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Lawrence C.

Hersh Of Counsel
Attorney at Law Theodore F. Shiells
17 Sylvan Street Texas State Bar No. 00796087
Suite 102B Shiells Law Firm P.C.
Rutherford, New Jersey 07070 1201 Main Street Suite 2470
Tel: (201) 507-6300 Dallas, Texas 75202
Fax: (201) 507-6311 Tel: (214) 979-7312
[email protected] Fax: (214) 979-7301
[email protected]

Attorneys for Plaintiff Simon Nicholas Richmond

Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No.
) _______
Defendant. )
______________________________________________ )


Plaintiff Simon Nicholas Richmond (Richmond or Plaintiff), for his
claims against Defendant Creative Industries, LLC, (Creative Texas or
Defendant) makes and files this Complaint and alleges as follows:
This case is related to Simon Nicholas Richmond v. Winchance Solar Fujian
Technology Co. ltd., et al., 13-cv-1954 (MLC-DEA), and alleges infringement of
the same United States Patents that are at issue in the aforementioned case, i.e.,
United States Patent Nos. 7,196,477; 7,429,827; and, 8,362,700. This case is
further related to case docket nos. 13-cv-1944 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1949 (MLC-
DEA), 13-cv-1950 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1951 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1952 (MLC-
DEA), 13-cv-1953 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1954 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1957 (MLC-
DEA), 13-cv-1959 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-1960 (MLC-DEA), 13-cv-2916 (MLC-
DEA), all of which have been consolidated with Simon Nicholas Richmond v.
Lumisol, et al., 13-cv-1944 (MLC-DEA).
The allegations contained in this Complaint against Defendant were
originally filed in Simon Nicholas Richmond v. Winchance Solar Fujian
Technology Co. ltd., et al., 13-cv-1954 (MLC-DEA). In an Order dated July 3,

2014, the claims against Defendant Creative Texas were severed, and Plaintiff was
ordered to file a severed complaint against each individual defendant in Case No.
13-cv-1954 (MLC-DEA) by August 1, 2014. (Case No. 13-cv-1944, Dkt. 122,
A. Plaintiff Richmond.
1. Plaintiff Richmond is an individual and a resident of New Jersey.
B. Defendant.
2. Creative Industries, LLC (Creative Texas) is a corporation organized
and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, having a principal place of
business at 140 Old San Antonio Rd., Boerne, TX 78006-3413. Creative Texas
may be served through its agent for service of process at Pete Sifuentez, 16205 San
Pedro, San Antonio, TX 7823.
3. Service of the prior Original and First Amended Complaints in 13-cv-
1954 (MLC-DEA) was previously properly effectuated on Defendant.
4. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws
of the United States, Title 35, United States Code, including 35 U.S.C. 271 and

281-285. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331
and 1338(a).
A. General.
5. Personal jurisdiction over Defendant is proper pursuant to New Jersey
Long-Arm Statute, N.J. CT. R. 4:4-4 and principles of due process.
6. Creative Texas has sufficient minimum contacts with New Jersey and
this district and the maintenance of this suit does not offend traditional notions of
fair play and substantial justice.
B. Specific Jurisdiction.
7. Personal jurisdiction over Defendant is proper under principles of
specific jurisdiction.
8. Upon information and belief, Defendant has transacted and solicited
business in New Jersey and in this district related to the subject matter of the
claims alleged herein and, upon information and belief, has committed direct
infringement in this state and district by importing, offering to sell and/or selling
goods infringing one or more of the Patents-in-Suit, to customer(s) in this state.
9. Upon information and belief, Defendant has knowingly induced

infringement in New Jersey by its customer(s) by offering to sell and/or selling
goods that infringe one or more of the Patents-in-Suit (as detailed in the Counts
below) to customer(s) in New Jersey, with specific knowledge of Plaintiffs
applicable patent(s), and with a specific intent and/or willful blindness to the fact
that their infringing products will be imported into and offered for sale, sold and/or
used in New Jersey by Defendants customers.
10. The infringement by Defendant that is the subject of the claims
alleged has caused Plaintiff to suffer damages and other losses in New Jersey and
this district, a result that was reasonably foreseeable to Defendant at the time
Defendant committed its misconduct.
C. General Jurisdiction.
11. Personal jurisdiction over Defendant is also proper under principles of
general jurisdiction in that Defendant either resides in this state and district and/or
has regularly and purposefully conducted business in New Jersey and this district.
D. Venue.
12. Venue also properly lies in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
1400(b) because Defendant has committed acts of infringement in this district.
13. Venue also properly lies in this district under 28 U.S.C. 1391(b)(2)

and/or (3) because, upon information and belief, either a substantial part of the
events or omissions giving rise to the claims recited below occurred in this district,
or a substantial part of the property that is the subject of the action is in this
district, or because there is no district in which the action may otherwise be
brought as provided in 28 U.S.C. 1391, and this court has personal jurisdiction
over Defendant.
A. Plaintiffs Patents-in-Suit
14. For many years, Richmond has engaged in the development,
manufacture, and sale of solar-powered garden lighting. Richmond has taken steps
to protect his innovative inventions and designs. In particular, Richmond owns
United States utility and design patents relating to his solar-powered garden lights.
15. Richmond is the inventor and owner of all right, title, and interest to
the United States patent number 7,196,477 A1, entitled Solar Powered Light
Assembly to Produce Light of Varying Colors, (477 Color-Changing Patent),
which duly and legally issued to Richmond on 3/27/2007.
16. Richmond is the inventor and owner of all right, title, and interest to
the United States patent number 7,429,827 A1, entitled Solar Powered Light

Assembly to Produce Light of Varying Colors, (827 Color-Changing Patent),
which duly and legally issued to Richmond on 9/30/2008.
17. Richmond is the inventor and owner of all right, title, and interest to
the United States patent number 8,362,700 A1, entitled Solar Powered Light
Assembly to Produce Light of Varying Colors, (700 Color-Changing Patent),
which duly and legally issued to Richmond on 1/29/2013.
18. Plaintiffs 477 Patent is valid and enforceable.
19. Plaintiffs 827 Patent is valid and enforceable.
20. Plaintiffs 700 Patent is valid and enforceable.
21. On November 3, 2011, United States Patent Publication No. US
2011/0266953 A1 (the 953 Published Application) was published. A copy of
the 953 Published Application may be obtained for free from the official United
States Patent and Trademark website, The invention as claimed in the
700 Patent is substantially identical to the invention as claimed in the 953
Published Application.
22. Richmond continues to engage in the development and sale of solar-
powered garden lighting and continues to take steps to protect his innovative
inventions and designs and in this regard has applied for additional patent

protection for his inventions. For example, on March 29, 2012, United States
Patent Publication No. US 2012/0075104 A1 (the 104 Published Application)
was published, and on April 5, 2012, United States Patent Publication No. US
2012/0081888 A1 (the 888 Published Application) was published. Copies of
the 104 and 888 Published Applications may be obtained for free from the
official United States Patent and Trademark website,
23. At all times relevant to this action, Richmond has complied with any
notice provisions of 35 U.S.C. 287 as they may relate to the Patents-in-Suit.
B. Facts relevant to Defendant
24. Defendant has imported, sold, exposed for sale or offered for sale
accused solar lighting products supplied by vendors other than the named
defendants in the cases consolidated under Case No. 13-cv-1944 (D.N.J.).
25. Since issuance of one or more of the foregoing Richmond patents,
Defendant has or has been importing, exposing for sale, offering for sale, or selling
the following products:
a) Crackle Ball (Model 49033-900AS)
b) 084-09-0707 Garden Place Solar Stakelight Clear - Crackleball
(same as Crackle Ball, Model 49033-900AS)

26. In addition to the products identified in the preceding paragraph,
Defendant has or has been importing, exposing for sale, offering for sale, and
selling the solar lighting products identified in Exhibit A.
Count 1 Creative Texass Direct Infringement of 477 Patent

27. The allegations of Paragraphs 1-26 are incorporated by reference as if
fully set forth again herein.
28. Creative Texas has notice of Plaintiffs rights in the 477 Patent.
29. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas directly infringes, and
has infringed, Plaintiffs 477 Color-Changing Patent by, at-least, importing,
exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling one or more solar-powered garden
light products that infringe 477 Patent. Upon information and belief, those solar-
powered garden lights include, at least, the following products:
a) Crackle Ball (Model 49033-900AS)
b) 084-09-0707 Garden Place Solar Stakelight Clear - Crackleball
(same as Crackle Ball, Model 49033-900AS).
30. The attached Preliminary Product List - Creative Texas, attached as
Exhibit A, contains a non-comprehensive list of products that, upon information

and belief, are believed to constitute infringement of Richmonds patents, where a
Y under the column labeled 477 Patent indicates that the product identified in
the corresponding row is believed to be an infringement of Plaintiffs 477 Color-
Changing Patent.
31. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas has and is importing,
exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling other solar-powered garden light
products which infringe Plaintiffs 477 Color-Changing Patent and will continue
to do so unless restrained by this Court.
Count 2 Creative Texass Direct Infringement of 827 Patent

32. The allegations of Paragraphs 1-31 are incorporated by reference as if
fully set forth again herein.
33. Creative Texas has notice of Plaintiffs rights in the 827 Patent.
34. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas directly infringes, and
has infringed, Plaintiffs 827 Color-Changing Patent by, at-least, importing,
exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling one or more solar-powered garden
light products that infringe the 827 Patent. Upon information and belief, those
solar-powered garden lights include, at least, the following products:
a) Crackle Ball (Model 49033-900AS)

b) 084-09-0707 Garden Place Solar Stakelight Clear - Crackleball
(same as Crackle Ball, Model 49033-900AS).
35. The attached Preliminary Product List - Creative Texas, attached as
Exhibit A, contains a non-comprehensive list of products that, upon information
and belief, are believed to constitute infringement of Richmonds patents, where a
Y under the column labeled 827 Patent indicates that the product identified in
the corresponding row is believed to be an infringement of Plaintiffs 827 Color-
Changing Patent.
36. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas has and is importing,
exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling other solar-powered garden light
products which infringe Plaintiffs 827 Color-Changing Patent and will continue
to do so unless restrained by this Court.
Count 3 Creative Texass Direct Infringement of 700 Patent

37. The allegations of Paragraphs 1-37 are incorporated by reference as if
fully set forth again herein.
38. Creative Texas has notice of Plaintiffs rights in the 700 Patent.
39. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas directly infringes, and
has infringed, Plaintiffs 700 Color-Changing Patent by, at-least, importing,

exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling one or more solar-powered garden
light products that infringe the 700 Patent. Upon information and belief, those
solar-powered garden lights include, at least, the following products:
a) Crackle Ball (Model 49033-900AS)
b) 084-09-0707 Garden Place Solar Stakelight Clear - Crackleball
(same as Crackle Ball, Model 49033-900AS).
40. The attached Preliminary Product List - Creative Texas, attached as
Exhibit A, contains a non-comprehensive list of products that, upon information
and belief, are believed to constitute infringement of Richmonds patents, where a
Y under the column labeled indicates that the product identified in the
corresponding row is believed to be an infringement of Plaintiffs 700 Color-
Changing Patent.
41. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas has and is importing,
exposing for sale, offering to sell, and selling other solar-powered garden light
products which infringe Plaintiffs 700 Color-Changing Patent and will continue
to do so unless restrained by this Court.
Count 4 Creative Texass Inducement of Target Corps. Infringement

42. The allegations of Paragraphs 1-41 are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth again herein.
43. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas has had actual
knowledge of Plaintiffs 7,196,477; 7,429,827; and, 8,362,700 Patents, and
knowledge that its solar-powered garden lights as accused of infringement earlier
in this Complaint (Accused Infringing Products) would infringe Plaintiffs
7,196,477; 7,429,827; and, 8,362,700 Patents if imported into, offered for sale or
sold in the United States. Creative Texas has had such knowledge of Plaintiffs
Patents, as alleged in this Complaint and no later than on or about 6/12/2013, by
means of service of the First Amended Complaint on Creative Texas.
44. Creative Texas has an ongoing, intentional relationship with its
customers, including at least Target Corp. with the clear aim of inducing their
nationwide distribution and sale in the United States. Upon information and belief,
the quantity of purchase would indicate to Creative Texas that its products would
be shipped to all of its customers retail stores, including Target Corp.s New
Jersey stores, in accordance with Target Corp. customary practice, something that
is well known to Creative Texas. Upon information and belief, Creative Texas
follows a similar practice with its other customers having retail stores in the United
States. As such, Creative Texas knew and intended, or was willfully blind to the

fact that its Accused Infringing Products would be offered for sale and sold by its
customers in the United States, including in New Jersey.
45. Based upon the foregoing facts, and reasonable inferences therefrom,
upon information and belief, Creative Texas has, with knowledge of Plaintiffs
7,196,477; 7,429,827; and, 8,362,700 Patents and specific intent to infringe, and/or
willful blindness to the infringement, actively induced and is inducing
infringement of Plaintiffs 7,196,477; 7,429,827; and, 8,362,700 Patents by the
direct infringement of at least Target, including for its stores in New Jersey, and
will continue to do so unless restrained by this Court.

46. Plaintiff has been damaged as a result of Defendants infringing
activities and will continue to be damaged unless such activities are enjoined by
this Court. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284, Plaintiff is entitled to damages adequate to
compensate for the infringement of Plaintiffs Patents, including, inter alia, lost
profits and/or a reasonable royalty.
47. Plaintiff will be irreparably harmed if Defendants patent infringement
continues. Plaintiff relies upon his patents for protection of his business
intellectual property and the rampant infringement of his patents by Defendant robs

Plaintiffs business of its intellectual assets and denies Plaintiff the exclusivity in
the marketplace for offering and selling his products to which he is entitled under
the Patent Laws. This seriously damages Plaintiff in a manner that cannot be
adequately compensated by money alone. Plaintiff is entitled to a permanent
injunction prohibiting Defendant, its directors, officers, employees, agents, parents,
subsidiaries, affiliates, and anyone else in active concert or participation with them,
from taking any other actions that would infringe Plaintiffs Patents.

48. On information and belief, Defendant Creative Texas had actual
notice of the '953 Published Application, which matured into the 700 Patent,
including its specification and claims.
49. On information and belief, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 154(d), since
having actual notice of the '953 Published Application, Defendant at least used the
invention as claimed in one or more claims of the '953 Published Application and
the later issued 700 Patent, by making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or
importing into the United States one or more models of solar-powered garden
lights, including the models identified in Exhibit A as infringing the 700 Patent.

50. As a result of violation of Plaintiffs provisional rights in the '953
Published Application by Defendant Creative Texas, Plaintiff is entitled to recover
a reasonable royalty pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 154(d)(1), in addition to Plaintiffs
other rights provided by the Patent Statute.
51. Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc.
38(b), for all issues so triable.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that the court enter judgment granting
Plaintiff the following relief:
a. Awarding Plaintiff his damages adequate to compensate for
Defendants infringement of Plaintiffs Patents, including, inter alia, lost profits
and/or a reasonable royalty;
b. Declaring this case to be exceptional under 35 U.S.C. 285 and
awarding Plaintiff his attorneys' fees, costs and expenses related to bringing this
c. Enjoining Defendant from infringing Plaintiffs Patents; and
d. Awarding Plaintiff such further and other relief as the Court

deems just and equitable.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Lawrence C. Hersh
Lawrence C. Hersh
Attorney at Law
17 Sylvan Street
Suite 102B
Rutherford, New Jersey 07070
Tel: (201) 507-6300
Fax: (201) 507-6311
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Simon Nicholas Richmond

Of Counsel
Theodore F. Shiells
Texas State Bar No. 00796087
Shiells Law Firm P.C.
1201 Main Street Suite 2470
Dallas, Texas 75202
Tel: (214) 979-7312
Fax: (214) 979-7301
[email protected]

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