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events arts
dining maps
2 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 3
4 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 5
6 | August 2014 |
Publishers Note
ugust. The back-to-school rush begins to settle. Sweat-
ers start peeking out of shop windows, and an occasion-
al tree starts to wink a red leaf here and there. Were
not ready for summer to be over just yet, but we know Autumn
is on her way. No matter what season you join us here in the
mountains, we at the Laurel appreciate you taking us along for
the journey.
Janet and Marjorie | August 2014 | 7
8 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 9
10 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 11
12 | August 2014 |
Events Dining
68 Fressers Courtyard Cafe
70 Chocolate Walnut Butter
71 Wine Talk
72 Star of the Bar Richard Errington
74 Evenings at Lakeside
75 Highlands Culinary Weekend
76 Napa Valley Picnic
77 Belgian Beer Dinner
97 Dining Guide
Inside The Laurel
Marjorie Fielding,
Managing Partner
(828) 371-2764
Janet Cummings,
Managing Partner
(828) 371-2689
Michelle Munger,
Art Director
[email protected]
(828) 342-3551
Wiley Sloan,

Donna Rhodes,
Luke Osteen,
Contributing Writers: Jenny Kiing, Mary Jane MCall, David Wilkes, Amanda Sullivan, Lindsey Mann, Tom Chillemi, Elizabeth Fletcher,
Jane Gibson Nardy, Gary Wein, Kathy Bub, Mary Adair Leslie, Sue Blair, Matthew Bradley, Dr. Anastasia Halldin,
David Stroud, Curt Christiansen, Tonya Hensley and Michelle Price
Making it Happen
15 Highlands Biological Station
16 Bingo for Relay
18 Center for Life Enrichment
20 Concert for Literacy
22 Saturdays on Pine
23 Garden Workshops
24 WCU Student Film Festival
26 Twilight 5K
27 Cashiers Designer Showhouse
28 Friday Night Live
32 Village Square Art and Craft Show
33 Relay for Life
34 Cashiers Trail Mix
36 Dahlia Festival
38 Bolivian Mission Fundraiser
39 The Bookworm
40 Village Nature Series
41 Cashiers Arts and Crafts Show
42 Favorite Poem Night
43 Rabun County Music Festival
43 Area Calendar
The Arts
Copyright 2014 by The Mountain Laurel, LLC. All rights reserved. Laurel Magazine is published eleven times per year. Reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. The
publishers and editors are not responsible for unsolicited material and it will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication subject to Laurel Magazines right to edit. Return postage must
accompany all manuscripts, photographs and drawings. Every efort has been made to assure that all information presented in this issue is accurate, and neither Laurel Magazine nor any of its
staf is responsible for advertising errors, omissions, or information that has been misrepresented in or to the magazine. Any substantial errors that are the fault of the magazine will be subject to a
reduction or reimbursement of the amounts paid by the advertiser, but in no case will any claim arising from such error exceed the amount paid for the advertisement by the advertiser.
Volume Thirteen Issue Seven 828-526-0173 email [email protected] P.O. Box 565 Highlands, NC 28741
84 Granite City
86 Fly Fishing
88 Pollinator Garden
89 Golf Talk
90 Criter Corner
91 Know our Birds
92 Three Highlands Waterfalls
93 Waterfall Guide
Venture Out
108 I Love Lucy
Mountain Wedding
136 Forever Farms
137 Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust
138 Carpe Diem Farms
139 Big Brothers / Big Sisters
140 Humane Society
142 NAMI
Giving Back
122 Home of Distinction
124 Kids and Money
125 A Better Brain
126 Sleeping Well?
127 Sky Valley
128 A Terrible Thing to Waste
Homes & Lifestyles
144 Rebeckas Professional Cleaning
145 Bardo
146 Vivianne Metzger Antiques
148 Innisfree Bed & Breakfast
150 Alyxandras
152 Highlands Village Square
154 Trinity Wellness
52 Cover Artist Bernie Coulson
54 Susan Williams
54 The Bascom
56 Chamber Music Festival
57 Highlands Playhouse
58 Art League
58 Bel Canto
62 Highlands-Cashiers Players
63 Tina Eno
96 Highlands History
98 Cashiers History
100 Sapphire Valley History
History | August 2014 | 13
14 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 15
Swamp Monsters and More
he Highlands Biological Foundations annual Zahner Con-
servation Lecture Series, a summer tradition that began
in the 1930s, continues this month. These free lectures are
held at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday evenings in the Highlands Nature
Center. Several Forays are scheduled for the following day to
explore the topics in more depth.
On August 7, Dr. Catherine Carter of Western Carolina Uni-
versity will talk about Swamp Monsters and Bone-Eating Snot
Flowers: Poetry and the Nonhuman World. She will discuss
the ways in which poets engage with and represent the nonhu-
man world. Her own outlook has been described as witty, frank,
and imaginative.
Dr. Gary Walker of Appalachian State University will discuss
Clif-Face Ecology in the Southern Appalachians on August 14.
He will speak about his various investigations in clif ecosystems
in the southern Appalachians.
On August 21, Dr. Jack Mayer from the Savannah River Na-
tional Laboratory will present Wild Pigs: Americas Growing
Invasive Crisis. Non-native wild pigs are becoming Americas
worst invasive species nightmare. This talk will cover the history
of this crisis as well as the damage caused by these animals.
Dr. William Kimler from NCSU will lecture on August 28 on
Amazonian Naturalists, Arts, and the Idea of the Tropics. Dr.
Kimler will explore the image of the tropics as a rich resource for
exploitation rather than a fragile environment, an idea that last-
ed from the early days of European exploration until recently.
Dr. Rich Baird of Mississippi State University will lead a Fungi
Foray from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., August 1. For over 20 years,
Dr. Baird has been researching and identifying the vast diversity
of fungi on the Highlands Plateau.
Dr. Gary Wein of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust will lead
a foray to Cedar Knob from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. August 15,
explore clif-face ecology. This site is home to rare and unusual
plants such as round-leaf serviceberry, granite-dome goldenrod
and dwarfed red cedar trees.
On Friday, August 29, from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Kyle Pursel
of H-CLT leads a Salamander Foray to identify salamanders in a
unique environment, the Serpentine Barrens of Buck Creek.
For more information about these and other programs,
visit or call (828) 526-
2221. The Highlands Biological Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization.
Contributed by Michelle S. Ruigrok
The Highlands Biological Foundations August programs at the Nature Center ofer a rare glimpse into the natural treasures that ring the community.
For more information, call (828) 526-2221.
Dr. Jack Mayer
16 | August 2014 |
upporters of the American Cancer Societys Relay for
Life will gather at the Highlands Conference Center
(next to the Town Ball Field on US 64) to enjoy a night
of bingo on Thursday, August 7.
Games begin at 6:30 P.M. and continue for a total of 15
games. Each bingo card is just $1 per game.
Go the extra mile and become a Table Sponsor for $50 for
a full-page ad, or $25 for a half-page. Even if you dont have
a business, your ad can read -- Joe and Sally Support Relay
for Life.
Everyone is encouraged to bring their friends and family
for a great night of fun. Call Rotary Relay co-captain Christy
Kelly at (828) 787-2124 to purchase your ad. If you cant be
there for bingo, you can still support the Rotary Relay for
Life Team by mailing your donation to Rotary Relay Team,
P. O. Box 1742, Highlands, NC 28741. All checks should be
payable to the Rotary Club of Highlands.
Cash prizes are awarded for each game, and everyone is
guaranteed to have a ton of fun while supporting a great
cause. The more people in attendance, the larger the prizes.
Some players generously return their winnings to the Relay
for Life Team.
Each year the Rotary Club of Highlands has sponsored a
Relay for Life team to raise funds and awareness for the mis-
sion of the American Cancer Society. Join your friends and
neighbors in a community-wide effort to give hope, remem-
ber loved ones and celebrate successful outcomes. The
funds raised by Relay for Life are used for cancer research,
advocacy, and outreach to improve the lives of cancer pa-
tients and their families.
Remember to support this years Relay, which will take
place at 6:00 P.M. on Friday, August 8. Join your neighbors
while you enjoy food, music, and games as team members
walk all night, because cancer never sleeps.
Be sure to enjoy Bingo on Thursday, August 7, and lend
your support to Relay for Life, Friday, August 8.
for Relay
by Wiley Sloan
A night of bingo at the Highlands Conference Center
Thursday, August 7 -- is a dandy way to support the American Cancer
Societys Relay for Life. You can also join in the Relay, set for Friday,
August 8 at the Highlands Civic Center.
For a comprehensive list of area events and happenings
visit | August 2014 | 17
18 | August 2014 |
Engage Your Brain
new month is upon us! The Center for Life Enrichment
has a wide variety of classes taught by highly accom-
plished speakers.
Engage your brain with a class in the sciences Science and
the Arts: Closer Than You Think or Further Apart? This fun pro-
gram will include artwork and flm clips to give surprising ex-
amples of science-art connections that rise to the sublime but
also sink to the ridiculous. Itll be held from 10:00 A.M. to noon,
August 2.
Why is There Anything? will attempt to unravel this tan-
gled question that theologians, physicists and philosophers
have pondered for centuries. Join us from 10:00 A.M. to noon,
August 6.
Join Sylvia Hillyard Pannell in a fabulous presentation of the-
atrical costumes. Theatrical Design and Designers of the Mu-
sic Halls of Paris showcases designs by Erte, Freddy Whittop,
Georges Barbier and Zig. Pannell holds a Master of Fine Arts in
Theatrical Design from Florida State University and has been a
designer and educator for over three decades. Her program will
be staged from 10:00 A.M. to noon on August 5.
Returning Middle East specialist Dr. Akram Khater will be pre-
senting two lectures, The Struggle for the Future of the Middle
East: Syria, and Christians in the Middle East: A 2000 Year Old
Story. Dr. Khater is Director of Middle East Studies at NC State
University and has been a crowd-drawing speaker for CLE in
past years. The classes will be held August 11, 6:00 P.M. to 8:00
P.M. and August 12, 10:00 A.M. to noon respectively.
And you will not want to miss noted author Cassandra King!
She will be discussing her book Moonrise, which is based in
Highlands on Wednesday, August 13, 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Theres lots more going on at the Center for Life Enrichment
in August Wine, Facebook, drawing, a lecture on Alfred Rus-
sell Wallace just to name a few, so stop by the Center for Life
Enrichment ofce, now located in the lower level of the Peggy
Crosby Center at 348 South Fifth Street in Highlands for more
information, to pick up a catalog, register for a class or become
a member. You can also visit or call (828) 526-
8811. Find us on Facebook!
Contributed by Bonnie Dayton
August at the Center for Life Enrichment ofers a glimpse at the startling links between science and art, the majesty of
French theatrical designs, an exploration of the pitfalls and promise of the Middle East, and a look at a book set in Highlands.
To register or for more information, call (828) 526-8811. | August 2014 | 19
20 | August 2014 |
A Musical Boost for Literacy
adeline and Fred Knox have joined forces with The Lit-
eracy Council of Highlands to bring world-renowned
musician Randall Atcheson back to Highlands.
Join your friends at the Highlands Playhouse from 4:00 to
6:00 P.M. Saturday, August 30, to hear Randall as he shares his
immense talent at the keyboard.
As a former frst grade school teacher, children are especially
dear to Madeline. She tells all of her friends about her mus-
tard seed theory -- how even the small things in life can make
a huge diference.
Helping a child to read may seem small, but it will greatly im-
pact their lives in unbelievable ways, Madeline says. A person
who reads well can take advantage of limitless opportunities.
Randall inspires me and I hope he will inspire you.
Children are as important to Randall as they are to Madeline.
He teaches up to 70 youngsters a week. He works diligently to
share those talents with people across the globe. This Julliard
School graduate does that through his many concerts and his
recordings. If you have seen Randall, you know he is at home
with music of all types -- classical, gospel, and pop.
This is a concert you wont want to miss. General admission
tickets are available for $50 per person by calling (828) 526-2695.
The Champagne Reception begins at 3:00 P.M., the concert at
4:00 P.M. Visit their website at or
mail a check to Literacy Council of Highlands, 348 South Fifth
Street, Highlands, NC 28741.
Patrons will enjoy a special treat at the Knox home on Friday
evening as they enjoy an intimate dinner with Randall. There is
very limited seating for this event so call early at (828) 526-0863
for tickets and pricing.
We are so excited that Randall Atcheson is coming back to
Highlands to perform for the beneft of our organization and
are grateful to Madeline and Fred Knox for making that hap-
pen, says Literacy Council President Dick Hills. A hearty thank
you to our friends at the Highlands Playhouse for the donation
of their facility for this event. For Laurel readers who dont
know about the Literacy Council, we help folks learn to read,
or to read better. We tutor struggling students, we help young
people prepare for GED exams, we teach English as a Second
Language, and much more. The funds we hope to receive from
the Atcheson concert and donations are what make it possible
for us to continue our mission. Dont miss Randall Atcheson.
by Wiley Sloan
Keyboard Artist Randall Atcheson will ofer a beneft concert for the Literacy Council of Highlands, Saturday, August 30, at the Highlands Playhouse.
For tickets or more information, call (828) 526-0863. | August 2014 | 21
22 | August 2014 |
Live Music in the Mountains
f youve happened by the Kelsey Hutchinson Park in Highlands
on a Saturday evening recently, youve no doubt enjoyed the
concert series, Saturdays on Pine.
Well, dont just stroll by, plan to make a full evening of it in
August. Bring your chairs, blankets and coolers, sit back and ex-
perience live music in the mountains.
Thanks to the Highlands Chamber of Commerce, Kay and
Thomas Craig of The Ugly Dog Pub, and many generous sponsors,
Saturdays on Pine will continue to showcase artists from around
this region. Concerts begin at 6:00 P.M.
August 2 youll hear the The Lonesome Road Band from Ashe-
ville, North Carolina. This band is a high energy, extremely talent-
ed group of individuals with tight harmonies, a thunderous beat,
superb picking skills, and a set list flled with current country rock
matched up with some classic favorites.
Local group Hi 5 will bring their mix of rock and southern soul
to the Kelsey Hutchinson Park on August 9.
On August 16, Mangas Colorado from Jackson County will have
you on your feet with their unique blend of sounds rooted in rock,
outlaw country, bluegrass, folk, and singer-songwriter music.
This rough and tumble group with hearts of gold cites a broad
range of infuences, from The Eagles to the Avett Brothers.
August 23 is a special Saturdays on Pine event when Copious
Jones out of Atlanta will provide live music for the 2nd Annual
Twilight Rock n Roll 5k at the Kelsey Hutchinson Park. Theyll be
playing during and after the race but the concert is not limited to
race participants. Come join the party!
Tea for Three, a group from Franklin, North Carolina, will bring
back memories of classic British Rock, with a twist on August 30!
The series continues in September with bands Homemade
Wine, Fish Out of Water and Andrew Scotchie & River Rats.
For more information about Saturdays on Pine, contact the
Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center at (828) 526-
2112 or stop by the Ugly Dog Pub.
by Jenny King
Copious Jones
Kelsey Hutchinson Park is the site for irresistible musical fun with the Saturdays on Pine concert series. For information, call (828) 526-2112. | August 2014 | 23
Dovecotes Garden Workshops
ugust is time for setting seed, making preserves and add-
ing to the landscape savings account.
My idea of a landscape savings account is to design a
garden that gives back all winter in terms of food for the body
and soul. That said, our Dovecote Porch & Gardens events tune
into your long-term garden banking this month. Cha-ching!
Join us on August 7 for a watery wonderland with hydraulic
magician Bob Dews. Bob is a master of water. Falling, spilling,
cascading, dripping. He coaxes it to the highest heights, or
subdues it into a still pond. He will discuss the secrets of his
creations plus entertain us with anecdotal tales of waterfalls
gone bonkers! We will feld trip to a nearby idyllic creation.
Want to turn your hand to creating a show house garden?
We welcome you on August 14 at 10:00 A.M. to get cracking.
Pitch in to help make The Cashiers Decorator Showhouse
Hilliard House into a garden gem.
Just call Mary Palmer (828) 743-0307 to reserve your spot.
Bring your work gloves, a shovel and creative juices. Meet at
10:00 A.M. at Dovecote. We will work on and of this weekend
to be fnished by August 19 three sculptures by Carl Peverall,
a waterfall and pretty fower garden. Come one, come all!
To quench your thirst after a long summer afternoon of gar-
dening, maybe a Bitters Making Workshop is just the thing. On
August 21, our Mystery Guest Mixologist shares a variety of
techniques. Bring your small bottle to take home samples!
Bitters-making reaches far back into the Egyptian era. It is
an alcoholic preparation favored with spices, roasted seeds
or aromatic twigs that impart a bitter or bittersweet favor.
Once a patent medicine, this concoction may be added to lem-
onade, vodka, water and fancy cocktails. Angostura Bitters,
popular on grocery store shelves, hails from Venezuela and
was created in 1824 as a cure for sea sickness and other stom-
ach maladies.
Dovecotes season fnale is all about fall and winter vegeta-
ble gardening.
Our Secret Garden Guru presents: Start your Vegetable
Seeds for a Successful Fall Garden on August 28 at 10:00 A.M.
Dont know a swiss chard from a kale, or a lettuce from a basil?
Now is the time to plant baby seeds and ready for a fall and
winter crop of home grown goodies!
In September, stay tuned for our special event -- Fall Garden
Sizzle & Pow! Recipes for Your Landscape Success.
Contributed by Mary Palmer Dargen
Keep ahead of this most fruitful of seasons with a full month of fun workshops. For more information, call (828) 743-0307.
24 | August 2014 |
WCU Student Film Fest
ou dont need to be a member of the Hollywood elite to
see works by the newest up-and-coming visionaries in the
flm industry.
On Sunday, August 17, you are invited to attend Western Car-
olina Universitys Best of Controlled Chaos Film Festival at the
Country Club of Sapphire Valley.
WCUs Film and Television Production Program has held the
Controlled Chaos Film Festival on campus for six years. This
juried showcase features flms written, directed, flmed, pro-
duced, scored and acted entirely by WCU flm students as class
assignments during the academic year. Susan Belcher, wife
of WCU Chancellor David Belcher and co-chair of the festival
committee, says they are thrilled to be able to open it to the
wider community.
Adair Simon, a Cashiers resident and member of the WCU
Friends of the Arts Advisory Council, serves as co-chair for the
event, with Mountain Youth Charities Director Marcia Shawler
on board as honorary chair. A number of people in the sur-
rounding areas agreed to form the screening committee for the
Cashiers event. The ofcial flm festival was held on campus May
2. In June, the screening committee then chose approximately
75-80 minutes worth of flms for the Best of WCUs Controlled
Chaos Film Festival.
Headed by Emmy Award-winning and Oscar nominated-direc-
tor Jack Sholder, the Film and Television Production Program
has received recognition over the years. At last years Asheville
Cinema Festival a WCU senior project comedy titled Jerry was
awarded The Best Student Film of the Year. During the 2013
Controlled Chaos Film Festival, WCU was one of only a few col-
leges in the nation to be given by Sony a state-of-the-art high
resolution camera valued at nearly $100,000. Obviously, this is
an expensive program and one that needs support from flm
lovers, art lovers and those who simply enjoy being entertained.
All festival proceeds will beneft the Film and Television Produc-
tion Program at WCU.
Ticket prices are $75 and will include a reception with bever-
ages and heavy hors doeuvres at 6:00 P.M. Students and staf
will be available to give a brief introduction before showing
their work. Tickets for the Best of Controlled Chaos Film Fes-
tival may be purchased by calling (828) 227-2755. For more in-
formation, visit online or email knkopak@
by Jenny King
The Best of Controlled Chaos Film Festival, set for August 17 at the Country Club of Sapphire Valley, ofers the best of Western Carolina Universitys
flm program. Tickets for the Best of Controlled Chaos Film Festival may be purchased by calling (828) 227-2755.
For more information, visit online or email [email protected] | August 2014 | 25
26 | August 2014 |
Rock, Roll and Run
he 2nd Annual Rotary Club of Highlands Twilight Rock n
Roll 5k will be held on Saturday, August 23, at the Kelsey-
Hutchinson Park on Pine Street in downtown Highlands.
The race begins at 6:00 P.M., with check-in at 4:00 P.M. Last-
minute participants can register at check-in.
Highlands Decorating Centers Derek Taylor and Michael
Johnson of The Highlander Newspaper are spearheading this
fundraising event and encourage everyone to attend. Its not
just for runners and tri-athletes like Derek and Michael; walk-
ers, families with strollers, novice runners, and experienced
racers are all welcome. The course is undulating, yet begin-
ners or walkers will fnd it friendly while the faster runners will
be challenged.
Proceeds beneft the Highlands School track teams. Parking
will be available around the park. Bring chairs, coolers, refresh-
ments and blankets to Kelsey Hutchinson Park and spend the
evening. There will be a live concert by Copious Jones during
and after the race and any racer (of legal age) crossing the fnish
line can quench their thirst with a beer from the Ugly Dog Pub.
You can register online at Cost is $30 and if
you register on race day its $35. The Twilight Rock n Roll 5k is
ofering t- shirts for frst 100 registrants as well as glow sticks for
the kids. Awards will be presented to the overall top male and
female fnisher and top 3 fnishers in each 10 year age division.
Kids under 10 can run for free.
Sponsorships are still available in varying amounts and your
name will be included in all advertising, posters and tee shirts.
For sponsorship or registration information, visit www. twilight-, or contact Derek Taylor at (828) 526-3571 or
Michael Johnson at (828) 526-4114.
by Jenny King
Serious (and not-so-serious) athletes are invited to participate in the 2nd Annual Rotary Club of Highlands
Twilight Rock n Roll 5k, Saturday, August 23, at Kelsey-Hutchinson Park. | August 2014 | 27
Cashiers Designer Showhouse
The 17th Annual
illiard House boasts extraordinary and encompassing
views, soaring ceilings and a gracious and open foor plan
for large scale entertaining. Bedrooms and baths are in-
timate and private with each perfectly positioned for a picture
framed view of Whiteside Mountain. A sweeping veranda
stretching the entire width of the home welcomes you inside
while porches and decks of the back beckon a lazy summer day
spent with a glass of lemonade and a great book.
From August 23 through August 31, Interior Designers rep-
resenting the Southeastern region will not only bring trending
design to Cashiers but will again create the magic that is The
Cashiers Designer Showhouse
. Leading area landscapers are
involved in redefning the areas surrounding the home and in
turn creating serene and evocative late summer mountain gar-
dens for Showhouse strolling.
Showhouse Event Manager Laura Jane Stanton says, Once
again CHS has chosen a stunning property for the 2014 Design-
er Showhouse
. Sitting in the middle of 29 acres is a lovely,
light, and airy southern style home. This home ofers spec-
tacular views of woods and Whiteside Mountain from almost
every room. As one approaches the back of this property, you
will be blown away by the view of the Chattooga Valley and
the mighty Whiteside. Combined with the talented designers,
the exciting shopping experience and the tantalizing lunch,
we promise you will have a wonderfully memorable day in the
mountains of Cashiers, North Carolina!
Showhouse Boutique Manager Cherie Tibbets serves as liai-
son with 25 separate boutique/shop owners in structuring two
unique shopping experiences at the Showhouse the Annex
Boutique and the Cafe Level Shops. Antiques, jewelry, area
crafts, foods, clothing and accessories and garden plants with
that Cashiers style can be found again this year, along with sur-
prise pop-up shops and books from various designers through-
out the world.
Lunch will be served daily at the Showhouse Cafe from 11:30
A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
The Cashiers Designer Showhouse is the primary fundraiser
of the Cashiers Historical Society, whose work in educating and
advocating to preserve the cultural heritage of our valley is so
essential. Daily admission: $35; available at the Barrs Parking
Lot and online.
For further information, please contact the Ca-
shiers Historical Society at (828)743-7710 or visit
Close to the center of Cashiers, through the gates and down a beautifully wooded and winding trail, stands an utterly charming, low-country home,
on 29 breathtaking acres set deep in the shadows of Whiteside Mountain.
28 | August 2014 |
Town Square, Electric Air
nspired by former Highlands Chamber of Commerce board
member Lynn Delgado, Friday Night Live has grown from a
once-a-month summer event to a weekly happening. Every
Friday night, from late spring to late October, the air around
Town Square is electricand acoustic!
FNL features the best of local mountain music from blue-
grass to country to a people-pleasing mountain dulcimer band.
Every Friday night from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. and beyond, the
chamber promises a good time for all, and its free. Rain or
shine, performers pick, grin and harmonize for the pleasure of
all. From toddlers to the top of the family tree, toes are guar-
anteed to tap.
Thanks to the support of Lupoli Construction, owner of
Town Square shops, stores remain open for visitors to stop
and shop or enjoy a Kilwins chocolate treat.
Chamber President Bob Kieltyka says, The Chamber of Com-
merce proudly presents this music for the entertainment and
enjoyment of everyone. We encourage one and all to spend a
Friday evening strolling Highlands, enjoying the music, shop-
ping, or perhaps dining in one of our many fne restaurants.
For more information, contact Highlands Area Chamber
of Commerce and Visitor Center at www.highlandschamber.
org or call (828) 526-2112. Marianne Vines, chairperson of
the Chambers Events Committee books FNL performers.
Kudos to Marianne for Augusts line-up: August 1, Nathan
Grass (bluegrass); August 8, Fred Kopp; August 15, Johnny
Webb (bluegrass); August 22, Nathan Grass; and August 29,
Mountain Dulcimers.
by Donna Rhodes
Friday Night Live brings the sound of the mountains to Highlands Town Square, 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Fridays. | August 2014 | 29
30 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 31
32 | August 2014 |
Calling All Art-aholics
f youre reading this issue of Laurel, you probably already have
a pretty good idea that Highlands is the perfect destination for
cooling of on a hot summer day.
The people at the Macon County Art Association realize it, too.
Thats why theyre sponsoring the Ninth Annual Village Square Art
and Craft Show, set for Saturday and Sunday, August 23 and 24.
The event is free and goes from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on
Saturday and Sunday in Kelsey-Hutchinson Park and neighboring
Highlands Village Square (at the corner of Fifth and Pine Streets),
just one block from Main Street shops and restaurants.
This show has something for everyone. Youll fnd a plethora
of mountain artists and crafters with their fne art, folk art, tra-
ditional mountain crafts, metal work, fabric work, and jewelry,
along with demonstrations, live music and food.
Therell be plenty of Highlands artists in the mix, including
Marker Mountain soaps and lotions, ceramicist Jan Smith, jew-
eler Lee Byers and wood turner Donald Krebs. Tim and Nancy
Holt, also of Highlands, create beautiful copper chandeliers and
sconces for the home. There are many other home accessories,
including pottery and rustic furniture, as well as garden accesso-
ries, birdhouses, childrens clothing and much more.
Enjoy live music both days, with dulcimer music by Pick n
Play on Saturday, and the amazing voice and guitar of Ryan Boss
on Sunday.
Plan on breakfast or lunch at Fressers Courtyard Cafe in the
Village Square. In the park youll fnd fresh-squeezed lemonade,
iced tea, boiled peanuts, and fruit cobbler.
Macon County Art Association is a non-proft dedicated to pro-
moting and teaching fne arts. While in the area, visit their Up-
town Gallery in downtown Franklin.
For more information, contact coordinator Cynthia Strain at
(828) 787-2021 or [email protected].
Contributed by Cynthia Strain
In Her Garden
by Camille Tuttrup
Now in its ninth year, the Village Square Art and Craft Show ofers the creations of local artisans and craftspeople.
Itll be staged August 23 and 24 in Kelsey-Hutchinson Park in Highlands. | August 2014 | 33
Relay for Life
he 2014 Highlands Relay For Life week is here!
Highlands has a week full of activities that culminate
with one of the most heartfelt Relay For Life events you
will experience. Our theme this year is Fight to the Finish and
that is exactly what we plan to do!
Please mark your calendars:
Saturday, August 2 -- A huge Yard Sale in the First Citizens
Bank parking lot beginning at 9:00 A.M.;
Saturday, August 2 - Bark For Life, an event for you and
your dogs, will be held in the Kelsey-Hutchinson Park from 1:00
to 3:00 P.M. There will be contests to include dog/owner look-
alike, best pet trick, a human hot dog eating contest and lots
more! The Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society will be there for
a stop and adopt opportunity.
Tuesday, August 5 Survivor Dinner. This year the Survi-
vor Dinner will be held at the Episcopal Church of the Incarna-
tion on the corner of Fifth Street and Main Street beginning at
6:00 P.M.
Thursday, August 7 Relay For Life Bingo! The Rotary Club
of Highlands will be holding a Cash Bingo at the Highlands Com-
munity Building (next to the town baseball feld) beginning at
6:30 P.M. This is a fabulous family event!
And now the best part, Friday, August 8, Relay For Life of
Highlands Main Event at the Highlands Rec Park/Civic Center!
The event kicks of at 6:00 P.M., followed by the Survivor Lap at
6:15 P.M. Lots of food, games, music and a carnival atmosphere!
At 9:30 P.M. we will hold the very moving Luminaria Ceremony,
where the track will be glowing with Luminaria bags, torches,
and light-up balloons that we will release into the night sky. At
midnight there will be a Fight Back Ceremony (followed by Zum-
ba!) and at 6:00 A.M. a Wrap Up Ceremony. Throughout the
night and early morning there will be all kinds of entertainment,
food and activities, so come hungry and ready to Celebrate, Re-
member and Fight Back!
It is never too late to make a diference, so come join us for
any or all of the remaining 2014 Relay for Life events. For more
information or to make a donation, go to
highlandsnc or call (828) 526-1841.
A week full of activities leading up to the main event - Relay for Life -
on Friday, August 8.
34 | August 2014 |
he 2nd Annual Cashiers Trail Mix, an exciting fve-mile
Mountain Trail Run and three-mile Team Adventure Run,
will be held on Saturday, September 13, across the beauti-
ful wilderness terrain of host community Chinquapin in Cashiers.
The trail run starts at 9:00 A.M. at the Outpost of Chinquapin
on Breedlove Road, followed by the team adventure run at 11:00
A.M. There will also be live music by Circus Mutt, outdoor games
and demonstrations, and award-winning barbeque served.
Cashiers is an outdoor enthusiasts dream with abundant nat-
ural beauty, challenging wilderness terrain, and cool tempera-
tures. Chairperson Alissa Short, says this event is designed to
showcase all that the area has to ofer. The beautiful 2,000-acre
development of Chinquapin ofers the perfect backdrop for this
challenging day of fun and adventure.
Participants in the 5-mile run will challenge themselves while
taking in the breathtaking splendor of rugged mountain trails
that cut through lush forests, over creeks and streams and
through lush wildfower meadows.
Team adventure runs are growing in popularity and the Ca-
shiers Trail Mix is currently the only one held in Jackson County.
Four-person teams complete a three-mile course that includes
more than 20 creative and challenging obstacles set up through-
out the course including army crawls, an icy plunge and a very
messy mud crawl. Teamwork is essential and no man or woman
can be left behind. Its all for one and one for all in this sport!
More than 20 teams competed last year and more are expected
this year. Expect to see local clubs, businesses, churches and
other civic groups compete in the spirit of community fun, many
festooned in zany costumes. Recognition is given for Best Cos-
tume and Overall Club Winner.
Advance Registration is $50 per person ($70 after Sep-
tember 7) and includes a commemorative t-shirt, a meal and
beverage. Space is limited. You can register online through or For more
information, please call the Cashiers Area Chamber of Com-
merce at (828) 743-5191.
Proceeds from this event beneft the Cashiers Area Chamber
of Commerce, a non-proft organization supporting economic
development eforts to enhance the quality of life in Cashiers
and surrounding communities.
May the Course Be With You
by Mary Jane McCall
The Second Annual Cashiers Trail Mix, slated for Saturday, September 13, in Chinquapin, is a celebration of athletic ability, teamwork
and indefatigable community spirit. For more information, call (828) 743-5191. | August 2014 | 35
36 | August 2014 |
Making History with Dahlias
ighlands is ablaze with dahlia blooms in the early fall.
Join the Highlands Historical Society to celebrate
the beauty of dahlias at their annual Dazzling Dahlias
Festival to be held Saturday, September 20. Growers from
throughout the area will display hundreds of dahlias at the
Highlands Recreation Center from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Dahlia lovers will join supporters of the Historical Society
to celebrate at the annual Patrons Party on Thursday eve-
ning, September 18, at the Highlands Country Clubs Hud-
son House. Guests will enjoy delicious Mexican fare with
margaritas while being energized by mariachi music. Or-
der your tickets early cost is $100 per person with a lim-
it of 125 people. Send your checks to HHS, P.O. Box 670,
Highlands, NC 28741.
Last years festival featured over 300 entries. Pick up reg-
istration forms for foral entries at stores throughout the
Highlands-Cashiers area or call the Historical Society at (828)
787-1050. Flowers to be judged can be brought to the Recre-
ation Center (on US 64 across from First Citizens Bank from
5:00 to 7:00 P.M. on Friday, September 19, and on Saturday,
September 20, from 9:00 to 10:00 A.M.
Tour the Dahlia exhibit from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Youll be
amazed at the many varieties of dahlias on display. Buy bou-
quets of dahlias to brighten your home. If you have extra
dahlias to donate for these arrangements to be sold, please
bring them to the Civic Center.
Festival-goers will see fowers of all colors and sizes -- from
the smaller anemone dahlia to the large dinner plate dahlia.
Interestingly, there are no blue dahlias -- no one has been
able to perfect that color.
Learn tips about how to grow dahlias from local dahlia
enthusiast Ann Maxwell. For more details on this exciting
event, go to or call the Histori-
cal Society at (828) 787-1050. Proceeds raised by the festival
underwrite the upkeep of the Prince House, the oldest home
within the town limits.
by Wiley Sloan
The Highlands Historical Societys Dazzling Dahlias Festival, set for September 20 at the Recreation Center, is a celebration of these autumn jewels. | August 2014 | 37
38 | August 2014 |
On a Mission
lan to attend the Bolivian Mission fundraiser at the Wildcat
Clifs Country Club on Monday evening, August 11. Proceeds
will allow Highlands physician Dr. John Baumrucker to con-
tinue to lead a series of humanitarian projects in Montero, Bolivia.
Come enjoy good food while you bid on a variety of items in
one of the three fundraising events. Before dinner youll have the
opportunity to buy multiple set-price items along with items in a
silent auction. Following dinner there will be a live auction featur-
ing jewelry created by Drakes Diamond Gallery and T. A. Anderson
Jewelers using gems from Bolivia. Some of the stones have been
cut by Dr. John.
To buy your tickets, call Dr. John Baumrucker at (828) 526-3605
or Highlands United Methodist Church at (828) 526-3376. If youre
not able to attend the fundraiser, you may send your tax-deductible
donation to Highlands Bolivian Mission, 209 Hospital Drive, Suite
203, Highlands, N.C. 28741.
Beginning in February 1998, Dr. John and his wife Joanna spent
a month in Montero, Bolivia. The missions initial focus was to ad-
dress the medical needs of the citizens of the impoverished town.
There were two hospitals and several clinics. Even though there
were a sufcient number of doctors, their training was less than op-
timal. The teaching hospital was lacking much of the equipment
needed and the laboratory services were minimal.
During our medical treatments were learned that 40 pecent of
the patients examined had parasites, says Dr. John. To help with
this problem, we built houses and a church. But building was not
our true focus -- we wanted to fll the existing churches. Through-
out the years we worked with local churches handing out thou-
sands of Bibles and spreading the gospel. We must have served
40,000 meals over our time there.
Dr. John had also long been motivated to build a foster home
where young, abandoned boys could be rescued from the street.
In 2001 the mission built its frst home, providing a safe, crime-free
environment while ofering a quality education. This year two of
the boys have turned 18. We hope that they will be with us for the
fundraiser at Wildcat Clifs Country Club.
The mission continues to provide much-needed medical equip-
ment each year. Six area hospitals have received monitors, EKG
machines, laboratory equipment, respirators, defbrillators and
medicines. Mission volunteers teach the medical staf to use this
equipment. In addition to the volunteers, others have become
involved in the medical portion of the mission, including students
from Johns Hopkins Medical School, the University of North Caroli-
na-Asheville and the University of Mississippi.
Over the years, the generous Highlands-Cashiers community has
raised tens of thousands of dollars for this mission. In recent years
the donations total as much as $90,000 to $120,000 annually.
by Wiley Sloan
A delicious meal and spirited auction highlight an evening of
fun to beneft Dr. John Baumruckers Bolivian mission,
Monday, August 11, at Wildcat Clifs Country Club.
For tickets or more information, call (828) 526-3376. | August 2014 | 39
New Digs for
the Worm
ave you visited our new shop?

If not, then stop by our location at the Falls on Main
(across from Hudson Library). Our shelves are fully
stocked with gently-used books in all categories, so
theres something for everyone.
Also, remember that we count on you for donations of
books. Donations are accepted from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. Mon-
day through Saturday. All our monies support Hudson Library
and whether you are donating your books or purchasing books
from the Bookworm, you are making a contribution.
We have books on sale each week so come in often to fnd
the latest bargains! Since the Bookworm is stafed by volun-
teers, please consider joining our team. Just stop by the Book-
worm. to volunteer or call (828) 482-0326.
Contributed by Delaine Mehder
The Bookworm, located across from Hudson Library at the Falls on Main
in Highlands, is jammed with gently-used books looking for a home.
Proceeds support the Hudson Library. Donations and volunteers are
always appreciated.
40 | August 2014 |
Wolf Tales
olves have been the subject of childrens stories and na-
tive legends.
Wildlife biologist Rob Gudger will present a program
about wolves and dispel some of the myths and misconceptions
at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, August 26, at The Village Green Commons in
Cashiers as part of the Village Nature Series.
Gudgers mission is to educate the public with his popular
Wolf Tales presentation that includes information about wolf
habitats, social behaviors as well as conservation eforts to protect
wild wolves.
Grey wolves were hunted to near extinction. Some populations
survived and others have since been reintroduced. Red wolves live
in the southeastern United States, and, through a breeding pro-
gram, have been reintroduced to North Carolina.
Participants will also have the opportunity to interact
with a wolf.
Wolves are very gentle creatures, says Gudger. He also
notes that they are highly social animals. They even take care
of old, injured and sick members of the pack. Native Americans
modeled their own family after wolf society which they admired
for its nobility.
The Village Nature Series is sponsored by the Highlands-Cashiers
Land Trust and The Village Green as part of their shared mission to
protect and preserve the land and natural resources. The monthly
presentations provide educational opportunities to learn about
distinctive features of the area as well as ofer cultural enrichment
for residents and visitors to the Highlands-Cashiers community.
The free programs are the last Tuesday of each month from
May through October at The Village Green Commons on Frank Al-
len Road near the Cashiers post ofce. For more information visit or contact The Village Green at
(828) 743-3434 or [email protected].
Contributed by Ann Self
Biologist Rob Gudger ofers a rare glimpse into the mysteries and nobility of wolves with a Village Nature Series program at the
Village Green Commons in Cashiers, 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, August 26. For more information, call (828) 743-3434.
EVENTS | August 2014 | 41
Cashiers Arts and Crafts Show
abor Day Weekend will see the return of the Annual Fall Ca-
shiers Arts and Crafts Show, August 30-31 at the Cashiers
Village Green.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cashiers Valley, the show
will run from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. both Saturday and Sunday,
rain or shine. While admission is free, a donation is encouraged
to help beneft local community service eforts.
This juried event will showcase some of the fnest artisans of
the Southeast. With more than 60 exhibitors, featured media
will include clay, wood, fbers, glass, metal, watercolor, oils and
photography. Therell be jewelry, clothing, indoor and outdoor
furniture, quilts, rugs, pottery, paintings, metal art, wooden
bowls and ceramics, homemade specialties, and more.
Rotary Club members will provide concessions, ofering ham-
burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and drinks on sale. Fami-
lies can also take advantage of the nearby playground and
picnic areas.
All proceeds will beneft local Rotary programs and commu-
nity service eforts. Over the last 20 years the Rotary Club of
Cashiers Valley has donated nearly $1 million to more than 50
Cashiers charities. The Arts and Crafts Show location on the Vil-
lage Green is at the intersection of Highways 64 and 107.
For more information go to The on-
line artisan directory found on the website features a listing of
all participating artisans and categories. This guide is complete
with descriptions, photos and links.
Contributed by Robin Taylor
The Fall Cashiers Arts and Crafts Show, set for August 30-31 at the Cashiers Village Green, is a showcase and market for some of the Southeasts fnest
artisans. For more information, visit
42 | August 2014 |
Fifth Annual Favorite Poems Night
esidents of Cashiers and the other communities on the pla-
teau will be in the spotlight once again when they take the
stage of the Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library for
the Fifth Annual Favorite Poems Night on Thursday, August 14.
The poetry readings, sponsored by Friends of the Library, begin
at 7:00 P.M. and will be followed by a reception.
When we planned our frst poetry night fve years ago, we
expected it to be a one-time reading for a small group of library
patrons, said Marilyn Staats, who has chaired the event since its
beginning. Instead, Favorite Poems Night has become one of our
most popular programs at the library.
Every year the audience hears both familiar and unfamiliar po-
ems and is inspired to reread old favorites and explore new poets
and poems.
Part of the fun, said Staats, is seeing your friends and neigh-
bors recite poetry that ranges from Shakespeare to Ogden Nash
and Robert Frost.
Every year is a surprise. Who knew that the publisher of the lo-
cal newspaper loves T.S. Eliot? Or that your friend at church could
be so hilarious? Or that a reserved woman you know only as some-
one in line at Ingles could read with such passion she brings tears
to your eyes?
This local event is inspired by the Americas Favorite Poem Proj-
ect, a program begun in 1998 that has led to over 1,000 towns
across the country holding readings and creating archival collec-
tions of the favorite poems of their townspeople. So far, area resi-
dents and visitors to the plateau have submitted almost 200 po-
ems to the library, along with their reasons for why these poems
are meaningful in their lives.
The Poetry Committee encourages submissions from everyone
who has a favorite poem whether or not they volunteer to read
In keeping with the spirit of America s Favorite Poem Proj-
ect, the approximately 20 people chosen to read each year have
ranged in age from 7 to 87. They have included doctors, pastors,
farmers, social workers, actors, musicians, librarians, poets, teach-
ers, construction workers, shop owners, students and members of
the military.
Submissions may be made at the library or by calling (828) 743-
2558. The deadline is August 10. The names of all those submitting
poems, along with their reasons for selecting them, will be listed in
the program.
Favorite Poems Night, like all programs sponsored by Friends
of the Library, is free to the public.
by Luke Osteen
Neighbors are invited to share their favorite verses at the Fifth Annual Favorite Poems Night on Thursday, August 14,
at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library. | August 2014 | 43
Rabun County
Music Festival
ugust 3 - Sentimental Journey Orchestra: The Sentimen-
tal Journey Orchestra is a modern Big Band instrumen-
tal group made up of fve saxophones, four trombones,
four trumpets, piano, guitar, bass and drums. They feature
the sounds and styles of the most famous Big Bands Tommy
Dorsey, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Les Brown, and Buddy Rich
to name but a few. Their two vocalists Amy Holloway and Jer-
ry Aull join the orchestra on arrangements written for the Big
Bands that featured great male and female vocalists Frank
Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Tony Bennett, Harry Connick Jr., Michael
Bubl, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Natalie Cole, and Jane Mon-
heit. Their performances include not only songs from the Great
American Songbook, but also show tunes from Broadway.
Dont be surprised to fnd tunes from the rock era as well...
done in the Big Band style, of course! The Sentimental Journey
Orchestra was a huge hit with our audience in 2006 and 2009.
Co-Sponsors: The Clayton Tribune and Happy Jack Graphics
August 17 - Emile Pandolf: This year will be Emile Pandolfs
third visit to the Rabun Music Festival stage. He performed in
2009 and again in 2011. Without a doubt, when you hear Emile
Pandolf play, you know that you are hearing one of todays fn-
est pianists. Receiving his degree in piano performance, Emile
applies his classical technique to Broadway and popular music,
in addition to classical performance, to the delight of his many
fans. Recording since 1991, the pianists lush arrangements of
familiar music have sold over two and a quarter million copies
nationally. This has earned Emile the distinction of being the
top-selling artist in the alternative music industry, distributed
primarily in specialty, gift and book shops across the nation.
While he was growing up, the Pandolf home was known as
the place to gather and music was always associated with
fun. That attitude continues today in Emiles live performances.
And, although serious about his playing, Emile is never serious
about himself. While the audience is treated to a brilliant musi-
cal performance, they are also entertained by Emiles charming
sense of humor and friendly personality.
Sponsor: Gene T. Haywood
The concerts are on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 P.M. at the
Rearden Theater at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. Tickets are
$20 and may be purchased online at www.rabunmusicfestival.
com, at the Rabun County Welcome Center and the Macon
County (NC) Chamber of Commerce or at the theater door on
the day of the performance.
The Rabun County Music Festival summer concert series will wrap
up the 2014 season in August with return performances from
two of our audience favorites.
44 | August 2014 |
Scenes From the Plateau
Palette to Palate
Party and Art
Fine art, delicious food
and live music highligted
this Arts on the Green
event, held July 17 at The
Village Green Commons.
Photos by Tihomir Trichkov
Village Square
Art & Craft Show
Staged June 14 and 15,
the show featured only
local and regional artisans
of jewelry, pottery, weav-
ing, metalwork, wood-
work and more. Read
about this months show
on page 32.
Photos by Sarah Valentine
Taste of the Plateau
Patrons Party
On Thursday, June 26
a Vine and Dine Patron
Party and Gourmet Wine-
Pairings Dinner was held
at The Country Club of
Sapphire Valley as part of
Summit Charter Schools
Taste of the Plateau.
Photos by Sarah Valentine | August 2014 | 45
For a comprehensive list of events, join
Weekly Events
Friday Night Live, 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Augusts line-up: Nathan
Grass August 1; Fred Kopp August 8; Johnny Webb August
15,; Nathan Grass August 22; Mountain Dulcimers August 29.
Highlands Town Square, Highlands Chamber, (828) 526-2112.
Groovin On the Green, 6:30 P.M., Fridays: Mat Joiner Band
August 1; Rockell Scot and Friends August 8; Unspoken Traditon
August 15; Hurricane Creek August 22, Greater Cashiers Area
Merchants Associaton, (828) 743-8428.
9 to 5, August 1-16. 8:00 P.M. Tuesday through Saturday and
2:00 P.M. Sunday. Highlands Playhouse, (828) 526-2695.
Huge Yard Sale to beneft Relay for Life, in the First Citzens Bank
parking lot beginning at 9:00 A.M., Saturday, August 2.
Bark For Life, 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.,Saturday, August 2, Kelsey-
Hutchinson Park Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society will be there
for a stop and adopt opportunity.
Saturdays on Pine, 6:00 P.M., The Lonesome Road Band August
2; Hi 5 August 9; Mangas Colorado August 16; Copious Jones
August 23; Tea for Three August 30, Kelsey Hutchinson Park, (828)
Live Music, The Ugly Dog Pub. Saturdays: The Lonesome Road
Band, Saturday, August 2; Hi 5, August 9; Mangas Colorado,
August 16; Copious Jones August 23; Tea for Three, August 30.
(828) 526-8364.
Rabun County Music Festval: Sentmental Journey Orchestra,
4:00 P.M., Sunday, August 3, Rearden Theater at Rabun Gap-
Nacoochee School.
Highlands Mountaintop Rotary and the Special Operatons
Adventure Race beneft golf tournament, 10:00 A.M. Monday,
August 4, at Sky Valley Country Club in Sky Valley, Georgia. For
more informaton, (888) 489-2323 or (828) 787-2323.
Free Interlude Concerts, 2:00 P.M., Wednesdays: August 6:
Norman Mackenzie, Organist (Presbyterian Church); August
13: Sam Skelton, Saxophone; Tyrone Jackson, Piano (Episcopal
Church); August 20: Georgia State University Vocal Concert
(Presbyterian Church); August 27: Summit Piano Trio (Episcopal
Cashiers-Highlands Humane Societys A Celebraton of
Humane Heroes, 6:00 to 10:00 P.M., Wednesday, August 6, The
Farm at Old Edwards Inn. Guest of honor is Victoria Stlwell. For
more informaton or reservatons, call (828) 743-5752.
Evenings at Lakeside to beneft Gilliams Promise, Wednesday,
August 6, Lakeside Restaurant, (828) 526-9419.
Relay For Life Bingo! 6:30 P.M., Thursday, August 7, Highlands
Community Building, Rotary Club of Highlands. (828) 787-2124.
Relay For Life of Highlands, 6:00 P.M., Friday, August 8,
Highlands Rec Park/Civic Center, (828) 526-1841.
Cary Calhoun Jewelry Trunk Show, August 8-9, Acorns
Boutque, (828) 787-1877.
Country Meets Classics beneft concert featuring Blended 328
and Vega String Quartet, 5:00 P.M., Sunday, August 10, Highlands
Performing Arts Center, presented by the Highlands-Cashiers
Chamber Music Festval. (828) 526-9060.
Meal/Aucton to beneft Dr. John Baumruckers Bolivian
mission , Monday, August 11, at Wildcat Clifs Country Club. (828)
Ticketed luncheon with author Cassandra King, Tuesday,
August 12, Sky Valley Country Club.
Talk and Signing with author Cassandra King, 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.,
Wednesday, August 13, at The Center for Life Enrichment Lecture
Hall, Peggy Crosby Center, (828) 526-8811.
Peggy Crosby Center Open House, 5:00 to 7:00 P.M., Thursday,
August 14.
Fifh Annual Favorite Poems Night, 7:00 P.M., Thursday, August
14, at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library, (828) 743-
Signing with author Cassandra King, 1:00 P.M., Friday, August
15, Francie Hargrove Interior Design, (828) 743-9700.
Gypsy Trunk Show, August 15-16, Francie Hargrove Interior
Design, (828) 743-9700.
Elizabeth Locke Jewelry Trunk Show, August 15-17, Acorns
Boutque, (828) 787-1877.
Sabrinas Trunk Show, August 15-16, Francie Hargrove Interior
Design, (828) 743-9700.
The Bascoms Second Annual Potery Sale, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M. Saturday, August 16, (828) 526-4949.
Signing with author Cassandra King, 2:00 P.M, Saturday, August
16, Acorns Shop at The Old Edwards Inn, (828) 787-1877
Rabun County Music Festval, Emile Pandolf, 4:00 P.M., Sunday
August 17, Rearden Theater, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School.
Napa Valley Style Picnic, 4:30 P.M. Sunday, August 17, Jennings
Barn at Canyon Kitchen in Cashiers to beneft the Internatonal
Mental Health Research Organizaton, (941) 504-6717
The Best of Controlled Chaos Film Festval, Sunday, August 17,
Country Club of Sapphire Valley, (828) 227-2755.
Highlands Cashiers Players The Last of the Red Hot Lovers,
August 21-24, 28-31. Martn-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center in
Highlands, (828) 526-8084.
Antque Show, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Thursday, August 21
- Saturday, August 30, Noon to 5:00 P.M. on Sunday, August 24,
High Hampton Inn and Country Club, (404) 386-8940.
Smitens Third Thursday features artst Susan Williams, 5:30
P.M., Thursday, August 21, Smiten Gallery, (828) 526-9300.
The Paris Dancers performance, August 21-24, Highlands
Playhouse, (828) 526-2695.
A Louisiana Feast, 6:00 P.M. Friday, August 22, with Hosts
Carolyn & Rhet Tanner, to beneft Highlands-Cashiers Chamber
Music Festval, (828) 526-9060.
Mary James Trunk Show, August 22-23, Francie Hargrove
Interior Design, (828) 743-9700.
Planet Clothing Trunk Show, August 22-24, Acorns Boutque,
(828) 787-1877.
Cashiers Designer Showhouse, Hilliard House, August 23-31.
Monday-Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Sunday 12:00 to 4:00
P.M., presented by Cashiers Historical Society, (828) 743-7710.
Village Green Art & Craf Show, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., August
23-24, Kelsey Hutchinson Park, (88) 787-2021.
Presentaton, Luncheon and Book Signing with Nina Campbell,
11:00 A.M, Saturday, August 23, Country Club of Sapphire Valley,
Cashiers Historical Society, (828) 743-7710.
2nd Annual Rotary Club of Highlands Twilight Rock n Roll 5k,
4:00 P.M. Saturday, August 23, Kelsey-Hutchinson Park. (828) 526-
3571 or (828) 526-4114.
Salon at Six, 5:30 to 7:00 P.M., Sunday, August 24 at the home
of the WCU Chancellor with a performance by David and Susan
Belcher, presented by the Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music
Festval. (828) 526-9060.
Master Kniter Charles Gandy guest lecturer at the Bascom, at
4:30 P.M., Monday, August 25 . Sponsored by the Art League of
Village Nature Series Wolf Tales, 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, August
26, Village Green Commons, (828) 743-3434.
Evenings at Lakeside to beneft Literacy Council of Highlands,
Wednesday, August 27, Lakeside Restaurant, (828) 526-9419.
Magaschoni Trunk Show, August 28-30, Alyxandras Boutque,
(828) 526-4378.
Coralia Leets Jewelry Trunk Show, August 29-31, Acorns
Boutque, (828) 787-1877.
Fall Cashiers Arts and Crafs Show, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.,
August 30-31, Cashiers Village Green, Sponsored by the Rotary
Club of Cashiers Valley.
Betsy Paul Art Rafe to beneft the Cashiers-Glenville Fire
Department, will feature a paintng by Herbie Rose. The drawing
will be held Saturday, August 30, in the afernoon. (828) 743-
Randall Atcheson in Concert, 4:00 P.M., Saturday, August 30,
champagne recepton 3:00 P.M., Highlands Playhouse, (828) 526-
Mark Your Calendar
Dulcimer Lessons - Intermediate Class 10:00 A.M., Beginners
Noon, Highlands United Methodist church, (828) 787-1586.
Movies at Highlands Playhouse, showings 1:00 P.M., 4:00
P.M., and 7:00 P.M., (828) 526-2695.
Dulcimer Acoustc Jam, 10:00 A.M., Bird Barn and Gif
Emporium, Cashiers, (828) 743-3797.
Highlands Rotary Club, Noon, Highlands Community Center.
Studio Alive - Live Model, 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M., Calderone
Gallery, 3608 Hwy.246, Dillard, GA, (706) 746-5540.
Duplicate Bridge, 1:45 P.M., Albert Carlton-Cashiers
Community Library. (828) 743-0215.
Karaoke, The Lost Hiker (828) 526-8232.
Highlands Mountaintop Rotary, 7:30 A.M., dining room at
Highlands-Cashiers Hospital.
Rotary Club of Cashiers Valley, 8:00 A.M., Cashiers United
Methodist Church, (828) 743-2243.
Preschool Story Time, 11:00 A.M. to Noon, Albert Carlton
Library (828) 743-0215.
Watercolor Class, 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., Calderone Gallery,
(706) 746-5540.
Cashiers Quilters Guild, 12:30 P.M., Cashiers Methodist
Duplicate Bridge Games, 12:45 P.M., Highlands Civic Center.
Mah Jong Games open to the public, 1:00 P.M., Albert Carlton
Cashiers-Community Library, (828) 743-0215.
Bluegrass, 8:30 P.M., Ugly Dog Pub, (828) 526-8364.
Oil Paintng and Mixed Medium Class, 12:30 P.M. to 4:30
P.M, Calderone Gallery, 3608 Hwy.246, Dillard, GA, (706) 746-
Free Movie, 3:00 P.M., Albert Carlton Community Library,
(828) 743-0215.
Zahner Conservaton Lecture Series 6:30 P.M, Highlands
Nature Center (828) 526-2221.
Weekly Grief Support Group in The Highlands, 10:30 A.M.
to Noon, Jane Woodruf Clinic - Suite 201 (on the Highlands-
Cashiers Hospital campus), Free Open to the Community,
(828) 692-6178.
Duplicate Bridge Games, 12:45 P.M., Highlands Civic Center.
Live Music, 6:00 P.M. - close, Hummingbird Lounge, Old
Edwards Inn, (828) 787-2625.
Live Music, 7:00 P.M. , On The Verandah, (828) 526-2338.
Live Music, 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., Nichols Center at Blue Ridge
Music (706) 782-9852.
Live Music, 6:00 P.M. - close, Hummingbird Lounge, Old
Edwards Inn, (828) 787-2625.
Live Music, 7:00 P.M., On The Verandah, (828) 526-2338.
Movies at Highlands Playhouse, showings 7:00 P.M. (828)
2695. Presented by the Literacy Council of Highlands, (828)
Labor Day Extravaganza at the Village Green, featuring Blind
Lemon Phillips,, 6:30 P.M., Saturday, August 30, The Village
Green. Sponsored by the Greater Cashiers Area Merchants
Associaton (GCAMA), (828) 743-8428
46 | August 2014 |
4-1/2 Street Inn ..........................
Colonial Pines Inn .......................
Inn at Half Mile Farm ..................
Whiteside Cove Cottages ............
Mountain Brook Suites................
Mill Creek Gallery & Framing.........
Museum of American Cut Glass .....
The Bascom ...............................

Country Club Properties .............
John Cleaveland Realty ................
Meadows Mtn. Realty ..................
White Oak Realty Group .............
Altitudes Restaurant ....................
The Lost Hiker Bar ....................
Nectar Juice Bar ..........................
Pescados ................................
Rosewood Market ..........................
Wild Thyme Gourmet ...................
Wolfgangs Restaurant & Wine Bistro ....
Alyxandras ...................................
Bags on Main .................................
Bear Mountain Outfitters ....................
Cabin Casuals ................................
Dry Sink .........................................
Dutchmans Designs .....................
Hen House .....................................
High Cotton ...................................
Highlands Fine Art .......................
Highland Hiker ..............................
Martha Annes ...............................
Mirror Lake Antiques ...................
Peak Experience ...........................
Scudders ........................................
Spice & Tea Exchange........................
The Summer House ......................
The Toy Store ................................
46 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 47
Whole Life Market ........................
Xtreme Threads ............................
Aery Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Creative Concepts Salon .....................
Highlands Visitors Center ...................
Highlands Aerial Park ..................
Warth Construction ...................... | August 2014 | 47
48 | August 2014 |
High Hampton Inn & Country Club .................
Innisfree Inn ........................................................
Blue Valley Gallery ..................................................
Cashiers Hillside Artists.............................................
Chivaree Southern Art and Design ...........................
Mountain Mist Gallery ...............................................
Betsy Paul Properties .................................................
Landmark Realty Group .............................................
Silver Creek Real Estate Group ...........................
Boars Head Deli .........................................................
Crossroads Grill/Village Scoop .................................
Hunts Brothers Pizza ..................................................
Sapphire Brewery & Pub ...................................
Snack Bar 8 ..........................................................
The Zookeeper Bistro.............................................
Bee Bags and Such .............................................
Bird Barn and Gift Emporium .............................
Blue Ridge Bedding/
Carolina Rustic Furniture....................................
Bounds Cave .............................................................
Brookings Cashiers Village Anglers ........................
Bumpkins ...................................................................
Cashiers Customs ...............................................
Catbird Seat .........................................................
Cashiers Emporium ............................................
CJ Brownhouse ........................................................
Consignment Market ..............................................
Dovetail Antiques ........................................................
Fiddlehead Designs ....................................................
GGs Consignments *ETC .................................
Highland Hiker ....................................................
Interior Enhancements .......................................
Into the Woods Home Interiors ........................
Lenz Gifts & Linens ....................................................
Lotsa Consignment Shop ...........................................
Mantiques ....................................................................
Michael & Nancy Weaver ..................................
Midnight Farms ..................................................
Natures Vitamins................................................
Nearly New/Ellens ............................................
Nora & Co. ...........................................................
Rusticks. ...............................................................
Ryan & Company ................................................
Sawyer Family Farmstead ......................................
Smore Kids Klothes ....................................................
Summer Place Antiques .....................................
The Look Jewelry and Gifts ...............................
Victorias Closet ........................................................
VC for Men ..................................................................
Vivianne Metzger Antiques ....................................
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming .................................
Zoller Hardware .........................................................
The Designers Market ................................................
Cashiers Chamber .....................................................
Cashiers BP ...................................................................
Cashiers Exxon ....................................................
Cashiers Printing ................................................................
Cashiers Valley Preschool ..................................................
Fancy Paws Dog Grooming ...............................................
Keystone Kitchen & Bath .........................................................
Peter J. Pioli Interiors .........................................................
Shear Sensations .................................................................
Signal Ridge Marina ...........................................................
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming .................................................. | August 2014 | 49
High Hampton Inn & Country Club .................
Innisfree Inn ........................................................
Blue Valley Gallery ..................................................
Cashiers Hillside Artists.............................................
Chivaree Southern Art and Design ...........................
Mountain Mist Gallery ...............................................
Betsy Paul Properties .................................................
Landmark Realty Group .............................................
Silver Creek Real Estate Group ...........................
Boars Head Deli .........................................................
Crossroads Grill/Village Scoop .................................
Hunts Brothers Pizza ..................................................
Sapphire Brewery & Pub ...................................
Snack Bar 8 ..........................................................
The Zookeeper Bistro.............................................
Bee Bags and Such .............................................
Bird Barn and Gift Emporium .............................
Blue Ridge Bedding/
Carolina Rustic Furniture....................................
Bounds Cave .............................................................
Brookings Cashiers Village Anglers ........................
Bumpkins ...................................................................
Cashiers Customs ...............................................
Catbird Seat .........................................................
Cashiers Emporium ............................................
CJ Brownhouse ........................................................
Consignment Market ..............................................
Dovetail Antiques ........................................................
Fiddlehead Designs ....................................................
GGs Consignments *ETC .................................
Highland Hiker ....................................................
Interior Enhancements .......................................
Into the Woods Home Interiors ........................
Lenz Gifts & Linens ....................................................
Lotsa Consignment Shop ...........................................
Mantiques ....................................................................
Michael & Nancy Weaver ..................................
Midnight Farms ..................................................
Natures Vitamins................................................
Nearly New/Ellens ............................................
Nora & Co. ...........................................................
Rusticks. ...............................................................
Ryan & Company ................................................
Sawyer Family Farmstead ......................................
Smore Kids Klothes ....................................................
Summer Place Antiques .....................................
The Look Jewelry and Gifts ...............................
Victorias Closet ........................................................
VC for Men ..................................................................
Vivianne Metzger Antiques ....................................
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming .................................
Zoller Hardware .........................................................
The Designers Market ................................................
Cashiers Chamber .....................................................
Cashiers BP ...................................................................
Cashiers Exxon ....................................................
Cashiers Printing ................................................................
Cashiers Valley Preschool ..................................................
Fancy Paws Dog Grooming ...............................................
Keystone Kitchen & Bath .........................................................
Peter J. Pioli Interiors .........................................................
Shear Sensations .................................................................
Signal Ridge Marina ...........................................................
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming ..................................................
50 | August 2014 | 48 | August 2014 |
Park and Walk
Discover the Shops
45 Slabtown Road Cashiers, NC | August 2014 | 51
52 | August 2014 |
An Eye for Success
ernie Coulson still believes in magic. When he picked up
his frst Brownie 127 camera at age 10 he was enchanted
by the power it gave him to freeze a moment in time.
Even though a state-of-the-art digital camera now replaces
that treasured Brownie, he continues to delight in the wonder
of photography.
He says, When I frst started shooting, it was black and
white flm. My mom encouraged me by paying for the devel-
oping of ghastly shots of my friend, Malcolm, with his tongue
stuck out or a skittering kitty cats rump.
Little did he know his mothers enthusiastic support would
serve him well in difcult times later on.
Coulson grew up and married in England. In his of time he
continued to dabble in photography. His wife, Rebecca, sug-
gested building a darkroom so that he could develop his own
photos. He says, I would go into the closet, fumble with the
camera latch, remove the flm roll in the dark, and place it in a
canister to avoid light exposure. It was all done by feel. Then,
I would place the roll in the chemicals. It was always a rush to
see images magically appear on blank paper. Going through
the process felt like I was doing something worthwhile.
His day job eventually brought him to the United States.
Photography was sidelined for a while. But along the way
he met master photographer Ed Green in Atlanta, who had a
highly-acclaimed wedding photo business. Coulson says, Ed
knew I was interested in photography, so he invited me to
help him shoot a wedding. He told me wed have fun, though I
admit I was very nervous at the time. But we did have fun and
I worked with him part time for three or four years.
And then, a weak economy took its toll. Like many during
the fnancial downturn, Coulson incurred a job loss and mon-
etary upheaval. He and his wife moved to Highlands in 2008
where they began their lives again. He says, If you are going
to have to start all over, you might as well start in a beautiful
So they moved from Atlanta to the mountains. Coulson fell
back on his favorite addiction, photography. He began shoot-
ing commercially and wound up fnding his niche in architec-
tural photography. He had a knack for capturing the essence
of homes, their exteriors and interiors. Now his realty shots
are in demand and rightly so, as evidenced by this issues cover
featuring the Cashiers Designer Showhouse.
Every day he feels gratitude for the nudges his mother and
wife gave him to keep shooting photos over the years. Their
investment is paying of.
To see more of Coulsons work visit mirrorlakephotography.
com or email him directly at [email protected] for com-
ments or inquiries about commercial, bijou weddings (small),
events, architectural, and real estate shoots. Whatever comes
his way, Coulson is the man with the magic.
by Donna Rhodes
Cover Artist Bernie Coulson | August 2014 | 53
54 | August 2014 |
Smitten with Susan
ost people long to be excellent at maybe one or two
things in their lifetime. Susan Williams didnt stop at
one or two. In fact, she is still raising the accomplish-
ment bar. From hospital nursing director to retail clothing en-
trepreneur to fne artist, she is one of those lucky individuals
who is equally at home in the worlds of business, management,
and art.
She says, When I moved to Helen, Georgia, I ran a retail
outlet for 20 years. But I needed a vehicle for relaxation, so I
took up painting. I dabbled in oils, watercolor, ink, and acrylics.
I enjoyed it all. Luckily, my artwork grew in such demand that
I sold my clothing stores, all fve of them. I became a full-time
artist, painting landscapes, making jewelry, crafting functional
ceramic vessels, creating stain glass images, and throwing my-
self into whatever medium called my name.
People are drawn to her delightful, colorful work. Its as
though her bright colors paint collectors souls with happy.
It comes as no surprise she is represented in fve galleries.
Locally you can fnd her work at Smitten where she will be
Augusts Featured Artist, Third Thursday, August 21 from
5:30 P.M. until
Married to a vet, she and her husband have a houseful of chil-
dren the four-legged kind. They love to travel (sans animals).
Visits to Europe provide Susan with rich artistic inspiration. In
addition, the beautiful natural surroundings of her home in the
North Georgia mountains ofer unlimited reference material
which she preserves digitally.
Her latest passion is pottery. She says, Having an active left
brain, I like functional pottery. I am very tactile so I enjoy sculpt-
ing wildlife, hand-building houses for birds, and creating ves-
sels, utensils, and platters for the household.
To learn more about Susan Williams work, visit Smitten Gal-
lery, 10 Foreman Road in Highlands, (828) 526-9300. Better yet,
attend Smittens Third Thursday, August 21 from 5:30 P.M. un-
til for a gallery open house and meet the artist. Or contact
Susan directly via email: [email protected].
by Donna Rhodes | August 2014 | 55
From Functional
to Fantasy
n Saturday, August 16, The Bascoms Dave Drake Studio
Barn Founding Members will host their Second Annual
Pottery Sale from 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M.
The name of the show is From Functional to Fantasy and
will be held in The Bascoms Dave Drake Studio Barn. There will
be live demonstrations on the potters wheel and hand-building
techniques by several of the Founding Members of the Studio
Barn. The studio barn culture is made up of so many very tal-
ented non-professional artists. Our vision is to showcase the
works we are producing in classes, workshops and open studio.
Each artist will donate a percentage of their proceeds back to
The Bascom in an efort to support the educational opportu-
nities and facilities ofered by this exceptional Visual Art Cen-
ter. By purchasing their works of art youre helping to keep
The Bascom tradition of continuing to bring excellence in ex-
hibits, programs and education in the Visual Arts to our area
mountain communities.
Want to make your own Ceramic Art? Join The Dave Drake
Studio Barn Open Studio! The Bascoms Open Studio allows for
students to maximize their time with their hands in the clay.
You can purchase a weekly, monthly or even yearly pass, which
will give you unlimited access to Open Studio hours and will au-
tomatically enroll you in The Tuesday Ongoing classes! Call The
Bascom to sign up today (828) 526-4949.
Contributed by Bonnie Potts | Photo by Sarah Valentine
The Bascoms Second Annual Pottery Sale is a celebration of the almost
mystical alchemy between heat and clay 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Satur-
day, August 16. For more information, call (828) 526-4949.
56 | August 2014 |
Music, Bar-b-que, and Beer
ighlands-Cashiers Chamber
Music Festival has always
been about innovation.
From its presentation of excit-
ing new talents about to burst
onto the international stage to its
selection of outstanding artwork
to adorn its programs and pro-
motional materials (the paintings
themselves have become highly
cherished collectibles), the festi-
val has always managed to wring
surprising variations on this most
formal of musical forms.
This year alone, the Highlands-
Cashiers Chamber Music Festival
has matched its classical artists with jazz musicians and ex-
plored the surprising connections between the two musical
schools. There have been picnic concerts, world class musi-
cians showing up for performances at Bucks in Cashiers and
Highlands, classroom presentations by internationally recog-
nized scholars and the Salons at Six series at some of the most
breathtaking homes in the Southeast.
But the festival still has a pretty fat rabbit to pull out of its
hat when it unveils its Country Meets Classics beneft concert,
set for 5:00 P.M. Sunday, August 10. The evening brings the
hot Nashville band Blended 328
to the mountains for a perfor-
mance with Emory Universitys
artists-in-residence and festival
favorites The Vega String Quar-
tet. Itll be a unique evening of
music, barbecue and beer (and
wine, too).
Blended 328 has created a hy-
brid form of country music that
is truly unique and enticing. The
band puts on an exceptional live
show consisting of originals, mod-
ern country -- Carrie Underwood,
Miranda Lambert, Jason Aldean,
and Blake Shelton; and old school
R & B -- Michael Jackson, Nelly, Justin Timberlake, Rick James,
Usher, Prince, and The Temptations. In each set they also get
the audience involved with games like train wreck karaoke
with the band, dance contests and The Limbo Rock.
Fresh from travels to China, Russia, Portugal and other far-
fung environs, this concert will be Blended 328s debut ap-
pearance in the Highlands-Cashiers area.
Tickets to this beneft are: concert only -- $50; concert and
barbeque -- $100. Space is limited. Call (828) 526-9060 for tick-
et reservations.
by Luke Osteen
Its one for the books Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival will fuse the measured sounds of The Vega String Quartet with the
take-no-prisoners style of modern country/blues band Blended 328 for an evening of fun, barbecue and refreshments, Sunday August 10 at
Highlands Civic Center. For tickets or information, call (828) 526-9060.
Blended 328
The Vega String Quartet | August 2014 | 57
Laughs, Music and Playhouse Fun
ighlands Playhouse wraps up its 2014 season with a
pair of irresistible shows leavened with laughs, music
and good fun.
9 to 5: The Musical is playing through August 16. Based
on the memorable 1980s film, 9 to 5 which tells of office
manager Violet Newstead who joins her fellow co-workers
frazzled, divorce Judy Bernly and sexy secretary Doralee
Rhodes -- to turn the tables on their sexist, egotistical, lying,
hypocritical bigot of a boss. It features a book by Patricia
Resnick, with songs by the uniquely talented Dolly Parton.
The musical premiered in Los Angeles in September 2008,
and opened on Broadway in April 2009. It received 15 Drama
Desk Award nominations, the most received by a production
in a single year, as well as 4 Tony Awards nominations.
The good times continue with the arrival of The Paris
Dancers, wholl be performing at Highlands Playhouse Au-
gust 21-24. The dancers in this high energy troupe range in
age from 55 to 81 and perform to a mlange of tunes ranging
from Broadway, jazz, country, rock n roll and golden oldies.
Their choreography is precise and delivered with an abso-
lutely beguiling charm and their costuming is straight out of
Las Vegas.
Highlands Playhouse is located at 362 Oak Street. For tick-
ets or more information, call (828) 526-2695.
by Luke Osteen
Highlands Playhouse closes out its 2014 season "9 to 5: The Musical" and The Paris Dancers
a pair of shows with music, laughs and a double dose of moxie. For tickets or information, call (828) 526-2695.
Wesley Carpenter as Doralee Seth Wallen at Hart Heidi Karol Johnson as Violet Lissa deGuzman as Judy
58 | August 2014 |
Think Outside the Sox
atching Charles Gandy, Master
Knitter of The Knitting Guild
of America, manipulate yarns
into incredibly unique art pieces using
simple needles and his own two hands
(talking all the while in conversation
with friends) is a treat to observe! As
a former weaver, he knows yarns--the
twist, knot, warp, spin-- following the
looms rhythm. Charles, however, barely
glances at his progress, his fngers agile
and quick. Color is key, and great skill al-
lows him to stretch the limits of design.
I met Charles when he was an Inte-
rior Designer in Atlanta. Later when
he served as Board Chair at the Ham-
bidge Center in Rabun Gap, we became
friends and I then learned more about
his love of knitting. His mother taught
him how to knit at the age of four, and
he designed his frst sweater three years
later. More recently Charles was a two-time winner in Knitters
Magazine Think Outside the Sox contest and three of his de-
signs are featured in the book of the same name: Dread Sox,
Snake in the Grass and Pedicure Pol-
ka Socks. His own book, The Embel-
lished Sock: Knitted Art for the Foot,
features 18 creative socks and numerous
techniques. With his patterns and sock
embellishments catching attention na-
tionwide, his work is featured in numer-
ous magazines including Interweave, Knit
Wear and Cast On. Charles teaches at art
centers, conferences and craft schools.
Whether or not you recognize the
meaning of bobbles, stitch grafting, purl
or provisional casting, you will surely be
intrigued with the imagination and per-
sonality his knitted pieces exude.
Charles is guest lecturer for the
monthly program held at the Bascom on
Monday, August 25 and is sponsored by
the Art League of Highlands-Cashiers.
A wine/cheese social gathering at 4:30
P.M. will be followed by the lecture at
5:00 P.M. Charles will share his fabulous sock designs as well
as his forays into the world of design. The event is free and all
are welcome!
Contributed by Peggy McBride
The art of master knitter Charles Gandy | August 2014 | 59
High Notes for Highlands
our fabulous singers and one incredible pianist/accompa-
nist are coming to Highlands this September 7 for the 22nd
Annual Highlands Bel Canto Recital.
As always, it will be held in the Martin-Lipscomb Performing
Arts Center at 4:00 P.M. and will be followed by a gala dinner at
Highlands Country Club. Our featured singers are all seasoned
performers with experience not only here in the states, but in
Europe and South America as well.
Soprano Elizabeth Beers Kataria, a two-time Liederkranz
Foundation Wagner Division Vocal Competition fnalist and re-
cipient of a study grant from the Wagner Society of New York,
is poised on the brink of an exciting career. Her 2013-2014 en-
gagements include appearances as the Primadonna/Ariadne in
Ariadne auf Naxos with St. Petersburg Opera, a reduced Ring
Cycle with Opera Louisiane as Brnnhilde, and Senta in Der
fiegende Hollnder with both the Utah Festival Opera and
Opera Carolina.
Victoria Livengood, mezzo-soprano, is an internationally-
renowned Metropolitan Opera star and a Grammy-nominated
performer who has been hailed by audiences and critics world-
wide for her multi-faceted and powerhouse performances in a
remarkably varied repertoire. From the opera stage to the con-
cert stage, critics have lauded her poignant interpretations of
a gallery of characters, and The New York Times has called her
naturally seductive and vocally alluring.
A Georgia native, tenor Clay Hilley possesses a voice of clar-
ity, power, and great technical facility. In the 2012-13 season,
Mr. Hilley made his American Symphony Orchestra debut in
Carnegie Hall as tenor soloist with Leon Botstein in the Mahler
Symphony No. 8. He was invited to sing Ewart Dunlop in
The Music Man at the Royal Opera House in Muscat, Oman,
and made his Lincoln Center debut at the Rose Theater in the
Verdi Requiem.
American baritone Mark Rucker has been in demand in op-
era houses and on concert stages throughout the world from
the time of his debut as Renato in Un Ballo in Maschera with
Luciano Pavarotti for the Opera Company of Philadelphia. Mr.
Rucker made his Metropolitan Opera debut as Amonasro in
Aida and has since been heard at the Met as Don Carlo in La
Forza del Destino, Tonio in I Pagliacci, and as Rigoletto for
the Met in the Parks.
If you are not currently on our mailing list, please call (828)
526-5213 or e-mail [email protected]. You can also
mail your contact information to Bel Canto Recital, P.O. Box
2392, Highlands, NC 28741. Dont miss one exciting note of this
years recital!
Contributed by Janet Grantham
Bel Canto, adorned with four divine voices, will ring through the Martin-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center at 4:00 P.M. Sunday, September 7.
60 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 61
62 | August 2014 |
Red Hot Lover, Summer Sizzler
n oldie but a goodie -- one of Neil Simons most popular,
written in 1969, and still extraordinarily funny today, The
Highlands Cashiers Players begin their 20th season with
The Last of the Red Hot Lovers, on stage at the Highlands Per-
forming Arts Center August 21-24, 28-31.
The red hot lover in question is Barney Cashman, middle-age,
married, a hardworking restaurateur, devoted to his wife, who de-
cides to try a little fing and join the sexual revolution of the 60s
before its too late. He arranges three liaisons, but each of his at-
tempts at seduction prove more frustrating and hilarious than the
last. Funny as it is, this comedy also reveals Simons compassionate
understanding of human nature. Critics have called The Last of the
Red Hot Lovers a genuinely brilliant play.
Tickets are available online at www.highlandscashier- or at the box ofce, which opens Thursday,
August 14, (828) 526-8084.
Contributed by Victoria Talbot
The Highlands Cashiers Players will stage Neil Simons The Last of the Red Hot Lovers at the Martin-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center
in Highlands, August 21-24, 28-31. For tickets, visit or call (828) 526-8084.
Top Cast Photo Left to Right: Lee Lyons, Jennifer Royce, Lance Trudel, Adair Simon. | August 2014 | 63
Sapphires Sultry Singer
f youre a Cashiers Valley resident you probably already know
the name Tina Eno, torch singer extraordinaire. Its time the
rest of the world recognized that name, too.
Its not often you hear such talent in an intimate setting. Its
more likely youd have to pay big bucks for concert seating or
tickets to The Opry. How lucky that Tinas sultry voice is on
stage right here at Micas in Sapphire! Having been recruited
out of Florida by Burlingame Country Club as Membership and
Marketing Director, Eno says she always wanted to be back
among the trees and is inspired by the close knit communities
she fnds here. Shes on the board of the Greater Cashiers Area
Merchants Association and performs at Cashiers Chamber of
Commerce events, as well as the Cashiers Valley Leaf Festival.
Growing up in a musical family and singing three part har-
mony with her 2 older sisters, she was performing and playing
guitar by age 11. In college she began getting paying gigs
and graduated with a degree in communications. This led to
events planning, concert promotions and public relations work
in Florida. She was still singing and songwriting, but when her
children came along she says she went into mom mode.
Now that her children are grown, shes back to writing and
performing and is working on her frst CD. Online her music
can be heard at
Tinas sultry, smoky contralto evokes notes of Joni Mitchell,
Patsy Cline and Stevie Nicks. And her songwriting is experi-
ential. I write very honestly, she says. I write truly from
experience - rarely from concepts, but usually from some-
thing thats happened. Many of her songs she considers
retro country.
Which is perfect. She has sensed for a while now that her fu-
ture is somehow linked to country legend, Vince Gill. Her land-
lord just last month mentioned that he had dinner with and
played music with the singer. She has a dear friend in Nashville
who recently took Tina to a show where Gill happened to be
playing in the house band; and last year she was the scheduled
photographer for the Vince Gill concert in Franklin. She laughs
as she says, Yep. Im getting one step closer to meeting Vince
Gill. So Mr. Gill, if youre reading this, its high time you take a
listen to Sapphires favorite singer, Tina Eno.
She can be found at Micas most Fridays or at Dannys BBQ
during the season on Wednesdays at the Sapphire Valley
Community Center.
by Jenny King
A lifetime of experience adds up to an electrifying onstage presence for singer/songwriter Tina Eno, whos now appearing at Micas and Dannys BBQ.
64 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 65
66 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 67
68 | August 2014 |
It Feels Great to be Home!
hats Debbie Grossman talking about how shes moved Fress-
ers Courtyard Caf and Catering back to Village Square in
Highlands, the original site of her storied restaurant.
In returning to her roots, Debbies captured the feel of an in-
herently languid dining experience. Part of that is derived from the
beauty of the setting the Village Square courtyard is ringed by
arching trees and, if you listen carefully, youll hear a variety of birds
singing. Its hard to believe this little bistro is just one block from
the summer crowds of Main Street.
And a portion of that experience comes from Debbie herself.
Shes a force of nature loquacious, quick with a joke, and re-
lentlessly cheerful. When you place your order (at the counter),
youre dealing with Debbie. Shell welcome you, ofer her frank
appraisal of her menu and prepare your order right in front of
you. Its a polished performance thats testament to a lifetime
spent learning the intricacies of fresh ingredients, heat and the
subtle application of spice.
But lets be frank you come for the meal. On the evening we vis-
ited, one of my friends ordered a Summer Salad, which could have
been an express bus to Snoozeville. Not this garden jewel mixed
local greens topped with roasted fresh peaches (her Moms recipe),
beets and goat cheese, fnished with balsamic fg dressing. The ef-
fect was astonishing! Here on one plate was the secret of Fressers
continued success Debbies bedrock commitment to relying on
local food suppliers. Nearly all produce is harvested within 30 miles
of Highlands. Heck, the edible nasturtiums adorning the salad are
growing right there in the courtyard and picked as needed!
The herbs that inform every spoonful of Fressers Gazpacho
and adorn many dishes are snipped daily from the Tower Garden
anchoring one corner of the courtyard. A precisely chilled bowl of
gazpacho is a thing of beauty; the gustatory quintessence of a sum-
mer day lived well.
OK, I just made a big deal about local food, which makes the tran-
sition to my Salmon Burger more than a little bit awkward. Its highly
unlikely that this salmon fought its way from the Atlantic to the roll-
ing waters of Big Creek. But believe me, theres nothing awkward
about the burger itself a generous patty that blends fresh salmon,
ginger and scallions. Debbie takes obvious pride in this showstop-
per. Our obvious attempts to wheedle the specifcations out of her
were met with an adroit rebuf.
Fressers ofers many of the dishes that made them famous,
like their Angus Burger and Fresser Fries, but you already know
all about them.
Ive left room for the desserts, which if youre the sensible
type, youve also saved a little bit of room for. Do not, do not!
forego dessert at Fressers! Debbies right-hand Candi prepares
their desserts. Our table sensibly shared our Banana Pudding and
Red Velvet Cake. It really doesnt get any more Traditional South-
ern Summer Dessert than these two, and they were heavenly. I
promise that at some point within two weeks of dining at Fress-
ers, youll awaken with an implacable craving for your dessert. Itll
be a long, sad journey to dawn.
Heres the thing if you really love what you fnd at Fressers,
Debbie ofers a complete catering service. You can give her a call
at (828) 526-4188.
Oh, and perhaps youre wondering Her name is Debbie Gross-
man where does Fressers come in? Believe me, Debbie has a
story about that. Ask her.
by Luke Osteen | Photos by Marjorie Fielding | August 2014 | 69
70 | August 2014 |
Decadent AND Healthy? Oh, yeah
hocolate walnut butter
is a decadently rich and
perfectly healthy snack. I
love making nut butters, as they
can be used as an enhancement
to many healthy family recipes
or eaten with apple slices, ba-
nanas, even celery or carrot
sticks. This chocolate walnut
butter tastes absolutely divine
on sliced pears or just by itself.
Walnuts are one of the best
plant sources of protein, as
they contain 8 grams of protein
per 1/4 cup. Walnuts are also
rich in omega-3 fats, which pro-
mote heart health, preventing
or controlling high blood pres-
sure, lowering LDL cholesterol
levels, and reducing the risk of
cardiovascular disease. Ome-
ga-3s act as an anti-infamma-
tory, protect bone health, ease
symptoms of depression, and
boost cognitive function.
Walnuts are also rich
in monounsaturated fats,
which lower cholesterol levels
and triglycerides while increas-
ing good cholesterol levels.
Walnuts contain antioxi-
dants, which can delay aging
and prevent the risk of cardio-
vascular disease. Walnuts are
also rich in essential vitamins
and minerals, and promote
brain, bone, immune, and
heart health.
Walnuts also contain ellagic
acid, which supports a healthy
immune system and may have
anticancer properties.
Walnuts are also rich in argi-
nine, which is an essential amino
acid that has been shown to re-
duce the risk of heart attacks by
reducing the risk of blockages,
relaxing arteries, and lowering
blood pressure.
Walnuts also contain mela-
tonin, which promotes a good
nights sleep. And this recipe is
one of the most delicious ways
to eat more walnuts.
2 cups Walnuts
1 oz Bittersweet or dark choco-
pinch of Sea salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract
2 tbsp Coconut oil
1/2 tsp Liquid stevia or 1 tbsp
agave syrup
1. Preheat the oven to 400
degrees F.
2. Put the walnuts onto a dry
baking sheet and toast for 8-10
minutes, or until fragrant.
3. Add the toasted walnuts into
a blender. Blend until smooth.
4. Melt the chocolate in a micro-
wave or on the stovetop.
5. Add the chocolate, oil, salt,
vanilla, and stevia or agave to
the walnut mixture in the blend-
er. Process on medium high
until smooth and creamy. You
may need to scrape the sides
and do this for a a few minutes
to get the right consistency.
Drizzle in a little more oil if the
mixture gets too dry. Store in a
clean container in the fridge for
about 10 days.
Contributed by Dr. Anastasia
Halldin, Nutrition Coach | August 2014 | 71
Location, Location
y frst visit to Wine Country was amazing.
I thought I was in the most beautiful place I had ever
seen. I was greeted warmly by wineries and tasting fab-
ulous wines with fresh food and great company.
Many of the wines I tasted were ofered at the winery
only. Many of these were my favorites and I purchased quite
a few bottles.
Funny thing though, when I got home and opened these
great bottles, they just didnt knock my socks of like they did at
the winery. Many have told me of similar experiences.
Could it be that everything tastes better when you are on a
balcony overlooking rolling hills covered in vines? Well, of course.
So next time you are in wine country enjoy the wine, the
food, and the scenery and bring back wines that give you the
best memories. In the end thats all we have.
Drink well, Curt
Curt Christiansen, Wine Navigator
Madisons Restaurant, [email protected]
For informaton on dining in Highlands and Cashiers visit and
72 | August 2014 |
oly lime juice, Batman!
Google bartending and youll be amazed at how many
academies of mixology are out there. There are even bar-
tenders who could double as circus performers. But do you really
want your drinks mixed by a joker? Wouldnt you rather have a
superhero behind the bar -- someone who cares less about putting
on a show and more about getting to know his customers?
Thought so.
Enter Richard Errington of Cyprus International Cuisine on Main
Street in Highlands. Richard has been in the restaurant trade for
nearly 30 years, 20 of those as a bartender. And he has long-time
ties to Highlands. He says his family has been coming here since
you had to hand-crank cars.
Having lived in Florida full-time for most of his life, he real-
ized that he was ready for a change. After visiting his family in
the mountains 10 years ago, Errington says, I know this sounds
cheesy, but after living in Tampa and New Orleans, you learn not
to look people in the eye. When I walked down the street in High-
lands, people kept waving and nodding. So after my vacation I
went back to Florida, put in my two-weeks notice and Ive never
looked back. I forgot there were places like Highlands.
Cyprus owner Nicholas Figel was one of Richards frst friends
when he moved to town and he started bartending at Cyprus in
2013. They were in their former location on the Dillard Road but
now that theyve hit Main Street, hes taking charge of the huge
outside bar on the deck, where they have fresh herbs growing. He
loves playing with ingredients -- herbs, spices, diferent fresh fruits
-- and sharing recipes. Errington says the bartenders in the area
are a close-knit group and love bouncing ideas of one another.
Since hes been perfecting his craft for two decades, he is
amazed at how the job has morphed over the years: from Old
Fashioneds and Whiskey Sours to Martinis of every variety. But he
sees some of the old standbys returning to popularity.
Over the past 10 years the art of mixology has just bloomed.
Now you have to really think and be creative, which is a lot of fun.
But its truly the one-on-one interaction with people that I enjoy
the most.
He has never met a stranger and a lot of his creations come
from friends and locales he visits on his travels during the
of season.
Not sure what youd like to try? Not a problem. Just tell Richard
what tastes you prefer and hell be happy to do the rest. He has a
lot of mixology experience to draw from and loves nothing more
than making his customers happy.
Cyprus International Cuisine is located at 332 Main Street, High-
lands and theyre open seven nights a week. For reservations, call
them at (828) 526-4429 or visit Visit their
website at
by Jenny King
Take 3 slices of fresh cucumber,
1 slice of fresh lime and 2 fresh
mint leaves.
Muddle with Cucumber vodka.
Add crushed ice and a splash of
pineapple juice.
The Cucumber Mint
It Up
For Cyprus International Cuisines Richard Errington,
bartending is a passion and a chance to indulge his playful streak.
Have a favorite mixologist in the Highlands-Cashiers area? Nominate them to be our Star of the Bar at | August 2014 | 73
74 | August 2014 |
Evenings at Lakeside
akeside Restaurant has long been sought out for its terrifc
food and quaint atmosphere, but it is equally known for be-
ing a good neighbor and supporting worthy local causes.
Laura Huerta is the new proprietor at Lakeside, but she is
not a new face, having been part of the Lakeside team for
seven years. She recognizes the importance of maintaining
the high standards of Lakeside by providing fresh food and
exceeding guests expectations, but she also treasures the
tradition of giving back to the community.
They are especially excited to be continuing their Eve-
nings at Lakeside as a means to support local non-profits.
Wednesday evenings are set aside for area non-profits to join
Lakeside in raising money and awareness for their causes.
Interested non-profits should contact Lakeside at (828)
526-9419 to select an available date. Lakeside will donate
15 percent of the non-profits guest checks that evening to
the non-profit. It is up to each organization and their board
members to market their evening. It is also important that
when making reservations you mention that you are there to
support your chosen non-profit.
This year several non-profits have already claimed their
dates. The Highlands-Cashiers Hospital and Scaly Mountain
Womans Club enjoyed their evenings in July. August 6 has
been claimed by Gilliams Promise; August 27 by the Litera-
cy Council; and October 8 by the Highlands-Cashiers Cham-
ber Music Festival. Thousands of dollars have been raised
through these evenings since inception, and the success is
growing by leaps and bounds each year.
These evenings are a great chance to get together with
your friends and enjoy great food and a relaxing atmosphere,
all while supporting your favorite cause.
For more information or to make reservations please call
Lakeside at (828) 526-9419. They are located at 531 Small-
wood Avenue.
by Mary Jane McCall
Lakeside Restaurants community spirit extends to local charities through its Evenings at Lakeside.
For reservations and information, call (828) 526-9419. | August 2014 | 75
Highlands Culinary Weekend
f you hunger for a great time, youre in for an epicurean
experience that only the best Highlands restaurateurs,
chefs, bakers, and drink specialists can dish up.
Save the dates, November 6 through 9, for a Culinary
Weekend you will savor for a lifetime.
Established eight years ago by the Highlands Chamber
of Commerce and Visitor Center, this four-day destina-
tion event kicks off with a spectacular Opening Night Cel-
ebration, Thursday, November 6 at the Highlands Coun-
try Clubhouse. Join the festivities from 7:00 P.M. until.
Enjoy live music while you sample a variety of wines from
the areas prominent cellars. Embark on a food odyssey
as you travel table-to-table tasting all your favorite local
chefs specialties.
Then, foodie chops in gear, get ready for a virtual Eatopia,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Indulge your taste buds with
decadent tastings, cooking demonstrations, and mouth-wa-
tering feasts hosted by area restaurants, showcasing each
chefs finest.
Dont miss the annual Sip and Stroll, Friday and Saturday
from 11:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Experience the wares of
Highlands fine shops, while tasting and enjoying a selection
of wine & delightful edibles. Sip, Stroll and Shop till you drop
while enjoying everything fabulous in downtown Highlands.
From heart-healthy to decadent to down-home delicious,
the Culinary Weekend is the ultimate eating experience. You
are guaranteed to find that special dish customized to your
discerning palate. So get ready to be happily smothered
in tantalizing delights November 6 through 9. Contact the
Chamber for more details, (828) 526-5841.
by Donna Rhodes | Photos by Sarah Valentine
For an unforgettable taste of Highlands, mark your calendar for the Culinary Weekend, November 6-9.
76 | August 2014 |
A Napa Valley Picnic
he grounds of the Jennings Barn at Canyon Kitchen in Ca-
shiers are the beautiful settings for a Napa Valley Style
Picnic on Sunday, August 17. Chef John Fleers picnic will
also feature the exclusive wines of the acclaimed Staglin Family
Vineyard of Napa Valley, California.
The fun will start at 4:30 P.M. with cocktails and hors
doeuvres, followed by Chef Fleers marvelous picnic. Guests
will experience the culinary creations of one of The James Beard
Foundations Rising Stars of the 21st Century and a three-time
fnalist for the James Beard Foundations Best Chef in the South-
east, while enjoying the sublime beauty of late summer Cashiers.
The event will beneft the International Mental Health Re-
search Organization, an organization dedicated to providing
hope to the 57 million Americans who sufer from mental illness
by funding scientifc research into the causes, prevention and
new treatments for brain disorders. Tickets are $500 and are
tax-deductible. Sponsorships are available by contacting devel-
opment coordinator Marlene M. Hauck at (941) 504-6717 or mar-
[email protected].
Shari and Garen Staglin, co-owners of Staglin Family Vineyard
and Co-founders of IMHRO, remain focused on the mission of
funding cutting edge research for the top three major mental
illnesses of schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression; as
well as building awareness of the scientifc achievements and
the need for funding brain research.
With their motto Great Wines for Great Causes, the Staglin
Family has donated and raised more than $800 million to sup-
port charities, including IMHRO, which they founded in 1995 to
help cure diseases of the brain, says Marlene Hauck, develop-
ment coordinator. The Staglin Family Vineyard is dedicated to
producing world-class wines that refect the distinctive charac-
ter of their historic Rutherford Bench estate in Napa Valley.
Brandon Staglin, communications director of IMHRO and Sta-
glin Family Vineyard and a leading advocate for mental health
says, My schizophrenia once made me feel like my life had no
hope. Mr. Staglin adds, With thanks to a pioneering research
program funded by generous donors through our fundraising
events, Ive been able to get well and fnd life full meaning and
watch IMHRO bring recovery closer for the hundreds of millions
worldwide who grapple with mental illness.
A bountiful picnic in a gorgeous venue is an unforgettable front in the battle for mental health.
For information about an exclusive picnic at Canyon Kitchen, set for Sunday, August 17, call (941) 504-6717 or email [email protected] | August 2014 | 77
Belgian Beer Dinner
eer. Its not just for frat parties anymore.
Over the last decade or so beer crafting has become rec-
ognized as, not only an art, but a fast-growing segment of
the U.S. economy. Beer enthusiasts understand the eforts of pro-
ducing craft beers and recognize the fne distinctions in taste, bou-
quet, color and clarity.
Whether you consider yourself a beer snob, a beer afciona-
do, or simply a beer lover, youre no doubt aware it has a rich his-
tory; especially in Belgium where its creation dates back to before
the Crusades. This small country is home to over 180 breweries and
6,500 diferent beers.
On Tuesday, August 5 The Dog House in downtown Highlands
is hosting A Belgian Beer Dinner, where youll have the opportu-
nity to experience fve diferent brews, ranging from a classic
white ale to the dark, malty quadrupel, product of a 16th century
Belgian brewery.
This fve-course feast by Executive Chef Adam Bresnahan begins
with a Cheese-Filled Pretzel accompanied by an Ommegang Whitte
brewed in Cooperstown, New York. Next up is a Warm Terrine of
Asparagus with a Brouwerij Het Anker Lucifer from Belgium.
The third course joins A Salad of Foraged Greens with the Victory
Golden Monkey brewed in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. A Tour
de Swine comprises the fourth course, which is paired with a Blue
Mountain Barrel House Local Species from Nelson County, Virginia.
And for the fnal youll be treated to a Lemon Pot de Crme and a
rich, dark Belgian ale, the Strafe Hendrik Brugs Quadrupel Ale.
The cost for this journey to Belgium at The Dog House in down-
town Highlands is $70 per person which includes tax and gratuity.
Reservations are required and prepaid tickets are available. Doors
open at 6:00 P.M. with the frst course being served at 6:45 P.M.
Reservations for the Belgian Beer Dinner may be made by contact-
ing The Ugly Dog Pub at (828) 526-8364. Itll be a night to remem-
ber as you experience The Belgian Beer Dinner at The Dog House
in Highlands.
by Jenny King
Beer snobs and simple lovers of the brew are invited to attend The Ugly Dogs Belgian Beer Dinner, Tuesday, August 5.
For reservations or more information, call (828) 526-8364.
78 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 79














Mountain Dining
Your Guide to the Restaurants
of Highlands & Cashiers
Minimal, most entrees under $10
$ Moderate, most entrees $10-$15
Pricing Guide
$$ Deluxe, most entrees $15-$20
$$$ Grand, most entrees over $20
Takeout Only
L Local Only
Checks Dress Code
C Casual NC Nice Casual
J Jacket
Alttude Restaurant at Skyline Lodge Flat Mtn. Road 828-526-2121 $ $ $-$$ NC 70
Bellas Juncton Cafe 20 Old Mud Creek Road, Scaly, NC 828-526-0803 $ $ $ C L 74
The Bistro at Wolfgangs 460 Main Street 828-526-3807 $-$$ NC L 5
Creekside Casual Dining Mountain Brook Center 828-526-9822 C L 78
Cyprus Internatonal Cuisine 490 Dillard Road 828-526-4429 $$ $$$ C 73
Dustys 493 Dillard Road 828-526-2762 C 69
Fressers Courtyard Cafe 470 Oak Street, Village Square 828-526-4188 -$ -$$ C 69
High Coton Wine & Cheese Co. 205 South Fourth Street 828-787-2199 $ C 71
Highlands Smokehouse 595 Franklin Road 828-526-5000 $ $ C 69
The Kitchen CarryAway & Catering 350 S. Fifh St. 828-526-2110 $-$$ $-$$ 74
Lakeside Restaurant Smallwood Avenue 828-526-9419 $$$ C 71
Madisons Restaurant & Wine Garden 445 Main St. 828-787-2525 $ $$ $$ NC 4
On the Verandah Hwy. 64 (Franklin Road) 828-526-2338 $-$$ $-$$ NC 73
Rosewood Market Main Street 828-526-0383 $-$$ $-$$ 119
SweeTreats Deli Corner of Main and South 4th St. 828-526-9632 C L 78
Ugly Dog Pub/The Dog House 294 South 4th St. 828-526-8364 C 69
Wolfgangs Restaurant 460 Main Street 828-526-3807 $-$$ NC L 5
*On the Side at Cashiers Farmers Market Crossroads 828-743-4334 78
Chez Dupont & The Stone Soup Cafe 48 Village Walk 828-743-1960 $ $ Dinner C 78
The Orchard Highway 107 South 828-743-7614 $$$ Dinner C 78
Zookeeper Mountain Laurel Shoppes 828-743-7711 C 50
Highlands Area Restaurants
Alttudes at Skyline Lodge - 828-526-2121
Annies Cafe - 828-526-1663
Asian House - 828-787-1680
Bellas Juncton Cafe - 828-526-0803
Bistro on Main/
Main Street Inn - 828-526-2590
The Bistro at Wolfgangs - 828-526-3807
The Brick Oven - 828-526-4121
Brysons Deli - 828-526-3775
Bucks Cofee Cafe - 828-526-0020
Cafe 460 - 828-526-8926
Cyprus Internatonal Cuisine - 828-526-4429
Dustys - 828-526-2762
El Azteca - 828-526-2244
Flip Side - 828-526-4241
Fressers Courtyard Cafe - 828-526-4188
Golden China - 828-526-5525
Highlands Smokehouse - 828-526-5000
Highlands Wine & Cheese Co. - 828-787-2199
Kelsey Place Restaurant - 828-526-9380
The Kitchen
CarryAway & Catering - 828-526-2110
Lakeside Restaurant - 828-526-9419
Madisons Restaurant
& Wine Garden - 828-787-2525
Mountain Fresh - 828-526-2400
On the Verandah - 828-526-2338
Pescados - 828-526-9313
Pizza Place - 828-526-5660
Paolets - 828- 526-4906
Rosewood Market - 828-526-0383
Rukas Table - 828-526-3636
Rustco at The Log Cabin - 828-526-0999
Sports Page - 828-526-3555
Subway - 828-526-1706
SweeTreats - 828- 526-9822
Tokyo - Authentc
Asian Cuisine - 828-526-8800
The Ugly Dog/Dog House - 828- 526-8364
Wild Thyme Gourmet - 828-526-4035
Wine Garden at
Old Edwards Inn - 828-787-2525
Wolfgangs Restaurant - 828-526-3807
Cashiers Area Restaurants
Brown Trout Mountain Grille - 828-877-3474
Bucks Cofee Cafe - 828-743-9997
Cafe 107 - 828-293-1221
Canyon Kitchen - 828-743-7967
Carolina Smokehouse - 828-743-3200
Chesters Chicken
at Cashiers Exxon - 828-743-5041
Chez Dupont and the
Stone Soup Cafe - 828-743-1960
Chile Loco - 828-743-1160
Cornucopia Restaurant - 828-743-3750
Four Season Grille - 828-743-4284
Happs Place - 828-743-2266
High Hampton Inn - 828-743-2411
Hunt Bros. Pizza
at Cashiers BP - 828-743-2337
JJs Eatery and Canteen - 828-743-7778
Micas Restaurant - 828-743-5740
On the Side at
Cashiers Farmers Market - 828-743-4334
The Orchard - 828-743-7614
Randevu Restaurant - 828-743-0190
Rosies Caf - 828-743-0160
Slab Town Pizza (STP) - 828-743-0020
Subway - 828-743-1300
The Gamekeepers Tavern - 828-743-4263
Wendys - 828-743-7777
Yoshi Japanese Steakhouse - 828-743-8747
Zookeeper - 828-743-7711 | August 2014 | 79
80 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 81
82 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 83
84 | August 2014 |
400-Million-Year-Old Rock
f you know Whiteside Mountains reputa-
tion for being the biggest, baddest clif
on the east coast, then you might have
thought twice (or not at all) about striking
out as a novice on our revered monument
to the sport of rock climbing.
Many say that there is a special en-
ergy that emanates from rock, especially
granite. So if you fancy a close encoun-
ter but prefer your adventure closer to
the ground, consider the more accessible
form of rock climbing called bouldering.
You can get your adrenalin fx without
dangling midair on the sheer face of a
750-foot vertical clif.
As it happens, one of the coolest places
for bouldering lies near the foot of Whiteside, in a mysterious
little world that whispers of the mountains origins. Its called
Granite City.
An estimated 400 million years ago, molten rock rose from
the earths depths and eventually transformed into what we
see today as Whiteside Mountain, which most of us view from a
pleasant distance or by hiking to its stunning peak. But theres a
secret adventure waiting to be explored on the south side just
a short hike up from Whiteside Cove Road. Its a small city
where rock walls and colossal boulders form a natural maze of
caves and crevasses. You can spend hours roaming the streets
and alleys, discovering hidden roomsand perhaps trying
your hand at bouldering.
Bouldering was developed in the 60s in France and in Califor-
nia (by John Gill, the human fy) as a pastime for bored rock
climbers in of-season. Its now becoming
a popular competition around the world,
spawning climbing walls in nearly every ma-
jor city. Theres even a Triple Crown of the
Southeast, which you can learn about at
Bouldering uses no ropes and is usually
done on rocks measuring less than 20 feet
from ground to top. The routes or prob-
lems require the climber to reach the top
of a boulder, usually from a specifed point
of origin. Thats the technical version. But
you can have fun just getting a foot- and fn-
ger-hold, advancing a few moves, and expe-
riencing the connection of your body to the
rock. Its great toning for the whole body.
Your muscles will feel it afterward.
Granite City is also home to an elusive geocache. For a
link with clues, visit the online edition of the August Laurel
Magazine. {
Wear long pants, good hiking shoes/boots, and go without
young children. While it is fun and interesting, Granite City is still
rock, so even the trail area can be tricky in spots. And the short
path to reach it is somewhat steep. If you decide to seriously
explore bouldering, google it to determine the proper safety
equipment, including a bouldering mat.
Granite City is 1.7 miles south of Cashiers of NC 107 on White-
side Cove Road and then 6.6 miles down Whiteside Cove Road.
A small pull-of on the right marks the trail head. From High-
lands, the trail head is about 5.8 miles on the left.
Contributed by Amanda Sullivan
Travel and Adventure Writer
[email protected] | August 2014 | 85
86 | August 2014 |
To Felt or Not to Felt
ly fshing almost always
requires wading. Many
rivers are narrow and
have foliage along the banks
requiring the angler to cast up
and down the stream rather
than standing on the bank and
casting out into the water.
Wading boots with a felt sole
help grip the algae covered
rocks allowing the angler to
wade with less chance of tak-
ing a serious fall.
For years, felt soled boots
have been the choice of most
anglers. However, within the
past few years many areas in-
cluding several western states
and some foreign countries
have begun to ban the use
of felt soled wading boots.
The problem is that felt soles
hold dampness and allow
micro-organisms picked up in
one river to be transported
to another river. This poses
a bigger risk because of the
number of anglers now travel-
ing to destinations around the
globe and introducing foreign
forms of algae or diseases into
other rivers. This can be re-
solved simply by disinfecting
felt soles before or after every
use. For this to be 100 percent
efective obviously everyone
would have to do it every time
voluntarily. The alternative
where felt has been banned is
a sticky rubber sole. These
soles, much like the rubber on
climbing shoes tends to grip
the rock. In rivers with little or
no algae on the rock, rubber
works extremely well. How-
ever, in the Southeast, where
warmer water temperatures
support algae growth, rubber
soles work best when used
with metal studs which can be
screwed into the sole.
Currently, felt has not been
banned in the streams and
rivers of the Southern Appa-
lachians. Until it is, or until a
better alternative is available,
felt is still the safest choice
for the Southern angler. If you
use felt, please disinfect them
when traveling from one area
to another.
Contributed by David Wilkes
Highland Hiker
For more informaton on Highlands and Cashiers visit and | August 2014 | 87
88 | August 2014 |
Pollinator Gardens
ollinator gardens are
beautiful, sustainable,
low maintenance and
work for a variety of sites.
Making use of native fower-
ing perennials and grasses,
they generally provide year-
round food and shelter for
butterfies, hummingbirds,
bees and other insects, pro-
moting biodiversity. Pol-
linators are responsible for
as much as one out of every
three bites of food that we
eat, so they are excellent
complements to an edible
garden. Most fruits and veg-
etables require pollinators to
complete the plant life cycle,
fowers maturing to fruit. Pol-
linator habitat is threatened
due to development and
widespread pesticide use.
Isnt it wonderful that we can
choose to create landscapes
that are not only beautiful to
our eyes, but provide the im-
portant ecological function of
supporting pollinators?
A pollinator garden is an
especially wonderful choice
in a mountain garden, where
a wilder aesthetic blends
well with the surrounding
native landscape. The gar-
den refects seasonality, with
early spring foliage growth,
full blooms summer through
fall in a variety of color, and
winter dormancy. In win-
ter, the seed pods of fowers
and grasses are left standing
to provide food for wildlife
through the cold months and
have an especially beautiful
seasonal presentation in black
through gold hues.
When choosing plants for
a pollinator garden, consider
height, tenacity, micro-climate
preferences and, of course,
native plants. Loosely, all
colors in nature work well to-
gether. Native plants will per-
form well in our region with-
out a lot of care, and plants
with similar habits of vigor will
not out-compete each other.
Good perennial choices for
our mountain region include:
Asclepias (Butterfy weed),
Solidago (Goldenrod), Echi-
nacea and Rudbeckia (Cone-
fower), Monarda (Bee balm),
Achillea (Yarrow), Coreopsis
(Tickseed). Shadier sites host
plants like Pycanthemum
(mountain mint), Wood aster,
Aquillegia (Columbine). In-
cluding larval host plants, such
as native milkweed, is critical
to the support of pollinators.
Planting in random patterns
over the area of a pollinator
garden or with each type of
plant in groupings is an aes-
thetic choice with the latter
being a bit more formal.
As for maintenance, once
the garden is established, all
it requires is to be cut back
(with a mower is fne) once
per year, in the early spring
before new foliage appears.
More information on creat-
ing pollinator habitats can
be provided by the National
Wildlife Federation (nwf.
Wildlife.aspx) or the Xerces
Society (
Contributed by Lindsey Mann
Sustenance Design
lindsey | August 2014 | 89
Alignment and Address
t address our goal
of course is to aim
the clubface ex-
actly where you want the
ball to start. This is not as
easy as it sounds and re-
quires precision along with
good eyesight.
The golfers that have prob-
lems with this are usually the
ones that align their bodies
frst, then the clubface. If I
see someone doing this, Im
pretty sure theyre going to
have trouble with consisten-
cy and accuracy.
Why not learn to set up
and align the way the touring
pros do? They pretty much
all do the same thing and it
works and is very simple.
1. Approach the ball with
your feet close together and
get the proper distance from
the ball.
2. Now align the clubhead
and leave your feet in place,
still close together.
3. When you feel you are
properly aimed at your tar-
get, now you can set your
feet. Just take a step with
each foot left and right. If
you wish the ball inside your
left heel for a driver just take
a small step with your left
foot and a big step with your
right. Bingo the ball is exactly
where it should be.
4. If you want it in the mid-
dle, lets say for an iron just
take equal steps right and
left with each foot.
5. If you take steps to-
wards your target and away
from it, this will also align
your shoulders properly.
6. To prove this, when I
am standing on the frst tee
behind the golfers teeing of
I bet at least 50 percent of
them are aligned improperly.
Their shoulders and feet are
all over the place left and
right and of their intended
target line.
The reason this works is
that aligning your body frst
just isnt very accurate, be-
cause your point of reference
- the target - is too far away.
Its much easier to adjust
your body to your properly
aligned clubface than to a
target in the distance.
Next time you are watch-
ing a tournament on TV,
watch the guys that are
playing for a living and you
will always see the clubhead
aligned frst and then the feet
set. Must be something to it.
Contributed by Tom Chillemi,
PGA Golf Professional
Toms Golf Tours,
[email protected]
For more informaton on Highlands and Cashiers visit and
90 | August 2014 |
he Hummingbird Moth,
unlike most moths, is
seen on clear, sunny days.
Many people do confuse it with
hummingbirds because of its
coloration and how it moves.
Hummingbird Moths grow up
to two inches long. They have an
olive-green body with red bands
across their abdomen. Tufts of
hairs from the end of the abdo-
men look a lot like feathers. The
wings of this moth are mostly
clear, sometimes with some red
near the body.
Hummingbird Moths live in
felds, gardens, and forest edges.

r | August 2014 | 91
he State bird of North Caro-
lina, the Cardinals natural
habitat currently extends
over half of the United States,
and as far south as Belize and
The male has year-round bright
red plumage and a black face
mask, while the female comes
in various shades of brown, gray
and red. Both males and females
have strong short bills and a dis-
tinctive crest of head feathers.
Unlike most other bird species,
in which only the male vocalizes,
both cardinal genders sing--the
males typically to attract mates
or ward of intruders, and the fe-
male to signal the male to bring
food for the nestlings.


92 | August 2014 |
Three Highlands Waterfalls
ry Falls are the most easily accessed of the three. They
are a 16-mile drive up 28/64 from Franklin with the park-
ing area on the right, and a three-and-half mile drive down
28/64 from Highlands (with the bonus opportunity of stopping
of at Bridal Veil Falls on your way there) with the parking area
on the left. The falls are a short walk down from the parking area
and take their name from the fact that visitors are theoretically
able to walk behind the Cullasaja Rivers cascade without get-
ting wet. Its more realistic to expect to encounter a little bit of
airborne moisture back there, though. If youre able to imagine
the view behind the falls without the rails, you should be able
to recognize it from a scene in the flm Last of the Mohicans.
The Big Shoals of Big Creek, aka Secret Falls, involve a bit
of hiking, but nothing too strenuous. At the intersection of
28/64, stay east. This means staying straight if you are coming
from Franklin, turning left if you are coming from Cashiers, and
turning right if you are coming up Walhalla Road. Stay on Horse
Cove Road for about three and a half miles, then take a right
onto Walking Stick Road. Continue a little over two and a half
miles and take a right onto Big Creek Road/FR 4567, and con-
tinue less than a quarter mile to fnd the trailhead and a park-
ing area on the left (GPS coordinates 35.00871 -83.16661). The
falls are about three-quarters of a mile from the trailhead. There
isnt much in the way of elevation gain on the way there, but
expect to get your feet wet on the way. Youll know you are
almost there when you come upon a set of steps.
Glen Falls on the East Fork of Overfow Creek are more of
a physical challenge to access, but they ofer a beautiful three-
tiered cascade to those who make the walk there. From High-
lands, travel down Dillard Road for a little less than two miles
and take a left onto Glen Falls Road and reach a parking area
at the trailhead after about a miles drive (GPS coordinates
35.03326 -83.23566). The walk to the falls is less than a mile, but
it is fairly steep, so take care on the way there if you have bad
knees and on the way back if you are not in the best overall
physical condition. Once arrived, be sure to take in all three of
the falls steps, the upper two dropping about 60 feet and the
lower about 15.
Contributed by Matthew T. Bradley | [email protected]
A happy combination of mountains and nearly 100 inches of rain a year has given Highlands and Cashiers a full spectrum of beautiful waterfalls
from gentle splashes into birdbath-sized pools to thundering torrents of almost unimaginable power. This month well explore three local favorites. | August 2014 | 93
To view photos and videos of more waterfalls on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau
visit and
Glen Falls
Glen Falls is located of a dirt road three miles south of Highlands of NC 106 south. The turn-of is
marked by a U.S. Forest Service sign. Glen Falls is composed of three large falls dropping approximately
640 feet on the east fork of Overfow Creek in Blue Valley. The one-mile foot trail down
to the falls is steep (and feels a lot steeper going back up). This is probably the most beautful
waterfall setng in the Highlands area - and one of the least visited since its not on the main highway
and it requires a 1.5-mile roundtrip hike.
Download the Waterfalls of Western North Carolina App at:
to enjoy area waterfalls, photos and directons.
94 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 95
96 | August 2014 |
All Things Are Connected
he Beginning of Survival.
Theyre logging a venerable forest next to my wood-
land home in Macon County. My house shakes every time
a giant oak or poplar thuds on the denuded ground. The loud
crack of a specimen walnuts spine caroms tree to tree as if
warning its comrades of impending doom.
The warning wont help.
The trees are being felled by the score, stripped of their
limbs, cut into uniform timbers, lifted by giant mechanical jaws
onto fatbed trucks, and unceremoniously transported to the
sawmill. The sap hasnt even dried and motocross bikers are al-
ready claiming the logging trails, ripping the air with their own
ear-splitting brand of buzz-saw.
Why wasnt this forest protected? The land is privately-
owned. The owner does not even live on it. Timber equals mon-
ey. End of story.
I am reminded of Chief Seattles famous response to Franklin
Pierce when the President tried to negotiate the purchase of
Suquamish land: This we know: the earth does not belong to
man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the
blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life; he
is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does
to himself.
Chief Seattle was a visionary. He could see how decisions
might afect people and the earth a thousand years hence. He
told President Pierce: Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will
happen when the bufalo are all slaughtered? The wild horses
tamed? What will happen when the secret corners are heavy
with the scent of many men, and the view of the ripe hills is
blotted by talking wires? Where will the thicket be? Gone! And
what is it to say good-bye to the swift pony and the hunt? The
end of living and the beginning of survival.
Chief Seattle reminds us that forests are our breath, literally
and fguratively. Perhaps we should think of trees as air-insur-
ance for generations down the green road. In the meantime,
let us and those who make environmental decisions be mindful
that whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves.
To learn more about the history of conservancy in the region,
read Ran Shafners Heart of the Blue Ridge, Highlands, North
Carolina. And visit the Highlands Historical Museum during
weekends through October, to see the Land Stewards exhibit
of A Botanical History of the Highlands Plateau. It documents
such threats to the natural treasures of the area through the
years and the endless eforts to protect them.
by Donna Rhodes
The Land Stewards of the Highlands Plateau stood in front of the bulldozer to prevent the destruction of native plants near Highlands.
The struggle to preserve our natural treasures has been fought many times over the centuries. Macon County is just one of the latest fronts. | August 2014 | 97
98 | August 2014 |
he Asheville Citizen-Times newspaper printed in its May 22,
1932, edition an article entitled, Jackson County, 80 Years
Old, Has Been Part of 14 Counties.
Following are excerpts from that article:
Long before Jackson be-
came a county, when the fast-
ness of the mountains had
not been penetrated, and the
echo of the Cherokees still re-
sounded throughout the still-
ness of this remote section,
settlers began to move into
what was later to become
one of the most progressive
counties of the 100 of the Old
North State. Jackson County
was formed in 1852 out of ter-
ritory taken from Haywood
and Macon Counties. As origi-
nally formed it was bounded
on the north by Haywood, on
the east by Henderson, on the south by South Carolina, and on
the northwest by Tennessee. In 1850, the legislature of North
Carolina authorized the creation of Jackson County. It required
two years from that date to do the preliminary work necessary
to set the government going. It was fve years from the later
date before the county had a seat and a house in which to trans-
act business.
The frst court was organized by Judge John W. Ellis, after-
wards, governor of the state, at the residence of Daniel Bryson,
Sr. on Scotts Creek, Monday, March 3, 1853. J. Newton Bryson
was appointed clerk of the
court, and Allen Fisher, clerk
and master in equity. The
second Superior Court was
opened Monday, September
19, 1853 at Allen Fishers store
house. The frst grand and pe-
tit juries were composed of
such familiar pioneer names
as Keener, Conley, Queen,
Bryson, Brown, Hooper, Dills,
Alley, Allison, Wilson, Wood,
Zachary, Hall, Norton, Shel-
ton, Hedden, Monteith, Sut-
ton, Sherrill, Henson, Allen,
Buchanan, Watson, Wike, En-
loe, Owen, Ensley, Ashe, Dil-
lard, Davis, Parker, Painter,
Coward, Rogers, Hyatt, Henderson, Moss, Middleton, Potts,
Parks, Shular, and Gunter. The frst two cases on the docket
in the Superior Court were the State versus Adam Mathis and
John B. Allison and Woodford Zachary versus Elisha Holden. The
nature of these cases is unknown.
The second half of this interesting article will be contained in
next months Laurel Magazine.
The Birth of a County
Contributed by Jane Gibson Nardy, Historian, Cashiers Historical Society
There was nothing easy about the formation of Jackson County. Fortunately, state records chronicle the twists and turns. | August 2014 | 99
100 | August 2014 |
All s Well
he Sapphire Valley Historical Societys eforts to excavate
and refurbish the Wishing Well at the old Historic Fairfeld
Inn site have revealed a real treasure an Indian Stone Ba-
sin, possibly over 200 years old.
Although we know the builders of the old Fairfeld Inn cre-
ated this seating area around this bowl, it never made sense why
they would create the bowl in the frst place, says Rick Stargel,
president of the Sapphire Valley Historical Society. They built
the Inn, the lake and later a few golf holes around the Inn, but
why this?
In addition to the well walls and seating being in really good
shape, the foor of the well contains a perfectly carved bowl di-
rectly in the granite.
Our research tell us that other Native American stone ba-
sins have been found around the country, one most notably in
Fredericksburg, Virginia. (See
Research also reveals many other stone basins in the US that
resemble the Sapphire Valley Basin. Prior to 1830, Native Ameri-
cans, possibly the Creek Indians, occupied this part of Western
North Carolina. The Sapphire Valley Stone Basin is believed to
have been created prior to 1800 (based on the amount of ero-
sion out of the basin and the amount of forest growth around it)
and used for ceremonial activities.
The Sapphire Valley Stone Basin is carved in the bedrock next
to a year-round spring head and supplies the basin with pure
mountain water even to this day. Surprisingly, the exit channel
for the water points true north, not magnetic north, and just
cannot be a coincidence.
The Sapphire Valley Stone Basin was in place in 1896 when
the Fairfeld Inn was built. Recognizing the value of this artifact,
instead of covering it up when they graded the land for the
roads and the Inn, the owners built the stone wall and seating
area, protecting it so their guests would have another amenity
to enjoy.
Pictured is the full seating area as seen just after the initial
cleanup in late March 2014.
The Sapphire Valley Historical Societys goal for this project is
to simply restore this basin to its original beauty and, along with
the help of Camp Merrie Woode, create a photographic venue
for visitors to Fairfeld Lake and those that use the old Inn site
for weddings, concerts and parties.
Contributed by Lisa Stargel
An Indian Stone Basin, possibly over 200 years old, is discovered at the old Historic Fairfeld Inn site. | August 2014 | 101
102 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 103
104 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 105
106 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 107
108 | August 2014 |
Contributed by
Elizabeth Fletcher, I Do Events
Photos by Sposa Bella Photography | August 2014 | 109
110 | August 2014 |
ucy Shores knew that she had met the man of her dreams
on their frst date.
On a Friday night she was out with girlfriends and saw
Peter and walked right up to him and said, Youre cute, whats
your name?
The next day he called to ask her out for that Sunday and that
is when they both knew that there was an instant connection.
He had told her that they were going on a picnic and to bring her
dog. They went to a local state park and just splashed around in
the water with their dogs; he even remembered to bring water
for the dogs and towels to dry them of.
They dated for a year and a half and Peter proposed in the
same park where they had their frst date. As they were compil-
ing their invitation list, they realized that the list included people
from more than 30 states.
Pete and I have family and friends all over the country, said
Lucy. We knew no matter where we had our wedding, people
would have to travel. The North Carolina mountains provided
the perfect location -- halfway between Raleigh, Peters home,
and Birmingham, my home, not too hot for our summer wed-
ding, and a stunning backdrop. After touring a couple of ven-
ues, we instantly fell in love with the High Hampton Inn.
We wanted to keep things simple and wanted our guests
to feel like they were on vacation. The dress was no heels, no
ties. Also, the mountain and scenery surrounding High Hamp-
ton Inn is breathtaking and we did not want to do anything to
take away from that.
Because the couple did not want their guests to have to leave
the property, they arranged with High Hampton Inn to provide
boxed lunches on Saturday for all their wedding guests. They
wanted their guests to be able to hike, swim, boat -- essentially
play and not to have to think about lunch. Guests could park
their cars and not have to get back in them until they checked
out on Sunday.
Mountain Wedding | continued on page 112 | August 2014 | 111
112 | August 2014 |
continued from page 110
Caroline, the wedding planner at High Hampton Inn, was
invaluable and steered us to the perfect vendors, said Lucy.
She knows what she is doing and will not steer you in the
wrong direction.
Sandy at Fiddlehead Designs spends a lot of time with her
brides and loves to get to know the brides personalities, as
well as their design sensibilities and then ask for creative license
to design.
Lucy loved textures and organic, natural elements, said
Sandy. She and Mrs. Shores fully put their trust in us, allowing
us to create surprise and thrill her. It was a magical event and
we even went so far as to use mattress springs, an inside joke
with the grooma little way to tease and have fun with him.
Peter and I walked around to every table at the reception
looking at the foral arrangements and loving the special touch-
es that Sandy incorporated into the design, said Lucy. The
Mountain Wedding | continued on page 114 | August 2014 | 113
114 | August 2014 |
ceremony was simple. It was small since we only wanted our
closest friends and family there. We were very specifc about
our guest list and only wanted those people that we spoke to
on a regular basis.
We decided not to have a wedding party because we
wanted everyone to feel equally responsible for supporting us
throughout our marriage. The mountain backdrop behind the
ceremony site at High Hampton Inn is so majestic and symbolic;
it made us feel as if God was sitting right there with us like we
were completely surrounded by friends, family and Him.
continued from page 112
Mountain Wedding | continued on page 116 | August 2014 | 115
116 | August 2014 |
Peter surprised the bride by arranging with Caroline for
a quartet to play her favorite song as she walked down
the aisle and her reaction, according to Caroline, was
Peters favorite part of the day was their private candlelit
dinner looking out on the mountain after the ceremony. This
gave them time to unwind, laugh about each others day and
to have a time to connect as husband and wife before going to
the reception.
The reception was held at the pavilion only a few steps away
continued from page 114
Mountain Wedding | continued on page 118 | August 2014 | 117
118 | August 2014 |
from the ceremony site. It was open air food and seating in-
side, dancing and drinks outside. There was a collection of yard
games and a driving range to entertain the guests. The Blue Tips
provided a great musical backdrop and blew the guests away.
After the wedding, the couple honeymooned in Maine and
then returned to their home in Raleigh.
continued from page 116 | August 2014 | 119
120 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 121
122 | August 2014 |
The Good Life
ou have long dreamed of a mountain home.
How can you turn your dreams into a reality?
For over 25 years, the design professionals at Mountain-
works Custom Home Designs have accomplished this task. Wheth-
er your dream is of a large estate-style home or an understated
cottage or cabin matters not. Each of their designs is unique, tak-
ing into account the topography of the lot, the views desired and
the solar infuences (how the sun traverses the property).
This months featured home is located in the Lonesome Val-
ley community where sheer rock clifs provide the backdrop for
a rustic farmhouse with bark shingle exterior and a peaked, tin
roof. Inside we fnd an expansive Great Room with an abun-
dance of windows that frame natures magnifcent views. The
tall stone freplace reaches heavenward through the roughhewn
beams of the cathedral ceiling. Sunlight dances across the wide
plank foors throughout the house.
Dont be fooled by the rustic beauty of this home. Within its de-
sign are all of the modern conveniences that a family living in the
21st Century requires. The Kitchen includes top-of-the-line appli-
ances with custom cabinetry for storage of the familys treasures.
Let everyone gather to share tidbits of their days adventures at
the breakfast bar or around the Dining Room table. The Great
Room welcomes the entire clan at holidays but is also comfortable
for an intimate gathering.
Display your favorite artwork along the wide horizontal
planks that have replaced the sheetrock found in so many
homes today. This adds a special eye-catching appeal while
making for easy maintenance.
Living in the mountains usually means that we want to com-
mune with nature any time we can. A large screen porch with a
by Wiley Sloan
This magnifcent mountain home refects the breathtaking rustic beauty of its surroundings yet ofers all of the 21st Century conveniences.
For a personal tour or more information, call Mountainworks Custom Home Designs at (828) 743-9677 or visit | August 2014 | 123
stone freplace is the perfect place for a morning cup of cofee,
a mid-day meal or an evening respite. Soak away the sore mus-
cles garnered from that long hike in your own hot tub before
heading of to sleep in your Master Bedroom retreat. Each
home designed by the talented professionals at Mountain-
works Designs includes the features that are a priority for that
family. Many of the homes include a blend of Adirondack or
Craftsman style that was found in homes of yesteryear. Some
include the use of shingles and rustic beams. This depends on
the desires of each homeowner. Rest assured that each de-
sign includes only the highest quality materials and precision
building techniques.
Checkout their website at where you will
see a list of many of the eye-catching structures that they have
designed in our area. In addition to homes, Mountainworks has
helped many businesses create the look that they wanted for their
commercial space. These talented designers recently received
the prestigious American Institute of Building Design Award for
their work.
Turn your dreams into reality. Give Mountainworks Design a call
at (828) 743-9677 or stop by their ofces at 24 Old Cashiers Square
to fnd out what they can do for you.
124 | August 2014 |
Kids and Money
mong the many respon-
sibilities of adulthood,
managing personal
fnances is one of the most
important skills you can learn.
Unfortunately, many of us
have had to learn this lesson
the hard way, without any for-
mal education on the subject.
If you want to help give your
kids a head start on the road
to fnancial independence and
success, there are many simple
tips you can use to get them
started early.
Introduce kids to dollars
and cents. Teach your kids
how to count change, and help
them understand the value
of each coin. Explain how to
pay for things. For example,
if they fnd a toy at the store
that costs $2.75, show how
they would need two $1 bills
plus three quarters to pay for
this purchase. You can even let
them make the exchange at
the check-out counter.
Explain the concept of earn-
ing money. Its important for
your children to understand
how you earn money when
you go to work, and also how
that money pays for housing,
food and the many fun activi-
ties your family enjoys. Explain
to them the benefts of having
a job, and help them appreci-
ate the reason you leave the
house each morning.
Respect money. To set a
good example for your chil-
dren, dont discard pennies or
small change. Show them how
saving even small amounts
of change in a jar can add up
to a signifcant sum. Count
it out together every few
months, and help them pick
out something useful they can
spend it on.
Give your children an al-
lowance. By providing your
children with a weekly allow-
ance, you can teach them both
how to save money, and also
how to spend it wisely. You
can also tie their allowance to
weekly chores done around
the house, to help them learn
the concept of earning their
money. It may also be a good
idea to pay their allowance in
small increments, such as fve
$1 bills instead of one $5 bill. Di-
viding their money in this way
can help them see how they
can use a portion of the money
to spend on things they want,
and also how to save a portion
of their earnings as well.
Help set savings goals to
work toward. If your child
wants to purchase a video
game or a new item of cloth-
ing, work with them to fgure
out ways to save for this goal.
If the item costs $20, help them
estimate how much of their
allowance they will need to
save and how long it will take
to save that amount. You can
also encourage your child to
fnd ways to make some extra
money by picking up addition-
al chores around the house.
Match their savings. One
way to encourage good hab-
its is by matching a portion of
your childs savings. For ex-
ample, you could contribute
an extra 50 cents for each dol-
lar they put away. Giving them
extra incentive can increase
their savings more rapidly and
teach them good habits at the
same time.
Contributed by
William Zoellner
Advisor at Wells Fargo
Advisors in Highlands at
(828) 787-2323. | August 2014 | 125
A Better Brain
o you wobble if you
stand on one foot?
How about with your
eyes closed? If you walk in
a straight heel-to-toe line
do you stumble? How about
with your eyes closed? If
you stand with your feet to-
gether and close your eyes
do you sway to one side? Do
you walk with a wide gait, or
feel like youre going to fall
if you dont hold the hand-
rail going down the stairs? If
you answered yes to any of
these questions, you have is-
sues that could be a sign of
compromised brain health
and increased risk of de-
mentia. Balance is governed
largely by the cerebellum,
the area at the base of the
brain that also helps with
precision, coordination, and
timing of motor movements.
The cerebellum is one of the
most continually active areas
of the brain because not only
does it keep you from falling
over, it also processes infor-
mation from gravity.
A healthy cerebellum is
important because it con-
stantly feeds a steady stream
of information to the entire
brain. When cerebellum func-
tion begins to break down,
causing such symptoms as
worsening balance, this im-
pacts the stream of informa-
tion going to the rest of the
brain. For instance, a healthy
cerebellum regulates this
stream of information so as
not to food the brain. When
the cerebellum degenerates,
it can overwhelm the brain
with excess input.
This can cause problems in
other areas of the brain with
symptoms that may seem
totally unrelated to balance,
including restless leg syn-
drome, tinnitus, hypersensi-
tive to stress, depression,
fatigue, anxiety, and many
more. These are signs the
brain is functioning poorly
and degenerating too quick-
ly, increasing the risk of de-
mentia or Parkinsons.
Youre never too young or
too ft to work on improving
your balance as its a great
way to help protect and pre-
serve brain health. You can
protect the health of your
cerebellum in several ways.
Balance exercises, yoga and
tai chi are also benefcial. Fol-
low an anti-infammatory diet
and lifestyle. The brain is very
sensitive to infammation, in-
cluding the cerebellum.
Contributed by Jim Johnson,
DC, DACBN & Resa Johnson, DC,
DACBN, Cashiers Chiropractic
and Acupuncture
(828) 743-9070
126 | August 2014 |
Sleeping Well?
ow well do you sleep?
Do you fall asleep and
then wake a few hours
later? Are you having a hard
time even falling asleep? Do
you wake up in the middle of
the night unable to go back
to sleep? Often, the culprit
in these situations is Corti-
sol, a hormone produced
by the almond-sized glands
on top of the kidneys. Nor-
mally, Cortisol helps with
stress and situations that
require quick energy and
clarity. Once the need is sat-
isfed, the production drops
and returns to normal levels.
During periods of excessive
stress, overproduction of
Cortisol by the Adrenals can
cause anxiety, depression, an-
ger, heart problems, weight
gain, memory and concen-
tration impairment and, you
guessed it, lack of sleep. Un-
der tremendous amounts of
stress, the body continues to
produce Cortisol, ultimately
taxing the bodys reserves as
well as wreaking havoc with
the organs and brain. Among
other important functions,
Cortisol controls our circa-
dian rhythm, which is how we
sleep and stay awake. When
the Adrenals are overworked
due to stress or chronic pain,
the circadian rhythm changes
and Cortisol levels are elevat-
ed or depressed at the wrong
time, causing disruption of
the sleep cycle. Adrenal de-
pletion occurs when things
get even worse, resulting in
Cortisol underproduction.
Whether you sufer from any
of these symptoms and/or
have trouble with your sleep
patterns, there are simple sali-
va tests that can measure the
health of your Adrenal glands
and get you back on the right
track to a healthy stress re-
sponse. Also, there are many
measures by which to control
your stress, the frst step be-
ing recognition. Remember
to take care of your body and
your Adrenal glands!
Contributed by Dr. Sue Aery,
Aery Chiropractic
& Acupuncture
(828) 526-1022
For more informaton on Highlands and Cashiers visit and | August 2014 | 127
Livin the Sky Life
A short drive north from the sweltering summer tempera-
tures of Atlanta delivers you to the cool, pristine beauty of
Sky Valley -- Georgias highest incorporated city.
Here among the rolling hills and cascading waters of the
mountains is nestled one of the areas most beautiful golf
courses, surrounded by a residential community that beckons
year-round residents and seasonal visitors alike. The 18-hole,
par 72 championship golf course was recently redesigned by
well-known Atlantan Bill Bergin. One of only three area cours-
es that are open to the public, golfers of all skill levels gather
to ply their talents in the cool breezes here. After the course,
they visit the pub for a sandwich and beverage.
For non-golfers this community ofers a wide variety of
things to do -- cool your heels in the pool, enjoy tennis or
croquet. The communitys crown jewel is the beautiful new
clubhouse with polished wooden foors and rock accents. The
lodge-style facility ofers a place for residents-year round and
seasonal- to meet and visit. Light lunches, or delectable eve-
ning meals featuring a variety of taste-tempting items can be
accompanied by your favorite libation -- theres nothing bet-
ter than meeting friends here.
To kick of the 2014 season, more than 100 residents and
guests flled the shimmering new Club House for a Roaring
20s fashion show. Led by talented event designer Rebecca
Dean, a team of dedicated artists transformed the Clubhouse
with silver, black and white decorations into a razzle-dazzle
speakeasy. Neighbors welcomed neighbors and guests for an
evening of fun and frivolity.
Young and old alike feel at home in this vibrant mountain
community. With more than 700 homes dotted throughout
the hills and valleys, there is a home that is right for you.
Whether you are looking for a year-round residence, a season-
al respite, or just need a place to escape from the stresses of
your hectic job, look no further than Sky Valley Country Club.
Friendly faces welcome you at every turn.
From Sky Valley you are just minutes from the quaint moun-
tain town of Highlands. Turn south and before you know it
you can be foating on the waters of Lakes Seed and Rabun in
North Georgia. Enjoy a day in the woods as you hike the trails
or scoot up the mountain to go zip-lining. Enjoy trout fshing
or white water rafting.
Could there be any thing more romantic than getting mar-
ried in the enchanting chapel at Sky Valley? Host your recep-
tion in the communitys bedazzling club house and youll def-
nitely have a day to remember.
A variety of membership levels allows you to personalize
your experience here. Whether youre an avid golfer or just
looking for a cool, relaxing home surrounded by nature, you
owe it to yourself to come for a visit. Come fnd out why Sky
Valley has been named one of the friendliest and most wel-
coming communities in the area. For more information, go to or call (706) 746-5302.
by Wiley Sloan
With its crisp mountain air and full spectrum of activities, Sky Valley is the perfect getaway for those seeking a respite from
the realities of 21st Century life. For information about this hidden treasure,
visit or call (706) 746-5302.
128 | August 2014 |
Denial Is a Terrible Thing to Waste
fter a Big C scare 14 years ago, I radically changed my
eating habits. I gave up red meat (not hard since I think
of cows as giant pets), cafeine (that was harder), choc-
olate (oh, the humanity), sugar (just shoot me now), and high
fat foods (well, damn, whats left?).
I gnawed my way into a diet of whole grains, poultry, fsh,
veggies, fruits, low-fat dairy, and nuts.
Several years into my new lifestyle, cravings subsided. Not
because I stuck to my food plan religiously, but because ev-
ery so often I cheated. Enter the seductress, Denial, with her
swoopy chefs hat (it conceals the horns) and her apron em-
blazoned in scarlet letters: Eat Me.
She convinced me an occasional high calorie food item kicks
ones metabolism into losing a la mode, uhh, mode. Which
goes to prove a lollipop, uhhh, sucker is born every minute.
It didnt take long for ice cream, anything with chocolate
chips, movie popcorn, peanut butter, pizza . . . you know, the
neutral food group (brown, beige and white) to creep in along
with the ensuing poundage. I must have Foods-heimers. I for-
get that weight goes on tsunami . . . comes of glacier.
In my defense however, I kept on track most of the time.
The problem was not food choices as much as not enough ex-
ercise. I bargained with myself saying Id get back into a rou-
tine as soon as . . . (fll in the blank).
Sound familiar?
Doctors didnt challenge me. My wardrobe cooperated. Id
shift from my chubby clothes closet to the voluptuous closet
as gain and loss dictated. I avoided reading anything that dis-
paraged Denial. And then one day it all caught up with me. My
goose was cooked, my chicken fricasseed, my pie humbled, and
my souf fattened. The Big C returned, this time endometrial,
which is encouraged in post-menopausal women by estrogen
stored in excess fat, namely belly fat and a sedentary life style.
Just when I thought I was in my golden retirement years
where I could take a more casual approach to life, I became a
statistic. Its hard to admit, but I am living proof that warnings
about wheat belly and limited exercise arent meant for page
22 in Local Features. They are front-page news.
That admission and the stress of the diagnosis made me
want to cozy up with a giant bag of comforting Hersheys
Kisses. But, adapting to my New Normal, wanting no lon-
ger justifed getting. The demon, Denial, was sent back to
hells kitchen.
I share this personal info because according to my doc, I am
one of millions in this country who is in fat denial. Americans
are bombarded with fast food temptations, genetically altered
plant and animal foodstufs, preservatives, a pantryful of un-
pronounceable additives, fats, sugars. . .all the things that
make life worth living. Just ask the average taste bud.
But poor food and exercise choices eventually catch up with
us. They caught me. I dont want them to catch you. Stay tuned
to the next issue for more info from this survivor with sugges-
tions for choosing a New Normal before they tackle you.
by Donna Rhodes
A villain returns for a Second Round and Donna learns to pay more than lip service to exercise and good food choices.
Donna Rhodes | August 2014 | 129
130 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 131
132 | August 2014 |
134 | August 2014 | 134 | August 2014 |
5 | August 2014 | 135
To Highlands
Hwy. 64 W



Frank Allen Rd.
7 | August 2014 | 135 134 | August 2014 |
5 | August 2014 | 135
To Highlands
Hwy. 64 W



Frank Allen Rd.
136 | August 2014 |
Rescue, Rehab, Re-home
hen Nat King Cole sang
the words .roll out
those lazy, hazy, crazy
days of summer he had to have
envisioned what we see on a regu-
lar basis at the Forever Farm during
the summer. Our furry residents are
often caught lolling about in their
respective enclosures in a way most
of us only dream about. It is sum-
mer, its hot, but thankfully the For-
ever Farm is conveniently located
between Cashiers and Brevard in
Lake Toxaway, where the warmth
of the day is blown about gently
by a soft breeze, shade trees rustle
their leaves and sometimes an af-
ternoon rain shower pitter patters across the roof of the cat
house, and our resident kitties fnd the perfect place to nap the
day away. Our senior and special needs cats, dogs, and horses
are in their element in the summertime. With lots of space for
running and jumping (yes, old dogs do learn new tricks) and
pasture land full of the sweetest grass; our dogs and horses
fnd a sense of contentment often
denied to many who fnd them-
selves homeless when their owners
move into a nursing home or pass
away. Our residents come to us in
a variety of ways, but most often it
is because their owners can no lon-
ger care for them. Our mission at
the Forever Farm is to rescue, reha-
bilitate and whenever possible, re-
home our senior and special needs
companion animals.
We promise lifelong care at the
Forever Farm for every animal that
enters our program, and always wel-
come back any animal adopted from
us. Compassion and commitment is
the mainstay of our philosophy. We love and encourage visitors
to our Farm. The animals love the attention and we love the
opportunity to share the stories and crazy summer antics of our
furry residents. Please visit our website at www.friendsforlife- or call the Forever Farm at (828) 508-2460 to
schedule your tour. You will be glad you did!
Contributed by Kimba Colley Nichols, Executive Director Forever Farm
Happy furry forever friends are the norm at
Forever Farm. | August 2014 | 137
Remembering Mike
hese mountains are old. Some say the oldest in the world.
Oh, if they could talk! They would tell stories of people
falling in love, babies being born, battles being fought
and life journeys coming to an end. There are many stories,
some from decades ago, echoing through these mountains.
Some of their main characters include extraordinary people
who came here, recognized how special this place was and
took real action to protect it.
A century ago, one of Highlands frst families, the Ravenels,
rode horseback to take in the view from atop their family prop-
erty, a place we now know as Sunset Rock. Fortunately for us,
they recognized the value of protecting special places and on
August 16, 1914, they chose to conserve their family land as a
public park for all to enjoy in perpetuity. Today Ravenel Park
welcomes countless visitors on a daily basis and is owned and
cared for by the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust.
Generations later, a man stood on Sunset Rock, showing his
grandson a birds eye view of the place he had grown to love.
This man, Mike Cavender, called these mountains home. He
knew them well and spent much of his time exploring and ap-
preciating the natural bounty they provided. Mike understood
that if he wanted his grandchildren to experience the same
trails and grand vistas he so loved, more work was necessary.
He accomplished this as board president and later executive
director of HCLT, helping to conserve many more special plac-
es for the next generation. In June of this year, Mikes life jour-
ney came to an end but his legacy lives on in the lush mountain
tops, clean waters and grand vistas he helped conserve.
Thanks to these friends and many others who made con-
serving these mountains an important chapter in their story,
over 2,500 acres of our most treasured places will remain
for future generations... To learn more about HCLT and
how you can help create your legacy visit
or call (828) 526-1111.
Contributed by Julie Schott, Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust
The battle to preserve the natural bounty of Highlands and Cashiers is the work of generations,
thanks to the ongoing eforts of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust. For more information, go to or call (828) 526-1111.
Mike Cavender and his grandson on Sunset Rock.
138 | August 2014 |
One Step
ife is a series of endless possibilities.
Through heightened awareness, keen
observation, an open heart, a willing-
ness to look at our strengths, acknowl-
edge our weaknesses and be willing to let
that part of our story go --- magic and mira-
cles can unfold.
Carpe Diem Farms vision is To em-
power individuals through life changes to
see the opportunities and possibilities that
Lofty, yes, thats what a vision is all
aboutstretching beyond your story, your
fears, and limitations. A recent participant,
an extraordinary woman and her service
dog Aster, Jennifer Peterson, PhD, found-
er of Tail Feather Coaching, Dare to Soar!
( came to CDF
to do just that, write a new story for herself
about possibilities and opportunities.
Jenny was an equestrian, snow skier,
swimmer, biker -- an all-round athlete in her
youth. She has lived with a physical disabil-
ity since 1983 and is exploring new avenues
to reconnect with horses, as she says, I
realized that I am not complete if a horse
is not a part of my life. Her goal is to fnd
a driving horse that can be specially outft-
ted for her needs. She came specifcally to
meet Battersea Violet, our Morgan driving
mare. For three days we explored the herd,
watched Violet in action, groomed, fed and
observed. At CDF people and the herd can
interact freely. It can be overwhelming on
many levels and very empowering. None
were concerned about Jennys wheelchair in
any venue barn, arena or feld. Horses dont
Violet wasnt the horse for Jenny. The
experience was. She sorted the energy she
wants to fnd for herself through interacting
with Mercedes. She enhanced her observa-
tion of herd dynamics. She impacted each
of us. Brave beyond words, she emits joy as
she leaves one step closer to her dream of
having a horse of her own.
Well see each other again.
Carpe Diem Farms is a 501(3) education-
al foundation dedicated to exploring the hu-
man potential through equines.
Contributed by Sue Blair,
Carpe Diem Farms Executive Director
Theres an almost mystical bond
between Jenny Peterson and
wise Mercedes. | August 2014 | 139
One Big+One Little=Big Reward
ig Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina was
recently recognized as a leading agency of BBBS of
America. Only 34 out of 375 agencies received this
award for outstanding qualities.
BBBS of Highlands and Cashiers are two of the nine branch-
es of BBBS WNC and are proud to be a part of gaining this
prestigious award.
The National Leadership Council of BBBS of America iden-
tifies the winners by reviewing agency statistics for the en-
tire year. In 2013, BBBS of WNC shined on longevity of match-
es (time Bigs and Littles have stayed together) and superior
management of program data.
The success of Big Brothers Big Sisters over its 100-year his-
tory is quality one-to-one mentoring relationships for children,
based on a proven model that includes careful matching and
ongoing support for mentors, kids and parents/guardians.
The networks structures and systems focus on strengthen-
ing relationships so that mentoring matches endure and yield
successful outcomes with priority on safety for the children
and mentors.
Debbie Lassiter, the Program Coordinator for both High-
lands and Cashiers, says that working to keep matches going
is a primary goal of hers.
The longer a Big and Little can develop a friendship
and have time to explore and enjoy activities together, the
more benefit both get. Many of the mentors cant wait to
tell me how meaningful and rewarding the relationship is to
them. Thats always great to hear, so it is important to keep
communications and support going at all times.
Lassiter also acknowledges the great support from
the BBBS of WNC executive director and staff in review-
ing match data each month. It keeps me on my toes to
see that all deadlines are met. We all share that sentiment
in WNC and apparently we earned the award because of
our commitment.
There are children in both Highlands and Cashiers wait-
ing for a mentor. To learn more about how to participate
with BBBS in Highlands and/or Cashiers, contact Debbie Las-
siter at [email protected], [email protected]
or (828) 526-4044.
The stability of Big Brothers/Big Sisters matches in Highlands and Cashiers has earned national recognition.
There are still plenty of children looking for matches to help, call (828) 526-4044.
To read more on the philanthropic eforts in
Highlands and Cashiers, visit
Contributed by Debbie Lassiter, Big Brothers Big Sisters
140 | August 2014 |
New Adoption Center
n the largest expansion in the 27-year history of the Ca-
shiers-Highlands Humane Society, a new Adoption Center
will be built at the CHHS no-kill shelter. This new facility, to
be built adjacent to the current shelter building, will increase
the capacity of the local Humane Societys current maximum
of 55 animals to nearly 100 when completed.
Animals in need through neglect, abandonment or cru-
elty have been brought to CHHS in record numbers since
2012. Thankfully, so has the pace of adoptions. The challenge
has been how to increase the capacity to humanely shelter all
these additional animals between their arrival and their even-
tual forever home. A few statistics are below:
The number of animals CHHS has rescued in the past two
years has nearly tripled.
The number of forever homes CHHS has found in the past
two years has nearly tripled.
The number of animals CHHS has the capacity to humane-
ly shelter has not increased in more than a decade.
Combined with the low-cost spay/neuter program now of-
fered through the CHHS mobile medical/rescue vehicle, the
H.E.A.R.T. of North Carolina, this additional capacity to save
more animals will make a positive diference in the lives of
people and pets in our community, and help reduce unwanted
pet overpopulation.
With the initial construction costs covered by two chal-
lenge grants and the generous attendees at this years Pawsi-
tively Purrfect Evening, fundraising eforts to support the
new facility need to continue. When the new Adoption Cen-
ter opens, CHHS will have an additional 40 mouths to feed,
and the areas only local no-kill shelter will need vital funds
for everything from food, veterinary costs and facility ex-
penses to provide these rescued animals the highest level of
compassionate care.
Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society is located on Highway
64, two miles east of the Cashiers Crossroads. The no-kill shel-
ter is open seven days a week, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Mon-
day through Saturday, and noon to 5:00 P.M. on Sunday. Visit
CHHS online at to see pictures
and descriptions of all the dogs, cats, puppies and kittens
looking for forever homes.
For more information, please call the shelter at (828) 743-
5752 or email [email protected].
Contributed by David Stroud, Executive Director, Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Cashiers-Highlands Humane Societys bold expansion plans are mirrored in the explosion in shelter admissions.
To adopt a loving cat or dog, visit the shelter on US 64. For information on CHHSs mission and its plans, visit | August 2014 | 141
142 | August 2014 |
Being Part of the Solution
ental illness is not a choice.
How the individual, the family and the community
respond to mental illness is a choice. Accepting mental
illness can be difcult. The stages of acceptance are similar to
the stages of grief. Acceptance is not a decision made once, it
is a continual process.
Half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and
three quarters by age 24.
Children who struggle or sufer with mental illness often do
not receive treatment until adulthood. Many reasons for de-
layed treatment include social stigma, denial, lack of services,
or lack of education.
As a community, we can fght negative stigma as we remem-
ber to love our neighbors and not judge their afictions and
pains. Changing the communitys attitude on mental illness al-
lows more people to be comfortable to actively seek treatment,
or admit family members may need treatment.
Adults with serious mental illness die on average 25 years
younger than other people, largely due to treatable medical con-
ditions. By addressing mental illness with education, support,
and treatment we are enabling these individuals to fnd the ability
to take care of their hygiene and health, making it possible to live
long, happy, productive lives, as tax paying citizens who contrib-
ute to society.
Mental illness is cyclical, and progressive. Awareness and
prevention allow for efective and early treatment. For symp-
toms/early warning signs, and information on specifc disorders,
contact NAMI.
Donations allow NAMI to continue to be an advocate for the
mentally ill, to raise awareness, educate and promote quality of life
for the individuals, families and communities afected by mental ill-
ness. Meetings Every Thursday: 6:45 P.M. to 8:15 P.M. at 14 W. Palm-
er St. in Franklin, North Carolina. Call (828) 526-9510 or (828) 507-
8789; email [email protected]; or visit
Contributed by Donita Cline
The National Alliance on Mental Health is engaged in a struggle to support those fghting mental illness and educate the American Public.
For help or more information, call (828) 526-9510 or (828) 507-8789 and visit | August 2014 | 143
144 | August 2014 |
Swept Away
ebecka Martinez, home-cleaning expert,
loves her work, and she adores making
people happy. Thats a winning combina-
tion for the hundreds of clients she has served
over the past two decades.
She says, When you love what you do, you
do it efortlessly. When I see a client smile and
they are happy, I am happy, too.
Heres what her customers are saying: Re-
beckas crews are honest, reliable, and helpful.
Having successful rental cabins in Highlands
depends on reliable cleaning help and Rebecka
and her helpers have been just that. I dont
know what I would have done without them.
Our family has employed Rebecka and
her great crew for house cleaning projects
for years and have always been extremely
pleased with the results, professionalism
and promptness.
Exceptional, dependable cleaners that pay very close atten-
tion to the smallest details. After seven years, Rebecka contin-
ues to impress us with the quality of her work and her can do
attitude when it comes to handling our special requests.
Why does she outshine her competition? She says, My fa-
ther used to tell me. Whatever you decide
to do whether you become a doctor or a
housekeeper, just do your best. That stayed
in my mind. I want to be the best. I am proud
of my work, and I go the extra mile for my
customers and my employees every day.
When cleaning, she uses the best supplies.
She cleans over, under, and around, unlike
other services that merely graze the surface.
And her husband will take care of your honey-
do list. Rebeckas Professional Home Clean-
ing Services is a full-service operation.
She is frm with her employees, going back
to check their work. After thorough train-
ing, they thank her for holding them to a
higher standard.
If your appreciate quality and speed in
your home cleaning service, Rebecka Mari-
nez is the expert to call. Contact Rebeckas
Professional Home Cleaning Services at Rbkhomeclean-
[email protected] or call (828) 421-2605. Visit her website at
Rebecka will make sure your home will be as bright as your
satisfed smile.
by Donna Rhodes
Rebecka Martinez and
Luis Oceguera | August 2014 | 145
Bardos Electric Eclectic
ardo is the Tibetan word for intermediate state, transition-
al state, or in-between state -- perfect for a store where
items are constantly in fux.
This is not your typical consignment business. Their inventory
of home furnishings, art, rugs, gifts, accessories and jewelry comes
from a variety of sources including local artisans and craftsmen,
model homes, and select consigners.
Walking into Bardo, you feel as if you might be stepping into a
showroom for Restoration Hardware. As a matter of fact, many
items have come to them from homes staged with just such furni-
ture. Owners Lisa Northrup and Jay Calloway have completely re-
designed the space, adding antique architectural touches that high-
light their distinctive design components. Many have remarked,
Its the nicest looking store in Cashiers.
As in any fne studio, the items are displayed within a tableau. A
cozy reading nook with leather chair, weathered trunks and eye-
catching lamps invite you to recreate the look in your own nest.
They also have a host of artisans who will build custom furniture to
order. Jay and Lisa spend a lot of time traveling in search of unique,
one-of-a-kind items in addition to accepting select consignments.
At Bardo, they pride themselves on being diferent from other
resale stores. Their showroom is bright and airy and nothing like
wandering through Grandmas dark basement! A major theme at
Bardo is their strong support of fair trade markets and repurposing.
Lisa and Jay feel resale is perhaps the oldest form of recycling and
are thrilled to ofer the collection of eclectic and unique items on
display at Bardo.
Jay owns Mountain Hardscapes and works hand-in-hand with
Lisa on purchasing, delivering, and doing the heavy lifting! He says
he has 30 strong guys to choose from when they need help for pick
up or delivery, which makes both buying and selling at Bardo simple.
Should you be interested in consigning with Bardo, they will come
to your home to view the pieces or you may email photos to them
to [email protected].
Open seven days a week during the season, theyll be open year-
round and are located in Building A, 45 Slabtown Road in Cashiers.
They may be reached at (828) 482-2410. Start making room in your
home and plan to visit frequently. Shrewd shoppers know Bardos
exclusive inventory changes quickly.
Bardo: simple. beautiful. home.
by Jenny King
Bardo is a consignment gallery carefully assembled with a designers distinctive sensibilities.
Its located at Building A, 45 Slabtown Road in Cashiers and beguiles with a dazzling collection of art, rugs, gifts, accessories and jewelry.
146 | August 2014 |
Little Bit Of Europe in Cashiers
he expert team at Vivianne Metzger Antiques works hard
so you dont have to. For the past eight years Vivianne,
her daughter and son-in-law, Cherie and Bill Tibbetts, have
gone on a buying excursion to England, France and Belgium.
There they hand-select extraordinary pieces from the antique
treasures reputable suppliers have collected exclusively for
themand for you.
The trio returns with a thousand 18th and 19th century
pieces, half of which are furniture. The other half is accesso-
ries to complement any decor: china, artwork, lighting, books,
scales, pottery, mirrors, silver, curios, and so much more. You
dont have to travel to Europe to fnd the very best selection
of classics. Vivianne, Cherie, and Bill beautifully display your
handpicked hearts desires right here in their Cashiers shop and
warehouse. Its an upmarket setting that is convenient, classy,
and most of all, welcoming.
They take pride in flling their 2,000 square foot warehouse
facility with an inventory of antique home furnishings and ac-
cessories. It is open to the public for browsing and buying. By
Thanksgiving each year, the warehouse is virtually empty. Its
time to go on another buying mission. Cherie says, We have
a great time searching for the traditional as well as the rare
and unusual. And we delight in fnding the perfect match for
each customer.
Clients feel right a home with Cherie and the whole team.
Thats why they have so many loyal customers. Cherie might
suggest to a customer, Why dont you snap a couple of pic-
tures with your phone? Ill help you take measurements. Go
home, look at the photos, measure your space, pour a glass of
wine, and see if your choice is a ft. Purchasing an antique of-
ten requires a few days of consideration. The Metzger team is
patient and eager to walk customers through the process.
So stop by the Warehouse. Find your favorites, pull the
tickets and give them to Cherie, Vivianne or Bill. Free delivery
from Toxaway to Sky Valley. Shipping available anywhere in
the United States. Shop and Warehouse hours: 10:30 A.M. to
5:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, May 1 through December
1. Visit their website:, or call: (828) 743-0642.
They are located at Highway 107 South, of Valley Road, 31 Ca-
noe Point, Cashiers.
by Donna Rhodes
Vivianne and family travel the world on the hunt for your new heirloom.
The showrooms and warehouse of Vivianne Metzger Antiques are flled with the fruits of annual buying sprees in England, France and Belgium.
For more information, call (828) 743-0642 or visit -- but you really should stop in for a browse. | August 2014 | 147
148 | August 2014 |
Little Slice of Heaven
AA Four Diamond rated Innisfree Bed and Breakfast By-the-
Lake, in Glenville is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Propri-
etors, Henry and Clare Hoche are welcoming guests, old
and new, to their little slice of heaven. Overlooking beautiful Lake
Glenville, surrounded by lovingly maintained gardens and thought-
fully planted wooded areas, Innisfree is ideally located near all that
Cashiers has to ofer miles of hiking and biking trails, boutique
shopping, antique hunting, world class fshing, golf, and fne dining.
Romance is in the air at Innisfree and it is a popular destination
for small weddings, as well as couples cel-
ebrating anniversaries or renewing vows.
The common areas, rooms and suites are
a feast for the senses flled with fne an-
tiques and art. Look closer and the sense
of whimsy and fun becomes apparent
when you spy a little yellow rubber duck
overseeing an ornate bathing chamber,
or Miss Katrina, a Victorian stufed cat
minding the third foor observatory. Ru-
mor has it that a certain storm was named
after her.
Guest rooms and suites welcome you
with the soft, gentle sounds of romantic music, and provide guests
with every luxury needed for a memorable stay, from fne linens,
impeccable dcor, a wet bar, two sided freplaces, and oversized
garden tubs, to private balconies on which to enjoy a sunrise or sun-
set. Each suite in the garden house is named after a favorite writer,
Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens, Lord Tennyson, Emily Bronte, Eliz-
abeth Barrett, and Robert Browning. Inside you will fnd volumes of
the works of each author. Also intriguing is the journal provided so
that guests may fnd their own voice. Glimpses into these journals
allow a frsthand account of how stays at Innisfree renew romanc-
es, reawaken spirituality and sooth the soul.
Clare and Henry havent stopped at providing impeccable sur-
roundings. They further enhance their guests experience by of-
fering sunset waterfall cruises on Lake Glenville, kayaking, private
in-room massages, yoga classes, and evenings in the pavilion with
local musicians. Couples marrying here who need a little help pol-
ishing their frst dance skills will fnd Clare, a ballroom dance in-
structor, more than willing to provide them with lessons. They
will make dining recommendations and reservations, as well as
hiking recommendations.
Their hospitality hour, held every afternoon in the Crystal Parlor
or on the Verandah, is where guests truly
unwind and lose themselves in the tradi-
tion of southern hospitality. Many a guest
tells the tale of enjoying such convivial
conversations here that they could easily
have forgotten they had dinner reserva-
tions or other plans for the evening. Past
guests tell it best in their thoughts shared
in an in room journal Your attention to
detail is magnifcent, from the delicious
breakfasts, the magazines, the chocolates,
the wonderful stafwe have enjoyed it
all. It shows the love you have for others
and the pride you take in making memories. Most of all we enjoyed
your hospitality.
Guests take with them an almost indescribable feeling of renew-
al. The world seems a little brighter and the possibilities endless. In
the words of Henry one thing leads to another, doesnt it? Yes, it
does, and when it leads to and from Innisfree it is good. It is a place
to enjoy over and over again.
The rooms and suites are available to single guests or cou-
ples. There are also three cottages on the property that are
available to larger groups and families. These cottages are also
pet friendly. To arrange your stay at Innisfree please give them
a call at (828) 743-2946.
by Mary Jane McCall
With its breathtaking views of Lake Glenville and sun-dappled gardens, Innisfree Bed and Breakfast is a million miles removed from the cares and
concerns of 21st Century Life. For reservations and getaway information, call (828) 743-2946. | August 2014 | 149
150 | August 2014 |
To read more on the businesses in Highlands and Cashiers, visit
Alyxandras Has Moved!
by Mary Jane McCall
l y x a n d r a s
Boutique, a
well-loved fx-
ture on the Highlands
shopping scene for
24 years, has moved
to the top of the hill
this summer, relo-
cating from Main
Street to 219 South
4th Street. Owner
Valerie Grabe and her
knowledgeable staf
look forward to wel-
coming loyal custom-
ers whove counted
on them for years as
their go to cloth-
ing boutique, as well
as new friends lucky
enough to seek out
this jewel. Alyxan-
dras ofers the fnest
womens fashions, in-
cluding Cambio, Lau-
ren Vidal, Bianca and
Rafnalla, the later
known for the per-
fect ft pant. Who
isnt always on the
search for that per-
fect, versatile pant?
They have had Peace
of Cloth for 20 years,
and they have the ex-
pertise in matching
the right style with
your body shape, put-
ting Alyxandras in
the exclusive position
to give the ultimate in
comfort and style to
all women.
A quick glance at
their stylish, sunlit
window display lures you in with a promise of luxurious fab-
rics, sumptuous cashmere, and colors of the season. From that
eye catching , classic black and white outft which can carry
you from day into
evening, to the soft
seasonal pastels that
promise to make you
feel light as air and
pretty as a picture,
you will fnd it here.
More in the mood for
an eye catching pop
of color? Look no fur-
ther. Whether you
want a solid, a print,
or just that one per-
fect accessory that
will make everything
old look new again,
theyve got that per-
fect color that will
brighten your day
and your wardrobe.
Stop by the new
store and let the staf
at Alyxandras help
you choose just the
right outft for your
every need. Youll
never again look in
your closet and think
that you have noth-
ing to wear. Their
quality separates
and a few well-cho-
sen accessories will
take you from the
ofce to a weekend
getaway or romantic
night on the town
with amazing ease
and elegance. Wear
what feels good, and
feel good in what
you wear. You will
fnd what you need
at Alyxandras on
the hill.
The store is open seven days a week. Store hours are
Monday through Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Sun-
days by chance.
Priscilla Flowers, Val Grabe and Tammy Gross. | August 2014 | 151
152 | August 2014 |
In the Shade of the Linden Tree
ordering Kelsey Hutchinson
Park in Highlands youll fnd
a unique shopping experi-
ence: Highlands Village Square.
Due to zoning restrictions,
Highlands Village Square is un-
able to display signs alerting
shoppers to their presence; but
those who have discovered this
quiet oasis keep returning. They
relax outside under the shade
of the linden tree and know its
the ideal spot to grab a book, a
snack and to write a postcard. A
place to unwind and listen to the
melodic backdrop of birdsong, its a welcomed contrast to car
alarms and parking frustrations.
Home to an eclectic group of very talented people, the square
ofers a taste of the unusual.
Cynthia Strain of Mill Creek Gallery and Framing is a well-
known photographer and the gallery showcases Strains pho-
tography, postcards and her book, Highlands Through The
Seasons. She also does professional framing on site and will
happily share her vast knowledge of local fora and fauna.
Need a new look? Barbara Green of All Seasons Salon is a ge-
nius at the lost art of razor cutting for both men and women.
Her elegant salon features plush seating and attention to per-
sonal details. Barbara says she has been in the square for 15
years and loves it. Her clients do,
too. They fnd convenient parking
and a friendly greeting from the Vil-
lage Square cat, Fanny.
Love of the written word was
the impetus for Shakespeare and
Company. George Whitman, the
owner of Shakespeare and Compa-
ny in Paris, encouraged Katherine
Willoughby to open her book store
in Highlands; and just like in Paris,
readers are encouraged to browse
the collection of new and used
tomes or join one of the groups
that meet there.
Hungry? Debbie Grossman is the chef owner of Fressers Court-
yard Cafe and Catering. A graduate of The Culinary Institute of
America, she has been preparing favorful dishes for diners in High-
lands since 1999. After moving Fressers to Helens Barn in 2004,
Debbie says shes happy to be back home in Village Square.
Youll fnd Barbara Cusachs of Needlepoint of Highlands a veri-
table encyclopedia of the art. Her shop specializes in belts and
Christmas stockings and ofers everything you might need to cre-
ate your own work of art.
Turn of Main Street to North Fifth Street. Its just across from
the Catholic and Episcopal Churches and next to the Kelsey
Hutchinson Park. But dont look for any signs: just shady seating
and smiling hosts.
by Jenny King
Just one block from Main Street, Highlands Village Square is a quaint collection of businesses that invite a careful browse and a welcome respite. | August 2014 | 153
154 | August 2014 |
Trinity Wellness
ora Findley now
ofers her heal-
ing services to the
Highlands area. Nora of-
fers many diferent heal-
ing methods, such as Reiki,
E.F.T., Theta Healing, Soul
Integration, Psych-K and
Sound Healing.
Nora started her healing
career as an RN 40 years
ago in Norwalk, Connecti-
cut. Experience in observ-
ing the mind/body connec-
tion during her nursing
career has led her to a
more holistic approach to
healing. Nora saw a need
for alternative forms of healing and started Trinity Wellness in
Clayton in 2006.
Reiki, Healing Touch, Aromatherapy and Guided Imagery
have been used in mainstream hospitals for many years. Quan-
tum physics now proves that thoughts and emotions have a di-
rect efect on physical matter. Holistic healing treats the basic
causes of not only negative thought patterns but our physical
health as well. Alternative healing methods can be integrated
with Western Medicine
Treatments to encompass
mind, body and spirit.
Noras clients come
from many diferent walks
of life and each of them
has a unique healing need.
Her clients frequently
state that their healing
sessions have increased
their overall wellbeing.
Clients call for a short con-
sult prior to their frst ap-
pointment. Sessions last
approximately one to two
hours. Healing takes place
in a comfortable setting,
with peaceful music and an
opportunity to relax while Nora facilitates the healing process.
Unlike massage, energy healing does not require any hands-
on healing techniques. At the end of the session the clients
healing progress is reviewed. Further sessions may or may not
be required.
Nora can be best reached by phone (706) 490-4262.
If you would like to send a confdential question email
[email protected].
Nora Findley
To read more on the businesses in
Highlands and Cashiers, visit | August 2014 | 155
Find The Butterfy and Win!
Weve hidden our iconic
Swallowtail Butterfy somewhere
in the pages of this Laurel.
Be the frst to log onto,
click on the Swallowtail
(as shown left), type in the page
number where the
butterfy lies
(not including cover)
and win a
$50 Gift Certifcate to
Highlands Smokehouse!
Congratulations to Doris Long, the July Edition Winner of a $50 Gift Certifcate to Highlands Smokehouse!
156 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 157
158 | August 2014 | | August 2014 | 159
Building Relationships
Delivering Dreams
Jochen Lucke
At Silver Creek Real Estate Group, we are passionate about providing the
highest level of service to our clients. Whether you are buying, selling,
or rentng, you can trust our team of experienced and knowledgeable
professionals to give you honest, informed advice and guide you through
the entre process with confdence and ease. Let us help you take your
dreams to new heights!
Cashiers (828) 743-1999 | Highlands (828) 526-2999
Lesley Howard
Ray Trine Pam Nellis Linda Pridgen
Dan Allen
Chuck Self
Carol Mathews
Ken Dingler
Eddy McDonald
Stephanie Ross
160 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Big Sheepcliff
This is truly one of the most spectacular propertes in the WNC mountains, and has been published in VERANDA
magazine. AERIE MANOR was designed by a prominent southern designer to enjoy the cool mountain
temperatures in a beautful and very private setng. Perched at approximately 4600 elevaton, the property
ofers incredible mountain breezes in a very private setng with astounding vistas of Cashiers. This is no ordinary
home, 29 ceilings greet you at the entry and formal living area. The home features two large masters on the
main level, with two additonal large guest suites. The large kitchen is an entertainers dream. No atenton to
detail was spared in creatng this masterpiece, and now Aerie Manor is ready for its next owners to enjoy it.
MLS# 79991. Ofered at $3,250,000. | August 2014 | 161
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Big Sheepcliff
This is truly one of the most spectacular propertes in the WNC mountains, and has been published in VERANDA
magazine. AERIE MANOR was designed by a prominent southern designer to enjoy the cool mountain
temperatures in a beautful and very private setng. Perched at approximately 4600 elevaton, the property
ofers incredible mountain breezes in a very private setng with astounding vistas of Cashiers. This is no ordinary
home, 29 ceilings greet you at the entry and formal living area. The home features two large masters on the
main level, with two additonal large guest suites. The large kitchen is an entertainers dream. No atenton to
detail was spared in creatng this masterpiece, and now Aerie Manor is ready for its next owners to enjoy it.
MLS# 79991. Ofered at $3,250,000.
162 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Premier Lakefront Estate
This private estate is nestled on 65 acres of giant poplars and
manicured meadows with over 1700 of shoreline on Lake
Glenville. Tucked just within the spindles, gables, ornamental
details and graceful front porches of this Victorian
constructed home lie all the modern luxury conveniences
that your family craves. The estate comes complete with an
outdoor terrace and gazebo for entertaining, guest house,
boathouse, caretakers house and two barns. Known as The
Crown Jewel of Lake Glenville, this one-of-a-kind property
is the ultmate in lakefront living. MLS# 70288. Ofered at
$9,750,000. | August 2014 | 163
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Wonderful Lake Glenville
Lakefront Home.
Located in Summer Hill, the fnest community on the lake. 35 lots on 85 acres. Big wide paved
roads, gated entry, tennis, large common area on lake with the only community boat ramp.
Home has great living space and fows from living room with large stone freplace and huge
vaulted open-beamed ceiling through kitchen and onto screened porch and deck facing lake.
Entre lakefront lined with boulder wall. Large dock included. Owner is a professional artst and
has large studio upstairs looking out on lake and down into living room. Great space for ofce,
bunk room, or additonal sitng area. Located on west side of lake, home faces southeast with
big lake and mountain views. Very protected locaton on lake since most storms come from
northwest. Large paved parking and turn-around area. MLS# 79332. $1,475,000.
164 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Magnifcent Lake Estate
Spectacular lakefront estate on two lots was recently built and features all of the luxury amenites that make
this the perfect mountain lake home. Great views of the mountains and lake from most rooms. An open foor
plan on the main level includes a keeping room and game room. As you pass the two waterfalls heading down
to the lower level, a spacious family room, pool table, wet bar, and media area welcome you. This exceptonal
lake home is priced well below replacement. Exceptonal value! MLS# 78337. Ofered at $2,799,000. | August 2014 | 165
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Magnifcent Lake Estate
Spectacular lakefront estate on two lots was recently built and features all of the luxury amenites that make
this the perfect mountain lake home. Great views of the mountains and lake from most rooms. An open foor
plan on the main level includes a keeping room and game room. As you pass the two waterfalls heading down
to the lower level, a spacious family room, pool table, wet bar, and media area welcome you. This exceptonal
lake home is priced well below replacement. Exceptonal value! MLS# 78337. Ofered at $2,799,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Bright Mountain
Panoramic views everywhere you look! This
lovely gated estate lays on more than 7 acres with
incomparable views of Lake Glenville and the
surrounding mountains. The garage and the studio
above it have decks with stunning mountain views
too. With 4 bedrooms and the studio, there is plenty
of room for family and friends to enjoy this mountain
retreat along with you. Kitchen is updated with Wolf
gas/oven range, sub Zero refrigerator and Asko
dishwasher. This home has subtle elegance. MLS#
77277. Ofered at $1,195,000.
166 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Glen Pointe
Dreaming of a mountain home with an exceptonal lake view and plenty of room for family and friends? If so, this spacious Glen Pointe estate fts
the bill. Sitng on almost two acres, with fve bedrooms and fve and a half baths, this elegant residence features a dramatc view looking down Lake
Glenville with the mountains beyond. Enjoy the natural beauty from the large covered decks or relax by one of several freplaces. Multple living
areas and a great foor plan make entertaining a pleasure. This home also includes private lake access with a dock and generous parking. MLS# 74152.
Reduced to $1,795,000.
Private Waterfront Enclave
Great value for lakefront home! This 4 bedroom, 4 bath lakefront home ofers privacy and wonderful lake views.
A two story great room and dining room with an expansive wall of windows food the room with natural light.
A lower level game room and deck are just steps away from the dock. MLS# 72895. Ofered at $925,000. An
adjoining lot with an additonal 150 of shoreline for a total of 300 is also available. The home and lot can be
purchased together for $1,225,000 for a total of 1.16 acres. MLS# 72942.
LAKE GLENVILLE | August 2014 | 167
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Golf Club Estates
This home has all the charm of the stately
old country club communites found in the
North Carolina mountains. Built in 1960, but
remodeled to modern conveniences, this home
has great indoor/outdoor fow. The property
is fat and has a large fowing stream through
it. The two ponds are beautfully designed and
landscaped. There is a charming guest house.
The home opens onto a large pato overlooking
the ponds. The amenites of Sapphire Valley,
golf, pools, lakes, ftness center, are all nearby.
Located a short cart drive to the clubhouse
of The Country Club of Sapphire Valley,
membership is by invitaton only. 4 bedrooms
in main house and 1 bedroom in guest house.
MLS# 78772. Ofered at $1,100,000.
168 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Lake Glenville Area
This rustc mountain home overlooks a creek which provides
beautful ambient sounds of rushing water. Vaulted ceilings, a
screened porch, 2 car garage, hardwood foors and much more.
Just minutes from Lake Glenville boat ramp! MLS# 76954. Ofered
at $229,000.
Lake Glenville
Well-built move in ready 3
bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home just
minutes from Lake Glenville
and 15 minutes to Cashiers.
Open foor plan with a 30 foot
high reclaimed wood cathedral
ceiling, heart pine wood
foors, lof, dual heat pumps
and freplace. Chef friendly
kitchen includes NSF certfed
dishwasher, Dacor dual fuel
range/oven, heavy duty
disposal, etc. Oversized master
suite with walk-in closet, private
bath and private deck with 6
person hot tub. Covered porch
with a view and additonal
parking. MLS# 77934. Reduced
to $284,900.
Lakefront Cabin
Wonderful lakefront cabin situated on quiet cove. A-Frame like
constructon, large covered porch, large party deck near lake. Dock
included. Good view of lake. Lakefront living on Lake Glenville with litle
maintenance. MLS # 75458. Ofered at $499,500.
Lake Glenville Area
Great locaton of 107 with close proximity to Lake Glenville and Cashiers. Comfortable home with nice outdoor deck in wooded setng. Open foor
plan, stone freplace. Two bedrooms on main level, spacious bedroom/lof upstairs. Basement would make a great workshop or craf room. Easy
access. MLS # 76447. $129,000.
Summer Hill - Lake Glenville
Fantastc lake view lot looking
north down Lake Glenville all
the way to the Balsams and east
across the widest part of the lake.
This panoramic view can be from
an easy build home site. 10 slip
common dock, sandy beach, picnic
shelter, boat ramp and tennis
court all amenites of Summer Hill.
MLS# 75420. $305,000.
Great lakefront lot on wide part of
Lake Glenville. Driveway started,
dock, underground utlites,
common areas include tennis,
boat ramp, and gazebos. East
facing building site. MLS# 75962.
Located in Summer Hill with
extraordinary views of Lake
Glenville and mountains. Very
level and large building site
would allow for gentle circular
driveway. Summer Hill is a premier
development, gated, with tennis,
boat dock, sandy beach, boat
ramp and more. MLS# 76561.
Ofered at $350,000.
Almost 3 acre lot in Summer
Hill, a premier Lake Glenville
community. Driveway partally in.
Big lake view. Community dock,
boat launch ramp, sandy beach,
picnic shelter with freplace
and tennis court. MLS# 76073.
Great lot in Summer Hill, a
prestgious private gated enclave
of 38 homesites on Lake Glenville.
With some tree trimming, youll
enjoy incredible mountain views
that look out over Lake Glenville...
and youll have deeded water
access to Lake Glenville with the
Summer Hill community boat
dock, where you can store your
boat. Buy the lot today, and start
enjoying all of the amenites of
Summer Hill and Lake Glenville,
while you build your dream home.
MLS# 77892. $250,000.
One of the premier lots in one of
the premier gated communites
on all of Lake Glenville. Enjoy easy
access on paved roads that lead
to this incredible home site that
features more than 300 of lake
frontage on a large 1.75 acre lot.
A private dock is already in place
and conveys with the property.
Owners have plans for a 5,607
square foot home overlooking the
lake, or bring your own architect
and start designing your dream
home and begin enjoying the
wonderful life on Lake Glenville.
MLS# 79198. $595,000.
Large lake access lot with great
mountain and sunset views. MLS#
73981. $125,000.
Big lake access lot with western
exposure. View of mountains and
sunsets. MLS# 73982. $125,000.
Very large Lake Glenville access
lot. This lot faces west with sunset
and mountain views. MLS# 73983.
$125,000. | August 2014 | 169
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Lake Glenville Area
This rustc mountain home overlooks a creek which provides
beautful ambient sounds of rushing water. Vaulted ceilings, a
screened porch, 2 car garage, hardwood foors and much more.
Just minutes from Lake Glenville boat ramp! MLS# 76954. Ofered
at $229,000.
Lake Glenville
Well-built move in ready 3
bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home just
minutes from Lake Glenville
and 15 minutes to Cashiers.
Open foor plan with a 30 foot
high reclaimed wood cathedral
ceiling, heart pine wood
foors, lof, dual heat pumps
and freplace. Chef friendly
kitchen includes NSF certfed
dishwasher, Dacor dual fuel
range/oven, heavy duty
disposal, etc. Oversized master
suite with walk-in closet, private
bath and private deck with 6
person hot tub. Covered porch
with a view and additonal
parking. MLS# 77934. Reduced
to $284,900.
Lakefront Cabin
Wonderful lakefront cabin situated on quiet cove. A-Frame like
constructon, large covered porch, large party deck near lake. Dock
included. Good view of lake. Lakefront living on Lake Glenville with litle
maintenance. MLS # 75458. Ofered at $499,500.
Lake Glenville Area
Great locaton of 107 with close proximity to Lake Glenville and Cashiers. Comfortable home with nice outdoor deck in wooded setng. Open foor
plan, stone freplace. Two bedrooms on main level, spacious bedroom/lof upstairs. Basement would make a great workshop or craf room. Easy
access. MLS # 76447. $129,000.
Summer Hill - Lake Glenville
Fantastc lake view lot looking
north down Lake Glenville all
the way to the Balsams and east
across the widest part of the lake.
This panoramic view can be from
an easy build home site. 10 slip
common dock, sandy beach, picnic
shelter, boat ramp and tennis
court all amenites of Summer Hill.
MLS# 75420. $305,000.
Great lakefront lot on wide part of
Lake Glenville. Driveway started,
dock, underground utlites,
common areas include tennis,
boat ramp, and gazebos. East
facing building site. MLS# 75962.
Located in Summer Hill with
extraordinary views of Lake
Glenville and mountains. Very
level and large building site
would allow for gentle circular
driveway. Summer Hill is a premier
development, gated, with tennis,
boat dock, sandy beach, boat
ramp and more. MLS# 76561.
Ofered at $350,000.
Almost 3 acre lot in Summer
Hill, a premier Lake Glenville
community. Driveway partally in.
Big lake view. Community dock,
boat launch ramp, sandy beach,
picnic shelter with freplace
and tennis court. MLS# 76073.
Great lot in Summer Hill, a
prestgious private gated enclave
of 38 homesites on Lake Glenville.
With some tree trimming, youll
enjoy incredible mountain views
that look out over Lake Glenville...
and youll have deeded water
access to Lake Glenville with the
Summer Hill community boat
dock, where you can store your
boat. Buy the lot today, and start
enjoying all of the amenites of
Summer Hill and Lake Glenville,
while you build your dream home.
MLS# 77892. $250,000.
One of the premier lots in one of
the premier gated communites
on all of Lake Glenville. Enjoy easy
access on paved roads that lead
to this incredible home site that
features more than 300 of lake
frontage on a large 1.75 acre lot.
A private dock is already in place
and conveys with the property.
Owners have plans for a 5,607
square foot home overlooking the
lake, or bring your own architect
and start designing your dream
home and begin enjoying the
wonderful life on Lake Glenville.
MLS# 79198. $595,000.
Large lake access lot with great
mountain and sunset views. MLS#
73981. $125,000.
Big lake access lot with western
exposure. View of mountains and
sunsets. MLS# 73982. $125,000.
Very large Lake Glenville access
lot. This lot faces west with sunset
and mountain views. MLS# 73983.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Charming Lakefront Home
Lake Glenville lakefront home on very fat property. Faces west for great
sunsets. It has all the charm of the original 1950 mountain home with
the conveniences of modern remodel and additons. 4 bedrooms and all
living areas on one foor with an additonal lof bunk room. Great covered
porch, huge covered picnic area, dock, and lakeside deck. Wonderful
yard for lakeside actvites. MLS# 73991. Ofered at $629,500.
Hogback Lake
Newer LAKEFRONT home with wood cathedral ceilings and foors,
clerestory windows and open foor plan creatng a light, bright cheerful
setng perfect for entertaining. Wonderful rocking chair covered back
deck ofers peaceful lake and mountain views. Lower deck with hot tub;
tree house for the grandkids; paved driveway and 2 car garage. Best
move-in conditon Hogback Lake home on the market! MLS# 75806.
Ofered at $499,000.
Whisper Lake
Spacious 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with a circular driveway in the scenic
community of Whisper Lake. The open foor plan includes cathedral
ceilings, double decks, 3 freplaces, an oversized workshop and a mother-
in-suite with a bonus room. This is a great home for entertaining and
built for year round use. Enjoyable 5 minute walk to private community
lake. Full Sapphire amenites included. MLS# 79727. Ofered at $410,000.
Fox Run Ridge
Charming older home on
historic property that was
the site of the millionaires
huntng lodge.
Spectacular views from
over 4500 foot elevaton.
Panoramic southern
views from Whiteside
Mountain to the lakes in
South Carolina. Private
locaton at end of the
road bordering Natonal
Forest - Panthertown
Valley. MLS# 80079.
Priced at $695,000.
Lake Glenville
Exceptonal and rare Lake Glenville lakefront property. Situated on a
point overlooking the lake with a stacked rock wall along the lake. Very
gentle 23+ acres, big mountain and lake views, ponds, stream, barn and
more. Estate site or small development. MLS# 75041. Now being ofered
for $5,000,000.
170 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Refned rustc home trimmed with poplar bark at the pinnacle of Trillium Ridge with mountain and lake views.
Great open foor plan with gourmet kitchen featuring granite and stainless appliances. Stone freplace in both
the living room and the outdoor deck. Lower level bonus room perfect for bunk beds, family room, etc. Great
home in Trillium which ofers a comprehensive amenites package. MLS# 76292. Reduced to $675,000.
Trillium - Signal Ridge Lodge
This spacious golf course home is beautfully furnished and ready to
move in to. Spacious wrap around decks on both upper and lower levels
overlook the 14th fairway.
Included in the price of this
home is a golf cart with
golf cart garage. Enjoy golf
course living with being only
minutes to Lake Glenville.
MLS# 77472. Ofered at
Enjoy indoor/outdoor mountain living the way its meant to be, from this
newer-constructed rustc home at the top of Trillium Ridge. Inside, youll
enjoy an open foor plan with up-graded appliances and lots of wood
throughout. Outside, choose between a covered screened porch with
stone freplace or the open deck with great mountain views. This home is
being ofered completely furnished. MLS# 79328. Reduced to $499,000.
This atractve arts and craf style home is located with easy access to
club amenites on all three sectons of Trillium. Located on The Ridge
side, but close to North Norton giving easy access to the lake amenites,
the pro shop, both club houses and the ftness center. Sit on your deck
and enjoy the view of the golfers on the 14th fairway cozied up to the
outside freplace on the main level deck. Spacious living and dining area
gives you plenty of room for entertaining friends and family. MLS# 79117.
Ofered at $550,000.
Trillium Links & Lake Club
Great locaton in Trillium Village and within walking distance to the
Landings and all of the lake actvites. This 6 bedroom home ofers an
exceptonal number of accommodatons and makes for a great summer
getaway. Enjoy a cozy fre on the outdoor deck of the living room. Vaulted
ceilings and lots of windows for natural light. The family room with
freplace and a small kitchen on the lower level ofers additonal living
space. Great home and a must see for those seeking additonal bedrooms.
MLS# 79110. Ofered at $725,000. | August 2014 | 171
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Trillium Village
This is mountain elegance at its very fnest, located in
Trillium-a golf and tennis community that ofers access
to the pristne waters of Lake Glenville. This beautful 4
bedroom, 3.5 bath custom-built home is an entertainers
dream, with an elegant kitchen that opens to the family
room and both indoor/outdoor dining areas. Inside, youll
enjoy fne crafsmanship with nothing spared. Master
suite on main, with three additonal bedrooms and two
baths down. Entertain your guests in the theatre room
downstairs, or the billiard room upstairs that opens to
below. Outside, youll fnd a large wrap-around covered
deck to enjoy the tremendous lake and mountain views.
All just steps away from the lake. MLS# 79254. First tme
on the market
at $1,495,000.
172 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Stillwater at Chattooga Club
Stllwater, situated at the headwaters of the Chatooga River in a very serene
and peaceful setng, this 4BR, 4.5 bath charming home is the perfect mountain
getaway. This European style home features beautful heart pine wood foors
with a fabulous cooks kitchen which opens into the family room with a wood
burning freplace adjacent to the covered deck as well as an additonal all
seasons room for additonal family living. An open deck which backs up to Lake
Chatooga with an abundance of natve fowering plants, shrubs and indigenous
trees makes it the perfect venue for outdoor living on a beautful starlit evening
great for entertaining family and friends. MLS# 79628. Ofered at $2,450,000. | August 2014 | 173
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Stillwater at Chattooga Club
Stllwater, situated at the headwaters of the Chatooga River in a very serene
and peaceful setng, this 4BR, 4.5 bath charming home is the perfect mountain
getaway. This European style home features beautful heart pine wood foors
with a fabulous cooks kitchen which opens into the family room with a wood
burning freplace adjacent to the covered deck as well as an additonal all
seasons room for additonal family living. An open deck which backs up to Lake
Chatooga with an abundance of natve fowering plants, shrubs and indigenous
trees makes it the perfect venue for outdoor living on a beautful starlit evening
great for entertaining family and friends. MLS# 79628. Ofered at $2,450,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Silk Purse at Chattooga Club
This estate home ofers the privacy of a mountain retreat
in a tranquil setng with beautful architectural accents.
This comfortable family home features an open foor
plan with a stone freplace in the living room and vaulted
ceilings with wood beams. The spacious outdoor deck
features its own freplace and views over the private pond,
indoor and outdoor freplaces. The master bedroom on
the main level with his and her bath ofers a spacious
sanctuary. A den on the main level could be converted
to a guest suite. The lower level encompasses a separate
living area with kitchen and two bedrooms and two baths.
This home is handicapped accessible. MLS# 79255. Newly
priced at $1,350,000.
Lake Chattooga Home Site
Exceptonal waterfront lot in the premier gated community
of Chatooga Club. This beautful lot with gentle building site
with long view of Lake Chatooga and Whiteside Mountain.
Many gorgeous natve rhododendrons and mountain laurel
along with hardwoods. Build your mountain retreat in this
stunning community with world class amenites including
restaurant, spa, tennis and croquet lawns. MLS# 79134.
Ofered at $650,000.
Lake Chattooga Lakefront Lot
This beautful lot with gentle building site. Many gorgeous
natve rhododendrons and mountain laurel along with
hardwoods. Build your mountain retreat in this stunning
community with world class amenites. MLS# 79194.
Ofered at $500,000.
Chattooga Club
Prety lot on lake with boathouse/screened in
pavilion structure with stone wood burning
freplace. Beach area for canoe. MLS# 79837.
Ofered at $675,000.
174 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Freesia Hill at The Chattooga Club
Located in the premier community of Chatooga Club,
Freesia Hill is a spacious 5 bedroom cotage style home
with views of Chimney Top and Rock Mountains. This
comfortable and elegant home features a split foor
plan for privacy, a main bedroom with study and
freplace, 4 guest rooms with en-suite baths, and a
great porch with freplace, along with media room, plus
generator. MLS# 79014. This spectacular home is now
being ofered at $1,600,000.
Poplar Cottage at
The Chattooga Club
This custom built home enjoys wonderful mountain
views in this premier gated community located just
minutes to the heart of Cashiers. This comfortable four
bedroom home enjoys an open kitchen overlooking
the great room with stone freplace and the open deck
beyond with outdoor freplace. The master bedroom
and a second bedroom are located on the main level.
Two additonal guest bedrooms on the upper level and
one on the lower level ofering plenty of privacy. MLS#
79059. This gracious cotage is now being ofered at
$1,395,000. | August 2014 | 175
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Freesia Hill at The Chattooga Club
Located in the premier community of Chatooga Club,
Freesia Hill is a spacious 5 bedroom cotage style home
with views of Chimney Top and Rock Mountains. This
comfortable and elegant home features a split foor
plan for privacy, a main bedroom with study and
freplace, 4 guest rooms with en-suite baths, and a
great porch with freplace, along with media room, plus
generator. MLS# 79014. This spectacular home is now
being ofered at $1,600,000.
Poplar Cottage at
The Chattooga Club
This custom built home enjoys wonderful mountain
views in this premier gated community located just
minutes to the heart of Cashiers. This comfortable four
bedroom home enjoys an open kitchen overlooking
the great room with stone freplace and the open deck
beyond with outdoor freplace. The master bedroom
and a second bedroom are located on the main level.
Two additonal guest bedrooms on the upper level and
one on the lower level ofering plenty of privacy. MLS#
79059. This gracious cotage is now being ofered at
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Chattooga Club
First tme on the market. This is an amazing homesite with stunning
mountain views including the spectacular view of Whiteside
Mountain. This premiere 5+ acre lot is located inside the gates of
the prestgious and exclusive Chatooga Club. This is a must see!
MLS# 79377. Ofered at $1,200,000.
Bear Rock at the Chattooga Club
Beautful custom designed 5 bedrooms, 5 baths estate home
in the exclusive and well established gated community of The
Chatooga Club. Situated on the main level, the living room with
soaring 30 ceiling and a wall of windows which foods the room
with natural light, along with the dining room which enjoys the
same natural light and stunning mountain views. Also located on
the main level is the large eat-in kitchen leading out to screened
porch plus open deck, the master bedroom and bath plus a den/
ofce and bath. Upper level has 3 guest bedrooms with private
baths plus lof area perfect for art studio or ofce. Lower level
consists of a family room with stone freplace plus bunk room
and bathroom, perfect for the kids and grandkids! Beautful long
range mountain views! Membership to Club by invitaton only.
MLS# 79801 Ofered at $2,250,000
176 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Valdorama at The Chattooga Club
This home ofers a lush and very private setng at the end of Mallet Mountain Way,
with its own gated entry. Enjoy beautful mountain views of Big Sheepclif from this
invitng two bedroom, three and a half bath home with poplar siding and stone accents.
Additonal features include a spacious kitchen, his and hers master baths and closets,
and a den/study, plus a screened living porch, bonus room, and covered two-car parking.
Walk to the nearby picnic area with fantastc views of Whiteside Mountain and Devils
Courthouse the sheltered grill and tables are perfect for a cookout with family and
friends while watching the evenings sunset. Club membership is by invitaton only. MLS#
79916. Ofered at $1,150,000.
Willow Cottage at
The Chattooga Club
Tucked away in a private setng with lush, mature
landscaping, including natve rhododendron,
mountain laurel, hostas, boxwoods, evergreens,
many varietes of ferns and gorgeous stone terracing.
It features four bedrooms and four baths, with the
master bedroom and a guest bedroom on the main
foor, a second guest room upstairs and a third guest
suite on the lower level with its own private entry.
Views of several mountain ranges, including Big
Sheepclif, can be seen from every room, as well as
from the fabulous deck. Rich hardwood foors run
throughout the main and upper levels; there is also
a lovely enclosed sun room. This home has been very
well maintained. Club membership is by invitaton
only. MLS# 79912. Ofered at $1,195,000. | August 2014 | 177
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Mountain Views, Water, Privacy... Perfect!
This spectacular estate home ofers views of Big Sheepclif and three magnifcent water features, along with a private hiking trail. Located in the
premier community of Cedar Hill, the home has a spacious open foor plan with a beautful gourmet kitchen with casual dining area open to the
screened porch with stone freplace. The spacious living and dining room enjoy mountain views. Both the lower level family room and theater room
on the upper level ofer additonal space for entertaining. Soaring ceilings with tmber accents and luxury appointments make this the perfect
mountain retreat. MLS# 73865. Newly priced at $1,195,000.
Exclusive Mountain Community Home
This premier estate home in prestgious Cedar Hill ofers curb appeal, fne fnishes, a spacious open foor plan
and year round mountain views on a private, gently rolling 3.49 acre lot. Custom built with great atenton to
detail, this beautful home features fve oversized bedrooms and bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen, whole home
surround sound with exterior speakers, double decks, a screened living porch with wood burning freplace,
an atached two-car carport and much more. Cedar Hill is an upscale, gated community ofering the best of
luxury mountain living in the heart of Cashiers. Full Sapphire Valley Resort amenites are available. MLS# 77279.
178 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
CEDAR HILL | August 2014 | 179
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Cedar Hill Masterpiece
This legacy estate is perched high above the valley with stunning mountain views and using reclaimed lumber
and hand hewn beams for that tmeless mountain feel. Tranquility welcomes you to the home as you pass the
waterfall and koi pond to the front entry. A majestc living room and the open foor plan ofers ample space for
entertaining or simply unwinding. Master bedroom and two guest suites are all on the main level. A separate
guest house features a living room with stone freplace, kitchen, and private bedroom. MLS# 77137. First tme
being ofered at $2,900,000.
180 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Lot Number Road Name Acreage Price Views Exposure
12 East Ridge Road 2.50 $395,000 Exceptonal, long range mountain, year round Southern
13 East Ridge Road 2.00 $385,000 Exceptonal, long range mountain, year round Southern
19 Lattude Lane 3.20 $385,000 Exceptonal, mountain, rock face, year round Northern
20 Lattude Lane 3.30 $425,000 Exceptonal, long range mountain, rock face Eastern
21 Lattude Lane 2.10 $395,000 Exceptonal, mountain, rock face, year round Eastern
22 Lattude Lane 1.10 $325,000 Exceptonal, mountain, rock face, year round Eastern
37 Ivorybill Way 2.40 $149,000 Wooded, winter North
38 Loblolly Lane 1.98 $149,000 Stream, year round Northeast
42 Ledgeview Road 2.56 $199,000 Exceptonal, mountain, winter, wooded Eastern
44 Ledgeview Road 2.00 $149,000 Mountain, stream Northeast
53 Ledgeview Road 1.79 $275,000 Great, mountain, rock face, year round North
54 Ledgeview Road 1.48 $275,000 Great, mountain, rock face, year round North
55 Ledgeview Road 1.49 $275,000 Exceptonal mountain views West
22 East Ridge Road 2.81 $289,000 Exceptonal, mountain, year round West
24 East Ridge Road 2.72 $275,000 Exceptonal, mountain, year round West
28 Elbow Creek 3.05 $140,000 Mountain, wooded, winter North
30 Ivorybill Way 2.94 $225,000 Exceptonal, mountain, year round Eastern
32 East Ridge Road 1.46 $185,000 Great, mountain, year round Eastern
79 Parsons View 2.11 $150,000 Great, mountain, year round West
Spectacular Mountain View Estate Lots
Situated between Cashiers and Sapphire Valley, Cedar Hill is an upscale, gated community ofering its residents
awe-inspiring views and the very best in luxury mountain living. Whether searching for the latest in elegant
mountain constructon or a very special lot to call your own, Cedar Hill will not disappoint. An easy hike from
your backdoor will lead you to the natural splendor of waterfalls set amongst a backdrop of hardwoods. Be one
with nature, but enjoy the modern conveniences of underground utlites available to all home sites and a short
drive into town.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
The Pinnacle of Perfection
Nestled in a shady grove of trees, this charming custom built mountain estate
bids welcome to all who enter. The interior features a gourmet kitchen with
granite countertops, butlers pantry, and wet bar. The great room has a foor-
to-ceiling stone freplace, a soaring ceiling with exposed beams and gorgeous
wide plank foors. The spacious master bedroom suite is located on the main
foor, along with the study. Two stories of decks and an outdoor hearth make
it a great place for a party under the stars or just enjoying the view. MLS#
77251. Ofered at $1,795,000.
CEDAR HILL | August 2014 | 181
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
The Pinnacle of Perfection
Nestled in a shady grove of trees, this charming custom built mountain estate
bids welcome to all who enter. The interior features a gourmet kitchen with
granite countertops, butlers pantry, and wet bar. The great room has a foor-
to-ceiling stone freplace, a soaring ceiling with exposed beams and gorgeous
wide plank foors. The spacious master bedroom suite is located on the main
foor, along with the study. Two stories of decks and an outdoor hearth make
it a great place for a party under the stars or just enjoying the view. MLS#
77251. Ofered at $1,795,000.
182 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Lake Toxaway
One of the best panoramic long-range lake and mountain view prop-
ertes in the NC mountains. This home sits at a cool 4000+ elevaton
and ofers a breath-taking view of multple mountain ranges and looks
out over 4 lakes in 3 diferent states
(Toxaway - NC, Jocassee & Keowee
- SC and Hartwell in GA). Master on
main with additonal bedrooms and
baths up and down. MLS# 79994.
Ofered at $669,000.
Strawberry Hill
Charming country cabin on a gently rolling 2.5 acres. Easy access with a
circular drive frontng on two roads. Convenient to Cashiers, Highlands,
and Franklin. Cabin has manicured and beautfully landscaped grounds
with large trees and fowers. All on one level. Well insulated with sky-
lights in dining area and front porch. Large covered porch, additonal
small barn/shed, 14 GPM well and more. No homeowner dues or regula-
tons to worry about. Property can be subdivided and has a wonderful
view site for another home. Very well maintained. MLS# 79788. Ofered
at $179,900
Highlands Gap
Surrounded by over 6 acres of lush mountain greenery is the home of your
dreams. This impressive log home was built with atenton to every detail
and appointed with exquisite custom features. High ceilings and large
banks of windows allow the light and the enjoyment of gorgeous mult
mountain range views in complete privacy and tranquility. Entertaining
possibilites are endless with a fabulous epicurean kitchen, a large home
theater and beautfully decorated guest suites. MLS# 77581. Ofered at
Old Edwards Club
This walk-in unit truly has one of the best views at The Views. Spectacular
from the moment you walk through the door. This lower unit has fantastc
views of Yellow Mountain, Shortof Mountain and long range into the Blue
Ridge Mountains! 10 foot ceilings, granite countertops, custom cabinets,
stone freplace in living room and on screened porch. Easy maintenance
free living! Freshly painted inside & exterior being painted now. MLS#
79919. Ofered at $525,000.
Cullowhee Mountain
This is the quintessental mountain hideaway! The home sits on a gentle
hilltop overlooking a scenic mountain valley and a meandering stream running
through the yard. The jewel of the property is an approximate 50 foot waterfall
with a hidden trail and viewing platorm. The cozy cabin is well built and is in
good shape. The basement could be fnished for additonal living space. The
property boarders thousands of acres of Natonal Forest. Private well, barn,
shed and holding tank for spring water. MLS# 79985. Ofered at $295,000
Woudes Mountain
Lake Glenville, lakefront home on a large 1 acre lot with a private dock,
great views and approximately 100+ feet of shoreline. This charming 2
bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Cape Cod is surrounded by lush rhododendron,
laurel, hardwoods and is tucked away in a scenic cove. The home features
cathedral ceilings, double decks, a bonus room, lower level, lof, brand
new A/C unit and an enchanted trail to the lake. The property has been
well loved and is move in ready. Easy year round access. MLS# 79943.
Ofered at $474,000. | August 2014 | 183
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Lake Toxaway
One of the best panoramic long-range lake and mountain view prop-
ertes in the NC mountains. This home sits at a cool 4000+ elevaton
and ofers a breath-taking view of multple mountain ranges and looks
out over 4 lakes in 3 diferent states
(Toxaway - NC, Jocassee & Keowee
- SC and Hartwell in GA). Master on
main with additonal bedrooms and
baths up and down. MLS# 79994.
Ofered at $669,000.
Strawberry Hill
Charming country cabin on a gently rolling 2.5 acres. Easy access with a
circular drive frontng on two roads. Convenient to Cashiers, Highlands,
and Franklin. Cabin has manicured and beautfully landscaped grounds
with large trees and fowers. All on one level. Well insulated with sky-
lights in dining area and front porch. Large covered porch, additonal
small barn/shed, 14 GPM well and more. No homeowner dues or regula-
tons to worry about. Property can be subdivided and has a wonderful
view site for another home. Very well maintained. MLS# 79788. Ofered
at $179,900
Highlands Gap
Surrounded by over 6 acres of lush mountain greenery is the home of your
dreams. This impressive log home was built with atenton to every detail
and appointed with exquisite custom features. High ceilings and large
banks of windows allow the light and the enjoyment of gorgeous mult
mountain range views in complete privacy and tranquility. Entertaining
possibilites are endless with a fabulous epicurean kitchen, a large home
theater and beautfully decorated guest suites. MLS# 77581. Ofered at
Old Edwards Club
This walk-in unit truly has one of the best views at The Views. Spectacular
from the moment you walk through the door. This lower unit has fantastc
views of Yellow Mountain, Shortof Mountain and long range into the Blue
Ridge Mountains! 10 foot ceilings, granite countertops, custom cabinets,
stone freplace in living room and on screened porch. Easy maintenance
free living! Freshly painted inside & exterior being painted now. MLS#
79919. Ofered at $525,000.
Cullowhee Mountain
This is the quintessental mountain hideaway! The home sits on a gentle
hilltop overlooking a scenic mountain valley and a meandering stream running
through the yard. The jewel of the property is an approximate 50 foot waterfall
with a hidden trail and viewing platorm. The cozy cabin is well built and is in
good shape. The basement could be fnished for additonal living space. The
property boarders thousands of acres of Natonal Forest. Private well, barn,
shed and holding tank for spring water. MLS# 79985. Ofered at $295,000
Woudes Mountain
Lake Glenville, lakefront home on a large 1 acre lot with a private dock,
great views and approximately 100+ feet of shoreline. This charming 2
bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Cape Cod is surrounded by lush rhododendron,
laurel, hardwoods and is tucked away in a scenic cove. The home features
cathedral ceilings, double decks, a bonus room, lower level, lof, brand
new A/C unit and an enchanted trail to the lake. The property has been
well loved and is move in ready. Easy year round access. MLS# 79943.
Ofered at $474,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Spectacular Whiteside
Mountain View Estate
Spectacular panoramic views of Whiteside Mountain, this
Jim Fox masterpiece on 5+ acres takes your breath away!
Beautful grounds, ponds, wet weather waterfall feeds
a large lily pad pond. Lightning protecton, whole house
humidity control, water fltraton system. Privacy, only 10
minutes from Cashiers Crossroads, paved access. Best view
in Jackson and Macon countes. MLS# 76395. Ofered at
184 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Long Range Views
This superbly built custom home ofers exceptonal long range
mountain views! It features two master suites one on the main
level with an adjoining ofce and the other on the lower level with
an adjoining bonus room. Youll fnd all the bells and whistles in this
mountain retreat, including a Runco home theater system, home
ofce, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, welcoming family room
with cathedral ceilings, beautful stone freplace, generous built-
ins, and a wet bar, plus heart pine foors, a second freplace on the
screened porch, and additonal screened and covered deck space for
outdoor living and entertaining! MLS# 77327. Ofered at $1,190,00.
SAPPHIRE | August 2014 | 185
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Highlands Gap
Take tme to enjoy life. Spacious custom
home has it all! No expense spared in the
constructon or upkeep. Master bedroom
suites on each level, 3 stacked stone
freplaces, large home ofce, chefs kitchen,
large laundry/mud room, open decking
and screened porches takes outdoor living
to the max. Terrace level screened porch
with hot tub, media room, mini kitchen (no
stove) and large freplace. MLS# 76445.
Newely priced at $1,695,000.
186 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Cedar Ridge Estates
Remodeled home minutes from Cashiers and Sapphire. Gourmet kitchen
with stainless steel appliances open to dining room opening to porches.
Stone freplace in living room with cathedral ceilings is fooded with natural
light. Master bedroom with freplace on main level. Gentle lot/driveway for
year round living. Convenient to both Cedar Creek Racquet Club and CCSV;
both memberships by invitaton only. MLS# 78297. Ofered at $785,000.
Holly Berry Estates
This 3 BR/3 Bath home overlooks a beautful creek with a foot bridge to add to
its charm. The house has been immaculately maintained and features a desir-
able kitchen with granite, stainless steel appliances, wine cooler and an open
foor plan with a foor to ceiling wood burning freplace, nice dining area, a frst
foor master bedroom and a guest bedroom with the lower level accommodat-
ing a bedroom/media room, bathroom and a workshop. Easy access, outside
of the lower level is the entrance to a studio that can be used as an artsts/craf
studio overlook the tranquility of the creek below and the gorgeous wooded
area. MLS# 79007. Ofered at $450,000.
Spring Forest
Southern exposure with exceptonal 180 degree views. Main house
and guest house on over 8 acres of beautful manicured paths, two
ponds, a groto with waterfalls, privacy and tranquility. Main home has
many unique qualites and discerning architectural details. Great large
studio and home ofce. Guest suite has a full kitchen. Gorgeous stone
freplaces, so much more. MLS# 76879. Ofered at $799,000.
Sapphire Valley
Easy access, year-round Sapphire Valley home with a
two car garage and level front yard. The home features
2 bedrooms, 2 bonus rooms, 3 bathrooms, double decks
and a stone freplace. The spacious lower level ofers an
additonal family room and access to the private wooded
backyard with lots of hardwoods, laurel and rhododendron.
The roof has been recently replaced and the home is in
very good shape. 5 minutes to
Sapphire restaurants, shopping and
amenites. 10 minutes to Cashiers
and grocerys. MLS# 79876. Ofered
at $310,000. | August 2014 | 187
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Cedar Ridge Estates
Remodeled home minutes from Cashiers and Sapphire. Gourmet kitchen
with stainless steel appliances open to dining room opening to porches.
Stone freplace in living room with cathedral ceilings is fooded with natural
light. Master bedroom with freplace on main level. Gentle lot/driveway for
year round living. Convenient to both Cedar Creek Racquet Club and CCSV;
both memberships by invitaton only. MLS# 78297. Ofered at $785,000.
Holly Berry Estates
This 3 BR/3 Bath home overlooks a beautful creek with a foot bridge to add to
its charm. The house has been immaculately maintained and features a desir-
able kitchen with granite, stainless steel appliances, wine cooler and an open
foor plan with a foor to ceiling wood burning freplace, nice dining area, a frst
foor master bedroom and a guest bedroom with the lower level accommodat-
ing a bedroom/media room, bathroom and a workshop. Easy access, outside
of the lower level is the entrance to a studio that can be used as an artsts/craf
studio overlook the tranquility of the creek below and the gorgeous wooded
area. MLS# 79007. Ofered at $450,000.
Spring Forest
Southern exposure with exceptonal 180 degree views. Main house
and guest house on over 8 acres of beautful manicured paths, two
ponds, a groto with waterfalls, privacy and tranquility. Main home has
many unique qualites and discerning architectural details. Great large
studio and home ofce. Guest suite has a full kitchen. Gorgeous stone
freplaces, so much more. MLS# 76879. Ofered at $799,000.
Sapphire Valley
Easy access, year-round Sapphire Valley home with a
two car garage and level front yard. The home features
2 bedrooms, 2 bonus rooms, 3 bathrooms, double decks
and a stone freplace. The spacious lower level ofers an
additonal family room and access to the private wooded
backyard with lots of hardwoods, laurel and rhododendron.
The roof has been recently replaced and the home is in
very good shape. 5 minutes to
Sapphire restaurants, shopping and
amenites. 10 minutes to Cashiers
and grocerys. MLS# 79876. Ofered
at $310,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Wildcat Cliffs Country Club
Adorable vacaton home with atached portco, and golf cart storage under
the house. This is all you need to enjoy your summers! Spacious foor plan
that lives large. Enjoy the prestgious
golf community of Wildcat Clifs
Country Club and all of the amenites
that are available. MLS# 77577.
Ofered at $349,000.
Wildcat Cliffs Country Club
This is a wonderful cotage with lots of curb appeal. All one level with an
easy entrance. With a two car detached garage, a full house generator
and a cozy wood burning freplace, you can live year round. Beautfully
landscaped and plenty of paved parking for your guests. Wildcat Clifs
Country Club has a newly updated club house, indoor swimming pool,
full ftness center, tennis, golf and croquet. MLS# 77514. Ofered at
The Birches
Located on the gated grounds of Wildcat Clifs Country Club, the
condominiums at The Birches are the perfect mountain getaway. The
Birches is situated in a private wooded area of the club, surrounded
by wandering creeks and hidden waterfalls. Condominium features
may include elevators, oak hardwood foors, indoor and outdoor stone
freplaces, granite countertops, custom cherry cabinetry, jeted tubs,
carports, cathedral ceilings, and screened porches. Wildcat Clifs Country
Club is a private club and membership is by invitaton only. MLS# 74752 &
74755. Prices startng at $525,000.
Cowee Ridge
Stunning 180 degree long-range mountain views, from this recently
renovated 4 bedroom, 3 bath home at the very top of the gated Cowee
Ridge community. Enjoy peace and privacy from one of the best locatons
the area has to ofer. Cowee Ridge is the exact mid-way point between
Highlands and Cashiers. Choose which way to turn, and youll either be
at the Crossroads in Cashiers or Main Street in Highlands in less than 10
minutes. MLS# 78192. Ofered at $799,000.
Overlooking The Country Club of Sapphire Valley
This lovely golf course home overlooks the lush Country Club of Sapphire Valley golf course, featuring views of the #1 and #9 fairways and a large
stream, with Chimneytop Mountain as the backdrop. The landscaped yard has a cozy fre pit, pond, footbridge and seatng perfect for enjoying
the beautful scenery and sublime weather. Take in the fantastc views from most rooms, including the large covered decks and four season porch.
The spacious master bedroom suite features his and hers master baths. A second bedroom is also located on the main level, while the lower level
features a family room, kitchenete and game room. Membership to CCSV is by invitaton only. MLS# 79240. Ofered at $1,175,000.
188 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Bald Rock
Hardly lived in mountain cabin on top of Bald Rock. Long range moun-
tain views, as well as short ridge views. Timber frame with atractve
shingle style,hardy plank siding. Master bedroom on main level. Lower
level boasts 2 bedrooms, full bath
and stacked washer/dryer. Enjoy the
privacy, views and cool mountain air
from this adorable move in condi-
ton cabin at 4,000+ elevaton. MLS#
78663. $475,000.
Old Edwards Club
One of the best views anywhere! This beautful 3 bedroom, 3 bath upper
unit features vaulted ceiling with beams and a stone freplace in living
area. Open foor plan is perfect for entertaining. Kitchen has granite,
stainless appliances and a wet-bar. Large screened porch with freplace.
This amazing unit is one of only a few upper units with less than 5 steps!
This unit is the best upper unit available and a must see!! MLS# 79651.
Ofered at $649,000.
Whisper Lake
This immaculate home is perfect for vacaton or year round living. Lots
of curb appeal with Arts & Craf styling. The two car atached garage has
an 8x14 storage room that could be a workshop; owners are currently
using for extra pantry and storage items. Spacious foor plan, foor-to-
ceiling stone freplace, well-designed kitchen, master bedroom closet
system. The view of Hogback Mountain is year round. This home has a
fully encapsulated crawl space. MLS# 78710. Shows like a new house!
Sapphire Valley
This welcoming move-in ready home ofers amazing views of
Chimneytop Mountain and Sapphire Valley. Spacious kitchen, living and
dining areas open to a covered deck - perfect for entertaining family
and friends or simply relaxing. The split bedroom plan features three
bedrooms on the main level, plus a separate family room, bonus room
and deck on the lower level. This lovely mountain home is a great value
at this price! MLS# 77386. $559,000.
Stunning Mountain Vistas
Enjoy the expansive southern views from this wonderful 4 bedroom, 3.5
bath custom Post and Beam home. Home is equipped with wood foors,
stone faced wood burning freplace, gourmet kitchen, stainless steel
appliances, cathedral ceilings, lof, family room with wet bar, bark siding
accents, and decks on three levels. This completely furnished home
would be a perfect investment property and has a great rental history.
MLS# 78797. Ofered at $549,000.
Holly Forest
Almost new home located within walking distance of Narrows Waterfall.
This move in ready home with vaulted ceilings in the living room and
freplace has all of the mountain fnishes, that make it a perfect mountain
retreat or year around residence. MLS# 76101. Ofered at $449,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Sapphire Valley
Enjoy breathtaking birds eye views of the mountains from two stories
of decks of this 4 bedroom classic mountain home. The homes interior
features warm tmber accents, soaring cathedral ceilings, striking stone
freplace in the great room, master on main, spacious lof and 2 bedrooms
upstairs and 1 bedroom suite on the lower level. Huge price reducton
originally $1,095,000! MLS# 78069. Ofered at $595,000.
Pine Forest
Overlooking Lonesome Valley and the mountains beyond, this home
situated on over 4 acres afords you privacy and convenience to both
Sapphire and Cashiers. Wonderful mountain feel with an open foor
plan which is invitng and makes for the perfect year around or summer
home. Large unfnished basement for additonal space. The home is
fully furnished with some minor exceptons. MLS # 75868. Ofered at
Sapphire Valley
Built with great atenton to detail, this welcoming three bedroom, three and
a half bath home is the epitome of modern mountain style, with board and
baten and poplar siding and stone accents. Designer kitchen features a six-
burner gas range with double oven, contrastng cabinetry, oversized island and
subway tle backsplash. Relax by the wood-burning freplace on the spacious
screened porch, or retreat to the downstairs family room with an additonal
wet bar. MLS# 77682. Ofered at $629,000.
Sapphire Valley
Magnifcent estate setng on more than 5 acres. Incredible southern
exposure with views of the mountains and meadow below the
open deck. Just a few steps to your own litle bridge across a creek
for additonal tranquility. Spacious rooms, 2 story living room with
freplace, lower level kitchen, workshop; many more features. MLS#
76472. Ofered at $594,000.
Wade Hampton Golf Club
Now being ofered for sale at considerable savings, this
lot ofers outstanding views of the fairway and green at
the 10th hole. Located within walking distance of the
clubhouse, it is exceptonally well priced at just $375,000.
First tme on the market! This lot has a good view of
Whiteside Mountain in well-established and exclusive
neighborhood of Wade Hampton. Priced below market
value! Motvated seller! Membership at Wade Hampton
Golf Club is by invitaton only. MLS# 79348. Ofered at
REDUCED | August 2014 | 189
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Sapphire Valley
Enjoy breathtaking birds eye views of the mountains from two stories
of decks of this 4 bedroom classic mountain home. The homes interior
features warm tmber accents, soaring cathedral ceilings, striking stone
freplace in the great room, master on main, spacious lof and 2 bedrooms
upstairs and 1 bedroom suite on the lower level. Huge price reducton
originally $1,095,000! MLS# 78069. Ofered at $595,000.
Pine Forest
Overlooking Lonesome Valley and the mountains beyond, this home
situated on over 4 acres afords you privacy and convenience to both
Sapphire and Cashiers. Wonderful mountain feel with an open foor
plan which is invitng and makes for the perfect year around or summer
home. Large unfnished basement for additonal space. The home is
fully furnished with some minor exceptons. MLS # 75868. Ofered at
Sapphire Valley
Built with great atenton to detail, this welcoming three bedroom, three and
a half bath home is the epitome of modern mountain style, with board and
baten and poplar siding and stone accents. Designer kitchen features a six-
burner gas range with double oven, contrastng cabinetry, oversized island and
subway tle backsplash. Relax by the wood-burning freplace on the spacious
screened porch, or retreat to the downstairs family room with an additonal
wet bar. MLS# 77682. Ofered at $629,000.
Sapphire Valley
Magnifcent estate setng on more than 5 acres. Incredible southern
exposure with views of the mountains and meadow below the
open deck. Just a few steps to your own litle bridge across a creek
for additonal tranquility. Spacious rooms, 2 story living room with
freplace, lower level kitchen, workshop; many more features. MLS#
76472. Ofered at $594,000.
Wade Hampton Golf Club
Now being ofered for sale at considerable savings, this
lot ofers outstanding views of the fairway and green at
the 10th hole. Located within walking distance of the
clubhouse, it is exceptonally well priced at just $375,000.
First tme on the market! This lot has a good view of
Whiteside Mountain in well-established and exclusive
neighborhood of Wade Hampton. Priced below market
value! Motvated seller! Membership at Wade Hampton
Golf Club is by invitaton only. MLS# 79348. Ofered at
190 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Hogback Lake
This lakefront retreat is perfect for your family. Easy gentle driveway, low
maintenance yard, surrounded by lake, stream and year round waterfall.
The lake is great for fshing as it is well stocked. The home has speakers
throughout the house and the deck. Central vacuum system in the home.
Great storage and work center in garage. House lives large with 2 bonus
rooms for 5th sleeping areas. MLS# 76766. Newly Priced at $489,000.
Cedar Hill
Exceptonal modern rustc mountain home in the premier gated
community of Cedar Hill, located minutes to Cashiers and Sapphires
amenites. This 5 bedroom home with the master bedroom on the main
level, features great architectural details, including wood beams and
stone freplace. Wonderful home to escape the summer heat of the low
country or to call home year around. The home represents a great value
which doesnt need to be remodeled and deserves your consideraton!
MLS# 80075. Ofered at $895,000.
Sims Valley
Located in a gated community, this 3 bedroom plus lof home has long
range mountain views as well as overlooking the community pond with
waterfall and pavilion area. Great open foor plan with vaulted ceiling and
stone freplace in the living room overlooking covered deck. The lower
level family with open deck provides additonal privacy. Great value for a
newer mountain home. MLS# 79135. $469,000.
Golf Club Estates
First tme on the market, this golf course front home ofers exceptonal
views of the course and mountains beyond. This remodeled mountain
home has great curb appeal and is suitable for year round or seasonal
living. The spacious home features 3 freplaces with the master bedroom
being located on the main level, as well as two other bedrooms. A
lower level family room and bedroom, full bath and exterior entrance
is perfect for houseguests! Enchantng fre pit with low maintenance
natve landscaping. Membership at The Country Club of Sapphire Valley
available by invitaton only. MLS# 79266. Ofered at $875,000.
Cedar Ridge Estates
The charming 3 bedroom mountain home enjoys views of
Sapphire Valley from most rooms. The kitchen overlooks the
living room with wood burning freplace and cathedral ceiling
as well as the dining room and
outside deck. Located just minutes
from Cashiers and Sapphire in this
well established community. MLS#
79269. JUST REDUCED to $439,000.
NEW LISTING | August 2014 | 191
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Cedar Hill
The interior of this sprawling 5 bedroom, 5 bath home appears as
though it was ripped from the pages of a magazine. Stunning decoratve
touches, stone and wood accents, vaulted ceilings and walls of windows
are the hallmarks of this extraordinary home. Additonal features include
elegant black cabinetry, granite counters, stainless appliances, stone
freplace and full bar. MLS# 70295. Ofered at $1,049,000.
Cedar Hill
Amazing panoramic views of Sapphire Valley including Big Sheepclif and
Lonesome Valley Canyon. Most rooms enjoy the spectacular views. The
cathedral ceilings in the living room and freplace ofer a comfortable
retreat in the mountains. The chef will enjoy lots of natural light and
views, while preparing culinary delights. The second bedroom on the
main level, large lofs, great family room on the lower level with freplace,
and the workshop are all great additonal features of this home. MLS#
79271. Ofered at $695,000.
Cedar Hill
Located on just under fve acres in the premier gated community of
Cedar Hill, this newer three bedroom, three and a half bath home is move
in ready. Enjoy mountain views from almost every room and spacious
upper and lower decks. Tastefully fnished in warm colors, the open main
foor and downstairs family room make entertaining family and friends
a pleasure. The kitchen features granite countertops and stainless steel
appliances and overlooks both the dining room and living room with
stone freplace. MLS# 79267. Ofered at $569,000.
Cedar Creek Woods
Wonderful mountain view family home in well-established club
and tennis community. Located in the lovely Cedar Creek Woods
neighborhood. Roomy 4 bedroom/5 bath home with nicely landscaped
grounds. Master bedroom plus guest bedroom on main foor. Additonal
guest rooms upstairs. Lof area upstairs, workshop/artst studio on main
foor. Wonderful year round or summer retreat. MLS# 79265. Ofered
at $599,000.
Golf Club Estates
This storybook cotage was totally remodeled & lovingly renovated
in08, including new electric, plumbing (new baths), heatng, wood
fooring & awesome new kitchen w/leathered granite countertops.
The beautfully manicured & landscaped fat yard will delight all of
your senses. Located in the gated community of Golf Club Estates, this
charming home on one level is just a cart ride to The Country Club of
Sapphire Valley (membership by invi-
taton only), Sapphire Valley Master-
Associaton membership is optonal.
MLS# 79614. Ofered at $519,000.
Cedar Ridge Farm
Locally known as the Llama Farm, this home is perched on the top of
Litle Sheepclif Mountain just a short drive to Cashiers. Overlooking
Sapphire Valley with layered mountain views, this custom built
gentlemans farm has a private pastoral setng at a cool 4,000 f.
elevaton! Property encompasses 13.27+/- acre home site, carport, barn,
pond and fenced pasture. An additonal 5.74+/- acres is available. This
is truly a one-of-a kind property and is on the market for the frst tme!
MLS# 77917. Ofered at $1,497,800.
192 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Equestrian Estate
This expansive property features 8+/- acres of fenced pasture, riding
ring, four-stall barn with tack room, and feeding/bedding storage. The 4
bedroom, 3 bath home is ideal for entertaining and includes a lower level
with a bonus room for use as additonal sleeping quarters with full bath.
The cool elevaton, great weather and very private setng make this
estate perfect for year round living. MLS# 77245. Ofered at $1,295,000.
Sapphire Valley
Heres your chance to slow down and enjoy living in the mountains at
an afordable price! All one level, this low maintenance home is in mint
conditon and has only been lived in seasonally. The light and bright living
area opens onto a wonderful covered screened porch. Walk to Sapphire
Valley Resort amenites and the CCSV (membership available by invitaton
only). MLS# 77325. Ofered at $398,800.
Holly Berry Estates
Fabulous close-up views of Whiteside and a waterfall/stream that runs
through the property await you from this charming 3 bedroom and 3
bath home. The home features wide plank wood foors, stone freplace
and master on main level. Kitchen was completely re-done in 2012 with
all new granite countertops, cabinets, and new appliances. Just open the
windows to enjoy the sound of rushing water while taking in incredible
rock-face mountain views. MLS# 78634. Just reduced to $329,000!.
Wildwood Mountain
This cotage has a wonderful open foor plan and the covered side porch
adds an additonal 400 sq.f. A separate small cabin is being used as the
owners art cotage, and next to it is a hot tub and deck. Locaton could
not be more convenient to both Highlands and Cashiers. Wildcat Clifs CC
is a golf cart ride away. MLS# 78315. Just reduced to $399,000!
Custom Home
Wild Wind is a custom builders home with 2 master suites, guest
bedroom, bonus room and 2 1/2 baths. Located on 3 gentle acres with
fruit trees, a big view and a second buildable lot. The interior features
Australian cypress foors, stainless appliances including double ovens,
copper sinks and tub, ofce, cathedral ceilings and his & hers garages.
The lot ofers a private and scenic setng located 1 mile to Lake Glenville
boat launch, 25 minutes to Cashiers, Highlands, Cullowhee and Franklin.
MLS # 76147. Price reduced to $410,000.
Highlands Country Club
Main house 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Guest house has 1 bedroom, 1
bath. Located in the heart of Highlands Country Club. Wooded lot with
rhododendrons insures privacy; walking to club house. One level living
with large rooms, wood burning
freplace, formal dining, 4 car
garage and covered porches. Does
not include membership in HCC.
Property is not part of the HCC POA.
MLS# 76645.Ofered at $895,000.
NEWLY PRICED | August 2014 | 193
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Silver Slip Falls
Amazing stream property in a gated community and only minutes to the
Cashiers Crossroads. Enjoy the sounds of the stream from the covered
deck or the streamside deck. Located on the cul-de-sac for additonal
privacy, this is a great mountain getaway. Cozy home with great kitchen
overlooking dining area with wet bar and living room. The stone freplace
and the vaulted wood ceilings in the living room exude mountain charm.
The lower level features an additonal sitng area, as well a wine room.
MLS# 79114. $629,000.
Cedar Creek Cliffs
Fabulous long range mountain views from this privately located home
at a cool 4300+ elevaton. First tme on the market, this delightul,
low maintenance home adjoins the 1000+ acre Carlton/Chinquapin
Conservaton Easement. Great room concept opens onto a wonderful
large covered porch letng in the cool mountain breezes. Master suite and
one guest bedroom with full bath on main level, second guest bedroom,
family room with a Franklin stove and access to the 2 car garage on lower
level. Wood foors, cathedral wood beamed ceiling and stacked stone
wood-burning freplace. MLS# 79948. Ofered at $399,880.
Hickory Ridge
Long View enjoys panoramic views of Whiteside and
Chimneytop Mountains from this enclave located
just minutes from town. The master bedroom along
with a guest room and ofce are located on the
main level. Two additonal guest rooms are located
on the lower level along with an indoor pool that has
glass doors opening to a stone pato. The covered
deck expands the living area and lets you enjoy cool
summer breezes. Great home for year around living
as well. Come see this special home today. MLS#
79128. $985,000.
Golf Club Estates
This home in Golf Club Estates has it all Horsepasture River, Country
Club of Sapphire Valley golf course frontage, plus incredible mountain
views! Other features include an elevator, wine room, billiard room, wet
bar, generator as well as extra sleeping quarters with a full bath on the
lower level. Private with lush landscaping, a cozy fre pit and Chimneytop
Creek meandering through it. Club members can take the cart path to
CCSVs acclaimed golf course. MLS# 77146. Ofered at $1,195,000.
Lake Glenville Area
This 53+ acre farm located in a high valley just west of Lake Glenville.
This gentle land is easy to walk or easy to drive. At 4,000 feet elevaton,
a very unusual setng with streams, 3 ponds and all mostly cleared
land. There are approximately 10,000 Christmas trees from 3-10 feet
tall. Also has 1/2 acre irrigated Trufere. There are 250 oak trees and
the trufes will be ready to harvest in 3 years. Large 3 bedroom home,
large barn/workshop. Many additonal home sites with big views to the
east and south. Huge garden area, much of the land is fat. Would make
a great horse or catle farm. MLS# 78949. Ofered at $2,500,000.
194 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
For all your real estate
needs, call us today!
Well-kept 1 bedroom, 1.5 bath move in ready end unit. The home
includes an enclosed sun room, courtyard, heat pump and can be
sold furnished. Seller is open to owner fnancing, 10% down with
5% interest. Current county tax appraisal is $126,270. Easy year
round access and just minutes
to Sapphire, Cashiers and all
amenites. MLS# 79272. Ofered
at $65,700.
Holly Forest
Fabulous estate setng and Southern charm make this 4 bedroom
home on 2 full lots a must see. The covered porch and garden are
perfect for entertaining friends and family. Relax in the gazebo and
enjoy the sof rhythm of the meandering creek. Ideal summer or
year-round home with spacious kitchen, lower level workshop and
full-house generator. MLS# 73525. Ofered at $375,000.

Perfect in-town locaton with a very private setng in the woods.
This atractve home is perfect for guests or family members.
Master on main and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Lots of privacy and an
easy maintenance home. MLS# 76475. Ofered at $359,000.
Toll House Village

Perfect in-town locaton with a very private setng in the woods. This You
will love how it feels to be in this house. This custom built home is situated
on 1.5 acres and features 3 spacious bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Located in the
charming community of Toll House Village just minutes from the crossroads
in Cashiers. Enjoy your private deck and refect on the beautful granite rock
fact that only Mother Nature could have created. MLS# 78067. Ofered at

Looking for an adorable home with privacy and convenience to Franklin
and Highlands? This is it! Lovingly and tastefully renovated in the past two
years, this will make the perfect mountain get-a-way for you. Improvements
include new heart of pine foors, new screened deck, new ductless a/c and
heat, and all new appliances. MLS# 80081. Newly listed at $279,500.
Sapphire Valley

Bold stream! Private 3 bedroom, 2 bath move-in ready home on scenic
Hogback Creek. Driveway and yard have been wonderfully landscaped;
mature hardwoods surround the property. The home has an open foor plan,
cathedral ceilings and a covered deck. All Sapphire Resort amenites included.
Ten minutes to shopping, restaurants, lake access, golf, community center,
swimming pools, weight room, etc. MLS# 77739. Ofered at $305,000. | August 2014 | 195
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
For all your real estate
needs, call us today!
Well-kept 1 bedroom, 1.5 bath move in ready end unit. The home
includes an enclosed sun room, courtyard, heat pump and can be
sold furnished. Seller is open to owner fnancing, 10% down with
5% interest. Current county tax appraisal is $126,270. Easy year
round access and just minutes
to Sapphire, Cashiers and all
amenites. MLS# 79272. Ofered
at $65,700.
Holly Forest
Fabulous estate setng and Southern charm make this 4 bedroom
home on 2 full lots a must see. The covered porch and garden are
perfect for entertaining friends and family. Relax in the gazebo and
enjoy the sof rhythm of the meandering creek. Ideal summer or
year-round home with spacious kitchen, lower level workshop and
full-house generator. MLS# 73525. Ofered at $375,000.

Perfect in-town locaton with a very private setng in the woods.
This atractve home is perfect for guests or family members.
Master on main and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Lots of privacy and an
easy maintenance home. MLS# 76475. Ofered at $359,000.
Toll House Village

Perfect in-town locaton with a very private setng in the woods. This You
will love how it feels to be in this house. This custom built home is situated
on 1.5 acres and features 3 spacious bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Located in the
charming community of Toll House Village just minutes from the crossroads
in Cashiers. Enjoy your private deck and refect on the beautful granite rock
fact that only Mother Nature could have created. MLS# 78067. Ofered at

Looking for an adorable home with privacy and convenience to Franklin
and Highlands? This is it! Lovingly and tastefully renovated in the past two
years, this will make the perfect mountain get-a-way for you. Improvements
include new heart of pine foors, new screened deck, new ductless a/c and
heat, and all new appliances. MLS# 80081. Newly listed at $279,500.
Sapphire Valley

Bold stream! Private 3 bedroom, 2 bath move-in ready home on scenic
Hogback Creek. Driveway and yard have been wonderfully landscaped;
mature hardwoods surround the property. The home has an open foor plan,
cathedral ceilings and a covered deck. All Sapphire Resort amenites included.
Ten minutes to shopping, restaurants, lake access, golf, community center,
swimming pools, weight room, etc. MLS# 77739. Ofered at $305,000.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Whisper Lake
Great stream home in Whisper Lake with access to all of the
Sapphire Valley Master Associaton amenites. Open foor plan
featuring wood burning freplace in living room, kitchen with granite
countertops, center island and stainless appliances. Enjoy the views
of the creek from the kitchen, dining area, and the open deck at the
rear of the home. Private setng with near level lot is great for both
year round or vacaton home. Well priced for recently built home.
MLS# 77921. Ofered at $375,000.
Perfect for your summer vacaton home within the city limits of Highlands.
Two large bedrooms, kitchen and great room situated on a large lot with a
front deck to enjoy the cool mountains. This home would also be a great
year round starter home and investment. The current owner put on a new
roof and HVAC unit. MLS# 79541. $299,000.
Lake Toxaway Area
New Listng! Quintessental cotage surrounded with beautful
laying 7+ acres in a storybook setng. Separate workshop, building
for RV + car, basketball court. Major remodel completed with all
new appliances, kitchen counters and cabinets, foor coverings and
more. MLS# 78467. Ofered at $285,000.
Located on quiet street between Sapphire and Lake Toxaway. This well
maintained 3 bedroom home is
situated on a fat lot and has a fenced
yard, which is great enjoying cool
summer temperatures. MLS# 79260.
Ofered at $109,000.
Sapphire Valley
Award winning foor plan! 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home to be built
on this Holly Forest lot with model home available for preview.
See the quality and crafsmanship for yourself and you will be
sold! Great curb appeal, custom fnishes, massive stone freplace,
luxurious bathrooms and screened porch with freplace. This is
an impressive home, a must see for serious buyers. Built to your
specifcatons with changes welcome. MLS# 78020. Ofered at
Robinson Creek Home
This newer three bedroom, three and a half bath country home with
lovely mountain views is located just of Big Ridge Road in the Robinson
Creek area. At just under 4,000 feet in elevaton and surrounded by large
tracts of land, the two acre property is very private and flled with wildlife.
Dozens of rhododendrons planted on the hill in front of the home make the
late spring and early summer a spectacular sight. Other features include
a wood burning freplace, covered decks, play room, atached two-car
garage, barn and gated driveway. Dont miss this afordable, move-in ready
getaway! MLS# 79052. Ofered at $325,000.
196 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Holly Ridge Condo
First tme on the market. This completely renovated condominium
is the perfect lock it and leave it mountain retreat. Walk to Fairfeld
Lake and enjoy Sapphire amenites. Owner fnancing available. MLS#
77802. Ofered at $174,000
Country Club Villas
Great 2 bedroom villa with level entry, overlooking large common area
lawn and the Country Club of Sapphire Valleys hole #9. Price has been
drastcally reduced to generate sale before the end of the year. If you
are looking for a great condo in the heart of the Sapphire Valley this is it.
MLS# 78154. Ofered at $189,000.
Rocky Knob
This wonderful family home is in the secluded gated community of
Rocky Knob. The home is situated on 1.91 private acres with plenty of
garden space. A completed lower level can be used as an extra bedroom
and living area with a full bath. The 17 acre lake in Rocky Knob is an easy
walk from the house. canoes, swimming and picnic areas ofer lots of fun
for the whole family. MLS# 79697. Ofered at $365,000.
Sapphire Valley
Stunning year round views bring the outdoors in. Lots of privacy and
room to explore this 4 acre low maintenance double lot. This move
in ready 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with an open foor plan is ideal for
entertaining. Well designed kitchen and wood burning stone freplace.
Spacious decks and cool summertme temperatures invite outdoor living.
The lower level bonus room has its own private entrance and would be a
great ofce or guest quarters. A short trail winds through hardwoods and
mountain laurel to your own bocce ball court. MLS# 78944. $479,500.
Holly Forest
Three bedroom, three bath home in like new conditon adjoining green
space and a stream. Tranquil private setng, you can even hear the
Horsepasture River from the back deck. Built for year round living with
a spacious family room and lots of glass, stone freplace, wood foors,
lof and an open kitchen. The large
master bedroom has two walk-
in closets and a private bath. A
work shop/storage area is located
in the lower level. MLS# 77133.
Cullowhee Forest
Adorable cotage with room to expand, in gated community. Privacy, 5.62
acres, fruit trees, pond and fre pit. Close to the public landing for Lake
Glenville. Possible view to Lake Glenville with tree trimming. Front entry
opens to the lower level with brick foors, family room, updated bath and
large bedroom and washer dryer connecton. Upstairs to the main living
area with great room, master bedroom and bath. An oversized screen
porch with cathedral ceiling and stone freplace. MLS# 79257. Ofered
at $325,000. | August 2014 | 197
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
NEW LISTING. Fully furnished condominium in the heart of Sapphire
Valley. Beautful kitchen with granite counters. Outdoor deck features
BBQ with built in stainless hood. Turnkey unit ready for immediate
occupancy. Would make a great rental unit. MLS# 78502. Ofered at
Sapphire Valley
Unique property with lots of potental. 2 bedroom, 2 bath home w/
bonus room, covered deck; some interior remodeling needed. Additonal
structure perfect for ofce, studio, guest cabin or rental unit. Private
wooded lot includes extra parking, space for dog pen or fre pit. Easy
access, 15 minutes to town, great starter home or rental property. MLS
#76023. $99,999.
Scaly Mountain
Escape the heat! This spacious two bedroom cotage in Scaly Mountain
is just two hours from Atlanta and minutes to Highlands. Each bedroom
has its own private bath; there are also two half baths and a lower level
game room with bonus kitchen and wood stove. Other features include
a private covered deck with mountain views, nearly new metal roof, and
two-car carport. MLS# 77332. Just $138,000.
First tme on the market. This 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath unit is currently rented
on an annual lease. Enjoy all of the Sapphire Valley Master Associaton
amenites. Owner fnancing available. Well priced at $125,000.
Great two bedroom unit in Sapphire Valley. Unit has great rental history
which can help ofset some of the
ownership costs. Owner fnancing
available. MLS# 77801. Well priced
at $115,000.
Cute cotage in the Glenville community. Since it is located on Highway
107 it could be used as residental and/or commercial. Land lays gentle,
concrete drive, some view. Cotage is a charming example of 40s-50s
mountain get-away to enjoy the cool of summer while fat-landers sufer
with the heat and humidity. MLS# 78314. Ofered at $149,000.
198 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Mountain Club
Amazing opportunity! Mountain living made easy in this very desirable community in Sapphire
Valley. Additonal nights available with a short three days notce, based on availability.
Exchange nights with the Registry Collecton and 3RDHOME and enjoy stays around the
world. Mountain Club ofers many amenites for the whole family at the Mountain Club and
SVMA which include: indoor and outdoor pool, sauna, hot tub, ftness room, movie rentals,
game room, pool table, ping pong, miniature golf, bocce ball, air hockey, croquet, tanning
beds, horseshoe pits, massage therapy, bicycle rental, various arts & crafs classes, snow
skiing and tubing, Lake Fairfeld boat dock, tennis and racquet club, 18 hole PDA golf course,
9 hole executve golf course, driving range, put-put, gem mining, summer concerts, planned
excursions, kids camps, and horseback riding.
Lots & Land
Cullowhee Forest
5.68 and 5.31 acre lots being sold together in
the scenic mountain subdivision of Cullowhee
Forest. Underpriced! BIG VIEWS with tree trim-
ming, 100+ foot private community waterfall &
river access. Two 3 bedroom septc evaluatons
on fle. MLS# 79151. Ofered at $19,000.
Lakeside Falls
This easy build lot fronts on the large stream
known as Norton Creek. Located just above
Lake Glenville at an alttude over 3500 feet, this
small community of Lakeside Falls is waitng for
you. MLS# 79048. $40,000.
Nice wooded lot adjacent to North Nor-
ton Road. Near Lake Glenville. MLS# 79050.
If youre looking for a lot on a big stream at
3500+ elevaton, this is it! Easy building site in
a neighborhood of 14 lots. Easy access of of
North Norton Road about 7 miles from the Ca-
shiers Crossroads. MLS# 79047. $42,500.
Country Club Estates
Great trout stream runs along the right side of
this private and large lot (1.49 ac). Short golf
cart drive to the Sapphire/Wyndham Resort
amenites and The Country Club of Sapphire
Valley (membership available upon invitaton).
Easy, nearly level building site. MLS# 79113.
Priced to sell at $56,000.
5.35 acres frontng both Blue Valley Road and
Highway 28. Excellent locaton for a business
opportunity. A creek runs behind the property.
MLS# 76448. $70,000.

1/12 interest MLS# 79352 $69,000
1/12 interest MLS# 79019 $70,000
1/12 interest MLS# 79691 $75,000
1/12 interest MLS# 78081 $77,900
1/12 interest MLS# 79331 $77,900
1/12 interest MLS# 78360 $77,900
1/12 interest MLS# 78355 $78,000
1/12 interest MLS# 78690 $79,900
1/12 interest MLS# 78602 $80,500
1/6 interest MLS# 79351 $119,900
1/6 interest MLS# 79025 $120,000
1/6 interest MLS# 78600 $130,000
1/6 interest MLS# 78527 $145,000 | August 2014 | 199
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Bank Owned Commercial Property
Great Highway 107 North frontage between Signal Ridge
Marina and Pine Creek. Current units rented: 1 at $750/
month;7 and 8 at $1,452/month. 8 units/ofce/retail total + 22
storage units located behind this building. Lots of potental.
MLS #75675. $349,900.
Sapphire Highway 64
Stunning level property on Highway 64 in Sapphire Valley
located across the street from Lonesome Valley entrance. The
rear of the property is bordered by the Horsepasture River. A
variety of development opportunites including mult-family,
restaurant and a host of other commercial uses. MLS# 76184.
Commercial Properties Lots & Land
Highlands Gap
Over 15 acres of mountain land. Sev-
eral home sites each with great views.
Property is being marketed with subdi-
vided lots or the property can be sold
as a whole. There are large rock out-
croppings where a fowing spring be-
gins. Located on the Atlanta side of the
Highlands Plateau, in the development
of Highland Gap lays this large tract of
15.16 acres. Privacy and long range
mountain views in a development
with upscale homes with a minimum
acreage of 3 acres. Prices startng at
$150,000 for the lots and $850,000 for
the 15.16 acres. MLS#s 78848, 78854,
78855, 78857, 78858, 78859.
Pilot Knob
Over 2 acre lot, easy build on quiet
road. Nice year around views. Lot has
road frontage, deep enough to build
away from road. MLS# 78870. $69,750.
Sapphire High
Great panoramic views of Sapphire Val-
ley from this 3.8 acre lot. Build your
dream house in the mountains and en-
joy the views and listen to the stream
below. This very private lot on a dead
end road in the heart of Sapphire Valley
is the perfect place to start enjoying the
tranquility the mountain lifestyle ofers.
First tme on the market. MLS# 78657.
Glenville Area
7.5+/- private acres with fantastc
views! Driveway and easy build home-
site have been cut in, septc system
installed. Homesite is surrounded in
rhododendron and mountain laurel
giving it year round privacy. Gated com-
munity. Lots of wildlife! 15 min. to Lake
Glenville boat launch. 25 min. to Ca-
shiers and Sylva. 30 min. to Highlands
and Franklin. MLS# 77889. $49,900.
Vista Points
Well priced 2.76+/- acre scenic lot with
lush foliage, hardwoods and a good
build site. Can hear nearby stream from
property. 5 minutes to Lake Glenville
boat launch, lakeside park, waterfall
trail and kayak launch for the Tuckase-
gee River. 10 minutes to gas, groceries,
restaurants and boat rentals. 25 min-
utes to Cashiers and Sylva. Easy year
round access. MLS# 78720. $24,500.
Highway 107 Frontage
Great frontage and visibility in Glen-
ville. Approximately 250 feet frontage
on Highway. Nearly fat. Well reported
to yield 40 GPM. Land almost totally
cleared. MLS# 77876. $99,500.
Stonecreek Estates
Overlooking CCSV golf course and fabu-
lous long range views of Bald Rock, Hog-
back and beyond! Driveway stubbed in
to home site with level entry. Owner
will consider partnership for spec
home. Sewer and CWS at road ready for
hook-up. MLS# 74633. $99,000.
Wonderful building lot near most of
Sapphire Valley amenites and conve-
nient to CCSV. MLS# 78420. $11,900.
Highway 64 East
Great business locaton between the Crossroads and Ingles.
Fantastc exposure on the most traveled secton on Highway
64. Ofce, retail, etc.... the possibilites are endless! MLS#
74098. Ofered at $390,000.
Over 240 of prime highway frontage in the heart of Cashiers
along Highway 64 East. Excellent opportunity for retail business
needing fat outside yard. Multple lots make this 3.6 acre tract
suitable for subdividing as well. Main level could be updated and
suitable for many uses. Lower level shop and covered outside
work area. Priced to sell! MLS# 78806. Ofered at $475,000.
Laurel Terrace
Excellent locaton in the center of Cashiers. Previous tenant
was a bank. Two units in a strip center. End units with drive-up
window. MLS# 78188. Ofered at $125,000.
Great locaton close to center of town. Ofce or show room
would work here. This unit has 2 entries and is partally rented to
an insurance agent. Can be recombined. MLS# 78450. $65,900.
Great ground foor locaton in middle of town. Just east of the
Crossroads on the most traveled road in area. Clean unit in the
middle of the building only a few feet to parking. Consists of
recepton area with 4 ofce spaces. Large bank of windows
frontng road. MLS# 78419. $79,000.
Nice wood fnishes inside. Ready to move in. Nice end unit
fnished inside for multple ofces and recepton area. MLS#
78451. $109,900.
Lake estate property, investment property, ONE of a KIND property. Located on
prestgious Bowery Road and only minutes to downtown Highlands. 12+/- acres
with a private 3+/- acre clear mountain lake with deep water. Perfect for that
private family enclave. Several building sites, large old barn on property. MLS#
78940. Ofered at $4,250,000.
200 | August 2014 |
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Litle Sheepclif
Awesome estate property with all
the privacy in the world at 4,300
elevaton! Almost 13 acres with
long range year round mountain
views. Very gentle building site(s),
rock face view, driveway in and
cleared to home site. This estate
lot joins Litle Sheepclif and Big
Sheepclif HOA lands. Small gat-
ed community with a handful of
very exclusive homes and close to
town. Community pond and pavil-
ion. MLS# 78302. $395,000.
Estate-Sized View Property
Estate sized property waitng on
the savvy developer or privacy
oriented prospect. Gravel road
system, high producing well. Some
pasture, mostly wooded with
many huge trees. Many scenic vis-
tas with long-range views. South
and east facing. Lake access lot
available. MLS# 74259. $525,000.
Tahala Shores
Very afordable lake front lot on
Lake Glenville. At over 3500 feet el-
evaton you can own this lakefront
property. Over 200 feet of front-
age on the water and easy building
site. MLS# 77404. $229,000.
Premier Lake Glenville lake front
lot. This is the lake front lot for
someone who wants to build a
large home on the lake in a com-
munity of large homes. 2.3 acres
with more than 275 feet of front-
age. Gated, paved roads, under-
ground utlites, tennis and boat
ramp are just some of the features.
Level near lake with big view. Lot
faces southeast for great sun expo-
sure. Community consists of only
9 lakefront lots. Use of boat ramp
and tennis court at Summer Hill
included. MLS# 78756. $675,000.
Bald Rock
Tremendous value for this lot in
Bald Rock! Pond on property with
stream. Gently rolling and big view
with some trimming. Enjoy the
Equestrian Center, wonderful pa-
vilion, hiking/horse trails and all
of Sapphire Valley amenites as
a Bald Rock owner. MLS# 74854.
Newly priced at $49,900.
Bald Rock
Long, level driveway in place to a
private easy-build home site with
spectacular rock face and ridge
views! Southern exposure, gor-
geous sunsets and just a short
walk to a trailhead into Panther-
town. This property is suitable for
horses, barn and pasture. Bald
Rock is a private, gated and very
neighborly community with eleva-
tons exceeding 4000 and features
a beautful equestrian center,
community pavilion, miles of hik-
ing and riding trails and includes
all Sapphire Valley amenites. Sell-
er will consider owner fnancing.
MLS# 79386. $159,900.
Bald Rock
One of the best big view lots in
this gated equestrian community!
Perched high on the top edge of
Bald Rocks signature rock face,
this 6.53+/- acre property ofers
spectacular views of Whiteside
Mountain, Chimneytop and many
others! Nearly level building site,
close to the Bald Rock hiking trail
and incredible sunset views! MLS#
77318. $325,000.
Timber Ridge, Cashiers
Located in gated Timber Ridge,
3570 elevaton, gently rolling 3.45
acres with nearly fat building site,
wide open meadow, mighty hard-
woods and great mountain view.
Private yet only 1.2 miles to Ca-
shiers; minutes to shopping, golf,
restaurants, waterfalls and hiking
trails. Site prepped for building
with driveway in place. Current 4
bedroom septc permit, new sur-
vey with property lines marked.
MLS# 76458. Ofered at $109,000.
Sapphire Valley - Holly Forest X
0.87 acres of hardwoods and a pri-
vate setng. MLS# 70252. $14,900.
Whisper Lake
Great lot with an easy build site at an
incredible price. An easy walk/drive
down to the community boat dock
where you can store your canoe/kay-
ak. Part of the Sapphire Master Asso-
ciaton; enjoy the benefts of Sapphire
amenites. MLS# 78373. $18,900.
Glen Pointe
Lot 1
Lake Glenville access lot with long
view of lake and mountain. Easy
build site, large lot, new commu-
nity dock with guaranteed boat
slip. Only 10 of lake lots, so every-
one gets a slip. Tennis court, gated.
MLS# 75541. $298,000.
Lot 3
Fantastc Lake Glenville access and
view lot. Long lake and mountain
views, adjacent to lakefront com-
munity dock with a guaranteed
boat slip. Tennis court, gated com-
munity, underground utlites.
MLS# 75542. $298,000.
Lot 10
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. Wooded lot in gat-
ed community with tennis court.
Easy building site, easy septc.
Hear the sounds of Norton Creek
Falls just yards away. Unlike most
lake access communites, Glen
Pointe has a boat slip for every of
lake lot. MLS# 75537. $129,500.
Lot 12
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. No need to share,
this lot has short walk to commu-
nity boat dock and across drive
from community tennis court.
Very level building site. Some lake
view. MLS# 75538. $199,500.
Lot 13
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. No need to share
when you have your own slip in
community dock. Gated com-
munity with tennis court. Norton
Creek Falls just a few yards away
can be heard clearly. MLS# 75539.
Atenton Developers!
Developer opportunity on 441
corridor, convenient to Sylva, Dills-
boro, Bryson City, and Cherokee.
Development with incredible long
range mountain and river views,
located in the heart of Jackson
County. The development has a
prominent entrance with under-
ground utlites. Development in-
cludes 86 lots, 6 open space lots
and common areas. MLS# 78151.
Great value at $2,900,000.
Eagle Ridge
Easy building lot with some view
possible. Nice hardwoods, gentle
grade, priced to sell at $10,900.
MLS# 71862.
The Lake Club
This is a great 3.90+/- acre private
lot with a mountain view and pos-
sible winter lake views. The Lake
Club is a gated community that
features a fantastc clubhouse on
scenic Lake Glenville with multple
shared boat slips, full kitchen, liv-
ing and dining areas, exercise
room, fre pit and a common area
meadow. MLS# 77308. $49,000.
Lake Toxaway
A spectacular property combin-
ing two lots on Hawk Mountain.
210+/- feet of road frontage and
fabulous mountain views. With
over 3.32 acres there is plenty of
privacy. MLS # 75790. $239,000.
A spectacular property combin-
ing two lots on Hawk Mountain.
430+/- feet of road frontage with
fabulous mountain views. 3.8
acres provide plenty of privacy.
MLS # 75786. $289,000.
Bear Lake Area
Big tract of land near Bear Lake
and adjacent to the road to the
public boat ramp. Upper porton
of property has big lake and moun-
tain views. Lower porton is very
gentle with old home place site
with open feld and spring. Unre-
stricted, can have multple uses.
Fronts on Highway 281, so has
easy access. Most of the property
is wooded. Property adjoins North
Carolina state owned property be-
ing held for conservaton. MLS#
79554. $495,000.
Laurel Falls
Two great adjoining lots in the sce-
nic gated Laurel Falls. Each lot has
a current survey, septc evaluaton
for a 3 bedroom home with easy
building home sites! A small stream
runs through the property. Laurel
Falls is bordered by thousands of
acres of protected Panthertown
Valley. MLS# 70447. $89,900.
Cedar Point Landings
Scenic deep water boat slip lo-
cated in Cedar Point Landings,
Lake Glenvilles only private dock
development. Preferred outside
slip with easy walk to community
pavilion and restroom facilites.
Recently pressure washed, stained
and in excellent conditon. Priced
to sell! Easy to rent! Afordable
lake access. MLS# 78810. $70,000.
Bear Lake Development
The ultmate development project
or private retreat! 1,542 acres on
Bear Lake with 4.5 miles of lake
frontage. Two miles of trout stream, | August 2014 | 201
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
Litle Sheepclif
Awesome estate property with all
the privacy in the world at 4,300
elevaton! Almost 13 acres with
long range year round mountain
views. Very gentle building site(s),
rock face view, driveway in and
cleared to home site. This estate
lot joins Litle Sheepclif and Big
Sheepclif HOA lands. Small gat-
ed community with a handful of
very exclusive homes and close to
town. Community pond and pavil-
ion. MLS# 78302. $395,000.
Estate-Sized View Property
Estate sized property waitng on
the savvy developer or privacy
oriented prospect. Gravel road
system, high producing well. Some
pasture, mostly wooded with
many huge trees. Many scenic vis-
tas with long-range views. South
and east facing. Lake access lot
available. MLS# 74259. $525,000.
Tahala Shores
Very afordable lake front lot on
Lake Glenville. At over 3500 feet el-
evaton you can own this lakefront
property. Over 200 feet of front-
age on the water and easy building
site. MLS# 77404. $229,000.
Premier Lake Glenville lake front
lot. This is the lake front lot for
someone who wants to build a
large home on the lake in a com-
munity of large homes. 2.3 acres
with more than 275 feet of front-
age. Gated, paved roads, under-
ground utlites, tennis and boat
ramp are just some of the features.
Level near lake with big view. Lot
faces southeast for great sun expo-
sure. Community consists of only
9 lakefront lots. Use of boat ramp
and tennis court at Summer Hill
included. MLS# 78756. $675,000.
Bald Rock
Tremendous value for this lot in
Bald Rock! Pond on property with
stream. Gently rolling and big view
with some trimming. Enjoy the
Equestrian Center, wonderful pa-
vilion, hiking/horse trails and all
of Sapphire Valley amenites as
a Bald Rock owner. MLS# 74854.
Newly priced at $49,900.
Bald Rock
Long, level driveway in place to a
private easy-build home site with
spectacular rock face and ridge
views! Southern exposure, gor-
geous sunsets and just a short
walk to a trailhead into Panther-
town. This property is suitable for
horses, barn and pasture. Bald
Rock is a private, gated and very
neighborly community with eleva-
tons exceeding 4000 and features
a beautful equestrian center,
community pavilion, miles of hik-
ing and riding trails and includes
all Sapphire Valley amenites. Sell-
er will consider owner fnancing.
MLS# 79386. $159,900.
Bald Rock
One of the best big view lots in
this gated equestrian community!
Perched high on the top edge of
Bald Rocks signature rock face,
this 6.53+/- acre property ofers
spectacular views of Whiteside
Mountain, Chimneytop and many
others! Nearly level building site,
close to the Bald Rock hiking trail
and incredible sunset views! MLS#
77318. $325,000.
Timber Ridge, Cashiers
Located in gated Timber Ridge,
3570 elevaton, gently rolling 3.45
acres with nearly fat building site,
wide open meadow, mighty hard-
woods and great mountain view.
Private yet only 1.2 miles to Ca-
shiers; minutes to shopping, golf,
restaurants, waterfalls and hiking
trails. Site prepped for building
with driveway in place. Current 4
bedroom septc permit, new sur-
vey with property lines marked.
MLS# 76458. Ofered at $109,000.
Sapphire Valley - Holly Forest X
0.87 acres of hardwoods and a pri-
vate setng. MLS# 70252. $14,900.
Whisper Lake
Great lot with an easy build site at an
incredible price. An easy walk/drive
down to the community boat dock
where you can store your canoe/kay-
ak. Part of the Sapphire Master Asso-
ciaton; enjoy the benefts of Sapphire
amenites. MLS# 78373. $18,900.
Glen Pointe
Lot 1
Lake Glenville access lot with long
view of lake and mountain. Easy
build site, large lot, new commu-
nity dock with guaranteed boat
slip. Only 10 of lake lots, so every-
one gets a slip. Tennis court, gated.
MLS# 75541. $298,000.
Lot 3
Fantastc Lake Glenville access and
view lot. Long lake and mountain
views, adjacent to lakefront com-
munity dock with a guaranteed
boat slip. Tennis court, gated com-
munity, underground utlites.
MLS# 75542. $298,000.
Lot 10
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. Wooded lot in gat-
ed community with tennis court.
Easy building site, easy septc.
Hear the sounds of Norton Creek
Falls just yards away. Unlike most
lake access communites, Glen
Pointe has a boat slip for every of
lake lot. MLS# 75537. $129,500.
Lot 12
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. No need to share,
this lot has short walk to commu-
nity boat dock and across drive
from community tennis court.
Very level building site. Some lake
view. MLS# 75538. $199,500.
Lot 13
Lake Glenville access lot with dedi-
cated boat slip. No need to share
when you have your own slip in
community dock. Gated com-
munity with tennis court. Norton
Creek Falls just a few yards away
can be heard clearly. MLS# 75539.
Atenton Developers!
Developer opportunity on 441
corridor, convenient to Sylva, Dills-
boro, Bryson City, and Cherokee.
Development with incredible long
range mountain and river views,
located in the heart of Jackson
County. The development has a
prominent entrance with under-
ground utlites. Development in-
cludes 86 lots, 6 open space lots
and common areas. MLS# 78151.
Great value at $2,900,000.
Eagle Ridge
Easy building lot with some view
possible. Nice hardwoods, gentle
grade, priced to sell at $10,900.
MLS# 71862.
The Lake Club
This is a great 3.90+/- acre private
lot with a mountain view and pos-
sible winter lake views. The Lake
Club is a gated community that
features a fantastc clubhouse on
scenic Lake Glenville with multple
shared boat slips, full kitchen, liv-
ing and dining areas, exercise
room, fre pit and a common area
meadow. MLS# 77308. $49,000.
Lake Toxaway
A spectacular property combin-
ing two lots on Hawk Mountain.
210+/- feet of road frontage and
fabulous mountain views. With
over 3.32 acres there is plenty of
privacy. MLS # 75790. $239,000.
A spectacular property combin-
ing two lots on Hawk Mountain.
430+/- feet of road frontage with
fabulous mountain views. 3.8
acres provide plenty of privacy.
MLS # 75786. $289,000.
Bear Lake Area
Big tract of land near Bear Lake
and adjacent to the road to the
public boat ramp. Upper porton
of property has big lake and moun-
tain views. Lower porton is very
gentle with old home place site
with open feld and spring. Unre-
stricted, can have multple uses.
Fronts on Highway 281, so has
easy access. Most of the property
is wooded. Property adjoins North
Carolina state owned property be-
ing held for conservaton. MLS#
79554. $495,000.
Laurel Falls
Two great adjoining lots in the sce-
nic gated Laurel Falls. Each lot has
a current survey, septc evaluaton
for a 3 bedroom home with easy
building home sites! A small stream
runs through the property. Laurel
Falls is bordered by thousands of
acres of protected Panthertown
Valley. MLS# 70447. $89,900.
Cedar Point Landings
Scenic deep water boat slip lo-
cated in Cedar Point Landings,
Lake Glenvilles only private dock
development. Preferred outside
slip with easy walk to community
pavilion and restroom facilites.
Recently pressure washed, stained
and in excellent conditon. Priced
to sell! Easy to rent! Afordable
lake access. MLS# 78810. $70,000.
Bear Lake Development
The ultmate development project
or private retreat! 1,542 acres on
Bear Lake with 4.5 miles of lake
frontage. Two miles of trout stream,
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
the dramatc Sols Creek Waterfall
with its 120-foot drop, and pictur-
esque rock clifs with wild goats
add to the allure of this mountain
sanctuary. Elevatons from 2,600
to 3,800 feet. Owner will subdivide
and consider owner fnancing.
915 Acre Tract on Trout Creek
Minutes north of Lake Glenville of
107 N, this 915-acre tract of land
is suitable for development and/
or preservaton. Trout Creek fows
through the property; box canyon
and other natural amenites make
this piece unique. Price upon re-
4 Lots in Glen Laurel
Easy build lake access lots within
walking distance to Lake Glenville
and the community boat dock.
Glen Laurel has paved roads and
underground utlites. Minimum
square footage for homes, only
1400 sf. Afordable opportunity to
own your mountain cabin with an
almost lake front lot. Within 1/4
mile of public boat ramp. $22,500
- $39,500. MLS# 74341, 74340,
74339, & 74350.
Glen Laurel
Wonderful large building site that
can be subdivided. Big views of
mountains and Lake Glenville.
Access to shared dock on Lake
Glenville. Convenient to Cashiers,
Franklin and Sylva. Very gentle
building sites. Underground utli-
tes available. Wildlife Service boat
ramp is within 1/2 mile so you can
put in and take out your lake toys
easily. MLS# 78191. $99,000.
Top of Cherry Knob
This fantastc 262-acre tract of
land features spectacular 300+ de-
gree views from the top of Cherry
Knob Mountain. A long range view
of Lake Glenville, Big Ridge, and
Cullowhee make this property
unique and suitable for either a
private estate or development.
MLS# 70290. $2,500,000.
Stone Pointe
Fabulous lakefront lot in the exclusive
gated community of Stone Pointe.
This 8 lot subdivision features under-
ground utlites, nicely landscaped
and irrigated common area. Each lot is
demarked by a lighted stone column.
Lot 2 has approximately 191 feet of
lakefront. MLS# 78751. $299,000.
Big Sheepclif
Located just minutes from the
crossroads in prestgious Big
Sheepclif, this lot is located in the
upper secton of the community
with winter views of the Glenville
Valley. A 4 bedroom septc evalu-
aton valid through December 31,
2016. MLS# 78804. $149,000.
The most gorgeous mountain
views from this lot at the top of
Big Sheepclif community. Great
fat area for home site. Easy access
and close to town. A must see lot.
MLS# 77958. Ofered at $359,000.
Exceptonal locaton just minutes
to the crossroads in Cashiers. At an
elevaton of app. 4,200 build your
dream home with exceptonal long
range views over the Lake Glenville
Valley. Private 12 acres already
have the septc system installed
and have a great building site. First
tme on the market and very well
priced! Big Sheepclif is a gated
community with two ponds and
a community pavilion high above
the Cashiers Valley with long range
views. MLS# 78826. $369,000.
Bridge Creek
Nearly level 1 acre water front lot
with a small island in the scenic
community of Bridge Creek. The
neighborhood has a charming gated
covered bridge entrance, chimney
garden and a community pond with
a picnic area. MLS# 79396. $39,000.
Bridge Creek is only 4.5 miles from
the Cashiers Crossroads and is a
gated community with a beaut-
ful covered bridge entry, fshing/
swimming pond, picnic area, chim-
ney garden, and more. The lot has
a tremendous long view with Lake
Glenville in the foreground and
mountain ranges beyond. Easy
building site, driveway in, commu-
nity water, underground power.
MLS# 77697. $175,000.
Huge view of Lake Glenville and
mountains beyond. Easy building
site, gated community, fshing/
swimming pond, fre pit, chimney
garden, hiking trails and more.
Community water system, un-
derground power. MLS# 77698.
Great east facing lot with big view,
and gentle building site. Under-
ground utlites and paved road
to lot. MLS# 74147. Ofered at
Large level corner lot on bold trout
stream. Norton Creek is the largest
stream feeding into nearby Lake
Glenville. This gated community
features covered bridge entrance,
underground utlites, walking
trails, large community pond,
chimney garden and more. MLS#
76927. $45,000.
Bridge Creek community. Short
walk to fshing pond and chimney
garden. A litle over 4 miles from
Cashiers. MLS# 78542. $30,000.
If you are looking for an easy build
fat lot that is entrely walkable, this
is it! Wonderful gated community
of Bridge Creek only 4 miles from
Cashiers. Amenites include a big
fshing pond, picnic area, chimney
garden and more. You can walk the
whole area which is uncommon in
these mountains. Fish for trout in
the nearby Norton Creek or bass in
the fsh pond. MLS# 78716. $29,500.
Bear Lake Reserve
Peninsula lakefront lot. 404+ feet
of frontage. Lays very gentle, easy
build, and is a short walk from
lakefront clubhouse. Great views
of lake and mountains from lot.
Shared dock is included. Priced be-
low purchase price in 2006. MLS#
73993. Ofered at $599,000.
The Divide at Bald Rock
One of the best lots in The Divide
is fnally back on the market at a
much reduced price for a quick
sale! Easy laying lot with tremen-
dous views to South Carolina. Lo-
cated across from the community
pavilion. MLS# 78988. $199,000.
Cullowhee Forest
This .69 acre lot has building site
with easy access of of road. Lots
of mountain laurels and rhodos.
MLS# 79764. Ofered at $3,800.
Holly Forest
This large 1.19 acre lot has a great
winter mountain view with poten-
tal for year round. The lot is heav-
ily wooded with mountain laurel
for the utmost in privacy. A small
creek runs through the lot & the
property on the right side & rear
of the lot is Holly Forest green
space. Lot has a current 3 bed-
room septc approval. Sapphire
Valley amenites included. MLS#
79953. Ofered at $14,995.
Whisper Lake
Very nice building lot in one of
Sapphire Valleys most popu-
lar neighborhoods. Located on
a quiet cul-de-sac near the en-
trance, this property includes all
of the Sapphire/Wyndham Resort
amenites and the enjoyment of
Whisper Lake with boat docks and
ramps. Build your dream cabin,
bring a canoe and start enjoying
the great outdoors in our litle
slice of heaven on the Cashiers
Highlands plateau! MLS# 79954.
Ofered at $20,000.
Shepherds Mountain
Incredible lake and mountain
view lot with a fat building site to
perch your home 400 above Lake
Glenville. This almost 2 acre lot is
located in the gated community
of Shepherds Mountain--that pro-
vides property owners in-ground
utlites, nice paved roads, a small
clubhouse, play area for the kids
and deeded access to Lake Glen-
ville. Enjoy the cool Summer
breezes, while perching your
home at approximately 3900 el-
evaton and enjoy the spectacular
lake and mountain views. MLS#
79858. Ofered at $195,000.
Located in one of the premier golf
communites in the Cashiers area,
this amazing lot overlooking the
12th fairway and Whiteside Moun-
tain beyond features a gentle build-
ing site. Mountaintop Golf and Lake
Club ofers premier amenites in-
cluding the Tom Fazio golf course,
world class clubhouse, kids pavilion,
and lake club. This resort style com-
munity ofers exceptonal amenites.
Its tme to build your dream moun-
tain getaway on one of the premier
lots! MLS# 79137. $750,000.
One of the best Lake Glenville
view lots currently on the market!
Located at a cool 4200 elevaton,
this is defnitely one of the premier
lots in this gated community
with lake access! Amazing short
and long range mountain views.
Cleared, easy to show. MLS#
76882. $150,000.
202 | August 2014 |
Hampton Glen
Welcome to Hampton Glen on the
Horsepasture River! This 3 bedroom
and 3.5 bath townhouse is perfect for
a mountain get-away. The main level
features an open foor plan with a
freplace in the living room and glass doors
which leads to the deck with the soothing
sound of the river in the distance. This
townhome is only a short drive to many of
the Sapphire Valley amenites, including
the ftness center with pools and beautful
Fairfeld Lake where you can hike or fsh
and enjoy nature at its fnest.
Summersail on
Lake Glenville
Nestled on 65 magnifcent acres on sparkling
Lake Glenville, this gracious lakefront home
would make the perfect spot for your next get-
away, wedding, family reunion or corporate re-
treat. The main home features three bedrooms
and two and a half baths with wraparound
porches and a lovely outdoor terrace for enter-
taining. The gourmet kitchen with Viking appli-
ances and all the tools of the trade is a chefs
delight. The guest house ofers three additonal
bedrooms and two baths and overlooks a quiet
cove of the lake. Relax and enjoy the stunning
views in the picture-perfect gazebo perched at
the end of the peninsula, launch your boat from
the four-slip boat dock to explore the lake and its
scenic waterfalls.
This gorgeous four bedroom, three
and half bath home has fabulous short-
range and panoramic mountain views!
The ample living spaces and large
kitchen make entertaining a pleasure,
while the expansive deck is perfect
for soaking in the sun or enjoying the
crisp air on cool evenings. Three of the
four spacious bedrooms are located
on the main level. Just minutes away
are the many available Sapphire Valley
Resort amenites, which include golf,
tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, mini-
golf, a ftness center and game room,
plus skiing, sledding and tubing in the
winter. Amenites also include access to
Fairfeld Lake for swimming, fshing and
Chimneytop Escape
Call us today
for all of your
vacation and
long term
rental needs!
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
This wonderful three bedroom, three bath, single level liv-
ing home is located in the heart of Sapphire. Entertaining
is a pleasure with the well-appointed kitchen and an open,
airy foor plan makes for comfortable living. Enjoy the cool
mountain breezes on the large screened porch. Just minutes
away are the many Sapphire Valley Resort amenites, includ-
ing golf, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, mini-golf, a ftness
center and game room, plus skiing, sledding and tubing in
the winter. Amenites also include access to Fairfeld Lake for
swimming, fshing and boatng.
Whispering Ridge
Wonderful three bedroom, three
and half bath home has fabulous
mountain views of Chimney top &
Sassafras Mountain. The ample liv-
ing spaces and large kitchen make
entertaining a pleasure. Main level
bedroom suites feature private
screened decks for enjoying the fresh mountain air. The home has many wonderful
water features and an impressive rock face that greet you from the moment you
approach. There is also a slide & swing set in the yard for the children to enjoy.
Just minutes away are the many available Sapphire Valley Resort amenites, which
include golf, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, mini-golf, a ftness center and game
room, plus skiing, sledding and tubing in the winter. Amenites also include access
to Fairfeld Lake for swimming, fshing and boatng.
River Run
This great condo is located in the heart of the Sapphire Valley
community of River Run. This 2 bedroom 3 bath condo is only
a short walk will bring you to many of the Sapphire Valley
amenites. Some of the amenites include beautful Fairfeld
Lake where you can hike or fsh and enjoy nature at its fnest.
All Sapphire Valley Resort amenites are available as well -
ask for details. Two bedroom, three bathroom condo located
in River Run in Sapphire Valley.
Cullasaja Cabin
Lovely three bedroom, two bath
home tucked away in the rhodo-
dendrons in Cullasaja Country Club.
The master bedroom is on the main
foor and has a queen-sized bed and
a large private bath. There are another two guest bedrooms on the main foor
with queen beds and shared bath. There is also
a bonus room with twin beds located up a lad-
der overlooking the great room. This open foor
plan & wonderful screened porch are perfect
for entertaining or a family gathering.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999 | August 2014 | 203
This wonderful three bedroom, three bath, single level liv-
ing home is located in the heart of Sapphire. Entertaining
is a pleasure with the well-appointed kitchen and an open,
airy foor plan makes for comfortable living. Enjoy the cool
mountain breezes on the large screened porch. Just minutes
away are the many Sapphire Valley Resort amenites, includ-
ing golf, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, mini-golf, a ftness
center and game room, plus skiing, sledding and tubing in
the winter. Amenites also include access to Fairfeld Lake for
swimming, fshing and boatng.
Whispering Ridge
Wonderful three bedroom, three
and half bath home has fabulous
mountain views of Chimney top &
Sassafras Mountain. The ample liv-
ing spaces and large kitchen make
entertaining a pleasure. Main level
bedroom suites feature private
screened decks for enjoying the fresh mountain air. The home has many wonderful
water features and an impressive rock face that greet you from the moment you
approach. There is also a slide & swing set in the yard for the children to enjoy.
Just minutes away are the many available Sapphire Valley Resort amenites, which
include golf, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, mini-golf, a ftness center and game
room, plus skiing, sledding and tubing in the winter. Amenites also include access
to Fairfeld Lake for swimming, fshing and boatng.
River Run
This great condo is located in the heart of the Sapphire Valley
community of River Run. This 2 bedroom 3 bath condo is only
a short walk will bring you to many of the Sapphire Valley
amenites. Some of the amenites include beautful Fairfeld
Lake where you can hike or fsh and enjoy nature at its fnest.
All Sapphire Valley Resort amenites are available as well -
ask for details. Two bedroom, three bathroom condo located
in River Run in Sapphire Valley.
Cullasaja Cabin
Lovely three bedroom, two bath
home tucked away in the rhodo-
dendrons in Cullasaja Country Club.
The master bedroom is on the main
foor and has a queen-sized bed and
a large private bath. There are another two guest bedrooms on the main foor
with queen beds and shared bath. There is also
a bonus room with twin beds located up a lad-
der overlooking the great room. This open foor
plan & wonderful screened porch are perfect
for entertaining or a family gathering.
Cashiers: (828) 743-1999
Highlands: (828) 526-2999
158 | August 2014 |
200 Main by
Old Edwards Hospitality Page 89
Country Club Propertes Pages 2
Fire Mountain Inn & Cabins Pages 6, 155
Highlands House
Bed & Breakfast Page 118
Innisfree Inn Page 13
Landmark Vacaton Rentals Page 87
Skyline Lodge Page 70
Whiteside Cove Cotages Page 152
Highlands Aerial Park Page 6
Antiques & Home Furnishings
Bounds Cave Page 97
The Brier Patch Page 119
Cabin Couture Page 133
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Hampton Relics Page 97
Into the Woods Page 41
Mantques Page 97
Michael and Nancy Weaver Page 131
Midnight Farms Page 19
MIrror Lake
Antques & Jewelry Page 16
Museum of American Cut
& Engraved Glass Page 130
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Rustcks Page 14
Ryan and Company Page 101
Scudders Page 67
The Summer House Page 66
Summer Place Antques Page 104
Vivianne Metzger Antques Page 14
Macon Appliance Mart Page 25
Mountainworks Design Page 149
Plat Architecture Page 18
Art Galleries/Artists
Annell Metzger,
Portrait Artst Pages 60, 118
Around Back
at Rockys Place Page 57
The Bascom Page 51
Blue Valley Gallery Page 50
The Brier Patch Page 119
Cabin Couture Page 133
Fine Art Gallery Page 129
Southern Art & Design Page 62
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Francie Hargrove Page 24
GGs Consignments, Etc.* Page 134
Gracewear Collecton Page 139
Highlands Fine Art Page 17
Into the Woods Page 41
John Collete Fine Art Page 61
Mantques Page 97
Midnight Farms Page 19
Mountain Mist Gallery Page 58
Museum of American Cut
& Engraved Glass Page 130
Nora & Co. Page 105
Oakleaf Flower & Garden Pages 91, 115
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Peter J. Pioli Interiors Page 103
Scot Upton Page 65
Scudders Page 67
Smiten Page 57
The Summer House Page 66
TJB Gallery Page 30
Trade-Arama Page 65
Auto Repair
Faheys Foreign Auto Repair Page 157
Bait & Tackle
Signal Ridge Marina Page 104
Banks/Mortgage Companies
Macon Bank Page 151
The Ugly Dog Page 69
Blue Ridge Bedding Page 153
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
High Coton Luxury Linens Page 21
Into the Woods Page 41
Lenz Gifs Page 156
The Summer House Page 66
Bird Supplies
Bird Barn and Gif Emporium Page 9
Boat Rentals
Signal Ridge Marina Page 104
I NDEX OF ADVERTI SERS | August 2014 | 159
The Brier Patch Page 119
The Summer House Page 66
Brewing Companies
Satulah Mountain
Brewing Company Page 6
Arrowood Constructon Page 143
Lupoli Constructon Page 30
Constructon Co. Page 132
Warth Constructon Page 212
Business Supplies
Business Spot Page 16
Cashiers Printng Page 64
Canopy Adventures
Highlands Aerial Park Page 6
Designers Market Page 22
Bellas Juncton Cafe Page 74
Courtyard Cafe & Catering Page 69
The Kitchen Pages 74, 98
Rosewood Market Page 119
Social Engineers Page 113
Chambers of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce Page 86
Chamber of Commerce Page 86
Chiropractic Services
Cashiers Chiropractc
& Acupuncture Page 125
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
Cleaning Services
Concierge & Management Page 130
Home Cleaning Service Pages 8, 132
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Into the Woods Page 41
The Summer House Page 66
Wilhites Page 60
Clothing & Accessories
Acorns Boutque Page 4
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Alyxandras Page 13
Annawear Page 139
Bags on Main Page 142
Bee Bags and Such Page 77
Bear Mountain Outiters Pages 126, 156
Cabin Casuals Page 5
Ellens Page 105
Elevaton Page 141
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Gracewear Collecton Page 139
Highland Hiker Page 31
The Look Jewelry Pages 144, 158
Martha Annes Page 151
Midnight Farms Page 19
Mountain Mist Gallery Page 58
Narcissus Page 102
Nora & Co. Page 105
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Robyn B Page 104
Sashay Around Page 65
Apparel & Accessories Page 3
Spoiled Roten Page 37
TJ Bailey for Men Page 30
VC for Men Page 134
Victorias Closet Page 134
Victorias Sportswear Page 134
Wits End Pages 37, 39
Xtreme Threads Page 142
Clothing Consignment
The Blue Elephant Page 143
Victorias Closet Page 134
The Summer House Page 66
Highlands Cove Realty Page 95
Silver Creek
Real Estate Group Pages 159-203
The Hen House Page 117
Corporate Events
Sawyer Family
Farmstead Page 115
The Vineyard
at 37 High Holly Page 111
160 | August 2014 |
Cosmetic Surgery
Center for Plastc Surgery -
Robert T. Buchanan, M.D. Page 141
Custom Cabinetry/Countertops
Black Rock
Granite & Marble Pages 43, 132
Kitchen & Bath Pages 40, 132
The Summer House Page 66
Design Works LLC Page 55
Custom Furniture
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Midnight Farms Page 19
The Summer House Page 66
The Table Company Page 132
Dr. Joe Wilbanks Page 121
Digital Marketing
Hibu Page 98
Highlands Doors
and Windows Page 143
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Event Design
I Do Events Page 113
Event Planning/Management
Distnctve Design Events Page 119
I Do Events Page 113
Social Engineers Page 113
Acorns Boutque Page 4
Alyxandras Page 13
Annual Songwriters Round Page 129
Antque Show Pag 10
The Bascom Page 51
Betsy Paul Art Rafe Page 38
Cashiers Arts
and Crafs Fair Page 41
Cashiers Designer
Showhouse Page 99
Celebratng Food & Wine Page 133
Country Meets Classics Page 39
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Groovin on the Green Page 94
Highlands Cashiers Players Page 8
Highlands Culinary
Weekend Page 83
Highlands Playhouse Page 28
Literacy Council of Highlands
presents Randall Atcheson Page 82
Rabun County Music Festval Page 102
Smiten Page 57
Village Green Page 147
Village Square
Art & Craf Show Page 60
WellStrung Page 26
Designers Market Page 22
Floral Design
Fiddlehead Designs Pages 117, 155
Oakleaf Weddings Pages 91, 115
Fiddlehead Designs Pages 117, 155
Oakleaf Weddings Pages 91, 115
The Brier Patch Page 119
Carolina Rustc Furniture Page 153
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Eller and Owens
Furniture Page 107
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Into the Woods Page 41
Nearly New Pages 105, 134
Mantques Page 97
Midnight Farms Page 19
Oakleaf Flower
& Garden Pages 91, 115
Reeves Furniture Pages 102, 117
Rustcks Page 14
Ryan and Company Page 101
The Summer House Page 66
Summer Place Antques Page 104
Vivianne Metzger RosAntques Page 14
Furniture Consignments
Bardo Page 135
The Blue Elephant Page 143
Consignment Market Page 134
GGs Consignments, Etc.* Page 134
LOTSA Consignment Page 135
Nearly New Pages 134
I NDEX OF ADVERTI SERS | August 2014 | 161
Garden Accessories
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Bird Barn and Gif Emporium Page 9
Garden Supplies
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Gift Shops
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Around Back
at Rockys Place Page 57
Bird Barn and Gif Emporium Page 9
The Brier Patch Page 119
Cabin Couture Page 133
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
The Dry Sink Page 8
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Ellens Page 105
Fiddlehead Designs Pages 117, 155
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Lenz Gifs Page 156
The Look Jewelry Pages 144, 158
Midnight Farms Page 19
Nora & Co. Page 105
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Smiten Page 57
Stone Lantern Page 7
The Summer House Page 66
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Golf Cars
Golf Cars Page 130
Golf Clubs
Sky Valley
Country Club Pages 90, 113
Golf Tours
Tom Chillemi Page 89
Gourmet Foods
Dustys Page 69
The Hen House Page 117
Larry Rogers Constructon Page 78
Grocery Stores
Dustys Page 69
Fancy Paws Page 50
Woofgang Bakery Page 136
Hair Salons
Creatve Concepts Page 132
Head Innovatons Page 132
Shear Sensatons Pages 60, 130
Health Food Supplies
Natures Vitamins Page 50
Health Services
Dr. Edward Frederickson Page 149
Trinity Wellness Page 104
Heating and Air
Madco Page 152
Home Accessories
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Bardo Page 135
Bird Barn and Gif Page 9
The Brier Patch Page 119
Bumpkins Page 37
Cabin Couture Page 133
Carolina Rustc Furniture Page 153
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Eller and Owens Furniture Page 107
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Francie Hargrove Page 24
GGs Consignments, Etc.* Page 134
Into the Woods Page 41
Lenz Gifs Page 156
Mantques Page 97
Midnight Farms Page 19
Nora & Co. Page 105
Oakleaf Flower
& Garden Pages 91, 115
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Stone Lantern Page 7
The Summer House Page 66
Vivianne Metzger
Antques Page 14
Hospice Care
Four Seasons Page 141
Concierge & Management Page 130
Home Cleaning Service Pages 8, 132
Ice cream
Creekside Casual Dining Page 78
SweeTreats Deli Page 78
162 | August 2014 |
Interior Design & Home Furnishings
Bounds Cave Page 97
The Brier Patch Page 119
Bumpkins Page 37
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Interior Enhancements Page 37
Into the Woods Page 41
Midnight Farms Page 19
Peter J. Pioli Interiors Page 103
Rafa Design Associates Page 8
Rustcks Page 14
The Summer House Page 66
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Investment Planning
Edward Jones Investments Page 9
Wells Fargo Advisors Page 124
Jewelry - Fashion
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Acorns Boutque Page 4
Alyxandras Page 13
Annawear Page 139
Fine Art Gallery Page 129
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Elevaton Page 141
Ellens Page 105
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Gracewear Collecton Page 139
Highlands Fine Art Page 17
The Look Jewelry Pages 144, 158
Midnight Farms Page 19
Mountain Mist
Gallery Page 58
Narcissus Page 102
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Sashay Around Page 65
Apparel & Accessories Page 4
Smiten Page 57
Spoiled Roten Page 37
Jewelry - Fine
Highlands Gem Shop Page 55
MIrror Lake
Antques & Jewelry Page 16
Scudders Page 67
Stone Lantern Page 7
Kitchen Accessories
Bird Barn
and Gif Emporium Page 9
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
The Dry Sink Page 8
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Kitchen, Bath and Closet Design
The Summer House Page 66
Four Seasons
Landscaping Page 64
The Brier Patch Page 119
Bumpkins Page 37
Cabin Couture Page 133
Carolina Rustc
Furniture Page 153
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Francie Hargrove Page 24
Interior Enhancements Page 37
Into the Woods Page 41
Lenz Gifs Page 156
Midnight Farms Page 19
The Summer House Page 66
Vivianne Metzger
Antques Page 14
Cashiers Emporium Page 105
Man Cave Decor
Mantques Page 97
Massage Therapy
Cashiers Chiropractc
& Acupuncture Page 125
Tranquility Cove Massage Page 132
Blue Ridge Bedding Page 153
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
The Summer House Page 66
Highlands Playhouse Page 28
Museum of American Cut
& Engraved Glass Page 130
Music Stores
Blue Ridge Music Page 143
I NDEX OF ADVERTI SERS | August 2014 | 163
Nail Care
Creatve Concepts Page 132
Office Supplies
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Outdoor Adventures
Highlands Aerial Park Page 6
Pet Care/Supplies
Fancy Paws Page 50
Woofgang Bakery Page 136
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Cashiers Valley Pharmacy Pages 60, 154
Highlands Pharmacy Page 152
Charles Johnson
Fine Photography Page 62
Krystal Cutshaw - Photography Page 112
Mill Creek
Gallery & Framing Page 124
Valentne Photo Studio Page 120
Picnic Supplies
A Jones Company Pages 39, 77
Picture Framing
Mill Creek
Gallery & Framing Page 124
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Porch and Patio
Carolina Rustc Furniture Page 153
Consignment Market Page 134
Midnight Farms Page 19
The Summer House Page 66
Around Back
at Rockys Place Page 57
Bird Barn and Gif Emporium Page 9
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
The Hen House Page 117
Midnight Farms Page 19
Mountain Mist Gallery Page 58
Smiten Page 57
The Summer House Page 66
Printing Companies
Business Spot Page 16
Cashiers Printng Page 64
Cashiers Farmers Market Page 78
Property Management
Concierge & Management Page 130
The Ugly Dog Page 69
Radio Stations
WHLC FM 104.5 Page 21
Real Estate Sales
Ann Sharpsteen,
Steve Owen & Associates Page 42
Betsy Paul Page 211
Blair Realty Page 125
Country Club Propertes Page 2
Cy Timmons -
Harry Norman Realtors Page 141
Hatler Propertes Page 9
Highlands Cove Realty Page 95
Highlands Mountain Realty -
Andrea Gabbard Page 33
John Cleaveland Realty Page 130
Landmark Realty Group Pages 85, 87
Meadows Mountain Realty Page 106
Nadine Paradise -
Landmark Realty Group Page 21
Pat Allen Realty Group Pages 80, 81
Preferred Propertes
of Highlands Page 11
Silver Creek
Real Estate Group Pages 159-203
Stephen Billy Harris
Steve Owen & Associates Page 42
Highlands-Cashiers Directory Page 79
Alttudes Restaurant Page 70
Bellas Page 74
Cashiers Farmers Market Page 78
Chez Dupont &
The Stone Soup Cafe Page 78
Creekside Casual Dining Page 78
Internatonal Cuisine Page 73
Dustys Page 69
Fressers Courtyard
Cafe & Catering Page 69
High Coton
Wine and Cheese Co. Page 71
Highlands Smokehouse Page 69
164 | August 2014 |
Lakeside Restaurant Page 71
Madisons & Wine Garden Page 4
On the Verandah Page 73
The Orchard Restaurant Page 78
Rosewood Market Page 119
SweeTreats Deli Page 78
The Ugly Dog/Dog House Page 69
Wolfgangs Restaurant &
Wine Bistro Page 5
The Zookeeper Bistro Pages 50, 74
Bounds Cave Page 97
Designers Market Page 22
Eller and Owens
Furniture Page 107
Into the Woods Page 41
Midnight Farms Page 19
Oriental Rug Gallery Page 151
The Summer House Page 66
Shipping Services
Storks Wrap, Pack & Ship Page 9
Annawear Page 139
Bear Mountain
Outiters Pages 126, 156
Elevaton Page 141
Highland Hiker Page 31
Martha Annes Page 151
T.J. Bailey For Men Page 30
Peak Experience Pages 21, 90
Canyon Spa Page 25
Shear Sensatons Pages 60, 130
The Spice and
Tea Exchange Page 149
Sportsman Collectibles
Mantques Page 97
Sun Control Shades/Blinds
Designers Market Page 22
Into the Woods Page 41
Dovetail Antques Page 29
Dutchmans Designs Page 35
Fletcher and Lee Page 157
Into the Woods Page 41
Midnight Farms Page 19
The Table Company Page 132
The Spice and Tea Exchange Page 149
Highlands Cashiers
Players Page 8
Highlands Playhouse Page 28
WellStrung Page 26
The Toy Store Page 142
Highlands Transportaton
Company Page 78
Tom Chillemi Page 89
Vacation Rentals
Landmark Vacaton Rentals Page 87
Vitamins/Food Supplements
Natures Vitamins Page 50
Wellness Services
Trinity Wellness Page 104
Wedding Services
Allegro Music Productons Page 119
Annell Metzger,
Portrait Artst Pages 60, 118
I Do Events Page 113
Krystal Cutshaw
- Photography Page 112
Oakleaf Weddings Pages 91, 115
Valentne Photo Studio Page 120
Wedding Venues
Sawyer Family Farmstead Page 115
The Vineyard
at 37 High Holly Page 111
Window Treatments
Designers Market Page 22
Into the Woods Page 41
The Summer House Page 66
Wine & Accessories
Dustys Page 69
Zoller Hardware Page 154
Zipline Adventures
Highlands Aerial Park Page 6 | August 2014 | 165
166 | August 2014 |

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