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1. Introduction
M. Lynne Markus
Claremont Graduate University
In business today, awareness of risk is growing, and risk management is increasingly seen
as a critical practical discipline (Teach 1997). Further, risk is being defined broadly to
include anything that could have a significant negative effect on the business.
For example, Microsoft recently began an integrated approach to risk management
(Teach 1997). Twelve categories of business risk were identified, including financial,
operational, people, and political risks (see Figure 1). Having identified these risks,
Microsoft set about mapping them on several dimensions, such as potential frequency of
loss producing event, potential severity, and adequacy of insurance. This analysis
revealed that less than 50% ofMicrosoft's total business risk was adequately covered-an
insight that led to the development of more effective risk management plans.
In the field of Information Systems, there has long been an interest in the risks
associated with information systems and technology (Davis and Olson 1985; McFarlan
1988). However, as a field, we have not taken an integrated approach to the identification,
analysis, and management of IT -related risk. By failing to do so, we are missing an
important opportunity to make a major contribution in an area of pressing business need.
In this paper, I first show that our field's approach to the topic ofIT -related risk has
been quite fragmented, and I make the case that business people need a more integrated
view ofthe topic. Next, I discuss some issues that help frame a theoretical perspective on
IT -related risk. Finally, I examine some efforts at conceptual integration and show where
they need bolstering for an integrated framework ofIT-related risk management.
R. Baskerville et al. (eds.), Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2000
Part 4: Transforming Toward New Challenges
Business partners (inderdependency, confidentiality, cultural conflict,
contractual risks, etc.)
Competitive (market share, pricing wars, industrial espionage, antitrust
allegations, etc.)
Customer (product liability, credIT -related risk, poor market timing,
inadequate customer support, etc.)
Distribution (transportation, service availability, cost, dependence on
distributors, etc.)
Financial (foreign exchange, portfolio, cash, interest rate, etc.)
Operations (facilities, contractual risks, natural hazards, internal
processes and controls, etc.)
People (employees, independent contractors, training, staffing adequacy)
Political (civil unrest, war, terrorism, enforcement of intellectual property
rights, change in leadership, revised economic policies, etc.)
Regulatory and legislative (export licensing, jurisdiction, reporting and
compliance, environmental, etc.)
Reputational (corporate image, brands, reputations of key employees,
Strategic (mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances, resource
allocation and planning, organizational agility, etc.)
Technological (complexity, obsolescence, the year 2000 problem,
workforce skill sets, etc.)
Figure 1. Microsoft's 12 Categories of Business Risk
(Source: Teach 1997, p. 71)
2. IT-related Risk in the IS Literature
and in Business Practice
The IS field has provided many useful insights for IS professionals and business
managers in the domain ofIT -related risks. Many individual types ofIT -related risk have
been isolated and studied, although they are not always labeled as risks. For example,
there is a sizable IS literature on the topic ofIS project failure (Keil 1995; Lyytinen and
Hirschheim 1987; Sauer 1993). IS project failure can usefully be categorized as an IT-
related risk, but it is only one of many. Other IT -related risks include operational failure
or lack of reliability (Markus and Tanis 2000), security breaches (Baskerville 1993;
Straub and Nance 1990; Straub and Welke 1998), reputational damage to a company
owing to its failure to safeguard the privacy of customer data (Smith 1994), and strategic
risk (Vitale 1986), such as adopting a new IT too soon or too late.
In general, IS research on risks falls into two broad categories: (1) risks related to
the development of information systems and (2) risks related to the ongoing operation of
information systems. This grouping of IT -related risks mirrors the way such risks are
managed in practice by IS professionals. Most IS organizations structurally separate
applications development from operations. In some cases, application development
Toward an Integrated Theory of IT-related Risk Control 169
reports directly to business units, while operations reports to the CIO. Thus, the separate
frameworks developed for managing project risks (Keil 1995) versus operational risks
(Straub and Welke 1998) meet the needs of the different categories ofIS professionals
engaged in these tasks.
The major exception to the general statement that the academic treatment of IT-
related risks is fragmented into discrete investigations of a variety of project and
operational risks is Peter Neumann's (1995) treatise on Computer-Related Risks compiled
from the Internet newsgroup, The Risks Forum, that Neumann has moderated for years.
Neumann justly refers to his work as integrated treatment of computer-related risks, and
I will discuss this work more later, but it is more properly viewed as a Computer Science
contribution than a work in the Information Systems tradition.
However well the divergent approach to studying IT -related risks fits current IS
practice, it is disadvantageous from the perspective of the executive leadership of
companies making major investments in information technology. Executives tend to
become involved in critical IT decision making only when new IS development or
enhancement projects are initiated. They rarely become involved in IT operational issues
unless there has been a significant problem, such as a major operational failure or a
serious security breach. Thus, executives tend to be distanced from making decisions
concerning operational IT -related risks. Integrated frameworks for IT investment decision
making that combine benefits, costs, and both development and operational risks could
help ensure better decisions from an organization-wide perspective.
From the business point of view, dividing the management of IT -related risk into
development risk and a collection of disparate operational risks is counterproductive.
Businesses should think of their IT initiatives as investments that are intended to payoff
over their entire Iifecycles. While it is true that the nature of IT -related risk changes as
an IT investment progresses through its lifecycle, an integrated approach to IT -related
risk management allows for intelligent tradeoffs between development costs and risks on
the one hand and operational costs and risks on the other. Lack of an integrated approach
to IT -related risk management makes possible the situation in which decisions designed
to reduce project cost and schedule risk (e.g., ignore control needs, shortcut training and
testing, etc.) may actually increase the operational risks of non-use, external threat, and
The case of the Fox-Meyer Drug Company provides a useful illustration of how
companies can suboptimize total business risk while attempting to manage project
metrics. When Fox-Meyer Drug chartered its ERP system implementation, the CIO was
aware that it was a "bet your business" proposition (Bulkeley 1996). Yet, the $60 miIIion
project was approved at the same time that the company also embarked on a state-of-the
art $18 million automated warehouse. During the Project Phase, bad luck intervened:
Fox-Meyer Drug lost a large customer, accounting for 15% of its business. To increase
revenues, the company aggressively bid on new business: they figured contract pricing
on the assumption that the projected annual $40 million savings from the SAP project
would be realized immediately on startup, and they decided to advance the SAP rollout
by 90 days. That close to the end of the project, little was left to do other than training
and testing. So project team members decided not to test modules that had not been
customized (thus failing to detect configuration errors). Cutover to the new system
resulted in disaster. Meanwhile, the automated warehouse also did not perform as
170 Part 4: Transforming Toward New Challenges
planned. It was estimated that the company sustained an unrecoverable loss of$15 million
from erroneous shipments. The company was forced into bankruptcy and shareholders
have since sued both the enterprise systems vendor and the integration consultant for
$500 million each.
In this example, there are multiple, interacting factors in the failure. Some of them
lay within the company's control, others did not. But the example clearly shows that
decisions made to address development issues can have much wider consequences. One
wonders whether Fox-Meyer's executives would have been so willing to advance the
project schedule ifthey had taken a serious look at the likelihood and consequences of
operational failure owing to poor project testing.
Today, in the business world, there is much discussion of "TCO," the total cost of
ownership of IT systems. The TCO concern first arose in the context of standalone PCs
(Strassmann 1990). But the TCO issue has acquired special significance in the context
of packaged enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Initially, executives focused
only on the sizable license costs of this software. Later, they learned that ERP software
license costs often pale in comparison with the costs of configuration consulting, techni-
cal platfonn, end-user training, and maintenance. Today, it is generally considered best
business practice for executives to consider both the totallifecycle costs and the total
lifecycle benefits of an IT investment. Should not the third major component of an
executive's IT investment decision making be totallifecycle risks, where this concept
comprises both project and operational risks?
An integrated approach to the management ofIT -related risk is especially important
in the current era for two reasons. First, worldwide connectivity through the Internet
increases the opportunities for widespread fraud and cascading operational failure.
Second, organizations are increasingly relying on outside parties for the development,
operation, and management of their information systems. One could argue that IT -related
risk management (ensuring investment payoff, while controlling potential negative
consequences) is the only IT job an organization has left in an environment of total
3. Framing the Discussion of IT-related Risk
An integrated approach to IT -related risk must start with basic definitions. In this section,
I define IT -related risk, present a typology of IT -related risks, discuss the issue of
stakeholders-whose goals are to be served?-and outline the academic case for an
integrated approach to this important topic.
3. 1 What is IT-related Risk?
A significant obstacle in the way of an integrated approach to IT -related risk is
definitional: what is the appropriate level of analysis ofIT -related risk? And what is risk?
Discussions ofIT -related risk often take a computer-based information system-a
technical artifact-to be the appropriate level of analysis for the study of risk. Certainly,
important technical issues, such as the existence of "trap doors" in software or the
Toward an Integrated Theory of IT-related Risk Control 171
vulnerability of much modified code, must be addressed in any complete treatment ofIT-
related risks. However, the perspective I am advocating in this article suggests that there
is need for an integrated treatment of IT -related risks at the organizational and
interorganizational levels of analysis. At the organizational level, the knowledge and
skills of users and their social interactions while using computer-based information
systems are as important to an understanding of risk as is the technical system itself.
Since so many of today's most interesting IT developments involve "business-to-
business" and "business-to-consumer" e-commerce, it is often necessary to extend an
analysis of risks beyond the boundaries of a single organization.
Different connotations and definitions ofIT -related risk can be found in the literature
and in common usage. One common definition holds risk to be uncertainty; alternatively,
a risk is a wager (or an attempt at rewards). A second definition considers risk to be the
possibility ofloss. A third definition views risk as a negative quality of an opportunity
that must be effectively managed.
These definitions of risk reflect very different emotional stances toward risk and its
management. Someone who views risk as a wager for potential benefits to be maximized
is likely to approach risk management quite differently than someone who views risk as
the possibility of loss to be minimized. For my purposes here, I choose the third
definition, because my focus is on managing the business risks associated with
investments in information technology. At the same time, I am aware that risk is an
emotionally difficult topic, because some people approach risks avidly, some people
avoid thinking about them, and still others consider them emotionally neutral and
completely amenable to rational analysis.
IT -related risk is the likelihood that an organization will experience a
significant negative effect (e.g., technical, financial, human, opera-
tional, or business loss) in the course of acquiring, deploying, and
using (i.e., maintaining, enhancing, etc.) information technology either
internally or externally (i.e., facing customers, suppliers, the public,
3.2 What Kinds of IT-related Risk Are There?
An additional obstacle in the way of an integrated treatment of IT -related risk is that
many things one might label as risk have been discussed in the IS literature under other
names. For example, the IT project failures literature rarely uses the label of "risk." A few
authors (Clemons 1995; Lyytinen and Hirschheim 1987) have proposed typologies ofIT-
related risk. Building on their efforts and drawing on a wide range ofiiterature, I propose
the following 10 categories of IT -related risk:
I. Financial risk (the technology costs more than expected, yields fewer financial
benefits, etc.)
2. Technical risk (the technology used is immature, poorly understood, unreliable,
obsolete, etc.)
172 Part 4: Transforming Toward New Challenges
3. Project risk (the project is late, there is turnover of key personnel, the project
becomes a "runaway," etc.)
4. Political risk (the project/system/technology is subject to political infighting or
5. Contingency risk (accidents, disasters, viruses, etc.)
6. Non-use, underuse, misuse risk (the intended users do not use the technology,
they do not use it sufficiently or in a manner that would lead to the intended
benefits, inappropriate use, etc.)
7. Internal abuse (malicious or felonious destruction, theft, abuse, etc., by company
8. External risk (hacking, theft of assets, willful destruction, etc., by company
9. Competitive risk (negative reactions by customers, competitors, suppliers, etc.,
to the company's IT initiatives)
10. Reputational risk (negative reactions by the public at large, the media, the
government, etc., to a company's IT initiatives)
In short, IT -related risk includes anything related to IT that could have significant
negative effects on the business or its environment from the perspective of an executive
investing in IT.
3.3 Who Are the Stakeholders in IT-related Risk?
It should be clear from the preceding discussion that there are many stakeholders where
IT -related risk is concerned. Inside the focal company, stakeholders include executives,
IS applications developers, IT infrastructure maintainers, and many different types of
users. External to the company are customers, business partners, the public at large,
investors, regulators, competitors, and others. These many stakeholders have widely
differing interests in the risks ofIT systems and their interests are likely to conflict often.
This paper proposes an integrated view of IT -related risks from the perspective of
an executive decision maker, not because I think that executives are smarter, more ethical,
or more important than other stakeholders. Instead, I am arguing that it is in the best
interests of rational, well-informed executive decision makers to manage the total
lifecycle risks ofIT investments, regardless of who might be most affected by the risks.
Given the fragmentation ofIS practice into development versus operational concerns, it
is not likely that IS professionals are as well placed as organizational executives to
manage the full spectrum of IT -related risks. I hasten to add, however, the IS
professionals are essential partners in the effective management of IT -related risk.
3.4 The Academic Case for an Integrated Approach to
IT-related Risk Management
Here and there, academics have called for an integrated treatment ofIT -related risk. The
most comprehensive argument is that of Neumann, whose focus encompasses security,
Toward an Integrated Theory of IT-related Risk Control 173
reliability, safety, privacy, and other operational risks. Writing on the need for an
integrated treatment of security and reliability, for example, Neumann notes:
Considerable commonality exists between reliability and security.
Both are weak-link phenomena. For example, certain security measures
may be desirable to hinder malicious penetrators, but do relatively little
to reduce hardware and software faults. Certain reliability measures
may be desirable to provide hardware fault tolerance, but do not
increase security. On the other hand, properly chosen system archi-
tectural approaches and good software engineering practice can
enhance both security and reliability. Thus, it is highly advantageous
to consider both reliability and security within a common framework,
along with other properties such as application survivability and
application safety. [Neumann 1995, pp. 129-l30, emphasis added]
In the IS system failure literature, there is widespread recognition that development
and implementation/use issues must be jointly considered. For example, Lyytinen and
Hirschheim discuss both development failures and use failures (i.e., failure in operation)
and argue that different failure types must be addressed in a common framework. Markus
and Keil (1994) and Markus and Tanis make similar points.
In the area of IS security, Baskerville makes a compelling case for an integrated
approach to system development and the management of operational IT security risks. By
tracing the evolution of system development and security management methods, he shows
that initially there was no integration. Gradually, security risk analysis and management
procedures have become built into system development methods. By extension,
management of all other IT -related risks listed earlier in this paper should also be
incorporated in system development methods.
In short, here and there in the literature, it is possible to find arguments that, when
assembled, call for an integrated approach to the management ofIT -related risk. Such an
approach would encompass both proj ect failure and a range of operational risks, including
those related to safety, reliability, security, privacy, non-use, and reputation.
4. Theoretical Perspectives on IT -related
Risk and Risk Control
Since Neumann claims to have taken an integrated approach to computer-related risks,
what more needs to be done? Cannot the IS field simply adopt Neumann's framework and
declare the problem solved?
On the contrary, I argue that, while Neumann's work is an important first step toward
an integrated theory of IT -risk and risk management, it is lacking in a number of areas
that require theoretical integration. Those areas are the social psychological dimensions
of risk perception, the structural conditions of risk management, the dynamics of risk
control, and the dynamics of risk.
174 Part 4: Transforming Toward New Challenges
4.1 Social Psychological Dimensions of Risk Perception
Neumann does a thorough job of treating the various system-related causes, both
accidental and intentional, of computer-related disasters. While he includes a chapter on
"the human element," this chapter falls far short of capturing the social-psychological
processes that go into the human side ofthe equation. Notably absent from his discussion
is the phenomenon of "escalating commitment" to a losing course of action that has
proved so useful in analyzing certain IS project failures (Keil 1995; Staw 1993). Also
lacking is a treatment of the many cognitive biases that are known to affect people's
judgment in making decisions involving risk (Sitkin and Pablo 1992), in dealing with
crises (Pearson and Mitroff 1993), and in problem solving in complex situations (Domer
1989). For a wonderful complement on the human side to Neumann's technology-
oriented analysis, see Domer.
4.2 Structural Conditions of Risk Management
A second area in which Neumann's analysis of computer-related risks needs augmentation
for the IS domain is that of the structural conditions in which IT -related risk is created
and materializes into problems. Structural conditions are the social and economic
arrangements (e.g., reporting relationships and policies) that influence the processes and
outcomes of IS work (Orlikowski 1992). Examples of relevant structural conditions
include the separation of development from operations work in many IS departments and
the outsourcing of selected IT-related tasks to consultants and vendors. Neumann
discusses large programming projects as a human source of risk, but he says nothing
about how variations in the organization and management of such projects might
contribute to the incidence or control of risks.
4.3 Dynamics of Control
A third area in which Neumann's analysis of computer-related risks needs enhancement
is that of the dynamics of risk control strategies. Neumann devotes an entire chapter to
strategies for controlling risk, such as modeling and simulation, complexity management,
reliability improvement approaches, and so forth. Interestingly, while his analysis of
computer-related risks is quite holistic, his approach to risk control is not: it is in essence
a laundry list of techniques and rules of thumb. He does not attempt an integrated
methodology of system engineering for the prevention of risk nor tackle the issue of how
to recover from failure. He also does not tackle the difficult problem of ensuring that
people follow acceptable methodologies (hence the importance of understanding the
structural conditions under which IS work gets done).
An integrated theory of risk control needs to address what is known about the
different types of strategies for gaining and maintaining control over people and
organizational processes. Review of the control literature suggests that the types of
control potentially useful in managing IT -related risk are as varied as the risks themselves
(Handy 1995; Simons 1995a, 1995b). For example, Straub and Welke identifY four
Toward an integrated Theory of IT-related Risk Control 175
distinct, sequential activities involved in the management of systems security risks:
deterrence, prevention, detection, and recovery. Combining these sources, a list of risk
control strategies would surely include the following:
1. Plans (e.g., backup, disaster recovery, etc.)
2. Policies (e.g., regarding unauthorized use ofa company's computer resources,
3. Operational controls (e.g., budgets, performance evaluations, etc.)
4. Automated controls (e.g., passwords, access monitoring, etc.)
5. Physical controls (e.g., cardkeys, etc.)
6. Audit and detection (e.g., post project audits, system penetration detection, etc.)
7. Risk awareness building (e.g., training, bulletins, etc.)
8. Belief systems (e.g., beliefs about value of customer privacy, etc.)
9. Social systems (e.g., behavioral norms and reminders about confidentiality, etc.)
Further, the control literature suggests that control attempts are not invariably
successful. While it is generally recognized that too little control is bad, a sizable body
of literature suggests that too much control is also bad. Too much control has been
associated with three types of negative consequences. First, too much control is
expensive. In fact, the high cost of control is a major reason given for reengineering
business processes with looser control (Sia and Neo 1997). Second, too much control can
interfere with business operation and flexibility and can damage the relationship between
controllers and controllees (Block 1993). Third, too much control is associated with
unintended human and social consequences (Handy 1995; Sitkin and Roth 1993). These
negative consequences include low morale and circumventing the rules; ironically,
excessive control can also promote fraud. There is a science of control, just as there is a
science oftechnology failure, and an integrated theory must incorporate both.
4.4 Dynamics of Risk
As we move toward an integrated theory of IT -related risk and risk management, it is
important to keep in mind the empirical evidence about how problems, crises, and
disasters materialize from risk. Studies of nuclear power plant accidents (Perrow 1984)
and IT -related accidents (Neumann 1995) show that crises, disasters, and failures often
have multiple independent or correlated causes. These "weak link" phenomena remind
us that we should not take a static view of risk but should recognize that risk is a dynamic
function of technology developments and human interventions.
The literature on IT project risk often appears to assume that risk is greatest at the
start of the project when the unknowns are greatest, then decreases over the life of the
project as work progresses toward completion. This view suggests that risk does not
remain static, but changes as a function of prior decisions and behavior. Therefore, one
can posit the concept of "residual risk" that varies throughout a project (Nidumolu 1995)
and by extension throughout the lifecycle of a system.
Residual risk is often assumed to decrease monotonically over the life ofIT projects;
but, in the IT domain, one must consider the possibility that residual risk will actually
176 Part 4: Transforming Toward New Challenges
increase over a system's lifecycle. In the first place, as systems age, they are maintained
and enhanced; over time, this process increases their fragility or failure-proneness (Lientz
and Swanson 1980). (This is why there is such a strong emphasis on development for
maintainability, another example of the need for an integrated risk management
approach.) Further, there is an increasing trend toward the integration offormerly discrete
systems. As systems are integrated with other systems, complexity and tight-coupling
increase the chances offailure (Neumann 1995; Perrow 1984). For example, in a recent
project involving the implementation of SAP R/3 financials, Microsoft loaded financial
data into a data warehouse and provided access to the data and pre formatted reports via
the corporate intranet. Integration of SAP R/3 with data warehousing and intranet
technology vastly increased the number of people who had access to financial data and
vastly increased the risks of non-use, internal abuse, external risk, etc. (Bashein, Markus,
and Finley 1997).
An additional consideration is the actions people take to remedy problems that arise
as projects and systems pass through their lifecycles. In situations involving system
development and operation (as in the progression of a nuclear power plant incident),
people may misdiagnose the causes of problems and apply attempted solutions that
actually make the situation worse (Markus and Tanis 2000). They thus create new
situations that call forth additional actions and changes (Orlikowski 1996). Therefore, an
integrated theory of IT -related risks must also take into account the second-order
consequences of human problem-solving behavior.
5. Conclusion
Much ofthe research in the IS field deals directly or indirectly with issues ofIT -related
risk, although that term is seldom used. The business world is beginning to see the value
of an integrated approach to identifying and managing business risk; the time is right for
the IS field to begin developing an integrated approach to identifying and managing IT-
related risk. Not only will such an approach be useful to businesses in their attempts to
obtain maximum value from their IT investments, it will also help bring together a large
part of the IS literature under a common conceptual umbrella. By viewing system
development and maintenance along with package acquisition and outsourcing as part of
the business's IT investment process, risk management becomes the center of attention.
By viewing system development failure, security breaches, and competitive threats as
different types ofthe unitary phenomenon o fIT -related risk, it becomes possible to make
intelligent end-to-end tradeoff decisions throughout the lifecycles of systems in
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About the Author
M. Lynne Markus is Professor of Management at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School
of Management and Professor of Information Science at the School of Information
Science, Claremont Graduate University. She has also taught at the Sloan School of
Management (MIT), the Anderson Graduate School of Management (UCLA), the
Nanyang Business School, Singapore (as Shaw Foundation Professor), and Universidade
Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal (as FulbrightlFLAD Chair in Information Systems). She
began thinking about IT-related risks while conducting research for the Financial
Executives Research Foundation. Lynne can be reached bye-mail at m.lynne.markus@

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