Vidagdha Madhava

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Sri Vidagdha-Madhava

Clever Krsna

Srila Rupa Goswami

Act one-Venu-nada-vilasa
Pastimes of Flute-music

Prastavana (Prologue)

* 1 May the pastimes of Sri Krsna reduce the miseries existing in the material world and nullify all
unwanted desires. The pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are like Sikharini, a blend of
yogurt and sugar candy. They overpower the pride of even the nectar produced on the moon, for they
distribute the sweet fragrance of the concentrated loving affairs of Srimati Radharani and the gopis.*
* 2 May the Supreme Lord, who is known as the son of Srimati Sacidevi, be transcendentally
situated in the innermost core of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has
descended in the age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered
before: the most elevated mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.*
Purport by Srila Prabhupada: This verse also appears in Caitanya-caritamrita Adi-lila (1.4 and 3.4)
In his commentary on Vidagdha-Madhava, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks: maha-
prabhoh sphurtim vina rasasvadananupapatter iti bhavah. 1} Without the mercy of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, one cannot describe the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore
Srila Rupa Gosvami said, vah yushmakam hridaya-guhayam Saci-nandano harih pakshe, simhah
sphuratu: 1} {.sy 168}May Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is exactly like a lion that kills all the
elephants of desire, be awakened within everyone's heart, for by His merciful blessings one can
understand the transcendental pastimes of Krsna."*
* 3 (a) narrator: Why speak so many words? Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Please hear ! Last night Lord
Siva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had come in the role of a devotee, spoke to in a
dream and said: "O Rupa Gosvami, O expert writer of plays, this delightful place is near Kesi-tirtha,
on the slope of Govardhana hill. This grove, on the bank of the Yamuna river, is very pleasant and full
of many fragrant beautiful flowers. At this moment, eager to see the forest of Vrindavana, the
advanced devotees, expert at relishing the mellows of devotional service, have come here, devotees
whose hearts are full of love for Nanda's son, who is the crown jewel of all youths, and who is
decorated with many new lotus flowers, playful like a maddened cuckoo, the first teacher of perfect
flute players, and an ocean where the sharks of the gopis' hearts play. The devotees here are all very
* 3 (b) " `Here the gopis searched for Krsna, and here, in this circle by the Yamuna's shore, they
enjoyed a great Rasa dance.' Hearing and hearing these pastimes of Gokula's master, weeping, and
rolling on the ground, the devotees somehow pass their days.
* 4 (a) "Burning in separation from Lord Mukunda, these devotees are now about to give up their
lives. O Rupa Gosvami, please protect them, by giving them a little of the nectar river of Lord
Mukunda's pastimes. My mercy will give you the power to do this." In this way Lord Siva, the
spiritual master of the universe, spoke. I will now obey His order.
* 4 (b) Assistant narrator: (enters) O master, having heard the prologue of your new play, named
Vidagdha-Madhava, the actors now ask permission to enter the stage.
narrator: Dear student, Are the costumes ready? (thinks for a moment) So be it.
* 4 (c) Although the poetry in my play is not very beautiful, the wise will take delight in it, for it
bears the scent of Lord Hari. What wise man will not bow his head and respectfully drink well-water
that has washed a Salagrama- Sila?
* 5 (a) Assistant narrator: O master, please give us beautiful and elegant speeches, for this audience
is so learned it will criticize the demigods, what to speak of us actors.
* 5 (b) narrator: Dear student, why talk in this frivolous way? After all. . .
* 5 (c) Ignoring their own welfare, the people in this audience are concerned only for the well-being
of others. Although wealthy, well-educated and born in exalted families, they are very humble. When
they themselves glorified, they become embarrassed, as if they themselves had sinned. All glories to
the delightful virtues of this saintly audience.
* 6 (a) (Looking at all corners of the audience, with a loud and cheerful voice) O dear devotees of
Sri Krsna, the lion of gopas! Beginning to walk on the path of the shameless, a certain actor now
wishes to say something to you, the spiritual masters wise in the true religion of worshiping the Lord.
Please forgive this rash and arrogant person. (He bows down and then looks in a certain direction.)
* 6 (b) O learned devotees, I am by nature ignorant and low, yet even though it is from that
Vidagdha-Madhava has come, it is filled with descriptions of the transcendental attributes of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, will not such literature bring about the attainment of the
highest goal of life? Although its wood may be ignited by a low-class man, fire can nevertheless
purify gold. Although I am very low by nature, this book may help cleanse the dirt from within the
hearts of the golden devotees.*
* 7 (a) now, remembering the worshipable Supreme Personality of Godhead, I will show the
sweetness of this drama. (He folds his hands.)
* 7 (b) May the Supreme Lord, whose form is eternal, who is supremely sweet and charming, who
stays in the glorious forests and pavilions of Vrindavana forest, who is a limitless ocean of mercy, and
whose heart delights in His Vraja pastimes, always be pleased with .
note: Deliberately ambiguous, this verse may also be interpreted as a prayer to Srila Sanatana
Gosvami. Thus it may also mean:
May my spiritual master, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, who is graceful and charming, who stays in the
glorious forests and pavilions of Vrindavana forest, who is a limitless ocean of mercy, and whose
heart delights in Lord Krsna's Vraja pastimes, always be pleased with .
* 8 (a) Assistant narrator: Master, look!
* 8 (b) The devotees now present are constantly thinking of the Supreme Lord and are therefore
highly advanced. This work named Vidadgha-Madhava depicts the characteristic pastimes of Lord
Krsna with decorations of poetic ornaments. And the inner grounds of the forest of Vrindavana
provide a suitable platform for the dancing of Krsna with the gopis. Therefore I think that the pious
activities of persons like us, who have tried to advance in devotional service have now attained
* 9 (a) Please hurry. Distribute the nectar of Krsna's pastimes.
narrator: Dear student, I proceed very slowly because I fear the harsh words of persons who do not
like the nectar of the Lord's pastimes.
Assistant narrator: Master, please give up this caution, because.....
* 9 (b) Persons who know how to taste nectar will be delighted by your play, and persons who know
nothing of nectar will ignore it. Of their own accord camels avoid the mango trees that delight the
poetic pika birds.
* 10 (a) So the hearts of the audience will be filled with wonder, let the play begin.
narrator: Student, look! Look!
* 10(b) Springtime had arrived, and the full moon of that season inspired the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, who is complete in everything, with new attraction to meet the beautiful Srimati Radharani
at night to increase the beauty of Their pastimes.*
Purport by Srila Prabhupada: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura interprets this verse in two ways, for
Lord Krsna and for Srimati Radharani. When interpreted for Krsna, the night is understood to have
been a dark moon night, and when interpreted for Srimati Radharani, it is considered to have been a
full moon night.
* 11 (a) Paurnamasi: (offstage) O king of actors, how did your ear become decorated with the
flower that is the secret of this drama, the secret that I will arrange the meeting of Radha and Krsna?
narrator: (surprised, he looks offstage) Ah! Was that saintly Paurnamasi? Look! Look!
* 11 (b) Wearing a red cloth over her breast, her hair white, splendid like Goddess Savitri, and
accompanied by a friend, Paurnamasi, who is Narada's disciple and Sandipani Muni's mother, now
leaves Nanda's palace and slowly walks on the street.
* 11 (c) Let us see if the actors are in their costumes. (They exit.)
Thus ends the prologue.
Scene 1
* 12 (a) (Paurnamasi enters with her companion)
Paurnamasi: O king of actors, how did your ear become decorated with the flower that is the secret
of this drama, the secret that I will arrange the meeting of Radha and Krsna? Child Nandimukhi, by
singing this verse, the narrator pleased .
Nandi: noble lady, did he speak the truth?
* 12 (b) Paurnamasi: O girl with the beautiful thighs, the tree of my good fortune is withered at the
root. How will it produce a fruit like that, a fruit that will make qualified to arrange a new meeting of
the beautiful and auspicious divine couple?
* 13 (a) Nandi: noble lady, if you are destined to arrange Vrishabhanu-nandini Radha's meeting with
Lord Krsna, then why did Radha leave the land of Gokula, which is so favourable for that meeting,
and secretly reside in the sacred village of Santanu-vasa?
* 13 (b) Paurnamasi: Because She fears cruel King Kamsa, my child.
Nandi: noble lady, how did the king learn about Radha?
* 13 (c) Paurnamasi: He learned about Radha's great beauty in this way: Even if one carefully hides
it, musk's sweet scent at once reveals where it is. In the same way, even though they were carefully
hidden, Radha's beauty and virtues became known everywhere.
* 14 (a) Nandi: noble lady, Yashoda's nurse, Mukhara, brought her granddaughter Radha to Gokula.
Radha then accepted the hand of Abhimanyu, the son of Jatila, in marriage. A more unsuitable match
could not have been made! Radha cannot tolerate the touch of the hand of any man other than Krsna.
O mother, how can you remain aloof when this is happening?
* 14 (b) Paurnamasi: Why should I care?
Nandi: How can you talk like that?
Paurnamasi: (laughing) This false marriage of Radha and Abhimanyu is simply a trick that
Yogamaya has played to cheat Kamsa. Radha and all the other gopis are Krsna's lovers eternally.
Nandi: (joyfully) And now that Radha has returned to Gokula, you are free of all worries.
Paurnamasi: Child, what you say is true. My worry about Kamsa is now less, although now I am
beginning to worry about Abhimanyu.
Nandi: Why is that?
* 14 (c) Paurnamasi: noticing that the black bumblebee of Krsna is fond of playing among the new-
flowering vines of the gopis, Abhimanyu has become jealous. now he desires to take the golden lotus
flower Radha to another forest.
* 15 (a) Nandi: now Yogamaya will act.
Paurnamasi: Daughter, independent Yogamaya now stands aloof. Who understands her actions?
* 15 (b) Nandi: Is there another way to stop him?
Paurnamasi: Child, simply by speaking sweet and clever words, I will stop shallow Abhimanyu.
Nandi: (joyfully) Respected mother, Govardhana Hill is appointed by King Kamsa to watch over
the activities in Gokula. Why does he not become angry at Krsna for enjoying pastimes with
Paurnamasi: Daughter, Govardhana hill is very proud. He does not think the king's order very
* 15 (c) Nandi: How did Krsna and Candravali first meet?
Paurnamasi: Daughter, when they first met, they fell deeply in love. For to do anything more would
be to crush what is already powder.
* 15 (d) Nandi: noble lady, why do you love Krsna so deeply that you came to Gokula, leaving
Ujjayini because Krsna was not there?
Paurnamasi: Daughter, I did it because of the mercy of my guru's advice.
* 15 (e) Nandi: Does fortunate Sandipani Muni know you are here?
Paurnamasi: Yes. He sent his son, Madhumangala, to serve .
* 15 (f) Nandi: You are very kind to Madhumangala. You gave him a great festival of friendship for
the lotus-moon that is Nanda's son.
Paurnamasi: Daughter, Radha is my great treasure. Please help Her fall in love with Krsna.
* 15 (g) Nandi:(joyfully) noble lady, Radha has already climbed to the highest mountaintop of love
for Krsna.
Paurnamasi: How do you know?
Nandi: Whenever, in the course of an ordinary conversation, She hears the name Krsna, the hairs of
Her body stand up, and She shows the symptoms of ecstasy.
Paurnamasi: Daughter, that is the right response. After all. . .
* 15 (h) I do not know how much nectar of the two syllables `Krish-na' have produced. When the
holy name of Krsna is chanted, it appears to dance within the mouth. We then desire many, many
mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the
holy name dances in the courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and therefore all
the senses become inert.*
* 16 (a) Nandi: noble lady, accompanied by Her friends Lalita and Visakha, Radha worshipped the
sun-god, and, accompanied by Saibya, Padma and other friends, Candravali worshipped Parvati. I can
only guess, that it was by the mercy of these demigods, that these gopis attained such love for Krsna.
* 16 (b) Paurnamasi: Although they went to the forest only to worship the demigods, the beautiful-
eyebrowed girls of Vraja found that love for Krsna suddenly awakened within them.
* 17 (a) Nandi: Radha's natural love for Krsna made Her friends fortunate.
Paurnamasi: Daughter, on my order please ask the skillful artist Visakha to draw, for the pleasure of
her friend's lotus eyes, a picture of Nanda's son.
* 17 (b) Nandi: As the noble lady orders.
Paurnamasi: Then, on the pretext of carrying a gift of modaka candies, I will enter Vrindavana
forest and delight Krsna's ears with the sweetness of the two auspicious syllables `Radha'.
* 17 (c) Nandi: noble lady, look! Accompanied by Balarama, Madhumangala, Sridama, and a host
of friends, and embraced by affectionate Nanda and Yashoda, His parents, Krsna now goes from
Gokula to Vrindavana forest.
* 17 (d) Paurnamasi: (joyfully looking at Krsna) The beauty of Krsna's eyes surpasses the beauty of
white lotus flowers, His yellow garments surpass the brilliance of fresh decorations of kunkuma, His
ornaments of selected forest flowers surpass the hankering for the best of garments, and His bodily
beauty possesses mind-attracting splendour greater than the jewels known as marakata-mani
* 17 (e) I will go to deliver the modaka candies. You go to Visakha. (They exit)

Scene 2

* 18 (Krsna, as previously described, enters)

Krsna: (Looking ahead, He joyfully says) I think a host of crystal mountains, pretending to be these
beautiful cows, has come here. Or perhaps it is the Mandakini Ganga River from the city of Indra that
has come, disguised as these cows, to please and serve the glorious Yamuna River that now plays in
* 19 Nanda: Child, You speak well. Look behind us at the beauty of Vraja. (He turns around.) From
Govardhana to Kaliya Lake, Your land of Vraja is very beautiful, like a great ocean of beauty glorious
with many palaces and go Salas.
* 20 (a) Krsna: Friend Madhumangala, My father and mother have come to Me from far away. I
should quickly go to Vraja Village with My mother.
Yashoda: Son, why did You not remember to come home in the afternoon? The delicious lunch I
carefully cooked is growing cold.
* 20 (b) Madhumangala: (At the beginning of this speech, Krsna affectionately glances at
Madhumangala.) O queen of Gokula, please listen. I swear on the cows that Krsna is not at fault. He
stays in the forest because He is attracted by all the playful girls.. . . (Madhumangala's speech remains
* 20 (c) Krsna: (embarrassed, He says in an aside) This fool will describe My pastimes with the
gopis. I must signal him to stop.
Madhumangala: O friend, why do You stop as I speak to Your saintly mother?
Krsna: (aside) Alas, because of this fool I have fallen into a trap of embarrassment.
Madhumangala: Dear mother, what I meant was: Krsna, who wears yellow garments, stays in the
forest to play with His friends, the cowherd boys.
* 21 (a) Krsna: (joyful, He says in an aside) How can any other desire stay in My heart?
Yashoda : Child Madhumangala, it is true. Lalita and the other gopis all tell : `Those boys harass
* 21 (b) Nanda: Wife, in Gokula is there a suitable young girl we can marry to this boy?
Yashoda : noble master, He is only a little boy. The milk is still in His mouth. Is this the right time
to marry Him?
Madhumangala: (to Krsna, aside) Friend, it is true that You have milk in Your mouth. Still,
thousands of teenage gopis, greedy after that milk, drink from Your mouth.
* 21 (c) Nanda: Child, look! Look! O Mukunda fragrant like a lotus flower, her eyes resting in the
handsomeness of Your moonlike face, again and again Your mother showers her garments with the
milk flowing from her waterpot breasts.
* 22 (Nanda joyfully embraces Krsna) O Krsna, the great festival of Your touch brings to a cool
sweetness that defeats camphor, moonlight, nalada roots, lotus flowers, and sandal paste.
* 23 (a) Krsna: Father, pulled by hunger, the cows wait for Me. Please return home.
Nanda: As the child says. (Affectionately gazing at Krsna, Nanda and Yashoda exit.)
* 23 (b) Krsna: (looking ahead) The sweet, fragrant honey oozing from newly grown mango buds is
again and again attracting groups of bumblebees, and this forest is trembling in the softly moving
breezes from the Malaya Hills, which are full of sandalwood trees. Thus the forest of Vrindavana is
increasing My transcendental pleasure.*
* 24 Rama: My dear friend Sridama, see how this forest of Vrindavana is full of transcendental
creepers and trees. The tops of the creepers are full of flowers, and intoxicated bumblebees are
buzzing around them, humming songs that please the ear and surpass even the Vedic hymns.*
* 25 (a) Krsna: Friend Madhumangala, staying here with you and the others, I will delight creatures
of Vrindavana forest, with the sound of My flute. (Krsna places the flute to His lips.)
Rama: (with wonder) Look! They are becoming the opposite of what they were!
* 25 (b)
When Krsna, playing by the Yamuna's bank, kisses His flute, the waters of the streams become
stunned and solid, the rocks become soft and melt, and the mountains, no longer standing still, tremble
and walk about.
* 26 Madhumangala: Oh! Oh! Wonderful! Drinking flood of nectar that is sweet sound of Krsna's
flute, the cows are stunned with bliss. now they are all sprinkling the flowers with great flowing
waves of milk.
* 27 (a) (With a hand He pushes Krsna.) Dear friend, why be proud? By its very nature, this flute
makes everyone wild with bliss. You are only the flute's helper.
* 27 (b) (A voice in the sky): The transcendental vibration of Krsna's flute blocked the movements
of the rain clouds, struck the Gandharvas full of wonder, and agitated the meditation of great saintly
persons like Sanaka and Sananda. It created wonder in Lord Brahma, wrought intense curiosity that
agitated the mind of Bali Maharaja, who was otherwise firmly fixed, made Maharaja Ananta, the
carrier of the planets, whirl around, and penetrated the strong coverings of the universe. Thus the
sound of the flute in the hands of Krsna created a wonderful situation.*
* 28 (a) Rama: (Looking up, He happily says to Himself) Why does Narada, hiding in the clouds,
recite poetry and play his vina?
(A soft an indistinct sound is again manifest in the sky.)
Madhumangala: (looking up, frightened) Help! Help! Run away! Run away!
Sridama: Fool, why do you speak all this nonsense?
* 28 (b) Madhumangala: (frightened, looking upwards) Foolish gopa, don't you see? Riding on a
swan, and accompanied by a naked ghost grabbing many snakes, a four-headed yaksha or rakshasa
approaches us.
(Madhumangala looks again and trembles). Let by that demon whose body is covered by eyes, all
those demons are about to attack us from the sky. That's what I think. I think they are all about to
become Kamsa's servants.
(Frightened Madhumangala hides, placing his head behind Krsna.)
* 28 (c) Krsna: (aside) Why, attracted by the sweetness of the flute-music, do the kings of the
directions now hide in the clouds?
(Krsna again plays the flute.)
* 28 (d) Madhumangala: (Looking and sighing deeply). These wicked demons agitated, stunned,
and frightened merely by the sound of My friend's flute. I am alive! O wicked demons! Stand! Stand!
By cursing you, or by striking you with arrows from my bow, I will crush your bald heads! (Shaking
a stick, Madhumangala jumps about).
* 28 (e) Rama: (smiling) Friend, don't talk like that. These two person are Brahma and Siva. On
their left are Indra and the leaders of the demigods.
Madhumangala: Indeed! (He sighs with relief.) I knew all along. I was only joking. But you were
afraid. Thinking the demigods were rakshasas, you were going to run away.
Krsna: (smiling) Friend of the demigods, in others you see your own foolishness.
* 28 (f) Rama: Look! Look! Overcome with ecstasy as with eight ears he listens to Krsna's flute-
music, Brahma rolls about on the back of his swan.
* 29 (Again there is vina music in the sky.)
When, splendid with the nectar moonlight of flute music, the moon of Krsna's face rises, the ocean
of the demigod Siva floods beyond it's boundaries.
* 30 Rama: Just see how, after hearing the transcendental sound of Krsna's flute, Indra, the king of
heaven, is crying in his heavenly kingdom! From his teardrops falling on the ground, Vrindavana
appears to have become a celestial residence for the demigods.*
* 31 (a) Krsna: (aside) My thoughts turn away from playing before these elderly demigods. I will
go ahead. (He goes under some trees.) Friend Madhumangala, look at the sweetness of the of the
forest in spring.
* 31 (b) My dear friend, this forest of Vrindavana is giving great pleasure to our senses in various
ways. Somewhere bumblebees are singing in groups, and in some places mild breezes are cooling the
entire atmosphere. Somewhere the creepers and tree twigs are dancing, the mallika flowers are
expanding their fragrance, and an overabundance of juice is constantly flowing in showers from
pomegranate fruits.*
* 32 (a) Madhumangala: Friend, how can I be happy in Your Vrindavana forest? I am always afraid
some thug will attack . I become happy when I see the four kinds of delicious food Gokula's queen
cooks, food that charms all the senses.
* 32 (b) Krsna: Friend, you should bow down before Vrindavana Forest, which has ancient
flowering-vines with the power to fulfil your desires.
* 32 (c) Madhumangala: Dear friend, everyone says You are very truthful. I will now conduct an
experiment to see if this is true. (Madhumangala folds his palms). O flowering-vines, I bow down
before you. My friend is very hungry. Please give Him many sweet ladu candies.
* 32 (d) (Carrying a plate of candies in her hand, Paurnamasi enters.)
Paurnamasi: O boy with a face like the moon, please take these candies delightful to the tongue.
Rama: (smiling) Friend, see the generosity of this ancient flowering-vine!
Paurnamasi: Balarama, everyone says that elderly gopi is very generous.
Krsna: noble lady, which elderly gopi do you mean?
Paurnamasi: The gopi Mukhara, O boy with a face like the moon.
note: Here Krsna uses the word "jarad-vallari" (ancient flowering-vine). Paurnamasi mishears Him
and thinks He said "jarad-ballavi" (ancient gopi).
* 32 (e) Krsna: Why does she unexpectedly send these laddu candies to us?
Paurnamasi: Her granddaughter will accept the hand of Abhimanyu. Following tradition, she is
distributing gifts to celebrate.
* 32 (f) Krsna: Who is her granddaughter?
Paurinamasi: Her name is Radha, and She is delightful like moonlight.
* 32 (g) Krsna: (The hairs of His body stand upright, and He says to Himself:) In the talk of My two
mothers I heard how glorious this girl is. (He becomes embarrassed and trembles.)
Paurnamasi: (aside) Understanding Krsna's embarrassment, on some pretext Balarama has gone
from Krsna's left side.
* 32 (h) Krsna: (again, He say to Himself:) To conceal these ecstatic symptoms, I should change the
subject of our talking. (speaking openly) noble lady, this spring day is glorious with a festival of many
ornaments. Look! These ancient vines are blossoming with many flowers!
* 32 (i) Paurnamasi: (smiling) Hero Krsna, the day of Your festival has come. Thirsting to gather
many flowers and leaves, the playful gopis will soon come here.
* 32 (j) Krsna: (Smiling, He looks at her with crooked eyes.) noble lady, what is that?
Paurnamasi: (laughing) Playful boy, don't worry. It is not against Your wishes. I will say what I mean.
When the gopis' houses are empty, You and Your friends will happily steal their butter and yogurt.
* 32 (k) Krsna: Rogue, why do you laugh? Look! Those branches and twigs in My Vrindavana
forest were broken by the gopis when they picked the soft flowers. It is your duty to stop them.
* 32 (l) Paurnamasi: Enchanting boy, It is You, decorated with many flowers, that make the gopis
yearn to have flowers. How can I stop them?
note: Ambiguous, this verse may also mean:
"Enchanting boy, It is You, decorated with many flowers, that fill the gopis with passionate desires.
How can I stop them?"
* 32 (m) Krsna: O lady with hair white like crane feathers, with these words you walk a crooked
path. You will not renounce your allegiance to these offender-gopis.
* 32 (n) Paurnamasi: Handsome boy, why are Radha and the gopis now offenders? They will only
steal a few flowers from Your favorite punnaga tree.
note: The ambiguous second sentence may also be translated:
"They will only steal the heart of You, the best of males."
* 32 (o) Krsna: (aside) Ah! Why has destiny again brought Me news of Radha, news enchants My
Madhumangala: (aside) Why does the name Radha excite Him so? (openly) Friend, don't become
so thirsty after this.
* 32 (p) Krsna: (simultaneously angry and affectionate) Talkative friend, to hell with you! After
what do I thirst?
Madhumangala: Oh! Don't be angry! I was talking about these sweet "manohara" candies.
note: Madhumangala's words are ambiguous. They may also mean:
"Oh! Don't be angry! I was talking about the beautiful gopis that have stolen Your heart."
* 32 (q) Krsna: Friend, I misunderstood. But these aren't the laddu candies that are called
"manohara" They are the laddus called "mauktika".
Madhumangala: (laughs) Friend, I would not try to fool You with a pun on the name of the star
Radha. Why would I try to fool You?
* 32 (r) Paurnamasi: (aside) In truth, the brahmana boy is teasing Krsna. His heart overcome with
love, Krsna is now embarrassed. now all my desires are fulfilled. (openly) The star Radha moves in
the sky, the home of Lord Vishnu. How can anyone in the world of humans attain Her? O handsome
boy, what is the use of longing after Her?
* 33 (s) Krsna: (Smiling, He glances at the sky. Then He approaches Balarama). noble friend, it is
already late in the afternoon. Please take the cows to the Yamuna's shore and let them satisfy their
thirst. Please enjoy these delicious laddu candies. I will rest for a moment with my dear friends
Sridama and Subala.
(Balarama and the cowherd boy friends exit.)
* 32 (t) Paurnamasi: (aside) I should go and see if the picture of Krsna is finished. (She respectfully
takes leave of Krsna and then departs.)
* 32 (u) Krsna: (takes one step, and then pauses) Friend Sridama, have you ever seen this Radha,
the most beautiful girl in the universe?
(Smiling with embarrassment, Sridama lowers his face.)
Subala: Friend, how can You ask if he has seen her? Radha is his sister.
* 32 (v) Krsna: Come. Let us go under these kadamba trees by the riverbank. Into pastimes of
playing the flute I will throw this heart excited with thoughts of Radha, (They exit.)
* 32 (w) Paurnamasi: (Walking about, she looks ahead and becomes joyful.) Why is my child Radha
here, playing and joking with a friend? (She hides behind a flowering-vine.)
* 33 (x) The beauty of Srimati Radharani's eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue
lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses.
Her bodily luster seems to place even gold in a painful situation. Thus the wonderful, unprecedented
beauty of Srimati Radharani is awakening in Vrindavana.*
* 32 (y) not staying to joke with these two, I will go, hidden by these flowering vines, to Visakha.
(Paurnamasi exits.)
* 33 (a) (Followed by Lalita, Radha enters.)
Radhika: Lalita, what is the noble lady doing?
Lalita: Friend, under that tamala tree she is making an altar to worship the sun-god.
* 33 (b) Radhika: (looking ahead) I think this must be Vrindavana Forest, whose sweetness you
describe again and again.
Lalita: Friend, this is the banyan tree where Krsna enjoys pastimes.
* 33 (c) Radhika: (agitated, she says to herself:) What sweetness is in these two syllables?
(openly) Friend, whom did you say?
Lalita: (intentionally smiling) I said Krsna.
* 33 (d) Radhika: (again, aside) Ah, this name charms the hearts of beautiful girls. What is the
owner of this name like? (concealing her emotions, she speaks openly.) I will go and pick those
gunja berries in the forest.
* 33 (e) Lalita: (joking, she says in Sanskrit) O girl whose restless eyes are eager to look at
everything, O girl whose body is the abode of a splendour and playfulness even the shadow of which
cannot be found anywhere in the three worlds, don't enter that trap of flowering-vines. The handsome
and splendid demigod who moves in that forest and who is dark like black mascara will cast a spell on
You and make You His newest lover.
* 34 (a) Radhika: (As if She were afraid, She conceals Her joking smile.) Friend Lalita, you know
that this demigod has you in His spell.
Lalita: (laughs) Ha! Why would He cast a spell on ? It is You who are drawn to His splendour.
* 34 (b) (Flute-music comes from offstage.)
Radhika: (Listening, She becomes full of wonder. She says to herself:) Wonderful! What an
enchanting sound! (She is overcome.)
Lalita: (looking at Radha, she says to herself:) For the first time the doe with delicate limbs falls
into the hunter's trap.
* 34 (c) Radhika: (with great difficulty She regains composure. Then She says to Herself) I must
find the person who made the flood of nectar that is this sound.
* 34 (d) Lalita: (approaches Radha) Radha, do You trust ?
Radhika: Why do you ask? You can bear witness to that.
Lalita: Then my dear friend will tell . Why are You suddenly overwhelmed?
* 34 (e) Radhika: (embarrassed, says in Sanskrit) What is this sound from the kadamba trees that
now walks on the pathway of My ears? Friend, because of this sound I have now entered a state that is
despicable for a chaste housewife.
* 35 (a) Lalita: Ah, it is the sound of the flute!
Radhika: (agitated) What kind of flute-music is this? It brings no snow and cold, but still it makes
Me tremble. It is not a weapon, but still it cuts Me. It brings no heart, but still it has set Me on fire.
* 36 (a) (agitated) I don't understand this flute-music. Enough with this deception! Some charming
mantra has been read by a clever magician!
* 36 (b) (Visakha enters, carrying a picture in her hand.)
Visakha: (Observes Radha, and says to herself:) She is transformed! Perhaps She was bitten by
Krsna's flute. I will ask her about it.
* 36 (c) (Approaching, she openly says in Sanskrit) O girl whose face has turned white, the tears
from your lotus-eyes muddy the ground, Your sighs make Your bodice dance, and the hairs of Your
body stand up. I think the sweetness of Krsna's flute must have entered Your ears.
* 37 (a) Radhika: (not giving ear to these words, Radha trembles) Lalita, it is that sound again.
* 37 (b) Lalita: (in Sanskrit) O girl with the slender limbs, in the circle of the Yamuna's shore, from
a flute's beak comes a sound that is a Garuda that defeats the snakes of the gopis' peace, a Dhanvantari
that cures the gopis' shyness, an Agastya Muni that drinks up the ocean of the saintly gopis' pride.
* 38 (a) Radhika: Friend, a great suffering has now taken birth in My heart. Only when I leave it
behind will I again be able to sleep at night.
Visakha:Radha, in my hand is a medicine to cure Your suffering. Take it.
* 38 9b) Radhika:Visakha, come. Let us go into the shade of this circle of blossoming karnikara
flowers in the courtyard.
(They exit.)
Thus ends Act One.

Act Two-Manmatha-lekha
The Love-letter

* i (a) (Nandimukhi enters.)

Nandimukhi: Paurnamasi ordered : "O Nandimukhi, I heard that my child Radha is feeling very ill.
Go to hear and learn the truth of Her condition." That is why I am now going to Mukhara's house.
(She begins to go, and then see Mukhara.) Why is weeping Mukhara coming here?
* 1 (b) Mukhara: (enters) Alas! Alas! I am ruined! I am very unfortunate!
Nandimukhi: Pious Mukhara, why do you weep?
Mukhara: (glancing at Nandimukhi) Child, because of Radha's suffering.
* 1 (c) Nandimukhi: What does She do?
Mukhara: Child, She talks like a madwoman.
* 1 (d) (in Sanskrit) "Cruel bumblebees should not blacken My flower garland. I am only a girl.
Why do you joke like that? Go far away from this courtyard." Awake and asleep talking in that crazy
way, the lotus-eyed girl suffers day and night.
* 2 (a) Nandimukhi: (aside) That talk is not the mark of madness. It is the mark of good fortune, of
being overcome by Lord Krsna's pastimes.
Mukhara: Child, I will go to the noble lady and tell her. You go to the vetasi grove and watch
(They exit.)
* 2 (b) (Served by two friends, Lalita and Visakha, Radha enters.)
Radha: (Agitated, she says to herself) O wounded heart, simply by looking at a picture you have
fallen wildly and passionately in love.
* 2 (c) Lalita and Visakha:Radha, we see how You suffer. Why will You not tell us the truth?
(Radha sighs and turns her face away.)
* 2 (d) Visakha: (confronting Radha, in Sanskrit) O friend, why do these sufferings cut to pieces the
peacefulness in Your heart? Why do You sprinkle Your red garments with a flood of perspiration? O
girl fair like a yellow campaka flower, why does trembling now break the steadiness of Your body?
Please tell the truth. It is not good to hide the truth from Your friends.
* 3 (a) Radhika: (indignant) Cruel Visakha, are you not ashamed to question in this way?
Visakha: (worried) Perhaps I once offended you, but I do remember it.
* 3 (b) Radhika: Merciless girl, why do you talk like that? Remember and look.
Visakha:Even with a great effort, I still do not remember.
* 3 (c) Radhika: Crazy girl, you threw Me into the lake of eternal burning fire!
Visakha:How is that?
Radhika: (with malice and impatience) Crooked liar, friend of the snake in this picture! Stay! Stay!
* 3 (d) (Overcome, Radha says in Sanskrit) Splendid like sapphires and decorated with peacock
feathers, a teenage boy stepped out of that picture. (In the middle of Her words, Her voice becomes
choked. Her two friends look at each other with raised eyebrows.)
* 3 (e) When He smiled and moved His eyebrows, my heart became mad. The fire in My heart
shone like the moon. Then the moon of My heart entered the fire.
* 4 (a) Lalita: Did this happen in a dream?
* 4 (b) Radhika: (in Sanskrit) Was it a dream, or was I awake? Was it night, or was it day? I do not
know. The light from the dark moon of that teenage boy filled My heart with flames.
* 5 (a) Visakha: (with feeling) O Radha, Your heart was bewildered for a moment.
Radhika: (indignant) Faithless girl, stop! Why try to cover up your offense?
* 5 (b) (in Sanskrit) Decorated with designs drawn in kunkuma, that passionate mischievous boy sat
under a kadamba tree. Saying {.sy 168}no! no! no!", I pushed Him away. Then that rogue forcibly
touched Me with a flower petal from the blossoming vine of His arm.
* 6 Longing for the touch of the lotus hand of that boy dark like a blue lotus petal, I trembled.
Where was I? Who was I? What was I doing? Friend, I did not know.
* 7 (a) (Agitated, She says to herself:) Wicked heart! Monkey! Are you not ashamed to love three
persons simultaneously? You love Krsna, and you also love the flute-player, and now you love this
dark teenage boy. O heart, when I kill my body, I will also kill wretched, hopeless you.
* 7 (b) Lalita: Look! Springtime, the prime minister of King Kamadeva, has come and polluted
everything. Who will save us from him?
* 7 (c) Radhika: (in Sanskrit) Let the breezes from the sandalwood mountains play. Let the playful
cuckoos sweetly sing. Let the buzzing bees attack My heart. Friend, they will help Me end My
* 8 ( a) Lalita and Visakha:(weeping) Why were You attacked by these terrible sufferings? We do
not understand the unusual longings in Your heart.
* 8 (b) Radhika: (sighs) My dear friend, these palpitations of Srimati Radharani's heart are
extremely difficult to cure. Even if one applied some medical treatment, it would only end in
* 9 (a) I will tell you how to cure Me. If this flowering-vine were wrapped about My neck like a
noose, and I were hanged, then you would cure My disease of love.
* 9 (b) Lalita and Visakha:(agitated) Don't talk in that horrible way! Don't break your friends' lives!
Soon You will attain what You long for.
* 9 (c) Radhika: Friends, you speak this advice only because you do not know the evil in wounded
Radha's heart.
* 9 (d) Lalita and Visakha:Our dear friend has told us everything.
Radhika: no, no. Her great shame stops Her from revealing it.
* 9 (e) Lalita and Visakha:We see Your great love. How can Your shame, standing outside, hide it?
* 9 (f) Radhika: (Sanskrit) Since I have heard the name of a person called Krsna, I have practically
lost My good sense. Then, there is another person who plays the flute in such a way that after I hear
the vibration, intense madness arises in My heart. And again there is still another person to whom My
mind becomes attached when I see His beautiful lightning effulgence in His picture. Therefore I think
that I am greatly condemned, for I have become simultaneously attached to tree persons. It would be
better for Me to die because of this.*
* 10 (a) Lalita and Visakha:(happily) How can beautiful girls of Gokula like You turn from Krsna
and fall in love with some other man? Listen. The three persons are one. They are all the hero Krsna.
* 10 (b) Radhika: (breathes a sigh of relief and say to Herself:) Heart, be peaceful. Be peaceful.
The man you long to attain is the home of all beings and all worlds.
* 10 (c) Lalita and Visakha:O beautiful, slender Radha, even if it anoints the directions with waves
of sweet fragrance, a flowering priyangu vine lives in vain if a playful bumblebee does not drink it's
note: The bumblebee (Madhusudana) here is Krsna.
* 11 (a) Nandimukhi: (walking, enters) Why is Radha here? (approaches Radha) Glory, glory to
my dear friend!
Radhika: (concealing her emotions) Friend, I hope you are well.
* 11 (b) Nandimukhi: You are well, I see. (Looking at Radha, she says to herself) I do not see
anything unusual. Perhaps She hides it. I will ask.
* 11 (c) (Openly) Beautiful, foolish girl, Your heart is not anointed with great intelligence. You have
not stopped being a child. Friend, either Your heart trembles in pain, or You gave met the Kamadeva
that lives in Vrindavana forest.
* 12 (a) Lalita: Suspicious girl, the trembling and standing up of hairs that you see is caused by the
cold southern wind. Why do you make this terrible accusation?
* 12 (b) Nandimukhi: (smiling, says in Sanskrit) If that is why the hairs of Her body stand up,
then why do the hairs of our bodies not also stand up? O foolish girl, don't insult the southern wind in
this way. The sidelong glance of He who is the king of heroes and whose graceful eyebrows are
worshiped by millions of Kamadevas, now plays in this girl's heart.
* 13 (a) Tell the truth. When did She see Krsna, the bliss of Gokula?
Visakha:It is true.
* 13 (b) Nandimukhi: (in Sanskrit) A little past childhood, dear to Your kin, and a delight to Your
husband, You enjoy pastimes in this world. Aha! now You have fallen under the spell of a rake who
enjoys with the gopas' wives. now Your heart is wild with passionate love for Him.
* 14 (a) I will go and quickly bring noble Paurnamasi. (She exits.)
* 14 (b) Radhika: (She reflects for a moment, and then says in Sanskrit) Why do we pious girls
disobey the auspicious rules of religion? (She stops in the middle, and then again speaks, this time
filled with longing.) Ah! How can I renounce the regal hero of the girls in this town of gopas, a hero
learned in the arts of crooked glances?
* 15 (a) (Followed by Nandimukhi and Mukhara, Paurnamasi enters.)
Paurnamasi: Mukhara, why do you think Radha suffers from an incurable illness?
Mukhara: noble lady, listen.
* 15 (b) Upon seeing peacock feathers in front of Her, this girl suddenly begins trembling. When
She sometimes sees a necklace of gunja (small conchshells), She sheds tears and cries loudly. I do not
know what kind of new ecstatic influence has entered her heart of this poor girl. It has imbued Her
with the dancing attitude of a player creating wonderful, unprecedented dances on a stage.*
* 16 (a) Paurnamasi: (aside) This is the passion of intense new love. (Openly) Mukhara, I
understand this very well. Kamsa and the other crowns of the demons are searching for Radha. They
made a ghost enter this girl.
* 16 (b) Mukhara: noble lady, what is the remedy?
Paurnamasi: The remedy is a glimpse Krsna, the sworn enemy of the demons.
* 16 (c) Mukhara: noble lady, this will not please crooked Jatila.
Paurnamasi: Mukhara, I will tell her, "Jatila, don't worry. With my mystic power I will bring Krsna.
(But this is not the Krsna who is the son of Nanda Maharaja)."
(Mukhara offers obeisances and exits.)
* 16 (d) Paurnamasi: (approaches Radha) Child, now my desires are fulfilled.
(Concealing her emotions, Radha offers obeisances.)
* 16 (e) Paurnamasi: (aside) Tasting the sweetness of new love, She shyly hides Her passion. The
passionate lotus-eyed girl is conquered by the regal elephant that plays in the garden of Her heart.
* 17 (a) Paurnamasi: (whispers to Nandimukhi) Nandimukhi, Her heart is tossed by waves of
deep love. Know that this is caused by the wonderful and inconceivable power of He who is the hero
of love.
* 17 (b) Just see how wonderful it is! Great sages meditate upon Krsna after being relieved of all
material transactions, and with great difficulty they try to situate Krsna in their hearts. And opposed to
this, this young girl is trying to withdraw Her mind form Krsna so She can apply it to the material
activities of sense gratification. What a regrettable thing it is that this girl is trying to drive away from
Her heart the same Krsna who is sought after by great sages through severe austerities and
* 18 (a) Nandimukhi: noble lady, love like this bewilders .
Paurnamasi: Child, what you say is true. This deep and ecstatic love is very rare and difficult to
attain. Listen.
* 18 (b) My dear beautiful friend, if one develops love of Godhead, love of Krsna, the son of Nanda
Maharaja, all the bitter and sweet influences of this love will manifests in one's heart. Such love of
Godhead acts in two ways. The poisonous effects of love of Godhead defeat the severe and fresh
poison of the serpent. Yet there is simultaneously transcendental bliss, which pours down and defeats
the poisonous effects of a snake, as well as the happiness derived from pouring nectar on one's head. It
is perceived as doubly effective, simultaneously poisonous and nectarean.*
* 19 (a) Come, let us test Her love. (They approach Radha) Child, we would like to ask some
* 19 (b) Your self-control, love, pious deeds, and birth in a prosperous and pious family are all
famous in the town of Gokula. O Radha, are You not ashamed to be so cruel to Your friends?
(Distressed and embarrassed, Radha whispers in Lalita's ear.)
* 20 Lalita: noble lady, Radha should explain Herself. Radha says: (in Sanskrit) "O noble lady, I
take an oath upon your feet, that I have not done anything wrong. Even though again and again I
struck Him with a garland of lotus flowers, that dark rake would not give up the pleasure of embracing
my body".
* 21 (a) Paurnamasi: (Angrily looking at Radha) Beautiful bewildered girl, why did You not do
something more ferocious to stop Him?
* 21 (b) Radhika: (angrily, in Sanskrit) My dear mother, what can I say to you? Krsna is so cruel
that He often attacks on the street, and if I want to cry out very loudly, this boy with a peacock feather
on His head immediately covers My face so that I cannot cry. And if I want to go away from the scene
because I am afraid of Him, He will immediately spread His arms to block My path. If I piteously fall
down at His feet, then this enemy of the Madhu demon, in an angry mood, bites my face! Mother, just
try to understand my situation, and don't be unnecessarily angry with Me. Instead, please tell how I
can save myself from these terrible attacks of Krsna!*
* 22 (a) Paurnamasi: (aside) Her tree of love does not shake at its roots.
* 22 (b) (openly) O playful girl, how, simply by desiring Him, will You make this rascal Krsna
enter the pathway of Your eyes? For now Your only pastimes are in the middle of glistening flames
that burn You as snow burns the lotus flowers.
* 23 Radha: (Thinking of Krsna, She says to Herself) Alas! Alas! Why do We crooked-hearted girls
think You are a volcano burning with great flames? Please honour the words of Our friends, become
marked with playfulness, allow Me to see Your splendid, youthful form, and cool the fire that now
burns in My eyes.
* 24 (a) Paurnamasi: (affectionately glancing at Radha) Child, come for a moment in this solitary
garden of flowers and write a letter. Your two friends will carry it to Krsna. (Accompanied by Lalita
and Visakha, Radha exits.)
* 24 (b) Paurnamasi: (walking) Nandimukhi, Krsna is not far away. The mooing of His cows fills
the southern sky. I will go for my bath.
(Paurnamasi and Nandimukhi exit.)
* 24 (c) (Krsna enters)
Krsna: (anxious) From the moment that abode splendid like new lightning suddenly filled by eyes
with wonder, My heart fell into a whirlpool of rapt meditation. now My heart, like a yogini, has
renounced all other happiness.
* 25 (a) (going ahead) I sent my friend to bring a gunja-necklace. Why does he delay?
(Carrying a necklace in his hand, Madhumangala enters.)
Madhumangala: Why is my dear friend unhappy? So be it. In time I will know why.
* 25 (b) (Walking, Madhumangala sees Krsna and says to himself)
Looking at a vine blooming with many golden campaka flowers, Krsna trembles. It think fair Radha
decorated with new kunkuma is now pictured on the drawing-paper of Krsna's mind.
* 26 (Madhumangala approaches Krsna). Please take. (He offers the garland to Krsna).
Krsna: (as if He had not heard) Her body is splendid like a budding ketaki tree on a golden
mountain. When will She become a lightning flash decorating the splendid monsoon-cloud of My
* 27 (a) Madhumangala: (aside) My guesses and speculations have now borne their fruit. (openly,
with a loud voice) Dear friend, why do You see , even when I stand before You and call out to You?
* 27 (b) Krsna: (concealing His emotions) Friend, entranced by the beauty of this flowering
campaka-vine, I did not notice you.
Madhumangala: You speak the truth. Why were You looking at that winding campaka-vine?

* 27 (c) Krsna: Friend, I cannot find where this winding vine starts.
Madhumangala: Friend, for a moment please stop this crookedness. Speak plainly. Why is Your
heart now desolate like a desert? Krsna: (smiles) Friend, I have no garland.
Madhumangala: You should say girl, not garland.
Krsna: That is a foolish suspicion.
* 27 (d) Madhumangala: (in Sanskrit) You do not know that the peacock feather has fallen from
Your head. You do not see that the garland has fallen from Your neck. O youthful elephant playing in
the groves of Vrindavana forest, these events are caused by the great power of two bumblebee eyes
that have seen Radha.
* 28 (a) Krsna: (aside) How did this rascal understand everything? Why try to fool him? (openly)
What you say is true.
* 28 (b) As the full moon in the month of Jyaishtha fills the Ganga with violent waves, so Radha has
transformed My heart.
* 29 (a) Madhumangala: This girl now stands before Your eyes.
Krsna: Indeed, it is true. She has come because of Subala. (Krsna becomes eager and anxious.)

* 29 (b) Whenever I look at that girl with bimba-fruit lips, that girl who the restless flowering-vines
of Her eyebrows and with many restless sidelong glances in every direction teaches the graceful does
the art of casting waves of crooked glances, cruel and angry Kamadeva aims at Me his peerless bow
of flowers.
* 30 Madhumangala: Perhaps You two have seen each other before?
Krsna: no! no! Friend, whenever the cooling and splendid moon of Her face begins to walk on the
pathway of My eyes, my mother, speaking millions of curses, stubbornly brings Me home for supper.
* 31 (a) Madhumangala: Friend, there are many beautiful gopis. Why do You love only Radha with
such fervour?
Krsna: Friend, uncommon sweetness resides within Radha.
* 31 (b) My dear friend, what a wonderful thing it is that since I have seen the beautiful lotus eyes of
Srimati Radharani, I have developed a tendency to spit on the moon and the lotus flower.*
* 32 (a) Madhumangala: When i first saw You, I could guess that You had fallen in love. Why do
You say Radha is so beautiful?
* 32 (b) Krsna: Friend, what you say is true. If you think about Her, you will know something of
Her great glory.
* 32 (c) If great souls love a person, you should know that person is very glorious. The presence of
black deer glorifies the place where they stay.
* 33 (a) Lalita: (off-stage) Friend, friend, do you see the prince of the gopas?
Krsna: Friend, that's a girl's voice. Let's be quiet.
* 33 (b) (Lalita and Visakha enter.)
Lalita: Look! By divine arrangement Krsna stands before us. Let us go to Him. (They approach
Krsna.) Glory, glory to the bliss of Gokula!
* 33 (c) Krsna: Friend Lalita, I think you must have come to Vrindavana Forest to pick many
beautiful flower petals.
* 33 (d) Lalita: By saying "pick" instead of "give", You hide the truth You certainly already know.
Please take this lotus petal. (She places the love-letter in Krsna's hand.)
* 33 (e) Krsna: (aside) Heart, be peaceful. Be happy. I think this flower petal grew from the seed of
your desire.
* 33 (f) Madhumangala: Lalita, what is the use of this leaf, simply full of letters? Better You give us
a leaf with sugar candy on it!
Krsna: Friend, please read the letter. This letter is a cup full of nectar for Our ears.
* 33 (g) Madhumangala: Friend, we have all seen the generosity of you cowherd men. However,
because we were sumptuously fed by the wives of the yajnika-brahmanas, I will begin by offering
respectful obeisances to the brahmanas.
(Madhumangala reads the letter.)
* 33 (h) "O dearly beautiful, the artistic loveliness of Your picture is now impressed within My
mind. Since You are now living within My mind, wherever I wish to run because I am agitated by
impressions of You, I find that You, O My friend, are blocking My way."*
* 34 (a) Krsna: Friend, this verse is very difficult to understand. Please read it again.
(Madhumangala reads the letter again).
Krsna: (becomes blissful and says to Himself:) Saintly girls are afraid to break the rules of morality.
I think Her love must be very great. (Excited, Krsna openly says:) Look, look!
* 34 (b) Accompanied by all My loving friends, following the cows, and averse to hearing about
women, I wander in the forest. These loose girls should not be allowed to pollute Us. Quickly I will go
and complain to the gopa elders.
(With feigned indignation, Krsna quickly struts about.)
* 35 (a) Madhumangala: (concealing a smile) O crest jewel of the brahmacaris, think for a
moment and defeat these foul-mouthed gopis with Your words. Chase them away. I myself will tell
Gokula's queen everything about these shameless girls. (Madhumangala touches Krsna's hand for a
moment.) (Surprised and bewildered, Lalita and Visakha exchange glances.)
* 35 (b) Krsna: Friend Visakha, Radha has never seen Me with Her two eyes, and I have never
seen Her with My two eyes. What obstacle stands between Us? I will follow you. But I think is must
be some other boy that has captured Her heart.
* 35 (c) Visakha: (in Sanskrit) In the circle of Vraja who is great and powerful like You? With a
small particle of Your inconceivable power You lifted Govardhana Hill. Then You lifted the great
mountains that are the saintly gopis' hearts. O boy with the lotus eyes, You are the person in this letter.
* 36 (a) Madhumangala: Talkative girl, stop! Stop! I myself saw how the cowherd men, with their
upraised sticks, held up Govardhana Hill. Why do you praise my dear friend Krsna in this way? He
did not hold up the hill alone.
* 36 (b) Krsna: Lalita, this is too muck talking. Please stop.
Lalita: Handsome one, You delight everyone in Gokula. Why must this one girl suffer because of
* 36 (c) Krsna: My companion Madhumangala does not tolerate any deviation from the path of
piety, and Sridama, busily searching for my faults, does not even sleep. Cruel Kamsa harshly rules
this country. O bewildered girl, in these circumstances how is it possible for Me to fearlessly make a
pious and beautiful girl burn in flames of anguish?
* 37 Lalita (indignant, in Sanskrit) Our hearts are so polluted by miserable condition that we are
certainly going to Pluto's kingdom. nevertheless, Krsna does not give up His beautiful loving smiling,
which is full of cheating tricks. O Srimati Radharani, You are very intelligent. How could You have
developed such great loving affection for this deceitful debaucher from the neighbourhood of the
(Lalita cries)
* 38 (a) Madhumangala: Bewildered beautiful girl, Krsna is learned in all the scriptures. He is our
friend and counselor. Why would He disobey the rules of morality? What is the use of all your words,
words that are like crying in the forest?
* 38 (b) Visakha: (aside) This garland of gunja was worn by Radha. now I will give it to Krsna. By
observing His response, I will know His actual feelings toward Radha.
* 38 (c) (Openly, in Sanskrit) May this very beautiful red and black gunja-necklace gracefully
hang upon Your neck.
(She places the necklace on Krsna's neck.)
note: If the word "saradhikeyam" is divided {.sy 168}sa radhikeyam, this ambiguous verse may
also be translated:
"May virtuous Radha, whose mouth chants the name Krsna, and whose heart passionately loves
You, hang around Your neck like a gunja-necklace."
* 39 Krsna: (smiling, He pretends to be angry.) Although these gunja berries are very red, hard,
and gracefully round, they are both crooked and unripe. I do not wish such a necklace.
(As if bewildered, Krsna removes the gunja-necklace from His neck and offers it back to Lalita.)
note: This ambiguous verse may also be translated:
"This garland is an ambiguous love-message from some young girl. Although great love is
indented, the words are harsh, and although they are very clever, the words are also crooked. I do not
wish to accept such a message-necklace."
* 40 (a) Visakha: (aside) Krsna's bewilderment is our good fortune. (She covers the necklace with a
* 40 (b) Lalita: Destiny has shown us the unflinching celibacy of a snake who loves millions of
gopis. We should both go and stop Radha, who has fallen in love with a very unsuitable boy.
Visakha:Friend, what you say is right.
* 40 (c) Lalita:Visakha, take this gunja-necklace to our dear friend and comfort Her. I will explain
everything to Paurnamasi.
(Lalita and Visakha exit.)
* 40 (d) Madhumangala: This girl adores You. Why don't You also adore Her? You are building a
staircase that leads up a mountain of regret.
Krsna: Friend, what you say is true. It was not right to mock that girl.
* 40 (e) Madhumangala: Look, two gopis walk on the pathway of Our eyes.
* 40 (f) Krsna: (with regret) Upon hearing of My cruelty, moon-faced Radha may establish some
kind of tolerance in Her aggrieved heart. But then She might turn against Me. Or, indeed, being
fearful of the lusty desires invoked by the bow of formidable Cupid, She might even give up Her life.
Alas! I have foolishly uprooted the soft creeper of Her desire just when it was ready to bear fruit.*
* 41 (a) Madhumangala: now what will be out shelter?
Krsna: Friend, I do not see any shelter but writing an answer to that letter.
* 41 (b) Madhumangala: What will We use to write Our letter?
Krsna: A letter scented with roses would bring Her under My spell.
Madhumangala: Let us go to nearby Praskandana-tirtha, which is decorated with a great forest of
(Krsna and Madhumangala exit.)
* 41 (c) (Accompanied by Visakha, who is explaining everything, Radha enters.)
Radha: (unhappy, in Sanskrit) Desiring the happiness of His association and embraces, My dear
friend, I disregarded even My superiors and relaxed My shyness and gravity before them.
Furthermore, although you are My best friend, more dear to Me than My own life, I have given you so
much trouble. Indeed, I even put aside the vow of dedication to My husband, a vow kept by the most
elevated women. Oh, alas! Although He is now neglecting Me, I am so sinful that I am still living.
Therefore I must condemn My so-called patience.*
* 42 (a) Visakha: (respectfully) Friend, please be comforted. Be comforted. (She places the gunja-
necklace to Radha's nose.)
Radhika: (with understanding) Ah! In the beginning it made Me almost fall unconscious. Why does
this wonderful necklace now revive Me from that unconsciousness?
* 42 (b) Visakha: (gives the garland to Radha.) Friend, the sandal paste from the flutist Krsna's
forehead is a mystic jewel that draws people to it. Krsna's name is a mantra that brings people under
its control. Krsna's flower-garland is a potion that charms people's hearts. Who does not know the
inconceivable power of these three things?
* 43 (a) Radhika: (aside) Krsna, who has all these glorious virtues, neglects this body of Mine, a
body that is better off dead. Why do I shamelessly keep this body alive? I will drown it the waters of
Kaliya Lake. (openly)Visakha, please tell My superiors that, desiring to worship the sun-god, I went
to Dvada Saditya-tirtha.
* 43 (b) Visakha:My dear friend well remembers saintly Jatila's order, an order I now accept from
You. Come. Let us go. (They begin to walk.)
* 43 (c) Radhika: (perplexed) Although Krsna neglects , the hostile and unfulfillable hope to attain
Him burns in Me still. Friend, the deep waters of the Yamuna, who is the sister of the king of death, is
My only shelter.
* 44 (a) Visakha:Look at the auspicious signs appearing on our path. Don't say anything more.
Radhika: (looking ahead) Why did the sun suddenly set in the east before it is time?
* 44 (b) Visakha:The sun didn't set. Look! The beautiful roses in Praskanda-tirtha, rouses dear to the
sun-god, are splendidly in bloom. Let's pick some to make rose water.
* 44 (c) (Krsna and Madhumangala enter.)
Krsna: Friend, these roses are thieves who have stolen their beauty from Radha's lips.
Madhumangala: Press the juice from these roses, and write a reply to Radha's love-letter.
* 44 (d) Krsna: (trembling with wonder) This is not the valley of Mount Sumeru. Why do I see a
golden splendour in every direction? Ah! The sound of many jeweled anklets makes Me know that the
goddess of beauty must have entered Vrindavana Forest to enjoy many pastimes.
* 45 (a) Madhumangala: Ah, now the deer places her foot in the trap.
Krsna: (blissful) O friend, you understand this very well. Let us hide behind this tree and hear what
they say.
(They stand behind the tree.)

* 45 (b) Radhika: (weeping, she rests her hand on Visakha's shoulder) When you talk, you should
remember this person.
Visakha: (also weeping) Friend, everyone says You are grave, and patient, and full of all other
virtues. Why are You so upset?
* 45 (c) Radhika: Friend, this rogue has robbed all My virtues.(in Sanskrit) His chest is a dam that
stops the river of my patience. His face is a moon that withers the lotus flowers of My pious deeds.
His arms are pillars in a yajna to drive away My perpetual shyness. Alas! Friend, the crooked snake of
His glance devours everything.
* 46 (a) Krsna: Beloved, stunned by your sweetness, Krsna has also lost all His virtues.
* 46 (b) Radhika: (folds her hands in the direction of the sky) O Krsna, O killer of Putana, I was
engaged in My own playful activities in My home, and because of My childish innocence I did not
know right from wrong. Therefore, is it good for You to have forced Us into being so much attracted
to You and then to have neglected Us? now You are indifferent to Us. Do You think that is right?*
* 47 (b) Krsna: Beloved, who, desiring to remain alive, will ignore the medicinal vine that will cure
his illness?
* 47 (b) Radhika: (sighs) Friend, please wear my favorite necklace. (Radha removes the necklace
from Her neck.)
* 47 (c) Visakha: (forcibly stops Radha.) Ah! Why do you set on fire in this way? I am only waiting
for Lalita. (Visakha cries).
* 47 (d) Radhika: (in Sanskrit) My dear friend, if Krsna is unkind to Me, there will be no need for
you to cry, for it will not be due to any fault of yours. I shall then have to die, but afterwards please do
one thing for Me; to observe My funeral ceremony, place My body with its arms embracing a tamala
tree like creepers so that I may remain forever in Vrindavana undisturbed. That is My request.*
* 48 (a) Krsna: (weeping) Friend, see how great Her love is!
* 48 (b) Radhika: (aside) Passionate longings make Me go quickly. (openly) After worshiping the
sun-god, there is one more thing I wish to ask: After I have gone, please pick a flower for each time I
have bathed here. (She takes two or three steps in the direction of the holy tirtha, and again speaks to
Herself.) Alas, never again will I see Krsna, whose face is like the moon and who enchants the three
worlds. (Full of longing, she returns and openly says:) Be kind. Be kind. Show Me His picture.
* 48 (b) Visakha:Friend, there is no paper here to draw a picture.
Radhika: (anxious) Then I will make Him appear in My meditation. (Radha becomes rapt in
* 48 (c) Krsna: Friend, My ears have just drunk a sweet nectar they have never drunk before. Let Us
go before them. (They both do that.)
Visakha: (Seeing Krsna and Madhumangala, she becomes joyful and says with great respect:)
Friend, by destiny Your happy meditation has borne its fruit. Open your eyes at once!
(Radha slightly opens her eyes and becomes filled with wonder.)
* 48 (d) Visakha:The boy for whose sake You fell into the devastation of love and for whose sake
You made Your delicate body burn in the flames of love, the boy who wears a new-peacock feather
crown, the playful boy who is the master of Your life, now stands before You.
* 49 (a) Radhika: Ah, how sweet this dream is.
Visakha:O unbeliever, without sleeping You never dreamed like this before.
* 49 (b) Krsna: Her eyes shooting flower-arrows glances, Her graceful motions like a graceful regal
elephant's, Her bimba-fruit lips beautiful, and Her thighs banana trees, this girl defeats the sweetness
of the lotus flowers.
* 50 (a) Radhika: (Her eyes dance on the form of Krsna, and she says to herself:) O My heart,
excellent! Excellent! By good fortune this moment has come.
Krsna: (smiles) Rascal Visakha, I looked everywhere for you. now by good fortune I see you. A girl
who looks like you bewildered Me and robbed Me of my rare rangana garland and unripe gunja-
* 50 (b) Madhumangala: Ah! Take Your rangana garland from Radha's neck. I see it there.
Krsna: Friend, you know all about this. Still, that was not very good advice. Even in a dream I
cannot remember the touch of such a beautiful girl.
* 50 (c) Radhika: (aside) Although Krsna is jesting, I am fear He tells the truth about .
Visakha: (laughing) O great ocean into which the rivers of many beautiful girls flow, stop! Stop!
Even now I see the marks they left on Your body.
* 50 (d) With waves of sidelong glances You attract the gopis' passionate hearts and unblinking
eyes. O boy anointed with sandal paste, on the pretext of decorating Your body with peacock feathers
and gunja-necklaces, You attract the gopis and enjoy with them.
* 51 Krsna: (Joyful, to Himself) When Srimati Radharani smiles, waves of joy overtake Her cheeks,
and Her arched eyebrows dance like the bow of Cupid. Her glance is so enchanting that it is like a
dancing bumblebee, moving unsteadily due to intoxication. That bee has bitten the whorl of My
* 52 (a) Jatila: (offstage) Grand daughter Visakha!
Krsna: Why has Jatila, pake with age, come so unexpectedly?
(Jatila enters).
Jatila: (looking ahead, she says to herself:) Why is Krsna here? (openly)Visakha, why did you
forget the incense, sandal paste, and fragrances?
* 52 (b) Krsna: (aside) Just as the cakora bird is about to drink the moonlight, a mass of clouds
covers the crescent moon. (openly) O wife of My mother's maternal uncle, I offer respects to you.
* 53 (a) Jatila: Charming boy, don't look at the young gopis with such crooked eyes.
Madhumangala: (laughs) O lady hard like Indra's thunderbolt, my dear friend's glance is always
kind and gentle. It is you whose eyes are squinting. Therefore you should grant a benediction to
yourself, that your eyes may no longer squint.
* 53 (b) Jatila: O snake chasing young girls, why have You come here?
Krsna: O noble lady, who would not be attracted by the wonderful beauty of these red roses?
note: These ambiguous words may also be translated:
"O noble lady, who would not be attracted by Radha, who is beautiful like a rose, and whose love is
very wonderful?"
* 53 (c) Jatila: (aside) noble Mukhara told Krsna was here. (openly) Charming boy, please leave at
Krsna: O talkative old lady, why are you so agitated? I will go when I wish.
* 53 (d) Jatila: (looks at Krsna with crooked eyes) Look, here, filled with all the charm and
sweetness in the world, is my beautiful young daughter-in-law, and there, O mischievous boy with
dancing eyes, are You by Her side. Why should I not be anxious?
* 54 (a) Krsna: needlessly suspicious old lady, don't talk like that. By listening to your daughter-in-
law, I have only made her more and more respectable.
Jatila:Visakha, why are you here?
Visakha:noble lady, I saw a mischievous deer and became filled with wonder.
note: Here the word "kuranga" may mean either {.sy 168}deer" or "rake".Visakha's words may
therefore also be translated:
"I saw a mischievous rake and became filled with wonder."
* 54 (b) (Glances at a deer) O merciless deer, abandoning your beautiful mate, who loved you and
stayed by your side, you now aimlessly wonder, leaping and playing, from forest to forest.
note: These ambiguous words may also be translated:
"O merciless rake, abandoning your beautiful mate, who loved you and stayed by your side, you
now aimlessly wonder, leaping and playing, from forest to forest."
* 55 (a) Jatila: Foolish whimsical girl, give up this infatuation with a deer.
Madhumangala: Dear friend, look! A thirsty young parrot will not touch that sweet pomegranate
* 55 (b) Krsna: (smiling) O pomegranate fruit, this parrot, his heart struck by your beautiful redness,
wonders, "Is this fruit ripe, or not?" That is why he stands aloof.
note: In his commentary, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti explains that Krsna here compares Himself
to the parrot and Radha to the pomegranate. Krsna wonders whether Sri Radha's ecstatic love is now
* 56 (a) (Visakha casts a crooked glance at Radha.)
Radha: (aside) O heart, be still. Be still. (She secretly laments in Sanskrit) I have not yet drunk the
nectar of Krsna's words, and I have not yet glanced at His face from the corners of My eyes. O My
friend, after a long time I finally have this chance to enjoy pastimes with Krsna. But now, alas, wicked
fate, using this old lady as its tool, stands in My way.
* 56 (b) Jatila: (aside) How glorious is the sight of Krsna! It is not a calamity that my daughter-in-
law is in Krsna's company. (openly)Visakha, look! The afternoon is ending. Let us hurry to the sun-
god's temple.
(The three gopis exit.)
* 56 (c) Krsna: Friend, this girl is like moonlight that follows the full moon of Paurnamasi. Let us
go to Paurnamasi. (Krsna and Madhumangala exit).

Thus ends Act Two.

Act Three-Radha-sanga
The Meeting With Radha

* 1 (a) (Followed by Lalita, Paurnamasi enters).

Paurnamasi: Child, it is because of that embarrassed Krsna does not welcome your friend's
Lalita: noble lady, the inscrutable hearts of great souls are not at once revealed.
Paurnamasi: (looking ahead) Child, look. There in that kadamba grove Krsna is very happy with
* 1 (b) (Looking at Krsna again)
The flute of Krsna's pastimes measures three fingers in length, and it is bedecked with indra-nila
gems. At the ends of the flute are aruna gems (rubies), glittering beautifully, and in between the flute
is plated with gold, set ablaze by diamonds. This auspicious flute, pleasing to Krsna, is glittering in
His hand with transcendental brilliance.*
*2 (As described, Krsna enters.)
Krsna: (regretful) The edge of Her garment held by a smiling friend, embarrassed Radha is now
averse to Me. Alas, will Radha never be tightly held in My arms?
* 3 (a) (sighs) Friend Madhumangala, the blossoming flower of khanjana-eyed Radha's pastimes has
kidnapped the bumblebee of My heart.
* 3 (b) (With longing) Radha once said the following words: "O friend, my favorite pearl necklace
has broken, and now I must search for the scattered pearls". Using this trick, she affectionately
glanced at Me from the corner of her charmingly bewildered beautiful eyes, even in the presence of
her elders.
* 4 Paurnamasi: (Sees Krsna from a distance, and says apprehensively) Krsna's agitated eyes move
to an fro, and His sighs wilt His jasmine garland. Who is the fortunate beautiful girl that makes Him
always think of Her?
* 5 (a) How can there be any doubt? Children, Radha is the cause of this.
Krsna: (seeing Paurnamasi, He approaches.) noble lady, I offer respects to you.
Paurnamasi: Lover, I bless You that You will not lust after the gopis' breasts.
note: If Paurnamasi's ambiguous statement {.sy 168}alampati-bhava" is divided "alam pati-bhava",
it means "I bless You that You will become like a bodice tightly embracing the gopis' breasts".
* 5 (b) Krsna: (slightly laughing) Please don't give Me these useless benedictions. With the budding
twig of My hand I have not even so much as touched the dark vine that is this famous gopi.
Madhumangala: (laughing) Master, we are looking for a golden vine. What is a dark vine to Us?
* 5 (c) Paurnamasi: (with a playful, joking smile) Krsna, You are the saintly son of the gopas' king,
and Your hundreds of pastimes and the power of Your arms are all well known in Vraja. Why do You
trouble this saintly girl Radha?
* 6 Madhumangala: Contrary old lady, stop! Stop! It is my dear friend is troubled by your Radha, so
troubled that He does not know where He lost His crown, buffalo horn, stick, and other things.
* 7 (a) Krsna: (embarrassed) noble lady, this talkative boy is lying. I will tell you the truth. My heart
does not love your gopis. Ask Madhumangala.
* 7 (b) Madhumangala: noble lady, it's true! It's true! I never saw Your gopis' limbs anointed with
kunkuma from over My dear friend's heart. On the contrary, it is the gopis' kunkuma that is placed
over His heart.
note: Here Krsna says, "The love (raga) of My heart (citta) does not rest in the gopis". Interpreting
the word {.sy 168}raga" to mean "kunkuma", Madhumangala affirms that the kunkuma (raga) from
over Krsna's heart never rests on the gopis' bodies.
* 7 (c) Krsna: (affectionately angry) Fool, you are pathetic! Though you are My close friend, you
will not stop lying.
* 7 (d) Paurnamasi: The boy tells the truth. You are full of splendour and greatness. You are the
resting place of the circle of spiritual virtues. You are full of all wonders. You are the home of all
auspiciousness and all splendid handsomeness. O Krsna, when You play the flute, Your music loosens
the garments of the doe-eyed gopis, even while they stay in their homes.
* 8 (a) Madhumangala: noble lady, you have only told of His flute-playing pastimes. He did many
other things you don't know. This very day I saw Him take from the Yamuna's shore and with His
own hand throw over His shoulder the garments of many girls.
* 8 (b) Krsna: (Knitting His eyebrows, He checks Madhumangala.) noble lady, even though the
sound of My flute is charming like that, your gopis remain gloriously chaste.
* 8 (c) Lalita: (in Sanskrit) Some king of rogues must have given You a mantra or a potion that
brings others under Your control. That is how You broke into pieces the sacred, splendid household
happiness of the gopas' playful wives.
* 9 (a) Madhumangala: Lalita speaks the truth. Without the ability to chant powerful mantras, how
could Krsna, by nature more mild and cooling than a fresh lotus flower, embarrass so many demons
tall like great mountains?
* 9 (b) Lalita: O gentle one, remembering Him makes us burn like fire. Please don't tell us how
cooling your friend is.
* 9 (c) Madhumangala: Friend, although You are cooling, the gopis say You are very hot. By
touching You, I will see is this is true. (Madhumangala respectfully places his hand on Krsna's chest).
Aha! Lalita speaks the truth. (Madhumangala reflects for a moment). Lalita, I understand. I
understand. Your Radha is hot. Entering His heart, She has made Krsna, who is more cooling as
millions of moons, hot also.
* 9 (d) Lalita: Saintly brahmana, how could my friend, Her delicate nature overwhelmed with
limitless love, enter Your friend's heart, which is hard like diamond?
* 9 (e) Madhumangala: (angry) Fickle girl, my friend is overcome with love for your friend.
Cheating sleep, like the king of yogis He always meditates on Her.
* 9 (f) Krsna: (Turning His face away with embarrassment) Fool, stop these lying jokes.
Lalita: (aside) My dear friend is fortunate.
Paurnamasi: Handsome boy, stop these jokes. Hear what I say.
* 9 (g) O Lord Krsna, You are just like an ocean. The river of Srimati Radharani has reached You
from a long distance, leaving far behind the tree of Her husband, breaking through the bridge of social
convention, and forcibly crossing the hills of elder relatives. Coming here because of fresh feelings of
love for You, that river has now received Your shelter, but now You are trying to turn Her back by the
waves of unfavourable words. How is it that You are spreading this attitude?*
* 10 (a) Madhumangala: O Paurnamasi, your intelligence is pure. Why do you ask such a question?
Look! I have made a bow of flowers to frighten away those horrible cuckoo birds.
* 10 (b) Paurnamasi: O boy with a face like the moon, seeing Her friends carefully guarding the
door, and smelling the fragrance of the madhavi flowers, this girl trembles in fear. On Her porch
seeing a candrakanta jewel begin to melt, this doe-eyed girl falls unconscious.
note: The candrakanta jewel melts when exposed to moonlight. Seeing the moon and smelling the
madhavi flowers, Radha is reminded of Krsna. Frustrated because She cannot go to Him, She falls
* 11 Krsna: (aside) Ah, it must be very painful for Her.
Paurnamasi: Handsome boy, neglect of another's love brings very bitter results. Look! Setting on
the horizon, the red son now plunges everything into darkness.
(Ashamed, Krsna bows His head).
* 12 (a) Paurnamasi: (again glancing at Krsna, she becomes very happy, and say to herself)
Fortunately Krsna's eyes are smiling and His right eye is winking. (openly) O bliss of Gokula, now
that the sun has set, please decorate this mango grove. One of my friends will bring You to the right
* 12 (b) Krsna: (embarrassed) As the noble lady says. (Accompanied by His friend, He exists.)
Paurnamasi: Daughter Lalita, now I am happy. Come, let us go to Radha.
(They both exit.)
* 12 (c) (Conversing with Visakha, Radha enters.)
Radhika: Friend, although I have drunk the coconut nectar of Krsna's conversation, nectar mixed
with the camphor of His smile, because I have not also drunk the nectar of the touch of His body, I am
now broken and withered, as if I had drunk poison.
* 13 (a) Visakha:O girl who do not know Your own glory, even though Your love for Him has made
Krsna fall passionately in love with You, You still worry that You are wretched and fallen.
* 13 (b) Radhika: (again in Sanskrit) Tonight the wild elephant of passionate desire uproots and
tramples the lotus flowers of My hopes. Alas! Alas! O friend, will this wretched girl become happy
when the red sun finally rises?
* 14 (a) Paurnamasi: (seeing Radha before her) Daughter Lalita, I am eager to make your friend
describe Her love. Please be silent.
Lalita: As you order, so it will be.
* 14 (b) Paurnamasi: (Approaching Radha, she says with feigned unhappiness) O girl with the
beautiful eyes, with sweet words Krsna again and again begs for the touch of Your body. He knows
that no other medicine will cure the fever that burns in His heart.
* 15 Radhika: (embarrassed) Why should I be shy? (She folds Her hands) If it is licked by a
blazing forest fire also licking the clouds, what can save a delicate rangana vine but the sudden
appearance of a dark rain-cloud?
* 15 (b) Paurnamasi: Why do You, who are only Jarati's granddaughter, yearn to attain a person who
is very difficult to attain, a person whose feet the goddess of fortune personally massages? Be
peaceful. Listen to my words. Don't become like a curious child who wants to grasp with her hands
the moon that moves in the sky?
* 16 Radhika: (Her voice choked with emotion, She says in Sanskrit) Affectionate friend, on your
repeated request, I will give up my love for Krsna. But please give Me a blessing. Bless Me that I will
become a bumblebee attracted at sunset by the fragrance of a forest-flower garland.
note: In this verse Radha hints that she is about to commit suicide, for Her love for Krsna is
* 17 (a) Visakha:noble lady, please rescue Radha. Please rescue Her. Her eyes are wide open, and
Her condition is very frightening.
* 17 (b) Paurnamasi: (agitated) Alas! Alas! The black snake of calamity is forcibly dragging this girl
away. (She mercifully embraces Radha). Child, be peaceful. Be peaceful. You are overcome with
love. Please listen.
* 17 (c) Yearning for a moment's glimpse of You, Siva and the other limitlessly powerful masters
of the worlds perform severe austerities. Ah! How can I properly praise the results of Your past pious
deeds? O beautiful slender girl, thirsting to see You, Lord Krsna has become withered and pale.
* 18 Lalita: (in Sanskrit) His flute is now garlanded with songs of Your pastimes. All His activities
are making ornaments for You. For Him Your names are very sweet and fragrant. O Radha, Krsna
sees You in every flowering vine in Vrindavana forest.
* 19 (a) Radhika: (becoming calm, She says to herself) Fickle mind, even now you do not believe
* 19 (b) Paurnamasi: Daughter Lalita, you are very intelligent, when Visakha brings Krsna under the
mango tree, please hide Radha in the karnikara grove apart from the other gopis. Now I should go to
do my duties. (Paurnamasi, Radhika, and Lalita exit.)
* 19 (c) Visakha: (walking a great distance). I see Krsna under that mango tree.
* 19 (d) (Krsna enters)
Krsna: (eagerly looking behind) The brilliant and charming molten-gold circle of the sun now
enters the ocean's waters. Bewildering the elephants and anointing the owls' eyes, darkness now
covers Vrindavana.
* 20 (a) (anxiously looking at the path) Why has that gopi not yet entered the pathway of My eyes?
(Turning around, He looks behind.)
* 20 (b) Expertly waking the lotuslike gopis, eclipsing the lotus flowers' beauty, and lamented by
girls eagerly awaiting their lovers, the brilliant moonlight now embraces the darkened eastern horizon.
* 21 (perplexed) Thinking of religion and morality, did Radha decide not to come? Was She stopped
by the harsh words of Her superiors? Did a great calamity arise and make Her fell motionless and
unconscious. Perhaps that is why, even though the moon now rises, Her messenger has not yet come.
* 22 (a) Visakha: (hiding behind a flowering-vine, she eagerly says) Krsna is looking at the path
where I walk. For a moment I will joke with Him.
* 22 (b) Krsna: (happily) Moving her hand,Visakha gestures to Me. (Krsna approaches.) Friend,
when I approach you, it is like approaching Radha, whose graceful thighs are like banana trees. It is as
if Radha and Visakha were not different from each other.
* 22 (c) (Turning her face down,Visakha becomes silent.)
Krsna: Friend, why are you silent?
Visakha:O boy with a face like the moon, I am very unfortunate. What can I say?
Krsna: (apprehensive) What is it?
* 22 (d) Visakha:O handsome one, Sarasvati does not allow graceful words to come from . So be it.
It is not right to hide the truth. O prince of Vraja, the wretched Abhimanyu has taken my dear friend
Radha to Mathura City.
* 22 (e) Krsna: (alarmed) When was She taken?
Visakha: When noble Paurnamasi was with You.
Krsna: (grief-stricken)Visakha, why was She taken?
Visakha: It was suspected that She had fallen in love with You.
Krsna: Why was it suspected?
Visakha: Who could not see the symptoms of Her passionate love?
* 22 (f) Krsna: From the Malaya Hills an uncivilized breeze withers My body. The moon angrily
showers Me with sparks. The buzzing bees rebuke Me. Without Radha I cannot live for a moment.
(Krsna is overcome.)
* 23 (a) Visakha: (unhappy, with respect) O bliss of Gokula, please be peaceful. Be peaceful. I was
only joking. Although Radha is unhappy, Her life is protected by the rangana garland You gave Her.
* 23 (b) Krsna: (relieved) Rogue, you teased Me.
Visakha: You don't remember Your own virtues.
Krsna: Friend, describe the marks of love in My beloved.
* 23 (c) Visakha: (in Sanskrit) When from far away the syllables of Your name touch Her ears, Her
beautiful eyes become wild and She trembles again and again. If somehow She sees a dark raincloud,
Her heart yearns to place Her arms around Your shoulders.
* 24 (a) Krsna: Come. I see my beloved hurrying here. (They walk.)
* 24 (b) (Consoled by Lalita, Radha enters).
Radha: (grief-stricken) Stopped by some obstacle could My friend not go to Him? Did Krsna not
believe her words? Alas! Alas! Fate is cruel to Me. Even from far away I cannot smell the fragrance of
Krsna's forest garland.
* 25 Visakha: (approaching, in Sanskrit) Look! Bowing Her head, again and again looking at the
tree-shaded path, one moment standing up, and the next moment, frustrated and bewildered, sitting
down, again and again taking two or three steps, seeing Lalita, and then turning back, Radha,
devastated by the desire to meet You, stands before You.
* 26 Krsna: The luster of Her face eclipsing the moon, Her smile sweet like a lotus-filled lake, Her
nails defeating the stars, and Her eyes like the doe, She makes the beauty of early evening seem
important like a single blade of grass.
* 27 Radhika: (dejected, in Sanskrit) Do other girls stop Him with the fragrance of their crooked
glances? Is He averse to Me? Why, now that the whole world is swallowed by splendid moonlight,
does Krsna not come to this cottage of flowering vines?
* 28 (a) Krsna: (approaches Radha) It is Paurnamasi's great mercy that this moonlight shines so
Radhika: (full of wonder, She says to Herself) Ah, this is the most glorious person! (Radha is
* 28 (b) Visakha:With sweet pastimes and new jokes the fortunate gopis delight Krsna. But my own
good fortune is pathetic and worthless, for in my presence my dear friend Radha, her every limb
stunned, rolls about on the ground.
* 29 (a) Lalita: Shy Radha, a lover more charming than the swans in the Manasa Lake stands before
You. Don't be paralysed by fear. now boldness will fulfil Your desires.
* 29 (b) (Dragging Radha, as if by force, to Krsna, she says in Sanskrit). Seeing Your from afar, the
swan of my friend's heart fell into the lotus flower of Your face and became trapped in the net of Your
moving eyebrows. Thief, why do You tease us in this way?
* 30 (a)
Krsna: (smiling) Lalita, persons like Me do not rob from women.
Visakha:Saint, it is true. True. The kadamba tree here at Bhadrakali-tirtha bears witness it is true.
* 30 (b) Krsna: Friend, what will make you think I am so pure and saintly?
Lalita: We will test You with a trial-by-ordeal.
Krsna: Crooked girl, say what this ordeal will be. The glory of My good reputation will never be
* 30 (c) Lalita: (in Sanskrit) A young, black, female snake that is the line of black hairs emerges
from Radha's golden-waterpot breasts. If You can place Your hand on that great jewel of that snake's
head, and remain unhurt, then the moon of Your good reputation will shine without any touch of
* 31 (a) Krsna: (pretending to be afraid) Cruel girl, you are called Lalita, which means playful and
charming, but for a very slight crime you propose the very heavy test of touching snake in a waterpot.
* 31 (b) Radhika: (affectionately angry) Lalita, stop, stop! (Knitting her eyebrows, Radha stares at
Lalita:Visakha, I am driving away the dark cloud that troubles Her. Why does Radha rebuke ?
Visakha:Lalita, I know the desire hidden in Her heart.
Lalita: Tell it, and I will listen.
* 31 (c) Visakha: (in Sanskrit) He easily killed Aghasura, a snake that touched the clouds. He
defeated the arrogant Kaliya snake, who spat flames of poison. The snake that attacked the gopa-king
He turned into a demigod. Krsna must be the spiritual master of the snakes. What is Your ordeal of a
snake in a waterpot to Him?
* 32 (a) Lalita: (laughs) Radha, you do not know the glory Your servant the snake. Look.
* 32 (b) Friend, the snake of Your line of hairs has the power to bewilder and frustrate even the
person who stays like a jewel on the head of Garuda, the bird whose calls take away the pride of the
snakes' wives.
note: Krsna is the person who stays like a jewel on Garuda's head.
* 33 (a) Radhika: (affectionately angry) Arrogant Lalita, first you bring here, and then you mock . I
will go to Vrindavana and tell the elderly gopis about you.
Lalita: Bewildered girl, first determine whether my actions are good or bad. Then go.
* 33 (b) Krsna: Cruel Lalita, because you will not give up this wicked idea, I accept this trial-by-
ordeal. (He approaches Radha).
Lalita: (observing Krsna). Clever Krsna, stop! Stop! I accept Your innocence. I accept it.
* 33 (c) Krsna, when this trial-by ordeal began You were wounded by fear, and the blossoming twig
of Your hand trembled. Then the hairs on Your body stood up like the peacock feathers in Your
crown. Look, in this way I know that You must be the king who rules the city of thieves.
* 34 (a) Krsna: (pulling back, He bows His head) Alas, the great intelligence of the fair gopis
proves that I am a thief.
Lalita: Clever boy, You admit it with Your own mouth.
Krsna: Friend, out of friendship for Me, please show Me the right path, so I will be an offender no
* 34 (b) Lalita: (in Sanskrit) You should approach the great and pure liberated souls who in secluded
places have climbed the mountain of perfection in yoga. Then, trembling, You should beg shelter from
them. Because they are very kind and virtuous, they will help even a sinner,

This ambiguous verse may also be translated:

"You should become the central jewel on the splendid pearl-necklace decorating the solitary slopes
of the mountains of Sri Radha's breasts. You should approach those pearls and beg for shelter. Those
saintly pearls will certainly accept You, the mighty-armed Supreme Personality of Godhead."
* 35 (a) Krsna: Friend, what you teach is right.
(Blissful, He approaches Radha, and places His hand upon Her).
Radhika: (with a faltering voice). Handsome one, this is not right. (Radha removes Krsna's hand
and then disappears into the trees.)
Krsna: (Observing Radha's departure, Krsna becomes alarmed.) Friends, where did your dear friend
* 35 (b) Lalita and Visakha:Charming one when we find her, we will tell You. (They approach
Radha from behind). Friend Radha, now is the chance to tease this playful joker Krsna. For a moment
hide what You really feel.
* 35 (c) Radhika: (cunningly moving her eyebrows) Lalita, why do you say I should tease Him? It is
not right for a person like Me to mistreat anyone. I will leave here at once.
* 35 (d) Lalita: (approaches Krsna). O boy with a face like the moon, although She yearns to speak
with You, our friend is afraid.
Krsna: Friend, there is no need to fear a submissive servant. She may order Me as She likes.
* 35 (e) Lalita: My heart is tossed by waves of fear. My hands tremble. My throat is choked. My
head spins. O prince of Vraja, I have no power to do great deeds. From far away You have come here
at night. Please forgive .
* 16 (a) Krsna: (aside) I don't know whether she is joking or showing good manners.
Radhika: (Becoming partly visible) Friend, quickly send Him away. no one should see .
Krsna: (Unhappily says to Himself) Girls are very fickle in love. What is not possible for them?
* 36 (b) (openly) With passionate love You called Me to Your side. O Radha, is it right to leave My
desire unfulfilled? As iron is drawn to a magnet, so I am drawn to You. I did not even touch You.
Why did You run away and hide?
* 37 (a) Lalita: Bliss of Gokula, why do You blame Radha? You should blame Your own sin. That
sin is no an obstacle to stop You two from becoming lovers.
* 37 (b) Krsna: Look! Look! Friend, leaving morality behind, they who love passionately run to
their beloved. Passionately in love, Indra's wife kissed the demigod Candra.
note: Ambiguous, this verse may also be translated:
"Look! Look! Friend, leaving morality behind, they who love passionately run to their beloved.
Passionately in love, even a king's wife will kiss the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
* 38 (a) Lalita: Can You give an answer? O noble lady, You should leave this place.
Radhika: (deliberately approaching Lalita). Lalita, with My own mouth I will say something. Then I
will go.
* 38 (b) (Glances at Lalita). My glories always stay in the mouths of the circle of saintly ladies. My
family is free from any impurity. My husband has all glory and opulence. Still, He whose restless
eyebrows defeat even Kamadeva's bow now brings sorrow to My worthless heart.
* 39 Krsna: (glancing at Radha, Krsna sighs and says to Himself) Touched by Her restless sidelong
glances, Radha's earrings are now dark like emeralds. Also, within the words of this girl with beautiful
eyebrows a smile now glistens. O My heart, please do not be unhappy. I suspect Her rejection of Me is
a pretense created by Her friend's advice.
* 40 (a) Lalita: (She looks at Krsna's face and whispers to Visakha:)Visakha, by looking at Him I
know that Krsna has uncovered our secret.
Visakha: Yes, it is true.
* 40 (b) Krsna: (smiles) Lalita, you cannot trick Me with these words. A spider cannot weave a web
that will catch an elephant.
Visakha:Friend Radha, Your teasing is now useless. At once fulfil Your beloved's desire.
* 40 (c) Krsna: (with passionate love) With the fragrance of sweet words please cure My ears
deafened by the cuckoos' cooing. O girl with the beautiful thighs, with Your unhesitating embrace
please cool My limbs now splashed by waves of the flames of passionate love.
* 41 (a) Visakha:Handsome one, assuming the form of Radha, the Goddess of Shyness has
descended to this world. I will praise Her with sweet words. You please be cool and calm, like a
perfect gentleman.
* 41 (b) Krsna: (respectful) By nature I am very cool and calm. Friend, now I will become like
blue-lotus garland resting on the golden water-pots of Radha's breasts.
* 42 (a) (Krsna slowly approaches Radha.)
Radhika: (backing away) Friend Visakha, I am afraid. Why do you abandon Me?
* 42 (b) Lalita: Radha, her name is "Visakha". How can she protect You? Accept this garland. It will
protect You. You can see it attracts all the black bees.
note: The word "Vi Sakha" may be interpreted to means "without hands". Lalita explains that
because she is handless,Visakha cannot protect Radha.
* 42 (c) Radhika: (with affectionate anger) O Lalita with the harsh mouth, now your desires are
fulfilled. Still you do not go away.
Visakha:Radha, Krsna has begun a Vedic ritual of to bring fearlessness to all the people of Gokula.
Why are You afraid?
* 42 (d) Krsna: Beautiful Radha, you are much stronger. Why do You fear Me?
* 42 (e) Staying in Your flower eyebrows, the Kaliya snake surrounds Me. Staying in the corners of
Your eyes, Dhenukasura attacks Me. Staying in Your hair, Pralambasura makes Me powerless.
Though I once defeated them, now they defeat Me.
* 43 (a) Lalita: Krsna, how can Radha be stronger than You? no one has the power to rob You of
Your glories.
* 43 (b) Visakha: Friend, Krsna loves the noble swans of His devotees. Why, even though You yearn
to bind him with the flowering vines of Your arms, does the swan of Your heart not go to Him? O girl
with the beautiful face, who, desiring a peaceful and happy life, would not turn from such dishonest
* 44 (a) Radha: (angry) Sinful Visakha, the breeze from the poison-flowervine of Lalita has
poisoned you.
* 44 (b) Krsna: Friend Lalita, why does Radha not allow Me to dive into the nectar of Her mercy?
Why does She make Me wait on its shore?
* 44 (c) Lalita: Krsna, give up trying to trick us. My dear friend is not like Candravali, who gives
mercy the moment she is asked.
Krsna: How does one attain your friend's mercy?
Lalita: By constant service.
* 44 (d) Krsna: (joyfully glancing at Radha). O girl with the beautiful limbs, shall I draw sandal-
paste pictures on Your breasts? Shall I decorate Your braids with flowers? With My hand shall I
massage your limbs tormented by Kamadeva?
* 45 (a) Radhika: (playfully turning away, she points a finger at Lalita) Crooked wretch, you will
remember this moment! now I will go home. I will escape from the hands of you crooked girls.
* 45 (b) Lalita: (pulling the corner of Radha's garment) Friend Radha, don't go home. With the
swan of my hand I will stop You. Deaf girl, why do You keep this gold tied in the corner of Your
* 46 (a) Radhika: Let go of the edge of My clothing! Let go! When I leave this place I will tell the
noble lady all about this.
Mukhara: (calling from off-stage) Granddaughter Lalita, where is your dear friend Radha?
Lalita: O, here comes saintly Mukhara.
Krsna: (alarmed) I should run far away! (He does that.)
* 46 (b) (Mukhara enters).
Mukhara: (Glancing ahead, she becomes doubtful about what she sees. She says to herself)
Something that looks like a sapphire pillar attracts my eyes from afar. It must be Krsna. He has a
wonderful sweet fragrance.
* 46 (c) Krsna: noble lady, . . . (He is interrupted in the middle of His words.)
Mukhara: (with pretended harshness). Who mumbles {.sy 168}noble lady"?
Krsna: Saintly Mukhara, may you be happy.
Mukhara: Charming boy, how we be happy when Your flute refuses to be silent?
Krsna: noble lady, did My flute offend you?
* 46 (d) Mukhara: Go ask the girls of Gokula. Whenever the sound of Your flute approaches their
ears, those girls run into the forest, even though again and again we try to stop them.
* 46 (e) Krsna: (laughing) Mukhara, your name is very appropriate.
Mukhara: Charming boy, Your coming here at night frightens .
Krsna: Mukhara, you are afraid for no reason. Paurnamasi told Me a wonderful doe wanders in this
note: "Mukhara" means "talkative".
* 46 (f) Mukhara: Charming boy, look for the doe tomorrow morning. For now, go home.
Krsna: Old lady, you are hard like a ram's horn, but I trust you. I will go now. (Krsna disappears
into the forest.)
* 46 (g) Mukhara: Lalita, did Krsna really go?
Lalita. Yes He did.
Krsna: (aside) This old lady is upset. I will stay silent. But I will tug Radha's clothing. (He does
* 46 (h) Mukhara: (Her eyes wide-open with anger) Rascal Lalita! I see Krsna tugging the edge of
Radha's clothing! Why do you try to fool ?
* 46 (i) (Krsna becomes a little frightened and retreats.)
Lalita: (aside) At night this old lady is almost blind. I will trick her. (angrily speaking out, she says
in Sanskrit) Blind old lady, you worry without reason. That is a tamala tree by the Yamuna. That is a
golden bench at the tree's roots. Moving in the wind, the tree's branches tug at this girl's bodice.
* 47 (a) Mukhara: (aside) She isn't lying. (openly) Child, I am very upset. I will go home and go to
sleep. (Mukhara exits).
* 47 (b) Visakha:Radha, Krsna's face is covered with perspiration. With the corner of Your garment
please wipe it away.
Radhika: (knitting her eyebrows)Visakha, you wipe it away. Since childhood you have taken a vow
to do these things.
* 47 (c) Visakha:Radha, the rangana garland on Your neck says, "Don't worry. You may also take
that vow."
* 47 (d) Krsna: (Glancing at the rangana garland, Krsna praises it.) O girl with the beautiful eyes, I
think that these rangana flowers must have for a long time performed many pious deeds at the best of
holy places so that now they may enjoy the pleasure of directly touching your breasts, breasts I Myself
am not allowed to touch.
* 48 (a) Radhika:Visakha, please take this rangana garland from my neck. Place that priceless gunja
necklace there instead. These rangana flowers are dried up.
* 48 (b) Visakha:Bliss of Gokula, my dear friend is angry with . She wants the gunja necklace.
Krsna: Radha, come here. I will give You this gunja necklace. (He approaches)
Radhika: (smiling, She says to Herself) On the pretext of giving Her this gunja necklace, Krsna
touches Radha's bodice.
(Radha stops knitting Her eyebrows.)
* 48 (c) Visakha:Radha, did You get what You wanted?
Radhika: (bitting her bimba-fruit lips) Arrogant girl, stop! Stop! (Radha strikes Visakha with a
pastime lotus-flower.)
Visakha: (laughing) Fearless one, don't be angry. I will ask for the gunja necklace.
* 48 (d) Krsna: What austerity should I perform that I may be struck by Your pastime lotus-flower?
Please strike Me, even if only with a restless glance from the corners of Your lotus eyes.
* 49 Lalita: You have offered your body to Krsna. Why are You such a miser that You will not even
look at Him? A person who gives away a cintamani jewel should not refuse to give the case that holds
* 50 (a) Radhika: Lalita, please don't blaspheme my elders by talking in this way.
Visakha:Friend, why are you afraid? Paurnamasi is expert at pacifying Your elders.
Lalita: (joyful, aside) With a smiling sidelong glance my dear friend now fortunately embraces
* 50 (b) Visakha: (in Sanskrit) Lalita, look! Look! The moon stays in the sky. Waves of splendour
flow from the moon. O girl with the beautiful face, Vrindavana forest makes those waves of splendour
even more beautiful. Krsna beautifies Vrindavana forest. Your friend makes Krsna more glorious. The
splendour of Her love decorates your friend and makes Her more beautiful.
* 51 (a) Lalita: Alas! Alas!Visakha! Look! The melting candrakanta jewels are washing away the
sandal-paste ornaments on our altar to the sun-god. Come. Let us go to the garden. (Lalita and
Visakha exit).
* 51 (b) Krsna: Beloved, don't leave Me now! (Krsna clutches the edge of Radha's garment.)
Radhika: Let go! Let go! My friends are calling Me.
Krsna: Cruel girl, don't lie to Me.
Radhika: (smiling) O Goddess Sarasvati, I bow down before you. Please show that I speak the
* 51 (c) Krsna: (gently laughing) O girl with the beautiful face, You are like a lotus flower. From far
away a black bee worshiped the sweetness of Your lotus fragrance. Hoping to taste the nectar of Your
lotus mouth, that excited bee buzzes around You.
* 52 Your pearls have attained salokya liberation, for they live on the same planet as Your breasts.
Seeing this, I have abandoned the company of all My friends, and now I desire the same kind of
liberation as Your pearls. O slender girl, please fulfil My desire, please give Me a jubilant festival, a
festival flowing with streams of nectar, a festival of sayujya liberation at Your breasts, which have not
taken shelter of even a single sesame seed of ungracefulness.
(Radha becomes embarrassed).
* 53 Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! The moon, its nectar nourished by the ocean, and its moonlight a
medicine to cool the lotus flowers' fever, has come to the Yamuna's shore. The moon has become the
first priest at a yajna the cakravaka birds will perform.
* 54 Let Us go to that pavilion in the forest, a pavilion kissed by the light of the beautiful springtime
(Radha and Krsna exit.) (Everyone exits.)

Act Four-Venu-harana
Theft of the Flute
* 1 (a) Nandimukhi: Lalita said to , "Friend Nandimukhi, when the cows enter the pasture, Krsna
quickly goes near Govardhana Hill. Please go there and tell Subala to remind his friend Krsna about
Radha." (Begins to walk.) Why does Padma come here?
* 1 (b) Padma: Nandimukhi, you are very wise. Please tell what I should do to pacify agitated
* 1 (c) Nandimukhi: Why is she agitated?
Padma: You know. Every evening Krsna delights the people of Gokula.
Nandimukhi: Yes. It is so.
Padma: nowadays it is hard to find even the fragrance of Krsna in the southern part of Vrindavana.
* 1 (d) Nandimukhi: Don't worry. I saw Saibya, her forehead decorated with pictures and designs. I
saw Syama, her camara hair garlanded with forest flowers. I saw Bhadra, her shoulders decorated
with a gunja necklace. Please know that He who is the teacher of all playful and beautiful girls must
now be the guest of Govardhana Hill.
* 2 Vrinda: (offstage) Holding In His left hand His friend the flute, a flute that has become the home
of waves sweet music that splash against all the worlds, and with blissful eyes looking for a cave
where He may stay, with great love Nanda's son slowly walks on the summit of Govardhana Hill.
* 3 (a) Nandimukhi: Padma, with this news please make Candravali happy. I will go to Subala.
(Nandimukhi exits)
Padma: (looking again) Fully aware of what is in Karala's heart, Vrinda, the goddess of Vrindavana
Forest, uses this trick to stop Candravali.
note: Karala is Candravali's grandmother.
* 3 (b) Vrinda: (offstage) Why, like Radha, do you yearn to embrace that wretched madman? O
bewildered girl, don't listen to the words of that proud old lady. Don't go outside. Robbing Vraja's
beautiful girls of the rubies that are their hearts, and His smiling eyes splendid, restless, and
mischievous, Krsna comes.
* 4 (a) (Candravali enters).
Candravali: (eagerly looking in all directions) Why does Vrinda lie? Where is Krsna? (She becomes
* 4 (b) Padma: (approaching, she says in Sanskrit) Why not drive that terrible forest-fire from your
heart? Why pollute your bimba-fruit lips with those sighs? O beautiful one, making the forest resound
with the peacocks' calls, Krsna now stays near the village of Sakhisthali, by the side of Govardhana
* 5 (a) Candravali: (looking) Is this my dear friend Padma? (tightly embraces her). I hope what you
say is true.
Padma: Yes, it is true.
* 5 (b) (Accompanied by Subala, Krsna enters).
Krsna: Look! Look! The faint sun now sets in the peaks of the western mountains. With it's faint
yawning of darkness, the beginning of evening is very pleasing.
* 6 (a) Subala: Friend, even if You are very happy, if You neglect to milk the cows, what will You
Krsna: Friend, someone described the peacocks to Me, and that reminded Me of dear Candravali.
now I yearn to see her.
Subala: How did he describe the peacocks?
* 6 (b) Krsna: He said: "Look at the circle-tail (candrakavali) of this wildly dancing peacock, a tail
that eclipses even the rainbow."
* 7 (a) Subala: Please play some sweet music on Your flute.
(Krsna places the flute to His mouth.)
Candravali: (Hearing the sound of the flute, she becomes agitated.) Whenever I hear it, that playful
rascal flute fills with wonder.
* 7 (b) Krsna: Friend Subala, today We will try to please Candravali.
Subala: Yes.
Padma: Look! With a signal from His flute, Krsna, the prince of Gokula, calls you to quickly come
to Him.
* 7 (c) Candravali: (Looking, she says in Sanskrit) My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of
many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities
have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands?*
* 8 (a) Krsna: (Looking ahead, He happily says) Friend, here is Candravali, the moon who makes
My lotus eyes bloom.
* 8 (b) Beloved, your face is a moon, your fingernails and toenails are moons, and your forehead is a
new moon. In truth, you are a host (avali) of moons (candra).
(Candravali is embarrassed.)
* 9 (a) Krsna: Beloved, unable, because I was busy killing so many demons, to see the moon of your
face, I wasted so many nights.
* 9 (b) Candravali: Handsome one, You are like a bumble-bee that always seeks a new companion.
Why should You play with us? We are like lotus flowers dried-up by Your long absence.
* 9 (c) Krsna: Dear Candravali, whenever I see you, you are always newer and newer. With the
nectar of your embrace please extinguish the flames of separation from you
* 9 (d) Padma: How can it be that Krsna is burning in separation from my dear friend?
Subala: Don't talk like that. As a thirsty cakora bird throws its body before a cooling, water-filled
cloud, so my friend, burning in separation from her, always gazes at Candravali.
* 9 (e) Krsna: Beloved, listen. During our separation, when I was in the forest, there was only one
thing to relieve My distress. That thing was full of nectar, cooling to the touch and very sweet. That
thing was Radha. (bewildered) I mean the stream of water, the stream of water!
* 10 (a) Candravali: (With jealous anger) Go! Serve Radha!
Krsna: Beloved, I said "water".
Candravali: Then why did my ears hear something else?
Krsna: O beloved, your ears did not hear it right.
* 10 (b) Candravali: (turns down her head, which is now red with anger) O Krsna addicted to giving
gifts to others, what is the use of pretending? now my ears are flooded with the sweetness of those two
golden syllables, syllables that enchant the heart.
* 10 (c) Krsna: O girl with eyes like a frightened doe, what you say is right. That golden ornament
does make your ears very sweet. The beautiful sound of your name arouses My ears and the golden
splendour of your face arouses My eyes.
* 11 (a) Padma: Ah, don't torture yourself by meditating on Your misfortune. It is natural that boy in
love with Radha will always say the name "Radha".
Candravali: (sighs) Friend Padma, so it is.
* 11 (b) Krsna: Beloved, please don't worry. O girl with the beautiful face, the word "Radha" means
"the beautiful full-moon shining in the sky". How can I, who stand on the earth, meet the moon?
* 12 (a) Padma: The moon has only sixteen phases, but You are learned in sixty-four arts. It is not so
difficult for You to be moon's beloved.
* 12 (b) Krsna: (looking with love and respect) O girl with the lotus eyes, when I see in the sky of
Candravali's face the two moons of her cheeks become blackened by this twisted logic, My heart
trembles. Agitated with many fears, I cannot be happy.
* 13 (a) Candravali: (pretending to be merciful) Lord, what foolish girl is not delighted by the all-
auspicious qualities of You, the life of Gokula's people. Please don't be frightened and needlessly turn
from .
* 13 (b) Krsna: (aside) With a sweet face this very polite girl hides the signs of her ferocious anger.
(openly) Beloved, what is the use of this poison of polite words? The madhvika nectar of angry words
is much sweeter.
* 13 (c) Candravali: Bliss of Gokula, I have no power to show my face before You. I spoke
arrogantly. I am an offender. Therefore I will go home.
Krsna: (appealing) Beloved, be kind. Be kind. I am folding My hands.
* 13 (d) Candravali: O handsome one, I speak the truth. Why do You fear I am tricking You? Please
give permission to see the deity of Goddess Bhadrakali.
(Accompanied by Padma, Candravali exits.)
* 13 (e) Krsna: Friend, the glorious Candravali-moons I once saw shining in the sky of My heart
were attacked by many powerful Rahu planets. I see them no more. now I stand in the darkness.
Subala: Friend, why do You talk like that? no longer need You look at that unpleasant girl.
* 13 (f) Krsna: Friend, the nature of great souls is not easy to understand. Honest respect she keeps
in the corners of her eyes. Prayers she humbly keeps in her voice. Respectful to Me, she politely hides
the anger in her heart.
* 14 (a) Come. Entering this grove of bakula trees, I will plan a strategy to meet Candravali again.
(They walk.) Friend, this forest path is beautiful with many bakula trees. Look! Look!
* 14 (b) On the right is a glittering lake. On the left many small canals in every direction. This
water-filled forest of bakula trees is very pleasant.
note: The word "niradhika" may also be divided {.sy 168}ni-radhika" (without Radha). In this way
Sri Radha is mentioned indirectly.
* 15 (a) Subala: (aside) now is my chance. (openly) Friend, if Radha were here, it would be very
pleasant. Why do You say that it would be pleasant "without Radha?".
note: Subala here assumes the second meaning of the word "niradhika" (without Radha).
* 15 (b) Krsna: (embraces Subala) Friend, you say the truth. Radha would make this bakula forest
beautiful. To Lalita please repeat My words.
Subala: So be it. (He exists.)
* 15 (c) (Padma and Madhumangala enters).
Madhumangala: Padma, I heard that even though He flattered her with many sweet words, today
Candravali was not pleased with my friend.
Padma: Yes, it is true.
* 15 (d) Madhumangala: now my friend is unhappy. We should bring the two of Them together
Padma: Saintly one, you lead, and I will follow you.
* 15 (e) Madhumangala: (looking ahead) Padma, look! In this bakula forest my dear friend now
talks to a bumble-bee.
Padma: Saintly one, let us hide in this network of vines and listen to Him talk.
(They both do that.)
* 15 (f) Krsna: (Remembering Radha, Krsna becomes filled with longing.) I wish My beloved, who
is a treasury of the jewels of sweetness, and from the bow of whose raised eyebrows Kamadeva shoots
arrows of flowers, would become an ornament decorating Me.
* 16 (a) Madhumangala: Padma, with great longing He describes your dear friend. Let us go and
being her at once.
Padma: Saintly one, without doubt we heard Him say He loves her.
* 16 (b) Krsna: (Again with longing) The beauty of her face defeats the full moon. Her waist is
beautiful with three folds. (Krsna stops in the middle).
note: If the second line is divided "raka-candravali lasan-madhya", these words mean "Her face is
beautiful. She eclipses Candravali. Her waist is beautiful."
* 16 (c) Madhumangala: Padma, why should we listen any more? Let us quickly go.
Padma: What you say is right. (They quickly walk far away).
* 16 (d) Krsna: When will beautiful Radha embrace My chest?
* 17 (a) Padma: O saintly one, this I say: My proud friend may treat Krsna lightly when He goes to
her. Please go and tell Krsna this.
* 17 (b) Madhumangala: You speak well. (Madhumangala approaches Krsna). Dear friend, by
eavesdropping I heard Your words of longing. Please order , and I will quickly bring Your beloved.
* 17 (c) Krsna: (Glorifies and embraces Madhumangala) Friend, I bless you. Please quickly bring
Her. (Accompanied by Padma, Madhumangala walks offstage.)
* 17 (d) Krsna: Ah! I am overcome by the yearnings of love! When a bumble-bee hums in the
grove, my heart thinks it is My beloved's tinkling anklets. When the grass moves in the wind. My
heart thinks My beloved has come.
* 18 (a) (Accompanied by Padma and Madhumangala, Candravali enters).
Candravali: Padma, is that the bakula forest I see?
Padma: Yes. Let us quickly go there. (They walk there.)
* 18 (b) Krsna: (Hears the tinkling of the anklets) Ah, I am fooled by buzzing of the bees. I
foolishly think She has come. (He is agitated.)
* 18 (c) When there is a little hope, desire increases. When the clouds come, the cataka birds cry
twice as loud.
* 19 (a) (He becomes very attentive). Why do I hear tinkling ornaments? (Craning His neck with
expectation, He is excited.) My beloved has come! (Krsna rushes to Candravali's side).
* 19 (b) now I see the flowering vine where the bumblebee of My heart flies. now I see glorious and
auspicious Radha, who, . . . (Krsna stops in mid-sentence.)
* 19 (c) (Candravali angrily glances at Madhumangala).
Madhumangala: Friend Candravali, you are glorious. Our dear friend describes you.
* 19 (d) Krsna: (Surprised, He says to Himself:) Ah, why did he bring Candravali? I will flatter her.
* 19 (e) (He says openly:) Her love awakened, My friend Candravali has quickly come.
* 20 (Embarrassed, Candravali places a Vaijayanti garland on Krsna's neck).
Krsna: (joyful) By worshiping a single moon, a flock of cakora birds finds all its desires fulfilled. O
Candravali, you are a great multitude of moons. Why should the two cakora birds of My eyes not find
bliss by serving you?
* 21 (a) Madhumangala: (proud) Friend, now You see how clever I am. Although Your virtues are
endless, You could not untie Your dear friend's knot of jealous anger. I, a reservoir of ever-new
virtues, untied it.
* 21 (b) Krsna: Friend, when Kamadeva, who holds a fearsome bow of flowers, considers his six
kingly strategies, you are his prime minister of war and peace.
Padma: (Speaking to Madhumangala) Saintly friend, ahead of us are many blossoming jasmine-
flowers. Come. Let us pick them. (Padma and Madhumangala exit).
* 21 (c) Krsna: (aside) I think Radha is not in this forest. I will go to another forest. (openly)
Beloved, not far ahead is a naga-ke Sara forest right for Our amorous pastimes. Let Us go there.
(Candravali and Krsna exit.)
* 21 (d) (Talking to Lalita, Radha enters).
Radha: Friend, look! Look! Every direction is covered by terrible darkness.
Lalita: Dear friend, do You wear dark ornaments right for secretly meeting someone in the
Radha: Yes.
* 21 (e) Lalita: (She glances, smiles, and says in Sanskrit:) A necklace of sapphires decorates Your
braids. A garland of blue lotus flowers rests on Your waterpot breasts. On Your limbs is sandal paste.
Around Your eyes is musk. I think that, yearning to meet Krsna, You have forgotten the world.
* 22 (a) Radha: Please don't joke. Quickly show Me the path to the naga-ke Sara forest.
* 22 (b) Lalita: This way. This way, dear friend. (Lalita gingerly walks) Friend, their limbs anointed
with dark cosmetics, many saintly girls go to meet Krsna in the kadamba forest. Alas, alas, the
lightning splendour of Your limbs has become Your enemy. now it breaks the darkness.
* 23 Radha: Stop mocking Me! Look! The bakula forest stands before Us. (She walks quickly and
passionately. Then She says in Sanskrit:) From afar Krsna's fragrance does not make the nose mad
with bliss. The forest is not filled with the splendour of His fingernails and toenails. Dear friend, I
suspect your friend, wishing to play a joke, now hides behind some flowering vine.
* 24 (a) Lalita: Ah! Come. Let's examine these kadamba trees on the left.
Radha: (Does that.) Clever, playful rascal, I see You. I see You. Why do You hide Your limbs?
(Radha searches everywhere.)
Lalita: Friend, give up searching. Come. Let's decorate the pastime-forest.
* 24 (b) Radha: (in Sanskrit) Make a bakula-flower archway in the pastime forest. O Lotus-eyed
friend, make a couch of blue lotus flowers. Place a cup of madhvika nectar by the couch. Friend, today
Krsna will praise your skill.
* 25 (a) Lalita: (She does that.) Ah! Look! Krsna is late. Lets enter the forest and wait for Him.
* 25 (b) Radha: (Agitated, walks about) I think that Lord Hari (Krsna) has been somewhere
stopped by Padma, who is devoted to pleasing her friend (Candravali). For this reason, even though
we have come to this cottage in the grove, Krsna has not come here (to meet us). Alas, the moon is
now rising and delighting the eastern direction, which is presided over by Indra, the husband of
Paulomi. That moon is the enemy of beautiful (Young) girls who desire a secret rendezvous (With
their lovers).
(Radha and Lalita exit).
* 26 (Krsna enters).
Krsna: (Looking in all directions). The bumble-bees are no longer enthused (to move along) the
lotus flowers, and the owls are looking for the trees where their nests are placed. The light of the pole-
star is gradually fading. Is the sun now eager to rise on the eastern mountain?
* 27 (a) (Walking about) I do not know if Radha will be greatly angry and disappointed (Because I
arrived so late at the rendezvous). (Reflects for a moment). Yes, I shall go to the grove of bakula trees
and pick these flowers. (Krsna picks some flowers and returns).
* 27 (b) Radha will certainly say to her friend. "O friend, even now that cheating boy Madhava
(Krsna) has not come (To the rendezvous in this) grove of bakula trees." How will she be able to
pass the night in such great distress?
* 28 (Walking about, Krsna sees the grove of bakula trees and laments). "Radha has thrown away
the mixture of betel nuts and camphor, and she has discarded her charming necklace of emeralds.
With her fingernails she has ripped apart the fragrant crown of flowers". In this way the grove of trees
proclaims Radha's great distress, (Which was caused by My inability to arrive at the place of
* 29 (a) (Walking ahead). This is the altar where Radha worships the sun-god. I shall go near to it.
(He approaches the altar).
* 29 (b) (Accompanied by her two friends, Lalita and Visakha, Radha enters).
Radha: (Looking ahead) O Lalita, look. Your handsome young man is standing near the altar.
Lalita: O friend, become like a stiff golden deity.
* 29 (c) Krsna: Here are My beloved (Radha) and her friend (Lalita). I shall go to speak to them.
(Krsna approaches them). O Lalita, well-done, well-done. now I can see how you are an expert teacher
in the matter of giving bad advice. At this altar in the grove of naga-kesara trees, you have now
initiated Me in the vow of staying awake (All night).
* 29 (d) Lalita: Aha, what treachery, what treachery! You did not arrive until the rooster crowed!
Resting on this couch of newly blossomed flowers, my friend Radha waited for You in the middle of
this grove of naga-kesara trees. In Your absence, she considered a fraction of a second to be longer
than a kalpa.
* 30 Krsna: (with feigned arrogance) Ah, she is expert at deception. (Krsna points to the bakula
flowers). Tonight, seeing My grief, this bakula tree also became unhappy. The flowers of that tree
continually drip honey, and they appear to be eyes continually shedding tears.
* 31 (a) Lalita: Ah, Krsna is deceptively clever. He used the word kesara" to mean both the inner
part of the bakula-flower S, and also to mean the naga-kesara" flowers.
note: Kesara, can mean both the inner part of any flower, or also the naga-kesara" flower.
* 31 (b) Krsna: (Pretending to be disgusted) O Lalita please stop this clever playing with words. It
is not you who are at fault, but I, who desire to befriend such golden complexioned gopis, who are so
eager to find fault with Me.
Visakha: What fault do You see in the gopis?
note: drsta-dosabhih" can be interpreted to mean one who finds fault with other S, or one who is
himself full of fault. Krsna intended the first, and the gopi assumes the second meaning.
* 31 (c) Krsna: Look, look. Full of fresh nectarean water, a charming dark cloud has appeared to
alleviate the burning heat of the earth. Golden flashes of lightning appear in that cloud for a brief
moment only.
(Alternate translation:) Full of the nectarean mellow of conjugal love, the charming dark cloud of
Krsna has appeared to alleviate the burning distress of the earth. The golden flashes of lightning which
are the gopis stay in that cloud for a brief moment only.
* 32 (a) Visakha: It is proper for the delicate gopis to act in that way, for Krsna is as harsh as a
* 32 (b) Lalita: O Visakha, please listen to this song. (Lalita points to a bumble-bee). This campaka
creeper is full of yellow flowers as splendid as fresh gold. Running away from this creeper, this
bumble-bee appears to be like streaks of quickly moving black lightning.
(In this allegory Radha is compared to the golden campaka creeper, and Krsna to the black bumble-
* 33 (a) Krsna: (Smiles) You are certainly the queen of all those who are eloquent.
Lalita: Because You are speaking so proudly and fearlessly, I do not think that You are free from
* 33 (b) Krsna: There is a very truthful common saying that young girls with beautiful crooked
eyebrows will not give up their nonsense. Although no one is superior to Me, these girls have
conquered Me with their expert clever words.
* 34 (a) Lalita: (Concealing her actual intention) Be merciful to Krsna. He is depressed because He
has stayed awake (all night).
Radha: (Glances at Krsna from the corner of her eyes) You are expert at the art of cheating the
* 34 (b) Krsna: (blissful) These blossomed kesara flowers shall decorate your braided hair. Please
do not make My efforts go in vain. (Krsna opens the package of flowers) O beloved, look at these
kesara flowers, the best of all fragrant things. I have now become aromatic (By holding these flowers).
* 34 (c) Radha: (Angrily turning away) O Lalita, did you hear that?
Krsna: (Smiling) O beloved, why have you become so impatient simply because these two words
are homonymous? By saying the word Candravali, I meant camphor.
* 34 (e) Radha: (smiling) Give the flowers. (Radha extends the corner of her sari).
Krsna: (Looking at Radha's face, Krsna says to Himself:) Ah, decorated with restlessness, the
eyebrows of Radha are expert in the art of violent dancing.
* 34 (f) Visakha: (Whispers) O Lalita, look, look. Because Radha has aimed the enchanting arrow of
her sidelong glance at Krsna, Krsna has become bewildered and He is not aware that He has placed
His flute on the edge of Radha's sari, along with the package (Of flowers).
* 34 (g) Lalita: The transcendental cowherd boys are not able to steal away Krsna's flute, even
when He sleeps. The fortunate Radha has nevertheless bewildered Krsna with the art of her sidelong
glances, and she has stolen away the flute, before His very eyes.
* 35 Radha: (Aside) This is the same flute which causes the gopis' hands to become numbed when
they perform their household duties. At nighttime this flute attracts the golden-complexioned gopis,
even from their husband's laps. This flute loosens the gopis tight belts, even in the presence of their
superiors. This rascal flute, the property of Krsna, the auspiciousness of Gokula, is now under my
* 36 (a) Madhumangala: (From offstage) O deer, you are now looking at my dear friend.
Krsna: How is it that Madhumangala is coming here?
* 36 (b) (Madhumangala enters, holding a garland in his hand).
Madhumangala: I have heard from the mouth of Subala, that Radha is staying awake in the middle
of the forest. I have therefore come here to give her courage.
* 36 (c) (Madhumangala approaches Radha).
My dear fried Radha, Krsna appears very handsome, garlanded with many forest flowers. He wears
glistening golden bracelets, and His limbs bear many decorative lines drawn in (colorful) mineral
pigments. He is the supreme monarch of all the worlds. How is it, that attracted by the wave of your
sidelong glance, He has become stunned, and now appears as a great black stone.
* 37 (a) (Radha smiles).
Krsna: O beloved, my friend Madhumangala knows how I have become unhappy by the arrival of
Radha: O noble boy, you have shown great skill in the art of loving affairs, and in this way You
have instructed in the art if how to expertly cross over the great ocean which is this forest.
* 37 (b) Madhumangala: It is right that You rebuke us. You must have remained awake thinking the
movements of the creepers was due to the wild animals in the forest. All glories to You. now You
know there are no wild animals here. In the forest, there is only my dear friend Krsna. now, free from
any fear, You can go home and go to sleep.
* 37 (c) Radhika: noble sir, why do you speak in this way? When I can no longer see the moonlight
of Krsna's toenails in this forest, then the ordinary moonlight overwhelms Me and I become filled with
* 38 (a) Madhumangala: (aside) Alas, Radha has seen Candravali meet Krsna in this forest-grove. I
will give up trying to cheat Her. I shall simply flatter Her. (He openly says in Sanskrit:) O beautiful
girl, when He could not see You, Gokula's prince Krsna became filled with despair. In that condition
Candravali . . .
* 38 (b) (Halfway through Madhumangala's verse Krsna knits His eyebrows, signaling him to stop.
Struck with wonder, everyone gazes at each other).
* 38 (c) Madhumangala: (aside) Alas! Alas! I am a brahmana boy who has spoken very
* 38 (d) Krsna: (Reflecting) I have had a long night. Madhumangala is so exhausted that his throat
is now choked with tears. I shall complete the verse he has begun. (Smiles) Madhumangala meant to
say: "The shining of the moon entered the corner of His eyes and reminded Him of Radha. Only in
this way was Krsna able to pass the night".
* 39 (a) Madhumangala: Dear friend, You are omniscient. Why should You not know the second
half of the verse I kept in my heart?
* 39 (b) Lalita: Radha, now You are bewildered. Look at how the handsome limbs of this rake bear
these marks of amorous pastimes. (Angry, she says in Sanskrit:) My dear girl, turn Your heart from
this Krsna, whose chest is as splendid as sapphire and whose sidelong glances rest on the breasts of
the young girls of Gokula. Do we not already know how this rake Krsna attracts respectable girls,
pollutes them, and then fearlessly leaves them.
* 40 (a) Radhika: Alas! Alas! I have been cheated!
* 40 (b) Krsna: Beloved, You rebuke Me without any good reason.
* 40 (c) Radhika: (taunting Him, She says in Sanskrit:) I know that Your eyes are red because
some pollen fell in them when, without blinking, You searched for the path to come to Me, and I
know that the wound on Your bimba fruit lips was created by the cold forest wind. My Lord, do not be
afraid. I am not criticising You. I have already been attacked by My own destiny.
* 41 (a) Krsna: Beloved, I am Your submissive servant. My fear is fear to decorate You with
* 41 (b) Radhika: In all the worlds You are famous as the supreme independent. How is it possible
for You to become the submissive, dependent servant of Me?
* 41 (C) Krsna: I am not alone in being Your surrendered servant. My ten incarnations are also
Your servants. My fish incarnations Matsya serves the restless fish of Your eyes. My turtle
incarnation Kurma serves the two beautiful turtles of Your breasts. My boar incarnation Varaha serves
the line of hairs between Your breasts. My Nrisimha incarnation, who delights Prahlada Maharaja,
serves Your delightful lips. My Vamana incarnation, who bound Bali Maharaja with ropes, serves
Your waist, which is with the folds of skin known as tri-bali. My incarnation of Ramacandra,
Parasurama, and Balarama, are subdued by the beauty of Your face, which also defeats the splendour
of all beautiful girls. My incarnation of Buddha serves the loveliness of Your body. O noble girl, My
incarnation of Kalki serves the crooked anger You harbour in Your heart.
note: The following ambiguous words conceal the names of the ten incarnations: mina (fish or
Matsya), kamatha (turtle or Kurma), kroda (middle or the boar Varaha), prahlada-samvardhana
(delightful, or He who increases the pleasure of Prahlada) bali-bandhana (Vamana, who bound
Maharaja Bali, or the folds of skin known as tri-bali) rama (Ramacandra, Parasurama, Balarama, or
beautiful girls) ghana (Buddha, or intensity), and kalki (Kalki, or one who is impure).
* 42 (a) Radhika: Ah! Lalita! now you have heard.
* 42 (b) Lalita: O Krsna, Your incarnations all remain within Your own self. We can clearly see the
symptoms of these incarnations in Your character. You possess the restlessness of Matsya, the
hardness of Kurma, Varaha's touching the earth, the cruel fingernails of Nrisimha, the ferocity of
Parasurama, the power to crush Ravana of Ramacandra, the continual drunkenness of Balarama,
Buddha's wish to stop Vedic sacrifices, and Kalki's pastime of attacking with a raised sword. In this
way Matsya and the other incarnations are all present within You.
* 43 Krsna: (Smiles) Friend, look! Look! Lalita has become unfriendly. Radha has become My
enemy. I am now burning in pain and the branchless tree named Visakha is unable to give Me any
* 44 (Taking a garland of malli flowers from the hand of Madhumangala, Krsna bows down before
Radha and speaks the following prayer:) O Radha, this very precious, splendid, exquisitely delicate,
and fragrant garland is like the pathway that leads to Your heart. I pray that this garland may become
like a celestial Ganges river that beautifies the Lord Siva's head of Your breasts, which are the abode
of the crescent moon of passionate conjugal fingernails scratches.
* 45 (Moving His eyebrows, Krsna tries to gain Visakha's sympathy. He hands the garland to her
and she, in turn, places the garland before Radha).
Visakha: (In Sanskrit) O slender girl, when Your lotus eyes are briefly separated from Lord Krsna,
then You immediately feel each moment to be as long as many millenniums. How is it right for You
to be so averse to Lord Krsna, the Maharaja Indra who enjoys transcendental pastimes in the cottage
and kadamba groves of Vrindavana forest?
* 46 (a) Radhika: (Angry) Go away, fool! go away!
* 46 (b) Krsna: O moon-faced girl, His peacock-feather crown covered with dust, Your lover
repeatedly bows down before You. He begs for the sweetness of Your sidelong glance.
* 47 (a) Lalita: Radha, turn Your neck at once. noble Jatila calls You from behind.
(Radhika does that).
* 47 (b) (Mukhara enters)
Mukhara: (Glancing at Krsna, she says in Sanskrit:) This is the Krsna who lures the gopis from
their homes into the forest and makes them forget the love of their relatives. O honest daughter, You
have now fallen into the hands of this Krsna, who is more expert than a host of debauches.
* 48 (a) Madhumangala: O friend, the wind blows through the mouth of this talkative old lady. She
is as empty as the hollow shaft of Your flute. Why should You stay here?
* 48 (b) Krsna: Friend, where is My flute?
* 48 (c) Madhumangala: You know. Where is it?
* 48 (d) Krsna: Radha has stolen it. How can I leave without it.
* 48 (e) Madhumangala: (Joking) Ah! We are lucky these beautiful girls did not steal You. Let the
flute stay here. Let us simply run for our lives.
* 48 (f) Krsna: (Smiles) Talkative friend! Stop! (He walks). O beautiful girl, You are a very
expert thief. O moon-faced girl, You have stolen My flute.
note: The word "bindu-cyutaka" is also the name of a literary ornament where two words, are
employed identical except save for the letter m, are employed. The use of the words "vasi" and
"vamsi" in this verse is an example of bindu-cyutaka.
* 49 (a) Radhika: (knitting Her eyebrows) Give up these crooked accusations! Who knows what
happened to Your flute?
* 49 (b) Lalita: (In Sanskrit) no gopi steals another's wealth. We are pious and honest. Please do
not needlessly accuse us. (She stops after the first half of the verse).
* 49 (c) Krsna: Friend Lalita, please be kind. Show some civilised gentleness to your friend.
* 49 (d) Lalita: Enough of this talk! Quickly go home. O scoundrel, how can we guarantee that
You will eventually regain Your flute?
* 49 (e) Radhika: (Approaching the old lady) O noble lady, You have seen the character of your
grandson. This person is accusing us of being a thief!
* 49 (f) Mukhara: (Angry) O Krsna, I know the truth. You have come here only to mock my
granddaughter Radhika.
* 49 (g) Madhumangala: O disreputable woman who speaks harsh words, Your granddaughter stole
the flute, and now She takes shelter of You, the fortress to protect Her.
* 49 (h) Krsna: O noble Mukhara, My friend speaks the truth.
* 49 (i) Mukhara: O Radhika, is this true?
* 49 (j) Radhika: O noble lady, in this Vrindavana forest have I taken even a handful of eight
bamboo sticks for firewood?
* 49 (k) Krsna: (Smiling) O fair-complexioned, angry goddess, if You have actually not stolen My
flute, then why, as You tell this story, has Your sidelong glance, restlessly swinging to and fro on
Your cheeks, suddenly blossomed from the flower-bud of Your smile?
* 49 (l) Mukhara: (With anger) Rogue! Even though this girl is the chaste wife of Abhimanyu, and
even though She should be respected and even worshipped by You, You still insist on mocking Her in
this way.
* 49 (m) Madhumangala: Mukhara, I swear on my brahmana's thread: Today I have seen my dear
friend Krsna place His crown on the ground as He bowed down before Radhika.
* 49 (n) Mukhara: (Blissful) That act will increase His piety.
* 49 (o) (Everyone smiles).
* 49 (p) Mukhara: Krsna, by not being responsible in protecting the cows You have made the
cowherd king Nanda very unhappy. Go now and look after the cows.
* 49 (q) Krsna: O noble lady, without My flute it will be very difficult to call to transcendental
* 49 (r) Lalita: You mean girls, not cows. Why don't You speak in a straightforward way?
* 49 (s) Krsna: Lalita, the presence of elderly Mukhara has given strength to you girls. How can I
debate with you?
* 50 Mukhara: (Angry, she says in Sanskrit:) My granddaughter is a young girl, and You, rogue,
are not afraid to break the rules of religion. I am an old lady and even in midday I cannot see very
clearly. O son of Nanda, if You do not leave my doorstep at once, then I shall not be at fault when I
take the path to Mathura City.
note: In the last sentence Mukhara threaten to lodge a complaint with King Kamsa in Mathura City.
* 50 (a) Madhumangala: (With anger) Foul-mouthed old lady, what do we have to fear from
Kamsa? You may go to the king in Mathura.
* 50 (b) Mukhara: (Bluffing) Stop! I shall take my granddaughter and go to the king's assembly
hall. (Followed by Radha and the others, she exits).
* 50 (c) Krsna: Friend, come here. Let us go to the shore of the Yamuna and look for the cows.
* 50 (d) (Krsna walks. Craning His neck, He looks. He says with a sigh:)
* 51 One moment She is peaceful, and the next moment She is restless. One moment She neglects
Me, and the next moment She is very eager talk with Me. One moment She looks at Me with a pure,
innocent glance, and the next moment She looks at Me with a passionate, roving glance from the
corner of Her eye. Her heart agitated with both anger and love, this Radha is divided in two.
(Everyone exits.)

Act Five-Radha-prasadana
Decorating Radha

* 1 (Paurnamasi enters).
Paurnamasi: The fire of grief constantly plays on the call of love. That is not an untruth. Because I
am affectionate to Radhika, now I am also burning in the fire of grief.
* 2 (Looking ahead) Who is this girl coming to with Madhumangala? (Looking again) Why is
Vrinda, who knows the languages of all living entities, and whose order is never disobeyed by any of
the moving or non-moving creatures in her forest of Vrindavana, coming here?
* 3 (a) (Vrinda and Madhumangala enter).
Vrinda and Madhumangala: O mother, I offer my respects to you.
* 3 (b) Paurnamasi: Auspiciousness to you both.
* 3 (c) Vrinda: O noble lady, why are you so unhappy?
* 3 (d) Paurnamasi: My child, when Abhimanyu saw on Srimati Radha's body the marks from the
touch of the most expert lover Krsna, he became very angry, and now he wants to take his family and
live in Mathura City. Also, when Abhimanyu's anger flares up, then his mother becomes like a host of
monsoon clouds to torment the swan of Radha. For these reasons I lament.
* 3 (e) Vrinda: The moonlight of Paurnamasi's good wishes will remove the darkness of obstacles.
* 3 (f) Madhumangala: noble lady, why do you love Radha so dearly?
* 3 (g) Paurnamasi: Child, there are many reasons that I love Radha. O love Her dearly.
* 3 (h) Vrinda: You have spoken well. In this variegated world somewhere someone loves another
with unmotivated and unwavering love. The khanjana birds love the star Agastya in this way. When
Agastya rises in the sky, the khanjana birds celebrate with great happiness, and when Agastya sets in
the west at the time of the monsoon, the khanjana birds at once disappear, for they cannot bear to be
separated from their love.
* 4 (a) Madhumangala: What are the symptoms of this causeless love?
* 4 (b) " `When one hears praise form his beloved, he outwardly remains neutral but feels pain
within his heart. When he hears his beloved making accusations about him, he takes them to be jokes
and enjoys pleasure. When he finds faults in his beloved, they do not diminish his love, nor do the
beloved's good qualities increase his spontaneous affection. Thus spontaneous love continues under
all circumstances. That is how spontaneous love of Godhead acts within the heart.'
* 5 (a) Madhumangala: This is the nature of love for Radha and Madhava.
* 5 (b) Paurnamasi: Child, what more need be said? The flood of the nectar of love that Radha and
Madhava bear for each other is the supreme example of the naturally sweet chains of love that bind
beautiful, expert amorous couples.
* 5 (c) Vrinda: O noble lady, listen: Krsna does not wish to hold the staff in His hand. He has no
desire to touch His buffalo-horn bugle. He will not decorate His body with mineral pigments. he no
longer plays His leaf-flute. His great playfulness gone and His mind reeling, Krsna now stays by the
shore of the Yamuna. He is very depressed.
* 6 (a) Paurnamasi: (Unhappy) Why is Krsna so depressed?
* 6 (b) Madhumangala: It is because of the crookedness of Lalita.
* 6 (c) Paurnamasi: Has Lalita not created this violent jealous anger in Radha?
* 6 (d) Vrinda: How is that?
* 6 (e) Paurnamasi: I do not know. Where are Lalita and her friends now?
* 6 (f) Vrinda: I sent Subala to find them.
* 6 (g) (Subala enters).
Subala: O noble lady, I offer my respects to you.
* 6 (h) Paurnamasi: Subala, where did you find Radha and the other gopis?
* 6 (i) Subala: They are under a mango tree near Mukhara's house.
* 6 (j) Paurnamasi: Child Madhumangala, I shall quickly go to Radhika and convince Her to meet
with Krsna. You please cheer Krsna up with the moonlight of this good news.
* 6 (k) (Madhumangala happily exits).
* 6 (l) Vrinda: (coming near) Subala, I have written a message in verse. Can you carry it to
* 6 (m) Subala: What is the message?
* 6 (n) Paurnamasi: Vrinda, I shall pacify Radha, decorate Her nicely and bring Her to meet Krsna.
Then we shall both wait in the grove of kadamba trees.
* 6 (o) (Accompanied by Subala, Vrinda exits).
* 6 (p) Paurnamasi: (Walking) Is this Lalita coming here?
* 6 (q) Lalita: O noble lady, I was just going to meet with you.
* 6 (r) Paurnamasi: Why?
* 6 (s) Lalita: O noble lady, although this villain Krsna again and again insults my dear friend
Radha, She does not take offense. Indeed, She longs to be with Him! What shall I do?
* 6 (t) Paurnamasi: Child, give up these useless rebukes. Madhava has not committed any offense,
it is Madhumangala's offense that has made you unhappy.
* 6 (u) Lalita: (aside) Nandimukhi told the same thing. (Openly) O noble lady, look! There is
Radha under a mango trees. She is trembling as She speaks some words.
* 6 (v) (Filled with regret, Radha enters)
Radha: no sweet words enter My ear. I immediately threw the jasmine garland far away. I was
angry with the gopi-friend who spoke words for My benefit. I do not see Him placing His peacock-
feather crown on the ground and begging with many prayers. Ignited by a khadira cinder, My heart
continually burns.
* 7 (a) Paurnamasi: Daughter, let us approach, hide nearby and eavesdrop Her description of the
pastimes of love. (The two of them do that).
* 7 (b) Radhika: (Restless, She says in Sanskrit:) the doe-eyed girls who enjoy pastimes with
youthful Krsna are very fortunate. (Frightened) Lalita will see how I have become unsteady and
independent, and she will rebuke Me. (Yearning) My heart yearns to embrace moon-faced Govinda.
(Angry) To hell with the wicked fate that has created this poison named "jealous anger".
* 8 (a) Lalita: Fool! Stop! You rejected Krsna on Your own account. now You criticize for being
a wanton girl.
* 8 (b) Radhika: (She notices a bee, and says in Sanskrit:) This humble even though it is only an
insect , this humble bee still bows down to the land of Vrindavana. On it's head, this bears the
message of peacock-feather crowned Krsna. Desiring to bring Me to Krsna, this bee repeatedly tries
to pacify Me by speaking sweet words just like that scoundrel Krsna.
* 9 (a) Paurnamasi: (With a playful smile) Filled with jealous anger, She now thinks that all the
creatures in Vrindavana forest are messengers from Krsna.
* 9 (b) Radhika: (Overwhelmed with love and filled with wonder). How is it that Krsna has now
come to violently embrace Me?
* 9 (c) Paurnamasi: This is the symptom of deep love. Radha thinks that Madhava has now
appeared before Her.
* 9 (d) Radhika: (makes an angry moan, and turns around). O artist of deceit, O crooked pet deer
who stays always on the breast of Candravali, begone! I hate You! (She throws down the lotus
flower from Her ear).
* 9 (e) (In Sanskrit) O kadamba trees on the shore of the Yamuna, you are My witnesses. I am a
weak woman, and this Krsna, the villain of Gokula is now violently torturing Me.
* 10 (a) Paurnamasi: Lalita, Radhika is overwhelmed with longings. Bring Her to Krsna at once.
* 10 (b) Lalita: (Walking) Radha, what are You saying to Yourself?
* 10 (c) Radhika: (sees Lalita, and says to Herself) How am I alone? She does not see Krsna.
(Eagerly) O Lalita, How has amorous Krsna learned this science of entering someone else's body? He
has entering My heart and extinguished the fire of jealous anger burning there.
* 11 (a) (Visakha enters).
Visakha: I got this letter from the hand of Subala.
* 11 (b) Lalita: (Taken the letter and reads aloud) If, even though the black bee has not committed
any offense, the madhavi creeper still tosses it aside with its a moving newly blossomed tendril, then
the buzzing bee will simply enjoy other pastimes, buzzing with sweet words among the lotus flowers.
note: In this allegory Krsna is the black bee, Radha is the madhavi creeper, and Radha's gopi rivals
are the lotus flowers.
* 12 Radhika: (Grieving, She say in Sanskrit) O lotus-eyed girl, I fear that because I am a
playground for a host of faults, expert and intelligent Krsna is now averse to Me. Stung by thorns,
blinded by pollen, and not finding any nectar, why should a young bumble-bee not turn from a ketaki
* 13 (a) Paurnamasi: The moon can never be separated from moonlight.
* 13 (b) Visakha: Please calm down. I thought You would be very anxious and so I sent
Nandimukhi to discover what Krsna is doing now.
* 13 (c) (Nandimukhi enters).
Nandimukhi: (In Sanskrit) By nature You are gentle. Why are You so hard on this poor Madhava
You are hard as butter frozen into ice.
* 14 (a) Radhika: Is Madhava happy now?
* 14 (b) Nandimukhi: (In Sanskrit) He will not joke with His friends for even a moment, and He
will not wear His crown of campaka flowers. Renouncing all sense-gratification, Krsna has become
like a yogi meditating on Your moonlike face. In this way He experiences great transcendental bliss.
* 15 Radhika: (Embracing Visakha, She says in Sanskrit:) Again and again this Radha has
quarreled with Krsna and offended Him. Glorious Krsna is still willing to accept Me back. O slender-
waisted girl, what reason is there for His taking Me back other than the delightful flower blossom of
the great mercy of you, My friends?
* 16 A Voice From Behind the Scenes: now the cuckoos may proudly coo, the young does may eat
grass without any interruption, and the gopis may walk on the paths leading to their homes, for at this
moment the villain flute does not play n the hand of Lord Krsna.
* 17 Radhika: (revealing the flute, She says with scorn:)
" `My dear friend the flute, it appears that you have been born of a very good family, for your
residence in the hands of Sri Krsna. By birth you are simple and are not at all crooked. Why then
have you taken initiation into this dangerous mantra that enchants the assembled gopis?'
* 18 (a) Visakha: When placed before the wind this flute plays music by itself.
* 18 (b) Radhika: Friend, I shall test it. (She does that).
* 18 (c) Visakha: Listen to the sweet sounds. now Krsna's friends may also hear the flute.
* 18 (d) (Vrinda enters).
Vrinda: (In private) O noble lady, I have heard that the flute should not be placed to the wind like
this. Lalita has given you bad advise.
* 18 (e) Paurnamasi: Child, I shall remedy this in the future.
* 18 (f) (Jatila enters).
Jatila: The flute was played. Is it not true that Krsna must be here? (Looking) Aha! The flute is
in the hand of Maharaja Vrishabhanu's daughter Radha. I shall stealthily approach and take it.
(Angry, she quickly approaches) O immoral gopi, give up the flute. (She pulls the flute away).
* 18 (g) Lalita: Alas! A calamity! How is it that the old lady unexpectedly pulled away the flute?
* 18 (h) Jatila: I will show it to the noble Paurnamasi. If I were only to tell her she would not
believe .
* 18 (i) Paurnamasi: O daughter Vrinda, this is a great calamity. Look! Jatila is going in the
direction of my cottage.
* 18 (j) Vrinda: O noble lady, don't worry. In a moment I'll rob her of this flute. (She exits).
* 18 (k) Lalita: (timorously following behind) O noble lady, why have you become suspicious?
We found this flute on the shore of the Yamuna.
* 18 (l) Jatila: (Angry) O fickle girl, O speaker of lies, stop! Stop!
* 18 (m) (Subala enters).
Subala: O noble Jatila, look! The monkey who steals yogurt is now entering your house!
* 18 (n) Jatila: (tilting her neck, she looks) Subala, you speak the truth. That monkey is about to
steal my stock of butter. (She changes directions and runs off).
* 18 (o) Paurnamasi: Vrinda sent this old monkey named Kakkhati, did she not?
* 18 (p) Subala: Nandimukhi, look! Jatila became bewildered. She threw the flute at the monkey
and hit her with it.
* 18 (q) Paurnamasi: (Happily) Fortunately this monkey Kakkhati has taken the flute and now
climbed a kadamba tree.
* 18 (r) (Everyone becomes happy).
* 18 (s) (Jatila enters).
Jatila: Alas! Subala, my child, the flute is no longer in my hand. I request you; bring the flute.
* 18 (t) Subala: Kakkhati is a good name for this monkey. O noble lady, this monkey is afraid of
only one person: Your nephew Visala. Visala is now playing on top of Govardhana Hill. Go you
should go there and ask him to help.
* 18 (u) (Jatila exits).
* 18 (v) Paurnamasi: By good fortune the rascal Subala has now sent the old lady far away, and
now, by knitting his eyebrows, he makes Lalita haste here.
* 18 (w) Lalita: (Glancing from the corners of her eyes) Radha, come. Let us search for the flute.
* 18 (x) Radhika: (Aside) By good luck now I shall be able to meet with Lord Krsna.
* 18 (y) (Tossing the backdrop curtain, aside, Mukhara hastily enters).
Mukhara: O Visakha, Abhimanyu said to : "Today the astrologers have instructed to worship the
form of the goddess Durga named Gomangala. Please take the articles of worship and, bringing
Radha with you, meet under the caitya tree."
* 18 (z) Radhika: (Unhappily She says to Herself, concealing Her words from other's ears) Alas!
Misfortune of misfortunes! (She gazes at Lalita's face).
* 18 (aa) Lalita: Ah! The name Abhimanyu (angry) fits him perfectly. Let us go and assemble the
paraphernalia of worship.
* 18 (bb) (Everyone exits).
* 18 (cc) Paurnamasi: (Approaching Subala, she says, with anxiety) Child, this is a great calamity.
now you and Vrinda should go to lotus-eyed Krsna and expertly console Him, and I shall go to the
elderly women and describe to them the diplomatic crookedness of Jatila. (She exits).
* 18 (dd) Subala: (Walking) There is Vrinda standing under a tamala tree and holding the flute in
her right hand.
* 18 (ee) (Vrinda enters). Vrinda: Subala, I have already seen everything. What need is there of
telling what has happened?
* 18 (ff) Subala: Vrinda, let us go at once. Let us bring the flute to Krsna.
* 18 (gg) (They both walk).
* 18 (hh) Subala: Vrinda, there is Krsna gazing at the path. Madhumangala is increasing His desire
to meet Radha. I do not know what will be His response when He learns that our mission has failed?
* 18 (ii) Vrinda: Subala, you speak the truth. Look! There is Krsna standing under a punnaga tree
and anxiously waiting for Radha.
* 18 (jj) Subala: Vrinda, think of a solution.
* 18 (kk) Vrinda: (Thinking) Subala, I know how we may cheer up Govinda for a moment. Come.
To do this we must first disguise ourselves. (The both exit).
* 18 (ll) (Followed by Madhumangala, Krsna enters).
Krsna: (filled with longing) In front of Me is Radha. Behind Me is Radha. To My left is Radha.
To My right is Radha. On the earth is Radha. In the sky is Radha. How is it that the three worlds
have suddenly become Radha?
* 19 (a) Madhumangala: Soon the noble Paurnamasi will bring Radhika here. Soon You will see
* 19 (b) Krsna: Will smiling eyed Radha, happy at heart, playfully holding Lalita's thumb in Her
hand as She eagerly walks to the rendezvous, and tinkling sound of Her bracelets bearing the
fragrance of conjugal desire, soon make Me tremble with unparalleled wonder?
* 20 (a) Madhumangala: Oh! Oh! Don't despair. I hear the tinkling of ankle-bells.
* 20 (b) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Lalita, look! Here is a punnaga tree. Look at the
aggressive, buzzing bees. Let us stop here for a moment.
* 20 (c) Madhumangala: (restless) O dear friend, do You not see? Radhika has come here with
* 20 (d) Krsna: (With feelings of longings) How fortunate I am. My gopi-friend now brings great
happiness to My eyes.
* 20 (e) Madhumangala: (Proud) Why should You not become happy? After all, I am the most
expert of messengers.
* 20 (f) Krsna: My beloved Radha and Lalita no longer love Me. Although they both stand before
Me they remain at a distance and will not approach Me.
* 20 (g) Madhumangala: My dear friend, You should know that Radha is definitely pleased with
You. She holds Your flute in the corner of Her sari.
* 20 (h) Krsna: (With love)
"` Although the effulgence of the moon is brilliant initially at night, in the daytime it fades away.
Similarly, although the lotus is beautiful during the daytime, at night it closes. But, O My friend, the
face of My most dear Srimati Radharani is always bright and beautiful, both day and night. Therefore,
to what can Her face be compared?' (He eagerly approaches).
* 21 (a) A Voice From Behind the Scenes:
Translations 1
The reddish splendour of the sun resting in the constellation Taurus now rises in the sky. O cakora
bird who lives by drinking the moonlight of Candravali, do not run so hastily to this rising sun.
Translation 2
The goddess of fortune who is the daughter of Maharaja Vrishabhanu, and who dearly loves You
has now come to this place. O cakora bird who lives by drinking the moonlight of Candravali, do not
run so hastily to Vrishabhanu's daughter.
Translation 3
The goddess of fortune who is the daughter of Maharaja Vrishabhanu, and who is now angry with
You. has come to this place; O cakora bird who lives by drinking the moonlight of Candravali, do not
run so hastily to Vrishabhanu's daughter.
note: In this verse the word "varsabhanavi" may mean "the sun (bhanu) who rests in the
constellation Taurus (vrisa)", or it may also mean "the daughter of Maharaja Vrishabhanu". "Ragini"
may mean "red", "red with anger", or "filled with love".
* 22 (a) Madhumangala: Lalita, you are mistaken. it is not the cakora. It is the cakravaka bird that
yearns after the beauty of the sun shining in the sign Taurus.
note: The cakora birds maintains itself by drinking moonlight, and therefore the cakora yearns to
see the moon and not the sun. The amorous cakravaka birds separate at night and reunite in the
morning when the sun rises. For this reason the cakravakas yearn to see the sun. Madhumangala
rebukes Lalita for using the wrong bird in her metaphor.
* 22 (b) Another Voice From a different place behind the scenes: O Krsna, listen!
* 22 (c) Madhumangala: (Fearfully looking) Coming on the right is Visala's sister named Sarangi.
* 22 (d) Krsna: Friend, don't be afraid. It is only a young girl.
* 22 (e) (Sarangi enters).
Sarangi: O Krsna, please listen. Elderly Mukhara speaks to You the following words: "Why do
You falsely defame my granddaughter. We have personally seen Your flute in the hand of the
monkey Kakkhati. Do not accuse Radha of stealing Your flute".
* 22 (f) Krsna: O Sarangi, please tell Mukhara that I have found My flute.
* 22 (g) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Be clear. What do You mean?
* 22 (h) Sarangi: (Looking in the direction of the behind-the-scene voice, she angrily says:) Ah!
Radha! My brother Abhimanyu called You to meet him under the caitya tree. Why have You not
gone there?
* 22 (i) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O unfortunate Sarangi, O queen of the monkeys, you are
a second Jatila. You should go fall in the jaws of some old tiger.
* 22 (j) Sarangi: (Angry) Lalita, you have offended and insulted . I shall go to Your aunt Jatila and
tell her what You have said. (She exits).
* 22 (k) Madhumangala: (With contempt) Who can believe the words of a girl?
* 22 (l) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Friend Radha, let go! Let go!
* 22 (m) Madhumangala: Listen. What does Lalita say now is Sanskrit?
* 22 (n) The Voice Behind the Scenes Again Says: This flute is a thief who steals the wealth of the
respectability of young girls. Why do You hide it in Your lap? Throw it far away. Let is go to Krsna,
the thief who stole the gopis' garments. They are both thieves; It is proper that they should be
* 23 (a) Krsna: (Smiling) Friend, look! She pulled the flute from the edge of Her sari and tossed it
before us. Grab it!
* 23 (b) (Madhumangala does it).
* 23 (c) A Voice From Far Away Behind the Scenes: Ah! Sarangi has not spoken a lie.
* 23 (d) Krsna: (Anxious) Friend, look! The cruel-hearted old-lady is here.
* 23 (e) Madhumangala: Cruel-mouth Jatila appears like a black snake in the month of Sravana.
She angrily mover her cane and she roars very ferociously.
* 23 (f) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O smoking cinder that has burned down the good
reputation of Your family, every day You cheat someone. What can be done to stop You?
* 23 (g) Madhumangala: Alas! Radhika trembles like a plantain tree in the wind.
* 23 (h) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O noble lady, please be kind. We do not feel offended.
* 23 (i) Madhumangala: Look! Taking Radha by the hand, and accompanied by Lalita also, the old
lady is walking away.
* 23 (j) Krsna: (Unhappy) My friend, I do not know what cruel Jatila will do now. Please follow
her and learn what happens.
* 23 (k) (Madhumangala exits).
* 23 (l) Krsna: (sighing)
"Learning of My confidential pastimes with Her, this fool Abhimanyu must have forced Radharani
to stay at home, or else he may have taken Her to Mathura, the capital of the Yadu dynasty."
* 24 (a) Madhumangala: O dear friend, it was very wonderful. Radhika must know some secret
* 24 (b) Krsna: What kind of secret science? Tell Me.
* 24 (c) Madhumangala: Loudly condemning Her, Jatila went among the elderly gopis and placed
Radhika before Paurnamasi.
* 24 (d) Krsna: Then? Then?
* 24 (e) Madhumangala: Then I saw what happened. In the midst of all the very affectionate
elderly gopis Jatila lifted the veil covering Radha's face, and then, from under the veil came, not
Radhika, but laughing Subala.
* 24 (f) Krsna: (Smiling) Then? Then?
* 24 (g) Madhumangala: Then, when the uproarious laughter finally ended, all the gopis were very
angry. They loudly rebuked Jatila. Jatila bowed her head in shame and fled from their midst.
* 24 (h) Krsna: Tell , what happened to the second girl?
* 24 (i) Madhumangala: Radhika whispered a magical mantra in her ear and the girl became
transformed into Vrinda.
* 24 (j) Krsna: Friend, this is not Radhika's knowledge of magical science. Knowing that
Abhimanyu had called Radha away, Vrinda arranged these wonderful pastimes to amuse Me.
* 24 (k) Madhumangala: (With a loud laugh) Aha! You speak the truth. Vrinda and I have both
seen Subala enter Mukhara's house disguised as Radha.
* 24 (l) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Her form burning like a statue of suryakanta jewels
ablaze at midday, Her cheeks as pale as white ducks, and Her pain-filled eyes devoured by the
fragrance of sleep, slender Radha tormented by separation from Lord Hari, brings great suffering to
Her friends.
note: The suryakanta jewels bursts into flame when placed before the midday sun.
* 25 (a) Krsna: (Glancing in that direction) O friend, this parrot brings Me some comfort.
* 25 (b) Madhumangala: Is it not that this parrot repeats the words spoken by Vrinda?
* 25 (c) Krsna: Friend, I wish to see Vrinda and Subala in this way. Hurry!
* 25 (d) (Madhumangala places the flute in Krsna's hand and then starts to walk).
* 25 (e) Krsna: I have found My lost flute. Let Me fill it with music. (He does that).
* 25 (f) Madhumangala: (Listening with attentive ears. he says in Sanskrit:) The beautiful, sweet
sound of the flute flows in all directions, becoming an earring ornamenting the ears of it's listeners. I
think that sweet sound is now causing the suddenly fearless cataka birds of the gopis to quickly
assemble at this place.
* 26 (a) (Looking again) Ah! Ah! This is the tinkling sound of bracelets. It is so much like the
sound of the flute that I was tricked into thinking it was the flute.
* 26 (b) Radhika: O flute, even though you drink the sweetest nectar, still you spit out a sound so
poisonous it makes the entire world faint unconscious. The cruel, hard-hearted flute does not say
anything to rebuke you.
Still, you are not at fault. It is just your nature to be cruel and ruthless.
* 26 (c) Lalita: Ah, here is Krsna under this punnaga tree.
* 26 (d) Madhumangala: (Looks ahead and becomes happy) Why should one search far and wide
for something that falls into the hand of its own accord? (Turning to Krsna) Dear friend, look!
Subala and Vrinda are approaching You.
* 26 (e) Krsna: (With love) O My friends, I am so happy to see you both, (Walking) O crest jewel
of all My friends, come here at once.
* 27 (e) Radhika: (Concealing a smile) Lalita, your friend Krsna thinks I am Subala in disguise.
* 27 (f) Krsna: Friend Madhumangala, look! it is certainly very wonderful that Radhika has come
here with Her friend.
* 27 (g) Lalita: O Radhika, this punnaga tree is certainly blossomed with happiness.
note: Lalita here refers to Krsna.
* 27 (h) Madhumangala: (Angry) Vrinda, even now in our presence you repeat "Radha" "Radha".
This is actually Subala. Speak the truth.
* 27 (i) Krsna: Friend, don't talk in this way. The sound of the name Radha brings Me great
pleasure. I also like to speak the name Radha. (Coming close) Friend Radha, embrace Me. For a
moment let Me experience the bliss of touching My beloved.
* 27 (j) Lalita: (Emerging from behind Radha) O lover, go there and embrace Your Subala. What
is the use of trying to cheat You?
* 27 (k) Madhumangala: (Angry) Vrinda, You are naturally arrogant and independent. That is
why you try to thwart my amorous friend.
* 27 (l) (Vrinda enters).
Vrinda: Friend Radha, this punnaga tree yearns to touch the creepers of Your arms. Fulfil its desire
and make it blossom with happiness.
* 27 (m) Madhumangala: (Astonished) Friend, this is the magic power of Vrinda. (Gazing with
wonder) O magician Vrinda, even a great cloud of smoke cannot confuse the supremely intelligent
* 27 (n) Vrinda: noble sir, I think this is a dark cloud garlanded with lightning flashes.
note: Krsna is the cloud and Radha the lightning.
* 27 (o) Krsna: (Gazing with wonder) Is it true that this is My beloved Radharani, who is like a
garland of rangana flowers I wear around My neck, and whom I am very reluctant to abandon.
* 27 (p) Madhumangala: O noble Vrinda, be merciful to . Please don't bewilder in this way. The
real Radha is under the caitya tree.
* 27 (q) Krsna: (Gazing at Radha) I wished to see Subala disguised as You, but now I see You,
who are very difficult to attain, standing before Me. I am like a merchant who goes in search of
broken pieces of glass, but finds instead rare sapphire that is the abode of transcendental love.
* 28 (a) Radhika: Stop! I know You.
* 28 (b) Lalita: Because She wears the blue emblem of constant love for You, my unfortunate
friend Radha burns with pain. O Krsna, You are not suffering. Because You wear the yellow emblem
of fickleness and indifference You remain always happy.
* 29 Krsna: O Radha, Your red lips are very beautiful. You are the best of all the beautiful-
eyebrowed gopis. Your words are wonderfully eloquent. You bring great happiness; to the hearts of
Your friends. The sound of Your name is always in everyone's ears. You are beautifully decorated
with a necklace of pearls. O Radha, I yearn to embrace You. Why are You not friendly to Me?
note: In this verse Lord Krsna used words that, aside from their usual meaning. are also names of
stars. Rohini, Jyestha, Citra, Sravana, Tara, and Aslesa are names of constellations.
* 30 Vrinda: O hard-hearted girl, why do You torture Your own body with this violent jealous
anger? Why are You angry to hear the prayers of Your very dear friend? Your lover stands before
You in this forest-grove. He is overwhelmed with love for You. For a moment give Him a merciful
glance from the corner of Your eye.
* 31 Krsna: You may be cruel, or You may be kind. O Radhika, whatever You do, You are always
My life and soul. Just as the cakora bird depends only on the moonlight and does not take shelter of
anything else, in the same way I take shelter only of You.
* 32 (a) Radha: In truth You are able to bewilder even the greatest of magicians. (She cries out
* 32 (b) Lalita: (In Sanskrit)
"Many times You warned , saying: 'Do not allow your heart to fall in love with Nanda's son Krsna,
for those who love Him shed a stream of tears that never stops. 'My dear fickle girl, all of a sudden
you are knitting Your eyebrows. You seem to give no importance to my words. I ask You--- Will
You not now cry forever?"
note--- Lalita say that Radharani has fallen in love with Krsna, and therefore (as She Herself has
said), She is now eligible to cry forever.

* 33 (a) (With His lotus hand, Krsna wipes away Radhika's tears).
* 33 (b) Radhika: Why is it that You are not ashamed to act in this crooked way to an innocent,
helpless, bewildered young girl?
* 33 (c) Krsna: I do yearn to enjoy conjugal pastimes with the other gopis. Still, You are the
ointment that decorates My eyes. The summer and other seasons may display their beauties to the
bumble-bee. Still it is the springtime that it intoxicates him with bliss.
* 34 (a) Vrinda: Friend, Krsna speaks the truth.
* 34 (b) Krsna: Beloved, I wish to enjoy pastimes in the forest with You as My companion.
* 34 (c) Vrinda: I shall Friend, I shall make the arrangements. (Looking in all directions) Madhavi
creeper, I order you to smile. Jasmine creeper, you please show some laughter. Patala creeper, you
blossom with happiness. Golden yuthi creeper, give up your sleeping. Satapatrika creeper, please be
kin to us. Lavanga creeper, please show us your beauty. Krsna now wishes to enjoy pastimes with
Radha in the forest.
* 35 (a) Madhumangala: Ah! Ah! Simply by speaking some words this demigoddess of the forest
has made all the creepers blossom.
* 35 (b) Krsna: O friend, these fragrant flowering creepers delight My heart.
* 35 (c) Madhumangala: Friend, all the flowering creepers please Your heart. For the only nice
flowers are golden yuthi flowers that Gokula's queen Yashoda wore while churning butter.
* 35 (d) Lalita: (Smiling) O noble sir, you are expert at relishing transcendental mellows.
* 35 (e) Madhumangala: (Angry) Friend, look. These red kimsuka flowers do not please at all.
They are like the gopis, who also do not please in the slightest way.
* 35 (f) Lalita: Vrinda, look at these gopas! They are just like java flowers that look nice, but have
no scent.
* 35 (g) Madhumangala: (Angry) I know what you gopis do! You vigorously churn the cream-pot
and take all the butter from it.
note: If the word "sineham" is interpreted to mean love instead of cream, and if the word Rasa
means nectar instead of milk, then this verse may be interpreted to mean:
"I know what you gopis do! Even though you vigorously churn the nectar-pot of transcendental
pastimes, still you have no love for Lord Krsna."
* 35 (h) Vrinda: (Smiling) Friend Lalita, these boys have hearts as hard as stone. Armed with
sticks and ropes they lurk in the dense dark forest. You should be more polite to them.
note: The boys carry the sticks and ropes to help them protect and take care of the surabhi cows in
the forest. If the words manah silakalpam is joined into the compound word manah-sila-akalpam
(decorated with the manah-sila mineral pigment), and if the word kantaram is interpreted to mean "the
forest path traversed by the cows", the verse may be interpreted to mean the following:
"Friend Lalita, these boys are nicely decorated with the colorful mineral pigment manah-sila.
Carrying their sticks and ropes they follow the surabhi cows on the forest-path to the pasture. You
should be more polite to them".
* 35 (i) Krsna: (Smiling) Vrinda, I know. I know. You wish to drink kurcika yogurt. This desire
bewilders your intelligence and makes you take the side of these of gopis.
* 35 (j) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: These gopis are like troublesome, slippery, intoxicating
black musk, whereas Lord Krsna is like the gentle springtime southern breeze that pleases all living
* 35 (k) Krsna: (Glancing backwards) Well spoken, king of parrots. Well spoken.
* 35 (l) Madhumangala: O best of birds, O learned scholar in the fourteen arts and sciences, long
life to you.
* 37 (c)
Lalita: O candala parrot, may the moon of your body become the guest of the Rahu planet of the
beak of a ferocious hawk.
note: The Rahu planet sometimes swallows the moon. Lalita here says that the male parrot should
become swallowed by a ferocious hawk.
* 37 (d) Krsna: Friend, give this male parrot some ripe pomegranate seeds at once.
* 37 (e) Madhumangala: O Brihaspati of Vrindavana forest, for pomegranate seeds I give you
Lalita's beautiful teeth.
note: In demigod society Brihaspati is the leading intellectual.
* 37 (f) Again A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O fickle male parrot, your master Krsna does not
really love Radha. His love is only for a moment, just as the rising sun is red for only a moment.
Only Radha loves. Radha's love is constant. Just as butter always retains its nature, in the same way
Radha is eternally anointed with the oil of love for Krsna.
* 38 (a) Lalita: (Blissful) O female parrot friend, blessing on you. With this reply you have
defeated this foul-mouthed male parrot.
* 38 (b) Krsna: (Aside) It is Vrinda who has taught these two birds to speak so eloquently.
* 38 (c) Madhumangala: (Angry) Wretch! I shall break your beak that speaks such sharp words.
* 38 (d) (He maliciously throws a stick).
* 38 (e) Radhika: Alas! The two eloquent birds have flown away.
* 38 (f) Krsna: (Glancing at Radha) Embraced by their blossoming creeper wives, the householders
trees offer many flowers, trickling with honey, to their bumble-bee guests. Everywhere many birds
and forest animals frolic without restraint. O girl with the beautiful neck, who is not delighted by this
Vrindavana forest.
* 39 With the playful glances of Your eyes You mock the beauty of the eyes of the does. With
Your graceful limbs You mock the beauty of the creepers. With Your sweet words You mock the
cooing of the cuckoos. With Your beautiful hair You mock the peacock. How can this forest appear
beautiful as long as You are present before Me?
* 40 Vrinda: Look! Look! Its still, pure, splendid dark waters filled with beautiful lotus flowers, the
Yamuna River, the daughter of the sun-god and the honoured sister of Yamaraja, appears like an
assembly place of great sages.
* 41 Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! O restless-eyed one, as they move in the breeze, the lotus
flowers in the Yamuna seem to be offering arati to Your beautiful smiling face.
* 42 (a) Vrinda: (She walks and picks some lotus flowers) Lotus-eyed Krsna, please take this
slightly blossomed white lotus as a toy, and these two red lotuses as earrings.
* 42 (b) Krsna: (Happily taking them) Vrinda, these two red lotuses will beautify Radha's ears.
(He does that. He then expresses surprise). Ah! There is a bumble-bee in the whorl of this white
* 42 (c) Vrinda: This humble bee was very happy to stay among the lotus flowers. When this
honey-filled lotus was given, this bee was also able to approach Lord Mukunda (Krsna).
* 43 Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! The bumble-bee in the whorl of the white lotus-flower in My
hand has now landed on the red lotus flower on Your ear. Who would not be attracted to the red
beauty of that flower?
* 44 (a) (Radhika becomes agitated and begins to move the creepers of Her arms).
* 44 (b) Krsna: (Openly laughing)
"Attracts by Your red lotus flower earrings, the best of the bumble-bee hovers around You, followed
by Your restless sidelong glances like a swarm of bumble-bees. Jingling Your bracelets, You wave
Your creeper like arms to chase him away. O Radharani, (I must say that) Your fear of this bee
brings Me great delight".
* 45 (a) Radhika: (With fear She moves the edge of Her sari) Why will this insolent fellow not go
* 45 (b) Krsna: O sweet girl, don't uselessly wave Your sari. O slender girl, let the bumble-bee
drink the pleasant honey of the lotus flowers on Your ear.
note: The word "madhumangala" in the last line is, of course the name of Lord Krsna's friend.
Interpreted in that way if the word is interpreted in that way the verse becomes: "O sweet-eyed girl,
don't uselessly wave Your sari. O slender girl, let the bumble-bee sting Madhumangala when he
approaches the lotus flower in Your ear."
* 46 (a) Madhumangala: O friend, why do You make this bee drink , a brahmana? (He strikes the
bee with his stick).
* 46 (b) Radhika: (Praising) O noble sir, you are very kind to Me.
* 46 (c) Madhumangala: How did that bee disappear? I don't see him anywhere?
note: If the word "mahusu-ano" is interpreted to mean Lord Krsna, the killer of the Madhu demon,
the meaning of this statement becomes: "How did Krsna disappear? I don't see Him anywhere".
* 46 (d) Radhika: (Bewildered) Alas! Alas! Where has Krsna gone? (In Sanskrit)
"Where is Lord Krsna, who responded to the pained cries of the gopas frightened of the forest-fire?
Have I offended or avoided Him? Is it because some desired gopi called Him to a secluded place that
lotus-eyed Krsna has so quickly abandoned Me in this forest?"
(With a gesture Krsna wards off everyone. He smiles)
* 47 Radhika: Ah! (In Sanskrit) now Krsna will not decorate My hair with vasanti flowers. now
the garland of campaka flowers I have strung will not kiss His chest. now I will not be able to
jokingly strike Him with a cluster of malli flowers. Appearing in the disguise of separation from
Krsna, a great forest-fire is now burning around Me.
* 48 (a) Vrinda: (Aside) The bonds of love have blinded Her and now She can no longer see.
* 48 (b) Radhika: Friend Vrinda, protect Me! (Frightened) Disguised as an swarm of bees, a black
serpent slithers on the blossoming branch of that mango tree. Disguised as red flowers, flames shoot
from the branches of that asoka tree. Disguised as new buds on that kimsuka tree, the cruel half-moon
arrows of the archer cupid are aimed at Me to cut Me to pieces. (She becomes overwhelmed).
note: The word "candravali" in this verse is, of course, also the name of the gopi who is Radha's
chief rival. "Candravali" also means "a host (avali) of moons (candra)."
* 49 Krsna: (Quickly approaches Her, takes Her hand, and loudly proclaims) O beautiful, delicate
girl, why are You distressed for no reason? Even a whole Candravali wilts with fear at the sight of
Your beautiful face. O girl blinded with love, what then can half a Candravali do to You?
note: In His reply Krsna, of course interprets the word "candravali" in a way different from
Radha's original intention. If the word "candravali" is interpreted to mean "a host of moons",
Krsna's reply would then read:
"O beautiful, delicate girl, why are You distressed for no reason. Even a host of full moons wilts
with fear at the sight of Your beautiful face. O girl blinded with love, what then can a host of half
moons do to You?"
* 50 (a) Radhika: (Regaining composure, She becomes embarrassed and says to Herself) Oh! I
thought Krsna was taken away from My eyes. For that reason I was distressed.
* 50 (b) Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! Its ripe seeds, rivalled by the splendour of Your teeth, its
flowers mocked by Your lips, and its fruit defeated by Your breasts, this pomegranate tree, on the
pretext of swaying in the gentle breeze, now trembles in fear of You.
* 51 (a) Vrinda: Friend, look! This karnikara bud would be perfect for Your earring.
* 51 (b) Radhika: Greedy after honey, a bumble bee stands motionless on this fresh karnikara
* 51 (c) Krsna: He looks like the personified king of the nectar seated on a golden throne.
* 52 Radhika: Look! Look! (In Sanskrit) Intoxicated by the sweet honey, many bees among the
very fragrant and beautiful jasmine flowers.
* 53 (a) (Krsna recites the previous verse).
* 53 (b) Vrinda: This delicate yellow campaka bud is very beautiful.
* 53 (c) Krsna: This campaka bud is like cupid's golden sakti (Potency) which agitates the hearts of
proud girls.
* 54 (a) Madhumangala: O friend, this is not cupid's sakti. Look! Here is the yellow cane Jatila has
left behind.
* 54 (b) (Jatila enters).
Jatila: O crooked brahmana, I have forgotten my cane in this place.
* 54 (c) Radhika: (Aside, frightened) Friend, protect Me! Protect Me! This fierce old lady looks at
Me as if she were the dark night in which the universe will be destroyed. (Accompanied by Lalita and
Vrinda, She exits).
* 54 (d) Krsna: (Aside) Thirsting to drink the nectar of My company, and not at all willing to leave,
the doe of Radha has now been frightened away by the tigress Jatila.
* 55 (a) Madhumangala: O crooked dog's tail, take your cane.
* 55 (b) Jatila: (Taking the cane) O Subala, why do you repeatedly make fun of by dressing up like
a girl in this way?
* 55 (c) Krsna: (Aside) Fortunately she thinks Radha is Subala in disguise. (Openly, with a playful
smile). I swear by all My superiors: It is Radhika who walks there. That is not Subala.
* 55 (d) Jatila: O fool, I can see everything. What is the use of trying to convince ? (She exits).
* 55 (e) Krsna: Friend, come. Let us go to Gokula.
(They both exit).
(Everyone exits).
Act Six-Sarad-vihara
Autumn Pastimes
* 1 (a) (Jatila enters).
Jatila: I have heard that today my daughter-in-law Radha is wearing a yellow upper garment. I
shall go and see if it is true. (She walks and looks) Why does Visakha wander and wander? Why has
she fainted on the porch? I shall ask her to tell . (Approaching) O Visakha. it is only the first hour of
the morning, and still You aimlessly wander like this.
* 1 (b) (Visakha enters).
Visakha: (Aside) We have spend the entire night in the great festival of the Rasa dance. Where
have we been able to find the slightest fragrance of sleep? It is quite appropriate that we stagger about
like this. (She forced her eyes open and says openly) O noble lady, by the order of the noble
Paurnamasi we have stayed awake all night in vigil at the temple.
* 1 (c) Jatila: (Aside) Aha! That's why my daughter-in-law's bed was empty last night.
(Openly)Visakha, please call my daughter-in-law.
* 1 (d) Visakha: O Radha, come here! Come here!
* 1 (e) (Radha enters).
Radha: (wiping Her eyes and yawning) O Visakha, I am very sleepy. (Opening Her eyes a little,
She becomes frightened, and says to Herself) Why has noble Jatila come here?
* 1 (f) Jatila: (Gazing at Radha, Jatila says to herself) Alas! Alas! It is true! It is a yellow garment!
* 1 (g) Radhika: (Aside to Visakha) From the mouth of Sarangi I heard that the old lady went, in
the middle of the night, to the river's shore where we were enjoying pastimes. Is it not true that she
must have seen us there?
* 1 (h)Visakha: na hu na hu. jam kadhidam vunda-e- tumam dhettuna tirohide kanhe tatha amhesu
dosu sahisu sa-sankam tuha uddesassa gadasu esa buddhi uvatthida.
na--not; hu--indeed; na--not; hu--indeed; jam--because; kadhidam--spoken; vunda-e--by Vrinda;
tumam--You; dhettuna--taking; tirohide--disappear from that place. On Your order, we two friends
met the old lady when she came.
* 1 (i) Radhika: Then why does she look at Me with this frightening stare?
* 1 (j) Jatila: (Angry) LierVishakha, have you become blind?
* 1 (k) Visakha: (Glances at Radha. Despondent, she speaks an aside to Radha) O girl agitated to
enjoy transcendental pastimes, is it this?
note: the "this" is Radha's yellow upper garment.
* 1 (l) Radhika: (Glances at Her own chest) Oh! You are My only shelter now.
* 1 (m) Visakha: (Glancing at Jatila, she says in Sanskrit) With jubilant hearts the young gopis
playfully threw water-mixed-with-yellow-dye on each other. This colored water has made the given a
yellow color to the cloth over Radha's shoulder. O noble lady, why do you stare at my dear friend
Radha from the corners of these crooked eyes?
* 1 (n) Jatila: (Believing the story)Visakha, because you are so restless you brought my daughter-
in-law among these gopis into blinded by their youthfulness. In this way you almost destroyed my
son's home.
* 1 (o) Visakha: O noble lady, why do you criticize ? You may just as soon criticize the glory of the
Diwali festival, which is coming soon, and which maddens all of Gokula from the small children to
the elderly.
* 1 (p) Jatila: Child, you speak the truth. Last night I saw all the young girls of Gokula madly
doing something like that on the river bank.
* 1 (q) (With a crooked eye Visakha glances at Radhika).
* 1 (r) Jatila: (Humbly) O Visakha, be merciful to . Be merciful. I place the tip of my finger in my
mouth and I beg you. Please be merciful to .
* 1 (s) Visakha: (Humbly) O noble lady, why do you speak in this way? I am your servant. You
may order as you wish.
* 1 (t) Jatila: Child, you are very pure at heart. For this reason I ask you: Please protect my
daughter-in-law from the hand of this Krsna.
* 1 (u) Visakha: O noble lady, please be free from all worries. Lalita is very intelligent and expert in
these affairs.
* 1 (v) Jatila: Where is Lalita now?
* 1 (w) Visakha: Look! Accompanied by Padma, she has now come here.
* 1 (x) (Accompanied by Padma, Lalita enters).
* 1 (y) Lalita: Friend Padma, from where have you come?
* 1 (z) Padma: I have come from Krsna.
* 1 (aa) Lalita: Where is Krsna now?
* 1 (bb) Padma: He is at the boundary of the garden of malati flowers.
* 1 (cc) Lalita: What is He doing?
* 1 (dd) Padma: He is performing pastimes with Madhumangala.
* 1 (ee) Lalita: (With a joking smile) Ah! Has He fulfilled all your desires then?
* 1 (ff) Padma: (laughing) Don't think otherwise. I made a crown of flowers and gave it to Krsna.
(Remembering) Krsna said to , "Padma, you always give Me flower-garlands. In the same way
Lalita always gives Me wonderfully colorful mineral pigments. Please place this letter in her hand".
(She gives her the letter).
* 1 (gg) Lalita: (Taking the letter, she says to herself) I have never given mineral pigments to
Krsna. There must be some other, some secret meaning in these words.
* 1 (hh) (She reads the letter aloud). "O restless eyed girl, please place in My hand a large quantity
of mineral pigment from the mountain"
* 2 (a) (Reflecting for a moment, she says to herself) These words actually mean "Please place
Radha in My hand". This is a request for a meeting with Radha. (Openly) O friend, I shall certainly
do that. now you please go to Radhika, ask about Her welfare, and try to please Her.
* 3 (b) Padma: (Approaches Radha, and says with a playful smile) O Radha, by good fortune there
is no rivalry or dispute between us. Formerly the Krsna, the prince of Gokula, stole our garments, but
now You Yourself have stolen His own yellow garment.
* 3 (c) Lalita: (Smiling) O shameless girl, my friend's upper cloth is dyed yellow with kunkuma.
When you see it, why do you suspect my friend of doing something improper?
* 3 (d) Padma: (Smiling) O Radha, please give permission to depart. I shall quickly go to
Sakhisthali village and bring pleasure to my dear friend Candravali, who sings the glories of Lord
* 3 (e) Visakha: (Laughing) Padma, you are fortunate. Your dear friend Candravali can remain
happy simply by singing about Krsna, even though she does not get the opportunity to see Him.
* 3 (f) Padma:Visakha, why do you not also act in that way?
* 3 (g) Visakha: Ah, how will we become able to act like that?
* 3 (h) Padma: Why not?
* 3 (i) Visakha: O charming girl, my friend Radhika becomes agitated simply by the sound of the
name Krsna.
* 3 (j) Padma: (Aside) She praises the glory of her friend Radha's love for Krsna. So be it.
(Openly)Visakha, you are genuinely happy. I and my friends are actually unhappy.
* 3 (k) Lalita: Padma, you do not suffer at all.
* 3 (l) Padma: Lalita, don't speak in this way. We are constantly in the dressing room stringing
garlands for Candravali, arranging her hair, anointing her bimba-fruit lips with red cosmetics, and
decorating her in many ways. Our suffering is a great network that has no end.
* 3 (m) Padma: (Laughing) O Padma, it is true. You and your friends have many sufferings. I and
my friends have only one.
* 3 (n) Padma: Oh! What is that?
* 3 (o) Visakha: For Radha, Krsna is like an unreachable star shining in the sky. Radha is
continually tormented by the desire to attain this unattainable Krsna, who is like a regal young
maddened elephant enjoying pastimes on the shore of the Yamuna.
* 3 (p) Lalita: (Smiling) O Visakha, there is one more very severe suffering. How have you
forgotten it?
* 3 (q) Visakha: Lalita, what is it? Please remind .
* 3 (r) Lalita: O simple girl, it is that moment by moment we must continually apply yavaka
cosmetics to the flower blossoms of Radha's feet.
* 3 (s) Visakha: (Laughs) O crooked liar, Lalita, stop! Stop! Radha's feet are anointed with the
mineral pigment from Krsna's head. They are not anointed with yavaka.
* 3 (t) Radhika: (embarrassed) Padma, don't listen to the words of these foul-mouthed girls. Just
go at once to your dear friend Candravali.
* 3 (u) Padma: As my dear friend orders. (She exits).
* 3 (v) Lalita: (Aside) How I shall fulfil Krsna's request. (Openly) O Radha, come here. Let us
pick some flowers and then offer them in worship to the sun-god.
* 3 (w) Radhika: (Aside) now, by good fortune, she may fulfil the desire within My heart. In this
place it may be possible for Me to see Krsna. (Openly) As it pleases My dear friend. (They exit).
* 3 (x) (Accompanied by Madhumangala, Krsna enters).
* 3 (y) Krsna: now that autumn has come the Yamuna River has become thin and the sandy beaches
on the river shore have increased. The forest of Vrindavana is filled with a extended peacock tails,
billions of gunja berries, and buzzing bees flying within the boundaries of creepers bearing many
clusters of fragrant flowers.
*4 (Looking again. Blissful) now that it is autumn all directions in Vrindavana forest are filled
with loud sounds. Look! For the sake of a cow in heat, the powerful bulls are duelling with long
* 5 Madhumangala: (Looking in all directions) O Mukunda, has this Vrindavana forest become
pleasantly shady because of Your touch? On the pretext of bearing these many blossoming yellow
kurantaka flowers, the forest is now dressed in yellow garments.
* 6 Krsna: (aside) Did Lalita understand the hint in My letter? Will she fulfil My desire? Alas!
now that I am separated from Radha, whose restless eyes are like playful khanjana birds, even this
Vrindavana forest, which is now filled with the sweet beauty of autumn, does not give Me even a drop
of happiness. I shall send a signal with My flute.(He does that).
* 6 (b) O cakravaki, now the auspicious time to meet Your lover has come. O beautiful girl, please
quickly come to My side. Your friend is gazing at the path with half-open eyes. He constantly cries
in grief.
* 7 (a) Madhumangala: O friend, what was that wonderful, unprecedented sound?
* 7 (b) Krsna: Friend, that was My effort to find a doe.
* 7 (c) Madhumangala: The truth is spoken. What is the need of speaking even one syllable more?
* 7 (d) Krsna: Well said, My friend. This is to find a doe.
note: The word "locana" may mean either "seeing" or "eye". If interpreted to mean "eye", the
word "kurangi-locana" may be interpreted to mean "doe-eyed Radha". In this way Krsna's statement
may mean "This is for the doe-eyed Radha".
* 7 (e) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: As, with the cupped hands of their ears, the surabhi cows
drink the sound of the flute, they fill all directions with a great flood of milk. Even though it is not the
season for them to bloom, all the trees have suddenly opened with many flowers, beautifying the
forest of Vrindavana. These newly blossomed flowers have curdled the flood of milk from the
surabhi cows, and now a great flood of yogurt flows in Vrindavana forest.
* 8 Krsna: Friend, on the right, look! Look! There is My pet bull Padmagandha among the surabhi
cows. He is very tall and he has great red horns. His hooves and his beautiful and handsome eyes are
also red, a bell hangs from his neck, his long tail moves on the ground, he is very tall, he possesses an
incomparable hump, and he is the same white color as Mount Kailasa.
* 9 (a) (Accompanied by two gopi-friends, Radha enters).
* 9 (b) Radha: (Aside) A flute sound came from this direction. I must be mistaken. It is not
* 9 (c) Lalita: (With a satiric smile) O Radhika, why have You suddenly prick up Your ears like
the ears of a doe?
* 9 (d) Radhika: Lalita, why do you attribute your own qualities to others? In truth you are like a
doe by because it is easy to see how you are enchanted by the sound of the flute.
* 9 (e) Lalita: Radha, You are the doe. After all, the doe named Rangini, is Your friend.
* 9 (f) Radhika: (Aside) The flood of sweet fragrance coming from the forest-garden tugs at as if it
were a gopi-messenger. (With a trick She walks ahead).
* 9 (g) Visakha: Friend Radha, how have You become like a bumble-bee, attracted by a sweet
* 9 (h) Radhika:Visakha, many blossoming flowers may be seen before us. I shall pick some and
use them in the worship of the sun-god.
* 9 (i) Lalita: You are actually trembling with love for the sun-god. This must be love for the sun-
god who moves in the forest, and not the sun-god who moves in the sky.
note: The forest sun-god is Krsna.
* 9 (j) Radhika: (In the anger of love) O uncivilized girl, I speak of the moon who is the friend of
the lotus flowers.
note: The sunlight causes the lotuses to bloom, and therefore it is considered the lotus' friend. In
these words Radha denies that She trembles with love for the sun who moves in the forest (Krsna).
She affirms that She feels affection for the sun who travels in the sky.
* 9 (k) Lalita: Friend, why do You hide Your actual purpose?
* 9 (l) Visakha: Lalita, She is angry because She thinks you have become Her competitor. For this
reason She conceals Her actual intention. She is no longer your dear friend.
* 9 (m) Radha: (Knitting Her eyebrows) Treacherous girl! Fool! Why do you reveal the actual
desire in your heart? Hurry! Your lover Krsna, who relieves the itching sensation of Your lips, is not
far from you.
* 9 (n) Lalita: O Radha, the creepers of Vrindavana forest know that since childhood my vow of
chastity has never been broken. What shall I say with my mouth?
* 7 (c) Radhika: (Laughing) O chaste girl, they know. They know. At dawn I personally saw the
mark of Krsna's shark-shaped earring imprinted on the creeper of your arm. In the same way I also
saw Krsna's peacock feather crown on Visakha's bed.
* 7 (p) Lalita: (Laughing) Scandalous girl, go away! Go away!
* 7 (q) Visakha: Radha, how much can You hide? A candrakanta jewel on the moon cannot avoid
melting away.
note: When exposed to moonlight the candrakanta jewel melts. Just as a candrakanta jewel on the
moon cannot avoid melting away, in the same way Radha cannot conceal Her love for Krsna.
* 7 (r) Radhika: (Looking ahead. Astonished) Lalita, please excuse Me. I am going to run away.
(She trembles).
* 7 (s) Lalita: (Frightened) Radha, what has frightened You?
* 7 (t) Radhika: (Inimical) O crooked girl, what is this use of this pretended innocence? Is it not
true that you have brought Me here from far away simply to place Me in the hand of this debaucher?
* 7 (u) Lalita: (Carefully looking, she says to herself) Is it not that this girl sees a tamala tree from
a distance and She thinks the tree is Krsna? (Openly) Why should You run away? You have this
opportunity because of . (She pulls Radha).
* 7 (v) Radhika: (Tormented) Friend Visakha, protect Me! I run to you for shelter.
* 7 (w) Visakha: O girl bewildered by love, how is it that, for You, all the three worlds have become
transformed into Krsna? Look! This is a tree. It is not the playful Krsna.
* 7 (x) Krsna: How is it that the slender Radha cannot yet come? I shall play My flute. (He does
* 7 (y) O moon, please decorate this forest with your soft footsteps. Anxiously waiting for you, a
young cakora bird stares at the eastern horizon.
* 10 (a) Visakha: (Peaceful and sober) O Radha, why did You reel about and fall on this kadamba
* 30 (b) Lalita: O friend the flute, again and again I bow down to offer respects to you. You have
openly revealed the great secret kept within this Radha.
* 10 (c) (Radhika tries to hide the outward expression of Her love for Krsna).
* 10 (d) Lalita: (In Sanskrit) O girl whose thighs are as beautiful as plantain trees, the sweet sound
of the flute have now are now gliding into Your ears. That flute music have has made the pillars of
Your thighs stunned and motionless, and it has also blinded You with a monsoon of tears. What is the
use of this great endeavour to hide Your emotion with these waves of concealment?
* 11 (a) Visakha: Lalita, now what chance does She have to conceal Her actual emotions?
* 11 (b) (In Sanskrit) The playful of the flute has now become Your enemy. That flute music is the
mantra from the Atharva Veda to exorcise Your shyness. It is the sacred mantra to ignite the
sacrificial fire of amorous pastimes. It is the "tat tvam asi" mantra of the Upanisads to proclaim Your
conjugal union with Lord Krsna.
* 12 (a) Radhika: (Agitated) Friend, you speak the truth. This cruel flute is now My enemy. I shall
now rebuke it.
* 12 (b) (In Sanskrit) O flute, although both you and the bow are born from the great bamboo cane,
still it is to the bow that I offer My respectful obeisances and not to you. When a person is wounded
by arrows from the bow, a person quickly gives up his body without suffering for a long time.
However, when a person is pierced by the musical arrows of the flute, which are more terrible even
than the arrows of cupid, O cruel flute, when pierced by your musical arrows, which are more terrible
and dangerous than even the arrows of cupid, a person attains a very horrible situation where he
remains neither dead or alive.
* 13 Krsna: (Looking ahead, He becomes blissful) Here is Radha's pet doe Rangini. Because just
as the moon never leaves its deer-like markings, Radhika never leaves the company of Rangini,
Rangini's presence means that Radhika will soon appear in this place.
note: In the convention of Sanskrit poetry, the shadows of the moon are said to resemble the shape
of a deer's justas in the west the moon's shadows are said to resemble the face of a man.
* 14 (a) (Looking again) Friend, I understand. I understand. This is not Radhika's pet doe. It is a
spotless moon approaching us. (He is struck with wonder).
* 14 (b) I think the moon has left its deer and descended to this earth. (Looks again) Ah! now I
understand. This is Radha's delightful face, which is filled with blossoming, playful pastimes. (He
* 15 (a) Madhumangala: (Joking) O friend, don't run. Walk slowly. How have You become so
bewildered? You must have become mad by listening to the bad advise of these rascal girls. At the
right time I will make all the arrangements. I will arrange that Your love is requited. (He takes
Krsna's hand).
* 15 (b) Krsna: Friend, you do well. I tremble as I approach Radhika. It is difficult for Me to
proceed. It is good that you are holding My hand. (He walks).
* 15 (c) Her heart resplendent with transcendental love, and Her face beautifully decorated with
ornamental lines drawn with various cosmetics, this beautiful girl attracts My heart and makes Me
thirsty to attain Her. She attracts Me just as a blossoming asoka creeper attracts a bumble-bee.
note: If the word "anuraga" is taken it to mean "reddish", and "sumanah" is taken to mean "the
sumanah flower", then the verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"Her complexion is splendid as beautifully reddish sumanah flowers, and Her face beautifully
decorated with ornamental lines drawn with various cosmetics, this beautiful girl attracts Me just as a
blossoming asoka creeper attracts a bumble-bee".
* 16 Radhika: (Gazes at Krsna from the corner of Her eyes, and then says to Herself in Sanskrit:)
The corner of His eyes are overwhelmed with ever-fresh amorous pastimes, an a blossoming twig
decorates His ear, and a garland of malati flowers crowns His head. The sweetness of Madhava
(Krsna) maddens My intelligence.
* 17 Visakha: (Laughing, she says in Sanskrit:) The sweet fragrance of Your body now brought this
Krsna completely under Your dominion. Why do You uselessly play in this way? When the strong
warrior expert in battle already place victory in the one'hand, what general would engage in any
further fighting to gain the conquest?
* 18 (a) Radhika: O foul-mouthed girl, you shall not stay in My company. There is no mercy in
your heart. I shall abandon you and take shelter of My dear, affectionate friend Lalita. (She does that,
and then says in Sanskrit:)
* 18 (b) I see the restless Krsna approaching. O dear friend, you are very strong. I take shelter of
you. I shall no longer stay in this dense forest.
* 18 (c) Lalita: (With a playful smile, she says in Sanskrit:) As long as I am present only Your
yellow upper garment will touch Your breasts. no one will touch them. O charming, bewildered girl,
do not fear.
note: If the word "pitambara" is interpreted to mean "Lord Krsna, who wears yellow garments",
then the verse reveals the following hidden meaning:
"As long as I am present only Lord Krsna, who wears yellow garments, will touch Your breasts. no
one else will touch them. O charming, bewildered girl, do not fear".
* 19 (a) Krsna: (Blissful) O beautiful girl, now I have You. (He approaches Radha).
* 19 (b) Lalita: (Indignantly approaches Krsna and stop Him) O expert debaucher, our dear friend
Radha is not the proper object of Your jokes. Go away.
* 19 (c) Krsna: (Smiling) Lalita, this is not Vraja Village. Look! This is the belly of Vrindavana
forest. You have no power here.
* 19 (d) Lalita: Krsna, those among us who are very foolish fear You. I do not fear You. I am the
famous Lalita.
* 19 (e) (Casting a sidelong glance at Krsna, Radhika trembles).
* 19 (f) Lalita: Radha, why do You tremble with fear while Lalita stays by You?
* 19 (g) Radhika: Lalita, come. Let us take the bandhuka flowers we have collected and let us go to
the bank of the Yamuna.
* 19 (h) Krsna: O hard-hearted girl, how can You take these bandhujiva flowers and go far away?
(He blocks the path).
note: If the word "bandhujiva" is interpreted to mean "the life (jiva) of a friend (bandhu)", then
the words reveal the following hidden meaning:
"O hard-hearted girl, how can You take away the very life of Your friend Krsna and then go far
* 19 (i) How will You be able to cross the base of Govardhana Hill, filled with covered with
splendid black pebbles, and filled with bamboos and other canes moving in the wind? How will You
be able to climb Govardhana Hill's tall summit? (Don't take this path. Take) the path that goes by the
Yamuna's shore. That path You can (easily) traverse.
note--- If the word "srngena" is taken to mean "with a buffalo-horn bugle", "sila-syamala" to
mean "sapphire", "vetram" to mean "stick", "vamsa" to mean "bamboo-flute", "mekhalam" to
mean "belt", "uttungam" to mean "exalted", and "dharani-dharam" to mean "The Supreme
Personality of Godhead", who maintains the entire world", then the verse reveals the following
"The exalted Supreme Personality of Godhead, who maintains the entire world, now stands before
You. His bodily luster is the color of sapphire. He holds a staff and He carries a bamboo-flute tucked
in His glistening belt. How will You be able to pass through His roadblock? (Instead You should
take) the path that goes by the Yamuna's shore. That path You will be able to traverse".
* 20 (a) Radhika: (Casting a crooked glance, she says in a menacing tone:) Debaucher, I am not at
fault for this. now I shall go to complaint to Yashoda. the queen of Gokula.
* 20 (b) Krsna: Radha, why are You afraid. Give up this fear. Ah! the beautiful yellow cloth
covering Your shoulders is actually My property. (He attacks Radha).
* 20 (c) Radhika: (Knitting Her eyebrows, She says in Sanskrit:) I am the most chaste of all chaste
girls. now that I am in the company of Lalita, I feel very confident. I give You this good advise: O
Madhava, do not become a snake in My path.
note: If the word "ma" is interpreted to mean "to Me", and the word "bhujangatam" to mean "the
condition (tam) of placing "ga" Your arm "bhujam", then the verse reveals the following hidden
I am the most chaste of all chaste girls. now that I am in the company of Lalita, I feel very
confident. I give You this good advise: O Madhava, please embrace Me in Your arms".
* 22 (a) Krsna: Lalita, did I hear Radha speak those crooked words? I shall not become an offender
by disobeying Her request. (He raises both arms).
* 21 (b) Lalita: (Stands in front of Radha) Krsna, even though Your transcendental qualities are
worthy to be glorified by the entire world, and even though You are the son of the king of Gokula,
You should not do this wicked thing to .
* 21 (c) Madhumangala: O arrogant girl, why do you steal these flowers that are the property of my
dear friend? You are ruining this forest of Vrindavana.
* 21 (d) Krsna: Friend, quickly count the flowers they have taken so I can take from their necklaces
an equal number of jewels.
* 21 (e) Madhumangala: Dear friend, I have finished counting. now, in exchange for the red
flowers You may take rubies, and for the white flowers pearls and diamonds.
* 21 (f) Krsna: Friend, I am thinking. These jewels are not as valuable as the flowers. How many
jewels should I take for each flower?
* 21 (g) Madhumangala: (With plaintive words) Friend, this humble brahmana begs: Please be
satisfied with an equal number of jewels.
* 21 (h) Krsna: As My friend says (I shall do).
* 21 (i) Lalita: (Laughing) noble sir, you are a counselor who gives good advise to your master.
* 21 (j) Visakha: (Agitated) Krsna, stand back!
* 21 (k) Krsna: Crooked girl, why?
* 21 (l) Visakha: Look! With a moonlike smile, our dear friend Radha is preparing to violently fight
with You.
note: If the word "samrambhena" is interpreted to mean "with amorous passion", these words
reveal the following hidden meaning:
"Look! With a moonlike smile, our dear friend Radha is preparing for a passionate amorous battle
with You".
* 21 (m) Krsna: (Smiling) O charming girl, look! My body is also decorated with hairs standing
erect with amorous passion. I now I shall easily take this jewel of all beautiful girls. (He approaches
* 21 (n) Lalita: (Furious) Krsna, I see the reckless act You are about to perform. Just try to once
touch Radha's shadow!
* 21 (o) Krsna: Friend, has the goddess Durga now appeared in the form of this Lalita?
* 21 (p) Radhika: Become calm! (She affectionately embraces Lalita).
* 21 (q) Krsna: (Aside to Lalita) Lalita, give up your harsh opposition.
* 21 (r) Lalita: Give a bribe.
* 21 (s) Krsna: (Smiling) Lalita, to you I speak the truth. I shall abandon Radha, and tonight I shall
fight a duel of amorous pastimes with you.
* 21 (t) Lalita: (Angrily turning to Him) Go away, clown! Go!
* 21 (u) Krsna: You tell Me what bribe will please you.
* 21 (v) Lalita: O debaucher, You have blasphemed my friend simply because She enjoyed
wandering in Vrindavana forest looking for flowers. You should satisfy Her by decorating Her with
these splendid flowers.
* 21 (w) Krsna: (Smiling) Whatever pleases you. (He walks with proud boldness) Lalita, be angry
with Me. I do not consider you as important as a blade of grass. (He extends His hand to take
Radhika's necklace).
* 21 (x) Lalita: (With a crooked glance and a smile) O clever Krsna, my dear friend has bathed so
She can worship the sun-god. You have not bathed, and therefore You must not touch Her.
* 21 (y) Krsna: I have already bathed in the splendid waters of My own perspiration. O foolish girl,
why do you not see it?
* 21 (z) Lalita: (Taking Radha aside, she slowly says:) This gloomy forest filled with terrible dark
tamala trees has made Krsna very angry. In order to protect our necklaces, we should be very kind
and polite to Him.
* 21 (aa) Madhumangala: Aha! Aha! The proud gopis are now defeated! (He dances).
* 21 (bb) Radhika: O bewildered Lalita, have you forgotten that now is the time to worship the sun-
note: If the word "bha-avantassa" is interpreted to mean Lord Krsna, the words reveal the
following hidden meaning:
"O bewildered Lalita, have you forgotten that now is the time to worship Lord Krsna?"
* 21 (cc) Madhumangala: O goddess Radha, do not become proud, thinking that you alone are
engaged in the worship of the sun-god, for even Krsna and I are also engaged in that worship.
* 21 (dd) Visakha: O noble sir, how do you worship?
* 21 (ee) Madhumangala: O noble Visakha, please listen. In a forest temple decorated with flowers
I keep a midnight vigil as I meditate on the sound of ankle-bells. (Everyone smiles).
* 21 (gg) Madhumangala: (With praise, in Sanskrit) Holding a beautiful, blossomed lotus flower in
His hand, the restless elephant of Sri Krsna has entered this lovely forest grove with graceful and bold
step. O beautiful girl, You are very fortunate. Simply with a gentle smile You have captured that
elephant and bound it up.
note: The word "ujjvala" may also be interpreted to mean "conjugal love". In this way the first
sentence of this verse may be interpreted:
"Holding a beautiful, blossomed lotus flower in His hand, the bold, amorous, restless elephant of
Sri Krsna has entered this lovely forest grove".
The word "vandi-kritah" may also be interpreted to mean "glorified". If this meaning is accepted,
then the last sentence becomes:
"With Your gentle smile You sing the praises of that elephant".
* 22 Krsna: Beloved served by a host of beautiful gopi-friends, and Your gestures as graceful as the
delicate, happy swans, You fill My eyes with the sight of Your beauty just as the autumn season fills
them. O moon-faced girl, You have robbed Me of My sleep.
note: If the word "sahacari" is interpreted to mean "sahacari flowers", the first part of the verse
may be interpreted "Beloved, decorated with many beautiful sahacari flowers". If the word "loka" is
interpreted to mean "world", the last part of the verse may be interpreted: "You fill the world with
beauty, just as the autumn season also fills it".
* 23 (a) By decorating You with these newly blossomed flowers, I shall make the beauty of this
autumn season fruitful.
* 23 (b) Madhumangala: (In Sanskrit) now that the autumn has begun, the peacocks, seeing Your
eagerness to enjoy transcendental pastimes, respond by dropping many splendid peacock feathers for
Your use. O Krsna, my heart becomes struck with wonder when I see how these peacocks understand
when it is the proper time for them to act.
* 24 (a) Krsna: Friend, you have seen the truth. I shall go to collect peacock feathers for My crown.
(Krsna and the brahmacari Madhumangala do that).
* 24 (b) Radhika: Friend, that burden is now gone, and now I feel free from all My worries. If you
are actually kind to Me, then keep Krsna far away, while I enter the grove of asoka trees. (She does
* 24 (c) Krsna: Friend, now this crown of peacock feathers may beautify the parted hair of Radha,
whose restless eyes are like two graceful khanjana birds. (He walks). Lalita, where is your dear
* 24 (d) Lalita: She has gone home.
* 24 (e) Krsna: Cruel woman, stop! I shall at once remove all the pride of Your rascaldom. (He
looks in all directions, and says in with happiness:) Friend, look! All at once I have again attained My
fair-complexioned beloved. (He approaches).
* 24 (f) Madhumangala: (Laughs) O friend, are You not still dizzy form the time when the
Trinavarta whirlwind spun You around? Look! This is a land-growing lotus flower covered with
yellow pollen.
* 24 (g) Krsna: (Looking) Friend, you speak the truth. (He goes to another place). O friend, look!
Without doubt I have now attained Radha, whose limbs are anointed with kunkuma. (Desiring to
embrace Her, He runs).
* 24 (h) Madhumangala: (Loudly clapping his hands and laughing) O friend, this is not Your fault.
Drowning in the waves of love, You now think that this entire Vrindavana forest is actually Radhika.
* 24 (i) Krsna; (Struck with wonder, He looks about). Where is our gopi-friend? (Looking to the
side) O beautiful Lalita, please come down from the great mountain of your contrariness and extend
your hand to help Me in this dense forest.
* 24 (j) Lalita: (Smiling) O handsome boy, You should ask Visakha. She knows where Radha has
gone. (Lalita sends a signal to Visakha).
* 24 (k) Krsna: (Happy, aside to Madhumangala). Friend, look! To Visakha Lalita signals with her
eyebrows. She points to the grove of kadamba trees. There is not the slightest doubt she is doing that.
(With a proud smile He walks there). O beloved, I see You. Come out! (He waits with raised neck
and then laughs out loud). Lalita! Well done! Well done! The vine of your rascaldom has now borne
its fruit.
* 24 (l) Madhumangala: Friend, I have Your Radha.
* 24 (m) Krsna: (Joyful) Friend, you are not like Lalita. I can trust that you speak the truth.
* 24 (n) Madhumangala: I swear on the Gayatri mantra that I speak the truth.
* 24 (o) Krsna: (With trust) Friend, where is She? Show Her to Me.
* 24 (p) Madhumangala: I shall place Her in Your hand, but first You must give a reward.
* 24 (q) (Krsna respectfully decorates him with the garland of malati flowers).
* 24 (r) Madhumangala: now You may take Her. (He gives Krsna a leaf on which the word
"Radha" is written).
* 24 (s) Krsna: (Smiles) Friend, I am pleased by your gift.
* 24 (t) When the syllables of the beloved's name even momentarily enter the eyes or ears of the
lover, at every moment they bring great satisfaction to the lover's heart. What to speak of the lover's
heart, they fill these syllables fill the hearts of the entire world with transcendental love.
* 25 (a) He turns and becomes struck with wonder as He notices a blossoming asoka tree on the
* 25 (b) "I think moon-faced Radharani may have entered this grove of asoka trees with a desire to
enjoy transcendental pastimes here. If this were not so, then how, when it is not the proper season,
could the bumble-bees proclaim the glories of the fragrant (blossoming) asoka flowers, if Radharani
had not touched them with Her feet?"
note: It is said that if a young girl touches an asoka tree with her foot, the tree will immediately
blossom. in this verse Lord Krsna thinks that because the asoka tree are blooming at the wrong time
of the year because Srimati Radharani must have stepped on them as She walks through the forest.
* 26 (a) (He walks. Lifting His neck, He sees Radha. He becomes blissful). Beloved, please tell
Me: What has happened?
* 26 (b) Radhika: (With the anger of love) I fled out of fear of You. Even here You have come to
mock Me.
* 26 (c) Krsna: (Praising Himself) See how expert I am. By preventing You from hiding from Me
I have defeated You.
* 26 (d) Lalita: (In Sanskrit) O expert boaster, in this Vrindavana forest only one Brahma offers
prayers to You, although many Brahmas offer prayers glorifying the beauty of each of Radha's
transcendental limbs. You may lift Govardhana Hill with a single hand, but my friend Radha pulls the
great mountain of Sri Krsna with a single sidelong glance. O hero Krsna, do not be so proud.
* 27 (a) Krsna: O Lalita, I shall disappear. In this way I shall remove your false boasting.
* 27 (b) Everyone: Do it!
* 27 (c) Krsna: Far to the north is a grove of tamala trees as dark as a swarm of black bees.
Because those trees and I are the same color We are close friends. Those trees will certainly give Me
a good hiding place. (Accompanied by His friend Madhumangala, Krsna exits).
* 27 (d) Lalita: O Radha, do not be unhappy because Krsna is no longer in Your sight. You shall
see Him again. now that we are separated from Him we shall go everywhere to find Him.
* 27 (e) Radhika: As My dear friends speaks.
* 27 (f) (The three girls do that).
* 27 (g) Radhika: (She goes to the northern forest, and then pauses to reflect) Is this not the place
where Krsna will be found? If He sees Me He will escape and go to south.
* 27 (h) O does, has handsome Krsna come to this place and become the guest of the corners of your
eyes? I can see that because you must have heard the sweet music of Krsna's flute, the grass is now
falling, half-chewed, from your mouths.
* 28 (She walks ahead, looks in all directions and says in Sanskrit:) Because the trees have become
stunned and stopped oozing honey, and because the birds have all assembled together as if stunned
with transcendental love, I think they must all be aware of the presence of Lord Krsna, who wears a
crown of peacock feathers, and who enchants the hearts of the entire world.
* 29 (She walks to the left, and then says in Sanskrit:)
These restless bumble-bees fly to and from without drinking the nectar of these flowers. This
parrot has become stunned, and will not eat the pomegranate near him. This doe has become pale and
declines to eat the green grass beneath her. These are certain symptoms of the fact that Sri Krsna,
who walks like the best of graceful elephants, must have travelled down this path".
* 30 (Goes ahead) On the left I see a grove of black tamala tree. (Tilting Her neck, She looks at the
trees and says in Sanskrit:) Why have the monkeys in the branches of the tamala trees given up their
natural restlessness? Why to their bodily hairs stand upright in ecstasy, and why do they stare at the
ground in this way?
* 31 (a) In this way the branches of the tamala trees appear very beautiful.
* 31 (b) (Krsna enter).
Krsna: (Aside) The great love that Radha bears for Me in the courtyard of Her heart has become
the messenger to quickly guide Her to Me. She can easily find Me now. I shall stand as still and
motionless as a column. (He does that).
* 31 (c) Radhika: (Lowering Her head, She sees Krsna. As a trick, She says:) Krsna is not here.
* 31 (d) Krsna: (Aside) Fortunately She did not see Me.
* 31 (e) Radhika: (Smiling) Here is a blue column studded with jewels.
* 31 (f) Krsna: Is it not so that because of the dense, blinding darkness She cannot recognize Me?
* 31 (g) Radhika: Ah, the splendour of this sapphire column!
* 31 (b) Krsna: (With happiness, He says to Himself:) O darkness, My friend, I take shelter of you.
Please extend your influence at once, so that even though this girl, whose restless eyes are like the
eyes of a doe, stares at Me at close range and for a long time, She will not understand who I am.
* 32 (a) Radhika: (Smiles) Wonderful! Wonderful! I see a line of moons reflected on this sapphire
note: Candravali is, of course, the name of Radha's rival, and therefore the sentence may also be
"Wonderful! Wonderful! I see My rival Candravali reflected in this sapphire column".
* 32 (b) Krsna: (Smiles, and says to Himself:) How does She understand who I am that She can
joke in this way? (He rises and says openly) Beloved, You speak the truth. When the moon of Your
face is reflected on the many waves of the thoughts in My heart, the reflection is broken into many
* 32 (c) Radhika: Oh! Is it You? Then it is not wonderful.
* 32 (d) Krsna: O playful girl, what is the need for all these punning jokes? Come here. For a
moment let us both enjoy transcendental pastimes in this saptaparna grove filled to the brim with the
sweet fragrance of hosts of flowers. (They both do that).
* 32 (e) Lalita:Visakha, look! Our dear friend Radha has gone with Krsna. Here we can see Her
footprints mixed with Him.
* 32 (f) Visakha: (Following the footprints, she says in Sanskrit:) Here Radha and Krsna's footprints
face each other, showing that here they must have embraced. Here the footprints are uneven, showing
that They must have enjoyed playful pastimes. Here the footprints are soft and regular showing that
They mush have had a long talk.
* 33 (a) Krsna: Beloved, not very far away is the soft sound of a tinkling sash of bells. Let us
become silent, and listen.
* 33 (b) Visakha: This Ah! How was our dear friend Radha able to find Krsna so quickly in this part
of the forest so much overgrown with creepers?
* 33 (c) Lalita: Here that person who is difficult to find in this world enjoys transcendental pastimes.
For a moment a sweet-throated cuckoo stays on a budding mango tree.
* 34 (a) Krsna: Beloved, here come Your two friends. I shall play a joke on them by hiding. (He
does that).
* 34 (b) Lalita: (Walking ahead, she sees Radha, and happily says:) Oh! Where is Your lover?
* 34 (c) Radhika: (With a smile) Who knows?
* 34 (d) Lalita: (With a playful smile, she says in Sanskrit:) Your hair is dishevelled, Your pearl
necklace brooked, Your teeth are no longer reddened with betel-nuts, Your breasts bear many scratch
marks, and Your belt is untied. O friend, it appears that You have enjoyed conjugal union with Krsna.
Is this proper for us chaste girls of Gokula?
* 35 (a) Krsna: (Approaches) Lalita, I have not done anything bad to your friend. I have been
hiding in the forest the entire time.
* 35 (b) Lalita: What did my dear friend do to make You hide in the forest?
* 35 (c) Krsna: O beautiful girl, Her bold amorous advances made Me flee. (Pointing with His
finger). Look! Look!
* 35 (d) She wounded My chest with the hard tips of Her fingernails. She violently attacked Me and
scattered My peacock feather decorations. She pulled apart My beautiful garland of forest flowers.
Even though She did all these things, your dear friend now stands before you and says that She knows
nothing about it.
* 36 (a) Radha: (Embarrassed) You are expert at blaming others for what You have done Yourself.
* 36 (b) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Jatila, with the ones whose blossoms have opened (The
sentence is half-finished).
* 36 (c) Radhika: (Frightened) A calamity! A great calamity! It is the terrible old lady. Let us flee
at once. (With Her two gopi-friends, She exits).
* 36 (d) Again the Voice From Behind The Scenes: Covered with pollen, in autumn, these beautiful
saptaparna trees look like jatila-yogis. the devotees of Siva who wear matted locks of hair.
* 36 (e) Krsna: (Distressed) Ah! The brahmacari Madhumangala used the word "jatila" to
describe the saptaparna trees. Jatila is not coming now. These bitter words of his have ruined Me.
now let Me go to My gopa-friends.
(Everyone exits).

Act Seven-Gauri-tirtha-vihara
Pastimes at Gauri-tirtha

*1 (Vrinda enters).
Vrinda: (Looking in all directions) The breeze carries the sweet aroma scent of the blooming
kadamba flowers, the jubilantly buzzing bees assemble on the yuthi flowers, the peacocks dance, and
the earth is green with grass. now that it is autumn, these twelve forests of Vrindavana delight my
* 2 (a) (Glancing behind the scenes) Why is Paurnamasi talking with Abhimanyu in the garden by
her cottage of leaves? Let wait here a moment.
* 2 (b) (Enter Paurnmasi, as described)
Paurnamasi: Abhimanyu, my child, why have you come to so early in the morning.
* 2 (c) Abhimanyu: To ask your permission.
* 2 (d) Paurnamasi: For what?
* 2 (e) Abhimanyu: To take Radha to Mathura.
* 2 (f) Paurnamasi: (Anxious) Why?
* 2 (g) Abhimanyu: There is a love affair between Radha and Krsna.
* 2 (h) Paurnamasi: O hero, who told you such a thing?
* 2 (i) Abhimanyu: My dear friend Govardhana.
* 2 (j) Paurnamasi: Child Abhimanyu, although you think that you are very clever, your intelligence
is not very good. The whirlpool of Kamsa's crookedness has spun you around in circles.
* 2 (k) Abhimanyu: Their conduct is very well known. Why should I not accuse Them?
* 2 (l) Paurnamasi: Son, is it not that your discrimination has been stolen by the tales of these
gossipers? Please listen.
* 2 (m) Abhimanyu: Please instruct .
* 2 (n) Paurnamasi: Aroused by a whiff? of the sweet fragrance of Her beauty, the tiger Kamsa is
hunting the doe Radha. Why should you place Her in the hand of this cruel tiger Kamsa?
* 2 (o) Abhimanyu: O noble lady, what anxiety need there be in that? With the sweetness of this
great learning, my dear friend Govardhana keeps Kamsa under his control.
* 2 (p) Paurnamasi: (Broods for a moment) O most fortunate one, you are the cousin of Krsna's
mother. How is it that you have fallen into the circle of the short-lived enemies of Gokula village?
Today I wish to place some restrictions on you.
* 2 (q) Abhimanyu: The noble lady may order .
* 2 (r) Paurnamasi: Child, if you actually do not accept that this malicious rumour is a lie, then at
least investigate the matter, and when with your own eyes, you see that it is true, then you may do as
you wish.
* 2 (s) Abhimanyu: (With humbleness) O noble lady, I place the flower of your words upon my
* 2 (t) Paurnamasi: (happily) O moon-faced one, may you become the master of many cows.
* 2 (u) Abhimanyu: O noble lady, my mother tells again and again my mother tells : "Son, because
Candravali worships goddess Durga, Govardhana-gopa name has become very appropriate for him.
For this reason your wife Radha should also become initiated into the worship of Durga.
note: The word "govardhana" means "master of many cows". Govardhana-gopa has become the
master of many cows, because of Candravali's worship, and therefore his name is now very
* 2 (v) Paurnamasi: O auspicious-heart, please know that very soon Radha will be initiated into the
worship of a deity who is all-auspicious.
* 2 (w) Abhimanyu: O noble lady, you are very kind to . (He exits).
* 2 (x) Vrinda: (Walking) I offer my respects to the noble lady.
* 2 (y) Paurnamasi: (noticing her, she greets her with words of benedictions) Child, you possess all
good fortune. Please tell of the sweetness of Radha and Krsna's pastimes in the forest-grove.
* 2(z) Vrinda: The pastimes of Radha and Krsna are the great treasure of transcendental conjugal
love. Who would stop describing them as long as transcendental bliss does not stop His voice?
*3 Paurnamasi: (Blissful) O daughter Vrinda,
"O Paurnamasi, if Lord Hari had not descended in Mathura with Srimati Radharani, this entire
creation---and specially Cupid, the demigod of love-would have been useless."
* 4 (a) For this reason I am surprised that at this time you have come into Vraja village.
* 4 (b) Vrinda: O noble lady, there is something very serious. For this reason I am waiting here for
* 4 (c) Paurnamasi: What is it?
* 4 (d) Vrinda: Yesterday I received an request from Krsna. He said: "Please give very sweet
beauty to the place Gauri-tirtha. In that place I wish to enjoy pastimes with My beloved, who will
wear garlands of lotus flowers and hold a lotus in Her hand.
*5 Paurnamasi: This is a very appropriate request, for today is the auspicious day known as
saubhagya-purnima. A famous verse says: "A woman decorated by her lover with many wonderful
flowers on the full-moon day of the month of sravana attains great good fortune".
* 6 (a) Then? Then?
* 6 (b) Vrinda: A female parrot recited that verse in the assembly of gopis. Even though she knew
that the verse actually referred to Radha, Padma glanced at Lalita from the corner of her eyes, and
vehemently said:
* 6 (c) Her transcendental form glittering with happiness as she enjoys transcendental pastimes with
Lord Krsna, the full moon of Candravali, shining with the moonlight of her great good fortune, will
wilt the ambuja lotus faces of the gopis blind with pride.
note: The ambuja lotus opens during the day and closes with the moonrise at night.
* 7 (a) Paurnamasi: Then? Then?
* 7 (b) Vrinda: (Laughing) Then, with a smiling glance Lalita showed her contempt for the fool
Padma. Early in the morning Padma and I went to find Radha to arrange for Her to go and meet
Krsna. Look! Even at this hour She still has not come.
* 7 (b) Lalita: Friend Vrinda, Padma had reason to be proud. now I understand. How can we go
* 7 (c) Paurnamasi: My daughter, what do you mean?
* 7 (d) Lalita: O noble lady, what is the use of our showing to you the sharp arrow of our
* 7 (d) Paurnamasi: Child, I am very eager to hear it. Tell .
* 7 (e) Lalita: (With tears) O noble lady, our dear friend Radha strung a splendid flower garland on
a gold silk thread and gave it to Krsna. We later saw that same garland decorating Padma's braided
* 7 (f) Paurnamasi: Your unhappiness is natural. It was not proper for Krsna to do that.
* 7 (g) Vrinda: now the trouble is ended.
* 7 (h) Paurnamasi: Vrinda, tell us how.
* 7 (i) Vrinda: Speaking in human words, the old monkey Kakkhatika told what happened: Krsna
placed the garland on the branch of a kadamba tree, and then went to bathe in the Yamuna. While He
was bathing the wind blew circle of ketaki pollen. During that whirlwind Padma stole the garland.
Later Padma blamed the wind for blowing the garland away.
* 7 (j) Lalita: Rascal, give up your cheating.
* 7 (k) Vrinda: By the blossoming flowers, i swear it true.
* 7 (l) Lalita: (Believing) Ah! It is true! It is true! Padma shows the garland to us and proclaims
her good fortune, but then she hides it from Krsna's friends.
* 7 (m) Paurnamasi: Daughter Lalita, Padma is using her skill at deception. She has taken
Candravali to Gauri-tirtha on this full-moon day just to undo your plan.
* 7 (n) Vrinda: The noble lady speaks the truth. To take Radhika to Gauri-tirtha today seems
inauspicious to .
* 7 (o) (Visakha enters).
Visakha: Vrinda, you should say "it seems auspicious".
* 7 (p) Vrinda: Why is that?
* 7 (q) Visakha: Hearing from the moth of Gokula's queen Yashoda that today is the auspicious full-
moon day of Saubhagya-purnima, Karala has arranged that Candravali spend the entire time by the
side of her wrestler husband.
* 7 (r) Lalita: (With happiness)Visakha, may your worshipable deity, the sun-god, be merciful to
you. Hurry!
* 7 (s) Paurnamasi: Daughter Vrinda, I shall inform Radha of Abhimanyu's present fearful plan
given to him by a wicked counselor, and then I shall stay with Her at gauri-tirtha to wash away the
mud of the all Her fears.
* 7 (t) Vrinda: O noble lady, you should go with Radha and Visakha to the grove of lavanga trees
east of Gauri-tirtha. In the meantime, the two of us will bring Krsna.
* 7 (u) (Paurnamasi exits with Visakha).
* 7 (y) Lalita: (walks with Vrinda) Ah! Look! Way over there in the south Padma is talking with
* 7 (w) Vrinda: Friend,Visakha will not lie. (Goes ahead, and then reflects) Friend, we were so
excited and eager that even without knowing whether Radha will come we have quickly gone a great
distance. Let us wait here for a moment on the farther shore of the Yamuna. (They both exit).
* 7 (x) (Padma and Saibya enter).
* 7 (y) Padma: Friend Saibya, don't be unhappy.
* 7 (z) Saibya: Padma, because I was not able to attain my greatest desire, I am not able to pacify
my unhappy heart.
* 7 (aa) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Padma, Candravali should at once be taken to the slope
of Govardhana Hill, there my child may be nicely decorated with flowers.
* 7 (bb)?????
* 7 (cc) Saibya: Padma, now we have heard the noble Karala again spitting out poison words.
* 7 (dd) Padma: Ah, this is nectar. Drinking it, I have regained my strength.
* 7 (ee) Saibya: (Bewildered) How is that?
* 7 (ff) Padma: O bewildered girl, Gauri-tirtha is by the side of Govardhana Hill.
* 7 (gg) Saibya (With happiness) In understanding how to achieve one's desires you are the most
learned scholar. Arise! Let us both bring Candravali to that place.
* 7 (hh) Padma: I already sent Candravali there. Hurry! Let us follow her.
* 7 (ii) (They both walk).
* 7 (jj) Saibya: Padma, where is the offerings prepared for Gauri?
* 7 (kk) Padma: It was placed in the hand of Madhumangala.
* 7 (ll) Saibya: When I consider the better position of our rivals, I wilt with despair.
* 7 (mm) Padma: Don't be unhappy. By showing them this garland, I have completely disheartened
our rivals.
* 7 (nn) (Saibya jubilantly embraces Padma).
* 7 (oo) Padma: On Saubhagya-purnima, at Gauri-tirtha filled with sweetly blossoming flowers,
look at Candravali happily enjoying transcendental pastimes with Lord Krsna.
* 8 (a) (From Behind the Scenes this verse, beginning "sauhagga-punnimahe", is recited).
* 8 (b) Saibya: (Struck with wonder, looks). Aha! Making her mouth crooked, the old monkey
Kakkhati recites this verse in a hideous voice. In this way she is mocking us.
* 8 (c) Padma: (With a smile) Wicked monkey, I will set fire to your mouth!
* 8 (d) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Padma, stay right there! Stay right there! no one is at
your house. I'm going there, and I'll eat all the fresh butter.
* 8 (e) Saibya: Ah! It's true! It's true! She runs even as she speaks.
* 8 (f) Padma: Don't worry, noble Karala is at home. (Walks and then says in Sanskrit:) Look!
Look! His body leaning on the straight staff pressed against His left a right arm and left hand, Subala
stands beneath a tree, herding the cows, and singing "ra-ri".
* 9 (a) Saibya: (Walking) I see Candravali to the east of Sankarsana-kunda.
* 9 (b) Padma: (With happiness, in Sanskrit) His smiling face as beautiful as a lotus flower, His
playful steps criticising the gracefulness of the elephants, and the splendour of His bodily luster
robbing the eyes of their fatigue, the moon of Krsna has now found the many moons of Candravali.
* 10 (a) (Krsna and Candravali enter).
* 10 (b) Krsna: (Blocking the path) O beloved, you have kindly assume this form of a pitcher of
the honey of beauty for the two bumble-bees of My eyes.
* 10 (c) Candravali: Get out of my way! I am going to Gauri-tirtha where I shall worship Goddess
* 10 (d) Krsna: (Smiling) Seeing Me, the hairs of your body rise out of respect, your eyes
affectionately offer many tears as padya to wash My feet, and your breasts allow their bodice to slip a
little to show Me a splendid place to sit. O slender girl, even though you are crooked and hostile, your
friends have been very polite and kind to Me.
* 11 (a) The two Gopi-friends: (Approaching) Friend, there are many paths. When one is blocked
we are stopped from taking the others.
* 11 (b) Candravali: (Tilting her neck, she looks) Ah! Fortunately you are helping .
* 11 (c) Krsna: (Aside) How is it that even though I yearn to meet with Radha, it is Candravali who
has come to Me?
* 10 (d) Padma: (Aside to Krsna) When I heard You say "The girl who holds Padma's hand" I
could understand Your desire, so by a trick I have brought Candravali to You.
* 11 (e) Krsna: (Aside) Yes. I understand. I wished to have a padma-lotus ornament, and you
misunderstood what I had said. Is that your fault? (Openly) Friend, Padma's friendship for Krsna is
very famous.
* 11 (f) Padma: now quickly take Candravali to Gauri-tirtha.
* 11 (g) Krsna: (Aside) The arrival of Candravali will certainly check Radha from coming here.
Candravali's love for Me is sincere. Let Me give pleasure to My own heart by making her happy.
* 11 (h) (Openly) O friend, You give a great festival of happiness to Padma. You are always
faultless, and You are filled with happiness to remain at Krsna's side. O Candravali, you are
note: If "padma" is interpreted to mean "lotus flowers", "krishna-paksa" to mean "the dark
fortnight", and "candravali" to mean "a row of moons", then the verse reveals the following
"O friend, you are a wonderful row of faultless, wonderful moons that bring a great festival of
happiness to the lotus flowers, and that always remain full, even during the dark fortnight".
* 12 (a) (Walking ahead) O doe-eyed girl, look at the beauty of the forest.
* 12 (b) Padma: Ah! Here is Krsna's pet deer, whose name is Suranga. His wife is the doe name
* 12 (c) Krsna: (Apprehensively) points an ear in the direction of behind the stage, and says to
Himself:) Soft sounds from the throat of Rangini now arise. Does this not mean that Radha has also
* 12 (d) Padma: Why is Suranga suddenly running to the south?
* 12 (e) Krsna: (Again to Himself) Attracted by the sound of Rangini's voice, the deer has now
gone to Gauri-tirtha. I shall wait for a while in the forest by Sankarsana-tirtha.
* 12 (f) Padma: Filled with thousands of new lotus flowers, and nectar waves that wash away all
sins, this beautiful large lake appears like a great herd of surabhi cows.
note: If the word "ahamana" is interpreted to mean "Of Krsna, the killer of Aghasura", "pa-umini"
to mean "lotus-like girls", "Rasa" to mean "the nectar of transcendental mellows", and "gokula" to
mean "Gokula village", then the verse may be interpreted in the following way.
"This beautiful large lake appears like Gokula village, which is filled with thousands of lotus like
beautiful girls, and tossed about by the waves of nectarean transcendental love for Lord Krsna".
* 13 Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! Bearing great and wonderful love for the sun, delighting the
bumble-bees with its nectar, this lotus flower that has such a lovely whorl displays its beauty
throughout the entire lake, just as you manifest your beauty throughout the entire world.
note: If "mitre" is interpreted to mean "friend", "ali" to mean "gopi-friend", "karnika" to mean
"earring", and "sarojini" to mean "lotuslike girl", the verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"Beloved, look! Look! Bearing great and wonderful love for your intimate friend Krsna, delighting
your gopi-friends with the nectar of your friendship, you and are a lovely girl decorated with splendid
earrings, you are a lotuslike girl displaying transcendental beauty throughout the entire world".
* 14 (a) Saibya: Why does the moon of Krsna make this beautiful lotuslike girl with unhappiness.
note: The padma lotus blooms in the moonlight, and closes its petals in the sunlight.
* 14 (b) Padma: (Pointing to the moon, she speaks the following meaningful words:) This fragrant
lotus bear love in her heart for the sun. O moon who is red for only a moment, don't cast your
moonlight upon here.
note: If "sura" is interpreted to mean "hero", "pa-umini" to mean "lotuslike girl", "amo-a" to
mean "happiness" "ra-o" to mean "love", "tarahisa" to mean "O Lord of Radha", and "karam" to
mean "hand", then the verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"This delightfully beautiful lotuslike girl bears sincere lover in her heart for the hero Krsna. O Lord
of Radha, O Krsna whose love for Candravali lasts for only a moment, don't place Your hand upon
* 15 (a) Krsna: O Padma, the moon is not at fault here. This lotus flower wilts because the fickle
goddess of fortune, Laksmi-devi has abandoned her.
note: If "tarapatih" is interpreted to mean "Krsna, the husband (pati) of Radha (ara)", then the
word "padmini" to mean "lotuslike girl", and the word "padma" to mean "Padma-gopi", then the
verse may be interpreted in the following way:
"O Padma, Krsna is not at fault here. This lotuslike girl wilts with unhappiness because the fickle
Padma has abandoned her".
* 15 (b) Candravali: (Smiling, she looks ahead, and says in Sanskrit:) I think the creepers have
noticed the overflowing greed of the intoxicated bumble-bees, and the creepers are now laughing with
the great beauty of their flowers.
On the pretext of dripping honey, this one delicate golden yuthi flower sheds tears of love.
* 16 Krsna: Beloved, look! Look! Glorified by the songs of the bumble-bee poets, and fanned by
the camara whisks of the tails of the surabhi cows, the regal kadamba tree stands with head held high.
* 17 (a) Candravali: Ah! How enchanting is the beauty of Vrindavana forest.
note: The word "lalita" here means "enchanting". If the word "lalita" is interpreted to mean "the
gopi Lalita" and the word "laksmi" is interpreted to mean "goddess of fortune", then statement
becomes: "Ah! Lalita-gopi is the beautiful goddess who presides over Vrindavana forest."
* 17 (b) (Lalita and Vrinda enter).
* 17 (c) Lalita: (Looking ahead, she becomes disquieted) This is a great calamity.
* 17 (d) Vrinda: It is not easy to jump over Karala's order. How then has Padma been able to bring
Candravali here?
* 17 (e) Lalita: Ah! You know all the mystic sciences. Pull Krsna out of this place.
* 17 (f) Vrinda: Candravali is a treasure chest of the most valuable jewels of love for Lord Krsna.
How shall we convince Lord Krsna to leave her?
* 18 Lalita: (In Sanskrit) I offer my respectful obeisances to the powerful warrior that is Radha's
love for Krsna. The slightest scent of the presence of that warrior makes the elder of modesty and
morality flee as if they were so many thieves.
* 19 (a) Vrinda: Friend, you speak rightly. Still, Krsna is now showing kindness to Candravali.
Therefore I say it will be difficult to pull Him away from her.
* 19 (b) Lalita: Vrinda, you speak the truth, What will be our shelter in this calamity?
* 19 (c) Vrinda: First let us enter their circle, then we may understand the truth of what has
* 19 (d) (They both walk).
* 19 (e) Saibya: (Looks, and says to Padma) Ah! Padma! Is it not so that Radha has gone to
Gauri-tirtha? Look! Lalita is coming from that direction.
* 19 (f) Padma: What harm is there for us? Krsna will find it very difficult to leave our dear friend
* 19 (g) Lalita: (Approaching) O Candravali, that stag ignores the love of his beloved. And He has
become a debaucher who loves all the does. We should not allow the doe Rangini to stay in his house.
I have come to you to bear witness that stag has not remembered his beloved for an entire month.
* 19 (h) (Candravali smiles).
* 19 (i) Krsna: (Aside) Lalita has come for Me. (Glancing at Candravali, He decides to resort to a
trick. He then says openly:) Lalita, you criticize Suranga unfairly. You do not know the actual desire
within his heart. Please give this message to the doe Rangini:
* 19 (j) "O lover of the Saranga, the stag always desires you. O doe whose eyes penetrate the heart,
please know that Suranga's heart is in your power.
note: If the words "harina" and "saranga" are interpreted to be names of Krsna, then the verse may
"O lover of Krsna, Krsna always desires you. Please know O girl whose eyes penetrate the heart,
please know that Krsna's heart is in Your power".
* 20 (a) Padma: (Only to Krsna) Krsna, now You have attained Your beloved. now You may
abandon us, who are not qualified to associate with You.
* 20 (b) Krsna: O splendidly beautiful girl, friend, I vow that I have no love for the proud, crooked
gopis who bear the fragrance of Radha.
note: This verse may also be interpreted:
"O splendidly beautiful friend, I vow that I love the jubilant gopis who bear the fragrance of Radha.
I have no love for Radha's enemies".
* 21 (a) Padma: (With a insolent smile) Friend Lalita, this is wonderful. Wonderful. You are
called Anuradha because you always accompany Radha-gopi. How is it that today you have come
here without Radha?
note: "Radha" and "Anuradha" are also names of stars. Anuradha always follows the star Radha.
* 21 (b) Lalita: (In Sanskrit) With great thirst the bumble-bees kiss the regal elephant's cheek. The
thirsty elephant goes to the lake, but the lake does not to him.
note: In this little allegory Krsna is the regal elephant, Candravali's friends are the bees, and Radha
is the lake. The kisses of Candravali's friends are simply an annoyance to the elephant Krsna, who
thirsts after Radha. He pursues Radha, but She does not pursue Him.
* 22 Padma: O intelligent Saibya, hear this one riddle from : What girl is always painted on the
canvass of Krsna's heart?
* 23 (a) Saibya: Friend, it is Candravali.
* 23 (b) Vrinda: (With a smile) You have understood perfectly. They call Visnu's shield is
decorated with the pictures of many moons. For this reason they call His shield ("Satacandra (A
hundred moons)".
note: Saibya said that Candravali is painted on the canvass of Krsna's heart, although Vrinda took
"candravali" to mean merely "a host (avali) of moons (candra)", Vrinda also interpreted the word
"phalaka" to mean "shield" instead of "canvass".
* 23 (c) Krsna: (Aside) This girl is very pure at heart.
* 23 (d) (Candravali shyly walks to the left).
* 23 (e) Lalita: O dear friend Vrinda, O brilliant unraveller of riddles, tell the meaning of my riddle:
By what name if Madhava (Krsna) known in this world?
* 24 (a) Vrinda: O friend, He is known by the name Radha.
* 24 (b) Krsna: This is correct. Madhava and Radha are both synonyms for the month of Vaisakha.
* 24 (c) Padma: Saibya, what is the need for all these riddles? now you may taste the happiness of
nectarean transcendental pastimes with lotus-eyed Krsna.
* 24 (d) Saibya: (Looking at the lotus pond) Only as long as he does not notice the hosts of lotus
flowers is the bumble-bee pleased by the water-lilies blooming in the evening.
note: If the word "kumuddadi" is interpreted as a name of Radha, if "mudita" is interpreted to
mean "jubilant", and if "padmali" is interpreted to mean "Candravali, the friend of Padma-gopi",
and if the "bhramara" is interpreted to refer to Krsna, then the verse may be understood to mean:
"Only as long as He does not notice Padma's friend Candravali is Krsna pleased by jubilant Radha
in the evening".
* 25 Padma: Ah! You speak the truth. Only as long as a host of moons do not rise in the sky as
dark as a tamala tree, does the star Radha and the other stars appear the shine brightly.
note: If "radha" is taken to refer to Radha-gopi, "candravali" to Candravali-gopi, tara-alihim to
Taraka and other gopis" and "tamala-same" to Krsna, whose complexion is dark as a tamala tree, the
verse may be understood to mean:
"Ah! You speak the truth. Only as long as Candravali does not appear before Krsna, whose
complexion is dark as a tamala tree, does Radha, accompanied by Taraka and Her other gopi-friends,
appear very beautiful".
* 26 Lalita: (Laughing, she says in Sanskrit:) My friend, the splendour of the sun in Taurus
eclipses the shining of even hundred of moons.
note: If "vrisabhanuja" is interpreted to mean "Radha, the daughter of Maharaja Vrishabhanu", and
if "candravali" is interpreted to mean "Candravali", then the verse means:
"My friend, the beauty of Radha eclipses the splendour of hundreds of Candravalis".
* 27 (a) Krsna: (Smiling) What is the need for all these words? Let us simply enjoy the sweet
fragrance of the spring season.
* 27 (b) Vrinda: (With a smile) What creeper does not burst into flower when springtime appears?
I bow down to offer my respectful obeisances to the madhavi creeper, which is personally named after
spring (madhava).
note: If "madhava" is interpreted to be a name of Krsna, and "madhavi" is interpreted to be a
name of Radha, and if "valli" is interpreted to mean "a beautiful girl as delicate as flowering creeper",
then the verse may be interpreted to mean:
"What beautiful girl as delicate as a flowering creeper does not feel her limbs blossom with
happiness when Madhava (Krsna) appears? I bow down to offer my respectful obeisances to Madhavi
(Radha), who is personally named after Lord Krsna".
* 28 (a) Padma: (Unhappy, she walks and loudly exclaims) Ah! Candravali! Why have you given
up the worship of goddess Durga, the mother of Ganesa? Why do you keep company with these
* 28 (b) Krsna: (As a rebuke) Candravali loves Me, and you try to prevent her from approaching
Me. O Padma, you are like a karala weed that prevents a jasmine creeper from approaching a tamala
* 29 (a) (Enters)
Karala: Stop! Oh, stop! By good fortune I have found you on this path.
* 29 (b) (Everyone turns. They are frustrated).
* 29 (c) Saibya: (Aside) Padma! Alas! Alas! How did the old woman know we were here?
* 29 (d) Karala: Aha! The old monkey greedy after butter spoke the truth!
* 29 (e) (Padma unhappily glances at Saibya).
* 29 (f) Lalita: (Aside) Old monkey Kakkhatika, I shall give you butter mixed with sugar.
* 29 (g) Krsna: (Aside) Beloved, I don't see any place for hiding. On the left is Govardhana Hill,
whose tall peaks are difficult to scale. On the right your noble husband is engaged in herding the
cows. Behind us there are no bushes suitable for hiding. In front of us is this cruel old lady. What is
the solution?
* 30 (a) Candravali: (Aside) Alas! Alas! All of a sudden this harsh candala woman has become
* 30 (b) Karala: (Angry) Look! Oh, look at the snakelike lust of this debaucher whose complexion
is as dark as kusuma-taila mascara, and whose sidelong glance is as fearful as the glance of a black
snake, He has destroyed the auspicious chastity of all the pious girls in Gokula. (Shaking her head
and opening her eyes wide). O black boy, whose wife is this? Do You know? Listen! Carefully
listen. This girl's husband is a great wrestler. He is the intimate friend of Kamsa, the king of the
* 30 (c) Krsna: Karala, so what?
* 30 (d) Karala: (Angry) Yes. Yes. In the middle of the forest you think that You have become
another king. When He enters the assembly of the actual king, the king of the cowherds will strike
His brow with regret.
* 30 (e) Krsna: Karala, I swear to you: The sight of Candravali makes Me tremble with fear.
note: If "sadhvasam" is interpreted to mean "the state of not meeting", and "udvega" to mean
"unahappiness", then the statement becomes:
"Karala, I swear to you: When I gaze at Candravali I become unhappy that I cannot remain in her
* 30 (f) Karala: (Looking at Candravali, she angrily says:) O girl who spends sleepless nights in the
forest, O girl who since childhood has been expert at secretly meeting with Krsna, O girl whose
chastity has been destroyed simply by your thirst for Krsna's bimba-fruit lips, which have already
been tasted by thousands of gopis filled with amorous passion, stop! Stop! Have you become
* 30 (g) Lalita: O noble lady, what fault is there for the western horizon, who simply desired to
follow the lord of her life, her husband Varuna? What fault is there for the sun, who personally
removes the fault of the darkness of night? It is the sunset who has become the matchmaker bringing
them both together and making them both red, who is at fault.
note: In this little allegory the western horizon is Candravali, the sun is Krsna, and the sunset is
Padma. The meeting of Candravali-Krsna is not be blamed on either Candravali or Krsna. The blame
goes to the matchmaker Padma.
* 30 (h) Karala: Daughter, you speak the truth. (Showing great pride) O maidservant Padma, O
girl expert at breaking up the homes of others, O eager matchmaker, O queen of unchaste woman;
How will you escape from my hand? (She raises her staff).
* 30 (i) Padma: (Turning from her) O noble lady, I do not understand why you have become so
unhappy. We were simply following your orders.
* 30 (j) Vrinda: (Aside) now the rascal Padma is speaking this tricky lie. (Openly) O noble lady,
this foolish girl became bewildered because both the wrestler and the hill have the same name. For
now, please forgive her.
note: Candravali's husband is named Govardhana. The hill in Vraja near Gauri-tirtha is also named
Govardhana Hill. Karala told Padma to bring Candravali to Govardhana (The husband), but Padma
brought her to Govardhana Hill instead.
* 30 (k) (Karala gives up the staff).
* 30 (l) Padma: () Lalita, you wait! You wait! now I am going to Jatila to pay you back. (She
* 30 (m) Karala: (Glancing at Candravali) Come on, O housewife who goes to the forest,come on.
(Taking Candravali with her, and accompanied by Saibya, she exits).
* 30 (n) Krsna: (sighs) Vrinda, is it not that you have now achieved your aim?
* 30 (o) Vrinda: O Krsna, the graceful beauty of spring is now enjoying pastimes at Gauri-tirtha.
She presents before You this gift of two very valuable, slightly blossomed campaka flowers.
note: If the word "madhava-laksmih" is interpreted to mean, "Radha, the goddess who is the
personified opulence of Lord Krsna", then the statement reveals the following meaning:
"O Krsna, Sri Radha, the beautiful goddess who is the personified opulence of and Lord Krsna is
now enjoying transcendental pastimes at Gauri-tirtha. She presents before You this gift of two very
valuable, slightly blossomed campaka flowers".
* 30 (p) Krsna: (Happily takes the flowers). Vrinda while I see how My friends are protecting the
cows, you two go ahead. I shall follow there.
* 30 (q) Vrinda: (Walking) Lalita, look at the regal kadamba tree ahead. (Approaching) Ah! Ah!
O regal kadamba tree, even the demigod Brahma, who is born from a lotus flower, cannot adequately
describe your great good fortune. You beautiful this forest of Vrindavana. Your flowers cover the
chest of Lord Krsna. Those mischievous flowers mock even the effulgent Kaustubha jewel, the
brother of the goddess of fortune.
note: The Goddess of Fortune, and the Kaustubha jewel, were both from the ocean of milk, and
therefore they are brother and sister.
* 31 (a) Lalita: (Looking ahead) Vrinda, there is the noble Paurnamasi, hidden in that grove of
mango trees with Visakha.
* 31 (b) Vrinda: (noticing Radha by the clove creeper) Lalita, look! Look! Is this beauty
personified? Is this the glory of transcendental virtue personified? Or is this Radhika, the
personification form of the greatness of transcendental love?
* 32 (Looking ahead) Her ears decorated with lotus flowers, a lotus swinging at the end of Her
braided hair, a lotus resting in Her lotus hand, she puts even the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, to shame.
* 33 A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Decorated with a garland of kadamba flowers, the flute in
His hand, two charming flower-bud earrings swinging on His ears, tilaka drawn in the red pigment
manahsila beautifying His forehead, and the moon shining in His hair, Sri Krsna, the personified
sweet nectar of Yashoda's great motherly love enjoys transcendental pastimes in the distance.
* 34 (a) Lalita: Has noble Paurnamasi not seen Krsna from far away? She is describing Him.
* 34 (b) Vrinda: Lalita, in truth Krsna is not far away. O friend whose eyes are restless are like
khanjana birds, the peacock named Tandavika spreads his tail feathers and dances. Without seeing the
dark cloud of Sri Krsna, that peacock cannot bear the breathe and live for even a moment.
* 35 (a) Lalita: Friend, look at the grove of punnage trees by the cottage of madhavi creepers in the
* 35 (b) Vrinda: (Looking, she happily says) With the honey of His flute music, the Supreme Lord
Krsna charms the surabhi cows. His supremely splendid staff is the sceptor that establishes His role as
the king of the cowherd boys.
* 36 (a) Lalita: The two still have seen each other. Seeing only the doe Rangini, Krsna enters the
grove of clove creepers.
* 36 (b) Vrinda: Look! Look! O friend, perceiving the sweet fragrance flowing from Krsna's
transcendental body in all directions, intelligent Radha, with a smile on Her face, hides the creeper of
Her transcendental form in the cottage of madhavi creepers.
* 37 (Again looking, she jubilantly says:) Radhika's footprints in the dust announced to Lord Krsna
the direction She had taken. Approaching from behind, Krsna covered Radha's eyes with His
trembling hands.
* 38 (a) Lalita: The hairs of Her body standing erect in transcendental bliss, this crooked girl is now
striking lotus-eyed Krsna with Her toy lotus-flower.
* 38 (b) Vrinda: Look! Look! O friend Her frown revealing smiles, Her words of "no! no!"
spoken with great happiness, weak resistance from Her hands, and, Her dry tears, although She
repeatedly tries to conceal Her actual feelings, only clearly reveal the great love that Radha bears for
Lord Krsna in Her heart.
* 39 Lalita: Expertly enjoying amorous pastimes, Srimati Radharani bites Lord Krsna with Her
teeth and scratches Him with Her nails,as if She has become His enemy. These activities bring Lord
Krsna incomparable pleasure.
* 40 Vrinda: (Laughing)
O Radharani, (now that You have met Lord Krsna) Your eyes are full of tears of joy that have
washed away Your black mascara. (You have become so excited) that perspiration has washed away
the red kunkuma adorning Your breasts. As You gaze at Lord Krsna's chest. You yearn to embrace
it. Your undergarment has also become loosened. I think it wishes to become untied altogether".
* 41 (a) Lalita: How has this expert couple become hidden in the grove of madhavi creepers?
* 41 (b) Vrinda: When the bumble-bees of his eyes drink the sweet, pure, sacred madhvika nectar
of the amorous pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, what person becomes satiated?
* 42 (a) Lalita: Ah! Why have these bees abandoned these madhavi flowers dripping with honey,
and instead hurried to the east?
* 42 (b) Vrinda: Friend, Radha and Krsna, the two crown of all amorous couples, have left the
cottage of madhavi creepers, and the bumble-bees are hurriedly following Their sweet fragrance.
Come, let us delight our eyes by looking at the palace of creepers. (They walk). Look! Look!
* 42 (c) This charming grove , there are scattered jewels and pearls from broken necklaces, wilted
garments, fragments of golden ornaments, and a bed fashioned from many flowers, clearly shows that
Krsna enjoyed very blissful pastimes here.
* 43 Lalita: (Looking closely, she says in Sanskrit:) Smeared with saffron from Krsna's limbs, and
red lac fallen from Radha's feet, and sprinkled with perspiration mixed with drops of red sindura, this
broken bed of flowers delights my eyes.
* 44 Vrinda: (Struck with wonder) As a child She played in the dust, Her ears newly pierced, and
Her hair, only as long as a cow's ear, tied with a colored ribbon. Where has this Radha so expertly
learned the art of amorous pastimes that She has defeated unconquerable Lord Krsna?
Tex 45 (a) Lalita: (Looking to the east) Vrinda, look! not very far away are Radha and Krsna.
* 45 (b) Vrinda: What is She saying? Let us listen.
* 45 (c) (From behind the Scenes).
Radha: (In Sanskrit) Place a kuvalaya lotus flower on My ear. Put a lavanga in My hair. Place a
garland of malli flowers on My chest. Place a garland of kadamba flowers around My hips. O
supremely pure Krsna, My gopi-friends should not see Me undecorated.
* 46 Vrinda: (Smiling) Marked with fingernails scratches as brilliant as threads dyed with
manjistha, it's peacock feather ornaments washed away by the waves of many amorous pastimes, and
decorated with many drops of perspiration like glistening pearls, the transcendental forms of Sri Krsna
delights my mind.
* 47 (a) (Krsna enters, accompanied by Radha, whose body is decorated).
* 47 (b) Krsna: Your curling locks of hair make these tilaka decorations drawn in musk useless and
redundant. Your eyes are so beautiful that they make the two lotus flowers on Your ears wilt by
comparison. The waves of the beauty of Your splendid smile has crushed Your necklace into dust. O
Radharani, what is the use of You wearing all these decorations? You are already splendidly
decorated by the beauty of Your limbs. These other decorations are simply a useless waste of time.
* 48 (a) Both Gopis: (Approaching) O handsome one, these decorations of madhavi flowers are
very beautiful.
* 48 (b) Krsna: (Taking the two clusters of flowers, He says with happiness) I am the object of the
meditation for the hosts of liberated souls, and You are the constant object of My desire. O girl with
the beautiful hips, it is proper that You be decorated with these madhavi flowers.
note: If the word "atimukta" is interpreted to mean "the souls who have attained the ultimate stage
of liberation", then the verse may be understood in the following way:
"I am the object of meditation for the hosts of liberated souls, and You are the constant object of
My desire. O girl with the beautiful hips, it is proper that You also be served by those souls who have
attained the ultimate stage of liberation".
* 49 (a) (He decorates Radha).
* 49 (b) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: The monsoon season now displays its youthful beauty.
Even though the third quarter of the day is not yet over, the surabhi cows, satisfied by the abundant
new grasses, are now moving towards Gokula Village.
* 50 (a) Lalita: O Radha, please give permission to depart. I shall gather rare spring flowers to
decorate You tonight. (She exits).
* 50 (b) Krsna: (Smiling, aside) Vrinda, I wish to play a certain game. In this tree before us is
Radha's confidential friend Kakkhati. You please arrange that Kakkhati take up My cause.
* 50 (c) Vrinda: So be it. I will try.
* 50 (d) Krsna: (Approaching Radha) My dear Candra.... (He stops in the middle of the word and
pretends to become bewildered).
* 50 (e) Radhika: (Aggrieved) Alas! Alas! Why is it that, even though they hear these words, My
two ears do not burst apart?
* 50 (f) Vrinda; (Aside) By waving this bunch of peacock feathers I shall cast a spell over
Kakkahti and force her to speaks according to Krsna's desire. (Unobserved, she does that, and then
she openly says:) Friend, don't become hostile on this happy occasion.
* 50 (g) Krsna: O moon-faced beloved, why are You suddenly morose?
* 50 (h) A Voice From Behind The Scenes: O Mistress, because of Your foolishness Lalita will not
be able to remain alive.
* 50 (i) Radhika: (Looking up, She says to Herself:) Kakkhati has dispelled My doubts. (Openly)
Is it possible for a single small dindima drum to drown out the sound of violent thunder? (She turns
Her face in aversion).
* 50 (j) Krsna: (Aside) With eyebrows that defeat the beauty of cupid's bow raised in battle, and
with agitated lotus eyes, even though contorted in great anger, the face of Radha delights My heart.
* 51 (a) (Lifting the edge of Radha's sari) O beautiful one, the happiness of these springtime
pastimes should be concluded with sweetness).
* 51 (b) Again a Voice From Behind The Scenes: Alas! Alas! O wicked sarasi-bird, O student of
Padma, even you stare at from the corners of your eye! Why should I continue to maintain my life-
* 51 (c) Radhika: (Listening, She draws back). Vrinda, how much further am I to be ridiculed? At
once stop the stage-manager who is the director of this drama. He simply teaches the flute how to kill
the entire world. He is simply a pet deer who plays in the hands of Karala's granddaughter
note: If the word "mara" is taken the mean "cupid", then the second sentence of these words
"He simply teaches the flute how to fill the world with amorous desires".
* 51 (d) Krsna: (With a blissful smile) Friend Vrinda, please pacify Radha.
* 51 (e) Vrinda: Dear friend Radha, You are the greatest of all expert and intelligent girls. Please
don't suddenly and for no good reason chase away the staff with the hard staff of Your jealous anger
the black deer that is Your beloved Krsna.
* 51 (f) Radha: (Very contemptuous) It is not proper for Me to stay here. (She exits).
* 51 (g) Krsna: The madhvika nectar of sweet words will only inflame the great fire of Her anger.
What is the use of following Her?
* 51 (h) Vrinda: What should be done?
* 51 (i) Krsna: Vrinda, I desire to conquer Radha by disguising Myself as a beautiful fair-
complexioned girl. Please help Me in this.
* 51 (j) (Vrinda smiles in assent).
* 51 (k) Krsna: Friend, how may I get some golden cosmetics and clothing suitable for a beautiful
* 51 (l) (Enters)
Madhumangala: Friend, Padma placed all these things in my hand, and they are now in the temple
of Gauri.
* 51 (m) Krsna: (Jubilant) Vrinda, I shall be in the inner sanctum of the temple of Gauri. You act
as if I am your sister. (He exits with His friend Madhumangala).
* 51 (n) Vrinda: (Walks, and then gazes into the distance) As Her two friends pick campaka,
lavanga, and bakula flowers, an embarrassed Radha tells then everything that has happened.
* 52 (a) (In that way Radha enters).
* 52 (b) Radha: Friend, then seeing that He wished to pacify Me, I came here.
* 52 (c) Lalita: O Radha, in Your presence Krsna cannot even utter the name of another woman,
even in His sleep. You have believed the words of an animal, by nature bewildered and foolish, and
as a result You have been cheated.
* 52 (d) Visakha: Alas! Alas! Lalita, look! On this Saubhagya-purnima day our formidable rivals
have begun their battle with us. Fate is now mocking .
* 52 (e) Lalita:Visakha, you speak the truth. If our rivals see unhappiness on our faces during this
great festival, they will sarcastically stare at us from the corners of their eyes and they will laugh.
* 52 (f) Radhika: (Aside) My friends give good advise. What shelter is there in this difficulty?
* 52 (g) Vrinda: (Approaching) Lalita, on Krsna's request I shall now go to bring Balarama.
* 52 (h) Lalita: Why?
* 52 (i) Vrinda: To show Him the beauty of spring.
* 52 (j) Visakha: Friend Vrinda, please stop for a moment for a meeting.
* 52 (k) Vrinda: You should know the truth: At this time it is very difficult for to arrange a
meeting between You and Krsna.
note: Visakha asked Vrinda to meet (sandhi) with her, and Visakha interpreted the meeting to refer
to a meeting with Krsna.
* 52 (l) Visakha: Why is that?
* 52 (m) Vrinda: Ask your friend who today hurt lotus-eyed Krsna with many harsh words.
* 52 (n) Radhika: (Sighing) O Vrinda, you my only hope.
* 52 (o) Vrinda: (With pretended anger) O passionate girl, the candala girl of jealousy entered your
heart, and good advise was not able to even approach the edge of the path of Your ears. now Krsna,
who has a host of beautiful-eyed girls under His dominion, has become indifferent to You. O friend,
please become free from the dualities of happiness and distress. Why do You uselessly sigh in this
* 52 (p) Lalita: Where is that enchanter Krsna?
* 52 (q) Vrinda: In the temple of Gauri.
* 53 (b) Lalita: What is He doing?
* 53 (c) vrinda: nikunjavidyaya sardham gosthim tanoti.
nikunjavidyaya--nikunjavidya; sardham--with; gosthim--conversation; tanoti--does.
* 53 (e) The Three Girls: Friend, who is nikunjavidya?
* 53 (f) Vrinda: (Laughing out loud) Aha! The ignorance of these girls! They don't even know
about the very famous nikunjavidya!
* 53 (g) The Three Girls: (Embarrassed) Friend, tell us. We really don't know.
* 53 (h) Vrinda: O chaste girls, what cowherd girl in Gokula does not know my sister, the goddess
of Bhandiravana forest?
* 53 (i) Lalita: O Vrinda, please give us now advise that will make this calamity have a happy
* 53 (j) Vrinda: Friends, nikunjavidya is a treasure-chest where the jewels of Krsna's most hidden
secrets are kept. Let us go to her.
* 53 (k) (Everyone walks).
* 53 (l) Radhika: Vrinda, this is the temple of Gauri. Please enter, and, with a signal bring
nikunjavidya outside.
* 53 (m) Vrinda: (Raising her neck and looking, she says to herself:) In the doorway see Krsna
disguised as a fair-complexioned girl. (Openly) O friends, is here alone, making an earring from a
peacock feather.
* 53 (n) The Three Girls: O liar, stop! Stop! Krsna's peacock Tandavika is in the courtyard.
* 53 (o) Vrinda: O uncivilized girls, go and see for yourselves. What is the use of speculating?
* 53 (p) Lalita: Clearly the peacock was overcome by sleepiness and did not notice when peacock-
feather crowned Krsna left.
* 53 (q) Radhika: Let us enter the temple and ask nikunjavidya.
* 53 (r) (Everyone enters).
* 53 (s) (Enters)
Jatila: Padma affectionately told : "O noble Jatila, you are very fortunate. Like Govardhana-gopa,
your son will soon become the master of millions of cows, for today I saw Radha worshipping
goddess Gauri at Gauri-tirtha". now I shall go there and give blessing to Her. (Walking, she sees the
doe Rangini in the courtyard. She happily says:) Well done, Padma! Well done! You do not speak
lies. (Looking again, she becomes unhappy) Alas! Alas! Why is Krsna's peacock Tandavika now
perched on the head of Gauri's lion? I shall go back and bring my son. (She exits running).
* 53 (t) Radhika: (Aside) O friends, look at the extraordinary beauty of Gauri.
* 53 (u) The two Gopi-friends: Oh! True! True! It is right that she is so beautiful for Krsna has
placed both love and trust in her.
* 53 (v) Radhika: Even though I have never seen her before I am still very eager to speak with her.
(She becomes shy).
* 53 (w) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Sister Vrinda, is it not that Radha does not recognize
Me? Still, I have seen Her thousands of times.
* 53 (x) Vrinda: (Aside) Amazing! This is truly the voice of a woman.
* 53 (z) Radhika: Vrinda, I do not know why My heart feels such intense love for nikunjavidya.
* 53 (aa) Vrinda: Friend, I know why. It is not surprising She has loved You for a long time.
* 53 (bb) Radhika: (Joyfully approaching) O nikunjavidya, where is your nikunjanagara (Lover
who meets you in these forest groves?)
* 53 (cc) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Friend, what person knows him?
* 53 (dd) Lalita: Friend nikunjavidya, please don't joke like this. We are your friends.
* 53 (ee) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O girl whose eyes are like autumn lotus flowers,
without understanding the actual truth, how will You attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who
is like gold created by heating mercury in the fire.
* 54 Vrinda: (Aside) The smile on nikunjavidya's cheek declares that she will be Your messenger.
O Radha, now You should soften her by anointing her with the excellent oil of Your love.
* 55 (a) Radhika: O nikunjavidya, why are you not bound to Me as Vrinda is, with the bonds of
* 55 (b) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: Making Your feet lotus flowers, Your thighs your
plantain trees, Your arms lotus stems, Your face the moon, and understanding that these soft things
cannot stand without a hard pillar to support them, the creator Brahma made Your heart a thunderbolt.
* 56 (a) Radhika: Vrinda, look! nikunjavidya is affectionately smiling upon Me. I shall go and
meet her. (She exits).
* 56 (b) Vrinda: O nikunjavidya, O beloved of the beautiful girls of Gokula, Your heart is very
hard. Even though this girl is your affectionate friend, still you do not please Her with an embrace.
* 57 (a) Visakha: Radha is now talking with nikunjavidya with the trust of love. Radha is extending
the creepers of Her arms to embrace her.
* 57 (b) A Voice From Behind the Scenes: O goddess of Bhandiravan, look! The time for going to
Gokula is now approaching. Please bestow your mercy on us so we may meet Krsna in the arena of
pastimes and enjoy with Him there.
* 57 (c) Lalita: Vrinda, your sister is now embracing Radhika and kissing Her.
* 57 (d) Visakha: (Anxious) I can see that your nikunjavidya is shameless. She is very eager to
assume the role of a male, because she is now scratching Radha's breasts with her fingernails.
* 57 (e) Vrinda: (With a smile) Friend, don't become angry. This is simply the pastime of great
* 57 (f) (Entering and trembling).
Radhika: (Knitting Her eyebrows) Vrinda! Good! A good trick you have played on us!
* 57 (g) Vrinda: (laughing) Friend, I don't understand. What do You mean?
* 57 (h) The Two Gopi-friends: (With a smile) Vrinda, now you can understand what a charming
girl nikunjavidya is.
* 57 (i) (Jatila enters with her son).
* 57 (j) Jatila: Child Abhimanyu, look! In this courtyard are both Radha's pet doe Rangini and
Krsna's peacock Tandavika.
* 57 (k) Abhimanyu: Mother, you speak the truth. I saw Balarama enter Gokula village
accompanied by the cows and cowherd boys, but without Krsna.
* 57 (l) Jatila: Child, this overflooding stream of sweet fragrance announces the presence of that
illicit couple.
* 57 (m) Abhimanyu: Mother, today I shall no longer follow Paurnamasi's instructions. now I shall
take Radhika to Mathura City.
* 57 (n) Jatila: Son, fortunately the temple has only one door. Let us stay by the door and
eavesdrop on the conversation.
* 57 (o) (They both do that).
* 57 (p) (Enters)
Krsna: (With a smile) Radha, please do not request something that is so difficult to grant.
* 57 (q) Radhika: (With a playful smile) O goddess, have mercy! Have mercy!
* 57 (r) Abhimanyu: (Entering the temple) Aha! Outlaw! I have caught You red-handed!
* 57 (s) Krsna: (Aside) Alas! Recognising Abhimanyu from the sound of his voice, My beloved
has become terrified and at once fainted, falling like a stick to the ground.
* 57 (t) Jatila: (Struck with wonder, she points with her finger) O child, who is this fair-
complexioned girl that illuminates this temple with her extraordinary beauty?
* 57 (u) Abhimanyu: (Reflecting) Mother, Radha said "O goddess, have mercy! Have mercy!"
and then She at once bowed down, falling like a stick to the ground. Clearly this girl is the goddess
Gauri, the splendidly beautiful queen of Lord Siva, who has now appeared here.
* 57 (v) Krsna: (He joyfully says to Himself:) This disguise of a fair-complexioned girl has been
very helpful to Me.
* 57 (w) Krsna: (He joyfully says to Himself) This disguise of a fair-complexioned girl has been
very helpful to Me.
* 57 (w) The Two gopi-friends: (With happiness) O best of the cowherd men, on your request we
worshipped the goddess Gauri, and now the goddess herself has emerged from her statue.
* 57 (x) Abhimanyu:Visakha, what difficult-to-attain object was Radha praying for at the feet of the
* 57 (z) Abhimanyu: (Frightened) O noble goddess, what kind of calamity?
* 57 (aa) Krsna: Vrinda, my words shudder to reveal it. You tell him.
* 57 (bb) Vrinda: O proud Abhimanyu, two evenings from now Kamsa, the king of the Bhojas, will
offer you in sacrifice to Lord Siva.
* 57 (cc) Jatila: (Alarmed) O goddess, have mercy! Have mercy! Let my son live!
* 57 (dd) Radhika: (Happily rising) O goddess, have mercy! Have mercy!
* 57 (ee) Krsna: (Smiling) Radha, I have already told You. For now it will be very difficult to stop
this calamity.
* 57 (ff) Radhika: (Bowing down and speaking many plaintive words) O goddess of the gopis,
nothing is impossible for you. Please be merciful to this person. Let Me not be separated from My
* 57 (gg) Krsna: (Smiling) O Radha, You have conquered Me. You have bound with the ropes of
ever-fresh devotion, which even great sages and ascetics cannot attain. By always staying in Gokula
and always worshipping Me, You will attain the fulfillment of Your request.
* 58 (a) Abhimanyu: (Sighing) O goddess who is very kind to her devotees, I shall never take
Radhika to Mathura. She shall always stay here and worship you.
* 58 (b) Jatila: (Embracing Radha) O girl who brings happiness to Gokula, I am saved!
* 58 (c) Vrinda: (Glancing at Abhimanyu) A chaste girl will destroy the life-span of men who insult
her. The supreme goddess Gauri, who responds to the love of her devotees, will now give us her
* 59 (a) Krsna: O fortunate Abhimanyu, Radhika is the source of your good fortune. Do not ever
loose faith in Her.
* 59 (b) Abhimanyu: O goddess, Subala dresses up like Radha and makes fun of my mother. When
envious ignorant people see Him, they gossip about this mythical scandal.
* 59 (c) Lalita: Abhimany, fortunately you yourself have confidence in Her.
* 59 (d) Abhimanyu: Mother, come with to my house. We shall stop the servant I have engaged to
carry all my household goods to Mathura City. (With his mother he bows down before Krsna and
then exits).
* 59 (e) The Two Gopi-friends: (Embracing Radha, with tears) O dear friend, why did these
wretched people want to take You to Mathura City?
* 59 (f) (Enters)
Paurnamasi: (With a jubilant smile) This goddess who rules over these forest-groves, and whose
yellow complexion, even though created by cosmetics, eclipses the splendour of gold, brings great
* 60 (a) krsna : (parikramya) bhagavati vande.
parikramya--walking; bhagavati--O noble lady, I offer My respectful obeisances.
* 60 (b) Paurnamasi: Hundreds of blessings upon You. O son of Yashoda, today You have blessed
Me with all good fortune, for today I have remained without knowledge of Radhika's sufferings in
separation from You.
* 60 (c) Krsna: Radha is now rescued from the great fear. now the sharp point of Her anxiety is
removed. now her gopi friends are also delighted and free from all fear. O girl who possesses all
transcendental opulence, what else may I do to please you?
* 61 (a) Paurnamasi: (With tear of joy). O friend of Gokula, now my birth is fruitful. Still, there is
one thing further that I request.
* 61 (b) Displaying the sweetness of a host of transcendental qualities, may You eternally enjoy
auspicious amorous pastimes with Radhika in the groves of Vrindavana forest.
* 62 (a) O Krsna who is the springtime that makes the madhvika vine of Radha blossom with
happiness, may that person whose loving devotion with happiness, may that person whose loving
devotion for You has already sprouted in his heart, and who, opening his ears, serves and worships the
drops of nectar from the splendid and pure nectar ocean of Your amorous pastimes in Gokula, attain
the kingdom of Your transcendental sweetness. May he swim and float in the waves of pure love for
Your lotus feet.
* 62 (b) Krsna: (Smiles) O noble lady, so be it. Come here. not seeing Me at the time of milking
the cows, My parents will become very worried. Without delay let us go to Gokula village and give
them pleasure. (He exits). (Everyone exits).


* 1 This Vigdha-Madhava, which contains the transcendental pastimes of Radha and the 64
transcendental arts, is now completed. May those who are learned and intelligent carefully study it.
* 2 This play named Vidagdha-madhava was written in Gokula in the year 1589 Saka
(corresponding to A. D.)
* 3 The peaceful, saintly devotees of the Lord repeatedly double the value of the good qualities of
this book. The dark sky of the faults in this book they cool and decorate with the twinkling stars of
the remembrance of Lord Visnu's lotus feet.

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