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136 Technical Specications for BMPs

4.7 Sediment Traps and Basins

General Information
The purpose of a temporary trap or basin is to provide an area where muddy runoff is
allowed to pond, so sediment will settle out. Sediment traps and basins should be installed
in selected drainage areas before excavation or ll work begins. Do not depend on sediment
traps and basins alone to control sediment loss from your construction site. Sediment
basins and traps should ll with muddy runoff during and immediately after a rain storm
and drain down slowly over the next 12 days.
Containment for the ponding area can be provided by an excavation or a dike made of earth
or stone. Low-lying sites on the downhill side of bare soil areas are ideal places to install
temporary sediment traps and basins. In general, sediment traps are designed to treat runoff
from about 1 to 5 acres. Sediment basins are larger, and serve areas larger than 5 acres. Basins
draining areas larger than 10 acres require an engineered design and are often designed to
function as a permanent stormwater treatment pond after construction is complete.
If feasible, do not put sediment traps or basins in or next to owing streams or other
waterways. Make sure pooled water does not ood buildings, roadways, utilities, or other
structures. Construction of a permanent, stable outlet is key to long-term performance.
Temporary Sediment Traps
Any depression, swale, or low-lying place that receives muddy ows from exposed soil
areas can serve as a sediment trap site. Installing several small traps at strategic locations is
often better than building one large basin. The simplest approach is to dig a hole or build
a dike (berm) of earth or stone where concentrated ows are present. This will help to
detain runoff so sediment can settle out. The outlet can be a rock-lined depression in the
containment berm.
Sediment Basins
Sediment basins are somewhat larger than traps, but the construction approach is similar.
Sediment basins usually have more spillway protection because of their larger ows. Most
have risers and outlet pipes rather than rock spillways to handle the larger ows. Sediment
basins are often designed to serve later as stormwater treatment ponds. If this is the case,
agreements might be required assigning responsibility for long-term sediment removal and
general maintenance.
Small, temporary sediment
traps intercept and detain
construction site runoff
so soil particles can settle
out. Note how the outlet
riser for this trap has been
wrapped with lter fabric
to increase detention
time and trap suspended
sediment. Designing traps
and basins with long ow
paths between the inlet
and outlet also helps to
increase sediment removal
efciency by extending the
detention time. Where space
restrictions prevent long
basin designs, barriers placed
in the basin can lengthen
detention times by creating
a serpentine ow path
between the inlet and outlet.
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 137
4.7 Sediment Traps and Basins
4.7.1 Temporary Sediment (Silt) Traps
A temporary sediment or silt trap is formed by excavation or by constructing a small
embankment of stone, stone-lled bags, or other material to retain sediment. Sediment
traps are considered temporary structures and often placed at the site on an as needed basis
by eld personnel. They should not be placed in owing streams.
Sediment traps pond and settle sediment from muddy runoff. Traps are used where
physical site conditions or other restrictions prevent other erosion control measures from
adequately controlling erosion and sedimentation. Sediment traps can be used downslope
from construction operations that expose areas to erosion.
Design Criteria
Bermed sediment traps conned by rock, rock-lled ber bags, or other material are
preferred over excavated traps or those with soil berms. Traps are placed in converging ow
areas (i.e., where ruts or washouts can form) or in ditches, where they are often called ditch
checks or check dams. All traps are sized according to a design volume of 3,600 cubic feet
per disturbed acre in the upstream drainage area. Multiple sediment traps constructed in a
series are needed when the storage volume of each cannot meet this design requirement.
Sediment traps are generally used to treat a drainage area of 5 acres or less. When the
total drainage area to a single structure exceeds 10 acres, an engineered sediment basin
is necessary. Traps cannot be placed in blue-line streams or other regulated waters unless
space limitations or design limitations provide no other feasible option. A USACE Clean
Water Act (CWA) section 404 permit is required in these cases. Sediment traps must be
cleaned out before they are half full of sediment.
KYTC Silt Trap Types A, B, and C
The KYTC species three types of temporary sediment or silt traps. Type A is an excavated
basin with or without a soil berm constructed in a ditch or drainageway. Type B is one
or more small berms of rock (KYTC No. 2 or shot rock) placed in a drainageway or ditch,
with a geotextile underliner covered by 4 inches of KYTC No. 4 stone. A 12-inch overow
depression appears in the middle of the berm(s). Type C traps are berms constructed of
porous fabric bags lled with crushed aggregate (e.g., KYTC No. 57), placed individually or
in a series to create small ponding dams around drop inlets, curb inlets, or to form check
dams in a drainageway or ditch.
Simple traps or checks with rock berm
containment structures can be installed
as needed by eld personnel with or
without specic notations on plan
documents. Standard notes on plans
should call for installation of temporary
traps in concentrated ow areas subject
to rutting on an as-needed basis. Make
sure containment berms are designed for
overow in the center of the berm, to
prevent sidecutting and bypasses. Install
traps in a series to control sediment from
large upland areas.
138 Technical Specications for BMPs
Construct traps of rock (KYTC No. 2 mixed with smaller stone), rock-lled ber bags,
or use approved commercial sediment trap products installed and spaced according
to manufacturers instructions.
Site sediment traps in areas where they can be maintained (i.e., sediment removed).
Set traps back from property lines or water bodies as much as possible.
Do not site sediment traps at culvert or pipe outlets if possible.
Minimum sediment storage capacity is 3600 cubic feet per acre of upland area
drained by the trap. Where space restrictions exist, install multiple traps in a series at
least 50 feet apart.
Maximum drainage area is 5 acres.
Basin ow length should be at least two times the ow width.
Recommended trap depth for open areas is 2 feet at the inlet and 4 feet at the outlet.
Trap height must be 1.5 feet minimum in ditches, 35 feet in open area drainageways.
Trap berm width at base must be sufcient to support 2H:1V berm.
Trap length must be sufcient to tie into upper banks in ditches or high enough to
prevent side bypasses in drainageways. Overows must be in the center of the berm.
Construct the trap, seed and stabilize before clearing and grading work begins.
Embankment requirements
Maximum height of 5 feet.
Maximum inside and outside slopes of 2:1.
Side slopes, containment berms, and inowing ditches should be seeded and
mulched or blanketed as soon as possible after construction.
Outlet requirements
The outlet must consist of an overow spillway wide made of stone (KYTC No. 2
Construction Specications
Construct initial series of sediment traps before general site clearing and grading.
The area to be excavated or ponded must be cleared of all trees, stumps, roots, brush,
boulders, and debris. All topsoil containing excessive amounts of organic matter must
be removed.
Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of the material taken from the excavation must
comply with the applicable soil stabilization sections of this manual.
Any material excavated from the trap must be uniformly spread to a depth not
exceeding 3 feet and graded to a continuous slope away from the trap.
Field-approved installations should be noted on weekly inspection reports and on
plan documents within 7 days.
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 139
Inspection and Maintenance
The trap must be inspected weekly and after every rainfall greater than one-half inch.
Sediment must be removed from the trap before the capacity is reduced to 50 percent of
the design volume. Plans for the sediment trap must indicate the methods for disposing of
sediment removed from the pond.
Temporary sediment traps are removed upon stabilization or cover of the upland drainage
area with vegetation, pavement, and so on. The trap area should be graded, seeded, and
mulched or blanketed. Excess sediment should be spread and stabilized where it will not
enter the drainage system.
Design sediment traps with
long ow paths if possible.
Make sure overow area is
protected with rock or other
armoring. For best results,
seed trap and upland areas
immediately after construction.
Good trap placement
and performance; poor
maintenance. Remove
accumulated sediment
before trap is half full.
Spread material removed
in a vegetated upland
area or other site where it
will not wash into nearby
surface waters.
Make sure overow outlet or riser is
designed for maximum detention times.
Note the rock berm around riser, which
ensures maximum detention for muddy
ows after small storms.
In areas where space is restricted, use multiple traps in a series to meet the
design goal of 3600 cubic ft per acre of upland drainage. Get to nal grade,
seed and mulch as soon as possible to reduce trap maintenance and upkeep.
140 Technical Specications for BMPs
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142 Technical Specications for BMPs
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 143
4.7 Sediment Traps and Basins
4.7.2 Sediment (Detention) Basins
A sediment basin is a pond created by excavation and construction of an embankment and
designed to retain or detain runoff sufciently to allow excess sediment to settle out.
The sediment basin is intended to collect and store sediment from sites that are cleared or
graded during construction or for extended periods of time before permanent vegetation
is reestablished or before permanent drainage structures are completed. It is intended
to intercept and trap sediment before it leaves the construction site. Some basins are
temporary, with a design life of 12 to 18 months, and are to be maintained until the site
area is permanently stabilized. Basins that will serve as permanent stormwater treatment
ponds often require modied outlet risers during construction to ensure adequate ponding
times and sediment removal.
Basins should be located at the stormwater outlet from the site, not in any natural or
undisturbed stream. Use of temporary dikes, pipes or channels might be necessary to divert
runoff from disturbed areas into the basin and to divert runoff originating from undisturbed
areas around the basin.
Design Criteria
Sediment basins must be designed by a professional engineer licensed in Kentucky. The
basin should be designed using SEDCAD or other computer program. The design criteria
are listed below:
Site sediment basins where they will provide the best treatment (longest ow path between
inlet and outlet, longest settling times) for the greatest area of the site. It is recommended
that dams be located in a natural drainageway in a deep constriction that has a wide area
upstream for ponding detained stormwater.
Do not locate dams where a failure would result in severe property damage or danger
to human life.
Sediment basins should be designed or modied to drain down slowly for 24 days
after a storm event. Modify the outlet if necessary to achieve the maximum detention
Well-stabilized detention basin with
erosion control blankets protecting
sidewalls during grass seed germination.
Note the temporary stone berming in
front of outlet, which increases detention
time and promotes maximum settling of
soil particles. Design of this basin could be
greatly improved by adding a temporary
bafe or barrier between the inlet and
outlet, which would force inows from
the culvert around the bafe. The longer
ow path and settling time would
improve soil removal.
144 Technical Specications for BMPs
Minimum design storage capacity is 3600 cubic feet per acre of upland area drained.
The maximum capacity for the impoundment must not exceed 10 acre-feet. If more
impoundment capacity is needed, install basins in a series or site them to intercept
tributary drainage areas.
Construction phase performance goal is to reduce the total suspended solids by
80 percent for the 10-year, 24-hour storm, or provide a detention time of 24 to 48
hours for the 10-year, 24-hour storm.
Minimum drainage area is 5 acres; the maximum drainage area is 120 acres.
Basin ow length should be at least two times the ow width; the longer, the better.
Bafes constructed of lter fabric and metal posts can be used inside the basin to
create a longer (e.g., serpentine) ow path between inlet(s) and the outlet.
Construct the basin before clearing and grading work begins.
Basins, side slopes, berms, inlets, and downstream outlet channels must be seeded
and mulched or blanketed immediately after construction.
Basins that drain more than 10 acres can be designed as retention (rather than
detention) basins (i.e., wet ponds). Design outlet to drain top of the pool farthest away
from muddy inows. Incorporating a sediment collection forebay is recommended to
aid in maintenance.
Embankment requirements
Dam height should not exceed 20 feet
Maximum inside and outside slopes of the dam must be 3H:1V
Minimum 1 foot freeboard during the 100-year, 6-hour storm
Antiseep collars around discharge pipe are required
Minimum top width of the dam must be 12 feet
Principal spillway (riser and barrel) requirements
Use a subsurface drain, a solid riser pipe,
or both, with sufcient dewatering holes to
provide sufcient detention time. Risers with
one-half inch holes every 3 to 6 inches apart
are recommended.
No large holes or slots should appear in
the lower two-thirds of the riser. Risers
with large openings can be modied as
described below or wrapped with lter
fabric to cover lower openings during the
construction period.
During construction, risers should be
modied with an inlet protection dike,
pile of stone at the riser base, or other
structure to provide longer ponding times
for small ow events.
Operational design goal is to reduce the
peak ow to predevelopment levels for
the 2-year and 10-year, 24-hour storms.
KY Division of Water Dam
Safety Requirements
The sediment basin might have
to be designed in accordance
with dam safety requirements of
the KY Division of Water. A dam
is dened as any impounding
structure that is either 25 feet
in height, measured from the
downstream toe to the crest,
or has a maximum impounding
capacity of 50 acre-feet of
water. Structures that do not
meet these criteria but have the
potential to cause signicant
property damage or pose a
threat to loss of life in the
downstream area are regulated
in the same manner as dams.
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 145
Minimum diameter of pipe outlet is 12 inches; anti-vortex bafe and trash rack are
Minimum one foot freeboard required from top of riser to crest of emergency spillway
Emergency spillway requirements
Designed to pass the 100-year, 6-hour post development peak ow
Crest elevation at least one foot above the tip of the riser pipe
Minimum one foot freeboard during the 100-year, 6-hour storm to the top of the
Rock used for the emergency spillway must be KYTC No. 2 or larger, depending on
ow volumes and spillway slope (see sections on rock-lined channels and outlet
stabilization energy dissipator)
Emergency spillway energy dissipator must be extended at least 4 feet beyond the toe
of the dam
Construction Specications
Construct the basin by excavating or building an embankment dike before any
clearing or grading work begins.
Areas under the embankment and any structural works must be cleared, grubbed and
stripped of any vegetation and rootmat as shown on the erosion and sediment control
To facilitate cleanout and restoration, the basin area must be cleared, grubbed and
stripped of any vegetation.
A cut-off trench must be excavated along the centerline of the earth ll
embankments. The minimum depth must be 2 feet. The cut-off trench must extend
up both abutments to the riser crest elevation.
Fill material for the embankment must be clean, low-permeability, mineral soil free of
roots, woody vegetation, oversized stones, rocks, or other objectionable material.
Fill material must be placed in 6 inch lifts, continuous layers over the entire length
of the ll. Compacting must be obtained by routing the hauling equipment over
the ll so that the entire surface of each layer of the ll is traversed by at least one
wheel or tread track of the equipment or by the use of a compactor. Each layer must
be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density and +/ 2 percent of optimum
moisture content.
The embankment should be constructed to an elevation of 10 percent higher than
the design height to allow for settlement if compacting is achieved with hauling
equipment. If compactors are used for compacting, the overbuild may be reduced to
not less than 5 percent.
The principle spillway riser must be securely attached to the discharge pipe by
welding all around. All connections must be watertight.
The pipe and riser must be placed on a rm, smooth soil foundation. The connection
between the riser, and the riser base must be watertight. Pervious materials such as
sand, gravel, or crushed stone must not be used as backll around the pipe or anti-
seep collars.
146 Technical Specications for BMPs
The ll material around the pipe spillway must be placed in 4-inch layers and
compacted under the shoulders and around the pipe to at least the same density as
the adjacent embankment. A minimum of 2 feet of compacted backll must be placed
over the pipe spillway before crossing it with construction equipment.
Risers might require a rock berm or other ow restrictor during the construction
phase to ensure that muddy ows are detained sufciently to promote settling of
Steel base plates must have at least 2.5 feet of compacted earth, stone, or gravel over
them to prevent otation.
An emergency spillway is required, and must not be installed in ll. Appropriate
overow channel lining and energy dissipator must be constructed.
Bafes, if used, must be constructed of 4 inch by 4 inch posts and of 4 foot by 8 foot
half-inch exterior plywood. The posts must be set at least 3 feet into the ground, no
farther apart than 8 feet center to center, and must reach a height 6 inches below the
riser crest elevation. Silt fencing with metal posts can also be used if ow velocities
in the basin are low and ponding heights during the 2-year, 24-hour storm will not
exceed 5 feet.
The embankment, emergency spillway, incoming channels, and other site features
must be stabilized with vegetation and mulched or blanketed immediately following
Construction operations must be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water
pollution will be minimized.
Local and state requirements must be met concerning fencing and signs warning the
public of hazards of soft sediment and oodwater.
Inspection and Maintenance
Inspect the sediment basin weekly and after each rainfall greater than one-half inch. If
incoming ows are exiting the basin quickly because of large holes in the outlet, modify the
lower portion of the riser with a stone berm, lter fabric, or other ow restrictor that retains
incoming ows for at least 1224 hours.
All damages caused by soil erosion or construction equipment must be repaired
before the end of each working day.
Remove sediment when the sediment storage zone is half full. This sediment must
be placed in such a manner that it will not erode from the site. The sediment must
not be deposited downstream from the embankment or in or adjacent to a stream or
When temporary structures have served their intended purpose and the contributing
drainage area has been properly stabilized, the embankment and resulting sediment
deposit must be leveled or otherwise disposed of according to the approved erosion
and sediment control plan.
If the sediment basin is designed to function as a permanent stormwater treatment
pond, the basin and riser will be congured to that mode upon stabilization of the
upland drainage area. Temporary ow restrictors on risers and other construction
phase modications must be removed.
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 147
For best results, seed basin sidewalls and upland drainage areas
as soon as possible. Make sure outlet structure does not allow
rapid ow through the basinuse a rock berm, lter fabric, or
other means to maximize ponding and detention time.
This is a well-constructed sediment basin. Note
the rock ow restricter around outlet riser, which
lters and detains inows. Basin sidewalls should be
seeded immediately after construction.
The ow path through this basin
has been lengthened by using
lter fabric bafes constructed
to create a serpentine ow path.
Note the rock pile around outlet
riser to maximize detention and
grass on sidewalls.
This outlet riser intake
hole has been modied
with a half round
section of pipe with
1-inch holes on 6-inch
centers and rock berm.
This temporary dike
provides additional
detention during the
construction phase, which
improves soil removal.
This shows a very well designed
detention basin, featuring long
ow path between inlet and outlet
and V-notched outlet riser, which
provides longer detention times
for low ow events while still
accommodating larger storms.
Operation of this basin during the
construction phase, however, is
very poor. Note the lack of grass
on sidewalls; no temporary dike
in front of the outlet. This basin
appears to be lling rapidly and
requires sediment removal.
148 Technical Specications for BMPs
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 149
150 Technical Specications for BMPs
4.7 Sediment Traps and Basins
4.7.3 Dewatering Devices
Dewatering is the pumping of stormwater or groundwater from excavation pits or trenches.
The sediment-laden water must be pumped to a dewatering structure for sediment removal
before it is discharged off-site.
The purpose of a dewatering device is to remove sediment from the water before it is
discharged off-site.
Design Criteria
Dewatering operations should not discharge to a ditch, pipe, or other conveyance that
leads to a regulated water body (e.g., stream, river, wetland, lake) except as authorized by a
KPDES permit.
There are several types of dewatering structures or devices that can be used. A at, well-
stabilized, vegetated area can serve as a ltering structure if it can withstand the velocity
of the discharged water and inltrate or assimilate it without erosion. The minimum lter
radius or length must be at least 75 feet.
It is recommended that sediment basins or temporary sediment traps receive sediment-
laden water from bore pits and trenches. This will ensure that the 80 percent trapping
efciency goal will be upheld. Take special care to ensure that pumping this water does not
cause the sediment control structure to fail. Also take care at the outlet of the hose from the
pump to ensure that erosion does not occur because of high concentrated ows.
Another option is to use an inltration trencha shallow, excavated trench back-lled
with stoneto form a reservoir. This reservoir can contain subsurface drainage pipe or just
stone. This trench allows water to lter through the stone and then be diverted to a suitable
discharge point. The soils and the depth to the water table must be suitable for this sort of
dewatering. Typical trench depths range from 2 to 8 feet. The stone ll material consists of
washed aggregate 1.5 to 3 inches in diameter.
Other methods that can be used include a portable sediment tank, a silt fence pit, or a
commercial sediment lter bag or sock. The structure must be sized to allow pumped water
to ow through the structure without overtopping.
This shows a dewatering sediment
lter bag (center) in use at residential
construction site. Muddy water
pumped into the bag is physically
ltered, with clear water passing
through the bag fabric. Pumping
muddy, unltered water directly into
curb drains (center left) or surface
streams constitutes a direct KPDES
permit violation.
Kentucky Construction Site BMP Planning and Technical Specications Manual 151
Construction Specications
See the specications in this manual for sediment traps and basins. Follow the
manufacturers recommendations for commercial products.
Inspection and Maintenance
Inspect the dewatering structure or device frequently to ensure that it is functioning
properly and not overtopping. Accumulated sediment should be spread out on site and
stabilized, or disposed of off-site.
Silt fence enclosures and commercial sediment lters will likely require cleaning to remove
ne particles and restore performance. This can be done with a stiff brush when the lter is
dry, or via other manufacturers recommendations.
Containment structures
for sediment-laden water
can be made of rock or
lter fabric. Standard notes
should require monitoring to
make sure the containment
structure is not breached
during dewatering
Large bags or socks made of lter
fabric provide excellent sediment
removal and are extremely
versatile. Site ltration structures
away from surface waters if
possible. Dispose of sediment
collected in a at vegetated area
or other site where it will not
wash into surface waters.
Large sediment lter bag in operation.
Note the row of straw bales around the
bag providing additional treatment for
claried ow oozing out of the bag. A
silt fence could also be used.
When dewatering sediment or
other ponds, wait until several
days after the last rain if possible
to allow for settling of sediments.
Pump from the upper portion of
pond, where water is clearer.

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