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6/24/13 Mrunal [Economic Survey Ch1] Introduction, GDP FC MC relation (part 1 of 3) Print 1/5
[Economic Survey Ch1] Introduction, GDP FC MC relation (part 1 of 3)
1. Introduction
2. Why Economic Survey = Boring?
3. Timeframe
4. Link between GDP FC/MC?
5. Why India cant bounce back easily?
6. Crude oil prices
7. Forex Reserve
8. Mock questions
Finally economic survey is released. (free download English click me for Hindi
click me)
For UPSC, economic survey is important, because just like yearbook, this one
also provides you with truckload of facts for MCQs, and fodder for
Even for SBI PO, this is important, because lot of MCQs come from current
based economy + fodder necessary for GDPI stage.
Why Economic Survey = Boring?
On HBO, Star movies, they show movie for 15-20 minutes and advertisement
for 5 minutes.
But on Zee Cinema, 9x etc. channels, they show advertisements for 20
minutes and movie for 5 minutes.= movie is shown in between
advertizements. (advertisements are not shown in between movies.)
Thats the first reason why economic survey is boring, because it gives
facts/fodder in between useless numbers and data.
Second reason why economic survey is boring, because the authors assume
that youre already aware of the basic economic terms, concepts and the
connections in between.
Therefore, to enjoy the first chapter, make sure you already know following
terms and concepts, if not click on the given links
Current Account
Fiscal stimulus
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Fiscal cliff, Sub
prime crisis
GDP calculation
GDP @market
price and Factor
Now lets start with the gist of first chapter from Economic Survey. (Ive further
subdivided it into three articles, else itll lead to information overload= boredom +
2007 Sub prime crisis in USA. Impact felt across the globe.
Government of India injects fiscal stimulus.
Leads to boost in consumption.
Government of India partially withdraws the fiscal stimulus.
Because Government wanted to start fiscal consolidation.
+ rise in global crude prices etc. leads to inflation.
RBI increases rates = Interest on EMI / Loans increased = demand
for consumer goods decreased. Businessmen find it hard to get
+ global prices of crude high as usual.
Thanks to inflation, People start investing in gold. = less money for
business investment + crude price high = CAD = rupees value
Economic survey is released.
When there was global financial crisis, Government of India and RBI gave
monetary and fiscal stimulus (e.g. giving tax-soaps to industries, higher
depreciation on commercial vehicles, lowered interest on loans etc.)
This lead to increase in consumption. => later inflation.
Now to curb the inflation, RBI sharply raised the borrowing rates = again
problem, it slowed down the demand.
Link between GDP FC/MC?
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GDP at factor cost (FC)= GDP at market prices MINUS indirect taxes PLUS
GDP (FC)=GDP(MP) indirect taxes + subsidies.
in years of sharply higher growth, GDP growth @MP >> GDP at FC.
In the years of slowdown, GDP @MP << GDP @FC.
Why? Because when there is slowdown, indirect taxes falldown and subsidy
burden on Government increases.
Why India cant bounce back easily?
Few years back, America faced the sub-prime crisis and recession. But now it
seems to be slowly getting back on track.
But if we look @India, it seems as if inflation and slowdown is going to
continue forever!
Why cant India bounce back quickly? Reasons are following
First, International investors and their risk taking. Compared to American
Economy, the Indian economy is more exposed this shifts of foreign
investors. (the whole GAAR, Vodafone controversy, retrospective taxation,
policy paralysis, environmental clearances ruined the mood of foreign
If they pump in money, Indian economy quickly improves, when they pull out
money suddenly, our rupee weakens against dollar = crude oil becomes
Second, Indias import bill is strongly tied to the price of oil.
Third, because of ongoing inflation, people prefer to invest in gold. Gold
import= CAD = rupee weakens = crude oil import becomes expensive =even
more problems.
Rupee weakening?
Suppose on Jan 2012: $1= Rs.50 And on Feb 2012: $1=Rs.60
That means rupee has weakened and dollar has strengthened. But is it good or bad? Theoretically,
for Importers = bad. Because now theyve to pay more money to import same quantity of goods. And
for Exporters, call centers= good. Because they get more rupee.(even if theyre paid same amount of
Ok so Rupee weakens = good for exporters. But here is the problem: US, EU still not fully recovered from
slowdown, so the demand of Indian goods and services, is not as high as it was few years back.
So export sector isnt really doing great. On the other hand, imports are getting more and more expensive,
especially crude oil => petrol diesel become expensive= inflation.
Crude oil prices
In the global market, the price of crude oil have increased last year.
It could be because of two things
1. The demand of petroleum has increased globally. In a way this is good,
because it shows the economy of USA/EU etc slowly getting better.
(otherwise they wouldnot be importing so much). So in a few months, the
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demand of indian exports should increase. = this is a good Development.
2. The crude oil price has increased due to geopolitical reasons (Iran blockade,
Libya crisis etc.) If this is the main reason for rise in crude oil price= this is a
bad Development.
Bottomline is that India cannot take the external environment (recovery of US/EU
economies, crude oil politics of middle east) for granted.
Forex Reserve
Indias foreign exchange reserve, is made up of following components
1. Foreign currency assets
2. Gold
3. SDR and RTP in IMF.
As per Economic Survey, Forex reserve is:
March 2012 $294.4
January 2013 $295.5
As you can see, there is hardly any increase in Forex reserve during this time.
One reason is current account deficit (esp. gold+petroleum)
second is that foreign investors are not pumping enough money due to policy
Mock questions
Q1. Which of the following is correct formula?
a. GDP (Market Price)=GDP(Factor Cost) + indirect taxes + subsidies.
b. GDP (Market Price)=GDP(Factor Cost) indirect taxes subsidies.
c. GDP (Factor Cost)=GDP(Market Price) + indirect taxes subsidies.
d. GDP (Factor Cost)=GDP(Market Price) indirect taxes + subsidies.
Q2. Which of the following is correct statement?
1. In the period of high growth, GDP (Market Price) is greater than GDP (Factor
2. During economic slowdown, GDP (Market Price) is less than GDP (Factor
a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None
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Q3. Which of the following is/are not a component of Foreign Exchange reserve of
1. Gold
2. Foreign currency assets
3. Special drawing rights in IMF
4. Diamonds
a. Only 1 and 3
b. Only 2 and 2
c. Only 3 and 4
d. Only 4
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Posted By Mrunal On 01/03/2013 @ 17:10 In the category Economy

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