112 North Davao Mining Vs NLRC

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G.R. No. 112546 March 13, 1996
On May 31, 1992, petitioner North Davao completely ceased operations due to
serious business reverses. Respondent Wilfredo Guillema is one among several
employees of North Davao who were separated by reason of the company's closure .
From 1988 until its closure in 1992, North Davao suffered net losses averaging
three billion pesos (P3,000,000,000.00) per year, for each of the five years prior to its
closure. When it ceased operations, its remaining employees were separated and given
the equivalent of 12.5 days' pay for every year of service, computed on their basic
monthly pay, in addition to the commutation to cash of their unused vacation and sick
leaves. However, it appears that, during the life of the petitioner corporation, from the
beginning of its operations in 1981 until its closure in 1992, it had been giving
separation pay equivalent to thirty (30) days' pay for every year of service.
Subsequently, a complaint was filed with respondent Labor Arbiter by respondent
Wilfredo Guillema and 271 other separated employees for: additional separation pay of
17.5 days for every year of service.
The Labor Arbiter rendered a decision ordering petitioner North Davao to pay the
complainants.On appeal, respondent NLRC affirmed the decision in toto. Petitioner
North Davao's motion for reconsideration was likewise denied. Hence, this petition.
Whether or not an employer whose business operations ceased due to serious
business losses or financial reverses is obliged to pay separation pay to its employees
separated by reason of such closure.

Art. 283 of the Labor Code does not obligate an employer to pay separation
benefits when the closure is due to losses. In the case before us, the basis for the claim
of the additional separation benefit of 17.5 days is alleged discrimination, i.e., unequal
treatment of employees, which is proscribed as an unfair labor practice by Art. 248 (e)
of said Code. Under the facts and circumstances of the present case, the grant of a
lesser amount of separation pay to private respondent was done, not by reason of
discrimination, but rather, out of sheer financial bankruptcy a fact that is not
controlled by management prerogatives. Stated differently, the total cessation of
operation due to mind-boggling losses was a supervening fact that prevented the
company from continuing to grant the more generous amount of separation pay. The
fact that North Davao at the point of its forced closure voluntarily paid any separation
benefits at all although not required by law and 12.5-days worth at that, should
have elicited admiration instead of condemnation. But to require it to continue being
generous when it is no longer in a position to do so would certainly be unduly
oppressive, unfair and most revolting to the conscience.The law, in protecting the rights
of the laborer, authorizes neither oppression nor self-destruction of the employer.

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