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A telephone operator manually connecting
calls with cord pairs at a telephone
Telephone exchange
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A telephone exchange is a telecommunications system used in the
public switched telephone network or in large enterprises. An
exchange consists of electronic components and in older systems
also human operators that interconnect (switch) telephone
subscriber lines or virtual circuits of digital systems to establish
telephone calls between subscribers.
In the public telecommunication networks a telephone exchange is
located in a central office (CO), typically a building used to house
the inside plant equipment of potentially several telephone
exchanges, each serving a certain geographical exchange area.
Central office locations are often identified in North America as a
wire centers, designating a facility from which a telephone obtains
dial tone.
For business and billing purposes, telephony carriers
also define rate centers, which in larger cities may be clusters of central offices, to define specified geographical
locations for determining distance measurements.
In the United States and Canada, the Bell System established in the 1940s a uniform system of identifying each
telephone exchange with a three-digit exchange code, or central office code, that was used as a prefix to subscriber
telephone numbers. All exchanges within a larger region, typically aggregated by state, were assigned a common
area code. With the development of international and transoceanic telephone trunks, especially driven by direct
customer dialing, similar efforts of systematic organization of the telephone networks occurred in many countries in
the mid-20th century.
For corporate or enterprise use, a private telephone exchange is often referred to as a private branch exchange
(PBX), when it has connections to the public switched telephone network. A PBX is installed in enterprise facilities,
typically collocated with large office spaces or within an organizational campus to serve the local private telephone
system and any private leased line circuits. Smaller installations might deploy a PBX or key telephone system in the
office of a receptionist.
1 Historic perspective
2 Technologies
2.1 Manual service exchanges
2.2 Early automatic exchanges
2.2.1 Electromechanical signaling
2.2.2 Sounds
2.2.3 Maintenance tasks
2.2.4 Electronic switches
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Tivadar Pusks, inventor of the telephone
2.3 Digital switches
2.4 The switch's place in the system
3 Switch design
4 Switch control algorithms
4.1 Fully connected mesh network
4.2 Clos's nonblocking switch algorithm
5 Fault tolerance
6 Fire and disaster recovery
7 Internet exchanges
8 See also
9 References
10 External links
Historic perspective
In the era of the electrical telegraph, post offices, railway stations,
the more important governmental centers (ministries), stock
exchanges, very few nationally distributed newspapers, the largest
internationally important corporations and wealthy individuals were
the principal users of such telegraphs.
Despite the fact that
telephone devices existed before the invention of the telephone
exchange, their success and economical operation would have been
impossible on the same schema and structure of the contemporary
telegraph, as prior to the invention of the telephone exchange
switchboard, early telephones were hardwired to and
communicated with only a single other telephone (such as from an
individual's home to the person's business).
A telephone exchange is a telephone system located at service
centers (central offices) responsible for a small geographic area that
provided the switching or interconnection of two or more individual
subscriber lines for calls made between them, rather than requiring
direct lines between subscriber stations. This made it possible for
subscribers to call each other at homes, businesses, or public
spaces. These made telephony an available and comfortable
communication tool for everyday use, and it gave the impetus for the
creation of a whole new industrial sector.
One of the first people to build a telephone exchange was Hungarian Tivadar Pusks in 1877 while he was working
for Thomas Edison.
The first experimental telephone exchange was based on the ideas of Pusks, and it
was built by the Bell Telephone Company in Boston in 1877.
The worlds first commercial telephone exchange
opened on November 12 1877 in Friedrichsberg close to Berlin.
George W. Coy designed and built the first
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Exchange in Miskolc, Hungary
commercial US telephone exchange which opened in New Haven, Connecticut in January, 1878. The switchboard
was built from "carriage bolts, handles from teapot lids and bustle wire" and could handle two simultaneous
Charles Glidden is also credited with establishing an exchange in Lowell, MA. with 50 subscribers
in 1878.
In Europe other early telephone exchanges were based in London and Manchester, both of which opened under
Bell patents in 1879.
Belgium had its first International Bell exchange (in Antwerp) a year later.
In 1887 Pusks introduced the multiplex switchboard, that had an
epochal significance in the further development of telephone
Later exchanges consisted of one to several hundred plug boards
staffed by switchboard operators. Each operator sat in front of a
vertical panel containing banks of -inch tip-ring-sleeve (3-
conductor) jacks, each of which was the local termination of a
subscriber's telephone line. In front of the jack panel lay a horizontal
panel containing two rows of patch cords, each pair connected to a
cord circuit. When a calling party lifted the receiver, a signal lamp
near the jack would light.
The operator would plug one of the cords (the "answering cord") into the subscriber's jack and switch her headset
into the circuit to ask, "Number, please?" Depending upon the answer, the operator might plug the other cord of the
pair (the "ringing cord") into the called party's local jack and start the ringing cycle, or plug into a trunk circuit to
start what might be a long distance call handled by subsequent operators in another bank of boards or in another
building miles away. In 1918, the average time to complete the connection for a long-distance call was 15
In the ringdown method, the originating operator called another intermediate operator who would call the called
subscriber, or passed it on to another intermediate operator.
This chain of intermediate operators could
complete the call only if intermediate trunk lines were available between all the centers at the same time. In 1943
when military calls had priority, a cross-country US call might take as long as 2 hours to request and schedule in
cities that used manual switchboards for toll calls.
On March 10, 1891, Almon Brown Strowger, an undertaker in Kansas City, Missouri, patented the stepping
switch, a device which led to the automation of telephone circuit switching. While there were many extensions and
adaptations of this initial patent, the one best known consists of 10 levels or banks, each having 10 contacts
arranged in a semicircle. When used with a rotary telephone dial, each pair of digits caused the shaft of the central
contact "hand" of the stepping switch to first step (ratchet) up one level for each pulse in the first digit and then to
swing horizontally in a contact row with one small rotation for each pulse in the next digit.
Later stepping switches were arranged in banks, the first stage of which was a linefinder. If one of up to a hundred
subscriber lines had the receiver lifted "off hook", a linefinder connected the subscriber's line to a free first selector,
which returned the subscriber a dial tone to show that it was ready to receive dialed digits. The subscriber's dial
pulsed at about 10 pulses per second, although the speed depended on the standard of the particular telephone
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Exchanges based on the Strowger switch were eventually challenged by other exchange types and later by crossbar
technology. These exchange designs promised faster switching and would accept pulses faster than the Strowger's
typical 10 ppstypically about 20 pps. At a later date many also accepted DTMF "touch tones" or other tone
signaling systems.
A transitional technology (from pulse to DTMF) had DTMF link finders which converted DTMF to pulse, to feed
to older Strowger, panel, or crossbar switches. This technology was used as late as mid-2002.
Many terms used in telecommunication technology differ in meaning and usage in various regions of the world
among English speaking regions. For the purpose of this article the following definitions are made:
Manual service is a condition in which a human operator routes calls inside an exchange without the use of a
Dial service is when an exchange routes calls by a switch interpreting dialed digits.
A telephone switch is the switching equipment of an exchange.
A concentrator is a device that concentrates traffic, be it remote or co-located with the switch.
An off-hook condition is a tip condition or describes a circuit that is in use, e.g., when a phone call is in
An on-hook condition represents an idle circuit, i.e. no phone call is in progress.
A wire center is the area served by a particular switch or central office.
Central office originally referred to switching equipment and its operators, it is also used generally for the building
that houses switching and related inside plant equipment. In United States telecommunication jargon, a central office
(C.O.) is a common carrier switching center Class 5 telephone switch in which trunks and local loops are
terminated and switched.
In the UK, a telephone exchange means an exchange building, and is also the name
for a telephone switch.
Manual service exchanges
With manual service, the customer lifts the receiver off-hook and asks the operator to connect the call to a
requested number. Provided that the number is in the same central office, and located on the operator's
switchboard, the operator connects the call by plugging the ringing cord into the jack on the switchboard
corresponding to the called customer's line. If the called party's line is on a different switchboard in the same office,
or in a different central office, the operator plugs into the trunk for the destination switchboard or office and asks
the operator answering (known as the "B" operator) to connect the call.
Most urban exchanges provided common-battery service, meaning that the central office provided power to the
subscriber telephone circuits for operation of the transmitter, as well as for automatic signaling with rotary dials. In
common-battery systems, the pair of wires from a subscriber's telephone to the exchange carry 48V (nominal) DC
potential from the telephone company end across the conductors. The telephone presents an open circuit when it is
on-hook or idle.
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1924 PBX switchboard
Montreal telephone exchange (c
When a subscriber's phone is off-hook, it presents an electrical resistance across the line which causes current to
flow through the telephone and wires to the central office. In a manually operated switchboard, this current flowed
through a relay coil, and actuated a buzzer or a lamp on the operator's switchboard, signaling the operator to
perform service.
In the largest cities, it took many years to convert every office to automatic equipment, such as a panel switch.
During this transition period, once numbers were standardized to the 2L-5N format (two-letter exchange name and
five digits), it was possible to dial a number on a manual exchange and be connected without requesting operator
assistance. The policy of the Bell System stated that customers in large cities should not need to be concerned
about whether they were calling a manual or automated office.
If a subscriber dialed a manual number, an operator at the destination office would answer, see the number on an
indicator, and connect the call by plugging into the correct circuit and ringing the call. For instance, if a customer
calling from TAylor 4725 dialed a manual number, ADams 1383, the call
would go through, from the subscriber's perspective, exactly as would a
call to LEnnox 5813-W, in an automated exchange.
In contrast to the format MAin
1234, indicating an automated
office, or a manual office with
operator indicators for
incoming dialed calls, a number
such as Hillside 834 or East 23
would be clearly recognized as
a manual number, based on the
second letter not being
The smallest towns with
manual service often had
magneto, or crank, phones. Using this type of service, the subscriber
turned a crank to generate ringing current, to gain the operator's
attention. The switchboard would respond by interrupting the circuit,
which dropped a metal tab above the subscriber's line jack and sounded
a buzzer. Dry cell batteries (normally two large No. 6 cells) in the
subscriber's telephone provided the DC power for conversation. Magneto systems were in use in one American
small town, Bryant Pond, Woodstock, Maine as late as 1983. In general, dry cell battery systems had a poorer call
quality compared to common-battery systems.
Many small town magneto systems featured party lines, anywhere from two to ten or more subscribers sharing a
single line. When calling a party, the operator would use a distinctive ringing signal sequence, such as two long rings
followed by one short. Everyone on the line could hear the rings, and of course could pick up and listen in if they
wanted. On rural lines which were not connected to a central office (thus not connected to the outside world),
subscribers would crank the correct sequence of rings to reach their party.
Early automatic exchanges
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A rural telephone exchange building in
Automatic exchanges, or dial service, came into existence in the early 1900s. Their purpose was to eliminate the
need for human switchboard operators who completed the
connections required for a telephone call. Automation replaced
human operators with electromechanical systems and telephones
were equipped with a dial by which a caller transmitted the
destination telephone number to the automatic switching system.
A telephone exchange automatically senses an off-hook condition of
the telephone when the user removes the handset from the
switchhook or cradle. The exchange provides dial tone at that time
to indicate to the user that the exchange is ready to receive dialed
digits. The pulses or DTMF tones generated by the telephone are
processed and a connection is established to the destination
telephone within the same exchange or to another distant exchange.
The exchange maintains the connection until one of the parties hangs
up. This monitoring of connection status is called supervision. Additional features, such as billing equipment, may
also be incorporated into the exchange.
The Bell System dial service implemented a feature called automatic number identification (ANI) which facilitated
services like automated billing, toll-free 800-numbers, and 9-1-1 service. In manual service, the operator knows
where a call is originating by the light on the switchboard jack field. Before ANI, long distance calls were placed
into an operator queue and the operator asked the calling party's number and record it on a paper toll ticket.
Early exchanges were electromechanical systems using motors, shaft drives, rotating switches and relays. Some
types of automatic exchanges were the Strowger switch or step-by-step switch, All Relay, X-Y, panel switch and
the crossbar switch.
Electromechanical signaling
Circuits interconnecting switches are called trunks. Before Signalling System 7, Bell System electromechanical
switches in the United States communicated with one another over trunks using a variety of DC voltages and
signaling tones. It would be rare to see any of these in use today.
Some signalling communicated dialed digits. An early form called Panel Call Indicator Pulsing used quaternary
pulses to set up calls between a panel switch and a manual switchboard. Probably the most common form of
communicating dialed digits between electromechanical switches was sending dial pulses, equivalent to a rotary
dial's pulsing, but sent over trunk circuits between switches.
In Bell System trunks, it was common to use 20 pulse-per-second between crossbar switches and crossbar
tandems. This was twice the rate of Western Electric/Bell System telephone dials. Using the faster pulsing rate
made trunk utilization more efficient because the switch spent half as long listening to digits. DTMF was not used for
trunk signaling.
Multi-frequency (MF) was the last of the pre-digital methods. It used a different set of tones sent in pairs like
DTMF. Dialing was preceded by a special keypulse (KP) signal and followed by a start (ST). Variations of the
Bell System MF tone scheme became a CCITT standard. Similar schemes were used in the Americas and in some
European countries including Spain. Digit strings between switches were often abbreviated to further improve
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Step-by-step call
Subscribers hear a different-sounding
dialtone in a step-by-step call.
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For example, one switch might send only the last four or five digits of a telephone number. In one case, seven digit
numbers were preceded by a digit 1 or 2 to differentiate between two area codes or office codes, (a two-digit-per-
call savings). This improved revenue per trunk and reduced the number of digit receivers needed in a switch. Every
task in electromechanical switches was done in big metallic pieces of hardware. Every fractional second cut off of
call set up time meant fewer racks of equipment to handle call traffic.
Examples of signals communicating supervision or call progress include E and M signaling, SF signaling, and
robbed-bit signaling. In physical (not carrier) E and M trunk circuits, trunks were four wire. Fifty trunks would
require a hundred pair cable between switches, for example. Conductors in one common circuit configuration were
named tip, ring, ear (E) and mouth (M).
In two-way trunks with E and M signaling, a handshake took place to prevent both switches from colliding by
dialing calls on the same trunk at the same time. By changing the state of these leads from ground to -48 volts, the
switches stepped through a handshake protocol. Using DC voltage changes, the local switch would send a signal to
get ready for a call and the remote switch would reply with an acknowledgment to go ahead with dial pulsing. This
was done with relay logic and discrete electronics.
These voltage changes on the trunk circuit would cause pops or clicks that were audible to the subscriber as the
electrical handshaking stepped through its protocol. Another handshake, to start timing for billing purposes, caused
a second set of clunks when the called party answered.
A second common form of signaling for supervision was called single-frequency or SF signaling. The most
common form of this used a steady 2,600 Hz tone to identify a trunk as idle. Trunk circuitry hearing a 2,600 Hz
tone for a certain duration would go idle. (The duration requirement reduced falsing.) Some systems used tone
frequencies over 3,000 Hz, particularly on SSB frequency division multiplex microwave radio relays.
On T-carrier digital transmission systems, bits within the T-1 data stream were used to transmit supervision. By
careful design, the appropriated bits did not change voice quality appreciably. Robbed bits were translated to
changes in contact states (opens and closures) by electronics in the channel bank hardware. This allowed direct
current E and M signaling, or dial pulses, to be sent between electromechanical switches over a digital carrier which
did not have DC continuity.
A characteristic of electromechanical switching equipment is
that the maintenance staff could hear the mechanical
clattering of Strowgers, panel switches or crossbar relays.
Most Bell System central offices were housed in reinforced
concrete buildings with concrete ceilings and floors.
In rural areas some smaller switching facilities, such as
community dial offices (CDOs), were housed in
prefabricated metal buildings. These facilities almost always had concrete floors. The hard surfaces reflected
During heavy use periods, it could be difficult to converse in a central office switch room due to the clatter of calls
being processed in a large switch. For example, on Mother's Day in the US, or on a Friday evening around 5pm,
the metallic rattling could make raised voices necessary. For wire spring relay markers these noises resembled hail
falling on a metallic roof.
0:00 MENU
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On a pre-dawn Sunday morning, call processing might slow to the extent that one might be able to hear individual
calls being dialed and set up. There were also noises from whining power inverters and whirring ringing generators.
Some systems had a continual, rhythmic "clack-clack-clack" from wire spring relays that made reorder (120 ipm)
and busy (60 ipm) signals.
Bell System installations typically had alarm bells, gongs, or chimes to announce alarms calling attention to a failed
switch element. A trouble reporting card system was connected to switch common control elements. These trouble
reporting systems punctured cardboard cards with a code that logged the nature of a failure. Reed relay technology
in stored program control exchange finally quieted the environment.
Maintenance tasks
The maintenance of electromechanical systems involved electricity in form of direct current (DC), alternating ring
current (AC), and adjustments of many mechanical parts. Unlike modern switches, a circuit connecting a dialed call
through an electromechanical switch had DC continuity within the local exchange area via metallic conductors.
In all systems, it was avoided for subscribers to notice changes in quality of service because of failures or
maintenance work. A variety of tools referred to as make-busys were plugged into electromechanical switch
elements during repairs or failures. A make-busy would identify the part being worked on as in-use, causing the
switching logic to route around it. A similar tool was called a TD tool. Subscribers who got behind in payments
would have their service temporarily denied (TDed). This was effected by plugging a tool into the subscriber's office
equipment (Crossbar) or line group (step). The subscriber could receive calls but could not dial out.
Strowger-based, step-by-step offices in the Bell System were under continual maintenance. They required constant
cleaning. Indicator lights on equipment bays in step offices alerted staff to conditions such as blown fuses (usually
white lamps) or a permanent signal (stuck off-hook condition, usually green indicators). Step offices were more
susceptible to single-point failures than newer technologies.
Crossbar offices used more shared, common control circuits. For example, a digit receiver (part of an element
called an Originating Register) would be connected to a call just long enough to collect the subscriber's dialed
digits. Crossbar architecture was more flexible than step offices. Later crossbar systems had punch-card-based
trouble reporting systems. By the 1970s, automatic number identification had been retrofitted to nearly all step-
by-step and crossbar switches in the Bell System.
Electronic switches
Electronic switching systems gradually evolved in stages from electromechanical hybrids with stored program
control to the fully digital systems. Early systems used reed relay-switched metallic paths under digital control.
Equipment testing, phone numbers reassignments, circuit lockouts and similar tasks were accomplished by data
entry on a terminal.
Examples of these systems included the Western Electric 1ESS switch, Northern Telecom SP1, Ericsson AKE,
Philips PRX/A, ITT Metaconta, British GPO/BT TXE series and several other designs were similar. Ericsson also
developed a fully computerized version of their ARF crossbar exchange called ARE. These used a crossbar
switching matrix with a fully computerized control system and provided a wide range of advanced services. Local
versions were called ARE11 while tandem versions were known as ARE13. They were used in Scandinavia,
Australia, Ireland and many other countries in the late 1970s and into the 1980s when they were replaced with
digital technology.
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A typical satellite PBX with front cover
These systems could use the old electromechanical signaling methods inherited from crossbar and step-by-step
switches. They also introduced a new form of data communications: two 1ESS exchanges could communicate with
one another using a data link called Common Channel Interoffice Signaling, (CCIS). This data link was based on
CCITT 6, a predecessor to SS7. In European systems R2 signalling was normally used.
Digital switches
Digital switches work by connecting two or more digital circuits,
according to a dialed telephone number or other instruction. Calls
are set up between switches. In modern networks, this is usually
controlled using the Signalling System 7 (SS7) protocol, or one of
its variants. Many networks around the world are now transitioning
to voice over IP technologies which use Internet-based protocols
such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). These may have
superseded TDM and SS7 based technologies in some networks.
The concepts of digital switching were developed by various labs in
the United States and in Europe from the 1930s onwards. The first
prototype digital switch was developed by Bell Labs as part of the
ESSEX project while the first true digital exchange to be combined
with digital transmission systems was designed by LCT (Laboratoire
Central de Telecommunications) in Paris. The first digital switch to be placed into a public network was the
Empress Exchange in London, England which was designed by the General Post Office research labs. This was a
tandem switch that connected three Strowger exchanges in the London area. The first commercial roll-out of a fully
digital local switching system was Alcatel's E10 system which began serving customers in Brittany in Northwestern
France in 1972.
Prominent examples of digital switches include:
Ericsson's AXE telephone exchange is the most widely used digital switching platform in the world and can
be found throughout Europe and in most countries around the world. It is also very popular in mobile
applications. This highly modular system was developed in Sweden in the 1970s as a replacement for the
very popular range of Ericsson crossbar switches ARF, ARM, ARK and ARE used by many European
networks from the 1950s onwards.
Alcatel-Lucent inherited three of the world's most iconic digital switching systems : Alcatel E10, 1000-S12,
and the Western Electric 5ESS.
Alcatel developed the E10 system in France during the late 1960s and 1970s. This widely used family of
digital switches was one of the earliest TDM switches to be widely used in public networks. Subscribers
were first connected to E10A switches in France in 1972. This system is used in France, Ireland, China, and
many other countries. It has been through many revisions and current versions are even integrated into All IP
Alcatel also acquired ITT System 12 which when it bought ITT's European operations. The S12 system and
E10 systems were merged into a single platform in the 1990s. The S12 system is used in Germany, Italy,
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A digital exchange (Nortel DMS-100) used
by an operator to offer local and long
distance services in France. Each switch
typically serves 10,000-100,000+
subscribers depending on the geographic
Australia, Belgium, China, India, and many other countries around the world.
Finally, when Alcatel and Lucent merged, the company acquired Lucent's 5ESS and 4ESS systems used
throughout the United States of America and in many other countries.
Nokia Siemens Networks EWSD originally developed by Siemens, Bosch and DeTeWe for the German
market is used throughout the world.
Nortel now Genband DMS100 is very popular with operators all over the world.
NEC NEAX used in Japan, New Zealand and many other countries.
Marconi System X originally developed by GPT and Plessey is a type of digital exchange used by BT Group
in the UK public telephone network.
Digital switches encode the speech going on, in 8000 time slices per
second. At each time slice, a digital PCM representation of the tone
is made. The digits are then sent to the receiving end of the line,
where the reverse process occurs, to produce the sound for the
receiving phone. In other words, when someone uses a telephone,
the speaker's voice is "encoded" then reconstructed for the person
on the other end. The speaker's voice is delayed in the process by a
small fraction of one second it is not "live", it is reconstructed
delayed only minutely. (See below for more info.)
Individual local loop telephone lines are connected to a remote
concentrator. In many cases, the concentrator is co-located in the
same building as the switch. The interface between remote
concentrators and telephone switches has been standardised by
ETSI as the V5 protocol. Concentrators are used because most
telephones are idle most of the day, hence the traffic from hundreds
or thousands of them may be concentrated into only tens or hundreds of shared connections.
Some telephone switches do not have concentrators directly connected to them, but rather are used to connect
calls between other telephone switches. These complex machines (or a series of them) in a central exchange
building are referred to as "carrier-level" switches or tandem switches.
Some telephone exchange buildings in small towns now house only remote or satellite switches, and are homed
upon a "parent" switch, usually several kilometres away. The remote switch is dependent on the parent switch for
routing and number plan information. Unlike a digital loop carrier, a remote switch can route calls between local
phones itself, without using trunks to the parent switch.
Telephone switches are usually owned and operated by a telephone service provider or carrier and located in their
premises, but sometimes individual businesses or private commercial buildings will house their own switch, called a
PBX, or Private branch exchange.
The switch's place in the system
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Map of the Wire Center locations in the US
Map of the Central Office locations in the US
Telephone switches are a small component of a large network. The majority of work and expense of the phone
system is the wiring outside the central office, or the outside plant. In the middle 20th century, each subscriber
telephone number required an individual pair of wires from the switch to the subscriber's phone.
A typical central office may have tens of thousands of pairs
of wires that appear on terminal blocks called the main
distribution frame (MDF). A component of the MDF is
protection: fuses or other devices that protect the switch
from lightning, shorts with electric power lines, or other
foreign voltages. In a typical telephone company, a large
database tracks information about each subscriber pair and
the status of each jumper. Before computerization of Bell
System records in the 1980s, this information was
handwritten in pencil in accounting ledger books.
To reduce the expense of outside plant, some companies
use "pair gain" devices to provide telephone service to
subscribers. These devices are used to provide service
where existing copper facilities have been exhausted or by
siting in a neighborhood, can reduce the length of copper
pairs, enabling digital services such as Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN) or Digital Subscriber Line (DSL).
Pair gain or digital loop carriers (DLCs) are located outside
the central office, usually in a large neighborhood distant
from the CO. DLCs are often referred to as Subscriber
Loop Carriers (SLCs), after a Lucent proprietary product.
DLCs can be configured as universal (UDLCs) or
integrated (IDLCs). Universal DLCs have two terminals, a
central office terminal (COT) and a remote terminal (RT),
that function similarly. Both terminals interface with analog
signals, convert to digital signals, and transport to the other
side where the reverse is performed.
Sometimes, the transport is handled by separate equipment.
In an Integrated DLC, the COT is eliminated. Instead, the RT is connected digitally to equipment in the telephone
switch. This reduces the total amount of equipment required.
Switches are used in both local central offices and in long distance centers. There are two major types in the Public
switched telephone network (PSTN), the Class 4 telephone switches designed for toll or switch-to-switch
connections, and the Class 5 telephone switches or subscriber switches, which manage connections from subscriber
telephones. Since the 1990s, hybrid Class 4/5 switching systems that serve both functions have become common.
Another element of the telephone network is time and timing. Switching, transmission and billing equipment may be
slaved to very high accuracy 10 MHz standards which synchronize time events to very close intervals. Time-
standards equipment may include Rubidium- or Caesium-based standards and a Global Positioning System
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Switch design
Long distance switches may use a slower, more efficient switch-allocation algorithm than local central offices,
because they have near 100% utilization of their input and output channels. Central offices have more than 90% of
their channel capacity unused.
Traditional telephone switches connected physical circuits (e.g., wire pairs) while modern telephone switches use a
combination of space- and time-division switching. In other words, each voice channel is represented by a time slot
(say 1 or 2) on a physical wire pair (A or B). In order to connect two voice channels (say A1 and B2) together, the
telephone switch interchanges the information between A1 and B2. It switches both the time slot and physical
connection. To do this, it exchanges data between the time slots and connections 8000 times per second, under
control of digital logic that cycles through electronic lists of the current connections. Using both types of switching
makes a modern switch far smaller than either a space or time switch could be by itself.
The structure of a switch is an odd number of layers of smaller, simpler subswitches. Each layer is interconnected
by a web of wires that goes from each subswitch, to a set of the next layer of subswitches. In most designs, a
physical (space) switching layer alternates with a time switching layer. The layers are symmetric, because in a
telephone system callers can also be callees.
A time-division subswitch reads a complete cycle of time slots into a memory, and then writes it out in a different
order, also under control of a cyclic computer memory. This causes some delay in the signal.
A space-division subswitch switches electrical paths, often using some variant of a nonblocking minimal spanning
switch, or a crossover switch.
Switch control algorithms
Fully connected mesh network
One way is to have enough switching fabric to assure that the pairwise allocation will always succeed by building a
fully connected mesh network. This is the method usually used in central office switches, which have low utilization
of their resources.
Clos's nonblocking switch algorithm
The scarce resources in a telephone switch are the connections between layers of subswitches. The control logic
has to allocate these connections, and most switches do so in a way that is fault tolerant. See nonblocking minimal
spanning switch for a discussion of the Charles Clos algorithm, used in many telephone switches, and a very
important algorithm to the telephone industry.
Fault tolerance
Composite switches are inherently fault-tolerant. If a subswitch fails, the controlling computer can sense it during a
periodic test. The computer marks all the connections to the subswitch as "in use". This prevents new calls, and
does not interrupt old calls that remain working. As calls in progress end, the subswitch becomes unused, and new
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Second Avenue exchange, NYC
calls avoid the subswitch because it's already "in use." Some time later, a technician can replace the circuit board.
When the next test succeeds, the connections to the repaired subsystem are marked "not in use", and the switch
returns to full operation.
To prevent frustration with unsensed failures, all the connections between layers in the switch are allocated using
first-in-first-out lists (queues). As a result, if a connection is faulty or noisy and the customer hangs up and redials,
they will get a different set of connections and subswitches. A last-in-first-out (stack) allocation of connections
might cause a continuing string of very frustrating failures.
Fire and disaster recovery
In July 1951, during massive flooding in Kansas and Missouri, a manual
switchboard in Manhattan, Kansas was abandoned as water levels rose
in the central office; operators regained access to the town's four trunk
lines from a local filling station on higher ground to send emergency
messages and radiotelephone was used to bypass damaged facilities.
On February 27, 1975 a fire at New York Telephone's building at 204
Second Avenue (at East 13th Street) in Manhattan destroyed the main
distribution frame and damaged much of the underground cabling,
disconnecting 170000 subscribers. This office connects many circuits to
Brooklyn which were disrupted. Equipment was redirected from other
Bell System operating companies in multiple US states to establish
temporary service and rebuild the destroyed exchange.
In 1978, a central office fire in Mebane, North Carolina knocked out
every one of the small community's 3900 phones.
In May 1988, a central office fire in the Chicago suburb of Hinsdale,
Illinois knocked out 35000 local subscribers, broke the link between the
FAA and air traffic control at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (then the world's busiest) and disrupted the
Midwest's ability to communicate with the rest of the country. The office had a fire alarm but no automatic fire
suppression equipment. The facility was unattended and monitored remotely by an Illinois Bell technician in
Springfield; it took an hour to notify firefighters of the blaze as the distant technician's attempts to call the fire
department in Hinsdale did not get through. The fire had already knocked out the phone lines.
In 1991, all twenty-eight exchanges serving Kuwait were out of service in the wake of a 1990 invasion by Iraq;
equipment had been looted and central offices destroyed. Service was initially restored via satellite.
On September 11, 2001 a terrorist attack destroyed a central office in the World Trade Center in New York City
and heavily damaged an adjacent exchange. The Verizon Building at 140 West Street was restored by 3500
workers at a cost of $1.2 billion,
after 200000 voice lines and three million data circuits had been knocked out
of operation.
The central exchange, due to the system's design, is almost always a single point of failure for local calls. As the
capacity of individual switches and the optical fibre which interconnects them increases, potential disruption caused
by destruction of one local office will only be magnified. Multiple fibre connections can be used to provide
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redundancy to voice and data connections between switching centres, but careful network design is required to
avoid situations where a main fibre and its backup both go through the same damaged central office as a potential
common mode failure.
Internet exchanges
The telephone exchange concept has been adapted for use in Internet exchange points. Voice over IP (VoIP)
traffic may pass through both kinds of exchanges, depending on what kind of service the caller and the called
subscriber are using.
See also
History of telecommunication
List of telephone switches
Pair gain system
Full Availability, Limited Availability and Gradings
Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
Telephone exchange names
Faraday Building - First telephone exchange in UK
1. ^ "General Definitions" (
Verizon service. Verizon Enterprise Solutions.
2. ^ Private Telegraphs (
nid=1301&dat=18780419&id=ceVhAAAAIBAJ&sjid=dpEDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6902,636781), The Sydney Morning
Herald, credited to The Times, April 19, 1878, p. 6.
3. ^ TIVADAR PUSKS (1844 - 1893) (
4. ^ "SZTNH" ( Retrieved 2012-07-01.
5. ^ "Pusks, Tivadar" ( Retrieved
6. ^ "Welcome -"
( Archived from the original ( on 2012-
03-16. Retrieved 2012-07-01.
7. ^ Frank Lewis Dyer: Edison His Life And Inventions. (page: 71)
8. ^ 120 Year Telephone anniversary (
9. ^ See National Park Service "first switchboard" page
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10. ^ "Early Manchester telephone exchanges"
Retrieved 2013-07-30.
11. ^ Francis S. Wagner: Hungarian Contributions to World Civilization - Page 68
12. ^

Calvert, J. B. (2003-09-07). "Basic Telephones" ( Retrieved
13. ^ Calvert, J. B. (2003-09-07). "Basic Telephones, The Switchboard (ringdown is near bottom)"
( Retrieved 2006-09-13.
14. ^ Source: from Federal Standard 1037C.
15. ^

Connected to a switch, an off-hook condition operates a relay to connect the line to a dial tone generator and
a device to collect dialed digits.
16. ^ AT&T Tech Channel (2011-06-17). "AT&T Archives : Flood Waters" (
video.cfm/2011/6/17/AT&T-Archives-Flood-Waters). AT&T. Retrieved 2013-07-30.
17. ^ "Miracle on Second Avenue: Reconnecting 170,000 Phone Customers in NYC After a Major Fire"
( (archive video,
0:22:40 including modern introduction). AT&T.
18. ^ AT&T Tech Channel (2012-07-13). "AT&T Archives : The Town That Lost Its Voice"
( AT&T.
Retrieved 2013-07-30.
19. ^

Andrew Pollack (1988-05-26). "Phone System Feared Vulnerable To Wider Disruptions of Service"
( New York Times.
Retrieved 2013-07-30.
20. ^ "Operation Desert Switch" ( (archive video, 0:17:04). AT&T.
21. ^ Wall Street a year on: Annus horribilis ( The Economist. 2002-09-
05. Retrieved 2013-07-30.
22. ^ "Bond trading resumes, stocks remain on hold" (
id=9aE_AAAAIBAJ&sjid=81UMAAAAIBAJ&pg=6523,7832918). The Mount Airy News. Sep 14, 2001.
Ronayne, John P. (1986). Introduction to Digital Communications Switching (1st edition ed.).
Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. ISBN 0-672-22498-4.
External links
Hundreds of Telephone Central Office Pictures (
Telephone Central Office History and Pictures (
Telephone Central Office Building Pictures (historical preservation) (
History of Central Offices (
Clive Feather's guide to the BT network (
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Basic Telephones Technology (
Roger W. Haworth's guide to London (UK) Director Exchange Names
National Park Service's page about the first telephone exchange
patent 252,576 for the first telephone switchboard in 1881 (
A Telecom Exchange Tour in NZ (
Picture collection Telephon and Exchange (
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Categories: Telephone exchanges Hungarian inventions
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