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August 27, 1987
Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Decision of the OPALA dismissing an appeal from the PPA
FACTS: Victorias Milling doesnt want to pay what the PPA is charging it as fees and charges. VMC says that since it
operates a private wharf on its own land and since the government has never spent anything for its maintenance, it
shouldnt pay. PPA still tells it to pay. It appeals to the CTA, is denied; to the SC, is denied; and t the Office of the
President, and is denied for being filed out of the reglementary period.
HELD: VMCs Appeal is filed out of reglementary period and the prior filing of it in other forums does not toll the period.
Such is stated in properly published rules of the PPA, authorized to make its own rules by a PD. Even if the appeal were
to be heard, VMC still has to pay because the fees and charges PPA collects are not for the use of the wharf that
petitioner owns but for the privilege of navigating in public waters, of entering and leaving public harbors and berthing
on public streams or waters regardless of whether the wharf is private or not.

Apr. 1981the Iloilo Port Manager of the PPA wrote Victorias Milling Co. (VMC) requiring it to:
o have its tugboats and barges undergo harbor formalities
o pay entrance/clearance fees and berthing fees
o secure a permit for cargo handling operations at its Da-an Banua wharf; and
o remit 10% of its gross income for said operations as the government's share.
VMC, through 2 letters dated June 1981, maintained that it was exempt from paying PPA any fee or charge because:
o the wharf and an its facilities were built and installed in its land;
o repair and maintenance thereof were and solely paid by it;
o even the dredging and maintenance of the Malijao River Channel from Guimaras Strait up to VMCs private
wharf are being done by their equipment and personnel;
o at no time has the government ever spent a single centavo for such activities.
VMC also asserted that the wharf was being used mainly to handle sugar purchased from district planters pursuant
to existing milling agreements.
Nov. 1981PPA sent a Memorandum of its executive officer which justified the PPAs demands. It denied further
request for reconsideration from VMC.
March 1982VMC notified PPA that they would be filing an appeal (through Petition for Review) with the Court of
Tax Appeals, which it eventually did.
January 1984CTA dismissed VMCs petition saying that it did not have jursidiction. It recommended that it file the
appeal with the Office of the President.
VMC filed the Petition for Review with the Supreme Court, but it was denied on Feb. 1984.
April 1984VMC filed an appeal with the Office of the President which issued a decision denying it on the ground
that it was filed beyond the reglementary period. An MR was filed but also denied.
VMC brought the Decision up to the SC which gave it due course.

ISSUE: WON the 30 day period for appeal under Section 331 of the A.O. No13-77 was tolled by the pendency of the
petitions first filed with the CTA and with the SC. (NO)
ISSUE ON TOPIC: WON it was exempt from payment of any fees and charges. (NO)

HELD: The petition is devoid of merit.
RATIO: VMC claims that in filing first with the CTA then the SC the petitions for appeal of the PPA decision, it did so in
good faith. It contends that when RA No. 1125 (creating the Court of Tax Appeals) was passed in 1955, PPA was not yet
in existence. The CTA had exclusive appellate jurisdiction over appeals from decisions of the Commissioner of Customs
regarding, among others, customs duties, fees and other money charges imposed by the Bureau under the Tariff and
Customs Code.
PD 505 (creating the PPA) and 857 (revising its charter, merely transferring to the PPA the powers of the Bureau of
Customs to impose and collect customs duties, fees and other money charges concerning the use of ports and facilities
thereat) does not contain any provision regarding appeals of its decisions.
These contentions are untenable for while it is true that neither Presidential Decree No. 505 nor Presidential Decree No.
857 provides for the remedy of appeal to the Office of the President, nevertheless, Presidential Decree No. 857
empowers the PPA to promulgate such rules as would aid it in accomplishing its purpose. Section 6 of the said Decree

Sec. 6. Corporate Powers and Duties
a. The corporate duties of the Authority shall be:
xxx xxx xxx
(III) To prescribe rules and regulations, procedures, and guidelines governing the establishment, construction,
maintenance, and operation of all other ports, including private ports in the country.
xxx xxx xxx

Pursuant to the aforequoted provision, PPA enacted Administrative Order No. 13-77 precisely to govern, among others,
appeals from PPA decisions.

As to petitioner's contention that Administrative Order No. 13-77, specifically its Section 131, only provides for appeal
when the decision is adverse to the government, worth mentioning is the observation of the Solicitor General that
petitioner misleads the Court. Said Section 131 provides

Sec. 131. Supervisory Authority of General Manager and PPA Board.
that any party aggrieved by the decision of the General Manager as affirmed by the PPA Board may appeal
said decision to the Office of the President within thirty (30) days from receipt of a copy thereof.

The facts of this case show that VMC's failure to appeal to the Office of the President on time stems entirely from its
own negligence and not from a purported ignorance of the proper procedural steps to take. It had been aware of the
rules governing PPA procedures. In fact, as embodied in the December 16, 1985 Order of the Office of the President, it
even assailed the PPA's rule making powers at the hearing before the Court of Tax Appeals.

Lesson Topic Issue:
Even if the appeal were given due course, there is no merit to the case of VMC against PPA.

The fees and charges PPA collects are not for the use of the wharf that petitioner owns but for the privilege of navigating
in public waters, of entering and leaving public harbors and berthing on public streams or waters. Berthing charges
against a vessel are collectible regardless of the fact that mooring or berthing is made from a private pier or wharf. This
is because the government maintains bodies of water in navigable condition and it is to support its operations in this
regard that dues and charges are imposed for the use of piers and wharves regardless of their ownership.

As to the requirement to remit 10% of the handling charges, Section 6B-(ix) of the Presidential Decree No. 857
authorized the PPA "To levy dues, rates, or charges for the use of the premises, works, appliances, facilities, or for
services provided by or belonging to the Authority, or any organization concerned with port operations." This 10%
government share of earnings of arrastre and stevedoring operators is in the nature of contractual compensation to
which a person desiring to operate arrastre service must agree as a condition to the grant of the permit to operate.

DISPOSITIVE: Petition is hereby DISMISSED.


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