-12
An outlay of Rs. 2562.00 lakh was approved for Eleventh Five Year Plan. and
The approved outlay for the Annual Plan 2011-12 is Rs. 818.00 lakh against
which an expenditure of Rs. 818.00 lakh reported till Oct 2011by EPCO.

Preparation of DPP for Conservation of Urban Water Bodies, training courses
for Environmental Resource & Education, Indira Gandhi Fellowship for
environmental management.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay for Rs.9250.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12th Plan (2012-17) and
Rs.1200.50 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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Scheme wise provision for 12th five year plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13
are as mentioned below;
(Rs in lakh)
Sno Scheme Name 12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Annual Plan
1 Madhya Pradesh C.D.M. Agency 890.00 117.00
2 Conservation of Urban water bodies 1,120.00 150.00
3 Environmental Training, Education &
3,040.00 400.00
4 Indira Gandhi Fellowship for
Improvement & Management
30.00 3.50
5 National Lakes Conservation of Plan
(Sagar Lake, Shivpuri Lakes)
1,960.00 150.00
6 National River Conservation of Plan
(Narmda, Beehar & Mandakni River)
1,180.00 250.00
7 SEIAA & SEAC 460.00 60.00
8 Training Program for Beneficiaries of ST
and other traditional dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights)
570.00 70.00
GRAND TOTAL 9,250.00 1200.50

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1. Madhaya Pradesh C.D.M. Agency
The Govt. of Madhya Pradesh has constituted a separate Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) Agency under the Housing & Environment Department.
The Agency has been registered as Society under the Societies Registration Act-
1973. The CDM Agency has been created on the recommendations of
'Manthan'- 2009 with a view to harness the potential of Carbon Trading in the
State of Madhya Pradesh. This will help to check out a low carbon model of
growth in M.P. and usher the state towards sustainable development.
Earlier CDM budget head was created as part of the EPCO's activities but in
view of the Cabinet's decision (copy enclosed) the budget is to be transferred to
the newly created CDM Agency.
In the year 2010-11 the Agency proposes to undertake studies pertaining to
reductions in green house gases. Preparing Project Design Document (PDD) as
per the prescribed procedures of United Nations and undertake capacity
building activities for variety of stakeholders including senior policy makers,
senior and field level officers of various departments, NGOs and Civil Society
Organizations. For the next financial year i.e. 2011-12 an amount of Rs.117.00
lakhs will be required for effective functioning of CDM Agency. This will
cover the expenditure on hiring of professionals, man power expenditure basic
infrastructural facilities and commissioning research studies and project
formulations.For 12th Five year plan 2012-17 the estimated expenditure Rs.
890.00 lakhs .
2. Conservation of Urban water bodies
Out of the 14 major river system of India, Madhya Pradesh is drained by as
many as 6 rivers such as Ganga, Narmada, Tapti, Mahi, Mahanadi and
Godavari. The total length of these rivers system inside the state with their
tributaries and sub-tributaries is estimated to be about 20,000 km. Besides these,
the entire landscape of the project of the state is dotted with water bodies
created over the centuries by formal rules to conserve the precious rain water. In
the state, there are more than 2400 small reservoir (1-5 sq km), 150 medium
sized reservoirs (5-20 sq km) and 7 large reservoirs (>20 sq km). Besides these,
there are about 25000 ponds and tanks of smaller size. Of these reservoirs, 20
water bodies in the vicinity of the cities are being used as potable water source.
There are about 250 water bodies exist in the urban area. The development

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around the lakes and the increased anthropogenic activities in the catchment
area has been subjected the lakes to various environmental problems resulting in
deterioration of their water quality. There is need to conserve the water bodies
of Sate on environmentally sustainable manner.
Hon'ble Chief Minister of the State has made declaration to provide Rs 2.00
crores for conservation and environmental up-gradation of Gauri Talb during
their visit to Bhind, The conservation works are proposed to be carried out in
the period of 2 years.
3. Environmental Training, Education & Research
The main objective of these schemes is to study various environmental
problems of the state and suggest suitable corrective measure. In addition to
these studies a comprehensive document on the environmental status of the
State is also prepared and produced. Generally these research projects are
carried out in house in EPCO, but services of experts are also hired as and when
required. The Research Section of EPCO also takes studies and projects on
environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans. The
Govt. of Madhya Pradesh also takes advisory services of EPCO on important
and sensitive environmental issues. EPCO has also been made nodal agency for
monitoring the implementation of State Environment Policy. According to the
State environment policy document following activities are undertaking during
previous five year plans as well as eleventh five year plan also for
environmental research, training and study. During the financial year 2009-10
we have under taken 25 workshop and training programs. Similarly during the
financial year (2010-11) we have under taken 26 workshop and training
programs & 2 programs are anticipated. 31 Training/workshop programme
proposed to be under taken during the financial year 2011-12. Including
manpower expenses an amount of Rs. 222.60 lakhs proposed 34
Training/workshop programme.
Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh is emerging as the power hub of India.
Coal mining, thermal power generation other allied industries and urban growth
have resulted in high level of pollution and land degradation of the area. Some
part of Singrauli has been declared as "problem area" by the CPCB with
Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) of 81.73.

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With above facts the Chief Secretary, GoMP has directed to establish a Centre
of EPCO at Singrauli to ascertain the environmental implication and planning
for mitigation of the adverse impacts.
During the FY. 2011-12 we have started Post Graduate Diploma in
Environment Management course for the purpose of environmental education
For the above all activities it is estimated to spent Rs. 400.00 lakhs during the
FY 2012-13 and Rs. 3,040.00 lakhs during the 12th Five year plan 2012-17
Promotion of Conservation, Education and Applied Research Activities within
Biosphere Reserves in Madhya Pradesh for Financial year 2012-2013
The idea of 'Biosphere Reserves' was initiated by UNESCO in 1973-74 under its
Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme. The MAB, launched in 1970 by
UNESCO, is a broad based ecological programme aimed to develop within the
natural and social sciences a basis for the rational use and conservation of the
resources of the biosphere and for the improvement of the relationship between
man and the environment; to predict the consequences of today's actions on
tomorrows world and thereby to increase man's ability to manage efficiently the
natural resources of the biosphere reserve.
Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI implement the Biosphere Reserve
projects in India. A total of 18 Biosphere Reserves have been designated in
India. In Madhya Pradesh so far 3 Biosphere Reserves i.e. Pachmarhi,
Achanakmar-Amarkantak (Interstate) & Panna have been notified in the year
1999, 2005 & 2011, respectively. Pachmarhi BR has also been included in the
UNESCOs world network of Biosphere Reserves in 2009. The Total area of
Pachmarhi BR is 4981.72 sq km which covers the parts of Hoshangabad,
Chhindwara & Betul districts. Similarly, total area of Achanakmar-Amarkantak
BR (Interstate BR) is 3835.51 sq km which covers Dindori & Anuppur districts
of Madhya Pradesh and Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh. Management and
control of the area falling in Madhya Pradesh is to be carried by M.P.
Government. Recently, Panna Area, which includes Panna and Chhatarpur
District, has been notified as BR. A total area of Panna BR is 2998.98 sq km.
EPCO is the nodal agency for implementation of management of BRs in the
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India provides the token
grant of Rs 60-70 Lakhs per year for implementation of projects related to

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projects on conservation, management and logistic supports for these BRs. The
projects are implemented through concerned district level field agencies/NGOs
The State Level Steering Committee meeting of Biosphere Reserves of Madhya
Pradesh was held on 29-04-11 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary,
Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. The proposal for promotion of conservation,
development for local people and education and applied research for 3 BRs viz.,
Pachmarhi, Achnakmar-Amarkantak (MP Part) and Panna BRs for the year
4. Indira Gandhi Fellowship for Improvement & Management
Government of Madhya Pradesh has instituted Indira Gandhi Fellowship for
Environmental Conservation during the year 1985. The fellowship is awarded
annually to research scholars/ scientists who intended to study on environmental
problems offering suitable corrective suggestions. This is the only fellowship of
its kind in the country. A Govt. level jury team will select fellow for award
fellowship. Accordingly to this scheme EPCO has to pay two years
remuneration of Rs 10,000.00 per month and to meet out expenditure of
stationary, traveling expenses and other expenditure there are a provision of Rs
1,00,000.00 per year. For 12th Five year plan 2012-17 the estimated expenditure
Rs. 30.00 lakhs
5. National Lakes Conservation of Plan (Sagar Lake, Shivpuri Lakes)
(Central sponsored scheme)
The Ministry of Environment and Forests ,Govt of India has sanctioned three
projects in Madhya Pradesh viz. Rani Talab Rewa, Shivpuri lakes, Shivpuri and
Sagar lake Sagar under National lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) for
conservation and pollution abatement of Lakes. Out of these Rani Talab Rewa
project is completed while other two are under implementation. These projects
were sanctioned on the basis of cost sharing of 60% : 40 % and 70% : 30%
by the Central government and the State Govt for Shivpuri and Sagar
respectively. The project wise details i.e. date of sanction of the project; total
project cost and amount made available by the Ministry and State Govt. are
given below;

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Shivpuri lakes, Shivpuri Sagar lake, Sagar
Date of Sanction - 06.08.07
Approved Project Cost - 5199.34
Total Receipt- Rs.1589.41 lakhs
o Central share - Rs. 775 lakhs
o State share Rs 814.41 lakhs
Amount Released to Nagar Palika
Rs. 600.00 lakhs
Total expenditure- Rs. 365.80
lakhs ( Nov. 2011)
Date of Sanction - 20.03.07
Approved Project Cost-
2133.18 lakhs
Total Receipt- 826.64 lakhs
Central share Rs 400.00 lakhs
State share - Rs.426.25 lakhs
Amount Released to RMC -
Rs.550.00 lakhs
Total expenditure 159.58
lakhs ( Nov. 2011)
Estimated revised Project Cost -
6858.34 lakhs
Extra state share Rs. 1659.00
Estimated revised Project Cost
- 2433.18 lakhs
Extra state share Rs. 300.00

Broadly under NLCP the two types of works i.e. Non-Core (Low Cost
Sanitation, Lake Front Development, Catchment Area Treatment, deweeding
desalting, water quality monitoring etc,) and Core work (Interception/Diversion
of Nalas , sewerage network and Sewage Treatment Plant) were envisaged. In
the case of Shivpuri and Sagar the works under non-core have almost been
completed but due to cost escalation the core work could not be started.
Consequently on behalf of the State Govt. the Principal Secretary Housing and
Environment Department persuaded the MoEF, GOI and the Ministry asked to
submit the revised proposal for core work. The revised proposals for both the
lakes have been submitted and queries made by the Ministry are addressed. The
ministry has accorded the proposal with conditions that excess cost over and
above the sanctioned cost will be borne by the State Govt. In a review meeting
held under the chairmanship of the Hon'ble Chief Minister on 26-7-2011 he
agreed and directed to the Housing and Environment Department make the
appropriate budget provision. Accordingly the provision for the financial year
2012-13 and twelfth five year plan .
6. National River Conservation of Plan (Narmada, Beehar & Mandakni
The Ministry of Environment and Forests ,Govt of India has sanctioned three
projects in Madhya Pradesh viz. Narmada River, Hoshangabad, Beehar River,

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Rewa and Mandakini River, Chitrakoot under National River Conservation Plan
(NRCP) for conservation and pollution abatement of rivers. These projects were
sanctioned on the basis of cost sharing of 70% and 30% by the Central
government and the State Govt respectively. The project wise details i.e. date of
sanction of the project; total project cost and amount made available by the
Ministry and State Govt. are given below:-
Narmada River,
Beehar River,
Mandakani River,
Date of Sanction -
Approved Project Cost-
1290.00 lakhs

Total Receipt-
Rs.746.06 lakhs
o Central share - Rs.530
o State share - Rs.216.06
Amount Released to
Nagar Palika Rs.
342.22 lakhs
Total expenditure- Rs.
232.68 lakhs
Date of Sanction -
Approved Project Cost-
1944.00 lakhs
Total Receipt- 684.12
o Central share - Rs.280
o State share - Rs.404.12
Amount Released to
RMC-Rs.294 lakhs
Total expenditure -
227.00 lakhs
Date of Sanction -
Approved Project Cost-
620.00 lakhs
Total Receipt-
Rs.100.25 lakhs
o Central share - Rs.90
o State share - Rs.10.25
Amount Released to IA
- Rs.100.25 lakhs
Expenditure- Nil
Estimated revised
Project Cost Rs.
1748.00 lakhs
Extra state share Rs.
458.00 lakhs
Estimated revised
Project Cost Rs.
2654.00 lakhs
Extra state share Rs.
710.00 lakhs
Estimated revised
Project Cost Rs.
631.00 lakhs
Extra state share Rs.
11.00 lakhs
Broadly under NRCP the two types of works i.e. Non-Core (Low Cost
Sanitation, River Front Development Catchment Area Treatment & Crematoria)
and Core work (Interception/Diversion of Nalas and Sewage Treatment Plant)
were envisaged.
Consequently on behalf of the State Govt. the Principal Secretary Housing and
Environment Department persuaded the MoEF, GOI and the Ministry asked to
submit the revised proposal for core work. The revised proposals for all three
rivers have been submitted and subsequent queries made by the Ministry have

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already been replied. The ministry has accorded the proposal with conditions
that excess cost over and above the sanctioned cost will be borne by the State
Govt. Accordingly the provision for the financial year 2012-13 and twelfth five
year plan is given hereunder;

(Amount in Rs. Lakhs)
NRCP Scheme in M.P Proposal for
Annual Plan
Annual Plan
Narmada, Beehar and Mandakini River 250.00 930.00

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India constituted the State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) and State Expert Appraisal
Committee (SEAC) on 8
of J anuary 2008 vide a Gazette Notification no. SO
49 (E) for grant of Prior Environmental Clearance to various 'B' category
developmental projects. In continuation with this, the Department of Housing
and Environment of M. P. (vide no. F-5-4/2006/32 dated 07.02.08) issued order
for constitution of SEIAA and SEAC in the state subsequently new committee
for SEIAA & SEAC were continued as per provision of EIA notification.
The State Govt. has sanctioned an amount of 49.39 Lakhs in financial year 11-
12. So far, 653 applications for prior environmental clearance have been
received. Out of these more than 150 cases have been issued for prior
environmental clearance. So far, 72 SEIAA and 84 SEAC meetings have been
held till date.
For the next financial year i.e. 2012-13 an amount of Rs. 60.00 Lakhs will be
required for the functioning of SEIAA and SEAC. This also covers the expense
on manpower, furniture, electronic equipments and meeting expenditure,
TA/DA / honorarium of SEIAA and SEAC Members and Chairman etc. It is
expected that about 36 SEIAA meetings and 24 SEAC meetings will be held in
the next financial year.
For 12th Five years plan 2012-17 the estimated expenditure Rs. 460.00 lakhs

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8. Training Program for Beneficiaries of ST and other traditional dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights)
Capacity building Program for Beneficiaries of Schedule tribes and other
traditional dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act-2006 for
Environmental Conservation. The Schedule tribes and other traditional dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act- 2006 aims at providing long term tenurial
right of forest land to Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Dwellers under
their possession to ensure their livelihood and food security. The responsibility
of maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity conservation is also imposed
on holder of tenurial right under this Act. The capacity building of beneficiaries
for environmental conservation, therefore, becomes imperative. And as such,
the Government of Madhya Pradesh have entrusted the responsibility of
capacity building of beneficiaries of the Act to EPCO (Environmental Planning
and Coordination Organization). The ACTIVITIES / Programmes carried out by
EPCO against the budget allocation of 2009-10 , 2010-2011 and 2011-12 are
summarized along with the proposed activities for last quarter of 2011-2012
.This also covers expenses on manpower.
Under this head Rs.25.00 Lakhs were allocated in financial year 2009-10
against which one programme planning workshop (Sept.09) ; one
interdepartmental brainstorming workshop (Nov.09), three Master Trainers
Orientation programmes for representatives of all 89 tribal block s(Feb.10);
nine block level training programmes for beneficiaries of all tribal blocks of
Dhar district were organized.

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13.5 Biodiversity and Biotechnology

For sustainable use of the state's rich and diverse bio-resources and promote the
use of application in biotechnology for deriving benefits in a wide range of
sectors such as forestry, environment, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries,
human health etc, the Department for Biodiversity and Biotechnology was set
up by the State Government. Its two constituents are M.P. State Biodiversity
Board (MPSBB) and M.P. Bio-Technology Council (MPBTC).

M.P. State Biodiversity Board (MPSBB) has to work in accordance to the
mandate defined in M P Biodiversity rules 2004. It has to perform all the
activities related to following major thematic areas related to biodiversity
Research & documentation
Education awareness and training
In-situ/ex-situ conservation
Sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing;
Policy & law

The implementation of MP Biotech Policy 2003 is the responsibility of M.P.
Bio-Technology Council (MPBTC) and has to work in thematic areas of
Establishment of Institute of Life Science and technology
Establishment of Biotech Park
Financing the research activities in the field of Biotechnology carried out
by different Universities through assistance
Enhancement of skills of teachers and students involved in various fields of
Establishment of Biotech Centers for the dissemination of knowledge and
technology at the grass root level
Documentation and awareness generation

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

For the Eleventh Five Year Plan, An outlay of Rs. 2436.00 Lakh was approved
against which an expenditure of Rs. 1475.22 lakh is anticipated by the end of
financial year 2011-12. The utilization rate is not very encouraging which needs
to be improved keeping the utility of the sector and its future prospects in mind.
Year wise details of outlay and expenditure is shown below:-

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Plan Year Outlay Expenditure Rate of
Utilization (%)
2007-08 388.00 167.67 43.2
2008-09 407.40 309.34 75.9
2009-10 348.00 277.71 79.8
2010-11 365.00 314.07 86.0
2011-12 252.00 406.43 (anticipated) 161.3
All Plan Years 2436.00 1475.22(anticipated) 60.6

The achievements of MPSBB and MPBTC during the plan period are as

i. Documentation of Flora and Fauna in various eco-regions of the State has
been undertaken for taking up of conservation and development activities
for various threatened species.
ii. Bio-diversity Management Committees have also been constituted at the
level of local bodies in both rural and urban areas.
iii. Compilation of vocalization of birds in M.P. in the form of a C.D.
iv. Survey of critically endangered forest owlet
v. Development of a manual on Biodiversity "Aao J aane J eev J agat ko etc.
vi. Mowgli Utsav is an important annual event aimed is creating
awareness in school children. Each year around 250 school children, get
an opportunity is experience the proximity to nature in the wilderness of
Pench National Park, Seoni, who are selected, after many rounds of
competitions at different levels.
vii. For the establishment of Institute of Life Science & Technology
(ILS&T) at Bhopal, DPR is under preparation. Alternative site is yet to
be found.
viii. A Biotech Park and Incubation Centre is proposed to be set up on village
Chirakhan, district Indore for which land has been allotted and fenced.

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ix. 11 Research Projects has been funded till date by the Council, of which 5
have been completed.
x. Council has initiated students Hands on training in selected Institutes
having well equipped advanced laboratories across Madhya Pradesh in
advanced field of Biotechnology.
M.P. is one of the richest states in biodiversity in the country but
backward in biotechnology field. Many industries based on
biotechnology are already in operation in states like Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra etc. Lack of research and
education in the field of biotechnology and lack of entrepreneurship are
the main causes of this backwardness. The Council during the 11th Five
Year Plan has initiated steps to attract entrepreneurs to the state by trying
to set up the BT Park in Indore. Moreover, the Council is engaged in
building a core group of trained manpower for the bio technology sector
by imparting training in its diverse fields to the students.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

To achieve the maximum of the set objectives for which the department has
been formed will be the targets of the department for the Twelfth Five Year
Plan period so that state can reap the fruit of emerging technology for the
development of various sectors especially such as forestry, environment,
agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, human health etc.
An outlay of Rs. 3700.00 lakh has been proposed for the twelfth five year plan
and Rs. 475.00 lakh for the annual plan 2012-13. The details are as follow:
(Rs. in Lakh)
Scheme/head 12
Five Year
Plan (2012-17)
Annual Plan
Establishment of Institute of Life
375.00 25.00
Assistance for establishment and
development of biotechnology units
665.00 75.00

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Scheme/head 12
Five Year
Plan (2012-17)
Annual Plan
Assistance for projects related to
biodiversity and biotechnology units

Expenditure pertaining to
Biotechnology Council
490.00 75.00
Expenditure pertaining to Biodiversity
1540.00 225.00
Overall for the department 3700.00 475.00

During Twelfth Five Year Plan period, no new scheme will be initiated by the
department. Department will strive to achieve all objectives spelled out for the
thrust areas of Biotechnology Council and Biodiversity Board respectively.
60 research projects pertaining to biotechnology are targeted to be undertaken in
entire plan period and 10 of these are proposed for annual plan 2012-13.
Development of Biodiversity Parks at district level and identification of
Biodiversity site would be taken up to conserve the rich biodiversity of the state.

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13.6 Information Technology
Recognizing the importance and relevance of Information Technology (IT), the
State Government has been laying a great focus on the computerization of
government departments which is evident from the fact that the state
government promulgated its IT policy more than a decade ago. This is an era of
information and when the entire Country is passing though the revolution of
Information, it is opportune time to create an environment for dissemination of
information to every citizen, pertaining to his own welfare needs and
opportunities for individual and social development and for effective delivery of
citizen services.
The Department of IT works as Nodal department for all the IT related activities
in the state. As a Nodal department, it has been entrusted with the responsibility
of promoting e-governance, identifying scope of education in IT sector,
attracting IT companies in the state and erecting Community infrastructure.
The broad vision of the State in the Information Technology sector is
summarized to:
ameliorate the life of the common man leveraging the strengths of e-
attract investment in the IT sector so that the educated youths contribute
to the development of the state,
create a pool of highly skilled professionals who are at par with the best
in the country and
transform Resource Based Economy into Knowledge Based Economy.

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Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
Outlay and Expenditure
The total plan outlay for the Eleventh five year plan was Rs. 6910.00 lakhs. The
plan year wise outlay and expenditure are elucidated below:
(Rs. in lakh)
Sno. Financial
Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 2290.00 2480.15
2 2008-09 4291.00 3011.02
3 2009-10 4140.00 2747.00
4 2010-11 3676.00 3153.83
5 2011-12 2817.00 3007.00
Total 17214.00 14399.00

Schemes during Eleventh Five Year Plan:
The major activities included in this five year plan were Grant-in Aid to
MAP_IT, Project Studies, development of State wide Area Network,
establishment of GIS laboratory, National e-governance Action Plan,
Citizen facilitation Centers etc.
Approval of outlay for Building of Data Center was made Rs. 1150.00
lakhs during financial years 2009-10 to 2011-12.

Major achievements during the Eleventh Five Year Plan:

S.No. Project Progress made
Implementation of e-District project in the five pilot districts,
namely, Indore, Guna, Gwalior, Shivpuri & Sagar
Establishment of 9178 Common Services Centers against the
target of 9232
Twenty departments connected with state level Call Center and
about more than 19 lakhs calls received

1 E-governance
Developemnt of MP Online portal which is providing about 130
services through its 6000 kiosks

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S.No. Project Progress made
90% of work of IT Park Gwalior completed 2 Attracting IT
TCS is to establish its set up in Indore
3 IT Education State of the art IT Labs to be established across five engineering
colleges of the state and Rs. 20.00 lakhs per college disbursed
for this purpose
The project of State Wide Area Network envisages setting up a
broad band network up to all block headquarters while
establishing similar connectivity at all divisional and district
headquarters. The proposed network would cater for the
exclusive data/voice communication traffic of government
departments/ agencies.
The work progress of State Data Center Bhopal is in advance
4 Development of
With the support of IT Department of Government of India, the
State Government is constructing a State Portal and State
Service Delivery Gateway. This project with the cost of Rs.
10.80 crore would integrate all the services being provided
through projects like e-district and MP Online and will be
extended these services to remote areas. All the formalities have
been completed and work order has been issued to M/s TCS.
5 E-Tender More than 7500 tenders of 48 departments/offices have been
processed online till now

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
The primary focus of the department of IT during Twelfth plan and Annual plan
2012-13 would be to ensure the delivery of better services, raise the capacity of
departments by the use of information technology and attract investment in IT
sectors. To achieve these objectives, the main thrust of the department is to
create conducive atmosphere by strengthening e-governance across the state. In
this direction as per IT Policy of the state, following proposals have been
prioritized for 12
Five Year Plan:
Strengthening the basic infrastructure of government departments and
establish State data center in the Annual Plan 2012-13.

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Rolling-out the e-district project across all the districts of Madhya Pradesh.
Ensuring improved services under e-district project in the districts identified
during 2012-13
Establishment of IT training center in Mhow, Seoni Malva and Bhopal and
about 1500 candidates would be trained.
Developing a remote sensing data base with the preliminary facility of GIS,
which will be equipped with map server, data server, internet server, UPS,
router and firewall, so that the government departments will use the satellite
images as per their needs.
Establishment of Indian Institute of Information Technology in Bhopal is the
new scheme proposed for next five year plan.

Proposed outlay:
The total outlay proposed for 12
Five Year Plan of 2012-17 is Rs. 21700.00
lakhs and for Annual Plan 2012-13 it is Rs. 4431.68 Lakh. The scheme wise
proposed outlays for the Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 are
exhibited as:
(Rs. in Lakh)
Total Sl Name of Schemes
2012-17 2012-13
1 Participation in Exhibitions, organizing workshops
and seminars
530.00 70.00
2 Grant-in-Aid to MAP IT/ others for experiment in
new technologies
2660.00 350.00
3 State wide Area Network Grant-in-Aid 4740.00 628.00
4 National E-Governance Action Plan (NEGAP) 3300.00 170.18
5 Citizen Facilitation Center 1900.00 250.00
6 Project Studies 300.00 40.00
7 Grant-in-Aid to MAP IT 560.00 73.50
8 Establishment of GIS Lab 760.00 100.00
9 Establishment of IIIT in Bhopal 4450.00 250.00
10 IT Park 2500.00 2500.00
Total 21700.00 4431.68

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Scheme wise details
i. Establishment of State wide Area Network (SWAN): In the vanguard of
MP State Electronics Development Corporation, all the block
headquarters would be connected to their respective district headquarters
and district headquarters would further be connected with divisional
headquarters and all the divisional headquarters would be directly
connected with the state capital, Bhopal. This extensive network would
be utilized for transfer of data pertaining to the government departments/
agencies. Under this scheme Rs. 628.00 lakhs have been proposed for the
Annual Plan 2012-13 and Rs. 4740.00 lakhs for the Twelfth Five Year
ii. Establishment of Citizen Facilitation Center/Call Center: Citizens can
access to these centers through telephone and can lodge their grievances.
Disposal of lodged grievances by the concerned departments is made
through web-based application. During the Twelfth Five Year Plan Rs.
1900.00 lakhs are proposed while Rs. 250.00 lakhs are intended for
Annual Plan 2012-13.
iii. National e-governance Action Plan: In Madhya Pradesh numerous e-
governance projects e.g. SWAN, Common Services Center, e-district,
Mission mode projects, capacity building, SDC etc are underway. To
provide continued support to these projects, an outlay of Rs. 170.18 lakhs
has been proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13 while Rs. 3300.00 lakhs
for the Twelfth Five Year Plan.
iv. Grant-in-aid to MAP_IT/others for experiment in new technologies: To
sustain the experiments being conducted in IT sector every government
department is being provided financial assistance through this scheme. In
the financial Year 2012-13, Rs. 100.00 lakhs has been proposed to
promote Telemedicine project and Tele-Education in Indore (Mhow) and
Bhopal which need the development and availability of hardware,
software, Connectivity and for training programs. In addition, several
small proposals are lying with the department for the development of
software and local area network to be addressed in this financial year. An
outlay of Rs. 350.00 lakhs is proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13 and
Rs. 2660.00 lakhs for the Twelfth Five Year Plan.
v. Grant-in-Aid to MAP_IT: Under this scheme MAP_IT is given grant for
its administrative expenses and to promote the usage and innovations in
the field of IT through awards. Under this grant Rs. 73.50 lakhs is
intended for Annual Plan 2012-13 while Rs. 560.00 lakhs during the
Twelfth Five Year Plan.
vi. Project Studies: Under this scheme the main focus is on training in IT
sector. For project studies Rs. 40.00 lakhs is proposed for Annual Plan
2012-13 and Rs. 300.00 lakhs for the Twelfth Five Year Plan.

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vii. Seminars, workshops & Exhibitions An outlay of Rs. 70.00 lakhs is
proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13 and Rs. 530.00 lakhs for the Twelfth
Five Year Plan for seminars and workshops at State and National level to
generate awareness regarding the development and promotions in IT
viii. Establishment of GIS Lab: To address the needs of all the departments a
remote sensing data base with the preliminary facility of GIS is being
developed and MP State Electronics Development Corporation has been
identified as an implementing agency. This lab will be equipped with map
server, data server, internet server, UPS, router and firewall, so that the
government departments will use the satellite images as per their needs.
In addition, this lab will have the facility of data classification to make
the remote sensing data more useful. For the Annual Plan 2012-13 Rs.
100.00 lakhs is proposed and Rs. 760.00 lakhs for the Twelfth Five Year

New Scheme:
Establishment of Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) in Bhopal:
The establishment of IIIT will not only promote experiments in the field of IT
and but also help the state turn into an IT hub. The proposed IIIT in Bhopal will
have the state-of-the-art facilities with specialized courses in Integrated circuit
chip designing, network designing of 5
& 6
generation and specialized
courses based on Operating systems. For the Annual Plan 2012-13 the total
proposed outlay is Rs. 250.00 lakhs which comprises Rs 100.00 lakhs by the
state government and Rs. 150.00 lakhs by the Central government. For the
Twelfth Five Year Plan Rs. 4450.00 lakhs has been proposed for IIT

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General Economic Services

14.1 State Planning Commission M.P.

Formulation and shaping up the Five year Plans and Annual plans of the state of
Madhya Pradesh has been the key function of the State Planning Commission.
State Planning Commission has been steering the districts and departments at
state level in allocating plan ceilings through mutual discussions and
consultations. It has consistently put forth its efforts for amalgamation of the
principle and practice of District Decentralized Planning to augment the
effective and efficient utilization of resources in order to ensure need based
planning and has placed Madhya Pradesh as one of pioneer states in
decentralized planning. In this endeavor, SPC is working with multilateral
agencies to build and raise capacity at district level and below to prepare
bottom- up plans. In addition, State Planning Commission has also been
instrumental in monitoring the progress of plan schemes and suggested changes
in developmental policies.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
The major objective of 11
Five Year Plan is to focus on the development of
backward districts through huge resources and innovative mechanisms.

Outlay and Expenditure
The total approved outlay for the Eleventh Five Year Plan approved was Rs.
136465.00 lakhs. The total outlay and the expenditure are summarized as given
(Rs. in lakh)

SN Plan Year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 26989.25 24836.00
2 2008-09 10601.43 9857.31
3 2009-10 10805.48 10022.88
4 2010-11 12272.19 78.15
5 2011-12 25344.70 3800.00 (Anticipated)
Total 86013.05 48594.34 (Anticipated)

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Major changes of Schemes during 11
Five Year Plan

During eleventh five year plan some of the schemes, for instance, strengthening
of Decentralized planning was commenced in the financial year 2008-09 on
wards and outlays for 2009-10 to 2011-12 were Rs. 3320.00 lakhs. Similarly,
District Innovation Fund through 13
Finance Commission got introduced
2010-11 onwards and total outlay during 2010-11 to 2011-12 was Rs. 3500.00

Some of the important schemes like MLA Local Area Development Scheme,
J anbhagidari Yojana, Bundelkhand Vikas Pradhikaran and Vindhya Vikas
Pradhikaran, which were under State Planning Commission, were shifted to the
Department of Economics & Statistics in the eleventh five year plan.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
The main objective of 12
Five Year Plan is to strengthen the decentralized
planning mechanism and encouraging innovations in service delivery system

Proposed Outlay and Expenditure
The proposed outlay for the Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 is
as shown below:

(Rs. in lakh)

SN Program 2012-17 2012-13
1 Strengthening of Decentralized Planning 11400.00 1500.00
2 Support to Innovations 4000.00 500.00
3 District Innovation Fund (13
2500.00 0.00
4 Grant to Yojana Sameeksha 2400.00 300.00
5 Pool fund (provisional) 8289.06 8289.06
Total 28589.06 10589.06

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Scheme wise Details:

Strengthening of Decentralized Planning: Based on the successful experience
of District Decentralized Planning across five districts, namely, Chhatarpur,
Khargone, Mandla, Rajgarh and Satna, this program was rolled out across all
the fifty districts of Madhya Pradesh. This effort has produced encouraging
results and people have started participating in the planning exercises at local
level and another advantage seen through this consultative meetings have been
that now villagers and people at urban areas are not confined to demands like
road, drainage, power etc. Instead they have started talking about various people
oriented welfare schemes, schools, hygiene and sanitation etc. This exercise has
undoubtedly boosted up their confidence, feeling of ownership and generation
of awareness. It is no denying a fact that this is just a beginning and several
lacunae are persisting but since it is a novel effort and process will take some
time for metamorphosis which will fully turn into peoples plan. Now it is high
time to strengthen the capacity of functionaries at all levels and State Planning
Commission has been engaged in this process with the support of multilateral
agencies, national and international NGOs.

State Planning Commission has also developed an online application for District
Decentralized Planning, which stores a huge data set from village level to
district level and this year online data entry was another attempt to make it more
advance, time saving and transparent. Now anybody from any place can see the
village master plan of 52000 villages of Madhya Pradesh!!! A novel effort of
monitoring of assets being created under decentralized plan was also piloted in
Khargone district. It was done through Portable Device Assistants and
photographs captured through these hand held devices were uploaded on the
website of District decentralized planning. This tool has not only smoothened
the way of monitoring and but also augmented the transparency.

Under 12
Five Year Plan Rs. 11400.00 lakhs is proposed while Rs. 1500.00
lakhs is proposed for annual plan 2012-13 to strengthen Decentralized Planning

Promoting Innovations: Considering the importance of innovations for
improved service delivery and enhance the operational efficiency, the State
Government has continued to focus on supporting innovations in this five year
plan as well. and proposed outlay for innovations during Twelfth Five Year Plan
is Rs. 4000.00 lakhs while Rs. 500.00 lakhs is proposed for the Annual Plan

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2012-13. In addition, Rs. 2500.00 lakhs has been proposed for District
innovation Fund through 13
Finance Commission for the 12
Five Year Plan
and it would be utilized to financially support the district which demands for
innovative efforts.

Yojana Sameeksha Prakostha: Yojana Sameeksha prakostha has been
formally inducted in this plan though it was started in the annual plan 2011-12.
Keeping in mind the mandate of monitoring the progress of plan schemes and
suggesting measures in reframing the policies, State Planning Commission has
created a cell to provide fund for evaluation of schemes if it perceives the
necessity of going in for evaluation or the demands put up by the concerned
department. State Planning Commission has proposed an outlay of Rs 2400.00
lakhs for 12
Five Year Plan while Rs. 300.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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Reflection 2011 - Watch things happen to make things happen
The year 2011 has been a good year for the PMPSUS has achieved tangible
results in each of our key Deliverable. PMPSUS has been recognized as
force for the States programme monitoring, research and evaluation. We
have supported in reshaping policies and government efforts on growth and
poverty alleviation also used our professional strength as a movement of
As we proudly celebrate our 04 years of achievements in our initiatives for
decentralization, outcome based planning process, monitoring and evaluation
within MP State Planning Commission, the key reason for PMPSUS enduring
success has been our consistent ability to provide unbiased and assertive
opinion on several development issues of the state.
During the year 2011 a number of steps were taken to achieve the long term
goals of PMPSUS. Well, it's time of the year again for reflecting on our New
Year's aims which are to be set by the Governing body.
Followings are the highlights of strategic support of PMPSU-
01. Decentralized Planning Process: From mobilization to
Although, True devolution to local governments may be said to take place
only when funds, functions and functionaries are transferred to the
appropriate level of local government, PMPSUS has provided strategic
support from concept building to institutionalization of this unique process.
following are the strategic support rendered by PMPSUS during the Yr2011-
I. Step by step technical support to SPC in facilitating design and
implementation of planning in entire State.
II. State Specific operational manuals, different Modules finalized and
follow on field. Planning input formats were re-developed for each
planning unit to collect the information on 06 sectors through people
III. Developed Info-Pack on Decentralized Planning Process in Madhya
Pradesh, it has the details about Decentralized Planning Process
through different training modules, manuals, model documents of
district Plan and other resource material to facilitate the govt. officials,

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PRIs members, Technical Support Group, and Volunteer Organizations
who are playing critical role in Community centric planning.
IV. Facilitating the capacity building of different level officials in feeding,
cleaning and validation of the grassroots information in software
application (offline and online both mode). With the support of IT wing
of forest department around 2000 district staffs were oriented on
online/offline Data entry activity under decentralized planning process.
V. Facilitating the documentation process of the decentralized planning
process in Madhya Pradesh this activity is directly supported by DFID.
VI. Facilitating the Development of Model Annual District Plan under
decentralized planning process in Madhya Pradesh this activity is
supported by UNICEF.
VII. Members attended several national and international Seminars as key
resource Person for dissemination and Advocacy of MP Model.
VIII. Planning commission of India has appreciated the unique process
adopted by state also recommended to other states for replication.
IX. Developed the Checklist to know the level of implementation of DDP
including Prerequisites for Decentralized Planning, Process of plan
preparation and Output of the planning exercise.
02. Preparation of report on 61
round of NSSO data (State Sample)
o Report on state sample of consumer expenditure data of 61
o Data on village facilities of 61
round have been prepared.
o Report on District wise Poverty estimates for Madhya Pradesh.
o Published the report of socio-economic disparity in MP.
o Estimation of private expenditure for the state has been completed for
2004-05 and 2006-07 for dept. of commercial taxes.
o Estimation of district income from 1999-2000 till 2007-08 is completed.

03. Evaluation of Programme /Sector/Schemes
To maintain the independent opinion and scientific research practice
PMPSUS has worked with several consulting partners this year, PMPSU has
undertaken studies as below in table (01):

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Undertaken studies and evaluation by PMPSU-Table (01)
Name of the Study Agency Status of
Impact Assessment of
ICDS Scheme
CARD and
Impact assessment study
Samarthan (MP) Completed
Assessment of DAUP
Mott MacDonald Completed
Impact Assessment of
Agricultural interventions
on tribal areas of MP
Services (CMS)
Functioning of Check
Dams in MP
ASA Bhopal Completed
Assessment of school girl
child enrolment and
retention in rural areas of
Mott MacDonald
New Delhi
Study on Potential
variance of major and
medium projects
ASA Bhopal Completed
Annual Survey on
consumer expenditure and
standard of Living
DES (GOMP) Under

Finding of different evaluations have been shared with policy makers in
details. PMPSUS through State Planning Commission is now increasing
pressures on the key departments to perform its role more effectively and

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04. Key Publication of PMPSUS:
A. In House publications : PMPSUS has come up with following
perspective strategies for setting the approach for twelfth plan;

o Mid Term Review for eleventh Five year Plan 2007-2011.
o Approach to Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Speech for HChief
Minister for attending 56th NDC meeting on Twelfth Plan.
o Discussion paper on growth perspective and resource mobilization for XII
plan in MP.
o Discussion paper on Agriculture.
o Labour force and Skill development in Madhya Pradesh.
o Monitoring of Bundelkhand Package is also another vital support to
B. National and International Journal Publications:
o Status Paper on "Women Status in MP and Planned Interventions"
published in "Journal of Gender Equity and Sensitivity"
o Paper on "Impact Assessment of ICDS in MP" published in "Journal of
Gender Equity and Sensitivity"
o Article accepted for publication in one of the high ranked international
journal "Public Health Research & Development" on Development
towards achieving health care for all- An Approach to the XII Five
Year Plan.

05. Capacity Development of Jan Abhiyan Parisad (JAP) Madhya
Key Partnership Achievements are as bellow :
o Grading and selection of 25 VOs/ Agencies in each district of MP in
terms of their performance, govt. engagement etc.
o Capacity building workshops of 1250 VOs focused on Decentralized
planning and selected themes.
o Pool building of skill resource person representing VOs for decartelized
planning process and participatory monitoring and evaluations.
06. Current assignments in hand and likely to take up -
o State Plan documentation of Five year / Annual Plan.
o Formulation of comprehensive development plan for Primitive Tribal
Group in MP.
o At present many departments are requesting PMPSUS for evaluation of
their programmes. PMPSU has received around 22 requests for scheme
evaluations. (See table no. 02)
o Support in Metropolitan Planning Committee constitution.

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Government of Madhya Pradesh has proposed Second Phase-II of the
programme to the Government of India. It has been finally agreed upon by
the Government of India and DFID and proposed to launch in the financial
year 2012-13.
Table 02. List of Departments and Schemes for evaluation
S. No. Department
Proposed schemes for
1. Horticulture National Horticulture Mission
Development of wells and percolation tank
under miner irrigation schemes (under
Balram talab Yojana
Nalkoop Khanan Yojana
Establishment of biogas plants
Isopam Yojana
National Agriculture Insurance Yojana &
Crop Insurance Yojana
Distribution of bucks on Subsidy
Distribution of Poultry units under mass
poultry production programme (Backyard
Distribution of Pig units on Subsidy
2. Animal
Distribution of Pig Trios on Subsidy
3. Cooperatives Interest subsidy to farmers on short term

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loan through CCB
Integrated cooperative development project
4. Public
Health Engg.
Regular maintenance of Hand pumps,
Programmes of Fisheries development
under RKVY
5. Fisheries
Development Programmes for Fishermen
Margin Money Yojana 6. Khadi and
Prime Minister's Employment Generation
Programme (PMEGP)
Roopankan Karyashala / Naveen Roopakan 7. Hasthshilp
Publicity of Exhibition
Badi Project

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14.2 Economics & Statistics

Directorate of Economics and Statistics, M.P is primarily responsible for
scientific collection, compilation, dissemination, analysis and interpretation of
statistical data. The main activities of the Directorate includes, surveys on
different topics i.e. Census of Government Employees, Economic Census,
Estimation of State and District Domestic Product, District and State Income,
Collection, Compilation, Tabulation and Dissemination of various sectors'
statistics, Registration of Births and Deaths, Marriage Registration and
Publication of various reports, and periodic publications are also among the
tasks of this Directorate.

In addition, Directorate of Economics and Statistics is also involved in
monitoring, implementation and supervision of the schemes such as J an
Bhagidari Scheme, Bundel Khand, Mahakoshal and Vindhya Vikas Pradhikan
development works and the MLA's Area Development Scheme. Under the
MLA's Area Development Scheme, every MLA can recommend to the District
Collector small works not exceeding a total cost of Rupees Seventy Seven
Lakhs in course of one financial year. The M.P's Local Area Development
Scheme is also being implemented under the overall supervision of the
Directorate of Economics and Statistics.

The registration of births and deaths under the provision of R.B.D. (Registration
of Birth and Death) Act. 1969 and state rules 1999 framed there on, is being
implemented in the state.

Performance during the 11
five year plan period
Year Outlay (Rs. in Lakh) Expenditure
(Rs. in Lakhs)
2007-08 611.00 587.66
2008-09 18568.08 18544.89
2009-10 20851.00 20417.75
2010-11 36494.00 32050.96
2011-12 36916.90 11,332.28 (anticipated)

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Performance of Annual Plan 2010-11
An outlay of Rs. 36494.00lakh for Annual Plan 2010-11 was approved against
which an expenditure of Rs. 32,050.96 lakh was incurred. Thus utilization
during the year stood at 88 percent.

Review of Annual Plan 2011-12
An outlay of Rs. 36,916.90 lakh was proposed for Annual Plan 2011-12
against which an expenditure of Rs . 11,332.28 lakh is the anticipated
expenditure in 2011-12

Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs.39,527.55 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13 of
which Rs. 26,281.55 lakh, Rs.7904.00 lakh and Rs.5342.00 lakh have been
proposed for Normal, Tribal Sub Plan and SC Sub Plan respectively.

Five year Plan (2012-17)
Proposed outlay for twelfth five plan period of 2012-17
S.No. Major Heads Outlay in
(Rs. in Lakhs)
1. Effective Implementation of Registration of Birth and
Death Act 1969
2. Strengthening of the District Statistical Machinery 230.00
3. Strengthening of the Vital Statistical Machinery 2015.00
4. Information Technology 80.00
5. National Sample Survey 200.00
6. M.L.A.'s Local Area Development Programme 88935.00
7. J an Abhiyan Parishad 24290.00
8. Bundelkhand Development Authority 3580.00
9. Vindhya Development Authority 3530.00
10. Mahakoshal Development Authority 3570.00
11. J an Bhagidari Yojna 89560.00
12. Incentive for issuing UIDAI 13th FC 37900.00
Total 2,54,290.00

Annual Plan 2012-13:
An outlay of Rs. 39527.55 lakhs has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-
13. The completion of physical targets envisaged in the Eleventh Plan will
be the guiding parameters for the plan year 2012-13 The proposed outlay

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for the plan year 2012-13 is increased due to UIDs & 13
FC, the
Directorate of Economics & Statistics. The proposed outlay for the Annual
plan year 2012-13 is shown below:

S.No. Major Heads Outlay in
(Rs. in Lakhs)
1. Effective Implementation of Registration of Birth and
Death Act 1969
2. Strengthening of the District Statistical Machinery 30.00
3. Strengthening of the Vital Statistical Machinery 265.25
4. Information Technology 10.00
5. National Sample Survey 10.00
6. M.L.A.'s Local Area Development Programme 17787.00
7. J an Abhiyan Parishad 3200.00
8. Bundelkhand Development Authority 472.00
9. Vindhya Development Authority 465.30
10. Mahakoshal Development Authority 470.00
11. J an Bhagidari Yojna 11799.00
12. Incentive for issuing UIDAI 13th FC 4994.00
Total 39,527.55

Major Schemes are as follows :

1. Vikas Pradhikaran :
Bundelkhand, Mahakoshal, Vindhya region are the most backward as
compared to the other regions of the state, for overall development of the
districts of those region, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has decided to set-
up three separate Vikas Pradhikaran for the Bundelkhand, Mahakoshal and
Vindhya regions with the objective to decrease regional disparities through
development activities in these region.

2. MLA's Area Development Found :
Under MLA's Area Development Schemes every MLA can recommend to the
District Collector, small work not exceeding a total cost of Rs. 77.00 lack in the
course of one financial year. Total outlay Rs 17787.00 lakhs has been proposed
for the Annual Plan 2012-13.
3. Jan Abhiyan Parishad :
J an Abhiyan Parishad is established to promote the NGO's activities and guide
how to prepare the project also help in strengthening the NGO's. Total outlay of
Rs 3200.00 lakhs has been proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13.

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4. Jan Bhagidari Yojana :
Under this Scheme the small development work carried out with 50% share of
funds from the state under normal plan and 75% share of funds from the state in
scheduled areas respectively. Remaining share of 50% and 25% have to be
contributed by beneficiaries in non scheduled areas and scheduled areas

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14.3 Tourism

Carrying the identity of The Heart of Incredible India, Madhya Pradesh is
profusely blessed with natural beauty, rich heritage, legendary pilgrim centers
and unparalleled wildlife. Madhya Pradesh boasts of having world famous
Forest reserves, temples, monuments and several big water bodies. Despite
having a vast scope of cultural tourism, adventure tourism, eco tourism and
religious tourism, Madhya Pradesh hasnt been recognized well on the map of
tourism and they need to be tapped to its fullest strength.
Tourism not only generates revenue for the State but paves way for industrial
and educational growth of the State. Considering the importance of tourism
industry, the State Government has decided to enhance and upgrade the
infrastructure of the State and has involved private players as well in this
endeavor. The onus is now on the State Tourism Development Corporation to
develop basic tourist infrastructure at all the major centers of tourism in the
State and ensuring quality services to the tourists.
Review of 11
Five Year Plan (2012-17)
For the Eleventh Five Year Plan the provision was Rs. 14760.00 lakhs. The
major chunk was utilized on infrastructure creation and upgradation. The year
wise approved outlay and expenditure is given below:
(Rs. in lakh)
Plan Year Outlay Expenditure
2007-08 3220.00 5729.27
2008-09 3850.00 4075.16
2009-10 3276.00 3273.22
2010-11 2500.00 2488.43
2011-12 7271.50 6791.50
Total 20117.50 22357.58

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Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)

To promote Madhya Pradesh as a tourism hub, the department of Tourism has
expanded its objectives as given below:
Promote and market tourist destination within and outside India.
Develop basic infrastructures at less known tourist locations.
Develop eco-friendly and sustainable tourism facilities.
Develop and promote eco and adventure tourism and
Convert old palaces in to heritage hotels under the public private
partnership scheme.
Proposed outlay
The proposed outlay for 12
Five Year Plan is Rs. 47200.00 lakhs and Rs.
8936.50 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13. The Scheme wise proposed outlays are
as exhibited below:
(Rs. in lakh)
SN Scheme/Activity 2012-17 2012-13
1 Tourist Centers 4940.00 650.00
2 Publicity 18980.00 2500.00
3 Festivals 230.00 30.00
4 State Share for Central Schemes 3040.00 400.00
5 Youth & Adventure Tourism 380.00 50.00
6 Training 610.00 80.00
7 Service Charges to Process Manager for
Land disinvestment process
380.00 50.00
8 Development of Travel circuits 380.00 50.00
9 Reimbursement of Underwrite seats for air

10 Reimbursement of vat on ATF for air
1900.00 250.00
11 Reimbursement of registration & stamp
duty for establishment of new heritage

12 Development of Tourism 13thFC 13500.00 4500.00
13 Hotel Management Institute 950.00 125.00
Total 47200.00 8936.50

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Scheme wise Details
Infrastructure Development at Tourist Spots: To attract more tourists
in the State and generate increased revenue from them, the State
Government needs to develop infrastructure of tourist spots. Prioritizing
the need of infrastructure development, the department of Tourism has
proposed Rs. 4940.00 lakh for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs. 650.00 lakh
for the Annual Plan 2012-13.

Festivals: The rich cultural diversity of Madhya Pradesh has remained
unnoticed for long. It is time to display our cultural heritage to rest of the
world by organizing festivals so that tourists can be acquainted with the
cultural diversity of the State. Some successful events, for example,
Bundelkhand Mahotsav, Mandu Utsav etc. have been organized in last
few years. During 12
Five Year Plan, such festivities have been
proposed to continue. Under this scheme, Rs. 230.00 lakh has been
proposed for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs. 30.00 lakh for Annual Plan

Publicity: In the last few years number of tourists in the state has gone up
but that isnt sufficient. The State Government is determined to turn the
State as a numero uno tourism spot on the map of tourism and has set the
target to double the number of tourists in the next two years. To achieve
the target, the department of Tourism needs to participate in National &
international events, use print and electronic media and keeps the rest of
the world informed about the possibilities and facilities of tourism in
Madhya Pradesh. For publicity and promotions, the department of
Tourism has proposed Rs. 18980.00 lakhs for 12
Five Year Plan and
Rs. 2500.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 .

Youth and Adventure Tourism: The State Government has been
promoting aquatic and adventurous sports in places like Khajuraho,
Orchha and Panchmarhi to attract youths and youngsters as tourists. Now
the State Government needs to develop these centers not only by
organizing the events of the level of National and international standards
but also providing training to youths for adventurous tourism so that their
inclination increases towards such activities. To promote adventure
tourism, the department of Tourism has proposed Rs. 380.00 lakhs for
Five Year Plan and Rs. 50.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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Training: When tourists visit the places, they need help and guidance at
each step and they expect the local people to be tourist friendly. The
department of Tourism proposes to train the people who are directly
involved with the tourism industry like, tourist guides, people working in
restaurants and hotels, tour and travel operators etc to make them tourist
friendly. A team of trainers would be selected at different places who can
train the people concerned with the tourism industry. For training
component, Rs. 610.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12
Five Year Plan
and Rs. 80.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

Establishment of new heritage units and reimbursement on
registration: In accordance with the new State Tourism Policy 2010,
there is a provision of 100% discount on registration and stamp duty on
the assets, if a heritage building with having a maximum of one acre land
other than the construction area is acquired by the State Government for
promoting heritage tourism. The registration and stamp duty amount
would be reimbursed to the property owner once the heritage hotel starts
functioning. For reimbursement on registration and stamp duty Rs. 10.00
lakhs has been proposed for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs. 1.50 lakhs for
Annual Plan 2012-13.

Service charges for Land disinvestment process: Under the Policy of
Governments Land Allotments for Tourism Development, Madhya
Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (MPTDC) has been
identified as a Process Manager, which will ensure the process of land
allotments, selection of advisors, invitation of tenders and other
formalities. In lieu of providing the services, MPTDC would receive a
service charge from the State Government. Under this activity Rs. 380.00
lakhs has been proposed for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs. 50.00 lakhs for
Annual Plan 2012-13.

Reimbursement of under write seats: The State Government has
decided to operate air services through the involvement of private
operators as well. Every selected operator will reserve few seats of each
sector for officers of the State Government and if it remains unutilized,
the payment of the seat would be done by the State Government i.e. the
State Government would underwrite the seats. But if that vacant seat is
sold by a private operator in the open market, the State Government

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wouldnt underwrite the seat. During 12
Five Year Plan Rs. 1900.00
lakhs has been proposed while Rs. 250.00 lakhs is planned for the
Annual Plan 2012-13.

Reimbursement of VAT on ATF for Air services: To connect major
cities of the State through air services, the State Government has decided
to include private operators in the aviation sector. The State Government
would reimburse the VAT charges levied on fuel of those flights which
are managed as per the agreement between the State Government and
Private operators. As per agreement operators would claim for VAT
reimbursement at the end of each quarter. During 12
Five Year Plan Rs.
1900.00 lakhs has been proposed while Rs. 250.00 lakhs is planned for
the Annual Plan 2012-13.

Hotel Management Institute: In addition to the monetary support
provided by GoI for building construction of institutes in Indore, J abalpur
and Rewa, the State Government has decided to allocate money so that
institutes cant face any problem in their management even during
construction work. During 12
Five Year Plan Rs. 950.00 lakhs has been
proposed while Rs. 125.00 lakhs is planned for the Annual Plan 2012-13.

State Share for Central Schemes: During 12
Five Year Plan Rs.
15000.00 lakhs as financial assistance is expected from the Government
of India for the schemes, like development of travel circuits, rural tourism
etc. The State Government has also proposed money for Central schemes
in commensurate with the monetary assistance from GoI. During 12

Five Year Plan Rs. 3040.00 lakhs has been proposed while Rs. 400.00
lakhs is planned for the Annual Plan 2012-13.
Development of Tourism through 13
Finance Commission: In the
Five Year Plan Rs. 18000.00 lakhs was approved for tourism
development in Madhya Pradseh through 13
Finance Commission. For
the year 2011-12, Rs. 4500.00 lakhs was approved during 11
Five Year
Plan. The remaining amount of Rs. 13500.00 lakhs has been proposed for
Five Year Plan and Rs. 4500.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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Development of Travel Circuits: This scheme is also supported by the
Central Government. For 12
Five Year Plan Rs. 380.00 lakhs has been
proposed while Rs. 50.00 lakhs is intended for the Annual Plan year

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14.4 Weights and Measures
Weights and Measures Department is a public welfare department and
consumer oriented agency by which the security to the citizen of the state is
provided, so that the good purchased is accurate as per the contract of payment.

Main functions of the department are to stamp and test the correctness of metric
weights and Measures and other related instruments and to enforce the various
provisions of Central and State Govt. Act and Rules respectively.

Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12
The provision of Rs.190.00lakhs was approved for the Eleventh Plan.

The expenditure incurred during first four years 2007-08 are Rs. 37.50 Lakh,
Rs. 14.35 Lakh, Rs.0.03 Lakh and Nil respectively. The approved outlay for
current year's Annual Plan 2011-12 is Rs. Rs.20.00 lakh which will be spent
During the 11th plan, purchase and supply of secondary standard weighing
machines, and modernization of equipments and strengthening of laboratory
have been carried out. Further more than 62233 shops were charged for
irregularities during the 11th plan period.

The programme performed in annual Plan is modernization of equipment and
straightening of secondary standard laboratories of the district.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
During the Eleventh Plan, extension of activities of the department for
construction of lab building, adequate coverage, modernization of equipment
and wide publicity for the benefit of consumers and shop-keepers, strengthening
of department's administration and laboratories would be taken up.

he training of department's personnel, wider publicity of provisions of act for
the benefit of consumers and increase in the number of field staff.

The outlay proposed for the five year plan is Rs200.00 lakh and Rs 20.00lakh
for Annual Plan 2012-13.Purchase of working standard balances and
inspections of various institutions are also proposed during the annual plan
(Rs. in Lakh)
S.No Year Plan
Target Remark
01 2012-13 20.00 100000 Purchase of working standard balances

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14.5 Good Governance

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok Prashasan Sansthan (ALPS)

In the pursuit of excellence in the field of Governance, Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Lok Prashasan Sansthan (ALPS) has been founded by the Government of
Madhya Pradesh in December 2011. It will function as an autonomous body in
the vanguard of Department of Public Services Management System. The
structure of APLS comprises a Governing Body and an Executive Body. The
Governing body would be chaired by the Honble Chief Minister while Director
General is its member secretary. Similarly, Director General is the head of the
Executive body while Director of APLS is its member secretary. Since ALPS
has been recently established, various grants from the Government of
India/Government of Madhya Pradesh would be the main sources of its
sustainability. In addition, the Institute will try to earn income by providing
consultancy to other organizations. Some of the major functions of ALPS are as
discussed below:
preparation and implementation of work plans after identifying
governance issues
analysis of various policies of the State Government and assess their
impact on target population
compilation of best practices and good programs on e-governance and
replicate them across the State
identification of areas in public administration, wherein necessary
changes and improvement can optimally yield better administrative
results and achievements
providing consultancies on programs related to administrative reforms
and action research
conducting courses in the field of Public Services Management
raising capacity of voluntary organizations

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Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)

The main objective was to establish a center which can lead in improving the
system of public administration and consequent improvement in the
management of public services.

Outlay & Expenditure
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok Prashasan Sansthan was established during 11
Year Plan and first outlay approved was in the Annual Plan of 2011-12. During
Annual Plan of 2011-12, an outlay of Rs. 200.00 lakhs was approved for the
Institute and an anticipated expenditure for the same period is Rs. 200.00 lakhs.

Major steps taken during 11
Five Year Plan
Stressing upon an integrated approach to address the issues of governance, the
State Government has decided to merge School of Good Governance and Policy
Analysis with Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok Prashasan Sansthan.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
The main objective of the Institute is to analyze policies of the State
Government and building the capacities of stakeholders on governance issues.
Proposed Outlay
The proposed outlays of both Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok Prashasan Sansthan and
School of Good Governance are as exhibited below:

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(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Head 2012-17 21012-13
1 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Lok
Prashasan Sansthan
1800.00 218.00
2 School of Good Governance 3420.00 450.00
Total 5220.00 668.00

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Social and Community Services

15.1 School Education

The education is the basic need to develop a strong nation as it contributes in
developing responsible citizen knowing his right and duties, knowledgeable
manpower for all sectors etc. It is possible only if all the children get access to
quality primary and upper education. In this regards, Constitution of India
envisages provision of free and compulsory elementary education to all children
until they complete the age of 14 years. In pursuance of the constitutional
directive, the need for a literate population and provision of elementary
education as a crucial input for nation building, the National Policy of
Education 1986 was revised in 1992 emphasising that free and compulsory
education of satisfactory quality should be provided to all children up to 14
years of age. Further, to ensure the elementary education as a fundamental right,
the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Popularly
known as Right to Education Act) has been enforced which is being
implemented in entire nation from 1st April 2010. To implement all the
provision under this Act, It has been decided that Sarva Shiksha Abhiyna (SSA)
will be used as vehicle for the purpose.

The responsibility of ensuring 100% enrolment, retention and completion of
elementary education of all children in the age group of 6-14 years under the
provisions of this Act lies with the State Government. The timely
implementation of the provisions of this Right to Education Act is a challenging
The population of children under the age group of 6-14 year is about 1.50 crores
in the state. To get all these children enrolled into the school, their attendance,
retention and ensuring that all these children achieved elementary quality
education is a challenging task. To ensure the availability of minimum number
of required teachers, infrastructure like teaching room, toilets and drinking
water facility etc. in more than 1 lakh remote habitations is also a challenging
task for the state. By providing, Primary school facility within a distance of one
km. radius of each habitation and Upper Primary schools within a reach of 3
Kms., the state has universalized access to primary and upper primary

Successful implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) has resulted in
increased enrolment and pass out rate at the elementary level. It has created an
urge in society to have secondary education facilities near their habitation, thus

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there is a need to expand secondary education facilities. Besides expansion of
educational facilities, more emphasis will be on providing quality education at
the secondary level.

Review of 11th Five Year Plan
In providing educational facilities, the state has made impressive progress
resulting in tremendous expansion of elementary education. The progress is
contribution of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan and District Primary Education
Programme (DPEP). With this, the access to primary school within a kilometre
and upper primary scho54ol within three kilometres has been ensured. The
school education schemes in Madhya Pradesh are being implemented through
three departments viz. School Education, Tribal Welfare Department and
Scheduled Caste Welfare Department.

In Madhya Pradesh there were 96797 primary schools during 2009-10, which
include 83412 governments, 12533 private schools and 852 aided schools.
Similarly, there were 43662 middle schools comprising 28479 Government,
14773 private and 410 government aided schools. Besides these, around a
thousand of Ashram Shalas (residential schools at elementary level) are
functioning in tribal areas of the state to serve the children of the area. There are
12121 high and higher secondary schools being run by various agencies in the

In case of primary and upper primary school education, state is performing
better than the nation as a whole on the various indicators as released by DISE
2010. Percentage of girls' enrolment in the total enrolment is increasing
consistently during past three years and had risen from 48.3% to 49.20% during
2008-09 to 2010-11 in primary classes (class i-v) and in case of upper primary
classes (vi-viii) girls' enrolment has increased from 46.49% to 49.43% during
same period and hence increasing gender parity index (enrolment).

The number of out of school children in 2006-07 was 2.97 lakh which have
declined progressively and reduced to merely 57 thousand in 2011-12 as
depicted in figure . From 2006-07 to 2011-12, the number of out of school
children declined at the rate of 27.62% per annum. Now it is aimed to bring all
these children to school and every one of them must attained at least education
up to middle level. Increasing trend in Net Enrolment ratio (NER) in primary
classes, during last five years, shows that almost all the eligible children are
attending school and studying in classes as per their age. Net Enrolment ratio
(NER) in primary classes has increased from 95.9% in 2006-07 to 99.49% in
2010-11 as shown in figure . Similar trend has been observed in Net Enrolment
ratio (NER) in middle classes, which has increased to 99.5 % in 2010-11 from

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88.2% in 2006-07. The trend in Net Enrolment ratio (NER) in middle classes
has been depicted in figure.

Figure : Out of School Children (in Lakh)
200304 200405 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 201112(P)
Out of School Children (in Lakh)

Figure : Net Enrolment Ratio in Primary Classes (in %)
200607 200708 200809 200910 201011
Net Enrolment Ratio in Primary Classes (in %)

Figure : Net Enrolment Ratio in Middle Classes (in %)
200607 200708 200809 200910 201011
Net Enrolment Ratio in Middle Classes (in %)

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State has planned to drop Scheme of 11th five year plan namely Continued
Education, Stipend for migratory children and Incentives of Disabled children
and vocational training during 12th five year plan as these have restructure and
merged with other schemes.

The states performance in school education as compare to nation on
various goals is as follow: as compared to other States.

GoalI: All Children to be enrolled in School: National average of Gross
Enrolment Ratio in primary classes is 115.63 and at upper primary level at GER
is 75.80 in year 2009-10 against which State average GER at primary level is
116.42 and GER at upper primary level is 97.28. This shows that GER at upper
primary level for the state is significantly higher than that of national level.
GoalII: Bridging Gender enrolment increased from 44.4% (2001) to 49.32%
(2010), Gender gap reduced from 11.8 to 0.11 points. Girls enrolment at upper
primary up from 39.7% (2001) to 48.48% (2009-10) and Gender gap reduced
from 16.4 to 0.78 points.

Gender Parity Index 09-10
National 0.94 0.93
Madhya Pradesh 0.97 0.94

Goal-III: Universal Retention by 2010: At the national level dropout rates
(primary) have fallen by 11.3% points since 2001, which was 22.3% during
1990-2000 and was 9.11 % during 2008- 09. Girls dropout rate have declined by
8.86 % points during the same period at national level. While for the state
dropout rates (primary) have fallen by 12% points since 2001. During 2008-09
it was 8.20% overall and for girls it was 7.57 %.
The transition rate from Primary to Upper Primary has improved and has been
83.53 during 2009-10 for the nation. In case of the Madhya Pradesh, transition
rates Primary to Upper Primary improved to 83.02% during 2008-09 which is
close to national average.
Goal-IV: Improving Quality of Education, in this regard Pupil Teacher Ratio at
primary was 33:1 and at upper primary level was 31:1 during 2009-10 for the
country while for the state it was 35:1 at primary level and 33:1 at upper
primary level. To bring it at par with national average, state is planning to
induct more teachers both at primary and upper primary level.

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11th Five Year Plan Outlay: The utilisation of funds against plan outlay was
more than 80% except for the year 2007-08. During the period 2007-08 to
2011-12 plan outlay has increased at the rate of 20.04% per annum while
expenditure has increased at the rate of 43.24% per annum. At the end of 11th
five year plan the expenditure increase by 3.82 times. Year wise plan outlay and
expenditure is shown in table below:
Table: Year wise plan outlay and expenditure for Eleventh Five Year Plan
Year Plan Outlay
(Rs. Lakh)
(Rs. Lakh)
Rate of
utilisation (%)
2007-08 97257.00 44716.23 46.45
2008-09 76766.00 65113.33 84.82
2009-10 99473.00 94774.30 95.27
2010-11 136945.00 162727.71 118.82
170000.00 170000.0 100.00
Total 579441.00 537331.57 92.73

The Targets, objectives and priorities and areas of main thrust of 12th Five
Year Plan:

According to SWOT analysis carried out by the department, following
targets, objectives, priorities and thrust areas have been identified:

1. Attainment of Universal enrolment and ensuring no out of school children
in age group 6-14 years.
2. Reduction in dropout rate by 5%.
3. Reduction in Gender gap at upper primary level by 5%.
4. Enhancement of achievement levels of children of Primary and Middle
5. RTE Act- Ensure free and compulsory elementary education to every
child in age of six to fourteen years.
6. To enrol students of weaker sections in reputed private schools,
Under RTE Act private schools of higher reputation will admit the
students of poor sections of society for whom reimbursement of tuition
fee will be borne by the state through the State Plan provisions.

Following schemes are proposed to be continued during 12th five year plan

1. Free bicycles will be provided to girl child those who pass class V and
take admission into Class VI and the school is far from the home village.

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2. Residential Schools, KGBV schools and hostels shall be provided to
children residing in small habitations for completing their middle class
3. Scholarships will be awarded to children belonging to economically
(financially) weaker sections.
4. Computer enabled education will be provided to all children.

Centrally Sponsored Schemes: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), National
Programme of Education for Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) and
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya (KGBV) will be implemented. While
formulating the XII Five Year Plan, provision for state funding has been taken
care of on the basis of Central state funding pattern is 65:35 which was
prevalent during 11th five year plan.

Sakshar Bharat: Sakshar Bharat scheme is being launched under the adult
education programme. To implement the scheme in the state during plan period,
provision for state share has been care at the rate of 25% of total funds
requirement in its state plan, while remaining 75% fund will be borne by
Central Government.

Centre Sector Scheme: Recommendations of 13th finance commission are to
be implemented for all the activities suppose to be undertaken under Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).
New Proposal for 12th Five Year Plan:
Government will provide hostel facility or free transportation facility to
children who could not get this facility of elementary education due to
certain reasons in the habitations to full fill its obligation of providing
elementary education facility to All the Children of the state. All out of
school children will be enrolled in schools according to their age and
special training will be provided through Residential Bridge Course and
Non Residential Bridge Course to bring them into the normal stream of
From financial year 2012-13, all the children both girls and boys studying
in Class 1 to 8 will get free uniforms. Earlier free uniforms were being
provided to girl children studying in Class 1 to 8.
All the untrained teachers according to their qualification will be trained
by National Council for Teacher Education within next 5 years.
Payment of any type to fees will not be a hurdle to complete elementary
education of children as government will meet expenditure on this
No schools shall be permitted to run without recognition, without
completing all the norms and regulations set by the state government.
Running the schools without getting recognition will be punishable

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PTR will be maintained as per the norms and no schools will be left with
more than 10% of vacancies against requirement. As per the pupil teacher
ratio norms as mentioned below the availability of teachers will be
ensured. As per annual plan during the coming years approximately
100,000 teachers /head masters posts will be sanctioned and filled. In
addition to this another 5000 guest teachers posts will also be sanctioned
and filled.

Norms of PTR at Primary Level
Upto 60 children - 2 teachers
61 to 90 children - 3 teachers
91 to 120 children - 4 teachers
121 to 150 children - 5 teachers
more than 150 children - 5 teachers +1 Head Teacher
more than 200 children - 1:40 (Except Head Teacher)

Norms of PTR at Middle Level
At least one teacher per class and one teacher for Science and
Mathematics, one teacher for Social Science and one teacher for
language will be made available.
35 children - Minimum one teacher
More than 100 children Full time Head Teacher
Part time teachers for Arts Education, Health and Physical
Education and Work Education

Minimum 25% of reservation will be provided in Class1 or pre-school by
unaided private schools to children belonging to disadvantaged group and
weaker section and the reimbursement of their fee will be arranged by the
government as per the norms.
Infrastructure for all the school, both government and private will be
made available within 3 years. The buildings will be constructed for all
seasons which consist of one teacher room, office cum store room,
separate Head Teacher room. All the effort will be made to get (1)
uninterrupted elementary education to all children, (2) separate toilets for
girls and boys, (3) safe and clean drinking water, (4) kitchen shed (5)
playing ground (6) boundary wall and fencing (7) library and (8) other
necessary teaching learning materials. In the coming annual plan after
including last years additional work plan approximately 50000 additional
rooms, 75000 head teacher rooms cum office cum store will be
sanctioned and constructed.
For improving the quality of education Dakshata Samwardhan, ABL and
ALM will be improved more and it will be ensured that all children get

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quality education at elementary level.
The web portal will further be
improved for getting the information about the ongoing programmes, its
progress and also for making future planning for improving the
monitoring and evaluation system of the programme to undertake mid
course corrective measures.
Through a partnership with reputed NGOs and Private Schools free and
quality education will be provided to children of disadvantaged groups
and weaker sections of society. Necessary arrangements will be made
even in the remote areas for the same.
Subject wise teachers will be provided for Class VI to VIII. In the schools
where number of children will be more, separate teachers will be
provided for each subject of Mathematics, Science, English and Sanskrit.

PRATIBHA PARVA: To improve the quality of elementary education an
educational programme named PRATIBHA PARVA is being run from this year
throughout the State in all the government primary and middle schools of the
state from class 1 to 8. Through this programme, scholastic, co-scholastic areas
and infrastructure of the schools is being evaluated. It is proposed to test the
performance of students of class 1 to 4 in Hindi, English and Mathematics; and
for class 5 to 8 students will be tested for all the subjects which are being taught.
The test of students will be taken on OPIR sheet.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
The goals/objectives of the Twelfth five year plan have been determined on the
performance during eleventh five year plan and completion of remaining works
of current plan in primary and secondary education sector. The objectives have
been already mentioned above.

For 12th Five Year Plan, an outlay of Rs. 1814200.00 lakh is proposed. Of
which Rs. 1470800.00 lakh for elementary education and Rs. 343400.00 lakh
for secondary education is proposed. For Annual plan 2012-13 Rs. 254251.11
lakh has been provided for school education of which Rs. 210387.30 lakh is for
elementary education and Rs. 43863.81 lakh for secondary education.
Component-wise proposed plan allocation for 12th Five year plan 2012-17 and
Annual Plan 2012-13 is as follow:
(Rs. in lakh)

12th Five year plan
Annual Plan 2012-13
Elementary Education 1470800.00 210387.30
Secondary Education 343400.00 43863.81
Total 1814200.00 254251.11

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Strategy for Enrolment and retention at primary and middle level:
In order, to make enrolment of all children, it is necessary to identify out of
school children. A Special campaign namely "School Chale Hum Abhiyan", to
bring them back to the main stream is being carried out every year in rural and
urban areas through motivating community and parents to enrol their children
in school. The three dimensional strategy firstly, enrolment of all children
according to their age, secondly to admit dropout and out of school children. To
make them attend the classes regularly a special plan is being executed.

For the out of school children -
As the number of the children not going to school is very large especially girls
and SC children of age group 6 to 14 year, to bring all children to the school
Incentives are being provided such as:
I. Free textbooks- From 2011-12 free textbooks are being provided to all
boys and girls from SSA.
II. Provision of Bridge courses for out of school children: For the children
of higher age not eligible for admission in class I, condense courses are
being conducted to bring them to a definite level. For this purpose the
courses are:
a. Non- residential bridge course: The arrangement of study with
the help of teachers. The teachers will be provided with
remuneration of Rs 1350.00 on the basis of teaching.
b. Residential Bridge Course- The residential arrangement is
being provided for not having primary education facility.
c. Hostel arrangement in the areas of migration: A temporary
residential arrangement as "Education Home" is being provided
for the children of migrant parents. This hostel arrangement is
done to a nearby local school.
d. Platform school- Platform schools are being run for the children
residing on platform.
e. Paraspar Yojna In urban areas NGOs are linked to educate
children residing in slums. A sum of Rs 3000/- per student
annually will be paid through institutions run by NGOs.
f. The list of the out of school children is being provided on
"Education Portal" for monitoring purpose. Every child will be
monitored for two years.

Grants for school and teachers-
- Distribution of school grant (Rs 5000/- for each primary school and
Rs 7000/- for each middle school)
- Distribution of Teacher grant (Rs 500/- for each teacher)

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- Maintenance and repairing grant (Rs 5000/- to 10000/- for each
School Infrastructure-
- All the schools are being provided with the facility of drinking
water and toilet under the "Complete cleanliness campaign".
- Additional Room for every teacher, Head Master /Store cum Staff
room and Boundary wall proposed under SSA.
Qualitative improvement-
Head start- Computer based education- Teaching & learning
through computer in 3278 Jan Shiksha Kendra.
Development of libraries: A library is being developed in each
and every middle school of all J an Shiksha Kendra of the state.
Teachers Training-
In-service training: Twenty days in-service training is given to all
the government teachers every year. This year ten days training has
been given to them during summer vacation and rest of ten days
training would be given for two days, per month from September
Induction training: Newly recruited teachers have to attend 30 days
training programme and it is mandatory.
Improvement in competency (Sampurna Gram Shikshit Yojna) and
Dakshata Samvardhan Programme have been initiated.

"Sampurna Shikshit Gram Yojna'' has been started to improve qualitative
education. The village or community will be awarded. If enrolment is 100%,
attendance is 90% and 80% achievement level of class 1then A Grade is
awarded. For A Grade community is entitled to get Rs 10000/- for exposure
visit and teacher Rs 5000/-. For B Grade Rs 2500/- will be given to class

Dakshata Samvardhan Prgramme has been started from
2008 for the children enrolled in class II and class V in primary schools to make
them learn the basics. Under this project the target to achieve the prescribed
competency till September to J anuary has been fixed. For the analysis of the
progress done to achieve the goal the baseline test and monthly test for the
children are prepared. During these five months period of one hour each for
Hindi and Mathematics to learn the basic competencies is fixed. One "On Line
Software" is prepared to enter the competency information of each school.
Detailed information of school wise test report will be entered. The grading of
the classes is done on the basis of this entry.

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Other Schemes:
Modernization of Sanskrit Shalas- Training of Sanskrit Shala teachers,
free text books to the children not enrolled in formal schools, uniform to
the girls, shala contingency Rs 5000 and teacher grant for two teacher, Rs
500/- each is being provided.
Modernization of Madarsas- Training of Madarsas teachers, free text
books to the children not enrolled in formal schools and uniform to the
girls, shala contingency Rs 5000 and teacher grant for two teachers, Rs
500/- each is being provided.
Integrated Education for disabled children: Special education is to be
provided for enrolled children in schools with special needs. Necessary
equipments are given to them; trained teachers and the books in Braille
have been provided.
There is a scheme to start a 50 seated CWSN hostel at district level in
each district. These hostels will be conducted by efficient NGOs. The
main objectives to run these hostels are - To provide hostel facility to
Blind, Deaf and Mentally retarded children who cannot go to school
regularly due to their poor financial status or school at far distance from
To equalise the enrolment, retention and academic achievement of
CWSN with normal children.
To fulfil the educational needs of CWSN.

Girls Education- NPEGEL and KGBV
NPEGEL (National Programme of Education for Girls at Elementary Level)"is
being implemented in 280 blocks are educationally backward blocks out of total
313 blocks in the state. Following programmes are executed under NPEGEL:

Model Cluster School
One middle school has been identified in each cluster to develop model cluster
school. In this Model Cluster extra curriculum activities are also organised other
than teaching and learning. One additional room has been provided for such
Girls Hostel- It is a well known fact that the non availability of school
facility within the village always pushes a girl to dropout after completing
primary classes. Due to the security reason parents do not allow them to attend
middle school which is located far away from their village. To overcome this
problem residential facility in middle school for girls through girls hostel is
being provided. For this purpose sufficient amount is provided in the state plan.
Awards to schools- The schools doing commendable work in the field of
girls education are being awarded.

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Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya:
These are residential accommodation cum school for the girls belonging to the
SC, ST and OBC community. This is an intervention for girls residing in small
and scattered habitations far off from habitation and school. Residential facility
is meant for girls to complete their elementary education. At present, 207
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas are running in the state.

Free Uniform for the All Children: Free uniform to all the girls and SC, ST
and BPL boys studying from I to VIII will be provided from SSA. Only for
boys of APL category amount will be provided from the State Plan.

Distribution of bicycles - Free bicycles will be provided to the all boys and
girls passing out from class V and admitted in class VI having no middle school
in their village. It will definitely increase enrolment in middle school.

Scholarship for Poor boys and girls: To compensate the education expenses
(indirect cost) of general category boys and girls studying in class VI to VIII of
Govt. School, having annual income of the families not more than Rs 54000, an
annual scholarship of Rs 300 to poor girls and Rs 200 to poor boys of general
category is being provided.

Construction of Hostel building- No fund is provided by the Govt. of India for
the hostels run under NPEGEL scheme. Due to increase in construction cost
necessary amount is proposed in the state plan.

Strengthening of Teacher Training Institution: Funds are proposed in plan
outlay from the state funds, to strengthen infrastructure of DIET buildings,
hostels and repairing and maintenance of Govt. College of Education,.
Shikshak Protsahan: Incentive to teachers teaching VI to VIII for imparting
quality education.

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15.2 Higher Education

The objective of higher education in addition to promote equality and social
justice is to provide the right kind of work ethos, professional expertise and
leadership for development of nation in different sphere of activities. The state
is striving hard to strengthen the system of higher education and to adopt
strategies that will provide new dimensions to the knowledge delivery system so
that the young people may develop capacity to shoulder the heavy
responsibilities of future.

The state also recognizes that the new global scenario poses unprecedented
challenges for the higher education system. A whole range of skills will be
demanded from the graduates and postgraduates of all disciplines. So, M.P. has
realized that it can no longer continue the model of general education as it has
been persisting in for the large proportion of the student population. Efforts are
going on to transform the entire scenario of higher education in M.P.

As the demand for higher educated manpower will increase substantially in the
near future, the major challenge will be on sustaining the quality while going on
expanding the higher education system. The quantitative expansion and
improvement in quality require large additional resources. Increasing needs
stemming from population growth, need for modernization and the limited
nature of resources, are problems facing financing of education.

Thus state Higher education Department has set its main objectives to improve
the standards of higher education in government and private institutions,
universities, research institutes, and the colleges/institutes established for
special and specific purposes so that its standard becomes equivalent to national
and international institutions.

The department is responsible for administering Government colleges,
providing assistance for running of the private colleges, promoting of Yoga and
sports activities, organizing seminars etc. The universities namely, Madhya
Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy, Bhoj Open University, Chitrakoot Gramodaya
Vishwavidyalaya, and National Law University are being provided grant by the
department. Strengthening of libraries, laboratories and their equipments is also
the concern of the department. The responsibility of Introducing new subjects/
streams and deciding the curriculum of the same lies with the department. In
addition to the above, the department take care of supplying free text books and
stationery to SC and ST students, providing hostels facilities and distribution of
scholarship to meritorious students from the weaker sections.

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Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan:
For achieving the objective of 11th five year plan an outlay of Rs.27742.00 lakh
was approved. The expenditure incurred during the four year of eleventh plan
has been Rs.4596.32 lakh in 2007-08, Rs.6490.73 lakh in 2008-09, Rs.6890.22
lakh in 2009-10 and Rs.9306.15 lakh in 2010-11.Against the Approved plan
outlay of Rs. 6918.78 lakhs for annual plan 2011-12 anticipated expenditure of
Rs. 6850.78 lakhs is expected to be achieved. During the eleventh five year plan
period free texts book were supplied to 175000 SC and 225000 ST students.
Laboratories of 333 colleges have been strengthening by supplying necessary

The Present Status:
The state has 06 traditional, 06 specialized, 09 private universities, 01 central
and one Open University. Keeping in mind the need of the state, Hindi
University has recently been started. There are 18 autonomous colleges where
the teachers in the colleges themselves prescribe the curriculum and conduct the
evaluation of their students through a system of continuous evaluation. The
state has 57 womens colleges, 08 excellence colleges and Institute for
Excellence in Higher Education. Annual system is replaced with semester
system in all the Higher Education Institutes in M.P. Some major reforms were
introduced in the examination system. The students are now free from the
burden of annual examinations. They are encouraged to continue to study
throughout the entire period of study. The scheme of CCE and job-oriented
project are introduced for the long-term benefit of students.

Department of higher education have been taken a number of measures for
quality improvement in the state. Institutions are encouraged to go to NAAC for
their assessment and accreditation. In order to awaken all stakeholders, the
session 2011-12 is declared as quality year. A vision document with many
realizable ideas that may be implemented at local college level was released
giving directions to initiate quality drive and a booklet titled Quality
management to help and guide academician and students is also released.

In order to bridge the gap between the rural and urban based Higher Education
institutes in Madhya Pradesh, the department of Higher Education has
innovatively introduced an 'Ambassador Professor Scheme. This scheme
provides a viable innovative solution to the problem of deteriorating standard of
Higher Education in the rural/ semi-urban colleges in the state due to shortage
of experienced and dedicated professors.

A scheme to award best Principals, teachers and students on annual basis has
also been launched from this session and is named as Swargiya Shri Laxman
Singh Gour Puraskar.

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Twelfth five year plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 74850-00 lakh is proposed for 12th five year plan and Rs.
11035.79 lakh for annual plan 2012-13.

All on-going schemes/activities i.e. Grants to universities, grants to private
colleges, Bhoj University, National Law Institute, Construction of Buildings
and other activities will be continued during 12th Five Year Plan period.

75 college buildings are proposed to construct during 12th five year plan of
which 15 college building will be in 2012-13. Financial assistance will be given
to 18 Autonomous colleges grant in aid to be given to 07 universities.
Scholarship is proposed to be providing 110000 meritorious girls under GOAN
KI BETI scheme during 2012-17 and 22000 girls are expected to be benefited in
2012-13. 50,000 students will be benefited under SWAMI VIVEKANAND
CARRIER scheme during 2012-17. Three colleges are proposed to develop as
college of Excellence during 12th plan and all will be taken up during 2012-13.
The merit scholarship is proposed to be given to 10000 girls belonging to BPL
families from urban area during 2012-17 and for annual plan 2012-13 this target
is to cover 2000 girls.

Two new schemes namely Award to excellence principal and excellence
students being introduced during 12th five year plan 2012-17.

S.No. Scheme XII Five Year Plan
Annual Plan 2012-13
1. New Subject Rs. 250.00 lakh Rs.100.00 lakh
2. New College Rs.500.00 lakh Rs.100.00 lakh
3. New university Rs.1000.00 lakh Rs.50.00 lakh
4. Hindi university Rs.1000.00 lakh Rs.100.00 lakh

Proposed Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 11035.79 lakh is proposed for annual plan 2012-13 of which
1518.75 lakh has been proposed for Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and Rs.1020.00 lakh
has been earmarked for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP).

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Financial outlay & physical target under major schemes for annual plan 2012-13
are as below:
S.No. Scheme Outlay 2012-13 Unit Target
1. NSS Rs. 260.78 lakh Camp 12
2. Scholarship for
SC/ST students doing
Rs. 110.00 lakh Students 300
3. Goan ki beti Rs. 3100.00 lakh Girls 1,10,000
4. Carrier Counselling Rs. 50.00 lakh Student 2,50,000
5. Pratibha kiran Rs. 150.00 lakh BPL Girls 5800
6. Books to SC/ST
Rs. 525.00 lakh Student 4,00,000
7. Promotion of Games
& Sports
Rs. 85.00 lakhs College 333
8. Library Development Rs. 200.00 lakh College 200
9. Construction of
Rs.3350.00 lakh Building 75
10. Research Award for
Handicapped students
Rs. 10.00 lakh Student 35

Strategy for Twelfth Five year plan:
In order to meet the challenges, such as changes in academic disciplines and
new instructional methods, and external factors such as population growth,
diverse nature of students and changing market requirements, funds are
required. In this direction initiative has been taken to form J anbhagidari
samitees to help colleges to grow properly and cater the local needs. This
initiative will be further strengthen during the plan period.

Government of Madhya Pradesh convened a workshop on Higher Education in
Madhya Pradesh The Way Forward on 3rd October 2011 with the support of
World Bank. The Chief Guest of the workshop was the Governor of M.P. and
the key-note speaker was Prof. Manon. The workshop brought together key
policy makers, academic faculty and stakeholders in the field of education to
discuss the needs of higher education in Madhya Pradesh and options for its
improvement and expansion. The Department of Higher Education,
Government of Madhya Pradesh requested the World Banks support to provide
technical advice, particularly focusing on the core policy issues concerning the
higher education sector in India. The World Bank agreed to extend its support
in providing expertise in efficient governance of higher education institutions,
expansion and in enhancing Public and Private Partnerships (PPP).

To bring the standards of higher education at par with national and international
institutions, the state will take further appropriate action relating to policy and

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15.3 Technical Education

The demographic dividend is a rise in the rate of economic growth due to a
rising share of working age people in a population. The magnitude of the
demographic dividend appears to be dependent on the ability of the economy to
absorb and productively employ the extra workers, rather than be a pure
demographic gift. This opportunity at present is available to India and its state.
Population Projection for India and States 2001 2026, Report of the Technical
Group on Population Projections Constituted by the National Commission on
Population, Government of India shows that the share of population of
population is increasing and median age is low for Madhya Pradesh. The higher
proportion of working age population can be utilized in proper way and its
capabilities are harvested to possible extent provided this population is laced
with desired level of technical skill and quality. Thus the technical education
has to play an important role in producing trained and skilled manpower for the
state and nation.

Technical Education provides a strong base for harnessing qualitative, efficient
and structured institutional training. The existing infra-structure for Technical
Education, needs further strengthens to take care of the requirements of the state
and nation. With increased globalization and privatization the demand of
technically trained manpower is increasing in all the sectors. To supplement the
same, the private sector too has come up in a big way to impart technical
education in recent past and has to be encouraged in future also in expansion of
Technical Education. Strengthening of the existing facilities, bringing about
qualitative improvement in the delivery system, taking new initiatives to meet
upcoming challenges and consolidation of government sector organisations are
the top most priorities of technical education department.

Department of Technical Education & Training was reconstituted by
Government of Madhya Pradesh in November 2002. This department, through
Directorate of Technical Education exercises administrative controls on all the
state run autonomous and government Engineering/Polytechnic Colleges, Rajiv
Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) takes care of educational
activities of major technical Institutes of the State, CRISP (Centre for Research
and Industrial Staff Performance) is responsible for organizing training
programmes, Professional Examination Board (PEB) conducts various state
level admission and recruitment examinations whereas AFRC (Admission and
Fee Regulatory committee) decides the fee structure of the private engineering
and other professional colleges viz. medical, dental and pharmacy etc and
Directorate of Training last year renamed Directorate of Skill Development
looks after the policy and administrative matters on vocational training. During

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last three years, Madhya Pradesh has able to shed the tag of backward state and
started being called as progressive state. This change has been brought about
due to consistent increase in Technical Institutes from private sector in the state.
In Madhya Pradesh, there are 04 government declared autonomous engineering
colleges, 63 government/ autonomous polytechnics and one technical university
named Rajiv Gandhi Technological University.
Status of technical education:

From the beginning of the Eleventh Five Year Plan, Technical Education in the
State of Madhya Pradesh has started moving in upward direction from where it
could look for consolidation of the infrastructure facilities and qualitative
improvement with an open approach to futuristic planning. The expansion and
development of technical education has been exceptional during 2007-12 both
in number of institutions and intake capacity.

Number of Institutions and Intake Capacity by Streams

No. of institutions Intake Capacity Courses/Stream
2006-07 2011-12
increase 2006-07 2011-12
B.E./ Architecture 86
(3 Arch)
153.5 29433 61508 109.0
M.B.A 63 220 249.2 4900 15128 208.7
M.C.A 66 84 27.3 3790 2449 -35.4
Hotel Management
2 4 100.0 120 212 76.7
Diploma (Engg.) 44 69 56.8 9789 14867 51.9
93 121 30.1 5409 6173 14.1

Annual Intake Capacity:

Annual intake capacity in the technical institutions for different courses in
2006-07 was 71761 which has increased to 163735 by 2011-12.Thus an
increase of 128.2% in terms of intake capacity has been registered during
Eleventh Plan Period.

Institutions: Present, status of Engineering & polytechnics institutions

218 Engineering colleges (including 5 Institutes of Architecture) of which
three aided Engineering Colleges and four autonomous Colleges
(Previously Government Engineering College), private and self financing

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220 Institutes of Management running MBA Programmes (including 9
University Department)
84 Institutes are running MCA programme.
121 Colleges (inclusive of institutes established in private sector)
running courses in Pharmacy out of which 103 institutes are running
degree programme and 37 institutes are running diploma programme
69 Polytechnics including 3 private and one run by RPGV
04 institutions for Hotel management (Degree)
Besides the institutions by level of courses, engineering colleges conduct
post graduate courses in engineering, applied sciences.

An outlay of Rs. 36735.00 lakh for Eleventh Plan was approved against which
the expenditure incurred during first four year is Rs. 26106.04 lakh. Of which
Rs. 4403.50 lakh, Rs. 4893.88 lakh, Rs. 11194.58 lakh and Rs. 10507.96 lakh
were spend during 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively. The
approved outlay for Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 5360.00 lakh against which
an expenditure of Rs. 5595.60 lakh has been incurred till December 2011

Physical target achieved for various schemes of the department during 11

Five Year Plan are presented in table given below:
Number of Government institutes
Name of the Scheme Targets Achievements
1 Courses in Emerging Technologies in
Engineering Colleges & Polytechnics
34 34
2 Welfare Scheme for SC/ST students 51 146
3 Adding Women Hostels in Engg. Colleges
& Polytechnics
20 16
4 Faculty & Staff Development 51 67
5 Strengthening Libraries, information centres
& establishing e-learning centres & digital
Library services and establishment of
foreign Language Laboratory
34 20
6 Supporting EMIS in the Directorate,
Engineering Colleges & Polytechnics
50 67

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Name of the Scheme Targets Achievements
7 Assistance to autonomous institutions for
externally & Centrally sponsored schemes.
(IIITM, CRISP, Auto.Inst.)
46 47
8 Establishment of Counselling, Placement
and Admission cell in DTE.
1 0
9 Construction and Renovation of Building
of Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics
42 42
10 Scholarships for poor students under
"Vikramaditya Scheme"
51 67
11 Establishment of NIFT, Bhopal 1 1
12 New faculties in four polytechnics 4 4
13 Grant in Aid to Engg College 4 4
14 Strengthening of RGPV 1 1
15 Establishment of New Engineering
/Polytechnics Colleges. (CSS )
21 21
16 Drawing Stationary 59 59
17 Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar 2 2
18 Eklavya Polytechnic (Ad. Tr.) 2 2
19 Finishing School 67 67
20 World Bank Assisted technical Education
Quality Improvement Programme.
7 7
21 Resource-Sharing among Institutions 15 0
22 Establishment of Women's Multidiscipline
excellence centre for education in
professional and technical education (SEZ)
(scheme shifted
to Higher

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Name of the Scheme Targets Achievements
23 Ascertainment the Participation of Tech.&
Professional Institution for Community
from Central
24 Establishment of IIT, Indore
1 1
25 Central Govt. assisted scheme of quality
improvement in State central assistance
4 0

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The objectives of the 12
Five Year Plan are briefly mentioned below:
Emphasis on Quality in technical Education: The department is
gearing up to make a strategic shift in its policy to enhance the quality of
technical education as a whole in the state from its earlier expansion
based policy. Create new knowledge and improve teaching standards.
More resources and better utilization of internet based
communication technologies (ICT): Academic and administrative
reforms in institutes will need more funding to utilize ICTs for brining
right kind of quality in technical education. Allocation of budget should
be based on objective norms and accountability of using it in given time
frame will be ensured. Efforts will be made to utilize the NME-ICT
scheme of GOI to its full extent.
Faculty & Staff Issues: This is the most important aspect which needs a
total revamping for brining quality in states technical education. Young
and bright engineering graduates having genuine interest in academic
activities are to be motivated to take faculty positions at the entry level in
the states technical colleges. Issue of faculty shortages is to be tackled
through innovative ways such as technology enabled learning and
collaborative information and communication technologies.
Initiating the R&D culture: The need is to develop our institutes in such
a way so they start encouraging the research and innovation in a self
sustaining manner. Provision has also been made for incentives for
quality research.
Encouraging Private Participation: Private sector participation at
diploma level education will be developed with focus set on developing
those areas of the state which do not have technical education at diploma
level. More incentives will be created for private industries for
encouraging them to invest in starting polytechnics in the state in
especially in educationally backward region.

An outlay of Rs. 44000.00 lakh has been proposed for the twelfth five year plan
to meet the set objectives. Of the proposed outlay Rs. 8575.00 lakh and
Rs11095.00 lakh has been earmarked for TSP and SCSP. An outlay of Rs.
5700.00 lakh has been proposed of which Rs. 1130.00 lakh are meant for TSP
and Rs. 1370.00 lakh for SCSPfor annual plan 2012-13. During XII plan period,
five new schemes will be taken up. These new schemes are Finishing School,
Establishment of Centre of Excellence, Faculty incentive and Award Scheme in
Technical Education, Integrated Complex for Directorate of Technical
Education and Polytechnics under PPP Mode.

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Strategy and Priorities for the Twelfth Five Year Plan
The thrust of the twelfth plan is consolidating and improving the capacity
and quality of existing technical institutes.
Completion of the schemes/institutions/ courses started up to the eleventh
five year plan. Private participation will be ensured in establishing
diploma level institute particularly by leading industrial houses such as
Mahindras, Tatas, Kirloskar, and Reliance, TVS etc.
Ensuring continuously the flow of benefits of the externally aided
projects and proper monitoring of various schemes and other
Improvement of quality of technical education various steps to ensure
this to happen may be
by applying quality management system in institute,
training to faculty and support staff
starting new PG courses,
initiating research programmes
Online connectivity through EMIS among engineering, polytechnics
colleges and DTE with strong and well-defined data base and thus
making possible retrieval of the required data, wherever & whenever
needed, particularly for enabling analysis, monitoring and programme
evaluation and passing on the information to the state and central
Implementation of state policy on women and state policy on training of
employees by introducing appropriate schemes to facilitate this, for
example, hostels for girls, training programmes for teachers, laboratory
staff and other non-technical/ministerial staff.
Preparing the institutions for accreditation by NBA so as to produce an
engineer who can practice as professional in foreign countries.
The employability of the students admitted in institutes under DTE
purview will be taken care of by providing industry specific training to
the students through finishing school/ skill facilitation centers
Development of virtual class room and use of ICTs will enhance the rate
of learning. Development of new pedagogical styles will benefit the
students and increase their knowledge base.
Up gradation of the infrastructure in the existing institutions has been
taken up through assistance from central government as a top priority
programme with special emphasis on new state-of- the- art laboratories,
digital libraries, etc.

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Continuance with the scheme of fully residential free of cost education to
students of deprived section of the society.
The institutes under DTE will be encouraged to generate their own
financial resources for the development of the institute and to bear their
salaried expenses.
Introduction of new course/ programmes based on the emerging

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15.4 Sports and Youth Welfare
Majority population of the world is in the age group of 25 years. As per the
National Youth Policies Assessment nearly 47% of the total population of our
country are in the age group of 13 to 35 years, out of this population if old age
and youth are included then the youth population of country becomes
approximately 77 per cent.

Sports is one of the most important aspect for the overall development of
youths, but only 3 crores, in total population of 30 crores youths in our country,
have access to sports facilities in schools and colleges, besides 2 crores youth
have sports facilities due to youth clubs or sport clubs, but approximately 45
crores youths do not have any facilities at all. The most deprived are our rural
youth as the states sports and youth welfare department's GOI budgetary
provision are too meager, therefore the need of the is have infrastructure,
conducive environment and hiked provisions.

The Sports and Youth Welfare Directorate is established in 1975 with the aim of
encouraging to outstanding sports persons supporting voluntary agencies,
developing play ground, stadium, swimming pools, training of coaches and
support centers and centers for excellence.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

An outlay of Rs. 12500.00 lakh was approved for 11th Five year Plan. The
expenditure incurred Rs. 3969.86 lakh in 2007-08, Rs. 5654.08 lakh in 2008-
09, Rs.5659.67 lakh in 2009-10 and Rs. 5997.10 lakh in 2010-11.

During the 11th Five Year Plan, grants in aid provided to Sports Authority of
M.P. and Sport Council of M.P. for incentive to players, Vikram/ Eklavya/
Vishwamitra Awards, pension to veteran sport, senior and junior players prizes,
coaching to players, Rural sports meet, women sports meet and National talent
search are organized.

An outlay of Rs.6295.00 lakh was approved for Annual Plan 2011-12 and an
expenditure of Rs. 6381.51 lakh is anticipated.

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Physical targets and achievement of Annual Plan 2011-12 are as given below:-

Activity/Scheme Unit Targets in Plan
Actual achievement
1. Coaching to players No. of player 100000 112156
2. PAYKKA Panchayats 2375 0
3. Incentive to players -do- 75000 75000
4. Grant to Dev.
No. of stadium 45 34

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 56800.00 lakh for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs.7850.00 lakh for
Annual Plan 2012-13 is proposed.

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Proposed physical targets under schemes for 12
Five Year Plan 2012-17 and
Annual Plan 2012-13 is as given below:-

( Rs. in Lakh)

Name of Scheme
2012-17 2012-17
1 Coaching to Players 360.00 500000 Players
2 Encouragement of Players 9300.00 400000 Players
3 GIA to Sports Authority of M.P. 610.00 1- Institution
4 Purchase of Sports Goods to Distt. Coaching
480.00 50-Centers
5 Grant to Yuva Sandhi 6500.00 1- Institution
6 Development & Improvement of Sports
(Honorarium to Coaches)
150.00 150-Rural Coaches
7 Information Technology 230.00 50-Distt.
8 Honorarium to District Coaches 1000.00 150-Coaches
9 Development of Infrastructure & Stadium 13660.00 200-Stadium
10 Women Hockey Academy 530.00 26-Training Players
11 Grant to development of infrastructure of
grass root facilities and construction of play
fields in villages
1140.00 30-Stadium

12 Administrative of Academies 7590.00 18-Academic
13 Infrastructure of Academies 7970.00 18-Academic
14 Badminton Academy, Gwalior 380.00 1- Academy
15 DSYW Academy Scholarship for SC/ST 500.00 Students
16 Beti Bachao Abhiyan 680.00 Tribal Block
17 Establishment of Archeries 360.00 Center
18 Direction & Administration 700.00 Post
19 Cricket Academy, Gwalior 460.00 1- Academy
20 P Y K K A 3800.00 2304-Gram Panchayat
31-J anpad Panchayat
21 Central Zone Sports Medicine and
Anti-Doping Centre


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Scheme wise, the important physical and financial Targets
For Annual Plan 2012-13

Financial Target
( Rs. in Lakh)
Physical Target

Name of Scheme
2012-13 2012-13
1 Coaching to Players 47.29 100000 Players
2 Encouragement of Players 1000.00 80000 Players
3 GIA to Sports Authority of M.P. 80.00 1- Institution
4 Purchase of Sports Goods to Distt. Coaching
62.93 50-Centers
5 Grant to Yuva Sandhi 903.87 1- Institution
6 Development & Improvement of Sports
(Honorarium to Coaches)
24.00 150-Rurla Coaches
7 Information Technology 30.00 25-Distt.
8 Honorarium to District Coaches 131.91 150-Coaches
9 Development of Infrastructure & Stadium 1800.00 30-Stadium
10 Women Hockey Academy 70.00 26-Training Players
11 Grant to development of infrastructure of
grass root facilities and construction of play
fields in villages
150.00 21-Stadium

12 Administrative of Academies 1000.00 13-Academic
13 Infrastructure of Academies 1050.00 13-Academic
14 Badminton Academy, Gwalior 50.00 1- Academy
15 DSYW Academy Scholarship for SC/ST 100.00 Students
16 Be ti Bachao Abhiyan 90.00 Tribal Block
17 Establishment of Archeries 50.00 Center
18 Direction & Administration 250.00 Post
19 Cricket Academy, Gwalior 60.00 1- Academy
20 P Y K K A 500.00 2304-Gram Panchayat
31-J anpad anchayat
21 Central Zone Sports Medicine and Anti-
Doping Centre
TOTAL - 7850.00

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Aims and main thrust for Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17.

Madhya Pradesh's population is around 6.50 crore. The National Youth
Policy, has categorized 13 to 35 yrs. of Youth, that is around 70% (4.25
crore) of the state population. State's 70% population dwells in villages
where there are no sports facilities and infrastructure, due to the lack of
facilities state of M.P. lags far behind in the previously conducted
National Sports Meets.
(b) Talent Hunt and Development -
The department has organized a special drive to identify talent youths
from rural and tribal areas, the concentration being given to Hockey,
Cricket, Shooting, Horse Riding, Water Sports, Marathan and Marshial
Arts. The selected players will be imparted specialized modern coaching
to improve their games.
(c) International / National Competitions -
It will be our Endeavour to organize maximum number of competitions
so as to ensure maximum players of the state's participation in the
National / International events. Our ultimate aim is to grab maximum
number of medals in this competitions.
(d) Activities of Youth Welfare -
Department has established youth centers in all the districts of our state,
the main focus will be on sports. Besides sports health, education,
prohibition, environment protection and technical training will be
imparted to rural youth. Department will also encourage tribal youths of
every district blocks and make them aware of the programmmes being
run by the youth centers, help may be taken from non government
organization and international organization like UNISEF to propagate our
schemes. In the 11th Five Year Plan, we are planning to establish rural
youth centers in all most all the blocks of the districts.

Youth festivals have been organized every year and in these festivals
competitions are being organized to encourage cultural activities among
rural youths. In the context of 12th Five Year Plan, it will be our
Endeavour to bring M.P. among the first five states in the National Sports

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Scheme wise detail with Important physical and financial Targets, Year
2012-13 Schemes wise Details are as under -

Training to Players -
(a) Summer Coaching Camp -
Every year during summer vacations summer coaching camp for the duration of
30 days being organized. These camps are organized for students/non-students
(boys and girls) to utilize their energy in a right direction and to form a sports
atmosphere in the state.

Encouragement to player -

Financial assistance is given to affiliated & recognized sports federations/
Associations so as to create sports atmosphere and with this financial help
their able to conduct district/divisional/national and international sports

(b) Grant to Abhiyan -
To up-grade the existing capital's Bhopal Water Sports Center, of the
International standards by promoting water sports & adventure sports
activities and also to organize National Sailing School with the help of
Indian Navy.

(c) Encouragement to ancient Malkhamb Sports
Malkhamb is a very ancient sports and it could well be called mother of
all sports. In order to encourage this discipline, coaching centers in all
district headquarters will be established & financial assistance will be
provided to all Akhadas.

(d) Grants to tribal players for coaching and participation in the
national & international competitions.
Financial assistance to tribal youths for training and participation in the
national & international events.
GIA to Sports Authority of M. P. -
Grant being given to Sports Authority of Madhya Pradesh for conducting sports
activities and to impart guidance for the development of sports in the state.
Purchase of Sports Goods to Distt. Coaching Center -
To provide sports equipments to coaching centers in 50-District for regular
coaching to players.

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GIA to Yuva Sandhi -
(a) Youth Festival -
Department is organizing youth festival for rural and urban youths (age
group 15 to 35 years) every year in all the blocks and district
headquarters of the state. Competitions are being organized in 18-
disciplines. The tribal youths are also participating in these events.

(b) Rural Youth Center-
The department has established one rural youths centre in each district of
the state. The main focus will be on sports. Besides sports health,
education, prohibition, environment protection and technical training will
be imparted to rural youths. Department will also encourage tribal youths
of every district blocks and make them aware of the programmmes being
run by the youth centers, help may be taken from non government
organization and international organization like UNISEF to propagate our
schemes. In the 11th Five Year Plan, we are planning to establish rural
youth centers in all most all the blocks of districts in state.

(c) Yuva Abhiyan -
Every year the department is organizing rural sports and these events are
being held at Thana levels and thereafter at Distt. Headquarters
competitions are being conducted and the selected team participates in the
state level championship the state winners, runners-up and third position
holders are suitably awarded.

(d) Job oriented schemes for youths -
Department of Sports & Youth Welfare in co-ordination with "Quoni
Tour & Travel Multinational Organization has started job oriented
schemes for youths. At present Animation (2D & 3D) and Tour & Travel
Diploma as well as four months certificate course for 10+2 youths of our
state. In future few more courses will be introduced.

(e) Honorarium to Adhoc Youth Coordinators
Stipulated fixed honorarium paid to adhoc youth coordinators for
implementing youth activities in rural areas.

Development and Improvement of Sports (Honorarium to Rural Coaches)
To provide sports facilities and coaching to rural youths.

GIA to Youth Hostel -
To provide modern accommodation at discounted rates to youths, traveling for
various sports programmes and events.

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Information Technology
District office headquarters will be fully computerized.

Honorarium to District Coaches -
Department has appointed coaches in various disciplines to impart coaching to
talented youths (boys & girls)

Development of Infrastructure and Stadium -
Development of international standards infrastructure for the State's upcoming
Youth & Sports persons. These facilities will enable us to conduct maximum
number of National and International events .

Women Hockey Academy, Gwalior
To Impart National & International standards hockey coaching so as to bring the
state women hockey team in a prestigious position.

Grant to Development of Infrastructure and Basic facilities -
(a) Development of Infrastructure and Basic facilities -
Up liftment of existing sports Infrastructure, purchase of modern sports
equipments & development of infrastructure at Block & District
headquarters to impart sports coaching to state players and rural youths.
(b) Construction of Play Grounds in villages -
As per the sports policy provision 2005, construction of plays grounds
and basic sports facilities for rural youths.
Administration of Sports Academies
The concentration will be focused on rural women and tribal youths of the state.
This includes identification of talented youths in martial arts, marathon, water
sports, horse riding, shooting and hockey disciplines & identified youths will be
imparted extensive training.

Infrastructure of Academies
Our main emphasis would be to concentrate on rural youths, women and tribal
belts of our state. The talent hunt programme will be organized in all the tribal
district of our state, this will enable us to identify hidden talents in martial arts,
marathon runners, water sports, horse riding, shooting and hockey players. The
selected lot will then be given extensive advanced quality training/coaching by
forming this sports academy.

State level Eklavya Archery Academy will be established. In this academy the
tribal players will be imparted coaching using most modern techniques so as to
achieve the desired results in the National & International competitions.

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15.5 Art & Culture

The main objectives of the Department of Art and Culture are:-

(i) To Preserve and Conserve cultural traditions.
(ii) To expand resource base and opportunities for the growth of Arts.
(iii) To preserve tribal folk culture.
(iv) To encourage and reorganize library and performing arts through
education and training.
(v) To provide special support for rare practices in Art & culture.

The main functions carried out by the department are Development of
Literature and Arts, use of Hindi language in official works and work related to
its development, use of Hindi in educational institutions, publication and
reprinting of District Gazetteers. There are many councils under Art & Culture
Department which are performing the work. The councils are (a) Sahitya
Parishad (b) Kala Parishad (c) Adivasi Lok Kala Parishad, (d) Kalidas
Academy and (e) Sindhi Academy. An Advisory Board consisting of top
ranking experts from various fields has been constituted to promote cultural
activities in the State. Several honors and support programmers have been
initiated to encourage artists.

The Directorate of Language, Culture and Gazetteers conduct schemes for
promotion and preservation of Hindi literature, classical and folk arts etc. The
Directorate also provides assistance to non-official institutions for promoting
and expanding literary and cultural activities.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan

An outlay of Rs 3454.00 lakh was approved for the 11
Five Year Plan. The
expenditure incurred in 2007-08 of Rs.2607.94 lakh, in 2008-09 of Rs.
1254.19lakh, in 2009-10 of Rs. 728.48 lakh and in 2010-11 of Rs. 990.08 lakh.

An outlay for Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs.1365.00 lakh against an expenditure
of Rs. 1873.00 lakh is anticipated.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 13000.00 lakh is proposed for Twelfth Five Year Plan of
which Rs. 3360 lakh is proposed under T.S.P. and Rs. 645.00 lakh under SCSP.

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For Annual Plan 2012-13 Rs. 1799.05 lakh is proposed of which Rs. 355.00
lakh and Rs. 95.00 lakhs are proposed for T.S.P and SCSP respectively.

Strategies, Aims and priorities for Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17.

In M.P. the work to be done on priority basis are the development of art and
literature, protection of cultural tradition, its growth, honoring the artists, grant
to non-government institutions, identification of tribal and arts, encouragement
of literary personal and providing standard platform to them.

Proposed Physical Targets for Twelfth Five Year Plan
Financial and Physical Targets under various schemes for Twelfth Five Year
Plan and Annual Plan are proposed as below :-
1 Raja Manshigh Tomar Sangit, Kala Vishwavidhyalaya Gwalior:-
Raja Manshigh Tomar Music and Arts University has been established
and 40 Posts has been created by Finance department. For the year 2012-
13 Rs. 100.00 Lakhs and Rs. 500.00 Lakhs has been proposed in the 12th
Five year plan.
2 Rajya Natya Vidhyalay: - As per announcement of honorable Chief
Minister Rajya Natya Vidhyalaya has been established on 17th J une
2011. The Drams School provided theater related traditional, classical
and contemporary education training and exhibition along with this, the
collection, summary and tabulation work of museum and library is in
progress under the guidance of theater experts. For the year 2012-13 Rs.
200.00 Lakhs and Rs. 1000.00 Lakhs has been proposed in the 12th Five
year plan.
3 Capital Outlay- Raja Manshigh Tomar Sangit, Kala
Vishwavidyalaya Gowalior :- Arts and Music University has been
established in 2008. Rs. 151.00 Lakhs has been provided in previous
years for remaining amount in the year 2012-13 Rs.100.00 Lakhs for
2012-13 and Rs. 370.00 Lakhs has been proposed in the 12th Five year
4. Capital Outlay- Govt. Sangit Mahavidhyalaya Ujjain: - The land for
building has been allotted by collector construction work in progress. Rs.
50.00 Lakhs has been provided in 2011-12 for remaining amount in the
year 2012-13 Rs.200.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 410.00 Lakhs has
been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
5 Ravindra Bhawan: Necessary arrangements were made to operate and to
decorate Ravindra Bhawan, Bhopal the only theatre hall of Madhya

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Pradesh. Rs.25.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 130.00 Lakhs have been
proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
6 Financial Assistance to litterateurs and Artists: - Financial assistance
has been made available to the litterateurs and artists in financial
difficulties to meet the expenses at natural distress and/or serious, disease.
Rs.2.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 10.00 Lakhs have been proposed in
the 12th Five year plan.
7 Establishment of Navin Srijan Peeths:- Nirala Srijana Peetha is
working within the ambit of Bharat Bhawan. The amount spent accounted
for the Salary to its Director. Rs.8.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 50.00
Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
8 Rashtriya Puraskar (National Awards) :- To honor the Literature and
Arts, every year 18 Litterateurs and artists are selected for honor at the
National, and State levels, and honored by the Madhya Pradesh
Government every year. Rs.100.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 500.00
Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
9 Grants to Non-Government institutions :- For the preservation and
growth of literature and arts in Madhya Pradesh and for carrying out their
developmental activities continuously, without any interference to fulfill
these aims grants were made available during the Eleventh Five Year
Plan period. Rs.150.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 750.00 Lakhs have
been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
10 Grant For Samaroh :- To encourage the arts culture artists, and to
appraise the public with the literary and cultural activities, such functions
are arranged every year. Rs.100.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 500.00
Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
11 Development of Hindi and other Dialects: - Development work or
activities were carried out for regional dialects, in addition to Hindi. The
regional dialects as well as Hindi are being promoted for this
development work and activities held. Rs.260.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and
Rs. 50.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
12 Grant in aid ST & SC welfare institute :- To protect, develop, encourage
and modify, so far dwindling tradition of tribal and folk art, culture and
life streams, and to preserve these for future generation, activities and
functions like Pathak Manch or Readers assembly, meetings and work-
shops are organized every year, it's very useful to promote publicizes,
supplied books and writers above all literature. Rs.225.00 Lakhs for

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2012-13 and Rs 1530.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year
13 Development grant to M.P. Culture council - The Madhya Pradesh
Sanskriti Parishad works for the development art and culture under the
guidance of Directorate of culture. The Academies/Parishad created
under the M.P. Sanskriti Parishad is allotted for carrying out various
literary and culture activities. Rs.200.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs.
1000.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
14 Writing and publication of Gazetteers: - Translation of district
Gazetteers of M.P. in Hindi, and their publications is a regular process. In
addition salaries and allowances of the staff of Gazetteers Division of this
Directorate is also the part of the total expenditure. Rs.25.00 Lakhs for
2012-13 and Rs. 130.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year
15 Prizes and Award :- To promote Dance, singing, theatre and painting
various competitions were to arrange so talent could be honor of
Division level. But could not get satisfactory result so plan is given up.
16 Fellowship for vocal music dance, dramas and painting:- This plan is
also given up because didnt get satisfactory result.
17 Financial assistance and physical handicap literatures and artists :-
In this plan we give financial help to such artist who are above 20 and
below 60 and who handicapped financially weak. Rs.2.00 Lakhs
for 2012-13 and Rs. 10.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five
year plan.
18 Rampath Vikas :- Rampath will be discovered and identified by the
expert committee constituted by the Govt. The development work of
Ramvan is done. As well as research work is done and walks also held on
lord Ram's Rampath. Rs. 0.01 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 50.00 Lakhs
has been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
19 Bal Shodh sahitya Peeth Indore - To promote, preserve child literature
and child writers a research centre is established in Indore. Rs.6.00 Lakhs
for 2012-13 and Rs. 30.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five
year plan.
20 Capital outlay - Development grant to MP Council - Three
multipurpose cultural complex are being constructed at Rewa, Sagar and
Khandwa in the state Rs. 301.00 Lakhs have been provided in 2008-09.
Rs.1.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 300.00 Lakhs have been proposed in
the 12th Five year plan.

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21 Grant to Teerthsthan and Mela Pradhikaran :- According to the
announcement of H'ble Chief Minister on the accession of different
festivals and mela's to organize different culture activities an authority is
being established the job is under progress. . Rs.0.01 Lakhs for 2012-13
and Rs. 500.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
22 Leela Gurukul ki Sthapna :- According to the announcement of H'ble
Chief Minister the work is under progress to establish Leela Gurukul. .
Rs.0.01 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 25.00 Lakhs have been proposed in
the 12th Five year plan.
23 Raja Manshigh Tomar Kala Kandra Gowalior :- According to
declaration of Chief Minister this Kendra is to develop as a art centre like
Bharat Bhavan in Bhopal. To promote Music, Culture and art Raja
Mansingh Tomar Kala Kendra is established in 2008. Rs.0.01 Lakhs for
2012-13 and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year
24 Bharat Bhavan Me Kala Gram ki Sthapana :- Hon'ble Chief Minister
has declared to construct and established Kala Gram in Bharat Bhavan
Campus. To promote hidden talent of Tribal Art Culture and to train them
the procedure of establishing Kala Gram is under process. Rs.0.01 Lakhs
for 2012-13 and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five year
25 Capital outlay - Ravindra Bhawan ka Unnayan:- On Ravindranath
Tagore's 150th anniversary expert committee has decided to work for the
up-liftman of Ravindra Bhavan. According to committee 50 Crore would
be spent on plan. Govt. of India would pay 60% of plan. Rs.50.00 Lakhs
for 2012-13 and Rs. 1750.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th Five
year plan.
26 Capital outlay - Rani Durgavati Samadhi Sthal ka vikas :- The whole
work at memoriam of Rani Durgavati is under progress under tribal sub
area plan Rs. 25.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 125.00 Lakhs has been
proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
29 Sangrahalay ka Unnayan avm Vikas :- Madhya Pradesh Sanskriti
Parishad is given a job to establish J anjatiya Sangrahalaya, the work of
establishing decorating Galleries of Museum is on progress under tribal
sub area plan Rs. 200.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 2350.00 Lakhs has
been proposed in the 12th Five year plan.
30 Capital outlay- Govt. Music College Khandwa :- According to the
announcement of H'ble Chief Minister the land for building has been

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allotted by collector a target to build Music and Fine Art College
Khandwa. Therefore Rs. 50.00 Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 500.00 Lakhs
have been proposed in 12th Five year plan.
31 Information Technology:- For the implementers departmental
activities/plans it is proposed to take the help of information technology.
To speedily important the departmental plans, as per government
instructions, Directorate will be fully Computerize. Therefore Rs. 20.00
Lakhs for 2012-13 and Rs. 225.00 Lakhs have been proposed in the 12th
Five year plan.

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The Directorate of Archaeology and Museum was set up in the year 1965. Now
it is known as the Directorate of Archaeology, Archives & Museums. The main
activities & the Department are to protect the monuments, conservation if
cultural property, chemical conservation, development of the museums, cultural
activities like Exhibitions Research Seminars, Archaeological explorations and
excavations and Documentation of archival records etc.

Review of Eleventh Five year plan 2007-12

A provision of Rs.3768.00 Lakh was approved for the 11th plan. The
expenditure incurred in 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 was Rs. 666.27
lakh, Rs. 739.12, Lakh, Rs. 200.39 Lakh and Rs. 173.02 Lakh respectively.

The approved outlay for Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 4568.76 Lakh against
which the 100 % expenditure of Rs. 4568.76 is anticipated.

The archaeological explorations are ongoing project of the Directorate. Almost
45 districts are in the stage of completion and in 2011-12 the 10 districts are in
progress. Conservation work of 91 protected monuments, Photo Documentation
of 250 monuments and antiquities of 19 museums. In the first four years the
Dept. published the monumental publications like Vintage Indore, Vintage
Gwalior, Folios, Guidebooks and survey reports are being published by the
Dept. Apart from these research seminars, Exhibitions and Lecture series are
ongoing activities.

Twelfth Five year plan 2012-17 & Annual plan 2012-13

The ongoing activities and programmes of 11th Five year plan are proposed to
be continued in the 12th Five year plan.

An outlay of Rs. 16100.00 Lakh has been proposed for XII Five year plan and
Rs. 5713.70 Lakh for Annual plan 2012-13.

During 12th Five year plan the realistic targets have been fixed. Proposed
physical and financial targets under major schemes for 12th Five year plan and
Annual plan 2012-13 are as below:-

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Target (2012-2017) Target (2012-2013) S.
Name of


1 Excavation &
50.00 147- Survey,
5- Excavation
7.00 25- Survey,
1- Excavation
2 Conservation
380.00 57-Conservation of
10- minor construction
of monuments,
350-General clearance
of monuments,
Chemical conservation
of 2500 Antiquities &
33 monuments,
conservation &
development of
ancient water resources
50.00 8-Conservation of
1- minor construction of
30- General clearance of
Chemical conservation of
500 Antiquities & 3
3 Purchase of
sculptures &
monuments of
10.00 Purchase of sculptures 1.00 Purchase of sculptures
4 Registration of
140.00 Pay & allowances,
office expenses,
600- Registration of
22.00 Pay & allowances,
office expenses,
120- Registration of

5 Modeling Cell 25.00 Manufacturing of
Plaster cast 9300 & 13
New models,
3.00 Manufacturing of Plaster
cast 1600 & 2 New
6 Propagation of
250.00 19-Publication of
excavation/ survey
reports & books
17-Publication of
Documentation of
40- Exhibition,
16- Research Seminar
10- Lectures,
50.00 4-Publication of
excavation/ survey
reports & books
3-Publication of
Documentation of
8- Exhibition,
4- Research Seminar
3- Lectures,
7 Establishment
of Padamshri
200.00 New Scheme as per the
declaration of Hon able
Chief Minister of M.P.-
30.00 New Scheme as per the
declaration of Hon able
Chief Minister of M.P.-

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expenses on Pay &
allow., Establishment,
Research & Seminar
expenses on Pay &
allow., Establishment,
Research & Seminar
8 Directorate of
State Archives
150.00 11-Archives
10-Indexing of Records
40000- Repair of
150000-Micro Filming
of Records
2-publication of books
25.00 3-Archives Exhibitions
2-Indexing of Records
8000- Repair of
30000-Micro Filming of
2-publication of books
9 Public Library 20.00 470-Purchase of books
of Archaeological
Development work of
1.50 50-Purchase of books of
Development work of
10 Museum 400.00 Up gradation of 98
museum, conservation
work of 80 museum,
Grant payable to 70
Zila puratatava sangh,
100.00 Up gradation of 18
museum, conservation
work of 20 museum,
Grant payable to 14 Zila
puratatava sangh,
11 Information &
160.00 Expenditure on
Information &
Programme,web side
25.00 Expenditure on
Information &
Programme,web side etc.
12 13th Finance
13125.00 91-Consertvation of
protected Monuments,
9- Development of
7-Construction of New
7- Construction of
sculpture shed
4375.00 30-Consertvation of
protected Monuments,
3- Development of
3-Construction of New
2- Construction of
sculpture shed
13 One Time
ACA for
1000.00 1000.00
16100.00 5713.70

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Swaraj Sansthan

The Directorate of Swaraj Sansthan was established with an objective of
organizing multi-disciplinary discourse and various other activities on numerous
issues pertaining to freedom struggle and its ultimate culmination Swaraj, that
is, the Self-rule. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the ex-president of India made
available photographs, printings, sketches, and rare books from his own
collection for the museum established under the control of Swaraj Sansthan
Sanchalnalay, which is the very first of its kind in the country.

The Directorate performs a number of activities like collection and exhibition of
the mementos of freedom struggle; collection, production and exhibition of
films, newsletters, books, paintings and other relevant material portraying the
freedom struggles of all the nations. Other activities under the objectives of this
Directorate are organizing seminars, lectures, symposia; conducting research
studies on various facets of freedom struggle; collection and exhibition of rare,
authentic and historic literature of Struggles for Independence fought all over
the world; initiation and promotion of the departmental website; managing 'Dr.
Shankar Dayal Sharma Museum & library'; organizing the birth
anniversary/centenary programmes in the memory of freedom fighters/martyrs
etc. and providing funds/grants to NGOs for conducting high-quality
activities/events on such occasions.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

The approved outlay for Eleventh Five Year Plan was Rs. 875.00 Lakh. The
expenditure incurred in 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 was Rs. 174.55
lakh, Rs. 386.97, Lakh, Rs. 233.56 Lakh and Rs. 543.86 Lakh respectively.

An outlay approved for Annual plan 2011-12 was Rs. 856.00 Lakh and
expenditure of Rs. 856.00 Lakh is anticipated.

The Directorate of Swaraj Sansthan organized multifarious activities during the
11th Five year Plan. In this period Various Exhibition based on Freedom
Movement like Zara Yaad Karo Qurbani, Sipahi Bahadur, etc., Various
Programmes like Jashn-E-Jamhooriyat, Recital of Gandhiji's Bhajans,
Drama festival AadiVidrohi, Azad Bansuri, janyoddha, Nanhe Qadam
State-level competitions in all the districts of MP, Bharat parv Cultural
Programme based on freedom movement were organized in 49 district of the
Madhya Pradesh.

Under the auspices of Swaraj Pustakmala more than 60 books based on
freedom struggle were published. In addition to it 6 books were published in

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Akshaynidhi Scheme. A media feature service Swaraj Sandarbh covering
various aspects of freedom struggle was also started in which about 151
bulletins were published and distributes for extensive research were on freedom

The Directorate also awarded Swadhinta Fellowships, Dharampal Senior &
Junior Fellowship for research on the freedom struggle.

Dharmpal Shodhpeeth "Dharmpal Shodhpeeth" established under Swaraj
Sansthan Sanchalnalay. This research centre will act as centre of Indian culture
& history. Extensive research will be under taken on the various aspects related
to pre freedom to post freedom period.

Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth "Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth" established under
Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay at Ujjain/Bhopal. To make various research on
the personality & achievement made by Maharaja Vikramaditya.

Maharishi Ved Vyas Rashtriya Samman It has been decided to give a
national award to best Teacher for their entire achievement & contribution in
the field of education. This award will be given by Swaraj Sansthan
Sanchalnalay every year.

Maharaja Agarsen Rashtriya Samman On the name of Maharaja Agarsen,
It has been decided to award a national award for any individual or institution,
who has done excellent contribution in the field of social harmony. This award
will be given by Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay every year.

Natya Manchan - As per the announcement of Honble Chief Minister on
April 2008 at Ujjain, it has also been planned to organise big drama festival
Mahanatya based on the achievement of various historic and eminent
personalities of freedom movement in all district head quarters of Madhya

1857 Yodha Smarak Looking to this major contribution of Madhya Pradesh
during the freedom struggle of 1857, It has been decided to establish 1857
Yodha Smarak at various places and centers of 1857 freedom struggle of
Madhya Pradesh.

Jannayak Tantya Bhil Smarak Honble Chief Minister announcement for
the making of Jannayak Tantya Bhil Smarak at Gram Baroda Ahir, Tehsil
Pandhana, District Khandwa. Therefore it has been planned to construct
J annayak Tantya Bhil Smarak through Collector Khandwa.

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Twelth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 4150.00 Lakh is proposed for 12
Five year plan period and
outlay of Rs. 610.00 Lakh for Annual plan 2012-13 is proposed.

Physical targets for Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17
Directorate of Swaraj Sansthan has planned for modernization, development
and the expansion of 'Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Swatantrata Sangram Rajya
Sangrahalaya' and 'Shaheed Smarak Bhavan', Bhopal. In addition, it has also
been planned to undertake documentation, research, symposia and exhibitions
on the freedom struggle. Directorate has planned for organizing seminars,
lectures, symposia; conducting research studies on various facets of freedom
struggle; collection and exhibition of rare, authentic and historic literature of
Struggles for Independence. It has also been planned to invite a renowned
Cultural Personality, Industrialist, Scientist, Film Maker, and Media Person for
national level lecture series organized by the directorate.

Radio Azad Hind
A Community Radio Azad Hind will be established and operated. Through
this Radio, Various aspects relating to freedom struggle contribution of ST, SC
information about different traditions, sacrifices, thoughts and uncovering
literature will be broadcast. This Radio Station will also impart information
pertaining to Art, Culture, Folk tradition, Archaeology and other schemes &
programmes will be informed to the public.

Dharampal Shodhpeeth
Dharmpal Shodhpeeth established under Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay. This
research centre will act as centre of Indian culture & history. Extensive research
will be under taken on the various aspects related to pre freedom to post
freedom period

Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth
Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth established under the Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay
at Ujjain/Bhopal to make various research on the personality & achievement
made by Maharaja Vikramaditya.

Maharishi Ved Vyas Rashtriya Samman
Maharishi Ved Vyas National Award to best Teacher for their entire
achievement & contribution in the field of education. This award will be given
by Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay every year.

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Maharaja Agarsen Rashtriya Samman
Maharaja Agarsen National Award to any individual or institution, who has
done excellent contribution in the field of social harmony. This award will be
given by Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalay every year.

Natya Manchan -
Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalaya has also been planned to organise big drama
festival Mahanatya based on the achievement of various historic and
eminent personalities of freedom movement in all divisional head quarters of
Madhya Pradesh.

1857 Yodha Smarak
Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalaya has been build up 1857 Yoddha Smarak. In the
freedom struggle of 1857, contribution of Madhya Pradesh was also very
important and remarkable. Sagar, J abalpur, Gwalior, Indore, Mandla, Dhar,
Ujjain, Rewa, Chhattarpur, Badwani are the major centers during the freedom
Struggle of 1857. Other centers like Bhind, Daboh, Guna, Shivpuri, Sevara,
Datiya, Bhander, Mahidpure, Tarana, Neemuch, Mandsore, Amjhera, Mahu,
Radhogarh, Sehore, Bhopal, Rahatgarh, Hirapur, Narsinghpure, Damoh,
Handeriya, Ajaygarh, Panna, Satna, Pidra, Shehdol, Dindori, Sohagpure,
Ramgarh, Hoshangabad, Betul, Multai, Vijayradhogarh, Harda, Pachmarhi etc.
were also played important role.

Jannayak Tantya Bhil Smarak
Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalnalaya has been decided to the making of J annayak
Tantya Bhil Smarak at Gram Baroda Ahir, Tehsil Pandhana, District Khandwa.
Therefore it has been planned to construct J annayak Tantya Bhil Smarak
through Collector Khandwa.

Plans Regarding the Advancement of Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled
The seminal contribution of Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Castes in the overall
Endeavour of freedom struggle cannot be ignored. The Directorate is all set to
work though traditional & the modern techniques in the important enterprise of
creating awareness regarding contribution of Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled
Castes in the freedom struggle. Therefore it is proposed to collect and document
the activities and achievements of freedom struggle in various tribal regions; to
organize camps and fairs etc. in the memory of tribal freedom fighters & local
heroes; to undertake publication of books and production of films, to make
grants available to NGOs for conducting programmes on issues pertaining to
independence struggle and Swaraj and also for organizing programmes on the

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occasion of birthdays & centenary celebrations of the heroes of the freedom

Directorate of Swaraj Sansthan has already taken up the initiative of making
films & publishing books on tribal freedom fighters & folk heroes of the State.
Five publications on the folk hero Tantya Bhil are already out in the public
domain. Probably first time in India, so many publications on a tribal freedom
fighter have come to the fore in one go.

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15.6 Health Services

The State of Madhya Pradesh came into being on 1
November 1956.
Subsequently, on 1
November 2000, Chhattisgarh State was carved out of it.
The State has a population of 7.25 Crores accounting for 6 per cent of countrys
population (Census 2011). States population Growth Rate in the last decade has
been 20.3 per cent. The State has Sex Ratio of 930 against that of India at 940,
registering a modest increase of 11 points from 919 in 2001. Literacy Rate has
increased from 63.7 in 2001 to 70.6 in 2011. Female Literacy Rate has
increased from 50.3 to 60 while the Male Literacy Rate went up from 76.1 to
80.5 during the period.

The State has an area of 308, 244 Sq. Km., making it the second largest state in
the country (9.38% of countrys total area). The State has a population density
of 236 persons as against that of the country at 382. The configuration of
administrative units in the State includes 10 divisions, 50 districts, 342 Tehsils
(sub-districts) and 313 Blocks with 89 (28%) of them being the Tribal Blocks.
There are as many as 476 towns and 54903 villages.

States Health Indicators: Current and Future Outlook
States Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-11) had set targets related to Birth Rate
(21), Death Rate (9), Infant Mortality Rate (60), Maternal Mortality Ratio (220)
and Total Fertility Rate (2.1) to be achieved by year 2012. However, the latest
figures available as per the Annual Health Survey 2010 indicate that Birth Rate
at 25 (27.3 in rural areas) continues to pose a formidable challenge. The Death
Rate has of course come down to 8 whilst in rural areas it is pegged at a higher
level at 8.8. According to latest SRS 2011, the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has
declined to 62 while the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has declined to 310.

These latest figures indicate that the performance in health outcomes has been
less promising than expected and thus constitute a stiff challenge for the 12

Plan period. It is notable that the high IMR is attributable to higher proportion
of Neo Natal Mortality Rate (NNMR), which presently stands at 44,
consequently calling for heightened and sustained efforts at ensuring the
provision of home-based as well as facility-based newborn care services
through effective referral mechanism. Likewise, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) at
3.3 as per SRS 2008 is also envisaged to be a significant area of thrust for the

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State during the 12
Five Year Plan. It may be mentioned here that the State has
initiated significant efforts in the year 2010 to bring about a near complete
achievement of anticipated service load with regard to adoption of terminal
method in family planning. The State seeks to maintain the tempo through a
choice-based cafeteria approach in adoption of spacing and limiting methods.
These measures are expected to yield superior outputs in terms of improved
Couple Protection Rate leading to effective reduction in the TFR in the years

Review Of 11
Five Year Plan
An outlay of Rs. 93000.00 lakh was approved for 11th five yar plan. Rs.
126754.18 lakh is anticipated expenditure against yarly approved outlay of Rs.
132760.80 lakh.

The 11
Five Year Plan (2007-12) had aimed to provide a range of health
services to the people of the State through a large network of health institutions.
Accordingly, the Birth Rate was targeted to be reduced from 25 to 21, Infant
Mortality Rate from 74 to 60, MMR from 335 to 220 and Total Fertility Rate
from 3.9 to 2.1.

Annual Health Survey and other studies indicate only a marginal improvement
in the aforesaid key indicators. The summary of targets set for each indicator
and achievement there against during the 11
Five Year Plan is presented
Physical Progress
The State has taken following measures aimed at strengthening the health
system towards accelerated improvements in the health indicators:
National Health Programmes
1. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): The NRHM commenced from
year 2005. The Mission mainly aims at planned reduction in maternal
mortality ratio, infant mortality rate and total fertility rate. Towards this end,
a host of schemes including, inter alia, setting up of MCH Centers,
promotion of institutional deliveries, J anani Suraksha Yojana, strengthening
of referral services, strengthening of the safe abortion services and infant and
newborn care have been introduced. During the 11
Plan period, selection of

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technical strategies for reduction in IMR and MMR has been in the right
direction, though the achievement could not be on expected lines. The
reduction in MMR from 335 to 310 has been closely attributed to a steep
hike in institutional deliveries from 52 to as high as 83 percent. As many as
33 fully functional Sick Newborn Care Units (SNCUs) have been
established. Likewise, 234 Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs) have
been established to address the issue of reduction in child malnutrition. In
addition to the aforesaid programmes, initiatives including Adolescent Girls
Health, Family Planning Services, Community Participation, management of
emergency services are being undertaken by the State.
2. National Family Welfare Programme: The State observed year 2010-11 as
the Family Planning Year. Consequently, a pronounced and planned thrust
was given to promotion of cafeteria approach for adoption of spacing and
limiting methods. Against an estimated service load of 7 lakhs (calculated
@1% of population), as many as 6.44 lakhs LTT surgeries were performed,
an all time high, as evident from Graph I below. The State is observing year
2011-12 also as the Family Planning Year.
3. National Immunization Programme: The programme is aimed at saving
the lives of children from the life threatening diseases including polio, TB,
Hepatitis B, whooping cough, measles and tetanus. According to DLHS 3
(2007-08), the level of full immunization achieved was 36.2%. As per
UNICEFs Coverage Evaluation Survey (CES), the level of full
immunisation has increased to 42.9%. Village Health & Nutrition Days
(VHNDs), a platform rendered by the NRHM, is enabling the much-needed
improvement in immunization. In view of limited achievement in full
immunisation, year 2011-12 is being observed as Immunization Year.
Further, a pilot programme for prevention of measles has been implemented
in 5 districts, namely, Shivpuri, Tikamgarh, Alirajpur, J habua and Barwani.
Under this programme, 12.25 lakh children (84%) were covered. Besides,
Measles catch up round was taken up in Ujjain Division. No case has been
found to be affected from polio since 2009-10 in the State.
4. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme: This programme is
under implementation in the State since 2004. The programme has resulted
in the increase of treatment success rate of new smear positive patients from
30% to 88%.
5. National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme: This programme is
being implemented in all 50 districts. Under the programme, malaria
surveillance activities, setting up of Fever Treatment Depots and biological
control measures are being undertaken. The API, which stood at 1.49 in the

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year 2007-08 during the 11
Five Year Plan has declined to 0.07 in April
2011. The Slide Positive Rate (SPR) which was 1.14 in 2008 has come down
to 0.33 in April 2011 and the Slide Falciparum Rate (SFR) has declined from
0.40 in 2007 to 0.13 in April 2011. The State Government has sanctioned
setting up of Malaria Units in all 50 districts in the year 2011. The State has
also registered significant decline in cases of Dengue, Chickengunea and
6. National Leprosy Eradication Programme: This programme was
introduced in the country in 1954-55. It was started in Madhya Pradesh in
year 1987 in 3 districts, namely, Gwalior, Rajnandgaon and Durg. The MDT
regime was made statewide in the year 1995. The Leprosy Prevalence Rate
in the State which was 43.4 in 1987 has now declined to 0.63 in year 2010.
Thus, the State has already achieved the envisaged results. Special survey,
health education and treatment camps are being organised under the
programme. A scheme of organising camps for medical rehabilitation and
prevention of stability malformation amongst the leprosy patients has been
operational since the 11
Five Year Plan. Four Rehabilitation Strengthening
Units have been set up in 4 hospitals. A total of 211 surgeries were
conducted in year 2008-09 and 282 in 2009-10 for correcting the
7. National Blindness Control Programme: With a view to controlling
blindness, a Regional Eye Institute, 5 Eye Departments in the Medical
Colleges, 50 District Eye Units and 7 Central Mobile Eye Units are
operational. During the year 2006-07, 2.90 lakh cataract operations were
done as against the target of 2.50 lakhs and that during the year 2010-11,
429695 cataract surgeries were performed against the target of 4.50 lakhs.
Thus, the State achieved the targets during the plan period. Besides, school
children are being given free spectacles screened with refractive error
following regular eye check up. As many as 326 Dark Rooms (Ophthalmic
Centers) are also being set up.
8. Integrated Disease Surveillance Project: This scheme has been introduced
in the State in October 2004. The Project aims to have surveillance over
communicable and non-communicable diseases and take control measures.
The Project incorporates setting up of State and District Level Surveillance
Committees/Rapid Response Teams. There is a need to strengthen the
reporting mechanism of various units.
9. National Tobacco Control Programme: The Programme is under
implementation on a pilot basis in 2 districts (Gwalior and Khandwa) since
2007-08 so as to prevent the diseases and deaths arising due to consumption

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of tobacco. The key components of the programme include (1) Instituting a
stringent monitoring mechanism for Tobacco Control at the State level, (2)
Conduct of IEC activities, (3) Constitution of Tobacco Control Authority,
and (4) Research and training.
10. National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme: Earlier, a
Mission was established to eliminate the disorders due to deficiency of
Iodine. Presently, the Department has been conducting survey and has been
promoting awareness for the consumption of iodised salt.
11. National Flurosis Control Programme: In the State, there are 6972
habitations spread over 23 districts which are affected by flurosis. The
programme was taken up in Ujjain district in 2008. During 2011-12, an
amount of Rs.168.40 Lakhs has been provided for 4 districts, namely, Dhar,
Seoni, Chhindwara and Mandla.
12. National Programme For Prevention And Control Of Deafness: This
programme is being implemented since 2008 in 6 districts, namely, Indore,
Bhopal, Gwalior, J abalpur, Rewa and Khargone. Under this programme,
training is provided by ENT specialists to medical officers and grass root
level workers for prevention, early identification and management of hearing
impaired and deafness cases. Apart from this, assistance is provided for
strengthening the ENT department of the District Hospitals. Camps are being
organised for detecting hearing impaired cases and hearing aids are provided.
13. National Programme For Prevention And Control Of Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Diseases And Stroke (Npdcs): The aim of this programme
is prevention and control of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke. It
addresses risk reduction, early diagnosis and appropriate management of
Non-Communicable Diseases. This programme was started in Ratlam
district in December 2010. During the year 2011-12, 4 more districts have
been added, namely, Hoshangabad, Chhindwara, Dhar and J habua. The
programme also aims to establish NCD Risk Factor Surveillance,
Opportunistic Screening of NCDs in CHCs and setting up of NCD Clinics
and Cardiac Care Units in District Hospitals. Under the programme,
Rs.842.547 lakhs are provided by the Government of India and Rs.192.613
Lakhs by the State as part of its share.
14. National Programme To Provide Health Care To The Elderly
Population: The programme was started in Ratlam district. During the year
2011-12, Hoshangabad, Chhindwara, J habua and Dhar districts have been
added under the programme. The programme includes setting up of geriatric
OPD, investigation laboratory and ward in the District Hospitals. In addition,
geriatric OPD clinics are proposed to be run for 2 days in a week in the

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CHCs and for 1 day in the PHCs. Under the programme, Rs.271.78 lakhs are
provided by the Government of India and Rs.67.945 Lakhs by the State as
part of its share.
15. Mp State Aids Control Programme: A State society has been established
in 1998 to promote awareness in masses about prevention of HIV/AIDS. The
society functions in accordance with the guidelines of National AIDS
Control Organisation (NACO). The activities include IEC, Blood Safety and

Continuity Of Schemes Of 11
Five Year Plan (2007-2012)& Schemes To
Be Discontinued In The 12
Five Year Plan (2012-17)
During the 11
Five Year Plan, national health programmes and state-specific
schemes are being implemented with a view to deliver health services to the
people whilst seeking to improve the health indicators. Amongst the national
programmes, National Rural Health Mission is the mainstay for the purposes of
securing planned reduction in maternal mortality ratio, infant mortality rates and
total fertility rate.

Amongst the national health programmes, programmes namely National Family
Welfare Programme, National Immunization Programme, National Vector
Borne Disease Control Programme, Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Programme, National Leprosy Eradication Programme, National Blindness
Control Programme, Integrated Disease Surveillance Project, National Tobacco
Control Programme, National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme,
National Mental Health Programme, National Flurosis Control Programme,
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness, National
Programme for Prevention and Control of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases
and Stroke, National Programme to Provide Health Care to the Elderly
Population and MP AIDS Control Programme need to be continued during the
Five Year Plan also.

The State Schemes are operational mainly for strengthening the functionality of
health institutions for improved service delivery to the people. The schemes are
regularly reviewed both under plan and non-plan heads. These also merit
continued and strengthened implementation during the 12
Five Year Plan

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New Schemes Proposed Under 12
Five Year Plan
1. Sickle Cell Anaemia And Haemophilia (Thalassemia) Control
Programme: An estimated number of 8 persons per 1000 in tribal areas
suffer from this disease. The most affected districts include Shahdol,
J abalpur, Mandla, Chhindwara, Betul, Khandwa, Barwani, Dhar, and Dhar.
An amount of Rs. 2 Crores is earmarked for this activity during the financial
year 2012-13.
2. Special Delivery Care Assistance For Pregnant Women Of Sc/St: An
amount of Rs.90 Crores is proposed for incentivising 350000 SC/ST
pregnant women to go through regular health check up @Rs.1500 per
pregnant woman and Rs.2000 for getting LTT done within 45 days of
delivery and @ Rs.500 to be distributed to frontline service providers
(Rs.200 to Doctor, Rs.100 to ANM, Rs.100 to AWW and Rs. 100 to ASHA
worker) during the financial year 2012-13.
3. State Incentive Scheme For Family Welfare: An outlay of Rs. 25 Crores
for incentives to SC and ST women and men is proposed under the scheme
during the financial year 2012-13. It promotes adoption of LTT @ Rs.1000
per woman after second child for 1.5 lakh women, @ Rs.2000 per male for
an estimated 30000 men for undergoing NSVT and lump sum of Rs.500 for
women opting for CuT for an estimated number of 80000.
4. Swavlamaban Yojana For Candidates Of Sc/St Pursuing Bsc Nursing
Education: This scheme will cover 200 students of SC/ST @Rs.50000 per
year per student. An amount of Rs.2 Crores is planned for this activity
during the financial year 2012-13.
5. Special Posting Allowance For Doctors Posted In Tribal Areas As A
Special Cadre: An outlay of Rs.8 Crores is proposed for special allowance
for 666 doctors posted in scheduled tribe areas during the financial year
6. Special Health Check Up Scheme For Sc?St Children Living In Hostels:
It has been formulated for SC/ST children living in hostels. An amount of
Rs. 3 Crores has been earmarked for the financial year 2012-13.
7. Setting Up Of 4 Nursing Colleges In Scheduled Tribe Areas: An amount
of Rs.25 Crores is earmarked for these colleges during the financial year
2012-13 while recurring and nonrecurring expenditure will continue during
the remaining period of the plan.

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8. Special Training Programme For Sc/St Paramedic Candidates: A total
of 200 SC/ST paramedic candidates from Dhar and Mandla districts are
proposed to be covered under this activity at an outlay of Rs.12 Crores for
organising diploma/certificate courses with a provision for hostel facility
during the financial year 2012-13.
9. Special Incentive Scheme For Sc/St Beneficiaries Undergoing Cataract
Surgeries: This would cover about 1 lakh beneficiaries at a total outlay of
Rs.5 Crores towards an incentive @Rs.500 per person during the financial
year 2012-13.
10. Assistance To Sahariya Primitive Communities: An amount of Rs. 1
Crore has been provided for rendering medical care facilities for Sahariya
primitive communities which are suffering from TB.
11. Running Of Deendayal Mobile Hospitals In Sc Dominant Areas: An
amount of Rs. 5 Crores is proposed during the financial year 2012-13.
12. Construction Of Sub Centres Using Pre-Fabricated Technology: An
amount of Rs. 40 Crores is planned for this activity during the financial year
13. Dfid Assistance: The DFID assistance (referred as EAP cost sharing) for a
total amount of Rs. 225 Crores has been provided as per the approved DPR
up to year 2015. For the financial year, an amount of Rs. 48.75 Crores has
been provided.

An outlay of Rs.. 525600.00 lakhs has been proposed for five year plan 2012-17
and for annual plan 2012-13 Rs. 83865.00 lakhs has been proposed. scheme
wise breakup is as below:-

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Director, Health Services (43)
1 Rural Health Services 3500.00 26570.00
2 Urban Health Services Allopathy
Hospitals & Dispensaries
17410.00 110000.00
3 Prevention & Control of Communicable
Diseases Malaria
1225.00 16300.00
4 Construction of PHC buildings help of
3000.00 22750.00
5 National Health Insurance Scheme 1500.00 12000.00
6 State share N.R.H.M.(85:15) 17200.00 86000.00
7 Health Infrastructure 13thFC 6250.00 18750.00
8 Training Programme 590.00 4000.00
9 EMRI-108 Running cost State share 1515.00 11500.00
10 Health Infrastructure Rural 5000.00 37950.00
11 Sickle Cell Anemia/Hemophilia
(Thalaessemia) Schemes
200.00 1520.00
12 Special Incentive for SC/ST deliveries 9000.00 56000.00
13 Incentive for SC/ST under family
2500.00 20000.00
14 B.Sc Nursing training for SC/ST 200.00 1520.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
15 Incentive for special cadre doctors in
tribal areas
800.00 6000.00
16 Special Health Check-up scheme for
SC/ST students in hostels
300.00 2280.00
17 Special nursing college in SC/ST areas 2500.00 18980.00
18 Special Paramedics training program for
1200.00 9110.00
19 Incentive for SC/St under Blindness
Control Program
500.00 4000.00
20 Special TB treatment for Saharia tribe 100.00 760.00
21 Deen Dayal Chalit Hospital 500.00 5110.00
22 EAP Cost sharing 4875.00 22500.00
23 Pre-fabricated sub health centre 4000.00 32000.00
Total 83865.00 525600.00

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15.7 Medical Education

There is a medical college at Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Rewa, Sagar
respectively and a Dental and a Nursing College at Indore under the Directorate
of Medical Education. With each medical college there is one big attached
hospital also. For treatment of cancer and mental illness also there are two
hospitals running in the state. Besides this, there is a hospital in Bhopal for
gynaecological and obstetrics ailments and a hospital for children in Indore.

There is a newly constructed Bundelkhand Medical College in Sagar division,
where 100 seats are sanctioned for MBBS course. Against this in the year 2009-
10, 92 students and in the year 2010-11 & 2011-12, 95 students have been
admitted respectively. Medical college has started functioning fully and its
construction probably be completed by the end of March 2012. Construction
works are on war-footings.

Physical, Financial Targets and Achievements For 11
Five Year Plan
2012-13 To 2016-17.

In the 11
five year plan for the various plans of the Directorate there was a
provision for Rs.36165.00 Lakhs. Against this provision budget for the plans of
the Directorate for five years Rs.43973.49 Lakhs was sanctioned as budgetary
support and for the year 2006-07 to the year 2011-12 actual expenditure on the
plans was Rs.30899.82 Lakhs. Details of which are as below:
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Yearly description
of 11
Approved limit for
Actual Budget
Provision for 11

expenditure on plans
in the end of 11
2007-08 7473.00 7423.00 6935.80
2008-09 7900.00 8010.00 2105.12
2009-10 5040.00 4173.37 4224.37
2010-11 7000.00 12722.32 10998.00
2011-12 10400.00 11644.80 10756.01
Total 37813.00 43973.49 35019.30

Target and Achievements For 11
Five Year Plan (2007-12)

Physical And Financial Achievements For Yearly Plan For The Year
2007-08 To 2011-12
1. Students of SC category 179 against 179 and ST category 214 against
214 studying in medical colleges have been granted scholarships.
2. Rs.4361.00 Lakhs were sanctioned for the purchase for equipments for
the attached hospitals of medical colleges of the state as per norms of

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Medical Council of India as per letter no. F-1-1/2007/3/55 dated
24.05.007 of Medical Education Department, Govt. of M.P. against
which provision of Rs.2500.00 Lakhs have been made for completing it
in the 12
five year plan.
3. A sanction for creation of 3403 posts have been made for continuing the
recognition of undergraduate and postgraduate courses being run by
medical colleges in compliance of recommendations of Medical Council
of India vide letter no. F-1-1/2007/3/55 dated 24.05.07 of Medical
Education Department, Govt. of M.P.
4. An administrative approval for Rs.336.39 Lakhs have been given for the
construction of Mortuary Building and Library at Medical College,
Jabalpur as per letter no. 868/2764/2007/3/55 dated 28.07.07 of Medical
Education Department, Govt. of M.P.
5. An administrative approval for Rs.1086.70 Lakhs have been given for the
construction of 1000 seated auditorium, hostels, 07 demonstration halls,
07 practical halls and 02 lecture halls at medical college, Indore as per
letter no. 1298 dated 12.11.07 of Medical Education Department, Govt.
of M.P.
6. A revised sanction for Rs.145.42 Lakhs have been given for the
construction work at Medical College, Sagar as per letter no. F-1-
6/2006/3/55 dated 23.07.2007 of Medical Education Department, Govt.
of M.P.
7. Sanction for creation of 1071 posts have been made for Medical College,
Sagar as per letter no. F-1-12/2006/3/55 dated 11.06.07 of Medical
Education Department, Govt. of M.P.

Achievements For The Year 2011-12

1. As per letter no. F-2-4/2009/1/55 dated 30.05.2011 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, a sanction was given for one post of
Assistant Professor of Paediatrics and Pharmacology respectively for
Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar.
2. As per letter no. F-2-15/2009/2/55/ dated 25.6.2011 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, a sanction of Rs.4.29 Crores, received
from government of India, for the purchase of equipments for Trauma
Unit of Medical College, Gwalior, was given.
3. As per letter no. F-1-1/2009/2/55/2 dated 19.8.2011 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, a sanction of Rs.62.98 Lakhs for the
purchase of equipments for various departments at the Hospital of
Bundelkhand Medical College Sagar, was given.
4. As per letter no. F-5-2/2004/55/2 dated 2.9.2011 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an increase of Rs.99.40 Lakhs was

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made to the pre-sanctioned amount of Rs.146.88 Lakhs for constructions
of 100 bedded girls hostel at Medical College Gwalior.
5. As per letter no. F-4-22/2011/55/2 dated 28.10.2011 of Medical
Education Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal an administrative and
financial approval of Rs.8102.80 Lakh which is 75% share of
Government of India i.e. Rs.6077.10 Lakhs and Rs.2025.70 Lakhs which
is 25% share of Government of M.P., for purchase, construction work and
faculty under the strengthening scheme for new post-graduate courses
and increase in 203 post-graduate seats at Medical Colleges Bhopal,
Indore, Gwalior and J ablpur, was given.
6. As per letter no. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated 28.10.2011 of Medical
Education Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an amount of Rs.2327.41
Lakhs was sanctioned for non-recurring expenditure for Maharaja
Tukojirao Hospital, Indore.
7. As per letter no. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated Nil of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an amount of Rs.221.53 Lakhs was
sanctioned for newly created 168 posts for Maharaja Tukojirao Hospital,
8. As per letter no. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated Nil of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an amount of Rs.39.00 Lakhs was
sanctioned for newly created 34 posts for establishment of Virology Lab
at Medical College, Bhopal.
9. As per letter no. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated Nil of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for
Rs.2102.00 Lakhs was given for up-gradation of Virology Lab at Medical
College, Bhopal.
10. The Notification of establishment of medical university J abalpur, Madya
Pradesh has been published in M.P gazette on 6.5.2011.
11. As per letter No. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated 15-11-11 of Medical
Education Deptt. Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for
Rs. 63.69 lakhs was given for newly created 35 posts and for purchase of
04 vehicles for establishment of Medical University at J abalpur.
12. As per letter no. F-04-26/2011/55/2 dated 30.09.11 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for revised
amount of Rs.264.56 Lakhs was given for the construction of library
building at Medical College, J abalpur.
13. As per letter no. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated Nil of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for
Rs.2102.00 Lakhs was given for up-gradation of Virology Lab at Medical
College, Bhopal.
14. The Notification of establishment of medical university J abalpur, Madya
Pradesh has been published in M.P gazette on 6.5.2011.

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15. As per letter No. F-04-22/2011/55/2 dated 15-11-11 of Medical
Education Deptt. Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for
Rs. 63.69 lakhs was given for newly created 35 posts and for purchase of
04 vehicles for establishment of Medical University at J abalpur.
16. As per letter no. F-04-26/2011/55/2 dated 30.09.11 of Medical Education
Department, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal, an administrative approval for revised
amount of Rs.264.56 Lakhs was given for the construction of library
building at Medical College, J abalpur.
17. An amount of Rs. 131.00 lakhs has been sanctioned for deposit in 'work
deposit head' of Public works deptt. for construction of New OPD
building in M.Y. Hospital, Indore.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) and Annual Plan 2012-13

For 12th Five Year Plan Rs. 64000.00 lakhs has been proposed while Rs.
10500.00 lakhs has been proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13. The details of
some schemes are shown below:

Name of Plan Amount
(In lacks)
1. Strengthening of
Hospitals attached
with Medical
300.00 Provision for necessary equipment to
fulfill deficiencies shown by MCI
during year 2007 which are incomplete
during 11th five year plan so included
in 12th five year plan (Proposed
amount 2400.00 lacks)
2. Construction of
Hostels in Medical
College & 46-46
Seats Hostel in
Medical College
800.00 Construction of Hostel and facilities
for students during MCI inspection in
2007 and strengthening of Hostel for
students in medical college rewa as per
order of Hon'ble Court.
3. Construction of
1000 beded
Hospital in
50.00 As per the announcement of Hon'ble
Chief Minister due to shortage of
budget during financial year 2011-12,
this should be considered under PPP
4. Establishment of
Department Indore
25.00 Separate Cardiology Department in
medical college indore for the
treatment of cardiac patients.

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Name of Plan Amount
(In lacks)
5. Establishment of
Cardiology Deptt.
in medical college
J abalpur
25.00 Rs. 215.21 lakh Establishment of
Cardiology Deptt. in medical college
jabalpur is raised by Hon'ble Speaker
in Vidhan Sabha dated 25/2/2011
6. Establishment of
Deptt. in medical
college J abalpur
25.00 Separate Neurosurgery Deptt. should
be established in medical college
J abalpur where patients should be
7. Rehabilitation of
BPL family in
medical college
J ablapur
100.00 Rs. 340.28 lakh (As per order of
Hon'ble High Court J abalpur dated
8. RIO Bhopal 10.00 Rs. 200.00 lakhs
with reference to meeting presided by
Hon'ble Minister, Medical Education
on 13/4/2010.
9. Establishment of
Gamma Camera in
medical college
50.00 Proposed amount Rs. 447.92 lakhs
with reference to order given by
Hon'ble C.M. during inspection of
Hamidia Hospital Bhopal on
10. Dialysis 50.00 Proposed Rs. 147.70 lakhs
with reference to order given by
Hon'ble C.M. during inspection of
Hamidia Hospital Bhopal on

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

Planning Year 2012-17 Which Are Included In 12th Five Year Plan
Proposed For The Year 2012-13

Name of Plan Amount
1. Increment of MBBS
Seats up to 200 in
medical college
10.00 Rs. 785.00 lakhs with reference to
meeting held under president ship of
Hon'ble C.M. on 16.7.2010
2. Upgradation of 1500
beds in speciality in
medical college
Rs. 642.89 lakhs with reference to
meeting held under president ship of
Hon'ble C.M. on 2.8.2010
3. Upgradation of Super
specialty department
in medical college up
to 1500 beds.
273.33 lakhs with reference to meeting
held under president ship of Hon'ble
C.M. on 2.8.2010
4. Establishment of ETP
in medical college
100.00 with reference to meeting held under
resident ship of Hon'ble C.M. on
5. Provision for
installation of
incinerator in the
medical college sagar
and establishment of
other essential
100.00 Objection raised by M.P. Pollution
Control Board.
6. Establishment of
overhead water tank
in medical college
100.00 with reference to meeting held under
president ship of Hon'ble C.M. on
7. Improvement of
Laundry and other
immunities, medical
college model
100.00 Establishment of modern Bacteria free
laundry in Hospitals attached with
medical colleges for washing of cloths
used by indoor patients.
8. Establishment of T.B.
Chest department in
Medical college
50.00 Treatment of T.B. Chest Patients are
given under medicine department for
proper treatment. this department is
separated from medicine.

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Name of Plan Amount
9. Establishment of
department in
medical college
10. Strengthening of
OPD and
establishment of
ICCU in M.Y.
Hospital of medical
college indore
11. Establishment of
Examination Hall in
medical college
J abalpur

Prescribed Financial And Physical Target And Main Thrust For The
Yearly Plan For 2012-13

1 Tribal Sub-Plan And Special Plan- An amount of Rs.3791.76 Lakhs
and Rs.426.60 Lakhs have been proposed under recurring expenses head
for payment of scholarships to junior medical students of SC and ST
studying in medical colleges for which a physical target of scholarship for
214 ST and for 179 SC students and construction at Medical College at
Sagar and salary are included.
2. Construction Work- For construction of hostels according to strength of
students at Medical College and its attached Hospital and to satisfy the
deficiencies pointed out by the Medical Council various constructions
works approval has been given by the State Government. For completing
the approved work a provision of Rs.2000.00 Lakhs has been proposed
for the year 2012-13 and on receipt of this sum most of the construction
works would complete.
3. New Medical College At Sagar As per declaration of Honble Chief
Minister, the work of starting medical college was begun in the year
2006-07. For construction work Rs.100.00 Lakhs and Rs.3231.76 Lakhs
for salary, allowances and equipments have been provisioned and

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

accordingly for the year 2012-13 a provision of Rs.3331.76 Lakhs has
been made for construction work, salary and equipments.
4. Up-gradation of Trauma Unit at Medical College Bhopal. Government of
M.P. as per letter no. F-1-13/09/2/55 dated 12.6.09 has created 55 posts
of various cadres and for purchase of equipments an amount of Rs.207.60
Lakhs has been sanctioned for up-gradation of Medical College Bhopal.
For completing the work it has been included in 12
five year plan.
5. Government of M.P. as per letter no. F-1-11/09/2/55 dated 2.9.09 has
established a gastroenterology department at Gandhi Medical College
Bhopal for which an approval for 13 posts of class I, class II and class II
has been given and for purchase of equipments a sanction of Rs.299.10
Lakhs has been issued. Due to incomplete work it has been included in
five year plan.
6. Government of M.P. as per letter no. F-1-10/09/2/55 dated 2.9.09 has
issued an approval for 32 posts of various cadres and for purchase of
equipments an amount of Rs.283.90 Lakhs for Cardiac Science Centre at
Gandhi Medical College Bhopal has been issued and the same has been
included in 12
five year plan.
7. Government of M.P. as per letter no. F-1-13/09/2/55 dated 1.9.09 has
issued an approval
for an amount of Rs.116.80 Crores for construction of 1000 bedded
hospital in the premises of J ayarogya Chikitsalaya Gwalior.Bhumi Pujan
was done on 4.11.2009.It is included in 12
five year plan.
8. Government of M.P. as per letter no. F-3-5/09/2/55 dated 24.6.09 has
issued a sanction for 6 posts of various cadres and for purchase of
equipments an amount of Rs.550.00 Lakhs and for construction 248.00
Lakhs has been issued. It has been included in 12
five year plan.

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The proposed plan ceiling for 12
five plan is Rs. 64000.00 Lakhs and for
Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs 10500.00 Lakhs. The Scheme wise detail are as
(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Plan 2012-
Proposed Plan
12th Five
Year Plan
Director, Medical Education
1 Scholarships & Stipends to SC & ST
940.00 6000.00
2 Creation of post as per recommendation
of MCI
2000.00 17945.00
3 New Sagar Medical College 3000.00 10200.00
4 Strengthening of Hospital Attached to
Medical College
300.00 2400.00
5 Construction & Upgradation of Hostels
in Medical College
800.00 11300.00
6 Estt. of Trauma Centre 100.00 250.00
7 Establishment of Cardiology
Medical College Gwalior
25.00 700.00
8 Upgradation of Neurology
Medical College Gwalior
25.00 125.00
9 Upgradation of Cardiology
Medical College Bhopal
25.00 125.00
10 Establishment of Gastroenterology Deptt.
in Medical College Bhopal
25.00 125.00
11 Vikramaditya Scheme 5.00 30.00
12 Sewage outlet project in medical college
in J abalpur
15.00 100.00
13 Examination Hall in Medical College.
J abalpur
20.00 100.00
14 Green Card 35.00 175.00
15 Establishment of Cardiology Deptt. in
Medical College J abalpur
25.00 125.00
16 Establishment of Neurology Deptt. in
Medical College J abalpur
25.00 125.00
17 Estt. of Virology Lab. At GMC Bhopal
600.00 2200.00

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Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Plan 2012-
Proposed Plan
12th Five
Year Plan
18 Upgradation of MTH Hospital Indore
550.00 2000.00
19 Starting of new PG course in 5 Medical
College (75:25)
700.00 3500.00
20 Upgradation of OPD& Establishment of
ICCU in M.Y. hospital Indore
450.00 2300.00
21 Establishment of 6 ward & Boundary Wal
in MC J abalpur
60.00 300.00
22 Improvement of Laundry & Other
amenities in Medical Colleges
100.00 500.00
23 Estt. Of Medical University 50.00 250.00
24 Establishment of Nephrology
Department in Medical College Indore
30.00 150.00
25 Establishment of Cardiology
Medical College Indore
25.00 125.00
26 Establishment of 2000 beds in super
speciality in MC Bhopal
50.00 250.00
27 Establishment of 1000 beded Hospital in
50.00 250.00
28 Rehabilitation of Adhibhogi families in
MC J abalpur
100.00 500.00
29 RIO Bhopal 10.00 50.00
30 Provision of water supply & ETP at Sagar 100.00 500.00
31 Provision for Incinerator & other
essential infrastructure for medical
college Sagar
100.00 500.00
32 Establishment of Dialysis unit in MC
50.00 250.00
33 Provision of Gamma Camera in MC
50.00 250.00
34 Establishment of TB Chest Department
in MC J abalpur
50.00 250.00
35 Increase in no. of M.B.B.S. seats 10.00 50.00
Total 10500.00 64000.00

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15.8 Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy

Under this system Health Services are provided on parallel line with allopathic
system, through Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani system of medicine.
Presently following institutions are working in the State.

Govt. Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani Colleges 09
District Level Ayurvedic Hospital 17
Tehsil / Village level Hospital -
Ayurvedic -
Rau (Indore), Tamiya (Chhindwara), Baihar (Balaghat),
Lakhnadon (Seoni)
Homeopathic -
Navegaon sanotorium (Chhindwara), Pithampur (Dhar)




System Urban Rural Total
Ayurved 61 1368 1429
Homeopathy 64 82 146
Unani 27 23 50
Total 152 1473 1625

Aim And Objectives Of Department :-

1. To prepare efficient physician of Indian medicine and homeopathy in
Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani medical college by the department.
2. To provide better medical care facilities to the public through the
Ayurved / Homeopathy / Unani hospitals / dispensaries in the state.
3. To fill up teaching cadre post in the Govt. Ayurved, Homeopathy and
Unani college in the state.
4. To fill up the para medical posts in the Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani
hospitals and dispensaries operating in the state.

Strategies :-

1. To fill up the posts after creation as per the norms prescribed by the
CCIM/CCH in the college of the state.
2. To supply medicines, furnitures and instruments in the hospitals and
dispensaries working in the rural areas.
3. To fill up posts in the dispensaries by producing trained DAIS from
Government Mahila Ayurved Swasthya Karyakarta Prasikshana Kendra
Rau, Indore.

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Performance Of Annual Plan 2010-11

An outlay of Rs. 1592.15 lakhs was approved for Annual Plan 2010-11. Against
which an expenditure of Rs. 1989.69 lakh has been incurred.

Review Of Annual Plan 2011-12

An outlay of Rs. 4500.00 lakh for the year 2011-12 is approved. It is expected
that by the end of financial year an amount of Rs. 2339.45 lakh will be utilized.

Improvement of existing infrastructure by providing necessary equipment,
furniture and medicines is in progress. Works of strengthening and establishing
Ayurvedic and Unani hospital at Bhopal. Opening of new dispensaries at places
where no facility exists within 8 to 10 KM. has been taken up during the year.

Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)

During the 11th five year plan it is proposed to improve, upgrade and strengthen
the existing institution by providing essential staff, furniture, equipments.

The approval outlay for the 11th plan was Rs. 8250.00 lakh against which
expenditure was incurred Rs. 544.18 lakh, Rs. 810.18 lakh, Rs. 928.27 lakh and
Rs. 1989.69 lakh during year 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and year 2010-11

The outlay approved for 2011-12 was Rs. 4500.00 lakh against which an
expenditure of Rs. 2339.45 lakh will be utilized.

The Physical achievements: Various posts of Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani
systems were created and filled up in hospitals, dispensaries. One Unani and
one Homeopathy College each was established.

Five Year Plan (2012-17) & Annual Plan 2012-13

In the National Policy on Indian System of Medicine & Homeopathy it has been
observed "a corrective and promotive policies needs to be initiated so that ISM
can fully realize its potential and contribute more meaningful to the Health
Services. Keeping in view the need for consolidation and creation of
infrastructure, making available ISM&H drugs replenish supplies reorient the
practitioners and teachers, upgrade in patient facilities, build awareness about
the efficacy of the system, setting up of laboratories and enforcement
mechanisms for quality control at State Level the allocation for this system is

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still abysmally low. Keeping in view the above policy it is proposed to continue
the ongoing activities and take up certain new scheme for upgrading the ISM
system in the state. The schemes proposed are basically the strengthening and
upgradation of ISM hospitals, dispensaries, colleges and establishment of
research and training institute.

An outlay of Rs. 40000.00 lakh for 12th Five Year Plan and Rs. 4785.00 lakh
for the year 2012-13 are proposed.

Existing infrastructure will be improved by providing necessary equipment,
furniture and medicines establishment of new district. Offices at Anuppur,
Ashoknagar & Burhanpur creation of post at Women Training Centre at Rau
(Indore). Establishment of Ayurved and Unani hospital at Bhopal, Post
Graduate courses at Ayurved Hospital, Bhopal and new dispensaries at such
places where no facility exists within 8 to 10 KM.

Proposed Annual Plan (2012-13)
An outlay of Rs. 4785.00 lakh for the year 2012-13 has been proposed. Out of
which Rs. 400.00 lakh and Rs. 70.00 lakh are proposed under TSP and SCSP

The most of the activities of Directorate are of ongoing nature and thus
expenditure is of recurring nature. In addition a special effort will be made to
strengthen ISM in the state so that it can contribute more meaningful in
delivering health services to people of state. Activities relating to upgrading in
patient facilities, creating awareness about the efficacy of the systems, setting
up of laboratories and enforcement mechanisms for quality control and
establishment of research and training academy will be taken up during the plan
period. Department will take up measures for upgrading the ISM system in the
state through new scheme. 1625 Ayurved, Homeopathy and Unani dispensaries
and 32 Hospitals will be strengthen. 12 Ayurvedic Divisional and District
offices to be established during the financial year 2012-13.

The overall outlay of Indian System of Medicine and homeopathy for five year
plan 2012-17 is Rs. 40000.00 Lakhs and for Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs.
4785.00 Lakhs. The Scheme wise breakup is as below-

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed Annual
Plan 2012-13
Proposed Plan 12th
Five Year Plan 2012-17
Director, Indian Medical System & Homeo.
1 Strengthening of Aurvedic/ Hom.&
Unani Hospital & Dispensaries with
provision of Medicine
875.00 6600.00
2 Establishment of Dist. Ayurvedic
Hospital in New Distt.
400.00 5500.00
3 Establishment of Unani Collage at
250.00 1900.00
4 Creation of posts in Female Ayurvedic
Training at Rao District Indore
20.00 150.00
5 Establishment of Ayurvedic Hospital
at Bhopal
700.00 5310.00
6 Strengthening of Directorate and
district offices
200.00 900.00
7 Creation of post in Ayurvedic College 250.00 1900.00
8 Creation of postgraduate in Unani
160.00 1220.00
9 Creation of postgraduate in
Homeopathic College
250.00 1900.00
10 Creation of post of paramedical
college staff (Ayurvedic)
160.00 1220.00
11 Construction of joint campus at
250.00 1500.00
12 Creation of post in Ayurvedic and
Homeopathic dispensaries
150.00 1200.00
13 Establishment of Indian Health
80.00 590.00
14 Establishment of Drug Control office 20.00 150.00
15 Grant of Ayu/ Homeo Board 20.00 150.00
16 Establishment of Ayush Disp. 200.00 1200.00
17 Creation of post of Ayush wing in
distt. Allopathy hospital
150.00 1350.00
18 Creation of post (PG course) in 4 of
Ayurvedic & Homeopathic college
120.00 3560.00
19 E Governance project 500.00 3000.00
20 Creation of post PG courses in Govt.
Homeopathic college Bhopal
30.00 700.00
Total 4785.00 40000.00

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15.9 Food and Drug Control

The Food and Drug administration, Madhya Pradesh working under the Public
Health & Family Welfare Department , Government of Madhya Pradesh bears
the responsibility of providing safe food as well as Drugs & Cosmetics of
standard quality in the State.

These responsibilities are fulfilled through enforcement of two Central Acts,
namely, Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and Drugs& Cosmetics, 1940 and
Rules & Regulations made there under. The activities of the Administration
include licensing and inspection of premises, drawal of samples for
test\analysis, testing of samples in the laboratories and taking action such as
prosecution, suspension & cancellation of licenses against the offenders.

Rs. 364.00 lakh was the outlay for 11th five year plan. Anticipated expenditure
is Rs. 359.91 lakh against yearly total outlay of Rs. 751.40 lakh.

Performance Of Annual Plan 2010-11

An outlay of Rs. 232.50 lakhs was approved for the financial year 2010-11
against which actual expenditure of Rs. 95.86 lakhs has been incurred.

Total 7553 Food samples were analysed in the Food Testing Laboratory during
the financial year 2010-11. Similarly, 1936 drug samples were tested in the
financial year2010-11

Review Of Annual Plan 2011-12

An outlay of Rs 300.00 lakh has been approved for Annual Plan 2011-12
against which Rs. 40.98 lakh to be utilized during the financial year.
During the Annual Plan 2011-12 approved physical targets are testing of 5000
food samples and 2000 drug samples. Against these 10051 food samples and
2049 drug samples have already been tested during the year 2011-12.

Proposed Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Ts 245.60 lakh has been proposed physical for Annual Plan

During the Annual Plan 2012-13, the proposed physical targets are testing of
5000 food samples and 2000 drug sam

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Proposed 12
Five Year Plan 2012-17

An outlay of Rs. 1820.00 lakhs has been proposed for five year plan 2012-17.
The Scheme wise breakup is as blow-

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
1 Prevention of Food Adulteration 27.00 205.00
2 Drugs Control 41.00 310.00
3 Computerization of District Level 16.80 130.00
4 Maintenance of Machinery 5.00 40.00
5 Up-gradation Drug Lab. 70.00 530.00
6 Up-gradation Food Lab. 80.00 560.00
7 Training 5.80 45.00
Total 245.60 1820.00

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15.10 Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation (PHE)

The State of Madhya Pradesh is centrally located and is often called as the
"Heart of India". It is the second largest Indian state in size with an area of
308,000 sq. kms. Population of the State as per 2010 census is 72500 thousands.
The rural population is 73.30% of the total population, while 26.70% is urban.
Percentage of tribal population to total is 19.9% and it is 15.4% for scheduled
caste population. The State is home to a rich cultural heritage and has
practically everything; innumerable monuments, large plateau, spectacular
mountain ranges, meandering rivers and miles and miles of dense forests
offering a unique and exciting panorama of wildlife in sylvan surroundings

Water is an elixir of life. The use of contaminated water leads to many health
hazards. The World Health Organization has rightly recognized the supply of
pure and wholesome water as primary objectives of environmental aspects. To
promote and protect the health of the rural population, it is targeted to provide
safe drinking water facilities and safe environmental sanitation in the state.

Public Health Engineering Department is implementing agency for rural water
supply schemes in the State as per policy of the Government of India.

Role of the Department

To facilitate the community planning, implementation and monitoring of
programmes and schemes for safe drinking water in rural areas.
Conduct periodic performance reviews with all districts.
Supporting R&D initiatives, IEC and HRD activities for all stakeholders in
drinking water sector.
Providing support to district in the wake of natural calamities to mitigate
drinking water and sanitation problems in rural areas.
Helping the districts to assume the role of facilitator for the Panchayats in
maintaining drinking water security
Developing capacity of technical manpower at all levels in technical,
managerial, attitudinal and skill set areas.
Building partnerships and synergizing efforts with other sector partners,
organizations, UN and bilateral agencies, NGOs, R&D institutions and civil
society in our common endeavour to ensure access to safe drinking water
for rural communities.
Coordinate with other line departments (i.e. Panchayat & Gramin Vikas,
Education, Health, Tribal and Women & children welfare and Forest

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Recognizing and awarding Panchayats and district for excellent work in
rural drinking water sector.
Rural water supply schemes including hand pump schemes and piped water
supply schemes & alternative water supply arrangements in water quality
affected habitations under National Rural Drinking Water Programme of the
Govt. of India.
Maintenance of hand pump schemes in the State.
Schemes for sustainability of sources such as ground water recharge
Implementation of urban water supply schemes where the local bodies so
Providing technical assistance to the Panchayats in maintaining rural piped
water supply schemes.
Implementing water quality monitoring & surveillance programme.

Review Of 11
Five Year Plan (The Strategies Envisaged In The 11
Financial And Physical Achievement -Current Growth Status.

Following main activities were proposed in the 11
plan. It was proposed to
implement most of the rural schemes in the "District Sector" and urban schemes
in the "State Sector". All works where more technical inputs were required,
such as rural schemes of water quality affected habitations and artificial water
recharging schemes were also kept under State Sector. An approved outlay for
11th Five Year Plan was Rs. 153695.00 lakhs against which Rs. 176807.55
lakhs is the anticipated expenditure. Some scheme wise details are given below:

A- Rural Sector :-

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Target Achieve-
Allotment Expenditure
1 Coverage of habitations
62561 50936.90 44698.44
Water supply in Rural
2870 12281 7557.59 6590.67
Water supply facilities in
SC/ST hostels.
1000 1351 6031.51 3826.76
Piped Water Supply
Schemes including ongoing
schemes, new schemes and
augmentation of existing
2500 2404 53945.26 42482.58
Construction of artificial
water recharging structures
6791 5448.27 2942.10

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4


(Rs. in Lakhs)
Target Achieve-
Allotment Expenditure
like Dykes, check dams,
stop dams, percolation
tanks, roof top rainwater
harvesting structures etc.
under sustainability
O&M of schemes and
reconstruction of
handpump platforms.
124311 12723.91 45782.33
Maintenance of PWS
Schemes (Creation of new
sources where dried & their
3274 4967.68 3951.18
Fluorosis control
programme & Brackishness
control programme and
some provision for up-
gradation of laboratories.
4930 2120 18878.81 12972.49
Provision has been made,
for Direction and
Administration, Training,
R&D, Survey &
Investigation and
Machinery & Equipments.
LS - 3683.12 3602.48
Ongoing Urban Water
Supply Schemes under
State plan and schemes
being implemented under
41 43 10698.90 7998.68
11 Urban Sewerage Schemes . 1 1 Complete 510.00 460.00
Total 11
plan for Urban &
Rural Sector
175381.95 175307.71
Note : Year wise physical & financial performance details are given in annexure as enclosed.

Target, Objective, Priorities And Perspective Planning For The 12
Year Plan As Per Swot Analysis

Defining The Aspiration

The Government of Madhya Pradesh has aspiration of providing access to water
taps from piped water supply schemes within the premise of every household
except for the problematic and difficult villages for which different technical
measure will be provided. The level of water supply will vary, but the supply
shall be continuous and uninterrupted and will be raised to the 24 X 7 water

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

supply level. The sources of water supply will be primarily surface water
sources or a combination of surface water source and ground water source.

Vision of The Department

The Government of Madhya Pradesh will strive for and ensure that every
rural person has sufficient quantity of quality water for drinking and other
domestic needs as well as needs of livestock throughout the year including
during natural disasters and emergencies.
By the end of year 2017, about every 25% rural person in the state will have
access to 70 lpcd within their household premises without social or financial
discrimination. The level of water supply will be varied out of that at least
10% rural population shall be made available continuous and uninterrupted
24 X 7 water supply.

Goals For XII Five Year Plan

"To ensure that every rural person has enough safe water for drinking,
cooking and other domestic needs as well as livestock throughout the year
including during natural disasters". By 2017, at least 35% of rural
households are provided with piped water supply; at least 25% of rural
households have piped water supply with a household connection; less than
10% use public taps and less than 35% use hand pumps or other safe and
adequate private water sources.
Rural person in the state will have access to 70 lpcd within their household
premises or at a horizontal distance of 100 meters or vertical distance of not
more than 10 meters from their household without barriers of social or
financial discrimination.
Basic piped water supply with a mix of household connections, public taps
and hand pumps (designed for 70 lpcd)
Piped water supply with all household connections (designed for 70 lpcd) -
with appropriate cost ceilings as decided by States taking affordability and
social equity into consideration.
In extreme cases, hand pumps (designed for 55 lpcd), protected open wells,
protected ponds, etc shall be provided for the uncovered population.
Optimum use of rainwater should be an integrated element in all cases.
All services meet set standards in terms of quality and number of hours of
supply every day.
Ensure that all households, schools and anganwadies in rural India have
access to and use adequate quantity of safe drinking water.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

Enabling support and environment for Panchayat Raj Institutions and local
communities to manage at least 60% of rural drinking water sources and
Developing energy efficient systems by using solar pump sets instead of
electrically operated pump sets.
Strengthening urban infrastructure by improving sewage systems, solid
waste management and environment.


To ensure piped drinking water access to all rural households and
preference shall be given to safe and sustainable surface water source.
All rural households shall have tap connections and get safe piped drinking
water with quality as per IS-10500 (desirable limits) standards in adequate
quantity as per notified norms in every situation and all times without any
need to make arrangement on their own leading to healthy and well-
nourished children and adults.
To give preference to the grouped water supply schemes; base on surface
water sources.
To give high priority to SC/ST and minority dominated habitations and BPL
To ensure drinking water security through measures to improve/augment
existing drinking water schemes and conjunctive use of groundwater,
surface-water and rain water harvesting based on village water budgeting
and security plan prepared by the communities/local government institutions.
Issue of portability, reliability, sustainability, convenience, equity and
consumers preference to be the guiding principles while planning for a
community based water supply system
To provide support and environment to enable Panchayat Raj Institutions
and local communities, to manage their own drinking water sources and
systems, and sanitation in their villages.
To promote participatory integrated water resources management with a
view to ensure drinking water security; measurement and metering of water
availability, supply and use.
To provide access to information through online mechanism with
information upload in public domain to bring in transparency and inform
about decisions.
As mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs, sustainability issues have become
very critical in most part of Madhya Pradesh as almost all the drinking water
supply schemes are based on ground water and with excessive use of ground
water sources in the agricultural sector, the drinking water sources are drying
up gradually. As suggested in the approach paper, efforts would be made to

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base the water supply schemes on surface water sources rather than ground
water sources to make them sustainable. Extensive ground water recharge
measures in the vicinity of water supply scheme sources would also be
undertaken and rain water harvesting and other ground water recharge
schemes would be implemented on a large scale during the 12th plan period.
All the piped water supply schemes in M.P. are already being run and
maintained by the PRIs, as per policy of the state Government and
strengthening of their skills would be done through HRD.

Addressing The Challenges :-

In the rural drinking water sector, the biggest problem is of slippage of
habitations. Huge investments have been made in this sector over successive
plan periods. Despite this, the habitations once covered with drinking water
supply slip back to uncovered status due to various reasons like :-
Sources going dry due to depletion of the ground water table
Sources becoming quality affected (i.e. excess Fluoride, Iron, Nitrate and
Salinity etc.).
Systems working below rated capacity due to poor operation and
Weak institutional governance.
Insufficient support structures and professional capacity at all levels.
Increase in population at greater rate as anticipated resulting in low per
capita availability
Emergence of new habitations.
Seasonal shortage of water etc.

Strategies :-

Following measures shall be adopted to meet the above challenges :-
Strengthening the departmental infrastructure.
To ensure sustainability of sources & schemes; the State shall be adopting
following strategies :-
Promote rainwater harvesting structures.
Reviving traditional sources.
Promoting conjunctive use of surface and ground water and rainwater.
Supplementing with new schemes for habitations served by outlived
Providing regional schemes from alternate safe source by extending new

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Adopting source sustainability /strengthening measures in old schemes.
Installation of solar energy based dual system pumpsets over the tubewells
having good yield in the remote rural areas and in IAP districts of Madhya
Pradesh with the 100% central share funds available in sustainability
Convergence with MNREGS and watershed development programmes.
Institutionalization of community participation in water quality monitoring
and in O&M of intra-village drinking water infrastructure.
As on 1.04.2011, out of a total of 127197 habitations in the States reported
that 51155 habitations had uncovered population coverage (>0 and <100%).
In the year 2009-10, 77852 slipped-back habitations were reported as
covered by the State during data realignment and increased service level 40
lpcd to 55 lpcd.

Strategy For The Future

Gender issues and empowering women in RWS sector for management,
operation & maintenance.
Metered bulk water by the water supply agency to the GPs and household
metered connections within GP for effective tariff collection.
Piped water supply with Household tap connection in every rural household
with safe drinking water availability on 24x7 basis
All quality affected and uncovered habitations to be covered by 2017.
Providing revolving fund to Gram Panchayat for maintenance of schemes.
Improving energy efficiency, reduce unaccounted water losses and
conducting regular water, energy and social audits of water supply projects.
Promoting rainwater harvesting, water conservation, revival of traditional
water harvesting systems and low cost technology options for drinking
Focus on use of new and renewable energy sources to reduce operational
Decentralized water quality monitoring and surveillance, testing of drinking
water sources by trained people of GPs through field test kits, sanitary
surveillance of all drinking water sources, water quality monitoring at sub-
division, district and State level water testing laboratories
Preparation and updating of HGM maps for identification of correct sites for
drilling new bore wells and build recharge structures.

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Participatory preparation of village, block and district water security plans
Participatory water management including of water demand and budgeting
based on watershed/acquifer/hydrological unit approach to ensure drinking
water security.
Introduction of dual water supply schemes to quality affected habitations
for drinking and cooking purposes
Online IMIS for close monitoring of all the related activities under rural
water supply sector
Shift from conventional database/maps to web-based GIS environment.
Incentivize good water management by GPs through Sajal Gram Puraskar
for achieving drinking water security on 24x7 basis.
Appropriate awareness generation and capacity building of PRIs.
Under R&D, scientific studies shall be promoted on improving water
quantity and quality along with studies on soft issues like IEC, HRD, policy

Physical And Financial Targets For The 12
Five Year Plan 2012-17
And Annual Plan 2012-13.

Rural Water Supply Schemes are being implemented as per the guidelines of
the Department of Drinking Water Supply of the Govt. of India as a part of
Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme. The main objectives of this
programme are :
To supply safe potable drinking water to all the rural habitations of the state
at the rate of 40-55 liters per capita per day.
The source of safe water supply should be within a distance of 500 mts. in
plain areas and within 30 m. elevation in hilly areas.
Providing drinking water to Rural Schools.
The habitations having more SC/ST population are to be given priority for
State Planning Commission Madhya Pradesh has agreed a total plan outlay
for the 12
plan of 2012-17 as Rs. 311640.00 lakhs and annual plan 2012-13
outlay as Rs. 42546.67 lakhs. As per discussions held in the State Planning
Board on 15
December, 2011, it was agreed the plan outlay for 12
2012-17 and annual plan 2012-13. Accordingly plan document has been

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Sector wise breakup of the plan is as below :-
(Details are given in Annexures) :-

( lakhs)
Sector 12
plan 2012-17 Annual plan 2012-13
Normal Plan 165020.00 22180.53
Tribal Sub Plan 84095.00 11915.40
Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan 62525.00 8450.74
Total 311640.00 42546.67
The overall outlay of public health engineering department for five year plan
2012-17 is Rs. 311640.00 Lakhs and for Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 42546.67
Lakhs. The Scheme wise breakup is as below:-
(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
E-IN-C, P.H.E. (63)
Rural Water Supply Scheme
1 Coverage of PC (Partially Covered)
13451.18 29140.00
2 Water Supply in rural schools 2462.50 2550.00
3 Provision for Piped Water Supply 15078.84 164962.54
4 Regular maintenance of hand pumps 2879.20 25000.00
5 Construction of damaged HP platforms 852.35 9250.00
6 Maintenance of PWS Schemes
(Creation of new sources where dried
& their inter connection and
maintenance of group schemes)
1826.00 11342.00
7 Drinking Water facilities in ST/SC
hostels & Ashrams
1109.10 2026.34
8 Fluorosis control programme 2500.00 39695.00
9 Brackishness control prog. 200.00 1776.00
10 State Sector Schemes 300.00 21415.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
11 Penchvelly group water supply scheme 1400.00 3727.14
Urban Sector
12 Urban Water Supply Scheme 287.50 355.98
13 Infrastructure & Development Works 200.00 400.00
Total 42546.67 311640.00

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15.11 Home (Police) Department

The Police Department has to keep an eye on the political and social activities
accuring at the bordering areas that may disputs the law and order of the state,
The criminals envolved in such activities infiltrate into our state after the
completion of the act and continue to repeat such activities. To effectively deal
with such illegal and criminal activities, it is essential for the police to
strengthen itself. For this police needs to increase its force at all levels and
trained is appropriately. It is also essential to equip the police with the latest
modern vehicle and advanced weapons. Police Station and Police out post need
to be established, adequate residences for the force should be provided, cyber
crime should be controlled.

The department of Police is the most important department of the government
machinary. Therefore each of its wing needs updation and modernisation.
Keeping this in mind various schemes and plans were incorporated and
implemented in the 11th Five Year Plan 2007-2012, the description of which is
given below:-

Review Of Annual Plan Year 2011-12

The provision in majar scheme of Police Department during Annual Plan of
2011-12 is as below:-
(Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No Name of Schemes Normal TSP SCSP Total
1 Police Housing 350.00 150.00 0 500.00
2 Cyber Crime Investigation 141.50 0 0 141.50
3 Security of Big cities &
sensetive places
150.00 0 0 150.00
4 Integrate Police Training
100.00 0 0 100.00
5 13th FC - Upgradation of
Police Training
2925.00 900.00 675.00 4500.00
6 Drinking Water Facicities in
Police Units
645.00 750.00 605.00 2000.00
7 Solar Energi in Police
485.00 385.00 330.00 1200.00
TOTAL 4796.00 2185.00 1610.00 8591.50

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The expenditure during annual plan 2011-12 as reported by D.G. Police is total
Rs. 8698.60 lakhs out of which Rs. 4921.55 lakhs in Normal head and Rs.
2082.57 lakhs under TSP & Rs. 1694.48 lakhs under SCSP.

Review Of 11
Five Year Plan 2007-12

The approved outlay for 11th five year plan was Rs. 640.00 lakh. Anticipated
expenditure is Rs. 13732.70 lakh against yearly total outlay of Rs. 14545.86 lakh.

12th Five Year Plan 2012-2017

Total 15 Schemes of M.P. Police (10 New +5 old schemes) are proposed Under
12th five year plan 2012-2017 as under

New Schemes (Proposed Amount In Crores)

Name of New






Police Housing
Through HODCO
87-69 155-68 150-66 187-18 158-74 739-95
Traffic Management
in 5 Big Cities
60-00 50-00 50-00 50-00 50-00 260-00
State level Internal
50-21 51-50 51-23 36-70 30-21 219-85
181 New Post for
Cyber Headquarter
5-00 5-25 5-52 5-80 6-10 27-67
Re-Organisation of
Narcotis Wing
20-33 24-01 17-41 17-84 14-35 93-94
Estt. of State Industrial
Security Force
30-17 30-17 30-17 30-17 30-18 150-86
38-51 38-22 25-79 41-03 24-92 168-47
Re-Orgn. of SAF &
Other Training
48-50 17-69 9-57 12-24 15-18 103-18
Re-Orgn. of Police
Mounted Troops and
Dog Squad
4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 20-80
Houses and Adm
buildings for A.J .K.
50-19 60-33 75-66 92-89 116-07 395-14
Re-organisation of
Police Libraries
0-81 1-94 3-37 4-38 3-38 13-88
Grand Total in Crores 395.57 438.95 423.54 482.39 453.29 2193.74

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Old Schemes (Proposed Amount Shown In Lacs)

Name of Schemes Sanctioned
Under 11th Plan 2008-2012
Total Plan
Approved by
S.F.C. M in
By the State
in 4 year
Amount More
required for
completion of
These Schemes
1 Police Housing 7500.00 4078.40 3921.60
2 Cyber Crime Investigation 400.00 400.00 257.29
3 Security of Big cities &
sensetive places
600.00 600.00 4150.00
4 Integrate Police Training
1000.00 1598.60 1900.00
Grand Total in Lacs 9500.00 6677.00 10228.89

An outlay of Rs.. 45350.00 lakhs has been proposed for five year plan 2012-17
and for annual plan 2012-13 Rs. 9500.00 lakhs has been proposed. scheme wise
breakup is as below:-

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan 12th
Five Year Plan
D.G. Police
1 Police Housing 2500.00 20230.00
2 Cyber Crime Investigation 350.00 1750.00
3 Security in Big Cities and
sensitive places
288.00 1500.00
4 Integrated Police Training
500.00 2500.00
5 13th FC Police Training 4500.00 13500.00
6 Re - Organization of Police
50.00 250.00
7 Re-Organization of Mounted
Troops and Dog Squad
49.00 300.00
8 Re-Organization of S.A.F. &
Other Training Institution
150.00 1000.00
9 Medico Legal Institute 1.00 10.00
10 Forensic Sciences 1.00 10.00
11 State Disaster Emergency
Response Force
500.00 2500.00
12 Estt. of Battalion for State
Industrial Security Force
10.00 145.00
13 Management of traffic in 5 big 100.00 650.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan 12th
Five Year Plan
14 Construction of State Garage 1.00 5.00
15 Prefabricated structure in Naxal
affected areas
500.00 500.00
Total 9500.00 45350.00

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15.12 Urban Development (Town and Country Planning)

The basic aim and objective of the Directorate of Town & Country Planning is
to provide a planned habitation to the people of the state. Accordingly Madhya
Pradesh is comprised and development plans are prepared for the planning
regions and towns, in the context of provision of M.P.Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh
Adhiniyam, 1973, MP Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Niyam, 1975 and MP Bhumi
Vikas Niyam, 1984. The main functions of the Directorate are, preparation of
Regional Development Plan, preparation of Town Development Plan and
review, evaluation and modification of existing development plan, monitoring
and enforcement of various schemes such as Integrated Development Scheme
of Small & Medium Towns and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme of
Small and Medium Towns. The basic functions are as under:-
a. Preparation of Development Plan, Review and Modification.
b. Preparation of Regional Plan.
c. Information Technology in planning.

Performance of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 and Annual Plan 2011-12
An outlay of Rs. 2448.00 lakh for 11th five year plan 2007-12 was approved.
The expenditure incurred Rs. 1645.15 lakh in 2007-08, Rs.298.05 lakh in 2008-
09, Rs.812.65 lakh in 2009-10 and Rs. 568.05lakh in 2010-11.

An annual outlay of Rs482.49 lakh for 2011-12 was approved and expenditure
of Rs. 608.49lakh was incurred. Following physical targets have been achieved:

Physical and Financial Progress: Annual Plan 2011-12(Sept.-2011)
(Rs in Lakh)
Target Achievements S.
Name of Scheme
Physical Financial Physical Financial
1 Prepn. Dev. Plan,
Review &
12 towns
299.04 7 Town
6 town
2 Regional Plan 1 region 82.35 Bina
3 Information
6 offices 100.00 3 60.56
4 Destination Project
1 (20 sites) 0.10 -
5 Development
6 Town 0.01 -
6 Gwalior counter
1 1.00 - -
Total 482.50 - 153.09

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Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs.4230.00 lakh for 12
Five Year Plan and Rs.731.01lakh for
Annual Plan 2012-13 is proposed.

Level of Development in Madhya Pradesh
a. Planning status in Madhya Pradesh - Towns
i) Planning Area constituted 154
ii) Existing Land Use published 95
iii) Development Plan published/enforced 82/69
iv) Modified Dev.Plan published/enforced 14/11

Target, Object, Priorities and Strategy of 12th Five Year Plan :
The objective of various schemes under Urban Development is to implement the
recommendations of National Commission on Urbanization and to ensure
balanced urban and regional growth and planned sustainable development of
urban centers, as per the strategy also adopted in 10th Five Year Plan. The
objective is aimed to be achieved keeping in view the spirit of 73
and 74

Constitutional Amendments, State Housing Policy and M.P. Nagar Tatha Gram
Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973. The Directorate of Town & Country Planning is the
parent organization to guide and regulate the regional and urban developmental
activities through the above legislation.
To fulfill the above objective following targets are fixed for 12th five year plan-
i) Planned Development of planning regions and towns.
ii) Review and modifications of approved development plans.
iii) To control un authorized development against the provision of
development plan proposals and the Adhiniyam.
iv) Implementation of up-gradation program in Information
v) Installation of satellite imageries and geographical information

The State Govt. has decided to prepare the Development Plans for the towns of
the state along with review, evaluation and modification of development plans
within the stipulated time period, It is a continuous process and has under 12th
Five Year Plan period a target of preparation of Development Plan for 75 new
towns and review and modification of enforced development plans.

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Physical and Financial targets for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 .
(Rs. in lakh)
Name of Scheme Financial Target Physical Target
1 Prepn.Dev. Plan, Review & Modification 1290.00 60 Towns
2 Regional Plan 630.00 5 Regions
3 Information Technology 1500.00 15 Office/
10 Towns
4 Destination Project Chitrakoot 0.05* 1 Town
5 Development Authority 800.00 6 Towns
6 Gwalior Counter Magnet 9.95 -
Total 4230.00

Physical and Financial Target 2012-13

Physical and Financial Target 2012-13 are as followings;
(Rs. in lakh)
No. Name of Scheme Financial Target Physical Target
1. Prepn. Dev. Plan , Review &
300.00 12 Towns
2. Regional Plan 80.00 1 Region
3. Information Technology 250.00 3 Offices &
2 Towns Web Based
G.I.S appl.
4. Destination Project Chitrakoot 0.01 1 Town
5. Development Authority 100.00 6 Town
6. Gwalior Counter Magnet 1.00 1 Town
Total 731.01

A. Town & Country Planning Development
During the period of Annual Plan 2012-13, land use based Development
Plans for 15Towns are proposed to be prepared and published. In addition to
this review and modification of Development Plans which are already
enforce, is also proposed to be taken up during the period. This work is of
continuous nature. It has become essential to prepare these development
plans with all accuracy by using satellite imageries. Hence for procuring
satellite imaginaries of 15 town's additional provision of Rs146.50 lakhs is
required. Keeping in to view the development planning activities in to State,
It is proposed that consultants be evolve in the activity for which additional
amount of Rs.35.00 lakh &Rs. 30.00 lakh for the purpose of printing of
Development Plans of shall be required for purpose of preparation of

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development of plans, other office expenditure and wages, an amount of
Rs.88.50 lakh shall be required. Thus total amount of Rs. 300.00 lakh has
been proposed for the year 2012-13.

Under the provisions of M.P.Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973, the
state of M.P. has been divided into 8 Planning Regions and a Land Use cum
economic up gradation based Development Plans for these regions are
prepared by the department. Under this process a Regional Plan for Bina
Petrochemical Region has been prepared so far and another regional plan for
Narmadaa-Tapti and Bhopal capital Regions are in progress. But, due to
lack of Regional Planners and other essentials staff in the department,
achievement of the target seems to be difficult. Hence, it is proposed to
prepare the Regional Plans by outsourcing the work to M.P.Council of
Technology, Bhopal. Therefore an amount of Rs. 80.00 lakh is proposed
under this scheme.

Under Information & Technology up gradation scheme, the Directorate and
its all subordinate 25offices are computerized so far. The up gradation of
Directorate and its main sub-ordinate offices are in process. During Annual
Plan 2009-10 few more software's with training funds will be required to
fulfill the need of planning activities related to development plan review and
modification. In addition to this online information based on Khasra wise
Land use map on GIS techniques is also proposed to be installed. For this
purpose new software shall be required to be developed. M.P.Vikash
Pradhikaran Sangh has been appointed as nodal agency by Govt. M.P.Vikash
Pradhikaran Sangh shall prepared a Web based G.I.S. application for ten
towns for this purpose a budget provision of Rs.250.00 lakh has been
proposed in year 2012-13.

Destination Project Chitrakoot scheme was included in the Annual Plan
2008-09 as a new scheme. Under this scheme, infrastructure development of
the Chitrakoot area and some other components which facilitate the tourists
and pilgrims are proposed to be taken up. This scheme will be implemented
by the obtaining grant from central and state govt. In the year
2009-10 Rs.98.00 lakh has been spent on initial work like physical survey,
preparation of detail project report by the Housing Board. Therefore in the
annual plan 2012-13 an amount of Rs. 0.01 lakh is proposed as a token
provision under this scheme.

B. Grant to Development Authority
Development Authorities of Katani,Ratlam, Amarkantak, Singroli and
Special Area Development Authorities khajraho and Maheshwar-
mandeshwar have been newly constituted in the year 2010-11 a budget of

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Rs. 100.00 lakh was received in this year 2010-11, which has been allotted to
this Authorities. In the financial year 2011-12 a token budget of Rs.0.10 lakh
was sanctioned. Therefore an amount of Rs.100.00 lakh has been proposed
for plan year 2012-13.

C. Gwalior Counter Magnet
SADA Gwalior is implementing the infrastructure development scheme by
borrowing loan from NCR Board New Delhi. During 2008-09 the SADA has
taken up the internal infrastructure development scheme of colonies
developed by SADA. and for this purpose for the year 2011-12 Rs.10.51
crores is likely to be released soon by the NCR Board, New Delhi. However,
a token provision of Rs.1.00 lakh is made in the annual plan 2012-13.

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15.13 Urban Administration

Urban Administration & Development deals with the issues concerning Water
supply, Road Maintenance, Sewage water drainage, Solid Waste Management,
Street Lighting arrangement, development of slum areas, infrastructure
development etc in the urban areas of the State. Currently there are 377 ULBs
in the State comprising of 14 Municipal Corporations, 99 Municipal Councils
and 264 Nagar Panchayats functioning in the State. In order to keep pace with
the catering to the needs of growing population and increasing needs of creating
public amenities, numerous tasks of Infrastructure Development, Solid Waste
Management, Water Supply Schemes, Slum up-gradation would be focused and
up-scaled by the Department of Urban Administration and Development in
order to discharge is duties efficiently matching with the growing needs.

Review of 11th five Year Plan

The approved Plan ceiling for the 11th five year plan 2007-12 of Rs
321202.00 Lakh.

During the Eleventh Five Year Plan period anticiped expenditure made on
various schemes is Rs. 311048.23 Lakhs against total yearly outlay of Rs.
425380.20 lakh.
Asian Development Bank assisted urban water supply and environmental
improvement in mp and Did assisted MPUSP Projects, the limits of expenditure
incurred till date are lesser than what had been expected, Till the year end it is
expected that expenditure of Rs. 30956.50 Lakh would be incurred.
In the Five year plan 2007-12 in the centrally sponsored scheme "SJ SRY",
121699 beneficiaries benefited, 86.67 lakh man days employment provided. In
various training programmes arranged and 230289 trainees benefited. In
J NNURM 6 projects completed and in 43 projects works in progress.
Among the schemes running in 11th five year plan MDM is transferred to Rural
Development Department. The 12th finance commission is now completed, so
these schemes are not included in 12th five year plan. Likewise global investors
meet, mandla samagam 2011, and the scheme of internal roads of Bhopal city
and vidisha or not included in the 12th five year plan, as those schemes are
completed in 11th plan.

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The Madhya Pradesh state has been the front runner and flag bearer in taking
initiatives with respect to the Govt. of India sponsred J NNURM scheme. I the
upcoming Five Year Plan also the department is resolved to focus on the above
issues with greater intensity.
12th Five Year Plan 2012-2017 and Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs.833600.00 Lakhs has been proposed for the 12th five year plan.
For the Annual Plan 2012-13 an outlay of Rs.150107.47 lakh has been approved
against which 100% expenditure is anticipated. Requisite funding scheme wise
plan for 2012-17 is enumerated as below:-
Brief Details of main Schemes of UADD;
Swarna Jayanti Sahri Rozgar Yojana (District Plan) It is centrally
sponsored scheme and is implemented under the Central Government
guidelines through the District Urban Development Authorities (DUDA). It
comprises of 75% Central Government share and 25% of State Government's
contribution. This scheme stresses emphasis on providing self-employment,
skill development by training, encouraging women for small savings and
thrifts by Self Help Groups and wages based employment to the urban poor.
The people living below the poverty line are covered under this scheme as
beneficiaries. In the Scheme 30500 beneficiaries will be benefited under self
employment programme, 25020 trainees, 400 woman group and 40570 man
days wage based employment will be provided.
National Urban Information System (NUIS) This scheme is initiated by
the Government of India. The initiatives envisages to put in place a wider
information base through this by digitizing a database of information at City
level supported and integrated with global information system (GIS). Under
this scheme 7 cities of Madhya Pradesh have been included. Under the
scheme 75% contribution would be offered by the Government of India
which will be directly offered to the Survey of India for the tasks that would
be done by it.
Externally Assisted Projects
1) Asian Development Bank assisted project:-
This scheme is financially assisted by the Asian Development Bank
through Government of India in the State. It aims to address the Water
Supply and Environmental improvement in the 4 Mega Cities of Madhya
Pradesh viz. Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior and J abalpur.

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Under this scheme after assessing the infrastructural needs of the included
cities arrangements of potable water supply, development of
environmental improvement, adequate arrangement of storm water
discharge and SW management related works are being undertaken
through public participation, raising public awareness and through
community development.

Major components of the scheme are as under:-
(a) Physical Works; Urban environmental infrastructure improvement
such as water supply, Sewage water collection, treatment, recycling,
reuse and safe disposal, sanitation and Solid Waste Management etc.
(b) Public Participation and Awareness; this component consist
activities that enhance public participation, and raising awareness
amongst the target group and beneficiaries through various methods.
(c) Assistance in Project Implementation ; It consists of various tasks
like Technical Assistance in associated activities like Services and
Management et al for successful implementation of the project. Under
the provisions of Annual Plan 2012-17 and for 2012-13 Rs 30000 lakh
and Rs. 19107.69 lakh are proposed by department.
Madhya Pradesh Urban services for poor (MPUSP) Programme With
the partnership of British Government's Department for International
Development (DfID) this programme has included 4 mega cities of State viz.
Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior and J abalpur aiming pro poor developmental works
in the slum areas including infrastructure development. Now this
programme is extending up to remaining 10 Municipal Corporations. The
major objectives of the programme are as under:-
(1) To implement to urban management process through taking along
the urban poor and associating them in planning processes.
(2) In consideration of the goal implement urban infrastructure
schemes through assistance of the poor, the poor be entrusted
responsibilities of O&M for the infrastructure created by such
(3) In order to provide the poor living in urban areas a more reliable
service regime, strengthening of institutional structure at the
municipalities state level.
(4) To create a facilitating and enabling environment for the cities that
could lead them to desired development and enable them to achieve
the expected growth rate by resorting to better policies, legal and
institutional mechanisms.
(5) To assist in making provisions of safe drinking water and basic
services to the urban poor through ULBs.

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(6) To enable state and municipal corporations more responsible and
effective in providing reliable services to the citizen in a
transparent manner and to associate citizen in their works under
take capacities building personnel and staff.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) The
objectives of this centrally added scheme for the four big cities of Madhya
Pradesh are to improve and develop infrastructural facilities within their
jurisdiction. This scheme is being implemented in Bhopal/Indore/Jabalpur
and Ujjain has been included under heritage category town. Under this
scheme the Central Government Contribution is 50% except for Ujjain
where it is 80%. For this scheme an amount of Rs. 250000.00 Lakh is
proposed for the 12th five year plan and Rs. 59535.00 for 2012-13.
Integrated Housing and Slum Development Project (IHSDP) This
Centrally Sponsored Scheme has been initiated by integrating the National
Slum Development Programme and Walmiki Ambedkar Housing Scheme
under sector reforms plan in December 2005 in its integral form under new
avatar with above name. Major objectives of this scheme are to provide the
Urban Poor with adequate housing and infrastructural facilities in the slum
areas. This scheme is being implemented in the cities and towns other than
those which are included in the J NNURM. Under this Scheme the cost of a
dwelling unit standardized is Rs. 80,000/-. 20% of the amount is reserved
for infrastructural Development in the slum area. For construction of
residential units Central Government contribution is 80%, State Government
contribution is 8% and the beneficiaries contribution is 12% and for the
infrastructural walks Central Government Contribution is 80%, State
Government contribution is 10% and concerned ULBs contribution is fixed
as 10%. At the places where the contribution cost of a dwelling unit is
beyond Rs.80,000/- in such an eventuality the entire amount over and above
the prescribed amount of Rs. 80,000/- is to be borne by the beneficiary
himself. The area of a dwelling unit would be minimum 250 sqft.
Comprising at least 2 rooms, kitchen and a toilet. Depending upon the
availability of space the dwelling units would be built on G+1 or G+2
The detailed project reports (DPRs) received from the ULBs are appraised
by the State level technical evaluation upon clearance of which these
are sent to GoI for approbating sanction. Under the provisions of Annual
Plan 2012-17 and for 2012-13 Rs. 32800.00 lakh and Rs. 4300.00 lakh are

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State Sponsored Schemes
Training :To enhance capicities of Officials, Employees and elected
Representatives of the Urban Local Bdies, capicity building programmes,
trainings and workshops are organised with the help of Academy of
Administration/AILSG and other reputed organisations of the Country, and
to meet out these training and capacity building expenses an amount Rs. 10
Lakhs is fixed or the Annual Plan to 2012-13.
Group Insurance Scheme for Sanitary Workers The objectives of this
scheme are to help the successors of the Sanitary Worker in the event of their
untimely death. Under this scheme the family of the deceased Safai
Karmchari get benefit of Rs. 50,000/- on natural death, and Rs. 1,00,000/- in
case of accidental death, this scheme is being implemented since 01.04.1988.
The provision for govt. share of premium 21777 ULBs of State contribution
Rs. 78.40 Lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan of 2012-13.

Urban Sanitation Mission With the objectives of enhancing Life Standards
of the poor comunities living in the urbar areas a special programme called
State Urban Sanitation Mission has been started with the holistic approach of
providing environmental and sanitary solution to dwellers in poor setlements
within integrated approach and methodology. Among other objectives the
mission envisages to:-
1. To make the cities and towns of the state open defication free.
2. The areas which are Lakhking sanitation facilities would be brought
under the coverage of adequate urban services and it would be ensured
that the dwellers in such areas get proper access to the sanitation
3. Collection and safe disposal of kitchen and other waste generating from
the households.
4. 100% collection, treatment and safe disposal of wastes generating from
5. To prohibit mixing of biomedical and other harmful waste into urban
6. To encuorage the technics and innovations, extention and research that
could be helpful in bringing down costs of construction of sanitation
amenities, soak pits etc. helpful to safely dispose human excreta.
7. To develop an institutional and statutory mechanism that could ensure the
long terms benefits for the urban areas.
8. Regulation of factors causing adverse effects on health and environment.
9. Monitoring and evalution of citywise and sectorwise schemes.

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In the rapidly changing scenario w.r.t. Urban Sector the government is fixing
its priorities. Amongst the priorities the sanitation related issues are being
put next to the priority of water supply. Consdering the need of the hour an
amount of Rs. 1600.00 Lakhs is proposed to be provisioned for the year
Hath Thela & Cycle Riksha Chalak Yojna For the welfare of Hath Thela
& Cycle Riksha Chalak this scheme is introduced by the HCM. Through the
scheme maternity asistance would be provided to the women, scholership,
asistance for marrige, madical aid and Bima facilities etc.will be made for
the families of hath thela & cycle riksha drivers. Provision of Rs. 500.00
Lakhs is proposed for the scheme for the year 2012-13.

Welfare of domestic working woman - As per Annoucements made by
HCM at domestic worker woman panchayat, held HCM. Reseceuce Rs.
500.00 lakh is proposed in 2012-13. In this scheme financial assistance will
be provided to domestic working woman for domestic training, maternity
leave compensation grant etc.

Diversion of Nalhas in AIIMS area There are AIIMS proposed to be quist
in Bhopal. For the proper construction of the hospital building channalisation
of three Nalhas is to be made. For the said purpose Rs. 100.00 Lakhs has
been propsosed in the year 2012-13.

UIDSSMT For the infrastructure of small and midium towns, this scheme
was initiated by govt of india from 2005. In the scheme 80 persent share will
be provied from GOI, 10 persenet share will be arrenge by the state as state
share and rest of the 10 percent will be charged from the concerning ULB's.
Under the provisions of Annual Plan 2012-17 and for 2012-13 Rs. 89560.00
lakh and Rs. 11800.00 lakh are proposed.
Rajiv Awas Yojna In this scheme, construction of residencial buildings will
be made for urban poor in 5 cities in state. Under the provisions for 2012-13
Rs. 3000.00 lakh are proposed.

Sinhast faire 2016 Arrangement Prestigious Holy " Sinhast Mela" will be
organsid in 2016. mela arrangment has to begin from 2011-12 Rs. 500.00
lakh is proposed for this scheme.

CM Infrastructure development programme (District Plan) - For the
urban poor residents of slums, through PPP/new Scheme dwelling houses

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will be constructed in the various towns of the MP. So the every urban poor
can get a suitable house with better ammonites.

Ayodhya Basti Vikas Scheme - Formerly this scheme was included in 10th
five year plan. This scheme was initiated by the HM of UADD. HM has
directed to reopen the scheme in 12th five year plan. In the scheme 5-5 slum
localities of 5 big cities of MP and rest of towns 1-1 locality will be renamed
Ayodhya Basti and basic ammonites will be upgraded in those Bastis.
Hence, this scheme is included in 12th five year plan.

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15.14 State Capital Project

Capital Project Administration was formed in 1960, for taking up various
construction works in new Bhopal, for making the state capital a planned and
beautiful city. To facilitate entire development, Forest division and a Nazul
Officer from Collectorate has been formed under it. Due to this, land
conservation as well as environmental up gradation by plantation has been in
progress jointly in a systematic plan.

Mainly CPA is executing the works of Roads and bridges, Residential building,
Non residential buildings, Beautification of areas etc. For these works, detailed
plan has been prepared and accordingly, demand has been made in the Plan.

Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

An outlay of Rs. 17080.00 was lakh is approved for 11th five year plan. The
expenditure incurred for various years are: For the years 2007-08 Rs. 3138.71
lakh, 2008-09 Rs. 3184.48 lakh, 2009-10 Rs. 4416.06 lakh, 2010-11 Rs.
3868.34 lakh. For current years Annual Plan 2011-12 an outlay of Rs. 5195.24
lakh is approved against which Rs. 5000.00 lakh be fully utilized.

During the plan period construction of residential and administrative building
and maintenance, widening and renovation of various roads, construction of car,
scooter parking places, hawker's corners, lightening of streets, plantation of
social forestry and parks and maintenance of parks, construction of bridges.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

All the above construction and maintenance activities would be continued
during the 12th Five Year Plan.

An outlay of Rs. 38900.00 lakh for 12th Five Year Plan and Rs. 5477.00 lakh of
Annual Plan 2012-13 is proposed.

Physical Target year 2012-13 under Capital Project Administration.

(A) Roads & bridges:-
1 Construction of 200 ft wide road from Kolar road to joining
Hoshangabad road.
2 Construction of 60 ft Master Plan road from Hoshangabad Road
(near Ganesh Nagar) to Bye Pass Road via Aasharam Nagar and
Katara Hills

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3 Construction of the proposed 60Meter wide master plan road from
Laharpur to Sant Asharam Nagar.
4 Construction of Master Plan road from Barkheda Pathani to
5 Construction of Master Plan Road of Parallel to Kaliyasot Canal,
connecting to Kolar Road NH-12
6 Construction of parallel master plan road from Sumitra Parisar to
Kolar Road via Kempfort School of Danish Kunj area.
7 Construction of B.T.Road (Master Plan Road) via Kolar Road
Chowraha to Gulmohar Colony.
8 Construction of master plan road from Saket Nagar to Bye Pass
Road via Amravad Khurd.
9 Construction of master plan road from Saket Nagar to Barkheda
Pathani (Length 2.00 Km.)
10 Construction of master plan road from SOS Balgram to Raisen road
(Length 600m Wide 7.00m)
11 Widening of master road from AIIMS road via Bhawani Dham J ain
mandir to Panchvati Market.
12 Up-gradation and maintenance in between of Parallel master plan
road behind Barkatullah University Boundary wall from 9-A Saket
Nagar to Bagsevania (2 lane to 4 lane)
13 Widening of master plan road from Mahatma Gandhi Square to
Vivekanand Square (2 lane to 4 lane)
14 Construction of master plan road which joined from Chhatrasal
Nagar Phase-II to J .K.Road Nizammudin Colony.
15 Maintenance of road at Manuabhans Tekari.
16 Widening of road from Vyapam Square to Hat Bajar.
17 Construction of cement concrete road at ward no.70 Karond Bhopal.
18 Electrification work Anupam Hospital Kolar road to Danish kunj
via kaliyasot Bridge to Joined NH-12.
19 Work of shifting 11 K.V. Line Pole, D.P.Structure & L.T.Line
which Obstruct road widen from Avanti Bhai Square to MACT
20 Electrification work at DRM Office Habibganj Naka to Saket Nagar
21 Electrification of Street light at AIIMS road near Saket Nagar
Pipaliya Pende Khan.
22 Electrification of Street light at Kolar J unction to Nehru Nagar
master plan road.

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(B) Non residential building:-
1 Up-gradation of C.P.A. Building Some necessary maintenance &
changes in this building.
2 Construction of separate block for Mantralaya Vallabh Bhawan
3 Construction of Timber Market at BHEL Industrial Area
4 Uninterrupted Electric supply at Mantralaya Bhawan
5 Up-gradation of CPA Guest House
6 Construction of Swimming Pool in Bairagarh.
7 Construction of Health Club & Swimming Pool in the Garden
which Situated Kolar Road.

(C) Residential building:-
1 Construction of 100 I type quarters at Bhopal.
2 Beautification of area etc.
3 Beautification of Open space and other work.
4 Welded mash fencing work in Open space of Bhopal.
5 Development work of park behind 24 suits rest house.
6 Development of open space near Avantika Club in E-7 Arera
7 Development work of parks of area colony.
8 Development work of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Park.
9 Up-gradation of Swarna J ayanti Park.
10 Development work in Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharji Park.
11 Development work in Mayur Park.
12 Development of the Forest area Borvan Town

(D) Beautification of Areas (Maintenance work) :-
1 Approximately 60000 plants of new plantation area of Bhopal.
2 Maintenance like as watering and area preparation of plants in the
year 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12.
3 Up-gradation and maintenance work of various parks in Bhopal.

(E) Machinery & Equipments:-
Under this sub head would be maintain departmental vehicles of CPA.

(F) Establishment expenditure:-
Under this sub head will be pay and allowances of the employees and

(G) Vida Sabha and MLA Rest House:-
Under this sub head has been proposed Construction of Reception Block
at Vidhan Sabha complex.

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(H) Construction of War Memorial:-
Under this sub head has been proposed for Construction of War
Memorial near chinar park at arera hills.
(I) Construction and Up gradation Training Institute for Higher Civil
Under this sub head has been proposed for Construction and Up gradation
Training Institute for Higher Civil Service
(J) Extension of Mantralaya [Vallabh Bhawan]
(K) Under this sub head has been proposed for Extension of Mantralaya
[Vallabh Bhawan]

Details of new work of 12
Five Year Plan are mentioned as under
1 Construction of various road of master plan.
2 Electrification work of Master Plan Road.
3 Plantation work in central verge & outside of road.
4 Construction of master plan road (200 feet) to joining from Kolar
road to Hoshangabad road.
5 Construction of 60 ft Master Plan road from Hoshangabad Road
(near Ganesh Nagar) to Bye Pass Road via Aasharam Nagar and
Katara Hills
6 Construction of the proposed 60Meter wide master plan road from
Laharpur to Sant Asharam Nagar.
7 Construction of Master Plan road from Barkheda Pathani to
8 Construction of Master Plan Road of Parallel to Kaliyasot Canal,
connecting to Kolar Road NH-12
9 Construction of parallel master plan road from Sumitra Parisar to
Kolar Road via Kempfort School of Danish Kunj area.
10 Construction of B.T.Road (Master Plan Road) via Kolar Road
Chowraha to Gulmohar Colony.
11 Construction of master plan road from Saket Nagar to Bye Pass
Road via Amravad Khurd.
12 Construction of master plan road from Saket Nagar to Barkheda
Pathani (Length 2.00 Km.)
13 Construction of master plan road from SOS Balgram to Raisen road
(Length 600m Wide 7.00m)

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14 Widening of master road from AIIMS road via Bhawani Dham J ain
mandir to Panchvati Market.
15 Up-gradation and maintenance in between of Parallel master plan
road behind Barkatullah University Boundary wall from 9-A Saket
Nagar to Bagsevania (2 lane to 4 lane)
16 Widening of master plan road from Mahatma Gandhi Square to
Vivekanand Square (2 lane to 4 lane)
17 Construction of master plan road which joined from Chhatrasal
Nagar Phase-II to J .K.Road Nizammudin Colony.
18 Maintenance of road at Manuabhans Tekari.
19 Widening of road from Vyapam Square to Hat Bajar.
20 Construction of cement concrete road at ward no.70 Karond Bhopal.
21 Electrification work Anupam Hospital Kolar road to Danish kunj
via kaliyasot Bridge to Joined NH-12.
22 Work of shifting 11 K.V. Line Pole, D.P.Structure & L.T.Line
which Obstruct road widen from Avanti Bhai Square to MACT
23 Electrification work at DRM Office Habibganj Naka to Saket Nagar
24 Electrification of Street light at AIIMS road near Saket Nagar
Pipaliya Pende Khan.
25 Electrification of Street light at Kolar J unction to Nehru Nagar
master plan road.
26 Up-gradation of C.P.A. Building Some necessary maintenance &
changes in this building.
27 Construction of separate block for Mantralaya Vallabh Bhawan
28 Construction of Timber Market at BHEL Industrial Area
29 Uninterrupted Electric supply at Mantralaya Bhawan
30 Up-gradation of CPA Guest House
31 Construction of Swimming Pool in Bairagarh.
32 Construction of Health Club & Swimming Pool in the Garden
which Situated Kolar Road.
33 Construction of 100 I type quarters at Bhopal.
34 Beautification of area etc.
35 Beautification of Open space and other work.

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36 Welded mash fencing work in Open space of Bhopal.
37 Development work of park behind 24 suits rest house.
38 Development of open space near Avantika Club in E-7 Arera
39 Development work of parks of area colony.
40 Development work of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Park.
41 Up-gradation of Swarna J ayanti Park.
42 Development work in Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharji Park.
43 Development work in Mayur Park.
44 Development of the Forest area Borvan Town.
45 Approximately 60000 plants of new plantation area of Bhopal.

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15.15 Information and Publicity

The Public Relations Department has been assigned the responsibility of
disseminating information about welfare schemes, programmes and
development activities being carried out by the government. In addition to
doing this work by supplying photographs, press notes, articles, and success
stories to print media and video clippings to electronic media the department
also extends various facilities to the media representatives for news collection
on their own.

Besides, the department brings out publications on the different schemes and
activities and maintains reference material. The department also provides
feedback to the Government. It has a Scrutiny Section for this purpose. This
section informs the senior officers and other concerning persons and institutions
about the news being published in print media and aired by the electronic
media. Apart from the Headquarter at Bhopal the department has district offices
in 50 districts and one Information Centre in Delhi and Mumbai each.

The boom in Information Technology and electronic media has led to
acceleration of the department's activities. Accepting the challenge posed by
fast expansion of communication technology the department is discharging its
duties effectively.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan Year 2007-12

An outlay of Rs. 400 Lakh for Eleventh Plan was approved. The
expenditure incurred during Eleventh Five year plan was Rs.280.47 Lakhs in
2007-08 Rs.218.59 Lakh in 2008-09, Rs.586.78 Lakhs in 2009-10 and Rs.
403.50 Lakhs in 2010-11.

Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 533.00 lakh against which
an expenditure Rs. 533.00 lakh is anticipated.

Year wise physical achievement during the eleventh plan under various schemes
is as below:-

Year News
Photos Reference Articles Success
1. 2002-03 74,713 2,095 21,400 - 48 38
2. 2003-04 54,186 2,500 20,720 - 42 20
3. 2004-05 64,740 2,457 24,900 28 95 50
4. 2005-06 88,189 2,423 26,300 6 48 60

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Besides these, six folders, booklets etc. have been printed for distribution.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13

The activities as taken up in tenth plan period would be continued in Eleventh
five year plan. Some important programmes which are proposed in the Eleventh
Five Year Plan are:-

i) It is proposed to provide a scanner to the Divisional Office at Bhopal,
Indore, J abalpur, Gwalior and Rewa.
ii) Updating and maintenance of Website.
iii) Computer system for officers of News Section.
iv) Computerization of field publicity, administration, publication and
scrutiny section.
v) Purchase of video cameras and
vi) Film production.

An outlay of Rs. 4760.00 lakh proposed for 12th Five Year Plan and Rs. 601.00
lakh for Annual Plan 2012-13

Details of Schemes

1- Up gradation / Maintenance of Website And Monitoring of News

1 The department has two websites for quick dissemination of
information. News items, articles, photographs and news clippings
are uploaded daily on the website The other website carries important clippings of national, state and
local newspapers pertaining to Madhya Pradesh. On an average, about
five lakh users visit the news website of the department.
2 Organization Of Information Camps
The information camps organized so far have yielded very good
results. These are held on weekly market days where officers of the
different departments inform the villagers about welfare schemes of
their respective departments and satisfy their queries. These camps
have been very successful in rural areas. These camps are organized
on weekly market days in villages having a population between 20
thousand and 25 thousand. Each camp would entail an expenditure of
Rs. 10 thousand .

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3 Production Of Films
Special films, news clippings, jingles etc on welfare schemes,
programmes, important events, occasions and development activities
would be produced as per the priorities of the State Government.
4 Publicity Through Local Dialects
The traditional ways of disseminating and exchanging information in
rural areas are still relevant. Majority of State's population lives in
villages, which is still unreached by newspapers. The timing of
telecast of electronic media is fixed, which does not suit the daily
routine of the villagers. The traditional folk mediums of entertainment
are still very popular in villages. These mediums would be used for
informing people about Government schemes and programmes and the
procedures to benefit from them.

Five groups would be selected in each block for dissemination of
information through folk mediums. Each group would present four
programmes every month in separate villages or village panchays
every year. The groups would be paid a remuneration / honorarium of
Rs. 500 per programme. Thus, 240 villages would be covered in
every block in a year. Reference material for these programmes
would be prepared at the rate of Rs. 1000 per block.
5 Publiation Of Publicity Material
With a view to providing information about welfare schemes and
programmes and the procedures to benefit from them would be
published in Hindi and other local languages. There is a plan to
disseminate information about welfare schemes through booklets,
posters and pamphlets for the benefit of those for whom they are
6 Publicity of Priority Schemes of Government:
The State Government is implementing various schemes for the
welfare of common people. Of these, there are some priority schemes,
which need focused attention for publicity. A special campaign would
be conducted to disseminate information about these schemes to the
7 Establishment Of Media Centers
In order to inform the print and electronic media representatives about
the schemes and activities of the government and the achievements
made under them for publication and broadcast and to maintain a live
contact with them it is being felt necessary to set up Media Centers in
Bhopal and Delhi.

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Printed material, photographs, C.D.s, short films on the schemes and
activities would be made available to them through Internet etc.
Facilities would also be available for them to get the information in
hard as well as soft copies. The Centers would have the facility for
screening of films, editing of news and photos, printing and sending
the news through modem. The newspapers, magazines of Madhya
Pradesh and publications o other States on economic and development
subjects would also be available at these Centers. The Centers would
also have the facility for holding press conferences on a short notice.

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15.16 Welfare of Scheduled Caste

Madhya Pradesh has a sizable scheduled caste population. According to census,
2001 the total population of scheduled caste in M.P. is 91.55 lakhs which
constitutes 15.17% of the total population of the State. Out of 50 districts of the
State, 30 districts are dominated by Scheduled Caste Population.

The problems faced by the Scheduled Caste are manifold. They are not only
economically backward but also socially, literacy and economic backwardness
etc. The Department of Welfare of Scheduled Caste is mainly concerned with
Human Resource Development through education, training and various
development sectors. The department is entrusted with responsibility of
providing education facilities and scholarship to de-notified tribes/caste and
those persons who are engaged in unclean occupation. The department of
Scheduled Caste welfare provide training and rehabilitation of the persons
engaged in unclean occupations, apart from mass marriages and intercaste
marriages on the economic front assistance is provided to M.P. Anusuchit J ati
Vikas Nigam for promoting self-employment among these castes. The schemes
which are being implemented by the department can be classified as below:-
a. Educational Development Schemes
c. Social Empowerment Schemes

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan

Year wise outlays and expenditures of 11th Five Year Plan is given below

(Rs. in Lakhs)
S. No Year Outlay Expenditure
1 2007-08 30590.60 25006.69
2 2008-09 36086.52 34433.36
3 2009-10 43039.19 40414.25
4 2010-11 46695.75 45236.82
5 2011-12 52955.65 52883.53
Total 209367.71 197974.65

Twelfth Five Year Plan 20012-17 And Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs. 555676.69 lakhs is proposed for Twelfth five Year Plan and
For Annual Plan 2012-13 is fixed Rs. 61534.99 lakh.

Strategies/Objectives Proposed For Twelfth Five Year Plan
As per the census, 2001 the literacy rate of scheduled caste in Madhya Pradesh
is 58.6% but the literacy rate of scheduled caste female is only 43.3% which is
7% less than the total female literacy of the State. Scheduled Castes are still

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backward in the State. Thus keeping in mind the challenge of social upliftment
of these sector following are the vision:-
(i) To work as watch-Dog for the protection of the rights of the Scheduled
(ii) To run schemes for the social, economic and educational upliftment of
scheduled caste.
(iii) Infrastructural Development in Scheduled Caste dominated colonies.
(iv) Effective implementation of protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 and
prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989.
(v) To run schemes for the development Vimukt J atis.
(vi) The main trust of the department will be in the area of education.
(vii) To create a fear free atmosphere and to provide protection to Scheduled

Proposed Physical Targets For Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 And
Annual Plan 2012-13

During the 12
Plan period, proposed physical targets under important schemes
for 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13 is as given below:-

Schemes Unit Proposed
target for
12th Five
Year plan
target for
1. Pre-Matric scholarship
for children whose
parents engaged in
unclean occupations
Students in lakhs 1.98 0.33
2. Construction of
Construction of
180 30
3. Student Welfare Fund Students in lakhs 0.60 0.10
4. State Scholarship Primary
Students in lakhs 45.00 9.00
5. State Scholarships
Secondary level
Students in lakhs 45.00 7.50
6. Postmatric Scholarships Students in lakhs 7.80 1.30
7. Development of SC
SC Colonies
2,000 400
8. Scheme for Assistance to
5000 1000

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Schemes Unit Proposed
target for
12th Five
Year plan
target for
9. Assistance under SC/ST
P.O.A. Act
25000 5000
10. Maintenance of Hostels
and Ashrams
Hostels number 1,500 997
11. Encouragement for
candidates who have
cleared Civil Service
700 140
12. Self employment Scheme
for SC
75000 12500
13. Self employment for SC
youths in electronic
SC Youth number 500 100
14. Incentive to SC Girls to
continue education after
class 5th, 9th & 11th
SC Girls in lakhs 9.00 1.80

New Initiatives:-
Proposed Strategies/Objectives For Twelfth Five Year Plan
1. Vision (2012-2017)
The Scheduled Caste (SC) population of the State as per 2001 census is
91.55 lacs, constituting 15.17% of the total population. The literacy rate
of Scheduled Caste in Madhya Pradesh is 58.6% but the literacy rate of
Scheduled Caste Female is only 43.3% which is 7% less than the total
female literacy of the State. Scheduled Caste are still educationally and
economically backward in the State.
Thus keeping in mind the challenge of social upliftment of this sector,
following are the vision of this department:-
To work proactively for the protection of the rights of Scheduled
To run schemes for the social, economic and educational
upliftment of Scheduled Caste.
Infrastructural development in Scheduled Caste dominated
Effective implementation of Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 &
Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989.

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To run schemes for the development of Vimukt J atis.

Review of Annual Plan 2011-12
Scheduled caste department has received plan outlay for the year was Rs.
52955.65 lakh. Out of which Rs. 8140.12 for elementary education, Rs.
27473.84 lakh for secondary education, Rs. 15774.46 lakh for SC Welfare and
Rs. 1176.93 lakh was for electrification and others. Anticipated expenditure
reported by the department is Rs. 52883.53 lakh.
Proposed physical targets and anticipated achievement under major schemes for
annual plan 2011-12 is as given in the following table:

Schemes Unit Target Anticipated
1. Student welfare fund No. Of students 10000 10000
2. State scholarship primary
No. Of students in
9.00 9.00
3. State scholarship secondary
No. Of students in
7.50 7.50
4. Post metric scholarship No. Of students in
1.30 1.30
5. Establishment of excellent
No. Of students 15000 15000
6. Construction of
No. of
50 50
7. Development of SC colonies No. of colonies 1250 1250
8. Re-imbursement of fees of
the students studying in
public schools

No. of students 325 325
9. Incentive to SC girls to
continue , education after 5

class, 9
, 11

SC girls (no. in
1.80 1.80
10. Energisation of pumps No. of pumps 1000 1000
11. Pre-metric Scholarship for
children whose parents
engaged in unclean
No. of students 33000 33000

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Proposed Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs. 61534.99 Lakhs is proposed for the annual plan 2012-13.
Component wise plan allocations are as given below:
Proposed outlay and physical targets for the annual plan 2012-13 under major
schemes are given below:

Proposed Targets S.
Head/ Scheme
(Rs. in
Item/ Activity
Unit Targets
1 Pre-metric
Scholarship for
children whose
parents engaged
in unclean
486.08 Distribution of
2 Student Welfare
50.00 Grant Students no 10,000
4 State
Primary level
2000.00 Distribution of
Students no.
In lakh
5 State
4925.45 Distribution of
Students no.
in lakh
6 Post metric
11174.57 Distribution of
in lakh
7 Establishment of
Excellent Centre
1100.00 Arrangement
of Sadbhavna
Students 15,000
8 Development of
S.C. Colonies
5800.00 Improvement
of living
conditions in
SC colonies
SC Colonies 400
S No. Heads Outlay (Rs. in Lakh)
1 Elementary Education 7586.08
2 Secondary Education 32971.02
3 SC Welfare 18962.14
4 Electrification of majra/tola 1675.75
5 Pool Fund 200.00
Total 61534.99

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Proposed Targets S.
Head/ Scheme
(Rs. in
Item/ Activity
Unit Targets
9 Scheme for
Assistance to
82.60 Incentive to
attend delivery
cases of SCs
Benificiaries 1,000
10 Assistance under
550.00 Assistance to
victimised by
other cases
Benificiaries 5,000
11 Re-imbursement
of Fees of the
studying in
Public Schools
400.00 Re-
of Fees of the
studying in
Public Schools
Students 325
12 Information
200.00 Beneficiaries
13 Establishment of
Special Courts

No. of
14 Incentives to SC
girls to continue
education after
class 5
, 8
, 10

2000.00 Incentives Girls no. 1,80,000

The overall outlay of Welfare of Scheduled Cast for five year plan 2012-17 is
Rs. 555676.69 Lakhs and for Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs. 61534.99 Lakhs. The
Scheme wise breakup is as below:-

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Director, S.C. Dev.
Elementary Education
1 Pre-Matric Scholarship for children whose
parents engaged in unclean occupations
486.08 3650.00
2 Construction of Hostels/Ashram buildings 4200.00 31500.00
3 Student Welfare Fund 50.00 380.00
4 State Scholarship Primary level 2000.00 15000.00
5 Incentives to SC girls to continue education
after Vth class
850.00 6400.00
Sub Total Elementary Edu. 7586.08 56930.00
Secondary Education
6 Prematric & Postmatric Hostels & Ashrams 9000.00 67500.00
7 State Scholarships Secondary Education 4925.45 36940.00
8 Postmatric Scholarships 11174.57 84000.00
9 Establishment of Excellent Centre 1100.00 8250.00
10 Establishment of residence School for SC
Meritorious students
1500.00 11250.00
11 Incentives to SC girls to continue education
after class 8th & 10th
2000.00 15000.00
12 New Postmatric Hostels (50 seater) 3000.00 96000.00
13 Establishment of residence School for
divisional level (Shahdol,Hbad,Morena)
271.00 2000.00
Sub Total Secondary Edu. 32971.02 320940.00
Schedule Caste Dev.
14 Grant to Voluntary Organisations for
education development
1132.54 8400.00
15 Development of S.C. Colonies 5800.00 57000.00
16 Scheme for Assistance to SCs 82.60 630.00
17 Re-imbursement of Board Exam fees for
H.S. Board
150.00 1130.00
18 Supply of Caste Certificates to SC students 30.00 230.00
19 Civil Rights Protection Act (Establishment
of Cell)
160.00 1200.00
20 Grant to MPSCFDC for beneficiary oriented
welfare scheme
800.00 4500.00
21 Establishment Grant to MPSCFDC 800.00 6000.00
22 Employees/Officers Training Programme 5.00 40.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
23 Esst. Of Baba Saheb Ambedkar National
Institute & Maintenance
300.00 3000.00
24 Assistance under SC/ST P.O.A. Act 550.00 4150.00
25 Promotion of Banchada-Bedia Inter Caste
1.00 8.00
26 Re-imbursement of fees of the Students
studying in Public Schools
400.00 3040.00
27 Upgradation & Maintenance of Hostels and
2500.00 18750.00
28 Establishment of Special Thanas 2500.00 18750.00
29 Establishment of Special Courts 2300.00 14050.00
30 Information Technology 200.00 1500.00
31 Career Counseling 50.00 380.00
32 Encouragement for Cadidates who have
cleared Civil Service Examination
100.00 750.00
33 Construction and Electrification of Office
50.00 380.00
34 Scout & Guides 35.00 265.00
35 Research and evaluation 25.00 190.00
36 Sports and Culture Activities 40.00 1500.00
37 Sant Ravidas Puraskar 200.00 1520.00
38 Publicity & Printing 200.00 1550.00
39 Bhumi Adhigrahan 1.00 8.00
40 Pre-examination Centre 200.00 1500.00
41 Employment generating training for
10.00 80.00
42 Direction and Administration 200.00 1500.00
43 Area Development programme 60.00 450.00
44 15 New Post Matric Hostels (50 & 100
30.00 230.00
45 Social harmony camps 50.00 1680.00
Sub Total Welfare 18962.14 154361.00
46 Electrification of Majra/Tola 1675.75 12720.00
Sub total 1675.75 12720.00
47 Pool fund . 340.00 10725.69
Total 61534.99 555676.69

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15.17 Welfare of Ghumakkar & Vimukta Jati

With a view to provide adequate attention to the welfare and upliftment of
Ghumakkar and Ardha Ghumakkar Caste, this department has been recently
created. Earlier, it was the part of the department of the Welfare of Scheduled
Caste. This newly created department has retained the same schemes of Annual
Plan of 2011-12.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) & Annual Plan 2012-13

For 12th Five Year Plan Rs. 16800.00 lakhs has been proposed while Rs.
1903.00 lakhs has been intended for Annual Plan 2012-13. The details are given
(Rs. in Lakh)
SN Name of Schemes 2012-13 2012-17
1 Development of Basties 200.00 1800.00
2 Grant to Ghumakkar & Vimukta J ati Development
200.00 1600.00
3 District Direction and Administration 50.00 400.00
4 Research, Evaluation & Publicity 25.00 200.00
5 Vimukt J ati Awas Yojna 400.00 3100.00
6 Encouragement for Candidates who have cleared
Civil Service Examination
10.00 80.00
7 Reimbursement of fees to the students studying in
Public schools
20.00 200.00
8 Employment generating Training for hostellers 30.00 250.00
9 State Scholarship Primary level 60.00 550.00
10 Incentive to Girls to continue Education after Class -
25.00 270.00
11 Prematric & Postmatric Hostels 780.00 7500.00
12 State Scholarship Secondary Education 36.00 300.00
13 Incentive to Girls to continue Education after Class -
VIIIth & Xth
17.00 150.00
14 Post matric scholarship 50.00 400.00
Total 1903.00 16800.00

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15.18 Welfare of Scheduled Tribes

The tribal Scenario of India and in particular of Madhya Pradesh present
interesting life style of the tribal communities sharing the basic Characteristics
of the social ethos of India and its wide spectrum of regional diversity. In other
words, Madhya Pradesh is the real abode of the aboriginals known as Scheduled
Tribes notified from time to time under article 342 of the Indian Constitution
representing almost all tribal ethnic cultural groups with varying socio-
economic situations. The tradition, myth and history intermingle in their lores
in-distinguishably. Even today 80% tribes live in the midst of forest, hills and
rural areas depicting the diversity of culture. Their exotic life style the in-depth
bond with nature, particularly their socio-cultural practices, their dances, music,
colourful dresses and their headgears and their primitive believes in customs,
taboos, mystics, and magic attract the attention of outsider. According to
Census 2001 the total population of Madhya Pradesh is 603.48 crores, of which
the tribal population constitutes about 122.33 lakhs which is 20.27% of the total
population. It has a wide variety of tribal communities and their ethnicity.
Among these, three tribes (Bharia, Saharia & Baigas) have been declared as the
primitive tribe, which entertain special status in terms of providing additional
financial and material assistance to ameliorate their socio-economic conditions.

The approach to the tribal development has undergone a considerable change
over the period commiserating with the felt needs and priorities of these
communities. Accordingly the tribal development programmes in the State
have also witnessed changes in these fields.

Untill 4
plan, the approach to tribal development was primarily of welfare
activity. With the inception of 5
plan, the tribal sub-plan strategy was
introduced with area and target group approach with specific objectives in
channelize the population proportionate flow of State budget for infrastructure
development and socio- economic needs of the tribal areas. The remarkable
feature of the TSP strategy has been the non-diversibility of funds efforts to
accelerate the pace of development in tribal areas.

To achieve these objectives and safeguard the interest of tribal communities
special Demand Nos. 41 and 52 have been created in the budget to channelise
the flow of funds to TSP areas for the implementation of various programmes
for the tribal development in the State.

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Review of Eleventh Five-Year Plan:

The outlay approved during Eleventh Five Year Plan was Rs. 344765.00 lakhs
and anticipated expenditure for the same period is Rs. 500728.99 lakhs. During
Plan period, the expenditure was incurred of Rs. 76189.94 lakh in 2007-08,
Rs. 85022.67 lakhs in 2008-09, Rs. 81143.34 lakh in 2009-10, and Rs
112755.93 lakh in 2010-11 and Rs. 141344.61 laks is anticipated for the year

As against the outlay of Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 108962.45 lakh, an
expenditure of Rs. 141260.61 lakhs is anticipated.

Under the poverty alleviation programmes in the tribal areas, the major thrust
has been to provide financial assistance for self employment. Financial
assistance was also given for upgrading their traditional skills and for setting up
small units in trading and servicing. The department provided soft loans to
tribal families through Bank credit and subsidies. M.P. Tribal Finance and
Development Corporation is acting as a nodal agency for the implementation of
these schemes.

The physical achievement during first four years of Eleventh Plan period is as
given below: (2007-08 to 2011-12)

Name of scheme/ activities Unit Actual
2007-08 to
1 Uniform for PVTG students ( 1 to
No. in lakh 7.76 2.20
2 Construction of Ashram / hostels
secondary schools
Number 758 79
3 State scholarship of Class I to Vth No. of students
in lakh
53.26 18.23
4. State scholarship to Class VI to X No. of in
students lakh
40.36 12.50
5 Postmetric scholarship students 55246 24000
6 Incentives to Girls Education
(Class 6,9,11th )
No. of Girls in
6.21 2.73
7 Student's Welfare Fund & Award students 21007 7500
8 Award to Panchayats for
Promoting Education
Panchayats 332 89
9 Computer/English Choching to
Tribal Students
institute 106 106
10 Officers/Employee Teacher's
yee Teacher's
8163 2000

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

11 School of Excellence institute 88 88
12 Admission in Sainik / Public
Students 119 123
13 Sports Complex/ omptetion &
incentive to athlets Estt. Expn.

Students 8500 1700

Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13.

Vision of Twelfth Five Year Plan :

In the 12
Five Year Plan the goal of the department is to a bridge gap between
tribes and non-tribes having considering Human Development Indices.

Special emphasis on Education.
Promotion of literacy in tribal communities in general and ST girls in
particular with special attention to low female literacy pockets. Tribal
blocks with female literacy less than 20% will get special attention.
According to the census of 2001 there are 21 tribal blocks having less
than 20% of female literacy. The department shall open more kanya
shiksha parisar , schools and Ashrams in these blocks.
The Department will strive to ensure cent per cent enrolment of all
children in the elementary level between the age group 5 to 14 years.
The Department will also ensure to improve literacy percentage of tribal
residing in PTG areas by converting elementary Schools into Ashram
Since drop out rates is a major intriguing problem in the way of retaining
all the school going children in primary and secondary level, concerted
efforts will be taken to arrest drop-out tendencies through various support
schemes like Mid Day Meal, Free Uniform, Sweater, Shoes, Socks,
Scholarship, Distribution of bicycles and Free Text Books etc.
Opening of more High School, Higher Secondary Schools, Ashrams and
Hostels in all 89 Tribal Development Blocks.
Opening of more Ashrams and Hostels in all 89 Tribal Development
To increase literacy rate among PTG-Baiga, Saharia and Bharia primary
schools would be converted in residential ashram schools.
More incentive like free sweater, shoes and socks, school bags and
uniforms would be given to PTG's students from 1st to 12th.

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Excellence Hostels in all TD Blocks would be strengthened further with
the objective to provide quality education.
Construction of 100% Ashram School Buildings.
Construction of 100% Hostel Buildings
Construction of 100% Higher Secondary/ High School Buildings
To provide facilities of education to meritorious students in Schools of
School of Excellence and excellence hostels at district and block
headquarters will be strengthened with the objective to provide quality
education. Students living in other hostels will also be given special
coaching in mathematics, science and english subjects.
All Educational Institutes will be facilitated with furniture, laboratory and
Training will be imparted to all departmental teachers to bring improve
their teaching skill.
Basic amenities as drinking water facility, toilet and maintenance of
hostels and ashram would be ensured.
To provide nutritive food among students living in hostels and ashrams
rate of stipend will be increased.
Scholarship given to tribal students is also being increased.
Stipend rates have also been linked with the price index.
Special training will be given to tribal students in reputed coaching
institutes for preparation of Civil Services Exam of UPSC and PSC, IIT,
Medical, Engineering Exams.
Vocational Training would be imparted to selected ST students in reputed

To achieve the above objectives an outlay of Rs 1108605.00 lakh proposed for
12th five year Plan 2012-17and Rs 128919.45 lakh for 2012-13 component
wise plan allocation for Twelfth five year plan 2012-17 and Annual plan 2012-
13 is as given below :-

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Commissioner, Tribal Development (15 &16)
1 P.S./J unior Primary Schools 22375.91 180000.00
2 Ashram Schools 5270.23 58000.00
3 Scholarship to Boys & Girls 2944.08 23550.00
4 Uniforms to PVTG Students 1382.54 10495.00
5 Middle Schools 10134.68 86000.00
6 Incentive to Girls education (Class 6th) 982.80 7860.00
7 Award to Panchayats for Promoting Education 22.25 170.00
8 Construction of Ashram Buildings 2500.00 20000.00
Sub Total Elementary Education 45612.49 386075.00
Secondary Education
9 High Schools 4621.67 35080.00
10 Higher Secondary Schools 7695.57 62440.00
11 Vocationalisation of education & Training centers 394.73 3200.00
12 Hostels 3894.86 37000.00
13 Merit Scholarship 5.94 45.00
14 Student's Welfare Fund & Award 110.40 840.00
15 Scout Guide 75.04 570.00
16 Library to H.S.S. 263.77 2000.00
17 State Scholarship 4313.14 32740.00
18 Incentive for Girls Education (9th&11th) 1407.19 10680.00
19 Grant to NGOs for Schools and Hostels 680.39 5165.00
20 Award to Educational Institutions &
Ashram/Hostels for Excellent Performance
37.23 280.00
21 Reimbursement of Board Examination Fees 100.00 760.00
22 Officer/Employees & Teacher's Training 50.00 380.00
23 Model H.S.S 600.00 4560.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
24 Girls education complex 1000.00 75000.00
25 Sports complex / competition & incentive to
425.00 3225.00
26 Construction of Sports Complexes 280.00 2125.00
27 School of Excellence 318.00 2415.00
28 Computer/English Coaching to Tribal Students 484.60 3680.00
29 Education Through statellite/ EDUSAT 25.00 190.00
30 Construction of Hostel Buildings 1730.00 13130.00
31 Construction of High Schools/ Higher Secondary
education Inst/Science lab Buildings
2000.00 15180.00
Sub Total Sec. Edu. 30512.53 310685.00
Tribal Welfare
32 Sandigdh Daietva Nivaran Nidhi 43.65 330.00
33 Chhatra Griha Yojana 117.87 895.00
34 Rahat Yojana 86.80 660.00
35 Post Matric Hostels 199.09 1700.00
36 Strengthening of Administration at Block level 252.78 2100.00
37 Post Matric scholarship 3837.67 29130.00
38 Establishment of Center of Excellence in each
Districts & Blocks
747.10 5670.00
39 Admission in Sainik/ Public Schools 206.50 1585.00
40 Caste Certificate to ST's 66.24 500.00
41 Strengthening of Hostels/ Ashrams 2670.75 20270.00
42 Tribal Bastis Vikas 2914.74 22120.00
43 Udyami Vikas Sansthan 150.00 1140.00
44 M.P. Council for Employment and Training 80.00 610.00
45 Vanya Prakasan 250.00 1900.00
46 Preservation and Development of Tribal Culture 60.00 455.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
47 Publicity of Departmental Schemes 20.00 150.00
48 Higher Education Facility at Delhi 1.00 10.00
49 Relief Under Atrocity Act 1989 250.00 1900.00
50 Re-imbursement of Examination fee to Vyavsaik
Pariksha Mandal
45.00 340.00
51 Coaching for All India Services 40.00 300.00
52 Information Technology 30.00 230.00
53 Overseas Scholarship to ST Students 100.00 760.00
54 Incentive to Candidates for All India & State
70.00 530.00
55 Rani Durgawati and Shankarshah Award 15.00 115.00
56 Coaching for Competitive Examinations for
Professional Courses
20.00 150.00
57 Construction/Renovation of Official &
Residential Building
500.00 3800.00
58 Training of Unemployed Youth 100.00 760.00
59 Monitoring and Evaluation Units (TADP) 42.00 320.00
60 Monitoring and Evaluation by Private Agencies 10.00 80.00
61 Development of Primitive Tribe Groups (State) 100.00 760.00
62 Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan 17525.00 124190.00
63 Local Development Works (State) 50.00 380.00
64 Grants under provision to Article 275(1)(TADP) 16950.00 134470.00
65 Research and Training (TRI) (CSP) 150.00 1140.00
66 PVTG's model EMRS,J bp,Guna,Indore 25.00 190.00
67 Strengthening of PVTG's Directorate 30.00 415.00
68 Monitoring and Evaluation Units (CTD) 25.00 190.00
Sub Total Welfare 47385.19 360245.00
69 Electrification 4813.24 50000.00

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(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Annual Plan
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Sub Total 4813.24 50000.00
70 Pool Fund 200.00 1600.00
Total 128919.45 1108605.00

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Physical Targets For 12 Th Five Year Plan 2012-17 And Annual Plan 2012-13 Under
Important Schemes is as Follows :-

Proposed Targets S.
Schemes Unit
12th Five
Year Plan
1 Scholarship to Boys & Girls(Class1to5) Student 11921000 1951000
2 P.S./J unior Primary Schools Number 3200 3200
3 Construction of Asharam Buildings
Number 150 30
4 Officers/Employee Teacher's Training Number of
15000 3000
5 Merit Scholarship Student 4280 850
6 State Scholarship Student 7493000 1227000
7 Construction of Hostel Buildings (State) Number 100 20
8 Construction of High Schools, higher
Secondary/education Inst./Science lab
Number 100 15
9 Post Matric scholarship (STATE) Student 338500 67000
10 Incentives to Girls Education (Class 6, 9,
11th )
grils 1375000 275000
11 Student's Welfare Fund & Award Students 1250 250
12 Award to Panchayats for Promoting
Panchayats 445 89
13 Computer/English Choching to Tribal
institute 106 106
14 School of Excellence School 88 88
15 Admission in Sainik / Public Schools Students 123 123
16 Sports Complex/ omptetion & incentive to
athlets Estt. Expn.
Students 8700 1700

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

15.19 Welfare of Other Backward Classes

The Directorate of backward classes welfare was established in the year 1982.
91 OBC castes/sub castes/groups have been identified by GOMP vide its
notification dated 8.2.1985. The projected OBC population as per census, 2001
is worked out to be 3.02 crores. This constitutes about 50.09%of State's total
population. The occupational distribution of population of OBC indicate that the
largest occupational group falls under the category of agriculturists and
agricultural laborers. Other larger groups are those who are engaged in rearing
of milk animals and working as horticulturists, fisherman, barbers, laundry
workers and carpenters etc. The community/castes belonging to backward
classes are educationally, economically and socially backward.

Review Of Eleventh Five Year Plan.
The major thrust of the schemes being implemented by the Department is on
Human Resource Development through education and training. The strategy for
development also includes economic programmes for the well being of
backward classes. During 11th plan period Overseas scholarship, Rojgar
Guarantee Training, Madhya Pradesh Backward Classes Professional
Excellence Award Scheme, Contraction of Boy's Hostel at district level and
Mukhya Mantri Pichhra Varg Swarojgar were introduced as the new schemes.

An outlay of Rs. 66520.00 lakh was agreed for the Eleventh Five Year Plan
period, and Rs. 153055.76 lakh was the expenditure up to 2010-11.

For Annual Plan 2011-12 an outlay of Rs. 35670.71 lakh was approved. An
expenditure of Rs. 40670.71Lakh is anticipated.

During the Eleventh Five Year Plan period, post -metric scholarships and pre-
metric scholarship have been distributed to 21.00 lakh and 4.50 lakh students
respectively. Coaching has been given to 4500 Rojgar guarantee Training. Merit
scholarship have been distributed to 200 students and 39 New hostels were
constructed during 11th plan period.

Twelth Five Year Plan 2012-17& Annual Plan 2012-13

Proposed strategies/objective for 12th Five Year Plan is as follows:-
Emphasis to girls education.
Constructions of hostels in every districts.
Emphasis to employment generation self employment scheme.
To provide better facilities of training to unemployed youth towards self
employment and
Scholarship for overseas studies.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

The outlay proposed for 12th Five Year Plan period is Rs. 336000.00 lakh and
Rs. 42196.26 lakh for the Annual Plan 2012-13. During the 12th Plan emphasis
is to be given for girls education, continuation of educational and social
development schemes of 11th Plan, employment generation, social and
economic upliftment of OBC's and Minority.

During the 12th Plan period pre-metric and post metric scholarship will be
given per year to 21.00 lakh and 5.00 lakh students respective. Merit scholarship
is to be given for 2000 students. 25000 students are to benefited under Rojgar
guarantee coaching scheme during the plan period. 11 Boys hostels building to
be proposed for construction.
For the Annual Plan 2012-13 Pre-metric scholarship will be distributed to 21.00
lakh students and Post-metric scholarship to 5.00 lakh students. Merit
scholarship is roposed for 200 students . 5000 students to be benefited under
Rojgar guarantee Coaching scheme. The physical Targets under important
schemes proposed for 12th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13 is given

Proposed Targets For 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13

Schemes Unit 12th Five
Year Plan
1. Pre-matric Scholarship Students in
105.00 21.00
2. Post-matric scholarship -do- 25.00 5.00
3. Merit scholarship Students 2000 200
4. Rojgar guarantee
Coaching scheme
No. of
25000 5000
5. Abroad study
No. of
50 10
6. Mukhya Mantri Picchra
varg swarojar scheme
No. of.
5000 1000

Performance of Annual Plan 2010-11
An outlay of Rs. 21662.70 lakh was approved for the annual plan 2010-11. An
actual expenditure incurred by department Rs. 40547.40lakh during the
financial year 2010-11.
In the Year 2010-11 post metric scholarship was distributed to 4.50 lakh
students, Pre Merit scholarship was distributed to 21.00 lakh students, was

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

during the year. Training were given to 4500 trainees under rojgar guarantee
Review of Annual Plan 2011-12
An outlay of Rs 35670.71 was approved for Annual Plan 2011-12 and an actual
expenditure (upto oct. 2011) incurred by department of Rs. 23149.56 lakhs.

In the Year 2011-12, Pre - metric scholarship is to be distributed to 21.00 lakh
students & post metric scholarship to 5.00 lakh students. Merit scholarship to be
distributed to 200 students and coaching for Rojgar guarantee scheme to be
provided to 5000 students in the Annual plan 2011-12. Overseas scholarship is
to be given to 10students.

Proposed Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 42196.26 lakh is proposed for the annual 2012-13.
Financial and Physical Targets under major schemes are as under.

Annual Plan 2012-13 S.
Major Head/Sub
(Rs. in
Unit Physical
1. Pre-metric scholarship 7157.53 Students in
2. Post metric Scholarship 30535.20 -do- 5.00
3. Merit Scholarship 15.00 No. of
4. Construction of boys hostels at
divisional level
15.00 Building
5. Construction of boys hostels at
700.00 Hostels/post
6. Chhatragriha 50.00 Nos. 200.00
7. Overseas Scholarship 150.00 No.of
8. Rojgar Guarantee Training 600.00 No.of
9. Mukhya Mantri Pichhra varg
Swarojgar Yojana
1000.00 No.of OBCs 1000.00

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 4

Major Schemes:-
Scholarship Forms Printings
Under this scheme 35 lakhs forms for the scholarship will be printed it
will be provided to all District offices as per their requirement. For this
activity Rs. 125.00 lakh is proposed.
Publicity Of Departmental Programmes:
In order to reach the target group, it is required to create awareness
through the media. It is proposed to prepare campaign material such as
booklets, posters and to arrange camps at various levels through all forms
of media. Introducing the activity ensures the targets groups takes full of
benefits meant for them and the funds are fully utilized. An amount of
Rs. 25.00 lakh is proposed for annual plan 2012-13.
Research And Evaluation Of Obc Communities & Schemes:-
A survey has to be conducted on the lapse of every five year plan & mid
term for availing the database of social & educational status of the OBC's
& achievement/ impact of the schemes. The department has no such
technical staff to perform such studies. Hence, it is proposed to get the
job done by specialized Non Governmental Research Organizations. An
outlay of Rs. 10.00 lakh is proposed for the annual plan 2012-13.
Pre-Metric Scholarship:
Under this scheme, parametric Scholarship is provided for Backward
Classes students of class VI to X whose Guardians is not income tax
payee and those holding of land are not more that 10 acres. An outlay of
Rs. 7157.53 lakh is proposed for the annual plan 2012-13 under this
Post Metric Scholarship:
under this scheme students studying from class 11th to graduate & post
graduate level are benefited students. An outlay of Rs.30535.20 lakh is
proposed for the annual plan 2012-13 under this scheme.
Mukhyamantri Pichhadavarg Swarojgar Yojana :
The scheme is implemented through the recognized banks and 25 percent
of total investment is born by the State Government as subsidy. An outlay
of Rs.1000.00 lakh is proposed for the annual plan 2012-13 under this
Overseas Scholarship :
This Scheme aims to provide scholarship for foreign studies at the post
graduate and higher levels to the needy OBC students not belonging to
the creamy layer families. Under this scheme scholarship up to the
maximum limit of Rs.15.00 lakh per student is provided. An outlay of
Rs150.00 lakh is proposed for this scheme during the Annual plan 2012-

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The proposed plan ceiling for th12 five plan is Rs. 336000.00 Lakhs and for
Annual Plan 2012-13 is Rs 42196.26 Lakhs. The Scheme wise details are as
(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Plan 2012-
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Director, Welfare of Backward Classes
1 Prematric Scholarships 7157.53 54325.00
2 Postmatric Scholarships 30585.20 232140.00
3 Merit Scholarship 15.03 115.00
4 Chhatra Griha 50.00 400.00
5 Establishment expenditure of Girls
490.00 3720.00
6 Establishment of Hostels at Divisional
125.50 2500.00
7 Construction of Hostels at divisional
15.00 15.00
8 M.P. Pichhra varg Vitta Evam Vikas
50.00 250.00
9 Incentive for Selection in the UPSC and
PSC Examination
80.00 400.00
10 Construction of Girls Hostel at District 300.00 300.00
11 Overseas Scholarship 150.00 750.00
12 Rojgar Guarantee Training (Indo German
Tool Room)
600.00 5000.00
13 Scholarship form Printing 125.00 780.00
14 Construction of Boys hostel at District 600.00 1400.00
15 Publicity of Departmental Programme 25.00 125.00
16 Research and Evaluation of OBC
Communities and Schemes
10.00 50.00
17 Mukhya Mantri Pichada Varg Swarojgar
1000.00 5000.00
18 MP Pichra Varg Vitta Evam Vikas
Nigam Share Capital
10.00 130.00
19 Madhya Pradesh Backward Classes
Professional Excellence award scheme
8.00 60.00
20 Prematric Scholarships for Minorities 393.00 25445.00
21 State award for Minorities 7.00 55.00
22 Mukhya Mantri Alp-Sankhyak 200.00 1520.00

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Name of Department / Schemes Proposed
Plan 2012-
Proposed Plan
12th Five Year
Plan 2012-17
Swarojgar Yojna
23 Alp-Sankhyak Rojgar Guarantee
Training Programme
200.00 1520.00
Total 42196.26 336000.00

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15.20 Labour Welfare

The basic objective of the Labour Commissioners Office is to implement all
the schemes relating to welfare and rehabilitation of both organized and
unorganized labour. The organization is also responsible for administration of
provision of various Acts. viz. Factory Act, Shop and Establishment Act,
besides enforcing various other labour laws.

In Madhya Pradesh under the Factories Act, there are about 14168 factories
registered with 7.60 lakh workers. Similarly, under the M.P. Shops and
Establishments Act, 4.99 lakhs registered establishments and about 2.23 lakh
workers are working in the establishments. In the State the number of workers
in unorganized sector employed is about 257.76 lakh and working is 241.58

Approximately, 9.89 lakh Beedi workers are engaged in this sector at present.
The number of registered construction workers has already crossed 18.00 lakh.
to understand the age wise labour force in the state, Projection of by age group,
gender wise, Education and distribution of increased labour force by education
in the twelfth five year plan are described below -

ProjectedLabour ForcebyAgeGroup:
Year 2007 2012 2017
Age Total Male Femal
Total Male Femal
Total Male Female
0-14 370 201 169 337 176 161 351 183 168
15-29 10909 7553 3356 12297 8537 3760 12908 9024 3884
30-44 10243 6539 3704 11236 7217 4019 12408 8248 4160
45-59 5743 3832 1911 6928 4582 2346 7991 5269 2722
60+ 1920 1347 574 2238 1573 665 2706 1929 777
Total 29186 19472 9714 33036 22085 10952 36364 24653 11712

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ProjectedLabour ForcebyEducationGroup:
2007 2012 2017
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
6 5418 6809 13031 5439 7592 12710 5046 7664
up to
Primary 7994 6318 1676 8884 6927 1956 10129 7898 2232
Middle 3689 3100 588 4545 3870 675 5531 4610 920
ry 1673 1492 181 2165 1959 206 2631 2392 239
y 1627 1486 142 2056 1893 163 2543 2315 228
e 272 228 44 311 262 49 368 301 67
e 1005 813 191 1245 1028 217 1492 1252 240

Distribution of Increased labour force by Education
Year 200712(XIPlanPeriod) 201217(XIIPlanPeriod)
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Not literate 20.91 0.80 63.25 -9.65 -15.30 9.47
up to
Primary 23.12 23.31 22.62 37.41 37.81 36.32
Middle 22.23 29.47 7.03 29.63 28.82 32.24
Secondary &
Secondary 23.92 33.45 3.72 28.64 33.29 12.89
Certificate 1.01 1.30 0.40 1.71 1.52 2.37
Graduate &
above 8.86 11.67 2.91 12.23 13.82 6.84
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Performance of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 and Annual Plan 2011-

An outlay of Rs735.00 Lakh was approved during the Eleventh Five Year Plan,
and The expenditure incurred in first four years of Rs 65.25 Lakh.

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An outlay of Rs. 23.00 lakh for Annual plan 2011-12 is approved and the entire
amount will be utilized during the financial year 2011-12.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) and Annual Plan Year 2012-13

An outlay of Rs.170.00 lakh is proposed for Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17.
An outlay of Rs 24.10 lakh is proposed for Annual plan 2012-13.

Major Schemes of Department
(1) Centrally administered rehabilitation scheme for Bonded Labour.
This is a centrally administered scheme for rehabilitation of bonded
labour, under which an amount of Rs. 20000 is paid in the form of
subsidy from which Rs. 1000 is paid as immediate assistance. The
amount of Rs. 20,000 is shared equally by the Center and State
Governments. No target can be fixed under the scheme. After
identification of bonded labour by the District Administration and on
releasing them from bondage, according to the rules, necessary proposals
are received as per number of workers from the Collector; thereafter
action for allotment of funds is done. No any case has so far been
reported by any district in the State and no expenditure has occurred
under this scheme so far.

During 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17), an allocation of Rs. 4.00 Lakhs is
being proposed under this scheme.

(2) Constitution of Board for unorganized workers
Approximately 80-90% workforce is working in unorganized sector in
the State. Hon'ble Chief Minister has also shown concern for their social
security and welfare. Two boards for welfare of the workers engaged in
unorganized rural and urban sector have been constituted vide
notification by the State Government.

(3) Modernization and improvisation of Hygiene Lab
Under the Factories Act, 1948, for health and safety of the workers
employed in hazardous and highly hazardous factories, inspections of the
factories and for preventing the possibility of accidents, a Hygiene Lab
was established, in 2002-03 in Indore, with its area of operation is entire
Madhya Pradesh. Under this scheme, it was planned to make available
most modern inspection kits for the Hygiene Lab along with an additional
provision to supply inspection kits and computers to the Directorate and
subordinate offices. The aforesaid targets have been tried to be achieved
during 11th five year plan.

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For 2012-13 an outlay of Rs. 2.10 lakh is being proposed. This will be
used for establishing a mobile laboratory, air-conditioning and purchase
of chemicals and equipments for continuous up gradation of the hygiene
lab in view of keeping pace with rapid industrialization and upcoming
factories in the State.

(4) Computerization of departmental activities
Under this scheme an outlay of Rs. 50.00 lakhs is being proposed for
12th five year plan, (2012-17) and Rs. 10.00 lakhs is being proposed for
the annual plan year 2012-13 regarding updation of online system and
maintenance of website and up gradation of computers etc. this allocation
will be required during the next plan under this scheme.

(5) Establishment of State Labour Resource and Training Institute
It is proposed to set up State Labour Resource and Training Center in the
State for the research, study and training in the field of labour and
industry. For this, an amount of Rs. 40.00 lakhs is being proposed for the
12th Five Year Plan and Rs. 5.00 lakhs is being demanded for 2012-13
for the initial expenditure on this scheme.

Detail proposal under the 12th Five Year Plan for the Year 2012-13 and
entire plan period.
(Rs. in lakh)
S.No Name of the Scheme Proposed
Amount for
Amount for
1 Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour (Central Scheme) 4.00 30.00
2 Social Security Scheme for unorganized Labour /
Establishment of Welfare Board for workers of
unorganized sector
2.00 20.00
3 Modernization / up gradation of Industrial Hygiene
Laboratory at Indore, Construction of building and
purchase of mobile van
2.10 25.00
4 Computerization of Departmental activities 10.00 50.00
5 Establishment of Labour Resource Center and
Training Institute
5.00 40.00
6 Child Labour Survey, Training Employment and
Rehabilitation Scheme
1.00 5.00
Total 24.10 170.00

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15. 21 Skill Development

India has one of the largest educational systems in the world with more than 0.6
million primary schools, about 0.185 million upper primary schools, more than
0.1 million secondary and higher secondary schools; about 230 universities,
more than 7,000 colleges of general education and bout 2,000 professional
colleges. The data shows that on an average, out of every 100 students
enrolling themselves in Class I, about 39 dropout between Classes I to V; 55
dropout between Classes I to VIII and about 70 dropout between Class I to X.
Out of those who seek admission in Class XI, less than 10 percent go for higher
education. In addition, to the issue of dropouts, there is the issue of children not
even getting enrolled. Although 92% of Indias workforce is employed in the
informal sector, their educational and skill levels and resultant productivity are
extremely low which hinders the sustainable development of this sector, while
the higher education is expanding; issue of developing employment skills at the
undergraduate levels is not being addressed properly.

As such it is necessary to plan alternative route through which a youth can
be prepared for his/her future life. We need to cater to the requirement of
a very large number of children at the age of 14+. Thus provision for
vocational education and training has to be given serious thinking in the
context of human development/ human resource development; in view of
the needs of community at large; relevance to needs of the learner and
those who require their services.

The approach to 11th Five Year Plan has assessed that while India's young
demographic profile has the country favourably placed in terms of manpower
availability, talent supply shortages are emerging. India is best positioned, due
to its strong fundamentals such as demographics, economics, and expertise, to
take advantage of this opportunity with its early lead. If the country is to
capitalize on the huge opportunity in this and other areas of knowledge services,
a major thrust is needed at all levels of education and skill development.

Opportunity: Planning Commission has estimated that around 500 million
skilled persons are required in India by 2022 while the current capacity of the
skill development programs is 3.1 million. Harnessing the demographic
dividend through appropriate skill development efforts would provide an
opportunity to achieve inclusion and productivity within the country and also a
reduction in the global skill shortages. Large scale skill development is thus an
imminent imperative. Major challenge of skill development initiatives is also to
address the needs of huge population by providing skills in order to make them
employable and help them secure decent work. Skill development for persons
working in the unorganized sector is a key strategy in that direction.

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A task of skill development has many challenges which include:-
a) Increasing capacity & capability of existing system to ensure equitable
access to all.
b) Promoting lifelong learning, maintaining quality and relevance, according
to changing requirement particularly of emerging knowledge economy.
c) Creating effective convergence between school education, various skill
development efforts of government and between government and
Private Sector initiative.
d) Capacity building of institutions for planning, quality assurance and
involvement of stake holders.
e) Creating institutional mechanism for research development quality
assurance, examinations & certification, affiliations and accreditation.
f) Increasing participation of stakeholders, mobilizing adequate investment
for financing skill development, attaining sustainability by strengthening
physical and intellectual resources.

Vision for the Skill Development Initiative in Madhya Pradesh
According to A Twelfth Plan Perspective on Labour Force Scenario and Skill
Development Strategy in Madhya Pradesh prepared by PMPSU, the additional
increase in labour force during XI plan and XII plan periods will be 3.85 million
and 3.33 million. Thus during XI plan period, per annum 7, 70,000 job
opportunity are to be created of which 5, 22,600 for males and 2, 47,600 for
female. In XII plan period, the targets of job opportunity to be created per
annum are 6, 65,600 of which 5, 13,600 for men and1, 52,000 for women. The
composition of additional labour force reveals that persons with educational
qualification of middle, secondary and higher secondary will account for 46.15
% of total increased labour force in XI plan period and 58.27 % in XII plan
period. This labour force has to be equipped (lace) with skill in specific trade as
per the requirements of different sectors. It is, thus, necessary to plan an
effective strategy for creation of jobs to reduce unemployment and skill
development to take full advantage of active labour force in economic
development and nation building.

Federation of MP Chambers of Commerce & Industry has estimated annual
requirement is 5.35 lakh per annum, by different sectors based on growth rate of
different sectors for the period of five years (2011-16). These jobs will be meant
for persons with minimum education level starting from Vth to XII pass,
depending upon statutory & other norms in practice. Minimum educational
qualifications requirement may be waived if concerned employers find skill is
sufficient and up to mark.

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Mission: Skill Development Initiative will empower all individuals through
improved skills, knowledge, nationally and internationally recognized
qualifications to gain access to decent employment and ensure Indias
competitiveness in the global market.

Aims: The aim of skill development is to support achieving rapid and inclusive
growth through:
a) Enhancing individuals employability (wage/self employment) and ability
to adapt to changing technologies and labour market demands.
b) Improving productivity and living standards of the people.
c) Strengthening competitiveness of the country.
d) Attracting investment in skill development.

a) Create opportunities for all to acquire skills throughout life, and
especially for youth, women and disadvantaged groups.
b) Promote commitment by all stakeholders to own skill development
c) Develop a high-quality skilled workforce/entrepreneur relevant to current
and emerging employment market needs.
d) Enable the establishment of flexible delivery mechanisms that respond to
the characteristics of a wide range of needs of stakeholders.
e) Enable effective coordination between different ministries, the Centre and
the States and public and private providers.

Vocational Training System in Madhya Pradesh

Vocational Training is imparted at 216 Industrial Training Institutes in the state.
They are administered/ run by the following departments/ agencies:-

In function (No.) S. No. Administrative Department/
Agency ITIs Admitted in
August 2011
1 Technical Education and Training 171 21900
2 Home Department (Police) 2 188
3 Private Institutions 101 7164
Total: 274 29252
4 Skill Development
Centrers (started from Nov. 2011)
113 2700

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Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan:
A provision of Rs. 22776.00 lakh was approved for eleventh Five year Plan.
Expenditure incurred during the year 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11
was Rs. 3920.89 lakh, Rs. 4758.98 lakh, 4305.93 lakh and Rs. 8546.08 lakh
respectively. Rs. 10942.28 lakh is likely to be spent during 2011-12.

Twelfth Five Year Plan:
The goal, thrust area and objectives of Twelfth Five Year Plan are as

Goal: To establish and operate modern facilities to impart vocational
education and training relevant for the jobmarket in general and manufacturing
and service industry in particular.

Thrust area: Improving quality of training and lacing ITI with modern and
relevant training infrastructure to provide best of training to the trainee; and
reducing mismatch between skills produced and skills required through
establishing link between producers and users of skilled human resource.

a) Discontinue training in trades that no longer generate demand both
from the organised and unorganised sectors of the employment
b) Create, add and expand the infrastructure facilities available for
existing disciplines that continue to generate demand.
c) Identify such new disciplines and trade that generate demand both
from industry and service sectors and establish the necessary training
d) Upgrade ITIs into centres of excellence to impart training to match
world-class standards of skilled manpower.

The following operational strategies will be adopted:
Folding the future in and innovate
Skills framework must move to a system of equivalence to diplomas
and degrees
Skills must be bankable
Co-created solutions and forging partnerships
Game-changing delivery/innovation

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Government financial support to complement private investment:
Focus of modular courses, open architecture and short term
Create infrastructure for on-the-job-training and encourage
Publicise rating and outcome information on training institutions
Effective assessment and credible certification
Deployment of funds for up-gradation of machinery and equipment,
teaching and learning aids etc., and Creation of infrastructure in rural,
remote and difficult areas.

Plan outlay for Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs. 90000.00 lakh has been proposed for the twelfth five year plan
to meet the set objectives. Of the proposed outlay Rs. 15715.00 lakh and Rs.
12042.00 lakh has been earmarked for TSP and SCSP. An outlay of Rs.
11867.00 lakh has been proposed of which Rs. 2947.00 lakh for TSP and Rs.
2457.00 lakh for SCSP for annual plan 2012-13.

Following are the important schemes which will be implemented during
Twelfth Five Year Plan.
1. Construction of ITI Buildings: National Council for Vocational
Training has fixed the norms of space for administrative block,
workshops, theory classrooms etc. The department is finding
difficulties to expand the training facilities in many ITIs because of
shortage of space as per norms. Hence it is proposed to construct the
buildings of these ITIs otherwise their utility would be limited to only
one or two trades so far started in the available space of rented or other
govt. Buildings
2. Toolkit for SC/ST beneficiaries: It is proposed for procurement of
Tool Kits to all trainees belonging to SC/ST so as to facilitate the
trainees to carry out the jobs in the market.
3. Computerization & Networking of establishment of Directorate of
Training with all training imparting institutes of the state.
4. Computer Training for Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe
Candidates: Technical and application oriented skills for operating
computers to be imparted to expand opportunities of employment for
youth of SC & ST categories belonging to urban and rural areas.It is
proposed to provide training to 3000 students under the scheme in

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5. Gramin Technician Yojna: The aim of the programme is to establish a
multi-skilled modular and flexi time training system at the Industrial
Training Institutes in the state. The endeavour shall be to train at least
one person per village in the near future. It is proposed to provide
training to 3000 students under the scheme in 2012-13.
6. Employment Oriented Vocational Training Scheme: Government of
India, Directorate General Employment & Training has introduced
Skill Development Initiative Scheme under Modular Employable
Skills in which the training shall be provided in various short-term
duration modules. Hence it is proposed to provide funds under the
scheme so as to utilize it to run the modular courses under the scheme
of Modular Employable Skills. It is proposed to provide training to
7000 students under the scheme.
7. Madhya Pradesh Council of Vocational Education and Training: The
Society is established to provide access to sustainable quality
vocational education to meet the challenges of skilled human resource
required for various sectors of economy.
8. Consultancy & Research: At present there is no authenticate data of
requirement of skills and the number of man power required in a
specific area. To design any schemes of man power planning such data
is essential. It is proposed to introduce new schemes to identify the
present and future needs of trained man power in current and
emerging sectors of economy with specific reference to Madhya
Pradesh and a 20 years forecast of the demand for trade man power.
9. Dr. Ambedkar ITI's: To develop ITI Sehore for Schedule Caste
Girls and ITI Morena for Schedule Caste Boys.
10. Aklavya ITIs: To develop Women ITI Betul for Schedule Tribe
Girls and ITI Dhar for Schedule Tribe Boys.
In these ITIs, Training shall be imparted in NCVT/SCVT recognized
trades. Classrooms shall be facilitated with modern teaching aids. A
computer centre and library shall be established for the specific
purpose. It shall be completely residential for trainees under
proposed trades. Lodging & boarding for trainees under proposed
trades shall be free of costs. Scholarship shall be given to all trainees
under proposed trades @ Rs 1000/- per month. Books and course
material shall be provided to all trainees under proposed trades.
Training Officers and supporting staff shall be given incentive for
their specific efforts to upgrade the standards of trainees.
11. To provide facility for personality development entrepreneurship
English speaking etc. to the trainees of ITIs: Director General of
Employment New Delhi has amended the course curriculum of the
subject Social Studies and a new name has been given as
Employability Skills. This subject in modified form is to be

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
implemented from the session of Aug. 2012. Various modules such as
Communication Skills, English Proficiency, Quality Management
Tool, Entrepreneurship Skill, Occupational Safety & Health etc. are
included in the modified syllabus

12. Establishment of placement cell in ITIs: It is proposed to maintain a
professional data bank for skilled trainees of various trades for 5 years
so as to keep the information regarding employment/self-employment
of every trainee. It is also proposed to provide information to the
trainees regarding employment/self-employment.

13. Centrally Sponsored Scheme " "S Sk ki il ll l D De ev ve el lo op pm me en nt t o of f Y Yo ou ut th h i in n
B Ba al la ag gh ha at t d di is st tr ri ic ct t a af ff fe ec ct te ed d b by y L Le ef ft t W Wi in ng g E Ex xt tr re em mi is sm m : : B Broad
objectives of the Scheme are to establish at least one ITI in each block
and one Skill Development Canter (SDC) in a cluster of about 8-10
villages to provide Skill Development infrastructure close to the
people in the district and run demand driven vocational training
courses both long term and short term to meet the requirement of
skilled manpower of various sectors of economy in and around these
areas and creating opportunities of decent livelihood for youth of the
14. Establishment of Model ITIs at District Headquarters: For
development of State as a Hub of Vocational Training & Skill, it is
proposed to upgrade the existing 46 ITIs and introduce 4 ITIs at 50
districts of the State to function as Centre of Excellence.
15. Up gradation and Strengthening of Existing ITIs: 107 ITIs are to
be upgraded and strengthened. These ITIs are other than 18 new and
46 Model ITIs at District Headquarters.

Establishment of 50 New ITIs in Un-serviced Blocks:
At present there are 193 Un-serviced Blocks where no Govt. or Private ITI
exists. Govt. of India has proposed a scheme of Establishment of ITIs in every
block through Public Private Partnership. The scheme is not yet finalized.
Department has developed the policy for Technical Education and Skill
Development in which provision is proposed for private partners to establish
ITI. Many attractive features are incorporated for Public Private Partnership.
Normally the private partners will not be attracted to invest funds in remote
areas of un-serviced blocks. It is therefore proposed to establish 50 ITIs through
State funds in such remote areas of un-serviced blocks. It is proposed to
introduce 50 ITIs with six trades of 12 units in un-serviced blocks.
0Establishment of 143 ITIs in un-serviced blocks through Public Private
Partnership: It is proposed to cover all the un-serviced blocks of the State by

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establishing Government or private ITIs. Private partners would be given
incentives to establish ITI.

Development of Residential Training Facility for Physically Challenged
Persons at Divisional Level: It is proposed to introduce three trades
specifically for physically Challenged persons in existing ITI at all 10
divisional headquarters.

Establishment of Skill Development Centres at Every Block of the State: It
is proposed to establish SDC at every block of State. Initially the SDC shall be
established in the un-serviced blocks where no Govt. or Private ITI exists. It is
proposed to establish 113 SDCs out of 193 un-serviced blocks through State
funds and remaining 200 in Public Private Partnership mode. Preference shall
be given to blocks situated in areas earmarked as ST/SC/ Minorities populated,
areas affected by leftwing extremism and areas situated in Industrial belts. All
313 blocks shall be covered in phases as follows:

No. Year No. of Blocks Proposed No. of
1- 2011-12 113 75
2- 2012-13 100 75
3- 2013-14 100 43
Total: 313 193

Establishment of SDCs under PPP Mode: Govt. of India, Director General of
Employment and New Delhi has invited proposals from State Govt. for
Establishment of SDCs under Public Private Partnership Mode. The proposals
are not finalized as on date. The department shall follow the guidelines of
Establishment of SDCs under PPP after finalization of terms and conditions of
the same scheme by GOI.

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Advertisement and Publicity of Importance of Vocational Training:
Advertising and publicity are the means of informing as well as influencing the
general public toward vocational education. To create awareness for
vocational training among the youth and their parents regarding the importance
of vocational training it is essential to publish relevant literature explaining the
existing system and its usefulness. Campaigns like "Rojgar Aapke Dwar" are
necessary in which the students from various school visit the nearby vocational
training institutes and actually observed the method of training.

Repayment of loan against Construction of ITI Building: National Council
for Vocational Training has fixed the norms of space for administrative block,
workshops, theory classrooms etc. The department is finding difficulties to
expand the training facilities in many ITIs because of shortage of space as per
norms. At present out of 171 ITIs, 56 ITIs are running under rented building or
in other govt. buildings. In these ITIs the sanctioned trades cannot be started
because of a shortage of space as per the norms of NCVT. Hence it is proposed
to construct the buildings of these ITIs otherwise their utility would be limited
to only one or two trades so far started in the available space of rented or other
govt. buildings.

Directorate has developed a plan for construction of ITIs for six trades through
M.P. Housing Board. The built up area of the building is 2536.44 Sqmt. having
the Ground floor of 1327.27 Sqmt. and the first floor of 1199.17 Sqmt. The first
stage estimate is Rs. 383.62 lacs including 6% supervision charge and 2.5%
architect fee. Assuming the proposed cost of one building as Rs. 384.00 lacs, for
60 ITIs the total cost of construction comes out to be 23040.00 lacs. Govt. has
taken a decision to construct all such building at one go by taking loan.

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Certification of Artisans: To recognize the skills of existing work force,
improve performance levels, quality of work, efficiency and productivity,
improve economics situation of workers and to develop social capital of the
state through development of competent workforce certification of artisans
is must and it will be enforced during the 12
Plan period.

Industrial visit of trainees: For the Purpose of obtaining of an idea of actual
working Condition, Trainees from ITIs nearing completion of their courses are
supposed to visit nearby Industries for about a week.

Sports in ITI: For Overall Personality development of trainees, extra-curricular
activities & sports are essential & should be included as a part of the system. At
present no framework exists. It is proposed to develop the systematic
arrangement of extra-curricular activities & sports at institute, District, Division
& State Level.

Up gradation of Library in each ITI: At present, there is no systematic
facility of Library in ITIs. It is proposed to develop library in ITIs.

Incentives and Prizes for ITIs, Faculty & Trainees: To develop competition
among Institutes, The present framework for prizes is not sufficient to motivate
all the persons engaged in Vocational Training. The department will frame a
suitable system Incentives & Prizes for ITIs, Faculty & Trainees with the
objective of enhancing internal efficiency of the Institutes. Trainees who rank
first in their respective trades in All India Trade Test in the State are given
certificates and cash prize of Rs.1000/-. Apart from this, the trainees who rank
first in their trades in State level Skill competitions are given certificates & cash
prizes of Rs.2000/-.

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15.22 Social Justice

The aim of the department of Social J ustice is care, welfare and rehabilitation of
aged, persons with disabilities, neglected and juveniles, destitute, beggars, drug
addicts and other disadvantaged groups.

In consonance with the Policy of providing a complete package of welfare
services to persons with physical and mental disabilities and the vulnerable
section of the society and in order to deal, effectively with their multi-
dimensioned problems, many initiatives were taken. The approach has been
encouraging participation; community based rehabilitation and facilitates
delivery of services.

The main objective of welfare is to bring these vulnerable sections within the
mainstream of society. The implementation of the various policies and
programmes seek to empower these groups and facilitate their access to various
opportunities of development.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

Rs. 96022.00 lakh was allocated during the Eleventh Five Year Plan. The
expenditure incurred in 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 was Rs.
19676.43 lakh, Rs. 29970.75, Lakh, Rs. 64279.63 Lakh and Rs 75614.74 Lakh

An outlay of Rs. 85040.60 lakh was approved for Annual Plan 2011-12 and an
expenditure of Rs. 85040.60 lakh is anticipated.

Physical targets and achievements of Eleventh Five Year Plan and Annual
Plan 2011-12

During the 11th Plan period, 1 Cr. people were benefited under various
programmes against targets Rs.86 Lakh beneficiaries. During plan period main
schemes of the department were implemented such as welfare of disabled
juvenile welfare fund, welfare of aged uniform and destitute, correctional
services etc.

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The Physical target for annual plan 2011-12 under various schemes was fixed in
social justice sector is 32.51 Lakh beneficiaries. This will be fully achieved up
to March, 2012.

12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 832600.00 lakh has been proposed for Twelfth Plan and
Rs.112713.96 lakh for 2012-13.

An amount of Rs. 44690.00 lakh has been proposed for Twelfth five Year Plan
under C.M. Kanyadan Yojana and Rs. 5887.80 lakh in the Annual Plan 2012-
13. And an amount of Rs.60582.00 lakh is proposed under NSAP for Annual
Plan 2012-13.

Physical Targets proposed for Twelfth Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan
2012-13 are as below:-

Target Proposed S.
Name of Scheme Unit
12th Five Year Plan
1 2 3 4 5
1. Welfare of disabled No of persons 155000 85500
2. Correctional
" 360 100
3. C.M. Kanyadan
Beneficiaries 300000 60000
Indira Gandhi Samaj Sewa Award
A reward for outstanding work in the field of social work is being given to
social workers. An amount of Rs.80.00 lakh has been proposed for 12th Plan
2012-17 and Rs.10.00 lakh for the Annual Plan 2012-13.
World Disabled Day
of Dec. is recognized as the world disabled day. On this occasion a series of
events/activities are organized from the 3
of Dec. up to the month of Feb.
Provision of Rs 20.00 lakhs is proposed in the annual plan 2012 - 2013. An
amount of Rs. 400.00 Lakh has been proposed for XII Five year Plan 2012-17
the object is to create awareness about the PWD Act, issues concerning the
disabled persons so that the Govt. and community addresses their needs and
provide equal rights opportunities and equal participation to them. The physical
target of disabled children is 17000 during 12 the Five Year Plan 2012-17 and
5500 disabled benefitted in Annual Plan 2012-13.

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New Schemes:
A. Mukhya Mantri Nikah Scheme: State Government has launched a
Marriage group marriage scheme for the marriage event and welfare of Poor,
Orphan Muslim Girls, Widow, Divorces. An amount of Rs. 1600 Lakh has been
proposed for Twelfth Five year Plan and Rs. 200.00 lakh proposed in the
Annual Plan 2012-13.
B. Sparsh Abhiyan : Sparsh Abhiyan is started from 2011-12- In this Abhiyan
the department made survey of each category of disabled persons, so that we
can rehabilibitate every disabled persons through department beneficiaries
oriented scheme. We conduct district and block level exhibition camps for
distribute artificial aids appliance. We also integrate disabled children through
inclusive education to get admission in general school. Under the scheme we
provide disabled unemployed persons training facilities of Vocational training.
Our target is total rehabilitation of every disabled person.
C. Purchase of Artificial Aids and Appliance Scheme :Complete
rehabilitation and uplifting of disabled persons the Sparsh Abhiyan is started
from 18.4.2011 in Madhya Pradesh. Survey of disabled persons is done in the
First Stage according to survey report 8229912 disabled persons calculate in
M.P. As per instruction of honorable C.M. in Antyoday mela and district level
camps organized and we provide artificial aids and appliance to eligible
disabled person. These artificial aids and appliance is distributed free of cost to
disabled persons. In Sparsh Abhiyan to provide artificial aids and appliance
target of number are 110132 surveyed disabled persons .
An amount of Rs 3000.00 Lakh has been proposed for 12-th five years Plan
2012-17 and RS 500.00 Lakh for Annual Plan 2012 2013
D. Dadhichi Puraskar yojna : As per provision of Persons with Disabilities
(Equal opportunity. protection of rights and Full participation ) Act 1995
Mahirshi Dadhchi Puraskar a state level prize is given to best social worker
/Institutions ,working in the field of disabilities for complete rehabilitation and
encouragement /cooperation of disabled persons. First prize is Rs 1.00 Lakh and
Second prize is Rs 0.50 Lakh and Third prize is Rs 0.25 Lakh . An amount of
Rs 50.00 Lakh has been proposed for 12-th five year Plan 2012-2017 and RS
10.00 Lakh for Annual Plan 2012 2013
E. Mukhya Mantri.Kanya Abhibavk Pension Scheme : Madhya Pradesh
Government has started Beti Bachao Abhiyan from 25 September 2011 . The
purpose of this scheme to increase girl's population in the state. An amount of
Rs 500.00 pension per month is given to married couple those are adopted
family planning . A number of estimated figures of this type of family are 25000
. For above mentioned purposes an amount of Rs 500.00 Lakh is proposed in
annual plan 2012-2013. An amount of Rs. 5000.00 Lakh has been proposed
for 12-th Five year Plan 2012-17.

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F. Establishment of Beggars Home : To provide employment facilities to
beggars for making them self sufficient. Rest of 49 district of M.P. it is
proposed to start beggar's homes in cities e.i. Gwalior, J abalpur, Bhopal, Rewa,
Saugar, Chitrakut, Maihar, Satna, Amarkantak and Omkarashewar.
It is proposed to start beggar's home in first stage year 2012-13 at Gwalior
J abalpur,Bhopal,Rewa,Saugar Ujjain . Each beggars home will be required an
amount of Rs 30.00 Lakh. An amount of Rs. 800.00 Lakh has been proposed
for 12-th five years Plan 2012-17 and RS 100.00 Lakh for Annual Plan 2012
G. Integrated Programme for Senior Citizen : Under these scheme 41
districts of Madhya Pradesh we are conducted 53 Old age home for welfare of
senior citizen., they are benefitted 663 female and 763 male. Out of 53 homes
we received grant 5 homes from GOI Integrated scheme. We provide facilities
of care,Protection.Medical Check-up treatment. Entertainment .Boarding-
Lodging to Older persons. There are no old age homes in 9 districts of M.P.
such as Panna, Dindori, Umaria, Anuppur, Neemuch, Singroli, Alirajpur,
Badwani and Seoni. Therefore we proposed 9 Old Age Home at the rate of Rs
10.00 Lakh in the 12
Five Year Plan Period 2012-17. An amount of Rs.
160.00 Lakh has been proposed for 12-th five years Plan 2012-17 and RS
20.00 Lakh for Annual Plan 2012 2013 to benefit 1750 older persons
H. Mother Father bharan phosan yojna : Bharan Poshan and Kalyan
Adhiniyam 2007 are enforced in M.P. from 23.8.2008. There is no staff for
implementing the scheme. We are facing so many problems for implementation
the scheme. For conducting the proper implementation of the scheme for staff
and official expenditure an amount of Rs 10.00 Lakh is proposed in annual
plan 2012-2013. an amount of Rs. 80.00 Lakh has been proposed for 12-th
Five year Plan 2012-2017.
I. Prohibition cum Rehabilitation centre : Prohibition problem is increasing
day by day in our state, It is necessary to conduct rehabilitation centre for drug
abuse. the department proposed 100 bedded centers for all 50 districts. It is
proposed to run these centers from Bhartiya Red Cross Society in each district.
Rs 38.41 Lakh expenditure will be required. For above mentioned purposes an
amount of Rs.4000.00 Lakh has been proposed for 12-th Five years Plan 2012-
17 and Rs. 500.00 Lakh for Annual Plan.2012-13
J. Social Justice Directorate and Disabled welfare Court : At Present Social
J ustice Department working in PWD shed . it is necessary to develop a campus
which also consist court balding for disabled persons, state level consult
resource centre, conference hall, computer training room and server room .For
above mentioned purposes an amount of Rs. 1600.00 Lakh has been proposed
for 12-th Five years Plan 2012-17 and RS 200.00 Lakh for Annual Plan

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15.23 Women & Child Development and Nutrition

Health and Education are the prime requirement for development of nation and
states. It is unfortunate that even after more than six decades of independence;
we are still termed as most backward nation on number of health and education
indicators. Now time has come to find the reasons why even after investing
huge amount we could not make satisfactory progress in health sector especially
of women and children. If these impediments are removed, nation can expects
major breakthrough in the sector.

The main objective of the Department of Women & Child Development is to
reduce Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality rate and Malnutrition among
children and women. Thus main responsibility of implementation of Integrated
Child Development Services (ICDS) Programme in the State lies with the
department. ICDS is being implemented through 453 projects and 78929
Aganwadi Centers and 9820 Mini Anganwadi Centres. ICDS delivers growth
monitoring, supplementary nutrition (to all eligible beneficiaries i.e. under 6
children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and selected adolescent girls),
immunization, pre-school education to children under 6, ante-natal check up,
health and nutrition education and referral services. The department is also
running other schemes for entire socio-economic development and
empowerment of women and children. These schemes/programs include women
group formation, legal literacy programme for women, elimination of
prostitution, Beti Bachao Abhiyan for increasing female sex ratio, empowering
Adolescent Girls of 11 to 18 years by improving their nutritional and health
status through Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls
(SABLA), up gradation of home skills, life skills and vocational skills. The
Department also reviews, suggests and makes suitable amendments in various
laws and rules concerned with women's status for women's empowerment. ICPS
has been started especially for the children for their integrated welfare and
rehabilitation who are in the difficult situation.

Eleventh Five Year Plan

A provision of Rs. 157217.00 lakh was approved for Eleventh Five year Plan.
During 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 an expenditure of Rs. 24641.98
lakh, Rs. 44195.21 lakh, 74319.63 and Rs. 105328.18 lakh respectively was
incurred. Rs. 149706.23 lakh is likely to be spent during 2011-12 against the
outlay of Rs. 152004.97 lakh.

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Following para provide the result of the efforts put by the departments working
towards the objectives of increasing sex ratio among 0-6 years age group,
reducing MMR, IMR and malnutrition.
The sex ratio (06 years) was 941 and 932 in 1991 and 2001 in the state which
has fallen to 912 in 2011. Thus widening the gap between actual achievements
so far and set goal of 950 females per 1000 males during XI plan period. This
reducing sex ratio is the matter of concern and raises question on outcome of
different programmes being implemented in this direction.

During XI plan period, IMR has reduced from 72 in 2007 to 62 in 2010 as per
SRS Bulletins, against the target of achieving IMR of 40 by 2012. The highest
annual drop of 5points in IMR has been observed in consecutive years 2009 and
2010, which is highest among all the states. This is a positive sign of
improvement but still IMR is highest among the states of the country and is a
matter of great concern. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in the state was 335
during 2004-06 and targeted to reduce to 125 by the end of XI plan. MMR
during 2007-09 has come down to 269 and will reduce to 241 in 2010-12 and
200 in 2013-15 based on Trend line. State performance has been exceptionally
good in case of institutional delivery. Its impact on MMR is quite meagre than
expected. The recent study Impact Assessment of Integrated Child
Development Services: Madhya Pradesh, carried out by Poverty Monitoring
and Policy Support Unit of State Planning Commission, covers all the children
below 5 years of age in the selected sample households. The results revealed
that there is an improvement as percentage of malnourished children, in age
group less than 5 years, came down 60.0% in NFHS 3 (2006) to 48.1 percent in
2009 Similarly the percentage of severely malnourished children has fallen from
27.4% to 22.8% during same period. The stunting which is measure of low
height for age and caused by long term insufficient nutrient intake and frequent
infections, the proportion of such children (less than 5 year of age) has reduced
from 49.3 % in 2006 to 38.7% in 2009 as per the study. Similarly study also
revealed that proportion of severely stunted children has also reduced from
26.3% to 18.3% during the same period. Similarly, the most recent study
(pertaining to March August 2010) done by National Institute of Nutrition
(NIN) revealed that 52% of rural children below 5 years of age are under weight
as compare to 62.7% in 2005-06 of NFHS III. On these health indicators, in
spite of better state performance, state is still having highest MMR, IMR and
Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13:
To achieve main objective of reducing Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant
Mortality rate and Malnutrition among children and women department is
actively coordinating its activities with Health Department. State Government
has been constituted Atal Bal Arogya and Poshan Mission with the objective
to provide an enabling mechanism for prevention and reduction of malnutrition

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and under five mortality rates in the children of the State through coordinated
and concerted efforts by the key stakeholders. It is planned to deliver the
services of ICDS more effectively and efficiently through building better
coordination with community. For improving sex ratio in age group 0-6 years,
Beti Bachao Abhiyan (Save the Girl Child Campaign) is being implemented in
the State since 5
October 2011.

To meet the objectives of the department, an outlay of Rs. 1251620.00 lakh has
been proposed for twelfth five year plan. Of this planned outlay Rs. 229706.00
and Rs. 184955.00 has been earmarked for TSP and SCSP. For Annual Plan
2012-13, an outlay of Rs. 170900.00 lakh has been proposed with allocation of
Rs. 31836.87 and Rs. 25432.20 has been earmarked for TSP and SCSP.

Some of the important Schemes Proposed to be implemented during 12

Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-2013
1. Mangal Divas : Under Nutrition Programme, this scheme was started
during 11
Five Year Plan and will be continued in 12
Plan period also.
Mangal Divas is started. Every Tuesday is celebrated as J anamdin, Anna
Prasana, Godbharai and kishori Scheme with the help of Health Department in
form of small function. First Tuesday as divas for GOD BHARAI RASM, in
which an expectant woman receives the traditional offerings of Sreephal,
Sindoor, Chudi and Bindi, with the objective to take complete care of the
pregnant woman's diet, nutrition with timely medical support. During the
function, 100 tablets of iron and folic acid are given to each pregnant woman
to help them to sustain through a healthy and fit term of pregnancy. Second
Tuesday is celebrated as Annaprashan divas with the objective to promote
community participation in ICDS programmes and to decrease infant mortality
rate. Additional nutritive supplement being provided to the child who has
completed six months of agew under the programme. On third Tuesday, every
child between the age group of 1 year to 6 years will celebrate his birthday at
aanganwadi centers with other children. The aim of celebrating this as birthday
to enhance the interpersonal relation between aanganwadi centers and the
community and to make the ICDS more effective and powerful. Adolescent
Girl Day is celebrated on fourth Tuesday with a cultural programmes such as
singing, dancing, rangoli making etc, as well as general knowledge and sports
competition. The rationale behind these cultural gatherings is to build awareness
among girls the importance of nutrition, primary health care and vocation
training of various trades, which help to improve their level of income and
economy. In addition to this, health check up camps where distribution of iron
and folic acid tablets are made is also a part of this celebration. For the 12th
Five year plan period an outlay of Rs.15689.00 lakhs has been proposed and
Rs.2142.17 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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2. NUTRITION: Hon'ble Supreme Court has directed all the State
Governments /Government of India to ensure the coverage of all under 6
children, Adolescent Girls, pregnant women and nursing mothers and doubling
the existing rate of nutritious food provision under ICDS services. Keeping in
view of the Hon'ble Supreme Courts directions, the Govt. of India agreed to
release 50% matching grant to the State govt. The department was decided to
make drastic changes in the implementation of nutrition programme by
introducing new nutrition policy. Under which daily new and delicious
supplementary food will be supplied at anganwadi. Department is providing the
supplementary food to under 6 children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and
nursing mothers through MP Agro Department. Soya Burfey, laddus, nutritious
halwa, nutritious khichidi and weaning foodis being served under the scheme by
MP Agro. Government launched new scheme called Sanjha Chulah for age
group 3-6 years which provides cooked meal in morning breakfast and after
noon lunch. There is provision of third meal also for malnourished children.
For the 12th Five year plan period an outlay of Rs.412577.00 lakhs has been
proposed. For Annual Plan 2012-13 an outlay of Rs.55221.96 has been
proposed as 50% states share. Amount of the same tune will be provided by
the GOI.

3. Women's Welfare Fund (Mahila Kalyan Kosh): This scheme is
operational since 1982. Through this programme, activities linked women's
social and economic empowerment are financed. For the 12th Five year plan
period an outlay of Rs.549.00 lakhs has been proposed and an outlay of
Rs.75.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

4. Ladli Laxmi Yojna: In order to promote family planning, restore gender
balance and prevent child marriage, State Government launched Ladli Laxmi
Yojna w.e.f. 01.04.2007. The benefits of the scheme are also to be provided to
the orphan girl child. The registration should be within one year of the birth of
female child. The first girl child born on or after 01.04.2008 is also eligible for
the scheme. The condition will be that the parents will adopt family planning
within one year of the birth of the second child. Provisions of the scheme were
amended (2008-09) to the extent that family planning could be adopted within
one year after the birth of second child. The condition of adoption of family
planning was also relaxed in case of death of either parent. Under the scheme,
financial assistance of Rs.6000 per year for five years in the shape of National
Saving Certificate (NSC) is to be provided to girl child in her name. The
beneficiary in turn would receive around Rs. one lakh at the age of 21 provided
she remained unmarried up to the age of 18 and appeared in 12
examination. In addition to above the beneficiary would be entitled for 2000/-
4000/- and 7500 at the time of admission of class 6
, 9th and 11
Scholarship of 200/- per month would also be disbursed while studying in class

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and 12
. Till November 2011, 9, 13,106 beneficiaries have been benefitted.
For the 12th Five year plan period an outlay of Rs.529297.00 lakhs has been
proposed and an outlay of Rs.65000.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

5. USHA KIRAN SCHEME (Protection of Women against Domestic
Violence Scheme): The best way of the women empowerment is to make her
aware of rights and equip her with legal literacy. Sufferer, of any type of
violence, will dare to fight against violence provide she is ensured of her safety
and all possible help from the government set up. The scheme was
conceptualized for the awareness about rights, temporary shelter, assurance of
safe future with employment and building confidence among the victim of
domestic violence.

OBJECTIVE OF SCHEME to fulfill the requirement of Domestic Violence
Protection Law -2006 powers are given to protect women against physical,
sexual, verbal, emotional, economic violence under the section of 37.
Accordingly, Department is making all the provisions as per law. Scheme will
help in
Reduction in cases of domestic violence
Awareness generation about the rights
Confidence building
entire development of women
Better raring of children
Making happy and ideal home environment.

Honble Supreme Court instructed for the intensive publicity of the Domestic
Violence Law 2005 & establishing help centres at District level. An outlay of of
Rs.1611.00 lakhs has been proposed for the 12th Five year plan and Rs.220.00
lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

6. Payment of Additional Mandeya for Anganwadi Workers and
Helpers: According to Cabinet decision, all anganwadi workers and helpers are
getting additional mandeya at the rate Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- per month
respectively. An outlay of Rs.104049.00 lakhs for 12th Five year plan period
and Rs.14207.22 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

7. Construction of Anganwadi Buildings: Of the total 78929 AWCs,
22594 are function from their own premises, 16352 from other government
building and remaining 37389 are being run from rented accommodations and
2880 from other places. Out of that 30000 AWC Buildings are sanctioned to be
constructed with the help of State fund and other schemes like BRGFand
NRGF. To construct part of the remaining anganwadi buildings, an outlay of

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Rs.30000.00 lakhs has been proposed for twelfth five year plan and
Rs.10000.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

been started especially for the children in the difficult situation for their
integrated welfare and rehabilitation. Scheme is based on the principles of child
rights, child protection and safe guarding the interest of the child.Thus all
welfare schemes run by the different departments have been merged in this
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000: The
implementation of the Juvenile J ustice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
2000 is the important aspect of ICPS. The implementation of Act 2000 has been
transferred from the Department of Social J ustice to the Department of Women
and Child Development with effect from 27
October 2010. Under J uvenile
J ustice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 the provisions are given for
the child who has not completed eighteenth year of age and needs care and
protection or is in conflict with the law. Care, protection, treatment,
development, education, skill building trainings and rehabilitation of these
children are ensured in this act.
Institutions: For the purpose of protection of these children, 26 homes which
include 18 observation homes, 3 special homes, 3 childrens homes, 2 after care
homes are being run by the Government and another 40 homes run NGOs
which include 24 Specialized Adoption Agencies , 11 childrens homes, 2
shelter homes, 2 open shelter homes and 1 observation home.
Juvenile Justice Boards/ Child Welfare Committees: 50 J uvenile J ustice
Boards for juvenile in conflict with the law and 50 Child Welfare Committees
for Child in need of Care and Protection have been established in the state.
State Child Protection Society /District Child Protection Societies: For the
effective implementation of ICPS and its monitoring for the holistic welfare and
rehabilitation of the children, State Child Protection Society, State Adoption
Resource Agency and fifty District Child Protection Societies have been
PLAN OF ACTION: Under this scheme, all the District Child Protection
Societies will focus on children who are in need of care and protection for their
proper rehabilitation. Children will be benefited under foster care, adoption,
skill building/training workshop so that these children will get all the benefits
and lead independent and diligent life.
An outlay of Rs.6864.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12th Five year plan period
and Rs.940.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

9. Beti Bachao Abhiyan Yojna(New Scheme): Present adverse sex ratio
and the declining numbers of the girl child in the state is a serious cause for
concern and warrant immediate corrective and concrete steps to halt this adverse

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trend. In this direction, state has started Beti Bachao Abhiyan (Save the Girl
Child Campaign) from 5
October 2011. The Women and Child Development
Department is a nodal Department for this campaign. Under this campaign,
various departments of the State government will act on 66 action points. The
action points include observance of the Beti Diwas (Daughters day), invoking
community participation through participation of various communities,
including religious leaders, and panchayati raj representatives, celebrating the
special achievements of the girls in the state, effective implementation of the
PCPNDT Act, providing education facilities to families with girl children only.
Such families living below poverty line will be provided pension, on attaining
the age of 55. These families will be provided other facilities like vocational
training, concession in stamp duty on registration of homes in names of the
relevant person/spouse etc.
The campaign will be monitored and evaluated continuously and video
conferencing will be undertaken to discuss about the progress of campaign from
time to time.
An outlay of Rs.2197.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12th Five year plan period
and Rs.300.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13. The proposed outlay is the state
share and remaining 50% will be contributed by central government.

10. EAP Cost Sharing (New Scheme): The Departments of Public Health
and Family Welfare (DoPH&FW) and Women & Child Development (WCD),
Government of Madhya Pradesh have been implementing a DFID supported
Madhya Pradesh Health Sector Reform Programme (MPHSRP) for last five
year from 2007to 2012.This programme provided a unique opportunity for the
government to prioritize the use of its limited resources and in addressing the
critical shortcomings in the public health system. The main objectives of this
programme were reduction in infant mortality, maternal mortality and total
fertility rate, making health outcomes and utilization of services more equitable,
addressing malnutrition among children and reducing morbidity and mortality
from common communicable diseases such as malaria, leprosy and tuberculosis.
It is expected that DFID will support the programme during Twelfth Plan period
also. In anticipation of this, an outlay of Rs.22500.00 lakhs for Twelfth Five
Year Plan and Rs.4875.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed
which is 50% share of the state and balance 50% will be grant from DFID.

11. Cost sharing between Centre and State, under ICDS (G)(90:10):
From the financial year 2009-10, Government of India has revised the sharing
pattern of costs between centre and States. As per the revised norms,
expenditure incurred under the centrally sponsored ICDS scheme, Government
of India contribution would be 90% and remaining 10% would be borne by the
State. For Twelfth Five year plan period an outlay of Rs.43942.00 lakhs and
Rs.6000.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

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12. Tejaswani Women Empowerment Project : The word Tejaswani
implies capacity and radiance. The Tejaswani Rural Women Empowerment
Programmes aims at empowering poor women to make use of economic, social
and political opportunities for improving their well being. There are four key
aspects of Tejaswani Programmes as follows:
The development of strong and sustainable SHGs and their apex institutions.
Provision of access to micro finance services.
New and improved livelihood opportunities and empowerment of women to
use these opportunities.
Access to functional literacy, improved health, labour saving infrastructure
and participation in local governance.

At present, Programme is being implemented in six districts of Madhya
Pradesh. An outlay of Rs.2130.00 lakhs for the 12th Five year plan period and
Rs.899.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

13. Share Capital of Madhya Pradesh Mahila Vitta Evam Vikas Nigam:
The corporation has been running various scheme like Tejaswani Women
Empowerment Project, Gramya, Women SHGs, Samarth Yojna, Norad, step
etc., since 1988 for the social and economical development of women. ,
corporation runs etc. An outlay of Rs. Rs.1400.00 lakhs has been proposed for
Five year plan and Rs.200.00 lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13.

14. Monitoring & Evaluation: The need of web-enable monitoring system
is important for the department because 70 lakhs children and 15 lakh women
are getting direct services through more than 70 thousand Aanganwadi centres.
So in order to monitor such huge system, efficient electronic medium is
Objective of the Project:
To improve the services of the department by monitoring of input,
process, output and outcome of the services
To identify problems of weak areas
Detailed Micro level monitoring of Anganwadis
o establish feedback and advise system for various level to improve the
quality if services
Grading of the AWCs, Project and District on the basis of performance
To improve the overall planning process and internal efficiency in the
programme and thereby improving delivery of services
To improve the administrative management and efficient, timely and
accurately decision making of the department

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To enable the department to carry out efficient and effective planning,
budgeting, monitoring and interfacing

Expected outcome of the Project:
Reduced administrative burden
Increased employee productivity
Information reuse across and within departments
Cost effectiveness in operations
Reduce the time to access relevant information
Reduce the time period so citizens can find information about
opportunities, schemes, benefits etc.
Electronic delivery of services, Convenient, Any Time and Anywhere
Minimize administration/clerical burden through online forms/services
Reduce time of filing and complying with regulations

Present Status of use of ICT: Presently data collected by Anganwadi Worker
and it is compiled at project level. Thus project wise data is available. These
compiled project wise data are entered in the data entry software at district and
transmitted to the Directorate. Anganwadi wise data is not available to the
department for analysis.
To make the system of monitoring robust and reliable, department has planned
to strengthen its monitoring and evaluation system. For this purpose, an outlay
of 1465.00 lakhs has been proposed for 12th Five year plan period and
Rs.200.00 lakhs for annual plan 2012-13.

15. Rajiv Gandhi scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls
(SABLA): The term "Adolescence" literally means "to emerge" or "achieve
identity". WHO has defined it in terms of age spanning between 10 to 19 years.
In India, the legal age of marriage is 18 years for girls and 21 years for boys.
There is a high correlation between the age at marriage, fertility management
and family health with education. For the purpose of this scheme, the girls in
the age group between 11 to 18 years will be considered in the category of
adolescent girls.

SABLA aims to empowering adolescent girls of 11 to 18 years by improving
their nutritional and health status, up gradation of home skills, life skills and
vocational skills. The girls would be equipped with information relating to
existing public services being provided for health and family welfare. The
scheme also aims to mainstream out of school girls into formal education or
non-formal education.

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The scheme would be implemented using the platform of integrated Child
Development services scheme. Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) will be the local
point for the delivery of the services. However, where infrastructure and other
facilities are inadequate in Anganwadi Centres, alternative arrangements will be
made in schools/Panchayats Community building etc.

SABLA will be a centrally sponsored scheme, implemented through the State
Governments/ UTs with 100% financial assistance from the Central
Government for all inputs, except nutrition component. For Nutrition
component, the expenditure would be shared on 50:50 bases by the Centre and
State Government.

Objective of the Scheme:
a. Enable the adolescent girls for self-development and empowerment
b. Improve their nutrition and health status.
c. Promote awareness about health, hygienic, nutrition, Adolescent
Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) and family and child care.
d. Upgrade their home-based skills, life skills and tie up with National Skill
Development Programme (NSDP) for vocational skills.
e. Mainstream out of school adolescent girls into formal/non formal
f. Provide information/guidance about existing public service such as
PHC, CHC, Post Office, Bank, Police Station etc.

An outlay of Rs.36618.00 lakhs for the 12th Five year plan and Rs.5000.00
lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

16. Atal Bal Arogya Evam Poshan Mission: The State of Madhya Pradesh
resolved in the State Assembly in May 2010 to set up the Atal Bal Arogya
Evam Poshan Mission (Atal Child Health and Nutrition Mission). The
Mission, was launched on 24.12.2010, to help the department in achieving
following targets:
Reducing mortality rate for children under five years (U5MR) from 94.2
to 60 per thousand live births by 2020
Reducing the percentage of underweight children under five years from
60% to 40% by 2015 and further from 40% to 20% by 2020.
Reducing prevalence of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children
under 5 years from 12.6% to 5% by 2015 and to negligible by 2020.

The Vision Document of Atal Bal Arogya Evam Poshan Mission aims to
define a comprehensive strategy and action plan for implementation and
achievement of its goals. To achieve the planned goals and objectives, mission

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has defined its strategy and micro planning. However, the strategy and action
plan is limited to three years only and may be revisited as and when required.

The objective of the Mission is to provide an enabling mechanism for
prevention and reduction of malnutrition and under five mortality rates in the
children of the State through coordinated and concerted efforts of the key
stakeholders. The key mandate for the Mission is to improve child nutrition by:
supporting improved service delivery and quality of services in the
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme while
establishing effective coordination with relevant Departments, with a
focus on children under two years of age;
facilitating effective implementation of evidence based policy and
operational reforms for improving the coverage and quality of ICDS;
establishing institutional mechanisms for effective integrated planning
and monitoring; and
Assisting DWCD to design operational framework for communalization
of ICDS services.

The nutritional status of children and malnutrition prevalence among them,
under five mortality rate (U5MR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are viewed
and adopted as indicators of overall social development of the state. The
nutritional status of children is being recognized as the central impact indicator
of developmental efforts. The task of reducing morbidity, mortality and
malnutrition prevalence among children requires multi sectoral engagement.
The key sectors which have a positive impact on the overall situation are
DWCD, DOPHFW, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, School Education,
Public Health Engineering and Food and Civil Supplies. These sectors have a
direct and indirect bearing on the immediate and underlying causes of under-
nutrition, such as inadequate access to food, inadequate preventive, supportive
and curative health services, inadequate care of children and women and lack of
healthy environment, as well as the basic causes such as low education and
economic deprivation.

In order to improve the nutrition and health status of children, it is of paramount
importance to ensure that the services are universalized with due emphasis on
the quality. Keeping this at the forefront, the Mission would focus on
universalization of ICDS with quality. The emphasis of the strategy will be on
convergent action between DWCD and Health Department for effective and
integrated service delivery with a focus on children below two years, pregnant
women and adolescent girls. Another key approach of the Mission is to
improve service delivery through integrated planning, monitoring and taking
timely corrective actions to strengthen the programmatic intervention. The
Mission, recognizing the importance of community participation and

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involvement, gives heightened emphasis on engaging and empowering
communities, which is a key element to the sustainable impact of the
programme on children. Socially excluded groups who are most in need of
programme support will be covered through vulnerability mapping and
approaches such as adoption of these habitations and malnourished children.
Since household food security is one of the major determinants of child and
maternal nutritional status, serious efforts will be made to facilitate improved
outreach of MNREGA, Forest Rights Act, PDS, MDM etc. through convergent
action and coordination facilitated through involvement of relevant
The strategy and action plan has been designed around the following principles :
Preventive actions must address the population groups at the highest risk
of malnutrition. The most critical window of opportunity for preventing
malnutrition is pregnancy to the first two years of life.
Severe malnourished children have almost nine times risk of death and
therefore timely and quality care is required for such children.
Inadequate dietary intake and diseases are immediate causes of
malnutrition in children. It is critical to break the nutrition and infection
cycle with measures to prevent diseases.
Food inadequacy is not always the primary factor of underweight in
children. However, it remains a contributory cause of malnutrition in
households with food insecurity.
Improving decision making power of women as well as their education
are important factors contributing to malnutrition in children. These
underlying and basic causes of malnutrition cannot be ignored and need
to be addressed for reducing malnutrition in children.
Improving nutritional status of children is influenced by a number of
actions which address the underlying cause of malnutrition. Multi-sect
oral action is essential for accelerated and sustained reduction in
malnutrition in children.
Decentralized integrated district planning, implementation and
monitoring are the fundamental tools to address child malnutrition.

The Strategy cum Action Plan of the Atal Bal Arogya Evam Poshan Mission
presents the details of the activities to be carried out at all levels, the indicators
to be used for assessing the implementation of the activities along with the
estimated timelines.

An outlay of Rs.36619.00 lakhs for the 12th Five year plan and Rs.5000.00
lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

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17. Miscellaneous grant-in-aid to Women & Child Institutions: On the
recommendation of Standing Finance Committee we have unified various grant-
in-aid schemes, in single umbrella named Miscellaneous grant-in-aid to
Women & Child Institutions in the year of 2005-06. Under the scheme, grant-
in-aid is provided to those institutions, who are working in the field of women &
children's welfare. Activities conducted under this scheme are listed below:

Grant-in-Aid to Child Welfare Organisations:

Under this scheme, the following activities are funded:
(a) Orphanage Homes for destitute children (Anathalaya Scheme): The
Orphanage Homes scheme is implemented with the objective of
nurturing of orphan children so that they can be educated and trained to
grow up as responsible and productive citizen. Such deprived and
orphaned children who have either lost both their parents and any one of
them, or whose parents are incapable of providing for their upbringing are
kept in rphanages, where they can remain up to the age of 16 years. The
State government provides a grant of Rs.150/- per child per month. This
constitutes 75% of the recurring expenditure on a child and remaining
25% of the cost is borne by the NGOs themselves.
(b) Shelter less Children's Home Scheme ( Nirasrit Bal Grih Scheme):
The objective of the scheme is to ensure proper upbringing of shelter less
children by giving them education and training, so that they grow up as
productive and socially responsible citizens. A grant equivalent to 90%
of Rs.250, i.e., Rs.225/- per child per month is provided to the voluntary
organizations running such homes.
(c) Child Development Centre Scheme( Bal Vikas Kendra Yojana): A
decision regarding the establishment of child development centers in
tribal areas was taken in the Nehru Centenary Year, 1989. The object of
this scheme is to provide opportunities for creative development of
children up to the age of 16 years. One such centre has been established
at J obat (J habua District) where children between 6 to16 years of age are
admitted. Under this scheme a grant of Rs.500/- per child per month is
provided to the voluntary organizations. 90% of the total expenditure is
borne by the State government and remaining 10% by the concerned
Grant-in-Aid to Women Welfare Organisations .
Scheme for legal advice/assistance to women in distress: The main
object of this scheme is to provide relief to oppressed women,
guidance/counselling to families for settling disputes and legal assistance
to distressed women in such a way that their constitutional rights are
protected. Under this scheme, the department provides grant-in-aid to
NGOs up to 75% of the total expenditure for providing free legal

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advice/assistance to women in distress with the limit of 75% of the
maximum amount of Rs.99200/- under recurring and non-recurring
heads. Thus, maximum assistance under this scheme to an NGO is
Rs.74400/- only.
Scheme for Rehabilitation and Training of women in distress: This
scheme was initially a centrally sponsored one, which was transferred to
the state government in 1992-93. The scheme is being implemented in
the State through voluntary organizations. The main object of this
scheme is to make women independent and self reliant through vocational
training, and to provide them facilities for self-employment those are
poor, helpless and distressed. Such distressed women are being trained
for printing, tailoring embroidery etc. During the training period lasting 6
months, an amount of 90% of Rs.2000/- to 3000/- per trainee is granted to
the organization while the remaining 10% is borne by the N.G.O.
Miscellaneous Grant: Under this scheme, Voluntary organizations are
funded up to 33% of recurring and 50% of non-recurring expenditure on
general activities like sewing, tailoring, knitting and other professional
activities for the overall development of women. Under this scheme
Grant-in-Aid is also provided to MP Social Welfare Board Bhopal,
Women Resource Centre Bhopal and Gyan Prabhandhan Sushasan
Kendra Bhopal.
An outlay of Rs.3004.00 lakhs has been proposed for the 12th Five year plan
period and for Annual Plan 2012-13 an outlay of Rs.410.32 lakhs has been
18. Jabali Scheme for Eradication of prostitution: The scheme is an
attempt to discourage women/girls of adopting caste based prostitution
prevalent among the Bedia, Banchada and Sansi communities. Different kinds
of activities are being implemented, with the help of voluntary agencies, which
revolve round the women/girls involved in the practice and their children. These
are being organized in 5 stages as follow:
Ashram Shalas for education of children
Economic programme for prostitutes
Protection/shelter and rehabilitation homes for children
I.E.C. schemes for creation of public awareness
Schemes for health check-up and treatment of prostitutes
Presently, under this scheme, Ashram schools are being run in 6 districts
Morena (4 with 50 children each), Rajgarh (2), Sagar (2) and one each in
Raisen, Chhatarpur and Vidisha. These are being used for the advertisement,
awareness and for health checkup also.

An outlay Rs.984.00 lakhs for the 12th Five year plan period and Rs.134.33
lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been proposed.

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15.24 Legal Aid to Poor

The legal aid to poor programme aimed at the protection of poor against the in
justice of influential and powerful sections of the society and vested interests,
create awareness regarding their rights and to help them to avoid litigation. The
poor should get justice on the basis of equal opportunity and provide free and
competent legal services. For these purposes, the Legal Services authority has
been constituted under the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. State level, High
Court, District level and Tehsil level services committees have been constituted
for providing legal aid to poor's.

M.P. State Legal Services Authority is implementing Legal Aid to Poor's
Scheme, Legal Aid and Legal Service. The programmes which are being
implemented under this scheme are:-
(1) Legal Services
(2) Lok Adalat
(3) Legal literacy/Awareness Camps
(4) National Legal Literacy Mission
(a) Women and Child Protection Unit
(b) Crimes against Labour Cell
(5) Parivarik Vivad Samadhan Kendra
(6) Zila Vidhik Paramarsh Kendra
(7) Magistrate Nyayalayon Men Vidhik Sahayata Adhivakta
(8) Vivad Viheen Gram and
(9) Legal Clinic
(10) Permanent Lok Adalat for Public Utility Services

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12

The approved outlay in the Eleventh Plan period was Rs. 977.90 lakh. Against
this provision expenditure incurred in 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11
was Rs. 127.70 lakh, Rs. 142.80 , Lakh, Rs. 253.37 Lakh and Rs. 195.69 Lakh

The approved outlay for the Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 279.00 lakh against
which an expenditure of Rs.119.25 lakh up to Dec.2011.

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During the Annual Plan 2011-12, 2.79 lakhs cases will be settled and 545 Lok
Adalat Camps are to be organized up to March, 2012.

Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 & Annual Plan 2012-13

An outlay of Rs. 3040.00 lakh is proposed for the Twelfth Five Year Plan and
Rs. 570.00 lakh proposed for the Annual Plan 2012-13, out of which Rs. 94.00
lakh under TSP and 85.00 lakh under SCSP.

It is proposed that 71000 lakh persons to be benefited during 12th Five Year
Plan period under Legal Aid and Legal advice, Lok Adalat, Legal Literacy,
Parivarik Vivad and Zila Vidhik Paramarsh Kendra. 8500 Lok Adalat campus
are proposed to be organized during 12th plan period. During 12th five year
plan period 12500 Legal Literacy camps to be organized. 2300 camps are
proposed to be organised in the year 2012-13.In the year 2012-13 there are 1500
Camps to be organized for permanent Lok Adalat.

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15.25 Infrastructure Development for Justice Administration

Centrally sponsored scheme for development of infrastructure for subordinate
courts and strengthening of administration of justice is under taken by the
Government under which 75% of amount spent by the State Government for
this purpose is reimbursed by the Government of India. In Madhya Pradesh
most of the court buildings are very old and do not have sufficient space for
courts and also not appropriate for the purpose. In this situation, it is necessary
to construct new court buildings and new court rooms in place of old court
buildings/court rooms in case of urgent need. Apart from this, in those revenue
districts which are declared civil districts by the State Government, it is
necessary to construct new court buildings/court rooms and residential houses
for District Judge/other Judges.
Keeping in view, the number of pending cases in the courts and with a view to
provide various facilities to the public, the State Government creates new posts
in the cadres of Civil Judges and District J udges. When such new posts are
created, construction of court buildings/court rooms and residential houses for
judges and staff is necessary.
State Government also establishes new court at tehsil level when it received
demand from public representatives in consultation with the High Court. When
such courts are established, construction of new court buildings, additional court
rooms and residential houses for judges and staff is required.
Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12
An outlay of Rs. 2945.00 lakh was approved for 11th Five Year Plan period. An
amount of Rs.1107.63 lakh in 2007-08, Rs. 2538.58 lakh in 2008-09, Rs.
3700.08 lakh in 2009-10 and Rs. 3101.80 lakh in 2010-11 was spent. In the year
2011-12 an anticipated expenditure is Rs.2500.00 lakh.
Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
A provision of Rs. 18000.00 lakh has been made for the 12th Five Year Plan
and for the Annual Plan, 2012-13, an outlay of Rs.2300.00 lakh has been
Year wise development strategy during the next XII plan are mentioned
A. Annual Plan 2012-13
New court building at Sardarpur distt. Dhar, Nagod distt. Satna, Maheshwar
distt. West Nimad (Mandleshwar), Picchor distt. Shivpuri, Pohari distt. Shivpuri
is proposed in the year 2012-13 with the cost of Rs. 31,18,06,000/-.
Additional court rooms in the existing court buildings at 08 tehsil & district-
Chindwara, Dindori, Damoh, Dhar, Datiya, Gwalior, Hoshangabad and Rewa
with the cost of Rs. 7,80,00,000/- is proposed. Residential bungalows of B, C,
D, E & F type for J udges at 12 place Shajapur, Sarangpur, Agar, Susner, Satna,
Mehar, Amarpatan, Unchhara, Manasa, J awad, Dindori and Gwalior is required

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to be constructed with the cost of Rs. 11,81,32,000/- under infrastructure
facilities to the judiciary.
B. Annual Plan 2013-14
New court building at Kurwai, Ganj Basoda distt. Vidisha, J irapur distt.
Rajgarh, Khargone distt. West Nimad (Mandleshwar) is proposed in the year
2013-14 with the cost of Rs. 3,37,64,000/-.
Additional court rooms in the existing court buildings at 07 tehsil & district-
Khandwa, Mandsour, Morena, Mandla, Mandlewshar, Neemuch and Panna with
the cost of Rs. 8,20,00,000/- is proposed.
Residential bungalows of B, C, D, E & F type for J udges at 12 place Khandwa,
Panna, Ratlam, Rewa, Mauganj, Indore, Mahu, Umariya, Anjad, Moorena,
Mandsour, Garetganj is required to be constructed with the cost of Rs.
17,77,01,000/- under infrastructure facilities to the judiciary.
C. Annual Plan 2014-15
New court building at J aysinghnagar distt. Shahdol, Chitrakut distt. Satna,
Bhikangaon distt. West Nimad (Mandleshwar) is proposed in the year 2014-15
with the cost of Rs. 1,37,27,000/-.
Additional court rooms in the existing court buildings at 08 tehsil & district-
Raisen, Biora, Ratlam, Shajapur, Sidhi, Shivpuri, Seoni and Shahdol with the
cost of Rs. 8,20,00,000/- is proposed. Residential bungalows of B, C, D, E & F
type for J udges at 08 place Sagar, Beena, Shahdol, Jhabua, Gadarwara, Ujjain,
Morena and Ambah is required to be constructed with the cost of Rs.
10,17,07,000/- under infrastructure facilities to the judiciary.

D. Annual Plan 2015-16
New court building at Sonkacch distt. Dewas, distt. place Neemuch, distt. place
Satna and Mehar distt. Satna is proposed in the year 2015-16 with the cost of
Rs. 29,54,26,000/-.Additional court rooms in the existing court buildings at 05
tehsil & district- Sagar, Tikamgarh, Narsinghpur, Ujjain and Vidisha with the
cost of Rs. 4,60,00,000/- is proposed. Residential bungalows of B, C, D, E & F
type for J udges at 11 place Devari, distt. place Damoh, Pathariya distt. Damoh,
Hata, Balaghat, Dhar, Rajgarh, Amarwada, Barwani, Rajpur and Sendhwa distt.
Barwani is required to be constructed with the cost of Rs. 8,75,05,000/- under
infrastructure facilities to the judiciary.
E. Annual Plan 2016-17
New court building at Singroli, Pandurna distt. Chindwara, Kolaras distt.
Shivpuri, Karera distt. Shivpuri, Mandla, Kumbhraj distt. Guna is proposed in
the year 2016-17 with the cost of Rs. 35, 00, 00,000/-.
Additional court rooms in existing court buildings at various tehsil and district
level is proposed with the cost of Rs. 5,00,00,000/-.
Residential bungalows of B, C, D, E & F type for J udges at various tehsil and
district places is required to be constructed with the cost of Rs. 5,00,00,000/-
under infrastructure facilities to the judiciary.

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General Services
16.1 Welfare of Prisoners
The main activity of jail department is try to maintained the responsibilities by
providing adequate security, proper medical, educational & vocational training
to the prisoners.
In the State of Madhya Pradesh 123 jails of various categories with capacity of
25775 prisoners against which 33977 prisoners are being accommodated as on
30-09-2011. In the state most of the jails are in dilapidated condition which
need heavy maintenance along with sanitation facilities.
The Madhya Pradesh jail department needs an adequate number of security staff
in respect of growth of prisoners every year. At present total number of 3719
security staff (J ail Supdt. to warder) have sanctioned which comes 9:1 in ratio
with prisoners. The J ail security staff is also performing the duty to carry
seriously ill prisoners to the hospitals. In the context of Honble Supreme Court
ruling, all prisoners sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment are required to
work in prisons.
The jail department is trying its best to create new vocational activities in jails
and also developing the existing vocational units. ITI in district J ail Dhar and
Betul are likely to be started in the year 2012-13.
Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12 :
The approved outlay for the above plan was Rs.1040.00 lakhs, against
which the an anticipated expenditure is Rs. 8779.43 lakhs.
During the plan jail department installed the EPBX, FAX, Photocopier,
Sirens, Floor mills, Cooking Gas, Video conferencing etc. in various jails
also provided computers, Walky-talky in jails. During this scheme Govt. of
India sanctioned one time grant for installation of Solar LED light systems
in jails which are to be fixed in 2011-12.

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Open jail at Hoshangabad and New jail at Sehore has been constructed and
became functional during 2010-11. New jail at Shivpuri, Bhind, Anooppur,
Budhar, Kannod and Burhanpur are being constructed in this plan.
12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 And Annual Plan 2012-13
An outlay of Rs. 6260.00 lakhs for 12th Five year plan 2012-17 and Rs. 2127.82
lakhs for Annual Plan 2012-13 has been approved.
During the 12
Five year plan Repairs Renovation and Modernisation of
existing jails along with necessary vocational training to the prisoners has been
The scheme wise detail for 12
five year plan 2012-17 and Annual plan 2012-
13 is as below-

(Rs in Lakh)
S. No. Name of Department / Schemes Proposed Annual
Plan 2012-13
Plan 12th
Five Year
Plan 2012-17
IG, Welfare of Prisoners (67)
1 Vocational Training to Prisoners 25.01 190.00
2 Repair,Renovation & Modernisation of
J ails
571.80 4340.00
3 Innovation 31.01 230.00
4 Perspective Plan (75:25) 1500.00 1500.00
Total 2127.82 6260.00

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16.2 Stationary and Printing
Printing and Stationary department is responsible for supplying prescribed
Performa, Registers and other printed material to various departments of state
government. Printing of all required stationary for State Election Commission
for holding three tier election of Panchayats, election of urban local bodies,
assembly and loksabha election is also the responsibility of the department. In
addition, printing of proceeding of assembly, question answer, annual reports of
department, budget documents is also the responsibility of the department. At
present, there are four government presses and stationary depots which are
situated atBhopal, Gwalior, Indore and Rewa.
A large number of machines of these printing presses are more than 15 years old
and availability of spare parts is scarce. Thus it is difficult to meet the demand
in time. Quality of printing and production capacity has suffered a lot due to
lack of up gradation of technology in last few years. Government printing
presses could not keep the pace with modern available printing technology.
Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan:
An oulay of Rs. 100 Lakh was approved for the Eleventh plan period of which
an expenditure of Rs. 18.80 lakh in year 2007-08, Rs. 0.00 lakh in year 2008-
09, Rs. 19.38 lakh in year 2009-10, Rs. 19.12 lakh in year 2010-11 has been
The approved outlay for annual plan 2011-12 is Rs. 20.00 lakh against which
no anticipated expenditure reported by the department.
Limited resources did not permit to upgrade printing presses only some of the
necessary requirements have been met. This resulted in completion of some of
the time bound works of the departments.
Twelfth Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2012-13:
The department has the capability of meeting the requirement of printing and
stationary of all government departments, divisional head quarters, boards and
Nigam provided up gradation of various printing machines and capacity
building of present human resources is undertaken during the plan. To
undertake up gradation of printing press with modern printing technology, the
minimum resource requirement during 12
Plan period will be around Rs.
3000.00 lakh and Rs. 600.00 lakh for eacn annual plan.

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An outlay of Rs. 160.00 lakh has been proposed for the twelfth five year plan
and Rs. 21.00 Lakh for Annual Plan 2012-13.

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16.3 Public Works

The construction activities of buildings of such departments which are not
covered under plan activity will be taken up under this development head. For
this purpose outlay is being proposed for building construction work for Non-
Plan Departments.

During the plan period, it is proposed to construct the buildings and other
infrastructure of following departments:

1. Disaster Relief Building:
Administrative building for the Commissioner of Disaster Relief is to be
constructed for effective and efficient working. An outlay of Rs. 75.70
lakhs is proposed for Disaster Relief Bhavan for Annual Plan 2012-13.

2. State Bureau of Economic Offence (EOW):
Administrative building of State Bureau of Economic Offence is on
completion stage and now has to be equipped with latest machines and
technology. During annual plan 2011-12, an outlay of Rs. 640.00 lakh has
been approved, against which actual expenditure till November 2011 was
Rs. 285.49 lakh. Rs. 187.45 Lakh is proposed by EOW for the annual Plan
3. Academy of Administration:
At the state government level it was felt that looking to the existing status
of Academy of Administration as the apex training institute of the state a
large auditorium should be constructed which has a capacity of 400
delegates. Academy of Administration has proposed Rs. 801.00 Lakh. for
the year 2012-13.
4. Construction of Rajya Soochana Ayuog's Building :
An outlay of Rs.326.00 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13
for construction of Rajya Soochna Ayog Building.

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5. Commissioner Transport :
An amount of Rs. 800.00 lakh is proposed for the year 2012-13 for land
acquisition for construction of check posts.
6. Atal Bihari Bajpaye Lok Prasahan Sansthan:
The State Government realizes that effective, efficient, accountable and
responsive governance is critical for growth and development in all sectors.
The government has set up a School of Good Governance and Policy
Analysis as a registered society in Bhopal. The role of this school is in the
Global-Local context, to act as Think Tank in the field of good
governance to analyze the policies of the government and to assess their
impact on the target group. School of Good governance has been merging
and an outlay of Rs.218.00 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-
13 Atal Bihari Lok Prasahan Sansthan.
7. Construction of Auditorium & Admin. Building (CM House and Raj
An outlay of Rs.200.00 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13
under new scheme of construction of Auditorium & Admin. Building
(CM House and Raj Bhawan).

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16.4 Directorate of Institutional Finance
The Directorate of Institutional Finance was initially established as a Cell and
subsequently declared as a Department headed by Secretary Finance. The
functions of Directorate are at two levels e.i. Secretariat and Head of the
Department level. The functions at Secretariat level are mainly relate to
coordination with various Government Departments, Corporations, Boards,
Financial Institutions, Reserve Bank of India, Government of India and matter
relating to Legislation, policy matters at the State level.
The functions at the Head of the Department is mainly relate to the formulation
of projects and arrangement of institutional finance for projects concerning
various departments, boards, corporations of the State Government and to
coordinate activities of respective committees, projects, monitoring, etc.
received from various departments/ financial institutions and follow up action,
implementation of Acts and rules.
Roles of the Directorate are as under:
Monitoring role for ensuring adequate flow of institutional credit in
several government sponsored programmes.
Promotional role to maximize institutional credit for development
activities in the State.
Intermediary role to coordinate with banks/ financial institutions and
coordinate to resolve issues between governmental agencies and banks.
To enhance for creating role on Project Management and Coordination
for externally aided projects as well as to provide general project
preparation/ planning support to concerned departments and agencies.
Preparation and release of yearly State Credit Plan for government
sponsored employment oriented schemes under poverty alleviation
programme. The objective to prepare State Credit Plan is to dovetail
government plans with bankers plan thereby to assist district level
functionaries to formulate their district credit plans.
To facilitate Public Private Partnership Projects in the State.
To coordinate and monitor insurance schemes implemented by various
departments of the State Government.

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Performance of Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12
Plan outlay of Rs.10464.00 lakh was approved for the eleventh five year Plan
2007-12, and outlay of Rs. 7150.00 lakh was approved for Annual Plan 2011-12
Department has reported expenditure Rs. 2200.00 lakh.
Twelfth five year Plan 2012-17 and Annual Plan 2012-13
Plan outlay of Rs. 24350.00 lakh has been proposed for five year Plan 2012-17.
Plan outlay of Rs. 4163.00 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2012-13.
Department proposed entire outlay under the normal head. Details of each
component are as under:

Key schemes being implemented by the Department:

I. Investment in Share Capital of the Madhya Pradesh Financial
Madhya Pradesh Financial Corporation is the premier institution of the state,
engaged in providing financial assistance and related services to small to
medium sized industries. Also, it is registered as Category-I Merchant Banker
with Securities Exchange Board of India. The Corporation provides short term,
long term and working capital loan to develop new entrepreneurship in the state.
The Corporation avails loan from the SIDBI and other Financial Institutions. To
improve the net worth of the Corporation, investment in the form of share
capital to the tune of Rs. 25 crore is provided in the 12th Plan period, so that the
Corporation may avail cheaper refinance from the SIDBI and other Financial
Institutions. During first year of the 12th Plan period, i.e. 2012-13, an amount of
Rs. 5 crore has been provided in the plan.
II. Grant to Madhya Pradesh Infrastructure Investment Fund Board for
Viability Gap Funding to the Public Private Partnership Projects
In accordance with the PPP Policy of the Government of India, State
Government has to provide its share as grant to the PPP Projects beyond 20
percent share of the Government of India. To meet the requirement of Viability
Gap Funding Support share of the State Government to the PPP Projects, an
amount of Rs. 15.20 crore is provided in the 12th Plan, so that the state
Government's contribution towards PPP Projects is made available to such

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projects. During first year of the 12th Plan period, i.e. 2012-13, an amount of
Rs. 8.00 crore has been provided in the plan.
III. Advance for Public Private Partnership for Madhya Pradesh Project
Development Fund (MPPDF) Scheme
Madhya Pradesh Infrastructure Investment Fund Board is a statutory Body
constituted under the Madhya Pradesh Infrastructure investment Fund Board
Act, 2000. The main objective of the Board is to mobilize resources for
infrastructure projects in the State of MP. Government of Madhya Pradesh
formulated a scheme called "Madhya Pradesh Project Development Fund
(MPPDF)" on the similar lines of the scheme of the Planning commission of
India. Under the scheme, assistance would be provided to the
agencies/departments for development of a shelf of the PPP Projects. To
operationalize the scheme, an amount of Rs. 64.00 crore is provided in the 12th
Plan, so that the Departments/Agencies should avail the facility of MPPDF and
develop a shelf of projects on PPP. During first year of the 12th Plan period, i.e.
2012-13, an amount of Rs. 2.00 crore has been provided in the plan.
IV. Strengthening Performance Management in Government
Programme Phase-II -Externally Aided Project funded by DFID
Government of Madhya Pradesh had successfully implemented the
Strengthening Performance Management in Government Programme during
11th Plan period. This project was completed in J une 2011. Government of
Madhya Pradesh has proposed Second Phase-II of the programme to the
Government of India. It has been finally agreed upon by the Government of
India and DFID and proposed to launch in the financial year 2012-13. The main
activities under the programme would be as follows:
Broadening the coverage of Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks for
five more state departments incorporating elements of Performance
Design and implementation of reforms for enhancing tax revenue which
would involve technical studies, policy analysis, and implementation
support for revenue departments including commercial taxes, registration,
and transport.
Carrying out VFM (value-for-money) audits for select departments and
schemes with the following objectives:
Assess whether cost, quality and delivery considerations have been
appropriately made in procurement of goods and services
Assess whether the operational processes and controls laid down in that
respect are efficient, whether there exists any issues in respect of the
processes that causes any efficiency issues
Whether specific metrics existed for measuring the achievement of
intended outcome of the expenditure
Whether data exists to measure the actual outcome achieved and whether
such measurement has been done from time to time

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Independent review of actual programme output data at various stages of
performance with respect to benchmark set by programme administrators;
Identifying any causes of underperformance/opportunities for improvement
Roll out of audit Para tracking system across departments
Strengthening internal audit mechanisms through adoption and roll out of
the risk based audit under the revised Audit Manual developed under
Formulate recommendations for strengthening of local fund audit
Technical support for establishing a Project Development Facility (PDF) in
Department of Finance for development and operationalization of PPP
projects in different sectors
Formulate and implement recommendations for strengthening regulatory
and institutional set up in Department of Finance to facilitate private
participation in infrastructure.
Prepare a pipeline of projects in priority infrastructure sectors with detailed
DPRs of selected projects and possible funding sources for the same.
Other tasks to be assigned by Go MP from time to time with mutually
agreed need based inputs.
Provide coordination and oversight support to DIF for the entire program
and support in preparation of required reports for submission to DFID/
Provide continuing support towards completion and finalisation of any
report and documentation as a follow up of tasks under SPMG.
Support various facets of administrative implementation of the New
Industrial Policy of the Go MP
Carry out institutional strengthening and capacity building of Madhya
Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (MPSIDC) and MP
Trade and Investment Facilitation Corporations (MP TRIFAC) to enable
faster appraisal of investment proposals
Facilitate skill development, especially for women in focus industries-
pharmaceutical, agro- based, textiles.
Support development of identified clusters in the state to promote export
Provide IT and ITES support for fast paced approval of industrial and
infrastructure investment in the state.

Total project cost is envisaged Rs. 187.50 crore out of which DFID will provide
up to Rs. 105 crore as a grant, comprising Rs. 97.50 crore for Financial
Assistance and Rs. 7.50 crore for Technical Assistance (TA) and Go MP share
would be proposed about Rs. 82.50 crore. Go MP will use FA to part-funding
support to the programme activities like IGFMIS, procurement of consultancy
services, provide training, hiring experts, and part-fund the operations of

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PMPSU. TA will be disbursed by DFID and used for capacity building, cross-
learning activities, monitoring & evaluation and project reviews. Government
of Madhya Pradesh will be making a matching contribution towards the cost of
the PMPSU.
For implementation of the programme, an amount of Rs. 97.30 crore is provided
in the 12th Plan. During first year of the 12th Plan period, i.e. 2012-13, an
amount of Rs. 21.13 crore has been provided in the plan.

V. Financial support to Banks to implement Financial Inclusion in the
State for Development of Infrastructure
2,736 villages have been identified in the State of Madhya Pradesh as unbanked
villages having population more than 2,000 as per census 2001. To provide
banking facilities in these villages, Government of Madhya Pradesh has
introduced a scheme for financial support to the banks for providing smart cards
to the beneficiaries of these villages and to provide hand-held device to the
Customer Service Provider (Business Correspondent). Under the scheme 50
percent of the cost with a maximum limit of Rs. 60 per card and Rs. 10,000 per
hand-held device is made available. In addition, if banks establish a Bio-metric
ATM in such villages, capital grant of Rs. 1 lakh would be made available.
Government of Madhya Pradesh has also decided to go further down for
financial inclusion in the villages having population between 1,000 to 2,000 and
also to provide assistance on the same pattern for these villages. For
implementation of the scheme, an amount of Rs. 38 crore is provided in the 12th
Plan. During first year of the 12th Plan period, i.e. 2012-13, an amount of Rs. 5
crore has been provided in the plan.

VI. Higher Education Loan Guarantee Scheme
Government of Madhya Pradesh had launched an ambitious scheme of
providing sovereign guarantee in favor of the financial institutions to secure
their advance to the meritorious students from weaker section of the society
towards education loan for higher studies. In addition, there is a scheme of the
Government of India to provide interest subsidy on education loan to the
students belonging to weaker section having annual family income of Rs. 4.50
lakh. Government of Madhya Pradesh has decided to extend the limit of income
criteria in respect of education loan and benefit of interest subsidy would be
provided to the students having family income more than Rs. 4.50 lakh and up
to Rs. 7.00 lakh per annum. For implementation of the scheme, an amount of
Rs. 4 crore is provided in the 12th Plan. During first year of the 12th Plan
period, i.e. 2012-13, an amount of Rs. 0.50 crore has been provided in the plan.

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16.5 Commercial Tax

Commissioner Commercial Tax's establishment is the largest revenue earning
establishment of the Madhya Pradesh Government. Main responsibility of the
establishment is collection of revenue through field offices and inter-state check
posts situated on borders and railway check posts.

Review of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)
Activities of Commercial tax were incorporated in the plan for the first time in the
year 2009-10. For the plan year 2009-10, an approved outlay was Rs. 300.00 lakhs
and expenditure incurred against this outlay was Rs. 14.05 lakhs. For the plan year
2010-11an outlay of Rs. 315.00 laks was approved and the expenditure incurred
during the same period was Rs. 30.61 lakhs. Similalry, for the year 2011-12, Rs.
400.00 laks was approved as an outlay and anticipated expenditure for the same
period is Rs. 400.00 lakhs.

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
The major activities during 12th Five Year Plan are construction of check posts,
office building and computerization of the department with the development of
Training Centres. The department is going to establish a Training Center to train
all its cadres at Indore as a new project for which Rs. 50.00 lakhs is required during
the period.
The Mission mode Project of Commercial Taxes under the ageis of National E-
governance Plan (75% central share and 25% state share) for new VAT based
application software is being implemented for which Rs. 10.00 lacs is required in
the financial year 2012-13.

The proposed plan ceiling for th12 five plan is Rs. 4000.00 Lakhs and for Annual
Plan 2012-13 is Rs2392.00 Lakhs. The Scheme wise details are as Below -

(Rs in Lakh)
Name of Department / Schemes Proposed Annual
Plan 2012-13
Proposed Plan 12th Five
Year Plan 2012-17
Commissioner Commercial Tax (92)
1 Commercial Tax check post 50.00 250.00
2 Office Building at District Level 250.00 1250.00
3 Computerization of the department 2000.00 2000.00
4 Development of Training Centre in Indore 92.00 500.00
Total 2392.00 4000.00

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Human Development


Government of Madhya Pradesh has been concern about rising inequality and
uneven distribution of resources and growth, accordingly , the thrust of the
eleventh Plan was on the inclusive growth .the forthcoming 12th five year plan
is expected to deepen and sharpen the issue of inequality in the state . the state
has shown sector since 2001 have increased significantly. We have concentrate
on more on consistence improvement in terms of human development with the
human development index going up from 0.245 in 1981, 0.394 in 2001 and
0.451in 2011 Our efforts in the social sector and economic improving the
quality of education and have lead emphasis on creating enabling environment
for girls. State government has initiated Interventions that directly tackle the
issues of High Infant and Maternal Mortality and high out of pocket expenditure
on health care. To mitigate the poverty and low per capita income, the state has
increased the investment on poverty alleviation programmes significantly.

Human development is recognized by state government both as an end and as a
mean of progress. On the one hand, it meets the present needs of human beings,
while on other; it enables the society to achieve higher level of growth in the

Human development has been defined as the process of enlarging the range of
peoples choices. Acquisition of knowledge, the need to lead a long and healthy
life and the need to have access to resources required for a decent standard of
living have been identified as three essential choices for the attainment of
human development. Development is thus, more than just the expansion of
income and wealth, about creating an enabling environment in which people can
develop their full potential and can lead productive, creative lives in accord with
their needs and interests.
Human development forcefully advocates for not just building human
capabilities, but equally for entitlements of citizens, and the need for an
environment that enhance their capabilities, and gives them opportunities to live

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a life of quality and dignity. As a state it is essential to ensure that such
entitlements are available to all citizens in adequate measure.
Human development concept is a multidimensional paradigm which
simultaneously aims at several values. It is action-oriented and practical in
seeking to change the conditions of life and expand options to increase choices
in the lives of human beings.
Despite having made substantial progress on many fronts we do have our area
of concern as indices of health and poverty still continue to be unsatisfactory,
similarly economic growth has also remained little lower than the national
average, regional imbalance and inclusion of under privilege citizens in the
main stream of development are also on the priority of the state government.

The Human Development Index - going beyond income
Each year since 1990 the Human Development Report has published the Human
Development Index (HDI) which was introduced as an alternative to
conventional measures of national development, such as level of income and the
rate of economic growth. The HDI represents a push for a broader definition of
well-being and provides a composite measure of three basic dimensions of
human development: health, education and income. India's HDI is 0.547, which
gives the country a rank of 134 out of 187 countries with comparable data. The
HDI of South Asia as a region increased from 0.356 in 1980 to 0.548 today,
placing India below the regional average.

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IndiaTrends1980 present


State Human Development Report (SHDR) - MP:
State Human Development Reports (SHDRs), have made an important
contribution in terms of: (a) benchmarking the attainment of state on human
development; (b) providing, based on rigorous research, policy and programme
options for more effective and efficient human development action; and (c)
assessing the extent to which these key recommendations are being

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mainstreamed in the development plans. SHDRs have brought out differences
and inequalities among States, districts and socio-economic groups, thus
providing the basis needed for more effective targeting of development
programmes. They have also provided policy makers with value-added policy
alternatives and recommendations for holistic solutions to development
challenges. They are increasingly seen as being instrumental in spurring policy
debate and making more informed decisions about development solutions.
Madhya Pradesh has to its credit the achievement of being the First state in the
World to produce State Human Development Report (SHDR). The First report
was published in 1995 and since then, three more reports have been published in
1998, 2002 and 2007. The reports have created a stage for ushering an era of
HD inspired policies and programmes in the state. Being the barometers of
progress on the HD front, the HDRs serve as valuable reference material that
exist in each of the vital areas of human development.

A. Madhya Pradesh HDR 1995:
The first State HDR 1995 set down the status of human development in the state
and identified area of concern, both sectoral and spatial. The report brought into
focus about the quality of peoples life in terms of education, health and
livelihood of the state. It benchmarked MPs status on HD indicators and shared
concern and urgency. Thus it served the purpose to mobilize public opinion
towards new agenda of according highest priority to HD goals.

B. Madhya Pradesh HDR 1998:
It took stock of the contribution of the MP HDR 1995 in mainstreaming
concerns, debates and action on HD within the state. The report covered issues
related to the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions, livelihood and natural
resources. It also aimed at increasing transparency and in depth presentation of
district level information & strengthening information on HD, which enhanced
its practical utility.

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C. Madhya Pradesh HDR 2002:
Third State Development Report came in 2002 when the institutional issues in
human development were becoming increasingly important and the experiences
of MP were being sought elsewhere too. The report highlighted the progress
registered on the HD agenda. It also presented the need to develop indicators of
measurement that are relevant in context of MP. The report also called for
introduction of a scheduled tribe-scheduled caste development index to capture
their deprivations.

D. Madhya Pradesh HDR 2007:
It explores the relationship and issues between infrastructure and HD, discusses
the need for public investment in infrastructure to ensure faster progress of HD
in MP. In order to ensure that opportunities thrown up by the forces of reform
are seized; the pace of progress accelerates, it focuses on bile, soda, pain
(Power, Road and Water )as important prerequisites for all-round development
of the state. The report seeks to provide the analytical thrust to help reinforce
these priorities.

E. Districts Human Development Report:
DHDRs have been prepared in order to gain deeper understanding of Human
Development issues at the district level. The 73
and 74
Amendment Acts mandate the preparation of district level plans. Preparation of
a District Human Development Report (DHDR) gave an opportunity for
preparing district plans from a HD perspective.
The preparation of a district HDR aims at making district plans through a
human development prism. It would do so by analyzing the status of HD

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attainment at District and Sub District level with a special focus on efficiency
of delivery systems, financial allocations and institutions playing important role
in HD. District Human Development Reports (DHDRs) of five selected BRGF
districts of Balaghat, Khargone, Mandla, Rajgarh & Satna have been prepared
and made available in public domain for dissemination and support in district
plan preparations. This exercise is well appreciated at the state and national

Human Development Status of Madhya Pradesh:
A; Education
To ensure the elementary education as a fundamental right, the Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 has been implemented
on 1st April 2010. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyna (SSA) programme is the medium for
the implementation of all the provision under this Act. It is the responsibility of
the state government to ensure 100% Enrolment, Retention and completion of
elementary education of all children in the age group of 6-14 years under the
provisions of this Act. To ensure the timely implementation of the provisions of
this Right to Education Act is a challenging task. The state population of
children under the age group of 6-14 year is about 1.50 crores. To get all these
children enrolled into the school, their attendance, retention and ensuring that all
these children achieved elementary education with minimum quality is also a
challenging task. Apart from this it is also a challenging task to ensure the
availability of minimum number of teachers, infrastructure like teaching room,
toilets and drinking water facility etc. in more than 1 lakh remote habitations.

The Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) for primary and middle level is about 100 per
cent. There has been a significant increased during the eleventh plan period

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Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) Primary level, year wise during 11TH Plan;

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Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) Middle level, Year wise during 2006-07 to 2010-11;

B; Health
In terms of Human Development Index (HDI) with an index value of 37, the
State lags behind the all India average of 45. Taking into account the health
indices the situation is not well. The Infant Mortality Rate for Madhya Pradesh
has been estimated by SRS at 62 in 2010. The rural IMR is 67, while urban IMR
is 42. The national IMR at the same time was 47. Madhya Pradesh falls amongst
the lowest in IMR compared with other states.
The latest data released by Registrar General India for the year 2007-09 shows
MMR of MP as 269 per live births, much worse than national average. State's
Performance in this area is a matter of serious concern, key reasons are lack of
convergence among different departments, agencies, Insufficient infrastructure,
Medical and paramedical force and many more. Looking at these disturbing
figures, improvement in the health status of the population has been one of the
thrust areas in the state. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure proper provisioning
of facility and services within the reach of poor people through the systematic
approach. Comparative figures of key health and demographic indicators are as

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Key health and demographic indicators- MP Vs India

1. Total Population (Census 2011-in millions) 72.59 1210.19
2. Decadal growth % (Census 2011) 20.3 17.64
3. Infant mortality rate (SRS 2011) 62 47
4. Mother Mortality Rate (SRS-2007-09) 269 212
5. Sax Ration (Census 2011) 930 940
6. Life time risk (SRS-2007-09) % 1.0 0.6
7. Female literacy rate (Census 2011)% 60.02 65.46

MP - Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Trend MP Vs India


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Birth Rate Trend MP Vs India

C; Livelihood

Livelihood opportunities have a major impact on other factors affecting Human
Development like health, education etc. In the state, inadequacy of the growth
in agriculture, the increasing unemployment is serious concern. The economy is
not generating sufficient productive jobs to absorb the addition to the labour
force and poor access to Resources, Markets, Right information and

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required services hold back the rural and slum poor from taking
opportunities to improve their lives.

The per capita income of Madhya Pradesh has increased from Rs, 15442/- IN
2004 TO Rs. 22460/- in the year 2010-11. Per capita Income at constant prices
has grown at the rate of 6.64% and 6.82% per annum for the state and national
level respectively during 2004-05 to 2010-11. The primary sector growth, which
employs nearly 70% of the population, has seen very wide fluctuations across
last 10 yrs. The principal reason for such wide variation is over-dependence of
agriculture on monsoons. While growth in tertiary sector has been more even &
constantly positive, it tends to move with growth rates of secondary sector.

The main scheme to target poverty in rural areas is Swarn J ayanti Gram
Swarojgar Yojana (SJ GSY). 2.80 Lakh SHGs are formed in the state. There are
state level interventions to strengthen SHGs in addition to the centrally
sponsored scheme.

The flagship scheme for providing employment and security against extreme
poverty and hunger is National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. Madhya
Pradesh has been the frontrunner in implementation of National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). The target is to generate above
128371661 man-days during the financial year 2011-12.

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Madhya Pradesh has progressed in identifying the problems and constraints
faced in the achievement of the overall Human Development Goals. Efforts are
being made to prepare and implement schemes, to address the needs of the weak
and marginalized sections of the population and ensuring overall human
development in the State.

Looking at the present development challenges and pace, It is time to reset the
development agenda. The Madhya Pradesh needs a renewed commitment to
sustainable development and strong political leadership to implement it.

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Women Empowerment
Women are significant contributors to the growing economy comprising almost
50% of our population. For growth to be truly inclusive, their protection,
wellbeing, development, empowerment and participation need to be ensured. In
the Eleventh Plan, for the first time, women have been recognized not just as
equal citizens but as agents of economic and social growth. Out of the 27
monitorable targets identified at the national level, some of the targets are
directly related to women
Increasing the literacy rate for persons of age 7 years or more to 85% by
Reducing the gender gap in literacy to 10 percentage points by 201112.
Infant mortality rate (IMR) to be reduced to 28 and maternal mortality
ratio (MMR) to 1 per 1000 live births by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Total Fertility Rate to be reduced to 2.1 by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Malnutrition among children of age group 03 to be reduced to half its
present level by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Anaemia among women and girls to be reduced to half its present level
by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Sex ratio for age group 06 to be raised to 935 by 2011 12 and to 950 by
Ensuring that at least 33% of the direct and indirect beneficiaries of all
government schemes are women and girl children.

Provisional Population Totals of Census 2011 reported total population of
Madhya Pradesh as 7.26 crores. Out of this, the female population is 3.50 crores
(48.21 %).

Women and Health

Sex Ratio

The sex ratio for the country has shown an increase of 7 points from 933 in
2001 to 940 in 2011. The rural areas recorded an increase of a mere one point
from 946 in 2001 to 947 in 2011, whereas a significant rise was seen in the
urban areas from 900 to 926 during 2001 to 2011 respectively.

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Sex ratio has witnessed an increasing trend in Madhya Pradesh for aggregate
area and in the rural-urban distribution as well. The aggregate figures indicate
that the sex ratio has increased steadily from 912 to 919 to 930 across the last
three decadal censuses of 1991, 2001 and 2011 respectively.

District wise analysis of Census 2011 shows that sex ratio is highest in Balaghat
(1021) followed by Alirajpur (1009), Mandla (1005), Dindori (1004) and
J habua (989). As against this trend the districts which recorded low sex ratios
are Bhind (838), Morena (839), Gwalior (862), Datia (875) and Shivpuri (877).

Among the ten divisions of the state, the maximum number of females per
thousand males has been reported from Shahdol with a sex ratio of 974 followed
by Jabalpur (964) in second position. The lowest sex ratio has been registered in
Chambal division at a dismal 848 followed by Gwalior reporting a figure of 881
females per thousand males.

Graph 1: Sex Ratio and Child Sex Ratio, Madhya Pradesh: 1991-2011

Source: Census 2001 and Census 2011

Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years)

A considerable fall in child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 years is reported with
an all time low of 914 since 1961 i.e. a fall of 13 points from 927 in Census
2001 to 914 in Census 2011 for the country. The total child sex ratio has
continuously declined from 941 in 1991 to 932 in 2001 and 912 in 2011.

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In case of Madhya Pradesh, a sharp decline of 20 points is seen from 932 to 912
during the Census rounds of 2001 and 2011 respectively. A decline of 22 points
is witnessed in the rural areas from 939 to 917 and of 12 points in urban areas
from 907 to 895 over the decade 2001-11. Morena district (825) recorded the
lowest child sex ratio in both rural (826) and urban (822) areas. Alirajpur (973)
recorded the highest child sex ratio in rural areas whereas Dindori district (981)
reported the highest child sex ratio in urban areas.

Results of various health related surveys

Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and
the postpartum period. Antenatal care (ANC) is the systemic medical
supervision of women during pregnancy. Its aim is to preserve the physiological
aspect of pregnancy and labour and to prevent or detect, as early as possible, all
pathological disorders. Early diagnosis during pregnancy can prevent maternal
ill-health, injury, maternal mortality, foetal death, infant mortality and
morbidity. During 2010-11, around 20 lakh women got registered for ANC
checkup and more than 15 lakh underwent 3 check-ups during the pregnancy
period. The institutional deliveries increased to 81 % (CES 2009) from 26 %

Graph 2: Comparison of women health related indicators from different

Source: NFHS III (2005-06), DLHS III (2007-08) and CES 2009 (UNICEF)

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As per graph 3 below, among children between the ages of 6 and 59 months in
Madhya Pradesh, the great majority (74 %) are anaemic; while more than half
(56 %) of women have anaemia.

Graph 3: Percentage of women, men and children with anaemia

Source: NFHS III (2005-06)

Infant and Maternal Mortalities

The Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has declined from 335 (SRS 2004-05) to
310 (AHS 2010). The range is from 262 (Shahdol division) to 435 (Shahdol
Graph 4 depicts Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) which ranges from 39 (Female
Indore) to 94 (Female Panna). As per Annual Health Survey (AHS 2010), IMR
of state is 67 (Male IMR-64; Female IMR-69). However, as per the recent SRS
Bulletin December 2011, the IMR of state is 62 (Male IMR-62; Female IMR-
63). Chambal, Gwalior and Sagar division has IMRs below 900 which is a
serious concern and should be the focus area for the 12
Five Year Plan.

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Infant and Maternal Mortalities
The Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has declined from 335 (SRS 2004-05) to
310 (AHS 2010). The range is from 262 (Gwalior division) to 436 (Shahdol
Graph 4 depicts Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) which ranges from 39 (Female
Indore) to 94 (Female Panna). As per Annual Health Survey (AHS 2010), IMR
of state is 67 (Male IMR-64; Female IMR-69). However, as per the recent
SRS Bulletin December 2011, the IMR of state is 62 (Male IMR-62; Female



In rural areas of Madhya Pradesh, the female under five mortality rate (U5MR)
is 103 and male U5MR is 96; and in urban areas female U5MR is 64 and male
U5MR is 60. It means more number of female die before reaching age 5 years
than males.
Women and Education
Literacy Rate

Literacy is one of the key socio-economic indicators which helps map the
development path of a country. A common thread among developing nations is
the wide gender disparity in terms of literacy status. Low literacy level is a

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result of the prevailing socio-economic factors. The key factors can be outlined
as poverty, hierarchical social divisions, lack of awareness and infrastructure
facilities and rigid adherence to conservative cultural values which not only
results in low literacy status but in addition acts as a major impediment to
narrow the existing gender disparity.

The literacy rate of India as per the Provisional Population Totals of Census
2011 is 74.04. In rural areas, the literacy rate is recorded as 68.91 and in urban
areas as 84.98. The male literacy rate which stands at 82.14 (Rural- 78.57;
Urban-89.67) is higher than the female literacy rate of 65.46 (Rural- 58.75;

The literacy rate of Madhya Pradesh as per the Provisional Population Totals of
Census 2011 is 70.6. In rural areas, the literacy rate is reported as 65.3 and in
urban areas as 84.1. The decadal change works out to 6.9 per cent points 7.5
points in rural areas and 4.7 points in urban areas. The male literacy rate which
is 80.5 (Rural- 76.6; Urban-90.2) is higher than the female literacy rate of 60.0
(Rural- 53.2; Urban-77.4). The increase in female literacy rate is significantly
higher in all areas, i.e. total (9.7 points), rural (10.4 points) and urban (6.9
points) in comparison to corresponding male literacy rates - total (4.4 points),
rural (4.9 points) and urban (2.8 points) over the decade. The gap in literacy rate
among males and females is reported as 20.5 points in the state. The gap is 23.4
points in rural areas and 12.8 points in urban areas. Balaghat district (76.8) is
ranked first in rural areas whereas Seoni district (89.7) is ranked second in
urban areas in total literacy rate as well as in female literacy rate. Alirajpur
district (33.2) has recorded lowest literacy rate in rural areas, whereas, Sheopur
district (73.3) reported the lowest literacy rate in urban areas in total literacy as
well as in female literacy.

Graph 5: Literacy Rate in Madhya Pradesh, Rural: 1991 to 2011

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5

Source: Census 1991, 2001 and 2011

Literacy rates in three consecutive censuses (Graph 5) reveal that though the
rural male literacy rates increased from 50.3 % to 76.6 % and female literacy
rates increased from 19.3 % to 53.2 %, the gap is still very wide i.e. 23.4 %.
This gender gap in literacy needs to be addressed to.

Graph 6 depicts education indicators related school, facility, teachers and girls'
enrolment. It can be seen that for the three consecutive years 2007-08, 2008-09
and 2009-10 there is no significant change in the indicators except in the year
2009-10 the per cent schools having girls' toilet dropped to 37.85 from 47.6 %
in year 208-09. More of female teachers need to be recruited to encourage girl
child education.

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Graph 6: Indicators related to school, facility, teachers and enrolment

Source: DISE 2009-10

Women in Economy
Women in Labor Force and Work Force
Data from the 66th round of the NSSO indicates that female work participation
rate has decreased between 2004-05 to 2009-10.
Graph 7: Labour Force per 1000 (LFPR) and Worker Population Ratio
per 1000 (WPR) according to usual status (ps+ss)

Source: NSSO 61
(2004-05) and NSSO 66
(2009-10) Rounds
The distribution of workers across self, regular and casual status (Graph 8) is
widely taken as an indicator of the quality of employment and conditions in the

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
labour market. Self employed constitute for the largest share of women whereas
the share of regular employment for women is very low with only 1.7 per cent
of women coming under this category. The data on the number of casual
workers show distinct signs of casualisation of women workers. Casualisation
of women is on the increase in both rural and urban areas during the last decade.
Also, graph 9 depicts age specific worker population ratio of rural females by
usual status.
Graph 8: Per 1000 distribution of usually employed (ps+ss) rural females
by category of employment

Source: NSSO 61
(2004-05) and NFHS 66
(2009-10) Rounds

Graph 9: Age specific Worker Population Ratio per 1000 (WPR) of rural
females by usual status (ps+ss)

Source: NSSO 66
Round (2009-10)

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As per following graph, about 88 per cent of the rural women workers are
employed in the agriculture sector, a sector that is marked by shortage of paid
jobs, decelerating and differential wages on basis of gender and degradation of
resources. While economic development creates more jobs in the industrial and
service sectors it is the men who move away and avail of these while the women
who are left behind are compelled to become the prime agriculturists without
the benefits of having the title to the land, the necessary resources and access to
credit, seeds, fertilizers, extension services etc- required for enhancing
production and household income. They may also have to cope with debts left
behind by the men. Hence, a highly vulnerable group of women is being created
and the challenge is to adopt a rights based approach to empower them.

Graph 10: Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons (ps+ss) by
broad industry division

Source: NSSO 66
Round (2009-10)

Womens economic participation is hindered by low skills, capacities as well as
lack of ownership and control over assets. One of the major concerns is the
gender gap in educational level of the work force as evident from the below
mentioned table.

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Table 1: Education specific Worker Population Ratio per 1000 (WPR) for
persons of age 15 years and above according to usual status (ps + ss) for
Madhya Pradesh

General Education Level WPR
(Rural Female)
Not literate 516 248 947
Literate upto Primary 377 208 890
Middle 261 140 825
Secondary 276 66 691
Higher Secondary 126 114 675
Diploma/ Certificate course 114 190 462
Graduate 188 155 792
Post Graduate and above 84 331 930
All 428 178 848
Source: NSSO 66
Round (2009-10)

Crime against Women
The 11
Plan expresses concern about women still being victims of violence,
neglect and injustice. Although women may be victims of any of the general
crimes such as Murder, Robbery, Cheating, etc, only the crimes which are
directed specifically against Women are characterized as Crimes Against
Women. As per NFHS III, 45.8 % of ever-married women had faced violence
from their husbands.
NCRB Report for 2010
Madhya Pradesh has crime rate of 22.8 which is higher than the all India crime
rate of 18.0. 16,468 incidence of crime had been committed against women

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which is 7.7% of total such all India cases. The state has reported the numbers
of rape cases (3135) accounting for 14.1% of total such cases reported in the
country. It has also reported the highest incidence of molestation (6646)
amounting to 16.4% of total such cases. In case of dowry deaths, the state
ranked second with 892 cases. The details are tabulated below:

Table 2: Incidence of crimes committed against women during 2010 in
Madhya Pradesh
Crime Against Women Incidence Per cent
Rape 3135 14.1
Kidnapping and Abduction 1030 3.5
Dowry Deaths 892 10.6
Cruelty by Husband and Relatives 3756 4.0
Molestation 6646 16.4
Sexual Harrasment 918 9.2
Importation of Girls 5 13.9
Immoral Traffic (P) Act, 1956 19 0.8
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 7 0.1
Total 16,468 7.7
Source: Crime in India, 2010 (NCRB)

In a first action of its kind in the state under the PC & PNDT Act, the name of a
lady doctor, who had offered planning for male child has been removed from
the register of MP Medical Council for a period of five years - Hindustan Times
April 3, 2011.

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Gender Budget Statement

The Gender Budget Statement (GBS) captures the total quantum of resources
earmarked for women in a financial year. The information is presented in two
categories Category 1 reflects those schemes in which 100 percent funds are
meant for women and girls and Category 2 enlists those with at least 30 percent
but not the entire amount of funds earmarked for women and girls. Department
coverage, with respect to GBS, was 13, 21 and 24 for the years 2007-08, 2008-
09 and 2009-10 respectively. 25 departments have reported in the Gender
Budget Statement 2012-13 in the state. For GBS 2012-13, Category 1 comprises
51 schemes.

Table 3: Summary of allocations for women in Gender Budget Statement

Total allocations under Category 1 Rs.1456.67 crores
Total allocations under Category 2 Rs.11,386.13 crores
Total magnitude of Gender Budget Rs.12,842.80 crores

While Kerala and Karnataka have initiated gender budgeting down to panchayat
level, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Odisha have it at the macro
level. The process of formulation of Five Year Plan and Annual Plans for the
state should include consultations on Womens Component Plan or Gender
Budgeting with legislators, civil society, and groups advocating for the rights of
Sex Disaggregated Data
To collect sex-disaggregated data across programmes and schemes, specific
formats have been developed to capture the number of men and women to be
benefitted through a scheme. Apart from the sex, the formats also capture the

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age, caste, BPL status and educational level of the beneficiary. These formats
have been developed under the 'decentralized planning process' rolled-out in the
Women Policy 2008-12
The state had announced its Women's Policy 2008-12 in August 2008 which
aimed at ensuring total and dignified participation of women in the development
process and integrating them with mainstream of development. However, as per
critics (media) not a single review meeting was held in last four years and
targets related to adolescent girls have not been achieved. Hence, state needs to
have a very clear implementation strategy for the next women policy.

Women centric Schemes and their Outlays

Table 4: Plan Outlays in major women related schemes in Annual Plan
2012-13 and 12
Five Year Plan 2012-17

Scheme Department Outlay
(Rs. in
(Rs. in
Ladli Laxmi Yojana Women and Child
Development Deptt.
650.00 5292.97
Beti Bachao Abhiyan Women and Child
Development Deptt.
3.00 21.97
Atal Bal Arogya evam Poshan Mission Women and Child
Development Deptt.
50.00 366.19
Construction of Anganwadi Centres Women and Child
Development Deptt.
100.00 300.00
Mangal Diwas Women and Child
Development Deptt.
21.42 156.89
Nutrition Programme Women and Child
Development Deptt.
552.22 4125.77

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
Scheme Department Outlay
(Rs. in
(Rs. in
Usha Kiran Yojana Women and Child
Development Deptt.
2.20 16.11
Tejeswini Project Women and Child
Development Deptt.
8.99 21.30
SABLA scheme Women and Child
Development Deptt.
50.00 366.18
Participation of Women in Agriculture Agriculture Deptt. 1.00 8.00
Transportation Allowance to Girls Public Instruction 1.00 400.00
Gaon Ki Beti Higher Education 31.00 180.00
Pratibha Kiran Higher Education 1.50 8.50
Sanjeevani-108 (Ambulance Service) to
all districts
Health Deptt. 15.15 115.00
Special Incentive for SC/ST Deliveries Health Deptt. 90.00 560.00
Welfare of Domestic Women Workers in
Urban Areas
Urban Administration
and Development
5.00 65.00
Mukhya Mantri Kanya Dan Yojana Social J ustice 58.87 446.90
Mukhya Mantri Nikah Yojana Social J ustice 2.00 16.00
Kanya Abhibhavak Pension Scheme Social J ustice 5.00 50.00
Incentives to SC girls to continue
education after class 8
and 10

SC Development 20.00 150.00
Incentives to girls to continue education
after class 5

Ghumakkar and
Vimukta J ati
0.25 2.70
Incentives to girls to continue education
after class 8
and 10

Ghumakkar and
Vimukta J ati
0.17 1.50
Incentives for girls' education (class 6
) Tribal Development 9.83 78.60

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Scheme Department Outlay
(Rs. in
(Rs. in
Incentives for girls' education (class 9
and 11
Tribal Development 14.07 106.80
Girls Education Complex Tribal Development 10.00 750.00
Women's Hockey Academy Sports and Youth
0.70 5.30
Source: Data from MP State Planning Commission

State Specific Intervention

Ladli Laxmi Yojana
To benefit girls right from their births upto marriage
To create positive thinking about girls among masses, improvement in
sex ratio and encourage girls' education and health
To make girls in the state a 'Lakhpati' at 21 years of age
Government deposits National Saving Certificate (NSC) worth Rs.6000/-
p.a. for five years i.e. NSCs worth Rs.30,000/- are deposited in a girl's
Every girl child enrolled under Ladli Laxmi Yojana will get Rs.1.8 lakh
when she attains the age of 21 years and had not married before 18 years
of age
10 lakh beneficiaries till date

Mukhy Mantri Kanya Dan Yojana
To provide financial assistance to poor, needy, destitute families for
marrying off their daughters/ widows/ divorcees
Under this scheme, mass marriages are performed which increase social
harmony and curb unnecessary expenditure on weddings

Beti Bachao Abhiyan
Initiated to balance sex ratio and foster awareness and sensitivity in
12 department have been given the responsibility of identified 66

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As part of its campaign, the government plans to promote frugal marriage
ceremonies and encourage social boycott of people who take and give
The multi-pronged approach will involve changing the pro-son mindset
and a combination of incentives and disincentives in favour of the girl
child. Steps like reserving half the posts of teachers for women and
pension to parents whose only children are daughters will be initiated
besides promoting adoption of the girl child
Taking effective measures to prevent pre-natal tests and cases of foeticide
Gaon Ki Beti Yojana
To provide financial assistance to motivate talented rural girls for higher
education in government or private colleges
Scholarship worth Rs.500/- p.m. to I
division class 12
passed rural girls
for 10 months
60,000 girls benefitted till date

Pratibha Kiran Yojana
To improve educational standards of I
division class 12
passed girls
belonging to urban BPL families
Rs.300/- p.m. for degree courses for 10 months
3000 girls benefitted till date

Atal Bal Arogya Evam Poshan Mission
A nutrition mission to fight malnutrition and having the following targets
Reducing U5MR to 60 per thousand live births by 2020
Reducing per cent underweight children under five years from 60%
to 40% by 2015 and further from 40% to 20% by 2020
Reducing prevalence of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in
children under five years from 12.6% to 5% by 2015 and to
negligible by 2020

Usha Kiran Yojana
For implementation of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
Act, 2005 (PWDVA), Madhya Pradesh launched Usha Kiran Yojana in
the year 2008
The scheme's objective is to help in reduction in cases of domestic
violence, awareness generation about the rights, building confidence and
entire development of women, better rearing of children, and making
happy and ideal home environment

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Pitching in for Women's Rights
Apart from state's interventions various non-governmental organizations
working for women's issues have pitched in time to time for raising demands
related to economic, social and legal rights.

Economic demands Social demands Legal demands
Implementation of
Supreme Court's directives
on food security,
universalization of public
distribution system, setting
up anganwadis in all
settlements, special
packages for women and
children in families of
farmers who committed
suicide and priority to
women self-help groups for
disbursal of loans
Expenditure of 6% of GDP
on education and 3% on
health, special scheme to
improve women's literacy,
increase in funds for social
welfare scheme, liquor
policy that stops liquor to be
the source of income for
government, strict
implementation of the
SC/ST Atrocities Act, strict
rules for those involved in
communal violence,
charting out gender sensitive
media code and its
Early passage of 33 per cent
Reservation Bill, law for
preventing sexual violence at
workplace, effective
implementation of Domestic
Violence Act, law for property
rights for women post-
marriage, law to prevent
trafficking of women and
children, special law for
protection and treatment of
women suffering from mental
problems, HIV/AIDS and
other sexually transmitted

The cabinet has taken a decision establish 'Directorate of Women
Empowerment' in the state by bifurcating the 'Directorate of Women and Child
Development' for effective implementation of women's empowerment schemes.

The satae government calender for year 2012 has slogan 'Beti hae to Kal hae'
(Future is when Daughter is)

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Review of Corporate Governance
Report on Performance Review of Boards and Corporations in
Madhya Pradesh.
I. Background:
There are in all, close to 100 Boards, Corporations, counsels, Institutions, and
Academy in Madhya Pradesh with mostly of them are non profitable. State
government as principal promoter in these public sector units is to set the bar on
corporate governance standards and practice. This is important as the standards
of governance in boards and corporations are linked closely to overall growth of
As per the set mandate of State planning commission to review the utilization of
public resources it has been decided to examine all public sector units e.i.
Boards, Corporation, Academies, training institutions running in Madhya
Pradesh with state funds or supported by central or self sufficient pattern.
Boards, corporations and all other public sector units were set up in the State as
an integral part of our developmental plans. But due to several arguments it
appears now that these units are losing the set mandate and some of them like
MP State Comparative oile seed Federation are now become liability on the
states. On the other side some of units are performing outstanding like
"Madhyam", MP Eco Tourism Development Board etc. In this context a series
of review meetings held under the chair of Honorable Shri Babulal J ain, Vice
Chairman MP State Planning Commission of Govt. of MP from 14 November
2011 to 17 November 2011 to understand and examine the background,
significance and the current status of existing boards, corporations and institutes
running within the different department to fulfill the government perspectives.
It was a first effort of MP State Planning Commission to understand and review
public sector units working under different departments of state. Key focus of
meeting was to review the financial viability and business model of units.
During this process review panel has also build understanding about their

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management arrangements, Organization structure and working pattern, staffing
and vacancies, roles and responsibilities etc.
Different Head of the institutions and senior officers presented about the
activities undertaken over past years, key outputs and achievements made by
their unit, some of leaders revealed about strategic role played by the existing
boards and corporations, quality of structural linkages with line departments.
II. List of Boards/Corporations and Institutions is enclosed as annexure A.
III. Performance of critical Public sector units in the state:
MP State Planning Commission has reviewed the all public sector units on the
basis of their past track of physical and financial performance and the readiness
for next five year plan 2012-17. Detail of some of critical organizations review
is mentioned as followings;
A. Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board (MPEB):
MPEB is determined to achieve following objectives:
Remove power shortage in the State by setting up new generating power
projects to meet the ever increasing power demand.
Expansion / Strengthening of Transmission System for evacuation of
power from
Generation Projects of the State, interconnection of State transmission
system with National Grid, to overcome low voltage problem and to
avoid overloading of EHV system.
Strengthening and system improvement of Sub-Transmission and
Distribution system, Energy Audit, 100% installation of meters for all
type of users, separation of rural feeders from agricultural feeders and
prevention of theft.
To bridge the Rural Urban gap by extending the electricity to all the
villages and habitation of the State and provide access to electricity to all
rural households under RGGVY scheme.

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Present Power Scenario of the state:
In the line of above mentioned objectives the board has set the priorities as
1. To ensure 24 Hours supply to every household in the State by FY 13
2. To ensure continuous 8 hours supply to Agricultural consumers through
separate feeders by Financial year 2012-13 by achieving goals as mentioned
in the table as following -
Hours of Supply
2012-13 Particulars
2011 12 Q1+Q2 Q3 Q4 2013-14
Comm. H.Q. 22:00 24:00 24:00 24:00 24:00
Distt. H.Q. 20:00 22:00 24:00 24:00 24:00
Tehsil H.Q.
Rural Domestic
16:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 24:00
Domestic +
12:00 12:00 12:00 - -
Irrigation 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
3. Position of average states demand and demand Met are as following:

Year Average
Un Res.
MW % MW % % MW (%)
2004-05 4131 11% 3584 6% 43.48 -547 (-13%)
2005-06 4333 5% 3739 4% 41.35 -549 (-14%)
2006-07 4526 4% 3883 4% 40.75 -643 (14%)
2007-08 4664 3% 3998 3% 41.29 -666 (-14%)
2008-09 4738 2% 3924 2% 40.2 -814 (17%)
2009-10 4875 3% 3927 0% 35.88 -948 (-19%)
2010-11 5459 12% 4330 10% 32.67 -1129 (-21%)
Growth in
FY 11
FY 05
32% 21%

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4. Position of Energy supplied and its growth are as following;

Year Energy
Increase w.r.t.
previous year
Increase w.r.t.
MU % MU %
2004-05 35181 7% 30624 7%
2005-06 37077 5% 32231 5.24%
2006-07 38703 4% 33434 3.73%
2007-08 41606 8% 36072 7.89%
2008-09 42625 2% 35503 -1.58%
2009-10 43767 3% 35563 0.17%
2010-11 48571 11% 38751 8.96%

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5. Future energy requirement of Madhya Pradesh are as following. A team
of professionals has also been associated with MPEB to forecast the
demand by taking into consideration all parameters affecting the

Year Energy Required
Energy to be supplied
Growth Rate
MU % MU %
FY 11 48,571 11% 38,751 9%
FY 12 52,765 9% 42,941 11%
FY 13 58,288 10% 51,300 19%
FY 14 64,778 11% 62,124 21%
FY 15 69,771 8% 67,694 9%
FY 16 74,613 7% 73,574 9%
FY 17 79,747 7% 79,228 8%
FY 18 85,657 7% 85,397 8%
FY 19 92,090 8% 91,960 8%
FY 20 99,102 8% 99,037 8%

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6. State capacity addition Plan for the year 2011-12 is as under;

Description Total
NTPC Project
Seepat TPS-Phase 1 (Unit 1) 660 MW 94 MW J ul-11
Seepat TPS-Phase 1 (Unit 2) 660 MW 94 MW J an-12
April 2011
(Power availed-
March 11
2 Chandrapur Unit 7 of DVC 2 x250 MW 100 MW Oct-11
3 ESSAR Power MP Ltd, Sidhi 600 MW 195 MW J an-12
4 TORRENT 1100 MW 100 MW
April 2011
(Power availed-
March 11
5 BLA 2 x 45 MW 16 MW Dec-11
Total 676 MW

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7. The MPEB has also come up with an effective Transmission System
Plan as shown below. The Transmission Company is also looking at
investment through PPP mode and has already started the preparation
for 400kv Satpura-Ashtha Line and 12 nos. 132kv substations costing
Rs. 549 Crores.

Particulars FY II
FY 12 FY 13 FY 14
Transmission Losses depend upon direction of power
flow however efforts will be made to maintain same loss
level within the range of 4%
Investment Plan
(Rs. Crs.) 397 615 925 915
Capacity - 1006 2251 2393
Capacity (MVA)
34212 35218 37469 39862
Capacity (MW)
8331 9600 10500 11500

B. Madhya Pradesh State Pollution Control Board
M.P. Pollution control Board is a statutory body constituted under central Act in
1974. The Board has been vested with considerable authority and responsibility
under various environment legislation to prevent the pollution. M.P. Pollution
Control Board presently looks after the implementation of following Acts:
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,1974
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Environment Protection Act ,1986 (certain sections)
Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991

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The main objective of M.P. Pollution Control Board is to maintain water, air
and soil in healthy and usable condition for various purposes and to keep
constant vigil on the environment of the state and maintain the pristine quality
of air and water. Board also organizes awareness activities on various
environmental related issues for smooth co-ordination from other agencies.
Board has established a Research Center at Bhopal supported by sophisticated
equipments to carry out constant research in the field of environment. Board
also has Regional laboratories at each Regional office.
MPSPCs Budgetary details of last five years and projection for next five
years plan 2012-17 are as below;

Receipts in Rs lakhs
Funding Resources 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Govt of India/MOEF/CPCB 111.86 175.6 97.68 48.58 17.22
Cess Share 185.13 287.31 671.99 417.56 400.00
State Govt 0.00 64.00 400.00 425.00 447.00
Own Resources(MPPCB) 1005.04 1400.76 2212.09 2266.46 2,200.00
TOTAL RECEIPTS(A) 1302.03 1927.67 3381.76 3157.6 3064.22
Expenditure in Rs lakhs
Expenditure 1341.53 1410.46 1735.68 2828.76 3300.00
TOTAL EXPENDITURE(B) 1341.53 1410.46 1735.68 2828.76 3300.00
NET +/- (A-B) -39.50 517.21 1646.08 328.84 -235.78
Details of Expenditure
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Administrative Expenses 925.38 1022.19 1212.78 1863.70 2006.00
Other Expenses 416.15 388.27 522.9 965.06 1294.00

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Total Expenditure 1341.53 1410.46 1735.68 2828.76 3300.00
Projection for Next Five Years
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Administrative Expenses 2306.90 2652.90 3050.80 3508.40 4034.60
Other Expenses 1488.10 1711.30 1968.00 2263.20 2602.70
Total Expenditure 3795.00 4364.20 5018.80 5771.60 6637.30

Board has taken decision to close some ongoing schemes in next five year plan
like National river conservation scheme, Monitoring of pollution in MELA
activities, scheme related zoning atlas.

The constraints faced by this MPPCB are;
Administrative expenditure is very high as compare to programme
Lack of complete inventorization on industries including updated
Key Observations:
MPSPC management should take pro-active steps for getting adequately charge
/fee from the big industrial unit's present fee status is one and the same for size
of industries.
C. State Cooperative Dairy Federation of Madhya Pradesh:
MPSCDF is having around 4393 primary milk cooperative societies including
1.80 members. Activities of MPCDF / Milk Union are governed by 3 major
areas like Field Operation, Plant Operation and Marketing of products.
Organization structure is as under;

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5


Milk production per 000 KG/per day

2 0 0
4 0 0
6 0 0
8 0 0
2 9 1 . 8 7
5 8 6 . 9 1
6 5 8 . 0

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5

Key Observation and suggestion:

Federation to initiate the Study of problems of mutual interest of the
Federation and milk unions.
Rate structure of products to be more competitive.

Some of the important units have presented the availability of their resources for
the year 2012 with projection for next five years Yr. 2012-17. for example the
highest resources availability articulated for the twelfth five year Plan presented
by Madhya Pradesh State Seed & Farm Development Corporation of Rs.636.02
Crore and Madhya Pradesh State Industries Development Corporation Limited
has presented their resource availability of Rs. 214.84 Crore for Annual Plan
2012-13 and Rs. 184.20 Crore for the five year plan 2012-17.similerely,
Madhya Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. has come up with
availability of Rs. 151.17 Crore for five year plan 2012-17 and Rs.162.48 Crore
for the annual plan 2012-13.

IV. Overall review of Board, Corporation and Other government
Looking at the overall performance and institutional efficacy, this review of
public sector units has been categorized in three categories;
A. Well performing Boards/ Corporations/Intuitions of Madhya Pradesh;
During the review we realized that some of the institutions are running
extremely well and their model of business should be encouraged and must be
replicated by similar kind of organizations as well as other state agencies.
Seeing the business model of organizations like MP State Electronics
Development Corporation, Madhyam, Eco Tourism Development Board, Laghu
Udhyog Vikas Nigam etc. leading department should plan for opening listing
the state Public Sector Unit in the stock exchange market so that they can come
under the ambit of improved governance.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
B. Average performing Boards/Corporations/Institutions of Madhya
Most of organizations fall under the category B, Average planning, organizing,
directing and controlling are basic characteristics of such units running in the
state. Institutional arrangement, linkage with inters sectoral departments and
decision making efficiency needs to be given priority. Corrective measures are
required to improve the situation of such institutions. Some of the B Category
units are MP Pollution control Board ,MP Development Authority, Rajya
Karmachari Awas Nigam, Live stock corporation, Madhya Pradesh State
Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd, Disaster Management institute, MP Sanskrati
and there Active Councils namely Tulasi academy,Sindhi academy, Sahitya
academy, Kalidas academy, State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.
(MPSIDC) ,MP Khadi Board, HSVN,Social Welfare Board, MatiKala Board,
WAKF-BOARD, HAJ Committee, Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy,Urdu
publication, education, Paramedic Council, Bio technology council, Bio
diversity Board, Road Transportation Corporation, Madhya Pradesh State
cooperative dairy Federation, Madhya Pradesh Council of Science &
Technology (MAPCOST).

For this Category State Planning commission recommends that the concerning
or leading department should initiate Institutional Assessment Cum Capacity
Building Plan from external experts to get set outcome within the next plan

C. Poor Performing units in Madhya Pradesh;
Several areas of deficiencies found relating to institutional arrangements, result
orientation, leadership, transparency, accounting, and audit and compliance
MP State Comparative oil seed Federation, MP State employee Housing
Corporation, MP tribal Development Corporation, MP state Cooperative SC
development corporation Limited are considered under this category. Planning
commission recommends we should conduct immediate institutional assessment
from external expert for avoiding further loss and proper action needs to be
taken for restructuring or closing the unit if required.

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5

V. Policy Matters; Issues emerged during the meeting for policy support
and action are as following;

1. For the corporations and boards should also be put in place a process for
monitoring and evaluation and self assessment. The evaluations should be
facilitated by external specialist and focus should be on improving the
boards efficacy.
2. A mechanism to evaluate the units functioning should be instituted. The
process should be result oriented and not aimed at the specific individual on
the institutions.
3. The convergence challenge ; most of the units are running in isolation like
MP Labour welfare board, building and constructions workers welfare
board, WALMI while in cooperation and coordination they can turn out in
better outcomes.
4. State may consider the Award or Price distribution for good performers for
better outcomes in the field of corporate governance also good
5. There has been no noteworthy committee set up for the review of the
working of State PSUs at policy level which needs to be set soon.
6. Tendency of boards and corporations to borrow funds from state needs to be
7. Many units reviewed did not have their accounts audited which need to be
taken up on priority.
8. Listing of profitable Public Sector Units is must for improving their
governance. Therefore IPOs can be offered to race resources from the market
in profitable PSUs.

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Annexure A:
List of Boards/Corporations and institutions reviewed by
MP State Planning Commission
S.No. Name of leading department Name of associated corporation /Board/Institutes
1 MP General Administration
Madhya Pradesh Rajya Karmchari Kalyan Samiti
2 MP Home Department Madhya Pradesh Rajya Karmchari Kalyan Samiti
3 MP Finance Department 1. M.P. Finance Corporation
2. Bhavishya Nidhi Nivesh Company
4 MP Forest Department 1. Madhya Pradesh Van Vikas Nigam
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Lghu Vanopaj Sahkari Sangh
3. Madhya Pradesh Eco Paryatan Vikas Board
5 MP Commerce, Industries &
1. Madhya Pradesh Laghu Udog Nigam
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Udog Nigam Maryadit
3. Madhya Pradesh State Industrial Development
Corporation Limited
4. Madhya Pradesh Trade & Investment Facilitation
Corporation Limited
5. Madhya Pradesh Audhyogik Vikas Kendra Nigam
6. Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development
Corporation Limited
7. Udhyamita Vikas Kendra
6 MP Geology & Mining
Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corporation Limited
7 MP Energy Department 1. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Vidhut Mandal
2. Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam
8 MP Farmer Welfare &
Development Department
1. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Beej and Farm Vikas Nigam
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Beej Pramarikarn Sanstha
3. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Krishi Vipran Board
9 MP Horticulture & Food
Processing Department
1. Madhya Pradesh State Agro Industries Development
Corporation Limited

10/5/2012 11:09:04 AM 5
S.No. Name of leading department Name of associated corporation /Board/Institutes
10 MP Co-operative Department 1. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Shakari Bank Maryadit (APEX
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Shakari Bank Maryadit
3. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Tilhan Utpadak Sahkari Sangh
4. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Krishi Evam Gramin Vikas
Bank Maryadit
5. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Awas Sangh Maryadit
6. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Vipran Sangh Maryadit
7. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Upbhokta Sangh Maryadit
8. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Beej Utpadak Evam
Vipran Sangh Maryadit
11 MP Labour Department 1. Madhya Pradesh Labour welfare board l
2. Madhya Pradesh Bhavan Evam Anya Sannirman Karmkar
Kalyan Mandal
12 Public Health & Family
Welfare Department
1. Madhya Pradesh State Pharmacy Council
2. Madhya Pradesh Medical Council
13 Public Works
Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited
14 Law Department Madhya Pradesh Rajya Vidhik Sewa Pradhikarn, J abalpur
15 School Education Department 1 Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal Madhya Pradesh
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Open School
3. Madhya Pradesh Pathya Pustak Nigam
4. Madhya Pradesh Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Mission
5. Madhya Pradesh Madarsa Board
6. Maharishi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthan
7. Good Governance & Policy Analysis School Bhopal
16 Panchyat & Rural
1. Madhya Pradesh J al Evam Bhoomi Management Sansthan
2. Madhya Pradesh Grmin Sadak Vikas Pradikaran
3. Madhya Pradesh Zila Garibi Unmoolan Priyojna (D.P.I.P.)
4. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Rojgar Garanti Parishad (Rashtriya
Gramin Rojgar Garanti Yojna
17 MP Public Relation
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam

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S.No. Name of leading department Name of associated corporation /Board/Institutes
18 MP Tribal Welfare
1. Madhya Pradesh Adivasi Vitt Evam Vikas Nigam
2. Rajiv Gandhi Khadya Surksha Mission
19 MP Schedule Caste
1. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahkari Anusuchit J ati Vitt Evam
Vikas Nigam Maryadit
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Vimukat Ghummakar Evam Ardh
GhummarkarJ aati Vikas Abhikaran
3. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Rashtriya Samajik Vigyan
20 MP Information Technology
Madhya Pradesh Agency for Promotion of Information
21 MP Narmda Valley
Development Authority
1. Narmda Ghati Vikas Pradhikaran
2. Sardar Sarovar Shikayat Nivaran Pradhikaran
3. Shikayat Nivaran Pradhikaran (Narmda Sankul
22 MP Food & Civil
Supply & Consumer Protection
1. Madhya Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
2. Madhya Pradesh Warehousing & Logistics Corporation
23 MP Culture Department 1. Madhya Pradesh Sanskriti Parishad
2. Adivasi Lok Kala Evam Tulsi Sahitya Acadamy
3. Usttad Alluddin Khan Sangeet Evam Kala Acadamy
4. Sahitya Acadamy
5. Kalidas Sanskrit Acadamy
6. Sindhi Sahitya Acadamy
24 MP Housing & Environment 1. Bhopal Vikas Pradhikaran
2. Madhya Pradesh Grah Nirman Mandal
3. Paryawaran Niyojan Evam Samanvay Sangthan (EPCO)
4. Rajya Stariya Paryawaran Prabhav Nirdharan Pradhikaran
5. Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board
6. Madhya Pradesh Vikas Pradhikaran
7. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Karmchari Awas Nigam
8. Aapda Prabhandhan Sansthan (DMI)
25 MP Tourism Department Madhya Pradesh Paryatan Vikas Nigam
26 MP Animal Husbandry
1. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Pashudhan Evam Kukut Vikas
2. Madhya Pradesh Gau Palan Evam Pashudhan Samvardhan
27 MP Fisheries Madhya Pradesh Matasya Maha Sangh (Sahakari) Maryadit
28 MP Dairy Development
Madhya Pradesh State Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited

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S.No. Name of leading department Name of associated corporation /Board/Institutes
29 MP Higher Education
Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Acadamy
30 Science & Technology
Madhya Pradesh Vikas Evam Praudhauki Parishad
31 Technical Education
&Training Department
Madhya Pradesh Vayavasaik Pariksha Mandal
32 20 Points Implementation
Rajya Stariya 20 Sutriya Kriyanavan Samiti, Madhya Pradesh
33 MP Women & Child
1. Madhya Pradesh Mahila Vitt Evam Vikas Nigam
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Samaj Kalayan Board
34 MP Rural Industries
1. Madhya Pradesh Khadi Evam Gramudog Board
2. Madhya Pradesh Hastshilp Evam Hathkargha Vikas Nigam
3. Madhya Pradesh Maati Kala Board
35 Minorities Welfare
1. Madhya Pradesh Pichhra Varg Tatha Alpsankhyak Vitt
Evam Vikas Nigam
2. Madhya Pradesh Wakf Board
3. Madhya Pradesh State Haj Kameti Bhopal
4. Madhya Pradesh Urdu Acadamy
36 Medical Education
Madhya Pradesh Sah Chikatsiya Parishad
37 Bio Diversity & Bio
Technology Department
1. Madhya Pradesh Praudhauki Parishad
2. Madhya Pradesh Rajya Vividhata Board
38 MP Transport Department Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sadak Parivahan Nigam

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