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The report on Internap Network Services Corporation's Description of its BSN003 Company-Controlled Data

Center System and Suitability of Design and Operating Effectiveness of Controls is confidential.
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services
Corporation, its user entities, prospective user entities, independent auditors and practitioners of
its user entities, and regulators who have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the AICPA
Availability Trust Principle, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these
specified parties.
SOC 2 Availability
Report on Internap Network Services Corporation's Description of its
BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System and Suitability of Design and
Operating Effectiveness of Controls Throughout the
Period October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and
is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Table of Contents
SECTION I: REPORT OF INDEPENDENT SERVICE AUDITORS ....................................................... 3
BSN003 COMPANY-CONTROLLEDDATA CENTER SYSTEM ........................................ 8
Section I: Report of Independent Service
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 1075 Peachtree Street, Suite 2600 Atlanta GA 30309 T: (678) 419 1000, F:
(678) 419 1239,
To: Management of Internap Network Services Corporation
We have examined the attached description titled "Description of Internap Network Services
Corporations BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System throughout the Period October 1, 2012
to September 30, 2013 (the description) and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of
controls to meet the criteria for the availability principle set forth in TSP section 100, Trust Services
Principles, Criteria, and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality,
and Privacy (AICPA, Technical Practice Aids) (applicable trust services criteria), throughout the period
October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013. The description indicates that certain applicable trust services
criteria specified in the description can be achieved only if complementary user-entity controls
contemplated in the design of Internap Network Services Corporation's (Internap or Company)
controls are suitably designed and operating effectively, along with related controls at the service
organization. We have not evaluated the suitability of the design or operating effectiveness of such
complementary user entity controls.
Service organization's responsibilities
Internap has provided the attached assertion titled "Management of Internap Network Services
Corporation's Assertion Regarding its BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System Throughout the
Period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013," which is based on the criteria identified in the
management's assertion. Internap is responsible for:(1) preparing the description and assertion; (2) the
completeness, accuracy, and method of presentation of both the description and assertion; (3) providing
the services covered by the description; (4) specifying the controls that meet the applicable trust services
criteria and stating them in the description; (5) identifying any applicable trust service criteria related to
the principle being reported on that have been omitted from the description and explaining the reason for
the omission, and (6) designing, implementing, and documenting the controls to meet the applicable trust
services criteria.
Service auditor's responsibilities
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the description based on
the description criteria set forth in Internaps assertion and on the suitability of the design and operating
effectiveness of the controls to meet the applicable trust services criteria, based on our examination. We
conducted our examination in accordance with attestation standards established by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we plan and perform our
examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether, in all material respects:(1) the description is
fairly presented based on the description criteria; and (2) the controls were suitably designed and
operating effectively to meet the applicable trust services criteria throughout the period October 1, 2012 to
September 30, 2013.
Our examination involved performing procedures to obtain evidence about the fairness of the
presentation of the description based on the description criteria and the suitability of the design and
operating effectiveness of those controls to meet the applicable trust services criteria. Our procedures
included assessing the risks that the description is not fairly presented and that the controls were not
suitably designed or operating effectively to meet the applicable trust services criteria. Our procedures
also included testing the operating effectiveness of those controls that we consider necessary to provide
Section I: Report of Independent Service
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 1075 Peachtree Street, Suite 2600 Atlanta GA 30309 T: (678) 419 1000, F:
(678) 419 1239,
reasonable assurance that the applicable trust services criteria were met. Our examination also included
evaluating the overall presentation of the description. We believe that the evidence we obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Inherent limitations
Because of their nature and inherent limitations, controls at a service organization may not always
operate effectively to meet the applicable trust services criteria. Also, the projection to the future of any
evaluation of the fairness of the presentation of the description or conclusions about the suitability of the
design or operating effectiveness of the controls to meet the applicable trust services criteria is subject to
the risks that the system may change or that controls at a service organization may become inadequate or
In our opinion, in all material respects, based on the description criteria identified in Internap's
assertion and the applicable trust services criteria,
a. the description fairly presents the BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System that was
designed and implemented throughout the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
b. the controls of Internap stated in the description were suitably designed to provide reasonable
assurance that the applicable trust services criteria would be met if the controls operated
effectively throughout the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, and user entities
applied the complementary user-entity controls contemplated in the design of Internaps
controls throughout the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
c. the controls of Internap tested, which together with the complementary user-entity controls
referred to in the scope section of this report, if operating effectively, were those necessary to
provide reasonable assurance that the applicable trust services criteria were met, operated
effectively throughout the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
Description of tests of controls
The specific controls we tested and the nature, timing, and results of our tests are presented in the
section of our report titled "Internaps Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls and Results."
Restricted use
This report and the description of tests of controls and results thereof are intended solely for the
information and use of Internap; user entities of Internap's BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center
System during some or all of the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012; and prospective user
Section I: Report of Independent Service
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 1075 Peachtree Street, Suite 2600 Atlanta GA 30309 T: (678) 419 1000, F:
(678) 419 1239,
entities, independent auditors and practitioners providing services to such user entities, and regulators
(collectively referred to as specified parties) who have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the
The nature of the service provided by the service organization
How the service organization's system interacts with user entities, subservice organizations, or
other parties
Internal control and its limitations
Complementary user entity controls and how they interact with related controls at the service
organization to meet the applicable trust services criteria
The applicable trust services criteria
The risks that may threaten the achievement of the applicable trust services criteria and how
controls address those risks
This report is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. If a
report recipient is not a specified party as defined above and has obtained this report, or has access to it,
use of this report is the non-specified user's sole responsibility and at the non-specified user's sole and
exclusive risk. Non-specified users may not rely on this report and do not acquire any rights against
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as a result of such access. Further, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP does not
assume any duties or obligations to any non-specified user who obtains this report and/or has access to it.
December 5, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Section II: Management of Internap Network
Services Corporation's Assertion regarding its
BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center
System Throughout the Period October 1, 2012
to September 30, 2013
One Ravinia Drive | Suite 1300 | Atlanta, GA 30346 |
We have prepared the attached description titled "Description of Internap Network Services Corporation's
BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System Throughout the Period October 1, 2012 to September
30, 2013 (the description), based on the criteria in items (a)(i)(ii) below, which are the criteria for a
description of a service organization's system in paragraph 1.34 of the AICPA Guide Reporting on
Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity,
Confidentiality, or Privacy (SOC2
) (the description criteria). The description is intended to provide
users with information about the BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System, particularly system
controls intended to meet the criteria for the availability principle set forth in TSP section 100, Trust
Services Principles, Criteria, and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity,
Confidentiality, and Privacy (AICPA, Technical Practice Aids) (applicable trust services criteria). We
confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that
a. the description fairly presents the BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center System throughout the
period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, based on the following description criteria:
i. The description contains the following information:
1. The types of services provided
2. The components of the system used to provide the services, which are the following:
(1) Infrastructure - The physical and hardware components of a system
(facilities and equipment).
(2) Software - The programs used to manage active customers and data center
badge access.
(3) People - The personnel involved in the operation and use of a system
(operators, users, and managers).
(4) Procedures - The automated and manual procedures involved in the
operation of a system.
3. The boundaries or aspects of the system covered by the description
4. How the system captures and addresses significant events and conditions
5. The process used to prepare and deliver reports and other information to user
entities or other parties
6. For each principle being reported on, the applicable trust services criteria
and the related controls designed to meet those criteria, including, as
applicable, complementary user-entity controls contemplated in the design of
the service organization's system
7. Any applicable trust services criteria that are not addressed by a control
at the service organization and the reasons therefore
8. Other aspects of the service organization's control environment, risk
assessment process, information and communication systems, and monitoring
Section II: Management of Internap Network
Services Corporation's Assertion regarding its
BSN003 Company-Controlled Data Center
System Throughout the Period October 1, 2012
to September 30, 2013
One Ravinia Drive | Suite 1300 | Atlanta, GA 30346 |
of controls that are relevant to the services provided and the applicable trust
services criteria
9. Relevant details of changes to the service organization's system during the
period covered by the description
ii. The description does not omit or distort information relevant to the service organization's
system while acknowledging that the description is prepared to meet the common needs of a broad
range of users and may not, therefore, include every aspect of the system that each individual user
may consider important to his or her own particular needs.
b. the controls stated in the description were suitably designed and implemented
throughout the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 to meet the applicable trust
services criteria
c. the controls stated in the description operated effectively throughout the period October 1, 2012 to
September 30, 2013 to meet the applicable trust services criteria.
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Company Background
Internap (NASDAQ: INAP) provides cloud, hosting, colocation and hybridized services that are designed
for superior performance and delivered from a geographically distributed platform of high-density,
redundant data centers. Its patented, performance-optimized IP connectivity enables customers to focus
on their core business, improve service levels and lower the cost of IT operations.
Internap operates in two business segments: IP services; and data center services. The scope of this report
excludes IP Services and focuses on data center services, which primarily include physical space for
hosting customers network and other equipment plus associated services such as redundant power,
environmental controls and security.
Internap uses a combination of facilities that are operated by Internap and by third parties, referred to as
company-controlled facilities and partner sites, respectively. We offer a comprehensive solution,
consisting of 12 company-controlled facilities for which SOC 2-Availability examinations are performed.
We charge monthly fees for data center services based on the amount of square footage and power that a
customer uses. This report is related to the BSN003 company-controlled data center.
Risk Assessment
Internap utilizes various protocols to manage risks that could impact the Companys ability to deliver
service to customers. Management also assesses risks that inherently arise from the expansion of the
business, whether organically or inorganically. This may include managing risks that are rooted in
changes in personnel, technology, or the Companys operating environment. Additionally, management
engages a third party to periodically assess risks to the achievement of availability objectives.
Management revisits this assessment annually to ensure risks are appropriately mitigated. Lastly,
management performs an annual companywide risk assessment, which includes company-controlled data
Information and Communication Systems
Internaps management team is responsible for the detailed design and effective operation of the
Companys internal controls. As part of this process, management communicates responsibilities and
expectations to company personnel through both formal and informal means. Internal controls are
evaluated by Internal Audit throughout the year as part of its internal audit reviews. Testing results and
exceptions identified during the audits are reported to management on a consistent basis. Management
ensures that internal control deficiencies are addressed and communicates expected timelines for doing
Internaps management team, including support fromits Internal Audit department, continuously
monitors the effectiveness of the Companys system of internal control through the performance of
periodic and annual audits of internal controls. Any deficiencies in the Companys system of internal
controls are reported to management, assessed, and addressed. Managements consistent oversight of
internal controls helps the Company identify deficiencies in the system, ensuring the adequacy of the
process. Additionally, management has implemented availability monitoring controls in the form of
external inspection, metrics reviews, and incident monitoring.
Control Environment and Policy and Procedural Components
Internap data center operational policies and procedures are documented in various ways and are readily
available to employees and customers. The responsibility and accountability for developing and
maintaining these polices, and changes and updates to these policies are assigned to the appropriate data
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
center employees. Additionally, the information in these policies is reviewed on an annual basis by the
appropriate data center employees. The information in these policies relates to the specific Availability
criteria from the Trust Principles and Criteria, including, but not limited to: identifying and documenting
the system availability and related security requirements of authorized users; assessing risks on a periodic
basis; preventing unauthorized access; adding new users, modifying the access levels of existing users, and
removing users who no longer need access; assigning responsibility and accountability for system
availability and related security; assigning responsibility and accountability for system changes and
maintenance; testing, evaluating, and authorizing system components before implementation; addressing
how complaints and requests relating to system availability and related security issues are resolved;
identifying and mitigating system availability and related security breaches and other incidents; providing
training and other resources to support the system availability and related security policies; providing for
the handling of exceptions and situations not specifically addressed in its system availability and related
security policies; recovering and continuing service in accordance with documented customer
commitments or other agreements; and monitoring system capacity to achieve customer commitments or
other agreements regarding availability.
Environmental controls regarding smoke detection, pre-action sprinkler suppression, HVAC, UPS, and
generators are managed discretely at the BSN003 data center. However, other controls such as user
access and data center monitoring are centrally managed by Internap across its company-controlled data
Each Internap data center has a specific Data Center Operations Manual kept in a binder and physically
available to employees in case of an emergency. The Data Center Operations Manual is reviewed and
approved by Data Center Operations management on an annual basis to ensure the information is up-to-
date and accurate.
The Network Operations Center (NOC) utilizes its own intranet webpage dedicated to its policies and
procedures. Content is updated in real time on the intranet webpage to ensure NOC employees are always
aware of the newest policy or procedures. On an annual basis, NOC management performs a review of
information on the NOC intranet webpage to ensure the information is up-to-date and accurate.
The NOC utilizes a ticketing system to track all incidents and customer requests. On a monthly basis,
ticket resolution metrics are prepared and presented to Operations Management. Each customer in
Internap data centers is given a Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Customer Colocation Handbook with
all necessary customer facing information and procedures to follow for many common questions/requests,
such as system availability issues and what to do when a possible security breach is identified, along with
many other incident responses. The information in the Customer Colocation Handbook is reviewed on an
annual basis by data center management to ensure the information is up-to-date and accurate.
Additionally, Internap customers connect to Internap via the Internap website and online customer portal.
The Internap website hosts a detailed description of Internap data center services and the portal houses
customer specific information and enables customers to contact Internap directly through the system.
This customer portal, along with ad hoc communication methods are utilized to ensure transparent
communication with customers. The description of Internap data center operations can be broken down
into the specific components of infrastructure, monitoring, people and security software components.
Infrastructure, Environmental and System Monitoring Components:
Internaps data center operations consist of a strong physical infrastructure, including secure facilities
featuring N+1 redundancy for both power and cooling, along with fire protection and system monitoring.
The existing facility and environmental standards at the data centers are designed to ensure that uptime is
maximized by providing redundancy to key facility and environmental systems to ensure that mechanical
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
or electrical failures will not result in an outage.
Monitoring Environmental Conditions and Critical Work Authorizations
Data center environmental conditions are constantly monitored and reported via an automated Building
Management System (BMS). Data center technicians and Internaps centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) personnel monitor a BMS console which reports the real-time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire detection/suppression conditions. If any issues or incidents with these
environmental systems arise, the console displays an alert and e-mails on-site data center personnel.
Internap has in place a Critical Environment Work Authorization (CEWA) process to ensure all scheduled
maintenance and other data center implementations / modifications are documented and authorized to
ensure minimal impact to our customers. Periodically, the Company obtains the services of a third-party
data center risk assessment expert to identify potential threats of disruption. These results are re-visited
annually by Internap data center and operations management to assess the risk associated with the threats
Smoke/Fire Detection
The smoke/fire detection system in the data centers comprises smoke detectors and either a particulate
sampling system or a very early smoke detection apparatus (VESDA) system that detects smoke during the
very early stages of combustion. The smoke detection system is the first line of defense against fire in the
facility. When smoke is detected by the system, an alarm is generated in the facility control room, and the
BMS generates console and e-mail alerts to data center employees.
The smoke detection system is inspected and serviced at least annually to ensure effective operation.
Fire Suppression
The fire suppression system consists of a pre-action dry pipe system. The pre-action dry pipe system is
designed to keep water out of the sprinkler system plumbing in the data center areas during normal
operations. If smoke and/or excessive heat is detected, and a sprinkler fusible head melts as a result, water
is pumped into the sprinkler systems for the affected zone(s) only. The BMS continuously monitors and
reports the status of the fire suppression system.
The fire suppression systems are inspected and serviced at least annually to ensure effective operation.
Clean agent fire extinguishers are also provided throughout the data center for accessibility in the event of
a fire within the data center (or elsewhere in the building).
Fire extinguishers are inspected and serviced at least annually to ensure effective operation.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Multiple HVAC units control both temperature and humidity within the data center and are configured in
a redundant formation to ensure operation continues if a unit fails. Temperature and humidity are
maintained to current SLA standards. The HVAC units are monitored by the BMS within the facility
control room and NOC.
HVAC units are inspected and serviced at least annually to ensure effective operation.
Utility Power and Backup Power Systems
The data center is supplied by power feeds from the servicing utility to support daily operations. The
power feeds are channeled into redundant UPS systems which condition the power to be supplied to data
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
center equipment. These redundant UPS units allow customers to opt for redundant N+1 power feeds to
their equipment.
In the event of a utility power outage, the UPS system automatically switches to backup power from a
battery farm which supplies power for 15 to 20 minutes until multiple diesel generators power up.
Internap maintains a sufficient on-site fuel reserve, which gives the generators capability to power the
data center for at least 24 hours. Each of Internaps Company controlled facilities maintain contracts with
fuel companies for the delivery of fuel as needed.
The UPS systems and generators are inspected and serviced at least annually to ensure effective
Personnel, Security and Software System Components
Internaps commitment to competence includes managements determination of the levels of competence
and expertise required for each position in the data centers, ensuring highly technical and customer
service focused data center employees. Internap provides 24/7 manned facilities with a host of security
features designed to protect our customers equipment and network connectivity. Internap controls
ingress and egress using electronic keycard and/or biometric software. All cages and cabinets are securely
locked and CCTV monitors and records activity within each facility.
Organizational Structure and Assignment of Authority and Responsibility
Internap has developed an organizational structure that adequately suits the nature and scope of our
operations. The Company has developed organizational charts that internally convey employee reporting
relationships, operational responsibilities, and the overall organizational hierarchy.
Human Resource Policies and Practices
Internaps human resource department has policies and established practices that govern the hiring,
termination, evaluation, promotion, counseling, and compensation of current and prospective company
employees. A documented set of human resource, operational, and financial policies and procedures,
along with a complete list of internal controls are made available to applicable employees via the intranet.
Internap HR personnel prepare detailed job descriptions and organizational charts that capture and
convey these requirements for each position. Internap also facilitates employee development through
annual evaluations, on-site training, a company-wide tuition reimbursement program, and the allocation
of funds for relevant off-site training. New hire policies include the requirement that background checks
be performed on all new employees prior to commencing employment with Internap. Newly hired data
center employees receive training and are made aware of customer facing documents and other internal
policies covering system security and availability. For terminated employees, Internap has a formal
process for decommissioning access to company records and systems in a timely manner.
Security Staff
A contracted security company employs and provides Internaps data center security resources. Such
outsourcing ensures consistency of training, performance, metrics, and supervision. Responsibilities of
security include, but are not limited to the following.
Monitoring of Physical Security Systems
Monitoring of Physical Security Standards
Loss Prevention
Internal Investigations
Security Policies and Procedures Compliance
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Security Control Desk
All Internap data centers have a Security Control Desk to control access, monitor security alarms, monitor
Closed-Circuit Television camera signals (CCTV), and support security-related operational activities
24/7/365. Security personnel are on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Security
Control Desk possesses the following.
Central ventilation, heating & air conditioning
Real-time monitoring of data center door alarms
Real-time monitoring of data center CCTV cameras
Centralized security service and emergency dispatch communications for Security Staff, as well as
for local fire departments, police departments, and other emergency response resources
Electrical power support for continuous operation of communications, lighting, CCTV, intrusion
detection, and alarm monitoring equipment in the event of utility power loss
Access Control
Internap employs a computerized Access Control System (ACS) to control physical access to our data
centers that house customer equipment, media and documentation. The ACS utilizes proximity card
readers with pin codes or biometrics to control access into perimeter doors, shipping & receiving areas,
storerooms, and other critical areas. Customers and employees (including contractors and security
guards) must follow formal access request and approval processes before physical access to our data
centers is granted. Additional access control features are as follows.
Access to the data center and other restricted areas is specifically limited to authorized individuals
Internap access badges with pin codes or biometrics are required to gain entry to critical areas.
Customers, Vendors, Contractors and other Visitors must be sponsored by an Internap-approved
host to gain access if not on the Customer-Approved List
All Customers, Vendors, Contractors (non security guards), and Visitors on the Customer-
Approved List must check in with the Security Desk upon arrival with a photo identification if they
require the physical key to access cages. Those customers with badge cage access will have
automatic access to their cages.
Visitors and others not on the Customer-Approved List are escorted while in the data center and
other critical areas
Guest access for approved Contractors is generally limited to particular areas where work is being
performed. Long term contractors are granted more general access via personal badges.
Employees with access to the data center are limited to those with a specific business need or job
Administrator access (add, modify and delete users) in the ACS is restricted to appropriate personnel
based on job roles and responsibilities and reviewed during periodic access reviews. Data Center
Management authorizes Administrator access to the keycard system based on the individuals job
The ACS is also used to monitor, notify, and log security alarms. The system monitors:
Perimeter/external doors
Restricted area doors
Data center doors
Shipping/receiving doors
ACS is equipped and programmed to receive alarms for forced doors, propped doors, and denied card
read attempts.
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Visitor/Sales Tour Access
All Internap data center tours must be coordinated with an Internap representative. Tours of the data
center and other restricted areas require an escort from an authorized Internap employee.
Customer Access
Each customer is permitted to designate individuals with access to Internap data centers via the Network
Operations Center (NOC). The customers make requests for access through the NOC via email, phone call,
or the online Customer Portal. The NOC manages customers' respective Customer Access Lists (CAL)
within the newly designed Ubersmith Facility Management application, which went live in July 2013,
replacing the Colo-Space Tracker (CST) application, which was in place prior to the Ubersmith
implementation. Update access to the CAL is reviewed for appropriateness based on job responsibilities
on an annual basis. Data center security has view access to the CALs and will only allow individuals listed
on a Companys CAL access to the data center. The customer is responsible for requesting additions,
modification, or deletions to access; the NOC is responsible for management of the Customer Access List.
Upon notification of a customer employee termination or revocation of customer agreement, physical
access to the data center is revoked. Customers are responsible for retaining a terminated employees
access badge and either destroying it or returning it to Internap security.
Customer equipment is segregated via locked cages or locked cabinets to ensure that customers can only
access their own equipment.
Cages are secured via one of two possible means: 1) physical key; and 2) badge.
1) physical key - Keys are maintained by Internap security personnel. After the security personnel
determine appropriate authority per the Customer Access List, they escort the customer to the cage and
unlock it for them; or
2) badge access - access is controlled via the ACS similar to that of data center access.
Cabinets are secured via one of two possible means: 1) physical key; or 2) combination.
1) physical key - Keys are maintained by Internap security personnel. After the security personnel
determine appropriate authority per the Customer Access List, they escort the customer to the cabinet and
unlock it for them; or
2) combination - access is controlled via the use of a customer specific combination code.
Customer and Employee Access Review
Internap data center security personnel perform a semi-annual audit to validate the appropriateness of all
customer employees' physical access to the data centers. Internap data center security personnel perform
a quarterly audit to validate the appropriateness of all employees', contractors', and security guards'
physical access to the data centers. As part of a semi-annual audit, individuals with access to add, modify,
and delete users in the key card system are reviewed for appropriateness.
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Data Center Check-In Process
1. Identifyupon request for access, the security officer on duty will identify the type of requestor
(Customer, Visitor, Contractor, or Internap employee without continuous access).
2. Verify the security officer will reference the Customer Access List to ensure that the
individual(s) requesting access is (are) authorized. If the individual(s) is (are) not on the listing, a
ticket is initiated by the Network Operations Center (NOC) requesting access to the data center
from an authorized Customer administrator on the CAL. Authorization must be documented
within the ticket before access is granted.
3. ReviewSecurity requires that each individual entering the data center (outside of authorized
Internap employees, contractor or security guards and customers with continuous access) present
a valid photo ID prior to gaining access.
4. Accessonce the information is verified by security, a temporary access card for the authorized
areas will be programmed by security.
Employee and Security Guard Access to Data Center
Access to the data center is restricted to only those Internap employees with a legitimate business need.
Access, if temporarily required for other employees whose job functions do not necessitate access to the
data center on a day-to-day basis, is granted on a case-by-case basis by the data center manager, and these
employees must be escorted by data center personnel. Physical access to the data center is revoked upon
termination of Internap employees, and security guards.
Contractor and Vendor Access to Data Center
Access to the data center is restricted to Contractors and Vendors with a legitimate business purpose.
Access is granted with a daily temporary badge and logged with security unless the Contractor or Vendor
will be on site for an extended period of time or multiple times over an extended period (i.e. multiple
weeks). Data Center management will notify Security of an expected Contractor or Vendor, and if a
Contractor or Vendor arrives unexpectedly, Security will contact Data Center management to gain
approval for temporary access. Temporary access cards are returned to security prior to leaving our
facilities. If a temporary badge is not returned at the end of the day, it is disabled in the system by
Security. Physical access to the data center is revoked upon completion of the contractors and/or
vendors duties.
General Visitor Rules
1. All visitors must be escorted at all times by an authorized host or employee.
2. Internap data center regulations must be strictly followed at all times. Any individual (including
Internap employees) not adhering to these rules will be escorted from the data center by staff
and/or security.
Surveillance and Monitoring
1. Internap data centers employ a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) to record and facilitate
monitoring of the data center. Cameras are positioned to provide views of critical areas, including
perimeter doors, main entrances and exits, shipping & receiving, and other areas of importance.
2. Internap security desk personnel monitor the signals from the CCTV system. The desk is
connected by secure cables to the cameras throughout the facility to permit both interior and
exterior surveillance.
3. Camera images are recorded on site via digital video recorders 24/7/365. These visual records are
retained for at least 30 days to provide details of activity at Internap data centers.
4. Internap provides dedicated 24/7/365 CPS (continuous power supply) and standby emergency
power via generator to support security systems.
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
System boundaries
Internaps data center operations, as described above, address all of the applicable Trust Services criteria
related to the Availability principle, with the exception of the following criteria that are not applicable to
Internap's data center operations model:
3.4 - Procedures exist to provide for the integrity of backup data and systems maintained to support the
entity's defined system availability and related security policies.
3.7 - Procedures exist to protect against unauthorized access to system resources (specifically perimeter
network security, remote access, and the like).
3.8 - Procedures exist to protect against infection by computer viruses, malicious codes, and unauthorized
3.9 - Encryption or other equivalent security techniques are used to protect user authentication
information and the corresponding session transmitted over the Internet or other public networks.
3. 11 - Procedures exist to classify data in accordance with classification policies and periodically monitor
and update such classifications as necessary.
3.15 - Procedures exist to maintain system components, including configurations consistent with the
defined system availability and related security policies.
Additionally, components of other applicable Trust Services criteria related to the Availability principle
associated with backups, access to system resources and configurations, network management and
protection, virus protection, encryption, and data are not applicable to Internaps data center operations.
Each of the six criteria noted above is classified under Internaps complementary user-entity control
considerations, as Internap is responsible for providing a safe, secure, environmentally stable facility with
uninterruptable power and internet connectivity for our customers to house their network equipment.
Customers are responsible for protecting their network and data on the equipment they house in
Internaps data centers.
Section III: Description of the Internap
Network Services Corporations BSN003
Company-Controlled Data Center System
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the
specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these parties.
Complementary User-Entity Controls
Internaps services are designed with the assumption that certain controls will be implemented by user
organizations. In certain situations, the application of specified internal controls at user organizations is
necessary to achieve certain Availability Trust Services Criteria included in this report. The following is a
representative list of controls that are expected to be in operation at user organizations to complement the
controls of Internap; this is not a comprehensive list of all controls that should be employed by our user
1. User organizations are responsible for understanding and complying with their contractual
obligations. (all criteria)
2. User organizations are responsible for ensuring the supervision, management, and control of the
use of Internaps services by their personnel. (all criteria)
3. User organizations are responsible for designating authorized individuals for access requests to
Internaps data center. (criterion 3.6)
4. User organizations are responsible for notifying Internap of terminated employees. (criterion 3.6)
5. User organizations are responsible for retaining a terminated employees access badge and either
destroying it or returning it to Internap security. (criterion 3.6)
6. User organizations are responsible for changing their cabinet combination lock password after
individuals with knowledge of the current combination are terminated. (criterion 3.6)
7. User organizations are responsible for periodically reviewing their Customer Access Lists.
(criterion 3.6)
8. User organizations are responsible for immediately notifying Internap of any actual or suspected
information security breaches, including compromised user accounts. (criterion 3.6)
9. User organizations are responsible for notifying Internap of changes made to technical or
administrative contact information. (criterion 3.6)
10. User organizations are responsible for applying logical access security controls, data encryption
controls, and related procedures to their network connected equipment. (criteria 3.7, 3.9)
11. User organizations are responsible for the logical protection of their data, including performing
backup procedures and classification procedures as necessary. (criteria 3.4, 3.7, 3.11)
12. User organizations are responsible for protecting their equipment against infection by computer
viruses, malicious codes and unauthorized software. (criterion 3.8)
13. User organizations are responsible for maintaining their own system components and
configurations. (criterion 3.15)
14. User organizations are responsible for protecting and maintaining the security of system resources
(e.g., secure VPN, configuration and use of firewalls and intrusion detection, and disabling of
unneeded network services). (criterion 3.15)
15. User organizations are responsible for notifying Internap of any system availability issues.
(criterion 2.2)
The trust services criteria and the related controls that meet the criteria are listed in the accompanying section IV of
this report, Internap's Control Activities and PwC's Tests of Controls"
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
PwC tested relevant aspects of Internap Network Services Corporation's ("the Company") control environment and the controls specified on the
following pages. PwC's tests covered only those controls provided by the Company and did not cover controls which may be specific to individual
customers of the Company.
Control Objective 1: Policies
The entity defines and documents its policies for the availability of its system.
Availability Criteria Control Activities Tests of Operating Effectiveness Results of Tests
1.1 The entity's system availability and
related security policies are
established and periodically
reviewed and approved by a
designated individual or group.
A - A written Data Center Operations
Manual, Customer Colocation Handbook,
and Network Operations Center Procedures
are in place documenting data center policies
and procedures.
Inspected the manuals to determine
whether availability and security policies
and procedures are documented within.
No exceptions noted.
B - The Data Center Operations Manual is
reviewed and approved by the Data Center
Operations management on an annual basis.
Inspected the Data Center Operations
Manual to determine whether it is reviewed
and approved by Data Center Operations
management on an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
C - The Network Operations Center
procedures are reviewed and approved by the
Network Operations Center (NOC)
management on an annual basis.
Inspected the Network Operations Center
procedures to determine whether they were
reviewed and approved by the Network
Operations Center (NOC) management on
an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
D - The customer Colocation Handbook is
reviewed and approved by the Colocation
business unit management on an annual
Inspected the Customer Colocation
Handbook to determine whether it is
reviewed and approved by business unit
management on an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities Tests of Operating Effectiveness Results of Tests
1.2 The entity's system availability and
related security policies include, but
may not be limited to, the following
a. Identifying and documenting the
system availability and related
security requirements of authorized
b. Classifying data based on its
criticality and sensitivity and that
classification is used to define
protection requirements, access
rights and access restrictions, and
retention and destruction
c. Assessing risks on a periodic basis
d. Preventing unauthorized access.
e. Adding new users, modifying the
access levels of existing users, and
removing users who no longer need
f. Assigning responsibility and
accountability for system
availability and related security.
g. Assigning responsibility and
accountability for system changes
A - A written Data Center Operations
Manual, Customer Colocation Handbook,
and Network Operations Center Procedures
are in place documenting data center policies
and procedures.
Inspected the manuals to determine
whether availability and security policies
and procedures are documented within.
No exceptions noted.
B - The Data Center Operations Manual is
reviewed and approved by the Data Center
Operations management on an annual basis.
Inspected the Data Center Operations
Manual to determine whether it is reviewed
and approved by Data Center Operations
management on an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
C - The Network Operations Center
procedures are reviewed and approved by the
Network Operations Center (NOC)
management on an annual basis.
Inspected the Network Operations Center
procedures to determine whether they were
reviewed and approved by the Network
Operations Center (NOC) management on
an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
D - The customer Colocation Handbook is
reviewed and approved by the Colocation
business unit management on an annual
Inspected the Customer Colocation
Handbook to determine whether it is
reviewed and approved by business unit
management on an annual basis.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities Tests of Operating Effectiveness Results of Tests
and maintenance.
h. Testing, evaluating, and
authorizing system components
before implementation.
i. Addressing how complaints and
requests relating to system
availability and related security
issues are resolved.
j. Identifying and mitigating system
availability and related security
breaches and other incidents.
k. Providing for training and other
resources to support its system
availability and related security
l. Providing for the handling of
exceptions and situations not
specifically addressed in its system
availability and related security
m. Providing for the identification
of and consistency with, applicable
laws and regulations, defined
commitments, service level
agreements, and other contractual
n. Recovering and continuing
service in accordance with
documented customer
commitments or other agreements.
o. Monitoring system capacity to
achieve customer commitments or
G - Users (customers) are given a "colocation
handbook" and receive a Service Level
Agreement when they sign up to use our
Inquired of Internap personnel to
determine whether new colocation
customers are provided the Colocation
Handbook and Service Level Agreement
upon initiating service.
Inspected the Colocation Handbook and a
sample of Service Level Agreements to
determine whether they exist and include
related availability and security obligations
of users and Internap's availability and
security commitments.
Inspected the customer set up checklist to
determine whether procedures exist to
instruct the business to provide the
Colocation Handbook and Service Level
Agreement to new customers.
No exceptions noted.
L - Periodically, the Company obtains the
services of a third-party data center risk
assessment expert to identify potential
threats of disruption. These results are
revisited annually to assess the risk
associated with the threats identified.
Inspected documentation to determine
whether a third-party data center risk
assessment had been reviewed and risks
assessed between October 1, 2o12 and
September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities Tests of Operating Effectiveness Results of Tests
other agreements regarding
M - The Company performs an enterprise
wide risk assessment annually.
Inspected documentation to determine
whether an enterprise wide risk assessment
was completed and reviewed between
October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
1.3 Responsibility and accountability
for developing and maintaining the
entity's system availability and
related security policies, and
changes and updates to those
policies, are assigned.
E - Organizational chart and job descriptions
are in place and assign responsibility and
accountability for system availability and
Inquired of management to determine
whether the organizational chart and job
descriptions are updated at least annually.
Inspected the Internap Organizational chart
and job descriptions to determine whether
the Company assigned responsibility and
accountability for system availability and
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Area 2: Communications
The entity communicates the defined system availability policies to responsible parties and authorized.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
2.1 The entity has prepared an
objective description of the system
and its boundaries and
communicated such description to
authorized users.
F - The Company has prepared a description of its
colocation service offerings and posts it to the Company
website for users to access.
Observed Internaps external
website to determine whether a
description of its colocation
service offerings and system
boundaries are posted.
No exceptions noted.
2.2 The availability and related
security obligations of users and
the entity's availability and related
security commitments to users are
communicated to authorized users.
F - The Company has prepared a description of its
colocation service offerings and posts it to the Company
website for users to access.
Observed Internap's external
website to determine whether a
description of its colocation
service offerings and system
boundaries are posted.
No exceptions noted.
G - Users (customers) are given a "colocation handbook"
and receive a Service Level Agreement when they sign
up to use our services.
Inquired of Internap personnel
to determine whether new
colocation customers are
provided the Colocation
Handbook and Service Level
Agreement upon initiating
Inspected the Colocation
Handbook and a sample of
Service Level Agreements to
determine whether they exist
and include related availability
and security obligations of users
and Internap's availability and
security commitments.
Inspected the customer set up
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
checklist to determine whether
procedures exist to instruct the
business to provide the
Colocation Handbook and
Service Level Agreement to new
H - Internal Users (employees) receive on the job new
hire training and are made aware of the customer facing
documents and other internal policies covering system
security and availability.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are
provided on the job training.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are made
aware of customer facing
documents and internal policies
addressing data center security
and availability.
Inspected the Data Center
Operations Manual to determine
whether it contains information
to be leveraged in the training of
internal users. Such
information includes
instructions for informing user
entities about system availability
issues, breaches of system
security, and submitting
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center has
an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether it
contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
2.3 Responsibility and accountability
for the entity's system availability
and related security policies and
changes and updates to those
policies are communicated to
entity personnel responsible for
implementing them.
E - Organizational chart and job descriptions are in
place and assign responsibility and accountability for
system availability and security.
Inquired of management to
determine whether the
organizational chart and job
descriptions are updated at least
Inspected the Internap
Organizational chart and job
descriptions to determine
whether the company assigned
responsibility and accountability
for system availability and
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
2.4 The process for informing the
entity about system availability
issues and breaches of system
security and for submitting
complaints is communicated to
authorized users.
H - Internal Users (employees) receive on the job new
hire training and are made aware of the customer facing
documents and other internal policies covering system
security and availability.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are
provided on the job training.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are made
aware of customer facing
documents and internal policies
addressing data center security
and availability.
Inspected the Data Center
Operations Manual to determine
whether it contains information
to be leveraged in the training of
internal users. Such
information includes
instructions for informing user
entities about system availability
issues, breaches of system
security, and submitting
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center has
an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether it
contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
J - The process for users (customers) to inform the
entity of system availability issues, possible security
breaches, and other incidents is documented in the
"customer handbook".
Inspected the Customer
Handbook to determine whether
the process for customers to
inform Internap of system
availability issues, possible
security breaches, and other
incidents was documented.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
2.5 Changes that may affect system
availability and system security are
communicated to management and
users who will be affected.
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center has
an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether it
contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
K - The Company has in place a Critical Environment
Work Authorization (CEWA) process to ensure all
scheduled maintenance and other data center
implementations / modifications are documented and
authorized to ensure minimal impact to customers.
For a sample of data center
changes between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013
inspected Critical Environment
Work Authorization (CEWA)
forms to determine whether the
work had been properly
reviewed and approved.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Area 3: Procedures
The entity placed in operation procedures to achieve its documented system availability objectives in accordance with its defined policies.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
3.1 Procedures exist to (1) identify
potential threats of disruptions
to systems operation that would
impair system availability
commitments and (2) assess the
risks associated with the
identified threats.
L - Periodically, the Company obtains the services of
a third-party data center risk assessment expert to
identify potential threats of disruption. These
results are revisited annually to assess the risk
associated with the threats identified.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether a third-
party data center risk
assessment had been reviewed
and risks assessed between
October 1, 2012 and September
30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
M - The Company performs an enterprise wide risk
assessment annually.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether an
enterprise wide risk
assessment was completed and
reviewed between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
3.2 Measures to prevent or mitigate
threats have been implemented
consistent with the risk
assessment when commercially
N - A VESDA or particulate sampling smoke
detection system is installed in the data center to
detect and alert data center personnel to the
presence of a fire at its very early stages.
Observed the smoke detection
system in the data center to
determine whether a smoke
detection system is installed in
the data center.
No exceptions noted.
O - The VESDA or particulate sampling smoke
detection system is inspected and serviced at least
annually to ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether the smoke detection
system was inspected and
serviced between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
P - The data center is protected from the risk of fire
by a pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler fire suppression
system as well as fire extinguishers located
throughout the data center.
Observed sprinkler system and
fire extinguishers throughout
the data center to determine
whether the data center is
protected from the risk of fire
by a pre-action, dry pipe
sprinkler fire suppression
system as well as fire
No exceptions noted.
Q - The pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler fire
suppression system is inspected and serviced at
least annually, and fire extinguishers are inspected
and serviced at least annually, to ensure effective
Inspected evidence to
determine whether the fire
extinguishers and fire
suppression system were
serviced between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted
R - Multiple HVAC units control both temperature
and humidity within the data center, delivering
redundant HVAC service throughout the data
Observed multiple HVAC units
to determine whether HVAC
units are designed to control
both temperature and
humidity within the data
center, delivering redundant
HVAC service throughout the
data center.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
S - HVAC units are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
HVAC units are inspected and
serviced annually the period.
No exceptions noted.
K - The Company has in place a Critical
Environment Work Authorization (CEWA) process
to ensure all scheduled maintenance and other data
center implementations / modifications are
documented and authorized to ensure minimal
impact to our Customers.
For a sample of data center
changes that occurred between
October 1, 2o12 and September
30, 2013, inspected Critical
Environment Work
Authorization (CEWA) forms
to determine whether the work
had been properly reviewed
and approved.
No exceptions noted.
T - Redundant UPS systems are in place to provide
temporary power in the event of a power failure and
to mitigate the risk of power surges impacting
infrastructure in the data center.
Observed UPS systems to
determine whether redundant
UPS systems are in place to
provide temporary power in
the event of a power failure
and to mitigate the risk of
power surges impacting
infrastructure in the data
No exceptions noted.
U - UPS systems are inspected and serviced at least
annually to ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether UPS systems are
inspected and serviced at least
annually during the period.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
V - Multiple diesel generators are in place to provide
backup power in the event of a power outage.
Observed generators to
determine whether multiple
diesel generators are in place
to provide backup power in the
event of a power outage.
No exceptions noted.
W - Generators are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
generators are inspected and
serviced at least annually
during the period.
No exceptions noted.
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the
BMS console which reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and fire
detection/suppression conditions.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
Observed the local control
room at the data center and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) to
determine whether power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS.
Observed data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
3.3 Procedures exist to provide for
backup, offsite storage,
restoration, and disaster
recovery consistent with the
entity's defined system
availability and related security
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center
has an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether
it contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
T - Redundant UPS systems are in place to provide
temporary power in the event of a power failure and
to mitigate the risk of power surges impacting
infrastructure in the data center.
Observed UPS systems to
determine whether redundant
UPS systems are in place to
provide temporary power in
the event of a power failure
and to mitigate the risk of
power surges impacting
infrastructure in the data
No exceptions noted.
V - Multiple diesel generators are in place to provide
backup power in the event of a power outage.
Observed generators to
determine whether multiple
diesel generators are in place
to provide backup power in the
event of a power outage.
No exceptions noted.
3.5 Procedures exist to restrict
logical access to the defined
system including, but not
limited to, the following
a. Logical access security
measures to restrict access to
information resources not
deemed to be public.
b. Identification and
authentication of users.
c. Registration and
authorization of new users.
d. The process to make changes
Y - Data Center Management approves all
provisioning of Administrator access (add, modify,
delete users) to the keycard system.
Inspected a sample of
administrative users added
between October 1, 2012 and
September 30, 2013 to
determine whether access was
approved by Data Center
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
and updates to user profiles.
e. Restriction of access to offline
storage, backup data, systems
and media.
f. Restriction of access to system
configurations, superuser
functionality, master passwords,
powerful utilities, and security
devices (for example, firewalls).
Z - On a semi-annual basis, individuals with access
to add, modify, and delete users in the key card
system are reviewed for appropriateness.
Inspected the semi-annual
access review to determine
whether Internap collocation
security personnel perform a
semi-annual access review to
validate the appropriateness of
individuals with access to add,
modify, and delete users in the
key card access system and
access changes requested were
No exceptions noted.
AA - User update access to CST and Ubersmith
customer contact lists is reviewed for
appropriateness based on job responsibilities on an
annual basis.
Inspected the review of update
access to the CST/Ubersmith
customer contact lists to
determine whether access is
limited to authorized personnel
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
OO - Internap colocation security personnel
perform a quarterly audit to validate the
appropriateness of all employees', contractors', and
security guards' physical access to the data centers.
Inspected a sample of quarterly
audits of employees,
contractors, and security
guards with data center access
to determine whether the
reviews were performed and
access changes requested were
No exceptions noted.
PP Data Center Operations application data
migrations are reconciled to validate the
completeness and accuracy the migrated data.
Inspected the reconciliation
performed by Internap
management to determine
whether user access listing
reconciliations were performed
between CST and the
Ubersmith application.
No exceptions noted.
3.6 Procedures exist to restrict
physical access to the defined
system including, but not
limited to, facilities, backup
media, and other system
components such as firewalls,
routers, and servers.
BB - Only authorized Internap employees,
contractors, security guards, and customers are
granted physical access to the data center.
Inspected authorization
evidence for a sample of
employees, contractors,
customers and security guards,
who were granted physical
access to the data center
between October 1, 2o12 and
September 30, 2013 to
determine whether only
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
authorized Internap employees
and customers are granted
physical access to the data
CC1- Physical access to the data center is revoked
upon termination of Internap employees and
security guards.
Inspected the active keycard
listing for a sample of
terminated employees and
security guards to determine
whether physical access to the
data center is revoked upon
termination of Internap
employees and security guards.
No exceptions noted.
CC-2-Physical access to the data center is revoked
upon termination of contractors.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether physical access to the
data center is revoked upon
termination of contractors.
Exceptions noted.
No auditable evidence was
retained to evidence the
removal of contractor badge
access to the data center
DD - Physical access to the data center is revoked
upon notification by customers to the NOC for
customer employee terminations.
For a sample of customer
employees who require data
center access revocation,
inspected the keycard access
listings to determine whether
unauthorized the customer
employee access had been
No exceptions noted.
EE - Customer equipment is segregated via locked
cages or locked cabinets to ensure that customers
can only access their own equipment. Lock
mechanisms are combination, badge reader, or
physical key.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether customer equipment
is segregated via locked cages
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
Physical keys are maintained by the security guard
and stored out of plain sight.
or locked cabinets to ensure
that customers can only access
their own equipment.
Observed locked cages and
locked cabinets to determine
whether customer equipment
is segregated via locked cages
or locked cabinets such that
customers can only access their
own equipment.
Observed that physical keys are
maintained by the security
guards and stored out of plain
FF - In order to gain physical access to Internap
data centers, employees and customers must be
validated via a combination of key card and/or
biometric technology.
Inquired of management to
determine whether employees
and customers must be
validated by key card and/or
biometric technology.
Observed successful and
unsuccessful attempts to gain
entry to the data center to
determine whether employees
and customers must be
validated by keycard and/or
biometric technology.
No exceptions noted.
GG - A manned security post controls entry into
Internap data centers. Customers must pass by the
manned security post prior to gaining access to the
data center.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether a manned security
post controls entry into
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
Internap data centers.
Observed the manned security
post that is placed in line of
sight to where customers gain
access to the data center to
determine whether a manned
security post controls entry
into Internap data centers.
JJ - Internap employs 24 hour video surveillance to
monitor all entrances, exits, and other sensitive
areas of its data centers.
Observed video surveillance
cameras at entrances, exits,
and sensitive areas as well as
security personnel monitoring
video feeds to determine
whether sensitive locations are
monitored by Internap
No exceptions noted.
HH - Customer access to Internap data centers is
logged at the security desk.
Inspected security logs for a
sample of days to determine
whether customer access to
Internap data centers is logged
at the security desk.
No exceptions noted.
OO - Internap colocation security personnel
perform a quarterly audit to validate the
appropriateness of all employees', contractors', and
security guards' physical access to the data centers.
Inspected a sample of quarterly
audits of employees,
contractors, and security
guards with data center access
to determine whether the
reviews were performed and
access changes requested were
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
PP Data Center Operations application data
migrations are reconciled to validate the
completeness and accuracy the migrated data.
Inspected the reconciliation
performed by Internap
management to determine
whether user access listing
reconciliations were performed
between CST and the
Ubersmith application.
No exceptions noted.
II - Internap colocation security personnel perform
a semi-annual audit to validate the appropriateness
of all customers' physical access to the data centers.
Inspected the semi-annual
customer audits to determine
whether Internap collocation
security personnel perform a
semi-annual audit to validate
the appropriateness of
customers' physical access to
the data centers.
No exceptions noted.
3.10 Procedures exist to identify,
report, and act upon system
availability issues and related
security breaches and other
H - Internal Users (employees) receive on the job
new hire training and are made aware of the
customer facing documents and other internal
policies covering system security and availability.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are
provided on the job training.
Inquired of Data Center
Operations management to
determine whether new
colocation employees are made
aware of customer facing
documents and internal
policies addressing data center
security and availability.
Inspected the Data Center
Operations Manual to
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
determine whether it contains
information to be leveraged in
the training of internal users.
Such information includes
instructions for informing user
entities about system
availability issues, breaches of
system security, and
submitting complaints.
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center
has an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether
it contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the
BMS console which reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and fire
detection/suppression conditions.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
Observed the local control
room at the data center and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) to
determine whether power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS.
Observed data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
3.12 Procedures exist to provide that
issues of noncompliance with
system availability and related
security policies are promptly
addressed and that corrective
measures are taken on a timely
O - The VESDA or particulate sampling smoke
detection system is inspected and serviced at least
annually to ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether the smoke detection
system is inspected and
serviced between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted
Q - The pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler fire
suppression system is inspected and serviced at
least annually, and fire extinguishers are inspected
and serviced at least annually, to ensure effective
Inspected evidence to
determine whether the fire
extinguishers and fire
suppression system were
serviced between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted
S - HVAC units are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
HVAC units are inspected and
serviced annually during the
No exceptions noted.
U - UPS systems are inspected and serviced at least
annually to ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether UPS systems are
inspected and serviced at least
annually during the period.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
W - Generators are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
generators are inspected and
serviced at least annually
during the period.
No exceptions noted.
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the
BMS console which reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and fire
detection/suppression conditions.
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
Observed the local control
room at the data center and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) to
determine whether power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS.
Observed data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
L - Periodically, the Company obtains the services of
a third-party data center risk assessment expert to
identify potential threats of disruption. These
results are revisited annually to assess the risk
associated with the threats identified.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether a third-
party data center risk
assessment had been reviewed
and risks assessed between
October 1, 2012 and September
30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
M - The Company performs an enterprise wide risk
assessment annually.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether an
Enterprise Wide Risk
Assessment was completed and
reviewed between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
KK - Tickets resolution metrics are reported to
Operations management monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
Inquired of operations
management to determine
whether issue tracking tickets
resolution metrics are reported
to operations management
monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
For a sample of months
inspected the operations
management reporting
package to determine whether
ticket resolution metrics were
included and monitored for
timeliness of completion.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
3.13 Design, acquisition,
implementation, configuration,
modification, and management
of infrastructure and software
are consistent with defined
system availability and related
security policies.
K - The Company has in place a Critical
Environment Work Authorization (CEWA) process
to ensure all scheduled maintenance and other data
center implementations / modifications are
documented and authorized to ensure minimal
impact to our Customers.
For a sample of data center
changes between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013,
inspected Critical Environment
Work Authorization (CEWA)
forms to determine whether
the work had been properly
reviewed and approved.
No exceptions noted.
3.14 Procedures exist to provide that
personnel responsible for the
design, development,
implementation, and operation
of systems affecting availability
and security have the
qualifications and resources to
fulfill their responsibilities.
LL - An employment pre-screening process is in
place. It includes background, credit, and DMV
checks (based on job requirements).
Inspected pre-screen results in
the employee files for a sample
of employees hired between
October 1, 2012 and September
30, 2013 to determine whether
an employment pre-screening
process is in place and includes
background, credit and DMV
checks where applicable based
on job requirements.
No exceptions noted.
MM - An annual performance review process is in
place. It gives managers and employees an
opportunity to discuss performance, ethics, integrity
and training needs. The review process also
includes setting goals and objectives for the
following year.
Inspected documentation
evidencing the annual
performance review process is
in place and discusses ethics,
integrity, training needs, along
with setting goals for the
upcoming year.
No exceptions noted.
E - Organizational chart and job descriptions are in
place and assign responsibility and accountability
for system availability and security.
Inspected the Internap
Organizational chart and job
descriptions to determine
whether the Company assigned
responsibility and
accountability for system
availability and security.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
NN - The Company allows operating units to budget
training for each employee to continue education
either virtually or locally, including maintenance of
certifications. The Company also has a formal
tuition reimbursement program.
Inspected the Employee
Handbook and annual budget
to determine whether the
Company allows operating
units to budget training for
each employee to continue
education either virtually or
locally, including maintenance
of certifications and whether
the Company also has a formal
tuition reimbursement
Inspected Internap's operating
budget for 2013 to determine
whether it included allowance
for training and continuing
No exceptions noted.
3.16 Procedures exist to provide that
only authorized, tested, and
documented changes are made
to the system.
K - The Company has in place a Critical
Environment Work Authorization (CEWA) process
to ensure all scheduled maintenance and other data
center implementations / modifications are
documented and authorized to ensure minimal
impact to our Customers.
For a sample of data center
changes between October 1,
2o12 and September 30, 2013,
inspected Critical Environment
Work Authorization (CEWA)
forms to determine whether
the work had been properly
reviewed and approved.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
3.17 Procedures exist to provide that
emergency changes are
documented and authorized
(including after-the-fact
I - Each Internap Company controlled data center
has an Operations Manual which is available and
communicated to users (emergency procedures are
documented within).
Inspected the Operations
Manual to determine whether
it contained relevant content
including: Emergency and
Incident Response; Authorized
Vendors; Facility Map with
Equipment Location;
Equipment Descriptions;
Equipment Specifications;
Facility Capacities; Preventive
Maintenance; Trouble Ticket
and Engineer Change Notice
(ECN) Procedures;
Instrumentation Measuring;
Equipment Tests; Security
Procedures; Safety Procedures;
Network Area and Workroom
Procedures; Colocation
Procedures and SLA; and
Contractor Requirements.
No exceptions noted.
K - The Company has in place a Critical
Environment Work Authorization (CEWA) process
to ensure all scheduled maintenance and other data
center implementations / modifications are
documented and authorized to ensure minimal
impact to our Customers.
For a sample of data center
changes between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013,
inspected Critical Environment
Work Authorization (CEWA)
forms to determine whether
the work had been reviewed
and approved.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Area 4: Monitoring
The entity monitors the system and takes action to maintain compliance with its defined system availability policies.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
4.1 The entity's system availability
and security performance is
periodically reviewed and
compared with the defined system
availability and related security
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-time status of power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire detection/suppression
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) personnel
monitor the BMS console which
reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and
fire detection/suppression
Observed the local control room
at the data center and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) to determine
whether power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS. Observed
data center technicians and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
KK - Tickets resolution metrics are reported to
Operations management monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
Inquired of operations
management to determine
whether tickets resolution
metrics are reported to
operations management
monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
For a sample of months
inspected the operations
management reporting package
to determine whether ticket
resolution metrics were
included and monitored for
timeliness of completion.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
4.2 There is a process to identify and
address potential impairments to
the entity's ongoing ability to
achieve its objectives in
with its defined system availability
and related security policies.
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-time status of power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire detection/suppression
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) personnel
monitor the BMS console which
reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and
fire detection/suppression
Observed the local control room
at the data center and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) to determine
whether power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS. Observed
data center technicians and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
N - A VESDA or particulate sampling smoke detection
system is installed in the data center to detect and alert
data center personnel to the presence of a fire at its very
early stages.
Observed the smoke detection
system in the data center to
determine whether a smoke
detection system is installed in
the data center.
No exceptions noted.
O - The VESDA or particulate sampling smoke detection
system is inspected and serviced at least annually to
ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether the smoke detection
system is inspected and serviced
between October 1, 2012 and
September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted
L - Periodically, the Company obtains the services of a
third-party data center risk assessment expert to
identify potential threats of disruption. These results
are revisited annually to assess the risk associated with
the threats identified.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether a third-party
data center risk assessment had
been reviewed and risks
assessed between October 1,
2o12 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
M - The Company performs an enterprise wide risk
assessment annually.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether an
Enterprise Wide Risk
Assessment was completed and
reviewed between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
P - The data center is protected from the risk of fire by a
pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler fire suppression system as
well as fire extinguishers located throughout the data
Observed sprinkler system and
fire extinguishers throughout
the data center to determine
whether the data center is
protected from the risk of fire by
a pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler
fire suppression system as well
as fire extinguishers.
No exceptions noted.
Q - The pre-action, dry pipe sprinkler fire suppression
system is inspected and serviced at least annually, and
fire extinguishers are inspected and serviced at least
annually, to ensure effective operation.
Inspected evidence to determine
whether the fire extinguishers
and fire suppression system
were serviced between October
1, 2012 and September 30, 2013
No exceptions noted
R - Multiple HVAC units control both temperature and
humidity within the data center, delivering redundant
HVAC service throughout the data center.
Observed multiple HVAC units
to determine whether HVAC
units are designed to control
both temperature and humidity
within the data center,
delivering redundant HVAC
service throughout the data
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
S - HVAC units are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
HVAC units are inspected and
serviced annually the period.
No exceptions noted.
T - Redundant UPS systems are in place to provide
temporary power in the event of a power failure and to
mitigate the risk of power surges impacting
infrastructure in the data center.
Observed UPS systems to
determine whether redundant
UPS systems are in place to
provide temporary power in the
event of a power failure and to
mitigate the risk of power surges
impacting infrastructure in the
data center.
No exceptions noted.
U - UPS systems are inspected and serviced at least
annually to ensure effective operation.
Inspected a third-party vendor
preventative maintenance and
inspection report to determine
whether UPS systems are
inspected and serviced at least
annually during the period.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
V - Multiple diesel generators are in place to provide
backup power in the event of a power outage.
Observed generators to
determine whether multiple
diesel generators are in place to
provide backup power in the
event of a power outage.
No exceptions noted.
W - Generators are inspected and serviced at least
annually by third party vendors to ensure effective
Inspected a sample of third-
party vendor preventative
maintenance and inspection
reports to determine whether
generators are inspected and
serviced at least annually during
the period.
No exceptions noted.
KK - Tickets resolution metrics are reported to
Operations management monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
Inquired of operations
management to determine
whether tickets resolution
metrics are reported to
operations management
monthly to monitor the
timeliness of completion.
For a sample of months
inspected the operations
management reporting package
to determine whether ticket
resolution metrics were
included and monitored for
timeliness of completion.
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
4.3 Environmental, regulatory, and
technological changes are
monitored, and their effect on
system availability and security is
assessed on a timely basis; policies
are updated for that assessment.
X - Data center environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the BMS. Data center
technicians and Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC) personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-time status of power,
HVAC, temperature, and fire detection/suppression
Inquired of data center
management to determine
whether data center
environmental conditions are
monitored and reported via the
BMS and whether data center
technicians and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) personnel
monitor the BMS console which
reports the real-time status of
power, HVAC, temperature, and
fire detection/suppression
Observed the local control room
at the data center and Internap's
centralized Network Operations
Center (NOC) to determine
whether power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
conditions are monitored and
reported via the BMS. Observed
data center technicians and
Internap's centralized Network
Operations Center (NOC)
personnel monitor the BMS
console which reports the real-
time status of power, HVAC,
temperature, and fire
No exceptions noted.
Section IV: Internap's Control Activities and PwCs Tests of Controls
This report is intended solely for the use by the management of Internap Network Services Corporation and the specified parties, and is not intended and should not be used by
anyone other than these parties.
Availability Criteria Control Activities
Tests of Operating
Results of Tests
L - Periodically, the Company obtains the services of a
third-party data center risk assessment expert to
identify potential threats of disruption. These results
are revisited annually to assess the risk associated with
the threats identified.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether a third-party
data center risk assessment had
been reviewed and risks
assessed between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013.
No exceptions noted.
M - The Company performs an enterprise wide risk
assessment annually.
Inspected documentation to
determine whether an
Enterprise Wide Risk
Assessment was completed and
reviewed between October 1,
2012 and September 30, 2013
No exceptions noted.

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