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Michael Brydon ([email protected].

Last update: 24-Aug-1997
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Access Tutorial 6: Form Fundamentals
6.1 Introduction: Using forms as
the core of an application
Forms provide a user-oriented interface to the data
in a database application. They allow you, as a
developer, to specify in detail the appearance and
behavior of the data on screen and to exert a certain
amount of control over the users additions and mod-
ifications to the data.
Like queries, forms do not contain any data. Instead,
they provide a window through which tables and
queries can be viewed. The relationship between
tables, queries, and forms is shown in Figure 6.1.
In this tutorial, we are going to explore the basic ele-
ments of form creation using Access form design
tools. In subsequent tutorials, we will extend the
functionality and ease-of-use of our basic forms with
subforms (Tutorial 7), combo box controls
(Tutorial 8), and triggers (Tutorial 13).
6.2 Learning objectives
Do forms contain data?
How do I create a form?
FIGURE 6.1: The relationship between forms,
queries, and tables.
Courses Departments Employees
Tutorial exercises 6. Form Fundamentals
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How do I make the contents of a field on a
form read-only?
What is an unbound text box? How do I create
How do I create a form using the form wizard?
What is the difference between a columnar
(single-column) and tabular form?
6.3 Tutorial exercises
6.3.1 Creating a form from scratch
Although Access provides an excellent wizard for
creating simple forms, you will start by building a
form from scratch. This will give you a better appreci-
ation of what it is the wizard does and provide you
with the basic knowledge needed to customize and
refine the wizards output.
Create a new blank form based on the Courses
table, as shown in Figure 6.2.
The basic elements of the design screen are
shown in Figure 6.3. Use the View menu to dis-
play the toolbox and field list if they are not
already visible. Adding bound text boxes
Add a bound text box for the DeptCode field by
dragging DeptCode from the field list to the form
background, as shown in Figure 6.4.
Reposition the DeptCode text box in the upper
left of the form.
Remember that you can always use the
undo feature to reverse mistakes. Select
Edit > Undo from the menu or simply press
Control-Z (this works the same in virtually all
Windows applications).
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FIGURE 6.2: Create a new form to display data from the Courses table.
Select the Forms tab from
the database window.

Select Design View (do not

use the wizard at this point)

Bind the form to the

Courses table.

Since you can build a form on top of a table or a

query, both are shown in this list (here is where a
meaningful naming convention starts to pay off)
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FIGURE 6.3: The basic elements of the form design screen.
To change the size of
the form, drag the edges
of the detail section.
The field list shows the fields
in the table or query to which the
form is bound.
The toolbox the icons in the
toolbox are used to create graphical
items and controls on the form.
If the field list and toolbox
are not displayed, use the
View menu or toolbar icons.
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FIGURE 6.4: Create a bound text box for the DeptCode field.
Select the DeptCode
field in the field list.

Drag the highlighted field on

to the forms detail section.

Access uses the fields caption property as the default label for the text box.
If no caption is specified, the field name (e.g., DeptCode) is used. To save
time editing labels, choose your captions with this feature in mind.
To move an object and its
label, drag the center of the
object (the cursor becomes
a white arrow). To move
just the object or just the
label, drag the upper left
handle (the cursor becomes
a pointing finger).
Tutorial exercises 6. Form Fundamentals
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Drag the remaining fields on to the form, as
shown in Figure 6.5 (do not worry about whether
the fields are lined up perfectly).
Select View > Form to see the resulting form.
Alternatively, press the form view icon ( ).
Select View > Form Design or press the design
view icon ( ) to return to design mode. Using a fields properties to protect its
Every object on an Access form (e.g., text box, label,
detail section, etc.) has a set of properties that can
be modified. In this section, you are going to use the
Locked and Enabled properties to control the users
ability to change the information in a field.
Select the DeptCode text box and right-click to
bring up its property sheet, as shown in
Figure 6.6.
Scroll down the property sheet to the Locked
property and set it to Yes, as shown in
Figure 6.7.
Switch to the form view and attempt to change
the contents of the DeptCode field.
A stronger form of protection than locking a field is
disabling it.
Return to design mode and make the following
changes: reset the Locked property to No; set the
Enabled property to No.
Attempt to change the contents of the DeptCode
field in form view, as shown in Figure 6.8.
Save the form as frmCourses. Adding an unbound text box
All the text boxes created in the previous section
were bound text boxesthat is, they were bound to
a field in the underlying table or query. When you
change the value in a bound text box, you are mak-
Tutorial exercises 6. Form Fundamentals
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FIGURE 6.5: Add the text boxes and switch to form view to see the resulting form.
Add the remaining
fields to the form.

You can add more than one field to the form with one
drag-and-drop operation by holding down the Control
button when selecting the fields from the field list.
Select View > Form from the
main menu to view the form.

Text boxes are simply

windows on to the fields
in the underlying table.
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FIGURE 6.6: Bring up the property sheet for the DeptCode text box.
Select the object (e.g., the
DeptCode text box) for
which you wish to see the
properties. When an object
has been selected, it is
bordered by six dark

Right-click once on the selected

object to get the pop-up menu.

Select Properties to get the

property sheet.

The properties are broken down

into four groups. To see all the
properties, select the All tab.
Some properties of the text box (such as
input mask) are inherited from the field
to which the text box is bound.
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ing the change directly to the data in the underlying
It is possible, however, to create objects on forms
that are not bound to anything. Although you will not
use many unbound text boxes in the assignment, it
is instructive to see how they work.
Create a new empty form bound to the Courses
table and save it using the name
Select the text box tool ( ) from the toolbox and
create and unbound text box, as shown in
Figure 6.9. Binding an unbound text box to a field
The only difference between a bound and an
unbound text box is that the Control Source property
of a bound text box is set to the name of a field. In
this section, you are going to change the unbound
text box shown in Figure 6.9 to a bound text box.
FIGURE 6.7: Change the Locked property of
DeptCode to Yes.
Use the scroll bar to find
the Locked property.

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FIGURE 6.8: Set the Enabled property of DeptCode to No and attempt to change the value in the
Set Locked to No and
Enabled to No.

Switch to form view

to see the result.

When a form object is disabled, it

cannot receive the focus (that is,
you cannot put the cursor on it).
By default, disabled form objects are
greyed out. To override this feature,
set the Locked property to Yes and
the Enabled property to No.
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Bring up the property sheet for the unbound text
box. Change its Control Source property from null
to DeptCode, as shown in Figure 6.10.
6.3.2 Creating a single-column form
using the wizard
Now that you understand the basics of creating and
modifying bound text boxes, you can rely on the form
wizard to create the basic layout of all your forms.
Create a new form bound to the Courses table
using the form wizard, as shown in Figure 6.11.
Use the form wizard to specify the fields you want
on your form and the order in which they appear,
as shown in Figure 6.12. Select columnar when
prompted for the form type.
Columnar forms are called single column
forms in version 2.0.
FIGURE 6.9: Create an unbound text box.
Select the text box tool from the toolbox.
The cursor becomes a small text box.

Click anywhere on the

detail section to create a
new unbound text box.

Tutorial exercises 6. Form Fundamentals

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FIGURE 6.10: Set the Control Source property
of an unbound text box.
Use the pull-down list to set
the Control Source property
to DeptCode.

FIGURE 6.11: Create a new form using the form

Select the form

Bind the form to the

Courses table.

Tutorial exercises 6. Form Fundamentals

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FIGURE 6.12: Use the form wizard to determine the order of fields on your form.
to show a field, either double-
click it or press the > button.
To show all the fields, press the
>> button.
The order in which
the fields appear in
this pane is the order
in which they will
appear on the form.
Use the < and <<
buttons to move
fields back to the
pane on the left.
Discussion 6. Form Fundamentals
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The primary advantage of the wizard is that it auto-
matically creates, formats, and aligns the bound text
boxes. Of course, once the wizard has created a
form, you are free to modify it in any way.
If you make a mistake when creating a form
(e.g., you put the fields in the wrong order) it
is often easier to use the wizard and start over
than to fix the problem manually.
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Columnar versus tabular versus
datasheet forms
Columnar forms show one record per page. Tabular
forms, in contrast, show many records per page and
are used primarily as subforms. There is also a a
datasheet form type, but it is seldom used since it
gives the developer relatively little control over the
look and behavior of the data. The three different
types of forms are shown in Figure 6.13.
6.5 Application to the assignment
Use the wizard to create columnar forms for all
your master tables. Note that in some cases
(e.g., BackOrders) you will want to base the
form on a join query rather than table in order to
show important information such as CustName
and ProductName.
Application to the assignment 6. Form Fundamentals
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FIGURE 6.13: The same information displayed as a columnar, tabular, and datasheet form.
A columnar form displays
one record per page.
A tabular form
displays more than
one record per page.
A datasheet form is identical to the datasheet
view of a table or query. Since it gives the
designer very little control over the format of the
data, it is generally inappropriate for use in an
end-user application.

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