English Grammar - Exercises

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English Grammar (Tests)

English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1

Speaking already
Q1 Can you hear what he is .......?
(a) saying () spea!ing (c) telling (") tal!ing
Q2 She hasn#t come home .......$
(a) still () alrea"y (c) yet (") till
Q3 I ....... T% yester"ay evening$
(a) saw () loo!e" (c) viewe" (") watche"
Q4 &e live ....... the city centre$
(a) near () ne't (c) y (") neary
Q5 She loo!s ....... a (amous (ilm star$
(a) as () li!e (c) similar (") same
Q6 This television gives you the ....... news$
(a) last () latest (c) least (") later
Q7 I only ....... one mista!e in last night#s test$
(a) ma"e () "one (c) "i" (") ma!e
Q8 I want you to tell me the ....... truth$
(a) all () e'act (c) real (") whole
Q9 )e is loo!ing ....... a present to uy his girl(rien"$
(a) (or () at (c) in (") on
Q10 That#s what I woul" li!e ....... Christmas$
(a) (or () at (c) in (") on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *
Drive are!"lly
Q1 +ou must not "rin! an" then ....... a car$
(a) lea" () "rive (c) ta!e (") gui"e
Q2 ,lease e ....... when you cross this roa"$
(a) careless () care(ree (c) caring (") care(ul
Q3 -o what you li!e. I really "on#t .......$
(a) concern () intereste" (c) "isli!e (") min"
Q4 I( you want to ....... that oo! rememer to ring it ac!$
(a) orrow () len" (c) loan (") owe
Q5 &hen your train arrives. I#ll ....... you (rom the station$
(a) ta!e () ring (c) (etch (") remove
Q6 I always get ....... early in the summer$
(a) up () over (c) through (") on
Q7 &hen you (irst meet someone. you usually sha!e them ....... the han"$
(a) with () on (c) in (") y
Q8 I have never ....... her e(ore$
(a) saw () seeing (c) seen (") see
Q9 The teacher as!e" her stu"ents to "o their .......$
(a) housewor! () homewor! (c) home "uty (") house /o
Q10 The police o((icer tol" the chil"ren always to tell the .......$
(a) true () (acts (c) in(ormation (") truth
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 0
#is$en vs% &ear
Q1 I#m terrily sorry ut I ....... what you sai" /ust now an" I won"er i( you coul" repeat it$
(a) wasn#t listen to () wasn#t hearing (c) "i"n#t hear (") "i"n#t hearing
Q2 I ....... attentively to the lecture on philosophy ut I still "i"n#t un"erstan" much o( it$
(a) hear" () listene" (c) was hearing (") was listen
Q3 Can you ....... me all right over there ecause you are rather a long way away?
(a) listening () hearing (c) listen (") hear
Q4 I ....... what you are saying ut that still "oesn#t ma!e me want to change my min" one little it$
(a) listen () hear (c) am listing (") am hearing
Q5 I ....... to the concert every 1on"ay on the ra"io an" I imagine I am there listening to it in
(a) listen () am listening (c) hear (") am hearing
Q6 I shoul" e'plain that he (in"s it very "i((icult to (ollow your conversation ecause he is very
har" o( .......$
(a) listen to () listening (c) to hear (") hearing
Q7 2ow will you please ....... me an" pay attention to what I#m saying ecause it#s very important$
(a) hear () listen to (c) hearing (") listening to
Q8 +ou#ve een ma!ing so much noise with your music that people at the (ar en" o( the roa" can
....... you$
(a) listen to () listening to (c) hear (") hearing
Q9 )e sometimes preten"s he can#t ....... a single wor" you are saying ut all the time he#s ta!ing
it all in$
(a) listen to () listening to (c) hear (") hearing
Q10 I have een ....... strange stories aout you recently ut I "o hope that there is no sustance
in them$
(a) listene" to () listening to (c) hear" (") hearing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3
'inish vs% End
Q1 The rothers will ....... school oth together at the en" o( this year$
(a) en" () en"ing (c) (inish (") (inishes
Q2 They wante" their "aughter to improve her social s!ills an" sent her to the (amous ....... school
in Swit4erlan"$
(a) en"s () en"ing (c) (inishes (") (inishing
Q3 +ou can#t miss it. it#s that tall uil"ing right at the ....... o( the roa"$
(a) en" () en"s (c) (inish (") (inishes
Q4 Sa"ly their marriage o( *5 years ....... in "ivorce$
(a) en"s () en"e" (c) (inishes (") (inishe"
Q5 It "i"n#t ta!e long (or the chil"ren to ....... o(( the ca!es an" pastries that ha" not een eaten at
the party$
(a) en" () en"ing (c) (inish (") (inishing
Q6 )e thought they woul" all share the cost o( the meal ut un(ortunately he ....... up paying (or
(a) en" () en"e" (c) (inish (") (inishe"
Q7 6(ter the chil"ren ha" ....... "oing their homewor!. the whole (amily watche" television$
(a) en"s () en"e" (c) (nishes (") (inishe"
Q8 +ou coul" tell the time y him ecause he always ....... wor! at e'actly the same time every
(a) en"s () en"e" (c) (inish (") (inishe"
Q9 I#ve written practically the whole oo! e'cept (or the last part an" I /ust "on#t !now how to .......
the story$
(a) en" () en"ing (c) (inish (") (inishing
Q10 To most people it seeme" li!e a long an" success(ul relationship an" so it was a great
surprise to learn that
they ha" ....... with each other$
(a) en"s () en"e" (c) (inishes (") (inishe"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5
S$ar$ vs% (egin
Q1 I ....... my car to ma!e sure it wor!e" aout ten mintues e(ore I "rove to wor!$
(a) egan () starte" (c) egin (") start
Q2 1y car very rarely ....... (irst time when the weather is really col"$
(a) egins () eginning (c) starting (") starts
Q3 &e ....... o(( early on the (irst "ay o( summer so that we coul" see the sun rise$
(a) egan () starte" (c) starting (") eginning
Q4 I rea" the ....... o( that oo! ut I coul"n#t possily rea" the whole story$
(a) starting () start (c) eginning (") egin
Q5 I can#t ....... to un"erstan" why anyone woul" want to e cruel to animals$
(a) start () egin (c) starts (") egins
Q6 )e ....... o(( at me again simply ecause I ha" (orgotten to loc! the ac! "oor a(ter I came
(a) starte" () egan (c) egun (") starts
Q7 I won a lot o( money y etting on that horse ut it was simply a case o( ....... luc!$
(a) start#s () starter#s (c) eginner#s (") eginning#s
Q8 6s (ar as I was concerne" when the acci"ent happene". it was the ....... o( the en"$
(a) start () egin (c) starting (") eginning
Q9 &ho woul" li!e to ....... o(( the "eate?
(a) egin () start (c) egins (") starting
Q10 I woul" greatly appreciate it i( you "i"n#t ....... up that ol" argument again$
(a) start () egin (c) starts (") egins
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7
)*dal +er,s
Q1 I ....... go to see the "octor last wee! ecause I was very ill$
(a) must () must to (c) ha" to
Q2 I coul" ....... ought that car ut I "i"n#t have enough money to pay (or the petrol$
(a) ha" () have (c) have to
Q3 I ....... go now ecause I am alrea"y late (or my class$
(a) must () ha" (c) have
Q4 I may ....... ale to come to your party i( I have the time$
(a) e () eing (c) eing to
Q5 -o you ....... clean the house every "ay or every wee!?
(a) must () have (c) have to
Q6 I ....... spea! 8rench without a prolem now ecause I have ha" many lessons$
(a) may () can (c) have
Q7 They ....... "o their homewor! to"ay ecause it is a holi"ay at the school$
(a) must not () "on#t have (c) "on#t have to
Q8 I ....... help you with your shopping ecause you have a lot o( ags$
(a) ought () ought to (c) thought
Q9 &hen will you ....... come an" see us in our new house?
(a) can () e ale to (c) must
Q10 I may ....... go to ,aris ne't wee! ecause there is a very ig e'hiition there$
(a) have () have to (c) ha"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9
&*- $* "se $he ar$iles
Q1 I only want ....... little sugar in my tea. please$
(a) a () the (c) such
Q2 In ....... en" we "eci"e" not to go to the cinema ut to watch television$
(a) the () this (c) an
Q3 It is important sometimes to stop an" loo! aroun" you at all the won"er(ul things .......$
(a) nature () in nature (c) in the nature
Q4 It is ....... oo! that I have ever rea"$
(a) (unniest () a (unniest (c) the (unniest
Q5 I want to go to the cinema to see a (ilm aout ....... an" the 8rench$
(a) 8rance () a 8rance (c) the 8rance
Q6 Can anyone give me ....... please ecause I have /ust (allen over?
(a) han" () a han" (c) the han"
Q7 The interesting thing aout ....... is all the roa"s that they uilt in :ritain$
(a) ;omans () a ;omans (c) the ;omans
Q8 She always sai" that when she grew up she wante" to e .......$
(a) "octor () a "octor (c) the "octor
Q9 I have le(t my oo! in ....... an" I woul" li!e you to get it (or me$
(a) !itchen () a !itchen (c) the !itchen
Q10 6re you stu"ying (oreign languages at school. li!e .......?
(a) 8rench () a 8rench (c) the 8rench
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <
.ela$ive /r*n*"ns
Q1 ....... is that sitting over there in the corner?
(a) &ho () &hom (c) &hich
Q2 I "on#t un"erstan" a wor" ....... you are tal!ing aout$
(a) what () that (c) who
Q3 They have a very large house roun" ....... there are some lovely gar"ens$
(a) that () which (c) whose
Q4 I#m loo!ing at the photograph ....... you sent me with your letter$
(a) which () who (c) whom
Q5 There is a new television programme calle"= #....... wants to e a millionaire?#$
(a) &hich () &hat (c) &ho
Q6 I thin! you will see that this is the est museum ....... you can (in" in the town$
(a) that () which (c) who
Q7 The police want to (in" out ....... "rove the re" car into the shop win"ow$
(a) who () who#s (c) whose
Q8 -i" you meet the la"y ....... uncle wor!s in the lirary?
(a) who () whose (c) who#s
Q9 The person in the house ne't to mine !nows someone ....... met the >ueen$
(a) who () whom (c) which
Q10 The grass. ....... I cut every wee!. seems to grow very ?uic!ly$
(a) who () who#s (c) which
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # @
/resen$ 0ense
Q1 I ....... her every "ay an" she never says hello to me$
(a) see () am seeing (c) will see
Q2 &hat is the name o( that picture which you ....... on the wall$
(a) loo! at () is loo!ing at (c) are loo!ing at
Q3 ....... to see that (ilm that is on at the cinema ne't wee!?
(a) -o you go () Is you going (c) 6re you going
Q4 ....... every single thing which that man says?
(a) -o you elieve () Is you elieving (c) 6re you elieving
Q5 Sometimes I ....... what the teacher says to me$
(a) "on#t un"erstan" () am not un"erstan"ing (c) un"erstan" not
Q6 Aater tonight I ....... my uncle. who is ill in hospital$
(a) visit () am visiting (c) are visiting
Q7 &hy ....... late every time we arrange to meet?
(a) is he () he is (c) is he eing
Q8 ....... y air ecause the cost o( (lying is very high$
(a) I "on#t o(ten travel
(c) I#ll not o(ten travelling
() I#m not o(ten travelling
Q9 2e't time you ....... to my house. you must ring that oo!$
(a) come () is coming (c) are coming
Q10 I ....... to rememer your name ut I#m a(rai" I can#t rememer it$
(a) try () am trying (c) will trying
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1B
Q1 I( I win the lottery. I ....... uy you a very ig car as a present$
(a) shoul" () will (c) am
Q2 ....... I ought you a new car. woul" you e very happy?
(a) &hen () I( (c) 6s
Q3 I( you ....... got that /o. woul" you have een ale to move to a new house?
(a) have () ha" (c) will have
Q4 I woul" want very much to move to a new house i( I ....... that /o$
(a) have () having (c) ha"
Q5 &ill you come to "inner with us i( we ....... a aysitter (or you?
(a) ha" (oun" () will (in" (c) (in"
Q6 I will try very har" to come an" have "inner at your house i( I ....... ale to$
(a) am () was (c) were
Q7 I( I ....... you. I shoul" wor! very har" so that I coul" earn more money$
(a) am () were (c) are
Q8 ....... you ale to len" me some money i( I promise you that you will get it ac! very soon?
(a) 6re () &as (c) &ere
Q9 I( you really want to e help(ul. then you ....... to tell me the truth$
(a) have () ha" (c) will have
Q10 I( I ....... very har". I woul" have een ale to stop smo!ing$
(a) try () woul" have trie" (c) ha" trie"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 11
2e -en$ *n h*liday
Q1 I e'pect you thin! I#m ....... ecause I "on#t un"erstan" that$
(a) "um () stupi" (c) "ea( (") cra4y
Q2 -oes anyone honestly ....... what a politician says nowa"ays?
(a) "iscover () thin! (c) elieve (") cre"it
Q3 I#m sure you#re ?uite ....... ut many people "isagree with you$
(a) write () right (c) all right (") serious
Q4 -o you !now where the ,resi"ent o( 6merica .......?
(a) leaves () lives (c) live (") inhaits
Q5 I#ve trie" those talets an" they haven#t "one me any .......$
(a) ene(it () goo" (c) etter (") est
Q6 I#m going ....... (or a (ew "ays so "on#t sen" me any more wor!$
(a) o(( () out (c) over (") away
Q7 This summer we went ....... holi"ay to Greece$
(a) on () o(( (c) in (") y
Q8 I( you can#t reach me at home. sen" me a .......$
(a) postscript () email (c) letter (") rie(
Q9 I elieve it is ....... to hol" a "oor open (or a la"y$
(a) politic () polite (c) political (") politeness
Q10 It is consi"ere" a" ....... to shout at someone$
(a) haits () ways (c) manners (") custom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1*
Grammar Q"es$i*ns
Q1 &hich o( these is a noun? It is .......$
(a) thing () thin! (c) that (") there
Q2 &hich o( these is a passive sentence? It is .......$
(a) )e#s een there
(c) )e#s een going there
() )e#s een ta!en there
(") )e will have een there
Q3 &hich o( these is a preposition? It is .......$
(a) thorough () trough (c) through (") throng
Q4 &hich o( these tenses is ,ast ,er(ect Simple? It is .......$
(a) She ha" laughe"
(c) She laughe"
() She has een laughing
(") She was laughing
Q5 &hich o( these is an a"ver? It is .......$
(a) ?uic!ly () sly (c) ?uic!er (") ?uic!est
Q6 &hich o( these tenses is ,resent Simple? It is .......$
(a) )e spo!e () )e is spea!ing (c) )e spea!s (") )e will spea!
Q7 &hich o( these is an a"/ective? It is .......$
(a) har" () har"ly (c) har"en (") har"ship
Q8 &hich o( these is a personal pronoun? It is .......$
(a) their () they (c) there (") theirs
Q9 &hich o( these is a gerun"? It is .......$
(a) go () goes (c) going (") gone
Q10 &hich o( these is a past participle? It is .......$
(a) elieving () elieve" (c) elieves (") elie(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 10
3n Easy Q"es$i*n
Q1 &hat e'ercise "o you li!e "oing ....... o( all?
(a) ne't () est (c) a(ter (") e(ore
Q2 That#s a goo" ?uestion ut I nee" ....... to thin! aout it$
(a) time () space (c) length (") wi"th
Q3 -on#t worry. there#s no nee" to answer ....... I#m not in a hurry$
(a) (irstly () (airly (c) imme"iately (") easily
Q4 There are so many things that it#s "i((icult to .......$
(a) put () (ollow (c) (in" (") choose
Q5 Ch. come on it#s ....... not that "i((icult$
(a) ?uic!ly () har"ly (c) always (") surely
Q6 &ell. I thin! it is an" I ....... it#s an impossile ?uestion to answer$
(a) "eliver () rec!on (c) report (") reali4e
Q7 -o you want me to ....... it easier (or you?
(a) ma!e () "o (c) try (") ta!e
Q8 +es. I#" very much ....... that$
(a) un"erstan" () consi"er (c) appreciate (") appear
Q9 6ll right let me as! you what you li!e "oing least o( .......?
(a) everything () all (c) entire (") that
Q10 Ch. that#s easy D ....... to answer this testE
(a) trying () (alling (c) putting (") pic!ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 13
#earn i$ ,y hear$
Q1 I ....... "on#t !now how to learn new wor"s y heart$
(a) some time () sometimes (c) something
Q2 I o(ten rea" short articles ....... pets in my (avourite maga4ine$
(a) (or () at (c) aout
Q3 I thin! learning ....... e interesting ecause otherwise you woul"n#t ever e ale to succee"$
(a) can () shoul" (c) must to
Q4 +ou will proaly agree ....... me$
(a) with () (or (c) in
Q5 I( you have a ?uestion please (eel ....... to as!$
(a) goo" () well (c) (ree
Q6 Than! you very much in"ee". that#s very !in" ....... you$
(a) (rom () (or (c) o(
Q7 &e are really gla" to have you as our ....... an" we will ta!e goo" care o( you$
(a) containers () customers (c) costumiers
Q8 8or the whole o( ne't wee! we are planning to sell our new "ictionaries at a special .......$
(a) price () pri4e (c) prise
Q9 6s o( now we still "on#t !now i( we will e ....... to (ul(il our contract$
(a) reliale () ale (c) capale
Q10 -on#t worry. we are ?uite (le'ile an" can ma!e changes at ....... time whatsoever$
(a) some () any (c) one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 15
2hi$e 2a$er .a!$ing
Q1 +ou must a"mit (lying in a hot air alloon is an ama4ing .......$
(a) e'pression () e'perience (c) e'pertise
Q2 Can you rememer the last time you ....... such an e'citing time?
(a) have () having (c) ha"
Q3 To e honest. I have never ....... in a alloon$
(a) (lowe" () (lown (c) (lying
Q4 ;eally. then it#s aout time you trie" it .......$
(a) in () out (c) on
Q5 6re you really suggesting that we ....... actually get into one o( those ri"iculous things?
(a) shall () will (c) shoul"
Q6 &hy not? There is nothing to e ....... o($ 6(ter all it won#t e /ust us in the alloon$
(a) (ear () a(rai" (c) (right
Q7 +ou must e /o!ing$ )ave you (orgotten how terrile I (elt the last time we went somewhere
....... plane?
(a) in () with (c) y
Q8 Ch. come on$ &hy "o you have to e such a !ill .......$
(a) /oy () /o!e (c) (un
Q9 That#s not (air$ +ou !now (ull ....... what it (eels li!e to e worrie" sic! when everyone else is
laughing at you$
(a) goo" () well (c) (ine
Q10 6ll right you win$ I promise I won#t ring it ....... again$ &hy "on#t /ust we go white water ra(ting
(a) on () up (c) in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 17
2here am 45
Q1 E'cuse me I ....... i( you can help me$
(a) e'pect () hope (c) elieve (") won"er
Q2 I certainly will i( I .......$
(a) coul" () can (c) can#t (") shoul"
Q3 &ell. my ....... is that I#m lost$
(a) prolem () situation (c) har"ship (") "i((icult
Q4 I see you have a ....... in your car$
(a) car" () route (c) map (") "rawing
Q5 +es. I have ut I can#t ....... it$
(a) pursue () chase (c) control (") (ollow
Q6 2ow. where are you ....... (or?
(a) "oing () going (c) "riving (") ma!ing
Q7 I want to ....... to 2ut(iel" 6venue$
(a) come () get (c) (etch (") (in"
Q8 I "on#t thin! that#s going to e .......$
(a) har" () ha4ar" (c) har"ship (") har"ly
Q9 &hy "o you ....... that?
(a) tell () announce (c) say (") spea!
Q10 :ecause you#re in that roa" ....... now$
(a) simply () oviously (c) asolutely (") right
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 19
.em*ve $he Sp**n
Q1 &hat ....... to e the troule?
(a) ought () loo!s (c) seems (") tries
Q2 It ....... every time I "rin! a cup o( tea$
(a) happens () goes (c) "oes (") happene"
Q3 Can you give me a little more .......?
(a) e'act () particular (c) "etail (") (act
Q4 &ell. I get a ....... in my right eye every time I "rin! a cup o( tea$
(a) hurt () shoot (c) (eel (") pain
Q5 -o you "rin! a ....... o( tea with sugar?
(a) much () lot (c) huge (") many
Q6 +es. I .......$
(a) "i" () have (c) "o (") "one
Q7 I can#t ....... give up "rin!ing tea. "octor$
(a) proaly () possily (c) li!ely (") impossily
Q8 I#m not ....... you to "o that ut ne't time you "rin! tea with sugar$$$
(a) placing () in"icating (c) spea!ing (") as!ing
Q9 +es. "octor I#m sorry I ....... you$
(a) intervene" () intersecte" (c) interrupte" (") inter(ere"
Q10 2e't time you "rin! tea with sugar. "on#t (orget to ....... the spoon$
(a) re/ect () replace (c) repeat (") remove
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1<
2ea$her '*reas$
Q1 2ow let#s go ....... to our weather (orecaster. 1ary$
(a) on () out (c) over (") against
Q2 +es. than! you an" I#m a(rai" it#s not ....... very right at the moment$
(a) seeming () appearing (c) seeing (") loo!ing
Q3 The troule is that there are some very ....... rain clou"s over the north$
(a) (at () heavy (c) weighing (") "ragging
Q4 These will ....... some rain(all later this morning$
(a) ear () carry (c) pro"uce (") present
Q5 Then the clou"s will ....... (urther south in the a(ternoon$
(a) transport () convey (c) "irect (") move
Q6 6n" y early evening the ....... country will see the rain$
(a) whole () total (c) complete (") hole
Q7 :ut things will ....... tomorrow$
(a) etter () improvise (c) increase (") improve
Q8 In the early morning the sun will ma!e an .......$
(a) apparition () appearance (c) appearing (") appear
Q9 :ut you#ll have to e ?uic! ecause it soon .......$
(a) "espairs () "isappoints (c) "eserts (") "isappears
Q10 6n" o( course a(ter that our ol" (rien" rain .......$
(a) repeats () reports (c) returns (") reacts
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1@
6n 0+ $*nigh$
Q1 Goo" evening$ Aet me tell you what#s in ....... (or you on television tonight
(a) shop () mar!et (c) store (") screen
Q2 It will e a it o( a mi'e" .......$
(a) sac! () hol"er (c) container (") ag
Q3 To start ....... we have come"y$
(a) with () up (c) out (") in
Q4 This will e a programme presenting that ....... come"ian. George :lair$
(a) populate" () popular (c) populous (") poplar
Q5 6(ter that we have the ....... show on the latest hits$
(a) regimente" () regulate" (c) regular (") rule"
Q6 2e't we#ll have the ....... news$
(a) latest () newest (c) later (") newer
Q7 This will e rea" y the very pretty ....... ,enny Aane$
(a) newsagent () newscaster (c) newsringer (") newspaper
Q8 6t ....... I thin! she#s very pretty$
(a) last () lost (c) less (") least
Q9 6n" the (ollowing programmes are all ....... as (ar as I#m concerne"$
(a) oring () ore" (c) oar" (") oar"ing
Q10 :ecause a(ter the news ,enny an" I are ....... on a "ate$
(a) "oing () ma!ing (c) going (") ta!ing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *B
0he (ells
Q1 -on#t you ....... those ells$$?
(a) pon"er () elaorate (c) thin! (") e"ucate
Q2 I#m ....... sorry I can#t hear a wor" you#re saying$
(a) horrily () consi"eraly (c) "e(initely (") aw(ully
Q3 ....... I was trying to say was$
(a) 6ll () Everything (c) 2othing (") Something
Q4 Sorry you#ll have to spea! .......$
(a) to () up (c) along (") through
Q5 I#ll have one more ....... an" then$$
(a) come () (in" (c) go (") leave
Q6 It#s no ....... I can#t hear you$
(a) try () point (c) i"ea (") use
Q7 2ow I#ve shut the win"ow an" I#ll ma!e one more .......$
(a) attempt () tempt (c) trial (") e'periment
Q8 I ....... wante" to say$
(a) closely () simply (c) naturally (") ?uic!ly
Q9 6h that#s ....... etter now I can#t hear those aw(ul ells$ 2ow what was it you wante" to say?
(a) more () most (c) mostly (") much
Q10 It "oesn#t really ....... now$ I /ust wante" to say how eauti(ul the ells soun"e"$
(a) matter () care (c) help (") hol"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *1
Q1 ....... me what "i" you "o at the wee!en"?
(a) Say () Spea! (c) 6nnounce (") Tell
Q2 Ch. it was a complete .......E
(a) acci"ent () happening (c) "isaster (") event
Q3 &hy. what .......?
(a) happene" () occurre" (c) arrive" (") evolve"
Q4 &ell. the ....... was to go sailing$
(a) picture () s!etch (c) plan (") "rawing
Q5 That ....... interesting$
(a) rings () loo!s (c) hears (") soun"s
Q6 In ....... I agree$
(a) i"ea () philosophy (c) theory (") elie(
Q7 :ut not in ........ eh?
(a) practices () practice (c) practical (") practicing
Q8 E'actly. in (act I almost .......$
(a) "owne" () "roppe" (c) "rippe" (") "rowne"
Q9 That ....... have een horrile$ So what are you "oing this wee!en"?
(a) must () may (c) can (") shoul"
Q10 I#m starting a ....... o( swimming lessons$
(a) line () course (c) run (") row
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # **
.esp*nses 718
Q1 1i!e= I li!e anything to "o with sport$ .......
(a) )ave you? () -i" you? (c) -o you? (") 6re you?
Q2 1i!e= &e went to ,aris last summer$
Fane= .......
(a) I never go there too$
(c) I never "i" there$
() I never went there$
(") I#ve never een there$
Q3 1i!e= She always goes to wor! on a i!e$
Fane= .......
(a) She is very healthy$
(c) She can e very healthy$
() She must e very healthy$
(") She might e very healthy$
Q4 1i!e= They went on stri!e last wee!$
Fane= .......
(a) &hat on earth (or?
(c) -o they live on earth?
() 6re they on earth?
(") &hy on earth to?
Q5 1i!e= 1ore people "ie (rom eating (atty (oo" than (rom smo!ing$
Fane= .......
(a) +ou must e ri"iculousE
(c) +ou must e smilingE
() +ou must e laughingE
(") +ou must e /o!ingE
Q6 1i!e= +ou !now he (aile" all his e'aminations?
Fane= .......
(a) I must elieve it$
(c) I might elieve it$
() I "on#t elieve it$
(") I ought to elieve it$
Q7 1i!e= It#s getting very late. we must hurry up$
Fane= .......
(a) ,oint got$ () ,oint receive"$ (c) ,oint ta!en$ (") ,oint hel"$
Q8 1i!e= I haven#t stoppe" wor!ing (or eight hours to"ay$
Fane= .......
(a) 1y heart lee"s (or you$
(c) 1y heart eats (or you$
() 1y heart rea!s (or you$
(") 1y heart hurts (or you$
Q9 1i!e= +ou !now the oss will e angry with you$
Fane= .......
(a) I#m not caring$
(c) I care nothing$
() I#m not at all caring$
(") I "on#t care$
Q10 1i!e= I won"er i( you coul" help me with this prolem$
Fane= .......
(a) ,roe me$ () Try me$ (c) E'amine me$ (") ,ractise me$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *0
.esp*nses 728
Q1 1i!e= #I /ust can#t ma!e my min" up$ &hat "o you thin!?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) +ou#re up to it$ () It#s up to you$ (c) +ou#re up (or it$ (") +ou#re up at it$
Q2 1i!e= #)ello$ I won"er i( you#re intereste" in new "ouleGgla4ing$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I#m really not intereste"$
(c) I#m not really interesting$
() I#m really interesting$
(") I wasn#t really intereste"$
Q3 1i!e= #)e o((ere" me a 5BH "iscount$ &hat shoul" I "o?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) )ol" his han" "own$ () :ite his han" "own$ (c) )ol" your han" in$ (") :ite his han" o(($
Q4 1i!e= #I nee" some support. right now$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) &ell. you can numer me$
(c) &ell. you can count on me$
() &ell. I#m your numer$
(") &ell. you can a"" on me$
Q5 1i!e= #They haven#t sent me the ill (or a year now$ &hat woul" you "o?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I#" simply (orgo it$
(c) I#" simply (ori" it$
() I#" simply (orget it$
(") I#" simply (orecast it$
Q6 1i!e= #Can you e'plain why she "i" that?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) )eaven alone will say$
(c) )eaven alone spea!s$
() )eaven only says$
(") )eaven only !nows$
Q7 1i!e= #-o you thin! he#ll e the ne't ,resi"ent?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) +our guess is as goo" as mine$
(c) 1y guess is worse$
() +our guess is etter$
(") &e must guess har"er$
Q8 1i!e= #That#s the 17th /o interview I#ve (aile"$ &hat shoul" I "o?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) -on#t give over$ () -on#t give out$ (c) -on#t give up$ (") -on#t give on$
Q9 1i!e= #I#m ta!ing my "riving test tomorrow$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) Goo" (ortune$ () Goo" luc!$ (c) Goo" outcome$ (") Goo" success$
Q10 :oss= #6n" this is our new employee$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) )ow are you "oing? () )ow "i" you "o? (c) )ow "o you? (") )ow "o you "o?
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *3
.esp*nses 738
Q1 1i!e= #I coul" try another source i( you li!e$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no point$ () There#s no en"$ (c) There#s no i"ea$ (") There#s no angle$
Q2 1i!e= #I coul" give you a li(t to the station$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no re?uirement$
(c) There#s no aim$
() There#s no practicality$
(") There#s no nee"$
Q3 1i!e= #I suppose they might get the contract$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s little notice o( that$
(c) There#s little chance o( that$
() There#s little "ream o( that$
(") There#s little thought o( that$
Q4 1i!e= #I( the party wins the ne't yGelection. things might get etter$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no case o( that$
(c) There#s no promise o( that$
() There#s no chance o( that$
(") There#s no concept o( that$
Q5 1i!e= #&hat "o you thin! are the chances o( (in"ing people still alive?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s little picture. really$
(c) There#s little perception. really$
() There#s little imagination. really$
(") There#s little hope. really$
Q6 1i!e= #I hope I haven#t le(t it too late to apply$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s still opportunity$
(c) There#s still time$
() There#s still try$
(") There#s yet time$
Q7 1i!e= #I won"er what she#ll get up to ne't$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no (in"ing$
(c) There#s no guessing$
() There#s no !nowing$
(") There#s no seeing$
Q8 1i!e= #I won"er i( we coul" call at the post o((ice (irst$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no time$ () There#s no event$ (c) There#s no timing$ (") There#s no series$
Q9 1i!e= #+ou /ust can#t elieve what they#ll thin! up ne't. can you?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no elieving$
(c) There#s no saying$
() There#s no cre"iting$
(") There#s no announcing$
Q10 1i!e= #I /ust thin! they#ve waste" their time. "on#t you?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) There#s no a"mitting it$
(c) There#s no "ecrying it$
() There#s no assigning it$
(") There#s no "enying it$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *5
.esp*nses 748
Q1 1i!e= #-o you !now what I "i" last night?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I shrin! to thin!$ () I "on#t thin!$ (c) I will not thin!$ (") I "o not thin!$
Q2 1i!e= #I et you "on#t !now what happene" at the party?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I will not imagine$ () I "o not imagine$ (c) I must not imagine$ (") I can#t imagine$
Q3 1i!e= #-o you !now how much the ill has come to?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I "are thin!$
(c) I "are to thin!$
() I "aren#t thin!$
(") I will not "are to thin!$
Q4 1i!e= #Guess how much income ta' I pay$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) I haven#t a thought$
(c) I haven#t a point$
() I haven#t a elie($
(") I haven#t a clue$
Q5 1i!e= #Then you a"" the s?uare root an" multiply y 79. "o you (ollow?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) Sorry. it#s over me$
(c) Sorry. it#s eyon" me$
() Sorry. it#s past me$
(") Sorry. it#s a(ter me$
Q6 1i!e= #-o you un"erstan" what he#s on aout?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) 2o. it#s long aove my hea"$
(c) 2o. it#s route aove my hea"$
() 2o. it#s roa" aove my hea"$
(") 2o. it#s way aove my hea"$
Q7 1i!e= #I assume you#re (ollowing the argument. aren#t you$#
Fane= #.......#
(a) 2o. it#s all German to me$
(c) 2o. it#s all Spanish to me$
() 2o. it#s all Gree! to me$
(") 2o. it#s all Aatin to me$
Q8 1i!e= #It#s ama4ing when you learn what technology can "o. isn#t it?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) The min" tremles$ () The min" woles$ (c) The min" stumles$ (") The min" oggles$
Q9 1i!e= #So what "o you thin! is the answer?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) 2o i"ea$ () 2ot i"ea$ (c) 2egative i"ea$ (") Small i"ea$
Q10 1i!e= #Then you ta!e away the (irst numer D are you with me?#
Fane= #.......#
(a) 2o. you#ve thrown me$
(c) 2o. you#ve turne" me$
() 2o. you#ve hit me$
(") 2o. you#ve lost me$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *7
.esp*nses 758
Q1 Fill= #I#m so con(use". I "on#t !now what to "o$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) Ta!e it (ree$ () Ta!e it easy$ (c) Ta!e it light$ (") Ta!e it rela'e"$
Q2 Fill= #&hat shall I "o D I#m in a terrile stateE#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) Calm on$ () Calm up$ (c) Calm along$ (") Calm "own$
Q3 Fill= #I#m a(rai" I#ve /ust ro!en the han"le$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) -on#t roo"$ () -on#t annoy$ (c) -on#t worry$ (") -on#t anger$
Q4 Fill= #I hope noo"y min"s i( I leave early$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) It#ll e all right$
(c) It#ll e all correct$
() It#ll e all straight$
(") It#ll e all (ine$
Q5 Fill= #It#s going to cost a lot o( money to put right. I#m a(rai"$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) It#s not the en" o( the "ay$
(c) It#s not the en" o( li(e$
() It#s not the en" o( the worl"$
(") It#s not the en" o( everything$
Q6 Fill= #I "o hope they ma!e it tonight D it#s very late you !now$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) They#re tie" to come$
(c) They#re (orce" to come$
() They#re "estine" to come$
(") They#re oun" to come$
Q7 Fill= #I "on#t thin! I can stan" much more o( this$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) The worst is y$
(c) The worst is over$
() The worst is through$
(") The worst is gone$
Q8 Fill= #&hat#s your view o( what#s coming ne't?#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) Things can only grow etter$
(c) Things can only show etter$
() Things can only get etter$
(") Things can only appear etter$
Q9 Fill= #I#ve lost everything my /o. my house. my money D what shoul" I "o?#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) Count your lessings$
(c) Count your assets$
() Count your ene(its$
(") Count your possessions$
Q10 Fill= #I#m very "epresse" at the moment. sorry$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) 8ace up$ () Chee! up$ (c) 2ose up$ (") Chin up$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *9
.esp*nses 768
Q1 Fohn= #Than! you so much$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) 2o prolem$ () 6ny prolem$ (c) 6 prolem$ (") Some prolem$
Q2 Fohn= #I am most grate(ul$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) +ou are welcoming$ () +ou welcome$ (c) +ou#re welcome$ (") +ou are welcome"$
Q3 Fohn= #Than! you very much (or helping me$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) +ou "on#t mention it$
(c) +ou mention it$
() 2o mention o( it$
(") -on#t mention it$
Q4 Fohn= #That was very thought(ul o( you to "o that$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) 8orget(ul$ () 8orget it$ (c) I#ve (orgotten$ (") -on#t (orget it$
Q5 Fohn= #I really appreciate your !in"ness this last wee!$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) It please" me$ () It was pleasing$ (c) It was my pleasure$ (") It was pleasant$
Q6 Fohn= #I must say you really helpe" us out when we lost those passports$#
Sue= #.......
(a) It was the least I coul" "o$
(c) I coul"n#t "o less$
() I coul"n#t "o more$
(") I coul"n#t "o least$
Q7 Fohn= #+our a"vice this morning was much appreciate"$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) 6ll to "o with service$
(c) 6ll the section o( the service$
() 6ll part o( the service$
(") The whole o( the service$
Q8 Fohn= #&e#" li!e to give you this small present to show our gratitu"e$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) It#s really not nee"e"$
(c) It#s really not "eman"e"$
() It#s really not wante"$
(") It#s really not necessary$
Q9 Fohn= #:y the way. I#ve pai" the ta'i "river$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) +ou mustn#t have$ () +ou coul"n#t have$ (c) +ou shoul"n#t have$ (") +ou can#t have$
Q10 Fohn= #6n" as a special than! you (or all you#ve "one. we#re treating you to a meal out$#
Sue= #.......#
(a) +ou#re very stupi"$
(c) +ou#re really horrile$
() +ou#re really naughty$
(") +ou#re really wic!e"$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *<
.esp*nses 778
Q1 Fill= #I got that /o even though you "i"n#t thin! I stoo" a chance$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) +ou always "i"E () +ou never "i"E (c) +ou sometimes "i"E (") +ou o(ten "i"E
Q2 Fill= #I ha" some goo" news to"ay D I#ve won the lottery$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) &ell I neverE
(c) &ell I (re?uentlyE
() &ell I rarelyE
(") &ell I occasionallyE
Q3 Fill= #&e#ve collecte" thousan"s o( poun"s this wee! (or charity$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) Goo"ness youE () Goo"ness themE (c) Goo"ness usE (") Goo"ness meE
Q4 Fill= #She came top in the e'am gra"es this summer$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) &ell ma"e$ () &ell hel"$ (c) &ell got$ (") &ell "one$
Q5 Fill= #6(ter all that e((ort we "i"n#t manage to sell a single one$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) &hat a lossE () &hat a shameE (c) &hat a /oE (") &hat a crimeE
Q6 8ran!= #+ou !now I put money in that company D well it#s gone an!rupt$#
Fill= #.......#
(a) Sti(( luc!E () Soli" luc!E (c) )ar" luc!E (") Thic! luc!E
Q7 Fill= #I#ve waite" 0 hours (or a us now$#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) &hat a oreE () &hat a oarE (c) &hat oresE (") &hat oarsE
Q8 Fill= #Aoo! at all the wor! I#ve "one. aren#t you impresse"?#
8ran!= #.......#
(a) I am ama4ingE () I am ama4e"E (c) I ama4eE (") I am eing ama4e"E
Q9 8ran!= #I hear that the Government is going to aolish income ta'$#
Fill= #.......#
(a) That is the "ayE
(c) That may e the "ayE
() That coul" e the "ayE
(") That#ll e the "ayE
Q10 8ran!= #They say that all this ruish is going to e ta!en away tomorrow$#
Fill= #.......#
(a) I elieve when I see it$
(c) I#ll elieve it when I see it$
() I#ll elieve it when seen$
(") I see it when I elieve$
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # *@
Q"es$i*n 0ags 718
Q1 +ou sai" you woul" .......
(a) woul" you? () "i" you? (c) ha" you? (") "i"n#t you?
Q2 She#s "e(initely not coming .......
(a) will she? () isn#t she? (c) is she? (") can she?
Q3 It "rives you ma" .......
(a) is it? () "oes it? (c) "oesn#t it? (") won#t it?
Q4 It won#t hurt .......
(a) "oes it? () will it? (c) can it? (") "i" it?
Q5 I thin! you ought to go .......
(a) ought you? () "o I? (c) "on#t you? (") "o you?
Q6 +ou must go .......
(a) mustn#t you? () have you? (c) ha" you? (") must I?
Q7 It happene" yester"ay .......
(a) ha" it? () has it? (c) "i"n#t it? (") "i" it?
Q8 She#s always late .......
(a) is it? () isn#t she? (c) isn#t it? (") was she?
Q9 They#re selling their house .......
(a) will they? () haven#t they? (c) aren#t they? (") have they?
Q10 2oGone un"erstoo" that wor" .......
(a) "oes he? () "i" you? (c) "i"n#t they? (") "i" they?
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 0B
Q"es$i*n 0ags 728
Q1 Sarah= #I want you to give me some more money$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch you want. "o you?
(c) Ch you "o. "o you?
() Ch you#" li!e. woul" you?
(") Ch you give. "o you?
Q2 Sarah= #+ou#re eing very ru"eE#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch I have. have I? () I am. you thin!? (c) Ch I am. am I? (") Ch it is. is it?
Q3 Sarah= #I#ve torn up your homewor! essayE#
,aul= #.......#
(a) That#ll e nice. will it?
(c) That woul" e nice. woul"n#t it?
() That#s nice. is it?
(") That#s nice. isn#t it?
Q4 Sarah= #I can#t ta!e any more$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch you can. can you?
(c) Ch. you can#t. can you?
() Ch you coul". coul" you?
(") Ch you coul". coul" you?
Q5 Sarah= #She hates the sight o( him$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) She "i". "i" she?
(c) She hates. "oes she?
() She "oes. "oes she?
(") She "oesn#t hate. "oes she?
Q6 Sarah= #I woul" pre(er to go y air$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch you woul". woul" you?
(c) Ch you pre(er. "on#t you?
() Ch you "i". "i" you?
(") Ch. you woul"n#t will you?
Q7 Sarah= #I won#t listen to you any more$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) So you will. will you?
(c) So you won#t. will you?
() So you "on#t. "o you?
(") So you "o. "on#t you?
Q8 ,aul= #I spent thousan"s on that car$#
Sarah= #.......#
(a) Ch. you have. have you?
(c) Ch you "o. "o you?
() Ch you "i". "i" you?
(") Ch you "o. "on#t you?
Q9 Sarah= #+ou mustn#t eat with your mouth (ull$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch I must. must I?
(c) Ch I have to. have I?
() Ch I can#t. can I?
(") Ch I mustn#t. must I?
Q10 Sarah= #That#s not allowe" you !now$#
,aul= #.......#
(a) Ch you "o. "on#t you?
(c) Ch it isn#t. is it?
() Ch it is. isn#t it?
(") Ch it won#t. will it?
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 01
Q"es$i*n 0ags 738
Q1 +ou#" rather I !ept ?uiet aout it .......
(a) "i" you? () ha" you? (c) woul"n#t you? (") "o you?
Q2 )e use" to wor! in the city .......
(a) ha" he? () "oes he? (c) has he? (") "i"n#t he?
Q3 )e has his lunch at the o((ice .......
(a) ha" he? () "i" he? (c) ha"n#t he? (") "oesn#t he?
Q4 In that case he#ll have to loo! (or a new /o .......
(a) shall he? () won#t he? (c) isn#t he? (") "oes he?
Q5 +ou woul"n#t want me to "o that .......
(a) woul" you? () will you? (c) "i" you? (") "o you?
Q6 )e really "i"n#t nee" to spea! to me li!e that .......
(a) "oes he? () has he? (c) will he? (") "i" he?
Q7 Come ac! in the morning .......
(a) "o you? () have you? (c) will you? (") "on#t you?
Q8 +ou li!e mil! in your tea .......
(a) can you? () have you? (c) "on#t you? (") "i" you?
Q9 +ou are /ust the sort o( person who woul" say that .......
(a) woul" you? () woul"n#t you? (c) "on#t you? (") aren#t you?
Q10 +ou shoul"n#t have "one that .......
(a) coul" you? () shoul" you? (c) coul"n#t you? (") "i"n#t you?
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 0*
6,9e$ /r*n*"n
Q1 So "i" you give the oo! to .......?
(a) his () him (c) he
Q2 C( course I "i"$ I gave ....... ac! on Tues"ay$
(a) them () its (c) it
Q3 &ell. he says that he "oesn#t trust .......$
(a) yours () you (c) them
Q4 )e "oesn#t trust .......?
(a) I () it (c) me
Q5 That#s e'actly what he sai" aout .......$
(a) you () yours (c) me
Q6 I (in" that "i((icult to elieve$ -o you trust .......?
(a) his () me (c) my
Q7 &ell you an" your wi(e have orrowe" things sometimes an" not given ....... ac!$
(a) they () theirs (c) them
Q8 &ell I thin! you#re eing very un(air to .......$
(a) our () us (c) ours
Q9 In that case /ust loo! at the tale an" tell ....... what you see$
(a) my () I (c) me
Q10 Ch "ear. I can see .......$ That must e the oo! I haven#t given ac!$
(a) them () it (c) him
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 00
.ela$ive /r*n*"n E:erises
Q1 ....... "oes that car elong to?
(a) &ho () &hich (c) &hose
Q2 E'cuse me ut shoul"n#t you say to ....... "oes that car elong?
(a) which () that (c) whom
Q3 That#s another way o( saying it$ I#m tal!ing aout the car ....... par!e" over there$
(a) who#s () that#s (c) who
Q4 ....... "o you thin! woul" have a car li!e that?
(a) &hom () That (c) &ho
Q5 &ell. I shoul" say someone (or ....... money is no o/ect$
(a) whom () who (c) that
Q6 The car to ....... you are re(erring happens to e mineE
(a) that () whom (c) which
Q7 That#s interesting$ &e are tal!ing aout the car ....... has a re" roo($
(a) that () who (c) that#s
Q8 +es. it#s the est car ....... I#ve ever ha"$ &hy "o you as!?
(a) which () that (c) who
Q9 &ell. I thin! you ought to spea! to that man ....... stan"ing with a noteoo! in (ront o( the car$
(a) which () whom (c) who#s
Q10 Ch noE It#s a tra((ic war"en putting a par!ing tic!et on my car an" I haven#t any money to pay
the (ine ....... I#ll
have to pay$
(a) whose () which (c) who
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 03
.e!le:ive /r*n*"ns
Q1 Cnce there was a young man who calle" ....... Icarus$
(a) mysel( () himsel( (c) hersel(
Q2 )is (ather always wante" his chil"ren to loo! a(ter ....... an" "o what they wante"$
(a) themselves () ourselves (c) hersel(
Q3 The troule was that Icarus always wante" to put ....... into "anger$
(a) hersel( () itsel( (c) himsel(
Q4 )is (ather sai" again an" again i( we "on#t ta!e care. we#" hurt .......$
(a) themselves () yourselves (c) ourselves
Q5 Icarus shoc!e" his (ather with an i"ea that he was going to try out on .......$
(a) himsel( () themselves (c) hersel(
Q6 )e ha" watche" ir"s (ly y throwing ....... into the air$
(a) yourselves () themselves (c) ourselves
Q7 )is sister sai" she woul" li!e to push ....... into the air an" (ly ut she was too (rightene"$
(a) itsel( () himsel( (c) hersel(
Q8 Icarus sai" he woul" try an" he promise" his (ather= I will not in/ure .......$
(a) yoursel( () mysel( (c) ourselves
Q9 The last wor"s his (ather sai" e(ore Icarus le(t were= Aoo! a(ter .......$
(a) yoursel( () himsel( (c) mysel(
Q10 In(ortunately Icarus went too near the sun an" the wa' on his wings melte" an" the (eathers
wor!e" ....... (ree
an" he (ell on the groun" an" "ie"$
(a) itsel( () yourselves (c) themselves
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 05
(asi 3merian English
Q1 6nna is .......$
(a) teacher () teachers (c) a teacher (") one teacher
Q2 ....... oss sai" that you wor! har"$
(a) +our () +ours (c) +ou#re (") +ou
Q3 Every wee! I wor! (ive "ays an" I get two "ays .......$
(a) a(ter () o(( (c) not (") no
Q4 I ....... a /o at the an!$
(a) got () get (c) ta!e (") li!e
Q5 -o you li!e 1icroso(t ....... 1acintosh computers more?
(a) (rom () or (c) ut (") o(
Q6 -o you have ....... chil"ren?
(a) much () very (c) any (") all
Q7 )is ....... will not write$ It is out o( in!$
(a) pencil () (rien" (c) television (") pen
Q8 &ho won the soccer .......?
(a) sport () gain (c) game (") throw
Q9 +our ....... rea! is (rom noon to 1 pm$
(a) supper () rea!(ast (c) "inner (") lunch
Q10 The police all ....... uni(orms$
(a) wear () eat (c) use (") save
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 07
(asi English Grammar
Q1 The pencils an" paper ....... on your "es!$
(a) to e () is (c) are (") e
Q2 ....... "o you li!e to "o on the wee!en"s?
(a) )ow () &hat (c) &ho (") &here
Q3 1y sister is ....... home to"ay$
(a) at () in (c) the (") on
Q4 ....... am an engineer$
(a) +ou () )e (c) &e (") I
Q5 The athroom is ....... to the (ront "oor$
(a) ne't () (ar (c) opposite (") away
Q6 )e always wor!s ....... har"$
(a) much () very (c) great (") ?uietly
Q7 -o you ....... time to go to the store (or me?
(a) li!e () go (c) have (") give
Q8 She is ....... athlete$
(a) goo" () well (c) a (") an
Q9 There are 1* ....... in a year$
(a) "ays () wee!s (c) months (") hours
Q10 -riving to wor! in a car is much ....... than ri"ing a icycle$
(a) (aster () (ast (c) (astest (") more (aster
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 09
(asi 2ea$her E:pressi*ns
Q1 +ester"ay ....... was very sunny outsi"e$
(a) he () it (c) she (") they
Q2 She ....... to swim when it is hot$
(a) loves () love (c) love" (") loving
Q3 In some countries it never .......$
(a) snow () snowing (c) ha" snowe" (") snows
Q4 -o you li!e hot weather ....... not?
(a) ut () or (c) ecause (") so
Q5 I li!e it ....... it rains$
(a) when () who (c) why (") whom
Q6 )ave you ....... ma"e a snowman?
(a) (orever () always (c) ever (") every
Q7 The s!y is ....... clou"y to"ay$
(a) much () very (c) many (") a lot
Q8 It loo!s ....... a storm is coming$
(a) as () that (c) li!e (") o(
Q9 I am wet ....... my umrella ro!e$
(a) ecause () or (c) i( (") so
Q10 Aaura wears gloves ....... her han"s will stay warm$
(a) or () that (c) why (") so
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 0<
(asi English E:pressi*ns
Q1 1y "es! is a ........ I shoul" clean it$
(a) messy () slo (c) mess (") sloppy
Q2 %alerie spille" water ....... my paperwor!$
(a) in () on (c) at (") across
Q3 &ill you please ta!e ....... the trash?
(a) out () over (c) (rom (") o(
Q4 I li!e pencils ....... than pens$
(a) est () the est (c) etter (") more goo"
Q5 1y ol" /o was ....... than this one$
(a) more easier () easiest (c) most easy (") easier
Q6 Tom wor!s the ....... o( anyone$
(a) har"est () har"er (c) most har" (") more har"er
Q7 This is the ....... assignment I have ever ha"$
(a) "i((icult () more "i((icult (c) most "i((icult (") "i((ultest
Q8 1y oss is very .......$
(a) nicer () nice (c) nicest (") much nice
Q9 -o you wal! ....... ta!e the us to wor!?
(a) ecause () (rom (c) ut (") or
Q10 The /anitor cleans the o((ice ....... night$
(a) total () all o( (c) every (") very
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 0@
Elemen$ary English Grammar
Q1 She li!es ....... running$
(a) go () to go (c) gone (") goes
Q2 Fohn ....... his icycle every "ay$
(a) ri"e () ri""en (c) ri"es (") to ri"e
Q3 I ....... to school every "ay$
(a) wal! () wal!s (c) wal!ing (") to wal!
Q4 ....... play guitar all the time$
(a) She () )e (c) Is (") They
Q5 -o you li!e .......?
(a) "ance () o( "ance (c) to "ance (") "ance"
Q6 &hen I was a chil" I ....... to clim trees$
(a) li!e" () woul" li!e (c) was li!ing (") li!e
Q7 It is a goo" i"ea ....... every "ay$
(a) to e'ercise () e'ercise (c) e'ercising (") e'ercises
Q8 &e went ....... every "ay in our neighors# swimming pool$
(a) swim () swam (c) ha" swam (") swimming
Q9 There ....... a race ne't wee!$
(a) to e () was (c) will e (") are
Q10 Soccer ....... now a popular sport in most countries$
(a) was () has een (c) am (") is
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3B
Q"es$i*n 2*rds
Q1 ....... one o( you is coming to my house later?
(a) &ho () &hich (c) &hy (") )ow
Q2 ....... are you going to get home (rom wor!?
(a) &hich () &ho (c) )ow (") &hat
Q3 ....... is that guy tal!ing to your sister?
(a) &hich () &hose (c) &ho (") &hom
Q4 She wants to !now ....... you li!e your co((ee$
(a) how () what (c) which (") who
Q5 Aet me !now ....... you hear (rom your mother$
(a) who () which (c) whose (") when
Q6 ....... woul" you li!e on your hamurger?
(a) )ow () &hat (c) &hen (") &hich
Q7 ....... "og is that?
(a) &ho () &hen (c) &hose (") &here
Q8 This is ....... I want to e when I grow up$
(a) why () when (c) which (") what
Q9 1y mother is the one ....... sings on T% every morning$
(a) whom () which (c) who (") whose
Q10 ....... shoes are those?
(a) &hy () &hose (c) &hom (") &ho
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 31
1*mm*n /rep*si$i*ns
Q1 I live in the ig house ....... the corner$
(a) on () in (c) o( (") to
Q2 1y son goes ....... English classes 5 "ays a wee!$
(a) with () y (c) to (") (rom
Q3 1y (rien" 6nna lives ....... Englan"$
(a) (rom () at (c) on (") in
Q4 The mil! goes ....... the re(rigerator$
(a) on () in (c) o( (") at
Q5 &ill you come ....... me to the store?
(a) with () along (c) to (") y
Q6 1y car will not start ecause it is ....... gas$
(a) (ull o( () out with (c) out o( (") with no
Q7 ,lease put the plates ....... the tale$
(a) over () (or (c) to (") on
Q8 I li!e to eat ice cream ....... chocolate sauce on top$
(a) at () with (c) in (") to
Q9 &ere you ....... church yester"ay?
(a) at () to (c) on (") (or
Q10 I am ....... wor! right now$
(a) with () at (c) o( (") on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3*
)*dal +er, Q"es$i*ns
Q1 ....... you please ring me my noteoo!?
(a) &ill () 1ay (c) -o (") Shoul"
Q2 ....... you please ring me my noteoo!?
(a) -i" () &oul" (c) )ave (") 1ight
Q3 ....... you please ring me my noteoo!?
(a) Shoul" () -o (c) Can (") )aven#t
Q4 ....... you please ring me my noteoo!?
(a) Shall () Coul" (c) 1ay (") 1ust
Q5 ....... you want some water?
(a) Can () )ave (c) 1ay (") -o
Q6 ....... you li!e some water?
(a) Can () 1ay (c) &oul" (") -o
Q7 ....... I ri"e with you to wor!?
(a) &oul" () Can (c) Aet (") )ave
Q8 ....... I ri"e with you to wor!?
(a) -oes () )aven#t (c) 6llow (") 1ay
Q9 ....... I coul" ri"e with you to wor!?
(a) Is there any way
(c) 1ight there some way
() 6in#t there no way
(") 6ren#t there some ways
Q10 ....... I ri"e with you to wor!?
(a) &ill you min" i( () Coul" you min" i( (c) &oul" you min" i( (") Can you min" i(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 30
Elemen$ary Grammar Q"es$i*ns
Q1 8lowers ....... goo"$
(a) stin! () (eel (c) smell (") watch
Q2 1y ....... colour is green$
(a) pre(erre" () li!e (c) most li!e" (") (avourite
Q3 1y mom is ....... 6(rica$
(a) o( () (rom (c) to (") out
Q4 There are 9 !i"s ....... my (amily$
(a) to () in (c) o( (") at
Q5 ....... o( my parents live in the Inite" States o( 6merica$
(a) Aots () The two (c) 6ll (") :oth
Q6 ....... 3 o( my gran"parents are still alive$
(a) :oth () 2one (c) 6ll (") 1any
Q7 ....... you leave my shoes outsi"e last night?
(a) -i" () -o (c) &ill (") &oul"
Q8 I really li!e ....... spaghetti$
(a) o( eat () to eat (c) eat (") ate
Q9 ....... "rive me home later?
(a) -o you thin! you can
(c) -i"
() +ou can
(") Is possile
Q10 It is a rule= i( you ri"e in my car you ....... wear your seatelt$
(a) may () might (c) can (") have to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 33
English Grammar E:erise
Q1 Cur couch is ....... so(t$
(a) very () much (c) lots (") tons
Q2 Cur house ....... 0 e"rooms$
(a) is o( () is with (c) has (") have
Q3 -oes your "og live insi"e ....... outsi"e?
(a) ut () ecause (c) though (") or
Q4 -oes your ....... have a "ishwasher?
(a) living room () athroom (c) "ining room (") !itchen
Q5 6ll o( the walls are ....... white$
(a) paint () painte" (c) to paint (") painting
Q6 There is a rug ....... the (loor in the living room$
(a) in () un"er (c) on (") ne't to
Q7 The ....... gets 7 channels$
(a) cat () tree (c) television (") microwave
Q8 Cur tale is ....... (or < people$
(a) ig () enough ig (c) a lot ig (") ig enough
Q9 -o you loc! the (ront "oor ....... night?
(a) (or () at (c) on (") (rom
Q10 I will ....... the clothes a(ter you (ol" them$
(a) put up () put ne't (c) put un"er (") in put
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 35
)"h; many; a l*$; l*$s
Q1 )ow ....... people are coming?
(a) lots () much (c) a lot (") many
Q2 )ow ....... "oes the oo! cost?
(a) much () many (c) lots (") a lot
Q3 -o you nee" ....... mil! (or this recipe?
(a) many () ig (c) much (") much o(
Q4 I nee" to practice piano ....... e(ore the concert$
(a) much () very (c) many (") a lot
Q5 I have ....... o( homewor! to "o e(ore tomorrow$
(a) a ton () a tan (c) a million (") a much
Q6 )ow ....... water "o you "rin! every "ay?
(a) many () much (c) lots o( (") very
Q7 +ou are ....... smart$
(a) much () many (c) very (") lots
Q8 I have ....... o( (rien"s$
(a) much () very (c) lots (") many
Q9 +ou are a ....... honest person$
(a) ton () very (c) many (") much
Q10 -o you have ....... ants in your house?
(a) much () many (c) a lot (") very
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 37
Elemen$ary 3d9e$ives
Q1 I( I am not right I am .......$
(a) wrong () certain (c) correct (") unGright
Q2 I( you are not taller you are .......$
(a) the short () shorter (c) shortest (") short
Q3 The car is not ........ it is slow$
(a) spee" () unhurrie" (c) (ast (") power(ul
Q4 To"ay it is not hot. it is .......$
(a) col" () unGhot (c) hotter (") col"er
Q5 I( I am not wea! I am .......$
(a) wea!er () pretty (c) right (") strong
Q6 I "o not get up ........ I get up early$
(a) night () "ay (c) late (") (irst
Q7 )e is the heaviest an" I am the .......$
(a) lightest () lighter (c) light (") heavier
Q8 &hat goes up must come .......$
(a) over () "own (c) nice (") le(t
Q9 6t the stop sign "o not turn right. turn .......$
(a) light () wrong (c) straight (") le(t
Q10 1y mom#s hair is not straight. it is .......$
(a) long () short (c) curly (") grey
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 39
1hi$ 1ha$< 3$ $he ,"s s$*p
Q1 1i!e= &here are you ....... to"ay?
(a) go () gone (c) going (") goes
Q2 Ain"a= I really want to go .......$
(a) shops () shopping (c) shop (") shoppe"
Q3 1i!e= &hat#s ....... with the shops here?
(a) wrong () incorrect (c) (alse (") (unny
Q4 Ain"a= 2othing really ut there is more ....... in the town$
(a) choosing () choose (c) chosen (") choice
Q5 1i!e= That#s true ut you have to ....... a long time (or a us$
(a) atten" () e'pect (c) wait (") await
Q6 Ain"a= +es. I ....... waiting (or 0B minutes alrea"y$
(a) will e () have een (c) was (") am
Q7 1i!e= Then it#s /ust ....... well it#s not raining$
(a) as () more (c) much (") than
Q8 Ain"a= I "on#t li!e the ....... o( that "ar! clou" over there$
(a) sight () loo! (c) vision (") sign
Q9 1i!e= Ch "ear$ 6re you going to wait any .......$
(a) ?uic!er () slower (c) (ormer (") longer
Q10 Ain"a= 2o$ I#ve /ust ....... it#s Sun"ay an" there are no uses to"ay$
(a) un"erstoo" () (ollowe" (c) realise" (") elieve"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3<
1hi$ 1ha$< 0alking a,*"$ $he D*$*r
Q1 1i!e= )aven#t seen you (or .......$
(a) centuries () ages (c) perio"s (") times
Q2 Ain"a= 2o. I#ve een ....... a lot o( pain the last (ew months$
(a) over () o(( (c) across (") in
Q3 1i!e= I#m sorry to hear that$ Tell me ....... it$
(a) through () o( (c) aout (") with
Q4 Ain"a= It#s aw(ul really$ 6t the ....... it#s in my !nee$
(a) moment () secon" (c) occasion (") hour
Q5 1i!e= That can ....... wal!ing very "i((icult$
(a) "o () ma!e (c) cause (") give
Q6 Ain"a= Then ....... the pain in my ac!$
(a) there are () there will e (c) there shoul" e (") there#s
Q7 1i!e= I !now what that#s .......$
(a) same () as (c) similar (") li!e
Q8 Ain"a= C( ....... I mustn#t (orget the pains in my (eet$
(a) way () course (c) path (") lane
Q9 1i!e= Su""enly I#m ....... much etter$ I won#t see the "octor to"ay$ Goo" ye$
(a) going () trying (c) (eeling (") ma!ing
Q10 Ain"a= :ut you can#t go ....... I haven#t "escrie" my other pains$
(a) still () again (c) till (") yet
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3@
1hi$ 1ha$< 4n $he 3er*plane
Q1 Ain"a= )ave you ever ....... e(ore? Cnly it#s my (irst time in a plane an" I#m a little nervous$
(a) (le" () (lown (c) (lowe" (") (lying
Q2 1i!e= +es. lots o( times$ There#s no nee" to ....... aout it$
(a) worry () thin! (c) pon"er (") roo"
Q3 Ain"a= That#s easy (or you to ....... ut I (eel very an'ious$
(a) "ictate () spea! (c) call (") say
Q4 1i!e= 6ll you have to "o is ta!e it ....... an" rela'$
(a) ac! () cool (c) easy (") straight
Q5 Ain"a= I ha" a ....... "rin!s e(ore I came on oar" an" that hasn#t helpe"$
(a) lot () (ew (c) little (") many
Q6 1i!e= 2ever ....... I#m sure you#ll e all right an" anyhow we#re starting to move now$
(a) min" () care (c) o/ect (") "eny
Q7 Ain"a= +es. you#re right$ It#s as ....... everything on the plane is sha!ing$
(a) when () li!e (c) ut (") i(
Q8 1i!e= That means that the engines are warming .......$ It won#t e long now$
(a) o(( () up (c) over (") in
Q9 Ain"a= Ch yes$ I "on#t !now why I was so ....... I thin! (lying is greatE
(a) nervous () terrile (c) aw(ul (") nerving
Q10 1i!e= -on#t get too e'cite"E &e#re still on the runway an" haven#t ta!en ....... yet$
(a) through () y (c) o(( (") in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5B
1hi$ 1ha$< 3$ $he p",
Q1 Charles= I "on#t thin! I#ve ....... you e(ore in this pu$
(a) see () seen (c) seeing (") saw
Q2 -eorah= 2o. this is my (irst .......$
(a) stay () encounter (c) meeting (") visit
Q3 Charles= 6n" I see you#ve ....... your little "og with you$
(a) rining () rings (c) rought (") ought
Q4 -eorah= +es. he goes ....... with me$
(a) everywhere () all over (c) somewhere (") nowhere
Q5 Charles= It#s very goo" the way he sits at the tale an" eats his ....... with a !ni(e an" (or!$
(a) sustance () content (c) sustenance (") (oo"
Q6 -eorah= Ch yes$ )e#s very goo"$ 6t home when he#s ....... eating. he goes into the !itchen
an" washes up his
(a) (inishe" () en"e" (c) en"s (") (inishes
Q7 Charles= That#s really ....... I (in" that "i((icult to elieve$
(a) ama4e () ama4ing (c) ama4es (") ama4e"
Q8 -eorah= :elieve me D he#s a really won"er(ul "og an" can "o ....... things that people "o$
(a) much () more (c) most (") lots
Q9 Charles= The one thing I#ve ....... is that he "oesn#t say anything$
(a) remar!e" () connecte" (c) commente" (") notice"
Q10 -eorah= +es. that#s right$ )e#s not tal!ing to"ay ecause he#s got a ....... throat$
(a) sic! () sore (c) ill (") hurt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 51
1hi$ 1ha$< 3$ $he res$a"ran$
Q1 &aiter= &hat woul" you li!e to ....... with. sir?
(a) engage () consume (c) start (") tac!le
Q2 -iner= I was thin!ing I ....... try the soup$
(a) can () will (c) ought to (") might
Q3 &aiter= Sorry sir$ The soup#s .......$
(a) o(( () over (c) through (") un"er
Q4 -iner= In that ....... I#ll try the roast ee($
(a) e'ample () case (c) instance (") situation
Q5 &aiter= +ou#ll have no luc! there either$ &e haven#t got any .......$
(a) le(t () leaving (c) right (") ta!en
Q6 -iner= Ch that#s a .......$ ,erhaps I coul" have the por!$
(a) crime () lame (c) shame (") short
Q7 &aiter= It#s really not your .......$ &e "on#t have any por! now$
(a) moment () time (c) hour (") "ay
Q8 -iner= Ch this is .......$ -o you have anything at all?
(a) ri"icule () ri"iculous (c) ri"iculing (") ri"icule"
Q9 &aiter= 2ow sir it#s not worth ....... your temper$ +ou coul" ta!e the last thing on the menu$
(a) losing () hol"ing (c) "ropping (") throwing
Q10 -iner= ;ight then$ I( it#s not too much .......$ ,lease ring me a cup o( co((ee$
(a) "i((iculty () prolem (c) har"ship (") troule
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5*
1hi$ 1ha$< 6n $he ph*ne
Q1 &oman= )ello$ 7 D 0 D 3 D @ D 5$ &ho#s ....... please?
(a) calling () tal!ing (c) acting (") hearing
Q2 Charlie= +es. hello it#s Charlie here$ I wante" to ....... how you are$
(a) "iscover () "etect (c) uncover (") !now
Q3 &oman= 1e? Ch. I#m "oing ........ than! you an" you?
(a) goo" () (ine (c) healthy (") (it
Q4 Charlie= &ell. to e ....... I#ve ha" a (ew prolems recently$
(a) open () overt (c) honest (") correct
Q5 &oman= Sorry to hear that$ &hat ....... o( prolems?
(a) species () !in" (c) e'ample (") group
Q6 Charlie= &ell. it all starte" when my wi(e ....... out on me$
(a) strolle" () rushe" (c) pace" (") wal!e"
Q7 &oman= Sorry to hear that$ That must have een a .......$
(a) hit () stri!e (c) low (") !noc!
Q8 Charlie= C( course that was some time ago an" I#ve got ....... to it now$
(a) use" () oun" (c) hel" (") tie"
Q9 &oman= :y the way I "on#t !now anyo"y ....... Charlie$
(a) entitle" () calle" (c) hea"e" (") nominate"
Q10 Charlie= Sorry aout that I must have ....... the wrong numer$ )ave a nice "ay$
(a) selecte" () "irecte" (c) "ialle" (") "one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 50
1hi$ 1ha$< 4n $he $hea$re
Q1 6lice= I thin! the play is /ust on the ....... o( starting$
(a) tip () pea! (c) top (") point
Q2 1ary= I "o hope so$ I#m very ....... o( the main actor$
(a) li!e () (on" (c) amiale (") close
Q3 6lice= 1e too$ Fust listen to the ....... o( his voice now$
(a) noise () speech (c) soun" (") roar
Q4 1ary= The troule is I always ....... his name$
(a) (orget () (ori" (c) (orego (") (ore(en"
Q5 6lice= I thin! his (irst name is 1ichael ut I can#t rememer the .......$
(a) ran" name () proper name (c) pet name (") surname
Q6 1ary= I#ve got it$ ....... it#s -oson$ +es. that#s it D 1ichael -oson$
(a) Certainly () Surely (c) 2aturally (") Cviously
Q7 6lice= +es. you#re ....... right$ I#ve seen him on tv loa"s o( times$
(a) (ully () alive (c) "ea" (") clear
Q8 1ary= +es. 1ichael -oson he was in that new ....... as the "etective$
(a) !iller () (iller (c) thriller (") tiller
Q9 6lice= )e was really goo" in that$ Ch loo!. he#s su""enly stoppe" an" starte" .......$
(a) glaring () gla4ing (c) glancing (") glossing
Q10 1ichael -oson= I#m very ........ la"ies you !now who I am$ 2ow can you stop tal!ing so that
we can get on
with the play?
(a) certain () gla" (c) clear (") clever
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 53
1hi$ 1ha$< 4n $he s"permarke$
Q1 Employee= 6re you ....... prolems. ma"am?
(a) (eeling () trying (c) having (") !nowing
Q2 Cl" la"y= +es$ I won"er i( you coul" ....... help me. young man$
(a) proaly () li!ely (c) possily (") easily
Q3 Employee= C( course$ In what .......?
(a) "irection () path (c) roa" (") way
Q4 Cl" la"y= The (act is I /ust can#t ....... that cereal pac!et on the top shel($
(a) touch () reach (c) ac?uire (") access
Q5 Employee= 2o prolem$ ....... you are$
(a) There () Then (c) )ow (") &hat
Q6 Cl" la"y= There is /ust one other ....... you can help me with i( you have a moment$
(a) article () try (c) thing (") hea"ing
Q7 Employee= Fust tell me an" I#ll ....... i( I can help$
(a) loo! () see (c) glance (") watch
Q8 Cl" la"y= 6ll I want to !now is ....... "ay to"ay is$
(a) what () when (c) where (") who
Q9 Employee= It#s Thurs"ay o( course$ &hat "o you want to !now .......?
(a) to () at (c) up (") (or
Q10 Cl" la"y= &ell you see this supermar!et is so ig I can#t (in" the way ....... I#ve een here
since Tues"ayE
(a) on () o(( (c) out (") through
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 55
1hi$ 1ha$< 4n $he $rain
Q1 1rs 6shton= E'cuse me ut "o you !now ....... this train is going to Aon"on?
(a) since () i( (c) how (") whenever
Q2 1r Corp= Ch yes. ma"am$ She#s ....... going to Aon"on$
(a) precisely () e'actly (c) "e(initely (") always
Q3 1rs 6shton= &ell. that#s goo" .......$
(a) in(ormation () !nowle"ge (c) !nowing (") news
Q4 1r Corp= &hat ....... you say that. ma"am?
(a) (orces () ma!es (c) "oes (") re?uires
Q5 1rs 6shton= &ell. last time I ....... y train. I got on the wrong one$
(a) travelle" () caught (c) trippe" (") en"e"
Q6 1r Corp= &hat ....... to you then?
(a) occurre" () transpire" (c) happene" (") "evelope"
Q7 1rs 6shton= It was terrile ecause I en"e" ....... miles away (rom where I wante" to go$
(a) over () up (c) through (") in
Q8 1r Corp= &ell. you#ll have no such ....... to"ay. ma"am$
(a) pu44le () situation (c) con"ition (") prolem
Q9 1rs 6shton= Aoo! are you ....... the train#s going to Aon"on$ It#s ta!ing a long time to leave$
(a) sure () clear (c) evi"ent (") ovious
Q10 1r Corp= -on#t you ....... ma"am$ It is going to Aon"on ut not (or another 3 hoursE
(a) concern () thin! (c) worry (") consi"er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 57
6$her; an*$her; *$hers; $he *$hers
Q1 There are ten pieces o( (ruit in my as!et$ Cne is an orange. one is a grape an" ....... is an
(a) others () the other (c) another (") the others
Q2 I have two pencils$ Cne is lac!. ....... is lue$
(a) another () the others (c) others (") the other
Q3 There are (our girls in my apartment$ Two are calle" Casey an" 6mer$ ....... are Foanne an"
(a) Cthers () The others (c) 6nother (") The other
Q4 There are several holi"ays in :ra4il$ Cne is In"epen"ence -ay an" ....... are Chil"ren#s -ay
an" Teacher#s
(a) some others () another (c) the others (") the other
Q5 1y (rien" has two cars$ Cne is lac! an" ....... is re"$
(a) another () the other (c) the others (") others
Q6 1y mom spea!s three languages$ Cne is English an" ....... one is 8rench$
(a) others () the other (c) another (") the others
Q7 There are eight pets in my house$ Si' are cats an" ....... are "ogs$
(a) others () another (c) the other (") the others
Q8 There are 5B states in the Inite" States$ Cne is 2orth Carolina an" ....... are %irginia an"
(a) another () the others (c) some others (") the other
Q9 1y neighor has (our !i"s$ Cne o( them is a oy an" ....... are girls$
(a) the others () others (c) another (") the other
Q10 There are three oo!s in my ac!pac!$ Cne is a maths oo! an" ....... is a chemistry oo!$
(a) others () another (c) the other (") the others
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 59
3d9e$ive /rep*si$i*ns 1*ns$r"$i*ns
Q1 %enice is (amous ....... its canals$
(a) aout () in (c) with (") (or
Q2 1y son is a(rai" ....... the "ar!$
(a) (rom () on (c) o( (") y
Q3 1aria is marrie" ....... my cousin$
(a) with () (or (c) to (") into
Q4 The secon" hotel was "i((erent ....... the (irst$
(a) to () (or (c) with (") (rom
Q5 Aucas is very goo" ....... "rawing$
(a) at () on (c) to (") with
Q6 I#m tire" ....... waiting (or the us$ Aet#s ta!e a ta'i$
(a) to () on (c) o( (") (rom
Q7 George was worrie" ....... his (ather#s health$
(a) since () aout (c) on (") at
Q8 I "i"n#t !now you were intereste" ....... science$
(a) in () (or (c) on (") to
Q9 &hy are you angry ....... him?
(a) o( () (rom (c) on (") with
Q10 &e were very please" ....... the service$
(a) with () on (c) at (") (rom
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5<
3ny$hing; n*$hing; s*me$hing; every$hing
Q1 I "on#t have ....... to "o to"ay$
(a) nothing () anything (c) everything (") any
Q2 6re there ....... "ogs in the house?
(a) something () nothing (c) any (") anyo"y
Q3 I !now ....... aout itE
(a) anything () nothing (c) someone (") any
Q4 There is ....... I nee" to "o tomorrow a(ternoon$
(a) any () anything (c) yet (") something
Q5 1y (rien" "oesn#t !now ....... aout her :irth"ay ,artyE
(a) something () nothing (c) anything (") anyone
Q6 -i" you ring ....... you nee"e" (or the trip?
(a) no () any (c) nothing (") everything
Q7 I( there is ....... you nee" you can call me. o!ay?
(a) anything () any (c) nothing (") everything
Q8 I thin! there is ....... wrong with my %C;$ It is not wor!ing very well$
(a) anything () nothing (c) something (") everything
Q9 1y (rien"#s "ecisions have ....... to "o with me$
(a) nothing () anything (c) someone (") any
Q10 1y mom as!e" me how I was an" I sai" ....... was (ine$
(a) anything () something (c) any (") everything
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5@
3merian h*m*ph*nes
Q1 I woul" eat ....... *3/9 i( I coul" get away with it$
(a) "esert () "essert (c) "eserts (") assest
Q2 1y (rien" sai" she "oesn#t ....... any (oreign languages$
(a) no () !new (c) !now (") now
Q3 &e too! the !i"s swimming all morning$ 2ow ....... completely e'hauste"$
(a) they#re () there (c) their (") them
Q4 1y (rien"#s "og always chases ....... tail$
(a) their () theirs (c) it#s (") its
Q5 Every time I go on a trip I leave my "og in a .......$
(a) channel () cannel (c) canal (") !ennel
Q6 The ....... o( my school was overwhelmingly strict$
(a) principal () principle (c) principality (") prince
Q7 The chocolate chip coo!ies are on ....... (ive$
(a) I#ll () isle (c) aisle (") islan"
Q8 There are millions o( ....... people in Thir" &orl" Countries$
(a) pur () poor (c) pour (") pore
Q9 Christina loves to .......E
(a) so () soul (c) sew (") sow
Q10 )ey Tom. how#s the ....... in Tulsa to"ay?
(a) wither () whether (c) (eather (") weather
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7B
/r*n*"ns< -h*; -h*se; -h*m; -hih
Q1 This is the teacher ....... tol" me my son has een misehaving in class$
(a) which () whose (c) whom (") who
Q2 1y husan". ....... I love. sent me (lowers at wor! last night$
(a) who () whom (c) which (") whose
Q3 This is the girl ....... car hit that tree "own last wee!$
(a) who () which (c) whose (") whom
Q4 Those were the o'es ....... were sent to you last month. ut never ma"e it here$
(a) which () who (c) whose (") whom
Q5 ....... is going to ta!e the "og (or a wal!?
(a) &hich () &hose (c) &ho (") &hom
Q6 ....... shall I (ear. ut the ones who hurt me?
(a) &hose () &hom (c) &ho (") &hich
Q7 I as!e" you ....... one o( these shoes you thin! woul" go with my out(it$
(a) whose () who (c) whom (") which
Q8 ....... house is it. anyway? 6re we allowe" to stay in here?
(a) &ho#s () &hom (c) &hose (") &hich
Q9 I have (rien"s ....... love me so much. they ma"e a surprise irth"ay party (or me last night$
(a) who () whom (c) which (") whose
Q10 That young man to ....... we owe some than!s. save" our mom#s li(e on that car acci"ent$
(a) which () whom (c) who (") whose
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 71
S*me; any; !e-; li$$le
Q1 &owE Aoo! at thatE )ow ....... oo!s "o you have on your shel(? I have to tell you. it#s ?uite a
great collectionE
(a) much () many (c) any (") some
Q2 &oul" you li!e ....... /uice?
(a) a () an (c) some (") much
Q3 )ow ....... money "o you have?
(a) much () more (c) many (") o(ten
Q4 I only have ....... "ollars$
(a) some () any (c) a little (") a (ew
Q5 I want to ma!e orange /uice$ )ave you got ....... oranges?
(a) much () many (c) any (") (ew
Q6 2o. I "on#t have any$ :ut I have ....... apples. i( you#" li!e to ma!e apple /uice instea"$
(a) a little () some (c) any (") (ew
Q7 There are ....... people trying to go to the I* concert this wee!en"$
(a) many () much (c) a little (") any
Q8 )ow many gallons o( water "i" you ring (or the trip? D I /ust have ....... gallons$
(a) much () any (c) a little (") a (ew
Q9 Fessica spent a lot o( money on her car$ 2ow she only has ....... money le(t to pay (or her living
(a) many () a (ew (c) a little (") much
Q10 )ow ....... time "o you have le(t e(ore you have to go to school?
(a) some () much (c) many (") any
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7*
/rep*si$*ns 0es$
Q1 I was /ogging in the par! this morning an" saw this "og coming ....... me$ It loo!e" li!e he was
going attac!
me. ut he was /ust trying to reach out (or his owner who was running right ehin" me$
(a) onto () a(ter (c) towar"s (") elow
Q2 :arara. your oy(rien" is waiting (or you ....... in the car$
(a) aroun" () outsi"e (c) aove (") against
Q3 I hear" a glass rea!ing noise in the living room an" ran to see what happene"$ 6 pigeon (lew
....... the
win"ow an" ro!e it$
(a) (or () (rom (c) y (") against
Q4 Su4anne who lives ....... that co((ee shop place. came over to visit you this morning$
(a) on () y (c) at (") in
Q5 I "on#t !now how many times I have tol" my "aughter to loo! at oth si"es e(ore running .......
the street$
(a) across () alongsi"e (c) esi"e (") aroun"
Q6 1y house is ....... the grocery store an" the gas station$
(a) un"er () o(( (c) among (") etween
Q7 The temperature in &ashington -$C to"ay is eight "egrees ....... 4ero$
(a) esi"e () elow (c) ehin" (") etween
Q8 The cat is sitting ....... the wall$
(a) on () over (c) aove (") un"erneath
Q9 6s soon as :o hear" his oss coming. he /umpe" ....... his chair an" prenten"e" he was
(a) insi"e () un"er (c) (or (") "own
Q10 8re"eric! lives ....... the hill. where all the mansions are$
(a) aove () unto (c) onto (") up
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 70
/as$ /ar$iiple Sen$enes
Q1 )a" I een ale to go to school as a chil". I woul" have ....... how to rea"$
(a) learne" () learn (c) learning (") ha" learn
Q2 I woul" have ....... all night i( I coul" ut we all ha" to leave early ecause Carmen "i"n#t (eel
(a) sing () sung (c) sang (") singe"
Q3 6"rian shoul" have never ....... home$ I( he ha"n#t. he#" e in a etter situation right now$
(a) leave () leave" (c) le(t (") leaving
Q4 ,erhaps she woul" have een ....... y that "og i( its owner ha"n#t een (aster an" caught him
right on time$
(a) it () ite (c) itte" (") itten
Q5 I( it wasn#t (or that me"icine you gave me. I woul" have ....... a lot worse$
(a) gotten () gone (c) get (") gutte"
Q6 Aast night. I ....... I was calling the police an" really "i" it$
(a) "ream () "reaming (c) "reame" (") have "reame"
Q7 I#m gla" to !now that you have ....... me (or what I have "one$
(a) (orgive () (orgives (c) (orgiven (") (orgave
Q8 6(ter loo!ing (or him all "ay. Feremy (inally (oun" his "og ....... un"er a cave$
(a) hi" () hi"e (c) hi""en (") hit
Q9 I woul" have ....... pictures (rom my trip. i( I ha" a camera$
(a) too! () ta!e (c) ta!en (") ha" too!
Q10 &hen he (inally arrive". his "ate ha" alrea"y .......$
(a) going () go (c) went (") gone
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 73
ES# /rep*si$i*ns
Q1 The oar" meeting was calle" ....... "ue to the su""en "emise o( the chie( e'ecutive o((ice$
(a) (or () o(( (c) to (") out
Q2 1y (ather put K1.BBB ....... as a "eposit to help my sister purchase a new car$
(a) in () out (c) "own (") on
Q3 I have some material (rom which I coul" !noc! ....... an article i( you want me to$
(a) up () "own (c) together (") o((
Q4 The (inance "irector has come in ....... a lot o( criticism over his unsuccess(ul han"ling o( the
(a) ac! () (or (c) to (") on
Q5 The (actory churns ....... thousan"s o( pairs o( low cost shoes every "ay$
(a) out () o(( (c) in (") into
Q6 Aow consumer "eman" has (orce" the retailer to mar! ....... a wi"e range o( goo"s y as much
as 3BH$
(a) up () "own (c) ac! (") o((
Q7 1r$ an" 1rs$ Farrett must e ma!ing a (ortune$ They#re clearly ra!ing ....... over K1.BBB.BBB a
(a) up () in (c) on (") out
Q8 The clothing manu(acturer recently ranche" ....... into sport#s wear$
(a) out () in (c) o(( (") ac!
Q9 -istriutors will proaly ump ....... the price o( the so(tware when the ne't version is
(a) up () on (c) o(( (") out
Q10 The "irector was "rumme" ....... o( o((ice (or li(e when it was "iscovere" that she ha" een
involve" in insi"er
(a) up () in (c) on (") out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 75
1*mm*n English Err*rs 718
Q1 There are many ....... o( /os in Cregon right now$
(a) sorts () ran"s (c) !in"s (") (orms
Q2 She ran over to the commotion to ....... what was happening$
(a) !now aout () (in" more (c) (in" (") (in" out
Q3 6(ter some time. %ince ....... to !now the university campus very well$
(a) got () un"erstoo" (c) (oun" (") learne"
Q4 -on#t (orget aout your "aughter#s soccer game D she#ll never ....... youE
(a) asolve () e'onerate (c) e'cuse (") (orgive
Q5 &hen I "rove into Seattle yester"ay a(ternoon. the ....... was still clou"y an" wet$
(a) weather () climate (c) climate con"ition (") environment
Q6 I#m worrie" aout her ecause she ....... more pills than usual$
(a) eats () munches (c) is ta!ing (") is eating
Q7 I#m so usy D I hope you#ll ....... my messy o((ice space$
(a) (orgive () asolve (c) e'cuse (") ac?uit
Q8 )e was marrie" (i(ty years .......$
(a) e(ore now () ago (c) long e(ore (") long ago
Q9 I ....... at si' o#cloc! in the morning every "ay$
(a) awa!e () wa!e up (c) get up (rom my e" (") leave my e"
Q10 &e "eci"e" to ....... e" this morning ecause last night wore us out$
(a) e in our () stay in our (c) stay in (") stay on our
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 77
1*mm*n English Err*rs 728
Q1 That oo! isn#t in right now ut we can ....... one (or you$
(a) oo! () or"er (c) instruct (") comman"
Q2 I ....... some great oo!s (rom the lirary this past wee!en"$
(a) lent () ha" a loan o( (c) orrowe" (") loane"
Q3 &e always ....... at the hotel y the marina when we go to San 8rancisco$
(a) stay () live (c) inhait (") resi"e
Q4 I haven#t ....... (rom anyone lately$
(a) hear () listene" (c) in(orme" (") hear"
Q5 6(ter the attac!. the woman ....... ?uic!ly$
(a) calme" "own
(c) calme" her anger
() calme" "own her anger
(") calme" her (eelings
Q6 ....... me as soon as possile$ It#s urgent$
(a) ,hone call () Call (c) Call up (") Telephone call
Q7 ,eople ....... this place the L8ori""en 8orest$L
(a) call () entitle (c) name (") "escrie
Q8 I#ve een so usy with new clients that I hire" new sta(( /ust to .......$
(a) up!eep () !eep up (c) !eep (") persist
Q9 +ou#re an asset to our team$ .......
(a) Stay it upE () ;emain "oing itE (c) Jeep it upE (") Continue it upE
Q10 It#s "i((icult to un"erstan" what she ....... in her /o D it seems very oring$
(a) "istinguishes in () loo!s in (c) oserves in (") sees in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 79
1*mm*n English Err*rs 738
Q1 ....... people li!e this area a lot$
(a) El"er () Cl"er (c) The ol" (") 1ore el"er
Q2 1y ....... rother is really nice to me$
(a) el"est () more ol" (c) maturest (") most ol"er
Q3 6(ter visiting several gala'ies. the aliens (oun" themselves captivate" y li(e on .......$
(a) worl" () the worl" (c) the earth (") earth
Q4 It#s one o( the nicest countries .......$
(a) on the earth () in the worl" (c) on the gloe (") on the worl"
Q5 I !now it soun"s unreasonale ut it ....... that she will never come ac!$
(a) is possile () coul" e possile (c) coul" e possily (") is possily
Q6 6s soon as I pic!e" up the rare o/ect. it .......$
(a) was not together () came to e apart (c) came apart (") was separate"
Q7 +ou shoul" ....... a(ter you#ve (inishe" your lessons$
(a) come to my home () come over (c) come into my home (") get to my home
Q8 Cur (rien"s D who we haven#t seen in a long time D ....... last night$
(a) appeare" in our home
(c) came to our home
() came in our home
(") came y
Q9 I !eep my (avorite ring ....... the "resser$
(a) un"er () more ehin" (c) lower than (") un"er the ac! o(
Q10 The worl" nee"s to "epen" on other energy sources. ....... oil an" other natural resources$
(a) esi"e () li!ewise (c) esi"es (") also esi"e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7<
1*mm*n English Err*rs 748
Q1 )er mother ....... when she was /ust a little girl$
(a) is "ea" () "ea" (c) "ie" (") was "ea"
Q2 I( my ac! starts ........ I can#t go anywhere with you ne't wee!$
(a) acting out () per(orming (c) acting up (") ecoming a"
Q3 She was hoping the terrile argument woul" ....... e(ore the we""ing$
(a) low away () low over (c) carry away (") low "own
Q4 6(ter the car acci"ent. :o ha" to ....... his en"urance "uring his rehailitation classes$
(a) ma!e () uil" more (c) uil" (orwar" (") uil" up
Q5 1y uncle has a long ear" an" a ....... chest$
(a) (urre" chest () (urry (c) many hair (") hairy
Q6 -ue to his age. everyone thin!s he shoul" (in" a suitale mate an" settle .......$
(a) on () along (c) "own (") up
Q7 The movie was very shoc!ing ecause it is ....... a true story that too! place in our state$
(a) ase" through () ase" on (c) (oun" through (") coming (rom
Q8 )is speech was articulate an" I as!e" him to ....... his i"eas$
(a) ma!e igger () sprea" out (c) e'pan" on (") e'pan" aout
Q9 Cur nanny has always een ....... to us$
(a) very !in"ly () !in"ly (c) eing !in"ly (") !in"
Q10 I ....... with the oo! ?uic!ly$
(a) (e" up () ore" (c) got ore" (") ecame ore" up
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7@
1*mm*n Q"an$i$y =*"ns
Q1 The oys gathere" a un"le o( .......$
(a) stic!s () people (c) ea"s (") houses
Q2 Cver y the railroa" trac!s. there was a heap o( .......$
(a) houses () (lowers (c) stairs (") stones
Q3 In the "istance. the onloo!ers coul" see a (leet o( .......$
(a) players () insects (c) stairs (") ships
Q4 6s she loo!e" up. she saw a (light o( .......$
(a) ir"s () insects (c) crows (") stairs
Q5 The (loc! o( ....... staye" together$
(a) sheep () lan!ets (c) ships (") cows
Q6 6 swarm o( ....... gathere" aroun" the swamp$
(a) sheep () ir"s (c) insects (") cows
Q7 6 crow" o( ....... line" up to see what was happening$
(a) cows () sheep (c) people (") ir"s
Q8 There was a long row o( ....... near the each$
(a) cows () insects (c) stairs (") houses
Q9 The her" o( ....... !ept eating as the win" lew past them$
(a) people () ir"s (c) cows (") crows
Q10 6t the show. we saw many "i((erent schools o( .......$
(a) ir"s () cattle (c) (ish (") ea"s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9B
>sing )ake and D* 718
Q1 The manager was surprise" at how many things ;on coul" ....... at once$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q2 She ....... him a solemn promise that she woul" never steal again$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q3 )is teacher egge" him to ....... more o( an e((ort in class$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q4 &e ha" so much (un in Chicago D we ....... it in three "ays$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q5 The usiness ....... a lot o( money this year$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q6 The university research "epartment stumle" upon something new an" ....... a ig "iscovery
ecause o( it$
(a) ma!e () "i" (c) ma"e (") "o
Q7 )is mother (orce" him to ....... his homewor! every night a(ter supper$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q8 2o matter how har" he pushe" him. he coul"n#t ....... his son "o the /o properly$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q9 The teacher suggeste" they ....... another e'ercise to un"erstan" the prolem etter$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q10 &e only have one more pot o( stew D will it .......?
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 91
>sing /rep*si$i*ns
Q1 ;alph was late ....... wor! again$ )e may e (ire"$
(a) on () at (c) (or (") to
Q2 2aomi is !een ....... wor!ing in 6(rica this coming year$
(a) o( () (or (c) on (") at
Q3 )e#s een su((ering ....... migraine hea"aches again$
(a) with () (rom (c) o( (") aout
Q4 6ll o( Chris# teachers agree that he is very goo" ....... math$
(a) with () (or (c) at (") on
Q5 To get a /o as a secretary. you must e goo" ....... typing an" answering phones$
(a) (or () at (c) with (") aout
Q6 -ue to his new shi(t. he has to wa!e up ....... 0 a$m$ every "ay$
(a) in () at (c) on (") (rom
Q7 Such a" ehavior is typical ....... the spoile" chil"$
(a) (or () with (c) aout (") o(
Q8 1ary is so please" ....... her stu"ents# gra"es this past year$
(a) (or () with (c) at (") along
Q9 )e was very angry ....... his mother ecause she groun"e" him yester"ay$
(a) with () to (c) aout (") on
Q10 Jaren is very /ealous ....... Jim an" it#s very ovious to others$
(a) o( () aout (c) at (") with
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9*
>sing )ake and D* 728
Q1 Even though the situation was not i"eal. they "eci"e" to ....... a go o( things$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q2 She (inally egge" him to ....... a move in the very long an" tiresome chess game$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q3 )e was so prou" o( his car yester"ay ecause "uring the race it ....... *7B !m/hr$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q4 She su""enly reali4e" that she only ha" a (ew "ays le(t on her vacation so she "eci"e" to .......
the most o( it$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q5 I#m not ?uite rea"y yet D I have to ....... my hair$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q6 )is mother was late ecause she ....... the e"s e(ore she le(t the house$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q7 2o one !nows why he ....... those terrile things in the past$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q8 )e was con(use" an" coul"n#t ....... up his min" aout what to "o ne't$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q9 The teacher ha" to ....... up a new syllaus ecause her ol" was out"ate"$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
Q10 They ....... up ?uic!ly a(ter the silly argument$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) ma"e (") "i"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 90
2hy Q"es$i*ns
Q1 ....... countries have a coastline on the 1e"iterranean Sea?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &here (") &ho
Q2 ....... is measure" y the ;ichter Scale?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &here (") &ho
Q3 ....... "oes the wor" LalphaetL come (rom?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &here (") &hen
Q4 ....... was the (irst man in space?
(a) &hen () &here (c) &hich (") &ho
Q5 ....... "oes 26TC stan" (or?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &here (") who
Q6 ....... year "i" ,rince Charles o( Englan" marry?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &here (") &ho
Q7 ....... "i" &illiam Fe((erson Clinton ecome ,resi"ent o( the Inite" States?
(a) &hen () &hat (c) &here (") &ho
Q8 ....... Cariean islan" "oes Sir %ivian ;ichar"s come (rom?
(a) &hich () &hat (c) &here (") &ho
Q9 ....... was the youngest person to e electe" as ,resi"ent o( the Inite" States?
(a) &hich () &hat (c) &here (") &ho
Q10 ....... year "i" the (irst commercial aviation (light ta!e place?
(a) &hen () &hat (c) &here (") &hich
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 93
2hile; d"ring and !*r
Q1 1y uncle "ie" ....... the war$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q2 The phone rang ....... I was eating runch$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q3 I live" in -enpasar ....... several years$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q4 ....... I was in Geneva I ma"e lots o( (rien"s$
(a) &hile () -uring (c) 8or
Q5 Aast wee! I was hel" up ....... (our hours ecause o( the tra((ic$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q6 6 salesman !noc!e" on our "oor ....... we were watching a movie$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q7 I hurt my leg ....... the thir" ?uarter o( the as!etall match$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q8 6 game o( rugy usually lasts ....... eighty minutes$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
Q9 ....... my stay in hospital. the nurses loo!e" a(ter me very well$
(a) &hile () -uring (c) 8or
Q10 I was traveling through 1umai ....... si' wee!s last summer$
(a) while () "uring (c) (or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 95
a":iliary ver,s< -as; did; have
Q1 The (light ....... "elaye" ecause o( a" weather$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q2 ....... you "o much sightseeing when you were on vacation in 1a"ri"?
(a) &as () &ere (c) -i" (") ha"
Q3 They ....... leaving (or the airport when I last saw them$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q4 I ....... (orgotten to set my alarm cloc!. so I was late (or my train$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q5 ....... it raining when you le(t your o((ice this a(ternoon?
(a) &as () &ere (c) -i" (") )a"
Q6 The employees ....... in(orme" last night that their company was going into receivership$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q7 The police locate" the art wor! which ....... een stolen (rom the gallery$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q8 The (ire ....... cause" y an electrical prolem$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q9 She was surprise" that he !new her name$ She ....... never met him e(ore$
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
Q10 )ow many times ....... your travel "ocuments chec!e" e(ore you oar"e" the airplane?
(a) was () were (c) "i" (") ha"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 97
prep*si$i*ns *! $ime< !*r; ag*; sine; *n; a$
Q1 I gra"uate" (rom college ....... *BB*$
(a) since () on (c) in (") at
Q2 I li!e to go to e" ....... mi"night on Satur"ays$
(a) since () on (c) "uring (") at
Q3 )e migrate" to Istanul (ive years .......$
(a) since () ago (c) (or (") at
Q4 The artist ha" een painting ....... two "eca"es e(ore he sol" his (irst painting$
(a) "uring () (or (c) since (") on
Q5 Sha!espeare was orn ....... *0 6pril. 1573$
(a) since () on (c) in (") at
Q6 In Europe 6utumn egins ....... 1arch$
(a) in () on (c) at (") since
Q7 &e always eat a roast "inner ....... Christmas "ay$
(a) in () on (c) at (") since
Q8 )is pet anacon"a "ie" (ive months ....... an" he still misses it$
(a) (or () since (c) ago (") on
Q9 I#ve een stu"ying Italian ....... I was (ive years ol"$
(a) (or () since (c) ago (") on
Q10 The chairman o( the oar" has een employe" in the (inance in"ustry ....... 1@<3$
(a) in () on (c) since (") at
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 99
1*mm*n English phrases -i$h prep*si$i*ns
Q1 I ha" a crash yester"ay a(ternoon$ 8ortunately I "i"n#t "o too much "amage ....... my car$
(a) with () in (c) aout (") to
Q2 Simon isn#t at school this wee!$ )e#s ....... vacation$
(a) in () etween (c) on (") to
Q3 &e#re out ....... co((ee$ Coul" you please go the supermar!et an" pic! up some more$
(a) (or () in (c) o( (") to
Q4 This morning I receive" a che?ue in the mail ....... one thousan" "ollars$
(a) aout () (or (c) on (") with
Q5 +ou#re really annoying me$ +ou#re "oing it ....... purpose. aren#t you?
(a) aout () o( (c) on (") in
Q6 Can you tell the "i((erence ....... utter an" margarine?
(a) in () with (c) etween (") aout
Q7 There have een many complaints ....... your ehavior$
(a) with () o( (c) aout (") (or
Q8 The troule ....... my mother in law is that she "oesn#t listen to anyo"y$
(a) with () aout (c) (or (") etween
Q9 I#m tire" o( coo!ing every night$ Aet#s eat out ....... a change$
(a) on () (or (c) to (") in
Q10 )ave you got any photos ....... your girl(rien"?
(a) aout () etween (c) o( (") which
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9<
3r$iles in English Grammar
Q1 I want to uy ....... laptop computer ne't wee!$
(a) a () an (c) the
Q2 Can you please go to ....... grocery store on (i(th street an" uy * cartons o( mil!?
(a) a () an (c) the
Q3 ,lease meet me at the train station in ....... hour (rom now$
(a) a () an (c) the
Q4 I li!e to watch tennis on the television$ It is ....... very goo" game$
(a) a () an (c) the
Q5 1y rother won an awar" (or eing ....... est speller in our school$
(a) a () an (c) the
Q6 -o you want to watch ....... movie with me tonight?
(a) a () an (c) the
Q7 I coul"n#t elieve my eyes when I saw ....... elephant crossing the roa" in (ront o( my school
(a) a () an (c) the
Q8 )ow much will it cost to go on ....... holi"ay to :ali?
(a) a () an (c) the
Q9 Can you please help me pic! out ....... irth"ay present (or my (ather?
(a) a () an (c) the
Q10 ....... ,resi"ent o( the Inite" States will e visiting 6ustralia ne't wee!$
(a) 6 () 6n (c) The
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9@
a; s*me *r any
Q1 &e nee" ....... !ilo o( apples$
(a) a () some (c) any
Q2 )ave you got ....... water?
(a) a () some (c) any
Q3 There#s ....... newspaper on the tale$
(a) a () some (c) any
Q4 I#ve got ....... sala" san"wiches (or my lunch to"ay$
(a) a () some (c) any
Q5 I haven#t got ....... tea$ Can you go to the corner store an" uy some more?
(a) a () some (c) any
Q6 )ow aout ....... cup o( co((ee?
(a) a () some (c) any
Q7 There are ....... grapes in the (ri"ge$
(a) a () some (c) any
Q8 Is there ....... orange /uice le(t in the (ri"ge?
(a) a () some (c) any
Q9 I nee" ....... money to go shopping$
(a) a () any (c) some
Q10 &e nee" to uy ....... rea" rolls i( you want to ma!e hot"ogs (or your lunch$
(a) a () some (c) any
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <B
4n$err*ga$ive pr*n*"ns
Q1 ....... is the girl in the lue "ress?
(a) &ho () &hom (c) &hat (") &hich
Q2 ....... is the name o( the team in re"?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &ho (") &hom
Q3 ....... li!es to play pinall at the arca"e?
(a) &ho () &hom (c) &hat (") &hich
Q4 8or ....... "i" Shelia ma!e these coo!ies$
(a) who () whom (c) which (") what
Q5 ....... o( the names "i" you choose (or the puppy?
(a) &hat () &hich (c) &ho (") &hom
Q6 ....... has complete" the assignment?
(a) &ho#s () &ho (c) &hom (") &hich
Q7 ....... is the highest ran!ing o((icial in the Inite" States?
(a) &ho#s () &hom (c) &ho (") &hat
Q8 To ....... "i" 1ar! len" his vi"eo game?
(a) who () who#s (c) whom (") what
Q9 ....... o( the cars is par!e" in the "riveway?
(a) &hich () &ho#s (c) &hat (") &hom
Q10 To ....... shoul" the chec! e ma"e payale?
(a) who () who#s (c) whom (") which
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <1
/*ssessive pr*n*"ns
Q1 1ia le(t ....... noteoo! on the us$
(a) her () yours (c) his
Q2 The color(ul picture o( the (lowers is .......$
(a) their () your (c) mine
Q3 The prou" parents rought home ....... new ay girl$
(a) his () her (c) their
Q4 &ill strumme" ....... guitar an" invite" everyone to sing$
(a) his () its (c) her
Q5 The computer ?uic!ly stores in(ormation on ....... huge memory$
(a) yours () theirs (c) its
Q6 These warm chocolate chip coo!ies melt in ....... mouth$
(a) its () your (c) yours
Q7 Is ....... seat elt always (astene"?
(a) your () mine (c) its
Q8 The (lu((y rown puppy is .......$
(a) its () my (c) theirs
Q9 ....... han" shot up when the teacher as!e" (or volunteers$
(a) Their () )er (c) 1ine
Q10 I "i"n#t get a cheeseurger. so I taste" .......$
(a) mine () its (c) hers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <*
/hrasal ver,s
Q1 I#m sorry. Fames isn#t ....... at the moment$ Can I ta!e a message?
(a) in () away (c) up (") o((
Q2 &e#ve run ....... o( sugar$ Coul" you please uy some more?
(a) "own on () away (rom (c) on with (") out o(
Q3 I "on#t !now how you ....... with such noisy rothers$ It woul" "rive me cra4y$
(a) put up () put away (c) clear up (") ring up
Q4 +ou#ve orrowe" such a great "eal o( money (rom me lately$ I nee" to ....... e'actly how much
you owe me$
(a) ma!e up () put out (c) wor! out (") clear up
Q5 Can you ....... the time o( the ne't train to 1unich?
(a) sort out () put out (c) (in" out (") try out
Q6 That maths e'am was incre"ily "i((icult$ It too! me ages to ....... some o( the answers$
(a) sort out () put out (c) wor! out (") (in" out
Q7 I "on#t min" helping you a!e a ca!e. ut /ust ma!e sure you ....... everything when you#ve
(a) put out () put away (c) sort out (") ring up
Q8 I#m ro!e$ I have to ....... an i"ea (or ma!ing money$
(a) get on with () put up with (c) run out o( (") come up with
Q9 Cur teacher tol" us to ....... our wor! ?uietly$
(a) get on with () put up with (c) run out o( (") come up with
Q10 The government wants to ....... a new scheme to encourage people to start their own
(a) wor! out () try out (c) (in" out (") run out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <0
3ga$ha 1hris$ie $es$ ?"es$i*ns
Q1 6gatha Christie live" with ....... (amily in Englan"$
(a) her () his (c) their
Q2 6gatha Christie ....... have a happy marriage$
(a) wasn#t () "i"n#t (c) isn#t
Q3 6gatha Chrisitie ....... her husan" in 1@0B$
(a) "ivorce" () annulle" (c) cancelle"
Q4 6gatha Christie was a very success(ul writer o( "etective .......$
(a) yarns () (airyGtales (c) stories
Q5 She ....... (or eleven "ays in -ecemer 1@*7$
(a) evaporate" () "isappeare" (c) "eparte"
Q6 The police (oun" her ....... (lat ut there was no sign o( 6gatha Christie$
(a) empty () emptiness (c) empty space
Q7 6gatha Christie wrote more than <B mysteries an" sol" ....... 0BB million oo!s$
(a) more () e'tra (c) over
Q8 ,eople all over the worl" have ....... 6gatha Christie#s stories$
(a) graspe" () reali4e" (c) rea"
Q9 6gatha Christie "i"n#t tell ....... why she "isappeare" in -ecemer 1@*7$
(a) someone () anyone (c) no one
Q10 6gatha Christie wrote her (irst "etective story in 1@*B an" ecame very .......$
(a) success () successor (c) success(ul
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <3
1*n9"n$i*ns< and; ,"$; *r; s*
Q1 &e will visit 6ustralia ....... 2ew Mealan" "uring our ne't vacation$
(a) an" () ut (c) so
Q2 1y teeth were hurting ....... I ma"e an appointment to go the "entist$
(a) or () so (c) ut
Q3 )ave you seen ....... hear" the latest musical y 6n"rew Aloy" &eer?
(a) ut () so (c) or
Q4 I wante" to go to the roc! concert ....... all the tic!ets were alrea"y sol" out$
(a) so () ut (c) an"
Q5 I wante" to eat sushi (or "inner ....... I went to a Fapanese restaurant$
(a) ut () so (c) or
Q6 I wante" to eat (ish (or lunch ....... the (ish an" chip shop ha" close" (or the "ay$
(a) or () ut (c) so
Q7 I am going to "o my homewor! ....... ta!e a shower when I get home (rom school$
(a) an" () ut (c) so
Q8 1y (ather wante" to watch a soccer match on television ....... my mother was alrea"y watching
(a) ut () so (c) or
Q9 1y rother wante" to uy a novel ....... I went to the oo! store a(ter I (inishe" wor!$
(a) so () or (c) ut
Q10 I wante" to visit my gran"mother last wee! ....... she ha" an acci"ent an" ha" to e ta!en to
(a) ut () or (c) so
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <5
1*mp*"nd -*rds -i$h $**$h
Q1 I usually ta!e a ....... to wor! so I can clean my teeth thoroughly a(ter I have eaten my lunch$
(a) toothrush () toothpic! (c) toothpaste
Q2 1y wi(e hates it i( I leave the li" o(( the ....... a(ter I have (inishe" rushing my teeth$
(a) toothrush () toothpaste (c) tootache
Q3 It is very "angerous (or small chil"ren to play with .......$
(a) toothrushes () toothpic!s (c) toothaches
Q4 1y (ather tol" me that I will get a ....... i( I eat too much chocolate$
(a) toothpaste () toothache (c) toothpic!
Q5 L1um. can you please uy me a new ....... when you go the supermar!et this a(ternoon?L
(a) toothpaste () toothache (c) toothrush
Q6 Tomorrow I must go the pharmacy an" uy some more .......$
(a) toothpaste () toothpic! (c) toothrush
Q7 1y "aughter wo!e up screaming in the mi""le o( the night ecause she ha" a terrile .......$
(a) toothpic! () toothrush (c) toothache
Q8 2ora as!e" the waiter to ring her a ....... a(ter she ha" (inishe" eating her "essert$
(a) toothrush () toothpic! (c) toothache
Q9 LI can#t seem to (in" the new tue o( ....... that I purchase" (rom the supermar!et yester"ay$L
(a) toothrush () toothpic! (c) toothpaste
Q10 1y ol" ....... is loo!ing very shaggy$ I thin! it#s aout time to uy a new one$
(a) toothpic! () toothpaste (c) toothrush
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1
#ike a red rag
Q1 -on#t tal! to him aout politics ecause it#s li!e a ....... rag to a ull$
(a) lue () white (c) re" (") lac!
Q2 )e ta!es the optimistic view an" tal!s aout a ....... s!ies scenario$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") yellow
Q3 She hasn#t wor!e" here very long an" is there(ore a little ....... on matters o( proce"ure$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") green
Q4 2ow that they have rea" it in ........ they elieve me$
(a) re" an" lue () lue an" re" (c) white an" lac! (") lac! an" white
Q5 The reason why I (eel so ....... to"ay is ecause it#s my irth"ay an" noGone has sent me any
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") lac!
Q6 She lost the company a lot o( money last wee! an" as a result has got a ....... mar! against her
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") lac!
Q7 In this usiness you cannot a((or" to ma!e any mista!e an" must e seen to e lily .......$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") green
Q8 6s they turne" roun" an" ran away. people thought they were .......$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") yellow
Q9 6s! her to help you with your calculations ecause she#s ....... hot at mathematics$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") lac!
Q10 I !now he "oesn#t li!e you ecause the moment you came in the room I saw him give you a
....... loo!$
(a) re" () lue (c) white (") lac!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *
4! y*" $end $* !*rge$
Q1 )e ten"s to (orget things very ?uic!ly an" ehaves more an" more li!e the typical .......
(a) clearGmin"e" () asentGmin"e" (c) wellGmin"e" (") coolGmin"e"
Q2 This is a very e'pensive holi"ay inten"e" (or those with plenty o( money as it involves a trip
....... the worl"$
(a) through () along (c) aout (") aroun"
Q3 The car is almost rea"y to collect (rom the garage ut there are /ust a couple o( spare .......
(a) parts () pieces (c) e'tras (") accessories
Q4 They were ....... o( having ro!en into the stately home an" stolen several (amous paintings$
(a) charge" () "escrie" (c) accuse" (") lame"
Q5 The one thing my (amily will always rememer aout Grace was the many ....... o( !in"ness
that she showe"
us in her long li(e$
(a) "ee"s () acts (c) actions (") (eats
Q6 I( you ha" ought a house aout thirty years ago you woul" certainly (in" that it ha"
consi"eraly ....... in
(a) increase" () heightene" (c) "evelope" (") "oule"
Q7 I( you#re not care(ul you#ll (in" that ecause o( your generous nature. she#ll start ta!ing ....... o(
(a) part () a"vantage (c) consi"eration (") prominence
Q8 There#s a huge ....... in the local paper aout the special o((ers availale in the store this
(a) announcement () "isplay (c) notice (") a"vertisement
Q9 +ou#ll notice that as soon as the chil"ren come home (rom school. the "og will /ump up an"
show its great
....... (or them$
(a) in(ection () a((ection (c) a((ectation (") protection
Q10 Sociologists maintain that some o( the (ilms on show to"ay have create" a generation o( very
....... chil"ren$
(a) (rightene" () a(rai" (c) (ear(ul (") (rightening
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 0
Easy Q"es$i*ns
Q1 There are no prolems (or me ecause I (in" those ?uestions very .......$
(a) easy () (acile (c) so(t (") straight
Q2 6re you going ....... (or your holi"ays this year?
(a) outsi"e () asent (c) aroa" (") e'ternal
Q3 They ....... him (or his rave actions$
(a) praise" () worshippe" (c) (lattere" (") congratulate"
Q4 )e is very luc!y to have got himsel( a ....... /o$
(a) pear () anana (c) lemon (") plum
Q5 They ....... (rom the (ire unhurt$
(a) eva"e" () escape" (c) avoi"e" (") astaine"
Q6 6(ter two rings o( the ell she su""enly ....... in the "oorway$
(a) seeme" () loo!e" (c) appeare" (") viewe"
Q7 She never spo!e aout hersel( an" was always very ....... aout the goo" things she ha" "one$
(a) mo"est () mee! (c) humle (") simple
Q8 )e has lots o( money an" ....... two houses in the city$
(a) hol"s () owns (c) occupies (") possesses
Q9 Cne o( that chil"#s teeth is very ....... an" will soon (all out$
(a) lost () losing (c) lose (") loose
Q10 They wor!e" har" all "ay without a .......$
(a) rea! () suspension (c) pause (") reach
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 3
D*; make; ge$; $ake
Q1 +ou must "eci"e an" ....... up your min"$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q2 &hat time "o you ....... up in the morning?
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q3 6t the moment we are trying to ....... (or the town centre$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q4 6(ter they ha" shoute" at each other. they "eci"e" to ....... it up$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q5 They are very goo" (rien"s an" ....... on well with each other$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q6 The (irm has e'pan"e" an" they want to ....... on e'tra sta(($
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q7 She#s goo" at writing stories (or chil"ren an" is always !een to ....... up new plots$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q8 6s we "on#t have much money at the moment. we#ve "eci"e" to ....... without certain lu'uries$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q9 &e mustn#t e late this morning ecause to"ay is when the new oss is going to ....... over$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
Q10 1ost o( the telephone lines were "estroye" in the storm last night an" so it#s almost
impossile to .......
through to anyo"y to"ay$
(a) "o () get (c) ma!e (") ta!e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 5
0he 'armer and his S*ns
Q1 6 (armer ha" two sons oth o( whom were not very ....... an" avoi"e" wor! i( they coul"$
(a) in"ustrial () in"ustrious (c) in"ustry (") in"ustrialist
Q2 Cne "ay the (ather !new that he was "ying an" calle" his two sons to his e" .......$
(a) corner () wall (c) tale (") si"e
Q3 )e wante" his sons to pay as much ....... to the cultivation o( the (arm as he ha" "one many
(a) thought () care (c) attention (") management
Q4 )e tol" them that there was a ....... treasure in the lan" an" they woul" have to loo! (or it when
he ha" gone$
(a) unseen () hi""en (c) conceale" (") oscure"
Q5 )e tol" them that they woul" (in" it in one o( his 0 vine ....... ut he "i"n#t tell them which one it
(a) yar"s () (eet (c) spaces (") areas
Q6 The sons assure" their (ather that they woul" wor! har" to ....... out the treasure$
(a) (in" () sort (c) see! (") try
Q7 6s soon as their (ather ha" "ie" an" een ........ the sons too! out all their (arming tools an"
starte" to "ig the
(a) groun"e" () earthe" (c) con(ine" (") urie"
Q8 They wor!e" really har" an" "ug every single ....... metre o( their (ather#s lan"$
(a) loc! () s?uare (c) cue (") pure
Q9 )owever long they "ug an" however har" they wor!e". they ....... to (in" the smallest it o(
(a) lac!e" () misse" (c) avoi"e" (") (aile"
Q10 Clearly their (ather ha" een a wise man ecause all the wor! the sons ha" "one on the lan"
ensure" that
they ha" the est ....... (or years$
(a) gathering () yiel"ing (c) crop (") pro"uction
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 7
3 &*liday .ep*r$
Q1 +ester"ay I ....... to an archeological site ecause I want to e an archeologist$
(a) go () went (c) visite"
Q2 The prolems I have ....... the language are to "o with spelling$
(a) on () to (c) with
Q3 I( I want to pass my e'ams. I ....... stu"y very har"$
(a) can () must (c) will
Q4 The ....... thing o( all "i((iculties in a language is vocaulary$
(a) worst () a" (c) worse
Q5 I have een ....... English (or 5 years$
(a) stu"y () trying (c) learning
Q6 &hen we wal!e" in to the school. we saw that the stu"ents were wor!ing very .......$
(a) har"ly () har" (c) easy
Q7 1ost people "on#t want to stu"y Aatin ecause it is a ....... language$
(a) "eath () ol" (c) "ea"
Q8 I#ve (orgotten the name o( my teacher ut I thin! it is something li!e .......$
(a) rown () Smith (c) /ones
Q9 &hat is the name o( the ....... you put tea into?
(a) thin! () thing (c) thin!ing
Q10 I ....... a lot o( presents (or my irth"ay$
(a) got () ecame (c) ecome
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 9
G*ing *n !**$
Q1 I#m tire" o( waiting (or uses. I#m going there ....... (oot$
(a) with () on (c) to (") y
Q2 &ho sai" growing up was .......?
(a) (un () /o!e (c) humour (") laughter
Q3 I( you want to have your central heating chec!e". you nee" a ....... plumer$
(a) !nowing () traine" (c) learne" (") care(ul
Q4 The moment the lights went out. there were scences o( .......$
(a) ma"ness () insanity (c) attac! (") panic
Q5 -on#t e put ....... y his manner. he is really !in" hearte"$
(a) through () up (c) o(( (") in
Q6 &hen a (ilm is really oring in the cinema. I ten" to no" .......$
(a) out () o(( (c) to (") through
Q7 )ave you hear" the latest? Fohn an" 1ary are ....... marrie"$
(a) getting () ecoming (c) growing (") going
Q8 6s she ha" ma"e such an impression on her employers. she was soon o((ere" .......$
(a) progress () pre(erment (c) promotion (") position
Q9 There#s a new so(tware program on the mar!et that#s suppose" to protect your computer (rom
any .......$
(a) virus () "isease (c) complaint (") illness
Q10 6s they always tell you the value o( shares can go ....... as well as up$
(a) across () over (c) "own (") in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <
Say vs% 0ell
Q1 I "are ....... you#re right$
(a) tell () tol" (c) tells (") say
Q2 I#ve ....... you not to "o that many times e(ore$
(a) tol" () saying (c) says (") sai"
Q3 That ........ they wal!e" out o( the room in total silence$
(a) tol" () sai" (c) telling (") saying
Q4 +ou shoul"n#t ta!e any notice o( that ecause it#s only hear.......$
(a) telling () says (c) tells (") say
Q5 That#s what people are always .......$
(a) say () sai" (c) telling (") saying
Q6 &hat I ....... an" what I "o are not necessarily the same$
(a) sai" () saying (c) say (") tell
Q7 It#s no goo" trying to persua"e me ecause I#m not ....... a wor"$
(a) tells () saying (c) telling (") tol"
Q8 2ow that woul" e ....... ut my lips are seale"$
(a) tol" () saying (c) telling (") sai"
Q9 ....... us that story againE
(a) Say () Tell (c) Tells (") Says
Q10 I#m a(rai" I can#t ....... (or sure ut I thin! it#s sa(e$
(a) sai" () says (c) say (") telling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @
1l*se vs% Sh"$
Q1 In the interest o( sa(ety the main valve on the machine ha" to e ....... o(($
(a) shutting () closing (c) close" (") shut
Q2 In the ....... moments o( the symphony someone#s moile phone starte" ringing$
(a) close () closing (c) shut (") shutting
Q3 The "etectives ha" no prolems in solving the crimes as it was clearly an open an" ....... case$
(a) close" () closing (c) shut (") shutting
Q4 The police o((icer warne" us that the roa" ahea" was .......$
(a) shut () shutting (c) closing (") close"
Q5 In view o( the limite" amount o( in(ormation an" evi"ence the case was now consi"ere" to e
(a) closing () close" (c) shutting (") shut
Q6 Everything in that shop is now very cheap ecause they are having a ....... "own sale$
(a) shuts () shutting (c) closes (") closing
Q7 6(ter a numer o( years as a mon! he "eci"e" to leave ecause he (elt very ....... in$
(a) shut () shutting (c) closes (") close"
Q8 6(ter the terrile e'periences that they ha" een through. the couple ....... themselves away
(rom the
(a) shut () shuts (c) closes (") closing
Q9 The new musical that has ha" such a" reviews will ....... at the en" o( this wee!$
(a) close () close" (c) shut (") shuts
Q10 I#m a(rai" that tree will have to come "own as it ....... out the light in the sitting room$
(a) close () closes (c) shut (") shuts
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B
3$ $he .es$a"ran$
Q1 The (oo" here is ?uite goo" although the menu is ?uite .......$
(a) elementary () asic (c) easy (") (un"amental
Q2 I must a"mit that whenever I#ve eaten at that restaurant. I#ve always come away (eeling .......
(a) completely () usually (c) ?uic!ly (") (ull
Q3 I promise you that "ining here will e really an ....... e'perience (or you$
(a) e'citale () e'cite" (c) e'citing (") e'cite
Q4 There#s something aout the ....... o( that particular "ish that ma!es it memorale$
(a) (lavour () (lavoure" (c) (lavouring (") (lavours
Q5 It can e very irritating when the waiter ....... to ring what you have or"ere"$
(a) (orgot () (orgets (c) (orgetting (") (orgotten
Q6 I( you#re really intereste". I#m sure the che( will tell you the ....... o( that "ish$
(a) ingre"ients () contents (c) ma!eGup (") composition
Q7 6s they#re special ....... o( the restaurant. they always get a goo" tale$
(a) partners () customers (c) patrons (") visitors
Q8 &e got very a" service to"ay an" ha" to ....... the waiter three times aout the "rin!s$
(a) rememer () or"er (c) remin"er (") remin"
Q9 &e simply "i"n#t !now what to choose (or our main "ish so in the en" we ma"e a ....... choice$
(a) ran"om () casual (c) (ormal (") straight
Q10 The restaurant was liste" in the gui"e as it ha" een ....... to e o( the appropriate stan"ar"$
(a) value" () esteeme" (c) respecte" (") /u"ge"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 11
3$ $he 0hea$re
Q1 It was one o( those plays where the ....... move" at great spee"$
(a) acting () act (c) actor (") action
Q2 There are "i((erent ways o( ....... Sha!espeare#s plays an" each "irector ma!es an in"ivi"ual
(a) meeting () welcoming (c) approaching (") showing
Q3 Cne o( the greatest actors o( the century ....... an un(orgettale character in the part o( Scrooge
(rom the novel
y Charles -ic!ens$
(a) "evelope" () manu(acture" (c) moul"e" (") create"
Q4 1any people go to the theatre not to see a play where the plot is complicate" ut to listen to
the rilliant .......
etween the actors$
(a) "ialogue () chat (c) conversation (") comments
Q5 +ou can#t compare the ....... o( watching live theatre with watching a (ilm$
(a) !nowle"ge () e'perience (c) un"erstan"ing (") !nowing
Q6 6re you one o( those people who never goes to see a play until you#ve rea" the ....... in the
(a) writers () reviews (c) opinions (") notes
Q7 The ....... were so carrie" away with the acting that at the en" o( the play they all stoo" up an"
(a) spectators () watchers (c) listeners (") au"ience
Q8 There are always special ....... in her trage"ies that move you to tears$
(a) constituents () elements (c) particles (") ingre"ients
Q9 )owever well written the play is. it will never succee" without outstan"ing .......$
(a) per(ormers () movers (c) wor!ers (") creators
Q10 6s always his latest play has een a huge success an" all the tic!ets are ....... until 6ugust$
(a) ta!en out () put out (c) sol" out (") ought out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*
/*p"lar 4di*ms
Q1 Aightning never stri!es in the same place .......$
(a) e(ore () twice (c) secon"ly (") thrice
Q2 I( you watch a !ettle. it never .......$
(a) coo!s () stew (c) oils (") heats
Q3 Aoo! e(ore you .......$
(a) leap () stri!e (c) rush (") go
Q4 -on#t count your chic!ens e(ore they are .......$
(a) orn () (e" (c) hatche" (") stolen
Q5 It#s all right to tell a ....... lie$
(a) re" () white (c) lue (") lac!
Q6 There#s no (ool li!e an ....... (ool$
(a) age" () ancient (c) el"erly (") ol"
Q7 Aet ....... "ogs lie$
(a) sleeping () snoo4ing (c) "reaming (") ar!ing
Q8 Stri!e while the iron is .......$
(a) heating () heate" (c) hot (") so(t
Q9 ,oliteness costs .......$
(a) a lot () a little (c) much (") nothing
Q10 2ever loo! a gi(t horse in the .......$
(a) mouth () eye (c) nose (") teeth
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 10
/*p"lar Garden 4di*ms
Q1 2ever let the ....... grow un"er your (eet$
(a) wee"s () grass (c) (lowers (") uls
Q2 The grass is always ....... on the other si"e$
(a) lac!er () (urther (c) greener (") longer
Q3 Everything is coming up .......$
(a) roses () "aisies (c) tulips (") lilies
Q4 ,oor 1ary was a it o( a ....... at the "ance$
(a) corn(lower () cauli(lower (c) wall(lower (") wil"(lower
Q5 )e le" her up the gar"en .......$
(a) path () lane (c) street (") roa"
Q6 Everything in the ....... is lovely$
(a) roses () (lowers (c) grass (") gar"en
Q7 1oney "oesn#t grow on .......$
(a) plants () uls (c) trees (") ushes
Q8 6 ir" in the han"s is worth ....... in the ush$
(a) (our () three (c) two (") one
Q9 Come to the point an" stop eating aout the .......$
(a) tree () (lower (c) he"ge (") ush
Q10 -on#t trust him. he#s a it o( a sna!e in the .......$
(a) grass () (lowers (c) plants (") wee"s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 13
Ea$ing 6"$
Q1 6s there are so many "ishes on the menu. woul" you li!e me to ....... something to eat?
(a) "eci"e () suggest (c) o((er (") consi"er
Q2 They simply coul"n#t "eci"e which restaurant to choose an" so in the en" they too! a vote an"
the .......
"eci"e" on a Chinese one$
(a) most () more (c) ma/ority (") main
Q3 &e waite" one hour (or the main "ish to ....... an" then it was the wrong or"er$
(a) arrive () reach (c) "eliver (") sen"
Q4 I( you really want to en/oy the (ull (lavour o( that particular meal. you must rememer to .......
the right alance
o( sauces together$
(a) /oin () stic! (c) attach (") mi'
Q5 It is always more rela'ing to eat in a restaurant where the (aces o( the sta(( are ....... an" !now
everyone y
(a) (amiliari4e" () (amiliar (c) (amiliarly (") (amiliarity
Q6 There was a great "iscussion aout which particular type o( cuisine the guests woul" choose
an" (inally they
reache" a ....... an" settle" on the set menu$
(a) compromising () compromise" (c) compromise (") compromisingly
Q7 It "oesn#t matter how late you arrive at this restaurant you can always ....... on a warm
welcome (rom the
(a) trust () con(i"e (c) rely (") elieve
Q8 The place was so (ull o( people an" tales that the waiter ha" to ....... us through the crow"s to
our tale$
(a) show () gui"e (c) con"uct (") enale
Q9 The prolem aout writing on (oo" is that however har" you try. you will say what you li!e an"
en" up eing
(a) su/ective () o/ective (c) re(lective (") "irective
Q10 The success o( a really goo" meal is that not only must it taste goo" ut it shoul" also loo!
goo" an" thus .......
to your eye$
(a) attract () appeal (c) atten" (") appear
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 15
&*$ and 1*ld
Q1 I#ve /ust receive" his latest "etective novel (rom the pulisher so it#s what you might call hot
....... the press$
(a) y () (rom (c) with (") o((
Q2 +ou can never tell e'actly what she is thin!ing ecause she very o(ten ....... hot an" col" over
some topics$
(a) lows () swings (c) (lies (") changes
Q3 6lthough I#" ma"e up my min" to "o it last night now I#m not sure an" am getting col" .......
aout it$
(a) han"s () (eet (c) legs (") arms
Q4 They li!e to thin! they#re very important people ut politicians /ust tal! a lot o( hot ....... most o(
the time$
(a) wor"s () steam (c) air (") stu((
Q5 Since the argument we#ve ha" aout the gar"en he"ge. our neighours ta!e no notice o( us
an" give us the
col" ....... when they see us$
(a) an!le () shoul"er (c) elow (") han"
Q6 6s soon as the presi"ent was ta!en ill. the "eputy ha" to ta!e charge an" is currently in the hot
....... now$
(a) seat () chair (c) place (") position
Q7 The accuse" was sentence" to li(e imprisonment a(ter it ha" een estalishe" that he ha"
committe" the
mur"er in col" .......$
(a) attac! () (eeling (c) loo" (") passion
Q8 I or"ere" a co((ee (rom the waiter ut y the time it ha" reache" me it was ....... col"$
(a) stone () roc! (c) loc! (") tile
Q9 The police have set up a special hot ....... so that people can get in touch to (in" out aout the
(a) connection () line (c) communication (") phone
Q10 )e#s always very uneasy li!e a cat on hot ....... whenever he is waiting to hear the results o(
the e'aminations$
(a) ric!s () (loors (c) paths (") roa"s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 17
3 1*llisi*n @ 'inish $his S$*ry
Q1 I really can#t tell what#s .......$
(a) going on () ta!ing o(( (c) going y (") ta!ing in
Q2 The troule is someo"y is .......$
(a) stan"ing to me
(c) stan"ing in (ront o( me
() stan"ing (rom me
(") stan"ing aout me
Q3 The est thing I suppose is to as! him .......$
(a) to "isappear () to vanish (c) to move (") to "epart
Q4 That#s etter I#ve got a clearer .......$
(a) sight now () view now (c) picture now (") vision now
Q5 It loo!s (rom what I can see as i( there#s een some !in" o( .......$
(a) collision () event (c) situation (") position
Q6 +es. now he#s gone I can see that there are two cars in the car par! that have .......$
(a) gone through each one
(c) gone into one another
() gone y one another
(") gone into each one
Q7 There are a lot o( people there in the car par! an" they#re .......$
(a) sailing their arms aout
(c) turning their arms aout
() waving their arms aout
(") "riving their arms aout
Q8 I#m wal!ing right up to the crow" now to see .......$
(a) what#s happen () what#s happens (c) what#s happene" (") what#s occuring
Q9 2ow I can see ?uite clearly that the ig re" car has .......$
(a) stric!en the little lue one
(c) stro!e" the little lue one
() struc! the little lue one
(") stuc! the little lue
Q10 Ch "ear I#ve /ust "iscovere" that the little lue one .......$
(a) elongs to me () is elonging to me (c) elonge" to me (") has elonge" to me
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 19
2ill *r Shall5
Q1 -o you !now the "i((erence .......?
(a) etween will an" shall
(c) (rom will an" shall
() o( will an" shall
(") y will an" shall
Q2 I can see (rom the e'pression on your (ace that you haven#t .......$
(a) got a thought () got a view (c) got a clue (") got a suggestion
Q3 I thin! the est way is to tell you a story that .......$
(a) clears the "i((erence
(c) e'poun"s the "i((erence
() e'plains the "i((erence
(") e'poses the "i((erence
Q4 The main "i((erence is that #I will# .......$
(a) means #I want to#
(c) shows #I want to#
() signi(ies #I want to#
(") says #I want to#
Q5 I( you say #I shall# then you are tal!ing .......$
(a) on the (uture () aout the (uture (c) to the (uture (") (or the (uture
Q6 I want you to imagine that a man is wal!ing .......$
(a) in the country () on the countrysi"e (c) y the countrysi"e (") over the country
Q7 6(ter a (ew minutes he .......$
(a) attains a river () ac?uires a river (c) nears a river (") reaches a river
Q8 There is a man in the river (ully clothe" who is .......$
(a) in prolems () in har"ships (c) in "i((iculties (") in ha4ar"s
Q9 The man in the river !eeps .......$
(a) calling o(( #I will "rown. I will "rown#
(c) calling to #I will "rown. I will "rown#
() calling out #I will "rown. I will "rown#
(") calling (rom #I will "rown. I will "rown#
Q10 The man on the river an!. who is goo" at grammar. thin!s the man really wants to "rown.
wal!s on an"
(a) allows him "rown () permits him "rown (c) lets him "rown (") lets him to "rown
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1<
0he $-* ("$$er 'r*gs
Q1 6 long. long time ago there were two (rogs who thought it woul" e a goo" i"ea to .......$
(a) go on an outing () go outing (c) go out (") out go
Q2 They ha" never le(t their pon" e(ore an" to them it was a very ig .......$
(a) a"vent () a"venturous (c) a"venture (") a"venturer
Q3 6t (irst they thoroughly en/oye" themselves an" (or the (irst time in their lives e'perience" .......$
(a) a sense o( (ree () a sense o( (reeing (c) a sense o( (ree" (") a sense o( (ree"om
Q4 The weather was per(ect an" the sun never .......$
(a) stoppe" to shine () stoppe" to urn (c) stoppe" shining (") stoppe" shone
Q5 They (oun" plenty o( (oo" an" "eci"e" to stop an" .......$
(a) ta!e rest () ta!e a rest (c) ta!e resting (") ta!e reste"
Q6 In the hot sun they starte" to (eel sleepy an" very soon .......$
(a) (ell into asleep () (ell into sleep (c) (ell asleep (") (ell into sleepy
Q7 Su""enly the soun" o( a cat meowing .......$
(a) ma"e them awa!e () ma"e them wa!en (c) ma"e them wa!ing (") ma"e them wa!e up
Q8 They panic!e" an" .......$
(a) (lew (or their lives
(c) (lowe" (or their lives
() (le" (or their lives
(") (leeing (or their lives
Q9 They ran into a (arm house an" /umpe" right into a arrel o( mil! where they .......$
(a) hoppe" an" hoppe" in or"er not to sin!
(c) hope" an" hope" in or"er not to sin!
() hopping an" hopping in or"er not to sin!
(") hoping an" hoping in or"er not to sin!
Q10 Sa"ly the smaller (rog grew tire" an" "rowne" ut the ol"er one !ept on moving aout an" in
the morning
(a) (oun" he was sat on a arrel o( utter
(c) (oun" he was sitting on a arrel o( utter
() (oun" he sat on a arrel o( utter
(") (oun" he sits on a arrel o( utter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1@
1r*ss Q"es$i*ns
Q1 Fane= -i" you !now you ro!e the glass when you ....... the "oor last night?
(a) smashe" () crashe" (c) slamme" (") slashe"
Q2 8ran!= It coul"n#t possily have een me I always shut "oors .......$
(a) still () har"ly (c) scarcely (") ?uietly
Q3 Fane= I#m sorry you#re not telling the truth. you were the last person to .......$
(a) come home () come to home (c) come at home (") come to house
Q4 1i!e= That "oesn#t prove anything$ 6ctually I hear" the soun" o( glass ....... in the night$
(a) crea!ing () crac!ling (c) rea!ing (") ro!en
Q5 Fane= +ou#re /ust ma!ing that up D I !now you#re not .......$
(a) saying the truth () spea!ing the truth (c) tal!ing the truth (") telling the truth
Q6 1i!e= )onestly. I "i" hear that !in" o( noise. I .......$
(a) swear I "i" () assure I "i" (c) a"/ure I "i" (") a"vise I "i"
Q7 Fane= Sorry you can protest i( you li!e ut it "oesn#t .......$
(a) rea! any ice with me
(c) (ree4e any ice with me
() cut any ice with me
(") ma!e any ice with me
Q8 1i!e= Fust a minute what#s that note .......?
(a) gumme" on the "oor () a"here" on the "oor (c) glue" on the "oor (") stuc! on the "oor
Q9 Fane= It#s some !in" o( note (rom Foe ne't "oor D no I .......$
(a) can#t ma!e it out () can#t ma!e it o(( (c) can#t ma!e it in (") can#t ma!e it on
Q10 1i!e= Give it to me$ %ery interestingE )e says he ro!e the glass y acci"ent an" .......$
(a) he#s soun"ly apologetic
(c) he#s sorry apologetic
() he#s "eeply apologetic
(") he#s purely apologetic
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *B
#eave me al*ne
Q1 6lan= E'cuse me ....... ut what are you "oing?
(a) intervening () interviewing (c) interrupting (") intercepting
Q2 Iser= I shoul" have thought is was pretty .......$
(a) ovious () asolute (c) noticeale (") accurate
Q3 6lan= &ell. I only as!e" D there#s no nee" to ite my ....... o((E
(a) nose () hea" (c) arm (") leg
Q4 Iser= Sorry I "i"n#t mean to e ru"e ut I#m trying to .......$
(a) "elierate () ruminate (c) concentrate (") cogitate
Q5 6lan= I see an" what is the ....... you are wor!ing on?
(a) "uty () tas! (c) wor! (") goal
Q6 Iser= I#m wor!ing on those ....... English tests. which I (in" very interesting$
(a) notorious () (ale" (c) (amous (") in(amous
Q7 6lan= Ch. yes I#ve hear" o( them$ -o they ....... you with your English?
(a) ai" () support (c) help (") com(ort
Q8 Iser= +es. they woul" "o i( you "i"n#t ....... in as!ing ?uestions$
(a) continue () persist (c) insist (") pursue
Q9 6lan= I( that#s how you (eel. I#ll leave you .......$
(a) lonely () lonesome (c) alone (") apart
Q10 Iser= &hat an e'cellent i"eaE Aeave me in ....... an" go an" write another test$
(a) piece () peacetime (c) peace(ul (") peace
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *1
2ha$ n*-5
Q1 -i" you hear the story aout the woman who sai" she coul" tell the .......?
(a) coming () (uture (c) going (") ne't
Q2 I hope you haven#t ecause I#m aout to ....... it to you now$
(a) restore () repeat (c) relate (") regain
Q3 )er name was 1ary Smith an" she ha" a ....... (or telling people what was going to happen$
(a) title () reputation (c) "escription (") i"ea
Q4 Someo"y once use" her a"vice an" ma"e a ....... out o( uying shares in a small company
that "i" well$
(a) heap () gol" (c) (ortune (") amount
Q5 The strange thing was that she never actually use" her ....... to ene(it hersel($
(a) giving () gi(t (c) gave (") given
Q6 ,eople starte" to e ....... o( her an" thought that perhaps she ha" a secret source o(
(a) suspect () suspecting (c) suspicion (") suspicious
Q7 Some others wante" to try an" ....... her out an" prove that she "i"n#t have this special aility$
(a) ma!e () ta!e (c) catch (") "o
Q8 The plan was to preten" to ....... her house late one night an" see i( she was really any goo" at
!nowing it was
going to happen$
(a) steal () urgle (c) ro (") enter
Q9 1i!e 6n"rews. whose i"ea it was. inten"e" to give everything ac! ut he /ust wante" to .......
her aility$
(a) "iscover () try (c) test (") e'amine
Q10 6s 1r 6n"rews was aout to leave he (oun" a note pinne" to his "oor$ It was (rom 1ary
Smith a"vising him to
e care(ul ecause she has /ust ought a ....... young guar" "og$
(a) severe () (erocious (c) harsh (") spite(ul
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # **
2rapped r*"nd her !inger
Q1 I can#t ....... those silly people who always go aroun" with their moile phones glue" to their
(a) hea" () han" (c) stomach (") (inger
Q2 I( you thin! I "i"n#t catch you ....... that young waitress. you#re ?uite mista!en$
(a) (ingering () hea"ing (c) han"ing (") eying
Q3 )e is such a cowar" ecause whenever it comes to spea!ing his min" he always ....... "own
(a) ac!s () hea"s (c) han"s (") noses
Q4 Come on. sha!e a ....... we#re running late$
(a) nose () han" (c) leg (") (oot
Q5 -on#t you thin! it#s aout time you put your ....... "own an" tol" them what you really thin!?
(a) (inger () han" (c) hea" (") (oot
Q6 &ell. un(ortunately as I ha" one glass too many last night. I guess I shoul" go (or ....... o( the
(a) a (oot () a hair (c) a nose (") an ear
Q7 6s she#s such a nasty little thing. I can see it won#t ta!e her long to wrap you roun" her little
(a) shoul"er () o"y (c) (inger (") tongue
Q8 Coul" you please give me a ....... I#m a(rai" I can#t han"le it y mysel($
(a) tooth () (oot (c) han" (") (inger
Q9 6re you sure your new oss isn#t marrie"? D +es. honestly. I have it straight (rom the horse#s
(a) ac! () mouth (c) (oot (") nose
Q10 )ey. get up an" "o your homewor! you la4y .......$
(a) ones () ottoms (c) hips (") ac!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *0
0he 3n$s and $he Grassh*pper
Q1 Cne winter#s "ay when the sun was shining you coul" hear the ....... o( great activity$
(a) move () soun" (c) moving (") soun"ing
Q2 &hat you coul" hear was the ants who were ....... "rying grain$
(a) active () "oing (c) usy (") usiness
Q3 Sensily as all ants "o. they ha" ....... the grain "uring the summer$
(a) assemle" () assume" (c) rought (") collecte"
Q4 Their plan was to eat this ....... "uring the winter$
(a) provision () provi"ing (c) provi"er (") provi"e"
Q5 They were so ....... in their wor! that they "i"n#t notice a grasshopper$
(a) envelope" () engrosse" (c) encompasse" (") enlarge"
Q6 The grasshopper was so wea! he was practically ....... ecause he ha"n#t eaten (or ages$
(a) straining () stal!ing (c) starving (") streaming
Q7 )e saw the ants an" ....... them with all the strength he coul" (in" to let him have a little (oo"$
(a) egge" () a"e (c) i" (") artere"
Q8 The ants shoo! their hea"s at him an" as!e" him why he ha"n#t ....... up (oo" in the summer$
(a) stoo" () store" (c) sto!e" (") stoppe"
Q9 The poor grasshopper ....... he ha" spent the whole summer en/oying himsel( singing an"
(a) con(use" () con(esse" (c) continue" (") contente"
Q10 6ll the ants laughe" an" sai" in that case he woul" have to "ance ....... to e" in the winter$
(a) (amous () (amiliar (c) (a"e" (") (amishe"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *3
0he 0-* D*gs
Q1 6 man ha" two "ogs= a houn" ....... to help him with his sports an" another to guar" the house$
(a) traine" () tutore" (c) rought up (") e"ucate"
Q2 &henever the hunter came home. he always gave the house "og a large ....... o( what he
(a) section () slice (c) portion (") ?uantity
Q3 The houn" "og was very ....... aout this$
(a) overturne" () set up (c) upturne" (") upset
Q4 )e tol" the house "og he (oun" it very ....... having to "o all the har" wor!$
(a) annoye" () annoying (c) annoys (") annoy
Q5 &hat ma"e things worse. he continue". was that the house "og never ....... part in any o( the
(a) "i" () put (c) too! (") ha"
Q6 6ll the house "og "i" was simply to (ee" himsel( on the results o( the ....... that the houn" "og
(a) e'ertions () e'tremes (c) e'ercises (") e'cesses
Q7 The house "og (elt he ha" to ....... himsel( in the (ace o( all this criticism$
(a) "isplay () "etect (c) "e(en" (") "isten"
Q8 The house "og as!e" him not to pic! on him i( he wante" to ....... someone$
(a) accuse () lame (c) "isapprove (") (ault
Q9 The house "og tol" him to critici4e their master who ha" taught him not how to wor! ut how to
....... on the
wor! o( others$
(a) hang () support (c) attach (") "epen"
Q10 The moral o( this (ale is= you mustn#t ....... chil"ren (or the mista!es o( their parents$
(a) reproach () reprieve (c) repeal (") re/ect
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *5
0he &are and $he 0*r$*ise
Q1 Cne "ay a hare loo!e" at a tortoise an" ....... the short (eet o( the tortoise$
(a) laughe" () ri"icule" (c) ri"iculous (") laughter
Q2 )e also ma"e ....... o( the slow pace at which the tortoise travelle"$
(a) (un () /o!e (c) laugh (") (unny
Q3 The tortoise agree" that the hare ran as (ast as the win" ut claime" that he coul" easily .......
him in a race$
(a) stri!e () hit (c) eat (") !noc!
Q4 It was ....... that the tortoise shoul" choose the course an" also the en" o( the race$
(a) consente" () permitte" (c) allowe" (") agree"
Q5 The tortoise never stoppe" an" continue" wal!ing at a ....... pace all the time to the en" o( the
(a) stea"ying () stea"ie" (c) stea"y (") stea"ily
Q6 The hare shot ahea" an" then "eci"e" to ....... "own at the si"e o( the path (or a rest$
(a) lay () lie (c) lai" (") lain
Q7 It wasn#t long e(ore the hare (ell into a ....... sleep$
(a) pro(oun" () steep (c) "eep (") (ull
Q8 &hen he wo!e up. he coul"n#t ....... his eyes ecause there was the tortoise crossing the
(inishing line$
(a) un"erstan" () elieve (c) comprehen" (") (ollow
Q9 6t the en" o( the race the tortoise. ....... y all his har" wor!. was ?uietly slumering on the line$
(a) "estroye" () e'cavate" (c) e'hauste" (") evacuate"
Q10 The moral o( this (ale is= slow ut ....... always wins the race in the en"$
(a) sure () evi"ent (c) certain (") "e(inite
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *7
2h* has d*ne i$5
Q1 The "etective story is sometimes calle" #who"unit# ecause the rea"er has to wor! ....... who
"i" it. who
committe" the crime$
(a) in () out (c) o(( (") over
Q2 The s!ill o( course o( the writing is how many times a rea"er can e sent up ....... alleys$
(a) short () twiste" (c) lin" (") long
Q3 6nother way o( putting this is how many re" ....... the author can throw in the rea"er#s path$
(a) (ish () shar!s (c) co" (") herrings
Q4 The i"ea is to !eep the rea"ers in a permanent state o( ....... so that they never !now what#s
going to happen
(a) suspense () suspension (c) suspen"ing (") suspen"ers
Q5 6s the plot ........ you (in" yoursel( agreeing with one character#s solution an" then another#s$
(a) un"oes () un(ol"s (c) unties (") un(urls
Q6 6s a result you (eel as i( you are wal!ing in a ....... since at each turning you come to a loc!
(a) mu""le () mess (c) ma4e (") mist
Q7 Cne o( the est !nown "etectives is 6gatha Christie#s )ercule ,oirot who uses what he calls
his little grey
....... D his rains$
(a) molecules () cells (c) particles (") atoms
Q8 Invarialy ,oirots calls all the ....... together in the last part o( the story$
(a) suspicions () suspecting (c) suspecte" (") suspects
Q9 Cne y one he ....... the innocent until (inally the mur"erer is unmas!e"$
(a) e'tinguishes () e'clu"es (c) eliminates (") e'erts
Q10 The thing that always surprises me is the (act that the mur"erer others to ta!e ....... in the
(inal meeting$
(a) partition () part (c) parting (") parte"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *9
#i!e *n )ars5
Q1 6nyone see!ing ....... o( li(e on 1ars is li!ely to e "isappointe"$
(a) clarity () evi"ence (c) witness (") in"e'
Q2 Scientists have een ....... through "ata (rom an oriting satellite$
(a) coming () scratching (c) rushing (") scaling
Q3 It seems that 1ars has always een col" an" icy an" that it#s not true that oceans have .......
on the planet in
its early history$
(a) shape" () (igure" (c) contoure" (") (orme"
Q4 This ....... in the li(e on 1ars argument comes /ust when it is closest to Earth in 7B$BBB years$
(a) turn () twist (c) corner (") angle
Q5 :ecause it is coming so close oservers are hoping to settle the argument aout li(e on the
planet once an"
(or .......$
(a) everything () every (c) all (") altogether
Q6 6 spacecra(t is hea"ing (or the planet with a "evice that will ....... into the soil to sni(( (or proo(
o( any li(e$
(a) hole () swim (c) urrow (") turn
Q7 ;esearchers are also loo!ing into the possiility o( one "ay launching a manne" ....... to 1ars$
(a) sen"ing () mission (c) "estination (") e'plore
Q8 6s the planet gets nearer to the Sun. enormous "ust storms can e whippe" .......$
(a) over () on (c) in (") up
Q9 In(ortunately the "ust storms ten" to ....... the view o( the planet$
(a) (og () oscure (c) con(use (") "ar!en
Q10 Everyone hopes that 1ars will remain "ust (ree otherwise people will only e ale to see an
orange .......$
(a) lot () loc! (c) lo (") la
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *<
S$*ry 718
Q1 1ost stu"ents have to try an" earn e'tra money y ta!ing a holi"ay /o$ They turn ....... their
stu"ies an"
e'perience the real worl" (or a while$
(a) into () "own (c) asi"e (rom (") to
Q2 Cne long hot summer I turne" ....... waiting as my metho" o( getting cash$
(a) into () to (c) "own (") asi"e (rom
Q3 ,erhaps I shoul" turn that wor" #waiting# ....... a more speci(ic e'planation= I mean eing a
waiter in a hotel$
(a) "own () to (c) into (") asi"e (rom
Q4 I ha" o( course turne" my han" ....... many /os "uring the vacation perio"s ut waiting was
certainly the most
(a) to () into (c) "own (") out
Q5 The one hotel that ha"n#t turne" ....... my application was situate" right in the mi""le o( a
(a) out () "own (c) into (") asi"e (rom
Q6 +ou turne" ....... the "rive an" saw only hills all aroun" you so it (elt li!e the mi""le o( nowhere$
(a) out () asi"e (rom (c) "own (") into
Q7 It ha" een a very large private house that ha" een turne" ....... a small hotel (or twentyG(ive
(a) out () "own (c) into (") to
Q8 The new owners ha" ha" to turn ....... all the rooms which were (ull o( ruish$
(a) to () "own (c) into (") out
Q9 The other prolem ha" een to turn ....... an ol" tramp who ha" live" in a room upstairs (or two
years without
the !nowle"ge o( the ol" la"y who was the original owner$
(a) out () asi"e (rom (c) to (") into
Q10 The tramp turne" ....... to e a "istant relative ut ha"n#t sai" anything to the ol" la"y ecause
he !new she
was completely "ea($
(a) into () out (c) "own (") to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # *@
S$*ry 728
Q1 &hen I turne" ....... (or wor! on my (irst "ay. the hotel ha" alrea"y een (lourishing (or 5 years$
(a) to () up (c) "own (") over
Q2 They were so success(ul that they were even turning ....... oo!ings$
(a) away () into (c) in (") "own
Q3 In (act they were actually turning ....... people$
(a) away () into (c) "own (") up
Q4 Some people ha" turne" ....... on the o(( chance$
(a) away () up (c) into (") to
Q5 1ost o( the resi"ents were el"erly an" so they all invarialy turne" ....... early most evenings$
(a) "own () over (c) in (") into
Q6 The waiting was "one y me an" -oris. who shoul" have turne" it ....... years ago an" y
rights have een a
guest hersel( ecause o( the great age$
(a) to () away (c) into (") in
Q7 )owever. as she tol" me (re?uently. she ha" no intention o( turning ....... an ol" (ogey hersel($
(a) over () "own (c) into (") in
Q8 I suppose rea!(ast is the most "i((icult tas! to turn your han" ....... ecause there are so many
variations o(
"rin!. cereal. egg an" rea"$
(a) "own () to (c) over (") in
Q9 +ou ha" to stan" there (or ages while each guest ma"e up their min". turning ....... the choices
in their min"s$
(a) "own () over (c) in (") into
Q10 6(ter a long wait li!e that very o(ten they woul" simply turn ....... everything an" simply as! (or
a cup o( tea$
(a) "own () in (c) up (") over
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 0B
S$*ry 738
Q1 Cne morning an ol" la"y turne" ....... at the "ining room an" sat "own$
(a) on () up (c) asi"e (") aroun"
Q2 She sni((e" at the air (ull o( rea!(ast smells. got up. turne" ....... an" wal!e" out again$
(a) up () against (c) asi"e (") aroun"
Q3 6pparently she ha" completely (orgotten that she#" alrea"y eaten rea!(ast that "ay$ I turne"
....... to hi"e my
(a) ac! () aroun" (c) up (") asi"e
Q4 In(ortunately -oris caught me at it$ #-on#t you turn your nose ....... at the ol" "ears#. she
reu!e" me$
(a) up () aroun" (c) asi"e (") against
Q5 #+ou#ll e li!e that one "ay# she continue". Fust you wait#$ I turne" ....... to apologi4e$
(a) aroun" () ac! (c) on (") against
Q6 Sa"ly -oris ha" alrea"y turne" her ac! ....... me an" gone ac! to the !itchen$
(a) against () out (c) on (") in
Q7 She rather turne" ....... me a(ter that$
(a) out () against (c) ac! (") in
Q8 These "ays I wish I coul" turn the cloc! ....... an" tell -oris how right she wasE
(a) out () in (c) on (") ac!
Q9 +ou see I#ve /ust turne" all the lights ....... rea"y (or the night$
(a) out () in (c) on (") up
Q10 I#m now rea"y to turn ....... (or the night ut the worrying thing is I /ust can#t rememer what I
ha" (or supper$
(a) up () on (c) in (") out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 01
G* !*r i$
Q1 I#m sorry that loo!s aw(ul D those two colours .......$
(a) smash () crash (c) clash (") hash
Q2 6(ter what you#ve ........ I#m sure you nee" a holi"ay$
(a) (elt () sense" (c) acte" (") e'perience"
Q3 &e won#t ....... that now ut I "on#t thin! we can avoi" the su/ect much longer$
(a) "iscuss () enter (c) intro"uce (") interrupt
Q4 ....... now that I#ve hear" what he has "one to his (amily$
(a) I thin! o(ten o( him
(c) I "on#t thin! at all o( him
() I thin! a lot o( him
(") I "on#t thin! much o( him
Q5 1y a"vice to you is to ma!e your min" up e(ore it#s too late an" simply .......$
(a) ta!e the opportunity soon
(c) ta!e the opportunity now
() ta!e the opportunity (airly
(") ta!e the opportunity slowly
Q6 I#m a(rai" you#ve le(t that (oo" too long out o( the (ri"ge an" now it#s .......$
(a) ecome (lat () ecome rotten (c) ecome rich (") ecome stale
Q7 There were so many memers o( the political party who ha" ....... the lea"er that he resigne"$
(a) insiste" () invite" (c) appose" (") oppose"
Q8 -on#t wait (or me ecause I can#t come yet so you ....... an" I#ll /oin you later$
(a) go e(ore me () go in (ront o( me (c) go (orwar"s me (") go y me
Q9 I( petrol prices ....... any more. I shall have to use a icycle$
(a) ascen" () raise (c) increase (") "evelop
Q10 I#m sorry I interrupte" you. please ....... (rom where I so ru"ely stoppe" you$
(a) continue () stop (c) spea! (") (inish
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 0*
Ea$ing Dis*rder
Q1 George Turnip was a highly respecte" vegetarian ut the press were ma!ing serious .......
aout him$
(a) accusations () insinuations (c) intimations (") allegations
Q2 George "enie" everything an" sai" he woul" ....... any newspaper which "are" to print stories
aout him$
(a) sow () see (c) sue (") sew
Q3 George ha" a very well pai" contract with a television a"vertiser o( gar"en peas an" he "i"n#t
want to (all out
....... the company$
(a) o( () with (c) over (") un"er
Q4 The contract state" that he woul" never eat any meat .......$
(a) whatsoever () whosoever (c) howsoever (") whichsoever
Q5 &herever George went. /ournalists woul" (ollow him to try an" (in" a way to ....... him$
(a) e'hort () e'ercise (c) e'pose (") e'tract
Q6 Even in his own house he was not sa(e ecause cameras woul" ....... on him$
(a) spy () spea! (c) spoo! (") spoo(
Q7 Cnce he was photographe" eating in his "ining room an" the caption rea"= #6 picture o( a .......
(a) (rea! () (rump (c) (rame (") (rau"
Q8 6s it turne" out these were not sausages ut in (act very ig carrots an" the photographer ha"
to pay
enormous .......$
(a) harms () hurts (c) "amages (") in/uries
Q9 In the en" the pressure ecame too much (or George an" he con(esse" his ....... secret$
(a) guilt () guilty (c) gilt (") gil"e"
Q10 )e a"mitte" eating a meat pie every "ay$ 6s the news hea"lines announce"= # ....... vegetarian
eats his own
(a) :ogus () :onus (c) :ulous (") :ilious
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 00
Save $he Day
Q1 I "on#t care what you say. I rec!on I coul" eat you at chess ....... "ay o( the wee!$
(a) some () any (c) each (") every
Q2 6t the ....... o( the "ay it#s what you elieve in that#s important$
(a) start () eginning (c) (inish (") en"
Q3 It#s getting late now an" I#m very tire" so I thin! we#ll ....... it a "ay$
(a) name () "escrie (c) call (") lael
Q4 6(ter all the "iscussions an" "eates it was our spea!er who ....... the "ay$
(a) score" () won (c) (oun" (") en"e"
Q5 It /ust "i"n#t stop raining throughout our holi"ay. "ay in "ay .......$
(a) over () un"er (c) up (") out
Q6 -on#t worry your a" luc! will soon en"$ ;ememer every ....... has its "ay$
(a) "og () cat (c) mouse (") rat
Q7 6(ter a very long engagement 1i!e an" 1ary "eci"e" at last to ....... the "ay$
(a) state () mention (c) name (") hol"
Q8 It wasn#t long ago when I last saw her D it was only the ....... "ay$
(a) recent () last (c) (inal (") other
Q9 I "on#t !now e'actly when we#ll go ut we really must visit them one o( ....... "ays$
(a) this () these (c) that (") those
Q10 -espite all the prolems an" "i((iculties Charlie turne" up at last minute an" ....... the "ay$
(a) caught () hit (c) save" (") too!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 03
Aes; Aes; Aes
Q1 I am sure you ma"e the right choice an" I ....... support your "ecision$
(a) (airly () ?uite (c) consi"eraly (") wholly
Q2 +ou can ....... on me. have no (ear aout thatE
(a) support () rely (c) hol" (") hang
Q3 2o matter what happens. you must rememer that I#m ....... you all the way$
(a) in () (rom (c) with (") y
Q4 I !now that they have all aan"one" you one y one ut I hope you won#t (orget I#ve ....... y
you (rom the
(a) a"here" () (astene" (c) /oine" (") stuc!
Q5 I am convince" you are ....... right to ta!e that action an" shoul" ignore any opposition$
(a) asolutely () very (c) simply (") all
Q6 &hen it comes to the vote. you can ....... on me to support you$
(a) stan" () count (c) numer (") (igure
Q7 Even i( things get "i((icult. I will not ....... or hesitate to stan" up (or you$
(a) ?uiver () tremle (c) waver (") waiver
Q8 )e was "elighte" that she ha"n#t ....... him "own when he propose" to her$
(a) put () turne" (c) place" (") switche"
Q9 The an! manager smile" an" announce" that his application (or a loan ha" een .......$
(a) approve" () improve" (c) "isprove" (") reprove"
Q10 The pair o( you have my ....... an" I hope you have a happy marriage together$
(a) wishing () praying (c) lessing (") hoping
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 05
D* y*" mind5
Q1 She was slowly going ....... her min" with worry until she hear" her "aughter was sa(e an" well$
(a) past y () in to (c) out o( (") straight through
Q2 I "o thin! you shoul" ....... this in min" e(ore you seriously thin! aout changing /os$
(a) carry () stan" (c) hol" (") ear
Q3 I#" honestly never hear" such an outstan"ing per(ormance o( that symphony D it simply .......
my min"$
(a) lew () tore (c) split (") ro!e
Q4 The police o((icer as!e" him why he ha"n#t reporte" the matter earlier an" he sai" simply that it
ha" never
....... his min"$
(a) travelle" () crosse" (c) (oun" (") "iscovere"
Q5 I#m incline" to give her a ....... o( my min" consi"ering all the troule she has cause" this
(a) section () slice (c) piece (") portion
Q6 It#s clear as they say that great min"s thin! ....... ecause we have oth come to e'actly the
same conclusion$
(a) same () similar (c) li!e (") ali!e
Q7 )e has a one ....... min" as all he ever tal!s aout is money. money. money$
(a) trac! () roa" (c) path (") rail
Q8 I /ust can#t "eci"e whether to go on holi"ay this wee! or later in the year$ I#m really in .......
min"s aout it$
(a) twice () "oule (c) two (") "ual
Q9 There. I !new there was something I ha" to "o to"ay an" now it#s completely ....... my min"$
(a) sli" () gli"e" (c) saile" (") slippe"
Q10 I trie" to show an interest in her (uture career ut she simply tol" me to min" my own .......$
(a) state () usiness (c) activities (") actions
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 07
G**d (ye
Q1 &hy "i"n#t you ....... up (or wor! yester"ay?
(a) to () turn (c) !eep (") ma!e
Q2 To e honest I was (eeling a it ....... "own$
(a) pushe" () pulle" (c) switche" (") run
Q3 &ell. I "on#t thin! that#s a very goo" reason an" you must ....... up with a etter e'planation$
(a) come () ta!e (c) "o (") put
Q4 I#m sorry I#m not sure I can ....... it across any etter$
(a) show () put (c) pic! (") get
Q5 2ow. I must insist as your supervisor i( you really want to ....... on in your career. you must tell
me the truth$
(a) ta!e () rea! (c) get (") hol"
Q6 6ll right I ....... up. I#ll tell you the truth$
(a) try () ring (c) call (") give
Q7 2ow. you#re eing sensile D ....... on$
(a) catch () (in" (c) carry (") /oin
Q8 &ell. I won#t ....... up any more e'cuses$ I wasn#t here yester"ay ecause I went to a (ootall
(a) ma!e () move (c) "o (") loo!
Q9 Than! you (or your honesty$ 2ow ....... up that piece o( paper$
(a) ta!e () show (c) pic! (") hol"
Q10 ;ight$ &hat#s this? Ch no. you#re ....... me out o( the (irm$
(a) leaving () throwing (c) paying (") shutting
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 09
Beeping i$ Q"ie$
Q1 6s it was very late when he came home he was as ?uiet as a ....... in or"er not to wa!e
anyo"y up$
(a) cat () mouse (c) "og (") rat
Q2 6s she was on a very "angerous mission (or the government she ha" to !eep ....... aout what
she "i" (or a
(a) "a" () aunt (c) uncle (") mum
Q3 There were lots o( rumours aout what the son ha" "one ut as it was a very wealthy (amily
the (ather trie"
very har" to ....... everything up$
(a) ?uiet () hush (c) stop (") silence
Q4 I( you want me to say nothing aout it. I promise that i( anyo"y as!s then my lips are .......$
(a) stuc! () close" (c) shut (") seale"
Q5 6s (ar as I#m concerne" to e away (rom tra((ic. phones an" ra"ios on holi"ay is per(ect liss
ecause to me
silence is .......$
(a) gol"en () silver (c) copper (") steel
Q6 The soGcalle" ....... ma/ority are the vast numer o( people who "on#t actually go out on the
street an" protest$
(a) ?uiet () noiseless (c) silent (") still
Q7 The hall was (ull o( people an'ious to hear what the spea!er was going to say an" in the (ew
secon"s e(ore
he starte" it was so ?uiet you coul" hear a ....... "rop$
(a) pin () nee"le (c) nail (") screw
Q8 The rescuers trie" "esperately to listen out (or people trappe" in the wrec!age ut sa"ly the
cries o( those
trappe" were .......$
(a) unhearing () au"itory (c) au"ite" (") inau"ile
Q9 The villagers complaine" aout the noise (rom the "aily ell ringing practice (rom the church
an" as!e" i( it
coul" somehow e .......$
(a) suppresse" () sti(le" (c) mu((le" (") wrappe"
Q10 In view o( the emarrassment that might e cause" i( the story came out. she promise" not to
....... a wor"
aout it$
(a) sen" () reathe (c) mouth (") open
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 0<
3 1rying Shame
Q1 It#s no goo" worrying aout that now ecause the "amage is "one an" it#s no goo" crying over
spille" .......$
(a) sauce () water (c) eer (") mil!
Q2 It really is a crying ....... that a(ter all that money has een spent. the pro/ect is now eing
(a) shoc! () shame (c) "isgust (") pity
Q3 6s a chil" she woul" urst into tears at every prolem an" so she soon got !nown as a regular
....... at school$
(a) crychil" () cryin(ant (c) cryay (") crygirl
Q4 It really was a large an" spacious gar"en ut it crie" out ....... something colour(ul to e
(a) (or () to (c) y (") on
Q5 &e ha" great hopes o( eing ale to invite the "istinguishe" writer to our meeting ut he crie"
....... at the last
(a) on () through (c) with (") o((
Q6 8or crying out ....... how many times "o I have to tell you how to wor! that machine?
(a) strong () lou" (c) (ull (") har"
Q7 I#m all in (avour o( amition ut I thin! when he says he#ll e a millionaire y the time he#s *5.
he#s simply
crying (or the .......$
(a) stars () sun (c) earth (") moon
Q8 The troule is that he#s crie" ....... so o(ten that now he#s in real troule. noo"y elieves him$
(a) wol( () tiger (c) cat (") "og
Q9 George is now 9B an" he rec!ons that wor!ing con"itions (or the average o((ice cler! to"ay are
a ....... cry
(rom when he (irst starte" wor!$
(a) "istant () long (c) (ar (") (urther
Q10 There was a noisy crow" o( aout a "o4en people in ....... cry chasing a(ter the chil" who#"
stolen an apple
(rom the (ruit mar!et$
(a) strong () (ull (c) lou" (") ig
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 0@
Speaking< 3$ $he 0hea$re
Q1 Aa"ies an" gentlemen. I want to than! you (or your ....... o( our per(ormance$
(a) appearance () appreciation (c) appeasement (") apparition
Q2 &e have "one this play many times in "i((erent towns ut your ....... has een the greatest so
(a) appointment () application (c) apposition (") applause
Q3 &e will always rememer the way you stoo" up an" ....... at some o( the speeches in the play$
(a) clappe" () cloppe" (c) clippe" (") clamme"
Q4 Cur lea"ing actor is unale to come on the stage at the moment ecause he is ....... with
(a) overta!en () over"rawn (c) overcome (") overturne"
Q5 -on#t worry I#m sure it#s only ....... an" that he#ll soon recover e(ore the ne't per(ormance$
(a) temperate () temporary (c) contemporary (") temporarily
Q6 That is the reason why I am stan"ing here an" ma!ing this short .......$
(a) spea! () spea!ing (c) spo!e (") speech
Q7 The lea"ing la"y is also asent (rom our stage an" you can proaly hear her ....... her heart
out as I spea!$
(a) soing () soa!ing (c) spitting (") calling
Q8 I thin! that the main ....... (or all this emotion is proaly the way you have reacte" to the play$
(a) ratio () reason (c) ration (") rate
Q9 +ou see throughout our ....... season we have never receive" so much laughter as we have
(rom you$
(a) currant () curious (c) current (") curtain
Q10 The reason (or this is possily that you thought it was a ....... ut in (act it is a trage"y$
(a) comic () come"y (c) come"ian (") comely
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 3B
Speaking< 3$ $he S"permarke$
Q1 &ill the "river o( the lue 8or" 8iesta N+M 030 please ....... their car$
(a) sen" () move (c) ta!e (") tow
Q2 The reason (or this is that the 8iesta is ....... our "elivery lorry (rom leaving the premises$
(a) hol"ing () !eeping (c) preventing (") promoting
Q3 &e as! the ....... o( this vehicle to go ac! to their car as soon as possile an" par! their car in
another space$
(a) possessor () possessing (c) ownership (") owner
Q4 This is a customer .......$ &e have a special o((er at the moment on ananas$
(a) au"ition () announcement (c) statement (") pre"iction
Q5 8or the ne't hour it will e possile to uy /ust one ....... o( ananas an" get one more (ree$
(a) unch () ranch (c) han" (") group
Q6 8urther to our ....... (or the 8or" 8iesta to e repar!e". this matter is now very urgent$ Cur lorry
cannot get out$
(a) saying () as!ing (c) re?uest (") ?uestion
Q7 &e have to in(orm our customers that the store will e closing in hal( an hour#s .......$
(a) o#cloc! () time (c) hour (") "uration
Q8 &e woul" li!e to ....... our customers that over the Christmas perio" we will e closing an hour
earlier than
(a) rememer () reta!e (c) repeat (") remin"
Q9 There are now only ten minutes remaining (or you to ma!e your ....... an" go to the chec!out$
(a) purchases () uying (c) sales (") selling
Q10 6 (inal ....... (or the "river o( the 8or" 8iesta= there is no nee" now to repar! as our "elivery
lorry has "one that
(or youE
(a) note () message (c) saying (") hint
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 31
Speaking< 3$ $he S$a$i*n
Q1 The train now ....... at the plat(orm 7 is the 1B$35 (or Aon"on$
(a) sitting () stan"ing (c) waiting (") remaining
Q2 In(ortunately it is now 11 o#cloc! an" so there is a ....... o( 15 minutes alrea"y$
(a) waiting () lateness (c) space (") "elay
Q3 The train at plat(orm 13 cannot leave ecause there is a power ....... on that particular line$$$
(a) (ailure () miss (c) (ailing (") missing
Q4 The train (or Aon"on at plat(orm 7 is still there an" is not ....... to leave (or at least *B minutes$
(a) inten"e" () e'pecte" (c) propose" (") awaite"
Q5 The small ca(e situate" near plat(orm 7 is now ....... (ree cups o( tea to those waiting (or the
Aon"on train$
(a) "ischarging () "ispensing (c) o((ering (") "isposing
Q6 Severe storms last night together with heavy rain(all means that some o( the lines o( the station
are now
(a) waterlogge" () waterproo( (c) water soa!e" (") water(all
Q7 &e thought (or a moment that the 1B$35 (or Aon"on might e aout to catch (ire ut it was a
....... alarm$
(a) wrong () (alse (c) "i((icult (") general
Q8 This is a general notice (or all passengers= the restaurant in the main ....... is now open$
(a) concor" () con"uit (c) concourse (") con"ition
Q9 There was in (act a small (ire in the train on plat(orm 7 ut we#re gla" to tell you that the (lames
have een
(a) "istinguishe" () "ampene" (c) saturate" (") e'tinguishe"
Q10 &e regret to announce that the 1B$35 (or Aon"on is now out o( service ecause the "river is
having a nervous
(a) rea!"own () low "own (c) rea!out (") low rea!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 3*
Speaking< 0he (r*adas$
Q1 &elcome to ;a"io 2ews an" now over to our ....... who#s covering the procession this morning$
(a) reviewer () reporter (c) announcer (") intro"ucer
Q2 )i listeners. I shoul" e'plain that I have a ....... eye view o( this magni(icent sight as the para"e
un"erneath me$
(a) cat#s () "og#s (c) ir"#s (") rat#s
Q3 To tell you the truth I shoul"n#t e ....... up here on top o( this large statue o( 8iel" 1arshal
(a) caught () catching (c) cornere" (") perche"
Q4 There is a long line o( sol"iers on horseac! marching to the soun" o( a ....... an"$
(a) copper () rass (c) 4inc (") aluminium
Q5 It really is ?uite uncom(ortale up here an" there#s a policeman ....... at me. which I "on#t li!e$
(a) spying () gui"ing (c) staring (") starring
Q6 6(ter the sol"iers I can see a group o( circus ....... who are /umping an" "ancing as they go$
(a) memers () "oers (c) actors (") per(ormers
Q7 2e't I can see some pensioners slowly moving along the roa" an" some can#t wal! an" are in
(a) highchairs () low chairs (c) wheelchairs (") pushchairs
Q8 That policeman is getting out his ....... an" wal!ing near the statue I#m sitting on$
(a) noteoo! () e'ercise oo! (c) storyoo! (") copyoo!
Q9 It has starte" to rain an" I shall get ....... to the s!in i( I stay much longer up here$
(a) sun! () suite" (c) stuc! (") soa!e"
Q10 Ch "ear. listeners. I shall have to return you to the stu"io ecause the policeman says he is
going to ....... me$
(a) sei4e () arrest (c) grasp (") hol"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 30
Speaking< 0he 2edding
Q1 Aa"ies an" gentlemen it is a very great privilege (or me to e as!e" to ma!e a speech aout
the ri"e an" her
(a) grant () gra"e (c) groan (") groom
Q2 I have !nown Sally an" ,aul since we were at school .......$
(a) towar"s () together (c) to us (") to them
Q3 1ost people consi"ere" that they were ....... (or each other even in those "ays$
(a) "one () ma!ing (c) ma"e (") ma!es
Q4 The other stu"ents "escrie" them as ;omeo an" Fuliet an" use" to ma!e (un o( them ehin"
their .......$
(a) hea"s () eyes (c) ears (") ac!s
Q5 2either o( them was at all ....... y this sort o( ehaviour as they /ust grew (on"er o( each other$
(a) "eterre" () "e(eate" (c) "isture" (") "enie"
Q6 The teachers ha" a ....... spot (or them too an" were sympathetic i( there was any troule
etween them$
(a) gentle () simple (c) so(t (") ?uiet
Q7 Then they oth le(t school an" oth starte" wor!ing. as you can ........ (or the same company$
(a) vision () imagine (c) cre"it (") visuali4e
Q8 &hen the announcement was ma"e aout their ........ there was a ig celeration$
(a) engage () engages (c) engagement (") engage"
Q9 2o one was surprise" ecause everyone too! it (or ....... that one "ay they woul" marry$
(a) graspe" () un"erstoo" (c) granting (") grante"
Q10 1in" you I was surprise" ecause you see I (in" it ?uite ....... why on earth she "i"n#t marry
(a) unelievale () unelieving (c) "iselie( (") "iselieving
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 33
Speaking< /*li$ial /ar$y
Q1 8ellow citi4ens I am honoure" to e ....... to spea! to you tonight aout my party$
(a) "eman"e" () (orce" (c) en?uire" (") invite"
Q2 6s you proaly !now the Tran?uillity ,arty stan"s (or peace an" ....... in the countrysi"e$
(a) ?uite () ?uiet (c) ?uietly (") ?uieten
Q3 In our pulicity. unli!e our political ........ we "o not ma!e a lot o( noise aout our policies$
(a) attac!ers () "estroyers (c) opponents (") hitters
Q4 &e want people to live in harmony with each other an" to settle ....... amicaly$
(a) "istastes () "isasters (c) "isturs (") "isputes
Q5 +ou may e intereste" to !now that we are hol"ing a ....... in the centre o( our town this
(a) rally () really (c) royally (") routine
Q6 2aturally all the ....... are re?ueste" to e as peace(ul as possile an" aove all not to shout$
(a) partygoers () participants (c) parta!ers (") partisans
Q7 6t the moment we are trying very har" to increase our memership which ....... stan"s at 5BB$
(a) presence () presents (c) presently (") presenting
Q8 ....... this is a very small (igure in comparison with the other ma/or political parties$
(a) Con(essing () 6"mitte"ly (c) 6"mits (") Con(ession
Q9 :ut then you all have turne" ....... tonight an" that proves there is growing interest in our i"eals$
(a) in () over (c) up (") into
Q10 In ....... o( the terrile weather you have come along tonight. la"ies an" gentlemen. an" I
shoul" li!e to than!
all (our o( you (or coming$
(a) spite () "espite (c) view (") spite(ul
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 35
Q1 )er latest (ilm ....... its o/ect in a very short space o( time. which was to shoc!$
(a) ac?uire" () got (c) attaine" (") controlle"
Q2 The critics ....... to praise the wor! o( this "irector whatever (ilms he ma!es$
(a) run () continue (c) persist (") insist
Q3 The (ilm was the (irst to show con"itions in which poor people live" an" as such was to .......
(uture "irectors$
(a) in(luence () hol" (c) in(ect (") show
Q4 The only reason (or them going to the cinema on that "ay was to (in" some (orm o( .......$
(a) internment () involvement (c) engrossment (") entertainment
Q5 The "irector#s intention in ma!ing the (ilm was to try an" ....... simplicity as seen y a chil"$
(a) report () reprehen" (c) represent (") comprehen"
Q6 The (ans outsi"e the cinema on the (irst showing o( the (ilm were unwilling to ....... until all the
stars ha" gone
(a) "ispose () "isplace (c) "iscover (") "isperse
Q7 The "elay in ....... the (ilm to the general pulic was ecause certain scenes were consi"ere"
(a) replacing () repeating (c) releasing (") reporting
Q8 The theme o( the secon" (ilm is ?uite simply a ....... o( the (irst$
(a) construction () continuation (c) continuum (") continuing
Q9 In the ma!ing o( the (ilm the "irection is ?uite ....... (rom the (inancing o( the pro/ect$
(a) separate () separation (c) separately (") separates
Q10 %ery o(ten someone will give a ....... o( a (ilm an" when you see it (or yoursel(. it#s ?uite
(a) "escriing () "escries (c) "escrie" (") "escription
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 37
#*$s *! S$"!!
Q1 ,ersonally I "on#t elieve a wor" o( it an" i( you want my opinion I thin! it#s all stu(( an" .......$
(a) garage () trash (c) nonsense (") ruish
Q2 +ou !now the !in" o( things politicians tal! aout= health care. e"ucation. wel(are an" stu(( .......
(a) as () with (c) on (") li!e
Q3 )e#" care(ully avoi"e" having any alcohol until he was twentyG(ive an" then he ha" a small
"rop o( the .......
(a) har" () "i((icult (c) soli" (") groun"
Q4 +ou shoul"n#t really have any "i((iculties with the wor! they#re "oing as it#s very asic in (act
you coul" call it
....... stu(($
(a) aies# () chil"ren#s (c) !i"s# (") /uniors#
Q5 It#s ?uite clear she#s stu"ie" the su/ect very thoroughly an" when she lecture". you coul" tell
she ....... her
(a) !new () got (c) showe" (") too!
Q6 2ow rememer when you get up to spea!. we#re all relying on you to impress everyone an" we
e'pect you to
....... your stu(($
(a) ma!e () say (c) ta!e (") "o
Q7 It#s very "i((icult to ma!e him en/oy himsel(. rela' an" ta!e it easy ecause he always ehaves
li!e a stu((e"
(a) suit () shirt (c) /ac!et (") coat
Q8 ....... the stu((E I want to hear it lou" an" clear an" as much o( it as you can manage$ &ell "oneE
(a) )ere () There (c) That#s (") 1ore
Q9 I( you really want to lose weight. the only way is to eat less an" stop stu((ing your ....... every
(ive minutesE
(a) throat () (ace (c) teeth (") tongue
Q10 It came as a great shoc! to him when he hear" the news an" ?uite ....... the stu((ing out o(
him (or "ays$
(a) hit () pulle" (c) !noc!e" (") threw
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 39
&ear my S$*ry
Q1 ,ersonally I "on#t elieve a wor" he tol" us ecause I thin! it was /ust a ....... story$
(a) ig () high (c) tall (") long
Q2 I#m a(rai" it was the ....... ol" story with her all over again ecause she#s starte" arriving late at
wor! again$
(a) same () li!e (c) similar (") parallel
Q3 It was a it o( a ....... story really ecause she tol" us how her oy(rien" ha" le(t her. she#" lost
her /o an" she
ha" nowhere to live$
(a) cry () weep (c) tear (") so
Q4 I "on#t really approve o( all this "iscussion aout people ehin" their ac!s D it#s a it li!e .......
(a) spea!ing () telling (c) saying (") uttering
Q5 The story ....... that he#s /ust marrie" (or the (ourth time ut I "on#t really elieve it$
(a) says () wor!s (c) sen"s (") goes
Q6 To ....... a long story short. I#ll come straight to the point an" tell you e'actly what happene"$
(a) cut () re"uce (c) snip (") curtail
Q7 She "i" write one or two novels ut she is est !nown (or her e'cellent ....... stories$
(a) rie( () short (c) arupt (") su""en
Q8 It#s a rilliant (ilm as (ar as the images are concerne" ut the story ....... is a it wea!$
(a) theme () threa" (c) ten"ency (") line
Q9 )e starte" o(( (rom a very simple ac!groun" an" then wor!e" his way up to e ,resi"ent o(
the an! D a
genuine ....... story$
(a) success () (amous (c) glamour (") (ame
Q10 In early civilisations it was the story ....... to whom everyone went to hear what ha" happene"
in the past$
(a) spea!er () tal!er (c) announcer (") teller
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 3<
&igh and #*-
Q1 She#s ....... a high at the moment ecause everything is going her way$
(a) in () on (c) (or (") at
Q2 I have high ....... that we will succee" with our pro/ect in view o( all the interest we have
(a) (eelings () sensations (c) hopes (") views
Q3 It#s high ....... we le(t i( we really want to e there on time$
(a) hour () minute (c) tempo (") time
Q4 +ou#ll /ust have to get use" to these highs an" ....... as it#s all part o( eing in usiness$
(a) "owns () lows (c) (alls (") (ails
Q5 2ow that he#s ecome o((ice manager you can#t even tal! to him D he#s so high an" .......$
(a) mighty () strong (c) power(ul (") severe
Q6 The really high ....... o( the evening#s entertainment was when two clowns came into the ring
an" starte"
throwing things at each other$
(a) thing () (eature (c) place (") spot
Q7 )e le(t the sa(e "oor unloc!e" last night so I rec!on he#ll e (or the high ....... this morning$
(a) leap () go (c) /ump (") try
Q8 It#s always the same when you rea! one o( the rules o( the o((ice. she gets on her high .......
an" starts
shouting at you$
(a) camel () pony (c) "on!ey (") horse
Q9 The moment she /oine" the sta(( you /ust !new she was a high ....... an" it was no surprise
when she got
promotion within si' wee!s$
(a) sailor () (lier (c) pilot (") goer
Q10 They wante" to ma!e sure that their small "aughter share" in the meal an" so they as!e" the
restaurant to
provi"e a high .......$
(a) place () seat (c) chair (") position
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 3@
3 =igh$ 6"$
Q1 The other night we went out to the cinema or the ....... as they woul" say in the IS6$
(a) goings () "oings (c) moves (") movies
Q2 2othing unusual you might say ut we haven#t visite" a cinema (or .......$
(a) perio"s () ages (c) times (") lengths
Q3 The su/ect ....... o( the (ilm concerne" the 6merican Civil &ar in the 1<7B#s$
(a) matter () topic (c) theme (") interest
Q4 6t least that was ....... to e the ac!groun" although the main interest was in something else$
(a) in(erre" () implie" (c) suggeste" (") suppose"
Q5 It will come as no ....... to you I#m sure i( I tell you that this interest was in a love a((air$
(a) "amage () surprise (c) concern (") interest
Q6 The young couple in the story only meet aout three times ut still manage to ....... "eeply in
(a) go () "rop (c) (all (") (eel
Q7 &hen you see the (irst !iss on the ....... an" you are sitting in row (our. it can e very "ramatic$
(a) sli"e () picture (c) oar" (") screen
Q8 Everything is so much igger than you e'pect an" you are constantly ....... your hea" (rom si"e
to si"e$
(a) tipping () testing (c) turning (") trying
Q9 6n" the soun" is much greater too$ -uring the war scenes I was /umping up an" "own out o(
my seat li!e a
....... in the o' at every e'plosion$
(a) Fohn () Fac! (c) Fim (") Fames
Q10 The (ollowing evening we were ac! again watching television ut a(ter the cinema it#s never
the ....... again$
(a) same () i"entical (c) similar (") li!e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 5B
#*$s *! /iees
Q1 Charlie "i"n#t have much in the way o( property D /ust ....... an" pieces$
(a) things () "ots (c) its (") section
Q2 In (act this was a piece o( ....... (or Charlie as it happene"$
(a) (ortune () gratitu"e (c) than!s (") luc!
Q3 :ecause when the ....... o( the piece arrive" in the shape o( a urglar to steal something. he
"i"n#t (in"
anything valuale$
(a) villain () peasant (c) evil (") "evil
Q4 Charlie came home when the urglar was still there ut he "i"n#t ....... to pieces. he staye"
(a) (in" () come (c) go (") try
Q5 The urglar also ha" an assistant with him who clearly "i"n#t want to get involve" an" have a
piece o( the .......
an" (le"$
(a) activity () action (c) act (") acting
Q6 Charlie "eci"e" he woul" say e'actly what he thought o( the urglar an" give him a piece o(
his .......$
(a) thoughts () rain (c) thin!ing (") min"
Q7 )e tol" him he was a wic!e" person an" (urther he was a ....... piece o( wor!$
(a) horrile () nasty (c) "isgusting (") a"
Q8 The urglar e'plaine" that he "i"n#t have a proper /o an" only "i" piece .......$
(a) wor!s () wor!ing (c) wor! (") wor!er
Q9 Charlie laughe" an" sai" he was "oing the same now D it was ....... o( a piece with urgling$
(a) some () same (c) complete (") all
Q10 Eventually the police arrive" an" were please" to see Charlie was still all right an" in .......
(a) one () (ine (c) goo" (") soli"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 51
0es$ing; 0es$ing
Q1 This castle has een here since the 17th century an" hasn#t really change" D it has stoo" the
test o( .......$
(a) "uration () time (c) history (") length
Q2 The law that has /ust een passe" may e use(ul ut we "on#t !now until we#ve ....... it to the
(a) place" () struc! (c) starte" (") put
Q3 I thin! you#re wise to (in" out (irst e(ore you agree an" elieve it#s a goo" i"ea to test the .......
(a) waters () springs (c) rivers (") la!es
Q4 2oGone !nows whether he#ll succee" in his attempt to get compensation as it#s a it o( a test
(a) theme () process (c) case (") e'ample
Q5 Cviously e(ore you uy a car. you#ll e allowe" to test ....... it (irst$
(a) travel () "rive (c) try (") con"uct
Q6 These are in"ee" ....... times (or the government as people are "eci"ing whether to vote (or
them in the ne't
(a) teste" () tester (c) testing (") testale
Q7 )e was one o( the most e'perience" o( the company#s test ....... who "eci"e" whether a plane
was sa(e to (ly$
(a) "rivers () travellers (c) operations (") pilots
Q8 In the story o( -r Fe!yll an" 1r )y"e we see the hero mi' something up in a test ....... an" then
"rin! it$
(a) tue () pipe (c) glass (") cup
Q9 The aircra(t engine ha" to e place" in a test ....... to ma!e sure that it wor!e" properly$
(a) pit () hole (c) e" (") centre
Q10 In or"er to ma!e sure that your television is tune" properly there is a coloure" test ....... on
the screen$
(a) paper () sheet (c) place (") car"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 5*
Q1 She#s got the !in" o( /o that seems to !eep her occupie" all the time D *3G.......$
(a) 3 () 5 (c) 7 (") 9
Q2 ........ I coul"n#t agree with you more$
(a) Totally () Clearly (c) 8inally (") 6solutely
Q3 I really thin! we shoul" tal! aout the su/ect we wante" to in the (irst place an" ....... the
(a) a"vise () spea! (c) a""ress (") tal!
Q4 It#s "i((icult to say e'actly how many people are involve" ut I woul" say ....... 5B$
(a) aroun" () across (c) through (") into
Q5 It was one o( those sights that you never (orget it was .......$
(a) (ine () awesome (c) interesting (") clear
Q6 &e "on#t !now precisely how much it will cost ut I coul" give a ....... (igure o( 7 million "ollars$
(a) all (iel" () all place (c) all par! (") all game
Q7 I agree with what you say. ....... ut $$$
(a) wholly () asically (c) ?uic!ly (") simply
Q8 +ou (ill in those (orms on a wee!ly .......$
(a) stan" () ase (c) si4e (") asis
Q9 I hope you will e patient an" ....... with me a minute$
(a) stay () hol" (c) ear (") maintain
Q10 It#s "i((icult to see how to get out o( this situation ecause we#re etween a roc! an" a .......
(a) "i((icult () har" (c) so(t (") (irm
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 50
#*sing 4$ 718
Q1 )e#s one o( those people who can#t ear eing seen to e wrong in (act o( losing .......$
(a) loo!s () appearance (c) (ace (") loo!ing
Q2 &e haven#t ma"e any progress this year an" are in a sense going ac!war"s an" losing .......$
(a) terrain () space (c) lan" (") groun"
Q3 ,lease "on#t lose ....... ecause I#m sure you#ll succee" in the en"$
(a) heart () o"y (c) strength (") (eeling
Q4 The important !ey to success in this usiness is strong management ecause i( you lose your
........ then
you#re in real troule$
(a) hol" () stay (c) gra (") grip
Q5 She panic!e" when she s!i""e" on the ice. lost her ....... an" crashe" into the tree$
(a) control () rain (c) hea" (") s!ull
Q6 +es. it#s a slight prolem ut ?uite honestly I woul"n#t lose any ....... over it i( I were you$
(a) rest () sleep (c) time (") slumer
Q7 I (ollowe" as much as I coul" o( his arguments ut then I gave up ecause I#" completely lost
....... o( what he
was saying$
(a) pace () route (c) path (") trac!
Q8 6(ter he#" waste" all his money. got into "et an" then en"e" up in prison. his (amily egan to
regar" him as a
it o( a lost .......$
(a) case () reason (c) cause (") argument
Q9 To e (ran! I (in" these philosophical "iscussions too "eep (or me an" many o( the points are
lost ....... me$
(a) to () on (c) (or (") y
Q10 ,utting all your money in that enterprise is (utile it#s li!e playing a losing .......$
(a) part () role (c) section (") game
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 53
#*sing 4$ 728
Q1 The troule with him is that i( you push him too (ar. he#s li!ely to shout at you an" lose his .......$
(a) col" () col"ness (c) cool (") ice
Q2 There#s no hope (or him now ecause he#s lost his ....... an" has gone completely cra4y$
(a) glasses () stones (c) /ewels (") marles
Q3 6t the very last minute she ro!e "own in tears an" lost her .......$
(a) s!ill () nerve (c) sense (") (eeling
Q4 8irst he starte" shouting an" then he egan to throw things roun" the room an" it was clear he
ha" /ust lost
his .......$
(a) rag () cloth (c) cover (") sheet
Q5 -espite his great age we reali4e" that he#" not lost his ....... ecause he was still ale to "eliver
a won"er(ul
(a) (eel () contact (c) touch (") (eeling
Q6 -o you min" repeating that last it again as I seem to have lost the ....... o( your argument?
(a) length () string (c) cor" (") threa"
Q7 &hen it came to "ivi"ing the pro(its we lost ....... ecause we "i"n#t get our (air share$
(a) o(( () out (c) in (") through
Q8 6s she was wal!ing across the tight rope at the circus she lost her ....... an" (ell to the groun"$
(a) control () "irection (c) alance (") sense
Q9 6(ter a while I got (e" up with the (ilm an" egan to lose ....... in the story$
(a) thought () (ollowing (c) thin!ing (") interest
Q10 There#s no harm in trying your luc! there ecause a(ter all you have ....... to lose$
(a) less () nothing (c) a little (") least
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 55
&*- $* ask a ?"es$i*n
Q1 1ay I as! you whether you have ha" a chance to ....... my case?
(a) convene () consi"er (c) conten" (") construct
Q2 Can I ....... it to you that the "elay you have cause" is not reasonale?
(a) place () sen" (c) hol" (") put
Q3 Coul" I !now why the usiness has ....... so long to conclu"e?
(a) laste" () en"ure" (c) ta!en (") (oun"
Q4 1ay I ma!e another ....... to as! you to e'plain the situation more clearly?
(a) assault () attempt (c) attraction (") a"vice
Q5 I woul" e most intereste" to !now why the committee has turne" ....... my proposal$
(a) "own () o(( (c) over (") out
Q6 &e shoul" e "elighte" to (in" out when the new scheme comes into .......$
(a) a((ect () e((ect (c) in(ect (") con(ect
Q7 )ow much is the new car ....... to cost me?
(a) trying () "oing (c) (in"ing (") going
Q8 &hen are you thin!ing o( uying a ....... washing machine?
(a) novel () new (c) recent (") actual
Q9 &hat has ....... to your 2ew +ear resolution to stop smo!ing?
(a) occurre" () (allen (c) happene" (") occasione"
Q10 &hy "o you always ....... me when I try to as! a ?uestion?
(a) interpose () interce"e (c) inter(ere (") interrupt
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 57
&*- $* a$$ra$ s*me*ne
Q1 I say. you#ve /ust ....... on my (ootE
(a) stuc! () sto"e (c) struc! (") tro""en
Q2 Aoo! out. there#s a car ....... on your le(t$
(a) "riving () approaching (c) gui"ing (") con"ucting
Q3 Fust a minute. you have /ust ....... my case$
(a) urst () un"le" (c) race" (") ro!en
Q4 1in". the "oors are .......$
(a) (inishing () en"ing (c) closing (") (alling
Q5 &atch it. you almost ....... my eye out with that umrella$
(a) pointe" () po!e" (c) place" (") pumpe"
Q6 :e care(ul. there#s a large ....... etween the plat(orm an" the train$
(a) gap () (all (c) area (") line
Q7 )allo. "o you see what you "i" to that ....... o( oo!s when you wal!e" past?
(a) hill () mount (c) pile (") store
Q8 )ang on. you#ve given me the wrong .......$ I gave you a tenGpoun" note$
(a) "i((erence () change (c) alternation (") account
Q9 Stop. that man#s /ust gone ....... with my walletE
(a) o(( () out (c) on (") y
Q10 E'cuse me. ut you have ....... your car lights on$
(a) place" () le(t (c) (oun" (") teste"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 59
&*- $* *mplimen$
Q1 +ou loo! ....... in that "ress. 6man"a$ )ow eauti(ul you are$
(a) startling () stunning (c) stretching (") starting
Q2 I can honestly say I haven#t ha" such a ....... meal (or ages$
(a) "elight () "elighte" (c) "elight(ul (") "elighting
Q3 I must get to !now the name o( your ....... so that I can uy a suit li!e that$
(a) ma!er#s () "resser#s (c) war"er#s (") tailor#s
Q4 I must ....... you on your per(ormance in the play D it was remar!ale$
(a) impress () a"vise (c) congratulate (") en?uire
Q5 Cne can tell imme"iately that you are a ....... y the accomplishe" way you per(orm$
(a) amateur () wor!er (c) tyro (") pro(essional
Q6 I honestly can#t elieve that you are ....... enough to have such grown up chil"ren$
(a) wise () ol" (c) grown (") clear
Q7 Even i( I ....... (or a hun"re" years. I coul"n#t possily reach your stan"ar"$
(a) per(ecte" () pursue" (c) practise" (") polishe"
Q8 +ou certainly "on#t loo! your .......$ &hat#s your secret?
(a) ol" () age (c) worth (") type
Q9 It#s always a ....... tal!ing to you D you !now so muchE
(a) please () please" (c) pleasing (") pleasure
Q10 Than! you very much (or your letter$ 6s always it#s ....... to rea"$
(a) (un () amusement (c) entertainment (") (unnily
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 5<
)*dal )edley
Q1 I !now I ....... "o it ecause I have "one it e(ore$
(a) ought () must (c) can
Q2 +ou really ....... see that (ilm ecause I !now you#ll li!e it$
(a) will () shoul" (c) coul"
Q3 It#s ?uite clear that you ....... to visit their house. so why "on#t you?
(a) have een ale () may (c) want
Q4 It#s the right thing to "o in this situation an" it#s my elie( that you ....... to go$
(a) shoul" () might (c) ought
Q5 I say to mysel( each morning I really ....... write that letter$
(a) can () must (c) might
Q6 ....... I have your permission to leave the meeting early?
(a) &ill () &oul" (c) 1ay
Q7 +ou shoul" ta!e an umrella with you to"ay. it ....... rain later$
(a) must () might (c) will
Q8 -on#t worry they ....... eventually succee". I assure you$
(a) will () might (c) want
Q9 2ow there#s no argument here$ +ou ....... to (inish on time ecause you have no choice$
(a) must () can (c) have
Q10 ....... you really help me? I( so. I shoul" e most grate(ul$
(a) Coul" () 1ust (c) 1ay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 5@
1hris$mas /*s$man 718 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC34Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 1y main ....... (or ecoming a temporary postman "uring the Christmas holi"ay perio"$
(a) cause () inci"ent (c) rational (") reason
Q2 &as ecause I ha" amasse" some rather large .......$
(a) sums () amounts (c) ills (") totals
Q3 6n" what was more ....... I ha" got no money$
(a) interesting () important (c) valuale (") vital
Q4 1y trainer was a postman y the ....... o( Te"$
(a) title () lael (c) name (") sign
Q5 &ith a li(e time o( ....... in "oing all the wal!s in the town$
(a) e'perience () !nowing (c) hait (") custom
Q6 It was all a ?uestion o( ........ he sai" an" then he e'plaine"
(a) ruling () straightening (c) ti"ying (") or"er
Q7 the moment I got into the ....... o((ice$
(a) selecting () "ivi"ing (c) choosing (") sorting
Q8 )e "i"n#t want any o( his ....... to imagine that eing a postman was an easy /o$
(a) trainers () training (c) trainees (") trains
Q9 )e was ....... up with people he met every so o(ten
(a) eaten () (e" (c) consume" (") "igeste"
Q10 who ....... it was a partGtime /o ecause it was all (inishe" y mi"G"ay$
(a) teste" () criticise" (c) claime" (") hel"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 7B
1hris$mas /*s$man 728 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC34Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 )e "escrie" the ....... very care(ully$
(a) processing () se?uence (c) (ollows (") (ollowe"
Q2 The (irst thing was to e ....... since you starte" at a time when most people were asleep$
(a) punctual () pointe" (c) punctilious (") pointing
Q3 Imme"iately you arrive" you ha" to start sorting the mail into "i((erent pigeon .......$
(a) parts () gaps (c) slots (") holes
Q4 Sometimes you (oun" some ....... han"writing an" "i"n#t !now where the letter shoul" go$
(a) won"er(ul () meticulous (c) terrile (") eauti(ul
Q5 )e was always criticising teachers (or not teaching chil"ren to write .......$
(a) personally () privately (c) proper (") properly
Q6 These letters shoul" e put to one si"e an" ol" Charlie. the han"writing ........ woul" loo!
through them later$
(a) e'pert () e'ponent (c) e'hiitor (") e'ecutive
Q7 The ne't ....... was to "raw some col" water. (ill the !ettle an" ma!e a cup o( tea$
(a) (oot () step (c) pace (") stri"e
Q8 Te" was always calm an" optimistic$ )e never let himsel( get ....... y the /o$
(a) "oome" () "owngra"e" (c) "epresse" (") "owne"
Q9 )e le(t me alone (or an hour to (ollow his metho" an" as!e" me to call him i( I ....... any
(a) encountere" () engen"ere" (c) entere" (") en?uire"
Q10 6s he ha" een very usy in his house since two that morning ....... o( a urst water pipe. he
went to have a
(a) through () (or (c) on (") ecause
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 71
1hris$mas /*s$man 738 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC34Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 6t (irst I got on (amously (in"ing the right pigeonholes. chec!ing Te"#s list an" putting the letters
in .......$
(a) oun"s () un"les (c) on"s (") oun"e"
Q2 6(ter aout two hours o( this my internal attery starte" to get low an" I (oun" mysel( losing
(a) patients () patents (c) patters (") patience
Q3 It was at this stage that Te" came in ?uic!ly ....... me to (inish an" get on the roa"$
(a) "eman"ing () ta!ing (c) giving (") encouraging
Q4 The post o((ice in this country "istrict "i"n#t use vans ecause o( the .......$
(a) costing () monies (c) e'pense (") e'penses
Q5 I ha" to ....... "o with a icycle that loo!e" as though it ha" een hit several times$
(a) try () ma!e (c) en" (") ta!e
Q6 Cnce out in the open air I e'perience" a violent ....... ut soon the sun came out$
(a) wet () raining (c) rains (") shower
Q7 The shouts o( /oy coming (rom some houses as I put the mail through the letter ....... ma"e up
(or the
"iscom(ort an"$
(a) space () line (c) o' (") opening
Q8 I was eginning to (eel li!e a ....... 8ather Christmas$
(a) sort () real (c) type (") !in"
Q9 I then came to numer 57 that Te" ha" ....... me aout$ They ha" a (erocious "og$
(a) warne" () threatene" (c) in"icate" (") shown
Q10 The only way to ....... with this one. Te" recommen"e". was to rush at the "oor. shove the
letters through the
"oor an" go away as ?uic!ly as possile$
(a) tac!le () manage (c) han"le (") "eal
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 7*
1hris$mas /*s$man 748 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC34Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 I "i" /ust that ut in my ....... I "roppe" a small pac!et that (ell into a pu""le$
(a) hurry () haste (c) spee" (") hasting
Q2 I "i"n#t have the courage to ma!e another assault on the house$ Instea" I too! it home to .......
it out$
(a) ma!e () "o (c) try (") "ry
Q3 I !new i( I tol" Te" he woul" tal! a lot aout eing strictly against the rules ut I was convince"
it "i"n#t
(a) concern () a((ect (c) matter (") worry
Q4 In my !itchen I loo!e" at the a""ress an" saw the recipient was a 1aster ;ichar"$ I was
ashame" o( my .......
(a) cowar" () cowar"ice (c) cowar"ly (") cowar"s
Q5 an" thought I was "epriving a young chil" o( his Christmas present (rom some loving .......$
(a) relative () relate" (c) reality (") relatively
Q6 I rue" the pac!age with a towel an" went ?uic!ly again to numer 57 hurrying "own the path
in the true
....... o( the season.
(a) sense () ghost (c) taste (") spirit
Q7 clutching the precious un"le in my han" I ....... it through the letter o'
(a) gave () too! (c) thrust (") turne"
Q8 e'pecting to hear a happy ....... o( surprise (rom young ;ichar"$ 6s I hurrie" away
(a) yelp () soun" (c) noise (") "in
Q9 to the soun" o( the ....... "og. I !noc!e" y acci"ent the gar"en gate /ust in time to hear a voice
(a) raying () reathing (c) ar!ing (") hooting
Q10 1aster ;ichar"E &hen will that woman realise I#m over (i(ty an" can#t ....... !nitte" soc!sE
(a) hate () "isli!e (c) sit (") stan"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 70
0ik 0*k
Q1 They#re trying very har" to (inish in time an" they#re wor!ing ....... the cloc!$
(a) up () through (c) on (") against
Q2 +ou have to turn this (rom le(t to right D in other wor"s cloc!.......$
(a) way () wise (c) path (") route
Q3 I#m a(rai" you can#t ma!e yoursel( any younger an" turn the cloc! .......$
(a) to () y (c) ac! (") "own
Q4 +ou can always e sure that there#ll e a "elivery to"ay as the service is as regular as
(a) time () tas! (c) /o (") wor!
Q5 It#s an ama4ing system so that at whatever time o( "ay you can always get a response as the
sta(( are there
....... the cloc!$
(a) along () roun" (c) aout (") "own
Q6 &hat time "o you start wor! or more e'actly when "o you cloc! .......?
(a) on () aout (c) with (") y
Q7 &hen "o you (inish wor! or more e'actly what time "o you cloc! .......?
(a) over () o(( (c) through (") in
Q8 I#ve cloc!e" ....... aout an a""itional *B hours this wee! in overtime pay$
(a) on () (or (c) up (") with
Q9 The competition is very strong as each team wants to e (astest an" ....... the cloc!$
(a) hit () !noc! (c) stri!e (") eat
Q10 She#s not really intereste" in her /o an" /ust waits (or the en" o( the "ay to come$ She#s /ust
a cloc! .......$
(a) watcher () seer (c) loo!er (") ga4er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 73
1*mpany Deisi*ns
Q1 I strongly recommen" you ma!e a chec!list o( points to consi"er ....... "eci"ing which metho"
o( payment to
(a) when () what (c) who (") where
Q2 )ow long "o you thin! it will ta!e ....... we#ll e in a position to implement the changes to our
(a) upon () aout (c) to (") e(ore
Q3 +ester"ay the pro/ect manager su""enly announce" that the launch o( the new promotion
campaign ha" een
....... ecause o( so(tware prolems$
(a) transcen"e" () create" (c) postpone" (") (oun"e"
Q4 :ecause o( their e'pertise the two young engineers have een ....... the opportunity to /oin our
(a) o((er () o((ering (c) o((ere" (") o((ers
Q5 Cne o( the in"icators o( success in any usiness is how ....... types o( communication channels
they use$
(a) much () many (c) lot (") lots
Q6 6n e((ective customer support system shoul" e ....... as the nerve centre o( all company
(a) regar"e" () imagine" (c) thought (") "reamt
Q7 It goes without ....... that there are more goals that can e achieve" with your usiness than
simply generating
(a) tal!ing () saying (c) as!ing (") arguing
Q8 6 company#s success will largely "epen" ....... how (ar ahea" into the (uture it can (orecast$
(a) on () o( (c) at (") in
Q9 In a""ition to an organisation#s vision an" aility to set goals it is also ....... that every team
memer (eels part
o( a unit$
(a) lively () strict (c) vivi" (") vital
Q10 Especially large corporations ....... on an international scale create an" pursue a human
resources policy
covering many "i((erent aspects$
(a) operates () operating (c) operation (") operate"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 75
Save 6"r 3nimals 718 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC36Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 8rom a very early age Cathy ha" een passionate ....... animals$
(a) o( () to (c) aout (") through
Q2 She use" to ho no (socialise) with people who ....... the same way as she "i"$
(a) consi"ere" () hel" (c) approve" (") thought
Q3 These people were not at all (u""y "u""y (uninteresting) or in"ee" hoity toity (supercilious)
an" their main
interest in li(e was to ....... that all animals were well treate"$
(a) ensure () assure (c) convince (") convict
Q4 She soon got to !now one o( the local ig wigs (important people) in a local organisation .......
at stopping
cruelty to animals$
(a) shot () aime" (c) hit (") struc!
Q5 )e ha" een in his hey "ay (at his most success(ul time) an important ....... in a government
"epartment (or
(a) character () puppet (c) personage (") (igure
Q6 In (act ecause he ha" re(use" to !ow tow to (accept without ?uestion) some o( the o((icial
regulations. he ha"
een (orce" to ta!e ....... retirement$
(a) usy () easy (c) early (") ?uic!
Q7 :ut as (ar ....... Cathy was concerne". he was the ee#s !nees (someone to a"mire) an" when
she le(t school.
she went to wor! as his assistant in the Society (or the ,rotection o( 6nimals$
(a) so () more (c) than (") as
Q8 )er parents however were not at all please" ....... where she ha" "eci"e" to wor!$
(a) aout () (or (c) concerning (") aroun"
Q9 They live" in a "es res (very attractive house) an" her (ather. Fohn 8ortune. who was really a
it o( a (at cat
(wealthy usinessman) thought that all this animal ....... was a lot o( hocus pocus (nonsense)$
(a) matter () usiness (c) concerns (") topic
Q10 Cathy an" her (ather ha" several pow wows (conversations) aout her "ecision ut it usually
....... up with a lot
o( argy argy (arguments)$
(a) conclu"e" () terminate" (c) en"e" (") laste"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 77
Save 6"r 3nimals 728 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC36Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 &hat her mother an" (ather ....... to most was the en"less tittle tattle (gossip) in the village
aout a young
woman wor!ing (or this hot shot (well !nown entrepreneur).
(a) su/ecte" () "e/ecte" (c) re/ecte" (") o/ecte"
Q2 who was also ....... y some as a it o( a wheeler "ealer (someone who "oes usiness in an
un"erhan" way)$
(a) loo!e" () picture" (c) regar"e" (") elieve"
Q3 Cathy "i"n#t elieve any o( this an" was "elighte" to e wor!ing (or Geo((rey &inton i( (or no
other ....... than
that living at home was very hum"rum (oring)$
(a) reason () cause (c) (act (") "ecision
Q4 The rest o( the organisation thought that she an" &inton were a "ream team (i"eal partners)
ecause she
was enthusiastic an" he was very .......$
(a) e'pertise () empirical (c) e'pert (") e'perience"
Q5 6(ter all she thought her rother was en/oying himsel( an" ha" gone ....... to wor! in 6merica as
a result o( the
rain "rain (talente" people leaving their own country to wor! (or etter pay in another)$
(a) astray () aroa" (c) alone (") a(ar
Q6 Cne morning there was ?uite a huu (lou" noise an" activity) in the 8ortune ....... when
Cathy came rushing
into the sitting room helter s!elter (running at great spee").
(a) housewor! () houseoun" (c) househol" (") housetops
Q7 an" announce" what she thought was a cheer(ul ear(ul (a goo" piece o( news) an" that was
she ha" een
invite" to atten" a ....... in the capital$
(a) "emarcation () "enuciation (c) "epression (") "emonstration
Q8 6s (ar as her (ather was concerne" this was ....... "oule troule (two prolems) D (irst
wor!ing (or 8ortune
an" now getting involve" in a "emonstration$
(a) simply () ?uite (c) entirely (") ?uietly
Q9 6s (ar as he was concerne" this woul" e a ....... o( time ecause the spea!ers at the rally
woul" /ust tal!
mumo /umo (nonsense)$
(a) waist () wasting (c) waste (") worst
Q10 :ut Cathy ha" ma"e up her ....... an" the ne't morning wham am (very ?uic!ly) she caught
the early train
an" went o(( to the rally$
(a) rain () min" (c) thought (") "ecision
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 79
Save 6"r 3nimals 738 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC36Cinde:%h$ml
Q1 Cn the train /ourney she egan to thin! aout what her (ather ha" sai" with his ....... to the rag
ag (mu""le"
collection) o( i"eas in her organisation$
(a) "irection () re(erral (c) re(erence (") re(erre"
Q2 6n" i( she was really ....... with hersel( she was eginning to have a teenie weenie (very small)
(eeling o( "out
as to whether she was "oing the right thing$
(a) honoure" () honourale (c) honest (") honouraly
Q3 She /ust wishe" that her (ather coul" ....... an" e even steven ((air) aout her si"e o( the
(a) try () trying (c) trie" (") tries
Q4 :ut as soon as she reache" the meeting point (or the rally. there was no time (or "ay .......$
(a) thin!ing () musing (c) sleeping (") "reaming
Q5 6t the eginning it was a it harum scarum ("isorganise") an" people were running higgle"y
piggle"y (in
"i((erent an" chaotic "irections) ut soon everything ....... "own.
(a) set () seate" (c) settle" (") setting
Q6 an" people who ha" een running aout pell mell (in con(usion) were now stan"ing ....... an"
listening to the
(a) ?uiet () still (c) upright (") ?uite
Q7 She (elt ....... an" was please" she ha" come to the "emonstration$
(a) returne" () restore" (c) re(reshe" (") reassure"
Q8 6n" then one inci"ent at the en" o( the rally convince" her that she ha" ....... the right "ecision
to wor! (or the
(a) "one () got (c) ta!en (") rought
Q9 6 police o((icer on horseac! was ....... the crow"s an" she (oun" hersel( eing gently move"
y the horse$
(a) controlling () maintaining (c) con"ucting (") "riving
Q10 6s it "rew near she (oun" she was as!ing hersel( ....... whether she ha" "one the right thing$
She loo!e" at the
horse an" it was actually no""ing its hea" an" she coul" have sworn it sai" o!ie "o!ie (all right)$
(a) allowe" () lou"ly (c) lou" (") alou"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 7<
Simple /resen$ 718 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC
Q1 6n"rew Smo"ley is a natural worrier$ It is something he has ....... (rom his (ather D the !ing o(
all worriers$
(a) receive" () le(t (c) earne" (") inherite"
Q2 :ut then there are those who are never happy unless they have a prolem to .......$
(a) "issolve () solve (c) cut (") release
Q3 6n"rew worrie" aout the weather. the state o( the poun". his health. the cost o( ....... an"
once he even
worrie" ecause he thought he wasn#t worrying enough$
(a) li(e () e'istence (c) living (") e'isting
Q4 :ut that was in the past$ Things have change" ecause something happene" to him e'actly
two years .......$
(a) ago () gone (c) passe" (") over
Q5 It was in the spring when leaves appear on trees an" nature prepares hersel( (or renewal$
Cther things
happen too D people ....... in love$
(a) tumle () "rop (c) "ecline (") (all
Q6 2ow 6n"rew "oesn#t have a romantic .......$ )e never loo!s up at the leaves starting to grow.
sighs an" says=
L6h. here comes the springEL
(a) constitution () "isposition (c) institution (") position
Q7 )e simply thin!s to himsel(= LI live in a small village y a little stream an" ....... this time o( year
lots o(
creatures start to wa!e up an" ma!e a lot o( noise$L
(a) across () through (c) aroun" (") against
Q8 LIn Aon"on. which ....... on the river Thames. people ma!e a lot o( noise all the time$L
(a) stan"s () hol"s (c) egins (") sits
Q9 I apologise (or the simplicity o( these ....... ut I want to illustrate the unimaginative nature
which 6n"rew
(a) "eclamations () re?uirements (c) mentions (") statements
Q10 Towar"s the en" o( this story I give e'amples to show the e'tent o( the change he .......$
(a) un"ertoo! () un"erwent (c) un"erstoo" (") un"er"i"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 7@
Simple /resen$ 728 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC
Q1 The other ....... in this anec"ote is a young woman calle" Sally 8airweather$
(a) (eature () part (c) character (") principal
Q2 She too lives in this ....... an" remote village where 6n"rew has his cottage$
(a) minor () tiny (c) unimportant (") wretche"
Q3 2ow Sally is an entirely "i((erent !ettle o( (ish$ )er philosophy runs as (ollows= L&orrying never
gets you
anywhere an" li(e is too short to ....... time imagining the worst$L
(a) pass () spen" (c) e'pen" (") waste
Q4 In a wor" she is the complete ....... in temperament o( 6n"rew$ )ere comes another cliche=
opposites attract$
(a) opposite () opponent (c) oppose" (") opposition
Q5 :ut you must rememer that two years ago the two main characters ha"n#t met. which was
surprising when
you consi"er the close ....... o( 6n"rew#s cottage an" Sally#s$
(a) appro'imation () pro'imity (c) stan"ing (") placing
Q6 I( you ta!e the (irst le(t a(ter the post o((ice. you come to Sally#s place an" i( you ta!e the
secon" ....... to the
right a(ter that you come to the cottage where 6n"rew lives$
(a) turn () turn up (c) turn in (") turning
Q7 The ne't participant in this village "rama is the weather. which ....... a very signi(icant part in
English li(e$
(a) hol"s () manages (c) plays (") controls
Q8 It was late 6pril an" the sun ha" "isappeare" ehin" "ar! heavy rain clou"s ut 6n"rew ha"
alrea"y set .......
(or the local pu$
(a) up () o(( (c) to (") y
Q9 2aturally he ha" his umrella with him an" a heavy coat ....... that aphorism his mother always
use"= L2ever
cast a clout (remove an article o( clothing) e(ore 1ay is out$L
(a) pursuing () chasing (c) running a(ter (") (ollowing
Q10 8ortunately he ma"e it to the pu e(ore the storm .......$
(a) ro!e () (ell (c) "roppe" (") collapse"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 9B
Simple /resen$ 738 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC
Q1 The moment he crosse" the "oorstep. an ol" school (rien" comes up to 6n"rew. ....... to uy
him a "rin! an"
tells him not to loo! so worrie"$
(a) egs () re?uests (c) as!s (") o((ers
Q2 6n"rew showe" him the hea"lines= L,etrol prices rise againL D L:ut you haven#t got a carL
sai" his (rien" D LI
!nowL retorte" 6n"rew D Lstill it means everything ....... will go up in price. too$L
(a) too () else (c) other (") also
Q3 Everyone in the pu loo!s ....... "epresse" at this remar! an" egins to thin! o( all the price
increases that will
(a) i"eally () conveniently (c) suitaly (") easily
Q4 The ....... is palpale$ Then su""enly the "oor ursts open an" in wal!s our heroine. Sally
loo!ing li!e a
"rowne" rat$
(a) oom () loom (c) room (") gloom
Q5 1ost people in the pu thin! to themselves= L&hat a pretty girlL 6n"rew sees her as someone
who is ....... an"
nee"s help$
(a) "renche" () "rowne" (c) "rape" (") "owne"
Q6 )e wal!s over to her an" as!s i( she is ....... right$
(a) everything () some (c) all (") total
Q7 8or proaly the (irst time in his li(e 6n"rew actually ....... his worry (rom himsel( to someone
(a) pre(erre" () trans(erre" (c) o((ere" (") "i((ere"
Q8 6n" he mi'es her a ....... "rin! to protect her (rom a possile col"$
(a) unusual () speciality (c) specialise" (") special
Q9 The conversation went as (ollows= LI hear you live in this village. tooL D L)ow "o you .......?L
as!e" 6n"rew$
(a) "iscover () (in" (c) !now (") realise
Q10 :ut Sally change" the su/ect$ LThis "rin! tastes "elicious$ )ow "i" you ma!e it?L D LI put a
"rop o( ginger ale
an" a piece o( lemon in the alcohol an" then ....... thoroughly$L
(a) stir () eat (c) mash (") (or!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 91
Simple /resen$ 748 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC
Q1 I always !eep those two ....... with me when I go out at night$
(a) particles () parts (c) ingre"ients (") contents
Q2 Su""enly Sally loo!e" at her watch= LI must .......$ 1y train leaves in ten minutes$L
(a) (ly () (low (c) (lee (") (lea
Q3 L-on#t (orget to ta!e those two talets I ....... an" let me !now how you are$L
(a) "igeste" () congeste" (c) ingeste" (") suggeste"
Q4 LI#ll ....... you !now as soon as I come ac! (rom Aon"on$L 6n" then she went$
(a) permit () let (c) allow (") leave
Q5 Imme"iately 6n"rew starte" to worry$ )e "i"n#t !now her name$ )e "i"n#t !now her a""ress
an" he (elt
strange$ )e ....... his pulse$ )e tests his mental (aculties= LTwo an" two ma!e (our$L
(a) "etects () investigates (c) chec!s (") tic!s
Q6 It was a "i((erent sort o( worry that was ....... a concern$ )e wants to see her again$
(a) e'actly () (airly (c) usually (") almost
Q7 ....... secon"s he rushe" out o( the pu leaving his coat ehin". ran into the pouring rain with
no umrella$
(a) Cutsi"e () &ithin (c) &ithout (") Insi"e
Q8 &hat was ....... to him? )e saw Sally stan"ing on the plat(orm getting into the train an" the
train leaving the
(a) happening () occurring (c) (alling (") coming
Q9 )e /umps "own (rom the plat(orm onto the ....... an" waves at the train "river to stop$ The train
stops an"
6n"rew gets onto it$
(a) path () roa" (c) trac! (") lane
Q10 Si' wee!s ....... this e'traor"inary episo"e Sally got marrie"$
(a) later () a(ter (c) sooner (") through
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 9*
Simple /resen$ 758 'irs$; read $he less*n ---%english@$es$%ne$Cless*nsC
Q1 6n"rew "oesn#t ....... any more now$
(a) concern () "istur (c) regret (") worry
Q2 )e ....... calm$
(a) stan"s () stays (c) rests (") rela'es
Q3 The ovious time when people ....... him to start worrying was$
(a) waite" () awaite" (c) e'pecte" (") stoo"
Q4 "uring the we""ing ....... in the village church /ust over two years ago$
(a) ceremony () per(ormance (c) occasion (") event
Q5 6s he says. LI !now what everyone was .......$L
(a) "reaming () thin!ing (c) supposing (") elieving
Q6 They thought I woul" go to .......$
(a) parts () sections (c) particles (") pieces
Q7 :ut I was per(ectly rela'e" an" I ....... it all to Sally$ She is certainly a won"er(ul wi(e$
(a) "et () len" (c) owe (") orrow
Q8 She smile" at me when we were stan"ing ....... the altar$
(a) in () at (c) on (") through
Q9 an" I stoppe" worrying (rom that moment .......$
(a) on () to (c) (or (") y
Q10 +ou can see me ....... rela'e" in the newspaper pictures especially that one with the caption=
S1C-AE+ )62-S T)E ;I2G TC S6AA+ 86I;&E6T)E;#S 8ITI;E )IS:62-$L
(a) trying () seeing (c) loo!ing (") watching
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 90
0enses 718
Q1 I ....... come i( I ha" ha" time$
(a) have () ha" (c) woul" have (") "i"
Q2 This time tomorrow you ....... sitting in a "ec! chair on the each$
(a) are () were (c) will (") will e
Q3 :e(ore you telephone". I ....... watching television$
(a) was () will e (c) am (") have
Q4 6(ter the storm ....... (inishe". many people were (oun" lying in the street$
(a) has () ha" (c) were (") "i"
Q5 Tomorrow we ....... ta!ing the "ay o(($
(a) will () have (c) were (") are
Q6 &here "i" you ....... (or your holi"ay in the en"?
(a) went () gone (c) go (") going
Q7 I must a"mit you ....... trie" ut I#m a(rai" the answer is still no$
(a) "i" () will (c) "o (") have
Q8 Sometimes I won"er i( I ....... ever succee"$
(a) "o () shall (c) am (") were
Q9 )ow many times ....... you een there?
(a) has () will (c) have (") "i"
Q10 She#s ....... wor!ing there since she le(t school$
(a) ha" () "one (c) have (") een
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 93
0enses 728
Q1 It#s time we .......$
(a) go () went (c) are going (") going
Q2 I honestly coul"n#t (ollow a wor" you .......$
(a) are saying () will say (c) were saying (") "i" say
Q3 )e as!e" me what I ....... "oing there$
(a) am () "i" (c) will e (") was
Q4 I#ve /ust ....... that the price has gone up again$
(a) am tol" () have tol" (c) een tol" (") was tol"
Q5 She was annoye" that she ....... spo!en to li!e that$
(a) ha" een () has een (c) was een (") will have een
Q6 I#ve /ust een ....... here that man has een release"$
(a) rea"s () rea"ing (c) rea" (") have rea"
Q7 I( you were stoppe" y the police (or spee"ing. what ....... you "o?
(a) will () shall (c) "o (") woul"
Q8 Aong ....... the JingE
(a) live () lives (c) living (") live"
Q9 I( I get there early enough. I ....... you a seat$
(a) "i" save () "o save (c) am saving (") shall save
Q10 &hen I#m in town. I ....... listening to the ir"s$
(a) missing () miss (c) misses (") misse"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 95
0enses 738
Q1 6h there you .......E I won"ere" where you were$
(a) e () were (c) are (") have een
Q2 She sai" she#" help him i( she .......$
(a) coul" () can (c) can#t (") have een ale
Q3 )e tol" them he ....... starting wor! the ne't "ay$
(a) will e () will have een (c) woul" e (") woul" have een
Q4 I ha" instructions that I ....... to leave the "oor unloc!e" when I came home$
(a) will eing () were (c) am (") was
Q5 )e re(use" to go until he ....... seen all the paintings$
(a) ha" () was (c) is (") has
Q6 -on#t worry even i( you ma!e a mista!e ecause i( you ........ it "oesn#t matter$
(a) were "oing () ha" "one (c) "o (") will "o
Q7 )e ....... silly things li!e this$ Ta!e no notice now$
(a) always "i" () will always "o (c) ha" always "one (") is always "oing
Q8 The man who ....... wal!ing "own the roa" /ust then. lives ne't "oor$
(a) is () will e (c) was (") has een
Q9 It "oesn#t ma!e sense$ I can#t un"erstan" why he ....... at you last night$
(a) ha" shoute" () is shouting (c) has shoul" (") shoute"
Q10 Come on tell me honestly what you ....... to "o now$
(a) wante" () want (c) are wanting (") will want
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 97
Q1 6s we#ve got plenty o( time to ....... e(ore the train comes. let#s have a co((ee$
(a) waste () lose (c) spen" (") !ill
Q2 I( you mention someone#s mista!es in pulic. it can only e regar"e" as very .......$
(a) tactless () casual (c) careless (") pointe"
Q3 I "i"n#t thin! he loo!e" very well when we last saw him D in (act he was really out o( .......$
(a) or"er () (orm (c) sorts (") tren"
Q4 )e#s the sort o( person who never worries aout anything an" has a happy ....... "isposition$
(a) overGheels () tempere" (c) "ispose" (") goGluc!y
Q5 I "on#t !now what#s the matter with me to"ay I suppose I#m (eeling un"er the .......$
(a) clou"s () rain (c) weather (") tiles
Q6 There#s a very in(ormative programme on the ra"io tonight on ....... a((airs$
(a) actual () current (c) positive (") (actual
Q7 )e "i"n#t reveal his name with his (irst oo! an" pulishe" it un"er a .......$
(a) synonym () homonym (c) acronym (") pseu"onym
Q8 )e spo!e the language in a regional ........ which ma"e it impossile (or me to un"erstan" him$
(a) voice () accent (c) /argon (") "ialect
Q9 I sometimes (in" that the ....... ma"e y the a"vertisers are more interesting than the actual
programmes themselves$
(a) commercials () comments (c) commerce (") commercially
Q10 2ow rememer "on#t e late with your thesis an" "on#t (orget the ....... is Tues"ay wee!$
(a) si"eline () y line (c) "ea"line (") li(eline
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 99
S$"den$ 0eaher Dial*g"e 718
Q1 Teacher= So you want to learn ....... English?
(a) spea! () spea!ing (c) to spea! (") spea!s
Q2 Stu"ent= +es. I want to e ale to spea! .......$
(a) goo" () well (c) goo"ly (") proper
Q3 Teacher= I "on#t see that as a .......$
(a) situation () pu44le (c) answer (") prolem
Q4 +es. that#s ....... (or you to say$
(a) (acile () straight (c) easy (") interesting
Q5 Teacher= &hat ....... you say that?
(a) ma!es () "oes (c) tries (") goes
Q6 Stu"ent= Fust ecause you are a ....... spea!er$
(a) natural () native (c) national (") nature
Q7 Teacher= I un"erstan" what you .......$
(a) inten" () signi(y (c) show (") mean
Q8 Stu"ent= So what am I ....... to "o?
(a) eing () as!ing (c) going (") eginning
Q9 Teacher= &ell. i( you ........ I coul" give you lessons ne't wee!$
(a) love () li!e (c) woul" (") "esire
Q10 Stu"ent= That ....... very goo" to me$ I#ll see you ne't wee!$
(a) stri!es () hits (c) (alls (") soun"s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 9<
S$"den$ 0eaher Dial*g"e 728
Q1 Teacher= So what "o you !now ....... prepositions?
(a) (rom () at (c) aout (") in
Q2 Stu"ent= &ell I !now that they usually come ....... a noun$
(a) on () e(ore (c) a(ter (") un"er
Q3 Teacher= %ery goo"$ &hich "o you (in" the ....... "i((icult?
(a) worst () est (c) less (") most
Q4 Stu"ent= I( I ha" to choose one. I woul" ....... in$
(a) turn () pic! (c) touch (") pluc!
Q5 Teacher= The thing to ....... is that in usually means insi"e a place or a position$
(a) rememer () repeat (c) remin" (") return
Q6 Stu"ent= I see$ :ut what#s the "i((erence ....... in an" into?
(a) (rom () among (c) etween (") (or
Q7 Teacher= 6h you see whereas in means you are there insi"e ....... into means you enter as= +ou
go into the
(a) how () when (c) ever (") however
Q8 Stu"ent= 6nother prolem is I "on#t un"erstan" ....... there are two wor"s soun"ing the same D
T an" one C
an" T "oule C$
(a) ecause () whenever (c) why (") that#s why
Q9 Teacher= Goo" ?uestion$ T an" one C is the preposition an" T an" "oule C o(ten means e'tra
as in= This
e'ercise is too "i((icult$ 6n" "on#t (orget the thir" wor" also soun"ing the same D the ....... two$
(a) (inger () (igurine (c) thum (") numer
Q10 Stu"ent= Ch. no two is ....... than! you very muchE
(a) enough () e?ual (c) even (") in"ee"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 9@
S$"den$ 0eaher Dial*g"e 738
Q1 Teacher= Can you e'plain to me when you ....... the ,ast Simple an" when the ,resent
(a) employ () utilise (c) e'ercise (") use
Q2 Stu"ent= I thin! the past simple is (or a ....... time in the past an" the present per(ect is when
you "on#t !now
when it was$
(a) "e(inite () clear (c) ovious (") asolute
Q3 Teacher= E'cellent$ 2ow i( I wante" to "escrie my time in ,aris in 1@@@ with the ver #stay#.
what ....... I say?
(a) am () woul" (c) ought (") have
Q4 Stu"ent= I thin! it is I staye" in ,aris in 1@@@$ Is that all .......?
(a) correct () accurate (c) (ine (") right
Q5 Teacher= 6solutely per(ect$ 2ow what ....... the ,resent ,er(ect Continuous?
(a) through () into (c) aout (") concerning
Q6 Stu"ent= That#s one I never un"erstan" ....... har" I try$
(a) whenever () however (c) wherever (") whatever
Q7 Teacher= &ell i( you starte" living in ,aris in 1@@@ an" you are still there. you sayO I have een
living there
....... 1@@@$
(a) since () (or (c) till (") until
Q8 Stu"ent= +es. I see I thin! I un"erstan" ut you have ....... many tenses in EnglishE
(a) to () in (c) also (") too
Q9 Teacher= ;ight ....... one more$ Tell me which (orm you use i( you are going to leave ,aris an"
you tell
someone aout the length o( time (rom your arrival till now$
(a) simply () /ust (c) /ustly (") alone
Q10 Stu"ent= Ch. that#s easy$ I say= I have live" here (or 7 years$ I can see (rom the ....... on your
(ace I am right$
(a) "epression () impression (c) e'pression (") "erision
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <B
/hrasal +er,< 2alk
Q1 They#ve een seeing each other (or 7 months now or. as we use" to say. they#ve een wal!ing
....... together$
(a) in () out (c) through (") o((
Q2 The troule with you is you let your oss "o e'actly what he wants an" let him wal! all .......
(a) across () un"er (c) y (") over
Q3 )e never loo!s where he#s going an" as a result is always wal!ing ....... things$
(a) up () on (c) into (") eyon"
Q4 )e came into the room. shoute" at everyo"y an" then le(t the room wal!ing ....... in a really
a" temper$
(a) "own () o(( (c) over (") to
Q5 I#m sorry to say that the sa(e has een ro!en into an" someone#s wal!e" ....... with all the
(a) along () into (c) o( (") o((
Q6 They too! no notice o( the acci"ent an" simply wal!e" .......$
(a) y () in (c) across (") through
Q7 6 total stranger wal!e" ....... to me an" as!e" i( I coul" len" him some money$
(a) along () y (c) up (") un"er
Q8 They have an e'pression in 6ustralia when a (amous person mi'es with the crow". they say
they#re going on
a wal!.......$
(a) across () along (c) out (") aout
Q9 The manager was terri(ie" that his employees woul" stop wor! an" wal! ....... without warning$
(a) over () aout (c) out (") at
Q10 !new we shoul"n#t have truste" them ecause they su""enly le(t an" wal!e" ....... on us$
(a) in () out (c) aove (") to
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <1
1harlieDs Bnees
Q1 Charlie always thought he was the ....... !nees ecause he ha" a very goo" opinion o( himsel($
(a) cat#s () "og#s (c) ee#s (") mouse#s
Q2 Even when he won the ....... !nees competition at a holi"ay camp he wasn#t ashame" D he
/ust love" it$
(a) !noly () woly (c) cole" (") wole"
Q3 )e#" learnt to thin! he was important (rom an early age ....... his mother#s !nee$
(a) (rom () to (c) over (") at
Q4 )is (ather tol" him he was special as he "an"le" him ....... his !nee$
(a) y () on (c) up (") through
Q5 Then he met 1aria as a grown up an" (ell in love as a sort o( !nee ....... reaction almost
without thin!ing$
(a) leap () /ump (c) /er! (") trip
Q6 +ou see he#" !nown her once as a small chil" when he was !nee ....... to a grasshopper an"
now they met as
(a) high () tall (c) long (") roa"
Q7 They met at a mutual (rien"#s party where everyone was having a great time in a !in" o( !nees
(a) un"er () on (c) in (") up
Q8 Shortly a(ter that he ....... "own on one !nee an" propose" marriage to her an" she accepte"
(a) threw () went (c) wal!e" (") leant
Q9 6(ter they were marrie". Charlie ha" to wor! very har" an" he was always !nee ....... in
"ecorating an"
painting the house$
(a) "eep () level (c) steep (") long
Q10 &hat poor Charlie "i"n#t !now e(ore was that 1aria love" telling others what to "o an" so he
ha" to "o as he
was tol" an" ....... the !nee$
(a) stretch () pull (c) lower (") en"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <*
/aper e:pressi*ns
Q1 It#s almost complete" now ecause all we have to "o is sign a (ew "ocuments an" then the
paper....... is
(a) /o () wor! (c) tas! (") (unction
Q2 They#ve trie" to !eep the truth (rom you ut nothing#s change" as all they#ve "one is paper .......
the crac!s$
(a) across () in (c) up (") over
Q3 I( you !eep the win"ow open all the time. you#ll nee" something heavy li!e a paperG ....... to stop
things lowing
(a) stone () roc! (c) weight (") loc!
Q4 The pro(essor is ....... an important paper on sociolinguistics tonight in the main hall$
(a) spea!ing () "elivering (c) tal!ing (") hol"ing
Q5 I shoul"n#t worry too much aout him$ )e loo!s very (rightening ut un"erneath he#s really a
paper .......$
(a) tiger () lion (c) /aguar (") cat
Q6 The reason why I !new all aout the story in the village is ecause it was on the (ront page o(
the ....... paper$
(a) near () neary (c) neighouring (") local
Q7 6s soon as the story aout the scan"al ecame !nown. it "i"n#t ta!e long to ....... the papers$
(a) stri!e () attac! (c) hit (") thump
Q8 +ou really shoul"n#t ....... everything you rea" in the papers$
(a) elieve () cre"it (c) thin! (") pon"er
Q9 She ma!es a loa( o( rea" last a very long time ecause she cuts each slice paper .......$
(a) slight () long (c) tight (") thin
Q10 -o you !now how many ....... o( wallpaper is nee"e" to "ecorate this room?
(a) stran"s () rolls (c) strips (") si4es
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <0
+er, 0enses
Q1 &here ....... tonight?
(a) you go () going (c) are you going (") ha" you gone
Q2 That ....... my usiness$
(a) is () will e (c) was (") ha"
Q3 Sorry. I ....... mean to e ru"e$
(a) haven#t () can#t (c) won#t (") "on#t
Q4 ....... all right$
(a) This is () That#s (c) There is (") That has
Q5 I hope I ....... o((en"e" you$
(a) "i"n#t () won#t (c) haven#t (") coul"n#t
Q6 2o. I promise you$ +ou ....... o((en" me at all$
(a) shoul"n#t () woul"n#t (c) ha"n#t (") "i"n#t
Q7 So. ....... got an i"ea$
(a) I#" () I#ll (c) I#ve (") I#m
Q8 CJ$ ....... me aout it$
(a) Tell () Say (c) Spea! (") Tal!
Q9 I ....... possily we coul" go out together. tonight$
(a) thin! () have thought (c) "i" thin! (") thought
Q10 That ....... a goo" i"ea to me$
(a) has soun"e" () will soun" (c) soun"s (") shall soun"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <3
English 0enses
Q1 1i!e= ,lease go away$ I#m ....... a letter$ I nee" some ?uiet$
(a) written () wrote (c) writing (") will write
Q2 Sarah= I ....... I won#t ma!e a soun"$
(a) promise () am promising (c) "i" promise (") promise"
Q3 1i!e= That#s what you always .......$
(a) sai" () are saying (c) ha" sai" (") say
Q4 Sarah= I !now ut this time I ....... it$
(a) have meant () mean (c) ha" meant (") will mean
Q5 1i!e= I "on#t honestly thin! you ....... telling the truth$
(a) were () ha" een (c) are (") will e
Q6 Sarah= 6t least ....... me a chance$
(a) give () gave (c) giving (") are giving
Q7 1i!e= I( I ........ I !now I shall regret it$
(a) have () "o (c) ha" (") were
Q8 Sarah= 2o. you .......$
(a) "i"n#t () haven#t (c) coul"n#t (") won#t
Q9 1i!e= 6ll right$ +ou ....... stay as long as you "on#t ma!e any noise$
(a) will () coul" (c) can (") will
Q10 Sarah= Than! you very much$ I shall e as ?uiet as a mouse ut ....... /ust put the T% on$
(a) I#" () I#ll (c) I#ve (") I#m
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <5
1*ndi$i*nal 0enses
Q1 I( I ....... you. I woul"n#t ris! it$
(a) ha" een () am (c) woul" e (") were
Q2 I( they ha" waite" another month. they coul" proaly ....... a etter price (or their house
(a) woul" get () ha" got (c) have got (") coul" get
Q3 It#s ?uite simple really$ &hen it#s col". water .......$
(a) (ro4e () has (ro4en (c) (ree4es (") ha" (ro4en
Q4 I( he "eci"es to accept that /o. he ....... it (or the rest o( his li(e$
(a) has regrette" () ha" regrette" (c) is regretting (") will regret
Q5 I( you ....... o( applying (or that /o. my a"vice is= (orget it$
(a) are thin!ing () will thin! (c) will e thin!ing (") woul" thin!
Q6 I( he ha"n#t een "riving so (ast. he ....... have hit the motorcyclist$
(a) "i"n#t () ha"n#t (c) woul"n#t (") hasn#t
Q7 ....... he een more care(ul. he woul" have spotte" the mista!e$
(a) &ere () )a" (c) )as (") Is
Q8 I( she goes on passing her e'ams. ....... soon e ?uali(ie" to practise as a lawyer$
(a) she#s () she ha" (c) she has (") she#ll
Q9 I( I pay you twice as much. will you ....... to (inish y Tues"ay?
(a) are ale () is ale (c) e ale (") can e ale
Q10 I( only I#" investe" in that company. I#" ....... a millionaire y now$
(a) ecame () have ecome (c) ha" ecome (") woul" ecome
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <7
Sleep E:pressi*ns
Q1 1r$ &ally#s class was so monotonous to"ay I coul"n#t help ....... a (ew times$
(a) sleeping () "o4ing o(( (c) wa!ing up (") resting
Q2 Col" me"icines usually ma!e me (eel ....... I (eel li!e I "on#t have energy to "o anything$
(a) asleep () hyper (c) awa!e (") "rowsy
Q3 FanineE &here were you? I#ve een loo!ing all over (or you$ D Sorry. momE I was rea"ing a
oo! y the tree
over the la!e. (ell ....... an" lost trac! o( the time$
(a) sleep () sleepy (c) asleep (") slept
Q4 In winter time. ears hi"e themselves in caves an" .......$
(a) hiernate () ta!e a nap (c) snoo4e (") rela'
Q5 &hat time "o you usually go to ....... at night? D )mm$$$ usually at aout mi"night$
(a) sleepy () asleep (c) sleep (") "ream
Q6 I (eel so ....... to"ay$ I shoul" have gone to e" earlier last night$
(a) "reamy () sleepy (c) asleep (") rela'e"
Q7 1y neighor li!es ....... every "ay a(ter lunch$
(a) to hiernate () to "o4e o(( (c) to ta!e a nap (") to snore
Q8 1y "aughter is having a ....... party tonight at our house$
(a) night () sleepy (c) snoo4e (") slumer
Q9 Every time he gets ac! (rom wor!. my husan" li!es to sit in his armchair an" ....... (or a (ew
minutes e(ore
(a) sleep away () rest (c) slumer (") snore
Q10 Caitlin was an e'tremely hyper !i"$ &hen ta!ing care o( her. her mom har"ly ever ha" time to
(a) rela' () "o4e o(( (c) slumer (") snoo4e
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <9
English $ense e:plana$i*ns
Q1 I want to try an" carry out an .......$
(a) e'perience () en"eavour (c) en"urance (") e'periment
Q2 1y ....... is to e'plain the "i((erent uses o( the tenses$
(a) prolem () plan (c) situation (") thought
Q3 The main ?uestion is !nowing where you .......?
(a) commence () initiate (c) start (") activate
Q4 6s you ....... !now there are many tenses in English$
(a) proaly () certainly (c) sometimes (") "out(ully
Q5 The prolem is ....... you can tell the "i((erence
(a) what () how (c) which (") where
Q6 etween. (or ........ the ,resent an" ,resent ,er(ect$
(a) case () sample (c) instant (") e'ample
Q7 :ut I shoul" ....... mysel( (rom tal!ing aout
(a) control () halt (c) stop (") e'act
Q8 particular tenses ....... I#ve tal!e" aout tenses in general$
(a) since () e(ore (c) although (") i(
Q9 ,lease ....... me (or going on to the mi""le o( my story
(a) (orgive () (orget (c) (ori" (") (ore(en"
Q10 when I shoul" e thin!ing aout the .......$
(a) initial () genesis (c) (irst (") eginning
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <<
English $ense e:plana$i*ns 728
Q1 So let#s go ....... to the eginning$
(a) on () ac! (c) (or (") over
Q2 The ....... thing to rememer is
(a) superior () premier (c) premium (") (irst
Q3 that each tense has two .......$
(a) shapes () (igures (c) (orms (") outlines
Q4 ....... are the Simple an" the Continuous$
(a) Them () They (c) Their (") Theirs
Q5 &e can say= he goes to wor! 1on"ay to 8ri"ay an" that ....... a hait an" is the ,resent simple
(a) "escries () "e(eats (c) "etracts (") "e(ers
Q6 This is something he ....... every "ay$
(a) "i" () "oing (c) "oes (") "one
Q7 )e lives in a small house that#s another .......$
(a) picture () illustration (c) image (") painting
Q8 2ow we come to the other part an" we ....... that continuous$
(a) call () hail (c) nominate (") a""ress
Q9 &e say= he is wal!ing home now an" that means at this ....... an" is the ,resent continuous
(a) "ay () perio" (c) moment (") occasion
Q10 In this way we "escrie what is ....... now$
(a) going () elapsing (c) ta!ing (") happening
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # <@
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, *me
Q1 8irst impressions are important ecause how you ....... initially can e as important as what you
(a) come y () come ac! (c) come out (") come across
Q2 I /ust can#t seem to e ale to (in" a goo" personal assistant as they are so har" to .......$
(a) come y () come ac! (c) come out (") come across
Q3 &hen "isaster stri!es. will your insurer ....... (or you?
(a) come out () come over (c) come through (") come to
Q4 I( you have eaten a anana in the last *G0 "ays an" ....... a (ever (ollowe" y a s!in in(ection.
you shoul" see!
urgent me"ical attentionE
(a) come across () come up with (c) come "own with (") come out with
Q5 In terms o( personality she#s certainly ....... well since she change" her attitu"e$
(a) come along () come ac! (c) come over (") come out
Q6 1enopause symptoms may ....... a(ter stopping menopausal hormone therapy$
(a) come y () come ac! (c) come out (") come across
Q7 1a!ing the "ecision to ....... aout your se'ual pre(erences can sometimes e scary an"
(a) come along () come ac! (c) come out (") come over
Q8 I was /ust won"ering how astronomers ....... their (acts when you realise /ust how (ar away the
stars are$
(a) come out with () come up with (c) come along (") come out
Q9 It was reporte" that the Government is e'pecte" to ....... stringent norms to prevent Lpre"atory
ta!eoversL o(
In"ian private an!s$
(a) come along () come up with (c) come across (") come out
Q10 1y oy(rien" wants to ....... when noo"y is at home. an" I#m scare" it might well lea" to
something elseE
(a) come along () come ac! (c) come out (") come over
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @B
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, l**k
Q1 Stu"ents were instructe" to use the Internet to ....... some in(ormation aout 6ustralia (or the
class pro/ect$
(a) to loo! a(ter () to loo! over (c) to loo! into (") to loo! up
Q2 The treasurer assure" his constituents that he woul" ....... the scan"al shortly a(ter the results
o( the general
election were ma"e pulic$
(a) loo! into () loo! up (c) loo! over (") loo! a(ter
Q3 1y attorney a"vise" me ....... the terms an" con"itions o( the insurance policy several times so
that I was (ully
aware o( what I was getting mysel( into$
(a) to loo! a(ter () to loo! over (c) to loo! into (") to loo! up
Q4 I have always ....... my gran"(ather ecause he has live" such an ama4ing li(e$
(a) loo!e" at () loo!e" (or (c) loo!e" up to (") loo!e" a(ter
Q5 I ....... my laptop in car. in my o((ice an" even un"er the e". ut I coul"n#t (in" it anywhere$
(a) loo!e" at () loo!e" (or (c) loo!e" a(ter (") loo!e" over
Q6 6irport authorities a"vise" passengers to ....... suspicious loo!ing people passing through the
(a) loo! (or () loo! out (or (c) loo! a(ter (") loo! at
Q7 The view (rom the penthouse suite o( the (ive star hotel ....... over the ,aci(ic Ccean$
(a) loo!s (or () loo!s at (c) loo!s out (") loo!s a(ter
Q8 Stu"ents were given (ive minutes to ....... the e'amination paper e(ore they were tol" to start
(a) loo! a(ter () loo! through (c) loo! into (") loo! up
Q9 1y (amily (inally ma"e the pain(ul "ecision o( a"mitting my gran"mother to a nursing home as
she is no longer
capale o( ....... hersel($
(a) loo!ing into () loo!ing out (c) loo!ing at (") loo!ing a(ter
Q10 &hen I lame" the hospital (or giving me the wrong me"icine. the managment ....... the
matter very care(ully$
(a) loo!e" at () loo!e" (or (c) loo!e" into (") loo!e" a(ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @1
0ime la"ses< !"$"re $ense e:amples
Q1 I#ll coo! supper ....... I come home$
(a) until () while (c) e(ore (") as soon as
Q2 I want to (inish my wor! ....... we go out$
(a) until () while (c) e(ore (") as soon as
Q3 She#s going to loo! a(ter the cat ....... I#m away on holi"ay$
(a) until () while (c) e(ore (") e(ore
Q4 I#ll email you ....... I arrive$
(a) as soon as () until (c) as long as (") while
Q5 &e#ll (in" a hotel ....... we arrive in Fa!arta$
(a) until () while (c) when (") as long as
Q6 She won#t spea! to her oy(rien" ....... he apologi4es$
(a) while () as long as (c) when (") until
Q7 -rin! your co((ee ....... it gets col"$
(a) when () as soon as (c) while (") e(ore
Q8 -on#t cross the roa" ....... you see the green man$
(a) as long as () as soon as (c) while (") until
Q9 I#ll give you a ring ....... we get ac! (rom our vacation$
(a) while () until (c) when (") as long as
Q10 Cur "octor a"vise" us to have malaria vaccinations ....... we travel to Aomo!$
(a) until () e(ore (c) as soon as (") as long as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @*
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, ,ring
Q1 Englishmen can#t always ?uite ....... wearing shorts$
(a) ring o(( () ring on (c) ring up (") ring over
Q2 There are some LnaturalL metho"s that you can try to ....... laour i( you an" your ay are in
goo" health$
(a) ring to () ring on (c) ring out (") ring over
Q3 I want to ....... the "inner tonight so that you "on#t have to worry aout (ee"ing your !i"s$
(a) ring to () ring on (c) ring out (") ring over
Q4 The Central Coast o( 2ew South &ales has een "escrie" as a great place to ....... chil"ren$
(a) ring out () ring o(( (c) ring to (") ring up
Q5 Custom (rames can help to improve the loo! o( your artwor! an" thus ....... the est$
(a) ring out () ring over (c) ring to (") ring up
Q6 I* will not ....... the online release o( the an"#s new alum. (ollowing news that it has lea!e"
onto the
(a) ring out () ring (orwar" (c) ring ac! (") ring up
Q7 The Super :owl champion Steelers have "eci"e" to ....... (ullac! %erron )aynes (or at least
another two
(a) ring out () ring (orwar" (c) ring up (") ring ac!
Q8 The slips (iel"sman move" ?uic!ly to his le(t an" then (lung himsel( (urther le(tGwar"s to ....... a
(a) ring (orwar" () ring o(( (c) ring ac! (") ring up
Q9 )ow much money "o I nee" to ....... to your house (or the po!er game tonight?
(a) ring out () ring over (c) ring to (") ring up
Q10 I( natural "isasters have anything goo" aout them. it may e the compassion they ....... in
(a) ring out () ring (orwar" (c) ring up (") ring ac!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @0
Q"es$i*n C .esp*nse 0es$
Q1 &hen "o you have to pic! Fohn up at the airport? .......$
(a) )e (lew into the international airport
(c) I shoul" e there at aout (ive o#cloc!
() I "on#t thin! she#s coming
Q2 &hat are you going to uy your wi(e (or Christmas? .......$
(a) I pic!e" it up yester"ay
(c) She receive" /ewelry (rom her mother
() 6 ottle o( per(ume
Q3 )ow many people are coming to the irth"ay party? .......$
(a) There were aout 9B people at the restaurant
aroun" the corner
(c) &e#re e'pecting aout *5 people
() 8i(ty people were there
Q4 &hat are you "oing tonight? .......$
(a) &e ha" a great time
(c) I thin! I#m going to a movie with Susan
() I went to that new 6sian restaurant
Q5 )ow was your honeymoon? .......$
(a) It was great () &e went y plane (c) &e went to 1e'ico
Q6 &hat is your (avorite !in" o( (oo"? .......$
(a) I ate 1e'ican (oo" yester"ay
(c) Jorean cuisine is very spicy
() I li!e Italian (oo"
Q7 &ho is coming to the usiness con(erence? .......$
(a) The management team an" the personnel
"epartment are coming (or sure
(c) 8i(ty memers atten"e" the con(erence
() The assemly line wor!ers were there
Q8 &hat are your thoughts on yester"ay#s meeting? .......$
(a) I thin! the presi"ent will e there
(c) &e shoul" ring up the wor!ers# concerns
() I#m gla" we covere" the human resources# issue
Q9 &hen are you going to the party? .......$
(a) Cin"y is coming with me
(c) &e#re going right a(ter wor!
() &e arrive" at 9 pm
Q10 &here is the est place to go (or a "rin!? .......$
(a) I#ll meet you there a(ter wor!
(c) Aa Cantina has some great (oo"
() The little pu aroun" the corner has great eer on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @3
Sh*r$ 4di*ms E:am
Q1 6(ter their argument. Fohn "i"n#t !now i( ;ic! was a (rien" or .......$
(a) loo" () rival (c) (ien" (") (oe
Q2 1any Christians elieve your o"y an" ....... elong to Go"$
(a) soul () reason (c) rain (") heart
Q3 Foanne le(t aruptly D without rhyme or .......$
(a) verse () reason (c) cause (") recor"
Q4 :en estimate" how much wear an" ....... the new tires coul" han"le$
(a) tear () ause (c) e((ect (") impact
Q5 )e is hea" over ....... aout his new girl(rien"$
(a) heart () o"y (c) ac!war"s (") heels
Q6 )e ent over ....... to please his oss ut the manager was never satis(ie"$
(a) (orwar" () ac!war"s (c) oth ways (") si"eways
Q7 2icole#s promotion an" a""e" wor!loa" !ept her as usy as a .......$
(a) (o' () ir" (c) horse (") ee
Q8 1an"y#s chil"ren are her (lesh an" ....... so they always come (irst on her priority list$
(a) loo" () water (c) soul (") (rien"
Q9 Cn Fen an" :ra"#s very (irst "ate. she coul" tell he was as cunning as a .......$
(a) puppy () ear (c) (o' (") wol(
Q10 :e(ore Tom hea"e" into the (orest. he ma"e sure he ha" pac!e" his ow an" .......$
(a) shotgun () ac! pac! (c) canteen (") arrows
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @5
1*nversa$i*ns and 1*mprehensi*n 0es$
Q1 :oy= I want to uy a (ish$
&oman= -o you want a tropical (ish or a col" water one?
:oy= I want a really color(ul (ish$ Can you show me some o( the tropical (ish you have?
>uestion= &hat is the oy loo!ing (or? .......$
(a) 6 re" an" yellow (ish () 6 col" water Gol"(ish (c) 6 tropical (ish
Q2 ;ay= I nee" a vacation$
Toni= )ow aout 1e'ico? I hear" it#s eauti(ul at this time o( year$
;ay= 1aye. ut I was hoping (or somewhere a little cooler$
>uestion= &here "oes ;ay want to go? .......$
(a) 1e'ico ecause it#s eauti(ul at this time o( year
(c) The :ahamas
() 6 place that has a cooler climate than 1e'ico
Q3 1ary= -i" you have (un at the are?ue last night?
Ain"a= +es. I thought the games were a great touch$
1ary= 1e too$ I especially li!e" the threeGlegge" race$
>uestion= &hat "i" Ain"a li!e aout the are?ue? .......$
(a) The threeGlegge" race () The (oo" (c) The games
Q4 1ichael= 1y wi(e an" I ought some great house plants yester"ay$
1aria= ;eally$ -o you have a lot o( sunlight in your house?
1ichael= 2o. so we ought some plants that have lowGlight re?uirements$
>uestion= &hat !in" o( plants "i" 1ichael uy? .......$
(a) Small. house plants
(c) ,lants that "on#t nee" a lot o( sunlight
() ,lants that nee" a lot o( sunlight
Q5 8ran!= I#m going to ta!e my wi(e to Tale Top 1ountain this wee!en"$
1ar!= That soun"s interesting$ Is it (ar?
8ran!= 2ot too (ar$ It will e aout a threeGhour "rive (rom here$
>uestion= )ow are 8ran! an" his wi(e traveling to Tale Top 1ountain? .......$
(a) :y plane () :y car (c) :y ship
Q6 6nne= -o you !now the new girl in the mailroom?
;ichar"= 2o. ut I thin! she#s Cathy#s (rien"$
6nne= &e shoul" as! Cathy to intro"uce us at lunch$
>uestion= &hat "epartment is the new girl in? .......$
(a) Cathy#s "epartment () The reception area (c) The mailroom
Q7 ;on= -o you thin! the usiness con(erence went well?
Sarah= +es. ut ne't year I thin! the planners shoul" inclu"e more aout gloal technology$
;on= I agree$ &e shoul" !now more aout that$
>uestion= &hat area "oes Sarah want to inclu"e in ne't year#s con(erence? .......$
(a) The environment
(c) Technology an" mo"ern usiness
() Technology aroun" the worl"
Q8 )arry= &hat time "oes your (light leave?
-e= Cur "eparture is sche"ule" (or 9=35 in the morning$ Coul" you ta!e me to the airport?
)arry= Sure$ &e#ll have to leave the city at aout 5 o#cloc! then$
-e= Soun"s goo"$
>uestion= &hat time "oes Sue#s (light leave? .......$
(a) 9=35 am () 5 am (c) 9=35 pm
Q9 6'el= -o you !now anything aout Thai cuisine?
Caroline= +es. I love Thai (oo"$ &hy?
6'el= 1y inGlaws are ta!ing my wi(e an" I out to a Thai restaurant tonight$ They really li!e that !in"
o( (oo"$
>uestion= &ho is going (or "inner at the Thai restaurant? .......$
(a) 6'el an" his wi(e
(c) 6'el. his wi(e an" his parents
() 6'el. his wi(e an" her parents
Q10 Fane= )ow many people were at :ra"#s we""ing?
:ruce= Ch. there must have een at least 15B people there$ The reception hall was really ig an" it
was nearly (ull o( guests$
&e ha" a great time$
Fane= That#s great$
>uestion= )ow many people were at :ra"#s we""ing? .......$
(a) 1uch more than 15B people
(c) Aess than 15B people
() 6out 15B people
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @7
1*mp*"nd -*rds< s*me*ne; any*ne; s*me-here
Q1 I as!e" i( ....... wante" an ice cream?
(a) anyone () someone (c) everyone (") no one
Q2 -i" ....... phone me when I was out?
(a) anyone () someone (c) everyone (") no one
Q3 +ou#re (ace loo!s horrily (amiliar$ )aven#t I seen you ....... e(ore?
(a) anywhere () nowhere (c) somewhere (") everywhere
Q4 She le(t the room without saying .......$
(a) nothing () something (c) everything (") anything
Q5 I have never een ....... more eauti(ul than Thailan"$
(a) anywhere () nowhere (c) somewhere (") everywhere
Q6 &ho was at the party? .......$ ,ete. 6nne$ 1ar!. :arry. all the ,earsons. Sally 1asters an" Sally
(a) 6nyone () Someone (c) Everyone (") 2o one
Q7 &hat woul" you li!e to eat (or lunch? .......$ I "on#t min"$
(a) 2othing () Something (c) Everything (") 6nything
Q8 &here "o you want to go on holi"ay? ....... with a each$ I "on#t care where we go as long as
it#s sunny an"
has got a nice san"y each$
(a) 6nywhere () 2owhere (c) Somewhere (") Everywhere
Q9 I have ....... to say to you$ Goo"ye$
(a) nothing () something (c) everything (") anything
Q10 I (elt so emarrasse"$ I was sure that ....... was loo!ing at me$
(a) anyone () someone (c) everyone (") no one
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @9
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, ,reak
Q1 6(ter years o( wor!ing (or a sho""y employer I was (inally ale to ....... (rom that company an"
set up my own
(a) rea! o(( () rea! away (c) rea! out (") rea! up
Q2 2asa is currently in the process o( trying to wor! out how to avoi" any more o( its spaceships
(rom ....... on reentry
to Earth$
(a) rea!ing o(( () rea!ing away (c) rea!ing out (") rea!ing up
Q3 ;esi"ents living in the imme"iate vicinity o( the prison were tol" to e on the loo! out (or a
group o( criminals
who recently ....... out o( gaol$
(a) ro!eGo(( () rp!eGaway (c) ro!eGout (") ro!eGup
Q4 It can e very "i((icult (or youg couples to ....... a marriage when there are young chil"ren
(a) rea! o(( () rea! away (c) rea! out (") rea! up
Q5 I "eci"e" to ....... my realtionship with my girl(rien"when I (oun" out that she was seeing
someone else$
(a) rea! o(( () rea! away (c) rea! out (") rea! open
Q6 L:e care(ul not to spill the yol! when you ....... the egg$L
(a) rea! out () rea! o(( (c) rea! open (") rea! "own
Q7 6 urglar ....... when I was away on vacation an" stole o( my electronic goo"s$
(a) ro!e into () ro!e o(( (c) ro!e open (") ro!e up
Q8 Teachers in Sy"ney have "eci"e" to call a snap stri!e ne't wee! a(ter negotiations with the
State Government
over a ten per cent pay increase ....... early this morning$
(a) ro!e into () ro!e "own (c) ro!e open (") ro!e up
Q9 6 reel Aaour ,arty 1, recently "eci"e" to ....... (rom his party an" ecome an" in"epen"ent
memer (or his
(a) rea! o(( () rea! away (c) rea! out (") rea! up
Q10 I am always very worrie" that my car will ....... ecause it is alrea"y twenty years ol"$
(a) rea! o(( () rea! away (c) rea! out (") rea! "own
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @<
!inanial and ,ank e:pressi*ns
Q1 Can you please ....... some money until we get pai" ne't wee!?
(a) len" () give (c) orrow (") grant
Q2 I "eci"e" to invest in the commo"ities mar!et as the ....... on o((er (rom an! was at an all time
(a) increase () interest (c) rent (") ta'
Q3 1any retailers in Fa!arta re(use to e'change purchases unless you can show them your .......$
(a) recipe () receipt (c) ill (") change
Q4 1y oss in(orme" me that I ha" een nominate" to ....... a sales pitch to one o( our company#s
largest uyers$
(a) ma!e () per(orm (c) tal! (") "o
Q5 I saw a very goo" ....... a"vertise" in the newspaper this wee!$
(a) employment () occupation (c) wor! (") /o
Q6 1y wi(e has a ....... /o at the "epartment store$
(a) hal(Gtime () spareGtime (c) partGtime (") overGtime
Q7 The psychiatrist gave his patient a ....... (or some me"icine$
(a) recipe () statement (c) prescription (") receipt
Q8 &hen a (ire ro!e out at the Aouvre. at least twenty ....... paintings were "estroye". inclu"ing
two y )enri
(a) worthless () priceless (c) valueless (") useless
Q9 I must rememer to (ill in my ta' ....... e(ore the en" o( this wee!$
(a) return () "eclaration (c) rochure (") pamphlet
Q10 Can you ta!e this money to the an! an" ma!e a ....... (or me?
(a) loan () transaction (c) "eposit (") with"rawal
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # @@
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, r"n
Q1 The 6ustralian Aaour ,arty "oesn#t currently have any politicians that woul" e capale o(
success(ully .......
the ,rime 1inister at the ne't (e"eral election$
(a) running away with () running (or (c) running against (") running "own
Q2 )illary Clinton has not rule" out ....... presi"ent at the ne't election$
(a) running o(( () running (or (c) running against (") running "own
Q3 I "eci"e" to ....... my girl(rien" an" get marrie" when I (oun" out that her parents "i"n#t li!e me
ecause o( my
(a) run away with () run (or (c) run against (") run through
Q4 1y parents were very "isappointe" when they (oun" out that I ha" ....... all their money$
(a) run o(( with () run (or (c) run against (") run through
Q5 The ....... apartment loc! (aile" to attact any uyers an" was ta!en o(( the mar!et so
renovations coul" e
carrie" out$
(a) run o(( () run through (c) run a(ter (") run "own
Q6 1any chil"ren try to ....... (rom home (or one reason or another at least once "uring their
(a) run away () run (or (c) run against (") run "own
Q7 It#s so nice to ....... you again a(ter all this time$ I "on#t thin! I#ve seen you (or at least twenty
(a) run out () run into (c) run a(ter (") run o((
Q8 Can you please ....... our mar!eting campaign with me one more time? I "on#t ?uite (ully
un"erstan" it yet$
(a) run o(( () run into (c) run through (") run a(ter
Q9 Cur "og loves to ....... the mail truc!$
(a) run through () run over (c) run a(ter (") run in
Q10 1y mum ha" a ....... with my teacher (or not allowing me to go to the toilet "uring class$
(a) runGon () runGin (c) run"own (") runGo((
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1BB
0raveling D*-n"nder< &*- an 4 immigra$e $* 3"s$ralia5
Q1 Tourists who visit 6ustralia without a visa will usually e ....... entry into the country$
(a) re(use" () re/ecte" (c) revo!e" (") reu!e"
Q2 The 6ustralian government has "eci"e" to increase the numer o( ....... availale to s!ille"
wor!ers ne't year$
(a) passports () "ocuments (c) visas (") passes
Q3 The 6ustralian minister (or ....... has come un"er alot o( scrutiny lately (or her "epartment#s
"ecision to issue
re(ugee status to oat people (rom ,apua$
(a) immigrant () emigrant (c) coloni4ation (") immigration
Q4 2ewly arrive" migrants must live in 6ustralia (or a perio" o( two years e(ore they are eligile
to ecome
permanent .......$
(a) nationalities () populations (c) resi"ents (") inhaitants
Q5 There has een a sharp increase in the numer o( oat people ....... to 6ustralia in the past ten
(a) arriving () traveling (c) "eparting (") transiting
Q6 6ustralia is a ....... country an" there(ore has the right to choose whether or not tourists are
grante" with visas$
(a) in"epen"ent () governing (c) autonomous (") sovereign
Q7 ,eople with a !nown history o(tuerculosis will automatically e ....... (rom entering 6ustralia$
(a) re(use" () re/ecte" (c) "iscar"e" (") "is?uali(ie"
Q8 6ustralian citi4ens who are receiving social security ene(its (rom the government are not
permitte" to .......
tourists wanting to travel to 6ustralia$
(a) ene(actor () sponsor (c) giver (") "onor
Q9 Tourists involve" in illegal activities such as "rug tra((ic!ing an" prostitution may have their
visas .......
permanently an" e anne" (rom entering 6ustralia at any time in the (utue$
(a) cancelle" () calle" o(( (c) aan"one" (") annulle"
Q10 ;etirement visas "o not ....... to 6ustralian permanent resi"ency or citi4enship$ )owever
people with this type
o( visa my stay in 6ustralia (or a long perio" o( time$
(a) lea" () result (c) generate (") "evelop
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B1
&*- $* desri,e pe*ple< a$$i$"de e:pressi*ns
Q1 1y wi(e is always ....... when she gets her perio" an" ecomes angry at me (or no reason at
(a) /ealous () tal!ative (c) content (") a"Gtempere"
Q2 Stu"ents at the school where I teach are so .......$ They always han" in their homewor! on
(a) patient () la4y (c) reliale (") (rien"ly
Q3 Glenn is so .......$ )e always helps out the un"erprivilege" people in our community$
(a) creative () reticent (c) sociale (") generous
Q4 1y little sister is so ....... at school that she is too a(rai" to as! to go to the toilet$
(a) timi" () intrepi" (c) tolerant (") envious
Q5 2ever as! ,hoee to "ance while her husan" is loo!ing$ )e always gets so ....... o( her$
(a) /ealous () responsive (c) morti(ie" (") tolerant
Q6 Cur new teacher is so .......$ I( we "on#t un"erstan" something. she goes over it again an"
again until we "o$
(a) la4y () shy (c) patient (") (rien"ly
Q7 I thin! In"onesian people are so .......$ They#ll always come up to you in the street an" try to
practice their
(a) (rien"ly () reliale (c) imaginative (") a"Gtempere"
Q8 :arry loves to tal! a lot. "oesn#t he? In (act. I "on#t thin! I#ve ever met anyone ?uite as ....... as
(a) reserve" () cantan!erous (c) chatty (") lieral
Q9 1ary#s husan" is so .......$ )e never helps her with any o( the chores aroun" the house$
(a) vigorous () "epen"ale (c) la4y (") tolerant
Q10 Cur English teacher at school is so .......$ )e is always coming up with new games that help
ma!e learning (un$
(a) lan" () creative (c) tal!ative (") trustworthy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B*
1*mparis*n -i$h as %%%% as
Q1 Teenage girls smo!e almost ....... oys in many o( the villages in &est Fava$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q2 I tol" my son that I woul" ta!e me to the circus ne't wee! ....... he !eeps his promise not to
(ight with his sister$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q3 +ou nee" to go to the hospital ....... possile$ 6n erratic hearteart can e very "angerous$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q4 Ch noE I (aile" all my e'ams last wee!$ I#m ....... "ea" when my parents see my (inal report
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q5 I et you "on#t love me ....... I love you$ That woul" e impossileE
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q6 I will accept your marriage proposal ....... you promise to love me an" ta!e care o( me (orever$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q7 ;ampant corruption in In"onesia will continue to happen ....... the government continues to
"eny that the
prolem e'ists$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
Q8 1any :ritish housewives cannot un"erstan" why many :ritish men love watching (ootall
twice ....... their
(a) as goo" as () as soon as (c) as long as (") as much as
Q9 1any antiGwar protesters thin! that the ,resi"ent o( the Inite" States shoul" with"raw his
troops (rom Ira?
....... possile$
(a) as long as () as soon as (c) as goo" as (") as much as
Q10 6 wise man once sai" that a change is almost ....... a holi"ay$
(a) as goo" as () as long as (c) as soon as (") as much as
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B0
English grammar and v*a,"lary ?"es$i*ns
Q1 I ha" to !eep my "aughter home (rom school to"ay ecause she ha" a ....... o( 0< "egrees$
(a) (ever () hea"ache (c) temperature (") warmth
Q2 &hen we were in :ali last year we ....... at a marvelous hotel overloo!ing the each$
(a) stoppe" () live" (c) rente" (") staye"
Q3 I usually ....... up si' at 7$0B a$m$ every morning$
(a) awa!e () rise (c) get (") go
Q4 Goo" a(ternoon$ I ....... see the manager. please$
(a) will () wish (c) li!e to (") want to
Q5 I thought 2ancy sai" she ....... spen" the wee!en" with her parents$
(a) shoul" () will (c) is (") was going to
Q6 I was won"ering i( you can ....... me to play the violin?
(a) assist () teach (c) learn (") stu"y
Q7 &oul" you ....... this letter to the ,ost C((ice. please?
(a) sen" () ta!e (c) retrieve (") (etch
Q8 I hate "oing the ....... D especially cleaning the win"ows$
(a) homewor! () housewor! (c) /os (") groun"wor!
Q9 I got marrie" ....... years ago$
(a) (or two () in two (c) at two (") two
Q10 I#m sorry ut I haven#t ....... to"ay$
(a) rea" my lesson () "one my lesson (c) "one my homewor! (") stu"ie" my homewor!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B3
1*mp*"nd -*rds< a!$erma$h; a!$er$h*"gh$; a!$er,ir$h
Q1 6(ter e'periencing too many late ....... Lsin!ing spellsL. The -uchess o( :e"(or" arrive" upon
the i"ea o(
having tea an" (inger (oo" at aout 5 p$m$
(a) a(terwar"s () a(terirth (c) a(ternoon (") a(tertaste
Q2 In the ....... o( &orl" &ar I the political. cultural. an" social or"er o( the worl" was "rastically
change" in many
places. even outsi"e the areas "irectly involve" in the war$
(a) a(terwar"s () a(terirth (c) a(ternoon (") a(termath
Q3 I#m not convince" that the Christian ....... woul" mean much to me i( I ha" to lie an" cheat in
or"er to attain it$
(a) a(ternoon () a(tertaste (c) a(terli(e (") a(terirth
Q4 It is etter to halt mass mur"er than to clean it up .......$
(a) a(terthought () a(termath (c) a(terwar"s (") a(terli(e
Q5 The ....... is "elivere" "uring the thir" stage o( laour$
(a) a(terthought () a(terli(e (c) a(tertaste (") a(terirth
Q6 The (ruity tones o( this mil" alance" rew pro"uce a "elight(ul .......$
(a) a(terthought () a(ternoon (c) a(tertaste (") a(terli(e
Q7 Contrary to popular opinion. Fu"aism "oes elieve in an ........ ut it is not the primary (ocus o(
the religion$
(a) a(terthought () a(ternoon (c) a(tertaste (") a(terli(e
Q8 &e en/oye" the rest o( our lunch ........ ut I thin! we were oth pretty ta!en aac! y the
encounter we ha"
when we (irst entere" the restaurant$
(a) a(terwar"s () a(termath (c) a(ternoon (") a(tertaste
Q9 Chil"care is currently availale (or Jin"ergarten chil"ren on a Tues"ay an" a Thurs"ay .......
(rom 1$BB p$m$ to
0$BB p$m$
(a) a(terthought () a(ternoon (c) a(tertaste (") a(terirth
Q10 The Emergency ;esponse an" Transitional ;ecovery ,rogramme commence" activities in
Fanuary *BB5 in
the imme"iate ....... o( the Tsunami "isaster o( *7 -ecemer *BB3$
(a) a(terthought () a(tertaste (c) a(ternoon (") a(termath
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B5
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, dr*p
Q1 1any parents assume that their chil"ren will ....... in school i( they spen" too much time playing
vi"eo games$
(a) "rop o(( () "rop out (c) "rop over (") "rop ehin"
Q2 Chil"ren who ....... o( school (ace a high ris! o( se'ual e'ploitation. ha4ar"ous laor. an" living
in the street$
(a) "rop o(( () "rop out (c) "rop ehin" (") "rop in
Q3 It is not necessary to atten" every class in or"er to participate. so please ....... an" /oin the (unE
(a) "rop o(( () "rop in on (c) "rop ehin" (") "rop in
Q4 Stu"ents who are re?uire" to pass a test to enter the @th gra"e are more li!ely to ....... prior to
entering 1Bth
(a) "rop o(( () "rop out (c) "rop ehin" (") "rop in
Q5 6 *9GyearGol" Cana"ian woman con(use" the wee!en" with a wee!"ay an" ....... her 7GyearG
ol" at school on a
(a) "roppe" o(( () "roppe" out (c) "roppe" ehin" (") "roppe" in
Q6 %isitors atten"ing the annual Cpen )ouse have the option o( either participating in in(ormation
sessions (or
their entire "uration or ....... portions o( the seminars ase" on their sche"ule an" interest$
(a) "ropping out () "ropping in (c) "ropping ehin" (") "ropping in on
Q7 Special ramps (or pic!ing up an" ....... passengers are provi"e" at the curs o( the arrival an"
"eparture (loors
o( each terminal$
(a) "ropping o(( () "ropping out (c) "ropping ehin" (") "ropping in
Q8 Inannounce" visits are usual on campus. an" guests are always welcome$ 8rien"s
sometimes ....... one
another. ut it is mostly relatives who visit each other. an" mothers who (re?uently meet with their
(a) "rop o(( () "rop in on (c) "rop ehin" (") "rop in
Q9 ,lease ....... etween 3=0B an" 7=0B p$m$ this coming &e"nes"ay 2ovemer 17 (or "rin!s.
hors "#oeuvres.
an" conversation$
(a) "rop o(( () "rop in on (c) "rop in (") "rop ehin"
Q10 Senior Constale Smith as!e" the suspect to ....... the police station at lunch time in or"er to
answer some
?uestions regar"ing his allege" involvement in a an! roery$
(a) "rop over () "rop o(( (c) "rop out (") "rop y
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B7
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, pass
Q1 The &orl" Congress o( Georgian Fews yester"ay announce" the ....... o( their hea" rai$
(a) passing through () passing y (c) passing away (") passing roun"
Q2 Entrepreneurs have several options when it comes to ....... a (amily usiness to their chil"ren$
(a) passing over () passing out (c) passing y (") passing on
Q3 -on#t ....... your opportunity to increase sales y leveraging the power o( email mar!eting$
(a) pass up () pass out (c) pass y (") pass roun"
Q4 Cnce you ....... ,rospect Street. we will e on the right han" si"e o( the loc!. "irectly across
the street (rom
the museum$
(a) pass up () pass out (c) pass away (") pass over
Q5 I( you were to ....... su""enly. your usiness coul" e tie" up in proate court (or several years$
(a) pass up () pass out (c) pass away (") pass over
Q6 Aawma!ers shoul"n#t ....... the chance to regulate toacco$
(a) pass up () pass out (c) pass away (") pass over
Q7 I can ma!e mysel( .......$ I "o it y ta!ing in a "eep reath an" then pushing all that air "own$ It
ta!es me aout
15 secon"s$
(a) pass up () pass out (c) pass over (") pass y
Q8 8oreign companies will have to ....... the hat to pay (or the e'tra costs o( "oing usiness in
(a) pass up () pass y (c) pass roun" (") pass over
Q9 6ppro'imately *9.BBB D *@.BBB vehicles ....... the -etroitG&in"sor Tunnel on a "aily asis$
(a) pass through () pass out (c) pass away (") pass on
Q10 The ....... game is /ust a prea"olescent version o( autoerotic asphy'ia paraphilia$
(a) pass through () pass out (c) pass y (") pass over
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B9
3irp*r$ and !ligh$ $ravel e:pressi*ns
Q1 Chec!Gin counters are open two hours e(ore the sche"ule" (light ....... time$
(a) going () arrival (c) "eparture (") transit
Q2 It is the passenger#s responsiility to ensure their ....... is vali" (or entry an" theyhave (ul(ille"
all immigration
re?uirements in the country o( "estination$
(a) en"orsement () passport (c) "ocument (") papers
Q3 ,assengers are re?uire" to pro"uce appropriate ....... at the chec!Gin counter$
(a) passport () visa (c) tic!et (") i"enti(ication
Q4 ,assengers are a"vise" to e at the ....... gate at least thirty minutes e(ore the sche"ule"
"eparture time o(
their (light$
(a) oar"ing () tic!et (c) "eparture (") arrival
Q5 I( you (ail to chec! in on time or (ail to oar" the aircra(t y the time the aircra(t "eparts. the
(are you pai" will
not e ....... to you (or any reason whatsoever$
(a) returne" () remunerate" (c) re(un"e" (") rewar"e"
Q6 Chil"ren elow age 1* will not e accepte" (or ....... unless they are accompanie" y a person
o( at least 1<
years o( age$
(a) /ourney () voyage (c) carriage (") trip
Q7 ,assengers are strongly ....... not to chec! in valuale an" (ragile items as aggage$
(a) a"vise" () in(orme" (c) tol" (") remin"e"
Q8 ,assengers are re?uire" to retrieve their ....... as soon as it is availale (or collection at their
place o(
(a) tic!et () aggage (c) oar"ing pass (") passport
Q9 It is the passenger#s responsiility to ....... all outgoing (lights at least 9* hours prior to
(a) reoo! () reor"er (c) reserve (") recon(irm
Q10 ,assengers must ....... at the airport su((iciently in a"vance o( the sche"ule" (light "eparture
time to permit
completion o( government (ormalities an" chec!Gin proce"ures$
(a) "epart () transit (c) arrive (") trans(er
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B<
Digi$al ameras; ph*$*graphy and pi$"re v*a,"lary
Q1 To save ....... power. your camera will enter stan"y mo"e i( no operations are per(orme" (or a
preset length o(
(a) attery () tripo" (c) memory (") lens
Q2 ,ictures store" on the ....... can e printe" in the same way as photos ta!en with a (ilm
(a) memory () 4oom (c) (lash (") memory car"
Q3 &hen the ....... is on. pictures are ta!en ten secon"s a(ter the shutterGrelease utton is
(a) tripo" () view (in"er (c) power switch (") sel(Gtimer
Q4 Cne !ey to cleaning the ....... o( your camera is not to touch it with your (ingers$
(a) 4oom () eyelet (c) lens (") tripo"
Q5 ,ictures can e ....... y inserting a memory car" containing images into a printer or having
prints ma"e at a
"igital photo la$
(a) ta!en () shot (c) printe" (") e'pose"
Q6 The ....... on your camera may not e ale to light the entire su/ect at "istances o( less than
3B centimeters$
(a) lens () (lash (c) 4oom (") microphone
Q7 ,ictures ta!en with a "igital camera are store" as ....... (iles$
(a) image () memory (c) compression (") analogue
Q8 To re"uce the amount o( memory each image occupies. pictures are ....... as they are save" to
the memory
(a) enlarge" () compresse" (c) sprea" out (") "elete"
Q9 ,ictures are store" in ....... create" automatically y the camera$
(a) memory () "isplays (c) (ol"ers (") (ocus
Q10 I( your camera (ails to ....... as e'pecte". you shoul" chec! the trouleshooting section o( your
(a) photograph () snapshot (c) (unction (") "isplay
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1B@
E:pressi*ns -i$h dea$h; marriage and div*re
Q1 )er (ather#s ....... came as great shoc! to all those who !new him$
(a) "ea" () "ie" (c) "eath (") "ie
Q2 -i" you hear? Fames an" :eth ....... last wee!$
(a) get marrie" () een marrie" (c) got marrie" (") marrie"
Q3 Cur poor ol" "og is .......$ &e#ve ha" him (or (ourteen years$ )e /ust sleeps all "ay long$
(a) "ea" () "ying (c) "eath (") "ie
Q4 The young girl screame" when she saw the ....... o"y sprawle" out on her living room (loor$
(a) "ea" () "ying (c) "eath (") "ie
Q5 &e ha" a lovely ....... in a small country church$ The ceremony was presi"e" over y our
parish priest$
(a) reception () marriage (c) we""ing (") honeymoon
Q6 1y great gran"(ather#s o"y was lost at sea in a horri(ic oat acci"ent yester"ay$ 6 ....... will e
hel" (or him at
the ,resyterian church ne't Thurs"ay$
(a) (uneral () urial (c) cremation (") memorial service
Q7 )elen is planning to ....... with 1ichael$
(a) marry () elope (c) engage (") "ivorce
Q8 Sterility is not a"e?uate groun"s (or "ivorce or ....... in 2ew Mealan"$
(a) annulment () nuptials (c) matrimony (") marriage
Q9 1arriage ceremonies must ta!e place ....... 7 a$m$ an" 1B p$m$ in a room with an open "oor in
(a) a(ter () etween (c) (rom (") "uring
Q10 The o"y o( my late wi(e was lai" to rest in a eauti(ul ce"ar ....... a"orne" with twelve "o4en
white roses$
(a) cas!et () wreath (c) grave (") morgue
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 11B
)*,ile $ele*mm"nia$i*n e:pressi*ns
Q1 +ou can receive. "isplay. e"it an"/or sen" te't messages on any networ! that has a .......
(a) multime"ia messaging service
(c) short message service
() roaming
(") mailo'
Q2 It is ....... (or "rivers to e'ercise proper control o( their vehicle at all times whilst using the
moile phone$
(a) irrelevant () illegal (c) imperative (") inconse?uential
Q3 :e(ore removing the attery (rom your phone. please ensure that the "evice is switche" o((
an" the ....... is
"isconnecte" (rom the han"set$
(a) charger () antenna (c) ear piece (") in(rare" port
Q4 +ou can trans(er "ata etween two cellular phones y using the ....... connection locate" on the
(ront o( your
(a) han"s (ree () main (c) in(ra re" (") charger
Q5 ;ecently ....... phone numers. answere" calls an" misse" calls are store" in the call log$
(a) "elete" () a""e" (c) (i'e" (") "iale"
Q6 :e(ore Internet services can e accesse" on your cellular phone. you nee" to ....... to your
networ! operator to
enale the relevant con(iguration in(ormation$
(a) suscrie () contact (c) get in touch with (") ma!e contact with
Q7 Cell roa"casts allow users to ....... messages on speci(ie" topics. such as tra((ic. an" weather
(rom their networ! operator$
(a) receive () "ispatch (c) process (") translate
Q8 The message centre numer (or your networ! ....... shoul" e preprogramme" on your SI1
(a) contriutor () supplier (c) contractor (") provi"er
Q9 &hen you receive an 11S message on your phone. the message ....... is "isplaye" along with
a tone.
illumination an"/or viration$
(a) o' () icon (c) !ey (") connector
Q10 Some han" phones are "esigne" to e ....... with certain multime"ia messaging services$
(a) communicale () com(ortale (c) comparale (") compatile
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 111
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, p"ll
Q1 I was tol" that his chances (or ....... the surgery were slim an" i( he "i" ma!e it. he was given
little hope (or the
ne't *3 hours$
(a) pulling in () pulling out (c) pulling through (") pulling "own
Q2 LI( you "on#t ehave.L my (ather sai". LI#m going to ....... right here. an" you can wait y the si"e
o( the roa" till
we come an" get you$
(a) pull over () pull out (c) pull through (") pull "own
Q3 ....... this perio" has given me the con(i"ence an" courage to pursue anything I want to "espite
the har" times$
(a) ,ulling o(( () ,ulling out (c) ,ulling through (") ,ulling in
Q4 Chil"ren shoul" never e allowe" to play in "riveways ecause one never !nows when
someone may .......$
(a) pull over () pull o(( (c) pull through (") pull in
Q5 ,resi"ent :ush sai" last Satur"ay that ....... o( Ira? now is not an option an" re/ecte" calls y
some lawma!ers
to start ringing I$S$ troops home$
(a) pulling o(( () pulling out (c) pulling through (") pulling in
Q6 The 13 "issects the -owns an" the rest o( the county (rom east to west$ The noise a((ects a
wi"e area either
si"e o( the motorway an" can ....... real estate prices$
(a) pull over () pull out (c) pull through (") pull "own
Q7 Cyclists shoul" always rememer that motorists will (re?uently cross the i!e lane to par! an"
....... an" out o(
(a) pull over () pull out (c) pull through (") pull in
Q8 ;escue teams rushe" to the site an" starte" ....... o"ies (rom eneath the wrec!age o( the
(iveGstorie" 6l
Gha4a hotel$
(a) pulling in () pulling out (c) pulling through (") pulling "own
Q9 I( you e'perience a rea!"own. you shoul" ....... to the si"e o( the roa" an" raise the hoo" o(
your car$
(a) pull over () pull out (c) pull through (") pull "own
Q10 Cne o( the most memorale images o( the war was create" when I$S$ troops ....... the statue
o( Sa""am
)ussein in 8ar"us S?uare$
(a) pulle" over () pulle" out (c) pulle" through (") pulle" "own
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 11*
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, ge$
Q1 6(ter the small tal! was over. it was time (or the two hea"s o( state to ....... "iscussions
concerning ilateral
relations etween the two countries$
(a) get through with () get y with (c) get "own to (") get aroun"
Q2 1y accountant a"vise" me that one o( the est ways to ....... paying ta'es in my own country
was to set up an
o((shore an! account$
(a) get away with () get y with (c) get "own to (") get aroun"
Q3 The high school teacher was so strict that he woul" not let his stu"ents ....... any o( the stunts
that they trie" to
pull with their previous teacher$
(a) get away with () get y with (c) get "own to (") get aroun"
Q4 Train passengers wishing to go to the (ootall match were a"vise" to ....... the train at the ne't
(a) get on with () get o(( (c) get in (") get on
Q5 :y the time I ....... you. you will e sorry that you ever steppe" (oot on the (ace o( this earth$
(a) get through with () get y with (c) get "own to (") get aroun"
Q6 The re(eree instructe" oth captains to stop their complaining an" ....... the rugy match$
(a) get y with () get on with (c) get through with (") get y with
Q7 The "ays when 6mericans can ....... in the worl" on English only will soon e gone$
(a) get in () get o(( (c) get y (") get on
Q8 ,lease min" your step when you ....... the train$
(a) get on with () get y with (c) get y (") get on
Q9 I !new that I ha" to ....... early the ne't morning so I set my alarm (or 3$0B a$m$
(a) get on () get o(( (c) get up (") get out
Q10 Employees at the reinsurance company were (in"ing it very "i((icult to ....... with their new
(a) get along () get away (c) get through (") get out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 110
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, g*
Q1 ,a!istani viewers will no longer e ale to watch their (avorite :ollywooo" movies as the
government has
"eci"e" that all In"ian cale channels will ....... the air at the en" o( this month$
(a) go o(( () go out (c) go on (") go over
Q2 &oul" you rather ....... (or a picnic or a meal at a restaurant?
(a) go o(( () go out (c) go on (") go over
Q3 The mayor has allowe" ven"ors to ....... to their ol" place a(ter many o( them complaine" o(
lesser income
(ollowing the implementation o( the night mar!et last wee!$
(a) go ac! () go out (c) go on (") go o((
Q4 ;osie overslept ecause her alarm cloc! "i"n#t ....... this morning$
(a) go o(( () go over (c) go on (") go ac!
Q5 The (amilies o( the seven astronauts lost aoar" the space shuttle Columia tol" 26S6 last
1on"ay that
space e'ploration must .......$
(a) go out () go over (c) go o(( (") go on
Q6 In"onesia#s (uel susi"ies coul" ....... 1BB trillion ;upiah (K@$7 illion) "ue to high prices an"
(uel scarcity in
parts o( the worl"#s (ourth most populous country. its presi"ent sai" on Tues"ay$
(a) go on () go over (c) go out (") go o((
Q7 Two out o( every (ive companies struc! y "isaster ....... o( usiness$
(a) go ac! () go over (c) go out (") go o((
Q8 ....... the railroa" trac!s. an" at the tra((ic light. go straight$ The street ecomes :roa" St$ as
you cross over
1ain St$ Continue to the ne't stoplight on :roa" St$ an" turn right onto 1ar!ham 6ve$ The lirary
is the (irst
uil"ing on the le(t$
(a) Go ac! () Go over (c) Go out (") Go o((
Q9 6 chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone y ....... in time to when an in/ury occurre" has
attracte" the
attention o( State regulators$
(a) going out () going o(( (c) going ac! (") going over
Q10 Earlier this morning the win" was lowing at aout *5 mph an" the temperature was G5 8$ It
was way too col"
to ....... /ogging$
(a) go ac! () go over (c) go out (") go o((
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 113
/hrasal +er,s 73 $* (8
Q1 Sherri tries to ....... 1arcie all the time$
(a) act up () act li!e (c) seeming li!e
Q2 &hen he trie" to alance his chec!oo!. he (oun" that things /ust "i"n#t .......$
(a) a"" on () a"" right (c) a"" up
Q3 Jen really li!es Jirstie ut he#s too nervous to .......$
(a) as! her out () as! her on (c) as! out
Q4 Aenny "i"n#t ....... when his superior repriman"e" him$
(a) ac! up () ac! "own (c) ac! over
Q5 2orman is really aggressive an" sometimes he shoul" !now when to .......$
(a) ac! up () ac! o(( (c) ac! over
Q6 San"y wants to learn how to "rive ut she must also learn how to ....... so she can get in an"
out o( par!ing
spots easily$
(a) ac! up () ac! ehin" (c) ac! o((
Q7 2o one at the o((ice e'pecte" him to lose his temper an" ....... the way he "i"$
(a) low away () low over (c) low up
Q8 6(ter the tragic acci"ent. Aauren#s mother ha" a nervous .......$
(a) rea!up () rea!"own (c) rea!through
Q9 Jathy (elt a little uneasy when she (oun" out her neighours ha" a .......$
(a) rea!Gin () rea!out (c) rea!
Q10 2o one in the group coul" elieve that Sally an" Steve .......$
(a) ro!e over () ro!e up (c) ro!e apart
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 115
/hrasal +er,s 7( $* 18
Q1 1arty o(ten ....... important issues at the meetings$
(a) rought "own () rought up (c) rought over
Q2 Sue (elt she shoul" ....... on her math s!ills e(ore she starte" school$
(a) rush on () rush over (c) rush up
Q3 )e coul" (eel the ac! o( his nec! ....... when they starte" tal!ing aout the trage"y$
(a) urn on () urn in (c) urn up
Q4 Can"ace has a a" hait o( ....... (ront o( others$
(a) utting in () utting (c) utting into
Q5 Jen trie" to ....... his teachers in or"er to get a goo" report car"$
(a) utter up () utter over (c) utter in
Q6 The guar" ha" to ....... the "ogs when )enry approache" the loc!e" gate$
(a) call on () call "own (c) call o((
Q7 Everyone coul" see y the grimace on his (ace that he "i"n#t ....... the meal in (ront o( him$
(a) care on () care (or (c) care o(
Q8 )e "i"n#t ....... to new concepts easily$
(a) catch on () catch up (c) catch with
Q9 They ....... the hotel late last night$
(a) chec!e" into () chec!e" on (c) chec!e"
Q10 -ue to his illness. he wor!e" har" to ....... with his misse" schoolwor!$
(a) catch on () catch up (c) catch
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 117
3$i*n ver,s and sp*r$s e:pressi*ns
Q1 ,eople have ....... against each other in owling (or thousan"s o( years$
(a) originate" () compete" (c) en/oye" (") gaine"
Q2 The 8rench proaly ....... tennis in aout 115B$
(a) "evelope" () originate" (c) compete" (") invente"
Q3 1artina 2avratilova ....... into one o( the worl"#s greatest tennis players$
(a) e'celle" () playe" (c) "evelope" (") estalishe"
Q4 1ichael Schumacher has ....... 8ormula 1 racing over the past "eca"e$
(a) compete" () invente" (c) "ominate" (") e'celle"
Q5 )elen 1oo"y ....... a recor" o( eight &imle"on singles titles$
(a) set () playe" (c) starre" (") "e(eate"
Q6 In Germany "uring the 1i""le 6ges. people ....... owling at village "ances$
(a) compete" () gaine" (c) en/oye" (") rought
Q7 Ellen )anson ....... the (irst singles crown at the I$S$ Cpen in 1<<9$
(a) "evelope" () "ominate" (c) earne" (") starre"
Q8 1ary E$ Cuterri"ge ....... the (irst tennis court in 2ew +or! City in 1<93$
(a) originate" () compete" (c) "ominate" (") estalishe"
Q9 6lethea Gison ....... to play tennis on the streets o( 2ew +or! City$
(a) earne" () learne" (c) compete" (") e'celle"
Q10 In 1@*7 Su4anne Aenglen ....... in the (irst I$S$ pro(essional tennis tour$
(a) invente" () learne" (c) starre" (") en/oye"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 119
English prep*si$i*ns e:erises
Q1 ,lease place the umrella stan" ....... the "oor$
(a) across () esi"e (c) through (") e(ore
Q2 +ou can get e'tra supplies ....... the stationery store$
(a) with () (rom (c) aout (") "uring
Q3 Eileen an" 1iran"a have een est (rien"s ....... thir" gra"e$
(a) a(ter () "uring (c) (rom (") since
Q4 &e can "o this wor! ....... any e'tra help$
(a) without () with"raw (c) with (") within
Q5 1ichael stoo" ....... the other new stu"ents in his class$
(a) apart (rom () accor"ing to (c) in a""ition to (") out o(
Q6 &e ran (ive laps ....... the gym an" then practice" our /ump shots$
(a) against () across (c) aroun" (") among
Q7 -uring my stu"y time. I came ....... this eauti(ul poem$
(a) past () over (c) onto (") upon
Q8 &ill you please write aout Fohn Caot ....... 6igail 6"ams?
(a) in (ront o( () in spite o( (c) instea" o( (") into
Q9 Everyone went outsi"e the uil"ing ....... the (alse alarm$
(a) ecause o( () in (ront o( (c) on top o( (") instea" o(
Q10 The airplane (lew ....... the storm$
(a) aout () aove (c) along (") ahea"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 11<
$his; $ha$; $hese; $h*se
Q1 Aoo! over there$ ....... is the iggest pump!in I#ve ever seen$
(a) That () Those (c) These (") This
Q2 1iriam tol" ....... same /o!e yester"ay$
(a) these () this (c) that (") those
Q3 1atthew. ta!e ....... an" put it over there$
(a) this () that (c) these (") those
Q4 )er eyes shining. the little girl pointe" to ....... piece o( can"y$
(a) that () this (c) these (") those
Q5 ....... elephants are sleeping un"er the sha"e o( the elm tree over there$
(a) These () Those (c) This (") That
Q6 ....... are the est "ays o( our lives$
(a) These () This (c) Those (") That
Q7 ....... stu"ents at the a"ministration o((ice want to trans(er to our school$
(a) Those () That (c) This (") These
Q8 The pilot calmly steere" us through ....... ig clou"$
(a) this () that (c) these (") those
Q9 ....... (ilm that "a" saw last wee! seems li!e an interesting movie to watch$
(a) These () That (c) This (") Those
Q10 1ay I uy (ive o( ....... pictures hanging over there. please?
(a) this () that (c) these (") those
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 11@
1*mm*n s",*rdina$ing *n9"n$i*ns
Q1 :uil"ers use plywoo" in the construction o( small oats ....... it is easy to shape$
(a) although () ecause (c) a(ter (") while
Q2 I haven#t spo!en with Fane ....... she move"$
(a) unless () while (c) since (") although
Q3 6irplanes sometimes (ly to unsche"ule" cities ....... the weather is a"$
(a) when () where (c) wherever (") whereas
Q4 ,lease rea" the oo! ....... it#s still availale (rom the lirary$
(a) e(ore () although (c) since (") while
Q5 Everyo"y ha" "essert ....... they (inishe" eating the main course$
(a) while () ecause (c) until (") a(ter
Q6 The pep rally won#t egin ....... the last class o( the "ay has en"e"$
(a) until () so that (c) since (") than
Q7 Elena will groom the horse in the morning ....... she can ri"e it in the a(ternoon$
(a) until () unless (c) so that (") when
Q8 +ou will receive e'tra cre"it ....... you turn in your pro/ect early$
(a) although () than (c) i( (") unless
Q9 The concert will en" at 1B$0B p$m$ ....... the au"ience insists on several encores$
(a) while () unless (c) though (") as
Q10 ....... they (eel threatene". "ogs sometimes "isplay aggressive ehavior$
(a) Intil () &here (c) &hen (") :e(ore
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*B
.e!le:ive and in$ensive pr*n*"ns
Q1 Cne person who ma"e ....... a career ase" on the sea was ;achel Carson$
(a) himsel( () hersel( (c) itsel( (") mysel(
Q2 -eepGsea "ivers wear wetsuits to protect ....... un"er the water$
(a) ourselves () yourselves (c) themselves (") itsel(
Q3 I( you were a "iver. you woul" uy ....... a FI1 suit or helmet$
(a) mysel( () himsel( (c) yoursel( (") hersel(
Q4 -ivers use e'ternal air supplies to enale ....... to reathe un"er water$
(a) ourselves () yourselves (c) himsel( (") themselves
Q5 -ecompression sic!ness mani(ests ....... with /oint pain. an" it can e (atal$
(a) mysel( () hersel( (c) itsel( (") himsel(
Q6 ;achel Carson#s (irst oo!. In"er the SeaG&in". "escrie" struggles sea creatures (in" .......
(a) ourselves () yourselves (c) themselves (") itsel(
Q7 ;achel Carson#s li(e was mar!e" with conservation e((orts that we ....... can learn (rom$
(a) ourselves () yourselves (c) themselves (") hersel(
Q8 ;achel Carson put on a "iver#s helmet an" e'plore" the ree(s o( the 8lori"a Jeys (or .......$
(a) mysel( () himsel( (c) hersel( (") oursel(
Q9 The en"s occurs when "ivers raise ....... to the top too ?uic!ly$
(a) ourselves () themselves (c) yourselves (") itsel(
Q10 6 "iver must supply ....... with a mi'ture o( o'ygen an" "i((erent gasses$
(a) himsel( () itsel( (c) yoursel( (") mysel(
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*1
Simple /resen$; Simple /as$; Simple '"$"re
Q1 The can"i"ate ....... many voters when she ran (or governor last year$
(a) impress () impresse" (c) will impress
Q2 1y (ather still ....... heating oil (rom a company in Chicago$
(a) uys () ought (c) will uy
Q3 Fanelle ....... (or the neighours ne't Satur"ay night$
(a) ayGsat () ayGsit (c) will ayGsit
Q4 &hen she was younger. my gran"mother ....... in a mortuary$
(a) wor!s () will wor! (c) wor!e"
Q5 The athlete ....... with the college trac! team ne't month$
(a) trains () traine" (c) will train
Q6 The relative humi"ity usually ....... when the temperature goes "own$
(a) (alls () (ell (c) will (all
Q7 2e't year we ....... in the eighth gra"e$
(a) are () will e (c) were
Q8 )er est (rien" ....... in that apartment uil"ing over there$
(a) live () lives (c) live"
Q9 Aast wee! we ....... 15B newspapers$
(a) "elivers () "elivere" (c) will "eliver
Q10 +ester"ay you ....... you woul" li!e to learn how to !nit a sweater$
(a) sai" () say (c) will say
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1**
E:pressi*ns -i$h ill< ill a$ ease; ill@mannered
Q1 6 Christian shoul" aan"on all ....... towar" the person they (orgive$
(a) ill will () ill time" (c) ill mannere" (") ill at ease
Q2 Impolite. (oulGmouthe" parents invarialy pro"uce ........ (oulGmouthe" chil"ren$
(a) ill time" () ill a"vise" (c) ill mannere" (") ill gotten
Q3 The presi"ent clearly (elt a little ....... with some o( the protesters# rhetoric. ut he eventually
agree" to tal! to
(a) ill gotten () ill mannere" (c) ill at ease (") ill a"vise"
Q4 To en" su((ering completely. one must remove "esire. ....... an" ignorance$
(a) ill will () ill mannere" (c) ill time" (") ill at ease
Q5 The "ecision o( the Sri Aan!an selectors to rest 1arvan 6tapattu (or the thir" test match was
....... an"
(a) ill gotten () ill at ease (c) ill time" (") ill mannere"
Q6 Ising their ....... an" e'traor"inary (inancial resources an" insi"er "ealing. the oligarchs gaine"
control over
much o( ;ussia#s political apparatus$
(a) ill mannere" () ill gotten (c) ill time" (") ill a"vise"
Q7 6ccor"ing to the Small :usiness 6ssociation (S:6). LIna"e?uate or ....... (inancing is a ma/or
reason (or smallusiness
(a) ill mannere" () ill at ease (c) ill a"vise" (") ill time"
Q8 To"ay#s youth is (ar more "isor"erly an" ....... than in the past an" it is not /ust a minority ut
the vast ma/ority$
(a) ill gotten () ill time" (c) ill mannere" (") ill at ease
Q9 Some immigrants o( mi""leGeastern "escent currently living in Cregon still (eel ....... a(ter the
Septemer 11th
terrorist attac!s$
(a) ill a"vise" () ill at ease (c) ill mannere" (") ill gotten
Q10 The worl" has su((ere" more (rom the ravages o( ....... marriages than (rom virginity$
(a) ill a"vise" () ill at ease (c) ill gotten (") ill will
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*0
4di*ms -i$h $he prasal ver, !all
Q1 -avi" :ec!ham#s ....... Sir 6le' 8erguson originate" (rom his "ecision to stay at home an" ten"
his ailing son
rather than atten" training on that particular 8ri"ay$
(a) (allGthrough () (all ehin" in (c) (allac! on (") (allout with
Q2 -on#t always ....... creating another "ataase or a wor!aroun" program ecause there may
actually e a etter
usiness solution (or the prolem$
(a) (all through () (all ehin" in (c) (all ac! on (") (all ou with
Q3 8re?uent inge "rin!ers are eight times more li!ely than nonGinge "rin!ers to miss a class.
....... schoolwor!.
get hurt or in/ure". an" "amage property$
(a) (all ehin" () (all ehin" in (c) (all ac! on (") (all o((
Q4 Stu"ent mentors catch chil"ren e(ore they ....... crac!s$
(a) (all through () (all ehin" (c) (all ac! on (") (all out with
Q5 The northeastern state o( 6ssam coul" ....... the In"ian map soon$
(a) (all ehin" () (all ehin" in (c) (all ac! on (") (all o((
Q6 6 :russels ase" thin! tan! reporte" that Europe is ....... 6sia in terms o( e"ucation an" s!ills$
(a) (alling ehin" () (alling ehin" in (c) (alling ac! on (") (alling o((
Q7 She ha" no (amily support system to ........ an" she coul"n#t a((or" "aycare$
(a) (all ehin" () (all ehin" in (c) (all ac! on (") (all o((
Q8 6 recent survey showe" that one in three house hunters have ha" a property purchase .......$
(a) (all through () (all ehin" (c) (all ac! on (") (all out with
Q9 Some marrie" couples ....... each other over "i((erences o( opinion on how things coul" or
shoul" e "one$
(a) (all through () (all ehin" in (c) (all ac! on (") (all out with
Q10 -eci"uous trees sen" messages to leaves telling them when to .......$
(a) (all through () (all ehin" (c) (all ac! on (") (all o((
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*3
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, p"$
Q1 Cur "aily haits o(ten (orce us to ....... all !in"s o( "egra"ing an" "estructive events. all in the
name o( !eeping
things com(ortale or (amiliar$
(a) put up () put up with (c) put on hol" (") put out
Q2 6 ;ussian culture (estival on Ta/i! territory has een ....... in"e(initely ecause o( a local typhoi"
(a) put o(( () put in (c) put on (") put out
Q3 The Government has "eci"e" to ....... the recent Cainet "ecision to cut the (oo" susi"y ill
y 0B per cent.
(ollowing protests (rom a section o( Congress$
(a) put up () put out (c) put on hol" (") put in
Q4 ....... your garage at the "esignate" pic!up point y < a$m$ on the collection "ays sche"ule"
(or your area$
(a) ,ut o(( () ,ut in (c) ,ut out (") ,ut on
Q5 It was reporte" that )yun"ai 1otor Co$ will ....... a carGassemly plant in the ,hilippines a(ter
the 6ssociation
o( Southeast 6sian 2ations an" South Jorea (orge a (ree tra"e agreement$
(a) put up () put in (c) put up with (") put out
Q6 Sweaters are easy to ........ com(ortale. warm an" aove all stylish$
(a) put o(( () put in (c) put on (") put out
Q7 The Inite" 2ations was ....... charge o( sorting out "i((erences among countries o((ering to
uil" a Tsunami
early warning system a(ter a (loo" o( proposals in the wa!e o( the In"ian Ccean trage"y$
(a) put in () put up with (c) put on hol" (") put out
Q8 )omeowners ....... a !itchen (ire last Sun"ay night. only to soon notice the (ire was sprea"ing
insi"e the walls
o( their home$
(a) put o(( () put in (c) put on (") put out
Q9 8rench sol"iers "eci"e" to ....... a ,unch an" Fu"y show (or their 6merican counterparts$
(a) put on () put in (c) put o(( (") put out
Q10 6 :etawi couple hoping to marry last wee!en" were (orce" to ....... their we""ing ceremony
until law an" or"er
ha" een restore" in the city$
(a) put on () put in (c) put o(( (") put out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*5
.ep*r$ed *mmands< rep*r$ed speeh
Q1 L&oul" you li!e to spen" the wee!en" with us?L They ....... her to spen" the wee!en" with
(a) a"vise" () or"ere" (c) invite" (") egge"
Q2 LCoul" you open the win"ow please?L She ....... him to open the win"ow$
(a) remin"e" () or"ere" (c) as!e" (") warne"
Q3 LGo to e" imme"iatelyEL 1ary#s mother ....... her to go to e" imme"iately$
(a) a"vise" () egge" (c) as!e" (") or"ere"
Q4 L-on#t (orget to post the letterEL )e ....... me to post the letter$
(a) remin"e" () or"ere" (c) egge" (") as!e"
Q5 L,ar! the car ehin" the van$L The instructor ....... him to par! the car ehin" the van$
(a) o((ere" () tol" (c) as!e" (") or"ere"
Q6 L,lease. please. turn "own the ra"ioEL 1ar!#s sister ....... him to turn the ra"io "own$
(a) remin"e" () or"ere" (c) as!e" (") egge"
Q7 L-on#t play with the matches$ They#re very "angerous$L The teacher ....... the chil"ren not to
play with the
(a) or"ere" () as!e" (c) warne" (") egge"
Q8 LI#ll give you a li(t to the airport$L 1ichelle ....... to give her husan" a li(t to the airport$
(a) re(use" () o((ere" (c) as!e" (") egge"
Q9 LI won#t len" you any more money$L 1atthew ....... to len" me any more money$
(a) o((ere" () as!e" (c) re(use" (") invite"
Q10 The teacher sai" to her stu"ent= L+ou nee" to stu"y har"er$L She ....... him to stu"y har"er$
(a) as!e" () a"vise" (c) or"ere" (") egge"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*7
D*ing ,"siness< e:pressi*ns -i$h $he -*rd ,"siness
Q1 6 ....... represents written "ocumentation o( the vital issues necessary to convince investors
that a particular
opportunity is worthy o( investment$
(a) usiness class () usiness car" (c) usiness par! (") usiness plan
Q2 &hether you are loo!ing (or a /o or running a company. giving out ....... is crucial to mar!eting
your s!ills or
(a) usiness stu"ies () usiness car"s (c) usiness hours (") usiness plans
Q3 ....... passengers have a lavatory reserve" (or their e'clusive use$
(a) :usiness hours () :usiness par! (c) :usiness class (") :usiness car"
Q4 The %irginia G$ ,iper Cancer Center ....... are < am 5 pm 1on"ay through 8ri"ay$
(a) usiness hours () usiness car"s (c) usiness suits (") usiness par!s
Q5 To"ay. it is rare to see a ....... worn with a waistcoat in 2orth 6merica. although it is still popular
conservativeGmin"e" usinessmen in the rest o( the worl"$
(a) usiness par! () usiness car" (c) usiness suit (") usiness plan
Q6 L&ell here we are rapi"ly approaching the ....... o( the season$L
(a) usiness car" () usiness par! (c) usiness en" (") usiness suit
Q7 The Economics P :usiness E"ucation 6ssociation represents teachers an" lecturers o( .......
an" relate"
su/ects in schools an" colleges throughout the IJ$
(a) usiness hours () usiness stu"ies (c) usiness par!s (") usinessmen
Q8 Cur ....... attitu"e is reserve" entirely (or the way we ehave at wor!$
(a) usiness wise () usiness car" (c) usinesswoman (") usinessli!e
Q9 &e o((er ....... eGmail services that give you superior spam an" (rau" protection an" a custom
"omain name in
your eGmail. all (or a reasonale price$
(a) usiness car" () usiness class (c) usiness en" (") usiness plan
Q10 -ata marts can e a goo" way to serve the "ata nee"s o( a particular set o( ....... users.
allowing speciali4e"
(unctions such as "ata cleansing. /oining. (ormatting an" trans(ormations to e per(orme"
(a) usiness plan () usiness car" (c) usiness en" (") usiness suit
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*9
3"s$raliana< e:pressi*ns $ha$ desri,e li!e in 3"s$ralia
Q1 6ustralia is roughly the same ....... as the Inite" States with less than a tenth o( the people$
(a) ul! () lan"mass (c) si4e (") volume
Q2 In a *BB0 survey con"ucte" y the Inite" 2ations. 6ustralia came in (ourth among the est
....... in the worl"
to live ase" on ase" on income. e"ucation an" li(e e'pectancy$
(a) regions () provinces (c) territories (") countries
Q3 6ustralia is locate" in the Southern )emisphere. so the ....... are opposite o( those in the
(a) times () seasons (c) months (") years
Q4 1elourne is 6ustralia#s secon" largest town an" was recently ....... the est city in the worl" in
which to live$
(a) "eci"e" () given (c) vote" (") awar"e"
Q5 6"elai"e is ....... in Southern 6ustralia an" is the ?uintessential picture o( charm with its
colonial architecture$
(a) locate" () place" (c) estalishe" (") to e (oun"
Q6 ,erth is the most westerntown o( 6ustralia an" hol"s the ....... o( having more sun (ille" hours
than most o(
6ustralia#s other capital cities$
(a) peculiarity () a"miration (c) notoriety (") "istinction
Q7 ,erth o((ers an eclectic ....... within the reathta!ing ac!"rop o( grassy par!s. towering palm
trees an"
en"less waterways$
(a) "aily li(e () li(e (c) every"ay li(e (") li(estyle
Q8 I( you#re loo!ing (or a spectacular ....... o( li(e in a "iverse country then 6ustralia is well worth
(a) ?uantity () superiority (c) ?uality (") meaning
Q9 &hether you ....... in the (ast pace o( ig city li(e or crave the tran?uility o( the "esert. 6ustralia
is such a
"iverse country that you#re li!ely to (in" e'actly what you are see!ing$
(a) li!e () thrive (c) en/oy (") ene(it
Q10 In a worl" that is o(ten turne" upsi"e "own with ........ 6ustralia still paints a picture o(
tran?uility. a lai"ac!
li(estyle an" a LcanG"oL attitu"e$
(a) turmoil () or"er (c) protest (") "isturance
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*<
'a$s a,*"$ piEEa in $he >S< piEEa ind"s$ry e:pressi*ns
Q1 6mericans are the greatest ....... an" consumers o( pi44a in the worl"$
(a) creators () pro"ucers (c) inventors (") users
Q2 6mericans eat 05B ....... o( pi44a per secon"$
(a) slices () segments (c) parts (") (ragments
Q3 There are 71.*7@ ....... in the Inite" States$
(a) pi44a users () pi44as (c) pi44erias (") pi44a pies
Q4 ,i44a is a K0B illion per year .......$
(a) corporation () company (c) in"ustry (") conglomerate
Q5 Cctoer is national pi44a ....... in the Inite" States$
(a) "ay () year (c) month (") wee!
Q6 The worl"#s ....... pi44eria opene" in 2aples in 1<0B$
(a) latest () last (c) (irst (") newest
Q7 ,i44a )ut has over 1*.BBB restaurants ....... the worl"$
(a) through () all through (c) throughout (") all the way through
Q8 ,epperoni is the pi44a ....... that 6mericans li!e the most$
(a) component () topping (c) part (") element
Q9 ,i44a ....... to 6merica with the Italians at the en" o( the nineteenth century$
(a) roame" () wan"ere" (c) "ri(te" (") migrate"
Q10 The popularity o( pi44a really ....... when 6merican sol"iers returne" (rom Italy a(ter &orl" &ar
(a) "etonate" () e'plo"e" (c) laste" (") lew up
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 1*@
2h* -an$s $* ,e a milli*naire5
Q1 1any people have ....... aout winning a ig pri4e in the lottery$
(a) imagine" () visuali4e" (c) (antasi4e" (") "iscovere"
Q2 8or many people. their way o( li(e is closely lin!e" to their ....... circumstances$
(a) economic () ergonomic (c) pro(itale (") money
Q3 1ost people li!e the ....... o( not having to wor!$
(a) scheme () suggestion (c) "esign (") i"ea
Q4 ,eople who win the lottery are usually a"vise" not to ....... their a""ress an" phone numer$
(a) "ouse () screen (c) transmit (") pulici4e
Q5 There are many stories aout people who coul"n#t ....... how to e rich$
(a) teach () cram (c) learn (") revise
Q6 6 sailor (rom Swe"en won three million "ollars in the lottery an" han"e" it to ....... shipmates
an" strangers in
the street$
(a) previous () (ormer (c) past (") earlier
Q7 6ll over the worl". lotteries ....... new millionaires every wee!$
(a) construct () cra(t (c) uil" (") create
Q8 6 35 year ol" coo! (rom Sy"ney ....... three wee!s a(ter winning 1B million "ollars in the lottery$
(a) "roppe" away () "roppe" out (c) "roppe" o(( (") "roppe" "ea"
Q9 In 1@<@. a woman (rom Aos 6ngeles won 9 million "ollars in the lottery an" imme"iately went
on a ....... spree$
(a) in"ulging () gorging (c) spen"ing (") (ussing
Q10 1any people ....... aout what they woul" "o with their money i( they won the lottery$
(a) plan () "ream (c) vision (") hallucinate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 10B
/a,l* /iass*< e:pressi*ns desri,ing $he /iass*Ds li!e
Q1 ,alo ,icasso showe" his ....... (rom a very young age$
(a) genius () rain (c) master min" (") clever
Q2 ,icasso hate" school an" o(ten ....... to go unless he coul" ta!e his pet with him$
(a) reu!e" () reu((e" (c) re/ecte" (") re(use"
Q3 ,icasso#s ....... o( people were o(ten ma"e up o( triangles an" s?uares with their (eatures in the
wrong places$
(a) li!enesses () portraits (c) "escriptions (") images
Q4 ,icasso "ie" o( heart (ailure "uring an ....... o( in(luen4a in 1@90$
(a) attac! () assault (c) o((ence (") assail
Q5 ,icasso#s wor! ....... i"eas aout art aroun" the worl"$
(a) misuse" () ruine" (c) change" (") tainte"
Q6 ,icasso was ....... on Cctoer *5. 1<<1 in 1alaga. Spain$
(a) orn () orne (c) irth (") irth"ay
Q7 ,icasso ....... to e one o( the twentieth century#s greatest painters$
(a) grew up () grown up (c) grew out o( (") grew on
Q8 ,icasso#s genius as an artist was ....... y many people$
(a) (amous () (amiliar (c) recogni4e" (") "istinguishe"
Q9 &hen ,icasso was @B years ol". he was honore" y an ....... at the Aouvre in ,aris$
(a) e'planation () "isplay (c) e'hiition (") museum
Q10 ,icasso ....... over 7.BBB paintings. "rawings an" sculptures$
(a) painte" () (orme" (c) shape" (") create"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 101
2*rds in *n$e:$< s$r*ng *ll*a$i*ns
Q1 ,lease ta!e these separate lists an" ....... them into one "ocument$
(a) speci(y () maneuver (c) merge (") "ivulge
Q2 This pet store sells rare tropical (ish an" other ....... creatures$
(a) chaotic () erotic (c) rootic (") e'otic
Q3 I guarantee that your hot temper will ....... cause you troule$
(a) ironically () gra"ually (c) inevitaly (") wholehearte"ly
Q4 1y teacher mumle" so so(tly that I coul" only ....... un"erstan" him$
(a) persistently () vaguely (c) "iscreetly (") invarialy
Q5 6(ter the terrile tsunami our o"erly lives ecame .......$
(a) chaotic () erotic (c) e'otic (") rootic
Q6 I( the coo!ie recipe is complete. it will ....... the ingre"ients you nee"$
(a) "ivulge () elicit (c) speci(y (") emerge
Q7 ,eter was the est swimmer. ut ....... he lost the (inal o( the swimming competition$
(a) vaguely () surly (c) inevitaly (") ironically
Q8 Cur (inal i"ea (or the pro"uct was much etter than our ....... one$
(a) illuminate" () intellectual (c) intense (") initial
Q9 6(ter I (ell "own the steps. I (elt unstea"y an" .......$
(a) (lighty () gi""y (c) scatty (") s?uatty
Q10 -uring our wal! along the each we notice" the shi(ting re(lectons on the ....... sur(ace o( the
(a) un(linching () un"ulating (c) un(altering (") un"iscriminating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 10*
E:pressi*ns -i$h hear$< hear$ahe; hear$$hr*,; hear$,"rn
Q1 Getting over a rea!Gup is har" to "o$ Instea" o( wallowing in your ........ try to ta!e positive
steps to put your
(aile" relationship ehin" you$
(a) hearteat () hearturn (c) heartache (") heartrea!
Q2 Spanish singing ....... Enri?ue Iglesias has een (orce" to pull out o( concerts in )ong Jong
an" in the
,hilippines ecause o( a visa prolem in 1alaysia$
(a) heartrea! () heartthro (c) hearteat (") hearturn
Q3 I (eel really lesse". you !now. ecause a lot o( people who have a ....... never get any
a"vance warning$
(a) heart attac! () heartache (c) hearturn (") heart "isease
Q4 2ighttime ....... not only "isrupts your sleep. ut it may lea" to other health ris!s such as raising
your ris! o(
cancer or aggravating asthma$
(a) hearteat () heartlan" (c) heart(elt (") hearturn
Q5 6llow me to e'press my ....... sorrow at the immense trage"y that has een perpetrate" upon
the 6merican
people y the wic!e" evil"oers who were responsile (or the Septemer 11th terrorist attac!s$
(a) heartache () hearturn (c) heartthro (") heart(elt
Q6 ,alpitations are ....... sensations that (eel li!e poun"ing or racing$
(a) heartthro () hearteat (c) heartrea! (") heart(elt
Q7 Fust aout everyone e'periences the type o( grie( we call ....... at one time or another$
(a) heartrea! () hearturn (c) heart attac! (") heart "isease
Q8 The IJ has one o( the highest rates o( "eath (rom ....... in the worl"$
(a) heartrea! () hearteat (c) heartthro (") heart "isease
Q9 The :urgun"y countrysi"e is (ast ecoming the Islamic ....... o( 8rance$
(a) heartthro () heart(elt (c) heartlan" (") hearturn
Q10 :ollywoo" ....... )rithi! ;oshan pointe" a (inger at a gang o( cameraGhappy In"ian (ans
gathere" to watch him
shooting a (ilm on the south an! o( the river Thames$
(a) hearteat () heartthro (c) heartache (") heartrea!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 100
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, kn*k
Q1 I usually ....... wor! at aout 3=BB o#cloc! an" run to the station to catch the train to my ne't /o$
(a) !noc! on () !noc! o(( (c) !noc! up (") !noc! out
Q2 Englan" ....... South 6(rica in the Singapore Sevens tournament at Singapore#s 2ational
Sta"ium. eating
them 00G13 in the semiG(inal yester"ay$
(a) !noc!e" on () !noc!e" in (c) !noc!e" o(( (") !noc!e" out
Q3 -o you want me to ....... some lunch?
(a) !noc! out () !noc! up (c) !noc! on (") !noc! o((
Q4 6 (ew months ago. Fames got a ....... his (ront "oor$
(a) !noc! o(( () !noc! on (c) !noc! out (") !noc! up
Q5 The "e(en"ant plea"e" guilty to provi"ing a group o( ;ussians with ....... goo"s$
(a) !noc!Go(( () !noc! on (c) !noc! out (") !noc! up
Q6 ,ro(essional o'ers "on#t wear hea" gear ecause their intent is to ....... their opponent$
(a) !noc! o(( () !noc! out (c) !noc! up (") !noc! on
Q7 There wasn#t much (oo" in the cupoar". ut I manage" to ....... a meal (or mysel($
(a) !noc! out () !noc! up (c) !noc! o(( (") !noc! on
Q8 ,eople who ....... their neighor#s "oors an" as! i( anyone has seen their pet instea" o( /ust
calling are more
li!ely to (in" it$
(a) !noc! o(( () !noc! out (c) !noc! on (") !noc! up
Q9 6 scrum is a way o( restartinga game o( rugy uniona(ter an acci"ental in(ringement such as a
(a) !noc! on () !noc! out (c) !noc! up (") !noc! o((
Q10 The Gulshan is a goo" honest curry house renowne" (or its ailitly to ....... a rather goo"
(a) !noc! out () !noc! o(( (c) !noc! up (") !noc! on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 103
4di*ms and e:pressi*ns -i$h 9"s$< 9"s$ a,*"$; 9"s$ ,e!*re
Q1 ....... the "oors opene" they all notice" a 5 note lying on the (loor$
(a) Fust over () Fust e(ore (c) Fust then (") Fust aout
Q2 &ell. I am ....... * months in now with my new venture an" usiness is still going strong$
(a) /ust as () /ust over (c) /ust a(ter (") /ust then
Q3 Can I get pregnant ....... my perio" has (inishe"?
(a) /ust then () /ust a(ter (c) /ust over (") /ust aout
Q4 Fac! &heeler is ....... the most interesting man I !now$
(a) /ust over () /ust then (c) /ust aout (") /ust as
Q5 Cl"G(ashione" toothrushes are ....... goo" as electric ones at re"ucing pla?ue$
(a) /ust over () /ust aout (c) /ust as (") /ust then
Q6 ....... the guy ehin" us leane" over an" sai". almost hysterically happy. LThat#s one terri(ic
ay you#ve got
(a) Fust aout () Fust the thing (c) Fust then (") Fust over
Q7 ,resi"ent :ush than!e" his hosts (or a warm welcome ....... a""ressing the *5th annual
(a) /ust aout () /ust over (c) /ust then (") /ust e(ore
Q8 )olmen#s :oar" "eci"e" on &e"nes"ay to invest in total ....... K5BB in the Group#s newsprint
mill outsi"e
(a) /ust a(ter () /ust as (c) /ust over (") /ust e(ore
Q9 The ill that Congress has pro"uce" is monstrous in ....... every way$
(a) /ust then () /ust as (c) /ust over (") /ust aout
Q10 8og machines can e ....... to get you into the partying moo"$
(a) /ust then () /ust over (c) /ust aove (") /ust the thing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 105
3merian /residen$s @ 2illiam Fe!!ers*n 1lin$*n
Q1 :ill Clinton. whose (ather ....... a (ew months e(ore he was orn. wante" to e ,resi"ent (rom
a very early
(a) passe" out () passe" through (c) passe" away (") passe" up
Q2 Clinton "e(ie" his critics y surviving an ....... o( personal scan"als$
(a) arraign () array (c) arrant (") arrow
Q3 Clinton ....... himsel( as a L2ew -emocratL an" has (re?uently een re(erre" to as the
LComeac! Ji"$L
(a) (ashione" () "resse" (c) clothe" (") cla"
Q4 In 1@9<. at the age o( thirtyGtwo. :ill Clinton ecame the youngest governor in the ....... an" in
(a) nation () native (c) nativity (") national
Q5 6s ,resi"entGelect. Clinton vowe" to (ocus on economic issues li!e a Llaser eam.L wor!ing
especially to
overcome the ....... growth o( the 6merican economy$
(a) slugger () sluggish (c) slummy (") slurry
Q6 Clinton su((ere" two ma/or ....... "uring his a"ministration$
(a) ?uarterac!s () outac!s (c) setac!s (") comeac!s
Q7 Clinton#s partner in his political ....... an" marriage. )illary ;o"ham Clinton. emerge" as a !ey
player in his
(a) career () /o (c) tra"e (") wor!
Q8 8uture history oo!s may well egin y noting that :ill Clinton was the secon" ,resi"ent to
have een ....... y
the I$S$ )ouse o( ;epresentatives$
(a) eseeche" () reache" (c) impeache" (") preache"
Q9 Clinton ha" a signi(icant in(luence on the ....... o( the -emocratic ,arty$
(a) roa" () path (c) "irection (") course
Q10 Clinton succee"e" in ro!ering peace negotiations in 2orthern Irelan" etween .......
Catholics an"
(a) sparring () warring (c) arring (") /arring
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 107
4di*ms @ hard
Q1 ,oor people in 6ustralia who are ....... (or cash may see! (inancial assistance (rom the
Salvation 6rmy$
(a) har" core () har" up (c) har" sell (") har" court
Q2 1any small usinesses /ust starting choose to accept col" ....... as their only metho" o(
(a) har" court () har" core (c) har" sell (") har" cash
Q3 1y parents woul"n#t permit me to listen to ....... heavy metal music when I was growing up$
(a) har" core () har" hea"e" (c) har" cash (") har" presse"
Q4 +ester"ay I taught my "aughter how to coo! a ....... egg (or rea!(ast$
(a) har" hearte" () har" presse" (c) har" oile" (") har" hea"e"
Q5 1y (ormer oss was so ....... that he o(ten re(use" to listen to the opinions o( his suor"inates$
(a) har" hea"e" () har" hearte" (c) har" oile" (") har" presse"
Q6 6pplicants (or the sales position are re?uire" to sumit a ....... o( their C% y Thurs"ay. 1ay
19th *BB7 at the
(a) har" core () har" copy (c) har" cash (") har" court
Q7 1any amateur tennis players (in" it much easier to play tennis on a ....... sur(ace as oppose" to
playing on a
sur(ace that is ma"e (rom grass$
(a) har" core () har" court (c) har" presse" (") har" cash
Q8 The ....... "ictator re(use" to grant clemency to his imprisone" political opponents$
(a) har" hearte" () har" presse" (c) har" copy (") har" itten
Q9 Employees at the garment (actory were (orce" to wor! twelve hour shi(ts as they were ....... (or
time to
complete the or"er$
(a) har" itten () har" hea"e" (c) har" hearte" (") har" presse"
Q10 Fames nee"e" to go to the ....... store to purchase a new "oor (or his holi"ay house$
(a) har" core () har"oar" (c) har"ware (") har" court
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 109
1*mp*"nd -*rds< head
Q1 1y wi(e will only let me listen to classical music i( I agree to wear my .......$
(a) hea" lamps () hea" phones (c) hea" "ress (") hea"lights
Q2 1y (ather lo"ge" an insurance claim last wee! ecause he ha" an acci"ent an" ro!e one o(
the ....... on his
(a) hea"lights () hea" phones (c) hea" sets (") hea" "ress
Q3 Fimmy wante" to go to the )alloween party in an In"ian costume ut was unale to (in" a .......
to complete his
(a) hea" phone () hea" set (c) hea" "ress (") hea" light
Q4 The (light (rom Sy"ney to Singapore will ta!e two hours longer than usual this morning as the
plane is (lying
into a strong .......$
(a) hea"long () hea"way (c) hea"win" (") hea"lan"
Q5 I was very surprise" to rea" the ....... in the newspaper this morning regar"ing the incarceration
o( our
country#s (ormer presi"ent$
(a) hea"lines () hea"lan"s (c) hea"lights (") hea"rooms
Q6 8irst time entrants in this years city marathon will e given a ten minute ....... over the rest o(
the (iel"$
(a) hea"lan" () hea"start (c) hea" o(( (") hea"win"
Q7 I was very "isappointe" to (in" out that the new car that I wante" to uy ha" insu((icient .......$
(a) hea"light () hea" set (c) hea"room (") hea"lamp
Q8 6ll (lights out o( Sy"ney#s new airport were "elaye" last wee! "ue to e'tremely strong ....... that
was lowing
across the tarmac$
(a) hea"win" () hea"lan" (c) hea"room (") hea"light
Q9 1i'ing spirits an" eer is not a very goo" i"ea$ I usually wa!e up with a very a" ....... the ne't
(a) hea"set () hea"light (c) hea"ache (") hea"lan"
Q10 &e were e'tremely upset when we arrive" at the cemetry an" "iscovere" that my late
gran"(ather#s ....... ha"
een "estroye" y van"als$
(a) hea"set () hea"stone (c) hea"phone (") hea"light
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 10<
/hrasal +er,s 718
Q1 The couple ....... o( the hotel early this morning$
(a) chec!e" out () chec!e" in (c) chec!e" aout
Q2 ;an"y always trie" to ....... on rainy "ays$
(a) cheer everyone on () cheer everyone up (c) cheer everyone
Q3 1ost o( the !i"s at school thought he was scare" an" that he woul" ....... o( the race$
(a) chic!en out () chic!en (c) chic!en in
Q4 The supervisor as!e" everyone to ....... (or the manager#s irth"ay present$
(a) chip () chip over (c) chip in
Q5 )e ....... when the police o((icers starte" to ?uestion him aout the roery$
(a) clamme" () clamme" up (c) clamme" aout
Q6 )e wants to ....... as a mean oss so his employees will wor! har" (or him$
(a) come in () come across (c) come aout
Q7 ;ic! ....... a terrile col" this wee!$
(a) came up with () came aout with (c) came "own with
Q8 Aisa was ....... her (rien"s to help her move$
(a) counting "own () counting aout (c) counting on
Q9 The new police chie( is trying to ....... on the current "rug prolem in the city$
(a) crac! "own () crac! over (c) crac!
Q10 Aawrence is trying to ....... on (atty (oo"s$
(a) cut "own () cut up (c) cut aout
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 10@
/hrasal +er,s 7D $* '8
Q1 The custo"y attle ....... (or many months$
(a) "ragge" "own () "ragge" on (c) "ragge" in
Q2 The architect ....... some lueprints (or you last wee!$
(a) "rew on () "rew up (c) "rew "own
Q3 I ....... on my (rien" yester"ay to surprise her$
(a) "roppe" () "roppe" over (c) "roppe" in
Q4 Cathy ....... her mother#s house (or a visit this past wee!$
(a) "roppe" () "roppe" in (c) "roppe" y
Q5 :ruce ....... o( school when he was only (i(teen years ol" an" then too! on a /o$
(a) "roppe" () "roppe" out (c) "roppe" y
Q6 6(ter a lot o( (uss. ;ose ....... li!ing the new "ish very much$
(a) en"e" up () en"e" (c) en"e" in
Q7 The manager was so a(rai" the multiGmillion "ollar "eal woul" .......$
(a) (all up () (all "own (c) (all through
Q8 The chil"ren trie" to ....... a way o( getting to the concert on their own$
(a) (igure out () (igure aout (c) (igure up
Q9 Jaren ha" to ....... (or -ave while he was away on vacation$
(a) (ill up () (ill (c) (ill in
Q10 The couple ....... many (orms e(ore they coul" immigrate to Englan"$
(a) (ille" () (ille" aout (c) (ille" out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 13B
/hrasal +er,s 7G $* &8
Q1 ;ic!#s (ather an" mother "i"n#t ....... with his gran"parents an" were always having
(a) get aout () get along (c) get
Q2 They rente" a car so it woul" e easier to ....... the new city$
(a) get on () get aroun" (c) get
Q3 Aucy was so usy that she "i"n#t ....... (i'ing the stereo$
(a) get aroun" () get aroun" to (c) get with
Q4 )is salary is low so he#s /ust ....... right now$
(a) getting in () getting aout (c) getting y
Q5 )e wor!e" har" to ....... to :er!eley this past year$
(a) get with () get in (c) get y
Q6 The criminal trie" to ....... the evi"ence ?uic!ly$
(a) get ri" o( () get ri" aout (c) get ri" on
Q7 The stu"ents ....... when the teacher le(t the room$
(a) goo(e" up () goo(e" o(( (c) goo(e" on
Q8 +ou#ll nee" to ....... your assignments y 8ri"ay$
(a) han" y () han" (c) han" in
Q9 :eth#s (ather is too prou" to as! (or .......$
(a) han"Gins () han"Govers (c) han"Gouts
Q10 Aaurie "eci"e" to ....... a(ter the (ourth ring$
(a) hang up () hang "own (c) hang over
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 131
/hrasal +er,s 7& $* #8
Q1 Two men stage" a ....... at the an! across the street (rom us yester"ay a(ternoon$
(a) hol"Gup () hol"Gin (c) hol"Gon
Q2 &e still have to ....... the (iner "etails aout our upcoming trip to Scotlan"$
(a) iron in () iron on (c) iron out
Q3 1ost o( the service stations "eci"e" to ....... their gas prices a(ter the gas war etween them$
(a) /ac! in () /ac! out (c) /ac! up
Q4 Jevin ....... the great opportunity to e the (loor manager$
(a) /umpe" all over () /umpe" in (c) /umpe" over
Q5 Even though he was e'hauste". he .......$
(a) !ept going () !ept out (c) !ept in
Q6 Trent was ....... o( school (or a" ehavior$
(a) !ic!e" in () !ic!e" over (c) !ic!e" out
Q7 Fust loo! at that gorgeous girl D She#s a .......$
(a) !noc! in () !noc! over (c) !noc! out
Q8 &hen I hit my hea" on the cupoar". I almost .......$
(a) !noc!e" mysel( out () !noc!e" mysel( in (c) !noc!e" mysel(
Q9 The company was e'periencing (inancial prolems so they ha" to ....... (i(ty employees$
(a) lay on () lay o(( (c) lay out
Q10 Jaren "i"n#t want to ....... she she went over the we""ing list one more time$
(a) leave anyone in () leave anyone out (c) leave anyone over
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 13*
/hrasal +er,s 7#8
Q1 Fe(( (elt as i( he ha" een ....... when he lost his /o$
(a) let on () let "own (c) let over
Q2 6t long last the storm is starting to loo! li!e it#s going to .......$
(a) let in () let "own (c) let up
Q3 )e starte" to ....... his li(e an" then "eci"e" to ta!e another trip$
(a) loo! ac! on () loo! ac! in (c) loo! ac! "own
Q4 The rich (amily ....... poor people in this area$
(a) loo!s "own in () loo!s "own on (c) loo!s "own ac!
Q5 She starte" to ....... the upcoming trip$
(a) loo! (orwar" to () loo! (orwar" aout (c) loo! (orwar" over
Q6 2orma promise" she woul" ....... Cara#s chil"ren while she was away on a usiness trip$
(a) loo! in over () loo! in on (c) loo! "own on
Q7 The sheri(( sai" he woul" ....... the crime a it more thoroughly$
(a) loo! "own () loo! on (c) loo! into
Q8 +ou can#t tell them apart D Elena ....... her mother$
(a) loo!s /ust ali!e () loo!s /ust li!e (c) loo!s /ust over
Q9 :e(ore Sheila "ie" (rom a long cancer attle. she as!e" her sister to ....... her chil"ren$
(a) loo! "own () loo! over (c) loo! in
Q10 ;ay ha"n#t seen his (rien" in years ut he "eci"e" to ....... anyway$
(a) loo! him up () loo! him "own (c) loo! him in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 130
/hrasal +er,s 7# $* /8
Q1 I har"ly ever gamle ut I was ....... at the casino yester"ay$
(a) luc!y () luc!e" (c) luc!e" out
Q2 )e is "i((erent so many chil"ren ....... him$
(a) ma"e (un at () ma"e (un over (c) ma!e (un o(
Q3 The couple "eci"e" to !iss an" ....... a(ter the "ay long argument$
(a) ma!e out () ma!e on (c) ma!e up
Q4 Even though she s?uinte". she coul"n#t ....... what he ha" written$
(a) ma!e out () ma!e over (c) ma!e aout
Q5 )e "eci"e" to ....... his past mista!es y "oing some goo" in his community$
(a) ma!e up aout () ma!e up (or (c) ma!e up over
Q6 The "eparment store has ....... its prices since the last time I was here$
(a) mar!e" over () mar!e" up (c) mar!e" aout
Q7 The items are ....... ecause the manager wants to ma!e more room (or the incoming spring
(a) mar!e" un"er () mar!e" "own (c) mar!e" over
Q8 Everyone laughe" at the ....... etween the twin rothers at the party$
(a) mi' in () mi' up (c) mi' over
Q9 :illy was so tire" that he was ....... in class$
(a) no""ing in () no""ing on (c) no""ing o((
Q10 )er (ather ....... when she was /ust a !i"$
(a) passe" over () passe" away (c) passe" "own
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 133
/hrasal +er,s 7/ $* .8
Q1 Emily ....... when she su""enly saw the urglar enter her home$
(a) passe" out () passe" in (c) passe" over
Q2 Jen ....... the est (ruit at the supermar!et$
(a) pic!e" in () pic!e" "own (c) pic!e" out
Q3 Steve was always trying to ....... girls at the nightclu$
(a) pic! "own () pic! up (c) pic! y
Q4 The !i"s ....... Trent ecause he is "i((erent$
(a) pic! on () pic! over (c) pic! "own
Q5 The whole community ....... to ma!e the playgroun" sa(e an" aesthetic$
(a) pitche" on () pitche" in (c) pitche" over
Q6 6(ter wee!s o( planning the escape. Sue (inally starte" to elieve they coul" .......$
(a) pull it o(( () pull it (orwar" (c) pull it up
Q7 Feremy "i"n#t want to ....... the we""ing any longer$
(a) put over () put y (c) put o((
Q8 Jathleen (elt li!e she ha" to ....... with a lot (rom her (amily$
(a) put up () put over (c) put
Q9 That store is really e'pensive$ It#s a .......$
(a) rip "own () rip o(( (c) rip over
Q10 I( you ....... the numers. it will e easier to calculate the estimate$
(a) roun" with () roun" over (c) roun" o((
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 135
/hrasal +er,s 7. $* 08
Q1 )ei"i ....... an ol" (rien" while she was shopping last wee!$
(a) ran over () ran "own (c) ran into
Q2 The corner store o(ten ....... rea" near the en" o( the wee!$
(a) runs out over () runs out o( (c) runs "own on
Q3 The night e(ore the play. the crew ....... the stage$
(a) set up () set "own (c) set in
Q4 The assemly line prolem was a minor ....... (or the company last wee!$
(a) set aout () set "own (c) set ac!
Q5 The girl with the purple hair wants to ....... (rom the group$
(a) stan" out () stan" in (c) stan" over
Q6 :o#s (ather taught him to e (irm an" to ....... (or what he elieves$
(a) stan" "own () stan" up (c) stan" in
Q7 ,eople are getting tire" o( Seth ecause he always ....... late$
(a) shows () shows up (c) shows over
Q8 The LTL in the acronym ....... Time$
(a) stan"s aout () stan"s over (c) stan"s (or
Q9 Jelly ....... her mother$ They have many o( the same interests$
(a) ta!es a(ter () ta!es over (c) ta!es on
Q10 Aeslie "eci"e" to ....... early (rom the party$
(a) ta!e in () ta!e o(( (c) ta!e on
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 137
/hrasal +er,s 708
Q1 I "eci"e" to ....... organic coo!ing$
(a) ta!e up () ta!e over (c) ta!e aout
Q2 Jristie was ....... at 1att ecause o( the things he sai" to her last wee!$
(a) tic!e" on () tic!e" aout (c) tic!e" o((
Q3 1arg wante" to ....... the ol" so(a ut her husan" coul"n#t part with it$
(a) throw out () throw up (c) throw "own
Q4 Aeila was (eeling lue so she went shopping to ....... some new out(its$
(a) try at () try on (c) try in
Q5 Samantha was late (or the as!etall .......$
(a) try out () try in (c) try up
Q6 :ryan tappe" ,auline on her shoul"er so she woul" ....... an" see the para"e approaching
ehin" them$
(a) turn in () turn over (c) turn aroun"
Q7 The teacher as!e" her stu"ents to ....... the assignments y 8ri"ay at noon$
(a) turn on () turn in (c) turn with
Q8 Fohn trie" to as! Cara out on a "ate ut she .......$
(a) turne" him over () turne" him through (c) turne" him "own
Q9 Jeira can#t ear people who can#t ma!e up their min"s an" is ....... y procrastinators$
(a) turne" in () turne" up (c) turne" o((
Q10 Chris thin!s "ar! hair is a real .......$
(a) turn on () turn in (c) turn up
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 139
/hrasal +er,s 70 $* 28
Q1 Jevin ....... all o( the in(ormation an" then gave the note to his wi(e so she coul" put it into a
computer (ile$
(a) too! on () too! "own (c) too! over
Q2 Ethan as!e" his girl(rien" to ....... the music so he coul" clearly hear the music they were
listening to in the
(a) turn over () turn up (c) turn in
Q3 Jrista ....... her ill husan" all "ay long$
(a) waite" on () waite" in (c) waite" "own
Q4 2eil li!e" to ....... early on Satur"ays$
(a) wa!e on () wa!e up (c) wa!e over
Q5 ;ayleen ....... her little rother all the time$
(a) watche" out (or () watche" out aout (c) watche" out
Q6 Chris was a(rai" the ine'pensive tires woul" ....... ?uic!ly$
(a) wear on () wear over (c) wear out
Q7 Ailly li!es to ....... early in the morning so that she#s (it (or wor!$
(a) wor! on () wor! over (c) wor! out
Q8 ;o loo!s ....... ecause he#s wor!ing two /os at the moment$
(a) worn on () worn in (c) worn out
Q9 &e are getting close to ....... the meeting so are there any (inal ?uestions or concerns?
(a) wrapping "own () wrapping over (c) wrapping up
Q10 Fim "i"n#t have much time to ....... the contract$
(a) write aout () write over (c) write up
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 13<
4di*ms a,*"$ 3nimals
Q1 :eth is so a(rai" o( (lying$ I thin! she shoul" stop eing such a .......$
(a) (rea!y cat () scare"y cat (c) a(rai" ir"
Q2 1y parents ....... when my teacher calle" them an" tol" them aout my poor gra"es$
(a) ha" a cow () ha" a pig (c) ha" a ir"
Q3 Everyone tol" me I#" e ....... i( I too! that /o on &all Street$
(a) swimming li!e a /elly(ish
(c) swimming with (ish
() swimming with shar!s
Q4 6 ....... tol" me it is your anniversary to"ay$ )ow many years is it now (or you two?
(a) tal!ing parrot () little ir"ie (c) hummingir"
Q5 -uring the monsoon season. it rains ....... (or nearly one whole month$
(a) ir"s an" ees () cats an" "ogs (c) pigs an" horses
Q6 The suave salesman loo!e" nice ut when he tol" us aout the BH (inancing. the "eal seeme"
a little
(a) (ishy () "oggy (c) (o'y
Q7 )ollywoo" is so competitive that it seems li!e a ....... worl". "oesn#t it?
(a) shar! eat shar! () wol( eat wol( (c) "og eat "og
Q8 )e#s so nervous$ I wish (or once he#" stop eing such a .......$
(a) (ish () rait (c) chic!en
Q9 1y little girl copies everything I say$ She#s li!e a little .......$
(a) parrot () u"gie (c) chic!en
Q10 Everyone notices ;o#s wi(e when she wal!s into a room$ She#s pretty an" .......$
(a) (o' li!e () (o'y (c) "oggy
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 13@
4di*ms a,*"$ '**d
Q1 Ethan#s teachers tol" him he is the #cream o( the crop# o( his gra"uating class$ &hat "oes
#cream o( the crop# mean?
(a) Goo" () The est (c) 2ot so goo"
Q2 )is "rama coach #egge" him on# so he#" go onto the stage an" per(orm as well as he "i"
"uring the rehearsals$ &hat
"oes Legge" him onL mean? .......$
(a) To "iscourage someone
(c) To tell them they shoul" e emarrasse"
() To encourage someone
Q3 Jeira (elt li!e tennis was #her cup o( tea$# &hat "oes #her cup o( tea# mean? .......$
(a) That it#s not the right thing (or her
(c) That she shoul" practice more
() That it#s a per(ect match (or her
Q4 ;ay was as #cool as a cucumer# aout his e'am ecause he stu"ie" all wee! (or it$ &hat "oes
#cool as a cucumer#
mean? .......$
(a) To e scare" an" col" aout something
(c) To e very calm an" rela'e" aout something
() To e very emarrasse" aout something
Q5 Everyone !new that the politician ha" his #(inger in the pie# o( many usinesses aroun" the city$
&hat "oes #(inger in
the pie# mean? .......$
(a) To e involve" in something
(c) &anting to get out o( something
() To e unintereste" in something
Q6 1ost o( Jim#s teachers wante" her to #use her noo"le# more when it came to e'am time$ &hat
"oes #use her noo"le#
mean? .......$
(a) To act up more () To thin! more (c) To try more
Q7 L#In a nutshell#. the prolem was cause" y a (aulty wire.L sai" the e'perience" electrician$
&hat "oes #in a nutshell#
mean? .......$
(a) To e lunt aout something
(c) To e long an" e'haustive aout something
() To e concise aout something
Q8 The trial turne" out to e #a hot potato# that everyone at the tale was thin!ing aout$ &hat
"oes #a hot potato# mean?
(a) 6 topic that is very controversial
(c) 6 topic that people are in"i((erent aout ecause they
want to eat
() 6 topic that is easy to answer/solve
Q9 The !ing was so rich. arrogant an" mean that when he was overthrown y his people. most o(
his su/ects thought it
was aout time he #ate some humle pie$# &hat "oes to #eat humle pie# mean? .......$
(a) To get upset/angry aout something
(c) To accept shame
() To e venge(ul
Q10 1ary was going through a rough time an" her (amily (elt li!e they ha" to #wal! on eggshells#
aroun" her$ &hat "oes to
#wal! on eggshells# mean? .......$
(a) To e very messy
(c) To e very cautious an"/or sensitive aout something
() To e very lou"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 15B
/rep*si$i*ns *! 0ime and Da$e 718
Q1 I woul"n#t want his shi(t D he has to wa!e up ....... 0 am every"ay$
(a) (none) () on (c) at
Q2 1an"y can#t wait (or snow ecause she wants to go s!iing ....... the winter$
(a) in () at (c) (none)
Q3 I "on#t !now what time they#ll e ac! ....... this evening. i( at all$ It all "epen"s on the roa"
con"itions to"ay$
(a) (or () in (c) (none)
Q4 &e hope there won#t e much snow ....... this year ut you never !now$
(a) aout () (none) (c) on
Q5 ....... last year. the weather was really a"$ This year. the (orecast is etter$
(a) In () (none) (c) 6out
Q6 I have to go (or a chec!Gup ....... ne't wee!$ I go (or a chec!Gup once a year$
(a) aout () on (c) (none)
Q7 I calle" in to ma!e an appointment an" I can see the "octor ....... 0 pm$ Can you come with
(a) (none) () on (c) at
Q8 I#m meeting an ol" (rien" (or lunch ....... noon$ I haven#t seen her (or a long time$
(a) on () in (c) at
Q9 I "on#t have any plans ....... Than!sgiving -ay ecause my entire (amily lives overseas$
(a) (or () in (c) aout
Q10 I#m going to my parents# house in 1aine$ &hat are you "oing ....... Christmas -ay?
(a) on () in (c) with
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 151
/rep*si$i*ns *! 0ime and Da$e 728
Q1 ....... yester"ay. I went shopping an" (oun" some great out(its (or spring$
(a) Cn () In (c) (none)
Q2 The meeting is ....... 1on"ay morning at @=0B am sharp$ -on#t e late$
(a) in () with (c) on
Q3 1y irth"ay is ....... 6pril$ Can you come to my irth"ay party?
(a) on () (none) (c) in
Q4 I love swimming ....... the summer months I usually swim at out"oor pool as much as I can an"
sometimes we
go the la!e$
(a) aout () (none) (c) in
Q5 I#m going hi!ing ....... the wee!en"$ -o you want to come?
(a) in () on (c) aout
Q6 6(ter our hi!ing trip. I#m going to e really sore ....... 1on"ay morning$
(a) aout () in (c) on
Q7 ....... three wee!s. I#m going on a camping trip$ &e#re going to a really scenic spot$
(a) Cn () In (c) (none)
Q8 ....... the "ay a(ter tomorrow. I#m going to :ora :ora$ I can#t waitE
(a) In () Cn (c) (none)
Q9 ....... *BB*. I got a promotion an" I#m hoping (or another one this year$
(a) Cn () (none) (c) In
Q10 Some"ay. ....... the (uture. we#re going to uil" the house o( our "reams$
(a) on () aout (c) in
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 15*
/rep*si$i*ns *! 0ime and Da$e 738
Q1 ....... yester"ay. we went to the ;oyal 6lerta 1useum they ha" some really interesting
(a) Cn () 8or (c) (none)
Q2 &e#re going to the :otanical Gar"ens an" ....... tomorrow. we#re planning to see some more
aspects this city
has to o((er$
(a) in () (none) (c) on
Q3 ....... two wee!s. the pro/ect shoul" e complete$ I hope our clients approve o( the new (ormat$
(a) Cn () In (c) 6out
Q4 I (inishe" a very important pro/ect ....... two months ago$ It was really intense ecause o( the
cutting e"ge
technology we use"$
(a) on () (none) (c) in
Q5 1y vacation starts ....... Fuly 0$ &en"y will (ill in (or me while I#m gone$
(a) on () at (c) in
Q6 I li!e to eat rea!(ast ....... the morning ut to"ay I ha" to s!ip it ecause I ha" an early
meeting with the :oar"
o( -irectors$
(a) on () in (c) aout
Q7 I love going (or wal!s ....... the spring everything is so (resh an" eauti(ul$
(a) aout () (none) (c) in
Q8 I#m going to (inish rea"ing this great oo! ....... to"ay D it#s really captivating$
(a) in () on (c) (none)
Q9 ....... *BB3. I#m getting a raise so we#ll e ale to a((or" more things li!e tropical vacations$
(a) Cn () (none) (c) In
Q10 &e#re going (or "inner at a great Italian restaurant ....... tonight$ It#s not (ar (rom here$
(a) (none) () on (c) aout
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 150
/rep*si$i*ns *! 0ime and Da$e 748
Q1 ....... the seventeenth century. artwor! in Europe was ?uite "i((erent (rom what you see to"ay$
(a) (none) () In (c) Cn
Q2 ....... %alentine#s -ay. I#m ta!ing my girl(rien" to a won"er(ul spot it#s really remote an"
romantic$ I hope she
li!es it$
(a) Cn () In (c) 6out
Q3 ....... one wee! ago. she was tol" she coul"n#t have any more time o(($
(a) 8or () (none) (c) In
Q4 ....... ne't month. I#m e'pecting my (amily to visit (rom the %irgin Islan"s$
(a) Cn () (none) (c) In
Q5 ....... Satur"ay night. we went to a great movie an" then ha" supper with the Fohnsons$
(a) 8or () Cn (c) In
Q6 ....... In"epen"ence -ay. we always go to the (air an" watch the (irewor!s at 11 pm$
(a) 6out () Cn (c) (none)
Q7 ....... &e"nes"ay night. I#m going to ta!e the sta(( out (or "inner$
(a) 6out () In (c) Cn
Q8 ....... tomorrow evening. we#re going to have a surprise irth"ay party (or 1itch$
(a) (none) () 6out (c) In
Q9 ....... mi"night. the tra"ition is to sing a tra"itional song to ring in the 2ew +ear$
(a) Cn () 6t (c) In
Q10 ....... *BB5. I (inishe" my "egree an" now I#m wor!ing with a small accounting (irm$
(a) Cn () In (c) 6t
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 153
2ha$ 1*mes =e:$5 718
Q1 &hat I#ll "o now is .......$
(a) up to me () through me (c) across me (") on to me
Q2 I#m very tire" so I thin! I#ll .......$
(a) go out () turn o(( (c) turn in (") turn over
Q3 It must e at least a year since .......$
(a) you are here () you will e here (c) you were here (") you ha" een here
Q4 I /ust "on#t (ollow a single wor" D I#m a(rai" it#s all .......$
(a) Spanish to me () German to me (c) &elsh to me (") Gree! to me
Q5 I#m "esperate$ 6ll I nee" really is someone to .......$
(a) ta!e me a han" () put me a han" (c) give me a han" (") show me a han"
Q6 I#m sorry that#s not (air$ It#s no goo" .......$
(a) laming me () etraying me (c) elieving me (") ehol"ing me
Q7 6s (ar as I#m concerne" they can all go .......$
(a) /ump in the oven () /ump in the in (c) /ump in the (iel" (") /ump in the la!e
Q8 I( you must tal!. "o it ?uietly .......$
(a) I trust you () I eg you (c) I (ollow you (") I "eman" you
Q9 -i" you hear that noise? I#m sure there must e .......$
(a) a ugler in the house
(c) a urglar in the house
() a ungler
(") a owler in the house
Q10 6ll I as! is that you .......$
(a) give me /ust one last chance
(c) give me /ust one last time
() give me /ust one last occasion
(") give me /ust one last series
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 155
2ha$ 1*mes =e:$5 728
Q1 I can#t ma!e hea" nor tail o( this D .......$
(a) it#s utter "estruction
(c) it#s utter ruish
() it#s utter paperwor!
(") it#s utter cheese
Q2 I "on#t !now aout you ut I#m so hungry .......$
(a) I coul" eat a mountain
(c) I coul" eat a cow
() I coul" eat the tale
(") I coul" eat a horse
Q3 +ou "on#t have to shout .......$
(a) I#m not that "a(t () I#m not that "ea( (c) I#m not that "ea" (") I#m not that "um
Q4 I have trie". honestly ut .......$
(a) I /ust can#t get across to her
(c) I /ust can#t get in etween her
() I /ust can#t get up to her
(") I /ust can#t get through to her
Q5 I( I ha" the chances you have. .......$
(a) I#" simply gra them
(c) I#" simply hol" them
() I#" simply control them
(") I#" simply manage them
Q6 I( you can#t get this right. then .......$
(a) there#s no sense (or you
(c) there#s no hope (or you
() there#s no thought (or you
(") there#s no i"ea (or you
Q7 I( the situation#s that a" I suggest .......$
(a) you sell in () you sell up (c) you sell on (") you sell o((
Q8 They realise" that the police ha" them cornere" an" .......$
(a) they gave themselves up
(c) they gave them selves to
() they gave themselves un"er
(") they gave themselves over
Q9 There#s no rush (or an answer so /ust .......$
(a) spen" your time () give your time (c) waste your time (") ta!e your time
Q10 &e can sa(ely say that the usiness is now conclu"e" so .......$
(a) that#s him () that#s us (c) that#s it (") that#s them
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 157
2ha$ 1*mes =e:$5 738
Q1 I woul"n#t hesitate to accept that o((er$ I( it were me .......$
(a) I#" ite his hea" o((
(c) I#" ite his nose o((
() I#" ite his han" o((
(") I#" ite his (inger o((
Q2 There are several ways o( loo!ing at this an" .......$
(a) you#ll have to opt
(c) you#ll have to choose
() you#ll have to ta!e
(") you#ll have to accept
Q3 2oo"y#s going to call me names an" .......$
(a) get on with it () get up with it (c) get away (rom it (") get away with it
Q4 +ou can#t agree with oth o( them .......$
(a) ma!e your opinion up
(c) ma!e your rain up
() ma!e your min" up
(") ma!e your thoughts up
Q5 -on#t worry aout not getting enough support .......$
(a) I#m with you all the way
(c) I#m with you all the path
() I#m with you the whole route
(") I#m with you the whole roa"
Q6 I( you coul" e serious (or /ust one moment .......$
(a) I#" accept it () I#" elieve it (c) I#" appreciate it (") I#" un"erstan" it
Q7 2oo"y ever got in his way .......$
(a) he#" /ust stri"e all over them
(c) he#" /ust hop all over them
() he#" /ust stroll all over them
(") he#" /ust wal! all over them
Q8 +ou#re not telling me you "i"n#t laugh once .......$
(a) I et you will () I et you "i" (c) I et you have (") I et you "o
Q9 -on#t worry what other people thin! .......$
(a) /ust ta!e no note o( them
(c) /ust ta!e no hint o( them
() /ust ta!e no sign o( them
(") /ust ta!e no notice o( them
Q10 &e#re having a arecue ne't wee!. .......?
(a) will you come () "i" you come (c) "o you come (") were you coming
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 159
2ha$ 1*mes =e:$5 748
Q1 It#s getting very late .......$
(a) I#ll have to spee" you
(c) I#ll have to hurry
() I#ll have to accelerate you
(") I#ll have to push you
Q2 I( we leave it any longer. .......$
(a) we#ll catch the us
(c) we#ll lose the train
() we#ll miss the train
(") we#ll loose the us
Q3 There is a "ea"line. I#m a(rai". .......$
(a) so you mustn#t "ither
(c) so you mustn#t "ale
() so you mustn#t "oo"le
(") so you mustn#t "i""le
Q4 &e shoul" have een there * hours ago. .......$
(a) so we#re well ac!
(c) so we#re well ac!war"
() so we#re well o((
(") so we#re well ehin"
Q5 I( we leave this minute. .......$
(a) I#m sure we#ll ma!e it
(c) I#m sure we#ll get it
() I#m sure we#ll ta!e it
(") I#m sure we#ll turn it
Q6 They arrive" in the mi""le o( the night .......$
(a) ecause their (light was "etaine"
(c) ecause their (light was "elaye"
() ecause their (light was "espatche"
(") ecause their (light was "e(use"
Q7 6s the ol" saying goes= .......$
(a) )e who hesitates is (oun"
(c) )e who hesitates is late
() )e who hesitates is lost
(") )e who hesitates is long
Q8 They shoul" have arrive" y now$ I won"er .......$
(a) what has !ept them () what has hel" them (c) what has got them (") what has "one them
Q9 I#m eing as ?uic! as I can$ Fust "on#t .......$
(a) hug me () tug me (c) lug me (") ug me
Q10 I#m giving you your last warning$ I( you#re not rea"y in (ive minutes. .......$
(a) you#re on your sel( () you#re on your own (c) you#re on your si"e (") you#re on your turn
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Interme"iate level # 15<
2ha$ 1*mes =e:$5 758
Q1 -o you min" repeating that? I "i"n#t ?uite .......$
(a) gra it the (irst time
(c) sei4e it the (irst time
() snatch it the (irst time
(") grasp it the (irst time
Q2 -i" you (ollow all that? 6nswer= .......$
(a) 2o. my min"#s a complete lan!
(c) 2o. my min"#s a complete space
() 2o. my min"#s a complete hole
(") 2o. my min"#s a complete voi"
Q3 -i" you get that? 6nswer= &ell. not really$ .......?
(a) Coul" you (loat that past me once more
(c) Coul" you (ly that past me once more
() Coul" you run that past me once more
(") Coul" you wal! that past me once more
Q4 I "on#t !now aout you ut I can#t ma!e sense o( this at all$ 6nswer= .......$
(a) 1e too. I#m /ust out o( my height
(c) 1e too. i#m /ust out o( my "epth
() 1e too. I#m /ust out o( my length
(") 1e too. I#m /ust out o( my si4e
Q5 +ou loo! a little con(use"$ -o you !now .......?
(a) what I#m on aout
(c) what I#m un"er aout
() what I#m o(( aout
(") what I#m in aout
Q6 I hope it#s all clear now. isn#t it? 6nswer= 2o. .......$
(a) you#ve le(t me there
(c) you#ve ht me there
() you#ve "roppe" me there
(") you#ve lost me there
Q7 I( you want us to (ollow your argument I suggest you .......$
(a) use less conspicuous wor"s
(c) use less con(use" wor"s
() use less complicate" wor"s
(") use less concerne" wor"s
Q8 ,romise me that at least you#ll try this e'ercise. won#t you? 6nswer= .......$
(a) I#ll have an e((ort () I#ll have a trial (c) I#ll have a go (") I#ll have a trial
Q9 &hat "o you ma!e o( this test? 6nswer= It#s ?uite .......$
(a) eyon" me () elow me (c) ehin" me (") esi"e me
Q10 I( you can#t actually say the wor"s then why "on#t you try .......$
(a) sing them () singing them (c) to have sung them (") having sung them
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 1
=e-spaper &eadlines
Q1 Some people only rea" the ....... lines in a newspaper$
(a) top () ig (c) main (") hea"
Q2 +ou shoul" always chec! the sell ....... "ate o( things you uy in the supermar!et$
(a) in () through (c) y (") o((
Q3 &hen the uil"ing was complete". all the wor!ers were pai" .......$
(a) o(( () through (c) out (") over
Q4 The oss was goo" enough to ....... my mista!e$
(a) oversee () overta!e (c) over"o (") overloo!
Q5 It is always ....... when you misun"erstan" the customs o( other countries$
(a) emarrassing () peculiar (c) singular (") attitu"e
Q6 2ewspapers are ....... to people#s "oors every "ay$
(a) ta!en () "istriute" (c) "elivere" (") han"e"
Q7 In her speech she e'presse" her ....... (or all the help she ha" een given$
(a) than!(ulness () gratitu"e (c) grate(ulness (") than!ing
Q8 In ....... nothing much happene" at the meeting$
(a) ?uic! () rie(ly (c) short (") shortly
Q9 6t the en" o( the speech the whole assemly gave the spea!ers a stan"ing .......$
(a) ovation () applause (c) cheering (") support
Q10 ,oliticians preten" to ignore opinion .......$
(a) votes () (igures (c) numers (") polls
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *
#earning $ips and ins$r"$i*ns
Q1 Start rea"ing the story (rom page 3 an" then go on until you ....... the en" o( the chapter$
(a) arrive () reach (c) touch (") achieve
Q2 6nswer the ?uestions at the ac! o( the oo! an" ma!e ....... that you chec! your answers
(a) ovious () "e(inite (c) sure (") clear
Q3 The whole purpose o( all these e'ercises is to ....... your !nowle"ge o( grammar an"
(a) test () proe (c) investigate (") interpret
Q4 6 use(ul way to ....... your vocaulary is to rea" as much as possile$
(a) amass () increase (c) collect (") gather
Q5 +ou "on#t have to rea" /ust novels ut also newspapers so that you can see e'amples o( .......
(a) i"iomatic () automatic (c) a'iomatic (") "ogmatic
Q6 6nother important activity is to ....... your spo!en language$
(a) train () practise (c) e'ercise (") emphasise
Q7 I( you can ....... the cost o( travel. there is o( course no sustitute (or visiting the country itsel($
(a) a((or" () spen" (c) e'pen" (") calculate
Q8 Try to ....... a native spea!er to tal! to you so that you can recor" the conversation$
(a) in(luence () persua"e (c) encourage (") impress
Q9 ,lay the tape ac! as many times as you li!e an" ....... everything that the native spea!er has
(a) hol" () ta!e (c) hear (") repeat
Q10 I( you manage to "o all these things. it won#t e long e(ore you (in" yoursel( spea!ing the
language .......$
(a) (lowingly () (luently (c) !nowingly (") (re?uently
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 0
/hrasal +er,s
Q1 I( you want to /oin that clu. you have to ....... a (orm an" sen" it to your secretary$
(a) (ill up () (ill out (c) (ill into (") (ill over
Q2 -on#t worry we#ll have to wait a little longer ecause I#m sure he#ll ....... soon$
(a) turn up () turn in (c) turn into (") turn "own
Q3 Aast wee! I ....... that oo! you wante" in a small shop$
(a) came up () came into (c) came across (") came y
Q4 &hat you have to "o is to ....... a new i"ea that will enale us to ma!e a lot o( money$
(a) thin! over () thin! out (c) thin! aout (") thin! up
Q5 I nee" to (in" some !in" o( chemical that will ....... the wee"s in the gar"en$
(a) !eep o(( () !eep out (c) !eep "own (") !eep on
Q6 &hen spring comes. people o(ten (eel incline" to ....... their houses$
(a) "o over () "o through (c) "o up (") "o in
Q7 The time has now come when it will e necessary to ....... ma!ing a plan$
(a) see aout () see over (c) see through (") see into
Q8 It#s easy to see (rom the way the gar"en is loo!ing that winter has .......$
(a) set out () set in (c) set up (") set o((
Q9 +ou nee" not worry that you#ll e le(t on your own ecause I#ll always ....... you$
(a) stan" (or () stan" to (c) stan" y (") stan" (rom
Q10 +ou can tell y the way she tal!s an" ehaves that she ....... her mother$
(a) ta!es to () ta!es in (c) ta!es ac! (") ta!es a(ter
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 3
0ime E:pressi*ns 718
Q1 There#s no nee" to worry we shall get to the station long e(ore the train leaves as we have
....... o( time$
(a) sac!s () pac!ets (c) parcels (") ags
Q2 The concert "oesn#t start at least an hour an" so we have time to .......$
(a) !ill () mur"er (c) remove (") "estroy
Q3 The station isn#t (ar away an" the train leaves in aout ten minutes so there is no nee" to worry
D we have
time to .......$
(a) save () store (c) spare (") place
Q4 The prolem is he has no wor! to "o an" with time on his ....... he is li!ely to get into troule$
(a) han"s () (ingers (c) (eet (") legs
Q5 I tol" him time an" ....... not to "o it ut he ta!es no notice$
(a) o(ten () alrea"y (c) again (") (re?uently
Q6 I always li!e to get to an appointment in ....... time$
(a) goo" () est (c) (ine (") clear
Q7 It#s ....... time she learnt to loo! a(ter hersel($
(a) o( () in (c) aout (") through
Q8 &e#re not living here (or goo" ut /ust (or the time .......$
(a) seeing () trying (c) going (") eing
Q9 Time ........ it#s "i((icult to elieve that we#ve een here all "ay$
(a) (lows () (lies (c) (lees (") (iles
Q10 Time will ....... whether we have ma"e the right "ecision$
(a) say () !now (c) tell (") (in"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 5
0ime E:pressi*ns 728
Q1 The usiness has lost a lot o( or"ers recently an" is going through a ....... time$
(a) slen"er () poor (c) thin (") acute
Q2 The railways system is very e((icient as the trains always arrive ....... time$
(a) up () at (c) (or (") on
Q3 1y opinion is that they "on#t !now what to "o an" are merely playing ....... time$
(a) to () (or (c) at (") in
Q4 +ou can tell /ust loo!ing at their out o( "ate e?uipment that the company is well ....... the times$
(a) ehin" () across (c) un"er (") outsi"e
Q5 )is invention showe" that he un"erstoo" what was going to happen in the (uture an" prove"
he was ....... o(
his time$
(a) in (ront () e(ore (c) ahea" (") (orwar"
Q6 +ou can tell she has hit the ....... time ecause o( the huge car she "rives$
(a) high () massive (c) large (") ig
Q7 I( you really want to sen" that letter o(( to"ay. it#s ....... time you went to the post o((ice$
(a) high () ?uic! (c) proper (") right
Q8 The orchestra are meant to ....... time with the con"uctor$
(a) hol" () !eep (c) ta!e (") show
Q9 I( you want to grow as a usiness an" attract new customers you must ....... with the times$
(a) move () (ollow (c) !eep (") hol"
Q10 The parcel eventually arrive" si' wee!s later. an" not ....... timeE
(a) a(ter () e(ore (c) since (") (or
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 7
4n$ervie-s and F*,s
Q1 :e(ore you start applying (or any /o. you must e asolutely sure you have the right paper
(a) ?ualities () ?uali(iers (c) ?uali(ying (") ?uali(ications
Q2 In a"vance o( "rawing up the /o speci(ication an" a"vertisement. you have to sit "own an"
wor! out the .......
you have in min" (or the i"eal employee$
(a) portrait () pro(ile (c) picture (") s!etch
Q3 6s soon as the ....... arrive. it will e your /o to show them roun" the wor! place an" give them
a general
history o( the company (or which they want to wor!$
(a) chosen () selecte" (c) can"i"ates (") appliers
Q4 6t the moment the company is "oing an e'tensive a"vertising campaign with a view to .......
new sta(($
(a) recruiting () catching (c) reaching (") ta!ing
Q5 6(ter you#ve rea" the "etails o( the /o. ma"e some notes an" written a "ra(t letter. chec! the
"etails. write the
(inal letter an" then ....... your application$
(a) pursue () sumit (c) un"ergo (") un"erta!e
Q6 I thin! you were as!ing too much o( that new memer o( sta(( when you e'pecte" her to .......
with a costcutting
(a) come over () come through (c) come y (") come up
Q7 I thin! that you#ve chosen a very goo" area o( wor! to see! employment in ecause I#ve hear"
that /os are
....... there$
(a) many () aun"ant (c) (re?uent (") plenty
Q8 Interviewing applicants (or an important /o can e a very time ....... process ut it#s worth it in
the en"$
(a) lasting () "eveloping (c) consuming (") ta!ing
Q9 &hen you are interviewing someone. it is oviously necessary to as! ?uestions relevant to
their /o
e'perience ut "iscussing someone#s other ....... is also use(ul$
(a) "ee"s () accomplishments (c) "oings (") hol"ings
Q10 &e can o((er you a salary that will e ....... with the "uties an" responsiilities that the /o
(a) level () e?ual (c) connecte" (") commensurate
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 9
3$ $he D*$*rs
Q1 6s soon as the "octor loo!e" at her. he was ale to ....... the cause o( her (re?uent hea"aches$
(a) "eci"e () "iagnose (c) "e(ine (") "escrie
Q2 Treatment o( this particular "isor"er was eyon" the "octor#s capaility an" he ....... the patient
to a specialist$
(a) re(erence" () returne" (c) re(erre" (") re"uce"
Q3 )e le(t the surgery (eeling a lot etter than when he arrive" ecause the "octor ha" reassure"
him that his
con"ition was not .......$
(a) clear () serious (c) "etermine" (") possile
Q4 The "octor too! out o( her ag an unusual ....... ut promise" her young patient that it woul"
not hurt her$
(a) utensil () metho" (c) control (") instrument
Q5 I must con(ess I (eel much etter to"ay. as I have (oun" that the me"ication prescrie" has
een most .......$
(a) e((ecting () e((ects (c) e((ective (") a((ective
Q6 In"er the policy o( the new health regulations i( you "eci"e to cancel your ....... an" "on#t noti(y
the surgery.
you will e (ine"$
(a) meeting () appointment (c) ren"e4vous (") "ate
Q7 :e(ore she was allowe" to leave the hospital. a physiotherapist ha" to ....... the e'tent o( her
(a) assume () accept (c) assess (") assert
Q8 The treatment has prove" very success(ul ut to chec! progress he has to arrange to visit the
"octor#s .......$
(a) usually () always (c) principally (") annually
Q9 It is much easier to ....... an illness than it is to cure it$
(a) prepare () prevent (c) postpone (") pre(er
Q10 :e(ore they coul" start any !in" o( treatment. they ha" to write to the previous hospital in
or"er to otain her
(a) writings () prescriptions (c) recor"s (") recor"ings
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # <
)is$aken 4den$i$y
Q1 Interviewer= ,erhaps you coul" start y telling us why you#ve .......$
(a) otaine" (or this /o
(c) inten"e" (or this /o
() applie" (or this /o
(") as!e" (or this /o
Q2 Can"i"ate= I thin! the main reason is ecause I li!e wor!ing in .......$
(a) the (ree air () the clear air (c) the pure air (") the open air
Q3 Interviewer= +ou mean you li!e the i"ea o( an o((ice with .......$
(a) air control () air managment (c) air con"itioning (") air con"ition
Q4 Can"i"ate= I#m sorry I "on#t un"erstan" what you#re .......$
(a) in aout () on aout (c) (or aout (") o(( aout
Q5 Interviewer= I shoul" have thought this was .......$
(a) clear ovious () mostly ovious (c) pretty ovious (") mainly ovious
Q6 Can"i"ate= 2ot to me. .......$
(a) it isn#t () it can#t e (c) it won#t e (") it will e
Q7 Interviewer= I thin! there must e a mista!e. I .......$
(a) put it you#re 1r Fohnson
(c) place it you#re 1r Fohnson
() ta!e it you#re 1r Fohnson
(") try it you#re 1r Fohnson
Q8 Can"i"ate= I#m 1r Fensen$ I#m a(rai" it#s a case o( .......$
(a) mista!en personality
(c) mista!en person
() mista!en character
(") mista!en i"entity
Q9 Interviewer= So you#re not a(ter the /o o( guar"ian. .......$
(a) I presume () I preten" (c) I pre(er (") I preview
Q10 Can"i"ate= 2o. sorry as I sai" I li!e wor!ing outsi"e. I want to e a gar"ener. .......$
(a) i( you "on#t care () i( you "on#t agree (c) i( you "on#t min" (") i( you "on#t see
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # @
#e$$er 2ri$ing 718
Q1 -ear Sir. I am writing this letter to "escrie the ....... I#ve een having with one o( your pro"ucts$
(a) inci"ents () instances (c) prolems (") e'amples
Q2 I am re(erring to your lawnmower ....... in the catalogue as #Supercut#$
(a) "escrie" () "e(erre" (c) consi"ere" (") mentione"
Q3 To egin with I woul" li!e to ta!e ....... over the name itsel($
(a) outcome () issue (c) troule (") pains
Q4 #Super# to my min" suggests ........ which it "oes not possess$
(a) outstan"ing () won"er(ul (c) e'cellent (") e'cellence
Q5 #Cut# I shoul" have thought was an essential ....... o( any lawnmower$
(a) re?uire () re?uirement (c) re?uires (") re?uiring
Q6 In(ortunately this "oes not ....... to #Supercut#$
(a) concern () attriute (c) apply (") con(er
Q7 The (irst time I trie" to use it. your lawnmower simply ....... over the grass ut "i" not cut it$
(a) wal!e" () rolle" (c) stro"e (") trippe"
Q8 ....... the grass was (lat ut it was still as long as when I ha" starte"$
(a) Con(essing () Con(esse" (c) 6"mitte" (") 6"mitte"ly
Q9 &hat I woul" li!e you to "o is to pay me ....... my money an" ta!e #Supercut# away$
(a) ac! () return (c) again (") reply
Q10 8inally I want someone to come an" cut my grass at your .......$
+ours (aith(ully. )er Grass$
(a) e'pen"iture () e'pense (c) e'pen"ing (") e'pen"s
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 1B
#e$$er 2ri$ing 728
Q1 -ear Charles I thought it was ....... time I wrote to you an" tol" you what I#ve een up to$
(a) in () aout (c) at (") y
Q2 1y main news is that 1ary has at long last ....... to marry me$
(a) concerne" () convene" (c) concerte" (") consente"
Q3 She puts it another way an" says she will e ale to ma!e an ....... man o( me$
(a) honest () honour (c) honestly (") honourale
Q4 6n" now I come to a very important ....... I want to as! o( you$
(a) (avourite () (avour (c) (avourale (") (avouring
Q5 ,utting it ....... I shoul" e "elighte" i( you woul" agree to e my est man at our we""ing$
(a) easily () ?uietly (c) (airly (") simply
Q6 I can ....... you that the "uties are not in any way complicate"$
(a) con(irm () assure (c) assert (") a((irm
Q7 In (act you coul" not possily say that the /o o( est man is at all .......$
(a) ar"uous () articulate (c) ar"ent (") ar"uously
Q8 This rings me to another point= why aren#t you an" Sara tying the .......?
(a) noose () rope (c) !not (") string
Q9 6(ter all why shoul" you two continue to e (ree an" I have to give up my .......?
(a) latitu"e () lierty (c) scope (") immunity
Q10 Aet me have your ....... as soon as possile$
+our ol" (rien". 1ic!$
(a) return () response (c) respect (") recur
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 11
#e$$er 2ri$ing 738
Q1 -ear Sir. having rea" your a"vertisement. I shoul" li!e to ....... this letter as my application (or
the post o(
mar!eting manager$
(a) "eliver () sumit (c) return (") sen"
Q2 6s you will see (rom my ....... C$%$. I am currently wor!ing as a waiter$
(a) en"orse" () inclu"e" (c) attache" (") appeare"
Q3 +ou may thin! that this is a ....... /o (or someone who is applying (or a mar!eting post$
(a) peculiar () stranger (c) usual (") typical
Q4 ,erhaps I shoul" e'plain the ....... reason (or wor!ing in a restaurant as a waiter in preparation
(or a mar!eting
(a) un"ergroun" () un"ercover (c) un"erstan"ing (") un"erlying
Q5 6s I see it. a restaurant is a mar!et an" it is the /o o( a waiter to ....... the clients into choosing
pro"ucts (rom
the menu$
(a) push () perva"e (c) tempt (") instruct
Q6 I am sure I coul" very easily ....... all the re?uirements o( the /o$
(a) complete () (ul(il (c) commit (") (inish
Q7 8or e'ample some o( my clients cannot "eci"e whether to have ....... (ruit or tiramisu$
(a) pic!e" () wet (c) (resh (") pluc!e"
Q8 Cn such an occasion li!e that I mar!et well an" always ma!e them ....... the one we have most
(a) "eci"e () elieve (c) select (") e((ect
Q9 I am sure I coul" ....... my s!ills as a waiter to the tas!s that are nee"e" (or your a"vertise"
(a) trans(er () translate (c) transpose (") transverse
Q10 8inally I loo! (orwar" to ....... (rom you an" as you will un"erstan" I "on#t want to #wait# very
+ours (aith(ully.
I$6$1$ )ope(ul$
(a) hear () hearing (c) hear" (") hears
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 1*
#e$$er 2ri$ing 748
Q1 -ear all. /ust to let you !now that we reache" our ....... a(ter a "ramatic start$
(a) goal () aim (c) en" (") "estination
Q2 I coul" say that we are having a won"er(ul time ut that woul" e ....... (rom the truth$
(a) "istant () (ar (c) long (") (urther
Q3 Everything starte" to go wrong the moment we arrive" at the airport ecause o( the in"ustrial
....... ta!en y
the aggage han"lers$
(a) activity () acts (c) acting (") action
Q4 These aggage han"lers ha" "eci"e" they "i"n#t want to ....... our cases on to the plane$
(a) lea" () loa" (c) lo"e (") le"
Q5 The result o( this was that we were hel" ....... (or si' hours in the "eparture lounge waiting (or
the en" o( the
(a) up () on (c) y (") aout
Q6 :y the time the plane too! o(( as you can ........ we were all tire". hungry an" miserale$
(a) elieve () anticipate (c) imagine (") thin!
Q7 &hen we eventually arrive" at the hotel. we ha" to ....... our luggage at reception$
(a) sort out () sort o( (c) sort in (") sort y
Q8 The ig prolem was that our luggage wasn#t there D it ha" simply .......$
(a) "isintegrate" () "istorte" (c) "islo"ge" (") "isappeare"
Q9 Cur (irst "ay was spent in the local shops ....... all the things that we elieve" we ha" rought
with us$
(a) (in"ing () loo!ing (c) purchasing (") searching
Q10 Cn the last "ay o( our holi"ay the manager o( the hotel greete" us ....... (rom ear to ear to
in(orm us that our
luggage ha" arrive" at receptionE
See you soon
1eggy an" Tom$
(a) screaming () eaming (c) streaming (") strechting
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 10
'lying ar*ss $he 1hannel
Q1 -o you have any i"ea what :6SE /umping .......?
(a) signi(ies () means (c) says (") tells
Q2 6pparently it is an ....... where the letters in the wor" are the (irst letters o( a group o( wor"s$
(a) areviation () a""ition (c) anomaly (") acronym
Q3 In other wor"s the letters ....... uil"ing. antennae. span an" earth. all o( which you can /ump
(a) stan" up () stan" in (c) stan" (or (") stan" y
Q4 8eli' :aumgartner recently ase/umpe" out o( a plane @.BBB metres ....... -over. a port on the
south coast o(
(a) up () aove (c) higher (") at
Q5 )e inten"e" to ....... across the channel with a parachute an" lan" on the coast o( 8rance near
(a) (ly () (lee (c) (lew (") (low
Q6 )e starte" very early in the morning so that he was ale to ....... commercial (lights$
(a) evict () avoi" (c) e/ect (") a/ect
Q7 -uring the (light his supporters ....... that he will have reache" *BB !mh$
(a) attain () argue (c) claim (") "ispute
Q8 The (act remains that he ....... an" manage" with the help o( o'ygen supplies to complete the
crossing in ten
(a) live" () continue" (c) achieve" (") survive"
Q9 )e create" a new ....... an" /oins Aouis :leriot. the (irst to (ly across the channel in 09 minutes
an" 1atthew
&e. the (irst to swim across in ** hours$
(a) recor" () recor"er (c) recor"ing (") recor"s
Q10 These are ama4ing achievements ut i( li!e me you want com(ort. warmth an" (oo" on the
/ourney. ta!e the
(erry crossing ....... @B minutes$
(a) "uring () lasting (c) "uration (") while
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 13
0eahing y*"r 2i!e $* Drive
Q1 Teaching someone to "rive is one o( the ....... e'periences you can have$
(a) cruellest () heaviest (c) scariest (") latest
Q2 +ou sit in the passenger seat an" ....... your learner to "o what you woul" normally "o$
(a) learn () per(orm (c) compose (") instruct
Q3 The prolem is that i( your learner "oesn#t un"erstan". you can oth en" up in the .......$
(a) si"e () "itch (c) "rain (") (loor
Q4 The situation is more ....... i( the learner is a memer o( your (amily$
(a) con(irme" () contorte" (c) complicate" (") con(use"
Q5 I( this relative is also your wi(e. then things ecome even more "isastrous ecause it coul" en"
in .......$
(a) "ivorce () "ivision (c) "istance (") "iversion
Q6 The secret o( eing a goo" "riving teacher is never on any occasion to lose your temper or
your .......$
(a) rain () thought (c) i"ea (") hea"
Q7 I( you "o lose one o( them or oth. your learner will lose con(i"ence an" also lose ....... o( the
(a) control () chec! (c) rea! (") stop
Q8 In my ....... none o( this happene" D all I "i" was shout an" scream. which ma"e me (eel
(a) e'ample () case (c) instance (") inci"ent
Q9 I am prou" to say that I taught my wi(e an" my two sons an" they all ....... (irst time$
(a) past () passing (c) passe" (") pass
Q10 The only ....... to me is as they were success(ul on the (irst attempt. how come some years
e(ore it ha" ta!en
me (our triesE
(a) con(usion () mystery (c) intrigue (") un!nown
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 15
6ne is al-ays g*ing $* l*se%%%
Q1 :uil"ing Societies currently (in" themselves in a ....... situation ecause they try to please the
savers an" also
the orrowers an" yet one group is always going to lose$
(a) per(ect () precarious (c) pretentious (") pertinent
Q2 &henever there is a meeting etween the (inance minister an" the governor o( the an!.
people start as!ing
?uestions an" rumours .......$
(a) aut () aout (c) aoun" (") ai"e
Q3 Invarialy i( interest rates go up. the uil"ing societies pay more to their savers an" orrowers
complain at the
increase they have to pay an" maintain the societies are ....... their a((airs$
(a) mista!ing () misplacing (c) mis(iring (") mishan"ling
Q4 Chie( e'ecutives then start ma!ing pleasant speeches an" smile a lot ecause they want to
....... the concerns
o( their orrowers$
(a) assuage () assert (c) assemle (") assent
Q5 1onths go y an" most people (orget their prolems an" get use" to the i"ea o( paying more
an" then tal!s
....... an" the whole process starts all over again$
(a) reta!e () resume (c) repeat (") return
Q6 The government then has to show that it is involve" in the whole usiness o( saving an"
len"ing an" tries to
convince everyone that it is ....... o( oth savers an" len"ers$
(a) supporting () supporter (c) supportive (") supporte"
Q7 The government ne't announces that measures are "ue to come into ....... that will change the
whole process$
(a) (orces () (orce" (c) (orce (") (orcing
Q8 They say this ut then the "i((iculty is trying to (in" out when the measures are coming into
e((ect an" when
they will e .......$
(a) rate" () rati(ie" (c) rates (") rating
Q9 This is all very "isappointing (or the ....... house uyer who "oesn#t really !now what#s going to
happen ne't
an" how much the interest rate will e$
(a) woul"Ggo () woul"Gtry (c) woul"Gsee (") woul"Ge
Q10 Cur poor potential uyer rea"s the papers. watches the television news an" gets e'cite" at
the prospect o(
another meeting o( the (inanciers ut in the en" nothing o( ....... comes o( it all$
(a) note () notice (c) noting (") note"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 17
3 /",li 'ig"re
Q1 Imagine an ....... pulic (igure attac!e" y press an" pulic. who is (acing an in?uiry into
allegations o( having
otaine" money y "eception$
(a) empowere" () en"angere" (c) emattle" (") engrosse"
Q2 6ny arguments he put up in his "e(ence were regar"e" as a ....... y people who were
"etermine" to see him
(a) clou" () smo!escreen (c) con(usion (") (og
Q3 ,eople ten"e" not to elieve a wor" he sai" an" maintaine" that his protestations o(
innocence were wearing
a it .......$
(a) scarce () are (c) scant (") thin
Q4 There was very strong support (or the police who were "etermine" to ....... this !in" o( crime$
(a) restrain () manage (c) cur (") !ill
Q5 The press ha" een ....... y an un!nown source to ma!e as much pulicity aout him as they
(a) prompte" () pic!e" (c) promote" (") propose"
Q6 )is agent spent a lot o( time ....... the press on his ac!groun" in the hope that they woul"
present a alance"
(a) training () rie(ing (c) showing (") clearing
Q7 %iews as to his guilt or innocence even e(ore the trial starte" ....... (rom utter conviction that
he was guilty to
wil" support (or his innocence$
(a) starte" () egan (c) range" (") swept
Q8 Gra"ually however as the "ays went y even his greatest supporters were eginning to .......
(a) "estroy () "esert (c) "espair (") "estruct
Q9 Then two "ays e(ore the trial was "ue to start. new evi"ence came to ....... proving he was
totally innocent$
(a) light () see (c) show (") in"icate
Q10 :y then o( course it was too late ecause the "amage ha" alrea"y een "one to his career.
which .......
everything else he "i" (or the rest o( his li(e$
(a) overtoo! () overcame (c) overran (") oversha"owe"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 19
S$a$e Sere$s
Q1 &e o(ten hear that such an" such a piece o( in(ormation cannot e release" into the pulic
....... in the interest
o( national security$
(a) "ominion () "omination (c) "omain (") "omestic
Q2 Fournalists however love to get hol" o( a story somehow ut they run the ris! o( (acing a ....... i(
they rea! the
o((icial secrects act$
(a) ac! whip () ac!lash (c) ac!store (") ac! stri!e
Q3 &hen there is a ....... in?uiry ta!ing place. the rush to get more "etails is intense$
(a) high pro(ile () high row (c) high intensity (") high "rama
Q4 The more the authorities try to conceal what is happening. the more it (uels ....... aout what
might e
(a) speculative () spectacle (c) speciality (") speculation
Q5 Sometimes a /ournalist will get hol" o( sensitive in(ormation !nowing that he will get ....... y
agencies i( he "ares reveal it$
(a) wil" () torn (c) savage" (") ravage"
Q6 The person in charge o( the en?uiry will occasionally ....... what can e "isclose" in
(a) signal () signi(y (c) sign (") seal
Q7 Cnce this "isclosure is ....... it#s the /o o( the /ournalist to (ollow it through to a satis(actory
(a) heightene" () highlighte" (c) high pitche" (") hightaile"
Q8 1in" you it has to e a convincing article ecause the rea"ing pulic can soon see through the
....... o( a wea!
(a) clarity () clearness (c) transparency (") transparent
Q9 The ?uestion must always e in the min" o( the writer whether what is eing written is li!ely to
....... a threat to
the sa(ety o( the community at large$
(a) place () put (c) start (") pose
Q10 The last possile thing that anyone wants to happen to their country is to turn it into a ....... (or
(a) port () harour (c) haven (") location
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 1<
0he =e-s
Q1 )ere is the news rea" y 6lan Townen"$ To"ay the Government is ....... plans (or a new
scheme to help
(a) opening () unveiling (c) un"oing (") showing
Q2 The i"ea ehin" the scheme is to try an" ....... stealing in the country$
(a) cur () !ill (c) maintain (") con(use
Q3 The scheme will e ....... into the school curriculum at the eginning o( ne't aca"emic year$
(a) entere" () presente" (c) welcome" (") intro"uce"
Q4 Chil"ren will e taught to respect other people#s property an" .......$
(a) elongings () attachments (c) a""e" (") a""itions
Q5 I( chil" 6 steals chil" :#s e'ercise oo!. chil" 6 will have to stan" up in (ront o( the school an"
....... to eing a
(a) con"uce () con(ess (c) con"uct (") con(orm
Q6 The Government ....... sai" the ,rime 1inister was sic! an" tire" o( papers "isappearing (rom
his o((ice$
(a) spea!ing person () spea! person (c) spo!en person (") spo!esperson
Q7 Aast wee! the ,rime 1inister ha" to give an important a""ress to an international ....... when
he (oun" his
speech ha" "isappeare"$
(a) assemle" () assemly (c) assemling (") assemles
Q8 This was o( course very emarrassing (or the ,$1$ an" ....... o( the speech he tol" (unny
(a) in spite () in case (c) instea" (") inten"
Q9 The worst part o( the inci"ent was that the au"ience "i" not see the (unny ....... o( his stories$
(a) e"ge () si"e (c) line (") part
Q10 I regret I cannot continue with the news ecause someone has ....... the ne't page$
(a) misappropriate" () misconstrue" (c) mista!en (") misrea"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 1@
0alking $hr*"gh his ha$
Q1 I "o ta!e my hat ....... to the new "irector (or having pulle" the company ac! (rom an!ruptcy$
(a) y () on (c) to (") o((
Q2 &hatever you "o ta!e no notice o( him ecause he#s not thin!ing straight D he#s tal!ing .......
his hat$
(a) up () through (c) at (") un"er
Q3 It was one o( those society we""ings you !now when the men wear ....... hats an" tails$
(a) tall () long (c) top (") (ull
Q4 I hope you can !eep a secret ecause I#" li!e you to !eep this in(ormation ....... your hat$
(a) un"er () in (c) y (") over
Q5 6t last she#s ma"e her min" up an" "eci"e" to throw her hat in the ....... an" ecome a
(a) circle () ring (c) roun" (") mi""le
Q6 I "on#t thin! she stan"s a chance in the election an" i( she "oes win. I#ll ....... my hat$
(a) ite () consume (c) eat (") chew
Q7 +ou simply can#t trust that politician ecause he changes his min" every (ive minutes at the
....... o( a hat$
(a) (all () tumle (c) /ump (") "rop
Q8 I( you want to !eep up with the latest (ashion. you shoul"n#t wear that D it#s ....... hat now$
(a) late () ol" (c) (inishe" (") gone
Q9 In view o( the special e((orts our coach "river has ma"e to"ay. I thin! it woul" e nice to .......
roun" the hat (or
(a) o((er () give (c) place (") han"
Q10 In his present /o there are so many "i((erent responsiilities involve" that he has to .......
several hats$
(a) ta!e () put (c) wear (") "ress
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *B
1*nsider $his
Q1 The most "i((icult part (or the salesperson is to ....... potential customers o( the use(ulness o(
the pro"uct$
(a) consi"er () convince (c) contract (") con(irm
Q2 I( you want to get the est out o( your sales (orce. they must elieve in the pro"uct an" e .......
enough to
promote it vigorously$
(a) inspire" () investe" (c) inclu"e" (") in"ete"
Q3 6 ....... customer will always return to the same (irm an" uy again$
(a) intereste" () encourage" (c) satis(actory (") satis(ie"
Q4 That style o( "ress was once consi"ere" to e a ....... ut now it is coming ac! into (ashion$
(a) (uss () (a" (c) (i"get (") (un
Q5 Cne o( the (irst things to "o when you want to ....... a new pro"uct is to ascertain its potential
(a) maintain () master (c) mar!et (") muster
Q6 The main usiness interest at the moment is to watch the supermar!ets ....... (or the same
(a) contrasting () competing (c) concerning (") con(using
Q7 Cur sales meetings were re"uce" to once a (ortnight ecause the wee!ly meetings were not
consi"ere" to e
....... enough$
(a) pro"uctive () pro"ucing (c) pro"uce" (") pro"ucts
Q8 )er aility to ....... (acts an" (igures ?uic!ly was the main reason (or her rapi" rise in the
(a) consumer () consumption (c) consume (") consuming
Q9 The success o( our wesite is "ue to the (act that customers can ....... "i((erent prices (or the
same article$
(a) continue () conclu"e (c) con(er (") compare
Q10 I( you want to !eep ....... with the latest "evelopements in your (iel". you have to rea" the
relevant maga4ines$
(a) currant () current (c) currents (") currently
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *1
Q1 1athew Smith was a highly respecte" memer o( parliament with no ....... on his character$
(a) sign () in"ication (c) stain (") point
Q2 6t least that#s what he thought until the press starte" trying to ....... up something aout his
(a) push () "ig (c) spa"e (") (or!
Q3 6pparently when he was still at school. he "i"n#t have a tic!et (or his train /ourney one "ay an"
he was .......$
(a) (oun" () (oun"e" (c) (un"e" (") (ine"
Q4 This piece o( in(ormation was "iscovere" y one !een local reporter an" was ....... up out o( all
proportion y
the national press$
(a) lown () lew (c) lowing (") lows
Q5 )ea"lines appeare" maintaining that 1athew was a "ishonest ....... thie($
(a) laying () liar (c) lain (") lying
Q6 Cther papers as!e" the ?uestion= )ow can we trust our politicians i( they ....... on society?
(a) chat () cha(e (c) cheat (") chance
Q7 There was even tal! that inci"ents li!e this one coul" ....... the Government$
(a) tipple () topple (c) tac!le (") tic!le
Q8 The ,rime 1inister calle" 1athew in to tal! to him an" sai" he coul"n#t tolerate any ....... o(
scan"al in his
(a) whi(( () scent (c) smell (") stin!
Q9 6t last 1athew "eci"e" to spea! ....... (or himsel( an" tell the truth$
(a) on () to (c) up (") o((
Q10 The reporter ha" got it ....... wrong ecause he (oun" his tic!et an" he wasn#t #(ine"#. he was
simply #(ine#$
(a) (ully () (airly (c) complete (") completely
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # **
A*" have $* g*
Q1 1y /o has gone ecause my oss has ....... me$
(a) urne" () (ire" (c) lit (") (lame"
Q2 I shan#t e wor!ing tomorrow ecause I#ve /ust een given the .......$
(a) ag () case (c) container (") sac!
Q3 I was ....... this morning an" ha" to empty my "es! this a(ternoon$
(a) "eparte" () "eterre" (c) "ismisse" (") "isli!e"
Q4 I was han"e" my ....... yester"ay an" so to"ay I#m loo!ing (or a new /o$
(a) tic!ets () car"s (c) oo!s (") papers
Q5 The company "eci"e" to get ....... o( me last wee! an" so I ha" to leave$
(a) ri" () ro" (c) re" (") ri"e
Q6 I have een ma"e ....... ecause my wor! here is no longer nee"e"$
(a) repellent () re"uce" (c) re"un"ant (") repeate"
Q7 The (irm has "eci"e" to ....... which means they "on#t want me$
(a) resi4e () upsi4e (c) in si4e (") "ownsi4e
Q8 They tol" me to go ecause I was sai" to e ....... to re?uirements$
(a) e'cess () surplus (c) recess (") e'cessive
Q9 It was ?uite clear they "i"n#t want me ecause I was tol" not to ....... to come ac! to wor!
(a) care () concern (c) other (") worry
Q10 2o. I "i"n#t as! the oss (or more money to"ay ecause he gave me one month#s .......$
(a) in(ormation () news (c) (acts (") notice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *0
Q1 There was asolutely no hesitation on her part an" ?uic! as a ....... she pai" the ill$
(a) spar! () light (c) (lash (") switch
Q2 6s a chil" he ha" no prolems learning (oreign languages mainly ecause he was very ?uic!
on the .......$
(a) "ownturn () upstart (c) "own(all (") upta!e
Q3 )e /ust coul"n#t play (ast an" ....... with his employees any longer simply ecause they never
!new where he
(a) slow () loose (c) wea! (") tight
Q4 )e ....... a (ast one at the entrance ecause he han"e" over 3 tic!ets although there were 5 o(
them entering
the e'hiition$
(a) pulle" () pushe" (c) too! (") gave
Q5 Since he le(t the army. he misses the e'citement an" "anger an" still wants to live li(e in the
(ast .......$
(a) trac! () path (c) street (") lane
Q6 +ou#ll have to e ?uic! o(( the ....... i( you want to uy one o( those houses ecause they#re
selling very (ast$
(a) point () stage (c) mar! (") spot
Q7 )e#s one o( the ....... rich ?uic! (raternity who elieve in ma!ing money as ?uic!ly as possile$
(a) get () ta!e (c) put (") pull
Q8 )e sees (inancial gain everywhere an" never misses an opportunity to ma!e a (ast .......$
(a) poun" () uc! (c) pence (") shilling
Q9 2ow that the company has ma"e its (irst million. there#s no stopping it an" it#s (ull ....... ahea"$
(a) power () vapour (c) strength (") steam
Q10 I appreciate your har" wor! ut sometimes you#re so (ast that you miss the "etails an" I thin!
it#s a case o(
more ....... less spee"$
(a) hurry () hasty (c) haste (") hurrie"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *3
>p in $he 1l*"ds
Q1 )ave you notice" how much more the price o( petrol is to"ay? It#s really s!y ....... now$
(a) up () high (c) through (") on
Q2 I was as!e" how many tests I woul" write an" I sai" the s!y#s the ....... D in other wor"s as
many as possile$
(a) en" () (inish (c) limit (") top
Q3 )er oss thought she was won"er(ul an" always ....... her to the s!ies$
(a) complimente" () congratulate" (c) (lattere" (") praise"
Q4 I simply "on#t elieve the scheme will ever succee". it#s /ust ....... in the s!y$
(a) meat () pie (c) (oo" (") meals
Q5 >uestion= &hat "o they call those huge uil"ings in 2ew +or!? 6nswer= They#re calle"
(a) scratchers () tic!lers (c) scrapers (") touchers
Q6 +ou can see the sun i( you loo! at the roo( through the s!y.......$
(a) space () light (c) opening (") win"ow
Q7 It#s a very pale version o( the colour an" that#s why it#s calle" s!y.......$
(a) lue () pin! (c) yellow (") re"
Q8 The roc!et was (ire" an" ?uic!ly too! o(( s!y.......$
(a) long () roa" (c) war"s (") length
Q9 )e /ust woul"n#t ta!e anything seriously an" coul" always e (oun" playing aout an"
generally s!y.......$
(a) lar!ing () /o!ing (c) playing (") ir"ing
Q10 I thin! you#re either ma" or very rave to /ump out o( a plane an" wait some time e(ore
opening your
parachute in a s!y.......$
(a) "rop () (all (c) crash (") "ive
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *5
Q1 +ou can hear everything that#s going on ne't "oor ecause the walls are paper .......$
(a) long () wi"e (c) thin (") tall
Q2 &e#re going to the college tonight to hear ,ro(essor Jent ....... a paper on language learning on
the net$
(a) spea! () "eliver (c) raise (") tal!
Q3 I can#t see the point o( trying to settle the "ispute etween those two institutions ecause you#ll
/ust e
papering over the .......$
(a) (issures () splits (c) "ivisions (") crac!s
Q4 6(ter the (irst revolution the "ictator no longer ha" much control an" ecame /ust a paper .......$
(a) lion () tiger (c) elephant (") cat
Q5 The cross country run where the runners (ollow a trac! o( pieces o( paper is calle" a paper
(a) chase () race (c) relay (") sport
Q6 Some countries have some very interesting "esigns on their paper .......$
(a) cash () coinage (c) money (") pay
Q7 2ot that it has happene" yet ut the age o( the computer was meant to intro"uce the i"ea o(
the paper.......
(a) minus () (ew (c) least (") less
Q8 The main wor! has /ust een complete" an" all we have to "o now is (inish the paper .......$
(a) tas! () /o (c) wor! (") (unction
Q9 She was given a very "ecorative paper ....... to stop all her papers lowing away once the
win"ow was
(a) weight () heavy (c) loc! (") stone
Q10 )er (irst novel was a huge success an" it was only a (ew wee!s a(ter pulication that the
paper ....... came out$
(a) si"e () e"ition (c) ac! (") oo!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *7
Q1 I hung the washing out only two hours ago ut it is alrea"y one ....... than!s to the hot
(a) parche" () "ry (c) clear (") "rie"
Q2 They came straight out with their complaint ....... no ones aout it whatsoever$
(a) saying () trying (c) "oing (") ma!ing
Q3 It was a miracle that he was still alive as he ha"n#t eaten (or wee!s an" when they (oun" him
he was /ust .......
an" one$
(a) s!in () (lesh (c) meat (") cover
Q4 It was ?uite simple really D he never "i" any wor! at all an" was sac!e" (or eing one .......$
(a) la4y () useless (c) i"le (") inactive
Q5 It#s impossile to say e'actly why I thin! that#s the case$ 6ll I can say is that I ....... it in my
(a) un"erstan" () (eel (c) see (") (ollow
Q6 &e#re e'pecting a visit (rom a 8rench couple soon so I#ll have to one ....... on my 8rench$
(a) in () to (c) with (") up
Q7 6h. yes I#ve got a one to ....... with you$ +ou tol" me you woul" pay me ac! last wee! an" I
still haven#t got
the money yet$
(a) pic! () chew (c) taste (") eat
Q8 6lthough the T% programme was (unny. my aunt was a it shoc!e" ecause some o( the /o!es
were a it .......
the one$
(a) ne't () close (c) near (") y
Q9 I won#t go into the (ull "etails o( the proposition. I#ll /ust give you the ....... ones$
(a) na!e" () are (c) simple (") strippe"
Q10 )er chil"ren were very ungrate(ul (or all she#" "one (or them as she ha" really wor!e" her
....... to the one (or
(a) elows () arms (c) legs (") (ingers
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *9
#"ky A*"
Q1 )e tol" us the usual things aout how everything ha" gone wrong D it was a typical ....... luc!
(a) soli" () har" (c) sti(( (") lac!
Q2 &ith a little ....... o( luc! I thin! she#ll pass her "riving test (irst time$
(a) section () particle (c) parcel (") it
Q3 I( I were you I woul" certainly accept the o((er$ I( you as! (or any more you#re /ust ....... your
(a) pushing () proing (c) promoting (") pen"ing
Q4 I thought the est thing was to wish them oth ....... luc! an" hope that everything wor!e" out
(a) est () all (c) goo" (") (ine
Q5 +ou really coul"n#t lame anyone (or the acci"ent ecause it was /ust a case o( ....... luc!$
(a) worse () worst (c) (oul (") a"
Q6 Aast wee! they ....... it very luc!y ecause they manage" to win the lottery$
(a) hit () struc! (c) !noc!e" (") hammere"
Q7 She always seems to come out o( any crisis unharme" an" I#m convince" she was orn un"er
a luc!y .......$
(a) planet () asteroi" (c) moon (") star
Q8 )e /ust coul"n#t ma!e up his min" which to choose an" so in the en" he "eci"e" to ta!e .......
(a) pot () tin (c) can (") o'
Q9 Everyone "eci"e" to help him y o((ering money as they#" hear" he was ....... on his luc!$
(a) low () "own (c) o(( (") elow
Q10 6(ter all his (ailures in the usiness worl" he "eci"e" to ....... his luc! in the casino$
(a) turn () en"eavour (c) attempt (") try
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *<
Q1 6ll the ....... a stage sai" Sha!espeare. meaning li(e is li!e a play in the theatre$
(a) earth#s () worl"#s (c) lan"#s (") country#s
Q2 This pro/ect has only /ust een starte" an" is in its ....... stages at the moment$
(a) (irst () eginning (c) starting (") early
Q3 +ou "on#t have to pay (or it all at once as you can uy it in ....... stages$
(a) (acile () easy (c) simple (") clear
Q4 &e#ve now ....... the stage where it#s time to ma!e our min"s up$
(a) ac?uire" () (oun" (c) reache" (") got
Q5 I#ve seen her act in many (ilms ut never live ....... stage$
(a) at () in (c) through (") on
Q6 It#s ?uite normal when you ma!e your (irst speech in pulic to su((er (rom stage .......$
(a) (ear () nerves (c) (right (") an'iety
Q7 6s he "i"n#t want anyone else to hear what he was saying he spo!e to her in a stage .......$
(a) whisper () hush (c) voice (") tone
Q8 )e#s always een (ascinate" y the theatre an" has spent many years "oing o"" /os as a
stage .......$
(a) wor!er () han" (c) man (") hol"er
Q9 8rom chil"hoo" she has een stage ....... an" was "elighte" when she got her (irst ma/or part
in the play at the
national theatre$
(a) hit () shoc!e" (c) slappe" (") struc!
Q10 The whole event seeme" very unnatural an" ha" clearly een stage ....... appeal to the voters
e(ore the
(a) han"le" () manage" (c) controlle" (") "evelope"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # *@
Q1 The (irst ....... was to hol" the event in the open air ut that pose" many prolems$
(a) i"eal () notion (c) plan (") s!etch
Q2 This proposal was soon "iscar"e" ecause we might (in" "i((iculty with the local .......$
(a) regulations () rulings (c) rules (") regulars
Q3 6(ter a lot o( "iscussion we "eci"e" to hire a pro(essional to ....... us$
(a) enale () empower (c) "evote (") assist
Q4 The (irst thing she recommen"e" was (or us to ....... all the people who were involve"$
(a) comine () con"uct (c) coor"inate (") con"uce
Q5 The ne't thing we nee"e" to wor! out was the e'act ....... o( the area that we nee"e" in or"er
to present the
(a) "iversions () "irections (c) "iagonals (") "imensions
Q6 In view o( the large numer o( people the ....... o( a par!ing area was consi"ere" very
(a) pro'imity () appro'imate (c) prominence (") pro(ession
Q7 6(ter a great "eal o( "iscussion a ....... was eventually (oun". which seeme" to e what was
(a) sight () site (c) seat (") sighting
Q8 6t this stage it was clear that they ha" to !now the ....... numer o( people who were going to
(a) (ull () "e(ine" (c) "etermine" (") e'act
Q9 Invitations were sent out an" in ....... the response was ?uite goo"$
(a) all () general (c) common (") or"inary
Q10 In(ortunately the event was never ....... ecause no one ha" consi"ere" the reaction o( the
local people to the
noise o( a lou" pop concert$
(a) put up () given (c) stage" (") ta!en
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 0B
Q1 It was necessary to telephone ....... en?uiries e(ore we coul" get the numer to ring up the
railway station$
(a) "ictionary () "irectory (c) survey (") compen"ium
Q2 &e thought it was a goo" i"ea to ta!e some san"wiches with us so that we#" have something
to eat (or the
....... o( the /ourney$
(a) lasting () perio" (c) timing (") "uration
Q3 6s one o( our party was over 7B she was ....... to a re"uction in the price o( the tic!et$
(a) allowe" () given (c) grante" (") entitle"
Q4 I suppose as we live in a very rural area. we are luc!y that a train service actually ....... here$
(a) operates () wor!s (c) (unctions (") ta!es
Q5 1in" you the cost o( travel is very high an" ....... went up again last month$
(a) stages () perio"s (c) (ares (") a"missions
Q6 6ll you can say is that the high price is somewhat ....... y eing ale to get to a large city
(a) upset () overturne" (c) highlighte" (") o((set
Q7 The other a"vantage o( this particular service is that y an" large the trains are .......$
(a) timely () punctual (c) pointe" (") e'act
Q8 Cn the "ay we travelle" most people ha" "eci"e" to stay at home as the train was ....... empty$
(a) consi"eraly () relate" (c) reliale (") relatively
Q9 &e ate our san"wiches an" (or the ....... o( the /ourney we en/oye" loo!ing at the scenery$
(a) remain"er () remaining (c) remaine" (") remains
Q10 :e(ore we !new what ha" happene" we ha" le(t our ....... village ehin" an" were in the
mi""le o( the ig city$
(a) remove" () (ar (c) remote (") release"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 01
(i$e; (i$; (i$$en
Q1 She certainly won#t invest in that company again having lost a (ortune D it#s a case o( once
itten twice
(a) nervous () coy (c) shy (") reserve"
Q2 )e may seem very angry ut "on#t worry his ....... is worse than his ite$
(a) ar! () growl (c) snort (") snarl
Q3 They were so angry with me they practically it my ....... o(($
(a) nose () han" (c) (ingers (") hea"
Q4 I thin! he#ll succee" ut it#s a lot o( wor! an" sometimes he (eels he#s itten o(( more than he
can .......$
(a) "igest () chew (c) taste (") swallow
Q5 In view o( the way things have improve" I now (eel con(i"ent enough to have another ite at
the .......$
(a) anana () apple (c) pear (") cherry
Q6 I#m very sorry to tell you that your scheme has (aile" an" it has well an" truly itten the .......$
(a) pow"er () "ust (c) (lu(( (") groun"
Q7 It must have come as a great shoc! to get the sac! ut I#m a(rai" you#ll /ust have to accept it
an" ite the
(a) shot () !ni(e (c) ullet (") low
Q8 I can#t elieve that he#s turning against his own parents D it#s li!e iting the han" that ....... you$
(a) rought () nourishe" (c) helpe" (") (e"
Q9 1y a"vice to you is to resist saying anything at the moment an" simply ite your .......$
(a) mouth () teeth (c) lip (") gums
Q10 I !now she woul" really li!e to say e'actly what she (eels ut I elieve she shoul" ite her
(a) chee! () nails (c) ear (") tongue
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 0*
Q1 I agree in general with what you have sai" ut I#m not happy aout one point an" I must .......
issue with you
over that$
(a) ring () ta!e (c) (in" (") put
Q2 The troule with her is that she always e'aggerates an" ....... an issue out o( everything$
(a) pulls () tries (c) gets (") ma!es
Q3 6s (ar as I#m concerne" his e'planation was useless as it merely ....... the issue$
(a) con(use" () troule" (c) "isture" (") upset
Q4 I wish we coul" stic! to the su/ect an" /ust consi"er the topic ....... issue$
(a) on () y (c) at (") in
Q5 The value o( one o( the early copies o( that oo! can e consi"erale i( it happens to e a .......
(a) premier () prime (c) eginning (") (irst
Q6 It was a (amily that ha" ha" a long history ut it came to a halt when George went ecause he
"ie" ....... issue$
(a) without () missing (c) incomplete (") (ailing
Q7 The police are very !een to tal! to one particular man an" have issue" a ....... o( him$
(a) naming () "escription (c) calling (") "escriing
Q8 &e panic!e" when we got near the house ecause we coul" see smo!e issuing ....... the top
(a) against () on (c) out o( (") into
Q9 6ll the reporters o( the war were issue" ....... ulletproo( /ac!ets to give them etter protection$
(a) on () y (c) at (") with
Q10 Turn on the television an" loo! at the current news programme an" you will (in" everyone
"iscussing the .......
issue o( the "ay$
(a) ig () large (c) enormous (") huge
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 00
2ha$ a 1raker
Q1 )e always elieve" in giving his chil"ren the same opportunities in li(e so that each one woul"
have a (air
crac! o( the .......$
(a) stri!e () low (c) hit (") whip
Q2 This is going to e a "i((icult tas! ut we#ll get there in the en" although it is a ....... nut to crac!$
(a) rigi" () har" (c) soli" (") heavy
Q3 It#s a long way we have to travel tomorrow so we must get up very early in the morning at the
crac! o( .......$
(a) "awn () "us! (c) "ay (") sun
Q4 In celeration at passing his e'aminations he invite" everyone roun" to crac! a ....... an" have
a "rin! with
(a) glass () (las! (c) ottle (") /ug
Q5 In view o( the (alling stan"ar"s the company "eci"e" to appoint a very ....... o((ice manager
who woul" e ale
to crac! the whip a it$
(a) sti(( () severe (c) serious (") strict
Q6 8or goo"ness# sa!e hurry up ecause i( we "on#t ....... crac!ing soon we#ll miss the us$
(a) (in" () get (c) use (") put
Q7 I really thin! you shoul" ma!e an e((ort an" apply (or that /o an" at least ....... a crac! at it$
(a) have () "o (c) place (") try
Q8 &ell. I must a"mit that I was a it "isappointe" with the e'hiition a(ter all the praise it#s
receive" D it isn#t all
it#s crac!e" ....... to e$
(a) o(( () up (c) over (") in
Q9 They haven#t really put matters right at all ecause they#ve simply papere" ....... the crac!s$
(a) through () along (c) esi"e (") over
Q10 They spent a huge amount o( time an" money to "eal with that small prolem an" it#s li!e
ta!ing a
sle"gehammer to crac! a .......$
(a) pea () ean (c) nut (") see"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 03
#"nh is served
Q1 I strongly recommen" that restaurant as I was very ....... with how ?uic!ly they rought the
(a) in(luence" () intereste" (c) impresse" (") in"uce"
Q2 C( course i( spee" is the most important thing. you can always ....... up your lunch (rom the
ta!e away ca(e$
(a) han" () hol" (c) !eep (") pic!
Q3 The other night we went to a 8rench restaurant an" it ....... to Charles to translate everything
on the menu (or
(a) went () (ell (c) "roppe" (") too!
Q4 &hat you li!e in the way o( lunch very much "epen"s on your ....... taste$
(a) separate () strange (c) "istinguishe" (") in"ivi"ual
Q5 It is customary (or the o((ice /unior to ma!e a ....... o( what each colleague wants (rom the
san"wich ar$
(a) list () "escription (c) inventory (") tale
Q6 2owa"ays you can even or"er your lunch online an" your (oo" will e ....... to your o((ice$
(a) han"e" () reache" (c) "elivere" (") transporte"
Q7 ,ersonally I (in" that although the taste o( your lunch is important. it shoul" also loo! ....... on
the plate$
(a) content () reste" (c) prettily (") elegant
Q8 There is nothing worse when you ta!e important clients out (or lunch to (in" that the choice o(
"ishes is very
(a) isolate" () lonely (c) narrow (") wea!
Q9 1in" you i( there is a very long menu (or lunch. it can e a prolem (or the waiter to "eal with a
....... or"er$
(a) various () multiply (c) multi(acete" (") multiple
Q10 The worst part naturally o( any meal whatever the time o( "ay is having to ....... the ill$
(a) settle () arrange (c) manage (") control
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 05
Dry as y*" like
Q1 I#m a(rai" I "on#t li!e this sherry ecause I (in" it too ....... an" I pre(er something nice an" "ry$
(a) so(t () sweet (c) gentle (") tart
Q2 &e#re not ?uite sure how it will wor! so to"ay we#re having a "ry ....... to (in" out i( there are
any prolems$
(a) go () try (c) attempt (") run
Q3 She stu"ies some very oscure things to "o with ancient Gree! "ocuments D to most people
a really "ry as
....... su/ect$
(a) pow"er () earth (c) "ust (") soil
Q4 It was one o( those scenes that ma"e you want to cry your eyes out an" I "o elieve there
wasn#t a "ry ....... in
the theatre$
(a) eye () nose (c) chee! (") (ace
Q5 There was a terrile storm on the night we (irst staye" at the campsite ut we were all right
with our tent an"
were as "ry as a .......$
(a) cover () one (c) coat (") sheet
Q6 &e all set out together early in the morning in "i((erent cars ut ours ro!e "own an" noo"y
othere" to loo!
(or us so we were le(t ....... an" "ry$
(a) up () top (c) on (") high
Q7 6s a result o( the very long heat wave last summer many o( the rivers have now completely
"rie" .......$
(a) o(( () up (c) over (") through
Q8 6s it#s still very warm outsi"e I recommen" you leave your swimming things in the gar"en to let
them "ry
(a) in () to (c) out (") un"er
Q9 She#s very sutle in the comments she ma!es an" she has a won"er(ully "ry ....... o( humour$
(a) (eeling () opinion (c) meaning (") sense
Q10 I( you want to !eep your customers coming in on a regular asis you mustn#t let your stoc!s
....... "ry$
(a) go () turn (c) ta!e (") run
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 07
(ak 3gain
Q1 I#m suspicious really ecause at the ac! o( my ....... I "on#t trust them$
(a) rain () min" (c) i"ea (") thought
Q2 )e sai" he#" rea" my (unny story an" ha" laughe" twice. which was a sort o( ac! .......
(a) slappe" () hit (c) thrown (") han"e"
Q3 She was a very (amous (ilm star some 3B years ago ut now she#s regar"e" as unimportant D
a sort o( ac!
(a) (igure () "igit (c) numer (") person
Q4 )e#s having troule with his motherGinGlaw ecause she li!es to control everything rather li!e a
(a) con"uctor () "river (c) "oer (") goer
Q5 &here we live is a sort o( ac!....... ecause noo"y here !nows what#s going on in the worl"$
(a) stream () river (c) pon" (") water
Q6 She#s the sort o( person who can#t ear eing secretive an" will never tal! aout you ....... your
(a) on () over (c) ehin" (") across
Q7 There#s still some way to go with this latest pro/ect ut I thin! we#ve ....... the ac! o( it$
(a) smashe" () ro!en (c) hit (") crashe"
Q8 I#ve live" here all my li(e an" !now every single roa" an" street li!e the ac! o( my .......$
(a) (inger () palm (c) thum (") han"
Q9 ,oor woman since she got !noc!e" "own y a car. she#s een ....... on her ac!$
(a) (lat () prone (c) laying (") straight
Q10 )e#s one o( those irritating people who manages within a (ew minutes o( meeting someone to
....... their ac!
(a) shi(t () put (c) place (") turn
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 09
(earing 4n!*rma$i*n
Q1 Try an" e a little more cheer(ul ecause i( you "on#t ear ....... soon. you#ll ma!e everyone
else miserale$
(a) through () along (c) up (") to
Q2 &e were in a small rowing oat an" were terri(ie" that the steamer ha"n#t seen us as it was
earing ....... on
(a) "own () across (c) over (") un"er
Q3 I (ully un"erstan" your comments an" earing those in ........ I have ma"e the appropriate
(a) rain () min" (c) thought (") sense
Q4 6s we have all wor!e" very har" this year. I#m hoping that our e((orts will ear .......$
(a) pro"uce () ene(its (c) yiel"s (") (ruit
Q5 &e all have our ....... to ear so I shoul" e grate(ul i( you woul" stop complaining all the time$
(a) prolems () situations (c) crosses (") results
Q6 There is really nothing much you can "o to stop it an" I#m a(rai" you#ll /ust have to ....... an"
ear it$
(a) scorn () grin (c) laugh (") smile
Q7 I hope you can e patient (or a little longer an" ear ....... me while I try an" solve the prolem$
(a) y () on (c) at (") with
Q8 She has een prove" right in everything she "i" as the report ?uite clearly ears .......$
(a) out () to (c) (or (") onto
Q9 The /u"ge "ismisse" the new evi"ence completely ecause it ha" no earing ....... the trial$
(a) to () on (c) into (") y
Q10 >uite honestly the two cases are so completely "i((erent that they really "on#t ear .......$
(a) con(irmation () contrast (c) comprehension (") comparison
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 0<
2ha$ $he Devil
Q1 It#s very har" trying to get the tenses right in English$ In (act it#s the ....... "evil to !now whether
it#s simple or
(a) same () very (c) usual (") actual
Q2 In a way it#s proaly /ust as well the "eputy has ecome the new chie($ It#s a case o( ....... the
"evil you !now$
(a) easier () rather (c) har"er (") etter
Q3 1any people have een ma"e re"un"ant in the ta!eover an" those who /oine" last were the
(irst to go$ The
principle o( "evil ta!e the ....... applie"$
(a) (inal list () ol" list (c) hin"most (") youngest
Q4 &e "on#t really get on with the new oss ut he has some goo" i"eas so we must give the
"evil his .......$
(a) owing () right (c) share (") "ue
Q5 The wor! has to e "one as we have no choice$ 6s they say. nee"s must when the "evil .......$
(a) "rives () gui"es (c) steers (") races
Q6 She li!es to ta!e the opposite point o( view an" play the "evil#s .......$
(a) lawyer () a"vocate (c) support (") attitu"e
Q7 ....... o( the "evil$ &e were /ust tal!ing aout you e(ore you came in the room$
(a) >uote () 6nnounce (c) Itter (") Spea!
Q8 &hen your parents (in" out what you#ve "one. you#ll e in serious troule an" there#ll e the
"evil to .......$
(a) show () pay (c) cre"it (") hol"
Q9 +ou shoul" really loo! through that agreement care(ully e(ore you sign ecause the "evil is in
the .......$
(a) "etail () e'act (c) (inery (") precise
Q10 It too! me ages to set up my computer ecause I spent the "evil o( a ....... trying to
un"erstan" the notes$
(a) "uration () time (c) length (") space
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 0@
0-* '*r A*"
Q1 6 ir" in the han" is worth two in the ....... as they say when you have at least one "e(inite
thing in contrast to
two uncertain things$
(a) he"ge () tree (c) ush (") plant
Q2 It woul"n#t ta!e much (or me to cancel that trip in (act (or two ....... I thin! I will$
(a) nee"les () nails (c) points (") pins
Q3 >uite honestly I really can#t "eci"e which one to choose D I#m what you might say in two .......$
(a) min"s () thoughts (c) i"eas (") views
Q4 I promise I#ll e very ?uic! in"ee" an" I#ll e ac! in two ....... o( a lam#s tail$
(a) moves () sha!es (c) twitches (") wags
Q5 I#ll see to that in two ....... an" it#ll e all over in a minute$
(a) times () crosses (c) tic!s (") stri!es
Q6 +ou honestly can#t tell one twin (rom another as they are li!e as two ....... in a po"$
(a) potatoes () tomatoes (c) ananas (") peas
Q7 I wor!e" out the answer in the en" y putting two an" two .......$
(a) asi"e () apart (c) together (") through
Q8 I#m sorry I can#t accept any other e'planation$ 1y min" is ma"e up an" there are no two .......
aout it$
(a) roa"s () paths (c) routes (") ways
Q9 I honestly woul"n#t trust either o( them$ They oth thin! the same way an" they#re two o( a
(a) type () !in" (c) genre (") sort
Q10 I can see you#re angry an" want to "o the same to them ut rememer that two wrongs "on#t
ma!e a .......$
(a) right () rite (c) correction (") point
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 3B
3$ $he End *! $he Day 718
Q1 There are late risers an" early risers. those who nee" a lot o( sleep an" those who nee" only a
(a) less () nothing (c) (ew (") little
Q2 some who ta!e ....... to wa!e up an" some who /ump straight out o( e" (irst thing.
(a) long time () ages (c) perio"s (") lengths
Q3 ut whatever the re?uire" ........ all o( us nee" sleep at some time "uring the "ay or night$
(a) sum () total (c) amount (") lot
Q4 6n" so it#s not surprising the many ways we have o( ....... it$
(a) "escriing () "e(ining (c) "elineating (") "eveloping
Q5 To start with there is a special ....... (or chil"ren$
(a) tal! () language (c) spea! (") chat
Q6 The san"man is coming is what we say to ....... chil"ren
(a) "reamy () torpi" (c) stagnant (") sleepy
Q7 (ollowing the ol" story aout that strange man who ....... to "rop san" in their eyes near e"
(a) is re?uire" () is tol" (c) is suppose" (") is nee"e"
Q8 ....... we tal! o( the nee" (or a chil" to start on his /ourney to slumer lan" or the lan" o( no"
(a) -i((erently () 6lternately (c) 6"versely (") 6lternatively
Q9 an" parents o( a musical ....... o( min" can spee" their chil"ren on their way to this lan" o(
sleep with a lullay$
(a) twist () turn (c) corner (") state
Q10 C( course as you grow ol"er. you ....... in the lu'ury o( short sleeps "uring the "ay$
(a) enter () (all (c) in"ulge (") incur
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 31
3$ $he End *! $he Day 728
Q1 +ou can ta!e a cat nap esi"e the (ire or "o4e o(( on a train .......
(a) route () travel (c) voyage (") /ourney
Q2 which all "escrie the !in" o( sleep that can e ....... at a moment#s notice$
(a) intervene" () interacte" (c) interrupte" (") inva"e"
Q3 6 more asic e'pression o( this ....... is to have a little shuteye$
(a) tren" () sort (c) ten"ency (") variety
Q4 Shoul" you wish (or a little peace an" ....... at the o((ice.
(a) ?uite () still (c) halt (") ?uiet
Q5 put a ....... outsi"e your "oor stating= -o not "istur D having 3B win!s$
(a) notice () oar" (c) sign (") talet
Q6 8orty apparently is the ....... allowe" (or this !in" o( sleep$
(a) ma/or () ma/ority (c) ma'imum (") macrocosm
Q7 The strange ....... is that (ew people announce ol"ly=
(a) matter () thing (c) point (") event
Q8 &ell. I thin! I#ll ....... to sleep now$
(a) go () ta!e (c) ma!e (") get
Q9 1ore ....... than not as a guest we#ll say=
(a) possile () li!ely (c) proaly (") possily
Q10 &ell. I thin! i( you "on#t ........ I#ll turn in now$
(a) care () say (c) min" (") loo!
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 3*
3$ $he End *! $he Day 738
Q1 &ithout o((en"ing the ....... o( your host. you coul" also say=
(a) hostelry () hospital (c) hospitale (") hospitality
Q2 I thin! it#s time (or me to hit the sac!. which nee" e no ....... o( the so(tness o( the mattress$
(a) criterion () criti?ue (c) criticism (") critical
Q3 6n" ....... very important people are not "escrie" as simply going to e" ut rather retiring (or
the night$
(a) inci"entally () eventually (c) asolutely (") entirely
Q4 Somehow it soun"s /ust a it more .......$
(a) "ignity () "igni(ie" (c) "igni(y (") "ignitary
Q5 C( course shoul" your guests e ....... to go home to their own e"s
(a) uncertain () unclear (c) ungrate(ul (") unwilling
Q6 an" you have a strong "esire to e ....... o( them an" go to sleep
(a) ri""ance () ri""en (c) ri" (") ri"e
Q7 you coul" e sutle an" ....... up the sitting room cloc!
(a) win" () stir (c) turn (") ta!e
Q8 loo! at your watch ....... or even yawn$
(a) an'ious () an'iety (c) an'iousness (") an'iously
Q9 :ut i( you have no ....... at all. the est thing is to "rop o(( or no" o(( in the mi""le o( the
(a) restrictions () inhiitions (c) prohiitions (") con"itions
Q10 6n" i( all else ....... go upstairs an" come "own again in your py/amas$
(a) (alls () (ell (c) (ails (") (eels
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 30
3$ $he End *! $he Day 748
Q1 There are several ....... that "escrie the state o( eing asleep
(a) impressions () e'pressions (c) con"itions (") "igressions
Q2 an" most seem to ....... to "eep sleep li!e eing soun" asleep or (ast asleep
(a) "irect () "eter (c) "e(er (") re(er
Q3 There are also some ....... "escriing "eep sleep= to sleep li!e a top. li!e a ay. li!e a log
(a) li!enesses () comparisons (c) similarities (") synonyms
Q4 &hen the sleeper totally re(uses to e ........ we say they are sleeping li!e the "ea"$
(a) "eterre" () "e(use" (c) "isture" (") "isgruntle"
Q5 1ore collo?uial e'pressions spea! o( someone eing out li!e a light. spar! out or (or a very
....... sleeper "ea"
to the worl"
(a) ig () huge (c) large (") heavy
Q6 &ell. I "on#t !now aout you ut all this is having a very sopori(ic ....... on me
(a) e((ect () a((ect (c) a((ection (") a((ectation
Q7 ut /ust assuming you are ....... awa!e an" in the lan" o( the living
(a) clear () wi"e (c) roa" (") high
Q8 let me leave you with a ....... e'pression$ 2e't time you#re o(( upstairs to e"
(a) en" () last (c) lasting (") (inal
Q9 give the rest o( the house a surprise y showing ....... your classical e"ucation an" say=
(a) up () on (c) o(( (") in
Q10 &ell I thin! I#ll e o(( now an" ....... my rest in the arms o( 1orpheus$ )appy "reamsE
(a) (etch () ta!e (c) ring (") let
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 33
G)30 +er,al Q"iE
Q1 This story is ....... on an inci"ent that actually happene"$
(a) (oun"e" () groun"e" (c) ase" (") estalishe"
Q2 I#m a(rai" I shan#t e ....... to come on Tues"ay ecause o( a prior engagement$
(a) capale () ale (c) can (") possile
Q3 +ou can easily tell that this "ocument ....... (rom the 1*th century ecause o( a "istinctive script$
(a) hol"s () trails (c) lasts (") "ates
Q4 I#m sorry to tell you ut she is simply ....... that this will e the result ut she has no actual
(a) "ay"reaming () hallucinating (c) hypothesi4ing (") "ithering
Q5 I "o apologise (or tal!ing to you a minute ago only I ....... you (or one o( my colleagues. who
loo!s e'actly li!e
(a) mistoo! () accepte" (c) elieve" (") thought
Q6 It#s a waste o( time as!ing them (or their opinion as they#re oun" to o/ect ecause they#ve
een ....... against
the i"ea (rom the start$
(a) su/ective () "erogative (c) conscious (") pre/u"ice"
Q7 I as!e" you to ring ac! a "i((erent one ut you#ve rought a similar one ac! that#s e'actly
the ....... as the
(irst one$
(a) e?uivalent () apparent (c) same (") i"entical
Q8 The main ?uality that is re?uire" o( someone hol"ing that !in" o( /o is to have the ....... to get
on with people$
(a) tas! () aility (c) re?uirement (") nee"
Q9 They coul"n#t hol" their meeting in the open air ....... o( the heavy rain$
(a) ecause () ut (c) since (") (or
Q10 I always let her han"le that !in" o( situation ecause she#s very goo" at ....... with "i((icult
(a) ta!ing () ringing (c) tac!ling (") "ealing
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 35
G)30 +*a,"lary
Q1 Some people who have een ma"e re"un"ant ma!e no (urther e((ort to get employment in
complete ....... to
those who "eci"e to retrain$
(a) comparison () "i((erence (c) attitu"e (") contrast
Q2 The new company "eci"e" not to copy their pre"ecessors ut ....... their structure a(ter the
latest tren"s in
(a) mo"el () (rame (c) "i((er (") ma!e
Q3 In"er the new regulations no one is allowe" to smo!e insi"e the uil"ing ut you are ....... to
smo!e outsi"e$
(a) arrange" () permitte" (c) grante" (") let
Q4 She is ....... as a possile (uture (irst minister$
(a) loo!e" () oserve" (c) glance" (") seen
Q5 6lthough the an! ha" turne" "own his application twice. they su""enly ha" a change o( heart
an" "eci"e" to
....... to his re?uest (or a loan$
(a) acce"e () access (c) accrue (") a"apt
Q6 It#s not yet een (ully certi(ie" yet ut the recently "iscovere" ones are ....... to e those o( the
missing lin!$
(a) cre"ite" () argue" (c) re?uire" (") elieve"
Q7 The ....... over the rights an" wrongs o( this issue has een a neverG en"ing "iscussion insi"e
(a) chatter () "eate (c) gossip (") rumour
Q8 The local resi"ents in this seasi"e village are very worrie" aout the constant erosion o( the
cli(( (ace. which is
in ....... o( (alling into the sea$
(a) ris! () chance (c) "anger (") li!elihoo"
Q9 I thin! you have een overcharge" (or that wor! ecause it#s more ....... twice what I ha" to
(a) as () at (c) li!e (") than
Q10 They (irst o( all re(use" to stop their stri!e ut in the en" a(ter much negotiation they were
....... to go ac! to
(a) pursue" () persua"e" (c) prevente" (") perceive"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 37
G)30 2*rds
Q1 6s a trouleshooter he was o(ten ....... to sort out prolems in "i((erent area o((ices$
(a) transmitte" () "elivere" (c) attache" (") sent
Q2 I "on#t elieve it mysel( ut ....... to the newspapers he is suppose" to have e'aggerate" the
(irm#s pro(its$
(a) (ollowing () regar"ing (c) accor"ing (") concerning
Q3 )e (in"s himsel( in a very "i((icult situation since you coul" say he#s ....... a roc! an" a har"
(a) against () etween (c) across (") over
Q4 Eventually they ma"e their min"s up an" ....... to appoint the outsi"er to the /o$
(a) consi"ere" () "eci"e" (c) maintaine" (") too!
Q5 In ....... to prevent any in"ustrial espionage all employees ha" to sign a "ocument preventing
them (rom tal!ing
aout their wor!$
(a) or"er () comman" (c) re?uirement (") purpose
Q6 &ith a view to provi"ing a etter environment (or their chil"ren the couple "eci"e" to move
....... (rom the city
to the countrysi"e$
(a) along () a(ar (c) near (") away
Q7 The oss wants you to e'plain why there is a "iscrepancy in the (igures an" ....... (or the
su""en "rop in
(a) tal! () spea! (c) account (") "eci"e
Q8 The charity is (in"ing it very "i((icult to continue operating an" that#s why it#s ....... (or the
government to help$
(a) crying () calling (c) shouting (") hailing
Q9 The government are erecting concrete loc!s aroun" the )ouses o( ,arliament to ....... the
uil"ings against
possile terrorist attac!s$
(a) "e(en" () "istract (c) "e(er (") "etract
Q10 It wasn#t really a serious crime ut it was pointe" out to him that y par!ing there he was in
....... o( a local
(a) vin"ication () virement (c) visitation (") violation
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 39
#earn English +*a,"lary
Q1 6s a new employee she#s very an'ious to "o the right thing an" hopes that her new pro/ect
....... with the
approval o( her oss$
(a) reaches () meets (c) accepts (") hol"s
Q2 It#s /ust not within his character an" I woul" never say that he was ....... to that !in" o(
(a) presente" () prepare" (c) preGempte" (") pre"ispose"
Q3 +ou coul"n#t (in" a more loyal unch o( people who have a ....... o( reliaility so strong that they
will never let
you "own$
(a) wish () "esire (c) sense (") sensing
Q4 +ou can ta!e it or leave it as there is asolutely no ....... to accept my proposal$
(a) push () pressure (c) pushing (") leaning
Q5 The "epartment has ....... so much money on a"ministration that there is little le(t (or employing
(a) "evote" () e'hauste" (c) "evelope" (") spent
Q6 6lthough he claime" it was an acci"ent. he was ....... o( mur"er$
(a) accuse" () lame" (c) critici4e" (") arreste"
Q7 They say that pregnant women "evelop a ....... (or certain (oo"s an" must eat them all the time$
(a) appetite () craving (c) thirst (") eating
Q8 +ou must choose the right "escription (or each wor" an" I woul" ....... this one as an a"/ective$
(a) "elineate () "ecipher (c) "eci"e (") "e(ine
Q9 I woul"n#t elieve everything she says ecause it#s my elie( that she is ....... to e'aggerate$
(a) "esignate" () "ecline" (c) incline" (") ten"e"
Q10 &e will get as near as we can to your re?uirements ut we may not e ale to ....... all your
(a) meet () encounter (c) measure (") (ace
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 3<
English +*a,"lary E:erises
Q1 Than!s to the crash arrier in the mi""le o( the motorway cars are ....... (rom hitting those on
the other si"e in
the event o( an acci"ent$
(a) "istracte" () "iverte" (c) "irecte" (") prevente"
Q2 It "oesn#t matter what position you hol" in society everyone is ....... to the same laws$
(a) o/ect () su/ect (c) controlle" (") restricte"
Q3 6s I was a stranger in that country I was not ....... with some o( their customs an" "i"n#t
un"erstan" why
people were laughing at me$
(a) a""icte" () attracte" (c) ac?uainte" (") ac?uire"
Q4 +ou can have that car in any colour you want in (act you have a ....... o( *3 "i((erent ones$
(a) choice () choosing (c) numer (") sha"e
Q5 The theatre was ....... to "isplay in the entrance some o( the e'cellent newspaper reviews the
play ha"
(a) "elu"e" () "evelope" (c) "eman"e" (") "elighte"
Q6 6s the hospital ha" een careless with its hygiene proce"ures. the patient (oun" she ha" een
....... with a
harm(ul virus$
(a) "etecte" () re/ecte" (c) in(ecte" (") suspecte"
Q7 6s a ....... o( the "istrict she ha" asolutely no "i((iculty in un"erstan"ing the local "ialect$
(a) inhaitant () relation (c) native (") newcomer
Q8 There is a new company regulation to remove the "anger o( passive smo!ing. which ....... all
employees (rom
smo!ing at their place o( wor!$
(a) prohiits () promotes (c) pro(esses (") protests
Q9 )e (in"s reathing very "i((icult in restricte" spaces as he ....... (rom asthma$
(a) re(ers () "e(ers (c) su((ers (") "i((ers
Q10 I am very please" to e wor!ing with you ecause I thin! the same way an" ....... with your
(a) accept () con(orm (c) con(er (") agree
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 3@
4nreasing +*a,"lary
Q1 +ou can have whichever one you want as I#ll let you ....... (rom these e'amples here$
(a) consi"er () "elierate (c) choose (") enale
Q2 I thin! you can clearly see now what I mean as that inci"ent ....... that I am oviously right$
(a) "eci"es () "emonstrates (c) protests (") highlights
Q3 8or the (irst time in his li(e ....... o( going straight home. he calle" in at a pu on the way ac!$
(a) instea" () insi"e (c) inclu"ing (") into
Q4 +ou can tell that this piece o( (urniture is ....... to 6merica ecause o( the strong colonial style$
(a) orn () inherent (c) special (") native
Q5 ....... (or his age an" he is a(ter all only 1*. I thin! his achievement is remar!ale$
(a) ,ermitting () -iscerning (c) 6llowing (") ;egar"ing
Q6 I( you ....... to ta!e that step in your career. you have only yoursel( to lame i( it all goes wrong$
(a) have () elieve (c) e'periment (") choose
Q7 I#ve always thought o( her as the !in" o( person you can trust. you !now the sort you can .......
(a) "epen" () "eter (c) "e(en" (") "e(eat
Q8 It was a totally new e'perience (or us visiting that (actory aroa" as we were ....... to all sorts o(
(a) involve" () inten"e" (c) investe" (") intro"uce"
Q9 2o one ha" a clue what ha" actually happene" neither the police ....... the pulic$
(a) or () either (c) nor (") never
Q10 6ll cyclists must now wear some !in" o( helmet in or"er to ....... their hea"s against in/ury in
the event o( an
(a) pro((er () protect (c) pro"uce (") prevent
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 5B
4mpr*ving +er,al Skills
Q1 +ou can tell that this car has een very well ma"e an" is certainly ....... to the other ma!es in
this garage$
(a) etter () clearer (c) aove (") superior
Q2 It#s ?uite ovious that whatever you li!e to call his remar!s they are impolite an" ....... to
(a) same () amount (c) total (") e'ten"
Q3 )e ....... to have saile" singleGhan"e" roun" the worl" ut personally I "on#t elieve him$
(a) says () elieves (c) claims (") inten"s
Q4 In this iography she is ....... as a !in" sweet ol" la"y ut in reality she was a a" tempere" ol"
(a) "epicte" () (rame" (c) outline" (") caught
Q5 )e ha" to e ....... (rom all the other patients in the hospital ecause he ha" a highly
contagious "isease$
(a) outcast () eliminate" (c) e'tracte" (") isolate"
Q6 It#s not that I "on#t trust you ....... I must have some evi"ence o( your i"entity$
(a) although () ut (c) also (") ecause
Q7 The General ma"e asolutely sure his troops were rea"y (or attle an" ....... with the latest
(a) investe" () create" (c) provi"e" (") teste"
Q8 ,eople use" to thin! the cinema woul" e ....... y television ut it never happene" ecause
people still go to
the pictures$
(a) suppose" () surroun"e" (c) suppresse" (") supplante"
Q9 She ....... to e very con(i"ent on stage ut insi"e she was (eeling very nervous$
(a) appeare" () suppose" (c) stoo" (") cre"ite"
Q10 There#s little point in those two (irms competing (or the same mar!et as they woul" e much
etter ....... with
one another$
(a) consuming () convincing (c) convening (") collaorating
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 51
+er,al Skills 0es$
Q1 &e sometimes (in" it "i((icult to imagine where we come (rom an" elieve that we are in (act
....... (rom apes$
(a) "irecte" () "eparte" (c) "evolve" (") "escen"e"
Q2 6lthough he ha"n#t actually "one anything. he loo!e" as i( he might an" he was arreste" (or
eing outsi"e the
house with ....... to urgle it$
(a) purpose () reason (c) intent (") inclination
Q3 2ot only "i" he pay (or them to go on holi"ay ut he ....... provi"e" them with spen"ing money$
(a) a""ition () also (c) either (") too
Q4 I "on#t min" sleeping on an uncom(ortale e" in a hostel as anything is ....... to sleeping in a
(a) pre(erale () pre(erre" (c) pre(erring (") pre(ers
Q5 I !now you trust him ut I have my "outs aout him an" must a"mit to eing ....... o( him$
(a) suspect () suspecting (c) suspicious (") suspecte"
Q6 +ou nee"n#t worry aout that regulation as it has nothing to "o with you an" "oesn#t ....... to
your situation$
(a) a"here () apply (c) attract (") attach
Q7 The Government pulishe" a report clearing the minister o( any guilt an" ....... that he ha"
acte" correctly$
(a) conclu"e" () con"ucte" (c) con(erre" (") con(i"e"
Q8 They are in (act twins ut are not at all ali!e physically ut are not ....... (rom one another in
(a) separate () "ivi"e" (c) "iverse (") "i((erent
Q9 Ai!e all goo" philosophers in ....... o( truth she is always loo!ing (or new perspectives$
(a) sight () reach (c) search (") en?uiry
Q10 Aet#s loo! at it this way D it#s not so much a prolem ....... a challenge to our e((orts$
(a) as () since (c) (or (") it
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 5*
+er,al 0es$
Q1 In some 1@th century novels you see the very poor con"itions people live" in that can only e
"escrie" as
....... misery$
(a) "e/ecte" () o/ect (c) re/ect (") a/ect
Q2 Television can give you a very goo" i"ea o( how people live in "i((erent countries as it can .......
scenes (rom
every "ay li(e$
(a) "eter () "epict (c) "elineate (") "e(er
Q3 This is a sort o( shortene" version o( what happene" an" has een ....... to (it into the
(a) a"opte" () attune" (c) areviate" (") a""e"
Q4 It was ?uite ovious (rom the secretive manner in which he le(t the shop an" the ....... loo!s he
!ept giving that
he ha"n#t pai" (or the items o( clothing$
(a) (urtive () (ugitive (c) (urious (") (amous
Q5 It was a remar!ale per(ormance ecause the actor seeme" to convey the whole range o(
human emotions .
what you might call the complete ....... (rom eginning to en"$
(a) gamle () grasp (c) granting (") gamut
Q6 The telephone connection was very poor an" we only hear" a ....... account o( what the
reporter was
(a) gesticulate" () gamle" (c) garrulous (") garle"
Q7 The teacher (oun" it ?uite ....... to try an" teach the chil"ren ecause they re(use" to listen to a
wor" she was
(a) (estive () (utile (c) (eele (") (atuous
Q8 The university "eci"e" to give their ....... an honorary "egree ecause she ha" always een
most generous in
her (inancial help$
(a) eliever () ene(it (c) ene(actor (") ehol"er
Q9 I#ve no wish to "isregar" or ....... your achievements ut I thin! you coul" have "one much
(a) elittle () emoan (c) ereave (") eto!en
Q10 )is attempt to ma!e (un o( the situation was consi"ere" to e in a" taste an" ....... in the
(a) (ertile () (re?uent (c) (erile (") (acetious
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 50
+er,al 3dvan$age
Q1 She su""enly stoppe" spea!ing to him on the phone an" the conversation came to an .......
(a) acute () ari" (c) aw(ul (") arupt
Q2 Some o( Sha!espeare#s historical plays are rather long an" so there are e"itions where they
are ....... to ma!e
them shorter$
(a) ari"ge" () accente" (c) a"opte" (") ac?uire"
Q3 6lthough all the athletes were (ull o( li(e at the start o( the marathon. towar"s the en" o( the
race a (ew were
showing signs o( tire"ness an" were clearly .......$
(a) (logging () (ailing (c) (lagging (") (oiling
Q4 8ortunately she too! no notice o( the reviews o( her acting an" was ?uite ....... to some o( the
more sarcastic
(a) important () impenetrale (c) imme"iate (") impervious
Q5 The secret o( a goo" interview is to get straight to the point an" as! ....... ?uestions$
(a) incisive () inserting (c) intro"ucing (") in"uctive
Q6 6lthough her oss !new that she was not telling the truth. her e'planations (or eing late were
always so
reasonale an" totally ....... that he elieve" her$
(a) pleasant () perceptive (c) penetrating (") plausile
Q7 6s soon as he ha" investe" the money. he ecame uneasy an" was eginning to sense .......
aout his
(a) ?uestions () ?ualms (c) ?ueries (") ?uavers
Q8 1any o( the sa(ety instructions on things you uy o(ten seem unnecessary an" o(ten ?uite .......
to the average
(a) super () supreme (c) super(luous (") super(icial
Q9 )e (oun" himsel( at the e"ge o( the cli(( in a ....... position ecause one wrong step an" he
woul" (all into the
(a) precipitate () peculiar (c) pertinent (") precarious
Q10 Everything aout the village was what you#" call ....... ecause all the houses were well
loo!e" a(ter an"
remin"e" you o( a time long since gone$
(a) ?uaint () ?ueer (c) ?uiet (") ?ueenly
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 53
+er,al #earning
Q1 Everyone lost their money when the soGcalle" treasurer ....... with all the society#s savings$
(a) avoi"e" () eva"e" (c) asolve" (") ascon"e"
Q2 The police not only arreste" the lea"er o( the gang ut also the ....... who ha" helpe" him$
(a) acolytes () attac!ers (c) accomplices (") associates
Q3 I have no wish to ....... these criminal activities ut I "o have some sympathy with the
(a) con"one () conce"e (c) console (") con"uct
Q4 The /u"ge has to a"opt a ....... view o( the crime y eing utterly impartial$
(a) "etracte" () "etache" (c) "e(inite (") "e(en"e"
Q5 -espite all the chaos aroun" him the captain remaine" totally calm an" assume" an air o(
(a) e?uation () e?uality (c) e?uanimity (") e?uity
Q6 The police stoppe" the car ecause it ha" (ollowe" an ....... course "own the roa" an" as!e"
the "river why he
was going (rom si"e to si"e$
(a) uneven () une?ual (c) unerring (") erratic
Q7 It was possile to loo! up the topic on the internet ut she "eci"e" instea" to as! her .......
(ather who !new
the answer to most things$
(a) earnest () eru"ite (c) learning (") imminent
Q8 The party lea"er a"vise" all her memers to ....... any ?uestion aout (inance an" avoi" the
topic o( money
(a) ris! () un"erta!e (c) eschew (") involve
Q9 )e has a very re(ine" vocaulary an" pre(ers to use a ....... rather than a more common an"
vulgar wor"$
(a) euphemism () "elicacy (c) (inery (") e"ition
Q10 I#ve loo!e" everywhere (or my !ey an" even carrie" out an ....... search o( my car ut I can#t
(in" that oo!$
(a) e'hauste" () e'hausting (c) e'haust (") e'haustive
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 55
&igh Sh**l +*a,"lary
Q1 The result o( the election "i"n#t give either can"i"ate a clear ma/ority ut in the en" the lea"er
o( the
opposition agree" to step "own an" ....... to the wishes o( the electorate$
(a) accept () accent (c) acce"e (") ascen"
Q2 The soun" o( the water(all goes on all "ay an" night an" in the en" the ....... noise gets on your
(a) interrupting () inciting (c) inva"ing (") incessant
Q3 I apologi4e" (or what seeme" li!e a "elierate act o( ru"eness ut I e'plaine" that it ha" een
acci"ental an" an ....... action on my part$
(a) inverte" () ina"vertent (c) incurre" (") inhiite"
Q4 6lthough it#s a complicate" su/ect the pro(essor manage" to ma!e it all totally clear an" .......
y her "elivery$
(a) luci" () luminous (c) lightening (") li(ting
Q5 &hen you ta!e a party o( tourists roun" a (amous city there are always those who ....... an"
!eep everyo"y
else waiting$
(a) litter () lessen (c) loiter (") languish
Q6 :e(ore she !new what ha" happene" a man su""enly (ell on her ....... across an" stealing her
(a) lur!ing () lin!ing (c) limping (") lunging
Q7 There was asolutely no call (or him to criticise her so cruelly an" in almost a ....... manner$
(a) mal(orme" () malicious (c) mala"roit (") malcontent
Q8 There was asolutely no ?uestion aout it he was the ....... i"iot such as you#" (in" in one o(
those ol" (arces$
(a) provincial () provi"e" (c) proverial (") protective
Q9 +ou#ll soon get use" to his (unny ways as it#s one o( the ....... o( his personality$
(a) ?uiles () ?uills (c) ?ua((s (") ?uir!s
Q10 )e "i"n#t really give speeches ecause he use" to scream an" shout an" you coul" hear him
....... a hun"re"
meters "own the roa"$
(a) reigning () raining (c) ruling (") rattling
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 57
3dvaned +*a,"lary
Q1 )e always (ollows that ol" .......= early to e". early to rise ma!es a man healthy. wealthy an"
(a) phrase () alla" (c) a"age (") analogy
Q2 I( you invest that money. you will (in" it will grow an" ....... interest$
(a) agree () a"apt (c) apart (") accrue
Q3 ,eople o(ten as! her how she manages to stay slim an" she always tells them she is very
care(ul in the
amount she eats to the point o( eing .......$
(a) areviate" () astemious (c) actuate" (") arupt
Q4 +ou must react now an" not /ust e ....... as i( there is nothing wrong$
(a) complacent () comining (c) comative (") concerning
Q5 I (in" these mathematical pu44les too ....... an" pre(er the more straight(orwar" type$
(a) a/ect () aortive (c) aoun"ing (") astruse
Q6 There was no changing her min" as she was ?uite ....... aout her "ecision an" woul"n#t
consi"er any
(a) attractive () attentive (c) a"amant (") a"/oine"
Q7 It was ?uite ovious that he was "run! ecause he coul"n#t (inish his sentences an" his
speech was not
(a) contente" () coherent (c) convince" (") convolute"
Q8 The strings on the puppet were all intertwine" an" it too! us ages to ....... them$
(a) "isentangle () "istriute (c) "istur (") "isten"
Q9 There are really too many political parties in this election as there are so many small groups or
(a) (ictions () (anatics (c) (usion (") (actions
Q10 )e li!e" to play the ....... an" woul" invarialy "ress up in the most outrageous clothes$
(a) eclectic () eccentric (c) evasive (") evolve"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 59
Sand 4di*ms
Q1 The san"s o( ....... are running out an" you#ll have to hurry up$
(a) moment () cloc! (c) minute (") time
Q2 It#s no goo" ....... your hea" in the san". you#ll have to (ace the truth in the en"$
(a) (illing () urying (c) putting (") "igging
Q3 I( you ....... your enterprise on san". it#s certain to (ail eventually$
(a) put () try (c) uil" (") heap
Q4 They have "eci"e" to ....... a line in the san" an" start all over again$
(a) "esignate () "raw (c) s!etch (") "elineate
Q5 The san"s are ....... an" everything is changing in this century$
(a) shi(ting () turning (c) moving (") going
Q6 It runs into millions an" millions D almost as many as the ....... o( san" you can see on this
(a) pieces () pinches (c) grains (") "rops
Q7 Chil"ren o(ten go "own to the seasi"e an" use their uc!ets an" spa"es to ma!e san" .......$
(a) uil"ings () castles (c) houses (") constructions
Q8 In or"er to get chil"ren to go to sleep. parents sometimes say that the san" ....... will soon
come an" put san"
in their eyes$
(a) person () human (c) wi4ar" (") man
Q9 8or very small chil"ren at their nursery school there is o(ten a san" ....... where they can play$
(a) pit () hole (c) container (") o'
Q10 &hen there is a "anger o( (loo"ing. people o(ten pile up san" ....... outsi"e their houses to
stop the water
coming in$
(a) pots () sac!s (c) pac!ets (") ags
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 5<
0he /arliamen$ary 1andida$e 718 (e!*re< .ead $he s$*ry ---%english@$es$%ne$Cesl@,**kC2C
Q1 There was asolutely no ....... that )enry Crpington li!e" politics$ )e tal!e" politics all the time$
(a) elie( () concern (c) ?uery (") "out
Q2 6ll the memers o( his (amily were please" there(ore when )enry was ....... as the prospective
can"i"ate (or the constituency in which they were living$
(a) a"apte" () a""e" (c) a"opte" (") a""icte"
Q3 Cne year later the "ate o( the general election was ....... y the ,rime 1inister$
(a) announce" () "enounce" (c) presente" (") "elivere"
Q4 ....... the election campaign )enry#s wi(e an" his two teenage "aughters wor!e" night an" "ay
(or him
(a) (or () throughout (c) y (") (rom
Q5 an" he (inally ....... a seat in the )ouse o( Commons y a very large ma/ority$
(a) chose () ought (c) "erive" (") won
Q6 Every "ay o( the campaign was a .......
(a) trial () e'periment (c) challenge (") achievement
Q7 ut there was one "ay in particular that )enry woul" never .......$
(a) rememer () (orget (c) "iscover (") avoi"
Q8 That was the "ay he thought he was going to e lown ....... y a om$
(a) out () over (c) o(( (") up
Q9 Cn a 8ri"ay morning at the eginning o( the campaign. the phone ....... in the Crpingtons#
house at 7$0B in the
(a) ringe" () rung (c) rang (") wrung
Q10 )enry got out o( e" an" ran "own the stairs$ )e ....... who coul" possily e ringing at that
early hour in the
(a) won"ere" () as!e" (c) consi"ere" (") elieve"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 5@
0he /arliamen$ary 1andida$e 728 (e!*re< .ead $he s$*ry ---%english@$es$%ne$Cesl@,**kC2C
Q1 )enry= )ello$
1an#s voice= Is that 1r$ )enry Crpington. the parliamentary can"i"ate?
)enry= +es. .......$
(a) tal!ing () "ictating (c) spea!ing (") "eci"ing
Q2 1an#s voice= Ch. goo" morning$ I want to warn you aout a om$$$
)enry= 6 om? &here? )elloE &e#ve een ....... o(($ CperatorE CperatorE CperatorE
(a) cut () severe" (c) remove" (") "raine"
Q3 It was no goo"$ The line ha" gone .......$ 6s calmly as he coul" )enry went upstairs to tell his
wi(e the alarming
(a) ?uiet () "ormant (c) "ea" (") still
Q4 They "eci"e" to get "resse" at once an" ta!e the two girls to their aunt#s house$ )enry .......
the police ut
as!e" them to !eep the news (rom the press$
(a) instructe" () "irecte" (c) sai" (") in(orme"
Q5 6t hal( past eight )enry was in con(erence with his election agent. 6n"rew )iggins. at party
6n"rew= I( you want my opinion. I suggest you cancel all your engagements (or to"ay an" wait
until the police
get to the ....... o( the matter$
(a) ase () en" (c) ottom (") hin"
Q6 )enry= Certainly notE I#m not going to let ....... e scare" y some stupi" cran!$
(a) himsel( () itsel( (c) mysel( (") themselves
Q7 6n"rew= &hat "i" the man soun" li!e? -i" you recogni4e his voice?
)enry= 2o. I was hal( asleep$
)is voice wasn#t (amiliar ut he soun"e" ?uite pleasant$ )e "i"n#t seem to e ....... me$
(a) punishing () threatening (c) hitting (") stri!ing
Q8 6n"rew= That ma!es the whole usiness even more sinister$ Aoo! here. )enry. one "ay won#t
ma!e all that
much "i((erence$ I#ll tell people that you#ve ....... your voice or something$
(a) lost () misse" (c) "isture" (") (orgotten
Q9 )enry= 2o. I#m going to carry on as usual$ Thin! o( the a"vantage it woul" give my ....... i( I
were out o( the
campaign even (or one "ay$
(a) outsi"ers () opposites (c) opponents (") onloo!ers
Q10 6n"rew= I( you say so$ :ut I#" li!e to ma!e it ....... that I#m "ea" against it$
(a) asolute () clear (c) "e(ine" (") e'treme
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 7B
0he /arliamen$ary 1andida$e 738 (e!*re< .ead $he s$*ry ---%english@$es$%ne$Cesl@,**kC2C
Q1 )enry Crpington#s (irst ....... that "ay was an openGair meeting on a large housing estate at ten
(a) entrance () engagement (c) incitement (") en"eavour
Q2 6s most o( the men were ....... at wor!. his au"ience consiste" mainly o( women an" young
(a) o(( () over (c) un"er (") out
Q3 6n"rew )iggins !ept a close watch on the plat(orm (rom which )enry was ma!ing his speech.
while several
plainclothes policemen ....... inconspicuously with the crow"$
(a) me""le" () moul"e" (c) mingle" (") mel"e"
Q4 There was very little reaction to )enry#s speech. e'cept (rom one or two people at the ac!
who !ept on
as!ing what )enry#s party inten"e" to "o aout the ....... price o( (ruit an" vegetales$
(a) rising () raising (c) risen (") raise"
Q5 6(ter the speech he shoo! han"s with some o( the women$ Cne o( them li(te" up a ay (or
him to !iss. ut
the ....... o( )enry#s ear" must have (rightene" it ecause it egan to scream its hea" o(($
(a) seeing () sighting (c) sight (") scene
Q6 6t eleven o#cloc! he ....... a rie( visit to a pulic house on the estate$ )enry coul"n#t o((er to
uy anyone a
"rin! ecause he !new very well that his opponents woul" consi"er that to e "ishonest$ So he let
one o( his
supporters uy him a "rin! instea"$
(a) ought () pai" (c) sought (") "i"
Q7 6t lunch time he went to his sister#s house to see his wi(e an" "aughters$ They ha" spent the
a""ressing envelopes (or the lea(lets he was sen"ing out$ )is sister. %era. thoroughly ....... o( his
in politics$
(a) "isli!e" () "iscourage" (c) "isappointe" (") "isapprove"
Q8 %era= 2ow I hope you can see the "anger o( getting mi'e" up in politics$ +ou an" the (amily will
proaly .......
get lown up y a om$
)enry= -on#t e'aggerate. %era$ I#m sure it#s /ust a /o!e$
(a) each () every (c) all (") entirely
Q9 There was a large crow" in the (iel" when )enry arrive" at eight o#cloc! (or what was perhaps
the iggest
meeting o( the ....... campaign$ 6(ter a har" "ay#s wor!. hun"re"s o( (armers an" (arm laourers
ha" come to
the (iel" to hear what )enry ha" to say$
(a) utter () whole (c) asolute (") lasting
Q10 )enry= Aa"ies an" gentlemen. I appreciate the an'iety you must all (eel aout support (or
your (arms$ I too
have een a (armer an" I !now the "i((iculties you are e'periencing. an" so$$$
%oice (rom the crow"= $$$ an" so you#ve "eci"e" to ecome an 1$,$ an" get richE
)enry= 2o. my (rien"$ I want to give the (armers a ....... in the )ouse o( Commons$
(a) soun" () speech (c) noise (") voice
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 71
0he /arliamen$ary 1andida$e 748 (e!*re< .ead $he s$*ry ---%english@$es$%ne$Cesl@,**kC2C
Q1 The crow" remaine" goo"Gnature" (or the (irst part o( his speech an" )enry was (eeling
please" with himsel($ 6n" then. ....... hal( a
"o4en tractors roare" onto the (iel"$
(a) automatically () particularly (c) su""enly (") especially
Q2 #-o you li!e tomatoes?# shoute" one o( the tractor "rivers$ )enry ....... (or a moment an" then
replie"= #+es. I li!e them very much$#
(a) "elaye" () stumle" (c) state" (") hesitate"
Q3 #&ell. we can#t sell them at a pro(it.# sai" the tractor "river. #ecause the importe" ones are too
cheap$ So instea" o( letting them go
to ........ you can have themE#
(a) loss () "isaster (c) waste (") ruish
Q4 It was then that )enry ....... that the tractors were loa"e" with o'es o( tomatoes. which the
(armers starte" to throw at him$
In(ortunately (or )enry. two o( them hit him (ull in the (ace$
(a) notice" () "eci"e" (c) elieve" (") remar!e"
Q5 )e reali4e" that he ha" to say something ?uic!ly to ....... the crow" over to his si"e$ #Than! you
(or your generous gi(t. ut I really
pre(er them in san"wiches$ 6n" now let#s get on with the meeting$#
(a) ac?uire () win (c) gain (") control
Q6 The crow" starte" to ....... an" )enry manage" to (inish his speech without (urther
interruptions$ In the meantime the police ha"
ma"e a thorough search o( )enry#s house an" assure" him that there were no hi""en oms$ )e
went ac! to his sister#s house to
collect his (amily$
(a) cry () call (c) weep (") cheer
Q7 %era= I#ve got some supper rea"y$ I#m sure you must e .......$
(a) (asting () eating (c) starving (") munching
Q8 )enry= +ou shoul"n#t have othere"$ &e can all go ac! home now$ The police have ....... the
house thoroughly an" (oun" nothing
at all$
%era= &ell. at least stay an" eat the nice sala" I#ve ma"e$
)enry= 6ll right. %era$ Fust so long as there are no tomatoes in itE
(a) searche" () (oun" (c) loo!e" (") hunte"
Q9 6(ter supper. )enry an" his (amily went home$ Aater that evening the phone rang$
1an#s voice= Ch. 1r$ Crpington$ I#ve een trying to reach you all "ay$ This is ,aul )arris$ I calle"
you this morning ut I was cut o(($
It was a a" line or something$
)enry= &ell. what aout the om?
)arris= The om? &hat on ....... "o you mean?
)enry= That#s what I#" li!e to !now$ +ou sai". I want to warn you aout a om$
(a) lan" () groun" (c) mu" (") earth
Q10 )arris= Ch. "earE I#m a(rai" there#s een a misun"erstan"ing$ I "i"n#t have time to (inish my
sentence$ +ou see. I ....... some (armers
planning to rea! up your meeting$
)enry= I "on#t see what all this has got to "o with a om$
)arris= &ell. i( we ha"n#t een cut o(( I was going to warn you aout a omar"ment o( tomatoesE
(a) listene" () overhear" (c) atten"e" (") un"erstoo"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 7*
0ense 3greemen$
Q1 2o sooner ....... I shut the "oor. when the telephone rang$
(a) have () "i" (c) will (") ha"
Q2 :y the time I ha" reache" the ottom o( the mountain. I ....... e'tremely tire"$
(a) (eel () have (elt (c) (elt (") am (eeling
Q3 &hen he was only thirty years ol". he ....... alrea"y e'perience" what most people only
e'perience when they
are much ol"er$
(a) has () ha" (c) is (") was
Q4 The witness ....... everyone that he ha"n#t ha" anything to "o with the crime$
(a) convinces () is convincing (c) convince" (") has convince"
Q5 &e as!e" him why he ....... telephone" earlier$
(a) ha"n#t () hasn#t (c) "i"n#t (") woul"n#t
Q6 6ctually I ha" ....... it to her e(ore we set out$
(a) mention () mentions (c) mentioning (") mentione"
Q7 I must a"mit I ....... thought how the story woul" (inish e(ore I rea" the oo!$
(a) haven#t () ha"n#t (c) aren#t (") coul"n#t
Q8 I#" ha" scarcely any time to thin! aout it e(ore they ....... me (or my opinion$
(a) ha" as!e" () "i" as! (c) as!e" (") have as!e"
Q9 )e reali4e" he ....... le(t it in the car e(ore he reporte" it lost$
(a) has () "i"n#t (c) woul"n#t (") ha"
Q10 It ....... a great shoc! to everyone ecause he ha"n#t sai" a wor" (or 1B years$
(a) is () will e (c) was (") are
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 70
'"$"re 0enses
Q1 &hat ....... e "oing this time tomorrow?
(a) were you () "i" you (c) have you (") will you
Q2 ....... go i( you li!e ecause I have to "o some shopping$
(a) I#m () I#" (c) I#ll (") I#ve
Q3 I ....... simply wait until she comes ac!$
(a) was () am (c) shall (") "o
Q4 )e was ?uite "e(inite aout it an" assure" me he ....... come$
(a) will () shall (c) shoul" (") woul"
Q5 I( they ....... arrive late. they will have to get their own meal$
(a) "o () ha" (c) woul" (") will
Q6 I really hope I ....... see you again$
(a) "i" () shall (c) shoul" (") woul"
Q7 &hat ....... happen to the (amily i( he loses all his money?
(a) "oes () "i" (c) will (") is
Q8 ....... e uying the house or haven#t you "eci"e" yet?
(a) -i" you () )ave you (c) &ere you (") &ill you
Q9 I#m sure they ....... get marrie" an" live happily ever a(terwar"s$
(a) "i" () have (c) will (") woul"
Q10 &hat "o you ....... to "o when you leave school?
(a) wante" () wanting (c) wants (") want
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 73
/as$ 0enses
Q1 I tol" them I ....... /ust going out (or a short wal!$
(a) woul" () am (c) was (") will
Q2 )e as!e" me what I ....... with the paint rush$
(a) "i" "o () ha" "one (c) will "o (") have "one
Q3 She tol" me ....... care(ully on the icy roa"s$
(a) to e "riven () to have "riven (c) to "rive (") to e "riven
Q4 I won"er what ....... happene" while I was away$
(a) will have () has (c) was (") ha"
Q5 She won"ers why I never ....... aroa" y plane$
(a) travel
(c) has travelle"
() have een travelling
(") will have travelle"
Q6 >uite honestly all I was "oing was simply ....... polite conversation$
(a) ma"e () ma!ing (c) having ma"e (") ma!es
Q7 )e was won"ering what ....... prompte" him to ta!e no notice at all$
(a) has () have (c) ha" (") having
Q8 I was as!ing mysel( what in all honesty she ....... "o ne't$
(a) will () woul" (c) shall (") ha"
Q9 )e actually "enie" ....... anything o( the sort$
(a) to "o () "one (c) "i" (") "oing
Q10 )e came into the room an" "eman"e" ....... what was happening$
(a) to !now () !nowing (c) !now (") having !nown
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 75
/assive 0ense '*rms
Q1 The castle ....... uilt in the 15th century$
(a) was () is (c) has een (") will e
Q2 Is he ....... arreste" as we spea!?
(a) e () een (c) eing (") will e
Q3 6ll these houses ....... neglecte" (or "eca"es$
(a) will e () are eing (c) has een (") have een
Q4 There#s no ?uestion that they ....... "elighte" when they see her tomorrow$
(a) have een () will e (c) ha" een (") will have een
Q5 That uil"ing ....... le(t unoccupie" since 1@5B$
(a) woul" e () woul" eing (c) has een (") will e
Q6 The chil"ren ....... ta!en to school y us every "ay$
(a) are () have (c) was (") ha"
Q7 I can assure you that this o' ....... never een opene" e(ore I opene" this morning$
(a) was () will (c) is (") ha"
Q8 That ceremony ....... enacte" on Tues"ay ne't$
(a) has een () is (c) is eing (") have
Q9 )ow many times have you ....... your house ro!en into?
(a) een () ha" (c) e (") have
Q10 I#m sorry you can#t come in at the moment ecause we ....... the house "ecorate" right now$
(a) have ha" () will have (c) ha" (") are having
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 77
Ger"nd *r 4n!ini$ive
Q1 ....... me i( I#ve tol" you this e(ore$
(a) Stopping () Stoppe" (c) Stops (") Stop
Q2 6ll I can say at the moment is= Aong ....... the companyE
(a) live () lives (c) live" (") living
Q3 Sometimes I wish I ....... what the (uture hol"s$
(a) !now () !nown (c) !new (") !nows
Q4 6n" at other times I#m gla" I ....... !now what the (uture hol"s$
(a) "i"n#t () "oesn#t (c) ha"n#t (") "on#t
Q5 Aet#s ....... there tomorrow i( it#s (ine$
(a) going () gone (c) go (") goes
Q6 Try ....... the "oor really har" i( you want to open it$
(a) pushing () push (c) pushes (") pushe"
Q7 Try ....... these irregular vers y ne't wee!$
(a) learne" () to learn (c) learns (") learning
Q8 I really appreciate your ....... me at this "i((icult time$
(a) helps () help (c) helpe" (") helping
Q9 I#ll (inish now an" I loo! (orwar" to ....... you again soon$
(a) seeing () see (c) seen (") having seen
Q10 ,lease come ac! soon an" ....... the wor! you starte" two wee!s ago$
(a) (inishe" () (inishing (c) (inish (") (inishes
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 79
/er!e$ 0enses
Q1 1any people ....... trie" ut noGone has succee"e" so (ar$
(a) "i" () have een (c) were (") have
Q2 That programme is so oring that it#s li!e watching paint .......$
(a) "ries () "rie" (c) "ry (") has "rie"
Q3 :y the en" o( this year I reali4e I ....... writing tests (or three years now$
(a) shall e () shall have een (c) will e (") shall have
Q4 -o you min" ....... the "oor as I (in" it very hot in here?
(a) to open () opene" (c) opens (") opening
Q5 I honestly thin! that the time ....... come when we shoul" celerate our success$
(a) has () ha" (c) will (") having
Q6 )ow anyone ....... to live in those con"itions in the 1<th century is "i((icult to imagine$
(a) manages () will manage (c) manage" (") is managing
Q7 ....... ever hear" o( this writer e(ore?
(a) -i" you () )ave you (c) -o you (") &ill you
Q8 That stupi" "og ....... all "ay long$
(a) "oes always ar! () always is ar!ing (c) ha" always ar!e" (") is always ar!ing
Q9 They were eating "inner when the lights ....... out$
(a) go () are going (c) went (") goes
Q10 2oGone ....... elieve your story when you tell them$
(a) will () "i" (c) has (") is
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 7<
English Grammar 0enses
Q1 ....... any one o/ect i( I turn the heating "own?
(a) -o () -oes (c) -i" (") -oing
Q2 I ....... come to the conclusion that nowa"ays noo"y cares aout anything$
(a) will () ha" (c) "o (") have
Q3 2o matter what happens ne't I ....... help you$
(a) am () have (c) will (") woul"
Q4 They ....... (or 0 hours when the storm su""enly ro!e$
(a) ha" een running () have een running (c) are running (") will e running
Q5 I assume" you ....... paying (or the repairs until the en" o( last year$
(a) have een () was een (c) are eing (") ha" een
Q6 ....... get tire" o( answering the same ?uestions every "ay?
(a) )ave you ever () )a" you ever (c) -o you ever (") 6re you ever
Q7 She ....... wor!ing on that manuscript (or * years now$
(a) will e () has een (c) ha" een (") is
Q8 I ....... there once a long time ago an" haven#t een ac! since$
(a) went () go (c) have gone (") was going
Q9 She ....... trying to pass her "riving test ut (ails every time$
(a) !ept () is !eeping (c) ha" !ept (") !eeps
Q10 I ....... complete silence now while I try this e'periment$
(a) am wanting () want (c) "i" want (") have wante"
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 7@
4di*ms -i$h $he phrasal ver, arry
Q1 6n eagle. i( presse" (or (oo". might ....... a small ay that ha" een le(t in the open
unprotecte". ut such an
opportunity must occur very rarely$
(a) carry o(( () carry through (c) carry on with (") carry out
Q2 8inlan" an" the 8innish upper secon"ary e"ucation system constitute a goo" e'ample o( the
(act that it is
possile to ....... very e'tensive rea"/ustments with a view to ma!ing a system more (le'ile an"
a"apte" to
in"ivi"uali4e" learning$
(a) carry o(( () carry through (c) carry on with (") carry away
Q3 In"ia an" Iran will continue to "eepen ties an" ....... ilateral pro/ects. inclu"ing the triGnation
pipeline an" a
multiGillion "ollar gas "eal$
(a) carry o(( () carry through (c) carry on with (") carry away
Q4 The liver regulates most chemical levels in the loo" an" e'cretes a pro"uct calle" ile. which
helps .......
waste pro"ucts (rom the liver$
(a) carry away () carry through (c) carry on with (") carry over
Q5 China#s cultural in"ustry was given a oost last wee! a(ter the government announce" its plan
to ....... cultural
re(orm in more than *B provincial areas$
(a) carry away () carry through (c) carry o(( (") carry out
Q6 Items such as pointe" scissors an" ice s!ates are e'amples o( articles that are not permitte" in
your .......
aggage when oar"ing an aircra(t$
(a) carry o(( () carry on (c) carry on with (") carry away
Q7 6n employee with 3BB accrue" sic! leave hours at the en" o( the (iscal year will ....... into the
new (iscal year
07B hours o( sic! leave an" < hours o( a""itional annual leave$
(a) carry over () carry on (c) carry o(( (") carry out
Q8 &hen irrigation has no ....... system. the evaporating water "eposits a gra"ual uil"Gup o(
salini4ation. which is
eventually "amaging to plant li(e$
(a) carry over () carry on (c) carry o(( (") carry out
Q9 The Scottish ,arliament has appointe" 1r$ 1aley to ....... an assessment o( the current cost
estimate an"
li!ely completion "ate o( a new in(ormation technology pro/ect$
(a) carry over () carry on (c) carry o(( (") carry out
Q10 6nimals an" humans use the evaporation o( water to ....... heat that is asore" (rom the sun
or generate" y
metaolic activity an" e'ercise$
(a) carry away () carry through (c) carry o(( (") carry out
English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / 6"vance" level # 9B
1"linary deligh$s
Q1 1i""le Eastern restaurants o(ten have a way o( whis!ing you away to a (ar o(( lan" o( elly
"ancers. e'otic
spices an" ....... "rin!$
(a) incriminating () intimi"ating (c) into'icating (") instigating
Q2 Thai cuisine is one o( the most romantic o( the 6sian cuisines as it still ....... an element o(
mystery an"
(a) remains () retains (c) re(rains (") regains
Q3 1o"ern 6sian restaurants in Fa!arta have an ....... history$
(a) e'ten"e" () e'ternal (c) e'tracte" (") e'u"e
Q4 In"onesia has an ....... range o( Fapanese restaurants as Fapan has long een the iggest
investor in the
(a) ecliptic () ecstatic (c) eclectic (") eccentric
Q5 International restaurants in Singapore are ....... a"ept at simultaneously per(ecting oth eastern
an" western
"ishes on their menues
(a) partially () particularity (c) partly (") particularly
Q6 )ong Jong has to e one o( the (ew places on the planet where you can en/oy ....... cuisine
an" service at
relatively reasonale prices$
(a) e'?uisite () e'plicit (c) e'pletive (") e'plosive
Q7 European cuisine always ....... a sense o( nostalgia an" romance. li!e running into an ol"
(a) evolves () evinces (c) evo!es (") evicts
Q8 6merica is ....... at the (ront o( the race to ecome the worl"#s most oese country$
(a) un"eci"e"ly () un"enialy (c) un"erelly (") un"erling
Q9 1any people "rin! wine. ut many wine consumers !now little aout wine ....... or wine an"
(oo" pairing
ecause they are intimi"ate" or put o(( y the pretensions o(ten associate" with wine$
(a) appropriation () appreciation (c) apportion (") apprehension
Q10 Cne o( the most eauti(ul things aout Fa!arta is its ....... wealth (rom oth within the
archipelago an" aroun"
the worl"$
(a) cursory () cautionary (c) coronary (") culinary

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