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Translation of the new video by Ansar

Dine named; "Statement to the Islamic

Ummah" Shaykh Iyad Ag Ghali
Translated by; @MaliWitness
Note; The translation is a summary of the most important
points derived from the speech.....
Minute 0:00-4-24
1- The video starts with Doctor Iyad Qunaibi an Islamic scholar from Jordan
speaking about Malis history and its Islamic gures
2- Among those gures mentioned by Doctor Qunaibi is the leader of Jamaat Ansar
Dine, praising him for his courage in applying the Islamic Sharia
3- A graphic showing verses from the Quran, Surah Hajj verse 39-41
Minute 4:25-11:20
1- He starts off by praising Allah swt. - and sending peace and blessings upon the
Prophet (pbuh)
2- He sends his Salaam upon the Muslims, and asks Allah to bless them with victory
over their enemies
3- The he speaks about the Azawad, and says what is occurring in Azawad (Nothern
Mali) is nothing but a calamity and an exam, for Allah to separate the Good people
from the evil ones, the truthful from the liers
4- He mentions that Allah will humiliate the French and their allies like he humiliated
America and her allies
5- Iyad then stresses on the propaganda against his Jamaaah (Group) and that he
felt it was necessary to speak out in order to counter these deceivements and
uncertainties surrounding his group Ansar Dine
6- Iyad then mentions that the media have deceived the people about Ansar Dine
(and other groups) due to the media being controlled by the same enemies that are
ghting us he says
7- He then goes on to clarify and refute the deceivements in point form; Firstly That
Iyad Ag Ghali and his companions are in effort to establish the Islamic governance
and law in their homeland and this is what irritated and angered the west, hence their
blood spilling and aggression against the muslims in the region.
8- And this is why Iyad and his companions are ghting, fullling the command of
Allah derived from Surah Hajj, verse 39, that those that are transgressed upon have
the right to ght.
9- Afterwards he mentions the consensus of the scholars that if an indel army
enters the muslim land it is to be fought, and mentions the fatwa written by the
scholars of Mauretania pointing out the issue of Azawad and the french aggression
10- Secondly, Iyad Ag Ghali ensures that he and his companions will keep rm on
their rights and duties on defending their land and their people and religion and that
the war will be long and that Iyad and his companions will not compromise with
regards to their sacrices through their Martyrs and prisoners
11- And he assures their permissiveness in striking the enemy through Suicide
operations, rocket attacks and mines
Then appears a clip showing a rocket attack on the French
Minute 11:20-14:30
1- Iyad Ag Ghaly then talks about France and its attempt to blackout the reality on
the ground, despite this they have shown their signs of defeatism
2- The French have tried to withdraw while covering up their true faces and
maintaining their reputation
3- They have replaced their forces with its puppets of the African continent, under the
false pre tense of maintaning the peace
The appears a clip from a news agency speaking about the
possible numerous reasons France invaded Mali, mentioning the
French exploitation of the resources of the country like Uranium
Minute 14:30-17:35
1- Then Iyad Ag Ghaly mentions point number 3, Iyad Ag Ghaly afrms to the
Muslims that him and his companions will adhere and be rm upon their lofty goals
2- These goals being the ruling of Islamic Sharia based upon the Quran and the
Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) on all of our land
3- The struggle against the French Crusaders and the repelling of their aggression
upon the Muslims
4- The struggle to prevent their exploitation of the Muslim wealth like seen in those
countries (in the Islamic Maghreb) that lacks Islam

The appears a clip from a news agency where Francis Hollande is
explaining and speaking about some of the co-operation between
the French and the Mauretanian government, the Morrocan, the
Algerian ect.
Minute 17:35-22:00
1- Then Iyad Ag Ghali warns the Muslims not to be fooled by the Enemy and
dragged into dangerous positions, and to question this occupation and its intentions
2- Afterwards Iyad Ag Ghali calls on all the muslims to join 1 rank and to unite under
the ght against the Crusaders
3- The Iyad mentions a verse from the Quran stating that the Muslims are brothers,
then mentioning a hadith from the Prophet (pbuh) saying that the Believer/Muslim is
with another Muslim like the bricks of a bulding, each strengthens the other - hence
stressing on the unity among the Muslims
4- Then Iyad calls on all the Muslims to observe the Islamic principle, Al-Wala Wal
Bara, loyalty to muslims and Islam enmity to Disbelievers and indelity
5- Afterwards Iyad Ag Ghaly mentions a verse from the Quran mentioning that the
Believers/Muslims are allies to Allah and his messenger, those who observe prayer,
pay Zakat and prostrate to Allah
6- And then mentioning a verse from the Quran that says that those who believe in
Allah and the last day will not have love and affection for those who oppose Allah
and his messengers, EVEN if they were their fathers, their sons and their brothers
7- Then mentioning another verse, where Allah says to the Believers not to take the
Jews and the Christians as allies, and whoever takes them as Allies, he is one of
8- Iyad then calls on the Muslims to hold on to the rope of Allah, to not divert from
each other and cause disunity
9- Then Iyad calls on the Muslims to be patient on their path, as Allah has promised
them victory if they keep rm on their path, mentioning verses from the Quran where
Allah promises that his army are those of victory and overcoming
10- Then Iyad mentions that Allah will give victory to this religion, and the enemies of
Islam and those people of Disbelief will be defeated
Minute 22:00-24:00
1- In conclusion Iyad Ag Ghali sends greetings and blessings to the Mujahideen in all
of Sahara, Nigera and in Somalia and the Central African Republic, Maghreb,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Caucasus Emirate, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Iraq and Sham;
2- He asks Allah to give them and the other ghters around the world a strong victory
and sends glad tidings upon their struggle
3- And he asks Allah to bless their struggle and to give them in the end, the goal that
is the Khilafah/Caliphate upon the Methodology of prophecy
4- And at the end he makes Dua/Supplication, asks Allah to make them rm and to
crush their enemies and praises Allah at the end and sends blessings upon the
Prophet and greets his peace upon the viewers.
In the end of the video it is shown that the video is made by the
Media Section of the group, Ansar Dine

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