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Walworth County Sheriff's Office

1770 County Road NN, P.O. Bo 100!, "l#horn, W$ %&1'1

'(')7!1)!!00 *non)e+er,ency-
.a/id 0ra/es, Sheriff 1urt Pic#nell, 2ndersheriff
Date: August 5, 2014
Released by: Captain Dana Nigbor Contact Person: Captain Dana Nigbor
"#e $ollo%ing is a press release aut#ori&ed by a core tea' 'ade up o$ representati(es $ro'
local la% en$orce'ent, t#e District Attorney)s *$$ice, and Depart'ent o$ Corrections+ "#e core
tea' e(aluates and 'a,es decisions on t#e le(el o$ noti$ication to t#e co''unity $or t#e
pending release o$ se- o$$enders under .isconsin /tatute 001+46 1Act 4402+ Co''unity
noti$ication $urt#ers t#e interest o$ public sa$ety and it is our belie$ t#at a better in$or'ed public
is a sa$er public+ "#e .al%ort# County /#eri$$3s *$$ice is releasing t#e $ollo%ing in$or'ation
pursuant to .isconsin /tatute 001+46 1Act 4402, %#ic# aut#ori&es la% en$orce'ent agencies to
in$or' t#e public o$ a se- o$$ender)s release %#en t#at in$or'ation %ill en#ance public sa$ety
and a%areness+
William G. Pounder, 93, %as con(icted in .al%ort# County in 2005 o$ Repeated /e-ual
Assault o$ /a'e C#ild, and in 2002 o$ /econd Degree /e-ual Assault o$ a C#ild+ Pounder is
sc#eduled to be released $ro' prison on August 14, 2014 and %ill be residing at t#e 5ust 6i,e
7o'e Assisted 6i(ing 8acility, .5140 County 7%y+ A, 9l,#orn, .isconsin+
Pounder %ill be under super(ision %it# t#e Depart'ent o$ Corrections and as part o$ Pounder)s
super(ision %it# t#e Depart'ent o$ Corrections, #e %ill be sub:ect to 24#our en#anced
electronic 'onitoring including t#e use o$ ;P/ tec#nology+ Also, so'e o$ Pounder)s rules o$
super(ision include not to #a(e unsuper(ised contact %it# 'inors, not to enter any ta(erns,
bars, or li<uor stores, and is not to consu'e any alco#ol or illegal drugs+
Citi&en abuse o$ t#is in$or'ation to t#reaten, inti'idate, or #arass registered se- o$$enders %ill
not be tolerated+ 8urt#er, suc# abuse could sub:ect t#ose %#o co''it suc# acts to cri'inal
penalties, and potentially end la% en$orce'ent)s ability to do co''unity noti$ication+ .e
belie(e t#e only person %#o %ins i$ co''unity noti$ication ends is t#e se- o$$ender, since se-
o$$enders deri(e t#eir po%er t#roug# secrecy+
Pounder is not %anted by t#e police, #o%e(er i$ anyone #as in$or'ation o$ Pounder engaging
in illegal acti(ity or in (iolation o$ #is rules o$ super(ision, t#ey are as,ed to contact eit#er t#e
.al%ort# County /#eri$$3s *$$ice at 262!414400 or t#e Di(ision o$ Co''unity Corrections
at 262!416060+ Additional in$or'ation is a(ailable at t#e .isconsin Depart'ent o$
Corrections /e- *$$ender Registry .eb site located at #ttp:==o$$ender+doc+state+%i+us=public=+

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