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Design Engineering Center

Benchmarking of best HR Practices

Please provide your contact information so that we can send the HR Benchmark report.

Your Name: .......................

Position: ...

Company Name: .

Company Address: .


Contact No.: ..........................................................

Questions below are to get an overall view of the HR Practices followed by your organization in Training
& Development, Performance Management, Orientation, Employee Welfare and Employee Participation.

Please answer each of the following questions in the space provided.

1. Do you have any external certifications?



Any other, please specify ________________________________________________________


2. What is the size of your organization in terms of no. of employees?

0 500 500 - 1000 1000 1500 above 1500

3. What is the strength of the HR department in your organization?

0 10 10 - 20 20 30 30 40 above 40

Design Engineering Center

4. How is the distribution of your HR department?

Function No. of HR employees
Training & Development
Performance Management

5. Check each of the following changes your organization has made in the past two years to the HR
programs directed towards trainees & career development.
(Please tick the appropriate option)

Increase starting salary
Provide more training programs
Reduce work hours
Accommodate work family balance needs
Reduce relocation frequency
Focus more on professional career development
Increase job challenge
Increase performance feedback frequency
Provide more mentoring
Provide clear goals
Provide more instant rewards
Early increase in responsibility
Provide more personalized attention
Emphasis on job security

Any other, please specify_________________________________________________________


Design Engineering Center

6. How many levels beneath CEO (Head of the organization) is the management trainee when
they enter the organization?

Number of levels - ____________

Please specify the levels,

1-________________ 2-________________ 3- ________________ 4-________________

5-________________ 6-________________ 7- ________________ 8-________________

7. Which of the following methods are used to communicate organization policies to employees?


Any other (please list) ___________________________________________________________

8. Approximately what percentage of HR time is allocated to each of the following functions?

Function Time (%)
Training & Development
Performance Management
Employee Welfare
Employee Participation

9. What are the HR challenges you were facing three years ago, what they are today and what you
believe they will be in three years? (Please tick any three challenges)

Challenge 3 Yrs Ago Today In 3 Yrs

Change management

Employee benefits cost: Health & welfare

Employee benefits cost: Retiral

Employee Retention

Employee rewards

Design Engineering Center

HR effectiveness measurement

HR technology selection & implementation

Industrial Relations

Leadership development

Learning and development

Legal/Regulatory compliance

M&A integration/restructuring

Organizational effectiveness


Recruitment & availability of skilled local labor

Succession planning

10. Does your organization have an HR Scorecard?
Yes No

If yes, can you please briefly describe the process of evaluation,



[A] Training & Development

1. What are the different types of training provided in the organization?

Training Trainees Permanent employee


Design Engineering Center

2. Approximately how much time (in hours) is spent on training in a year?

Type Time (in hrs.)

3. How are training needs identified?

Performance appraisal
Project requirement
Competency mapping

Any other, please specify ________________________________________________________


4. a) Is there a training calendar?
Yes No

b) How do you prepare the training calendar?


c) How and when is it communicated to the employees?


5. How often do you review your training plan?
quarterly half yearly yearly

6. Does your organization conduct formal training for internal trainers?
Yes No

If yes, please specify the method followed to develop the trainers ________________________


Design Engineering Center

7. Does your organization formally assign mentor(s) to trainees?
Yes No

If yes, can you briefly explain the role of the mentor(s) __________________________________


8. What is the process of evaluating training effectiveness?
(Please tick the appropriate option)

Feedback form
Job performance/Application to the job
Quality monitoring scores

Any other, please specify_________________________________________________________


9. Do you have an association/collaboration with other training & development institutes/
Yes No

If yes, please specify the name of the institute(s)/organization(s)



10. What are the difficulties faced by your organization in current training practices?

Allocation of funds
Selecting the appropriate training institute/trainers

Any other, please specify ________________________________________________________


Design Engineering Center

11. Which are the methods used to develop the workforce?
(Please tick the appropriate option)

Assigning mentor
Regular review
Sponsoring education program

Any other, please specify ________________________________________________________


12. In the past two years have you made any changes in training & development process?
Yes No

If yes, please specify the changes, why you made those changes and how they have benefited
your organization?



[B] Orientation

1. What is the probation period of an employee?

one month three months six months above six months

2. How is the orientation program structured?




3. How do you measure the effectiveness of employee orientation program?



Design Engineering Center

4. In the past two years have you made any changes to the orientation program?
Yes No

If yes, please specify the changes, why you made those changes and how they have benefited
your organization?



[C] Performance Management

1. Do you outsource the implementation of Performance Management System or is it implemented
Outsource In-house

If outsourced, then which organization does it and the levels at which it is done?



2. Which is the model followed for Performance Management?

PMS Model - __________________________________________________________________

Brief description:




3. Is the employee given any kind of training/understanding by his/her Supervisor for the better
understanding of the Performance Management System?
Yes No

If yes, please specify ___________________________________________________________


Design Engineering Center

4. How often is an employees performance evaluated?
quarterly half yearly yearly

5. (a) How often is feedback given to employees regarding their performance?
monthly quarterly half yearly yearly

(b) How is it communicated to the employee(s)?
Online system
Face to Face

Any other, please specify ______________________________________________________

6. Do you have different methods/forms in performance management for different
Yes No

If yes, please specify ___________________________________________________________


7. How do you tackle performance related issues?






Design Engineering Center

8. How do you recognize good performance?



9. What is the process of promotion followed by your organization?
Periodic Ad-hoc

Please explain in brief,




10. Do you plan to make some incremental/necessary changes to the existing Performance
management system?
Yes No

If yes, what would you like to improve?




Design Engineering Center

[D] Employee Participation

1. Do you have a structured suggestion/kaizen scheme functioning?
Yes No
If yes, can you please provide a copy/explain.

2. Check each of the following activities promoted by your organization.
(Please tick the appropriate option)

Small group activities
Quality circles
Self directed work teams
Cross functional teams

Any other, please specify ________________________________________________________


Please provide details of the activities performed by these teams



3. How superiors foster teamwork across organization?



4. Do you conduct Employee Opinion Survey (EOS)?
Yes No

If yes, how frequently is the survey conducted?


Design Engineering Center

[E] Employee Welfare

1. Please tick if you have following welfare initiatives in your organization
a. Annual day
b. Employee picnic
c. Sports activities
d. Personal, marriage loan facility
e. Higher education assistance
f. Mediclaim facilities
g. Hospitalization facilities for self & family
h. Benevolent assistance
i. Leave Bank
j. Free transport
k. Holiday homes
l. Subsidized food
m. SODEXCO coupons

n. Any other, please specify____________________________________________________


2. Have you provided a medical consultation support in your organization?
Yes No

If yes, please specify amount allocated per employee and the name of the consulting firm



3. Is your organization planning to implement any other welfare initiative?

please specify _________________________________________________________________


Design Engineering Center

Please indicate if you would like to include the name of your organization in the respondent listing,
which will appear in the summary report that will be provided to survey participants following
this study.

Yes No

If you have any additional comments please write them below





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