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Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the ame,
!n one for the little boy
"ho lives own the lane.
Cobbler, Cobbler
#obbler, cobbler, men my shoe,
$et it one by half past two.
Stitch it up an stitch it own,
Then %&ll give you half a crown.
#obbler, cobbler, men my shoe,
$et it one by half past two.
Half past two is much too late,
$et it one by half past eight.
Georgie Porgie
$eorgie 'orgie, puing an pie,
(isse the girls an mae them cry,
"hen the boys came out to play,
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
One, two buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the oor,
)ive, si*, pick up sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them straight,
+ine, ten, o it again
Ding Dong Bell
,ing ong bell, pussy&s in the well.
"ho put her in? -ittle .ohnny $reen.
"ho pulle her out? -ittle Tommy Stout.
"hat a naughty boy was that,
Try to rown poor pussy cat,
"ho ne&er i any harm
but kille all the mice in the farmer&s
Good Morning to You
$oo morning to you
$oo morning to you
$oo morning to you
$oo morning to you.
$oo morning to you
$oo morning to you
$oo morning everyboy
Little Bo Peep
-ittle Bo 'eep has lost her sheep
!n can&t tell where to fin them.
-eave them alone, an they&ll come home,
"agging their tails behin them.
-ittle Bo 'eep fell fast asleep
!n reamt she hear them bleating.
But when she awoke, she foun it a 0oke,
)or they were all still fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook
,etermine for to fin them.
She foun them inee, it mae her heart blee,
)or they& left their tails behin them.
%t happene one ay, as Bo 'eep i stray
%nto a meaow har by.
There she espie their tails sie by sie
!ll hung on a tree to ry.
She heave a sigh an wipe her eye
!n over the hillocks she race.
!n trie what she coul, as a shepheress shoul,
That each tail shoul be properly place.
-ittle Bo 'eep has lost her sheep
!n can&t tell where to fin them.
-eave them alone, an they&ll come home,
"agging their tails behin them.
$eorgie 'orgie ran away. $oo morning to you.
ead, Shoulder!, "nee! and Toe!
Hea, shoulers, knees an toes,
(nees an toes, knees an toes
Hea, shoulers, knees an toes,
1yes, ears, mouth an nose.
!nkles, elbows, feet an seat,
)eet an seat, feet an seat,
!nkles, elbows, feet an seat,
Hair, hips, chin an cheeks.
ey Diddle, Diddle
Hey ile, ile, the cat an the file,
The cow 0umpe over the moon.
The little og laughe to see such sport,
!n the ish ran away with the spoon.
#$% a Little Teapot
%&m a little teapot,
Short an stout.
Here&s my hanle,
Here&s my spout.
"hen % get all steame up, hear me shout.
Tip me over an pour me out/
ickory Dickory Dock
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran own,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck two,
!n own he flew,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck three,
The mouse ran free,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck four,
He hit the floor,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck five,
The mouse came alive,
Hickory ickory ock,
#& You$re appy
%f you&re happy an you know it, clap your hans 2*
%f you&re happy an you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
%f you&re happy an you know it, clap your hans
%f you&re happy an you know it, pull your ears 2*
%f you&re happy an you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
%f you&re happy an you know it, pull your ears
%f you&re happy an you know it, stomp your feet 2*
%f you&re happy an you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
%f you&re happy an you know it, stomp your feet
%f you&re happy an you know it, make a smile 2*
%f you&re happy an you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
%f you&re happy an you know it, make a smile
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck si*,
He playe some tricks,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck seven,
1ight, nine, ten, eleven,
Hickory ickory ock,
Hickory ickory ock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck twelve,
He was prou of himself,
Hickory ickory ock,

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