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Radio Spectrum Management

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Spectrum Management Overview
Introduction to Spectrum Management Overview
Spectrum as a Resource
Spectrum as an Economic Resource
Spectrum as a Technical Resource
Spectrum Scarcity
Spectrum Access
Spectrum Access - The Digital Dividend
Objectives of Spectrum Management
High-Level Economic Efficiency Objectives
High-Level Technical Efficiency Objectives
High-Level Policy Objectives
Fundamental Management Approach
The Administrative Method
Market Methods
Unlicensed Spectrum
Regulating Cellular and Mobile Broadband Services
Striking a balance
Governance and Outsourcing
Institutional arrangements
Management Rights Systems and Band Managers
Spectrum Trading Systems
Spectrum Policy and Planning
Institutional Framework for Spectrum Management
Spectrum Policies and Principles
Spectrum Policy Review
Spectrum Planning
Planning Timeframes
Consultation with Stakeholders
Dispute Resolution
Financing of Spectrum Management
Knowledge of Current Spectrum Use
Planning for Future Spectrum Use
Spectrum in Transition
The Radio Regulations
National Frequency Allocation Table
National Legislation and Regulations Governing Spectrum Use
Public Use Spectrum
Re-allocating and Refarming Spectrum
Technical Standards
Objectives of Technical Standards
Spectrum Use Standards
Coping with Congestion in Unlicensed Spectrum No Standards?
Radiocommunication Equipment Standards
Radiation Standards
Other Standards
Standards Development and Application
Allocating Spectrum
Radio Services
Frequency Allocation Tables
Spectrum Use Designations
Introduction to Authorization
Assigning Frequencies
Methods for Assigning Frequencies
Relation to Other Authorizations
Liberalization and the Impact on Authorization
Technological Innovation and the Impact on Authorization
Engineering Support
Administrative Support
Certification of Radio Operators
Equipment Authorization
Equipment Certification
Laboratory Certification
Spectrum Sharing
Access to Spectrum
Forms of Spectrum Sharing
Which bands can be shared?
Administrative sharing
Market-based sharing
Technically enabled sharing
Emerging Technology Enablers
International Trends in Spectrum Sharing
Trends in reform
Interference Management
Leading practices
Spectrum Sharing in Practice
Implementing Spectrum Sharing
Market structure
Practical steps
Information and administrative procedures for spectrum transfer
Spectrum Pricing
Introduction to Spectrum Pricing
Spectrum Valuation
Measuring Spectrum Values
Spectrum Pricing Objectives
Spectrum Management Cost Recovery
The Structure of Costs in a Spectrum Management Agency
Setting Fees and Prices to Recover Costs in Practice
Spectrum Usage Fees
Spectrum Usage Fees in Practice
Spectrum Royalties and Lotteries
Spectrum Auctions
Types of Spectrum Auctions
Specifying Rights and Obligations
Rules and Procedures for Spectrum Auctions
Spectrum Auctions in Practice
Secondary Markets
Defining Property Rights for Spectrum Trading
Administered Incentive Prices (AIP)
Introduction to Administered Incentive Prices
The Opportunity Cost of Spectrum
Administered Incentive Prices in Practice
Adjusting AIP spectrum prices
Spectrum Monitoring and Compliance
Spectrum Monitoring
Spectrum Monitoring Objectives
Emissions, Interference and Spectrum Use
Spectrum Monitoring Activities
International Spectrum Monitoring Cooperation
Spectrum Monitoring Technology
Monitoring Equipment
Monitoring System Architecture
Enforcing Compliance
Monitoring Compliance with Technical Standards
Solving Interference Problems
Equipment Seizure and other Enforcement Actions
International Affairs
Introduction to International Affairs
Project Activities
ITU Related Project Activities
Recent ITU World Radio (WRC) and Regional Radio Conferences (RRC)
Project Activities Related to Other Global Inter-governmental Organizations
Other Bilateral and Multilateral Project Activities
Transactional Activities
ITU Related Transactional Activities
International Borderline Frequency Coordination
Other Transactional Activities
Developing Spectrum Management Capacity
Introduction to Developing Capacity
Human Resources and Training Development
Human Resources
Training Development
Business Processes
Consultative Practices
Radio Spectrum Management
In the last decade, there have been significant developments in both technological and regulatory approaches to
spectrum management. The main challenge today is to strike a balance between the certainty of administrative
approaches and the flexibility of market-based regulation. This Module gives readers a solid foundation in
spectrum management, and includes specific sections on authorization, organizational, and monitoring concerns.
Spectrum Management Overview
This section is an introduction to the management of the radio spectrum including the planning of current and
future uses of spectrum; ensuring engineering compatibility of various uses and equipment; and authorization,
licensing and monitoring of spectrum usage.
Introduction to Spectrum Management Overview
The radio spectrum is a subset of the electromagnetic waves lying between the frequencies from 9 kilohertz (kHz -
thousands of cycles per second) to 30 gigahertz (GHz - billions of cycles per second) (see Figure 1). These support
a wide range of business, personal, industrial, scientific, medical research and cultural activities, both public and
private. Communications are foremost among those activities and, together with other radio services, are
increasingly important to economic and social development.
Historically, access to and use of radio spectrum has been highly regulated in order to prevent interference among
users of adjacent frequencies or from neighbouring geographic areas, particularly for reasons of defence and
security. In the past decade there have been significant innovations in the theory of spectrum management along
with gradual changes in practice of spectrum management and regulation. This gradual change follows a growing
consensus that past and current regulatory practices originally intended to promote the public interest have in fact
delayed, in some cases, the introduction and growth of a variety of beneficial technologies and services, or
increased the cost of the same through an artificial scarcity. In addition to these delays, the demand for spectrum
has grown significantly highlighting the need for efficient use of all available spectrum in order to avoid scarcity.
Those factors are making policy-makers and regulators worldwide focus anew on spectrum regulation with an
increasing emphasis on striking the best possible balance between the certainty required to ensure stable roll-out
of services and flexibility (or light-handed regulation) leading to improvements in cost, services and the use of
innovative technologies. In developing countries in particular, where mobile communications users now greatly
outnumber those using fixed line telecommunication services, it is widely recognised that the spectrum is a highly
valuable resource for future economic development.
The Radio Spectrum Toolkit is intended to canvass those policy and standards issues as they touch on a broad

Radio Spectrum
range of spectrum management areas including basic principles of spectrum regulation, spectrum sharing and
trading, spectrum pricing, monitoring and international coordination.
The international framework for the use of the radio frequency spectrum is set out in a treaty the Radio
Regulations - ratified by the Member States of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized UN
agency. Within that international framework, countries manage their national use of the spectrum. At the highest
level, countries do this through establishing a National Frequency Allocation Table which sets out what radio
services can use which frequency bands and under what conditions. Conditions of use vary widely, from inflexibly
reserving particular frequencies for uses which are specified in detail, to considerable freedom in spectrum use for
particular bands or services. For a more in depth discussion of International Affairs see Section 7.
Decisions are made at the international and national levels on the purpose or purposes to which particular
frequencies will be put. This is known as making spectrum allocations on either an exclusive, shared, primary or
secondary basis. These decisions are reflected in the International and National Tables of Frequency Allocations.
Assigning particular frequencies to specified users is the next stage in spectrum management.Because such
methods of assignment rely on administrative decisions, such procedures are sometimes described as
administrative methods. The alternative is a process in which applicants bid for licences, for instance in an auction,
or when spectrum licences change hands via the normal process of buying and selling assets. Here the spectrum
regulator does not select the licensee, but the market does: hence the description of them as market-based
Additionally, some spectrum may be reserved for unlicensed use (a spectrum commons).All users satisfying
certain restrictions, for example on power levels and geographic range, might have access to unlicensed bands.
For a more in-depth discussion of allocation and assignment see Authorization: Section 3. As well, existing and new
methods for improving spectrum sharing are discussed in Section 4: Spectrum Sharing. Spectrums pricing using
administrative and market-based methods such as auction are discussed in Section 5.
Spectrum as a Resource
Effective use of spectrum can make a big difference to a countrys prosperity, especially where communications are
heavily reliant upon wireless technologies such as mobile phones. Spectrum scarcity whether it is real or artificial
can have an adverse impact upon prosperity. This section considers spectrum as an economic and technical
resource, and spectrum scarcity.
Spectrum as an Economic Resource
The production of goods and services involves the creation of output for end users (households and firms) from a
combination of inputs. Traditionally those inputs are listed as labour, capital equipment and land. Clearly each of
these can take on various uses; compare, for example, the use of land in city centres and for agricultural purposes.
Similarly, spectrum is one of these types of resources and can be used as an input in a multitude of services,
whether for communications or other applications. Communications services encompass a wide range of forms,
including narrow or broadband mobile telecommunications, broadcasting, aeronautical and marine
communications, as well as communications for public bodies--such as defence or emergency services. Non-
communication uses include military and civilian radar and scientific applications such as radio, astronomy and so
on. It interesting to compare spectrum to other natural resources used in the economy such as land, oil and water
(illustrated in the Table below), as it exemplifies its similarities to other exhaustible resources within modern
Spectrum as an Economic Resource
What flows from these characteristics of spectrum?
I Because frequencies differ in what they can do, there can be problems of matching them to particular uses.
Land has similar characteristics. The task of allocating and assigning spectrum noted above are intended to
accomplish efficient matching.
I Spectrum can be in short supply because there may be more potential users of particular frequencies than
available spectrum. There is, therefore, a need for rationing its use and giving priority to more important
applications. Nevertheless, a country can respond to a shortage of spectrum in particular frequencies by
moving to other less favoured frequencies, or by developing the techniques, such as compression, which
allow spectrum to be used more productively. These two responses is analogous to bringing less fertile
land into cultivation and applying fertilizer to make existing cultivated areas more productive within the
agricultural sector.
I Because spectrum is renewable and cannot be stored, there is no reason to hoard it for later use, as a
country might save oil reserves for use or sale later.
I Because spectrum is locationally specific (specifically located?), it can only be used to provide services in a
given territory. However, it can be traded, in the sense that property rights can be assigned to it.
The importance of basic telecommunications services - fixed and mobile - for economic growth and development
has long been recognized in the international community. Telephone penetration (traditionally measured in terms
of fixed or mobile voice equivalents per 100 population) is a standard metric for evaluating the quality of basic
infrastructure, and the positive correlation between telephone penetration and economic activity (usually measured
as GDP per capita) is well known,
Today, access to telephony services, while remaining essential, is no longer enough. Internet access--and this
increasingly means broadband Internet access -- is now generally regarded as part of the essential basic
infrastructure for society and the economy. Equally important is the centre of gravity for infrastructure growth in
Spectrum Land Oil Reserves Water
Is the resource varied? Yes Yes Not very Not very
Is it scarce? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can it be made more productive? Yes Yes Yes No
Is it renewable? Yes Partially No Yes
Can it be stored for later use? No No Yes Yes
Can it be exported? No No Yes Yes
Can it be traded? Yes Yes Yes Yes
developing countries, which is clearly wireless. Chart 2 illustrates the recent rapid rise of wireless broadband
subscriptions while Chart 3 illustrates the predominance of growth in mobile connections in developing countries.
Measuring and quantifying the economic impact of ICT's on the economy and spectrum as an input in its
application in mobile telephone, while important to policy makers, is very challenging for three reasons:
I Firstly, although investment in ICT represented a significant share of total fixed business investment in the
United States (where most of the early research focused), it still represented only a small share of the total
capital stock and, ICT-producing sectors, a small share of total GDP.
I Secondly, measuring ICT inputs is notoriously difficult, in part, because of the very rapid pace of innovation
and continuously declining prices. This phenomenom is known popularly as Moore's Law, where it isit is
becoming increasingly difficult to measure the quantity and value of ICT inputs (and outputs) in appropriate
quality-adjusted terms. For example, although more expensive the technological capabilities of a new
Smartphone in 2012 are significantly greater than even in 2009.
I Finally mobile broadband can be viewed as a general-purpose technology, which is enabling companies--
especially service companies-- to introduce new products as well as change business processes such as
supply chains. Capturing data and measuring outputs, similar to measuring inputs, are notoriously difficult.
Still, with these challenges being present several groups of economics have attempted to measure the impact of
mobile telecommunications in general and mobile broadband specifically. A selection of these results are
summarized below:
I Czernich et al. (2009) used panel data for OECD countries from 1996-2007, and found that a 1%
increase in broadband penetration raised GDP per capita growth by 0.09 to 0.15%.
I Franklin, Stam & Clayton (2009) looked at a panel of 13 European countries on firm-level productivity
from 2001-2005 and found that broadband enhanced employee productivity, but that this impact varied
with the level of adoption, suggesting that critical mass is required to realize significant benefits.
I Katz and Avila (2010) analyzed data for 24 Latin American and Carribean countries from 2004-2008 and
found that a 1% increase in broadband penetration resulted in a 0.0178% increase in GDP. They also
estimated that the same 1% increase in broadband penetration would increase employment by 0.18%.
I Koutroimpis (2009) examined a panel for 15 European countries from 2003-2006 and concluded that a
1% increase in broadband resulted in a 0.038% higher GDP growth.
I The OECD (2011) looked at a number of OECD countries and found that 1% higher broadband
penetration resulted in 0.109% faster GDP growth. This study also looked at the relationship between IPv4
address growth and GDP and found a similar positive impact. This is interesting because it provides
additional support for the view that broadband causes (rather than follows) economic growth.
I Waverman (2009) used data for the United States and 14 European countries from 1998-2007 to
conclude that a 1% higher broadband penetration raised productivity by 0.0013% in markets with medium
to high levels of broadband penetration, but resulted in no significant measured impact for countries with
low broadband penetration (providing further support for the notion that critical mass is important in order
to realize significant benefits from broadband).
Chart 1 shows the buoyant growth in the ICT sector over the past decade, clearly illustrating the tremendous
expansion in the penetration of mobile services with 5.4 billion mobile subscribers, which is enough to reach 78 per
cent of the worlds population. In addition to this, by the end of 2010, growth in fixed lines stagnated at nearly 1.4
billion fixed line subscribers.

Penetration varies significantly between rich and poorer countries although the significant trend is for rapid growth
in mobile usage in emerging and developing economies.
Mobile penetration in developing countries in Africa and Asia has reached approximately 45 and 62 % respectively
with mobile penetration growing at a phenomenal compound annual growth rate over 22 % globally in 10 years.
Indeed, amongst the least developed economies, mobile cellular subscribers outnumber fixed lines by more than
nine to one. The balance has shifted between developed and developing countries with most of the growth mobile
subscriptions occurring in developing countries.

Chart 1 Growth in penetration
per 100 inhabitants of fixed
lines, mobile cellular
subscriptions, and subscribers to
mobile and fixed broadband
networks 2000-2010
Photo: ITU World Telecommunications
Indicators Database

Chart 2 Mobile broadband
subscriptions per 100
Photo: ITU World Telecommunications
Oliner, S. and D. Sichel (1994), "Computers and output growth revisited: How big is the puzzle?" Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity (2): 273-317).
See Czernich, N., O. Falck, T. Kretschmer and L. Woessmann (2009), "Broadband Infrastructure and Economic
Growth," CESifo Working Paper No. 2861, University of Munich, December 2009.
See Franklin, M., P. Stam, and T. Clayton (2009) "ICT Impact Assessment by Linking Data," Economic and Labour
Market Review, 3(10), 18-27.
See Katz, R. and J. Avila (2010) "Estimating Broadband Demand and Its Economic Impact in Latin America,"
Proceedings of the 4th ACORN-REDECOM Conference, Brasillia, May 14-15, 2010

Mobile cellular subscriptions per
100 inhabitants
Photo: ITU World Telecommunications
Photo: ITU World Telecommunications

See Koutroumpis, P. (2009), "The economic impact of broadband on growth: A simultaneous approach"
Telecommunications Policy, 33.
See OECD (2011) "Economic Impact of Internet/Broadband Technologies," DSTI/ICCP/IE(2011)1/REV1, Working
Party on the Information Economy, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD, Paris, 30 May 2011.
See Waverman, L. (2009) "Economic Impact of Broadband: An Empirical Study," LECG, a study prepared for
Nokia-Siemens Networks as part of the Connectivity Scorecard 2009."
Spectrum as a Technical Resource
Electromagnetic radiation is the propagation of energy that travels through space in the form of waves. It includes
the visible spectrum (light), as well as infrared, ultraviolet and x-rays. The radio frequency spectrum is the portion
of electromagnetic spectrum that carries radio waves. The boundaries of radio spectrum are defined by the
frequencies of the transmitted signals, and are usually considered to range from 9 kilohertz (kHz - thousand cycles
per second) up to 300 gigahertz (GHz - billion cycles per second). However, technical change is making use of even
high frequencies viable. Table below depicts the some of the many uses of radio spectrum associated with various
bands derived from their inherent propagation characteristics.
Radio Frequency Propagation
The key characteristics of spectrum are the propagation features and the amount of information which signals can
carry. In general, signals sent using the higher frequencies have lower propagation distances but a higher data-
carrying capacity. These physical characteristics of the spectrum limit the currently identified range of applications
for which any particular band is suitable. Some spectrum (such as in the UHF band 300-3000 MHz) is known to be
suitable for a wide variety of services and is thus in great demand.
Band Frequency Range Use Bandwidth Interference
VLF 3-30 kHz 1000's km Long range radio-navigation Very narrow Wide
LF 30-300 kHz 1000's km Same as VLF strategic communications Very narrow Wide
MF .3-3 MHz 2-3000 km Same as VLF strategic communications Moderate Wide
HF 3-30 MHz Up to 1000 km Global broadcast and Point to Point Wide
VHF 30-300 MHz 2-300 km Broadcast, PCS, Mobile, Wan Very wide Confined
UHF .3-3 GHz < 100 km Broadcast, PCS, Mobile, Wan Very wide Confined
SHF 3-30 GHzVaries 30 km to 2000 km
Broadcast, PCS, Mobile, Wan, Satellite
Very wide up to 1 GHz Confined
EHF 30-300 GHz Varies 20 km to 2000
Microcell, Point to Point, PCS, Satellite Very wide up to 10
Presentations delivered at the 2008 ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar, 8-12 December 2008, available at:
Spectrum Scarcity
The demand for spectrum is increasing and many frequency bands are becoming more congested especially in
densely populated urban centres. Spectrum managers are taking various approaches to improve efficiency; using
administrative methods including inband sharing, changes to licensing such as spectrum leasing and spectrum
trading, and use of unlicensed spectrum (the spectrum commons) combined with the use of low power radios or
advanced radio technologies including ultra-wideband and multi-modal radios.
It is important to remember that where spectrum scarcity exists, shortages can be met in part by existing users
through the use of more advanced radiocommunications equipment, for instance in the shift from analogue to
digital television. However, as discussed in Section 1.3.1, sufficient incentives are needed to ensure frequencies will
be used efficiently by existing users or as in the case of license-exempt spectrum reduction in the number
restrictions and barriers on use.
Scarcity is not one-dimensional, since there can be differences between urban and rural areas with spectrum most
likely being highly congested in urban areas. As well, scarcity can result from the types of services allocated in
certain geographic areas such as maritime services in coastal areas.
Spectrum Access
The past twenty years have given us dramatic improvements in telecommunications access and services
accompanied by relentless and rapid changes including particularly:
I the development of nearly ubiquitous (and usually competitive) mobile voice networks now accounting for
nearly six billion lines, as opposed to 1.2 billion fixed lines;
I the emergence of broadband as a general purpose technology affecting all aspects of economic and social
activity whether related to consumption, production or the delivery of government services which could
very likely match the spread of voice services in the next 10-15 years. In almost every part of the world,
wireless data traffic is expected to double each year for the next five years.
In emerging and developed economies, the key to continued development in telecommunications especially
broadband over the foreseeable future will be access to spectrum, and a country's national broadband plan will
depend crucially upon it. Abundant spectrum will be essential to promoting competition and innovation in
telecommunications markets. In an opposite scenario, where spectrum access is inadequate the result will likely be
higher prices for consumers, limited market entry, and constrained innovation. Successful national broadband
plans will be almost inconceivable without strenuous efforts to add to available communications spectrum by all
available means, including digital dividend, refarming and a willingness to be a fast follower of new spectrum
technologies associated with sharing frequencies.
As discussed further in Section 2.3: Spectrum Policies and Principles, it will be necessary to ensure that spectrum
policies and principles connected with allocation and assignment procedures support both technical and economic
efficiency while being properly balanced. Additionally, as discussed in Section 2.4.3: Planning for Future Use, the
publication and adherence to a national spectrum use plan, the result of broad consultative process, and the
incorporation of spectrum user views will help achieve efficient and effective uses for the spectrum resource. It is
implicit that we know how spectrum is being used and by whom. Spectrum audits and spectrum supply and
demand studies covering all spectrum users, especially government users, lead to steps which can result in new
allocations and adjustments between users. These procedures are discussed in Section 2.4.2: Knowledge of Current
Spectrum Use.
Spectrum Access - The Digital
Generally speaking, the Digital Dividend resides in the ranges of broadcast spectrum VHF (30 MHz 300 MHz)
and UHF (300 MHz 3.0 GHz). The most common definition of the Digital Dividend is: the amount of spectrum in
the VHF and UHF bands that is above that amount nominally required to accommodate existing analogue TV
programmes and that might be potentially freed up in the switchover from analogue to digital television. Spectrum
is becoming available since digitally transmitted broadcast services (principally, television) now require a smaller
amount of spectrum than the amount needed to accommodate existing analogue transmissions.
Digital compression systems (DTV) allow six and even eight standard digital television channels (depending on the
coding and modulation techniques) to be transmitted in the radio-frequency spectrum previously used by a single
analogue channel. More content can now be carried for a given amount of spectrum. New technologies are likely
to continue to increase the capacity of the current DTT multiplexes and hence allow more services to be provided
without using additional spectrum that is in high demand for other uses.
Estimates of the size and value of the digital dividend vary by ITU region and national circumstances.
Notes: (1) Identified for IMT services on a primary basis past 17 June 2015.
(2) Identified for IMT services on a co-primary basis. Effective now with various dates set for DSO (USA, 2009;
Canada, 2011; Mexico, 2022).
(3) Brazil has opted to allocate 698 - 806 MHz for IMT on a secondary basis.
(4) The USA had decided earlier in 2003 to vacate broadcast services from the 700 MHz band.
(5) China, India, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore opted to identify the 698-790 MHz band, in addition to the
790-862 MHz band, which was accepted by all countries in the region.
(6) The European Commission adopted the policy of analogue shut-off for 790-862 MHz to take place 1
Significant estimates of the economic value of the Digital Dividend in the EU have been made and are provided in

Band Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
698 - 806 MHz 698 - 806 MHz
806 - 862 MHz 806 - 862 MHz
698 - 790 MHz 698 - 790 MHz
790 - 862 MHz 790 - 862 MHz 790 - 862 MHz
Digital Dividend Spectrum 72 MHz 164 MHz 164 MHz
Table 1.2.1
The Digital Divident by ITU
Source: McLean Foster & Co.,
based on the ITU Radio
Regulations 2007
the Table below.
Decision-making processes for digital switchover and potential uses of the Digital Dividend, along with spectrum
re-allocation decisions, have been driven essentially by political considerations. In some cases, these decision-
making processes have pitted one set of interests (telecommunication operators and service providers) against
other influential and powerful interests, such as consumers who primarily bear the cost of replacing in-home
equipment and stakeholders, such as government departments and broadcasters (e.g., the European Broadcast
Two important considerations for politicians concerning the Digital Dividend are measuring the public value of
broadcast services and reserving spectrum for future use.
When choosing how much spectrum to allocate and for whom, regulators also place emphasis on social,
development and cultural goals. Market mechanisms do not necessarily take public policy priorities into account,
and so in the case of broadcast, governments often intervene in allocation decisions to ensure that public-value
broadcast content is available. Public values are often strongly defended and yet they are hard to quantify because
it is difficult to measure in terms of incremental spectrum assignments.
In answering the question: Should some of the Digital Dividend be reserved for future use, it is necessary to
consider two central issues:
I the uncertainty over the best use of the reserved spectrum both now and in the future and the lack of
information available,
I the potential for regulatory decisions to have undesirable effects on the incentives for spectrum efficiency.
Ofcom in the UK conducted an assessment of the potential significance of a decision concerning the future which is
portrayed in the following practice note.
Practice Note : Reserving the Digital Dividend for potential future uses: the view of the UK regulator
In Ofcom's view, a market-led approach to determining the uses for the Digital Dividend is superior because:
I Where considerable uncertainty exists over the highest value future use, market mechanisms can help to
ensure that the spectrum is used by those who value it the most. Markets allow the superior information
held by participants to be revealed and combined in order to identify those who have the highest value.
I Market mechanisms also help to resolve uncertainty because markets help to reveal information about how
much a resource is worth to others.
Use Assumptions Valuation
Six DTT multiplexes in each Member State requiring 48 MHz when
using National SFN's (8 MHz channels per SFN) and 384 MHz
when using MFN's (64 MHz spectrum channels per multiplex).
Between EUR 130 Billion
and EUR 370 Billion
discounted over 15 yrs
One multiplex using either 8 MHz per SFN or approximately 48
MHz for an MFN.
Between EUR 2.5 Billion and
EUR 25 Billion discounted
over 15 yrs.
Use of a 72 MHz sub-band within the 470-862 MHz band for
wireless broadband services.
Between EUR 50 Billion and
EUR 190 Billion discounted
over 15 yrs.
Total Between EUR 182.5 Billion
and EUR 585 Billion
discounted over 15 yrs.
TABLE 1.2.2
: Estimates in Value for the
Digital Dividend
Source: Exploiting the Digital Dividend
a European Approach, Analysis Mason,
DotEcon, Hogan & Hartson, 2009.
Finally information about value and flexibility of use give users strong incentives to get the most out of the
spectrum they own and hence to ensure efficient use in the longer term and promote innovation. The ability to
make these changes and to be flexible in responding to unforeseen changes quickly is particularly important for
promoting efficient spectrum use in the longer term.
Source: Ofcom UK, Digital Dividend Review 2007
Objectives of Spectrum Management
Spectrum management reflects many separate activities, including planning spectrum use, allocating and assigning
spectrum licences, enforcing licence conditions, interacting with a regional and international organisations and so
on assignments and so on. Each of these will have its own key performance indicators. For example, an
enforcement unit may have monitoring targets or a licensing departments performance may be measured by the
number of licences granted or the average amount of time taken to issue a license. Such specific indicators can be
separated from broader objectives relating to the key spectrum management role, which is deciding which
frequencies should be put to use for what purposes.
Economic objectives relate to ensuring that spectrum is used in ways which meet the countrys goals covering the
efficient allocation of resources that spectrum is employed by both private and public sector organisations in
ways which meet the countries economic growth and other objectives.Technical efficiency objectives relate to the
more specific goal of ensuring that service frequencies are used in ways which allow the maximum utilisation of the
resource, avoiding, for example, both interference and unnecessarily large gaps (guard bands) between adjoining
users. High-level policy objectives relate to consistency in government policy on matters such as access,
competition, non-discrimination, and equity and fairness in the manner spectrum is allocated and assigned to
various users.
New Technologies and Impacts on Regulation Module: Section 2.7.1 Objectives for Spectrum Management
High-Level Economic Efficiency Objectives
The goal of economic activity is to provide goods and services to end users whether they are bought in the
market place or provided to citizens by governments.In defining high-level objectives for spectrum policy, it is thus
sensible to take as a starting point the maximisation of value of outputs produced by the spectrum available,
including the valuation of public outputs provided by the government or other public authorities.
Some important conclusions follow from this objective.Suppose a given quantity of spectrum is available for use in
only two sectors, mobile communications and commercial broadcasting.How should it be divided between the two
uses? Because end-users derive benefit from both services, allocating the entire spectrum exclusively to one or the
other use may create an artificial shortage of spectrum. Some kind of compromise is required which reflects the
value end-users place on both services, the cost of providing them and the amount of spectrum they require. In
turn, relating use to value pressures all users, private and public, to make more efficient use of their allocated
spectrum, thereby freeing up more spectrum for use generally.This is set out more formally in the accompanying
practice note: Allocating Spectrum Efficiently.
Unfortunately, the problem of finding the most efficient allocation of spectrum is made harder by the complex
interrelations among frequencies and their different uses. It requires the spectrum manager to have knowledge, or
access to knowledge, about the relationship between providing an additional MHz of spectrum to a service and
the net economic benefit of doing so.There are additional considerations to be taken into account including the
I In practice, many frequencies (subject to international agreement) can be used for more than two
specific uses; hence using traditional approaches the spectrum manager will be making three or four
- way splits, not just dividing particular frequencies between two uses;
I Uniform allocations of spectrum on a global basis benefits users since manufacturers of
radiocommunications equipment are able to realize economies of scale sooner;
I Conversely, most services can be provided using a variety of frequencies, even if some are more
accessible than others. This introduces more flexibility in spectrum management, but varying margins
of substitution complicate the problem;
I It is often possible to replace spectrum in the provision of a service by other inputs e.g. replacing
spectrum base stations in a mobile telephony network.The technologies which use spectrum to
provide services, the nature of these services, and their costs, are in many ways difficult to accurately
This might be taken as implying that a spectrum manager must be omniscient to maximise the economic benefits
(public and private) of spectrum use.Yet this is not necessarily so, for two contrasting reasons:
On one hand, means are available to harness the knowledge and opinions of all spectrum users (as well as those
of the spectrum manager), and find a reasonably good solution to the problem. This involves the use of market
pricing and information mechanisms to refer allocation issues to those with the best knowledge of the potential of
spectrum to meet consumers needs for service. These means are discussed in Section 1.6.
On the other hand, if the manager chooses to rely on administrative methods to allocate spectrum, the
considerations set out above offer useful pointers:
In allocating spectrum, priority should initially be given to services which are highly valued by end-users, with end-
users expressing the value to them directly by making individual purchasing decisions. In some cases, the
government might express that value on citizens behalf by providing the service publicly;
I However, this does not mean that certain services should be deprived of spectrum altogether. The
aim is to equalise the benefit of an additional MHz in each competing use;
I As demand for services changes, it may be desirable (for example) to switch some services to higher
frequencies and reform the spectrum for better-suited new services; and
I Adopting these principles can improve spectrum allocation considerably.Even if imperfectly done on
the basis of incomplete information, the benefit can be considerable.
I A final implication follows from the approach of maximising economic benefits from an inexhaustible
resource. Where spectrum is available, it should be put to use in the most productive way possible.
Deliberately withholding spectrum in order to raise its price, or licensing a single monopolist to
provide a service where that monopolist will withhold services to end-users in order to raise their
price, deprives those end-users of the benefits which they would otherwise receive. The harm they
will suffer will always exceed the extra revenue the government can derive from spectrum allocation
or the extra profit the monopolist will make.
There is thus a strong case that spectrum should be made available to those firms prepared to use it efficiently.
High-Level Technical Efficiency Objectives
At first glance, technical efficiency in spectrum use appears to be a self-explanatory benefit. Indeed, technical
efficiency of frequencies suitable for a given purpose whether it is the spectrum regulators choice, or by firms -
may rationally count as a leading factor in spectrum allocation decisions. Applying the matter in practice can,
however, bring competing policy goals into play.
At the basic level, technical efficiency implies the fullest possible use of spectrum. For example, time is a
component of several measures of technical efficiency, both in the sense of how constant or heavy usage is over a
given period of time, and the speed in terms of bits per second that information is transmitted for a given
spectrum capacity.
In practice, however, both of these measures have problems. Some uses are crucial, yet only occasional. In the
absence of procedures for sharing spectrum with other users, which are very costly to implement, spectrum
capacity, which is often left unused, may be essential for such uses.
Equally, the capacity measure fails to take account of the value of the information (signal or data) carried. A
meaningless jumble might be sent very efficiently, but it would still be a meaningless jumble. This suggests that
such measures make little sense, as they abstract from the key element of economic calculation described in
Section 1.2.1. above concerning the value of the service which the spectrum is being used to produce.
It is clear that digital TV transmission is technically more efficient than analogue signaling leading to the Digital
Dividend.. Based on studies done by ITU-D covering the 2006-2010 timeframe, digital compression systems for
digital television allow the transmission of several (up to six, depending on the coding and modulation techniques)
standard digital television channels of acceptable quality in the radio-frequency spectrum previously used by a
single analogue channel. Simply put, more content can be carried for a given amount of spectrum, and this trend is
expected to continue. New technologies will continue to increase the capacity of the current DTT multiplexes (more
than 20 per cent is probable) and will allow more services to be provided without using additional spectrum that is
in high demand for other uses. It will be difficult to measure the value of spectrum due to increases in technical
efficiency alone without comparing spectrum use to the demand for services and alternate uses.
Resolving these issues clearly depends on a number of considerations including the value of scarce spectrum
expressed as the potential demand for alternative service provided with the spectrum, which would be released
along with considerations, such as social, political or industrial development, international agreements, etc.
Digital efficiency is very important, but is not the sole goal in itself. Because spectrum is increasingly scarce, there is
every reason to strive for technical efficiency in most circumstances. And of course, where spectrum is truly scarce
(e.g. below 1 GHz), there are clear benefits from increasing utilisation, while also planning for future use of
spectrum using all technical means to achieve this end in the interest of maximizing economic effects and welfare.
During the Digital Dividend debate in the EU, the European Broadcast Union strongly argued (with some
success) at the political level for preserving digital dividend spectrum for digital terrestrial broadcast using
non-technical arguments. The European Broadcast Union promoted the idea that preservation of TV
channel provisioning was needed to support DTT becoming a viable competing platform:
The terrestrial broadcasting platform represents a unique combination of elements such as technical
excellence and efficiency, favourable coverage and service characteristics, flexibility, market success and
wide support across the industry as well as by the public in most European countries. It serves equally
Practice Note: Digital Divident
European Broadcast Union
Source: European Broadcast Union, 2009
High-Level Policy Objectives
Governments design, implement and measure the effectiveness of policies to encourage economic, technical, and
social development. This includes initiatives to promote competition and create preferences to rebalance
opportunities for certain disadvantaged groups in society, and, in the case of radio spectrum, ensuring that
sufficient amounts of spectrum are available and accessible for current and future needs, while meeting public
safety and security requirements: including national defence, fire and security.
Policy design involves multiple dimensions and distinctions: current vs. future; absolute vs. relative, directional vs.
influential; and public and private. As there are numerous trade-offs a central goal is achieving policy effectiveness.
A central economic concept borrowed to guide the design of effective policy is Pareto Optimality, which is simply
stated as follows:
I A change in policy should not provide an advantage to one individual or set of individuals and put others at
a disadvantage.
Measuring and analyzing the impact of policy on individuals and the public is crucially important in determining
effectiveness and yet it is both a complex and difficult process. Ofcom, the UK Regulator, in conducting its Digital
Dividend Review developed the Total Value Framework to help resolve the analysis and measurement problems.
See Figure 1.0 Total Value Framework for the complete model.
Setting policies does not occur in a vacuum either. Efforts to improve competition and ensure access to spectrum
will be frustrated by reality, as in the case of competing interests between various stakeholders, such as existing
users and new entrants (for more on market entry and new entrants see related sub-sections in Module 2,
Competition and Price Regulation). Measuring the achievement of policy objectives
Picture 1 to add
General guidance on the framework for developing effective spectrum policy, its features and attributes and the
steps needed has evolved to include the following:
I Integration with other dimensions of government goals, objectives and institutions;
I Founded on a realistic assessment of actual circumstances;
I Priorities are set (what comes first, what is most important);
I Establishes strategies and aims to meet clear objectives;
I Integration of policy, planning and implementation;
I Includes the full range of stakeholders (and expertise) in the development of policy;
I Measures and performance are based on outcomes not inputs.
well public service broadcasters and commercial broadcasters as well as many other players in the value
chain. As a result the terrestrial broadcasting platform generates significant social and economic benefits.
It would be very difficult to replicate such a powerful mixture on another platform (European Broadcast
Union, 2009).
depicts the policy formulation
through specific spectrum management initiatives can be less precise than setting prices using market mechanisms
or in establishing technical efficient parameters. It follows, then, that some adjustment may be required overtime.
Digital Switchover is a good example where the economic and technical efficiency goals are balanced by
government's concern for social cohesion. Market mechanisms do not necessarily or easily take public policy
priorities into account, and so in the case of broadcast, governments often intervene in allocation decisions to
ensure that public-value broadcast content is available.
Picture 2 to add
Furthermore, effective policy statements are characterized by the following features and should be considered:
I Clear statement of goals and objectives;
I Description of strategies and implementation steps;
I Accountability framework;
I Tangible outcomes and measureable targets;
I Timeframe and milestones for achieving goals and outcomes.
Spectrum management has an impact on almost everyone in society, since almost all of us consume or benefit
from spectrum-using services. These services include marketed ones such as broadcasting or mobile
communications, and non-marketed ones, such as national defence. Other firms and public bodies are more
directly involved as direct users of spectrum.
These latter groups have knowledge and expertise about spectrum-using technologies and their potential. Services
provided by private companies depend on people investing the capital necessary. For this reason alone, their
views deserve consideration. However, the interests of service providers and end-users do not always coincide and
regulators will continue to be involved in arbitrating between occasionally competing interests.
The overall universe of stakeholders includes:
I End-users. The interests of end-users, as purchasers of services and beneficiaries of public services,
are pervasive. However, it may be hard to get them to participate in consultations. For one thing,
most end-users have a small stake in spectrum-using services as consumers only, so their willingness
to marshal their resources and make their interest heard may be small. Contrast this with the
incentive for a firm such as a mobile operator which derives its livelihood from spectrum and thus
from spectrum management. This is feature common to all regulation: concentrated sectional
interests can outweigh dispersed consumers and the public interest.
I Equipment manufacturers. Traditional spectrum management has involved the assignment of
spectrum to individual firms to provide services based on a specified technology and using specified
apparatus. This clearly gives equipment manufacturers an incentive to promote proprietary
technologies. For example, proponents of various versions of Wi-Max or mobile communications
standard might provide information supporting the view that their equipment should be specified
for a given spectrum allocation. Such information is valuable to regulators if they are adopting
administrative methods of spectrum allocation and assignment, but they should recognize that it is
process in terms of a hierarchy
beginning with guiding
principles, policies and
not provided in a disinterested way. In a more flexible regime, where the spectrum regulator does
not specify the technology to be employed, this issue does not arise.
I Providers of commercial services. Commercial licensees will quite properly pursue their own
profits. This will involve seeking access to spectrum for their own use and preventing commercial
rivals from gaining access to it and are thus likely to oppose awards to competitors. Also, when
spectrum licences are auctioned licensees will argue to have limits placed on later awards of
spectrum. They are thus likely to oppose awards to competitors. Also, when spectrum licences are
auctioned, they will encourage the regulator to place a limit on later awards of spectrum. This may
increase expected profits from the licences, and hence to some degree expected auction
proceeds, but the cost falls on consumers, if in the later periods will have less access to competitive
suppliers in the market place for services.
I Providers of public services. Much spectrum about a third or more in many countries is
assigned to providers of public services such as emergency services or national defence. Regulators
typically grant requests for spectrum from such bodies free of charge, or subject to an
administrative charge only. This creates an incentive for public bodies to ask for spectrum which they
may not strictly need, or may not need at the time of asking. Such requests can be justified as a
precautionary measure to accumulate spectrum for future use, or retain it in case it is needed later,
but this arrangement does not encourage spectrum efficiency in either the economic or the technical
sense (see Section 1.3.2). Audits or special incentives may be necessary to encourage efficiency in
the use of public spectrum or better still, since public users pay market prices for other inputs
should public spectrum use not be subject to the same spectrum usage fees as equivalent private
It is thus clear that a spectrum regulator will have multiple interactions with parties seeking to influence its
decisions. The regulator's goal should be to engage with the stakeholders, understand what they want from the
spectrum management regime, and gain as much accurate knowledge from them as they can, but maintain
independence in making final decisions in the public interest.
There are numerous examples of industry fora where the needs of providers of public services put forward
arguments for additional spectrum resources and in some cases explore both existing and predicted technical
issues and problems such as interference to existing services resulting from changes to frequency allocations.
Fundamental Management Approach
Historically, regulators have assigned frequencies by issuing licences to specific users for specific purposes an
administrative approach. The administrative approach can also be more or less prescriptive on the details of
spectrum use. Often it has involved specifying what equipment a licensee can use and where, and at what power
levels it can be used.
This is a good way to control interference yet such methods are often slow and unresponsive to new technological
opportunities. They also assume a level of knowledge and foresight on the part of the spectrum regulator which it
may not possess. Attention has recently been focused on creating genuine markets for spectrum and spectrum
licences under which both the ownership and use of spectrum can change in the course of a licensee's operation.
This is a major step beyond the auctioning of licences which are not subject to trading and change of use. It does,
however, require the full specification of what property rights to spectrum can be traded and utilized.
Some spectrum, especially for short-range use (Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID), microwave
ovens, various remote control devices, wireless security systems, etc.) need not be licensed at all. This might be the
case where users do not interfere with one another, or because new technologies can be employed which are
capable of dealing with interference as it happens. If such coexistence can be achieved, the spectrum commons
approach is desirable.
Regulators should look for the right balance among the three methods of administrative assignment, use of
markets and commons. The choice will be based on such things as the general scarcity of spectrum in various
parts of the country and in various portions of the spectrum, the human and financial resources available to the
regulator; the various types of use commercial or public service; and opportunities for innovation and commerce.
The growing recognition that spectrum regulators may not be able to collect and process the information needed
to make efficient administrative assignments is one of the factors promoting spectrum reform throughout the
As an illustration of the changing balance among methods of spectrum management the United Kingdom
spectrum regulator, Ofcom, has decided upon a radical shift from administrative methods to a market-based
approach, and a smaller expansion of the commons, over the period up to 2010, as shown in Table 3 below. An
example of spectrum trading in Guatemala is given in the practice note below.
Note: Table 3.0 is based on a particular method of weighting spectrum in different frequencies, described in the
source document.
The three methods are reviewed, and some general observations made on the balance among them, in the
following sections.
The Administrative Method
The administrative method (or traditional method) is the overwhelmingly dominant form of spectrum management
at the present time and has been over the past one hundred years, since spectrum first began to be licensed. It is
practised by all spectrum management authorities.
In the administrative spectrum management method, a spectrum manager specifies detailed rules and constraints
affecting how, where and when spectrum can be used and who has access to spectrum. Minimizing harmful
interference lies at the heart of the traditional model which places an emphasis on the technical management of
radio spectrum. As a consequence, different services are sometimes allocated to different frequency bands,
although in most frequency bands, more than one radio service is allocated, and sharing between services takes
place under specified technical criteria.
In the administrative method there are two stages involved in authorizing spectrum use:
I The allocation stage; and
Spectrum management method % of Spectrum allocated in:
Year 2000 Year 2010
Administrative 96% 22%
Market 0% 71%
Commons 4% 7%
Ofcom Market Based
I The assignment stage.
At the allocation stage, as described in Section 7: International Affairs, broad decisions on spectrum use are made
on global and regional ITU radiocommunication conferences. National spectrum regulators prepare their own
allocation tables on this basis, which usually impose further restrictions on spectrum use. The decisions are
formalised in a National Frequency Allocation Table.
At the allocation stage, a key feature of the administrative method is that any restrictions on allowable uses of
spectrum are made by the spectrum manager. Potential users of spectrum can make proposals for allocations -
for example for new communication technologies, but without the allocation being made, matters cannot progress
Once an allocation has been determined, spectrum use is authorized at the assignment stage with the issuance of a
license(s) which is assigned to particular user(s). Historically, assignments were made by methods such as first-
come, first-served basis or by way of comparative evaluation (also known as beauty contests) sometimes involving
public hearings and/or consultation rather than by market-based methods.
Market Methods
Market methods are being employed both at the initial issuance of a spectrum licence, when auctions are used (for
a detailed discussion of Auctions see Section 5.5), and, more significantly, by allowing spectrum rights to be
bought and sold in the lifetime of a licence and allowing a change of use of the relevant spectrum. Trading only
involves the change of ownership of licences, whereas liberalisation involves giving greater flexibility in how
spectrum is used to the user. We use term trading to cover both change of ownership and flexibility.
Spectrum Trading
Spectrum trading is introduced here in this section and for a more detailed discussion of Market-based Sharing
see Section 4.2.4 of this module.
Spectrum trading is a mechanism whereby rights and any associated obligations to use spectrum can be
transferred from one party to another by way of a market-based exchange for a certain price. In contrast to
spectrum re-assignment, in a spectrum trade, the right to use the spectrum is transferred voluntarily by the present
user, and a sum is paid by the new user of the spectrum which is retained, either in full or in part, by the present
(transferring) user. For example, in February 2010, Optus Mobile, an Australian mobile network operator,
announced that it had entered into an agreement to purchase 3G spectrum licences from 3G Investments, a
subsidiary of Qualcomm. The spectrum licences are for 10MHz of paired spectrum in the 2100MHz band in
eight regional capital cities in Australia.
Spectrum trading contributes to a more efficient use of frequencies because a trade will only take place if the
spectrum is worth more to the new user than it was to the old user, reflecting the greater economic benefit the new
user expects to derive from the acquired spectrum. These efficiency gains will not be realized, however, if
transaction costs are too high and one of the aims of any spectrum trading regime should be to keep down
transaction costs. After all, the goal is to facilitate transfers by establishing a swift and inexpensive mechanism. If
neither the buyer nor the seller behave irrationally or misjudge the transaction, and if the trade does not cause
external effects (e.g., anti-competitive behaviour or intolerable interference), then it can be assumed that spectrum
trading contributes to greater economic efficiency and boosts transparency by revealing the true opportunity cost
of the spectrum.
Furthermore, trading has other relevant indirect effects:
I it enables licensees to expand more quickly than would otherwise be the case;
I it makes it easier for prospective new market entrants to acquire spectrum;
I if spectrum trading were combined with an extensive liberalization of spectrum usage rights, there
would be a considerable incentive for incumbents to invest in new technology in order to ward off
the threat of new entrants in the absence of other barriers to entry (i.e., the unavailability of
I this, in turn, would boost market competition.
Forms of Spectrum Trading
The European Commission identifies the following methods for transferring rights of use:
I Sale Ownership of the usage right is transferred to another party;
I Buy-back A usage right is sold to another party with an agreement that the seller will buy back the
usage right at a fixed point in the future;
I Leasing The right to exploit the usage right is transferred to another party for a defined period of
time but ownership, including the obligations this imposes, remains with the original rights holder.
I Mortgage The usage right is used as collateral for a loan, analogous to taking out a mortgage on
an apartment or house.
In terms of the trade itself, there are a variety of mechanisms that can be used. These include:
I Bilateral negotiation: The seller and (prospective) buyer directly negotiate the terms of the sale and
are not subject to any particular constraints set by the regulator;
I Auctions: Once a type of auction has been chosen and the rules have been decided by primarily the
seller, prospective buyers have the opportunity to acquire the spectrum usage rights by bidding in
the auction;
I Brokerage: Buyers and sellers employ a broker to negotiate, with their consent, the contractual terms
under which the transfer of usage rights can take place;
I Exchange: This refers to the establishment of a commercial trading platform, similar to a stock
market, where transfers take place according to specific rules established by the members.
These mechanisms are most likely to be used in combination. In the first instance an auction will be used as the
primary means of assignment, tradable spectrum is listed on an exchange and either direct negotiation or
brokerage facilitate the transfer of spectrum user rights. As we have discussed earlier band managers may be
delegated responsibility for managing certain bands on behalf of the regulator.
Unlicensed Spectrum
License-exempt or unlicensed spectrum is free from centralized control in which anyone can transmit without a
license while complying with rules that are designed to limit/avoid interference. The spectrum commons involves
unlicensed spectrum although in practice what is referred to as a spectrum commons can have varying degrees of
management. Licence-exempt bands (e.g. the ISM bands) are an example of a spectrum commons with some
management in terms of power restrictions on individual users as applied in the US under the FCC Part 15 rules.
A detailed history of the development of unlicensed spectrum in the United States is provided in an FCC paper by
Carter, Cahouji and McNeil (summarized below and also see the paper by Ken Carter). Broadly, the same history is
true in other countries. In the 1920s, essentially all spectrum was unlicensed. The confusion and interference this
caused, especially among broadcast stations, led to a licensed approach being adopted in the 1930s, although
some spectrum was still set aside for unlicensed use.
Over time, the main unlicensed bands were those designated as industrial, scientific and medical (ISM). These were
bands where there was non-communications use of spectrum, for example, for heating purposes, etc. Because this
use generated interference, the ISM bands were generally not licensed. Hence, they were often made available for
unlicensed usage. ISM bands under ITU Radio Regulation 5.150 pertaining to Region 2 include the following bands:
902-928 MHz (centre frequency 915 MHz), 2400-2500 MHz (centre frequency 2450 MHz), 5725-5875 MHz (centre
frequency 5800 MHz), and 24-24.25 GHz (centre frequency 24.125 GHz).
In the past ten or so years interest in greater use of unlicensed spectrum has grown sharply. This is the result of
the following developments;
I Deployments of new technologies in the 2.4GHz band, particularly W-LANs have been commercially
successful, leading many to ask whether further unlicensed allocations would result in more innovation and
I The development of ultra wide band (UWB) and the promise of software defined radio (SDR) have led some
to question whether these technologies can overcome historical problems with unlicensed spectrum.
I Continuing development of low power devices and new applications.
Low power device frequencies refer to a whole range of frequencies from 160 KHz. to 10.55 GHz. which are used
for a variety of radio communication and non-communication purposes. The ISM bands include low power devices,
and some of these are listed below:
I 902-902.1 / 927.9 928 MHz. (rural radiophones);
I 902-928, 2400-2483.5 and 5725-5875 MHz. Note: specific technical standards around field strength and
harmonics apply ( > 50 millivolts/m );
I 902-928, 2435-2465 and 5785-5815 MHz. (Field Strength Disturbance Sensors):
I 5150-5350 and 5725-5825 MHz. (local area network devices).
Other commonly used bands for low power devices include:
I 174-217 and 608-614 MHz. (medical telemetry);
I 2900-3260, 3267-3332, 3339-3345, 3358-3600 MHz. (vehicle identification).
Used of unlicensed devices is expected to rise dramatically in the next 5 years and is illustrated in Chart 1. Around
1 percent of the total value from the radio spectrum comes from the use of unlicensed bands. This claim can be
traced to a study undertaken by Europe Economics for Ofcom in 2006.
In the USA the estimated yearly benefits derived by consumers and producers, in the form of consumer and
producer surplus, for use of spectrum in a number of industry sectors was estimated at $277 Billion per yeae. The
uses for spectrum reflect a range of public and private uses of spectrum:
I Public mobile including cellular mobile, paging, public mobile data networks, and public access mobile
I Broadcasting including analogue and digital TV, and analogue and digital radio;
I Satellite links meaning the operation of satellite links, such as VSATs and permanent earth stations;
I Fixed links meaning the operation of radio fixed links, for example to substitute for or supplement cable
links in telecommunications infrastructure;
I Wireless broadband meaning the provision of Wi-Fi and other wireless access services;
I Private mobile radio meaning mobile radio communications services provided for non-public use, such as
by emergency services, taxi companies and transport companies,
The study results for the USA for an estimate of the value of unlicensed spectrum use for three main applications
appear below in Table 1.

Global Sales of Unlicensed
Photo: Perspective Associated 2009
Scenarios (2009-2025) $Billion per Year Low Medium High
Home Wi-Fi 4.3 8.4 12.6
Hospital Wi-Fi 9.6 12.9 16.1
Clothing RFID 2.0 4.1 8.1
Total 15.9 25.4 36.8
As a % of Total Estimated Value from the Use of Spectrum 5.7% 9.2% 13.3%
Generic Frequency
9 kHz to 30 MHz Short Range Inductive Applications
27 MHz Telemetry, Telecommand and Model Control
40 MHz Telemetry, Telecommand and Model Control
49 MHz General Purpose Low Power Devices
173 MHz Alarms, Telemetry, Telecommand and Medical Applications
405 MHz Ultra Low Power Medical Implants Devices
418 MHz General Purpose Telemetry and Telecommand Applications
458 MHz Alarms, Telemetry, Telecommand and Medical Applications
Economic Values Generated by
Unlicensed Applications in the
US shows the currently
unlicensed bands in the United
UK Unlicensed Bands
Source: The Economic Value Generated
by Unlicensed Usage of Spectrum,
Perspective Associates 2009 and McLean
Foster & Co.
Regulating Cellular and Mobile Broadband Services
The centre of gravity of the telecommunications sector in emerging countries is profoundly becoming wireless
instead of fixed. This is shown vividly in Table 1.5.4 which follows the number of mobile lines to the number of fixed
lines, countries like India are 14 to 1; in Jordan it is 12 to 1; and in Vietnam the ratio is 6 to 1. Whereas, in
developed countries such as the UK and USA the ratio is 2 to 1.

In these six emerging countries, the fixed network is for all intents and purposes a monopoly, whereas mobile
networks are more numerous, ranging from two/three in number in some countries to a dozen in some regions
(circles) in India. The main reason for this is that mobile networks are much less capital intensive, at least in the
radio access network. A mobile network is more scalable, in the sense that when demand is low, service can be
provided with a relatively inexpensive coverage network, the cost of which depends upon the frequencies which
have been assigned. A mobile network can then be furnished with more base stations in a given area when traffic
volumes increase. For this reasons, and for others competition in the wireless arena is not subject to the same
structural barriers of entry that afflict fixed networks. Moreover, by certain measures of competition the mobile
sector is highly concentrated which might create barriers to competition and lead to low levels of penetration. This
has proven not to be the case. In this respect, emerging countries show a combination of high concentration and
of high take-up or penetration.
864 MHz Cordless Audio Applications
868 MHz Alarms, Telemetry and Telecommand Applications
2400 MHz General Purpose Short Range Applications, including CCTV and RFID. Also used for
WLANs including Bluetooth Applications
5.8 GHz HyperLANs, General Purpose Short Range Applications, including Road Traffic and
Transport Telematics
10.5 GHz Movement Detection
24 GHz Movement Detection
63 GHz 2 Phase Road Traffic and Transport Telematics
76 GHz Vehicle Radar Systems
Country Population
#of Households
(000) (3)
Mobiles per 100
Inhabitants (1)
Wirelines per 100
Inhabitants (1)
India 1,189 M 222,000 3,400 43.83 3.09
Indonesia245.6 M 65,000 4,300 69.25 14.77
J ordan 6.5 M 1,193 5,300 95.22 7.94
Malaysia 28.7 M 6,270 14,700 109.74 15.70
Thailand 66.7 M 18,660* 8,700 97.33 10.63
Viet Nam 90.5 M 22,628 3,100 111.53 19.79
Sources: :(1) ITU ICTeye 2009 and (2) CIA
Fact Book, 2011. (3) Census data for each
country originating with national offices
for statistics. * Estimate extrapolated to
2009. Available statistic based on 2000
Census. Compiled by McLean Foster &
The implications of these observations for regulators and spectrum managers are significant. For emerging
economies, as well as developed economies, the availability of spectrum is key to telecommunications
development over the next decade. In almost every part of the world, wireless data traffic can be expected to
increase, even double by some estimates, year over year for the next five years. Developing broadband will
crucially depend upon spectrum availability. Abundant spectrum is essential in promoting competition and
innovation in telecommunications markets. The opposite case, in which spectrum availability is inadequate will lead
to higher prices, limit market entry for competitors, and constrain innovation.
Most successful efforts to improve availability begin with knowing how spectrum is being used and by whom.
Spectrum audits and spectrum demand and supply studies which cover all spectrum users, especially government
users, lead to steps which can result in new allocations and adjustments between users. See Section 2.4.3 Planning
for Future Use.
It will likely be necessary to look at policies/principles connected with allocation and assignment procedures to
ensure that both technical and economic efficiency are considered and properly balanced.
Striking a balance
Spectrum regulators have to exert judgement over how to combine the three methods described here. It may be
sensible to start with defining the area for the commons by focussing upon the expected scope for relatively low-
power, non-conflicting uses likely to emerge.
The major decision is where to settle between administrative and market methods in spectrum licensing.
Arguments in favour of the former are:
I it gives a high level of control
I it is safer in terms of avoiding interference.
I it makes re-allocation of spectrum among radio services easier
Arguments in favour of the latter include:
I it is more flexible;
I it delegates decisions to those with the best knowledge;
I it can work speedily to make adjustments in spectrum use within defined criteria.
Governance and Outsourcing
High-level spectrum objectives have been discussed in Section 1.3. Here we discuss how best to position the
regulator to achieve those objectives, and how outsourcing and delegation can assist.
The fundamental issue here is how to divide up spectrum management responsibilities amongst the government,
an independent spectrum regulator, and private sector organisations to which some of these tasks can be
subcontracted by outsourcing, and the licensees themselves, which can be asked to undertake some self-
regulation, possibly on a co-operative basis.


This raises broad questions over what type of body should exercise power over spectrum management decisions,
as well as narrower ones about how particular functions can most efficiently be performed.
The broader question over how power to regulate spectrum should be exercised depends upon a countrys
constitutional circumstance, its political and legal systems and possibly its stage of development and the nature of
the demand for spectrum- in particular whether spectrum is a scarce and highly valuable resource, or whether it be
made available to at least the bulk of demands placed upon it.
It is clear that strategic decisions about the regulation of spectrum should not be undertaken by operators
themselves, which would naturally pursue their own special interests. This same principle is set out in the WTOs
Reference Paper on Basic Telecommunications, which, in relation to regulation of telecommunications more
generally requires that;
"The regulatory body is separate from, and not accountable to, any supplier of telecommunications
services. The decisions of and the procedures used by regulator shall be impartial with respect to all
market participants."
The regulators independence from government is a separate matter. There are arguments that a democratically
accountable government is entitled to exercise key responsibilities over the development of a major sector of the
economy, such as wireless communications, and there are concerns that there is a risk that such decisions will
become politicised and that this will introduce uncertainty about regulation on the part of investors, which might in
consequence fail to put up the necessary capital to build the networks.
The issue of the location of regulatory power is discussed in 1.6.1; alternative approaches to spectrum
management such as New Zealands Management Rights system and Band Managers are discussed in 1.6.2, and
the more technical issues of outsourcing and the example of spectrum trading systems are discussed in 1.6.3 and
Institutional arrangements
A spectrum regulator is buffeted by representatives of private sector stakeholders, some of whose interests are
not fully aligned with the public interest. It has to retain the capacity for independent decision-making. This clearly
requires the necessary authority and access information necessary to make that authority effective.
Secondly, it is something desirable to make the spectrum regulator independent of government in its day-to-day
operations. This has the effect of making spectrum regulation free from political interference. As a result, operators
may be more willing to invest in spectrum-using activities if they are to some degree protected from political
In practice, the institutional arrangements for spectrum regulators differ throughout the world, but broadly fall into
two categories:
I The regulator is an independent agency, normally established by statute, with specified powers and
responsibilities, and
I The regulator is part of a government ministry.
In the former case, the regulator regime may combine responsibility for spectrum regulation with regulation of
broadcasting and/or regulation of the telecommunication sector (converged regulator). In the United Kingdom, for
example, the task of regulating all spectrum was transferred in 2003 from the Department of Trade and Industry
(part of Government) to Ofcom. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission is responsible for
regulating broadcasting and telecommunications and for those spectrum frequencies which are not used by the
federal government. In Canada, spectrum regulation is the responsibility of the Industry Canada, a government
ministry, while the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors are independently regulated by the Canadian
Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
Two remarks can be made about the efficiency in these arrangements:
I First, there is a good case for unified regulation of all spectrum by the same body to ensure a
consistent and logical approach to all frequencies. This is shown by the adverse consequence of the
bifurcated system in the United States, where there are two spectrum agencies, the FCC and the
NTIA. The FCC is responsible for managing private sector spectrum including broadcasting and
spectrum used by state governments; the NTIA is part of the Department of Commerce which is
responsible for managing the US governments use of spectrum. The involvement of both the FCC
and the NTIA in the use and management of spectrum has resulted in major problems of co-
I Second, combining spectrum regulation with broadcasting and telecommunications regulation
creates a better basis for providing analysis of both sets of problems for example ensuring that
spectrum is available simultaneously to support opportunities for new competitive broadcasting and
telecommunication services. There is, however, the risk that the regulator of these two industries
(broadcasting and telecommunications) may become captured by these two large groups of
spectrum users to the detriment of other users of the spectrum with less contact with the regulator.
It must also be recognised that there are many gradations of independence from government. An independent
spectrum regulator might be created, but it might be granted little authority over major allocation and assignment
decisions, being instructed instead to focus, for example, on licence enforcement or monitoring. Equally, the
staffing of an independent agency might in effect make it an instrument of government.
Whether an independent agency or a government body is better for spectrum regulation is likely to depend on
particular circumstances. In some countries, agencies may be more subject to capture by special interests, and
regulation by government may be preferable while in other countries, government may be prove to interfere in
regulatory decisions, for political or other reasons and in this may make it desirable to have an agency
independent from governments, but operating within government policies guidelines making decisions.
Related Materials
Module 6, section 5.1, "What constitutes an effective regulator?"
Management Rights Systems and Band Managers
New Zealand's Radiocommunications Act 1989 was pioneering and radically changed the landscape of spectrum
management. New Zealand was the first country to create a management rights system whereby owners of blocks
of management rights spectrum are free to issue spectrum licences for the specified part of the spectrum
according to their own policies. In New Zealands case, there are 209 management rights blocks with 70 reserved
for the government covering services like broadcast. The other 139 blocks are reserved for essentially commercial
services like fixed and mobile services.
Spectrum Licences granted by a manager of a block of management rights spectrum usually have the following
I assigned for a defined period of time;
I non-specific to equipment or transmission methods; and
I define an envelope within which the licence holder is free to operate at his or her discretion.
Band Managers
A band manager will typically have assignment rights over, or be the licensee of, a block of spectrum, which it will
then subdivide among many users. In many respects, a band manager can be thought of as a wholesaler of
spectrum, which it then retails to individual users.
Use of a band manager may simply be a means of reducing transaction costs, if competitive tendering produces a
manager which is more efficient in the relevant business process than the regulator itself. Band managers can also
permit more efficient use of spectrum by pooling demand. Such policy is effective if:
I individual users have insufficient spectrum to achieve efficient usage, and
I different users of spectrum have demand patterns that peak at different periods.
New technological developments such as agile technologies which allow transmitters and receivers to hop across
frequencies increase the potential role of band management.
On the other hand, band managers can become possessive of the spectrum which they have been awarded to
manage, and this can thwart spectrum policy objectives, for example, when the spectrum regulator wishes to re-
allocate the spectrum managed by the band manager to another purpose.
Wherever a spectrum regulator is positioned, questions will arise as with any activity as to whether the
organisation should perform functions in-house, or outsource them to others. In practice, almost all regulators
outsource some activities. We are thus talking about choosing a point on a continuum, not making a single choice
over whether to outsource. The decision criterion in each case should be efficiency: what arrangement yields the
best outcome in terms of cost, quality and the independence of decision-taking?
In ascending order of significance, outsourcing may involve:
I i) Hiring consultants with specialised skills to perform discrete tasks, such as planning a particular
band (see Practice Notes for an example of a tender for such a contract);
I ii) Using outside resources for certain support functions such as software development and
operation or maintenance of computer systems;
I iii) Using outside resources to cope with short workload peaks;
I iv) Assigning a function, such as monitoring emissions in a particular region or interference
investigations, to an outside organisation, which reports the results directly to the regulator;
I v) Assigning a client-facing function, such as enforcement of licence conditions to an outside body;
I vi) Assigning certain administrative responsibilities such as issuance of radio operator certificates to
an outside body;
I vii) Assigning responsibility for a range of frequencies to a band manager, which will make
assignments to individual users;
I viii) Delegating broader policy responsibilities.
Spectrum Trading Systems
The ability of regulators and licensees to keep track of current licences is an important component of market-
based systems and can be facilitated by a publicly available database. Knowledge of the location of existing Txs
and Rxs (where feasible) will allow potential purchasers of rights to accurately model the existing interference
environment they are seeking to enter and to enable them to properly assess the rights they seek to acquire. The
database should:
I should enable regulators if called upon to adjudicate spectrum disputes and to enable them to track
and assess the usage of spectrum in differing bands;
I Should include additional tools to analyze, data on spectrum historical occupancy/usage and to
interpret alternative propagation models.
In the US, a spectrum auction and trading system is operated by Cantor-Fitzgerald, the Wall Street brokerage,
providing an example of the sorts of capabilities that are needed at a minimum. See the following practice note.
Spectrum Policy and Planning
Spectrum regulators will have to make decisions about the uses of spectrum and on who should be allowed to use
it (i.e., uses and users). The international framework for the utilization of the radio frequency spectrum is set out in
the ITUs Radio Regulations. There is, however, considerable flexibility for the establishment of national policies
following recommendations contained within the framework. The mechanism for determining who may use
spectrum within a given country involves some planning. How much planning depends on the extent to which the
regulator wishes to rely on the market. The greater the reliance on the market, the less planning will be required.
In this section you find a discussion on the related topics of Spectrum Policy and Planning followed by Technical
Standards and Allocating Spectrum:
2.2 Policy
2.3 Spectrum Planning
2.4 Technical Standards
2.5 Allocating Spectrum
For more information on these topics, please click the appropriate heading in the Table of Contents in the left
navigation pane on this page.
Regulators of the spectrum have to make decisions about how it can be used and who should be allowed to use it
(i.e., uses and users). While the international framework for the utilization of the radio frequency spectrum is set out
in the ITUs Radio Regulations, there is considerable flexibility for the establishment of national policies within this
Determining who may use the spectrum within a given country requires a certain degree of planning, the extent of
which depends on how much the regulator wishes to rely on the market. The greater the reliance on the market,
the less planning is required.
This difference is revealed if we contrast the emphasis on planning under administrative and market based
spectrum management approaches. Four phases of planning are described in the ITU-R Report SM.2015 on Long-
Range Planning referenced below. The four planning steps are:
I Determining spectrum requirements;
I Determining spectrum availability;
I Considering spectrum planning options;
I Spectrum planning implementation.
Under a market based approach and with the caveat that sufficient spectrum has initially been made available for
the market to properly function, the regulator can be less active in leading the determination of spectrum
requirements and availability since these adjustments will take place between users. Also with the advent of
advanced technologies and the use of the spectrum commons, the requirement for band planning could be
curtailed. For more a detailed discussion on market mechanisms and spectrum sharing see Section 5: Spectrum
Institutional Framework for Spectrum Management
International, regional and national regulatory frameworks significantly influence spectrum policy formulation,
harmonization and implementation.
As reviewed in more detail in Section 7 - International Affairs, the ITU harmonizes the efficient use of the spectrum
resource on a global basis on behalf of governments. Ultimately, the implementation how and when
recommendations and regulations are implemented rests with national governments. Allocations of radio
spectrum are agreed upon at the ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) for each ITU Region, and the
Radio Regulations are then revised. Agreements on changes to allocations made at WRCs have treaty status, and
international harmonization and coordination of spectrum allocation are essential for many public sector services,
such as transport.
Practices across regions vary and decisions made about spectrum allocation vary across the three ITU regions.
Region 1 has multiple sovereign markets and attempts a unified approach. Region 2 is dominated by the US and
often reflects a single market approach whereas there multiple sovereign markets and no real unified approach
across Region 3 encompassing Asia-Pacific and Oceania.
In Europe, common positions in relation to WRC agenda items are developed by the European Conference of
Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT); the CEPT includes 48 European member states. The
European Union presents a particularly unique situation with broad policy in terms of goals, direction and timelines
set on a pan-national basis, while the detailed implementation of policy is left to individual member countries.
Much like North and South America, there is no formal process for setting a common agenda in Asia to coordinate
and harmonize policy or spectrum use.
One of the hurdles in establishing coordinated policy at the national level is diverse regulatory framework for
broadcast and telecommunications:
I in some cases, there is one regulator for both broadcast and telecommunications, and;
I in other cases, the regulation of these services is divided between separate regulators.
At the beginning of 2011, separate regulators had been established in more than 80 per cent of countries, totaling
158 regulators worldwide, up from 106 regulators a decade ago. Africa has the highest percentage of regulators
(relative to the total number of countries in each region) with 93 per cent, followed by the Americas and Europe
with 91 and 88 per cent, respectively. Moreover, Asia-Pacific has 73 per cent, Arab States have 71 per cent, and the
CIS has the lowest with 50 per cent.
Countries with separate regulators have adopted different institutional and organizational frameworks to adapt to
the fast-changing ICT environment. While the main trend in most regions has been to establish a sector-specific
regulator, some countries have moved towards merging pre-existing separate regulatory authorities into a
converged regulator, while others have expanded the mandate of the regulator to include posts, information
technology, broadcasting content, or spectrum management. Figure 2.2 illustrates this issue by illustrating that
there is no consistent pattern in regulatory mandate and function across the various regions of the globe.

Countries with Separate
Regulators, 2010
Photo: ITU World
Telecommunication/ICT Regulatory
Several countries in the Americas, Europe and Africa have established multi-sector agencies, either when sector
reforms were initiated or after their markets reached a certain level of maturity. In these cases, countries have
merged pre-existing separate regulators of public utilities to oversee, for example, the telecommunications, postal,
electricity, gas and railway sectors.
In several jurisdictions regulators are now responsible for regulation beyond their traditional core activities. These
traditional functions consist of: regulating access to telecommunication/ICT infrastructure and services through
licensing; managing scarce resources such as spectrum and numbering resources; dealing with interconnection
issues; setting and enforcing quality of service standards; and managing universal access support programmes.
In 2010, 16 per cent of regulators had responsibility for broadcasting content, sometimes sharing that
responsibility with another ministry. While Internet content is unregulated in more than 44 per cent of countries
worldwide, it is around 13 per cent of telecommunication/ICT regulators mandates. Information technology is
included in the mandate of 30 per cent of regulators, a responsibility that is shared in 12 per cent of cases.
At the policy and standards level, the same diversity is evident. For example, for television systems different
standards apply to various regions around the world where there are three dominant analogue television
standards: NTSC, PAL and SECAM. There have been some intensive efforts made to achieve cooperation at the
regional and trans-regional level to smooth out the process and simplify the inherent diversity. The Geneva
Frequency Plan referred to as GE06 is a prime example of such an inititative.
Spectrum Policies and Principles
At the national level, there are a number of important policy questions to be reviewed and resolved affecting the
regulation of spectrum. These policy questions include the government's own use of spectrum with the underlying
concern that government departments can under utilize the spectrum assigned to them. Other policy matters
include the extent to which market mechanisms should be used to assign spectrum and used to set the price for
spectrum; and, what are the permanent or temporary property rights of licensed and unlicensed users. These and
other policy questions are raised in the balance of this Section.

Mandate of the Regulator 2010
Photo: ITU World
Telecommunication/ICT Regulatory
Spectrum Managers can assist the Government and National Regulatory Authority by leading the development and
approval, after extensive and meaningful stakeholder input and consultations, of spectrum policies governing
spectrum's use, its licensing, spectrum prices, and refarming. Good policies are essential for better decisions to be
made more quickly, thereby reducing the risk of regulatory and market failure. Spectrum policies include
pronouncements on regulatory direction for the following:
I Spectrum planning policies including the study and assessment of spectrum demand and supply for
government and non-government uses, and requirements for band plans;
I Spectrum authorization policies including the use of spectrum auctions, development of spectrum
user rights, technical and service neutral assignments and authorization;
I Spectrum pricing policies including objectives, use of incentives, basis for recovery, and
implementation of market-based spectrum prices;
I Specific policies for refarming and re-allocation done in conjunction with the development of
spectrum user rights, valuation and spectrum pricing.
Core principles should guide policy makers, regulators and ultimately the users of radio frequencies in the
management of spectrum. Best practice core principles include the following:
I Spectrum should be allocated to the highest value uses or uses to ensure maximum benefits to
society are realized;
I Mechanisms should be put in place to enable and encourage spectrum to move to its highest value
I Greater access to spectrum will be facilitated when the use the least cost and least restrictive
approach is chosen in achieving spectrum management goals and objectives;
I To the extent possible, regulators and spectrum managers need to promote both certainty and
I Balance the cost of interference with the benefits of obtained from greater spectrum utilization.
Harmonized spectrum use with international and regional allocations and standards will reap additional benefits in
terms of access and economies of scale and should be pursued, except where Moldovas interests warrant a
different determination
Spectrum Policy Review
Spectrum management policy and practice have been the subject of considerable debate and reform over the past
decade and the debate is likely to continue into the future. Over the past decade, spectrum management practises
have been steadfastly diverging from sole reliance on administrative approaches to a greater reliance on market
based mechanisms. This shift in approach is most prevalent in the area of spectrum assignment and licensing
where the use of auctions and more flexible spectrum authorizations - service and technology flexible licenses are
becoming more common. Additionally, unlicensed (but not unregulated) spectrum commons are now common
practice - See Section 1.6.3 Unlicensed Spectrum
Increased demand, spectrum scarcity especially below 2 GHz, rapid changes in technology, recognition of the high
economic value of spectrum and the use of spectrum prices, and the important changes taking place due to the
need for international agreements on harmonized allocations (Broadband and Digital Switchover) are driving the
need for review and reform. Several country examples are listed below.
United Kingdom Flexible User Rights and Spectrum Trading
OFCOM is currently shifting UK spectrum policy towards a flexible system of spectrum management. It is
liberalizing spectrum usage rights and spectrum trading. A gradual approach is being adopted, embracing
progressively more bands and greater flexibility but relying on competitive assignment methods. This progression
is exemplified by OFCOMs intention to apply service and technological neutrality in a forthcoming spectrum
assignment involving frequencies currently used to support terrestrial analog TV broadcasting. OFCOM also is
proposing spectrum user rights in a forthcoming auction of the L band, and in other auctions.
The UK has also adopted a policy of extending market methods of spectrum management to public sector
spectrum, giving public sector users the right to trade or lease their spectrum and the obligation to go into the
market place to acquire additional spectrum. OFCOM is also extending the application of administrative incentive
prices (AIP) to government agencies, requiring them to pay commercial prices for their existing spectrum, as set by
regulators - See Section 5.8 Administered Incentive Prices.
India - Spectrum Management Review
In October 2009, the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India published a consultation paper examining a
broad range of spectrum management activities and issues with central focus on:
I Spectrum Requirements
I Spectrum Licensing, and
I Spectrum Assignments
The consultation process completed in early 2010 and the TRAI has published a paper with recommendations on a
range of issues on May 16, 2010.
Spectrum Requirements
The issues considered include:
I How much government spectrum should be refarmed and what are the suggested best methods for
re-farming spectrum?
I What will be the impact of the Digital Dividend?
Spectrum Licensing
The issues considered include:
I Should spectrum trading be permitted and when?
I Should spectrum caps be used and what are appropriate spectrum block sizes?
I ppropriate conditions for spectrum sharing; and
I Types of spectrum authorizations.
Spectrum Assignment and Pricing
The issues considered include:
I De-linking spectrum licenses from telecommunication licenses;
I When to use market-based mechanisms?
I How should non-commercial spectrum be assigned?
I Should annual spectrum charges be used and how often should they be revised?
I How should the spectrum management organization be restructured to better reflect spectrum
management recoverable costs?
Spectrum Planning
Spectrum planning processes provide direction and cohesion in support of policy formulation, and support future
steps to achieve optimal spectrum use. Major trends and developments in technology and the needs of both
current and future users of the frequency spectrum should be closely monitored and mapped. The types of user
requirements for systems utilized to conduct frequency management activities, like monitoring systems, channelling
plan techniques, and tools should also be planned and developed.
The various aspects of planning at both the international, regional, national and local level are discussed in this
toolkit. Information on planning at the international and regional levels may be found in Section 7 on International
Planning Timeframes
Planning is usually undertaken for long-term, medium-term and short-term timeframes. Long range (strategic)
planning (10 to 20 years) is required to foresee spectrum requirements far into the future. Such long-term planning
must take into account the need to accommodate uses that may not have been predictable at the time of inception.
Determining those needs is best done by involving both spectrum managers and stakeholders, as the future needs
of a given radio service and the various spectrum management approaches that might be applied are of interest
to both of them. Medium-term planning (5 to 10 years) is needed to determine what changes should be made to
regional, sub-regional, national and local spectrum policies to meet the changing needs of users and evolving
technology that have already been identified. Finally, short-term planning (anything under 5 years) is important
where, depending on the nature of spectrum governance in place, changes to spectrum policies can be made to
adjust earlier decisions.
Consultation with Stakeholders
Consultation with stakeholders is essential in virtually every aspect of spectrum management including the
development of national legislation and regulations, spectrum policies, technical standards, etc. While it is seldom
practical to consult with each individual spectrum user, effective consultations can take place by also allowing
associations or bodies representing groups of users to contribute. In order to facilitate consultation on important
spectrum management issues, it is important that the spectrum regulator's proposals be made public. In some
countries, this is in any event required under broader national legislation governing all regulatory activities,
perhaps by a requirement for setting out proposals in an official or widely-distributed publication. Sometimes,
several options may be presented for public comment. It may also be helpful to allow for exchanges between
interested parties. Often, meetings are held between the spectrum regulator and relevant stakeholders and the
Internet has increasingly become a standard tool for such consultations. Regardless of the means for obtaining
input, minimal guidelines allowing interested parties to contribute gainfully should be set, such as allowing for a
given period of time, with a deadline by which comments must be submitted. In all consultations, transparency and
fairness are paramount. While it deals with somewhat different subject matter, more information on the
consultation process may be found in Section 6.2 of Module 3 on Authorization of Telecommunication/ICT Services.
Authorization Module, Section 6.2.1: The Public Consultation Process
Dispute Resolution
It is quite likely the increased use of spectrum utilizing either market-based or administrative approaches will raise
issues which need to be resolved between parties. In the past, this has involved intervention on the part of the
regulator which has proven to be difficult in terms of time and cost.
There are two trends at work:
I Rapid changes in the telecommunications sector; and
I Changes in the realm of dispute resolution procedures.
The expansion of the global telecommunications market with its emphasis on innovative and fast-changing
technology mechanisms for resolving disputes requires resolution procedures which are not only fast and flexible
but also suited for the types of disputes that the global telecommunications industry produces. In turn, the dispute
resolution field is increasingly offering new models that may be useful to the telecommunications sectors new
While most regulators decide between the positions of disputing parties, typically after a formal process that
involves the presentation of arguments by those parties, there is a trend towards more flexible and consensual
methods alternative dispute resolution (ADR) including: negotiation and arbitration (for more on dispute
resolution see the ITU World Bank report on Dispute Resolution) . Most telecommunications licenses include
guarantees of access to arbitration. Even so, it is helpful to have developed guidelines for managing ADR
processes such as those issued by Ofcom governing ADR between public telecommunications operators and the
public that are:
I Independent and impartial;
I Transparent, providing regular communication to the public through out the process;
I Effective with an expectation that the disputes will be resolved within a reasonable timeframe;
I Able to properly investigate disputes and make awards of appropriate compensation.
Financing of Spectrum Management
Funds for financing the cost of regulating the spectrum can come from either general taxation revenues, specific
telecommunications charges such as licence fees or other spectrum-related fees or from a combination of these
two. It is generally felt that those who benefit from having access to spectrum should pay for the cost of its
regulation. Revenues can be obtained in relation to those parts of the spectrum for which access is payable, no
such revenue is forthcoming from unlicensed (free) bands. The funding requirement of regulatory activity or
change related to these latter cases is probably most efficiently met through general taxation revenue. Such
regulatory costs are usually low.
Allowing a spectrum regulator to establish its own charging regime, collecting all spectrum-related revenues, and
retaining them to fund spectrum management activities can be a source of concern to policy-makers. In economic
terms, the regulator is effectively a monopoly and has little incentive to contain its costs if it can increase its
revenues by raising licence fees and other charges. Safeguards can be put in place to avoid such practices, such as
putting limits on the growth of the regulators expenditures.
In countries where spectrum revenues exceed the cost of spectrum management sometimes by a very large
margin, governments view this as a spectrum dividend whereby the government, and hence all members of the
public, reap the financial benefits of such royalties. However, attention must be paid to the broader legislation
within a country, as spectrum revenues in excess of costs may be viewed as taxation. The power of taxation may be
reserved by another government entity and the legislation dealing with spectrum management may or may not be
constructed so as to allow revenues to exceed costs.
The cost of spectrum management immediately raises issues of cost accounting. For example, what costs should
be included in the total cost of regulating the spectrum. What indirect costs or overheads should be included, etc.?
For a more complete discussion of this, see Section 5.2 Cost Recovery, in this module.
Knowledge of Current Spectrum Use
Broad decisions on spectrum use and changes to allocations are made at global and regional ITU
radiocommunication conferences. World Radio Conferences (WRC) are held usually every four years. The last WRC
held in 2007 resulted in major changes to IMT while the next WRC planned for 2012 will address a broad range of
allocation issues across most of the bands. See Section 7.2.2 on Recent ITU World Radio Conferences.
Each country prepares its own allocations which usually impose further restrictions on spectrum use and decisions
are then formalized in the National Table of Frequency Allocations. For a discussion and review of several
examples see Section 2.4.6 National Frequency Allocation Table.
One of the spectrum managers key responsibilities is to ensure the optimal use of the radio spectrum under its
management. Radio spectrum is a major asset contributing significant value to the national economy each year and
underlines many aspects of users lives. Radio communications is critical to areas such as air travel, emergency
services, cellular telephony, sound and television broadcasting, defence and our utilities.
Many regulators have carefully considered the management of this vital resource. One example is the Spectrum
Framework Review published by Ofcom in 2005 which sets plans for radio spectrum through to 2010.
It is vitally important for the spectrum manager and stakeholders to know what are the current uses of spectrum
before realistic planning for the future can take place. This can be ascertained from existing records of frequency
use across the entire radio spectrum. Information may be held by various organizations and where national
records are incomplete or unreliable, public consultation between regulators, service providers and users can help
retrieve a complete picture.
For both emerging economies and developed economies, spectrum availability will be key to continued
development of telecommunications capability over the next decade. In almost every part of the world, wireless
data traffic is increasing year over year. Success with national broadband plans will depend crucially upon
spectrum availability and is essential to promoting competition and innovation in the sector. Where spectrum
availability is inadequate prices will be higher, market entry limited, and innovation constrained. Success with a
national broadband plans is almost inconceivable without strenuous efforts to make spectrum communications
available by all means, including refarming and sharing frequencies.
All successful efforts of this kind begin with knowing how spectrum is being used and by whom. Spectrum audits
and spectrum demand and supply studies covering all spectrum users, especially government users, lead to steps
which can result in new allocations and adjustments between users.
In the UK a Spectrum Audit was conducted in 2007 to determine how spectrum was being used. In addition a
ground breaking and revealing study of the demand and supply requirements of the major government user of
spectrum in the UK - the Ministry of Defence - was conducted.
As reported in the Independent Audit of Spectrum Holdings to the UK Government in 2005 (the Cave Audit),
government holdings of spectrum approximated 50 per cent of the UKs spectrum below 15 GHz. Figure 2.4 below,
illustrates the relative share of spectrum between various British government services.
MOD, as the single largest government user of spectrum in United Kingdom, has access to 30% of the spectrum
between 100 MHz and 3.0 GHz. Its use is not exclusive it administers civil applications and shares bands with
other users
The most recent study was completed in early 2009 with the UK MOD conducting a forward view of spectrum
demand covering 80% of its allocations (2010, 2015, 2027) in accordance with its agreement with Ofcom to
perform such a review every 2 years. The study is very illustrative and instructive:
I It shows the depth of analysis involved in assessing demand across a range of services and
spectrum bands;
I It demonstrates how spectrum prices based on AIP have resulted in two important changes which
are noted in the report:

Composition of Public Sector
Spectrum Holdings below 15
GHz, United Kingdom 2005
Photo: Independent Audit of SPECTRUM
HOLDINGS: HM Treasury, 2005, Figure 1,
page 13
I Prior to AIP, the MOD did not factor in spectrum pricing as part of investment and
operational decision making
I Prices reveal surpluses in spectrum leading to another important change where MOD
now sees itself managing spectrum needs and not existing allocations.
Finally, a single national frequency register should be created if one does not already exist. Spectrum analyzers
and computer-aided tools can be very helpful in conducting spectrum audits of selected bands to confirm
occupancy and operating parameters.
Planning for Future Spectrum Use
Planning and forecasting future spectrum requirements is critically important activity for GNCC which is done to
ensure future spectrum needs and demands can be met. Forecasting spectrum use is a challenge that can be
overcome by employing various techniques. Projections based on historical growth of, for example, the number of
land mobile systems is one method of forecasting growth. Monitoring new technologies and noting their spectrum
requirements is another method. It is very important to consult with spectrum users since they are usually in the
best position to forecast growth in their sector. One must temper such forecasts, however, as there may be a
tendency to overestimate future needs.
An important planning capability exists at the international and regional level through the ITU World and Regional
Radio Conferences which consider the impact of growing demand caused technological innovation and news
services or improvements to existing services and the impact on planned changes to spectrum allocations. The
objective is to ensure that adequate spectrum is available for future use.
Here we focus on two examples of information that are similar in nature and are helpful in determining future
spectrum requirements:
I Future service areas enable by technology innovation; and
I Broad categories of drivers of increased demand for spectrum by band;
Future Service Areas using Whitespaces
I Rural Broadband ProvisioningBy upgrading to whitespace radio wireless internet service providers will be
able to extend the range of their access points and remove the need for a line of sight between subscriber
premises and the access point. This will lead to greatly reduced costs of installing a network infrastructure.
Municipal Wireless Networks
I Municipal whitespace networks could deliver good coverage with a huge reduction of the number of base
stations, potentially making municipal networks profitable.
In-home media distribution
I Existing WiFi networks struggle to provide the high bandwidth and quality of service needed to support
video streaming, particularly for high-definition video. The ability of whitespace radio to penetrate walls
makes it an interesting technology for video distribution around the home.
Spectrum Drivers for Specific Services
Aeronautical and Maritime Services - Communications, Navigational Aids and Surveillance
There are several developments in new systems which will likely drive demand:
I Development and renewal of large scale applications for navigation and surveillance of aircraft and
ships include ground based, airborne and ship borne radars, automatic dependent surveillance
broadcast (ADSB);
I GPS augmentation systems (including capability for landing guidance).
Broadcasting - Radio and Television
One of the primary influences on the demand for spectrum will be Digital Switchover. Demand for spectrum in
broadcast services will be primarily driven by changes in the way Television broadcast is delivered. There are
typically three platforms used to deliver TV to households:
I Cable (coax or ADSL)
I Satellite
I Terrestrial Broadcast Networks
Where there are high levels of penetration using cable and satellite, opportunities exist to provide non-terrestrial
DTV services either in a competitive model or as the sole provider of DTV services in rural markets.
Mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous on devices for 24/7 communication and mini-computing. The recent
success of Blackberry, iPhone and other smartphone variants have spurred operators to push ahead with their 3G
plans and some will begin to plan for new technology types such as TD-SCDMA, LTE, WCDMA. This growth in
demand for bandwidth creates additional demand for fixed links. It is quite likely that technological constraints will
cause any additional demand to be concentrated in bands below 3-4 GHz.
Land and Public Mobile Radio
End user demand for new consumer oriented land mobile systems such as Family Radio Systems and GMRS
(462/467 MHz) are increasing. In a not so recent study (NTIA 1995) of the importance of land mobile radio systems
for public safety, a need for 200 MHz of additional spectrum within 10 years was identified based on a prediction
that the number of systems was expected to double between 1995 and 2005 . Existing land mobile spectrum
meeting increased demand for mobile communications continue to operate in very congested urban areas.
Digitization of land mobile systems has created efficiencies and cost reduction, which have opposite effects on
demand. Digitization leads to spectral efficiency while cost reduction promotes overall demand for systems.
Fixed Links - Backhaul Services
Demand for fixed links is driven by: cellular operators and utility operators. As the user demand increases for
cellular services, wireless operators require more bandwidth for back-haul. Although fixed links are very important
to utilities demand tends to remains fairly static.
Fixed Wireless Access Services
In many countries especially emerging economies, mobile broadband is all but displacing fixed broadband in new
long-range high power deployments. Demand will be influenced by choice of markets (urban highly concentrated
and highly penetrated markets and rural areas) and choice of technologies (WCDMA, WiMAX, LTE, FDD or TDD)
and whether there are new entrants. End user demand has been characterized by increasing demand for data over
voice with new applications appearing such as Video-MMS and Mobile TV, which require significant band width.
Currently, spectrum is in higher bands, which permits re-use, but at a cost. Short range deployments continue to
grow with rapid development of new technologies and devices using primarily unlicensed bands.
Spectrum in Transition
There are many new radio technologies exploiting the capabilities of the Internet: ranging from fixed to mobile
devices that are capable of receiving audiovisual content such as movies, TV, and games. Technology is not the
only thing changing. Consumer behaviour and technology used by individuals and whole segments of society are
changing, and the lines between services such as telephony, computing, television viewing, radio listening, and
media access (with mobile device options) are becoming increasingly blurred. Spectrum in transition focuses on
Digital Switchover, Digital Dividend and Broadband, all of which are reviewed in this section.
Digital Switchover and the Digital Dividend
Digital Switchover and Digital Dividend are two related concepts. The Digital Dividend is a consequence of the
Digital Switchover having taken place. Digital Switchover occurs when analogue television broadcasting signals are
converted to and replaced by digital television services. Sometimes this occurs abruptly and is referred to as
Analogue Shut-off whereas in other circumstances, analogue and digital signals co-exist for a period of time
during the transition.
While digital signals are not necessarily better than analogue signals for recording or broadcasting, especially in
terms of frequency response, signal-to-noise ratio, or dynamic range, there are, however, definite efficiencies to be
gained through the use of digitally transmitted signals. Moreover, new broadcast services such as distinct simulcast
programming can be offered using digital multiplexing.
The fundamental reason why the Digital Dividend spectrum is so important is its physical characteristics: an
exceptionally attractive combination of capacity (bandwidth) and coverage. The Digital Dividend can be used for a
very wide range of potential new services. These include additional television services delivered through Digital
Terrestrial Television (DTT) (whether in standard definition (SD) or high definition (HD)), local television, new types
of mobile broadband, mobile television, and wireless home networks, to name just a few. There are many new
technologies exploiting the capabilities of the Internet: ranging from fixed to mobile devices that are capable of
receiving audiovisual content such as movies, TV, and games.
Generally speaking, the Digital Dividend resides in the range of broadcast spectrum VHF (30 MHz 300 MHz)
and UHF (300 MHz 3.0 GHz). There are several definitions of the Digital Dividend. The most common definition is
the amount of spectrum in the VHF and UHF bands that is above that amount nominally required to accommodate
existing analogue TV programmes and that might be potentially freed up in the switchover from analogue to
digital television. Spectrum is freed-up since digitally transmitted broadcast services require less spectrum than the
amount needed to accommodate existing analogue transmissions (principally, television).
Technological advances are being accompanied by changes in use and behaviour, as well. Viewing behaviour is
increasing because of the Internet, especially amongst younger audiences. Viewers now use a range of devices
capable of receiving audio-visual content such as movies, TV, games, and so forth. The lines between television
viewing and radio listening and between PC and mobile device options are opaque. These trends have been
reported in several instances, particularly in developed countries such as in the Republic of Korea and in the UK,
but also increasingly in developing countries:
I Since 2008, Ofcom (see Ofcom, Communications Market Studies) has been reporting an important reversal
in trends in TV viewing for British audiences. Despite the growing choice in technology and services
available, watching TV remains the activity that most adults would miss the most. Compared to 2007, a
growing number of 16-24s (8 percentage points) and over 55s (7 percentage points) say that watching TV is
the activity they would miss the most if no longer available;
I However, from 2003 to 2008, UK TV revenue as a whole contracted for the first time since 2003, down by
0.4 per cent in 2008 to 11.1bn. Net TV advertising revenue also declined by 9.6 per cent to 3.1 billion,
which is the biggest fall since 2003;
I In 2009, the Korean Communications Commission (KCC) reported observing significant new trends. The
number of IPTV subscribers in Korea is rising sharply while other forms of subscription television access are
I Services like Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (T-DMB) are also making viewers move away from
traditional television services. T-DMB first came on the air in 2005 in Korea and is a free service supported
by advertisers. T-DMB had nealry 22 million subscriber in 2009. Today T-DMB is in operation or in trials in a
number of countries including Mexico, Germany, Norway, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
I The global media market, valued at USD 1.3 trillion in 2009, is forecasted to grow at an annual average rate
of 2.7 per cent to reach USD 1.6 trillion by 2013.
I Terrestrial TV advertising is expected to decline while global multichannel TV will grow and increase
according to industry reports, with advertising expenditures growing 1.4 per cent in 2009 to hit USD 19.2
billion in spite of a slowing economy.
I The global trend in growth masks some sharp regional contrasts. The multichannel TV advertising market is
expected to shrink 0.9 per cent in North America, but is forecasted to grow 0.6 per cent in Western Europe
and 15.3 per cent in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
I A milestone was reached in the UK in 2009. For the first time, advertisers spent more on Internet advertising
than on television advertising, with a record 1.75bn of online spending recorded in the first six months of
that year
I Digital Terrestrial TV DTT;
I Broadcast Mobile TV;
I Commercial Wireless Broadband; and
I Commercial Wireless Broadband and Public Protection and Disaster Relief.
Overall global trends in media are clearly evident with some different regional tendencies:
Viewing behaviours and attendant revenues are not the only things changing. Methods for accessing
television are changing, too. Generally, fewer people are accessing television broadcast through over-the-
air means. Triple play take-up is on the rise as well, with more consumers moving toward converged
service packages offered by telcos. In several OECD countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and
Switzerland), traditional over-the-air analogue broadcast transmission was, for the most part, already
eliminated by 2007.
The trend diverging from accessing television through terrestrial means will likely continue in developed
countries but less so in developing countries. In developed economies, new services such as Digital
Mobile TV access represent an emerging market with possibly as great a potential as Internet Radio. The
projections shown in Figure 1. illustrate the trend in the US. According to these projections, terrestrial
radio will remain an important means of media access, showing some decline in total listening while
substantial growth occurs in two services, namely Internet Radio and potentially radio over mobile phone
(similar to T-DMB in the Republic of Korea). In developing countries, sales of traditional terrestrial radio
receivers can be expected to show continued robust growth.
BOX 2.4
Global Media Trends
Source: Informa Telecoms & Media
Digital technology, ubiquitous digital media access, and new multi-media services have transformed markets
creating new demands from consumers and businesses. These changes have also altered the map for both new
and existing service providers in many ways. Traditional terrestrial television broadcast competes with and in some
cases has been replaced by other wired and wireless means of access, which are gaining the upper hand.
Terrestrial digital radio broadcast continues to hold its own against new forms of access in developed markets and
is likely to grow in developing markets. Changes in consumer demand are not uniform across all markets, and the
technologies used by different consumer groups are not the same. With the release of the Digital Dividend
spectrum, new opportunities open for expanding existing services and introducing new services for end users.
Furthermore, different spectrum bands in each region are affected by the Digital Dividend. The International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been leading global spectrum allocation efforts over the past decades.
Analogue broadcast services traditionally occupied several frequency ranges in the UHF and VHF bands. The band
plans and technical standards vary across the three regions of the ITU. Because markets are different and the
bands and technologies used vary, different timelines for Digital Switchover have evolved (see Table 2.4.4 below).
Notes: (1) Identified for IMT services on a primary basis past 17 June 2015.
(2) Identified for IMT services on a co-primary basis. Effective now with various dates set for DSO (USA, 2009;
Canada, 2011; Mexico, 2022).

FIGURE 2.4.4:
Growth in Internet Radio
Photo: Source: Bridge Ratings LLC, 2010.
Band Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
698 - 806 MHz 698 - 806 MHz (2)(3)
806 - 862 MHz 806 - 862 MHz (2)(4)
698 - 790 MHz 698 - 790 MHz (5)
790 - 862 MHz 790 - 862 MHz (1)(6)(7) 790 - 862 MHz
Digital Dividend Spectrum 72 MHz (8) 164 MHz 164 MHz
TABLE 2.4.4:
The Digital Dividend by ITU
(3) Brazil has opted to allocate 698 - 806 MHz for IMT on a secondary basis.
(4) The USA had decided earlier in 2003 to vacate broadcast services from the 700 MHz band.
(5) China, India, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore opted to identify the 698-790 MHz band, in addition to the
790-862 MHz band, which was accepted by all countries in the region.
(6) The European Commission adopted the policy of analogue shut-off for 790-862 MHz to take place 1 January
2012. COM(700)2007.
(7) The EC approved harmonized technical rules for the use of the 800 MHz band (790-862 MHz) for mobile
broadband 2010/EU/267.
(8) In 2003 Ofcom allocated 112 MHz of spectrum for the Digital Dividend resulting from DSO..
Source: McLean Foster & Co., based on the ITU Radio Regulations 2006.
How the Digital Dividend is used varies from one country to another, owing to national circumstances such as
geographical position, size and topography, penetration of satellite/cable services, and spectrum usage in
adjacent countries.
The main uses for the Digital Dividend spectrum will include broadcasting and fixed telecommunication services, as
well as a mix of both over mobile platforms:
Wireless Broadband
Broadband typically means having instantaneous bandwidth > 1 MHz, supporting data rates > about 1.5 Mbit/s
over the traditional PSTN or cable networks or supporting speeds through a wireless interface (3G, WiMAX for
example) that are roughly equivalent to broadband wireline. Currently there are two main options for achieving
wireless broadband rates 3G and WiMAX. Both options are converging with common technology platforms.
Each is briefly described below.
Third Generation 3G Telephony Systems
According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) International Mobile Telecommunications 2000
initiative ("IMT-2000") third generation mobile ("3G") system services started becoming available in the year 2000.
In some analysts view, market take-up really didnt commence until 2005-2006.
3G systems support high-speed bit rate data transfers of circuit and packet switched data and allows roaming
access to a wide range of multi-media services. Although data rates are definitely higher than 2G and 2.5G (GPRS)
systems they technically fall below broadband rates.
WiMAX, an acronym for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, as a
wireless digital communications system intended for wireless metropolitan area networks. IEEE 802.16 is split
between IEEE 802.16d, or fixed WiMAX, which does not allow for handoff between base stations, and IEEE
802.16e, or mobile WiMAX, which allows fixed, nomadic, portable and mobile capabilities.
Evolution to 4G Systems - LTE
Ultimately 3G and WiMAX converge as 4G systems that utilize OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing).
IP transport will be able to achieve high-speed broadband data rates and be capable of mobile communications.
It is worth noting that mobile WiMAX and the evolution of W-CDMA and CDMA2000 1xEV-DO (4G) towards
enhanced broadband capability involve the use of common technological building blocks.
While Broadband Penetration and growth have been slow to get started wireless broadband subscriptions in
OECD countries do exceed over half a billion by the end of 2010, an increase of more than 10 percent in six
months (according to data from the OECD). Fixed broadband subscriptions reached 300 million, but growth
slowed to 6 percent year-on-year. Penetration rates for wireless broadband are accelerating in developed and
developing countries.
The Radio Regulations
The ITU Radio Regulations incorporate the decisions of the World Radiocommunication Conferences (see Section
2.3.3 Planning for Future Spectrum Use), including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommendations and ITU-R
Recommendations incorporated by reference.
National Frequency Allocation Table
For an explanation of spectrum allocations, spectrum designations and radio services, see Section 2.5 of this
module of the toolkit. Developing a national frequency allocation table is one of the first steps in long and
medium-term planning. A national frequency allocation table should be developed within the framework of the
ITU's Radio Regulations; Article 5 of those regulations sets out the international frequency allocation table for all
three Regions of the world. The national frequency allocation table should be consistent with that country's
regional allocations. That being said, the ITU allocation table will often contain more radio services than may be
required or desired in a national setting and some aspects of the international regulatory provisions may not apply
in the given country. Once a national frequency allocation table is developed, further sub-allocations or
designations of use are often made in order to group like technologies or like users in a given frequency band. It
is preferable to make sub-allocations or designations to uses rather than to users since users can sometimes view
portions of spectrum as their bands. Generally speaking, greater spectrum efficiencies are obtained when uses with
similar technical parameters share the same frequency band, for instance lumping high power applications with
other high power applications. Further information on allocating spectrum can also be found in Section 2.5 of this
National Legislation and Regulations Governing Spectrum Use
The legal basis for the regulation of the spectrum must be set out in legislation and detailed in regulations made
pursuant to the legislation. Legislation should set out such things as definitions, powers of the Minister or head of
the spectrum regulatory authority, the powers of others involved in spectrum regulation, offences and punishments
and the organizational structure and framework for regulation of the spectrum, a discussion of which may be
found in the spectrum overview of Section 1.6 Governance and Outsourcing. In addition to the legislation and
regulations, there may be other publications issued by the spectrum regulator which provide guidance to a specific
group or groups of users of the spectrum.
Something to consider when establishing the legal framework is the use of incorporation by reference. Since
legislation or even regulations are usually not frequently amended, often incorporation by reference is used to give
legal effect to subservient text or documents. Under incorporation by reference, texts in one document having a
certain legal status, such as the legislation or regulations, may cite other documents which normally would not have
the same legal status and depending on the nature of such reference, such incorporation may confer the same
legal status on these other documents. For example, regulations may state that a certain standard, perhaps
developed by an international body, shall apply in a given situation. Such incorporation by reference of texts can
be of two types: static incorporation or dynamic incorporation. In the former, a specific document issued at a
specific date is referred to in the legal text. In the case of dynamic incorporation by reference, the reference in the
legal text is to a specific document but with a phrase like as amended from time to time which allows for changes
without going through the entire legislation or regulation approval process.
In order to preserve clarity and authority in rule-making, such delegation should be clearly defined. Legislation
and/or regulations must make clear who has authority to designate changing sources of external reference when
these are not already specified in existing regulation. Such delegation should be set out in a delegation instrument
approved by that institution. The development of legislation and regulations and all subservient documentation
should be developed in a transparent way with full consultation of spectrum users.
ITU-D has a web site ( where the legislation of many
countries can be found.
Public Use Spectrum
Achieving public policy economic and social development goes beyond the existence of an applicable and
compliant national allocation table. Doing so may require a change in the balance between government spectrum
and spectrum allocated to commercial and private uses.
In a market economy, inputs such as land, labour and capital equipment are distributed throughout the economy
via market processes: the provider of capital or employee moves to whichever activity offers the best rewards.
Spectrum is one input among many others (e.g., water and electricity) in a variety of production processes. Market
systems when workably competitive promote economic efficiency, as inputs are put to use where they yield the
highest returns.
At first glance, it may seem incongruous to require a public sector body such as a fire service or a defence force to
compete in a market place for spectrum with commercial providers of services such as mobile broadcasting.
However, this is exactly how public sector organizations acquire other inputs such as employees, vehicles, land,
and office space.
The arguments for special arrangements for spectrum for the public sector seem to be that:
I it is indispensable to the provision of service such as defence radar;
I the service itself (such as an ambulance service) has a very high priority; and
I under past spectrum management practice, the only way to acquire spectrum was by administrative
The use of markets to allocate other equally indispensable inputs into vital public services appears to negate the
first two, and the third could be resolved by the development of a spectrum market place.
Government use of spectrum utilized to provide services similar to those provided by the private sector should be,
at a minimum, subject to prices reflecting the market price or opportunity cost of spectrum. Where market prices
dont apply, some negotiation will be necessary between those holding allocations and those desiring them, along
with incentives to ensure the opportunity costs of spectrum are reflected in decisions
Several studies of the amount of spectrum held by government agencies have been conducted in recent years. As
an example of leading practice, the United Kingdom table of allocations has allocations for Government Use on an
exclusive basis for Civil, Military, and Emergency Services. As reported in the Independent Audit of Spectrum
Holdings reported in 2005 by Prof. Martin Cave to the UK Government (referred to here as the Cave Audit),
government holdings of spectrum approximate 50% of the spectrum below 15GHz. The UK government reviewed
and assessed requirements for all government spectrum holdings and made recommendations leading to
improving access to and efficiency of use in spectrum

To facilitate the process of shifting spectrum allocated to other non-government uses, the following steps could be
I Issue a clear statement of government policy and direction, identifying and setting balanced targets, within
sensible but aggressive timeframes for moving government spectrum allocations to commercial allocations;
I Conduct an independent audit of spectrum holdings to identify bands where immediate changes can take
place; and
I Put mechanisms in place to begin transitioning allocations and assignments to new uses (commercial
applications and assignments) and users. These will likely include:
I Incentives where all users pay for frequency assignments unless usage is unlicensed (spectrum
commons and personal consumer products are two examples).
I Compensation for affected users. There are various means to achieve compensation between
parties. The overall process should be encouraged by government but the regulator should not

Figure I below, illustrates the
relative share of spectrum
between various government
services in the United Kingdom.
become the payer of last resort between parties negotiating settlements for relinquishing licence
rights or equipment under the administrative approach. More flexible licenses and spectrum trading
accommodate results for these types of issues.
Re-allocating and Refarming Spectrum
One of the biggest challenges facing spectrum regulators is the reallocation of spectrum. When frequencies have
been used for one purpose, perhaps for decades, it is often difficult to reallocate these frequencies for a different
use. The need for reallocation often known as re-farming - can arise in several ways. It may be that the
international table of frequency allocations has changed and the national table of frequency allocations must be
realigned to be consistent with it. Alternately, a radio service may not have developed as expected, while the
spectrum available for another service operating in a nearby frequency band is insufficient to keep up with growing
demand. Sometimes, new technologies become available which is more spectrum-efficient, allowing spectrum to
be freed up either for the same use in that band or other uses. Whatever the reason, there will be times when
spectrum users will have to make changes to their operations. The central issues that arise are then who decides,
and who will pay for the costs incurred by these users in transitioning to new frequencies? One solution involves
the regulator establishing a re-farming fund by setting aside a portion of spectrum revenues. A Fund for Refarming
Spectrum has been established in France and is managed by the Agence nationale des frquences.
Various approaches exist now for re-farming whereby regulators (administrative) address the issues and where
users determine the timing and price (market-driven). Some simply require the user to absorb the cost. In other
cases, the beneficiaries of the change are either invited or required to reimburse all or part of the transition costs
of the incumbent user.
The essential difference between administrative and market-driven approaches is that under the administrative
approach the regulator makes the decision while considering several criteria and possible competing objectives
such as: logical market-structure, financial, socio-economic, and technical efficiency criteria. The regulators
analyses will include factors such as prices, costs, license conditions, withdrawal, and compensation. Under a
market driven approach, the criteria used and analyses centre on financial and business factors with decisions
resulting from an agreement between two or more parties.
Re-farming Definition
Generally speaking, refarming may be seen as process constituting any basic change in conditions of frequency
usage in a given part of radio spectrum. Such basic changes might be:
I Change of technical conditions for frequency assignments;
I Change of application (particular radiocommunication system using the band);
I Change of allocation to a different radiocommunication service.
Technical Standards
Regulators, users of radiocommunication services and radio equipment, operators and suppliers rely on technical
standards as a basis for preventing interference and in many cases ensuring that radio systems perform as
designed. Technical standards involve radio standard specification documents, the approval process, as well as
testing and certification of radio equipment such as transmitters, receivers and antennas to determine compliance
with radio or manufacturer specifications.
From a planning standpoint, the regulator uses technical standards to determine how certain radio equipment will
interfere with other equipment in either shared or adjacent frequency assignments. That determination can then be
used to develop spectrum use plans. The mutual interaction of radio and electrical products is known as
"electromagnetic compatibility" (EMC). Balanced standards frameworks try to minimize business compliance costs
while providing effective protection of the radio spectrum resource.
There are two categories of radio system interaction which concern the regulator.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be viewed as radiocommunications pollution and is sometimes referred to
as "radio frequency interference" (RFI). Reducing the level of EMI produced by electrical and electronic products is
particularly important where public safety and security services are involved such as aircraft and ship navigation,
fire, ambulance and police communications. Under Article 15 of the International Radio Regulations, regulators are
required to "take all practicable and necessary steps" to ensure EMI does not cause harmful interference to
radiocommunication services.
Radio transmissions can also cause other non-radio electrical and electronic products to malfunction, a
phenomenon sometimes known as "immunity" or "electromagnetic susceptibility" (EMS). EMS can also be a safety
of life issue, for example, when the use of cell phones interfere with hospital equipment.
This section begins with a discussion of the desired objectives, types of standards and concludes with certification
processes and various options available to regulators.
Objectives of Technical Standards
Technical standards for radiocommunication and radio equipment help to achieve electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) between radio equipment and services such as broadcasting services, navigational aids for aeronautical and
marine traffic control, and radiocommunication services including cellular, land mobile, microwave and satellite
services. As well, technical standards help by allowing planners and users to minimize interference between radio
apparatus and other equipment. The uses of radio frequencies in industrial and commercial applications are
important to the economy, so that interference-free use can be an important factor in economic development.
Finally, consumers are better served when the quality and reliability of equipment distributed in the country can be
improved over time.
Technical standards form the basis for certification and testing of radio equipment. Equipment is said to be
certified when it complies with applicable standards of the country. The ITU also has equipment standard
regulations for reference by its members. Technical standards and certification processes for specific types of
equipment are the same for all manufacturers and importers, ensuring consistent quality for consumers.
Finally, the regulator can require, through technical standards, manufacturers to produce equipment which
provides for greater efficiency in spectrum use.
Spectrum Use Standards
The demand for spectrum is increasing and technology has developed so that radios can perform the same
function at previously unused frequencies or require less spectrum capacity, or allow more frequency re-use for
the same performance. In many countries and regions and especially in developing countries where growth in
telecommunication services is primarily wireless, demand for spectrum continues to increase very rapidly. This
increase is a result of expanded use of current services like cellular, radio and precision landing systems for
improved aviation safety, and the development of new uses, such as Personal Communications Systems (PCS),
digital audio broadcasting, advanced television, and satellite sound broadcasting. In the short term, technical
advances needed to meet that demand may exceed the limits of practicality and increase the potential for
spectrum congestion and interference. Increasing spectrum efficiency below 3 GHz is more and more difficult and
affordable technology in higher bands for consumer wireless communications is not readily available. Spectrum
use standards are thus important since they are used to minimize interference between users and systems sharing
frequency bands. Spectrum use standards allow regulators to minimize interference regardless of the assignment
or authorization method used Service Based Licences, Spectrum Commons or Licence Exempt.
Spectrum use standards and radio system plans refer to planning documents issued by the spectrum management
authority which state the minimal technical requirements for the efficient use of a specified frequency band or
bands. They are used in the design, specification and evaluation of technical applications for new radio facilities or
modification to existing radio systems operating within the specified band in accordance with a spectrum use
policy. A spectrum use standard typically specifies appropriate equipment characteristics relating to efficient
spectrum use and not the design of equipment. Spectrum use standards can be designed to match ITU-R
Recommendations developed by the Radiocommunication Sector of the ITU in conjunction with the International
Table of Frequency Allocations or be developed to reflect unique channelling arrangements formulated to meet
national requirements.
Coping with Congestion in Unlicensed Spectrum No Standards?
In determining the most appropriate regulatory policy regarding unlicensed spectrum, it is necessary to determine:
I Whether there is spectrum which is currently uncongested or can be expected to remain
uncongested and so could become unlicensed;
I Whether there is spectrum which is congested, but only because of inefficient usage and where
changing the management policy of unlicensed usage would remove the congestion.
There are many factors that influence congestion. Some of these are caused by suboptimal allocation policies and
can be expected to be gradually alleviated by the introduction of trading. Some are caused by allowing the use of
equipment that is inefficient in its use of spectrum. Others are caused by the nature of the radio spectrum.
There is little that the regulator can do to affect the relative desirability of these bands. However, there are several
things that the regulator can control. One of these, which has a significant effect on congestion, is the maximum
transmit power.
For terrestrial uses of spectrum, the shorter the range of transmission, the lower the probability that there will be
two users operating at the same frequency and in range of each other that might interfere. For example, the whole
idea behind cellular telephony in major population centres is the use of low power cell sites so that the same
frequencies can be re-used within a relatively short distance. Similarly in satellite communications, the use of spot
beams as opposed to global or regional beams allows the re-use of frequencies. Obviously, while the regulator
can control these factors to some extent, the radio systems service requirements and system economics are also
important factors.
Therefore, if only short-range devices were allowed to use a particular piece of spectrum, the probability of
congestion would be lower than for wider coverage applications. Broadly, this has been the regulatory policy to
date, with unlicensed spectrum having a maximum transmit power that tended to limit the range to around 100m.
The other factor influencing congestion is the bandwidth and time of transmissions. These mostly depend on the
usage. For example, a garage door opener only needs to transmit a short burst of narrowband data and only on a
few occasions each day. A W-LAN base station might transmit broadband data almost continuously. The
probability of congestion is proportional to this time-bandwidth product or information rate.
Historically, most short range devices have also had a low information rate, but more recently W-LANs and
BlueTooth have changed this trend. If the unlicensed bands were restricted to products with a low information rate
then congestion would be lower. However, it is quite difficult for the regulator to restrict the information rate in an
unlicensed band.
The technical characteristics of receiving equipment (receivers and antennas) also play an important role in
spectrum efficiency. If receiving equipment is allowed that cannot easily discriminate between wanted and
unwanted signals, more spectrum will be consumed than is technically necessary. However, while some regulators
do insist that receiving equipment meet certain standards, other regulators do not. Some others do not regulate
receiving equipment explicitly but do so in a de facto manner i.e., specifying only transmitting characteristics and
leaving it to users to decide how much interference they can tolerate.
Hence, the main tool at the disposal of the regulator in controlling the level of congestion and the suitability for
unlicensed use, is the maximum transmit power, which equates to the range. By enforcing the lowest feasible
maximum transmit power, the probability of interference is reduced. Further, the amount of usage will also likely be
reduced as some applications will not be viable with short range transmissions. Regulators might have a number
of different bands with different transmit power limits to offer users different levels of range and congestion.
Alternatively, as an unlicensed band becomes more heavily used, the transmit power might be progressively
reduced to new entrants in order to keep the congestion at an acceptable level.
In the past, the number of applications and users of radio spectrum has grown faster than the ability of technology
to accommodate them. Hence, congestion has increased over time. However, it has been argued that if a
spectrum commons approach were widely adopted, then this would reduce the overall levels of congestion. This
section considers whether this is likely.
Without regulatory intervention, the problem of dealing with congestion would not be resolved. Equipment will only
be made efficient or polite to the extent that it is necessary for that piece of equipment to operate reliably and not
for the greater good of all the users of the band.
In summary, many observers conclude that spectrum should be unlicensed if it were unlikely to be congested. It has
been noted that:
I Congestion was most likely in the core bands of around 100MHz to 5GHz;
I There is insufficient evidence that taking bands currently considered to be congested and making
them unlicensed would alleviate congestion, hence this approach cannot currently be advocated:
I The probability of congestion could be dramatically reduced by restricting the range of devices
through controlling the maximum transmitted power or by requiring specific behaviour such as
politeness protocols.
Still, there is no definitive way to predict congestion. A judgment needs to be made on the basis of the frequency
band, likely use and range. The range in turn depends on the use. Hence, a key stage in predicting the congestion
likely in the band is determining the most likely use.
This suggests that the regulator should first come to a conclusion as to the most likely use or uses for the band.
The regulator does not need to impose these uses. For example, if the band is subsequently auctioned there is no
need to restrict its use to that deemed most likely. However, this decision will be used in the process of deciding
whether spectrum should be unlicensed.
Having decided on the most likely use, spectrum should be subject to licensing where any of the following hold
I The band is likely to be congested. A way to approximate for this is to assume that congestion would
occur if the use would entail a wide area service (i.e. one covering a contiguous area greater than
~1km) being offered. Examples of such services are cellular and broadcasting;
I A guaranteed quality of service (QoS) is needed. This is the case, for example, with most public
safety communications;
I International treaty obligations provide restrictions that would be breached by operation on a
licence-exempt basis either now or at some known point in the future;
I Finally, the regulator will need to make a judgement as to the most appropriate level of restriction.
Essentially, the greater the perceived risk of congestion developing, the more restrictions should be imposed.
However, the restrictions should also take into account the likely additional cost imposed on the devices compared
to the benefit that might accrue.
Depending on the level of information, it might be possible to perform an economic assessment of the value of the
different approaches. For example, where imposing politeness protocols will have minimal impact on the device
cost then they might be used without hesitation. Where such protocols would significantly increase the cost and
where congestion is unlikely, or has little impact, then they should not be imposed.
Radiocommunication Equipment Standards
Radio equipment standards are technical standards specifying the minimal acceptable technical specifications and
performance characteristics of radio equipment in general use. Radio equipment standards exist for both licensed
radiocommunication equipment or stations and licence-exempt radiocommunication equipment which include low-
power devices such as garage-door openers, radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) or equipment utilizing
ISM or unlicensed bands such as WiFi and WiMAX. Regardless of the licensing and frequency authorization
process, radiocommunication equipment standards are established by the spectrum management authority and
used by manufacturers to create minimally acceptable technical parameters for radiocommunication equipment.
Technical standards documents provide general information describing the equipment and the application;
indication of licensing and certification requirements, channelling arrangements, modulation techniques used by the
equipment, transmitter power and transmission limits for unwanted emissions.
For a more detailed discussion of radiocommunication equipment licensing and authorization go to Section 3:
Authorization. Certification of radiocommunication equipment is discussed in Section 2.4.8. Channelling
arrangements involve spectrum use and are explained in Section 2.3.2. Modulation techniques and unwanted
emissions are discussed in Section 6: Monitoring.
Radiation Standards
Radiation standards refer to electromagnetic emissions which, at certain frequencies, may be harmful to life or
some other concern to public safety. The spectrum manager is not typically responsible for conducting the
research and determining the scientific basis for that concern. Other agencies of government such as the Ministry
of Health and public and private research institutes conduct research to substantiate concerns. Once a decision by
government on policy or regulation has been reached however, the spectrum management authority may need to
take certain measures such as making modifications to radiocommunication equipment standards to ensure public
The study of radiation effects on humans occurs at the national and international level. For instance, the World
Health Organization studies radiation effects. The International Union of Radio Sciences in its Commission K
addresses the effects of emissions on human health.
Other Standards
In connection with the deployment of radiocommunication system, other standards relating to the environment,
construction and land use may apply. Although the spectrum manager may not be responsible for the
development and enforcement of these types of standards, she or he will need to be aware of them and their
implications in planning frequency use and licensing. This is particularly true where location with respect to
essential facilities such as power transmission lines and airports is a factor.
Standards Development and Application
The development of radiocommunication equipment standards and spectrum use standards occurs at the national,
regional and international levels. In some cases, due to the importance and size of the national economy, national
standards acquire international importance. Smaller nations routinely adopt, either formally or informally,
radiocommunication equipment standards developed by other standards organizations, which is a cost-effective
manner of designing a set of standards. Indeed, countries within almost all regions, including Europe, the
Caribbean, Africa and Asia have opted to recognize both European (ETSI) and North American standards (FCC and
ANSI). There are standards bodies in most regions of the world and particularly in regions where high technology
and telecommunication and radiocommunication equipment are manufactured.
The regional and national standards bodies include: American National Standards Institute (ANSI); European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the Australian Communications Forum (ACF), the Association of
Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA), etc.. International
standards bodies include: The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) and the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU).
American National Standards Institute (ANSI);
Australian Involvement in International Standardization, Standardization Guide 2005,
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI);
The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF)
The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)
The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE)
Testing of radiocommunication equipment to establish compliance with national standards is performed by
government-operated testing facilities or in private sector laboratories. In recognition of the dynamic nature of
technological change and innovation and the high cost of test equipment, national governments are increasingly
favoring private sector facilities. Due to the importance of testing and certification, the complexity involved and the
reliance placed on results, policies and regulations have evolved around the harmonization of standards across
regions and markets. Harmonization has also been promoted by the adoption of consistent approaches through
the certification of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). CABs are organizations recognized by the spectrum
management authority to conduct testing and certification of radiocommunication equipment.
A CAB in one country can be recognized in another country by way of agreement. Mutual Recognition Agreements
(MRAs) facilitate trade among countries. They are established on a bilateral or a regional basis, and streamline the
conformity assessment procedures for a wide range of telecommunication and telecommunication-related
equipment. One such example is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Telecommunications MRA. These steps
reduce the cost of supply of radiocommunication equipment and ensure both quality and conformity. An MRA
provides for the mutual recognition by the importing parties of CABs and mutual acceptance of the results of
testing and equipment certification procedures undertaken by those bodies in assessing conformity of equipment
to the importing parties' own technical regulations.
Conformity to radiocommunication equipment standards and certification are necessary conditions for
interoperability of radio communications services and terminals such as handsets. It is not a guarantee, however.
Across a region or within a country, a common technology or standard such as GSM or CDMA may be used by
service providers with similar networks but operating at different frequencies, making it difficult for users to
migrate between networks. The absence of roaming agreements may also prevent interoperability even when
frequencies and the technologies are the same.
Allocating Spectrum
In establishing what use can be made of the spectrum, allocating ranges of frequencies in what are referred to as
bands is a central concept, and is explored through the rest of this section.
Radio Services
Radiocommunication is a sub-set of telecommunication. Radiocommunication services are one of the main kinds of
radio uses for which spectrum is allocated. Radiocommunication services have been the dominant focus of
attention in attempting to match demand for spectrum with frequencies. It is important, however, for regulators to
not overlook the other important uses and user of spectrum: navigation and public safety, for example.
In Article 1 of the ITU Radio Regulations, the term radiocommunication service is defined as a serviceinvolving
the transmission, emission and/or reception of radio waves for specific telecommunication purposes.
An example of radiocommunication service and related allocation issues follows in the next few paragraphs.
Mobile satellite services (MSS) refers to networks of communications satellites intended for use with mobile and
portable wireless devices. The mobile-satellite service (MSS) includes maritime mobile-satellite service (MMSS), the
land mobile-satellite service (LMSS) and aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS). There are many important
applications in the MSS including:
I Aeronautical Mobile Communications global satellite phone service, distress and emergency
I Land Mobile Communications - global satellite phone service, distress and emergency services;
I And Ship borne or Maritime Mobile Communications Inmarsat safety and communications services
for maritime operations.
Telephone connections using MSS are similar to a cellular telephone link, except the repeaters are in orbit around
the earth, rather than on the surface. MSS repeaters can be placed on geostationary, medium earth orbit (MEO),
or low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, provided there are enough satellites in the system, and provided they are
properly spaced around the globe, an MSS can link any two wireless telephone sets at any time, no matter where
in the world they are located. MSS systems are interconnected with land-based cellular networks.
Services have proliferated and periodically allocations have been reviewed in an effort to harmonize allocations on
both an international and regional basis. As well, several bands have been re-allocated to support the growth in
terrestrial mobile services IMT-2000.
One of problems facing MSSs is the relative success of terrestrial mobile services like GSM and Advanced Wireless
Servicer in comparison to MSSs. There have been several significant attempts to bring widely based MSSs to
consumers which have not lived up to the expectations of the business or consumer (for example: Globalstar
went into service in 1998 at a cost in excess of USD 4 billion and filed for bankruptcy in 2002 and the assets were
ultimately purchased for USD 43.million). With these failures in the background, it has become a hot debate to
reallocate spectrum to other expanding services. MSSs do have a fundamental advantage over terrestrial systems
in that they can reach users practically anywhere. It is the prospect for advanced services to remote regions which
continues to attract proponents for maintaining MSS allocations.
Recently, The European Parliament has approved a proposal that demands mobile satellite services reach at least
60 per cent of every country in Europe, and 50 per cent of their populations, in order to get operating spectrum.
The ruling relates to a couple of chunks of spectrum which have been handed to the EU by member countries, for
allocation to mobile satellite services on a pan-European basis. The spectrum is around 2GHz, specifically 1980-
2010MHz for the up link and 2170-2200MHz for the down link, with no applicant being allowed to have more than
15MHz for each direction: thus specifying a minimum of two operators. To qualify for the spectrum those
operators will have to reach every country in Europe, with reception possible in 60 per cent of each country's
landmass, and by half of their populations.
The future of AMS(R)S primary allocations is on the agenda for WRC-11. WRC-07 agreed on a future Conference
Agenda Item for WRC-11 to consider the results of ITU-R studies to ensure long term spectrum availability and
access to spectrum necessary to meet the requirements for aeronautical mobile-satellite service in accordance with
Resolution 222. For a more detailed look at the proposed WRC-11 agenda, See Section 7.2.2 Recent ITU World
Radio (WRC) and Regional Radio Conferences (RRC).
Frequency Allocation Tables
Before considering how the spectrum is allocated, it is perhaps best to clarify three terms: allocation, allotment and
An allocation is an entry in a table of frequency allocations which sets out the use of a given frequency band for
use by one or more radiocommunication services. The term allocation is also applied to the frequency band
concerned. An allocation then is a distribution of frequencies to radio services.
An allotment is an entry of a designated channel in a plan for use by one or more countries in those countries or
within designated areas for a radiocommunication service under specified conditions. An allotment then is a
distribution of frequencies to geographical areas or countries.
An assignment is an authorization given for a radio station to use a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel
under specified conditions. An assignment then is a distribution of a frequency or frequencies to a given radio
For purposes of allocation, the world is divided into three Regions referred to as Regions 1, 2 and 3. A map
indicating these Regions can be found below. A precise definition of the boundaries between Regions may be
found in Article 5 of the ITU Radio Regulations.

Regions according to ITU Radio
Allocations are made on a primary or on a secondary basis. Stations of a secondary service cannot cause harmful
interference to stations of primary services to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may
be assigned at a later date. Stations of a secondary service cannot claim protection from harmful interference from
stations of a primary service to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at
a later date. Stations of a secondary service can, however, claim protection from stations of the same or other
secondary service(s) to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date. In a given band of the Table of
Allocations, there are often footnotes which allocate the band in question (or a portion of a band) only in a
specified geographic area. When a band (or portion of a band) is indicated in a footnote as allocated to a service
on a secondary basis in an area smaller than a Region, or in a particular country, this is a secondary service. Where
a band (or portion of a band) is indicated in a footnote as allocated to a service on a primary basis in an area
smaller than a Region, or in a particular country, this is a primary service only in that area or country. The
international Table of Frequency Allocations set out in the ITU Radio Regulations covers frequencies from 9 kHz to
275 GHz (or 1000 GHz, see footnote 5.565).
As mentioned in Section 2.3.5 of this module, a National Frequency Allocation Table is an important document in
planning the use of the spectrum within a given country. The National Table of Frequency Allocations must, in
general, be consistent with the ITU Table of Frequency Allocations but usually contains a sub-set of the allocations
found in the International Table. In addition, it usually is far more detailed and gives additional conditions for the
use of spectrum usually through national footnotes in the National Table.
A recent example of modifications to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations involving significant changes to allocations
across all regions are the IMT Advanced Allocations for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) which have implications
for most if not all members. These resolutions affecting the changes in allocation were made at the World Radio
Conference (WRC) in Geneva in 2007. For a more detailed discussion of Recent World Radio Conferences see
Section 7.2.2.
In this section, we discuss some of the step by step approaches involved in changing national frequency allocations
to reflect and accommodate the changes in the International Table resulting from the WRC decisions concerning
Introducing New Services such as BWA a general approach
Changes to the National Table of Allocations will ultimately lead to assignments for services. Allocations and
assignments are linked and will ultimately reflect local market structures and conditions.
Allocating and assigning spectrum for various uses and users by regulators is a powerful tool with significant
implications. Imposing or limiting restrictions on uses and users has a direct impact on spectrum access and
efficiency. Knowing where and where not to impose restrictions requires information, building consensus and
where consensus is lacking, the means to smooth out differences by way of an adjustment process such as
compensation or arbitration. Consultation is important at all stages. Some of the general practical steps taken by
regulators include:
I Acquiring the information needed to assess use, users and utilization. Spectrum audits can be performed to
fill in the gaps in information;
I Consulting with current and prospective users;
I Creating channelling plans which compact spectrum assignments and increase the number of occupants
through techniques such as re-use to ease congestion and interference;
I Reinforce the application of technical standards and compliance to ensure interference is managed and
I Clearing zones of spectrum through refarming incentives (user to user) or recapturing underutilized
I Examining ways to license or unlicense underutilized spectrum to increase use and sharing;
I In bands where trading can take place and demand has been pooled, band managers can be tasked to
manage use and users
Specific practical steps include the following:
I Identify the specific bands of interest and determine current use and utilization;
I Consult with existing and potential users and assess demand and value for existing and potential services;
I Conduct comparative analysis with relevant country experience and consider spectrum assignment, licensing
and spectrum pricing issues and implications;
I Conclude on affected bands and consider allocation methodology. For example will 2 X 5 or 10 MHz
chaired spectrum be allocated and in which bands;
I Consult and determine which allocation methodologies and authorization and assignment methodologies
will be proposed or applied. The practice varies significantly across regions and methods include:
administrative processes such as first-come first served, comparative review, auction methods. As well,
concessions granted in the past may include unified service licenses (for more on authorisations see
Module 3);
I Prepare resulting policies, plans and processes required to support conclusions on methodology,
reallocation implementation steps, and expected assignment and licensing (unlicensed) outcomes.
Spectrum Use Designations
In the international Table of Frequency Allocations as well as in national Tables, there are designations or
identifications of spectrum use. These set out more specific types of frequency use than that foreseen in the
allocation of a frequency or frequencies to a given radio service. For example, in the international Table, some
bands allocated to the mobile service are designated for use by IMT-2000 systems. Such designations in the
international Table do not preclude any use of the frequency band by the services to which it is allocated nor do
they result in any priority for such use. At the national level, however, countries may choose to give such
designations a priority or even use such indications to mandate an exclusive use within a given band. For example,
a band allocated to the mobile or land mobile service may nationally be designated for a cellular mobile telephone
service to the exclusion of all other mobile operations.
Authorization is the process by which users gain access to the spectrum resource. This may involve assigning
specific frequencies to users, allotting certain frequency bands or sub-bands to specific users who may or may not
be able to transfer such spectrum rights to others or it may mean simply authorizing the use of specific equipment
or categories of equipment. It is important to distinguish between methods for determining who will have access to
spectrum versus determining the cost of such access (see also Section 4 and Section 5).
Introduction to Authorization
With spectrum authorization, the spectrum manager approves the use of radiocommunication equipment and
permits the use of radio frequencies to specific users or classes of users, in accordance with the national and
international table of frequency allocations. Authorization processes contribute to the proper functioning of
national spectrum-management operations and provide access to sufficient amounts of spectrum. Authorization
activities include licensing, examination, certification of radio operators, authorization of equipment, type approval,
type acceptance and international notification and registration. In terms of licences, there are various types,
including individual licences, system licences, class licences, and general authorizations.
The spectrum manager can choose from a mix of authorization mechanisms: traditional administrative, market-
based and unlicensed spectrum - as some uses of spectrum are not licensed - and also determine the appropriate
spectrum revenue and spectrum pricing objectives, policies, regulations, mechanisms, and fee schedules.
Unlicensed spectrum use does not mean unregulated use since the radio equipment and interference parameters
will still need to comply with certain technical standards such as FCC Part 15 Rules for Ultra Wideband Devices.
Spectrum authorizations promote awareness of users' operational obligations and user rights and that the
spectrum manager has sufficient data to ensure effective and efficient operations.
The authorization of spectrum in connection with licensing of telecommunications service providers is important
given the expansion of mobile telecom services and the liberalization of telecom markets in developing and
emerging economies. It is important that the regulatory process facilitates granting, at virtually the same time,
authorizations to operate a telecommunication service and to use the required radio spectrum. There should be no
delays or risks of inconsistent regulatory requirements between the two types of authorizations. This is also the
case for authorizing broadcasting undertakings and associated spectrum authorizations. If two separate
authorizations are issued, they should be issued simultaneously.
There are a number of administrative methods that are used to manage processes by which access to spectrum
may be granted. These include a first come-first served basis, a reserved basis for certain uses or users in a form
of a-priori planning and so-called beauty contests, which may be held to decide who will be assigned certain
frequencies or bands of frequencies. Economic methods such as lotteries or auctions may also be employed.
There are clear advantages and disadvantages for each method and these are explored in more detail below and
in: Section 5.0 Spectrum Pricing.
Improved technology used in analyzing spectrum use (See Spectrum Monitoring Activities Section 6.2 ) and
information systems are playing more important roles when assigning and keeping track of spectrum use, as well
as aiding in administrative functions such as collection of licence fees and preparing submissions of various
information to other countries (or to the ITU where required). It is very important to tailor systems and the
application of such technologies to the real requirements and to the available resources. Maintenance of any such
information systems must be ensured which underlines the need for competency in such systems.
No matter what method is used for assigning frequencies, some level of spectrum engineering support is required
to ensure, inter alia, that the use of frequencies authorized will not result in interference or to resolve any cases of
intra-national or international interference that might arise. Such capability is also required to assess, for example,
some of the newer technologies such as software defined radio equipment.
The next sections discuss: Assigning Frequencies and related sub-topics including Methods for Assigning
Frequencies; Relation to Other Authorizations and the important subject of the Impact of Technological Innovation
and the Impact on Authorization; as well as providing an overview of several technical topics, such as Certification
of Radio Operators and Equipment Authorization.
Authorization of Telecommunications Services Module Section 6.6 Spectrum Authorization
The Radio Spectrum Decision lays the foundation for a general EU radio spectrum policy and is binding
on all Member States. The objective of the Radio Spectrum Decision is to ensure coordination of radio
spectrum policy approaches by facilitating harmonized conditions for the availability and efficient use of
radio spectrum.
Member States shall facilitate the use of radio frequencies under general authorizations. Where
necessary, Member States may grant individual rights of use in order to:
I avoid harmful interference,
I ensure technical quality of service,
I safeguard efficient use of spectrum, or
I fulfill other objectives of general interest as defined by Member States in conformity with
Community law.
A number of key recommendations related to spectrum authorization are contained in the European
Commission 2007 Review concerning spectrum management. These were as follows:
I Increased Use of Market Mechanisms - The current spectrum management and distribution system
is generally based on administrative decisions that are insufficiently flexible to cope with
technological and economic evolution, in particular with the rapid development of wireless
technology and the increasing demand for bandwidth. The undue fragmentation amongst
national policies results in increased costs and lost market opportunities for spectrum users, and
slows down innovation, to the detriment of the internal market, consumers and the economy as a
whole. Moreover, the conditions for access to, and use of, radio frequencies may vary according to
the type of operator, while electronic services provided by these operators increasingly overlap,
thereby creating tensions between rights holders, discrepancies in the cost of access to spectrum,
and potential distortions in the functioning of the internal market;
I Technology and Service Neutrality1 - Flexibility in spectrum management and access to spectrum
should be increased through technology- and service-neutral authorisations to let spectrum users,
choose the best technologies and services to apply in a frequency band (hereinafter referred to as
the 'principles of technology and service neutrality'). The administrative determination of
technologies and services should become the exception and should be clearly justified and
subject to regular periodic review;
I Freedom to Chose - Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to
European Union General
Source: EU Decision No 676/2002/EC
The idea that a spectrum authorization can be issued which is technology neutral is being replaced by a concept of
technology flexibility since interference cannot be entirely avoided.
Assigning Frequencies
For spectrum managers, spectrum authorization involves the licencing of radiocommunication equipment and the
making of frequency assignments. The administration of licensing contributes to the proper functioning of
spectrum management operations. Licensing places controls on the operation of radio stations and the use of
assigned frequencies.
Spectrum authorization activities include analyzing requirements for proposed frequencies in accordance with
national plans and policies for frequency allocation. They include actions to protect radiocommunication systems
from harmful and obstructing interference. Spectrum authorization strategies are used to ensure proper use,
facilitate reuse, and achieve spectrum efficiency.
For users and potential users of spectrum, it is important for them to know their rights and obligations with
sufficient precision to allow them to make plans and avoid interfering with one anothers activities. Except in the
case of unlicensed spectrum, this is done at the stage of assignment of frequencies which thus becomes a key
aspect of spectrum regulation especially if licences are granted for a long duration.
For example, the Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement being negotiated in 2009, between the EU and ASEAN
includes Article 31 which ensures that the requirements for the attribution of frequencies by licensees are
adequately specified in the terms of the licence. In the case of spectrum authorizations, this is particularily
important when licensees have transfer, leasing or trading rights and the licensee is required to either seek
approval from the regulator for the change or simply provide notice of the change.
offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It
should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision
of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the
need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, or the avoidance of inefficient use of
spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. Those objectives should include the
promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism as defined in national
legislation in conformity with Community law. Except where necessary to protect safety of life,
exceptions should not result in exclusive use for certain services, but rather grant priority so that
other services or technologies may coexist in the same band insofar as possible. In order that the
holder of the authorisation may choose freely the most efficient means to carry the content of
services provided over radio frequencies, the content should not be regulated in the authorisation
to use radio frequencies (there is no specific mention of must-carry obligations as typically
imposed on cable broadcasters);
I Spectrum User Rights - In the interests of flexibility and efficiency, national regulatory authorities
should, in bands which will be identified on a harmonised basis, also allow spectrum users to
freely transfer or lease their usage rights to third parties, which would allow spectrum valuation
by the market. In view of their power to ensure effective use of spectrum, national regulatory
authorities should take action so as to ensure that trading does not lead to a distortion of
competition where spectrum is left unused.
Decision No 676/2002/EC of 7 March 2002 on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the
European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision).
Precisely what the spectrum manager has to do in order to achieve an effective assignment depends on the
method chosen, and also upon linkages with other authorisations such as the issuing of broadcasting licences. New
technological developments may change the methods used to issue authorisations and may require refarming of
spectrum. The process will require engineering and administrative support and, in some cases, financial support.
These issues are discussed in the following sections.
Methods for Assigning Frequencies
Spectrum Overview - Section 1.5 above provides an in depth discussion of the three major methods of granting
users access to spectrum: by administrative methods, using market-based methods and by permitting access to
unlicensed spectrum. For the purposes of the present discussion on spectrum authorization, only the first two are
relevant, because the third does not involve assignment to, or licensing of, individual users.
In the case of administrative methods, a spectrum manager specifies detailed rules and constraints affecting how,
where, and when spectrum can be used and who has access to spectrum. Minimizing harmful interference lies at
the heart of the traditional model which places an emphasis on the technical management of radio spectrum.
Market methods are used at the initial issuance of a spectrum licence, when auctions are used, by allowing
spectrum rights to be bought and sold (traded) over the lifetime of a licence, and allowing a change of use and
transfer between users of the relevant spectrum.
Administrative methods of assignment and the use of market-based methods such as auctions have many elements
in common. In both cases, utmost clarity is required about what rights and responsibilities are entailed by the
licence. These must be specified in respect of technology, geography and time.
The most complex is technology. Under administrative assignment of licences to a particular user providing a
particular service (a specified form of radar, GSM, etc.), the technological restrictions in the licence are normally
defined in terms of the location, power and geographic coverage of the specified apparatus. The specifications are
chosen to avoid interference with other users. Any departure by the licensee from these conditions is a breach of
the licence. If, however, spectrum licenses are flexible and can be employed for any purpose following a trade of
the licence, for example apparatus licensing of the kind described above does not work, as each possible use will
be associated with different equipment. In these circumstances, licensees will have to face restrictions in what
emissions their activities are allowed to make at the boundaries of the licence area i.e. what spill over they can
make into adjoining geographic areas and frequencies. This is considerably more complex.
The geographical scope of a licence is more easily specified once the interference issue noted above has been
resolved. It may be the whole territory governed by the spectrum regulator, or a small subset needed for a radar
or a local radio station.
The duration of the licence must also be specified. Section 4.2.4 on Market-based Methods Licence Duration of
this module discusses the pros and cons of shorter or longer licence durations.
Following the stage of definition of licensee rights and obligations, the administrative and market (auction)
methods diverge. If an administrative method is employed, then the regulator must decide how to make the
assignment. If there is no excess demand for spectrum licences, the method chosen might be first come, first
served: the regulator would announce the available licences and invite applications. Applicants might have to be
qualified in specified ways but qualified applicants would then be granted licences until they were exhausted.
If excess demand is anticipated, use of a competitive assignment process is normally preferred. For this to be
done fairly and transparently, the regulator must set out the various criteria to be employed, relating for example
to the technical and financial qualifications of applicants, their access to capital, the scope and geographical range
of their services, and so on. Each criterion should have a pre-announced weight, and an objective method of
measurement should be specified.
If an auction method is used to make an assignment, the procedures to be employed must be set out in fine detail
to ensure that all competitors are on an equal footing. For example, if a sealed bid is employed, the date and
place at which it must be lodged have to be clear. If an open auction process is utilised, in which bidders make
offers for licences in successive rounds of bidding, a whole range of procedures relating to the frequency of
rounds, increments in amounts bid, obligations to make new bids and so on must be specified. These points are
discussed further in the Practice Note on auctions.
In all cases, it is vital that the regulatory body abide strictly by the conditions it has specified for the assignment.
Any departure or evidence of partiality, prejudice or of conflict of interest will be damaging in several ways. First,
legal challenges can delay the start of services of benefit to end users, possibly for many years. Secondly, doubts
about the integrity of the process will deter companies from participating in competitive assignment processes. As
a result, inferior candidates may be successful, leading to long term harm for consumers.
Relation to Other Authorizations
It should be noted that there are often other authorizations that are required in parallel with the spectrum
authorization. In the case of telecommunication carriers, often telecom licensing is required (see the Module 3.
Authorization of Telecommunication/ICT Services). The licensing of such telecom facilities can involve radio and
non-radio based facilities, the former being subject to spectrum authorization as well as telecom licensing. In some
countries, such licensing of telecom carriers is performed by the same regulatory body which regulates the use of
spectrum whereas in other countries, telecom licensing is carried out by a separate regulatory authority. Similarly,
in the case of broadcasting, often a broadcasting licence separate from a spectrum authorization is required.
Again, in some countries it is the same regulatory body that issues broadcasting licences as issues spectrum
authorizations whereas in other jurisdictions, it is a different regulatory body. In some countries, the regulation of
spectrum, telecommunications and broadcasting is all carried out by a single regulatory body.
In addition to these authorizations, there are often additional authorizations required for a radiocommunication
facility. For example, if an associated antenna structure is above a certain height and/or within a certain distance of
an airport, painting and lighting requirements may enter into play. These requirements are usually set out by the
government authority responsible for air navigation safety. Another type of authorization that may be required in
some countries is what is often referred to as local planning permission. The siting of antennas may be subject to
local land use policies and authorizations confirming conformity with such policies may be required.
The following references give examples of regulators in selected jurisdictions who are responsible for multiple
service authorizations (television, radio, telecommunications), singular authorizations, and regulations concerning
deployment of infrastructure (antenna in municipalities).
Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with
responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services.
The CRTC is an independent agency responsible for regulating Canada's broadcasting and telecommunications
The Nepal Telecommunications Authority is responsible for The National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995) and
the licensing of broadcast facilities.
Liberalization and the Impact on Authorization
Liberalization, along with deregulation and privatization of telecommunication services, particularly within the
mobile and ISP sectors, have been the dominant trends in the past ten years. As a result, competition has
increased, demand has risen, ICT prices have fallen, and the quality of services has vastly improved. Mobile
penetration in developing countries in Africa and Asia has reached approximately 45 and 62 per cent, respectively,
with mobile penetration growing at a phenomenal compound annual growth rate over 22 per cent globally in 10
years. Indeed, amongst the least developed economies, mobile cellular subscribers outnumber fixed lines by more
than nine to one. The balance has shifted between developed and developing countries with most of the growth in
mobile subscriptions occurring in developing countries, as shown in Figure
The trend in ICT prices, as illustrated in Figure, is lower across developed and developing countries, even
though new services (3G and mobile data) replace second generation mobile telephony. Correspondingly, new
technologies and services (such as mobile data) have been developed alongside tapping into increased demand
for services giving consumers and businesses more choice.

Mobile subscribers worldwide
by level of development 2000,
2005, 2010.
Photo: Source: ITU World
Telecommunication Indicators Database.
There has been a shift away from the predominant traditional model, most notably in countries where demand for
radio spectrum use is rising fast. Two features of more liberalized telecommunications regulation are:
I Greater use of market-based mechanisms - this covers competitive assignments (such as auctions)
through to secondary trading. Within this environment, management is delegated as much as
possible to participants within the spectrum arena. Spectrum management agencies in this setting
perform the role of light-handed regulation;
I More flexibility in licensing and use involves the relaxation of constraints on usage and
technologies (either as a commons or in the form of managed shared use), as well as the possible
expansion of licence-exempt frequencies. However, few countries have opened up large parts of the
spectrum as a genuine commons. Most notably the United States has embarked on a path of
considerable innovative activity. The use of WiFi, WiMAX and UWB in the US emerged many years
before being deployed in most other countries, partly due the size of the market and as a result of
regulatory actions designed to promote flexibility and unlicensed use.
Technological Innovation and the Impact on Authorization
Technological innovation and wireless are synonymous. When this happens it can alter how radio frequencies
should be used and assigned. This can become a problem and create a major challenge for the spectrum
manager especially as the rate of change multiplies. Under an administrative procedure, when a licence expires a
change of use can be a desirable approach with a new licence can be issued to provide the new service. Where a
market regime involving secondary trading and change of use are in place, then spectrum user rights which are
linked to the spectrum license permits the alteration to take place without regulatory intervention, if regulatory
requirements concerning interference are in place. Indeed one of the arguments for the use of markets is that it
takes the regulator out of the process of responding to technological change which is occurring at an increasing

Top Ten Countries with lowest
ICT Prices
Photo: Source: ITU Measuring the
Information Society 2010
Technological innovation is a leading factor in improving the efficient use of spectrum. At the basic level the fullest
possible use of all available spectrum is encouraged. Some measures of technical efficiency are needed to help
regulators and users determine the degree of improvement in technical efficiency. Two measures of technical
efficiency most commonly used are spectrum occupancy and utilization and data rate. Occupancy, for example, can
be used as a measure of technical efficiency; in the sense of how constant or heavy the usage of spectrum is over
time. Data rate means how much data and information can be transmitted for a given amount of spectrum
In the next several paragraphs several broad categories of innovative technologies are introduced which are
altering the landscape. These are Spectrum Underlay and Overlay technologies,
Spectrum Underlay is a spectrum management technique by which signals with a very low spectral power density
can coexist, as a secondary user, with the primary users of the frequency band(s). The primary users deploy
systems with a much higher power density level. The underlay leads to a modest increase of the noise floor for
these primary users. Examples of spectrum underlay technologies include; Ultra-wideband (UWB) and Spread
Ultra-wideband spectrum is an active underlay technology which transmits information spread over a large
bandwidth (>500 MHz) while sharing spectrum with other users. The FCC defines UWB in its Part 15 Rules see
Figure below. The ITU defines UWB in terms of a transmission from an antenna for which the emitted signal
bandwidth exceeds the lesser of 500 MHz or 20% of the center frequency
Due to the extremely low emission levels currently allowed by regulatory agencies, UWB systems tend to be short-
range and indoors applications. However, due to the short duration of the UWB pulses, it is easier to engineer
extremely high data rates, and the data rate can be readily traded for range by simply aggregating pulse energy
per data bit using either simple integration or by coding techniques.
Spread spectrum is a technique of spreading a signal out over a very wide bandwidth, often over 200 times the
bandwidth of the original signal. A spread spectrum transmitter spreads the signals out over a wide frequency
range using one of the following techniques:
Direct sequence spread spectrum - Spread spectrum broadcasts in bands where noise is prominent, but does
not rise above the noise. Its radio signals are too weak to interfere with conventional radios and have fewer FCC
(Federal Communications Commission) restrictions. Data is altered by a bit stream that represents every bit in the
original data with multiple bits in the generated stream, thus spreading the signal across a wider frequency band.
Frequency hopping spread spectrum - using this technique, the original data signal is not spread out, but is

FCC Title 47 CFR Part 15 Rules
Photo: Source: FCC
instead transmitted over a wide range of frequencies that change at split-second intervals. Both the transmitter and
the receiver jump frequencies in synchronization during the transmission. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is
a digital cellular standard that uses wideband spread spectrum techniques for signal transmission;
There are two types of overlay, passive or active (dynamic).
I The Amateur radio service has shared spectrum with various government users using passive
overlay technologies which require the user to look for a CB radio channel that is free. A passive
overlay technology is different from an active overlay technology.
I Active overlay technologies are beginning to emerge and be trialed. A major trial is currently taking
place in Ireland involving several major manufacturers of equipment and devices. There are several
possible approaches being studied.
In 2007, as part of Pakistans consultation on infrastructure sharing for mobile companies concept of spectrum
pooling which is a form of spectrum sharing achieved by overlay was considered. It was pointed out in the
consultation report that no country has yet to permit this type. (See ITU GSR 2008 Discussion Paper on Spectrum
Sharing, pps. 17-18.)
Dynamic Spectrum Access is in its early stages of development is an advanced approach to spectrum
management that is closely related to other management techniques such as flexible spectrum management and
spectrum trading. It involves unitising spectrum in terms of time slots and/or geographically. This allows users to
access a particular piece of spectrum for a defined time period or in a defined area which they cannot exceed
without re applying for the resource.
It permits communications to work by:
I Monitoring to detect unused frequencies;
I Agree with similar devices on which frequencies will be used;
I Monitoring frequency use by others;
I Change frequency bands and adjust power as needed.
Benefits of increased access to spectrum and better efficiency need to overcome several hurdles including:
I Potential for increased interference and affect on quality of service and compliance with regulations;
I Technical issues related to unseen devices competing for similar frequencies (the hidden node
problem) and development of complex equipment.
Dynamic spectrum access is often associated with, although not exclusively dependent on, technologies and
concepts such as Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio which are described in the next paragraphs.
Refarming and Reuse As we have seen, the need for reallocation or re-farming, as it often term can often arise
from technological change in several ways:
I it may be that the international table of frequency allocations has changed, as in the case of WRC-07,
resulting in the realignment of national table of frequency allocations;
I demand for radio services may be changing and there may be more demand for mobile broadband
and less demand for traditional terrestrial TV; and
I sometimes, new spectrum-efficient technologies allow spectrum to be freed up, as in the case of the
Digital Dividend.
Reallocation and refarming of spectrum are activities in many spectrum management organizations that continue
to pose challenging issues with respect to establishing policy and procedures for governments, regulators, and
users alike. Key issues include deciding who pays and the amount that must be paid for reallocation and refarming
of spectrum. These issues trigger all sorts of conflicts, some of which that escalate to legal challenges.
Various approaches exist for re-farming which may better suit certain circumstances. For example, in some cases
featuring administrative approaches, regulators address the issues; in other cases featuring market-driven
approaches, users determine the timing and price. Some approaches simply require the user to absorb the cost. In
other cases, the beneficiaries of the change are either invited or required to reimburse all or part of the transition
costs of the incumbent user.
There are several examples of tools used by that have proven to be effective including: Spectrum Refarming Funds
(e.g., France, UK the US); dispute resolution techniques; and, in some cases, methods for spectrum valuation to
I UK, a Spectrum Efficiency Scheme, administered by the regulator, exists to finance such costs;
I US legislation is in place which allows the auctioning of such spectrum, using as a rescue policy the
costs of relocation: in other words the process only goes ahead if the displaced party is
In reality, things can get quite messy. There may be uncertainty over what are the spectrum user's rights. This has
been the case in the United Kingdom, for example, where licences have had a reasonable and legally enforceable
expectation to receive a notice of an unspecified number of years before they are evicted. In a market regime
where licences are of limited duration (e.g. twenty years), there may be a period of uncertainty, when a switch to a
new use is desirable but no one is prepared to make the necessary investments to achieve it, because of
uncertainty about future access to spectrum.
Another tool which can be used involves the use of auctions. For example, a licensee has a license with a fixed term
remaining and the regulator chooses, in advance, to auction the licence for the succeeding period simultaneously
making the current licence tradable. The prospective licensee can then bargain with the current licensee to achieve
early release of the spectrum, if it is in the parties mutual commercial interest to agree such a transfer.
Successful re-assigning or 'refarming' of spectrum is a key element in achieving flexible use which responds to
demands for new services.
Legal and Institutional Aspects of Regulation Module: Section 4.3.2, Impact of Convergence on Licensing, Spectrum
Engineering Support
Software tools have been developed in house by spectrum management organizations and by the private sector.
These tools are designed to support spectrum planning and frequency management in both head office and field
applications. These tools assist frequency managers in establishing and maintaining the administrative and
technical requirements of radio frequency management. The tools are very sophisticated and perform analyses
which require the manipulation of large amounts of data in varying formats and structure. This poses several
problems for regulators in both developed and developing countries. The capability to acquire and manage data
and the development of innovative techniques have been developed for extracting and manipulating critical data
elements and databases so as to transform data into useful frequency management information.
Engineering support is also required to determine which radio services and applications can share the same
frequency band. Complex engineering calculations are often required in order to pack as many users and uses as
possible into a given portion of the radio frequency spectrum. Analysis of cases of national or international harmful
interference and coordination of frequencies with other countries requires engineering expertise. Engineering
support is important when making proposals to change bilateral or multilateral treaties and agreements (e.g. at
ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences) and when analyzing the proposals of others.
SMS4DC Version 2.0 - Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries Edition 2008
ITU-D Regional Development Forum for the Arab Region: "Access to spectrum, including broadcasting services
trends and technologies"
Administrative Support
Substantive spectrum management tasks such as authorization involving planning, engineering, and authorization
tasks cannot be effectively performed without support from other staff units with expertise in legal, finance, and
information management, as well as various clerical and administrative activities. The table below lists several
administrative functions and responsibilities in addition to the mainstream spectrum management activities of
planning, engineering, etc.
Some of the administrative functions will be associated with some of the routine tasks and methods associated with
licensing of radiocommunications, approval of radio equipment type, and routine monitoring. These routine tasks
should be supported by well-defined administrative processes, which can be dramatically improved and made
more cost-effective through the use of efficient information management systems. Quality of service can be
improved by placing service points of presence close to clients and users.
Other will be associated with some of the more technical areas involved in planning and authorization. Legal,
finance and economic expertise will be required to support planning activities and implementation of new
practices. For example, preparation of band plans, spectrum fees, licensing processes, spectrum occupancy
analysis and surveillance and competitive bid processes create new business processes. The analysis of business
processes will lead to an understanding of needs in information, data, and application. At this point, planning can
shift to a consideration of technical architecture and technology platforms.
Spectrum Management Functions
Spectrum Management Policy and Planning: Allocation of Spectrum
Frequency Assignment and Licensing
Standards, Specifications, and Equipment Authorization
Spectrum Control (enforcement and monitoring)
International Coordination
Liaison and Consultation
Spectrum-Engineering Support
Computer Support
Administrative Legal Support
Spectrum Management
Source: ITU Spectrum Management
Certification of Radio Operators
The ITU Radio Regulations set out the need for certain operators of radio equipment to possess a radio
operator's certificate. Chapter 8 of the Radio Regulations deals with the requirements within the aeronautical
environment while Chapter 9 deals with requirements in the maritime environment. In addition, Article 25 of the
Radio Regulations and ITU-R Recommendation M.1544 which is incorporated by reference deals with the
requirements for amateur radio operators. Ensuring conformity with these and with any additional national radio
operator requirements involves examinations and the issuance of radio operator certificates of various types. In
most countries, the conducting of these examinations is delegated to a public or private sector entity closely
associated with the respective field i.e., aeronautical, maritime and amateur. Often such bodies will also conduct
courses covering the material required for operator certification. In some cases, the delegated authority also
issues the operator certificate on behalf of the government regulator.
Equipment Authorization
Radiocommunication equipment (often referred to as radio apparatus) must be authorized for use even if the use
of the specific equipment does not require a licence. Ensuring that equipment meets certain technical standards
reduces the possibility of harmful interference.
Equipment Certification
Equipment certification and/or type approval provides assurance that, in terms of design, the licensed radio
equipment will meet regulatory requirements and will enable radio equipment and radio stations to coexist within
acceptable limits. These limits are considered in conjunction with practical economic considerations of efficient
spectrum use. Accessible records of approved equipment and licensed equipment facilitate the licensing and
assignment processes.
The spectrum management authority or a designated agent maintains a listing of equipment categories which
require either certification or type approval. Acceptance, sometimes referred to as voluntary certification, allows
listed telecommunication equipment to be either marketed or used without having to obtain an equipment
certification (type approval certification). Certification requires that equipment intended for sale or use be certified
as approved prior to either its use or sale within the country of jurisdiction.
Laboratory Certification
Testing of radiocommunication equipment to establish compliance with national standards is performed by
government operated testing facilities or in private sector laboratories. In recognition of the dynamic nature of
technological change and innovation and the high cost of test equipment, national governments are increasingly
favouring private sector facilities. Due to the importance of testing and certification, the complexity involved and
the reliance placed on results, policies and regulations have evolved around the harmonization of standards across
regions and markets. Harmonization has also been promoted by the adoption of consistent approaches through
the certification of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). CABs are organizations recognized by the spectrum
management authority to conduct testing and certification of radiocommunication equipment.
A CAB in one country can be recognized in another country by way of agreement. Mutual Recognition Agreements
(MRAs) facilitate trade among countries. They are established on a bilateral or a regional basis, and streamline the
conformity assessment procedures for a wide range of telecommunication and telecommunication-related
equipment. One such example is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Telecommunications MRA. These steps
reduce the cost of supply of radiocommunication equipment and ensure both quality and conformity. An MRA
provides for the mutual recognition by the importing parties of CABs and mutual acceptance of the results of
testing and equipment certification procedures undertaken by those bodies in assessing conformity of equipment
to the relevant technical regulations.
Spectrum Sharing
This section is adapted from discussion paper on Spectrum Sharing prepared in 2008 for the 8th Annual Global
Symposium for Regulators.
This chapter reviews various trends in spectrum sharing methods used by spectrum managers who are responding
to increasing demands for spectrum resulting from the unstoppable surge in new services and technologies. In the
sections which follow, access to spectrum, international trends, and implementation issues are discussed.
Spectrum sharing is not a universal trend for all regulators nor are the approaches taken similar for all regulators:
I approaches by regulators for managing the unlicensed but regulated spectrum commons range
from imposing license and permit constraints to few if any constraints at all beyond technical
specifications. The allocation of ISM bands for unlicensed use by low power devices such as Wi-Fi
has been encouraged by the ITU across all regions;
I Making changes to encourage spectrum sharing by different services such as fixed and mobile have
shown many countries continue to reserve significant amounts of spectrum for exclusive
(government use). The WRC-07 has made significant strides increasing the amount of spectrum
available to broadband services.
Spectrum sharing encompasses several techniques some administrative, technical and market-based. Sharing can
be accomplished through licensing and/or commercial arrangements involving spectrum leases and spectrum
trading. Spectrum can also be shared in several dimensions; time, space and geography. Limiting transmit power is
also a factor which can be utilized to permit sharing. Low power devices in the spectrum commons operate on the
basis of that principal characteristic: signal propagation which takes advantage of power and interference
reduction techniques. Spectrum sharing can be achieved through technical means using evolving (not yet
commercially available) advanced technologies such as cognitive radio. These technologies and related concepts
are reviewed. Several prominent examples of spectrum trading experience are reviewed.
A common issue for both innovative technologies and market-based methods is arriving at the right balance.
Resolving interference issues inherent in methods based on the principle of technological neutrality is an issue of
great importance. Interference cannot be eliminated and so identifying interference management models which
support spectrum sharing under either administrative, market-based or spectrum commons, remain as an ongoing
requirement and challenge for spectrum managers. These issues are discussed and examples of possible solutions
are given. The section ends with a review of some of the best practices used to encouraging spectrum sharing and
implementation issues.
Related Materials
Module 2, Section 6.5, Mobile Network Sharing
Access to Spectrum
As the demand for spectrum increases and frequency bands become more congested, especially in densely
populated urban centres, spectrum managers are following diverse approaches to sharing frequencies: using
administrative methods including in band sharing, licensing such as leasing and spectrum trading, and the
unlicensed spectrum commons combined with the use of low power radios or advanced radio technologies
including ultra-wideband and multi-modal radios.
Spectrum sharing typically involves more than one user sharing the same piece of spectrum for different
applications or using different technologies. When a band already licensed to an operator is shared with others it
is known as overlay spectrum sharing. For example a spectrum band used for TV distribution in one geographical
area could be used for an application such as broadband wireless access in another area without any risk of
interference, despite being allocated on a national basis.
Spectrum sharing is required when sufficient demand exists for spectrum, causing congestion, and the technical
means exist to permit different users to coincide; and other means for adjusting spectrum use and assignment
have become burdensome and costly undermining the goals of economic and technical efficiency. The implications
for spectrum managers are that spectrum management policies are evolving towards more flexible and market
oriented models to increase opportunities for efficient spectrum use.
Forms of Spectrum Sharing
There are generally several ways to share spectrum and achieve the goal of improving access to spectrum by
giving more users greater flexibility in its use by implementing:
I Liberalized methods for assigning spectrum rights such as leasing, trading (see section 1.5.2 Market
methods) and the spectrum commons (see section 1.5.3 Unlicensed spectrum);
I A new paradigm for interference protection taking into account new technologies such as dynamic
spectrum access where underlay technologies are used based on power limits, for example UWB,
mesh networks, software defined radio (SDR), smart antennae and cognitive radios (see section 4.2.5
Technically-enabled sharing).
The ITU conducted a New Initiatives workshop on the subject of "Radio Spectrum Management for a Converging
World". The workshop was held at ITU Headquarters, Geneva from 16 to 18 February 2004. Presentations and
papers from the workshop can be obtained by going to the ITU website. Go to
Which bands can be shared?
Some frequency bands are shared by some users by maintaining geographic separation and ensuring strict
adherence to operational constraints preventing interference between services. One good example is spectrum
shared by satellite and fixed links where the microwave links transmit horizontally and interaction between systems
is limited. As well, fixed and mobile services share bands and do so by maintaining geographic separation and
limits on power.
Potentially all bands can be shared and many bands remain under-utilized, i.e. although sharing does not yet occur
in under-utilized bands, it is technically possible to share these bands using combinations of administrative means
(assignment time, geographic, and interference management constraints) and technical solutions (filters, smart
antenna, smart transmitters such SDR, and cognitive radio, along with transmit power limitations combined with a
relaxation of interference constraints). An important exception exists where there has been a spectrum policy
decision to maintain exclusive band and assignments for public safety and security services.
Not all bands are equal, however, and so there can be increasing pressure to release new bands or share bands
for certain services. For BWA, bands need not necessarily be contiguous, but must have sufficient bandwidth (i.e.,
2.5 MHz) to support broadband applications such as video and should be located where good propagation
characteristics exist (i.e., below 1 GHz) and where there is wide geographic coverage. Bands with low occupancy
and utilization could also be of interest (i.e. above 15 GHz).
The question of sharing Public Use Spectrum bands also arises given the extensive amount of spectrum held by
governments for their exclusive use. The arguments for special arrangements for spectrum for the public sector
are as follows:
I it is indispensable to the provision of service such as defence radar;
I the service itself (such as an ambulance service) has a very high priority; and
I under past spectrum management practices, the only way to acquire spectrum was by administrative
Even so, spectrum is much like any other input to government services obtained in structured markets. For a more
detailed discussion of issues related to public use spectrum see Section 2.3.7 Public Use Spectrum.
Administrative sharing
Administrative management of spectrum sharing generally involves the regulators processes to establish where
sharing should take place and what rules should apply. It also includes defining the sharing rules for radio system
performance and applicable technical standards, equipment specifications and equipment type approval. There are
several steps which can be taken by the regulator to improve spectrum sharing:
I Establish policies to make spectrum allocation and licensing assignments that are based on
marketplace demands and adopt fair, efficient and transparent processes for awarding licences. This
may mean beginning a process to evaluate existing allocations and determine how much spectrum
can be allocated on a shared or non-exclusive basis.
I Conduct an independent audit of spectrum holdings to identify bands where immediate changes can
take place.
I Conduct consultations with stakeholders to obtain necessary information to support decisions on
sharing and technical standards.
I Encourage solutions based on negotiations between affected parties including the payment of
I Establish specifications which encourage the utilization of spectrum efficient technologies and put
mechanisms in place such as through use of spectrum fee incentives to begin to transition
allocations and assignments to commercial allocations, assignments and users.
I Consider the use of band managers to manage and to resolve issues on the part of licensees within
the band. There are several models for the delegation by the regulator of spectrum management
activity to a band manager, both on a non-exclusive and an exclusive basis.
For more on Band Managers see Section 1.6.2 of this Module: Management Rights Systems and Band Managers
Market-based sharing
As a starting point, economically efficient use of spectrum means the maximization of the value of outputs
produced from available spectrum, including the valuation of public outputs provided by the government or other
public authorities. From an economic efficiency viewpoint, spectrum should be divided in such a way that the
benefits to the overall economy are the same from different uses of spectrum for an equivalent incremental
amount of spectrum assigned to either use. Market-based approaches such as auctions and spectrum trading are
viewed as superior ways of achieving economic efficiency over administered methods.
Market methods are being employed both at the primary issue of spectrum licences, when auctions are used, and,
more significantly, by allowing spectrum rights to be bought and sold in the lifetime of a licence and allowing a
change of use of the relevant spectrum.
In cases where spectrum is a scarce resource, and like all scarce resources in a competitive market, efficient
allocation decisions are premised on prices. Well designed and properly managed auctions are appealing since
they ensure that frequencies go to the firm which bids the most, and that may, in certain conditions, be the most
efficient firm. Efficiency is further enhanced if the successful licensee chooses what services to provide and
technologies to use.
Spectrum trading
Spectrum trading contributes to a more economically efficient use of frequencies. This is because a trade will only
take place if the spectrum is worth more to the new user than it was to the old user, reflecting the greater
economic benefit the new user expects to derive from its use. In the absence of misjudgements or irrational
behaviour on the part of the buyer or seller, and if the trade does not cause external effects, then it can be
assumed that spectrum trading contributes to greater economic efficiency.
As well as this direct effect, which at the same time boosts transparency by revealing the true opportunity cost of
the spectrum, secondary trading also results in a series of indirect positive effects. Spectrum trading makes it
possible for companies to expand more quickly than would otherwise be the case. It also makes it easier for
prospective new market entrants to acquire spectrum in order to enter the market.
Greater flexibly in spectrum use also provides considerable incentives for incumbents to invest in new technology
in order to ward off the threat of new entrants in the absence of other barriers to entry (i.e. the unavailability of
spectrum). This in turn will boost market competition. These economic efficiency gains will not be realised, however,
if transaction costs are too high or if external effects intervene (particularly, anti-competitive behaviour and
It is important to ensure that the transaction or administrative costs for spectrum users are as low as possible. This
implies, for example, that there should be few bureaucratic obstacles to the transfer of spectrum. At the same time,
there should be a source of clear information that allows prospective spectrum users to find out which frequencies
are available, what they can be used for, who is currently using them and what needs to be done in order to obtain
a right of use.
In order for spectrum trading to be both transparent and efficient, it makes sense to give all interested parties
direct access to information on current spectrum usage. To this end, it is advisable to set up a central database,
which, for practical purposes, should be the direct responsibility of the spectrum regulator.
These criteria constitute the framework for a whole raft of institutional arrangements that determine the precise
form of spectrum trading and set forth exactly how rights of use can be transferred. Institutional arrangements
stipulate precisely who can make what decisions, when they can do so, and under what conditions. They also set
forth the implications this will have for the parties involved. Ideally, such a system will include full details pertaining
to all aspects of spectrum transfers and trading. At the same time, one of the aims of any spectrum trading regime
should be to keep transaction costs down. Actually, the vast quantity of important details means that both primary
legislation and secondary legal texts are limited in terms of how far they can specify actual arrangements.
To see more on Spectrum Trading go to Section 1.6.4 Spectrum Trading Systems and also Section 5 Spectrum
Licence duration
The introduction of spectrum trading diminishes the need to set a fixed expiry date for usage rights. Under a
system of spectrum trading, rights are transferred to users who have identified an alternate use that promises
greater economic returns. The choice of an expiry date, be it five, ten or twenty years hence, is always somewhat
arbitrary. An argument in favour of granting spectrum usage rights in perpetuity is that users make complementary
investments in stages and each investment has a different payback period. Indeed, one goal of spectrum
regulation should be to encourage investment and innovation.
Economists who place their trust in unfettered market forces therefore advocate that spectrum usage rights be
granted in perpetuity. This implies that, after the primary assignment of spectrum, the regulator would only have to
intervene if users wished to return spectrum, or if their right of use were withdrawn owing to a breach of the
conditions of use.
Nevertheless, since there are significant imperfections in the market, it may make sense to give the national
regulatory authority the option of withdrawing spectrum usage rights. Alternatively, a certain period of time could
be specified at the end of which the regulator decides whether or not the spectrum usage right shall be extended.
Competition issues associated with trading
Regulatory policy seeks to create a market in which prices are as close to costs as possible and where consumers
can choose from a wide range of services. Sustainable competition is usually only possible where there are
competing infrastructures, yet the scarcity of radio spectrum creates restrictions which often mean that an
oligopoly is the only possible outcome. Frequencies should therefore be distributed in such a way as to create a
market structure that ensures the maximum possible degree of competition for the available spectrum.
The ex post mechanisms of competition law plus regulatory oversight by the competition authority are, on their
own, inadequate for policing markets, especially those that exhibit the above features. This means that ex ante
regulation is required, particularly when it comes to distributing the scarce resource of spectrum. The design of the
assignment mechanism, and of the associated licence conditions or conditions of use, is therefore crucial to the
establishment of infrastructure-based competition. The assignment mechanism chosen by the regulatory authority
shapes the market structure by dividing up the spectrum and limiting the maximum amount of spectrum any one
user may acquire.
It is generally believed that the greater the number of spectrum users, the more competitive the market and the
less need there is for regulating end users. Imagine for a moment that all the frequencies available for GSM mobile
applications were auctioned in small parcels with no restriction on the maximum amount of spectrum that any one
bidder may acquire. It is conceivable that one company might acquire all the parcels of spectrum, resulting in a
monopoly of the mobile communications market. Without undertaking an exact analysis as to the likelihood of such
an outcome occurring under different types of auctions, it is nevertheless true that, according to economic theory,
an unregulated monopolist is in a position to make the highest profit and will therefore be willing to pay the most
for the spectrum.
Efforts to establish a competitive market structure do not stop at spectrum assignment. Unrestricted spectrum
trading could be exploited by users acting in concert to create a monopoly or at least a more concentrated
oligopoly. Spectrum regulators should be alive to this possibility.
Anti-competitive behaviour, in the form of acquisition of excessive spectrum, can be prevented in different ways
by the regulatory authority, which is in a position to set spectrum caps, to establish rules that specify how spectrum
trading should take place, including prior approval of trades or transfers of spectrum.
The above remarks clearly show that, even under a more flexible regulatory regime, issues of market power will
continue to be important. This, however, is not a reason to reject such a regime. In fact, a more flexible approach
to spectrum regulation, which not only allows multiple transfers of spectrum but, moreover, is also accompanied
by a far-reaching liberalisation of usage rights, would actually tend to diminish rather than amplify potential
problems of market power.
Technically enabled sharing
Technically efficient use of spectrum, at a basic level, implies the fullest possible use of all available spectrum. Two
measures of technical efficiency are occupancy and data rate. Time, for example, can be used as a measure of
technical efficiency; in the sense of how constant or heavy the usage of spectrum is over time. Data rate means how
much data and information can be transmitted for a given amount of spectrum capacity. Spectrum sharing
technologies including spread spectrum, dynamic access, Ultra-wideband (UWB) are introduced and described in
the next paragraphs.
Underlay Technologies Ultra-wideband and Spread Spectrum
Spectrum underlay technique is a spectrum management principle by which signals with a very low spectral power
density can coexist, as a secondary user, with the primary users of the frequency band(s). The primary users deploy
systems with a much higher power density level. The underlay leads to a modest increase of the noise floor for
these primary users.
Due to the extremely low emission levels currently allowed by regulatory agencies, UWB systems tend to be short-
range and indoor applications. However, due to the short duration of the UWB pulses, it is easier to engineer
extremely high data rates, and the data rate can be readily traded for range by simply aggregating pulse energy
per data bit using either simple integration or by coding techniques.
Spread spectrum is a technique of spreading a signal out over a very wide bandwidth, often over 200 times the
bandwidth of the original signal. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is a digital cellular standard that uses
wideband spread spectrum techniques for signal transmission.
Overlay Technologies and Dynamic Spectrum Access
Active overlay technologies are beginning to emerge and be trialed. A major trial is currently taking place in Ireland
involving several major manufacturers of equipment and devices. There are several possible approaches being
Dynamic Spectrum Access
Dynamic spectrum access, which is in its early stages of development, is an advanced approach to spectrum
management that is closely related to other management techniques such as flexible spectrum management and
spectrum trading. It involves unitising spectrum in terms of time slots and/or geographically. This allows users to
access a particular piece of spectrum for a defined time period or in a defined area which they cannot exceed
without re applying for the resource.
It permits communications to work by:
I Monitoring to detect unused frequencies;
I Agreeing with similar devices on which frequencies will be used;
I Monitoring frequency use by others;
I Changing frequency bands and adjusting power as needed.
Benefits of increased access to spectrum and better efficiency need to overcome several hurdles including:
I Potential for increased interference, effects on quality of service, and compliance with regulations;
I Technical issues related to unseen devices competing for similar frequencies (the hidden node
problem) and development of complex equipment.
Dynamic spectrum access is often associated with, although not exclusively dependent on, technologies and
concepts such as Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio which are described in the next paragraphs.
Passive overlay
The other form of overlay is the passive overlay such as the Amateur radio service that has shared spectrum with
various government users using passive overlay technologies that require the user to look for a CB radio channel
that is free. A passive overlay technology is different from an active overlay technology.
Emerging Technology Enablers
In addition to the spectrum sharing techniques described in the previous paragraphs there are emerging
technologies which are important in enabling these techniques, as well as fostering potential new methods for
spectrum sharing. The most prominent enabling technologies are described in the next few paragraphs
Software-defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio (CR)
Software defined radio are radio systems implemented on general purpose hardware where specific operational
characteristics are implemented in software different radio systems and standards are essentially loaded as
software programmes (e.g. a GSM program or a Wi-Fi program). A radio increases its flexibility as more of its
functionality is software based.
SDR technologies are slowly making their way into commercial radio systems as technology developments make it
economical for manufacturers to do so.
SDR enables more flexible spectrum allocation since these radio systems potentially use spectrum more intensively
and are more tolerant of interference.
A cognitive radio is a radio that is to some degree aware of the environment by monitoring transmissions across a
wide bandwidth, noting areas of unused spectrum and is able to modify its transmission using appropriate
modulation and coding methods. From a user standpoint the certainty of finding unused spectrum in congested
areas may fall low enough to impair its usefulness as a mainstay communications device.
See Dynamic Spectrum Access pp 12-13 and Reports ITU- R M.2063 and ITU- R M.2064. Issues on the agenda of
Smart Antennas and Other Technologies
Smart Antenna applications and technology have emerged in the past 10 years and are interesting because of their
ability to significantly increase the performance of various wireless systems, such as 2.5 generation (GSM-EDGE),
third generation (IMT 2000) mobile cellular networks and BWA. Smart Antenna technologies exploits multiple
antennas in transmit and receive mode with associated coding, modulation and signal processing to enhance the
performance of wireless systems in terms of capacity, coverage and throughput. Smart Antenna is not a new idea
but a more cost effective one with the advent of digital signal processors and general purpose processors with
application specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
Multi-modal radios are capable of operating across multiple bands and technologies. The tri-band and world
mobile phone are examples of multi-modal radios. Frequencies continue to be divided in discrete elements
although the need to harmonize frequency allotments and technical standards on a regional or global basis is not
as critical.
Digital Terrestrial Television
Broadcast mobile TV is a very efficient multicast service that allows users with a mobile device to watch multiple TV
channels in ways similar to DTT. Broadcast mobile TV services are available in several countries including Austria,
Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA. They use several technologies based on standards such as:
I Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial (DVB-T);
I Digital Video Broadcast Handhelds (DVB-H);
I Digital Multimedia Broadcast (DMB);
I Advanced Television System Committee Mobile/Handheld (ATSC M/H);
I Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial 1 seg (ISDB-T 1seg); and
I China Mobile Multimedia Broadcast (CMMB).
The 470-862 MHz band is preferred by mobile operators for simultaneous use of broadcast mobile TV and
GSM/3G services. Yet, other bands could be used for broadcast mobile TV such as the VHF television band.
International Trends in Spectrum Sharing
International trends in spectrum management are discussed under sections 4.3.1 to 4.3.4. These sections examine
the recent trends in spectrum management policy and regulation, property rights in spectrum licences,
interference, best practices on spectrum sharing techniques and country case studies implementing such practices.
Trends in reform
In recent years, spectrum management policy and regulation have evolved greatly to better reflect the demand and
supply requirements new services and uses. There has been a shift from relying predominantly on the traditional
model, most notably in countries where demand for radio spectrum use is rising fast. The main principles
underpinning the spectrum management reform agenda are:
I Liberalization and flexibility;
I Technology and service neutrality; and
I Licensing reform including spectrum transfers and the spectrum commons.
For a more detailed discussion of these concepts see Section 3.2.3 Liberalization and the Impact on Authorization
and Section 3.1 Introduction to Authorization.
In this section, we review several of the most important trends in spectrum management including:
I Growing Importance of Spectrum Use and Spectrum Management
I Convergence and Reform of the Institutional Framework
I Spectrum Trading and Transfers
I Increased value and use of Unlicensed Spectrum
I Spectrum Planning - Spectrum Demand and Supply Studies
Growing Importance of Spectrum Use and Spectrum Management
In establishing the European Union's first policy on the Spectrum Management Programme in 2010,
telecommunication professionals recognized that radio spectrum is a key resource for essential sectors and
services, including mobile, wireless broadband and satellite communications, television and radio broadcasting,
transport, radiolocation, and applications such as alarm, remote controls, hearing aids, microphones, and medical
equipment. Spectrum also supports public services such as security and safety services, including civil protection,
and scientific activities, such as meteorology, Earth observation, radio astronomy and space research. Regulatory
measures on spectrum therefore have economic, safety, health, public interest, cultural, scientific, social,
environmental and technical implications.
The total volume of services which depend on radio spectrum availability is estimated to be worth at least 200
billion annually in Europe.
Convergence and Reform of the Institutional Framework
Regulatory institutional reform leading to the combination of telecommunications, broadcasting and spectrum
regulators can help facilitate spectrum sharing. There are several examples of where this has occurred or is being
I In Australia the Spectrum Management Agency, Australian Communications Authority and the Australian
Broadcasting Authority were merged in several steps beginning in 1997 to create the Australian
Communications and Media Authority;
I The Canadian Telecommunications Policy Review Panel Report recommended to the government that
Industry Canada transfer its spectrum regulatory functions to the CRTC;
I The UK has recently set up such a combined regulator (Ofcom) which regulates broadcasting, (wireline and
wireless) telecommunications and spectrum;
I In Germany, regulation of spectrum is combined with regulation of telecommunications (and of other
infrastructures), but separate from regulation of broadcasting.
Spectrum Trading and Transfers
Spectrum transfers are generally understood to mean some form of lease or sublease arrangement, including
features such as frequency assignment transferability or divisibility:
I Transferability - licences maybe transferred (disaggregated);
I Divisibility or divided (partitioned), subject to either approval or notification to the appropriate authority
subject to service and technical restrictions. Since spectrum can be assigned nationally or on a
regional/local basis, a given assignment can be partitioned and shared by users in different locations.
Increased value and use of Unlicensed Spectrum
Spectrum commons
A spectrum commons is part of the spectrum that is free from centralized control where anyone can transmit
without a license. For this reason it is sometimes referred to as license-exempt or unlicensed spectrum.
In practice what is referred to as a spectrum commons can have varying degrees of management. Licence-exempt
bands (e.g. the ISM bands) are an example of a spectrum commons with some management in terms of power
restrictions on individual users as applied in the US under the FCC Part 15 rules. In Europe there is a further degree
of control in that devices used for communication in these bands must conform to certain technology standards
(e.g. ETSI approval). So far this approach has only been used in limited bands for short range applications.
However, significant innovation has emerged in these bands (e.g. Wi-Fi), which have led some to call for more
spectrum to be managed similarly.
Spectrum white spaces
Most radio and TV broadcast channels are separated by small amounts of unused channels called white space,
which are used to limit interference between active channels. Technology companies and consumer advocates
believe the use of this underutilized and unassigned spectrum could be used for new services such as BWA. Not
surprisingly, TV broadcasters oppose allowing any unlicensed device to use white-space spectrum because, they
argue, these devices would interfere with television broadcasts, potentially harming the federally mandated
transition from analogue to digital TV service.
A very active debate is taking place in the US between the broadcasters and Internet content companies such as
Google, who argue the white spaces can be used to extend the reach of broadband services to rural communities.
On October 15, 2008, the Chairman of the FCC indicated that he supports the idea based on extensive field tests
conducted by the FCC to establish the veracity of either claim and on November 4th - the FCC approved the
development of wireless devices that can use "white space".
Spectrum Planning - Spectrum Demand and Supply Studies
Spectrum Managers are increasingly conducting comprehensive reviews to quantify current the future demand and
supply for spectrum. These studies typically include determining what is authorized and where, as well as
identifying what is currently being used.
The timing and publication of the spectrum demand study varies by regulator with forecasts that can span from
two to five (and even beyond) in years. The results of spectrum demand studies and comparisons with the
spectrum database illustrate potential areas of surplus or deficit spectrum that should be investigated and made
transparent to users..
The published report provides background information on the current state of the spectrum, what is driving
spectrum demand (consumer, commercial, government demand, new technologies, new services) as well as future
trends and projections that the regulator should consider when planning spectrum use.
Spectrum Demand and Supply Studies: UK, USA and Thailand.
United Kingdom
Ofcom and the UK Treasury Department obtain on a bi-annual basis from government departments independent
studies of spectrum requirements - Supply and Demand Studies. The application of market prices using AIP has
resulted in profound changes in the approach taken by departments, such as the Ministry of Defence (MOD), in the
way spectrum is managed.
The MOD, as the single largest government user of spectrum in United Kingdom, has access to 30% of the
spectrum between 100 MHz and 3.0 GHz. Its use is not exclusive it administers civil applications and shares
bands with other users
The most recent study was completed in early 2009 with the UK MOD conducting a forward view of spectrum
demand covering 80% of its allocations (2010, 2015, 2027) in accordance with its agreement with Ofcom to
perform such a review every 2 years. The study is both illustrative and instructive because:
I It shows the depth of analysis involved in assessing demand across a range of services and spectrum
I It demonstrates how spectrum prices based on AIP have resulted in two important changes which are noted
in the report:
I Prior to AIP, the MOD did not factor in spectrum pricing as part of investment and operational decision
I Prices reveal surpluses in spectrum leading to another important change in which the MOD now sees itself
managing spectrum needs and not existing allocations.
The US Government published a National Broadband Plan and recommended that the FCC make available 500
megahertz (MHz) of new spectrum for wireless broadband, including 300 MHz for mobile flexible use within five
years. In addition, the President directed in June 28, 2010, Executive Memorandum that 500 MHz of new spectrum
for mobile and fixed broadband use. The drive to make available new spectrum for broadband is grounded in
strong consumer demand for high-speed wireless Internet access. The FCC conducted a study of Broadband
Spectrum requirements and published the results in the technical paper in 2010 - Mobile Broadband: The Benefits
of Additional Spectrum, OBI Technical Paper Number 8.
The National Broadcast and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) of Thailand is the new legislated regulatory
body combining the former National Broadcast and Telecommunication Commission into a multi-sector regulator.
The NBTC is required to prepare a Master Plan for Telecommunications Services, a Master Plan for Spectrum
Management and the National Table of Frequency Allocations. The Master Plan is to be published within one year
from the outset of the new regulator being formed and will focus on spectrum demand and supply with particular
attention given to cellular, broadband and broadcast requirements while addressing the issue of the Digital Divide
Interference Management
Freedom from interference and restrictions of rights to interfere with others are two major related dimensions of
property rights in spectrum licences. An exclusive use license defines the rights to occupy the spectrum volume for
a user with the primary user has a presumptive right to exclude other users from occupying their electrospace
while secondary users may have the right to occupy the electrospace if they can do so without causing interference
to primary users, although they have no interference protection rights of their own. By setting conditions for all
licences in this way, using an interference model which simulated the impact of apparatus on neighbouring
reception equipment, interference can be controlled.
Spectrum managers are fundamentally concerned with managing interference and in establishing the methods,
techniques, information and processes needed to protect users and uses from harmful interference. Harmful
interference arises in radio systems when a transmitter's ability to communicate with its intended receiver(s) is
limited because of the transmissions of other transmitters. The problem may be thought of as arising from the
limitations of the receiver: better receivers are more able to extract the desired signal from a noisy environment of
background radiation and other transmitters.
There are three categories of interference that are of principal concern:
I In-band interference from adjacent areas;
I In-band interference from adjacent frequencies;
I Out-of-band interference.
Under a secondary trading regime, licensees can bargain with one another to make adjustments to specified
boundary emission levels. If such deals benefit both sides, it is likely, but not inevitable, that they will be made. The
type of control exhibited in the administrative model may no longer be feasible, as the nature and location of the
apparatus to be employed are no longer given, since they are now up to the licensee.
This requires a redesign of the interference model, from one where calculating the impact of specific apparatus is
done, to one which sets limits to the emissions the licensee can deliver at the geographical and frequency
boundaries of the spectrum it is licensed to use.
By properly defining the electrospace along with the size of the volumes, it is possible theoretically to specify
transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) occupancy rights so that a Tx/Rx must operate in different and distinct
electrospace volumes to ensure non-interfering operation. For more on Interference, see Section 6.1.2 Emissions,
Interference and Spectrum Use.
Various approaches to specifying these limits have been applied in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United
States and elsewhere, as described in the Related Practice Notes and Related Reference Documents.
Interference cannot be eliminated and so identifying interference management models which support spectrum
sharing under either administrative, market-based and spectrum commons remain as an ongoing requirement and
challenge for spectrum managers. The goal is to develop an appropriate regime which protects user rights and
finds the right balance for flexibility and innovation, and service neutrality. Finding the balance and structuring the
appropriate response continue to be debated.
Leading practices
In most countries, the use of radio spectrum has been, and in many cases remains, very closely managed and
supervised, in accordance with an agreed international framework established by the Member States of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Such management is predicated on a need to minimize harmful
interference and has resulted in the application of what is sometimes referred to as the command and control
model. In recent years, there has been a shift away from relying predominantly on the traditional model, most
notably in countries where demand for radio spectrum use is rising fast.
In this section best practices are described in a system of reformed spectrum management that incorporates a
greater reliance on spectrum sharing techniques which increase flexibility and are forward-looking.
Spectrum planning
Spectrum planning processes provide direction and cohesion in support of policy formulation and support future
steps to achieve optimal spectrum use. Major trends and developments in technology and the needs of current
and future users of the frequency spectrum should be closely monitored and mapped. The types of user
requirements for systems utilized to conduct frequency management activities like monitoring systems, channel
plan techniques, and tools should also be planned and developed.
Spectrum user rights
When existing licences become tradable and are subject to a change of use, rights should be established
consistent with current uses; this will avoid conflicts of rights and permit parties to renegotiate rights when
circumstances change. Discussion of spectrum user rights is a very detailed topic dealing with questions such as:
I whether to allow easements for new technologies?
I whether vacant spectrum should be placed in the market place (subject to international
I fall back or insurance policies such as compulsory purchase of spectrum when there are hold-out
owners of spectrum - should they be confined to national security needs?
I should users pay a perpetual annual charge for spectrum licensees or will these charges discourage
efficient trading?
What about the license database?
The ability of potential sellers and buyers (and regulators) to keep track of current licences is an important
component of tradable markets facilitated by a publicly available database. Knowledge of the location of existing
Txs and Rxs (where feasible) will allow potential purchasers of rights to accurately model the existing interference
environment they are seeking to enter and to enable them to properly assess the rights they seek to acquire.
The information should enable regulators if called upon to adjudicate spectrum disputes and to enable them to
track and assess the usage of spectrum in differing bands.
Finally, the database should include additional tools to analyze data on spectrum historical occupancy/usage and
to interpret alternative propagation models.
In the US a spectrum auction and trading system is operated by Cantor-Fitzgerald, the Wall Street brokerage,
providing an example of the sorts of capabilities that are needed at a minimum[i]. Cantor Spectrum & Tower
Exchange provides an open or closed transparent forum for both primary (auction) and secondary (post-auction)
market spectrum transactions in both public and private marketplaces.
I Sellers/Lessees can review FCC licensee information obtained by the exchange and see a snapshot in
I Qualified licence sellers/lessors or public sector entities offer radio frequency spectrum and digital
sub-channel capacity in a multi-dimensional format showing coverage area, population, frequency
range, radio service rules, terms and conditions, channel, time slot, etc.
I Buyers/lessees search for specific assets (or receive electronic notification), and can easily evaluate
and bid on them.
This type of system helps facilitate the critical matching function that liquid markets depend on.
Dispute resolution
It is quite likely that with the arrival of the spectrum commons and increased sharing of spectrum through transfers
and trades effective means other than regulatory adjudicative intervention to resolve issues between parties will be
There are two trends at work:
I rapid changes in telecommunications sector; and
I changes in the realm of dispute resolution procedures.
The expansion of the global telecommunications market, with its emphasis on innovative and fast-changing
technology may need to be accompanied by dispute resolution procedures which are fast, flexible, and suited to
the types of disputes that the global telecommunications industry will produce. In turn, the dispute resolution field
is increasingly offering new models that may be useful to the telecommunications sectors new needs.
For a more detailed discussion on the topic of dispute resolution see Section 2.3.10 Dispute Resolution
[i] See for further information about their system.
Spectrum Sharing in Practice
The following country examples reflect many of best practices described in the preceding section. Some of them
feature practices for spectrum trading and spectrum commons management. Given the recent focus at the
international level on identifying bands for Broadband Wireless Access, we look at the leading practices of several
developing and developed countries where BWA is being implemented.
Brazil Broadband Wireless Access
In January 2008, ANATEL in Brazil issued 4 licences per licensed area for 3G wireless deployment in the whole
country. Coverage obligations for all licensed operators will lead to coverage over the whole Brazilian territory
(probably 8 years after the licences have been issued). Operators are allowed to share network components such
as towers as well as spectrum in order to provide services in municipalities with less than 30,000 inhabitants.
ANATEL will likely issue new regulations on the conditions for spectrum sharing and sharing of active elements of
the network. Spectrum sharing arrangements must be authorized by ANATEL. The rules governing the 3G auction in
Brazil refer expressly to spectrum sharing as a means of providing coverage in rural and remote areas (i.e. the
municipalities with less than 30,000 inhabitants).
ANATEL issued a number of licences for WiMax in the 2.6 GHz and five licensees in the 3.5 GHz band bands. A new
auction for additional 3.5 MHz spectrum is planned for 2008. Some of the licences have already started authorized
Europe - Flexible User Rights and Spectrum Trading
The European Union (EU) does not manage radio spectrum. Instead the Member States supervise its management
at the national level and in international coordination. However, the management of radio spectrum in EU Member
States is influenced significantly and increasingly by European legislation. Legislation is aimed at facilitating
harmonization of regulation and promoting competition through the liberalization of markets. The key legislation is
contained in a number of directives and decisions passed in 2002.
The Radio Spectrum Decision laid the foundation for a general EU radio spectrum policy and is binding on all
Member States. The objective of the Radio Spectrum Decision is to ensure coordination of radio spectrum policy
approaches by facilitating harmonized conditions for the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum.
The Radio Spectrum Decision encourages the European Commission to organize consultations to take account of
the views of Member States and all other stakeholders. To facilitate more effective consultations, the Radio
Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) was established by separate decision.
The RSPG launched a consultation on secondary trading of spectrum in February 2004 following a request received
from the EC in 2003 for an opinion on secondary trading. In November 2004, the RSPG published its Opinion on
secondary trading.
RSPG has adopted a cautious stance with regard to spectrum trading considering it to be beneficial in certain
parts of the spectrum and that European administrations should introduce secondary trading with due care.
The EU now proposes that one-third of the spectrum below 3GHz could have flexible usage rights and be tradable
by 2010.
RSPG is elaborating on the concept of Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communications Services (WAPECS) to
move away from too narrowly specified allocations and applications, for which specific spectrum is designated.
Guatemala Spectrum Trading
Guatemala and El Salvador are two small Central American countries (with populations of 12,728,111 and 6,948,073
respectively) which decided in 1996/97 to adopt a simple but effective spectrum market which, in the case of non-
public sector spectrum, gave private parties exclusive control over use of bandwidth and confined the regulator to
defining, issuing and protecting spectrum rights. This note focuses on Guatemala; the regime in El Salvador is
similar but not as well documented.
The frequency use title (TUF) created could be leased, sold, subdivided or aggregated at will and lasts for 15 years
(renewable on request); they are thus virtually private property. Regulation is restricted to setting aside bands for
use by the state and adjudicating interference disputes which are not resolved by mediation.
A physical TUF is a paper certificate listing the frequency band, hours of operation, maximum transmitted power,
maximum power emitted at the border, geographic territory and duration of right.
International Telecomunication Union
ITU Resolution 951 (Rev. WRC.07) Enhancing the international spectrum regulatory framework. This resolution
establishes guidelines used in evaluating and developing concepts related to four identified options for enhancing
the spectrum regulatory framework and for preparing solutions to be discussed at WRC.11. The four options
include: keeping current practices, revising current service definitions, creating new service definitions, and
introducing composite definitions.
Mauritius Broadband Wireless Access
In early 2005 with spectrum pollution occurring in the 2.4 GHz band, the Information and Communication
Technologies Authority (ICTA) conducted public consultations to receive input on proposed BWA frequency band
allocations, technical characteristics and regulatory requirements and issued its decisions within three months.
Those decisions opened the 2.5 GHz band for Mobile and Nomadic BWA (IMT-2000) applications by 2010, the 3.5
GHz band immediately for Fixed BWA and the 5.1-5.3 GHz band for low power in-building applications. In 2006,
ICTA additionally opened the 5.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands for BWA. Band plans and technical rules were established
limiting allowable power levels, separation and channelisation.
As of 2007, there are two mobile licensees providing IMT-2000 and WiMax services on a national basis.
New Zealand Spectrum Trading and Spectrum Commons
The Radiocommunications Act 1989 was pioneering and radically changed the landscape of spectrum
management. New Zealand was the first country to redefine spectrum in terms of property rights and to assign it
in a tradable form. New Zealand also pioneered the application of competitive assignments based on auctions for
radio spectrum, with the first auction held in 1989.
There are three licensing systems that apply to spectrum in New Zealand:
I The Management Rights Regime (MRR) (applicable to spectrum used primarily for commercial
I The Radio Licence Regime (RLR), earlier known as apparatus licensing, (an administrative assignment
process which applies to spectrum used for applications in the public interest); and
I General User Licences for devices such as low-powered devices: garage door openers and Wi-Fi).
United Kingdom Flexible User Rights and Spectrum Trading
OFCOM is currently shifting U.K. spectrum policy towards a flexible system of spectrum management through the
liberalization of spectrum usage rights and spectrum trading. A gradual approach is being adopted, embracing
progressively more bands and greater flexibility in use but relying on competitive assignment methods. This
progression is exemplified by OFCOMs intention to apply service and technological neutrality in a forthcoming
spectrum assignment involving frequencies currently used to support terrestrial analogue TV broadcasting, the
proposed use of spectrum user rights in a forthcoming auction of the L Band, and in other auctions.
The United Kingdom has also adopted the policy of extending market methods of spectrum management to public
sector spectrum, giving public sector users the right to trade or lease their spectrum and the obligation to go into
the market place to acquire additional spectrum. OFCOM is also extending the application of administrative
incentive pricing.
I Administrative Incentive Prices (AIP): are intended to encourage licensees of non-auctioned spectrum to use
their spectrum rights efficiently; legislation enables annual licence fees to be set above administrative cost
to reflect a range of spectrum management objectives (efficient management and use, economic and other
benefits, innovation and competition), having regard in particular to availability of present and expected
future demand for spectrum. OFCOM has been using AIP since 1998 and revised the approach in 2004.
There AIP is used to value spectrum at its marginal value as a proxy for the opportunity cost to the
representative spectrum user in those bands where AIP fees were charged.
United States Flexible Spectrum Use and Broadband Wireless Access
The United States has been a leader in regard to spectrum liberalization. Liberalized spectrum management
primarily relates to the non-government spectrum, whereas the usual framework for government spectrum
continues to be traditional. Spectrum Policy Initiative 2003 addressed several important components:
I Auctions: it was proposed that the FCC should be granted permanent authority to assign licences via
auction (competitive bidding);
I Spectrum Licence User Fees - to ensure that licence holders pay the opportunity costs of their
spectrum use.
The United States has also moved progressively in the direction of flexible use of spectrum, in conjunction with
generally liberalized practices. The Communications Act specifically authorizes the FCC to permit flexible use where:
I such use is consistent with international agreements to which the United States is a party;
I the Commission finds, after notice and opportunity for public comment, that such an allocation
would be in the public interest;
I such use would not deter investment in communications services and systems, or technology
development; and
I such use would not result in harmful interference among users.
The FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force 2002 advocated:
I increased reliance on both the exclusive use and commons models, and reduced use of traditional
allocation mechanisms;
I maximum feasible flexibility for licensees, limited only by interference concerns;
I increased use of spectrum trading, including the ability to lease spectrum on a rapid or an overlay
or underlay basis.
Implementing Spectrum Sharing
Success in implementing spectrum sharing requires both vision and commitment for moving from current
regulatory allocation and assignment practices based on a sound understanding of technology and systems
operating under predictable circumstances.
Spectrum policies should address incentives for innovation, promote flexibility, establish spectrum users rights,
determine practical methods for compliance monitoring, compliance monitoring, and dispute resolution, whether
spectrum is used in the spectrum commons or shared by some other means when implementation relies heavily on
advanced radio technologies designed to facilitate spectrum sharing.
An additional step could be to follow the path being taken by the FCC and the NTIA in the United States to create
Spectrum Sharing Innovative Test-Bed for studying spectrum sharing emerging radio systems such as software
defined radio and methods and techniques such as dynamic spectrum access.
Market structure
Analysis of current and future spectrum uses will be needed to help determine which bands should be included
and how and when they should be released, for example by auction. Planning will involve consultation with various
stakeholders and with industry fora. At a minimum, careful review and understanding of recent decisions at WRC
and certain leading countries will be both helpful and necessary. A chief concern will be ensuring sufficient
spectrum is available to satisfy demand and for proper market functioning. As we have seen earlier the extent to
which spectrum is allocated for commercial or exclusive government use has an important bearing on improved
access. Processes to review and understand government requirements and to shift spectrum away from exclusive
use require both time and negotiation.
Demand and scarcity
Market-based methods work best when demand is sufficient and rules and rights are clear. For developing
countries the real absence of scarcity and emerging demand for services might prove sufficient to cause delay in
the introduction of spectrum sharing policies and assignment practices. The difficult question to answer is the
impact of delay on the overall economy coming from investment and productivity. Favouring the creation of
attractive markets for investors who can deploy or utilize advanced services and technologies should not to be
ignored by spectrum policy makers.
Under administrative methods of licence assignments, the regulator plays a major role in determining the structure
of the downstream services market. If two GSM licences are available, the GSM market place will have two
suppliers, and so on. Indeed regulators have often deliberately chosen the number of licences to maximise
competition or less respectably to limit competition in order to capture monopoly profits for themselves
through an auction process for the licences.
Once secondary trading is allowed, industry structure can be affected by mergers of companies or the direct
transfer of spectrum ownership. There is a risk of a structure emerging which contains a monopoly or, more
generally, a dominant firm or firms, which can set excessive prices. If spectrum markets lead to the monopolization
of the supply of downstream services (i.e., if a single firm could corner the entire spectrum capable of producing
such a service), and there are no other competing or substitute technologies or services, then a spectrum market
could easily produce worse results than an administrative system which led to competition among downstream
suppliers of services.
Are these problems likely? It depends upon the degree of flexibility the regulator allows the market to exhibit. If
there are no prior allocation restrictions (limiting certain services to certain bands) and if the arena in which the
market operated is extensive, building a spectrum monopoly leading to dominance in downstream markets is not
likely to succeed. For major services such as mobile voice or data, or mobile broadcasting, the required spectrum
holdings would be very large. The danger does increase if either there are allocation restrictions or if the scope of
the market is small (and other barriers to entry are high).
These problems can also be combated by ordinary competition law where the law exists; for example a dominant
position might be broken up or a merger disallowed. But it may also be necessary for the regulator to have the
power to scrutinize and, if appropriate, prohibit certain spectrum trades. For example, special procedures may be
needed to limit the acquisition of spectrum licences or requiring prior approval of transfers or the application of
merger-control procedures which vet a proposed concentration of spectrum for its impact on the relevant anti-
trust market.
Finally, spectrum regulators can construct auction rules for the release of new spectrum in ways that promote
competition. There are several examples:
I the 700 MHz auction rules in the USA include a requirement that some spectrum should be
auctioned subject to an open access obligation;
I the AWS auctions in Canada completed in the summer of 2008 where the regulator included
spectrum set asides to ensure access to spectrum for new entrants.
Market liquidity
Another key requirement for an effective market is that it have sufficient liquidity (i.e., volume of trades) to provide
participants with a reliable method of transacting. Illiquid financial markets notoriously exhibit high spreads or
differences between the buy and sell price, to compensate the intermediary for the cost of holding stock.
International experience in spectrum trading was highlighted in the sections above and the following similarities
and differences were exhibited:
I there were few , if any, signs of intermediaries being active in the market;
I there were no signs of speculators entering the market;
I several countries exhibited significant levels of trade (Guatemala and El Salvador) or a number of
significant ($ hundred million) trades (the United States);
I in Australia and New Zealand, levels of trade have been fairly low (roughly equal to the turnover of
commercial property) reflecting an orderly turnover in spectrum through trades;
I in the United Kingdom, trades in the limited bands available have been infrequent, but the number
of traded bands has been small and the spectrum regulator is in the middle of a large programme
of spectrum awards which may provide an alternative source of spectrum to those who want it.
Liquidity of spectrum markets remains a real issue, and the design of liberalization measures should be in the
Practical steps
The regulator in exercising its primary responsibilities related to spectrum management goals and objectives
should decide on what the appropriate balance and mix of administrative and market-based techniques is. It is a
matter of reliance on methods that will ensure access and protection from interference. The current balance
favours administrative approaches and it is the view of this author that a shift towards market-based methods
should be acknowledged and encouraged by regulators. The practical steps involved in this shift in stance include:
I Spectrum legislation and regulation creating expanded authorities by the regulator to manage,
assign, and license, while permitting spectrum use flexibility, technology neutrality, and sharing;
I Creating the necessary mechanisms, tools and processes to capture and include the needs and
expertise of both current and future spectrum users.
These may seem like obvious steps to take. Making the decision to increase access and improve sharing requires a
very strong commitment from the regulator for change and includes stakeholders and users as integral partners in
the process of determining which approaches, methods and spectrum should be made more accessible. It is the
commitment to change and inclusion which is often lacking and so the process sputters to a stalemate.
Advocating the use of innovative technologies is also a key role of regulators. Providing the means to test and trial
new technologies by making spectrum available and using test licenses are two very practical steps that can be
taken. ComReg in Ireland has indicated that it is keen to encourage innovative developments and more efficient
ways to use spectrum. They wish to encourage development in these technologies through their test and trial
licence scheme.
As discussed throughout the document, regulators have a powerful tool in allocating spectrum for various uses
and users. Are there bands which by and large should always be allocated to BWA and so simplify the process for
The answer is most likely no. As we know, each region and country within a region differ and as we saw in the
previous sections 4.3.4 and 4.4.1 approaches vary. We can say with confidence that by limiting the restrictions on
uses and users, access is improved. Knowing how to go about limiting restrictions requires information, some
consensus and where this lacking, the means to smooth an adjustment. What can be done?
The regulator should consider:
I acquiring the information needed to assess use, users, and utilization. Spectrum audits can be
performed to fill in the gaps of information;
I consulting with current and prospective users;
I planning for and clearing zones of spectrum through incentives and adjustments like refarming;
I examining ways to license or unlicense underutilized spectrum to increase use and sharing;
I reinforcing the application of technical standards and compliance to ensure interference is managed
and manageable;
I utilizing band managers to manage use and users in bands where demand has been pooled and
where trading can now take place.
Information and administrative procedures for spectrum transfer
If spectrum markets are to work properly, participants must have basic information about spectrum holdings
adjacent to where they are considering buying licences. Otherwise buyers will not appreciate the constraints
relating to interference to which they will be subject. This raises problems of confidentiality both commercial
confidentiality and the need for secrecy where spectrum is used for security or defence purposes. For a variety of
reasons concerned with the policing of interferences as well as the policing of competition, the regulator will have
to keep a register of spectrum use and licence holdings. Much of this can be published, and its existence will be of
great help to potential licensees seeking to find out who their spectrum neighbours would be if they offered a
particular service in a particular frequency in a particular area.
Spectrum Pricing
For any resource, including radio spectrum, the primary economic objective is to maximize the net benefits to
society that can be generated from that resource such that there is an efficient distribution of resources resulting in
maximum benefits to society. Prices are used as an important mechanism to ensure the spectrum resources are
used efficiently by users.
The broad goals and objectives associated with spectrum pricing are:
I Covering the costs of spectrum management activity borne by the spectrum management authority or
I Ensuring the efficient use of the spectrum management resource by ensuring sufficient incentives are in
I Maximizing the economic benefits to the country obtained from use of the spectrum resource;
I Ensuring that users benefiting from the use of the spectrum resource pay for the cost of using spectrum;
I Providing revenue to the government or to the spectrum regulator.
Spectrum pricing refers to a range of spectrum management activities and tools including administrative fees,
spectrum usage, and spectrum prices determined by way of market mechanisms. Developing spectrum pricing
strategies invariably involves alignment with the governments and regulators revenue goals and objectives, setting
targets, and discussion with key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Finance and key sector groups
telecommunications service providers. Revenue targets and strategies relate directly back to the primary
objectives; spectrum users pay for spectrum use, covering management costs, spectrum efficiency, and achieving
economic and social development goals.
Introduction to Spectrum Pricing
In this section, we discuss various approaches used by spectrum managers to raise revenue and distribute the
spectrum resource via spectrum pricing techniques and methods. Beginning with a discussion of important of the
underlying value of and how that is important in determining spectrum prices, we then follow with a discussion of
methods for determining spectrum values using an example from the Digital Dividend. Next, spectrum pricing
objectives are outlined and described and market-based spectrum prices are contrasted with administratively
determined spectrum prices.
Spectrum Valuation
Radio spectrum is an extremely valuable and often scarce resource which makes a major contribution to economic
and social development, and is necessary to ensuring national and civil security. Maximizing and ensuring an
efficient distribution of the net benefits generated by spectrum are important goals promoted by spectrum values
and spectrum price mechanisms, which help to ensure that spectrum is used efficiently by users.
Spectrum values reflected in spectrum prices help to promote both economic and technical efficiency in the use of
radio resources. Spectrum values can also be significant and help raise significant revenues for the government
and recover the costs of managing spectrum.
Methods for Valuing Spectrum
Spectrum is either valued using prices in market transactions (auctions, spectrum trading or leasing) or by
administrative means. Market based methods allow users to estimate the commercial value of spectrum based on
their own and the market's expectations around what benefits that can be derived from its use. Administrative
methods are also used in the assignment of spectrum and the determination its prices. In some cases, the method
employed simply results in a recovery of spectrum management costs plus targeted revenue. In other cases,
analytical and modeling techniques are used develop prices which reflect the underlying spectrum value.
Administrative fees and prices
The administrative assignment of spectrum is often supplemented by imposing charges for spectrum use. These
charges usually take the form of simply setting fees sufficient to recover the costs of spectrum management. Prices
can also be used to guide users in making decisions to use spectrum more efficiently. One example, applicable
within the framework of administrative assignment of spectrum, is to set a charge for spectrum equal to an
estimate of what the spectrum might be worth in a market context. This is sometimes called administered incentive
Market-based prices
Alternatively, prices can emerge through an authentic market transaction such as an auction or secondary trading.
The general theory of prices involves assumptions regarding the economic behaviour of consumers when using
resources while being concerned with rational preferences for certain outcomes, utility (maximizing efficiency and
profit) and information availability and access. From these assumptions, economists developed a structure to help
understand how the allocation of scarce resources among alternative ends occurs in markets. We employ these
basic principles to begin our understanding of how market prices for spectrum are set.
Administered incentive prices
We also describe a method where the spectrum regulator attempts to approximate the prices (often flat rate
charges) that might emerge in a market context. This method is referred to as administered incentive pricing:
administered because prices are set by the regulator reflecting the opportunity cost of spectrum while
incorporating potential incentive properties: prices are thereby set at a level to encourage efficient use reflecting
spectrum scarcity.
Cost Recovery and Spectrum Usage Fees
In the section Cost Recovery and Spectrum Usage Fees, we discuss the necessary recovery of spectrum regulatory
agency operations costs. A discussion on spectrum usage fees follows.
Next, we discuss where spectrum is assigned by means of a lottery: a winning ticket chosen at random will carry
with it a spectrum award. This is a non-pricing method of assignment. However we note it here (and advise
against it), as the lottery winner will often wish to turn the licence into cash (if he or she is allowed to do so) by
trading it on markets.
Spectrum Auctions
We then consider, in some detail, how prices for spectrum licences can emerge through an auction process,
reviewing different types of auction and their likely outcome. Auctions are a well-known means of using market-
generated prices to assign spectrum at the time of its first issue by the spectrum regulator. In markets where
subsequent or secondary trading of licences is allowed, procedures will emerge that set the prices for such trades,
and these may also include auctions.
Adjusting Spectrum Prices
Finally, we give an account of how the spectrum regulator approximates spectrum prices that might emerge in a
market context by setting spectrum charges, which reflect the opportunity cost of spectrum.
An important issue can arise when the regulator uses both administrative and market-based systems for different
spectrum segments, which is the issue of price adjustment and alignment. For example, a regulator needs to
consider how spectrum prices should be adjusted in adjacent bands when auctions take place indicating a rise in
the opportunity cost of spectrum and equally should prices fall along the lines of mark-to-market valuation
Spectrum Valuation
The reasons for valuing spectrum are abundantly clear. Radio spectrum is an extremely valuable and often scarce
natural resource (especially below 1 GHz) with a multitude of uses with major contributions to economic and social
development, while helping to ensure national and civil security. To suggest that modern economies depend on
fully developed and robust wireless communications capability is not an exaggeration.
In general, for any resource, including radio spectrum, the primary economic objective is to maximize the net
benefits generated from the resource enabling an efficient distribution with maximum benefits to society. Spectrum
values and spectrum prices are mechanisms used to ensure that spectrum resources are used efficiently by users.
I Appropriate spectrum values and price promote spectrum efficiency. Spectrum is a vital natural
resource and spectrum prices should be sufficient enough to ensure it is valued and used wisely.
I Using the spectrum resource drives considerable economic benefit, which should be maximized.
I Spectrum management costs money and these costs can be recovered from those who benefit from
these activities through spectrum prices.
I Finally, important social and cultural objectives can be advanced by using spectrum and spectrum
pricing mechanisms should facilitate the achievement of governments social and cultural objectives.
Spectrum values are therefore reflected in spectrum prices and help to promote both economic and technical
efficiency in the use of radio resources. Spectrum values can also be significant and help raise significant revenues
for the government, which, in turn, recovers the costs of managing spectrum.
The Digital Dividend provides an example of significant spectrum values which are presented in Table 5.2.1.
Economic Value of the Digital Dividend - An EU Example
The European Commission refers to an estimate in the value of the Digital Dividend that exceeds EUR 150 billion,
which is about 2.2 per cent of the annual European GDP for the total value of electronic communications services
that depend on use of radio spectrum in the EU. Radio spectrum has an essential role as an enabler for growth, as
was pointed out in the i2010 initiative. Significant estimates of the economic value of the Digital Dividend in the EU
have been made and are provided below.
The question of how to measure spectrum values is explored in more detail in Section 5.2.1.
Measuring Spectrum Values
Spectrum is either valued using prices in market transactions (auctions, spectrum trading or leasing) or by
administrative means. Market based methods allow users to estimate the commercial value of spectrum based on
their own and the market's expectations around what benefits can be derived from its use. Not all radio spectrum
is assigned or re-assigned using market based methods. Administrative methods are also used in the assignment
of spectrum and determination of spectrum prices. In some cases, the method employed simply results in a
recovery of spectrum management costs plus targeted revenue. In other cases, analytical and modeling techniques
are used develop prices which reflect the underlying spectrum value. Administered Incentive Prices (AIP) is one such
technique and is used in the UK by Ofcom and by ACMA in Australia - See Section 5.9.3 AIP in Practice.
The main problems with traditional administrative spectrum price determination are:
I At best they can only reflect the scarcity of the bands to which they apply;
I They emerge from a computational process by the regulator not from the interaction of firms in a
market place;
I The computational process is inevitably inaccurate and subjective. It is however better than adopting
a zero price, which we know is incorrect;
I A risk assessment process (consultation or a study such as this one) is required to establish the
harm imposed by making them too high and too low.
I Applying economic and business valuation modelling techniques brings much needed rigor to the
exercise of valuing spectrum.
Two forms of spectrum valuation which attempt to reflect market prices but which are not derived in the market
and hence may be viewed as less reliable are Economic Modelling and Business Based Valuation. These methods
do have an advantage in that values will be more consistent over time which overcomes the argument that
prevailing extant prices may be distorted to due transitory factors.
Economic Modelling
The objective of economic modelling is to assess spectrum value from the perspective of its contribution to the
Use Assumptions Valuation
Six DTT multiplexes in each Member State requiring 48 MHz when
using National SFN's (8 MHz channels per SFN) and 384 MHz
when using MFN's (64 MHz spectrum channels per multiplex).
Between EUR 130 Billion
and EUR 370 Billion
discounted over 15 yrs.
One multiplex using either 8 MHz per SFN or approximately 48
MHz for an MFN.
Between EUR 2.5 Billion and
EUR 25 Billion discounted
over 15 yrs.
Use of a 72 MHz sub-band within the 470-862 MHz band for
wireless broadband services.
Between EUR 50 Billion and
EUR 190 Billion discounted
over 15 yrs.
Total Between EUR 182.5 Billion
and EUR 585 Billion
discounted over 15 yrs.
TABLE 5.2.1
EU Estimates in Value for the
Digital Dividend
Source: Exploiting the Digital Dividend
a European Approach, Analysis Mason,
DotEcon, Hogan & Hartson, 2009.
national economy. This is important because we are interested in increasing economic contribution which translates
into increasing value. It also allows us to take into account changes in the raising or lowering of economic activity
such as economic downturns, changes in taxation, new trade relationships.
The basic model involves examining the economy at three levels of aggregation to get a picture of the stimulus to
the overall economy on the assumption there are meaningful connections between individual, households, firms,
industries and the macro-economy. Economic modelling gauges the increment in economic output and its effect in
terms of employment and GDP per head. The essence of modelling consists of:
I Assessing demand using various take-up scenarios;
I Constructing a quantitative model using regression analysis and carefully selecting parameters;
I Applying historical data and projecting forward across the three levels of the economy.
How can the results be used? At best we can determine general trends and make some linkages between income
growth, productivity growth and increasing use of spectrum in the overall economy. A value of potential impact on
the overall economy can be determined after considerable effort.
A study involving 92 countries by Waverman et al (Waverman 2004) found that on average if a country has a
teledensity greater than 10%, per capita GDP growth accelerates by 0.59 per cent per annum. It is safe to conclude
the use of spectrum in cellular services makes an important contribution to growing the economy. It is more
difficult to attach specific valuations to specific bands. One important issue to consider is to understand at which
point does the contribution from spectrum begin to tail off and what adjustments if any are necessary. The amount
to be charged to individual spectrum users cannot be easily determined even when the economic contribution to
the economy can be determined. Is a 10% or 25% discount rate appropriate?
Business-based Valuation Model
A business-based valuation model assesses the value of spectrum from a commercial perspective. This is highly
relevant to this particular study (and to users). The objectives of both regulator and operator converge at the point
when the spectrum is optimally priced. Industry Canada is interested in economic and technical efficiency while the
operator is interested in exploiting the profit potential of the assigned frequencies. The principles of the business-
based valuation approach involve understanding how much profit the spectrum in question will generate.
A base model case is needed where aggregated current and future growth in demand and revenues for the sector
are compared to the costs of providing and delivering service (CAPEX and OPEX). The resulting discounted cash
flows do not, at this point, reflect the value of spectrum to a business since there are multiple factors affecting
profitability, not just the contribution of spectrum. Measuring the value of spectrum from the operators
perspective also involves estimating the constraints on profit such as competition and regulation. The number of
licensees entering the market affects the demand model and the impact of new services and technologies needs to
be factored into the measurement of spectrum value.
Estimating the value of spectrum will involve analysis of the impact on profits of changes in spectrum fees over the
model period. Modelling what happens to estimates of profits across the sector in the case where there are no
spectrum fees is revealing and can be analyzed in comparison to current fee levels.
Some of the important issues which will affect spectrum valuation utilizing a business-based model include the
The level and growth in demand (subscribers and ARPU) given that certain regional markets may be considered as
mature or maturing;
I The level of competition and market shares on a regional basis and the impact on spectrum
valuations on a regional basis;
I Attractiveness of substitute or alternative bands such as 800 MHz and 1900 MHz band for the
introduction of new services and technology;
I Strength of competition from other services including fixed line and new services such as VoIP and
I Assumptions about current and future costs of equipment and assumptions about operating costs
of all operators and the timing of investments.
Determining spectrum values which relate directly to the commercial perspectives of the primary users of the
spectrum in the provision of services is highly relevant to the goals of promoting efficiency and fair competition in
the sector.
Spectrum Pricing Objectives
Policies are needed to govern spectrum revenues and spectrum prices which serve to ensure the efficient use of
spectrum and to enable financial sustainability of the spectrum regulator. Revenue objectives and strategies relate
directly back to the primary objectives; spectrum users pay for spectrum use, covering management costs,
spectrum efficiency, and achieving economic and social development goals.
The total amount of revenue to be raised from some or all spectrum uses falls into three categories:
I "Partial" cost recovery not all of the costs of regulation are obtained;
I Full cost recovery all costs are covered;
I Greater than full cost recovery a surplus is generated which may be related to several other objectives.
Given that the amount of revenue generated is determined and from whom, the next question to be resolved is
how should the revenue be applied:
I Cost recovery if the amount of revenue obtained is less than or equal to the cost of spectrum
management, the decision on application has already been determined. Where surplus revenues exist and
are approaching revenue maximization they may be related to spectrum usage or to other benefits.
I Spectrum Usage revenues associated with mechanisms to promote efficient
I Economic benefits for the public revenues associated with other regulatory or government objectives:
employment, technology innovation and diffusion.
Spectrum pricing refers to a range of spectrum management activities and mechanisms including administrative
fees, spectrum usage, and spectrum prices determined by way of market mechanisms. Developing spectrum-
pricing strategies invariably involves alignment with the governments and regulators revenue goals and
objectives, setting targets, and discussion with key stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Finance and key sector
groups i.e. telecommunications service providers
In general, for any resource, including radio spectrum, the primary economic objective is to maximize the net
benefits generated from the resource initiating efficient distribution that will maximize benefits to society. Spectrum
prices are used as an important mechanism to ensure that spectrum resources are used efficiently by users.
I The pre-eminent policy objective for spectrum pricing is that it should be done to promote spectrum
efficiency. Spectrum is a vital natural resource and the price of spectrum is sufficient enough to ensure it is
valued and used wisely.
I Use of the spectrum provides considerable benefit to the economy and the benefit derived from spectrum
should be maximized.
I Managing radio frequency spectrum costs money and these costs should be recovered from those who
benefit from spectrum management activities.
I In general, a user pay principle should apply which extends to all users of spectrum: public and private.
Finally, important social and cultural objectives can be realized by use of the spectrum and spectrum pricing should
facilitate the achievement of government social and cultural objectives.
Spectrum Management Cost Recovery
It takes money to run a spectrum regulatory agency. The resources the spectrum management agency requires
include: skilled labour, IT resources, investment in technical monitoring equipment, and expenditures to pay for
participation in ITU and other international meetings. As well, the normal inputs such as office space and utility
services needed to be funded. Governments can remunerate such costs directly from general revenue and in
certain circumstances they should do so (for example if full cost recovering would deter spectrum use). It is usually
efficient, however, for licensees or groups of licensees to be liable for the direct regulatory costs which they
impose, on the ground that such costs are caused by each licensee. Each user should then expect a direct cost
based licence charge when it seeks access to spectrum, just as it takes account of other costs which it incurs or
A sound legal and policy framework are the foundations upon which sound spectrum management
practices are built. The authority to establish the appropriate method and means to set spectrum prices,
levy and collect spectrum application fees and spectrum charges such as spectrum usage charges, assign,
and licence spectrum should be established in primary legislation (the Act) and secondary (the
Regulations) legislation. Establishing the authority rests with the legislature. The Government should set
general spectrum policy and policy governing spectrum revenue, prices and fees.
Best practice includes such measures as communication and publication of schedules for spectrum
application fees and spectrum charges. Also, legislation often provides for stakeholder input in the form
of stakeholder consultation and where difficulties or infringements of rights are perceived mechanisms
for raising objections, seeking redress and dispute resolution.
The approach taken by the spectrum authority should be:
I Spectrum pricing policies are efficient by being fair to all sides;
I Methods should be objective and measurable;
I Transparent decision-making and access to information;
I Practices and procedures should be simple to manage and administer.
Because one of the goals is to recover spectrum management costs there is a need to determine what
costs should be included and at what (reasonable) level. In doing so there are several considerations:
I Organization strategy, structure and function and key activities;
I Initial minimal capabilities needed within the regulator;
I Strategies and costs to fill resource and capacity gaps.
Best Practice Spectrum Pricing
and Fees Guidelines

The Structure of Costs in a Spectrum Management Agency
The activities of each licensee impose direct costs on the regulator. These include the costs of issuing, maintaining
data, spectrum monitoring and enforcing its individual licenses. Some costs will be common to a band or to a
radio service (such as band planning); whereas others will be common to a group of bands and some, such as
management overheads, will straddle all licensees. The Australian study referenced in the following practice note
suggests that indirect costs predominate.
Setting Fees and Prices to Recover Costs in Practice
Fees are usually imposed by the regulator when administratively assigning spectrum and processing applications.
The types of fees include:
I Application fees
I Type approval fees
I Radio operator examination fees
I Fees for radio operator certificates
I Interference complaint investigation fees
Setting fees schedules and prices to recover costs has been tackled by regulators in several ways. Some have used
detailed costing models to establish which licenses have imposed which costs; others rules of thumb. Rules of
thumb, such as setting charges on the basis of a percentage licensees turnover, are likely to be subject to
increasing criticism by those who think they are overcharged. In these circumstances, a simple model of direct
costs can be developed. The model needs to be based on defined structure and business processes and
associated management accounting data within the regulator for example the amount of time spent issuing and
enforcing particular licences. As well, a method of allocating indirect or common costs will be needed for
example, based on licensees in proportion to the direct costs which they impose. Or they can be allocated in
accordance with the amount of spectrum (e.g., in MHz) with which a licence is associated.
The choice between these and other approaches has to be made by the regulator in the light of considerations of
fairness, and the likely effect of the charges on spectrum use. If a high allocation of indirect costs makes a licence
uneconomic, the matter may require reconsideration. We give two examples of alternative approaches in the
following practice note and reference document.
ITU-D: Study Groups: Spectrum Fees Database - Spectrum Management
Spectrum Usage Fees
Spectrum usage fees are charged to recover a spectrum resource rent for the government and to ensure that
users of spectrum utilize the resource on an efficient basis. Under a spectrum usage pricing framework users
should move to a state where only assigned and utilized spectrum is paid for. Unutilized spectrum is returned for
Specific targets for spectrum use do vary considerably across regions. There is an argument for making spectrum
usage charges consistent across a region to avoid investment disincentives. However, in looking at regional best
practice several important factors including scarcity, quality, congestions and value in use need to be taken into
It should be noted that spectrum usages charges should also apply to other main users of spectrum including
microwave and satellite.
Spectrum Usage Fees in Practice
There are two methods for pricing described in the articles which are commonly adopted for concession and
network pricing and for spectrum usage. These two systems are briefly described below
I Spectrum Use Management Value (Nurmatov); and
I System Performance Pricing (Nozdrin)
Spectrum Use Management Value
Fees can be calculated on the base of costs on spectrum management possibly to present in the total functional
F = Di
F = f (Di, Li x I)
F = fee, imposed on the spectrum authorisation licensee
Di = direct administrative costs on processing license applications;
Li = share of in additional administrative costs;
I = total additional costs.
System Performance Pricing
A universal approach to spectrum price determination based on system performance has been developed where
the price can be built up from a number of separate elements based on any or all of various criteria such as the
amount of spectrum used, number of channels or links used, degree of congestion, efficiency of radio equipment,
transmitter power/coverage area, geographical location and so forth. The basic principle of this approach is to
identify various technical parameters in order to measure the spectrum volume used or define the pollution area
of a radio system as a common basis for establishing spectrum fees.
For example, the following universal formula may be considered by the box below:
Spectrum Royalties and Lotteries
Spectrum royalties and lotteries are administrative methods for raising revenue which may bear no resemblance to
either the economic value of spectrum or the cost of spectrum management. Historically, royalties and lotteries
preceded what are now viewed in practice as more reliable market-based methods for setting prices such as
Spectrum Royalties
Spectrum or licence charges can be assessed as a percentage of (or royalty on) revenues or profits, which has to
be handed to the spectrum regulator under the terms of the licence received or profits earned by an operator.
This can be a way to cover regulatory costs, or it can be designed to raise revenue for the government.
The amounts that royalties paid go up and down depends on the the prosperity of the firm and sector (e.g.,
mobile communications). This makes the regulator a kind of partner of the operator, sharing a common interest in
maximising revenue or profit. Because royalty payments depend upon operators performance the income they
generate is unpredictable, which may be a disadvantage. There also needs to be legislative clarity to ensure that
what might be viewed as taxation is indeed legal.
Finally, the basis for calculating payments must be spelt out, to prevent an operator from using accounting devices
to hide income or profit and thus reduce payment.
Revenues are raised by applicants paying entrance fees to gain spectrum rights. Although this procedure may
seem attractive and equitable, it has many drawbacks and has fallen out of favour.
I First, if there are many applicants, the cost of administration may be large, especially if applications
are reviewed and vetted for suitability.
I Second, tif applicants are not vetted the lucky winner may not have the necessary qualifications to
P = spectrum price;
V = volume of space or geometric area occupied;
M = useful results obtained from the radio equipment considered, for example the number of channels to
be provided or users to be served;
Kf = coefficient reflecting specific characteristics of range used;
Ks = coefficient taking into account the region of the radio station installation;
Km = coefficient reflecting social benefit of radio system;
Cs = annual spectrum management costs;
Kp = coefficient reflecting the level of spectrum access demand in the band in question.
On one hand, the application of this method can stimulate more efficient spectrum utilization; on the
other hand various problems with the practical use of such formulas remain to be resolved. One
disadvantage of the above technique is the choice of coefficients designed to take into account specific
features of service, spectrum demand, etc.
Universal Formula for System
Performance Pricing
operate the service efficiently. If they are not allowed to sell the licence, this may be a recipe for
I And if, thirdly, they are allowed to sell them to efficient operators, the winners will be appropriating
auction proceeds which would otherwise go to the government.
Spectrum Auctions
In recent years regulators have relied heavily upon assigning some licences via a competitive process involving
(normally) a monetary payment (which we call an auction) rather than relying on alternative procedures such as
comparative hearings. In which applications are judged on a range of criteria. A more complete discussion of the
methods for selecting licensees can be found in Section 3 of this Spectrum Management Module. This present
Section focuses on the pricing aspects of the selection process.
In an auction, contestants for a licence make competitive bids and the licence goes to the highest bidder. It is
normal for the bids to be made in monetary term, the competitor offering the largest monetary sum getting the
licence. But the competition can be in some other variable. For example, competitors can bid against are another
over which of them will offer service over the largest geographical area. Or the competition can be in term of
which operator will charge the lowest amount for service. Once the rules are established, however, the winner is
determined by the operation of the competitive process, not by an administrative decision.
Switching from comparative hearings, followed by an administrative decision, to an auction does not in itself
fundamentally change the spectrum regulatory regime. If licences specify in great detail the technological
apparatus to be employed and services to be provided, the winner of an auction is as effectively tied down as a
firm granted a licence by any other means. The key differences are that:
I an auction assigns the licence to the firm which bids the most, and that may in certain conditions be
the most efficient firm;
I a competitive auction will, if it operates properly, cause any expected excess profits from providing
the service to go to the Government, rather than the operator as would be the case if the operator
were chosen via a competitive hearings.
The licence being auctioned is not always so prescriptive as assumed above, but may allow the successful licensee
to choose what services to provide. We consider some of the resulting issues associated with change of use under
the heading of secondary trading in practice.
Although auctions have been used in many countries over the last 10-15 years, it still remains the case that most of
the spectrum in use in all countries has been allocated by administrative methods. Auctions tend in practice to be
confined to cases where:
I the spectrum available is in scarce supply;
I many firms want to acquire licence;
I the service to be provided with the spectrum can be precisely defined
I the monetary value of the licence is relatively high, justifying what can be a complex assignment
It is clear, however, that auctions can be used in a wider class of cases than these. A successful auction process
relies upon clarity about the rights and obligations being auctioned, and also from clear rules for the conduct of
the auction. If either of these is absent, firms will face uncertainty which will make them reluctant to participate or to
submit high bids.
A more extensive discussion of the methods for selecting licensees can be found in Section 3 of this module.
Types of Spectrum Auctions
There are several circumstances where an auction can be considered as a means of assigning licences:
I The simplest case is one in which a single license is offered for auction in a self-standing process.
I When two or more identical or complementary licences are offered, they can be offered sequentially
or simultaneously. Where each licence is local, a simultaneous auction can allow firms to piece
together local licences to provide broader coverage.
I The licence(s) can be assigned on the basis of a so-called open bidding or public process, with bids
visible to other parties, or on a sealed tender system, under which each party marks a single private
offer; there are numerous alternative variants of open auctioning, one of which is the so-called clock
I The auction can have a minimum acceptable bid or reserve price.
Some examples are given below:
I A spectrum regulator proposes to assign a single licence for the provision of a national second
generation mobile telephone service. The successful applicant must commit itself to providing
coverage to 50% of the land area and 80% the population. Sealed bids must be submitted by a
specified date, by firms which have pre-qualified (i.e. have shown their competence to become a
licensee). The winner is the firm which bids the most.
I Two or more licences to provide national 3G mobile services are auctioned.Pre-qualified applicants
bid against each other in an open bidding auction. They have the opportunity to submit new bids for
the licences at pre-specified intervals. The auction ends when the winning bids for each licence are
the same, in terms of bidder and sum bid, as they were in the previous round. To ensure completion
of such an auction, firms must be made to bid at a specified frequency.
I This example is similar to the 3G example above, except that there is restriction as to the use to
which the winning competitor can put the spectrum (provided that interference conditions are met).
Such auctions are said to exhibit technology- and service-neutrality. A countrys territory is divided
into, for instance, twenty areas, and three (identical or similar) licences are auctioned in each area
(sixty in all). The procedure is an open bidding one. At each round, a firm can bid for one licence in
each region. This procedure makes it possible for firms to put together a national service by bidding
in all areas simultaneously. At the opposite extreme a firm can bid to provide a local service in one
area only.
I An ascending clock auction is a procedure for selling multiple identical licences which requires the
auctioneer to announce prices to bidders that increase over time (ascend with the clock) and bidders
choose whether to accept or reject the announced prices. The auction is over when the number of
bids equals the number of licences. The winning bidders all pay the required bid amount and each
of them is assigned an identical licence. Variants of the clock auction can accommodate differences
among licences, via a separate sequence of prices for each one. Clock auctions can also be
combined with a subsequent phases to deal with bids for packages of complementary licences.
The choice of auction mode will vary with the nature of licences made available, the number and nature of firms
with an interest in theirs and the regulators or governments objectives. There are a number of trade-offs between,
for example, the advantages which an open auctioning system has in spreading knowledge among firms about
other firms valuations, hence encouraging higher bidding, and the opportunities for collusion among bidders
which the communication present in open auctioning may facilitate. As a result, each set of circumstances tends to
require an individual solution.
Specifying Rights and Obligations
A successful auction requires a clear understanding by participants of what rights and obligations are available to
the winner or will be imposed upon them. If there is uncertainty about this, it will discourage competitive bidding.
Auctions differ in two main ways: in the number of lots (or licences) made available and the way the auction is
conducted. There has been a significant number of mobile licenses grant by auction around the world and they
form a good basis for analysis and understanding. In relation to these wireless communication licences, some the
the key variables in designing the auction are:
I The number of licences to be offered to the service and in which band: this decision is of
fundamental importance, since it determines the structure of the services market. The objective of
maximizing consumer welfare suggests the harnessing of competitive forces to the maximum i.e.,
issuing, subject to spectrum availability, as many licences as the market will be able to support (plus
one or two extras to permit freedom of entry into the market);
I Any commitments made at the time of the auction relating to restrictions on the award of subsequent
I Whether national or local regional licences are issued; here the regulator may find it helpful to
anticipate the kind of business plans (national or regional) firms are likely to have and make licences
available, accordingly there is nothing to preclude a mixture of national and regional licences;
I How long the licences will last: too short a period may discourage investment in the services, while
too long a period may allow the spectrum in question to stagnate if it cannot be sold on for another
I Any obligations a licensee may have to make periodic payments in the course of the licence;
I Any network roll-out obligations or use it or lose it clause;
I Any foreign ownership restrictions.
All these aspects influence the expected revenues from the auction, and their expected impact on consumer
Rules and Procedures for Spectrum Auctions
Auctions only work properly when there are clear rules attached to them which all participants understand. These
should be designed both to prevent collusion and to bring the proceedings to an efficient close. Regulators have
to stipulate the rules in some detail in bidding documents.
The nature of the rules required varies from the very basic to the more sophisticated, depending on the form of
auction chosen.
In the former category, basic housekeeping rules have to be established to ensure that scaled bid remain
confidential until the official opening date, and that competing bids in an open bidding system are delivered
simultaneously by all competitors.
To bring complex multiple round auctions to a close, it is necessary to force all participants to bid at regular
intervals (according to so-called activity rules ), rather than make unexpected bids as the end of the process
approaches, and to ensure that there is a minimum bid increment, to prevent bids rising endlessly by small
amounts. Both the Canadian Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) and other spectrum in the 2GHz range auction and
the Finnish 2500-2690 MHz spectrum auction featured activity rules, for example.
In one US PCS auction, it was discovered that participants were using the amounts they bid to signal to competitors
more precisely to warn them off bidding for certain lots. As a result, a rule was introduced which required bids
to be in round numbers, which could not send signals of this type.
Related Materials
Module 3, "Authorization of Telecommunication/ICT Services", Section 4.1.1, "Features of a Multiple Round Auction:
The Canadian Example"
Spectrum Auctions in Practice
Literally hundreds of spectrum auctions have been conducted in the past ten years. Some have attracted great
attention by generating billions of euros or dollars from bidders. Most have been on a much smaller scale. A
range of methods have been employed and some have been judged successful, others found to have failed.
Regulators can learn from this experience to choose a procedure which meets their circumstances.
Here we offer an account of a selection of spectrum auctions; it is not intended to be complete but to identify
useful precedents.
Great experience has been accumulated in the USA, where the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has run a
series of auctions starting in July 1994, and continuing in 2007.
One commentator has drawn the following lessons from these auctions, which typically have involved the
auctioning of multiple local licences which can be aggregated to provide regional or national services:
I Open bidding is better than a single sealed bid;
I Simultaneous open bidding is better than a sequential auction, in which licences are auctioned one
after another;
I Allowing bidders to bid for packages (e.g. a group of local licences capable of providing wider area
services) is desirable in principle but found (in 2001) to be too difficult in practice;
I Collusion in a major problem, which can be countered by concealing bidders identities (i.e.
publishing the bid, but not who made them), and setting high resume prices, amongst other ways.
The most conspicuous recent auctions have probably been those for 3G (UMTS) licences in Europe. In 2000-2001 a
sequence of auctions took place, beginning with the UK, where operators bid very large amounts (USD 35 billion
for five 3G licences). Although revenues from the German auction several months later were also high, thereafter
they declined on a per capita basis. Many analysts of these processes have now been published among the best
that by Paul Klemperer, to be found in the references below.
Where a small number of national licences are being auctioned, for example in a developing country, a simpler
approach is possible. A good example of this is provided by the auction of three identical GSM licences in Nigeria
in 2002. This was done with a carefully thought-out process which involved invitation and pre-qualification stages,
as well as the auction itself. Recognising the problem of collusion, the designers made alternative plans which
depended on the number of qualified bidders for the three licences. If they were five or more - i.e., if bidders
exceeded the number of licences by more than one, an ascending clock auction would be held. If these were only
four, a sealed bid process would be implemented.
Related Materials
Module 3, "Authorization of Telecommunication/ICT Services", Section 4.1.1, "Features of a Multiple Round Auction:
The Canadian Example"
Secondary Markets
When licences for spectrum are being initially offered, auctions can create competition for spectrum however it is
often the case that the successful licensee is precluded from trading the licence at anytime afterward. Continuous
reselling of spectrum becomes possible when a secondary market operated in respect of either spectrum that has
been auctioned or of spectrum allocated initially by administrative methods but which is now been cleared for
trading. When a secondary market is combined with flexibility in spectrum use, licences can be deployed by the
original licensee or, after a trade, by another firm in a new innovative use. Auctions alone merely introduce an initial
market-based selection by organizations that will exercise highly specified spectrum usage rights, whereas
secondary trading seeks to develop a primarily market-based solution both for spectrum assignment and for
spectrum allocation, on the condition that flexibility in use is permitted.
For more details on market-based sharing see sections 4.2.4 Market-based sharing and 4.3.4 Spectrum sharing in
practice of this module.
Defining Property Rights for Spectrum Trading
Where trading occurs, it is desirable or even necessary that buyer and seller as well as the regulator and the
courts where appropriate share the same understanding of this bundle of rights and obligations which is
changing hands. This is true of land, for example, and also of a spectrum licence. Clearly defined property rights
are thus a precondition for efficient spectrum markets.
The dimensions of rights and obligations in a spectrum licence include:
I The band which is available for use;
I The geographical area in which it can be used;
I The period for which the licence is entitled;
I The uses to which it can be put;
I The licensees degree of protection from other users;
I The licensees obligation not to interfere with other spectrum users rights.
Administered Incentive Prices (AIP)
Administered Incentive Prices (AIP) are used by some regulators (principally by ACMA in Australia, the Ministry of
Economic Development of New Zealand, and Ofcom in the UK) as an additional tool to promote efficiency in
spectrum use within a framework of administrative spectrum management.
It is called administered incentive pricing or AIP since prices continue to be administered or set by the regulator
and include potential incentive properties to promote efficient use. There is strong evidence that AIPs which are
intended to be set at a level reflecting spectrum scarcity in particular bands encourage efficiency and economy in
spectrum use.
In this section, AIPs are described in more detail beginning with Section 5.9.1 Introduction to AIP followed by an
outline and explanation of the opportunity cost approach commonly used to develop AIPs in Section 5.9.2 -The
Opportunity Cost of Spectrum. In Sections 5.9.3 and 5.9.4 AIP in Practice and Methods to Adjust AIP are described.
Introduction to Administered Incentive Prices
Spectrum prices should be set with a clear view of objectives and intended results. Administratively assigned
licences usually carry with them an obligation by the licensee to make a payment to the regulator or government
that is designed to promote efficient spectrum use not simply to recover spectrum management costs. The idea
is that if spectrum is priced reflective of its value in a market place (for example prices set by spectrum auction) a
user with unused or underutilized spectrum will choose to return it or trade spectrum rather than pay the charge.
As well, if a user can pay a lower fee by using less spectrum that is by being more efficiently, that user will
rationally adopt more spectrum-efficient operations.
Comparing Spectrum Pricing Approaches
Promoting efficiency is generally achieved by relating spectrum prices to key factors such as frequency band
(coverage and data carrying capacity), bandwidth, extent to which the band is sterilized (exclusive licenses and
guard bands), type of service, population density, location of use. In most cases, the parameters used in
developing formulae bear no relationship to the spectrum demand or opportunity costs associated with the use of
spectrum in an alternate higher value use. Instead of using market-based prices, values for spectrum prices and
parameters are set by the spectrum manager using judgements which are heavily influenced by historical
precedents and often political sensitivity and reluctance to make major changes in fees. The cost recovery price of
spectrum can also cause a user to return excess spectrum or to use spectrum more efficiently, but often they are
too low to impose an appropriate level of discipline on licensees.
Benchmarks using observed prices in market transactions in the same or related frequencies are often are included
in the analysis of spectrum values because benchmark prices provide some reference and basis for having arrived
at similar conclusions concerning price levels even though true comparisons are difficult since like for like situations
are uncommon. These transaction prices will embody not only opportunity costs the cost-saving potential of the
spectrum licence, but also any excess profits which the licence holder can derive through exclusivity or market
power. As a result, benchmarks should be used with caution. For example, the comparison involves two mobile
licences that were auctioned in another jurisdiction. Bids may well have been based on business plans which
anticipated high mobile telephone charges, based on limited competition. If a new entrant in your own market is
faced with administered price equal to the benchmark auction bids, it might find it uneconomic to enter the mobile
market, as the profits achievable in a more competitive market might not be enough to cover so high a charge.
This shows how an excessive administered price can leave spectrum underutilised.
Administrative Incentive Prices
Regulators are increasingly considering the use of market based mechanisms to determined spectrum allocations
mechanisms - auctions and trading to optimise the use of spectrum. AIP is a useful complementary tool for
establishing spectrum prices using opportunity costs to promote and encourage the efficient use of the spectrum
resource Ofcom, the UK regulator, has pointed out in its Administrative Incentive Price (AIP) Policy Evaluation
Report (2009), that (AIP) are effective used alongside the increased use of market-based allocations. As well, AIP
has improved information for all users and potential users on the value of scarce spectrum during the early
transition to a market-based approach to spectrum allocation.
AIP is expected to provide long term signals of spectrum value to spectrum users. These long-term value signals
are intended to help spectrum users (and their suppliers) make more efficient decisions concerning investment and
the combination of inputs such as land and equipment along with how much spectrum should be and investment in
radio technology. Given the significant investments made by many users which are tied up in radio equipment,
land, etc., and since these, in most cases, cannot be easily and quickly reconfigured to use other frequencies and
have a lifetime of many years, it should not be expected that AIP will lead to significant changes to spectrum use in
the short term. Ofcom has stated in its policy it does not expect AIP to achieve any specific short term spectrum
reallocation goals
AIPs are used as a surrogate for market prices reflecting opportunity cost and emphasizing productive efficiency
where the demand and supply of radio spectrum is brought into equilibrium by the working of the price
mechanism reflecting opportunity costs. AIPs target productive efficiency; one of three dimensions of economic
I Productive efficiency production of goods and services takes place at the lowest possible cost. In
the case of radio spectrum users select combinations of inputs such as spectrum, equipment, land
and labour to produce services at their lowest cost;
I Allocative efficiency an optimal mix of goods and services is produced which maximizes consumer
welfare no on benefits from the use of spectrum at some elses expense;
I Dynamic efficiency radio spectrum should be used in a way to encourage an appropriate level of
research and innovation.
Ultimately, spectrum values are determined by users using not only opportunity costs and an assessment of
alternatives but also the users view of the revenue potential associated with several possible uses and
deployments. Spectrum values can be expected to be determined by users based on expected net present values
of future returns where returns are determined based on calculations of all inputs (spectrum, land, equipment,
maintenance) using their market prices plus a value attributable to the flexibility of options available to the user in
how the frequencies can be used (positive externalities). Technology flexibility and service neutrality contribute to
spectrum values. For more on opportunity costs see Section 5.9.2 Opportunity Cost. For more on spectrum
valuation See Section 5.2 Spectrum Valuation and Section 5.2.1 Measuring Spectrum Values.
The Opportunity Cost of Spectrum
In the absence of a primary or secondary market for spectrum (or even in their presence), it may be desirable to
give licensees an incentive to economise on spectrum use, in order to discourage extravagant use or hoarding.
This applies both to private sector (or commercial) users and to public sector users.
There are various ways of doing this, including regular audits. By setting a charge for spectrum steady pressure is
imposed on users to economise, just as appropriate electricity prices discourage waste of electricity.
To apply the right level of price pressure without forcing excessive economies which leave valuable spectrum
unused, spectrum should be priced in any use at its opportunity cost. This can be found by estimating the other
resources which would be saved if the same spectrum were redeployed to produce another service, or the extra
costs which would be incurred if it were not available to provide the service for which it is currently employed, so
service had to be produced with less spectrum.
As an example, spectrum used from mobile communications can have its opportunity cost computed in either of
the above two ways. Either we can ask: how much extra would it cost to provide mobile communications with less
spectrum i.e., with better spectrum re-use, hence lower power and use of more base stations? Or we can ask: if
the spectrum were reallocated to another use, what costs would the new spectrum licensee save in the production
of that service? Both of these are possible measures of opportunity costs, but we should also take the higher of
the two (or more) estimates provided because that measures the cost to society of keeping the spectrum in its
current use.
Note that this approach only measures the potential of spectrum to reduce costs of services, not its role in
generating excess profits from monopolisation of services. Hence the opportunity cost is not an estimate of the
market price of leasing or buying spectrum, as this would include any monopoly profits. If the regulatory body
wants estimates of the market price of any spectrum, it might examine price levels in comparable commercial
transactions, such as auction proceeds or secondary trading.
If AIPs are based on opportunity cost, then it follows that they should be zero (and replaced, probably, by cost
recovery prices based on direct cost only) if the spectrum has no alternative use. This might arise because:
I there is no shortage of spectrum in the relevant frequency, so that all users can be accommodated;
I there is a legal impediment to using the spectrum in question for other purposes; this might apply for
instance, to spectrum used for the purposes of aeronautical communication under the auspices of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
A criticism of AIP, is that in the real world, decisions to bid and acquire spectrum are not only based on costs, but
also on the projection of future revenues, after analyzing the efficiency and capability of the technology and the
marketability of the resulting applications that the spectrum will support. Some argue, the best way to capture the
estimate for spectrum value is to use the net present value (NPV) concept, which balances the net costs against the
net cash inflows over time. From the point of view of a potential operator choosing whether or not to invest in a
particular Broadband Wireless Access market (for example) using NPV translates into a calculation of the total net
value of a project, assessing whether positive outputs (i.e., revenues) exceed input costs including spectrum as a
factor in determining net project value for the proposed project and whether the cost for the spectrum input is
Measurements of potential revenues can also be forecast with some reliability, through benchmarking similar
services, or benchmarking identical services in other markets. As well, more focused research can be done through
marketing studies and demand surveys of discrete markets.
Administered Incentive Prices in Practice
Administrative Incentive Prices (AIP) based on opportunity costs are used by Ofcom in the UK and ACMA in
Australia as an additional tool to promote efficiency in spectrum use within a framework of administrative spectrum
management. Licences are issued administratively but carry with them an obligation to make a payment to the
regulator or government which is designed to promote efficient spectrum use and not simply recover the costs of
managing spectrum. Basically, if a user has unused spectrum, the user will choose to return unused spectrum
rather than pay the charge. Also, if a user can pay a lower fee by using spectrum more efficiently, that user may
adopt more spectrum-efficient operations.
In this section, the approaches to AIP taken by Ofcom in the UK and ACMA in Australia are briefly described. The
summary conclusions drawn from Ofcoms AIP Policy Evaluation concerning the effectiveness of its AIP policy for
spectrum prices are also given.
The model for spectrum pricing known as administered incentive pricing (AIP), is based on the economic
rationale that market-based signals will generate economic responses that will lead to more efficient and
productive use of spectrum resources.
In practice, opportunity cost calculations and spectrum management policies are used to derive market-
oriented fees, even for spectrum bands that have never been auctioned. The fees may represent discounts
from true market-oriented amounts, based on policy goals or to avoid fee shock for users in lucrative
bands below 3 GHz. The fees are then imposed as economic costs upon the users of the spectrum input. If
the users find that the fee costs cannot be justified economically, they can release the spectrum. The
intended result is more productivity gained from the finite spectrum resource.
In its broadest sense, administered pricing has been employed in numerous countries, wherever
governments have opted not to conduct auctions but rather to set up-front or recurring fees based on
calculations or often simply estimates of what the operators would consent to pay. Contemporary AIP,
however, seeks to marry auction avoidance with market-oriented fees that are based on sound economic
principles. Not all governments, however, have been willing to impose AIP on all services particularly the
command-and-control public service operations that they themselves operate.
AIP: A Proxy for Market-Based
Source: Exploring the Value and
Economic Valuation of Spectrum, GSR
2010 Discussion Paper, ITU, John Alden.
Smith-NERA was commissioned by Ofcoms predecessor the Radiocommunication Authority in 1996 to
report on how AIP might be applied to range of licence classes given that the 1998 Wireless Telegraphy
Act (the WT Act 1998as primary legislation, was an important cornerstone in the development of AIP. The
WT Act 1998 permits the UK NRA to reflect considerations other than cost recovery when charging fees for
spectrum use. Up until that point, the existing regulatory framework had not provided any means by
which users could be incentivised to make efficient decisions about their spectrum requirements, based
on the value of the spectrum to society at large, as the legislation in place would not permit it. ). The WT
Act 1998, however, did not address government users of spectrum, who could continue to use spectrum
without a WT Act licence because of Crown immunity. In the late 1990s, no spectrum auctions had been
United Kingdom - OFCOM
The case for AIP is relatively simple. Due to increasing demand for applications and the introduction of new
services, spectrum is scarce or in excess demand1 in many frequencies and geographical areas not all potential
users and uses can be accommodated in their preferred frequencies and locations, and there is a need to ration
undertaken, although the principles were being discussed by the UK NRA. The results of the Smith-NERA
work and initially led to proposals to phase in AIP over 3 years commencing on 1997 for Fixed Services
(point-to-point links); Private Business Radio (including CBS use), and Public Mobile Communications
An AIP policy was subsequently continued by Ofcom given its duties and powers under the new
Communications Act. Ofcoms AIP methodology uses the marginal value of spectrum to the user taking
into consideration the amount of congestion in a given band and attempts to set fees at market-
clearing rates that balance spectrum supply and demand. Ofcom has said that one way to evaluate the
marginal value to the user is on the basis of the additional costs of the least-cost practicable alternative
another way of stating opportunity cost. For example, for a user of a point-to-point fixed service band,
the most cost-effective alternative to using the band would be either deploying more spectrally efficient
systems or relocating to higher frequencies. The relative costs of these alternatives reflect the marginal
Therefore, most valuation models involve a calculation of marginal costs associated with network
infrastructure, including equipment and construction costs, as well as cost of capital or labour. Some of
these costs can be known or at least well estimated, through benchmarking and survey of existing
equipment markets. This is particularly helpful if the spectrum being valued is harmonized across multiple
markets (or even worldwide), leading to predictable economies of scale and scope in manufacturing. It is
also clear that such cost calculations are made on a forward-looking, incremental basis, because the
analysis must capture ongoing costs, not a theoretical start from a baseline of zero.
Ofcom agreed with Smith-Nera that the key criteria when setting a more incentive based pricing regime
should be that:
I Prices should be based on the estimated marginal value of spectrum; \
I marginal spectrum values should be calculated by costing the alternatives faced by potential users
denied access to the spectrum and then taking the difference between the costs of providing the
service at current levels and the minimum cost of those alternatives initially prices less than
marginal values should be set, because the current allocation and assignment of spectrum was
not an equilibrium position;
I initial prices should be set at a fraction of the estimated marginal values, but probably at several
times the then current fee levels;
I prices should then be increased over, say, a five year timescale, depending on users' reactions.
Ofcom continued to develop AIP fees across a number of sectors beyond the initial three from a base set
by a general of 50% reduction over 10 years ago. This generally reflects the assessment that the risks to
optimal use posed by setting fees too high are more significant than those associated with setting them
too low as setting them too high could result in the loss of existing services that are efficient in their use
of spectrum, or the lack of new services that might otherwise have evolved if the spectrum was priced
Ofcom AIP Policy Evaluation, 2011
In 2011, Ofcom completed a review and evaluation of its AIP spectrum price policy. It concluded that:
I In the main, AIP continues to meet its primary objective in helping to incentivise spectrum users to
ensure that the spectrum they have access to, is used optimally;
I Alternative use of a non-incentive pricing mechanism such as Cost Recovery would have been
quite likely to allow inefficiencies to continue;
I AIP fees were set conservatively below expected opportunity costs, it is unlikely that the
application of AIP-based fees, by themselves, made otherwise economic uses of spectrum
demand by means of a price.
In the absence of price signals, users will lack incentives to economise in their use of scarce spectrum, and will tend
to hoard it or use it in greater quantities than if it was realistically priced. Putting a price on scarce spectrum
provides the necessary incentives and allows those who value it most to gain access to it thereby providing
services of a greater economic value to the benefit of citizens and consumers.
ACMAs approach to AIP is highlighted next.
The Federal Communications Commission, as directed by Congress, in 2010 developed a National Broadband Plan
which includes a detailed strategy for achieving affordability and maximizing use of broadband to advance public
policy goals including:
I consumer welfare;
I public safety and homeland security;
I health care delivery;
I energy independence and efficiency;
I education;
I job creation and economic growth;
I and other national purposes;
The goals identified in Promoting Mobile Broadband Infrastructure supports the Government's goal of making an
additional 500 megahertz (MHz) of spectrum available for mobile broadband by 2020 by expanding the use of
incentives mechanisms to reallocate or repurpose spectrum to higher-valued uses.
The FCC stated that it should also consider a more systematic set of incentives, (such as AIP among others) to
ensure productive use of spectrum to address broadband gaps in underserved areas.
Adjusting AIP spectrum prices
An important feature of the price for most objects is that it can change over time in response to scarcity,
ACMA which determines spectrum fees in Australia has operated a system of spectrum pricing which in
part utilizes opportunity costs. ACMA employs the following principles in developing spectrum fees to
encourage the efficient use of spectrum based on an equitable and consistent spectrum fee regime:
I Spectrum fees, however based, should cover the costs of authorizing spectrum;
I Taxes from spectrum licensees should recover the indirect costs of managing spectrum;
I Taxes should be based on the amount of spectrum denied to others;
I Spectrum fees should be based on their opportunity cost that is the best alternative use;
I If the opportunity cost is less than costs of managing spectrum, taxes should then make up the
difference but not exceed these costs.
I Adjustment factors will be used by ACMA to take special situations into account.
ACMAs treatment of AIP differs from Ofcoms in that AIPs should not exceed the costs to manage
spectrum somewhat restricting the incentive aspect of AIP.
Australia - ACMA

substitutes and changes in consumer tastes. To the extent prices change in well ordered markets, the prices of
spectrum will change when prices are determined by market methods.
What of administered prices and AIP? Again, prices can change as allocations and availability are altered through
international or national processes. If administrative scarcity is the dominant characteristic in certain bands
improving availability and access should have downward pressure on spectrum prices. As regulators become more
efficient in the management of radio spectrum, there is justification for a reduction in that portion of spectrum fees
that are related to cost recovery.
As we have seen AIPs for a particular band or service are determined by estimating the opportunity cost of the
existing service with the best alternative use. As opportunity costs change reflecting both technological
improvements and changes in the service offering then we can expect AIPs to be adjusted lower. This is the case
with the prices determined by Ofcom. Ofcom periodically re-calculates AIP for various services and adjusts some
prices upwards and others downwards.
Should the price of spectrum in bands adjacent to bands reflecting either an opportunity cost or market-prices go
up in price in some synchronous manner? The answer to this question depends on whether the bands in question
are used for similar services. Market-based methods will resolve the price question quite readily whereas the
spectrum manager will need to adjust the price through an administrative process and possibly run the potential
for both delay and inaccuracy.
Spectrum Monitoring and Compliance
Spectrum monitoring is one of four key spectrum management functions which include spectrum planning,
spectrum engineering and spectrum authorization. Spectrum monitoring helps spectrum managers to plan and use
frequencies, avoid incompatible usage, and identify sources of harmful interference. Key spectrum monitoring
activities explained in this section include data collection and compliance enforcement.
Properly designed and functioning spectrum management processes including planning, authorization and
engineering activities require data derived from monitoring technical procedures and from components which are
characterized by varying degrees of complexity and cost. Spectrum monitoring and compliance activities help
users to avoid incompatible frequency usage through identification of sources of harmful interference.
Furthermore, spectrum use planning and resolution of spectrum scarcity issues can be accomplished through study
and analysis of spectrum occupancy data. Maintaining interference free assignments includes the use of data and
electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) verification activities, as well as monitoring and enforcement activities needed
to ensure user compliance with licence conditions and technical standards.
In the next three parts of this section, we expand on the topic of Spectrum Monitoring and demonstrate its
importance in supporting spectrum management activities. In the first section, we provide more detailed
explanations of spectrum monitoring objectives, activities and strategies. Spectrum monitoring technology is
outlined in the second section. The last section deals with compliance enforcement activities.
Spectrum Monitoring
Even though electromagnetic spectrum is theoretically boundless, the portion currently useful for key applications
such as communications, while substantial, is finite. In practice, the properties of radio wave propagation and
electronic equipment limit radio communications to frequencies allocated between 9 KHz and 30 GHz. These
properties also constrain particular types of communications systems to certain portions of the allocated spectrum,
limiting the spectrum available for specific uses.
The demand for interference-free frequency assignments is steadily increasing. This is a result of the worldwide
liberalization of telecommunications, the subsequent appearance of new market entrants along existing operators
of competitive wireless services, and users of frequencies for non-telecommunications applications. Making
interference-free assignments requires the use of data and involves Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
verification activities. These monitoring and enforcement activities are also needed to ensure user compliance with
licence conditions.
Accomplishing this involves several management and process models. Monitoring and enforcement of licence and
technical standards has traditionally been a responsibility of spectrum regulators, whether within independent
agencies, or attached to the Ministry of Telecommunications. Departments such as Defence and Transport also
often have responsibility over frequencies allocated to governmental use. In addition to public sector agencies,
private sector participants are sometimes involved in the monitoring and problem resolution processes. These
include industry associations, advisory councils, etc. In some countries, band management organizations govern
specified frequency ranges under government authorization.
Regulators in developing countries may not have access to a sufficient amount of monitoring capacity or expertise
to engage in the full range of monitoring activities. Careful decisions are needed to determine what investments to
make in equipment and development of processes or formalized activity. Administrators will also have to decide
what use of which segments of spectrum are most important to monitor. Priorities will need to be set to make
efficient use of existing equipment and capabilities, including outsourcing and utilizing existing industry sector
In the next sections we discuss spectrum monitoring objectives and provide an overview of related technical topics
including: emissions and interference; a description of spectrum monitoring activities, as well as a perspective on
how countries cooperate and coordinate monitoring activities.
Spectrum Monitoring Objectives
Spectrum Planning and Authorization are central functions supported by spectrum monitoring. Monitoring supplies
information used in determining compliance with rules and regulation, such as license conditions, and in achieving
compliance with technical and operational standards. It provides general measurements which are used by the
spectrum manager to understand and plan channel and band usage as well as confirm the effectiveness of current
planning and authorization activities. Understanding the level of spectrum use or occupancy in comparison to
assignments is important for efficient use of the spectrum resource. Spectrum monitoring provides statistical
information on the technical and operational nature of spectrum occupancy. Conversely, spectrum authorization
and spectrum engineering functions support spectrum monitoring by providing accurate, complete and timely
information on current assignments and licences.
The overall goal of spectrum monitoring activities is to support the proper functioning of the general process of
spectrum management. Central objectives for spectrum managers include the following:
I Spectrum efficiency in determining planned and actual frequency usage and occupancy, assessing
availability of spectrum for future uses;
I Compliance with national spectrum management regulations to shape and sustain radio
environments and user behaviour, maximizing the benefit of the spectrum resource to society;
I Resolution of interference problems for existing and potential users.
One radiocommunication system is more "spectrum efficient" than another if it conveys the desired information
using less of the spectrum resource. Spectrum efficiency also involves the arrangement of communication systems
within the spectrum resource. In this broader sense, spectrum is used inefficiently when systems are not packed
together as tightly as possible in frequency bands (as when excessive guard bands are used), or when portions of
frequency bands are unused while other bands with similar physical characteristics are congested. The allocation of
frequency bands, the development of channeling plans, and the assignment of frequencies to specific systems all
affect spectrum efficiency.
In order to promote spectrum efficiency, spectrum managers must possess some means of quantifying spectrum
use and evaluating various radio technologies and frequency selection techniques. Management decisions can then
be based on the relative spectrum efficiency of the various technologies and techniques. Data is collected through
spectrum monitoring measures of spectrum occupancy and utilization for purposes of making assignments
including the effects of spectrum reuse and band clearing efforts. As well, as spectrum becomes scarcer in highly
congested areas, monitoring data is used to support spectrum engineering activities including validation of
tolerance levels, determining the probability of interference and development of band-sharing strategies.
In addition to supporting assignment and authorization activities, spectrum monitoring supports the second goal:
compliance with licence conditions and regulations through determination of deviations from authorized
parameters, identification of sources of interference and location of legal and illegal transmitters.
A radio system can deny the use of part of the spectrum resource to another system that would either cause
interference to, or experience interference from, the first system. A radio system is said to "use" spectrum
resources when it denies other systems the use of those resources. Spectrum use can be quantified, subject to
certain assumptions, both for a single radiocommunication system and for a related group of systems.
The facilities, equipment and approach employed in achieving these objectives will depend heavily on current use
and congestion, technical capacity of the spectrum management organization and funding of spectrum
management operations.
Emissions, Interference and Spectrum Use
This section explains the differences in meaning between emissions and interference and conveys the importance
of each to spectrum monitoring. It also provides an explanation for spectrum use and occupancy.
The International Telecommunication Union has created a system which classifies radio emissions according to the
bandwidth, method of modulation, nature of the modulating signal, and type of information transmitted on the
carrier signal. These form the technical basis for establishing equipment specifications for radio systems designed
to operate within certain frequencies.
Emissions of a radio transmitter are authorized to an assigned frequency band within the necessary bandwidth and
tolerance for the frequency band. Emissions which do not meet technical parameters are unwanted emissions
consisting of spurious emissions and out-of band emissions. These types of emissions can be generated
accidentally or through distortions caused by various components of the radio system.
Transmission of radio signals emitted by a radio transmitter can therefore be in-band in accordance with technical
parameters or unwanted and due to several causes including out-of-band emissions and spurious emissions.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is a term applied to unwanted emissions from both intentional and unintentional
radiators. EMI or interference is the negative effect on reception of radio signals by a radio receiver caused by
emissions by radio transmitters or other sources of electromagnetic waves. The negative effect on reception can
vary by degree from permissible, to acceptable to harmful interference resulting in partial degradation to
complete loss of information. Other sources of electromagnetic waves causing interference include devices such as
radio receivers, electrical motors, and electronic devices. The need to turn off computers, video players, and CD
players during take-off in an aircraft is due in part to the possibility of interference to navigational and
communication aids.
Spectrum managers are therefore interested in both emissions and interference. Emissions by transmitters can
become a source of interference. Planning to use frequencies requires that the spectrum manager understand how
frequencies are being used and the technical characteristics and performance of the transmission devices
operating within and adjacent to the frequency band(s). Interference causes problems and can ultimately impair
radiocommunication services. Determining the nature and source of interference are important objectives for the
spectrum manager.
Spectrum Monitoring Activities
This section outlines the monitoring activities associated with specific spectrum monitoring objectives reviewed in
Section 6.1.1: Spectrum Management Objectives.
Compliance with Rules and Regulations
Monitoring is done to obtain detailed information on the technical or operational characteristics of radio systems.
Radio Equipment Standards are discussed in Section 2.4.4. The spectrum manager will monitor radio equipment to
determine conformity with applicable standards. This can be done as part of an equipment certification process
where measurements can be taken and recorded and then used in analyzing the compatibility of radio systems -
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
One of the most important technical parameters to measure is the emission of radio transmitters. This is done to
determine whether the transmitter is operating within specified limits.
The modulation techniques and types of systems employed and frequencies vary. The spectrum manager needs to
choose the measuring system carefully and to ensure capabilities exist with the spectrum management agency to
effectively monitor and analyze frequency bands. Circumstances will vary by country and monitoring solutions
should be tailored to meet needs, budget and institutional capacity.
Interference Issues
Spectrum monitoring activities determine measurements of radio waves and radiation causing interference to
authorized transmitters and receivers. Interference may be the result of authorized emissions causing unintended
results such as spurious emissions. Interference may also be caused by unauthorized transmitters or devices
operating beyond technical specifications. In either case, the spectrum manager will use a combination of
engineering analysis and data obtained from spectrum measurements to resolve problems associated with
interference problems.
The identification of unauthorized transmitters can be very difficult to achieve, especially in congested areas and
where various services share the same frequencies. In some bands, where spectrum sharing is encouraged through
the use of Class Licences or Radio Frequency Authorizations, no protection is provided from acceptable levels of
interference. For more information on this topic, see Section 3 Authorizations and Section 4 Spectrum Sharing.
For a brief description of common types of interference see Section 6.3.2: Solving Interference Problems.
Frequency Use and Occupancy
Access to radio spectrum is at a crossroads. More and more technological alternatives are becoming available
and demand from both public and private sectors is increasing very rapidly, if not exponentially. There is
increasing recognition that the root of the problem is that most of the spectrum is actually unused, and that the
present system of spectral regulation is grossly inefficient. Current spectral regulation is based upon the premise
that slices of the spectrum, representing uses within specified upper and lower frequency bounds, must be treated
as exclusive domains of single entities: the recipients of exclusive licences to use specific frequency bands.
Spectrum measurements are critical to policy makers and researchers in the development of new spectrum access
technologies. Specifically, spectrum occupancy studies identify what spectrum bands have low or no active
utilization (and thus may be appropriate for spectrum sharing). They provide information on the signal
characteristics within these bands, which is needed to design spectrum sharing algorithms.
Note: Each band averaged over six locations. Source: National Science Foundation: M.A. McHenry Shared Spectrum
International Spectrum Monitoring Cooperation
Member countries of the International Telecommunication Union typically operate monitoring facilities which aid
spectrum managers in the prevention, detection, and control of (harmful) interference to radio transmitters. This is
done to ensure that frequencies are used in accordance with the internationally planned spectrum framework. Since
it is recognized that development and duplication of monitoring facilities is both uneconomical and operationally
inefficient, cooperation exists among member countries in the operation of an international monitoring system.
Article 16 of the Radio Regulations lays down the provisions governing the establishment and operation of the
international monitoring system.
Stations comprising the international system check for transmissions that have effects beyond national boundaries,
particularly for frequencies below 30 MHz, are in accordance with the internationally agreed conditions of
operation. This includes checking frequency, bandwidth, emission type and usage. Where non-compliance with any
prescribed condition is determined, the ITU provides for an infringement report to be sent via the
Radiocommunication Bureau to the country responsible.
A good example of the far-reaching implications of interference is the international cooperation is demonstrated in
the case of maritime coast stations and interference with maritime mobile services in New Zealand, Belgium and
the United States.
Cooperation also occurs between countries on a bilateral basis and involves non-governmental organizations and
industry associations who advise regulators on policy and technical matters. For example, broadcast and
microwave propagation issues and solutions are identified and analyzed by associations and confirmed through
spectrum monitoring tasks performed by the regulator.
Figure: Figure: Sample
Spectrum Occupancy Report
Spectrum Monitoring Technology
Fixed, remote, unmanned and mobile monitoring stations can be combined to provide a network of integrated
tools for verification of licensing compliance, channel occupancy, spectrum planning, and regulatory enforcement.
Those can also provide greater flexibility in the design of national and regional monitoring systems. Monitoring
equipment and integrated software tools are very complex and expensive and integrated monitoring systems can
be very expensive as well. Fortunately, advances in computerization, monitoring technology, and security
techniques have permitted greater use of remote unmanned monitoring techniques involving integrated spectrum
Alongside advances in technology, tactics and work practices are also changing. There is a reduced emphasis on
continuous monitoring of all utilized spectrum to focus on areas of known problems and congestion. Memoranda
of agreement can be used whereby an agency of government or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) assumes
responsibility for essential monitoring activities and shares information on problems affecting civilian applications.
Another example involves industry associations taking responsibility for monitoring and taking steps to resolve
interference problems in fixed-link microwave services. Finally, the spectrum regulator concentrates its monitoring
resources on public priority frequency bands affecting essential services, including air navigational aids, fire, safety,
ambulance, police and areas of concentrated commercial activity such as is typically found in VHF/UHF.
Spectrum management policy decisions involve trade-offs: the desire and needs of the regulator and industry for
complete and accurate information; cost of implementation and maintenance; and accountability and technical
Monitoring Equipment
The basic types of monitoring equipment include radio receivers, spectrum analyzers, direction-finding equipment
and antenna. These basic types can be further categorized by frequency range (HF, VHF, UHF, etc.) and signal type
analogue or digital. With the advent of spread spectrum and computer-based radio technologies like Cognitive
Radio, the sophistication, complexity and prices for monitoring equipment have risen. As well, the approaches to
monitoring and the architecture of the spectrum manager's monitoring system have a bearing on the types of
systems needed and the configuration of operations and resources. The approaches to system architecture are
outlined in Monitoring System Architecture. Options and strategies for configuring and resourcing Spectrum
Monitoring Operations are discussed in Monitoring Operations Options and Strategies.
The regulator's monitoring capabilities depend on three types of equipment: antennas, spectrum analyzers, and
radio direction-finding equipment.
An antenna is simply an electronic component designed to radiate energy and transmit or receive radio waves.
Antennas have practical use for the transmission and reception of radio frequency signals (broadcast radio, TV,
etc.), which have different propagation characteristics and can transmit, in the case of low frequencies, over great
distances. Different antenna types are used for different radio frequencies and for different coverages. All antennas
radiate some energy in all directions but careful construction results in large directivity in certain directions and
negligible power radiated in other directions. There are two fundamental types of antennas, which, with reference
to a specific three-dimensional (usually horizontal or vertical) plane, are either omni-directional (radiate equally in
the plane) or directional (radiate more in one direction than in the other).
Antennas are linked to either radio receivers or signal generators of direction-finding equipment. As mentioned in
the previous paragraph, different antenna types are needed for each application. Antenna products encompass a
wide range of highly sensitive active and passive antennas which can be applied in Mobile and Stationary Systems,
providing complete coverage of the frequency range from 100 Hz to 30 GHz and beyond in the case of some
manufacturers. Examples of different antenna types (HF or VHF) and application (stationary and mobile) are
depicted below. Antennas are used often under extreme weather conditions and need to be designed to operate
in those conditions.

Fixed VHF/UHF Station (Argus-

Mobile HF/VHF/UHF Antenna

Fixed HF Antenna (Rohde &
Spectrum Analyzers
Since regulatory agencies allocate different frequencies for various radio services, it is critical that each service
operate at the assigned frequency and within the allocated channel bandwidth. Due to scarcity, transmitters and
other intentional radiators will be planned to operate at closely spaced adjacent frequencies. Power amplifiers and
other components used in these systems are measured to determine the amount of signal energy that spills over
into adjacent channels and causes interference. The concern is that these unwanted emissions, either radiated or
conducted (through the power lines or other interconnecting wires), might impair the operation of other systems.
The design or manufacture of electrical or electronic products also involves the testing for emission levels versus
frequency according to Technical Standards set by various government agencies or industry standards bodies. The
common measurements taken by a spectrum analyzer include frequency, power, modulation, distortion, and noise.
Understanding the spectral content of a signal is important, especially in systems with limited bandwidth.
Transmitted power is another key measurement. Too little power may mean the signal cannot reach its intended

Rotatable Microwave Antenna
System - 1GHz to 40GHz
(Rohde & Schwarz)
destination. Too much power may drain batteries rapidly, create distortion, and cause excessively high operating
temperatures. Measuring the quality of the modulation is important for making sure a system is working properly
and that the information is being correctly transmitted by the system. Tests such as modulation degree, sideband
amplitude, modulation quality and occupied bandwidth are examples of common analogue modulation
measurements. It is important to note that for digital modulation techniques there are additional measurements
which need to be taken, including: error vector magnitude (EVM) and phase error versus time, among other
measurements. There are several basic types of spectrum analyzers. These are: Fourier, Vector Signal and
Superheterodyne Analyzers. Each type is briefly described in the next few paragraphs. Fourier signal analyzers
measure the time-domain signal and then use digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to perform a fast Fourier
transform (FFT) and display the signal in the frequency domain showing both phase as well as magnitude of the
signal. Like Fourier analyzers, Vector signal analyzers (VSAs) measure the time domain signal, but have the
advantage of extending to the 5-6 GHz. RF frequency range. VSAs offer faster, higher-resolution spectrum
measurements, demodulation, and advanced time-domain analysis. They are especially useful for characterizing
complex signals such as burst, transient or modulated signals used in communications, video, broadcast, sonar,
and ultrasound imaging applications.
Because the signals that people must analyze are becoming more complex, the latest generation of spectrum
analyzers include many of the vector signal analysis capabilities previously found only in Fourier and Vector signal
analyzers. Superheterodyne analyzers are able to mix; that is, to translate frequency at frequency ranges above the
audio range.

Typical Spectrum Analyzer
Display (Rohde & Schwarz)
Radio Direction-Finding Equipment
Radio Direction-Finding, or RDF, is the technique for determining the direction of a radio transmission. Radio
direction-finding using triangulation techniques can also be used to determine the location of a radio transmission.
Radio direction-finding is used by spectrum managers to locate the source of radio frequency interference. There
are two common technical approaches to radio direction-finding. The first approach involves the use of directional
antennas which are designed to be more sensitive to signals received in some directions rather than in others. As
the antenna is turned in various directions, a signal being received will either increase or decrease in strength. All
other things being equal, the direction in which the signal is strongest is the likely direction in which the radio
transmitter is located. The movement of the antenna and the determination of the peak signal strength can be
made by a human operator or can be done automatically by electronics. The second approach exploits the effects
of phase shift. Fixed antennas are deployed in a precise geometric pattern and an electronics system switches
between the antennas very rapidly. By computing the amount of phase shift present on the signal from antenna to
antenna, a direction to the signal source can be computed. There are anomalies of radio propagation which at
ground level can affect both of these techniques. Common potential problems include reflections or multi-path
loss. In a multi-path situation, the radio signal may be arriving at the antenna or antennas from multiple directions,
perhaps because the signal is reflecting off nearby buildings, hills, or metal structures such as fences. The
strongest signal may, in fact, be coming from a reflection rather than the direct path, especially if the direct path
includes terrain features that might attenuate the signal. This can result in false directional readings. The preceding
paragraphs provide a brief summary of the main types of equipment used in monitoring. The complexity and cost
of equipment varies with the level of computer integration, number of functions and types of analysis performed
and the speed at which a number of frequencies can be scanned and analyzed. Simple systems for VHF/UHF
monitoring can be comprised of several fixed antennas, receivers and limited function spectrum analyzers. More
complex systems can consist of multiple sites and mobile and fixed stations. Monitoring System Architecture is
further explored in Section 6.3.2.
Recommended HF Receivers, Spectrum Monitoring Handbook, ITU, 2002: Chapter 2, Table 15, p. 135
Recommended VHF/UHF Receivers, Spectrum Monitoring Handbook, ITU, 2002: Chapter 2, Table 16, p. 136

Automated Field Strength
Measurement Equipment
(Rohde & Schwarz)
Monitoring System Architecture
Design Considerations for Spectrum Monitoring Systems
Due to spectrum congestion and sophistication of wireless communication technologies, it is an ever-increasing
challenge to monitor spectrum, particularly considering the rapid growth of wireless, satellite, and point-to-point
communication devices. Regulators are asked to hunt for and resolve RF interference in this crowded and complex
There are two likely scenarios. There is a-priori information on the emitters to be tracked or tested, e.g.,
approximate frequency and amplitude. Here, traditional spectrum analysis techniques and equipment will work
extremely well. Alternately, there is no prior knowledge.
Without control of the RF/microwave airspace and with little information about the target signals, the RF spectrum-
monitoring task is a discovery process. Signals of interest reveal themselves to spectrum monitoring because many
wireless signals vary in power, duration, and bandwidth. Some of the complex interactions between systems may
actually be harmonics of known emitters, translated into frequencies where they become unwanted interferers.
There can be thousands, even tens of thousands of irrelevant signals that need to be ignored when capturing data
on emissions of interest.
Key considerations in the design of spectrum monitoring systems include types of equipment, speed and
sophistication of data capture and processing, degree of integration with software tools for analysis and
comparison with other license and type approval data. Other considerations include proximity to active airspace,
staff skills, and mobile versus fixed locations.
State-of-the-art spectrum monitoring equipment is highly integrated. Integration typically involves the use of
graphical user interface (GUI) based spectrum management tools and systems which are specifically designed to
operate multiple electronic components simultaneously and remotely over data protocols such as TCP/IP. This
allows for an integrated network system for management of the radio spectrum using remote devices. These
devices can be located at existing government sites and facilities on the outskirts of population centres. Remote
devices permit access to monitoring equipment from anywhere through compatible computer, a modem and a
telephone line or network connection (LAN or WAN). Remote devices can be controlled in several ways:
I Locally from the server;
I Remotely across a LAN;
I Modem over a WAN.
Architecture Components
There are equipment and organizational and functional aspects to architecting spectrum monitoring systems.
The key technical equipment components are described in Section 6.3.1 Monitoring Equipment. Additional
equipment components in a monitoring system include: buildings, power supplies, mobile vehicles and man
portable components.
Organizational components include centralized, regional and remote locations for siting of monitoring equipment
in stations and operational staffing or use of unmanned remote capabilities, where applicable.
In addition to technical equipment, functional components of spectrum monitoring systems include: central
monitoring control; operational consoles for operation of equipment and analysis of data; and data networking
and management systems for data communications and repository.
Enforcing Compliance
Spectrum management also requires that users comply with licence requirements and technical rules and
regulations. Without effective regulations and enforcement procedures, the integrity of the spectrum management
process can be compromised. The spectrum regulator needs an appropriate framework and process for
responding to and managing complaints and for settling disputes. Consideration needs to be given to penalties,
remedies, enforcement and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms for industry disputes with the aim of
ensuring rapid resolution.
Monitoring Compliance with Technical Standards
Monitoring is used to obtain detailed information on the technical and operational characteristics of radio systems
which are in use or are being tested for future use. Measurements will typically include frequency, power and
emission spectrum of a transmitter. Licence conditions can be verified against actual use of equipment aiding in the
determination of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Because technical standards are associated with certain allocations and assignments, the spectrum manager can
detect the existence of unauthorized transmitters which affect other users by causing interference and by reducing
the value of licensed spectrum.
Solving Interference Problems
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a term applied to unwanted emissions from both intentional and unintentional
radiators. Here, the concern is that these unwanted emissions, either radiated or conducted (through the power
lines or other interconnecting wires), might impair the operation of other systems. Almost anyone designing or
manufacturing electrical or electronic products must test for emission levels versus frequency according to
regulations set by various government agencies or industry-standard bodies. Resolution of interference problems
is often a difficult task for spectrum managers since the source of interference is not necessarily known nor easily
Through the ITU, an international framework has been established taking form as the International Frequency
Allocation Table (Article 5 of the Radio Regulations). This table is used to protect against harmful interference, and
coordinate for services of an international nature. Examples include satellites, maritime and aeronautical services
(devices). International harmonization of allocations and other operational matters is necessary to allow users to
operate safely and effectively (e.g. international air travel, ships at sea, etc.). Spectrum managers are particularly
concerned about interference problems affecting public safety and security services including; ambulance, fire
fighting, police, and navigational services at airports. The Radio Regulations set forth the principles under which
spectrum will be managed and requires Member States to prevent harmful interference.
The sources of interference are broad and varied. (See Section 4.3.2 Interference Management)Other sources of
offending interference can come from industrial applications of radio energy, such as microwave dryers used in
manufacturing. Understanding sources of emission, developing and adopting relevant technical standards while
also having access to technical tools methods and processes are developed by spectrum managers to resolve
these types of interference problems.
The main steps for resolving interference problems are:
I Communication and Acknowledgement of an interference problem by a user;
I Diagnosis of an interference problem by the regulator, spectrum manager or some other relevant authority;
I Identification through monitoring and measurement of the potential source of interference;
I Confirmation of the source of interference and communication with responsible persons;
I Determining steps to correct and mitigate interference such as the use of filters, reducing transmit power,
re-locating transmit antennae, and changing transmit frequencies.
Joint Task Group 5-6
GE06, WRC-07 and the work of Joint Task Group 5-6 are excellent examples of the coordinated planning work
done in the advance to study and rectify potential interference problems. Resolution 749 (WRC-07) and Agenda
item 1.17 of WRC-12 tasks the ITU-R Sector to conduct sharing studies for Regions 1 and 3 in the band 790-862
MHz between the mobile service and other services in order to ensure adequate protection of services allocated
to the band and to take appropriate action." Joint Task Group 5-6 (JTG 5-6) was established to study how mobile
services can share the band 790-862 MHz band with:
the Broadcasting service (Issue A);
the Aeronautical radionavigation service (Issue B); and
the Fixed service (Issue C).
These issues were further sub-divided by cases according to either an ITU-R Region (for Issue B and Issue C) or to
whether the countries were or were not Contracting Members of the GE06 Agreement (Issue A). Appropriate
methods have been proposed for each issue and case.
The Regulations therefore set out with regards to interference:
I Member States undertake that, in assigning frequencies to stations, which are capable of causing
harmful interference to the services rendered by the stations of another country, such assignments
are to be made in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations and other provisions of
these regulations;
I Any new assignment or any change of frequency or other basic characteristic of an existing
assignment shall be made in such a way to avoid causing harmful interference to services rendered
by stations using frequencies assigned in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations in
this Chapter and the other provisions of these Regulations, the characteristics of which
assignments are recorded in the Master International Frequency Register.
Coordination with the complainant is often needed, even if only to know the frequency of the receiver
operation. Direction finding equipment is often used to determine the source of interference. Deciding
on what to use will depend on the range of the affected frequencies. Sources of interference can be from
atmospheric effects such as precipitation, long-range HF and UHF frequencies from across national
borders, or from intentional efforts to interfere with transmissions, a practice sometimes referred to as
ITU Radio Regulations: Article 4
The work of the Joint Task Group in providing the text for the draft CPM Report addressing the results of sharing
studies for fixed, mobile and broadcasting services in the band 790-862 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 was completed in
May 2010 and indicated that there is a need to protect certain other primary terrestrial services from the newly
allocated mobile service in Region 1. Of particular significance is ensuring coordination and interference avoidance
between mobile services and aeronautical radionavigation services (ARNS) in those countries where ARNS has a
primary allocation.
In the course of conducting exercises to resolve interference problems, the spectrum manager may be required to
enter user premises and inspect radio equipment to determine compliance with licence conditions and technical
An important aspect of fulfilling these tasks is the requirement under law and regulation to establish the powers,
authorities, duties and obligations of the spectrum manager/inspector and protection of rights for the public under
circumstances where inspection of property is necessary.
Equipment Seizure and other Enforcement Actions
There are (hopefully rare) occasions when the user of a transmitter causing harmful interference is endangering the
public in a persistent and wilful manner and the reasonable course of action requires the spectrum manager to
seize equipment to prevent such endangerment.
Again, it is necessary to provide the spectrum manager with the appropriate authority to seize equipment under
carefully defined conditions to prevent abuses of power and ensure the users right to due process.
When it is determined that harmful interference may be caused by any particular equipment, the spectrum
manager may, by first informing the person in writing, direct the owner or user of that electrical, electronic or
radiocommunication equipment to do, at their own expense, any one or more of the following:
I Take suitable measures to eliminate or reduce the interference or disturbance;
I Remedy a fault in or the improper operation of the equipment;
I Modify or alter the equipment; or
I Disconnect the equipment.
Otherwise, the owner or user risks having the equipment seized by the spectrum manager.
Equipment Seizure and other Enforcement Actions
There are (hopefully rare) occasions when the user of a transmitter causing harmful interference is endangering the
public in a persistent and wilful manner and the reasonable course of action requires the spectrum manager to
seize equipment preventing future endangerment.
Again, it is necessary to provide the spectrum manager with the appropriate authority to seize equipment under
carefully defined conditions ensuring the users right to due process and preventing abuses of power.
Typically, when the spectrum manager determines that harmful interference may be caused by any particular
electrical, electronic or radiocommunication equipment, whether subject to licensing or not, the spectrum manager
may, by first informing the person in writing, direct the owner or user of that electrical, electronic or
radiocommunication equipment to do, at their own expense, any one or more of the following:
I Take suitable measures to eliminate or reduce the interference or disturbance;
I Remedy a fault in or the improper operation of the equipment;
I Modify or alter the equipment; or
I Disconnect the equipment.
Otherwise the owner or user risks having the equipment seized by the spectrum manager.
The Radio Regulations of Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago and Canada provide examples of the types of
regulation used to define the actions of spectrum managers when it comes to enforcement action.
International Affairs
Radio waves do not respect national borders and many uses of the radio frequency spectrum have an impact
outside the territory of the country in which the operation occurs. International harmonization of spectrum
utilization is important for many applications because of roaming users e.g., maritime, aeronautical, mobile
telephony, etc. International harmonization can also reduce equipment costs through economies of scale and can
reduce the possibility of harmful interference. There are two types of international activities, namely project
activities and transactional activities.
Introduction to International Affairs
Radio waves do not respect national borders and many uses of the radio frequency spectrum have an impact
outside the territory of the country in which the operation occurs. Sometimes this is deliberate as, for example, in
short wave broadcasting or international satellite communications or sometimes it is simply unavoidable.
International harmonization of spectrum utilization is also important for many applications because users of
communications services are not stationary (roaming) e.g., maritime, aeronautical, mobile telephony, etc.
International harmonization can also reduce equipment costs through economies of scale and can reduce the
possibility of harmful interference.
The governance of spectrum use on a global basis is a core responsibility of the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) and, in particular, its Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). The ITU is a specialized agency of the United
Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland. It is important to recognize that the ITU is not a
global regulatory authority in the way that a national regulator is within its own jurisdiction since the rules for
international regulation and cooperation are written by those governed by them, i.e., by the Member States of the
ITU. These rules are administered by the ITU-Rs Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) in Geneva and conformity with
the rules is based on goodwill rather than on the kind of regulatory sanctions found at the national level. The
mission of the ITU-R sector is, inter alia, to ensure rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio
frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including those using satellite orbits and to carry out
studies and adopt recommendations on radiocommunication matters.
The ITU's Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) has well-established programmes of activities. These
programmes are designed to facilitate telecommunication connectivity and access to information and
communication services (ICTs), foster ICT policy as well as technology development, assist in regulatory and
network readiness, expand human capacity through training programmes, formulate financing and cybersecurity
strategies. Some of these programmes are also designed to address topics of interest to spectrum regulators.
In addition to activities carried out within the ITU framework, there are often, of course, bilateral and multi-lateral
agreements by which the use of spectrum is harmonized across national borders. There are two general
categories of international activities, namely project activities and transactional activities.
Project Activities
International project activities are those which have a defined beginning and ending date. Like all types of project
activities, tasks and sub-tasks can be defined and milestones established. Appropriate resources must be
committed over the lifetime of the project.
The ITU World Radio Conference and related Regional Conferences and Study Groups are described in the first of
the four following sections. Projects undertaken by international bodies such as the World Trade Organization and
the International Civil Aviation Organization are described in Section 7.2.2. Project activities related to other global
or regional inter-governmental organizations are highlighted in Section 7.2.3. Bilateral and memoranda of
agreement between countries are described in the last section.
ITU Related Project Activities
Project activities of the ITU consist of, primarily, World Radio Conferences, Study Groups and Development
Conferences. The general purpose and scope of each of these activities is described here in this section. A more
detailed description of WRC 2003 and 2007 along with the agenda for WRC 2011 can be found in the next section,
Recent World Radio Conferences.
ITU radiocommunication conferences are held every two to three years. One of the main jobs done at the radio
conferences is the review, and, if necessary, revisions to the Radio Regulations (See Section 2.3.4 Radio
Regulations), the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary-
satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits.
ITU-R World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences establish treaty level regulations, agreements and
plans for the global use of the radio frequency spectrum. Revisions to treaties are made on the basis of an agenda
determined by the ITU Council, which takes into account recommendations made by previous world
radiocommunication conferences.
The general scope of the agenda of world radiocommunication conferences is established four to six years in
advance, with the final agenda set by the ITU Council two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a
majority of Member States.
Under the terms of the ITU Constitution, a WRC can:
I revise the Radio Regulations and any associated frequency assignment and allotment plans;
I address any radiocommunication matter of worldwide character;
I instruct the Radio Regulations Board and the Radiocommunication Bureau, and review their activities;
I determine the questions to be studied by the Radiocommunication Assembly and related Study
Groups in preparation for future Radiocommunication Conferences.
On the basis of contributions from administrations, the Special Committee, the Radiocommunication Study Groups,
and other sources (see Article 19 of the Convention (Geneva, 1992)) concerning the regulatory, technical,
operational and procedural matters to be considered by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences,
the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) shall prepare a consolidated report to be used in support of the work
of such conferences.
ITU-R Study Groups, in addition to advancing radiocommunication science, prepare the technical, regulatory and
operational basis for the treaty level Radiocommunication Conferences. The work of the Study Groups is overseen
by the Radiocommunication Assembly which normally takes place in association with a World Radiocommunication
Conference. While other ITU-R Study Groups deal with specific radio services, ITU-R Study Group 1 focuses
specifically on Spectrum Management and Study Group 3 addresses radiowave propagation. As part of its work,
Study Group 1 has produced handbooks on national spectrum management, on spectrum monitoring and on
computer-aided techniques for spectrum management.
Project activities include preparing for and participating in these ITU conferences, assemblies and meetings. It is
important for all spectrum regulators to keep abreast of the activities undertaken within the ITUs
Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) since many of these activities have a direct impact on the national regulation of
the radio frequency spectrum. For more information on the broad scope of the ITU-Rs activities, see
( ).
In addition to ITU-R activities, the ITUs Development Sector (ITU-D) is committed, among other things, to assisting
spectrum regulators in carrying out their responsibilities. This occurs through workshops and other training
opportunities, publications, virtual conferences, the Global Symposium for Regulators, regional meetings of
regulators, sharing of legislation and country experiences, etc. For more information, see .
ITU-D Study Group 2 on the development and management of telecommunication services and networks also
addresses several topics related to spectrum management including the development of a software based
Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC), information on the calculation of spectrum
fees, etc.
The ITU Development Conference adopted Resolution 9 (Rev. Doha, 2006) on the participation of countries,
particularly developing countries, in spectrum management. Cooperative work has been performed pursuant to
this Resolution by experts participating in a joint group between ITU-R and ITU-D. The text of this resolution is
available at:
To follow all ITU activities related to spectrum management is very resource intensive and priorities must be
established so that the most critical activities are closely monitored. A cost effective way of involvement in ITU work
is to participate in the ITU related activities of regional and sub-regional telecom organizations. These
organizations can be an efficient and effective way by which countries can influence global decisions. A brief
description of these organizations is given below along with their web sites where more information may be found.
A compilation of the legislation of different countries may be found at:
A database related to the establishment of spectrum fees is available at:
A set of Best Practice Guidelines for Spectrum Management to Promote Broadband Access adopted at the Global
Symposium for Regulators 2005 is available at:
Recent ITU World Radio (WRC) and Regional Radio Conferences (RRC)
Important decisions were taken on global allocation at 5 GHz. for mobile wireless access systems, thereby paving
the way for the use of wireless devices that do not require individual licences, those of which can be used to create
broadband networks in homes, offices and schools. These networks are also used in public facilities in so-called
hot spots, such as airports, cafs, hotels, hospitals, train stations and conference sites, which offer broadband
access to the Internet. The use of these frequency bands is subject to provisions that provide interference
mitigation mechanisms and power emission limits in order to avoid interference into other radiocommunication
services operating in the same spectrum range.
The 2003 conference also adopted a new Resolution which enables the deployment of new technologies for
wideband and broadband public protection and disaster relief applications. WRC-2003 opened the door for the
commercial introduction of a new mobile information service: two-way real-time broadband connectivity to aircraft
passengers and crew. There were many other decisions dealing with other services such as; aeronautical services,
future development of 3G mobile applications, earth stations on board vessels, the protection of radio astronomy,
amateur radio regulations, the sound broadcasting satellite service, the radionavigation-satellite service, sharing
criteria for VSAT applications and land, ship and airborne radars, etc.
ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2004: Inter Alia resolutions were adopted by the first session of
the Regional Radiocommunication Conference held in Geneva for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting
service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-04).
ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006: At RRC-06, a treaty agreement was signed at the conclusion
of ITUs Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) in Geneva, heralding the development of all-digital
terrestrial broadcast services for sound and television
ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2007: The three main issues addressed at WRC-07 were: determining
standards for advanced mobile services; identifying and agreeing on new spectrum allocations IMT-Advanced
Wireless Broadband Services; and discussing ways to improve the framework and approach to spectrum
management . An important goal of the conference was to earmark the use of spectrum on a worldwide basis
facilitating its development by tapping into the higher frequencies beyond 1GHz, leading to an increase in the data
capacity of new systems.
IMT Standardization
The ITU initiated the standardization of systems beyond IMT-2000 known as IMT-Advanced or 4G - as early as
2000. Collectively, the IMT-2000 standards became the basis for what the industry and regulators came to refer to
as third-generation or 3G mobile systems, distinguishing them from the existing generations of analogue (1G)
and digital (2G) mobile systems. IMT-2000 envisions transmission speeds ranging from 2 megabits per second
(Mbit/s) on a stationary or nomadic basis, up to 348 kilobits per second (kbit/s) at vehicular speeds.
The actual standards as presented in the same GSR Discussion Paper referenced are:
I IMT-Direct-Sequence (IMT-DS) - Also known as Wideband-Code Division Mulitple Access (W-CDMA)
or UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Frequency Division Duplexing (UTRA-FDD), used in the Universal
Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) 3G standard.
I IMT-Multi-Carrier (IMT-MC) - Also known as Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000), the
successor to second-generation (2G) CDMA.
I IMT-Time-Division (IMT-TD) - This comprises: TD-CDMA (Time Division - Code Division Multiple
Access) and TD-SCDMA (Time Division - Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access).
I IMT-Single Carrier (IMT-SC) - Also known as Enhanced Date rate for GSM Evolution or EDGE .
I IMT-Frequency Time (IMT-FT) also known as Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications or
While WiMAX and IMT-2000 developed along different paths, they were evolving toward functional equivalency.
Both provide broadband Internet access (roughly equivalent to a DSL line), as well as voice connectivity. WRC
2007 ultimately adopted a resolution adding the WiMAX air interface specification as the 6th IMT-2000 technology.
They also modified the general naming conventions for IMT technologies so that:
I 3G technologies will continue to be known as IMT-2000;
I 4G technologies will be known as IMT-Advanced, and;
I Collectively, all of the 3G and 4G technologies will be known as simply IMT.
Digital Dividend Bands
Prior to WRC-07, the frequency band 790-862 MHz was allocated to Regions 1 and 3 of the broadcasting service
and the fixed service on a primary basis. In Region 2 the mobile service was allocated on a primary basis and,
additionally, in nineteen countries of Region 1, to the aeronautical radionavigation service (ARNS) on a primary
basis (RR No. 5.312).
A decision of the WRC-07 was to allocate the 790-862 MHz sub-band in Region 1 (covering the European
Broadcasting Area and Africa) to the Mobile Service for IMT technologies such as 3G, 4G, WiMAX on a primary
basis, except for aeronautical mobile, and on shared basis with the broadcasting service until 17 June 2015.
However, the amount of spectrum vacated by television broadcasting services, and making way for DTT according
to the Final Acts of WRC-07, varies by region. Box 7.2.1 shows the size of the Digital Dividend resulting from Digital
Switchover by ITU Region.
Insert Box
Spectrum Management Guidelines
The ways to further improve the framework and approach to spectrum management was an important topic
discussed at length at WRC-07, and it led to agreement on Resolution 951 which established guidelines for
evaluating and developing concepts related to four options identified in the resolution for enhancing the
framework and for preparing solutions to be discussed at WRC.12. The four options include: keeping current
practices, revising current service definitions, creating new service definitions, and introducing composite
ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2012. The agenda for WRC-12 can be viewed at
There are over 35 agenda items with several examples listed below:
I 1.14 to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review
allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the range 30-
300 MHz, in accordance with Resolution[COM6/14] (WRC-07);
I 1.19 to consider regulatory measures and their relevance, in order to enable the introduction of
software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems, based on the results of ITU-R studies, in
accordance with Resolution [COM6/18] (WRC-07);
I 1.20 to consider the results of ITU-R studies and spectrum identification for gateway links for high
altitude platform stations (HAPS) in the range of 5 850-7 075 MHz in order to support operations in
the fixed and mobile services, in accordance with Resolution 734 (Rev.WRC-07).
I Resolution 749 (WRC-07) and Agenda item 1.17 of WRC-12 tasks the ITU-R Sector to conduct
sharing studies for Regions 1 and 3 in the band 790-862 MHz between the mobile service and other
services in order to ensure adequate protection of services allocated to the band and to take
appropriate action." See Box 7.2.2 below.
Insert Box
I In view of the complexity and importance of WRC- 12 Agenda item 1.17 issues, a dedicated Joint Task
Group 5-6 (JTG 5-6) was established to study how mobile service can share the band 790-862 MHz band
I the Broadcasting service (Issue A);
I the Aeronautical radionavigation service (Issue B); and
I the Fixed service (Issue C).
I These issues were further sub-divided by cases according to either an ITU-R Region (for Issue B and
Issue C, also See See RR provision No. 5.2.). or to whether or not the countries were Contracting
Members of the GE06 Agreement (Issue A). Appropriate methods have been proposed for each
issue and case.
I The work of the Joint Task Group, in providing the text for the draft CPM Report addressing the
results of sharing studies for fixed, mobile and broadcasting services in the band 790-862 MHz in
Regions 1 and 3, was completed in May 2010 and indicates that there is a need to protect certain
other primary terrestrial services from the newly allocated mobile service in Region 1. Of particular
significance the need for coordination and interference avoidance between mobile services and
aeronautical radionavigation services (ARNS) in those countries where ARNS has a primary
allocation. See RR provision No. 5.312).
I Coordination between GE06 Contracting and Non-Contracting member states requires careful
consideration of the spectrum sharing studies. Sharing options are outlined in the Annexes attached
to the report. However, a number of interference issues are not yet resolved, suggesting that
further study of interference issues is necessary. In some cases, a consensus could not be reached
around a single option. This implies that digital switchover will occur at different times over the
period leading up to analogue shut-off.
Project Activities Related to Other Global Inter-governmental Organizations
It is important for countries to be aware of, and participate, as appropriate, in activities that touch on spectrum
matters in other international bodies in addition to activities within the framework of the International
Telecommunication Union. These organizations include, for example, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the
International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), etc.
A reference is provided below to the West African Common Market (ECOWAS) approach which aims at developing
common policies to achieve greater coordination and harmonization in the access, use and development of ICT
technologies including wireless in support of development goals.
Other Bilateral and Multilateral Project Activities
In addition to activities in the ITU and other global, intergovernmental organizations, often bilateral and multilateral
agreements for the use of the spectrum must be developed. Such agreements might, for example, set out how two
or more countries will coordinate their use of certain frequency bands. Establishing such agreements requires
negotiations between the spectrum authorities in the respective countries and possibly the involvement of foreign
affairs ministries depending on the legal status of the resulting agreement which can take the form of a simple
exchange of letters, a memorandum of understanding, a treaty, etc. Some multilateral agreements can also be
established through participation in the regional and sub-regional telecommunication organizations (e.g., CITELs
Inter American Convention on an International Amateur Radio Permit, the agreement within the framework of CEPT
between the Administrations of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, the Netherlands,
Croatia, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland
on the coordination of frequencies between 29.7 MHz and 39.5 GHz for the fixed and land mobile services).
CEPTs HCM Agreement which is the unofficial designation of the Agreement between the Administrations of
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Croatia, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland on the Coordination of
frequencies between 29.7 MHz and 39.5 GHz for fixed service and land mobile service.
Transactional Activities
Transactional international activities are those activities which are of an ongoing nature. Specific types of
transactions are processed over an extended period of time. These types of activities lend themselves to process
engineering and electronic data processing support.
ITU Related Transactional Activities
Under the ITU Radio Regulations, there are requirements for the regular submission of spectrum related
information such as details concerning frequency assignments to the ITUs Radiocommunication Bureau for
purposes of coordination with other countries and for registration in the Master International Frequency Register
(MIFR). This information is published every two weeks in an ITU-R publication known as the Radiocommunication
Bureaus International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC). The BR IFIC contains details on the current and
intended frequency usage by ITU Member States.
The BR IFIC is composed of two parts. The first part deals with space services. It contains information on the
frequency assignments to space stations, earth stations and radioastronomy stations submitted by countries to the
Radiocommunication Bureau for recording in the Master International Frequency Register, as well as those that are
submitted under the relevant provisions of the Radio Regulations or which are subject to the Appendices 30 and
30A Plans for the Broadcasting Satellite Service and the Appendix 30B Plan for the Fixed Satellite Service Plan. The
information published corresponds to the recorded assignments as well as the notifications still being processed.
The second part of the BR IFIC deals with terrestrial services. It contains a permanently updated edition of the
International Frequency List with regard to terrestrial services, as well as permanently updated versions of the
frequency allotment or assignment plans for terrestrial services that are drawn up under the auspices of the ITU. In
addition, it contains information on the frequency assignments submitted by countries to the Radiocommunication
Bureau for recording in the Master International Frequency Register and in the various regional or worldwide
In order to protect a nation's sovereign rights, there is also a need to analyze on a regular basis the regulatory
material published by the ITU in order to determine if there is a potential impact on the country's use of the
spectrum and, if so, involvement in the relevant procedures set out in the Radio Regulations is required.
The BR International Frequency Information Circular is published on CD-ROM ROM (for space services) and on
DVD (for terrestrial services) every two weeks. One copy of the BR IFIC (consolidated package) is provided to the
ITU Member States' Administrations responsible for radiocommunication matters.
There is also a need for submission of information for publication by the ITU in various service documents. Such
documents include List IV List of Coast Stations, List V List of Ship Stations, List VI List of Radio-determination
and Special Service Stations, List VII A List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities of Stations Used by the Maritime
Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services, List VIII List of International Monitoring Stations and List VIII A
List of Stations in the Space Radiocommunication Services and in the Radio Astronomy Service (twice per year on
DVD). Again, there is a need to review these publications on a regular and ongoing basis.
International Borderline Frequency Coordination
Coordination of frequency assignments and freedom from harmful interference form essential features of modern
global radiocommunications networks. A lack of coordination is both economically and technically inefficient. For a
discussion of economic and technical efficiency see Section 1.3 - Objectives of Spectrum Management.
Article 4 of the ITU Radio Regulations Assignment and use or radio frequencies states the member states shall:
I Endeavour to limit the number of frequencies and spectrum used;
I Undertake to make assignments which are in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations;
I Make changes to assignments will be made to avoid harmful interference; and,
I Not seek protection for frequencies not in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations.
Member states are required to notify the ITU-R and update the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) in
order to facilitate coordination. The Radio Regulations describe the four steps involved in the notification process
which are: notification, publication using the International Frequency Information Circular (IFIC), examination and
finally registration in the MIFR.
There are several examples where international frequency coordination has taken place on a regional basis using
radio service specific coordination agreements. The HCM Agreement (Vilnius 2005) which superseded the previous
Berlin Agreement - 2003 amongst 17 European countries requires the participant countries to actively coordinate,
register and resolve issues using harmonized calculation models for specified Fixed and Land Mobile Services.
Other Transactional Activities
In addition to transactions involving the ITU, there are transactional activities that need to be carried out on a
bilateral or multilateral basis. For example, pursuant to bilateral or multilateral agreements, there may be a need
for submission of frequency assignment information for purposes of frequency coordination with adjacent or
nearby countries. Often such activities are automated to the extent feasible.
Developing Spectrum Management Capacity
Strategies for organization, function, process development, staffing, staff retention and training are important
considerations for spectrum regulators. These capacity building strategies flow from legislation, policy and the
regulatory framework including which other agencies are involved in certain aspects of spectrum management.
Spectrum regulatory functions include:
I Spectrum planning of the future steps required to achieve optimal spectrum use by charting the major
trends and developments in technology and considers the needs of current and future users of the radio
I Spectrum engineering including the evaluating of information, capabilities and technology choices to
support decisions affecting the allocation, allotment and assignment of radio spectrum. Identifying solutions
to interference problems and technical compatibility among radio systems are key areas of focus.
I Spectrum authorization involves licensing of radiocommunication equipment and the making of frequency
I Spectrum monitoring and compliance activities help by avoiding incompatible frequency usage and through
identification of sources of harmful interference.
Introduction to Developing Capacity
The contemporary view of capacity building goes beyond the conventional perception of training. The central
concerns of spectrum management to promote spectrum access and efficient use, to resolve conflicting
demands, to manage change, to enhance coordination and avoid interference, to foster communication and
consultation and to ensure that data and information are shared require a broader view of capacity
development. This definition covers both institutional and individual capacity building.
Spectrum regulators need to consider strategies for developing the spectrum management organization including
human resource development, spectrum management functions, process development, staffing and staff retention,
and training. These capacity building strategies flow from legislation, policies and the regulatory framework
including which other agencies are involved in certain aspects of spectrum management.
The traditional spectrum management regulatory functions include:
I Spectrum planning of the future steps required to achieve optimal spectrum use by charting the
major trends and developments in technology and considering the needs of current and future users
of the radio spectrum.
I Spectrum engineering including the evaluation of information, capabilities and technology choices to
support decisions affecting the allocation, allotment and assignment of radio spectrum. Identifying
solutions to interference problems and technical compatibility among radio systems are key areas of
I Spectrum authorization involves licensing of radiocommunication equipment and the making of
frequency assignments.
I Spectrum monitoring and compliance activities help by avoiding incompatible frequency usage and
through identification of sources of harmful interference.
How spectrum managers fulfill these requirements and meet strategic operational and organization goals
represent formidable challenges made more difficult in an environment characterized by change and innovation.
These types of capacity building problems are not new nor are they unique to spectrum management. Solutions do
exist for developing planning and implementing processes that will improve organization structure, function and to
develop necessary and required skills.
There is little point in developing strategies for spectrum management capacity building without a thorough
understanding of the mandate under which the spectrum management organization operates. The country's legal
and regulatory frameworks along with policies concerning governance provide the defining building blocks for the
spectrum management organization. For example, as was described in Sections I and III, the spectrum
management regulatory function is, in some cases, combined with telecoms and broadcasting regulation or it can
function separately as a stand alone organization. The implication here for capacity building is the need to develop
and maintain human resource skills independently of other organizations or to find ways of sharing in the
development and utilization of human resources through strategies such as matrix management or centres of
excellence within the combined regulator.
No two spectrum management organizations will be organized in the same manner, yet there are some similarities
in structures organized around the key functions of planning, engineering, and authorization and monitoring. Cost
and resource availability put pressure on spectrum managers to create organization and design functions which
ensure productivity is achieved through sharing and cross-fertilization of skills.
For purposes of illustration, a model organization chart and functional mapping of key responsibilities are
presented below for purposes of clarifying the understanding of spectrum management functions and ctivities.
model organization chart and functional mapping
As pointed out earlier, one of the outcomes of the analysis of structure and function is the potential for sharing
common resources such as engineering staff in both the planning and engineering functions. As well, it is possible
for administrative staff to support spectrum management and telecommunications and/or broadcasting regulatory
staff. Another important consideration is deciding to utilize outsourcing options for common services and
infrastructure such as information systems and software applications, and human resource management staff. The
determining the structure of the desired organization has a direct bearing on staff recruitment, training and
capacity building.
Human Resources and Training Development
Human resource planning and development through training are essential components of the overall plan and
strategy to build capacity within the spectrum management organization. In this section, we explore many of the
themes and topics associated with the need to hire, train and retain skilled human resources.
Human Resources
Spectrum Management is knowledge-based requiring skilled and committed personnel who are able to keep pace
with continuous progress in radio technologies along with increasing complexity and demands coming from
improved data handling capabilities and engineering analysis methods used to accommodate the number and
variety of users seeking access to the spectrum resource. Providing a challenging and rewarding experience for
staff, trainees and new recruits means giving them the tools and support they need for learning and development
throughout their careers.
Issues related to new technologies, dynamic market conditions and effective regulatory responses can easily
overtake the attention and focus of the spectrum management organization. At the same time, human resource
management is strategic to organization development and goal achievement but sometimes relegated to the tail-
end of the agenda. The reasons for the lack of focus are often related to budgetary and salary constraints which
prevent the recruitment of necessary skilled resources especially when the regulator is competing for the same
resources with the private sector or when there is a general lack of sufficient talent or skilled numbers of recruits to
draw upon.
There are many challenges for Spectrum Management Organizations to educate, to attract and to keep needed
professionals and staff. Some of the trends creating the challenge include the following:
I A continuing shortage of funds and sustainable revenues to support regulatory activity.
I It is more than probable that governments will face significant shortages of qualified professionals
over the next 5 to 10 years in both developed and developing countries for very different reasons. In
developed countries, changing demographics and the impending shortage of skilled resources has
been well documented. In developing countries, the challenge to educate sufficient numbers while
the population and economies grow will continue.
I Hurdles exist to some sources of relief for looming shortages. The approach to licensing of foreign-
trained experts creates problems as does emigration of locally and foreign educated nationals to
richer countries.
I Spectrum managers and other government agencies will face stiff competition nationally and
regionally to recruit and retain professional leaders in radiocommunication engineering, economics
and finance and legal affairs.
I In addition to pay and benefits, the national and international reputation of the spectrum manager,
the telecommunications sector, workload, support for professional development, and roles and
responsibilities between professions will be among a number critical factors for professionals in
deciding where they choose to pursue their careers.
I Competitive wages needed to attract appropriate personnel are constantly at odds with efforts to
control government budgets and to divert more resources away from the telecoms and spectrum
regulator to other government priorities.
I Roles and responsibilities among the related professions are changing due largely to innovation and
change in the use of technology and changes in the telecoms marketplace. Multi-disciplinary teams
are likely to become more common along with the emergence of new types of working
arrangements (e.g., outsourcing).
I New regulatory requirements arising from new approaches to service will affect how spectrum
management professionals work with each other and with stakeholders.
Spectrum managers need to develop and maintain strategic human resource development plans which identify
needs, gaps in capability and strategies to fill or compensate for deficiencies in human resource numbers and
skills. Strategies need to be consistent with overall government policy and legislation governing public service
employment yet responsive to changing requirements. Planning and development of strategies are essential.
Several helpful references to review are listed below:
I Robert L. Katz, Skills of an Effective Administrator, Harvard Business Review: Reprint 74509.
I Frederick Herzberg, One more time: How do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review:
Reprint 87507.
Training Development
Spectrum managers are responsible for ensuring their agency and staffs promote and ensure the efficient use of
the radio frequency spectrum resource. To satisfy this responsibility, spectrum managers must not only understand
current spectrum-dependent technologies, but also understand the likely interference interactions between the
services provided by incumbent spectrum users and the services envisioned to be provided through the use of
cutting edge technologies. Obtaining or developing effective training programs for spectrum managers, and
making these programs available to private sector entities can help to ensure that all spectrum managers operate
from a common frame of technical and analytical reference.
Spectrum managers should be able to use the latest spectrum management analysis tools. Spectrum managers
should also be aware of the commercial services available that could satisfy their functional requirements for
spectrum services.
There is also a need for additional spectrum management expertise. Spectrum management needs highly-trained
staff capable of adapting to technological change, instituted engineering recruitment and training programs.
There is a similar need for such training throughout the spectrum management community. By building in-house
expertise, non-government spectrum managers and spectrum users can make more informed choices on
equipment purchases and on other spectrum management issues.
Business Processes
There are numerous complex tasks and processes within the spectrum management organization which need to be
I Routine tasks and methods are associated with licensing of radiocommunications, type approval of
radio equipment and routine monitoring. Routine tasks are supported by well defined administrative
processes which can be dramatically improved and made more cost effective through the use of
efficient information management systems. Quality of service can be improved by placing service
points of presence close to clients and users.
I Technical tasks require staff with extensive formal and methods-based training and experience.
Frequency assignment, technical standards, spectrum engineering, information systems and radio
monitoring are tasks that require these levels of training. Core professionals/specialists work closely
with clients.
I Conceptual and coordination tasks. These are associated with planning, coordination, consultation,
and strategic initiatives associated with international consultation on spectrum planning matters.
Several techniques (Business Process Re-engineering, Process Improvement, Performance Management
Framework, to cite a few), developed in the area of management science are available to the spectrum manager to
assist in the design and evaluation of improved, more effective business processes. If a decision is made to re-
engineer the processes of the organization to better align them with changing market dynamics, technology or
regulation, it is important to stage the training and development of staff so that the training effort coincides with
the creation of new processes and systems to support them.
Consultative Practices
The Spectrum Management Organization needs to communicate and consult with stakeholders to be effective. The
spectrum manager needs to take effective measures to provide information on the policies, rules and practices of
the administration and provide mechanisms for feedback to evaluate polices, rules and practices. Consultation is
another means for building overall support for compliance by users. Another impetus for consultative mechanisms
for stakeholders arises from the need for improved short term planning and assignment processes which reflect
the economic value of spectrum to the public and improved transparency in decision-making. The discussion of
consultative processes takes place within a broader discussion of the role, contribution and extent to which
industry and stakeholder groups should participate in the implementation and monitoring of the broader agenda
of planning and efficient usage of spectrum. Action based on partnerships and involvement of major groups opens
up a wider political sphere for the participation of social and economic actors and constitutes a "bottom-up"
source of strength.
Consultative processes occur at several levels including international and regional efforts and processes can be
formalized, informal or ad hoc. Planning subjects range from policy and regulatory framework development and
formulation through forecasting of demand and technology application to procedural such as channel planning for
broadcasting frequencies.
Industry participants in various segments of the market mobile, satellite, microwave and broadcasters should be
encouraged to form associations which can formulate recommendations reflecting the common needs and
interests of the sector. As well, the spectrum manager can request from the associations expert advice on
contentious matters such as interference resolution solutions, band channeling plans and band clearing options.
Individual licensees and users are not precluded from submitting formal briefs of their own in addition to the
industry wide brief submitted to the regulator.

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