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Global Military Balance:

Stable or Unstable?
hat is the global military situation
today, and where is it headed to-
morrow? Although todays situa-
tion is more stable than a decade
ago, flashpoints remain in such unsettled regions
as the Persian Gulf and the Korean peninsula.
Moreover, the future warrants concern. Prolifera-
tion of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and
conventional force improvements could exacer-
bate tensions and conflict in several areas, in ad-
dition to todays hotspots.
Although military power is less central
today than during the Cold War, it remains im-
portant to many countries national security
agendas. Their forces are shaping the new inter-
national security system. In appraising global
military affairs and their strategic implications,
national defense postures should be considered.
What matters is how they compare with each
other, and how they interact as they acquire
more modern weapons.
Four factors are key to shaping the future
military situation in each region and underscore
the importance of following the evolution of
global military affairs:

Type of Forces Deployed. WMD is a key fac-

tor, but so are the regions conventional forces.
Historically, small forces were indicative of
defensive strategies, while large forces were
instruments of offensive operations, including
aggressive actions. This pattern is changing.
Quality is becoming an increasingly important
factor. Small forces can still defend local borders.
However, they can be used increasingly for
offensive operations beyond these borders, if
equipped with the assets for power projection,
expeditionary missions, and offensive doctrines.

Rate and Direction of Modernization.

Military forces are constantly changing. They
adopt new structures, weapons, and doctrines.
Tomorrows forces are likely to be considerably
different from todays. Technology and the nature
of war are undergoing rapid change because of
the information revolution. Some countries may
respond by maintaining defensive forces. Others
may acquire greater offensive capabilities.

Nature and Degree of Military Competition.

Cooperation and partnership can improve
relations among nations. Conversely, military
rivalry can be the cause of political tensions and
also inflame them. In serious military competi-
tions, the danger is that the action-reaction cycle
can intensify political and military dynamics in
reinforcing ways.

The Balance/Imbalance of Military Power in

Competitive Rivalries. When countries within a
region are in political accord, the local distribu-
tion of military power may be unimportantbut
Global Military Balance:
Stable or Unstable?
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
when they are in political conflict, the opposite is
the case. An imbalance can undermine stability,
especially when rogues gain military dominance
and seek to upset the status quo. Conversely, a
balance of power can have a stabilizing effect.
U.S. forces likely will remain superior to po-
tential opponents and provide confidence that
U.S. interests will be protected. However, adver-
sary force improvements, asymmetric strategies,
and WMD threats will be factors to be guarded
against in U.S. defense planning. Moreover, U.S.
superiority alone does not ensure a future mili-
tary balance and stability abroad. U.S. superior-
ity did not forestall ethnic war in the Balkans or
prevent India and Pakistan from becoming nu-
clear powers. Much depends on how countries
of each region perceive their situation, prepare
their forces, and interact with each other.
If not monitored, military events can ex-
plode suddenly, too late for preventative action.
Prior to the Persian Gulf War, Iraq successfully
but quietly built strong forces in ways that ren-
dered Kuwait and Saudi Arabia vulnerable.
Large arsenals, abandoned in Yugoslavia when
the Cold War ended, later fueled the Bosnian
War. The earlier acquisition of technology pro-
vided China with the missiles that were
launched near Taiwan in 1996 and surprised the
rest of Asia. The 1998 nuclear explosions in
South Asia occurred because India and Pakistan
privately pursued their nuclear intentions.
A growing number of countries understand
the need for military restraint and multilateral
cooperation. Yet, this trend is not evident every-
where, and situations in several regions could
deteriorate. Today and tomorrow, the principal
danger is not global war, but local strife, regional
wars, and WMD use. Also, a new era of tradi-
tional geopolitical competition may emerge, in
which some nations attempt to intimidate others
with powerful military forces. While some politi-
cal and military trends lessen these dangers, oth-
ers enhance them. Three key regions differ in this
respect. Europes military situation is becoming
more stable. The Greater Middle East is becom-
ing more dangerous. Asia, particularly South
Asia, could move in either direction, depending
upon how events unfold.
A multidimensional view is necessary for
thinking about the future of global military af-
fairs. In all major theaters, three future scenarios
ranging across the spectrum are plausible. In each
region, the level of danger and threat could re-
main the same as today, but with a different mix
of issues. Alternatively, regional military affairs
The U.S.S. Cowpens,
CG63, a guided missile
cruiser; the fleet oiler,
U.S.S. Yukon, AO202; and
the U.S.S. Milius, DDG69,
a guided missile destroyer,
supporting maritime
intercept operations in
the Persian Gulf
Distribution of Non- U.S. Military Forces in Key Regions
Source: The Military Balance, 1998/ 1999, International Institute for Strategic Studies (London: Oxford UniversityPress).
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
could move toward greater stability, or instability.
Much depends on how regional politics transpire.
Yet, military affairs have a dynamic of their own,
with wide-ranging implications. How the United
States and allies act upon key factors will influ-
ence which of these three scenarios occur. Their
ability to act wisely will significantly affect global
military affairs and determine if they evolve to-
ward stability or instability. In this arena, as in
others, the future is up for grabs.
Key Trends
Today, the task of assessing trends requires
peering into the future amidst change almost
everywhere. The multiple trends shaping global
military affairs are outward manifestations of an
underlying dynamic. Many countries are leaving
behind the bipolar era and beginning to shape
their defense postures for a new era that is more
fluid and complicated and brings with it new
military technology and doctrine. Some countries
are thinking multilaterally, but, outside Europe,
many are thinking in national terms. Many are
defining national agendas in terms of self-protec-
tion and cooperative restraint, while some are
looking outward. Regardless, change offers new
politics and technologies. The future is likely to
witness a blend of change and continuity, with
change predominating over the long term.
Views of the future differ, particularly re-
garding military affairs. Defense policy differs
from diplomacy. Diplomacy mostly focuses on
the current situation. Defense policy is heavily
concerned with preparing forces for employment
10 to 15 years from now. Military forces improve
slowly and do not make major changes
overnight. Yet, in this era of rapid transforma-
tion, a decade or two can make a difference.
Discerning key trends requires looking at
data on military forces and spending in key re-
gions. The world remains well armed, even after
the end of the Cold War. Outside the United
States, nearly 20 million personnel are on active
duty, and reservists roughly double that. U.S.
forces account for about 6 percent of the global
total. Outside the United States, about $452 bil-
lion is spent annually on defense, at current ex-
change rates. Because expenditure comparisons
are influenced by currency exchange rates, they
often obscure the most important measure: the
size and strength of forces being bought on the
local economy. High U.S. defense costs are
largely attributable to an all-volunteer force and
buying goods and services from a prosperous
U.S. economy. Most other countries benefit from
low-cost conscription and buying goods and
services in inexpensive economies. Their defense
spending may allow a significantly greater out-
put compared to what the defense dollar buys on
the U.S. economy.
Moreover, these countries face lesser strate-
gic requirements than the United States. Most are
primarily concerned with their respective re-
gions, and their military forces and spending are
focused accordingly. However, the United States
requires expensive power projection forces for
three major overseas regions. It spends about $90
Latin America
South Asia
Greater Middle East
Russia & Eurasia
NATO & Europe
Active Duty Personnel
Defense Spending
($ billions, annual)
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
billion for some 750,000 active troops that can be
projected into overseas regions. Such costly re-
quirements and others preclude a quantitative
U.S. military dominance.
U.S. forces are qualitatively superior to any
others. However, its military power is relative.
Because of these far-reaching requirements, the
United States must selectively mass its military
strength in any single place. Additionally, U.S.
forces operate in a world that remains heavily
armed despite the defense downsizing of recent
years. This is the case in all key regions, which
are characterized by the following:

Military spending and manpower levels

remain high in Europe, despite stabilizing trends
in recent years. In Eurasia overall, spending is
low but manpower levels are high. Russia still
maintains 1.2 million troops. Altogether, more
thatn 2 million troops are under arms in Eurasia.

In comparative terms, manpower levels

are high, while spending levels are low in the
Greater Middle East and South Asia. This low
spending slows the pace of modernization in
both places, but limited funds for new conven-
tional weapons provide an incentive for acquir-
ing WMD.

In Asia, manpower and spending levels

are higher than commonly realized. China,
Japan, the two Koreas, and other countries
maintain large forces. Although Asias defense
spending is about 75 percent of Europes, Asias
military manpower doubles Europes. If Asias
wealth increases, this may permit larger defense
budgets and faster modernization. However, if
the economic crisis continues, it will adversely
affect Asian military budgets.

In Africa and Latin America, troop levels

and budgets are low relative to population sizes
and geography. Most militaries are used for civil
control, rather than external operations, and are
not modernly equipped. Nevertheless, light in-
fantry weapons can inflict great damage, as has
been seen in Somalia and Rwanda.
AStable World with
Dangerous Flashpoints
Gone is the risk of a bipolar confrontation
escalating into global war and nuclear holocaust.
Large alliances are no longer arrayed against
each other. Todays world is less polarized and
more diffuse. The Wests gradual enlargement is
making more countries confident of their secu-
rity. The trend toward partnership is having a
similar effect. The multiple arms control agree-
ments in force, or under negotiation, also play a
stabilizing role. Military power is no longer the
primary means of enhancing a nations standing
in the world community. Developing an infor-
mation-based economy is more important than
military spending.
Yet, many countries throughout the world re-
main well armed. As they acquire modern
weapons and spend more on readiness and train-
ing, their forces will improve in quality. Many
rogues have sufficient forces for aggression and
are acquiring modern weapons. Ethnic groups
and terrorists can also acquire the weapons
needed to inflict mass casualties. The Persian
Gulf, the Korean peninsula, the Balkans, South
Asia, and Taiwan are todays obvious flash points,
but they are not the only places where violence
and war are a threat.
Geopolitical Military
The likelihood of regional conflicts will be
influenced by the political conditions governing
their origins and associated military conditions,
especially whether or not aggression can suc-
ceed. Rogues will remain a principal instigator of
regional conflicts, and some are acquiring WMD
and better conventional forces to increase their
military power. Iraq and Iran are examples and
this trend may spread elsewhere.
U.S. Marines, part of a
combined-arms, air-
ground task force, with
MP5 submachine guns
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
A loose and amorphous strategic environ-
ment can be destabilizing. If it leads some coun-
tries to build military power that menaces oth-
ers, it can result in the kind of geopolitical
maneuvering that damaged the international
system earlier in this century. The India-Pakistan
interaction is an example. Their decisions to be-
come nuclear powers are influenced by geopolit-
ical motives, which include gaining major power
status, intimidating each other, and deterring ex-
ternal threats. In the post-Cold War era, Europe
and Asia have been spared great power competi-
tions, but both regions have a history of suc-
cumbing to geopolitical rivalries. Such a possibil-
ity could emerge if the wrong set of political and
military interactions were allowed.
A common fear is that a future great power
rivalry might pit the United States against Russia
or China in a new military competition. This fear
is based on the possibility that one or both of
these countries could become superpowers, or
near-peers, in ways that would result in global
confrontation with the United States. However, a
rivalry is more likely to occur between these
countries and other nations within their regions.
Rivalry between Russia and Germany is one pos-
sibility; rivalry between China and Japan is an-
other. Such rivalries would involve the United
States because of alliances with Germany and
Japan. Allies in such rivalries might seek U.S.
military commitments rather than increase their
own forces. Ultimately, this could lead to U.S.
military competition with Russia or China. This
scenario is improbable today, but not implausible
in the future and should be prevented.
Medium Powers and Rogue
Nations Seeking WMD
Most great powers are downsizing nuclear
arsenals. At the same time they are pursuing
arms control and nonproliferation through such
mechanisms as the Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaties, the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Com-
prehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Missile Technol-
ogy Control Regime, and chemical and biological
weapons conventions. However, some countries
may be selling technological components and
missiles to those seeking WMD to obtain hard
currency. If this trend accelerates, it could stimu-
late further proliferation. Through increased co-
operation, the great powers can slow prolifera-
tion, if not halt it.
WMD systems offer medium powers an in-
expensive means of increasing military power
and prestige. Such weapons enable rogues to co-
erce neighbors and deter outside intervention.
Additionally, some nations may see WMD as de-
terring other WMD threats and aggression
against legitimate interests. These considerations
contribute to WMD proliferation, even if the in-
ternational community condemns it and judges
it to be counterproductive.
Prior to 1998, WMD proliferation was
slower than many feared. However, events in
South Asia have fueled concerns about prolifera-
tion. The chief risk is that India and Pakistan will
build nuclear forces and that WMD proliferation
will increasingly occur in the Greater Middle
East and elsewhere. The Western community has
tried to prevent Iran and Iraq from acquiring
WMD and delivery systems; the results, though,
are uncertain. If arms control and nonprolifera-
tion efforts fail, WMD proliferation could occur
faster than some thought was possible. By
200510, the Greater Middle East and South Asia
could include countries with nuclear, chemical,
or biological weapons, and the means to deliver
them over long distances. The consequences for
regional security are complicated and hard to
forecast, but they are unlikely to enhance stabil-
ity. Indeed, regional stability could rest on a new
balance of terror, but it would lack the mecha-
nisms that enabled mutual deterrence in the
Cold War.
Conventional Military
Capabilities Key to Stability
Regional stability exists when all key coun-
tries believe that their conventional forces can
defeat aggression, but cannot exploit their neigh-
bors disadvantages. By contrast, instability ex-
ists when rogues perceive that aggression will
succeed without fear of reprisals, or when coun-
tries pursue desperate measures out of fear for
their security. In addition to triggering wars, in-
stability causes intense political and military
competition, contributing to WMD proliferation,
and shifting alliances.
Western democracies are confident in their
conventional defenses. Beyond them, however,
regional stability does not uniformly exist. The
economic and military power of some regional
countries is increasing, while it is declining for
others. If the strength of peaceful, Western coun-
tries increases faster than that of rogues, stability
will be enhanced. But, the opposite will occur if
the power of rogue countries increases in ways
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
that encourage predatory behavior. If future re-
gional change is not managed carefully, the out-
come could undermine stability, even if WMD
proliferation is stemmed.
The changing nature of military operations
is also becoming an important factor in stability;
this transformation is addressed in chapter 17.
The ongoing modernization and revolution in
military affairs (RMA) resulting from the infor-
mation age will greatly enhance combat power.
It also will broaden the range of offensive capa-
bilities for some countries. This transformation
could be destabilizing to the degree that rogue
countries benefit from it.
Modern weaponry is not always needed for
aggression. Older weapons can still inflict
widespread violence. They can be used to
oppress those unable to defend themselves. Tra-
ditional infantry and artillery can destroy cities
and annihilate large populated areas. This has
been readily shown in the ethnic warfare of the
Balkans and Sub-Saharan Africa. Wars at the low
end of the spectrum can cause immense
destruction. Such low-level conflicts may be a
principal manifetstation of violence in the imme-
diate future.
Lack of Allied Power Projection
Despite the immense strength of NATO,
members do not possess large forces capable of
swift power projection, especially outside Eu-
rope. This is a Cold War legacy. Many European
countries have been reluctant to commit forces
outside Europe. As a result, Europe relies mostly
on the United States to defend common interests
outside Europe. NATO is striving to improve its
power projection forces, but progress is slow be-
cause of hesitant European attitudes and lack of
funding. This is true in greater ways in Asia:
Japan and South Korea have large forces for
homeland defense, but almost no forces capable
of being projected elsewhere in Asia. They also
have no major plans or programs for developing
such forces.
As a result, U.S. forces are primarily respon-
sible for power projection missions in Europe,
the Greater Middle East, and East Asia. The
United States maintains sufficient forces for two
concurrent major theater wars and is capable of
initiating operations in all three regions. How-
ever, its capabilities provide little margin of as-
surance, in the event of unanticipated require-
ments. The lack of allied power projection
capabilities will remain a serious impediment
and risk.
Likelihood of
European Stability
The U.S. military presence in Europe has
been reduced from a Cold War level of 330,000
troops to 100,000 today. This presence is ade-
quate for meeting U.S. peacetime requirements
in NATO. Europe is becoming more militarily
stable because of NATO enlargement and part-
nership activities, widespread military downsiz-
ing, the decline of Russias forces, and an overall
balance that allows most countries to defend
themselves, with few vulnerable to aggression.
The exception is the Balkans, where virulent eth-
nic differences and available weapons likely will
remain a major concern.
NATO enlargement helps stabilize the area
between Germany and Russia. It reduces the
risk of military rivalry between these powers
while reassuring the countries between them.
Germany and most other European countries
are expected to retain moderate strategies and
forces focused on border defense and NATO
missions. Russia will remain a nuclear power
with conventional forces larger than any neigh-
bors but not sufficient to dominate Europe. Its
military strategy is evolving, but it appears
headed toward a downsized but modern mili-
tary that can defend Russias borders and vital
An F15C preparing to fly
a mission from Cervia
Air Base, Italy, in support
of Operation J oint Forge
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
interests without resurrecting the specters of im-
perialism and militarism. Russias reintegration
of the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) has not succeeded, which further reduces
the military power available to it.
Regardless of whether Russia transitions to
democracy, it is unlikely to pose a major threat to
Europe again. It will significantly lack the military
strength. At its zenith, the USSR had 5 million ac-
tive troops and an army of 210 divisions. Today
Russia has about 1.2 million troops and is seem-
ingly headed toward an army of 35 to 50 divi-
sions. Funding shortfalls have nearly crippled
readiness and slowed modernization. These prob-
lems may be overcome; however, Russia will
probably not be able to commit more than 25 divi-
sions and 800 aircraft to a military operation. This
force may be able to handle crises within the CIS
and conduct limited, longer distance offensives.
However, it cannot pose more than a single-axis
threat to Europe. Such a threat is not anticipated
because of efforts to establish a NATO-Russian
partnership. It seems unlikely to transpire, unless
Russias political reforms fail and an authoritar-
ian, anti-Western regime is reestablished.
NATO can defend against any plausible
conventional threat from the east or south. Its 58
mobilizable divisions, 3,600 combat aircraft, and
310 surface combatants seem able to handle
plausible operations in both directions, simulta-
neously. The admission of new NATO members
also will not overextend NATO posture. The
three new members being admitted in 1999 will
have large forces, and NATO plans to reinforce
their defenses, if necessary.
However, European security faces chal-
lenges. Europe does not have adequate defenses
to meet a WMD threat that could emerge from
the Greater Middle East in the coming years. Be-
cause of funding shortfalls, readiness in some
European forces is slowly declining. Insufficient
procurement also may result in an increasing in-
ability to operate with U.S. forces undergoing the
RMA. These issues will challenge NATO military
effectiveness in the coming years. While they
could inhibit NATO ability to protect common
interests outside Europe, they will not make Eu-
rope vulnerable to any foreseeable adversary.
The Balkans are likely to remain Europes
greatest area of instability. Although Serbias mil-
itary forces are large, they are less imposing than
many realize. Today, Serbia has about 113,000 ac-
tive-duty troops and 400,000 reservists equiva-
lent to 6 divisions. It has 238 combat aircraft and
a small navy. These forces can wage ethnic vio-
lence within the vicinity of Serbias borders but
not a major invasion requiring large field opera-
tions. Although Serbias forces are larger than its
neighbors, most of them have enough military
power to contest an invasion. But the Kosovo cri-
sis shows what can happen when a local region
is militarily vulnerable to aggression.
AsiaDeclining Threats and
Increasing Military
Asia is more stable today than during the
Cold War for several reasons: the Soviet Union
no longer threatens Japan; U.S.-led efforts are
underway to establish partnerships with coun-
tries in the region to include China; and the
United States maintains 100,000 troops in Asia,
mostly in Japan and Korea. Many believe that a
continued, strong U.S. presence is critical to
maintaining Asian stability in an era of change
and uncertainty.
Asia lacks a collective security architecture.
The results are a loose multipolar setting that
Military Forces of Major European Countries
Nort hern Sout hern
Regi on Regi on Russi a Ukrai ne Serbi a
Defense Spending (billions, U.S.$) 122 39 64 1.3 1.5
Active Manpower (000s) 1,100 1,368 1,159 346 114
Division-Equivalents 22 36 45 13 6
Combat Aircraft 1,980 1,425 2,320 786 238
Major Naval Combatants 212 137 143 13 8
*Includes submarines
Military Forces of Key Asian Countries
Nort h Sout h
Chi na Japan Tai wan Korea Korea Indonesi a
Defense Spending (billions, U.S.$) 37 41 14 5 15 3
Active Manpower (000s) 2,280 243 376 1,055 672 299
Division-Equivalents 92 14 15 40 24 12
Combat Aircraft 4,100 429 560 607 488 77
Major Naval Combatants 115 80 40 29 52 19
Sources: The Military Balance, 1998/ 1999, International Institute for Strategic Studies (London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1999).
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
could experience military tension and competi-
tion, if political relations deteriorated. This
could be the case if China emerges as an ambi-
tious regional power, and Asias economic
growth enables countries to continue moderniz-
ing their forces.
In Asia, Japan has the largest defense budget,
the most modern forces, and the economic re-
sources for force improvements. Its defense strat-
egy remains focused on homeland defense rather
than power projection. It currently has no plans
to alter this strategy and is expected to maintain
its current force size and mix in the middle to
long term. This strategy is conditional upon U.S.
military power remaining in Asia and contribut-
ing to Japans security. If Japan changed strate-
gies and acquired nuclear weapons and power
projection forces, it would send shock waves
throughout Asia. Such a possibility is unlikely,
unless Japan perceives its has no other option.
The Korean peninsula remains a potential
site for a major theater war. Although North
Korea has a large army, configured for offensive
action, the trends favor South Korea. South Ko-
rean forces are large relative to the borders they
defend and benefit from entrenched positions
on rugged terrain. Additionally, they would
quickly be reinforced by more U.S. forces, if war
occurred. If it did, Seoul might be lost or dam-
aged because of its proximity to the demilita-
rized zone. However, U.S. and ROK forces
would likely prevail in the end.
North Korea is seemingly living on bor-
rowed time. Although North Korea has large
forces, its annual economy is only $21 billion and
fails to provide for its people. It is also overshad-
owed by South Koreas economy of $422 billion.
As a result, South Koreas forces will likely grow
stronger as they modernize, while North Koreas
will stagnate and deteriorate. If so, this trend will
steadily reduce the risk of another war, provided
North Korea does not acquire nuclear weapons
or launch an attack out of desperation.
This sets the stage for a diplomatic settle-
ment of the Korean confrontation and eventual
unification. Exactly when is impossible to tell.
The defense strategy of a unified Korea will be
an important factor in shaping Asias future. It
likely will be wary of offending China. However,
a unified Koreas overall wariness of China, Rus-
sia, and Japan will likely cause it to remain close
to the United States and within the Western al-
liance system.
Asias most significant variable is China. Its
nuclear arsenal is modest: 17 ICBMs, 70 IRBMs,
and 1 SSBN. Its overall military posture, how-
ever, is quite large, despite recent downsizing. Its
conventional forces include nearly 3 million
troops, 92 mobilizable divisions, 4,100 combat
aircraft, and 115 naval combatants. Its army is
mostly composed of infantry units but also has
17 armored and mechanized division-equiva-
lents. Numerically, China is superior to other
Asian powers, including Japan, Russia, South
Korea, and Taiwan. Its recent deployment of mis-
siles opposite Taiwan is a serious concern.
Yet, China is limited in its ability to pose a
major threat in the near term. Its forces suffer
from low readiness, poor training, inadequate
logistics, and obsolete equipment. Chinas over-
seas power projection capability is seriously con-
strained. It is not capable of invading Taiwan,
Japan, or any other countries in the Pacific.
China can conduct only limited land operations
beyond its borders and small naval excursions.
As long as these constraints are in place, Asias
overall military situation will remain stable.
A key issue is Chinas future military pos-
ture. To what degree will it develop modern
forces, power projection assets, and a blue-water
maritime capability? China currently is em-
barked on a military modernization program. It
is producing its own weapons and buying mod-
ern equipment from Russia. It is likely to im-
prove its ground and air forces for continental
operations. If China acquired large numbers of
missile-equipped naval combatants, amphibious
forces, and even aircraft carriers, it would likely
become a major maritime power. It might be
seen as posing a threat to numerous offshore
countries and important sea lines of communica-
tion leading to the Persian Gulf, other Asia-Pa-
cific countries, and North America.
Some analysts believe that China is headed
in this direction, but to what extent is difficult to
determine. Its pursuit of maritime power would
require the adoption of a conscious maritime
strategy. Traditionally, China has been a conti-
nental power, yet many of its security experts are
endorsing a maritime strategy in some form. Al-
though this strategy would be new for China, it
would be consistent with the geopolitical behav-
ior of great powers.
China may be moving toward such a strat-
egy, as indicated by its recent missile activity
near Taiwan and naval activities in the South
China Sea. A maritime strategy would allow
China to defend its coasts and nearby waters,
pursue control of Taiwan, gain leverage over the
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
policies of other Asian countries, and perhaps
dominate and intimidate them. From Chinas
perspective, this strategy would have draw-
backs. It might polarize its Asian neighbors, a
consequence China may be reluctant to accept. It
sees being admitted to the Western-led global
economy as important.
In the immediate future, China is unlikely to
become a serious maritime power. Over the next
few years, China will probably seek a moderate
maritime strategy that has features of sea domi-
nance and power projection but stops short of
threatening many Asian countries. However, it
could make significant progress toward improv-
ing its continental and maritime forces by 2010, if
modernization accelerates. By 2020, it could be a
major military power in the great Asian crescent
stretching from the South China Sea to Japan.
Such maritime capabilities could have destabiliz-
ing effects on the region. It would likely trigger
military reactions from Japan, Korea, and other
Asian countries. This is far from inevitable, thus
Western countries are attempting to engage
China and integrate it into the world community.
Chinas defense strategy and security policy
will affect the situation in South Asia. India
claims it became a nuclear power because it
feared Chinas nuclear arsenal, territorial ambi-
tions, and Pakistans missile programs. India
may act in ways that are plausibly defensive but
pose threats to Pakistan. Chinese assistance to
Pakistan could inflame existing tensions with
India over Kashmir. By contrast, if China empha-
sizes restraint and accommodation, it could help
end a dangerous arms race and confrontation in
South Asia.
The future of Asia will be determined by the
strategic interaction of several countries. The
strategies of China and Japan are especially im-
portant. They could create a strategic framework
for all of Asia. Additionally, these two countries,
plus Korea and Russia, could form a quadrangu-
lar relationship that would be key to regional sta-
bility. In Central and Southeast Asia, control of
the vital sea lanes and the security of several
countries will be essential to Asian stability. The
critical variables will be the military strategies of
key Asian countries, how they interact, and how
they respond to crisis as well as opportunity.
Asia has the opportunity to promote collab-
orative ties and partnerships that leave all coun-
tries secure and with satisfied political interests.
Asia also faces the danger of widespread
geopolitical tension and military rivalry. A crisis
that begins in Northeast Asia could spread to
Southeast Asia and, ultimately, South Asia. Such
a scenario could transpire, even if no hegemonic
threat emerges. It could occur if several countries
pursuing their own interests and acting out of
fear take assertive military actions that cause
neighbors to take dangerous countervailing ac-
tions. This could become an action-reaction cycle
that gets out of control.
Theoretically, a multipolar competition can
be stabilized by a regional military balance, even
when interests are not balanced. In reality, this is
fraught with difficulty. History shows that rely-
ing only on a military balance of power often in-
flames competitive rivalries, rather than dimin-
ishes them. For the United States, capitalizing on
the opportunity for collaborative ties and part-
nerships while avoiding danger will be a key
strategic challenge in the future.
Dangerous Military
Developments in the Greater
Middle East and South Asia
In the Greater Middle East, the United States
relies on a small, temporary presence of about
20,000 troops in the Persian Gulf, which could be
rapidly reinforced in the event of crises. The
growing military danger is characterized by
WMD proliferation and conventional force mod-
ernization. Rogue powers could gradually ac-
quire a combination of WMD systems and better
conventional forces. This could cause an imbal-
ance of power, inviting trouble in the coming
C17 Globemaster III
taking off from Charleston
Air Force Base, South
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
decade. The regions political opportunity, how-
ever, lies in two possibilities: the Israeli-Arab
peace process regaining momentum, and Iran
and/or Iraq becoming less hostile to Western in-
terests. Short of such progress, a regional mili-
tary balance will be essential to deterring war
and promoting stability. The conventional mili-
tary situations in the Middle East and North
Africa are displayed below.
Regional stability is based on the quantity
and quality of forces. The dominant powers are
Turkey and Israel. Turkey can defend itself
against likely threats but would need NATO re-
inforcement to defeat a major attack. Israel is ca-
pable of defeating any single Arab country. Its
principal threat has always been a coalition of
several Arab countries. However, Israels treaties
with Egypt and Jordan reduce this risk. Neither
Algeria nor Libya has sufficient forces to pose a
major threat to Western interests. Currently, the
main threat to peace and Western interests in the
Middle East is terrorism. This already-serious
threat could increase if the Israeli-Arab peace
process stalls.
Despite current military stability, the region
faces risks in the future. The gravest is war be-
tween Israel and Syria. Another risk is Egypt
and/or Jordan falling under radical Islamic con-
trol, thereby creating a large anti-Western coali-
tion in the Middle East and North Africa. Addi-
tionally, Libya and/or Algeria might acquire
WMD systems and cruise missiles that could
menace NATO control of the Mediterranean Sea
lanes, or even Southern Europe. Modernization
will gradually introduce new technologies into
the forces of all countries. The acquisition of mis-
siles will enhance each countrys capacity to
strike greater distances.
A military imbalance exists in the Persian
Gulf region that only U.S. forces can rectify. Al-
though Iraqs forces are smaller than during the
199091 Gulf War, they remain the regions
largest and strongest and are still capable of of-
fensive operations. Iran also has strong forces.
Both Iraq and Iran pose serious military threats
to Persian Gulf oilfields, sea lanes, and pro-West-
ern countries, including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,
and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The con-
cern is that Iraqi and Iranian forces could
become stronger. One or both countries might
acquire WMD and the means to deliver them
locally and at longer range. Both also seek to
strengthen their conventional forces in ways that
will broaden their offensive capabilities. Iran
could pose an increased threat to Gulf sealanes,
if it acquires improved aircraft, ships, and anti-
shipping missiles. If Iraq acquires more agile and
mobile forces, as well as improved air defenses,
it could better pursue asymmetric strategies
aimed at securing Kuwait and even parts of
Saudi Arabia, before U.S. forces could arrive.
U.S. and Western policies seek to prevent
such developments. However, there is a concern
about the long term. If U.S. or Western support
wavers, the Persian Gulfs already-unstable mili-
tary situation will likely worsen, especially since
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE lack the
forces to defend themselves against serious at-
tack. Barring a resolution of Gulf political ten-
sions, U.S. forces will be even more important in
the future. Yet the U.S. commitment is con-
strained by Arab political sensitivities that pre-
vent the basing of large U.S. forces in the Persian
Gulf. If these constraints remain, U.S. strategy
will rely on a small peacetime presence in the
Gulf, backed up by power projection and recep-
tion infrastructure. In any Gulf crisis, the United
States will remain capable of deploying large
forces. The risk is that a future conflict might be
decided before U.S. forces could deploy. Military
stability in the Persian Gulf will depend heavily
on the speed of U.S. power projection.
Military Forces of Key Middle East Countries
Al geri a Li bya Egypt Israel Jordan Syri a Turkey
Defense Spending (billions, in U.S.$) 2.1 1.4 2.7 11 .6 2.2 8.1
Active Manpower (000s) 122 65 450 175 104 320 639
Division-Equivalents 7 5 16 17 5 12 15
Combat Aircraft 181 420 609 474 93 589 440
Major Naval Combatants 5 5 22 4 0 5 21
Sources: The Military Balance, 1998/ 1999, International Institute for Strategic Studies (London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1999).
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
In South Asia, nuclear tests by India and
Pakistan have intensified the regional military sit-
uation. Regional stability depends on whether
these countries will develop deployable nuclear
weapons and delivery systems. If they do, their
military value will depend on the nature of these
forces: whether they can survive attacks or must
be used first in a nuclear exchange. If both sides
deploy vulnerable, hair-trigger forces, the situa-
tion will be highly unstable and susceptible to
rapid nuclear escalation in a crisis. If they de-
velop survivable forces, a mutual deterrence
could evolve and produce a stable situation. If
nuclear proliferation intensifies, creating surviv-
able nuclear forces is the safest possibility, but it
would not be cheap or easy, especially for coun-
tries lacking funds, as well as, nuclear experience.
Conventional forces will also affect Indian
and Pakistani relations. India is numerically su-
perior. However, Pakistan tries to offset quantity
with quality. Its forces can conduct sizable mili-
tary operations and would not be readily de-
feated. India has won three wars against Pak-
istan in the past 50 years. It would likely win
limited victories again, if war occurred, but at
high cost. India is constrained by its perceived
vulnerability to China. In the long term, India
has the size to become a regional hegemon. Its
navy includes two small carriers, plus 24 de-
stroyers and frigates. It is able to assert a mar-
itime presence in the Indian Ocean. Like Pak-
istan, India has a poor economy and low per
capita income that limit its modernization. Both
countries currently rely on military assistance
from other countries.
U.S. Interests
Global military trends have important im-
plications for U.S. national security strategy and
defense planning. The United States has com-
pelling reasons for being able to win wars while
shaping peacetime security relationships that
promote integration, prevent instability, and
deter conflict in areas vital to its interests.
Global Military Trends
Stabilizing military trends are those that
promote peace and integration and impede com-
petition and war; these are very much in keeping
with U.S. interests. Destabilizing trends have the
opposite effect. Todays destabilizing trends pro-
vide powerful reasons for strong U.S. forces to
remain engaged abroad in the foreseeable future.
U.S. overseas presence and power projection
capabilities will be critical to reassuring allies
and other friends. This reassurance prevents
many countries, including Germany and Japan,
from becoming nuclear powers and encourages
them to refrain from building up conventional
forces. U.S. forces will also be used to deter
rogues, prevent competitive rivalries, and handle
crises and wars that periodically occur. Contin-
ued U.S. military presence in three key regions
will be critical to protecting U.S. interests, pro-
moting stability, and remaining prepared for fu-
ture crises. If the United States were to disen-
gage, destabilizing changes would likely occur in
these regions.
Yet, the continuation of this presence should
not be taken for granted. In each region, pres-
sures may be building to reduce it. The rationale
for basing U.S. forces in Europe could be under-
mined by the absence of a clear threat to NATO,
an inward-looking EU, and European hesitancy
to embrace new missions. In Asia, fading old
threats could also undermine the rationale for
U.S. forces in Japan and Korea. Domestic and for-
Military Forces of Key Persian Gulf Countries
Iran Iraq Saudi Arabi a Kuwai t UAE
Defense Spending (billions, in U.S.$) 1.3 5.8 18 2.9 2
Active Manpower (000s) 429 540 105 15 65
Division-Equivalents 25 13 3 1 2
Combat Aircraft 316 260 432 76 99
Major Naval Combatants 2 6 8 0 2
Sources: The Military Balance, 1998/ 1999, International Institute for Strategic Studies (London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1999).
Military Forces in South Asia
Paki st an Indi a
Defense Spending (billions, in U.S.$) 1 3.4
Active Manpower (000s) 1,175 587
Division-Equivalents 39 262
Combat Aircraft 839 417
Major Naval Combatants 44 20
Sources: The Military Balance, 1998/ 1999, International Institute for Strategic
Studies (London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1999).
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
eign pressures could force their withdrawal, un-
less a new strategic rationale is found. In the Per-
sian Gulf, friendly countries want to limit U.S.
military presence, while rogue countries seek its
removal altogether.
Ensuring an adequate and engaging pres-
ence in all three regions will require a conscious
effort by the United States. The key will be work-
ing with allies and partners to develop new ra-
tionales for strong multilateral ties and empha-
sizing U.S. contributions to stability.
In a complex and changing world, regional
wars and other conflicts might erupt in several
unpredictable places, in addition to the Persian
Gulf and Korea. U.S. forces must be sufficiently
flexible and adaptive to meet a wide spectrum of
crises in all major regions.
Additionally, global trends emphasize the
need for U.S. defense policies and plans to shape
the international security environment. U.S.
forces will conduct such key shaping missions as
reassuring allies and friends, developing part-
nerships with many countries, deterring rogues,
and dampening geopolitical and military compe-
tition in key regions. To the extent that U.S. poli-
cies succeed at shaping and stabilizing regions,
the likelihood of crises and wars will be reduced.
U.S. forces will need to be prepared for the
military challenges of 2010 and beyond, which
will increase in severity as foreign forces mod-
ernize and grow stronger.
WMD Proliferation
The prospect of accelerating WMD poses a
major threat to U.S. interests. They could be used
against U.S. forces, the U.S. homeland, or allied
forces and territory. Additionally, these weapons
could contribute to a climate of political instabil-
ity and facilitate the use of conventional forces
for aggression. The cumulative effect of WMD
poses a formidable threat to U.S. interests.
The United States clearly has an interest in
halting the spread of WMD. Its efforts to do this
include reliance on arms control treaties and in-
ternational institutions, but the ultimate success
of these is uncertain. Future WMD proliferation
is especially likely in the Greater Middle East
and South Asia. These are unstable regions
where a well-established Western-style alliance
system does not exist. If WMD proliferation oc-
curs in these and other regions, it will contribute
to a more dangerous world and greatly compli-
cate the conduct of U.S. policy and strategy. It
will affect the full spectrum of U.S. activities,
from diplomacy to contingency war plans.
Conventional Force Trends
Threatening U.S. Interests
The United States has an interest in promot-
ing military stability and balance in key regions.
These conditions foster a reassuring political
climate that helps protect allies, deters rogue
country conduct, and restrains key countries
from attacking each other. Emerging trends un-
derscore the feasibility of such conditions in
many placesbut not everywhere. U.S. interests
could be threatened, if rogue states improve their
conventional forces in ways that achieve superi-
ority over neighbors. They might also be chal-
lenged, if the offensive capabilities of potential
U.S. opponents benefit from trends in modern
technology and doctrine. Such future trends
could intensify military competitions and have a
destabilizing effect on key regions, even where
rogue countries do not exist. Arms control and
multilateral accords can help. Even so, U.S. force
modernization is needed to meet these develop-
ments, as well as to prepare for future wars.
Risk to U.S. Forces
Emerging trends place greater emphasis on
U.S. forces being able to operate beyond the
strategic perimeters of Cold War alliances and in
distant regions where common Western interests
are at stake. Unless allies and partners signifi-
cantly contribute to these missions, U.S. forces
SH60B Sea Hawk firing an
AGM114 missile during
Exercise COMUTEX off the
coast of Puerto Rico
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
will be left to perform the bulk of them alone.
This could cause an overstretch in global
responsibilities that would be unhealthy for the
Western Alliance. It would create unfair
burdensharing and would risk alienation be-
tween the United States and its allies.
Global Military Trends
in Key Regions
The United States has an interest in shaping
future global military affairs in ways that help
consolidate military integration and cooperation
in Europe, keep Asia militarily stable, and pre-
vent any military deterioration in the Greater
Middle East. Emerging trends suggest that these
European goals will be achievable. Asian goals
are feasible, but only with a concerted effort and
good fortune. Middle East goals will face increas-
ingly difficult challenges. These prospects create
reasons for the United States to develop strategies
that are tailored to the dynamics of each region.
Moreover, the United States will face require-
ments to distribute its scarce resources effectively
among the separate theaters. This could mean
difficult decisions regarding defense priorities.
These regions should not be viewed in isolation,
but rather as part of the larger strategic context
confronting U.S. defense planning.
for U.S. Policy
Although current U.S. policies are mostly
succeeding, they may be increasingly challenged
by emerging military trends. This development
may create incentives for new policies that might
better ensure U.S. interests.
Strategic Planning Frameworks
The prospect of changing global military af-
fairs emphasizes the need for a U.S. strategy that
relies on shaping functions, including the use of
its military power. Coherent strategic theories are
needed to apply shaping functions effectively.
They must ensure that means are aligned with
ends and critical goals are achieved.
Todays shaping functions are three coordi-
nated and reinforcing activities: promoting inte-
gration and stability, preventing instability and
competition, and deterring aggression against
Western interests and values. The development
of these shaping functions poses a number of
questions. How are they best performed? What
are the strategic mechanisms that link cause and
effect? What are the implications for U.S. defense
resources and program priorities? The answer to
these and related questions will be key to fash-
ioning strategic theories for the shaping function.
The same applies to the preparing function.
Tomorrows global military situation may be quite
different from todays. Preparing for the future
mandates modernization, plus adoption of con-
cepts embodied in the RMAand Joint Vision 2010.
It also means preparing U.S. forces to be able to
shape tomorrows strategic environment. Current
military trends suggest that U.S. forces will be
called upon to prevent destabilization and deter
aggression. Their ability to perform these key
roles in tomorrows world will greatly determine
their strategic effectiveness.
New Approaches to
WMD Proliferation
If WMD proliferation does occur, new ap-
proaches will be required for a new set of chal-
lenges. Current U.S. strategic precepts, which in-
clude containment, deterrence, forward defense,
flexible response, and arms control, are inherited
from the Cold War and may not apply to these
new challenges.
One issue will be how to deal with WMD-
armed rogues that may be willing to use these
weapons to change the status quo. Another
issue will be reassuring vulnerable countries
outside the Western alliance system. A third
issue will be determining U.S. response to a cri-
sis in which WMD systems might be employed.
A fourth issue will be the kind of defenses
needed to protect the forces and homelands of
not only the United States but its allies. Ad-
dressing these issues will require new strategic
thinking in advance of the threat.
Over-Reliance on High
The RMAwill be the deciding factor in wars
that are characterized by classic air and armored
operations, such as those in the Persian Gulf War.
However, future crises and wars may involve
conditions that do not permit high technology to
predominant. In such conflicts, political circum-
stances will affect the types of U.S. military oper-
ations that can be initiated. The nature of the
warning, mobilization, deployment, reinforce-
ment, and buildup may produce force arrays dif-
ferent from those in the Gulf War. Geography,
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9
terrain, and weather also may not be ideal or
suited to U.S. forces. High technology should be
regarded as one important factor, but not the
only factor, in preparing for future conflict. Re-
maining militarily superior to opponents will
also depend on mastering readiness, operations,
doctrine, and strategy. The Kosovo crisis is a re-
minder that, while high technology is part of the
solution, it is not always the whole solution.
Improved Allied Power
U.S. policies are making slow headway in
this area, but the progress may not be fast
enough to meet mounting power projection de-
mands. Improved allied power projection capa-
bilities are needed for shaping, responding, and
preparing for the future strategic environment.
They must be able to deal with a host of oppor-
tunities and dangers in distant regions. New U.S.
policies are needed to provide more assertive
leadership, credible ideas for altered allied pro-
grams and force priorities, and multilateral re-
sponses in the three key regions. Success in this
endeavor will greatly determine the health of the
Western Alliance and its ability to meet chal-
lenges in the new era.
New Regional Defense
U.S. defense policy will need to deal with
the military situation in each region, not only as
it exists today, but as it evolves toward an uncer-
tain but malleable outcome. Europe, Asia, and
the Greater Middle East are changing in different
ways. The challenge will be to design appropri-
ate strategies and forces for each. These regional
approaches must add up to a coherent whole
and a coordinated global strategy.
Change will need to guide the U.S. overseas
military presence. Its mission of engagement will
require continuous adaptation to the unfolding
international scene. In Europe, U.S. forces will
lead NATO in preparing for new missions in the
region and elsewhere in defense of common in-
terests. In the Middle East and Persian Gulf, U.S.
forces likely will be preparing for new threats,
dangers, and challenges, including WMD prolif-
eration. In Asia, U.S. forces likely will shift away
from defending Korea to promoting stability and
preventing competition in the Asia-Pacific re-
gion. How should the future U.S. overseas pres-
ence in all three theaters be adjusted? How will
power projection forces in the United States be
affected? The answers will help define future
U.S. defense strategy.
Net Assessment
The global distribution of military power is
important for several reasons: it reflects underly-
ing political relations in many key regions; for
good or ill, it influences how these relations will
evolve and it sets the stage for determining how
crises and wars will unfold. While todays setting
is more stable than during the Cold War, it has nu-
merous regional flashpoints. Although tomor-
rows trends are uncertain, some give cause for
concern. WMD proliferation could be especially
destabilizing, but adverse trends in conventional
forces could be also. As a result, future military
trends bear close scrutiny. U.S. policy will face
compelling reasons to shape, prepare, and re-
spond to their impacts as they occur. Amain con-
clusion of this chapter is that proactive efforts to
shape and stabilize the global military balance
will remain a key factor in U.S. strategy and likely
will become more important as the future unfolds.
MH60 Pavehawk over the
Republic of Korea during
Exercise Foal Eagle 98
S T R A T E G I C A S S E S S M E N T 1 9 9 9

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