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8/7/2014 Test: Management 443 Chapter 5 | Quizlet 1/3
1. As an organization grows, the
increase in the size of the managerial
component is
2. Managers need to recognize the
way informal organizations affects the way
3. Bureaucracy has several
4. MBO has three specific steps:
5. Tall organization
1. number of hierarchical levels consistent with the contingencies it faces.
2. subordinates a manager directly manages. The two main factors that affect the span of control are task
complexity and task interrelatedness.
3. The number of subordinates a manager directly manages.
4. A system of evaluating subordinates on their ability to achieve specific organizational goals or performance
standards and to meet operating budgets.
5. it lays out the ground rules for designing an organizational hierarchy that efficiently controls interactions
between organizational levels. It also allows for people to pass their skills onward to another.
Specific goals and objectives are established at each
level of the organization. Managers and their
subordinates together determine the subordinates goal,
and finally the Managers and their subordinates
periodically review the subordinates progress toward
meeting those goals.
It is fair and equitable, and it can promote organization
effectiveness by improving organizational design.
However, problems can arise if bureaucratic principles
are not followed and if managers allow the organization
to become too tall and centralized.
An organization in which the hierarchy has many levels
relative to the size of the organization.
formal hierarchy of authority works and make sure the
two fit to enhance organizational performance.
less than proportional to the increase in the size of the
All 30 terms 21 terms
8/7/2014 Test: Management 443 Chapter 5 | Quizlet 2/3
1. effective way to design the hierarchy of authority in an organization.
a. The six principles of bureaucratic theory specify the most
b. The Principle of minumum chain of command
c. The primary advantage of bureaucracy is that
d. The six principles of a bureaucratic structure are:
2. form of organizational structure in which people can be held accountable for their actions because they are
required to act in accordance with well specified and agreed upon rules and standard operating procedures.
It has six principles.
a. Role conflict
b. Flat organization
c. Tall organization
d. A bureaucracy is a
3. It improves the number of managers it uses to monitor, evaluate, and reward employees and it increases
the number of levels its managerial hierarchy , thereby making the hierarchy TALLER.
a. As an organization grows, the increase in the size of the managerial component is
b. Having too many hierarchical levels can
c. An organization does two things to improve its ability to control:
d. The height of an organizations structure is a function of
4. A bureaucracy is founded on the concept of rational legal authority. 2) Organizational roles are held on the
basis of technical competence. 3) A roles task responsibility and decision making authority and its
relationship to other roles should be clearly specified. 4) The organization of roles in a bureaucracy is such
that each lower office in the hierarchy is under the control and supervision of a higher office. 5) Rules,
SOPS, and norms should be used to control the behavior and the relationship between roles in an
organization. Administrative acts, decisions, and rules should be formulated and put into writing.
a. The Principle of minumum chain of command
b. The six principles of a bureaucratic structure are:
c. The primary advantage of bureaucracy is that
d. The six principles of bureaucratic theory specify the most
5. Is the process of giving employees at all levels in an organizations hierarchy the authority to make
important decisions and be responsible for their outcomes.
a. Role ambiguity
b. Empowerment
c. Role conflict
d. Contigent Workers
1. Role conflict occurs when a persons tasks or authority are not clearly defined and the person becomes
afraid to act or take responsibility for anything
True False
8/7/2014 Test: Management 443 Chapter 5 | Quizlet 3/3
2. The shape of a hierarchy and the way it works are also affected by choices concerning the number of
levels in the hierarchy, the span of control at each level, and the balance between centralization and
decentralization of authority.
True False
3. Self powered teams are work groups consisting of people who are jointly responsible for ensuring that
the team accomplishes its goals and who are empowered to lead themselves.
True False
4. Role ambiguity occurs when a persons tasks or authority are not clearly defined and the person becomes
afraid to act or take responsibility for anything
True False
5. Having too many hierarchical levels can form of organizational structure in which people can be held
accountable for their actions because they are required to act in accordance with well specified and agreed
upon rules and standard operating procedures. It has six principles.
True False

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