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In 2003, Rufus Von Thulen Rhoades, (Rhoades) informed Janice McClanahan,

(McClanahan) that her name may be on some property which belonged to her long-time
companion, Lee Mansdorf, (Lee). Lee had just passed away and both his brother Harry
Mansdorf, (Harry) and Ms. McClanahan were still grieving. This planted the seed, (albeit a
false seed) of property ownership within Ms. McClanahan. At the same time, Mr. Rhoades
directed Harry to request Ms. McClanahan deed real property back to Harrys family trust (the
Mansdorf Family Revocable Trust, dated August 31, 1967) for the purposes of paying his
recently deceased brother Lees death taxes. As Mr. Rhoades had instructed him to do, Harry
informed Ms. McClanahan the property was essentially worthless and would just cover the death
taxes of Lee. Mr. Rhoades was Lees attorney and the attorney for the Mansdorf family trust for
over 30 years, thus, Harry had no reason to distrust him.
Ms. McClanahan allegedly signed a Grant Deed on December 19, 2003, notarized
December 22, 2003, (with the notary information and stamp directly under McClanahans
signature) which had the APN whited-out but had two parcels handwritten on the face page,
described two parcels of real property, (neither of which were ever owned by Ms. McClanahan
and both actually being owned by the Mansdorf Family Trust at that time) and was from Ms.
McClanahan to Harry as Trustee of the Lee Mansdorf Family Revocable Trust dated July 13,
2001 a non-existent trust. This wholly fraudulent Grant Deed was thereafter recorded in the
Los Angeles County Recorders Office in 2003. At the same time, Mr. Rhoades, (along with
others, including Richard Percell), was orchestrating the creation and recordation of other Grant
Deeds which claimed to Grant the same two, (later four) parcels of property to the Mansdorf
Family Trust. Mr. Rhoades then orchestrated a purported sale of these same two (later four) and
other parcels of property from the Mansdorf Family Trust. Amazingly, Mr. Rhoades and Mr.
Percell previously orchestrated the same type of shenanigans with the same two, (later four)
parcels of real property back in 1996, but because they forgot one of the parcels was encumbered
by the California Department of Transportation the 2003 machinations were required.
Three years later, in 2006, Mr. Percell, (a long-time business associate of Lee, further
involved in the 1996 and 2003 transfers of the same property Ms. McClanahan sued Harry over),
informed Ms. McClanahan that the property she deeded to Harry was not worthless, but was in
fact sold by Harry for $600,000. Mr. Percell then informed Ms. McClanahan that Lee had left
her $500,000 in his will and money for a car. This is absolutely false, as proven by Lees pour
over will which pours over any and all remaining assets of Lee into the family trust upon his
Ms. McClanahan and other individuals named and described in the Affidavits then
created a forgery of the recorded 2003 Grant Deed as follows: the APN on the front was no
longer whited-out and a single APN (different from the recorded Deed) was visible. No APNs
were written on the side, the notary stamp had been moved from directly under the signature to
four pages away and literally looks as though it was copied and pasted, and now four parcels are
legally described rather than two. Most telling, there are no recording numbers or marks on this
version of the 2003 Grant Deed why? Because this forgery of the 2003 Grant Deed was never
even recorded. The transfer is still from Ms. McClanahan to Harry as Trustee of the non-existent
Lee Mansdorf Family Revocable Trust dated July 13, 2001. Ms. McClanahan and other
individuals named and described in the Affidavits then attached this forged, unrecorded Grant
Deed to a civil complaint for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and emotional distress, which did no
list any specific monetary amount of damage. Harry individually and in his capacity as trustee of
the family trust, his sister Mildred and his other brother Norman were all named defendants,
though not a single word was said in the complaint against Mildred, Norman or Harry in his
capacity as Trustee. Further engaging in gutter service of the no-stated-damages complaint, Ms.
McClanahan then requested, and was actually allowed to publish the statement of damages a
document in which she was now claiming $12M in damages, $10M of that comprised of
punitive damages. Amazingly, she actually obtained this $12M default judgment. Ms.
McClanahan, and potentially others, then utilized that $12M default judgment to force the sale of
the Mansdorf Family Home located at: 811 N. Alta Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, (hereinafter,
the ALTA HOME) at a Sheriffs Sale. The result: an unlawful gain of $4,581,500.00.
Harrys surviving wife, Linda Mansdorf, is desperately seeking immediate assistance. As
a victim of this crime, she is facing physical eviction from the ALTA HOME because of Ms.
McClanahans continued enforcement of her fraudulent judgment.
As recently as June, 2013, Ms. McClanahan and her attorneys persisted in her fraudulent
scheme to steal even more real property from the Mansdorf Family Revocable Trust, this time in
Ventura County, California. Despite no abstract of the 12M judgment ever being recorded in
Ventura County, Ms. McClanahan and her attorneys sought and received the issuance of an
additional writ of sale regarding around 1,300 acres of real property there. Thus, these crimes
are continuing in nature, requiring an additional set of Affidavits to the Ventura County District
Attorneys Office.
Ms. McClanahan is a Nevada State resident who carried out her actions in this ongoing
fraudulent scheme involving millions of dollars in California real property, necessarily crossing
state lines in some way, shape, form or fashion to do so.
Several other individuals appear directly culpable in these actions as well, including:
Rufus Von Thulen Rhoades;
Richard Percell;
Thomas Cacciatorie, Esq.;
Timothy Sottile, Esq.;
David M. Marcus, Esq.;
Mary H. Strobel.
Additional information and evidence is being complied to produce affidavits regarding
these people and their actions.

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