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Extensions in HYSYS 1

Extensions in HYSYS
1999 AEA Technology plc - All Rights Reserved.
ADV-2 6.pdf
2 Extensions in HYSYS
One of the most powerful features of HYSYS is that users are able to
create and add thier own unit operations to the program through
extensibility. In this module, we will demonstrate the power of this
feature, but we will not create a unit operation extension here.
If you want to learn more about creating unit operation extensions, or
other tools using the extensibility of HYSYS, AEA Technology
Engineering Software offers another course that will meet your needs.
Ask the instructor for more information.
With unit operation extensions, users can create models for unit
operations that are not available in HYSYS. Unit operations can also be
used to perform calculations, much like the depressuring utility
examined earlier in the course.
The extension that we will look at in this module will calculate various
properties of a material stream. The calculated properties include,
among others:
Wobbe Index
Lower and Higher Heating Values
Water and HC Dewpoints
Rigorous Cp and Cv
Learning Objectives
By completing this module, you will learn how to:
Register extensions in HYSYS
How to use a prebuilt extension in a HYSYS simulation.
Extensions in HYSYS 3
Registering Extensions
Before extensions can be used in a simulation, they must be registered.
The easiest way to do this is to use the Preferences menu located in the
Tools group.
On this menu there is a tab labelled Extensions, on this tab there is a
button labelled Register an Extension. Pressing this button will allow
you to located the desired extension file, and register it with the system.
Once an extension is registered, it will appear on this tab, and you will
be able to use it in your simulation. There is no need to restart the
computer, or to restart HYSYS.
Adding Extensions to Your
Extensions are added just like any ordinary unit operation in HYSYS.
The only difference is that they do not have an icon on the Object
The simplest way to add an extension to your simulation is to follow the
steps below:
1. Press the <F12> hot key to bring up a menu of unit operations.
2. Select the Extensions radio button from the column on the left.
3. The extensions that are registered with the system will appear in a
column on the right.
4. Select the desired extensions and press the Add button.
4 Extensions in HYSYS
In this workshop, we will add the Gas Properties extension to the HP
Sep Vap stream in the simulation that we have use throughout the
The two files for this extension (GasProps.dll and GasProps.edf) have
been supplied to you on the disk supplied with the course material. In
addition to this extension, there are several others available to the
public on the website (
It is a good idea to copy these files to a location on the computers hard
disk to ensure that HYSYS can access these files after the disk in Drive A
is removed.
It is not important where on the hard disk you copy these files, but
please remember the location as we will need to find these files in order
to register them with the system.
Once the files have been moved to the hard disk, move to the
Extensions tab of the Preferences view. (Accessed through the Tools
menu in the main menu bar.)
Press the Register an Extension button, and use the file explorer to
locate the GasProps.dll file. Opening this file will register it with the
system and allow you to use it in the simulation.
Return to the PFD of the simulation and add the extension using the
procedure described previously.
On the extensions property view, use the drop-down list to select the
stream as HP Sep Vap. Answer the following questions once the
extension has solved.
What is the water dewpoint of this stream? __________
And the HC (hydrocarbon) dewpoint? __________
What Mass Cv does this extension calculate for this stream?
What is the semi ideal Cp/Cv? __________
What is calculated Cp/Cv? __________

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